"WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Plugin Tutorial" |
"Learn how to setup the woocommerce table rate shipping plugin for wordpress. The woocommerce table rate shipping plugin gives you alot more control when you want to ship products for woocommerce.The woocommerce table rate shipping plugin allows you to ship your products based off weight, amount, class, or even the dollar amount. By default woocommerce, doesnt have the best features to ship products but with this plugin, it will make your life alot easier when shipping products!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduzione al Coaching" |
"Come scuola di formazione per coach professionisti e come coach professionisti, ci confrontiamo quotidianamente con le false credenze e le informazioni imprecise che circolano sul Coaching. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di condividere il nostro punto di vista.Questo videocorso vuole dare solo poche indicazioni, chiare e precise, e poche informazioni, attendibili e verificate.Molti dicono purtroppo bisogna far chiarezza sul Coaching; secondo noi, invece, e una fortuna e unopportunita, perche vuol dire che se ne parla sempre di piu e che si sta diffondendo come disciplina e professione. Ma come in ogni novita, allinizio ce molta confusione e imprecisione.Tramite questo videocorso non si imparera larte del coaching, che richiede passione, impegno, studio, applicazione e pratica continua per molti anni. Ma puo aiutare per avere una chiara idea di cosa e e cosa non e questa disciplina in continua espansione e di sempre maggiore diffusione.Inoltre, scopriremo come funziona il Coaching, quando puo essere utile e quali sono i suoi campi dapplicazione.Se a fine videocorso avrai voglia di darci un tuo feedback su questo nostro lavoro, ci farebbe molto piacere riceverlo e confrontarci direttamente con te.Ti auguriamo una buona visione!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Relaxation therapy with Watercolours - Beginners series" |
"""The healthiest form of projection is art""~ Fritz PerlsAlways wanted to paint? What better time than right now to embark on a journey of exploration! Looking for a creative way to relax? Have trouble sitting still to meditate? Meditative painting might be just the thing you're looking for. No painting skill or experience necessary - only a desire to relax and become more creative.Much like meditation drawing, colouring, and painting helps to calm the mind and create peace within. ... If you really want to get into a meditative state of higher consciousness pop in your headphones and listen to some meditation music while creating art.Getting started is often the trickiest part. Where do you place that first mark on the page? What is the right technique? If you struggle with these questions, then this course is the answer. Packed with simple-to-follow demonstrations of basic techniques and ideas for painting colourful subjects, it is designed to give you the helping hand you need to get started or perhaps even encourage a non-artist friend to pick up a paintbrush and join you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mastering Made Easy" |
"Mastering Made Easy is all about teaching you how to master your music in any DAW. First, we discuss the mastering process and what it is all about and why you should do it. Then we dive into the DAW. In my case, I am using Presonus Studio One which has a mastering suite built into the DAW. I show you how to use a dedicated mastering suite software to master a collection of songs. This will pertain to ANY mastering suite software so it doe not matter if you do not have Presonus Studio One. Then in the last section, I show you how to master a song with-out using mastering software. This means you can master a song in your DAW of choice. "
Price: 24.99 |
"Mixing Made Easy Vol 3" |
"Mixing Made Easy Vol 3 is a very unique training course. In this course, you will see the same song mixed from start to finish in real-time by two different audio engineers, using different mixing approaches. In the first section, watch Johnny Gieb mix using a beginners approach using only stock plugins that come free with any DAW. His approach to the mix is a much more ""simplistic"" and is perfect for someone who is brand new to mixing. In the second section, watch David Vignola mix that same using only 3rd party ""analog style plugins"" using more intermediate/advanced techniques. This section is more geared towards intermediate experienced mixers. What is great about this course is you get to see how two different engineers approach the same mix and there are a lot of concepts and techniques shown in great detail. You can take what you like from each engineer and build it into your own workflow. Another great benefit in this course is that you will receive both final mixes from Johnny & David so you can hear the difference between them and see which you like best. Does the 3rd party plugins that David used sound better than the stock plugins the Johnny used? Well, you need to get this course and find out!Finally you get all the audio files so you can mix the song along with both David & Johnny"
Price: 24.99 |
"Linux Eitim Program" |
"Linux Eitim Programna Hogeldiniz.Eitim programnda reneceiniz konu balklar :Linux temel komutlarPiping ve AliasDosya SistemleriDosya ve Klasr OluturmaDosya KopyalamaDosya AramaDosya erik GrntlemeSralamaerik AramaDosya SktrmaPaket Derleme ve KurmaYazlm KtphanesiAPTProgram KaldrmaToplamda 6 Blmden oluan eitim programnda yer alan testler sayesinde rendiiniz bilgileri pekitirme ans yakalayacaksnz.1.Blm'de : Linux tarihesi hakknda,2.Blm'de : Kurulum aamas hakknda,3.Blm'de : ndirilebilir Kaynaklar,4.Blm'de : Linux Temel Komutlar, Piping&Alias, Dosya Sistemleri, Wildcards ve Dosya/Klasr oluturma konular hakknda,5.Blm'de : Dosya Kopyalama, Dosya Arama, Dosya erik Grntleme ve Sralama konular hakknda,6.Blm'de : erik Arama, Dosya Sktrma, Paket Derleme/Kurma, Yazlm Ktphaneleri, APT ve Program Kaldrma konular hakknda,detayl bilgilere sahip olacaksnz.imdiden baarlar..."
Price: 409.99 |
"Learn How To Become An Ultimate Buyers Real Estate Agent" |
"Learn How To Become An Ultimate Buyers Real Estate Agent course will teach you how to attract real estate buyers and how to be a buyer's agent in all matters of their prospective home purchase and negotiations. Proper buyer's agent training will insure that you and your buyers are well protected throughout the transaction.Being a buyers' agent can be a most rewarding career. Your role is to help and represent people who want to buy a property, acting as their adviser, advocate and negotiator. This part of the real estate industry is growing rapidly, and the best buyers' agents have built successful agencies and careers by specializing in this area. Learning how to work with real estate buyers will go a long way to insuring a successful long term, profitable and stable career .In this basic buyers agents course, youll receive thorough knowledge and training on how to be a buyers' agent and beat your competition. Below are some of the training this course will discuss.Establish buyer requirementsBuild a close relationship with your buyerSource properties that meet buyer requirementsNegotiate purchase of property on behalf of the buyerMonitor the settlement of the saleMaintain communication with relevant partiesHow to create value-added servicesTime ManagementHow to deal with non-qualified prospectsBuyers Scripts and Talking PointsAsking for the referralBuyers ChecklistsResource downloadable forms and toolsSO MUCH MORE......."
Price: 69.99 |
"GDPR for Developers - Understand the GDPR in Depth" |
"*** This is the Basic Course Designed For the Absolute Beginners who are Interested In GDPR ***This training course gives you a brief introduction to the GDPR including the main elements that organizations must be aware of. In this Course You are Going to Learn : Key concepts of the General Data Protection Regulation Data Protection RegulationFundamental Right to PrivacyData Subject Rights & ConsentGDPR Anonymization and PseudonymizationMeet Your Instructor:This Course is Taught by Mr. Anand who has 20+ years of Experience in Different Technologies Like Blockchain, Cybersecurity, etc. He is working as an Architect last 10+ years."
Price: 199.99 |
"Servlets y JSPs: Crea aplicaciones Web con Java y Glassfish" |
"Temario de Servlets y JSPsLeccin 1 - Introduccin a la Tecnologa Web con JavaEl asombroso mundo de la tecnologa Web con JavaLa revolucin de las aplicaciones Web y cmo aprovecharlaEl servidor de aplicaciones Glassfish y cmo utilizarloLeccin 2 - Conceptos Bsicos de los ServletsSin misterios: qu es la tecnologa de los ServletsElementos y ciclo de vida de un ServletLeccin 3 - Manejo de Sesiones con ServletsImplementacin del concepto de Sesiones con ServletsAprenderemos el uso del objeto HttpSessionImplementaremos un carrito de compras WebLeccin 4 - Conceptos Bsicos de los JSPsEstudiaremos cmo crear pginas Web dinmicas con JSPsAprenderemos los elementos fundamentales de los JSPsLeccin 5 - Conceptos Avanzados de Servlets y JSPsVeremos cmo crear una aplicacin Web integrando los Servlets y JSPsProcesamiento de datos con Servlets y despliegue de informacin con JSPsLeccin 6 - JSTL y EL (Expression Language) en JSPsEntenderemos las etiquetas JSTL para facilitar el uso de JSPsVeremos el poder de EL (Expression Language) en los JSPsLeccin 7 - Patrn de Diseo MVC (Model View Controller)Estudiaremos una arquitectura multicapas del mundo real con Servlets y JSPsAplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC con Servlets y JSPsLeccin 8 - Aplicacin Sistema de Control de ClientesIntegracin de los temas anterioresAnlisis, Diseo y Desarrollo de la aplicacin de Control de Clientes, incluyendo BootstrapEste nivel les permite conseguir empleo desde becario o programador Java Jr"
Price: 19.99 |
"JSF: Crea aplicaciones Web con JavaServer Faces y Netbeans" |
"Temario del Curso de Java Server Faces (JSF)Leccin 1 - Introduccin a JavaServer FacesQu es JSF y su rol en Java EEConceptos bsicos de JSF y MVCHolaMundo con JSFLeccin 2 - ManagedBeans en JSFConcepto de ManagedBeans en JSFUso de ModelManagedBeans en JSFExpression Language (EL) en JSFCocepto de BackingBeans en JSFManejo de Alcances (Scopes) en JSFLeccin 3 - Reglas de Navegacin en JSFReglas de Navegacin en JSFCiclo de Vida en JSFLeccin 4 - Validadores en JSFManejo de Validadores en JSFUso de Convertidores en JSFManejo de Mensajes e Internacionalizacin en JSFLeccin 5 - Manejo de Eventos en JSFUso de Value Change ListenerManejo de ActionListener y ActionEvent en JSFUso de librera estndar y SelectItems en JSFLeccin 6 - Manejo de FaceletsLa evolucin de JSP y el uso de FaceletsEl uso y la importancia de Faceltes en JSFLeccin 7 - Integracin de Servicios Java EEEl rol de JSF, EJB y JPAEjercicio donde se integra todo lo visto en este Nivel"
Price: 19.99 |
"Musical Washboard, learn simple percussion for fun and gigs!" |
"Come on in, watch the first 10 minutes FREE and see what you think.Did you ever hear anyone playing washboard?It's a fantastic sound - and so easy to play.My main instrument for playing and teaching is harmonica and I like to vary my act by swapping between the two.How about playing washboard and harmonica at the same time? Yes it can be done. I end up playing both badly when I try that!Whenever I get the washboard out you can see the audience staring at it and pointing before discussing with their friends. What are they saying I wonder? 'What in the world has he got there...?'In this course I share my extensive experience and love of music to bring you the basics of washboard playing.It's a little drum kit but it's portable, cool, easy to play and cheap to buy. This is a different type of percussion instruction but it does the same job.If you have ever wanted to be involved in music but didn't get the right opportunities you just found one! With the skills you learn here you can immediately join in with another musician - from the front porch, to a bbq or join a session.Washboards are commonly used in Country Music, Jug Bands, Bluegrass, Blues, Skiffle, Jazz, Folk, Old Timey, Americana and loads more.I've played mine in Irish sessions many times and it works well there as well. It's great in any acoustic music such as rock, reggae, ska, 'world', and more.There is no instrument as versatile as the washboard - you can even use it for cleaning your clothes, which other instrument can do that?Come on in, watch the first 10 minutes FREE and see what you think.Ben"
Price: 74.99 |
"3D Printing and Tinkercad Crash Course" |
"Hello and thank you for checking out my tutorial on 3D Printing and using Tinkercad! My name is Michael Andrew and I have been a 3D printer for over 5 years and still love it! As an instructor, I have also taught many of my friends as well as their children how to use a 3D printer to create their own designs. I can promise, once you learn the basics, it will change how you think in the best of ways! I am amazed at how natural and creative children are especially. I have used my 3D printer to make money and even have a utility patent for one of my 3D printed inventions. Because this is my first course on 3D Printing, I would love to hear your feedback about what I can do to improve the course and make it easier to understand. I plan eventually to sell this course, so my advice would be to enroll now!Best wishesMichael"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ingls sin Vueltas" |
"Este curso est diseado para los hablantes de espaol que quieran entender mejor los verbos en ingls. Est armado comparndolo con espaol para que puedan tener su lengua materna como referencia y no se olviden cmo se usan los verbos en ingls. El curso empieza desde cero, teniendo en cuenta a todos aquellos que no saben una sola palabra de ingls y abarca el programa hasta nivel intermedio."
Price: 19.99 |
"Google Script Form Submission Response and Spreadsheet Data" |
"Please note this course covers how to use Google Apps Script to automate and increase productivity within gSuite - Coding is requiredGoogle Apps Script is based off JavaScript and you can write code online in the online editor, only requirement is a Google Account to get started.This is a coding course! - JavaScript experience is a prerequisite to write Google Apps Script code.Course covers the basics of setting up form submission.Using Spreadsheets to track data Setting up triggers of scripts to automate contentCoding includes below :Setting up form to submit dataSending an email on form submission : setup of trigger to catch form submissionsUse of Spreadsheet to track data Update and getting content from the Spreadsheet to use in Google Apps Script codeUpdate set and get of Sheet dataSending of emails from sheet data - checking to see if user from sheet already has email sentAdding UI for advanced menu option within spreadsheetSource code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Active Directory: Implementing and Administering AD FS" |
"Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in the Windows Server 2016 operating system allows organizations to provide their users with the flexibility to sign in and authenticate to applications that exist on a local network, at a partner company, or in an online service. With AD FS, your organization can manage its own user accounts, and users have to remember only one set of credentials. Those credentials can provide access to a variety of applications, even when they reside at different locations.ObjectivesAfter completing this module, you will be able to: Describe AD FS. Explain how to deploy AD FS. Explain how to implement AD FS for a single organization. Explain how to extend AD FS to external clients. Implement single sign-on (SSO) to support online services."
Price: 174.99 |
"Guia Oficial de Scrum Narrada en espaol" |
"Guia Oficial de ScrumNarracin - ""AudioBook"" Entiende la guia escuchandola poco a poco y repitiendo los conceptos.Ideal para complementar tus cursos de Scrum.La gua tiene 19 pgina y es descargable gratis, pocas veces la leemos realmente y completamente.Mi intencin es que la escuches por partes, por cada prrafo.No soy narrador, pero creo va a ser interesante puedas escucharla.Espero tus comentarios y feedback.Ismael RamirezThis is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons"
Price: 19.99 |
"Scrum Guide: Audio Book" |
"Scrum Guide: Audio Book Please remember: I am not a professional voice-over-person. Its pretty clean and understandable version of the Scrum Guide presented to you.This is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons."
Price: 19.99 |
"Guia Oficial do Scrum em Portugus" |
"Guia Oficial do Scrum em PortugusNarrao - AudiolivroEntenda o gua escutando aos poucos e repitido os conceitosIdeal para complementar as suas aulas do Scrum.O gua tem 19 Pginas e pode baixa-lo sem custo, poucas vezes o compreendemos completamenteA mina inteno que voc escute aos poucos, pargrafo por pargrafoAguardo pelos seus comentarios e feedbackThis is a derivative work by Ismael Ramirez based on ScrumGuides org. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Create A Funnel To Get Leads & Sales Appointments" |
"Learn how to create marketing and sales funnel landing pages, a video sales letter presentation for the funnel to attract and convert your ideal clients and then finally learn ways to promote the new funnel once it's finished to get some quick wins. In the course, you'll also get:My done-for-you lead generation and sales appointment funnel. You won't have to create your own funnel from scratch. You can get access to the same high converting lead gen funnel I use for myself and clients at the click of a button.In-depth step-by-step training on how to create your video sales letter (with templates). I'll show you the exact way to structure your video sales letter to get leads booking high quality sales appointments straight in your calendar.In-depth step-by-step training on how to get quick wins with your marketing funnel. Once your high converting marketing funnel AND video sales letter is up and running, I show you how you can get quick wins and start generating leads and sales appointments straight away."
Price: 34.99 |
"Recording in Presonus Studio One Made Easy" |
"If you are brand new to recording in Presonus Studio One then this is the course for you. We focus on Studio One Artist with a Presonus AudioBox USB interface recording bundle but regardless of the version of Studio One you are using or the interface you have this course will apply. I show you how to record an entire song from start to finish using only the software, plugins and loops that came with Studio One so there is no additional software to purchase. I also provide lots of tips and tricks to help you get up and running very quickly."
Price: 24.99 |
"This Orange Balloon makes Schools Safer" |
"In this course we explore a trauma-informed approach to the removal of bullying and all forms of violence from schools, in particular, but also from homes and workplaces.Our youth should not be thinking about safety when their attention should be on the web development, software programming or the other subjects that are really important to them.Parents need to know that the bodies, mind and souls of those most precious to them are being well taken care of.This course is designed to help you ensure that your school, your home and your workplace remain, or become, safe and nurturing environments."
Price: 44.99 |
"Terminal Linux e Prompt de Comando do Windows - CERTIFICADO" |
"AVISO: SE VOC FEZ O CURSO ""Terminal Linux e Prompt de Comando do Windows"" E PRECISA DO CERTIFICADO, ESTE CURSO PARA VOC.COMO A UDEMY NO OFERECE CERTIFICADO PARA CURSOS GRATUITOS, ESTE CURSO FOI CRIADO PARA QUE VOC ADQUIRA O MESMO COM DIREITO AO CERTIFICADO.SE VOC NO PRECISA DO CERTIFICADO, PODE FAZER O CURSO ""Terminal Linux e Prompt de Comando do Windows"" GRATUITO.SOLICITE SEU DESCONTO ENVIANDO UM E-MAIL PARA contato@pythonparatodos.com.brAVISO: CURSO EM ANDAMENTO. SERO DISPONIBILIZADAS NOVAS AULAS.O objetivo auxiliar quem necessita realizar algumas tarefas no Prompt de comando do Windows ou no Terminal do Linux e no faz noo do que pode ser feito com eles.Tenho vrios alunos dos cursos de Programao que ficam um pouco perdidos quando se trata de ir ao prompt de comando ou terminal para fazer alguma operao. Espero ajudar estes alunos quanto a este assunto, abrindo a mente deles para entenderem um pouco desta telinha preta.Este um minicurso com o objetivo de ser muito bsico, procurando atender pessoas leigas. Se voc j tem bastante conhecimento sobre Prompt de Comando ou terminal Linux, ento, este curso (por enquanto) no para voc ( medida que formos evoluindo o curso, possivelmente teremos assuntos que podero lhe interessar, mas, somente no futuro.)."
Price: 39.99 |
"[DIY] Home Studio: como fazer um estdio de gravao em casa" |
"Se voc ou planeja ser um youtuber, streamer, podcaster, instrutor de cursos online, criador de contedo em udio/vdeo, msico, cantor, radialista, locutor, narrador... ou se voc simplesmente quer gravar udio e vdeo com alta qualidade... no h nada mais importante do que ter seu prprio estdio de gravao.Por isso estou aqui: para te ensinar a construir um estdio acstico do ZERO e a baixo custo.Se quiser ter uma ideia de como ficou o meu, desa at a grade curricular do curso e assista 3 aula da Seo 1 para voc ver e ouvir o resultado com seus prprios olhos e ouvidos.No painel ""o que voc aprender"", descrevi um pouco do que voc pode esperar deste curso. Em contraste, deixo abaixo uma pequena lista do que no esperar:No espere usar caixas de ovo. Alm de no funcionarem para isolar o som, preencher as paredes com elas seria um desservio esttica do seu novo estdio. Para criadores de contedo em vdeo, a aparncia do cmodo pode exercer grande influncia na aprovao (ou desaprovao) dos espectadores, logo, o uso desse material fortemente desencorajado.No espere um estudo aprofundado sobre acstica. Apesar de imensa relevncia terica, este um tema extenso e complexo demais para ser tratado em um curso voltado para iniciantes. Vale mencionar que este um curso prtico, ou seja, existe pra te ensinar o que fazer, e no por que fazer. Portanto, a Seo 2 ""Acstica bsica"" faz jus ao nome dado.No espere resultados iguais sob contextos desiguais. Voc pode desfrutar de um resultado to bom quanto o que eu tive com meu estdio, claro. Pode ter um resultado muito melhor, inclusive! Mas, para isso, preciso se dedicar construo do seu espao tanto quanto eu (ou mais do que eu). J que mantive meu oramento relativamente baixo, deixei de fora alguns itens que julguei pouco necessrios para o meu contexto de instrutor online. Talvez voc precise de outros itens se for um instrumentista ou msico, o que trar custos extras ao seu contexto. Da mesma forma, pode ser que sua necessidade inclua apenas gravao de udio, o que lhe poupar tanto tempo quanto dinheiro.Para outras questes relacionadas ao curso, veja o FAQ da Seo 1.At o momento, este o nico curso da Udemy do tipo ""faa voc mesmo"" que lhe ensina a construir um home studio do incio ao fim. No vou mentir: o processo de construo levar algum tempo. Meu estdio, por exemplo, ficou pronto em cerca de dois meses. Mas fique tranquilo, pode ir com calma. Uma vez adquirido o curso, voc poder ver e rever as aulas sempre que quiser. No fim valer pena.Este curso foi criado a partir da minha experincia construindo meu prprio estdio de gravao. Todas as aulas em vdeo foram gravadas dentro dele. Assim, digo com propriedade: as vantagens de ter um estdio particular so inmeras. A principal delas, no entanto, a liberdade de gravar sem interrupes e rudos, na hora que quiser e sem depender de ningum. A voc, criador de contedo em udio e vdeo, desejo que tambm viva essa liberdade.Bons estudos!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Kotlin - das moderne Java" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die neue groe Sprache kennen. Kotlin lst bei vielen Unternehmen das alteingesessene Java ab. Durch keinen Aufwand beim Umstieg und extrem gesteigerter Produktivitt lieben alle diese Sprache schon jetzt.Ob Android Apps, APIs oder Minecraft Plugins, Kotlin ist berall. Google nutzt die Sprache, Slack und 9Gag um nur ein paar groe zu nennen und auch du kannst es lernen.Dieser Kurs richtet sich gleichsam an Programmier-Neulinge, die mit einer modernen Sprache anfangen wollen, aber auch an Java Profis durch entsprechende Kapitelunterteilungen.Ein paar Dinge, die du lernen wirst:Variablen und KontrollstrukturenFunktionenObjektorientierte ProgrammierungKotlin-eigene Tricks fr EffizienzboostsFaszinierender Umgang mit NullUnittestingGenericsund vieles mehrDazu gehren hilfreiche Hands-On-Aufgaben, lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs und eine 30-Tage Rckgabegarantie.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 129.99 |
"Ebay Dropshipping 2020 Bsqueda de Productos Super Ventas" |
"Ms de 25,000 estudiantes de 153 pases inscritos en nuestros cursos Suscrbete y disfruta el contenido de este curso PARA SIEMPRE!En Este Curso, Le Mostraremos Cmo Encontrar Productos Super Ventas Para Vender Haciendo Dropshipping en Tu Tienda de Ebay.Hay 2 razones principales por las que te podra interesar adquirir este curso:1. Te Gustara Aprender Cmo Buscar Y Encontrar Productos Super Ventas Para Venderlos En Tu Tienda De Ebay, Mientras Los Distribuyes Como Dropshipper (Sin Tener Inventario).2. Te Gustara Dar Este Curso De Gran Valor Y Su Informacin A Tu Asistente Virtual, Para Que Pueda Trabajar En La Bsqueda De Productos Para Tu Tienda De Ebay, De Manera Que Cada Producto Agregado A Tu Tienda Tenga Una Gran Oportunidad De Obtener Ventas Consistentes.Este es el plan para decir adis a tu trabajo de 9 a 5 ...Para trabajar desde casa con su propio horario y poder disfrutar de su tiempo con sus seres queridos.O hay otros como nosotros, que prefieren trabajar en lnea mientras viajan alrededor del mundo como nmadas digitales.Cualquiera que sea su propsito, estamos junto a usted para lograrlo.Regstrate y comencemos AHORA!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Basic Aviation knowledge Test" |
"this is pilots, student pilots and aviation hobbyist knowledge test for anyone can both use it as a test prep or refreshment of his/her aviation knowledge or just an aviation hobbyist that want to know how good is his/her personal aviation knowledge is 250 multiple choice question will definitely be in your aviation knowledge box great Plus."
Price: 19.99 |
"Klantgericht Schrijven" |
"Een heldere schriftelijke communicatie blijft in het bedrijfsleven zeer belangrijk. Of u nu communiceert via brief, e-mail, uw website of verslagen en rapporten, een correcte communicatie geeft een positieve uitstraling aan uw bedrijf.U straalt kwaliteit, klantvriendelijkheid en zakelijkheid uit.In de cursus schriftelijke en zakelijke communicatie leert u heldere en foutloze brieven, e-mails en andere vormen van correspondentie opstellen. Correcte stijl, grammatica en spelling komen aan bod via concrete praktijkvoorbeelden en direct bruikbare tips. Een must voor iedereen die welbegrepen wil communiceren met klanten, collega's en zakenpartners."
Price: 19.99 |
"Herkes in SEO: Uygulamal WordPress SEO Eitimi" |
"nternet siteni kurdun ve arama sonularnda istediin yerde kamyor musun?SEO diye birey duydun ama ne yapman gerektiini bilmiyor musun?SEO yapyorum diye birileri ile altn; zaman ve para harcadn ancak sonular istediin gibi olmad m?Her internet sitesinin Arama Motoru Optimizasyonuna yani SEO yaplmasna ihtiyac vardr.9000'den fazla renciye kendi internet sitelerini kurmay rettim. 4,5 yldz zerinde deerlendirmeye sahibim. imdi de internet sitenizi st sralara tayacak bilgileri renmeye geldi sra!Balamak iin en doru yerdesin."
Price: 299.99 |
"Google Spreadsheet API Apps Script and JavaScript" |
"Explore how you can setup a simple application that can output your Spreadsheet content as JSON data to be used within your websites. Using Google Apps Script your can setup a web app URL that can receive GET and POST requests. The GET requests can be set to output spreadsheet object data as JSON.Additionally explore how you can send input data to your spreadsheet from your website. Using Google Apps Script POST web app, you can get data requests and add them to your SpreadsheetYou will be amazed at how easy it can be to setup this powerful application.Source Code is included to get you started quicklyCourse Covers :Basics to web editor for writing Google Apps ScriptSetup of Bound script for Spreadsheet DataCreation of web app Output of Spreadsheet data as JSON in web app formatUse of fetch to connect to API web app endpoint to get JSON dataJavaScript to loop through content in JSON JavaScript ObjectCreating elements using the document objectStyling and debugging of webapp applicationTaught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience ready to help you learn.You Have nothing to lose - create your own version of the app TODAY."
Price: 199.99 |
"Data Science e Machine Learning com Qlik Sense" |
"Data Science, ou Cincia de Dados, um dos conhecimentos mais buscados pelo mercado de trabalho e uma tendncia muito relevante. Um profissional que a domine torna-se extremamente ambicionado e conseguir agregar muitas competncias para qualquer instituio ou organizao que venha a participar.O Qlik Sense a ferramenta de Anlise de Dados mais completa do mercado. Quem a domina desenvolve aplicaes sofisticadas e eficientes. Visando difundir conhecimento e capacitar alunos para o futuro do mercado de trabalho, a BIX Tecnologia oferece o curso ""Data Science no Qlik Sense"". Trata-se de um treinamento completo e com instrutor experiente em atendimento a grandes empresas. Imperdvel!"
Price: 199.99 |