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"Twitter para Empresa: Marketing para Negocio Paso a Paso"
"Sientes que has estado luchando con Twitter y ves que no acabas de dominarlo y no sacas provecho a tu cuenta de Twitter para Empresa?Necesitas la estrategia correcta para ganar su atencin y ser escuchado a travs de todo el ruido de Internet. En este curso, partiendo desde cero te ir enseando como construir tu cuenta de Twitter para Empresa desde cero.En este curso para principiantes te ensear paso a paso a consolidar tu cuenta de twitter para negocio y convertirla en una herramienta real para conseguir clientes.La ESTRATEGIA COMPLETA DE TWITTER PARA PERSONAS OCUPADAS En este curso aprenders Crear y Optimizar tu cuenta de Twitter para Empresa. Crear y encontrar contenido que atraiga y enamore Investigar que es lo que hacen tus competidores Gestin de estrategias simplificada Estrategias de Twitter para EmpresaMarco de referencia: Dnde y cmo puedes encontrar contenido nico Seguimiento de la interaccin y conocer qu es lo que tus competidores hacen Domina por fin el hashtag Cmo gestionar listas privadasEstrategia: Herramientas de estrategia para cuentas de Twitter para Empresa Frmulas de Tweet Contenido perenne"
Price: 29.99

"Creating & Managing Azure VMs with the AZ PowerShell Module"
"Azure virtual machines provide a fully configurable and flexible computing environment. This course will teach you how to perform the most common day-to-day tasks, using the the new Azure PowerShell AZ Module.You'll learn how to perform the following tasks:Install the AZ PowerShell Module LocallyLogin to Azure with PowerShellCreate Resource Groups with PowerShellDeploy Virtual Machines with PowerShellCreate and Attach Data Disks with PowerShellCreate Custom Images from Existing VMsDeploy VMs from Custom Images with PowerShellCreate VM Snapshots via PowerShellDeploy VMs from Snapshots with PowerShellResize Virtual Machines via PowerShellManage Virtual Machines with PowerShellDelete VMs and Resource Groups with PowerShellBy the end of this course, you will have learned how to perform many day-to-day VM management tasks using the new Azure PowerShell AZ Module, exclusively.  The skills you learn in this course will set you apart from many other IT professionals - since most IT professionals avoid PowerShell like the plague."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Project+ Certification"
"CompTIA Project+ is ideal for professionals who need to manage smaller, less complex projects as part of their other job duties but still have foundational project management skills. Project+ is more versatile than other certifications because it covers essential project management concepts beyond the scope of just one methodology or framework.About the examThe CompTIA Project+ examination is designed for business professionals who coordinate or manage small-to-medium-sized projects. The successful candidate will have the knowledge and skills required to:Manage the project life cycleEnsure appropriate communicationManage resources and stakeholdersMaintain project documentation"
Price: 129.99

"PHR: Professional in Human Resources Certification"
"Professional in Human Resources (PHR) human resource management profession. The certification, awarded by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI), signifies that individuals possess the theoretical knowledge and practical experience in human resource management necessary to pass an examination demonstrating a mastery of the body of knowledge in the field. The Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) is the senior-most human resources certification for those who have also demonstrated a strategic mastery of the HR body of knowledge.To be eligible for the PHR you must meet one of the following conditions for education and experience:Have at least one year of experience in a professional-level HR position + a Master's degree or higher,Have at least two years of experience in a professional-level HR position + a Bachelor's degree, OR."
Price: 199.99

"HDR-Fotografie und HDR-Bildbearbeitung"
"Dieser Kurs fhrt in die HDR-Fotografie und die HDR-Bildbearbeitung ein. Es ist nicht das Ziel, Aufnahmen knstlerisch zu gestalten (Over-HDR-ing), sondern die vorhandenen Lichtinformationen in Bildinformationen umzuwandeln. Dies bedeutet, lichtschwache Bildstellen so zu verndern, dass sie der natrlichen Wahrnehmung entsprechen; gleichzeitig werden berstrahlte Bildstellen abgeschwcht und ebenfalls an das menschliche Sehvermgen angepasst.All dies ist kein Hexenwerk, wenn Ihr einige wenige Grundstze beherzigt. Welche das sind, zeige ich Euch in diesem Kurs. Es ist nicht wesentlich, welche Software Ihr dazu nutzt oder nutzen mchtet; da ich selbst HDR nur als Mittel zum Zweck betrachte, verwende ich ein gnstiges, aber in meinen Augen trotzdem gutes (vor allem mehr als ausreichendes) Programm hier im Kurs, das HDR projects (fast immer in der nicht mehr ganz aktuellen Version fr 20,- Euro zu haben). Gerne knnt Ihr aber andere Programme verwenden, die Vorgehensweise ist immer sehr hnlich.Ich mchte anmerken, dass dies kein Kurs zur Fotografie ist. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Ihr wisst, wie Ihr mit Eurer Kamera umgehen msst. Selbst falls Eure Kamera keine automatische Funktion fr das ""Bracketing"" besitzt (was ein Segen sein kann), knnen HDR-Bilder damit erzeugt und spter verarbeitet werden.Lasst Euch auf das Abenteuer HDR ein! Es lohnt sich!"
Price: 24.99

"BigFix Administration - Be an 'Expert'!"
"If youve made it to this page, chances are youre currently at BigFix Noob status or a newbie exploring the tool.Uponcompletion of this course you will be able to:Setup BigFix Server and BigFix Clients.Perform Vulnerability Management on Windows/Linux/AIX Operating Systems using BigFix.Single console management for multiple endpoints.Create Custom deployment scripts to work with BigFix.Distribute third party software/applications and in place upgrades.Manage Inventoryto determine the latest configurations and health of systems.Perform Reporting and high level viewof deployment statistics.Perform troubleshooting with respect to failed deployments and client installations."
Price: 4800.00

"Formao Developer - Android Firebase Authentication"
"Nesse curso voc aprender implementar aos seus projetos Android novos ou existentes, o recurso de autenticar o login do usurio via validao do nmero de telefone, a partir da integrao com a API Firebase.Durante as aula do curso, voc estar trabalhando com esses principais conceitos:Firebase AuthenticationDesenvolvimento para AndroidAutenticao de UsuriosO curso utilizada a API Firebase, e ensina todos os passos para configurar o ambiente de autenticao completo, construindo passo-a-passo, um projeto Android modelo, com programao em Java que conter:Uma tela de Login para receber o nmero do telefoneValidao automtica do nmero de telefone fornecido via API FirebaseAcesso automtico tela principal do aplicativo, aps confirmao do cdigo de verificao recebido via SMS.Logout do usurio via mtodo nativo da API Firebase.Durante o treinamento voc ir criar um projeto completo que implementa a autenticao via nmero de telefone, e poder utilizar o projeto como modelo para outras aplicaes.Todo aluno do curso tem direito vitalcio de acesso ao curso, receber um certificado de participao com reconhecimento mundial.Inscrevendo-se hoje, voc aprender essas novas habilidades, e ainda no corre risco graas   garantia Universal Academy (UDEMY) de devoluo do dinheiro dentro de 30 dias."
Price: 189.99

"Write a Non-disclosure Agreement Like an Attorney"
"Protect yourself with a Non-disclosure Agreement.You've heard about Non-disclosure Agreements, and you might have even had to sign one before. But now, before you share information about your business or share personal information with another party, you need to make certain that you're not making information public, when it should be kept private.You'll learn the following:When to use a NDA and when you shouldn'tHow to write a definition for your confidential informationWhich provisions need to be included in your NDAYou'll walk away with the following:A better understanding of NDAsA draft of an NDA that is tailored to your business or personal needsGet the latest on trending news about Non-disclosure Agreements!This course even includes relevant news topics relating to Non-Disclosure Agreements as they are used across a variety of business and industry sectors, like sports and entertainment. Finally, stay abreast of possible changes in the legality and validity of Non-disclosure Agreements so that you'll be prepared to make the changes that you need to make in your own agreement."
Price: 19.99

"T4 Joomla Framework Starter Guide For Beginners"
"The All-New Framework for JoomlaT4 Framework is a powerful and advanced template framework for Joomla.It is a modern, flexible and highly customizable framework.#1 Joomla Layout BuilderBuilding layout is the most important work of template/website development. Now, it is even easier to build from basic to complicated layout with T4 Layout Builder.Drag and drop page builderChange position for any section, any column with just drag and drop.Responsive configurationEasily configure display for rows, columns on specific responsive layout.Configure everythingBackground image/color, color settings, overlay image, and video background.Advanced Theme Customization ToolGive you all the power to manage your website theme.Theme management systemMultiple themes supported by default. Create, edit, clone any theme and restore theme settings.Brand colorCustomize brand color to override corresponding Bootstrap color variables for each theme.Custom colorAdd your own custom color for a specific purpose like text color, heading color and free to use it.Google font & custom fontsGoogle font supported by default with friendly font manager. Adding custom font is also so easy.Amazing Megamenu BuilderBuilding megamenu is easy and fun with T4's Megamenu builder. Select any menu item, enable Megamenu feature and start building megamenu.MANAGE YOUR WEBSITE EASIERStunning Built-in ToolsCSS & JS OptimizationCompress almost all template's CSS and Javascripts and relevant Joomla's files to improve website performance.Custom CSS & SCSSCustomize the style of your website with built-in Custom CSS, SCSS variables and SCSS style editor.Custom CodeInsert custom code like Google Analytics scripts, live chat scripts and more easier and fasterAddons systemEnable and disable default libraries. Add new CSS and JS libraries like Owl Slideshow, JQuerry infinite scroll.New Admin PanelT4 Framework admin working panel is redesigned with totally new UI and better UX to give users the best experience. What you configure is shown instantly in the live preview.Joomla Template FrameworkHighly functional Joomla template framework with advanced features and a friendly admin panel.Fully Responsive DesignT4 is a fully responsive Joomla template framework based on the Bootstrap 4's powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes.Bootstrap 4 IntegrationIntegrated with full features and components from Bootstrap to standardize your grid, typography, and modules with less effort.CSS & JS optimizationCSS and JS optimization options help compress almost all the template's CSS and Javascripts and relevant Joomla's files to improve website performance.Custom CodeYou can insert any CSS, JS, meta tags, links, and verification codes to specific tags using the custom code option.Color palettesColor palettes are a set of color setting: background, text, link, link hover to helps user customize style faster and easier.AddonsEnable or disable font icons like Font awesome, Iconmoon and options to add custom addons to load specific CSS and JS files.Custom CSS & SCSST4 offers multiple ways to customize CSS and SCSS with built-in tools in the Tools working panel.Off-canvas menuOff-canvas menu is supported by default in T4, you can assign any module position, enable on desktop layout, select effect and more.Font Awesome 4 and 5Font awesome - the web's most popular icon set and toolkit are available in T4 Framework by default.Developed with SCSST4 framework is developed with SCSS - the most stable, extendable, and powerful frontend development language chose by the industry.SEO optimizationT4 Framework has been built with SEO into consideration.Optimized for PerformanceT4 Framework is built with modern technologies, clean and optimized codebase to improve the performance of your websites."
Price: 29.99

"Masterclass de Google SEO: Posicinate Alto con un Mejor SEO"
"Ests aqu porque quieres aprender a mejorar el SEO de tu sitio web para obtener una ubicacin ms alta en Google, verdad?Perfecto! Este es el nico curso que necesitas para aprender todas las mejores y ms actualizadas prcticas que aumentarn rpidamente la clasificacin de tu sitio web en Google.Al tomar este curso e implementar los consejos y estrategias de SEO de cada leccin, tu sitio web se posicionar mejor no solo en Google, sino tambin en Yahoo, Bing y en cualquier otro motor de bsqueda.Por qu deberas inscribirte en este curso?Hemos creado este curso para organizar y entender fcilmente el SEO (en ingls: optimizacin de motores de bsqueda) en pasos y procesos.No necesitas ser un profesional del marketing digital o un gur de sitios web para poner en prctica nuestras estrategias de SEO.Este curso te ayudar a:Obtener ms visitantes en tu sitio webAumentar el compromiso de tu sitio webConstruir tu marca e influenciaHacer crecer tu negocio y obtener ms clientesCmo te ayudar este curso?Aprenders a implementar todas las siguientes estrategias para mejorar tu SEO de Google. Cada leccin incluye ejemplos y resultados prcticos del mundo real para mostrarte que estas estrategias realmente funcionan!Elije mejores palabras clave para tu sitio webMantn tu sitio web actualizado para una mejor clasificacin SEOImpulsa ms acciones de compartir en redes y ms compromisoOptimiza tus publicaciones e imgenesOptimiza tu pgina de inicioCrea contenido que se clasifique ptimamenteAgrega seguridad y httpsEnva tu mapa del sitio a GoogleRegistra tu negocio en GoogleAgrega tu negocio a Google MapsUsa una estrategia de backlinking adecuaday muchos ms buenos consejos de SEOAdems de todas las estrategias anteriores, aprenders sobre los mejores hosts y complementos de sitios web para un mejor SEO. Especficamente, aprenders las mejores prcticas de SEO de Wordpress.Aprenders cmo el SEO local y la obtencin de Google Reviews mejoran el SEO de su sitio web.Al final de este curso, tendrs un plan a corto y largo plazo para asegurarte de que tu sitio web ocupa el puesto #1 en Google y que tienes una estrategia profesional de SEO que realmente funciona.Quien es tu instructor?Tu instructor principal es Ryan Breitkreutz, un experto en SEO, especialista en marketing digital y fotgrafo, a quien le apasiona compartir sus conocimientos con quienes recin comienzan... como tu. Ryan hace un trabajo increble desglosando temas complejos como la optimizacin de motores de bsqueda en lecciones fciles de digerir y procesar.Ryan te guiar a travs del contenido principal del curso. Y para este curso se asoci con el instructor Best-Seller Phil Ebiner, quien aporta toda su experiencia del mundo real con estudios de casos para mostrarte cmo funciona realmente la implementacin de las estrategias en este curso!Nuestra garanta de felicidad ...Tenemos una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das, por lo que si no ests satisfecho con tu compra, te reembolsaremos tu curso completo, sin preguntas!Estamos ansiosos por verte dentro del curso!Inscrbete ahora y to ayudaremos a ser el #1 de Google!Phil y Ryan"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe After Effects CC 2020 :"
"After Effects After Effects   After Effects   . ..   After Effects After Effects      : - Rotoscoping- Character Animation- Chromakeying- Screen Replacements- Mocha Tool- Puppet Tool- Motion Tracking- Video Stabilization- Expressions- GIF - !"
Price: 199.99

"Fotografa Nocturna: Captura Imgenes Nocturnas como Nadie"
"TU PUEDES TOMAR HERMOSAS FOTOS DE NOCHE!Por eso ests aqu, verdad?Nos entusiasma mostrarte cmo tomar tus propias e increbles fotos de noche y con poca luz.Con este curso completo de fotografa nocturna, aprenders los entresijos del equipo que recomendamos, la configuracin que usamos, los consejos de composicin que tenemos y el proceso de edicin de fotos que usamos para terminar con fotos nocturnas galardonadas.Sguenos mientras nos dirigimos al Parque Nacional Joshua Tree para grabar este curso de fotografa nocturna!En este curso combinamos entretenimiento + aprendizaje en este completo detrs de escena. No solo estaremos simplemente sentados detrs del escritorio de nuestra computadora, mostrndote diapositivas. Estaremos en el campo, mostrndote exactamente lo que hacemos para tomar nuestras propias fotos nocturnas.Temas clave que aprenders en este curso de fotografa nocturna:Qu equipo necesitas para hacer fotografa nocturnaCmo prepararte para su aventura fotogrficaAjustes de cmara bsicos, como velocidad de obturacin, apertura e ISOCmo componer hermosas fotos nocturnasUsar un disparador remoto para tomar exposiciones prolongadasCmo tomar fotos de trazos de luzComponer creativas fotos nocturnas de las estrellasCmo tomar fotografas de la lunaCmo editar fotos nocturnas para que se vean an mejorBonificaciones del cursoHojas de trucos descargablesLecciones ""detrs de escena""Edicin completa de casos de estudioTareas prcticasCuestionarios para poner a prueba tus conocimientosPor qu aprender con nosotros?Somos tres instructores que amamos la fotografa y amamos ensear. Somos los instructores de la Masterclass de fotografa ms vendida. Siempre tomamos los comentarios de nuestros estudiantes y los usamos para mejorar nuestros cursos. Es por eso que creamos este curso en primer lugar, porque los estudiantes de otros cursos de fotografa lo pidieron.Lo que dicen los estudiantes sobre nuestros cursos:- Absolutamente he amado, amado, amado este curso. - Ashonti- Realmente me gusta este curso. Es el mejor curso que he tomado sobre fotografa. Me han gustado mucho Phil y Sam, y creo que si sigues el curso, tambin te gustarn :D - TJ- Me encant este curso! Los conceptos bsicos de la fotografa estn completamente cubiertos, muchos ejemplos prcticos, los tutores fueron muy claros en sus explicaciones y respondieron muy rpidamente a todas las preguntas. - Ornella- Curso perfecto para fotgrafos principiantes e intermedios. La duracin de las lecciones es excelente, puedes moverte a tu propio ritmo sin necesidad de sentarte durante horas en una sola clase. - OmarSi quieres tomar buenas fotos nocturnas, este es el curso para ti.Recuerda, tenemos una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero en 30 das. No hay razn para dudar. Inscrbete ahora, fjate si disfrutas del curso y comienza a tomar mejores fotos hoy!Saludos,Phil, Will y Sam"
Price: 29.99

"Setup Google Analytics for Shopify The Right Way"
"With more than 800 thousand merchants using it, Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms out there.While it has empowered small and medium sized businesses to get up and running in no time, its equally important that those businesses understand the behavior of their customers.And this is only achievable with a powerful analytics software paired correctly with Shopify. And Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most powerful and popular option out there.In this course we will learn one and only one thing - that is - to correctly setup Google Analytics with Shopify.To be honest, to integrate Google Analytics in Shopify, all you have to do is to paste the code provided by Google Analytics in your Shopify store admin. But by doing so, you will be missing out on some great features that Google Analytics provide such as checkout behavior funnel, site search and filters. In this course, we will learn ways to integrate all of them in Google Analytics for our Shopify store.We will also be setting up goals so you not only track sales but other KPIs including cart additions and contact form submissions.In the last section of this course, we will be integrating Google Search Console to track keywords that are driving traffic to your website.And after doing all of this, you will have data that is cleaner and more relevant so you can make better business decisions!So if you are business using Shopify or you are an agency or a developer working with a Shopify client, join me in this course so I teach you what Ive learned in the past several years working with Google Analytics and Shopify."
Price: 199.99

"Risk Management for Business Analysts (PMI-RMP/IIBA-ECBA)"
"I. The Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP)Welcome to the Risk Management Certification Program (PMI-RMP). The Program is PMBOK6 aligned and includes the courses on Planning Risk Management, Identifying Risk, Analyzing Risk and Responding to Risk.1. Planning Risk Management. We're going to learn about how to plan for risks on a project to make sure that when negative things do happen, we're ready for them.2. Identifying Risk. Covers the inputs you need to look at in order to identify risks. And how to use several techniques, such as Data Analysis methods, like SWOT Analysis, and Assumption, and Constraint Analysis, to help you develop an effective risk register.3. Analyzing Risk. We'll examine the two risk analysis processes of the project risk management knowledge area, namely, perform qualitative risk analysis and perform quantitative risk analysis.4. The Responding to Risk covers the final three processes in the project risk management knowledge area. Plan risk responses, implement risk responses and monitor risks. You'll learn about some common risk response strategies and how to monitor and control risks as they occur.All instructional activities will earn you the necessary for PMI certification and credential maintenance if you already are a certified PMI Risk Management Professional or Project Management Professional.II. The Business Analysis Certification Program (IIBA - ECBA) The Business Analysis Certification Program is aligned with the (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide) BABOK version 3 and has a total of 14 sections that are also presented as individual courses for your convenience.1. Introduction to Business Analysis. Foundational concepts related to business analysis. First we're going to look at business analysis and what it is, what a business analyst does, and some of the core concepts related to working in this field. Then we'll look at some of the key terms, such as stakeholder, requirements, and design.2. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring. The tasks in this knowledge area produce documents that direct you as a business analyst throughout a project. These documents include the general approach you'll take, the plan for engaging stakeholders, and how you'll manage information, and changes to the requirements.3. Business Analysis Elicitation and Collaboration. Find out how business analysts identify and reach agreements with stakeholders on requirements. The tasks in this knowledge area describe how you as a business analyst reach a mutual understanding of various types of business analysis information with stakeholders. The activities associated with this task include workshops, surveys, and ad hoc collaboration and conversations.4. Business Analysis and Requirements Life Cycle Management.  Requirements are the foundation of all your business analysis activities. If the objective of a project is to deliver solutions that best meet requirements, then you'd best keep a close eye on those requirements and the designs that address them. So, well look at what your role is in tracing and maintaining requirements and designs.5. Business Analysis and Strategy Analysis. It covers everything from assessing the current state of operations, doing some visioning regarding a desired future state, determining what the risks are that will need to be managed, and then coming up with the best strategy for realizing the desired future state.6. Business Analysis and RADD: Requirements Definition. This course covers the first three tasks, which involve creating a list of requirements and then verifying that they are of sufficient quality to be used for further work. And then, validating them to ensure they deliver benefits to the stakeholders, align with business goals, and align with the objectives of the change.7. Requirements Analysis and Design Definition. Related to creating a requirements architecture. You develop a set of designs and analyze those to determine where the best value is. The final step is to develop the solution recommendation that represents the best design.8. Business Analysis and Solution Evaluation. It involves measuring and analysing solution performance as well as identifying limitations within the solution and the enterprise that may be keeping the solution from reaching its full value potential. The final task is to recommend actions to remove the limitations and thereby increase the value of the solution.9. Analytical Techniques Used for Business Analysis. Analytical techniques assist the business analyst to identify problems and to find solutions. This course will introduce Analysis Tools for Scoping and Planning, Models that Support Business Analysis and Analyses that Support Decision making.10. Activities and Tools Used for Business Analysis. The categories of techniques covered in this course include idea generation and data gathering techniques that you can use with groups, such as brainstorming, collaborative games, and workshops. We'll also look at decision-making techniques, such as estimation and prioritisation.11. Documentation and Criteria Used for Business Analysis. Some of them are glossaries and business rules you'll need, others are documents you'll create that contain business cases, use cases, and user stories. The final type of documents we'll look at contain metrics and criteria you'll use for evaluating performance and establishing requirements.12. Business Analysis Competencies: Personal Skills.  These competencies represent skills and knowledge that all business analysts should have in order to excel at their jobs. There are six categories of competencies altogether, and in this course we'll be looking at three of them: analytical thinking and problem solving, communication skills, and interaction skills.13. Business Analysis Competencies: Professional Effectiveness. Covers behavioural characteristics such as personal accountability, trustworthiness, adaptability, and organisation and time management. We'll also look at various areas of business knowledge that are important to business analysis. Finally, we'll talk about some of the tools and technology that business analysts use on the job.14. Business Analysis Perspectives, we'll be looking at five different perspectives from which business analysis may need to view their work. Perspectives are used within business analysis to provide focus for the tasks you will carry out. They'll also come with a set of techniques that are specific to the context of the change initiative.If you you want to improve your business analysis and risk management skills or to get the certifications provided by the Project Management Institute or the International Institute of Business Analysis, this course is for you.Now, go ahead and press that ""Take this course"" button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn How To make Login Screen In Flutter (iOS - Android)"
"Hi, Enjoy ! In the course  Learn How To make Login Screen In Flutter (iOS - Android).In the course Your learn Learn How To make Login Screen In Flutter (iOS - Android) the Login Screen Can User Login In Application From Mobile (iOS - Android) And The Register Screen Can User Register in Application  From Mobile (iOS - Android) I'm Help For you to Make A Clean Code In Flutter Thank You"
Price: 199.99

"Terapia Corporal con Esferas Chinas"
"En este curso aprenders distintas prcticas corporales simples de qigong, respiracin consciente, automasaje, tcnicas de limpieza, activacin y alineacin energtica. A todas ellas, las realizamos con esferas chinas, como complemento para ayudar en la creacin de armona y bienestar corporal y energtico.Las esferas chinas son muy conocidas. Probablemente tienes un par pero no sabes muy bien para qu sirven. Veremos, en este curso, que son muy tiles. Bsicamente, ayudan a activar y armonizar los canales y centros energticos o chakras. Como provienen de la cultura china, la mayora de sus usos se encuentran relacionados con los fundamentos de la medicina tradicional china y el qigong.Su uso ms simple es para masajes, pero adems las usaremos para estimular los pies, las manos, el cuerpo completo para tomar atencin sobre la respiracin, la postura y la columna, y tambin para percibir distintos componentes energticos corporales, y luego equilibrarlos.El trabajo con las esferas es muy simple, ldico, se hace de manera relajada y fluida. Sus efectos son a corto plazo para el caso de contracturas musculares, sensacin de cansancio, sobrecarga emocional, entre otros, pero tambin ayudan mantener el equilibrio energtico de manera sostenida. La prctica continuada y progresiva, por supuesto, crea el hbito y favorece al bienestar y la salud en general.Al finalizar este curso tendrs la capacidad de practicar a diario con tus esferas, de manera guiada al inicio pero, paulatinamente, de forma independiente, aprendiendo sobre tu propia energa y configuracin corporal alcanzando un estado de equilibrio y armona."
Price: 29.99

"Piano Lessons for Beatmakers and Music Producers"
"THIS COURSE IS AN UPDATE TO AN OLDER COURSE ""Learn Piano for Beatmakers and Producers"".Learn Piano for Beatmakers and Producers has received MANY 5-STAR REVIEWS!This course will teach how to learn piano by yourself, and is just like taking piano lessons for beginners.With me continuing to create these online music production courses, I have acquired much higher quality video production gear, allowing me to achieve extremely high-quality courses.Here's some reviews from the previous piano course (this course is very similar, but way higher quality, and a bit more in-depth.)[Fantastic course. I had a hunch that trying to learn to play classic piano wasn't really going to help me produce. This course solidified that and I'm now on my way to actually making great music. I highly recommend this course. - Chad Fox (5/5)][This is what i been looking for!! Thanks!! - Gina Sloan (5/5)][The content so far is excellent and understandable so with a little practice I can achieve my personal goal I set at the beginning of the course. Awesome course!!!! - Rob Young (5/5)][Riley (GratuiTous) is a great instructor. I have a done 1 on 1 with him in the past regarding vocal mixing and a bit of mastering and he knows his stuff. If you are a beatmaker and have little to no experience with playing the piano and want to learn for production or just to learn to play the piano this course is for you! This course brought my music productions back to life - Andrew D Brown (5/5)]So what's all covered in this course, and what's all the hype about?  Why such good reviews?Well, I've been creating these music production courses for many years now, and I would not have continued if it wasn't for your amazing feedback.Students continually tell me I'm able to break down concepts in such an easy to way to understand, which still relates to the real world when it comes to music production and how we can apply these theories to real world practices!As a beatmaker, I discovered we beatmakers actually play the piano differently than a classical piano player.If you're trying to check out YouTube tutorials on ""how to play the piano for a beginner"", or, ""how to play piano to make beats"", you will not find your answer.  Trust me, I was at that point in my production career, too!Classical piano players have a different mindset behind the piano.  Sure, we beatmakers and classical piano players use the same instrument to make our music, but our outcome is different.  Therefore, our mindset should be different, and how we practice and use the piano should be different, too.So how do we beatmakers use a piano differently to make our beats?We need to focus on two main areas:Improvisation (creating melodies on the fly, knowing what notes we're allowed to play; spontaneity)Catchy loops (we need to train our ear to know what is catchy, and what will and will not work for our loops as a beatmaker.)With that knowledge in mind, our course focuses on what is necessary to learn these two main concepts, and excel in this field of music production.There is absolutely no prior knowledge of a piano required to take this course, as everything is covered from beginning to end.We start at the basics, explaining how a piano works, what notes are available to you, how to play chords, but then keep referencing back to music production, and how these parts of a piano actually relate to music production.For example, choosing to play an instrument up or down an octave can really help in the mixing stage, and prevent instruments from clashing in the same frequencies!You may ask, is it necessary to learn piano for music production?The answer is actually no.  You can click notes in to make a beat, but if you don't learn piano, it will take FOREVER to click notes in, and it is much harder to create beautiful compositions and great ideas if you don't know the piano.In my opinion, I'd say yes, it is necessary for a beatmaker to learn piano for music production to become a great music producer.You can enroll into this course above, and I'll be happy to teach you how to learn the keyboard for music production.Here's a quick list of what you'll learn:Differences between beatmakers and classical piano playersHow a piano worksHow to make practicing fun on a pianoLearning and Interaction (I show you cool tricks you can use, then how to practice using them.)How to actually play a piano to make beats (we even create a beat in this section!)How to play with both the right and left hand together, and improvise!Tips to practice the piano efficientlySound like a useful course?  You bet it is.  The previous piano course continues to help thousands of students every year learn the piano.And now with my new video equipment, the piano course has gotten even better.Enroll now, and take these online piano lessons for beginners.  You'll learn how to produce music in any genre, as the information relates to music production as a whole.  (hip-hop, edm, etc.)"
Price: 199.99

"Produccin Musical con FL Studio 20"
"Comienza a producir tu propia msica en FL Studio 20En este curso vemos todo lo referido a FL Studio 20, el software perfecto para la secuenciacin y produccin de msica. Es una Plataforma de Audio Digital para Windows y OS X.FL Studio se utiliza en estudios profesionales y amateurs en todo el mundo. Aprender a usar tu plataforma correctamente mejorar drsticamente la calidad de tu msica y la velocidad con la que la creas.NOTA: Este curso es para FL Studio 20 Producer y superior. Algunas de las caractersticas que enseamos en este curso pueden no estar disponibles para la versin ms bsica de FL Studio (Fruity Loops).TRADO PARA TI POR EL INSTRUCTOR DE PRODUCCIN MUSICAL BEST-SELLER TOMAS GEORGE Y EL INGENIERO DE AUDIO PRO IAN ALEXANDERSi ests buscando un curso que te ensee cmo puedes Hacer Ritmos, Organizar y Mezclar Tu Propia Msica en FL Studio 20, este es el curso para ti!Por qu estamos calificados para ensearle?Tomas tiene una Maestra MMus en Produccin Musical y una Licenciatura (con Honores) en Composicin Musical y es el creador de algunos de los cursos de Produccin Musical ms populares de Udemy.Rpido y eficiente al mximo. Informacin slida explicada rpidamente. Buen trabajo! - Mark ChaudharyUna manera excelente de comenzar con una base slida de aprendizaje de lo fundamental de Ableton. Descubr que Tomas George es un gran profesor porque es fcil de entender y muestra buenos ejemplos concretos. Vali la pena el precio del curso y poder contar con actualizaciones constantes - Daniel OrtizMuy claro y conciso, exactamente lo que estaba buscando. Tambin valoro que puedo ver cmo realizan las tareas mientras se explican - Nikki GlennIan Alexander tiene una Maestra en Produccin Musical y una licenciatura (con Honores) en Produccin Musical. Es Ingeniero Profesional de Audio y Mezclas.Nuestra PromesaSi tienes alguna pregunta sobre el contenido o sobre la composicin y produccin en general, siempre responderemos preguntas y mensajes directos.De qu se trata este curso de FL Studio 20?Con este curso, desarrollars una comprensin profunda de FL Studio 20. Aprenders las herramientas y los procesos para Crear, Grabar, Editar y Mezclar tu propia msica. Aprenders la belleza y el poder de este software que utilizan muchos productores profesionales en la actualidad.En este curso veremos:  La Interfaz Principal de FL Studio  El Rack de Canales  Creacin de Patrones en el Secuenciador de Pasos Organizar la Lista de Reproduccin El Piano Roll y sus Caractersticas  Elementos Esenciales del Mezclador y Enrutamiento  Cmo Configurar tu Interfaz de Audio y Dispositivo MIDI  Cmo Grabar Audio y MIDI  Edicin MIDI, que incluye Cuantizacin y Velocidad  Una Breve Mirada sobre Sntesis  Usar el Arpegiador  Exportacin  Y mucho msLo que aprender en este curso te convertir en un mejor Productor Musical con FL Studio. Este curso va a mejorar tus habilidades de Mezcla en FL Studio, lo que tambin ser aplicable a otras Plataformas de Audio Digital!Aprende a amar FL Studio 20 y a hacer msica con l.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de inscripcin, y nos vemos en la leccin 1!SaludosToms e Ian"
Price: 199.99

"Proven People Management Process in small, emerging business"
"This course is all about improving your people management process and ensuring low attrition, high level of people engagement towards achieving the organizational goal as ONE TEAM. People's management process is not a standalone, one-time initiative, and this calls for a holistic approach.This course is structured with basic understandings of small, emerging organization's existing people management practices and its impact on attracting, developing, and retaining talent. The course is divided into five broad areas of people management processes viz, human resources planning process, recruitment process, performance management process, people development process, and engagement practices. In each process, the concepts, tools, and techniques being used in the industry, and some practical insights are given. To ease your implementation, given compatible formats wherever possible.This course will give an overview idea to build a performance-based culture in your organization and sustain the growth of your business. This course is meant for SME business owners, Plant heads, Functional managers, and human resource managers in small, medium scale organizations of any industry background.At the end of the course, you will be able to re-look at your organizational people management process and realize the gap and ready to apply some of the people management processes learned in this course."
Price: 104.99

"Create a free Website or Blog in Wordpress"
"In this course, you are going to learn how to start and setup your own professional website or blog using WordPress.This is not a writer course. But if you are in the need of a website for your business, freelance projects, hobby or eCommerce startup and wanna know how to get everything in place with no upfront costs, you come to the right place.This is an overview on what you will learn:1) How to get your own free domain name and hosting 2) How to create a Website with WordPress 3) How to choose and install a Theme 4) How to Add Blog Posts with images and Links and Buttons.5) How to customise the Appearance6) How to add Google Maps to your contact page7) How to add Social Medial Links and icons to your site8) How to add Google Forms to any post or page9) How to Add Banners on the sidebar - to generate ad revenue or affiliate income.10) How to Search Engine Optimise your site with a SEO plugin.11) How to connect your Wordpress site with Google Analytics.Do You want to start a blog and need an easy way to setup hosting with WordPress? In this course I will guide you through the steps on how to set it up everything properly.What youll learnYou'll be able to create your own blog or website using WordpressYou'll learn the basics of working with WordPressYou'll be able to add pages, posts, menus, socials, images and linksYou'll know how to change your Theme and appearance of your blog Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Prior Knowledge RequiredA Computer, your favorite Browser - and an Internet connectionThe cost for a basic Website/Blog is $0/month, for a WooCommerce eShop $29/monthWho this course is for:If you would like to start a blog or eCommerce If you are new to WordPress and want to learn how to use in a proper wayIf you have an existing business that needs a websiteIf you wanna start an Online Business and make money with a Blog Or last but not least, if you're interested in learning a new skill"
Price: 19.99

"Build an eCommerce Website with WordPress & WooCommerce"
"In this course we will build a complete E-Commerce - Dropshipping Online Store.We start from getting web hosting and will install everything that is needed to build this store.The Store were creating is based on WordPress, WooCommerce and the free Store Theme Storefront.We will create all kinds of products that are available in WooCommerce:You will learn how to create all these different product types.Simple ProductVariable ProductGrouped ProductExtern/ affiliate ProductDigital ProductVirtual ProductYou will also learn how to import product from Aliexpress for your Dropshipping store by using appropriate plugins.This course designed for beginners.We will start from scratch and building up the store step by step.These are the steps:From InstallingWordpressWoocommerceStorefrontAliexpress pluginsTo CreatingAll kind of productsAnd finally the Customizing of the Stores Appearance.At the end of the course you will be able to sell any kind of product on your own Online Store."
Price: 19.99

"illustratorCCillustratorillustratorillustratorillustratorillustratorillustratorWindowsMacMac(  ctrl:command ,  alt:option  )"
Price: 7800.00

"Personalizao - Web Personalization"
"Personalizao e Web personalization parece um termo novo para voc? Bem, no exatamente uma novidade, nem algo raro em nosso dia a dia. Se voc utiliza servios como Netflix e Spotify diariamente, alvo de estratgias de personalizao. No timo entrar na sua conta e receber dicas de sries, filmes e msicas que voc gostaria de consumir? Que voc se identifica?   A gigante Amazon outro exemplo fantstico e j faz personalizao h dcadas. Nos seus primrdios ela recomendava abaixo da compra ""Pessoas que compraram este item tambm compraram ...""Essa primeira experincia evoluiu e hoje ela lidera os esforos de personalizao do setor em todas as experincias de ecommerce e compras no varejo. Estes so apenas alguns exemplos. Estas empresas se preocupam com isto h bastante tempo e, cada dia mais, outras organizaes esto notando a importncia de oferecer contedo personalizado ao seu pblico. Pessoas so diferentes, possuem necessidades e vontades diferentes. Por que deveriam receber o mesmo contedo? Pessoas tm culturas e linguagens diferentes. Cada territrio tem sua cultura. Podemos observar uma grande diferena entre uma pessoa nativa de So Paulo e outra do Rio Grande do Sul. Para causar maior identificao, no seria interessante falar com elas de forma diferente? Tenho uma paixo por ajudar as empresas a crescerem e otimizarem seus resultados por meio de estratgias de personalizao. E meu propsito bem claro! Busco sempre melhorar a comunicao atravs da tecnologia e tornando uma conexo mais humana com empatia.  Ao longo da minha carreira, percebi que no possvel se comunicar com todo mundo da mesma forma, preciso personalizar. E para isso, existem tcnicas de como falar e vender o mesmo produto de maneira personalizada para cada interesse ou comportamento.  O que? Como? Quando? Quem? Por qu? Voc pode saber tudo isso durante esse curso :)"
Price: 189.99

"Build and Grow a Product Review Channel on YouTube"
"One of the top desired careers among the younger generation is becoming a YouTuber/Vlogger. This trend is overshadowing more traditional careers like being a doctor, athlete, accountant, lawyer, etc. Part of it is the fame and some of it is the potential income. However, in reality, not all of us can become a famous YouTuber making millions of dollars off of our videos but everyone CAN take a piece of the action!Being successful on YouTube is not an easy task. But by being consistent and determined you CAN make YouTube a great side business that is rewarding and can earn you extra income. This course is NOT necessarily designed to make you a full-time YouTuber but it will teach you everything I practice and know about managing a YouTube product review channel.A YouTube Business is Not Just for TeenagersYou also do not need to be a teenager to find success reviewing products on YouTube. This course is for all ages! In fact I didn't start my YouTube endeavors until I was in my mid-40s and I never dreamed I'd be where I'm at now! As a result, I've arrived at a point where I have a working plan on how to maintain steady growth on YouTube and can now share with you the things I know that work!Focus on Product ReviewsIn my opinion, product reviews and product tutorials are one of the best genres to be associated with on YouTube. The reason is that everyone buys things and at some point, the consumer is going to want more information about a product before they buy and that's where product review videos are helpful. And after a purchase, that same consumer is probably going to have questions about their products which is why product tutorials should be a part of your channel as well.It doesn't matter if you're into technology, automotive, cooking, home crafts, home repair, etc. There's a wide range of products you can talk about and there will be an audience interested in learning more with what you have to say in your videos. And here's a fact, any hobby you're interested in will have many products you can discuss and promote on YouTube. And who best to talk about these products than someone like you who is active in a hobby with a lot of hands-on expertise?Get Your Videos Discovered on YouTubeThis course will cover topics like how to produce high quality videos and equipment. But more importantly, I also will teach you how I get people to find and choose to watch your videos over the competition. In 2019 I found one news article that said over 500 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute! So it's super easy for your content to get lost in all that noise. And if no one discovers your videos then you don't get views which is frustrating and is what eventually leads well intentioned people to quit YouTube. I don't want that to happen to you!Included in this course is my method of video marketing which involves various methods of SEO, generating search engine friendly titles and keyword research... all without any paid software. But all that is not enough! You'll also learn how to create eye-catching video thumbnails that are effective at making potential viewers click on your video. This is my ""secret sauce"" that helps me grow on YouTube and allows me to compete with all the other videos out there.This Course Also Covers Topics Relevant to All YouTubersYou do not have to be a product reviewer to benefit from this course! A lot of the topics discussed here apply to any type of YouTube channel. Especially the marketing, SEO and management parts of the course. Those are topics that can be applied to everyone. But of course the major emphasis is on how to review products and the things that relate to making success with reviews.But I Can't Monetize with AdsenseIf you're a new YouTuber it's going to be difficult to monetize your videos with Adsense. YouTube currently requires your channel to have 4000 hours (240,4000 minutes) of watch time within the past 12 months while having at least 1000 subscribers to be allowed into the YouTube Partner Program. This course will describe alternate ways to generate side income almost right from the start. Your results will vary of course but at least you'll have options if your channel hasn't reached the minimum thresholds for Adsense.How Much Time Does It Take?Creating success on YouTube takes time! A lot of time! Others will lead you to believe that you can enjoy success quickly on YouTube but that's definitely not the case. And as a result many YouTubers will give up because of the time and dedication involved. But in this course you'll learn methods on how to consistently produce new videos on a regular schedule. Having a regular publishing schedule will give your viewers something to look forward to on your channel just like a TV show.This cumulative effect will result in MORE views, MORE subscribers and potentially MORE income. And again, product reviews are one of the best genres for YouTube growth in my opinion. I have first hand experience of the results! It's taken time but I can't see any reason why my channel would ever slow down if I stick with my plan taught here in this course.Welcome to the Course!Following the tips in this course can tip the scale in your favor and lead you on the road to growth on your YouTube channel. If you're stuck and need advice, you've found the right place! Every tutorial is explained in detail with lots of easy to understand examples. The methods described in this course for growing a product review channel on YouTube are simple and what I use in a day-to-day basis. I invite you to come take a behind-the-scenes tour of how I manage my own YouTube channel! Welcome!"
Price: 149.99

"Simulado Completo Cisco CCNA 200-125 - Atualizado para 2020"
"Provas sempre trazem uma presso para nossas vidas! Especialmente se for um exame que poder mudar a nossa vida profissional.Pensando nisso os simulados foram criados!OBS: Este Simulado focado na Certificao Cisco CCNA 200-125 e no dia 24/02/2020 ser totalmente atualizado para o Novo Exame Cisco CCNA 200-301, sem custo adicional :)Adquirindo esse simulado agora voc pode se preparar para o exame atual ou aguardar as novas questes para o exame novo, sem ter que comprar novamente.Simulados so nada mais do que um grupo de questes, relacionadas e bem parecidas com o exame original, com a funo de testar o seu conhecimento, sua velocidade de raciocnio e claro, agilidade nas respostas. Este simulado para o exame Cisco CCNA 200-125 vai te ajudar muito!Alm disso os simulados acabam ensinando! Ao final de cada questo voc ter acesso a um link relacionado a pergunta! Assim voc conseguir testar o seu conhecimento e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Ser que a Certificao Cisco CCNA 200-125 importante? A Certificao Cisco CCNA ajuda os alunos a criarem credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia em redes com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados para liderar iniciativas de redes usando a Cisco.A mdia salarial de um profissional Certificado Cisco CCNA de R$4.000 a R$5.500 reais.Finalizando....Se voc est a procura de um simulado completo para sua preparao, este o seu simulado!OBS. Este simulado no um ""brain dump"" onde todas as questes so iguais ao exame. Este simulado uma fonte de estudo e prtica para melhorar em muito as suas chances de aprovao. Se voc est procurando por um simulado que tem as mesmas questes do exame onde vc simplesmente decora, esse no !No mais.... Adquira o simulado e vamos estudar rumo a sua Certificao Cisco CCNA!!!OBS: Este Simulado focado na Certificao Cisco CCNA 200-125 e no dia 24/02/2020 ser totalmente atualizado para o Novo Exame Cisco CCNA 200-301, sem custo adicional :)"
Price: 159.99

"Complete Tableau 2019 Training for Absolute Beginners"
"30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied. No questions asked!The only course on Udemy that teaches the complete Tableau Platform; Desktop, Online, Prep, Bridge and Conductor!WHO'S THIS FOR? - This course is designed specifically for those who do not have a data background or experience and want to be more efficient in the way they clean, prepare and share data.Problems youve probably Experienced with Microsoft ExcelExcel becomes slow or crashes when you have lots of rows of information or too many chartsIts difficult to remember or write formulasYou cant remember which file is the latest version and end up working on the wrong oneIts annoying having to email multiple Excel files to the same people everydayIt takes hours create a usable and robust dashboardTakes hours to investigate data and find patterns/trendsWhat is Tableau?Tableau solves all the above issues!The beauty of Tableau is its intuitive nature and makes it easy for anyone to learn it. When getting started its mainly drag-and-drop visualizations. What would usually take me hours/days in Excel I can do in a few minutes in Tableau.Another advantage is that dont need to have any programming/data experience like I did a few years ago! In fact, there is no programming to be done which is what makes this tool so desirable for beginners like you!!!Course Structure1. Tableau Desktop: 1 Hour Accelerator Program!Connect to your Excel data using Drag-and-DropBasic Bar, Column, Line and Pie ChartsColour Coding and Text LabelsOne Click Calculations: Running Total, Moving Average and MoreBuilding your first dashboard in secondsBasic Formatting and Print to PDF/ImageFREE eBOOK!!!2. Tableau Desktop: BeginnerSimple Charts: Pie, Bars, Area and LinesHow to Filter your data with a few clicksBasic Arithmetic: Learn to add number fields togetherAggregates: Calculating Totals, Average, Maximum, Minimum, etc.Another FREE eBOOK!!3. Tableau Desktop: IntermediateHow to connect to data using Live and Extract methodsCleaning Data: Splitting combined data into multiple columnsCreate IF calculations, Rounding Numbers, Absolute FormulaHow to extract letters/numbers from left and right side of textTrimming extra spacesQuick Table Calculations: Running Total, Percent of Total, RankBuild maps in seconds using the double-click methodCreate forecasts using drag-and-dropCreate interactive dashboards4. Tableau Desktop: ExpertAdd data to another table easily UNIONSJOINS: Combine two tables together using a common fieldCreate a Reference and/or Trend line anywhere on your visualizationUse parameters to change values on the flyCreate sets to group your data for further analysisLearn new visualizations such as Histograms, Funnels, Donuts, Dot Time, Jitter and moreAdd additional views for Mobile and Tablet6. Tableau Online Cloud Platform for Data Sharing and CollaborationDesign an entire online site (Cloud) from scratchPublish your dashboards to the CloudLearn collaboration filters such as subscriptions which send your dashboards to people on schedule everydayLearn Alerts which send you an email when your charts reach a specific numberManage an entire cloud platform and all its users7. Tableau Prep Data Cleansing that works 10 times faster than ExcelCombine similar terms together under one heading using Group and ReplaceConvert all text to upper case or lower case in one clickRemove extra white spaces from the beginning or end of dataJoin data together simply by dragging and dropping one on top of the otherAdd data together by dropping one data underneath the other in one clickCreate a flow that remembers how to clean so you can just press PLAY tomorrow and it will clean it for you just the way you told it toSign up today! Its no risk to you with Udemys 30-day Money Back Guarantee, No Questions Asked!DISCLAIMER: Course price will increase over time."
Price: 49.99

"Norwegian Language Course A1 Part 2"
"An Introduction to the Norwegian Language       Elementary Norwegian Course Level A1 follows The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR).     Some very basic knowledge of Norwegian is needed (Norwegian Language Course A1 Part 1 or similar). Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.  Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.  Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.     For a complete presentation of the course content please watch the Intro video.  "
Price: 24.99

"Etsy 101: Designing Custom Pillows to sell on Etsy"
"                                                     Start a Custom Pillow Business TodayYou've waited long enough to turn your small business dream into a reality. Don't waste any more time doing endless research into finding the best items to sell. I've been there and I'll show you exactly how to create a beautiful Etsy shop that you'll be proud of.Learn how to start a simple Etsy Business:Have you always wondered how to design custom pillows, but didnt know where to start?Are you looking for a new fun, creative business to jazz up your workweek?This course teaches you how to create and sell your custom pillows from home.You will learn the end-to-end process of creating your product line and setting up your Etsy shop.Start your Etsy Business with very little stress!In this course, you will learn:The basics of Custom Pillow CreationHow to create high demand DesignsHow to set up an Etsy ShopHow to analyze the Custom Pillow Market on EtsyHow to identify competitors on EtsyHow to measure and monitor your shop's progressHow to utilize social media to grow your shop's successYou will receive lifetime access to the content and unlimited support.Who should take this course?Anyone interested in selling printables on EtsyAnyone interested selling on Etsy without physically shipping products to their customersAnyone interested in learning a new skillBeginners from all walks of life and entrepreneurshipAnyone interested in selling digital products on auto-driveAnyone interested in creating a stream of passive incomeAnyone looking to start a new business or side business today!What are you going to get from this course?You will learn the complete the process of creating your prints from start to finishYou will learn how to identify the top sellers in the Custom Pillow marketYou will learn how to position your shop for successYou will learn how to effectively create your Etsy shopYou will receive a kit with tools, resources, and templates to help get you startedStudent reviews: I really needed this course. It's worth the money! Trissha, you're so inspiring! Dina E.Very simple instructions. I've managed to get 34 sales in my first week! Great course! Rita H.Good course. I appreciate the fact that everything is so easy to comprehend Rick F.Are you Ready To Get Started? Register Today!"
Price: 24.99

"Google Apps Script WYSIWYG editor and email HTML maker"
"Use a WYSIWYG editor to create files and save them to GDrive.  Use the files, update and select them edit and more.Send content as structure HTML emails Course covers :Create Google Apps Script Web AppAdding libraries WYSIWYG editor to Google Apps Script Web AppFind files in folderOpen files as HTML in editorSave filesEmail HTML filesSource code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Estadstica inferencial para Machine Learning con R y Python"
"Conoce toda la estadstica inferencial de la mano de Juan Gabriel Gomila, Arnau Mir y Ricardo Alberich, expertos en la estadstica y con ms de 30 aos de experiencia tanto en su docencia como en su aplicacin prctica en la empresa. Asienta las bases para convertirte en el Data Scientist del futuro con todo el contenido de estadstica inferencial del curso. En particular vers los mismos contenidos que explicamos en la carrera a los matemticos, ingenieros, economistas, bilogos, mdicos o informticos como por ejemplo:Logstica e instalacin de R y RStudio y de Anaconda Navigator para PythonDiseo experimental y tipos de muestreo, para que aprendas cmo se deben recopilar los datos para que el anlisis estadstico o de Machine Learning tenga sentido.Estimacin puntual de parmetros poblacionales, incluyendo la media, la proporcin, la desviacin tpica, el tamao de la poblacin o el mximo entre otros.Elaboracin de todos los intervalos de confianza para los parmetros poblacionales y su correcta interpretacin desde el inicio, para que nunca ms te equivoques al leer esa salida de un algoritmo de R o de Python.Contrastes de hiptesis de una muestra, de dos muestras independientes y de dos muestras emparejadas para todos los estadsticos de contraste que estudiaremos, incluso cmo automatizar el anlisis con R y con PythonBondad de ajuste, de homogeneidad y de independencia para verificar si los datos proceden de poblaciones normales, o de poblaciones independientes entre otros. Incluido el test chi cuadrado de Pearson y el test de Kolmogorov Smirnov entre otros.Anlisis de la varianza para estudiar k poblaciones en paralelo y ver si todas ellas tienen la misma media o bien alguna destaca, muy til en marketing para detectar filones de segmentos a explotar para maximizar las ventas y los beneficios.Regresin lineal simple, mltiple y clustering desde cero, para que luego puedas expandir tus conocimientos en los cursos de Machine Learning de la A a la ZTareas, ejercicios, tests, problemas y casos reales para que pongas en prctica todo lo que aprendas con nosotros en el curso.Repositorio Github con todo el material del curso para disponer de los mismos scripts que usamos en clase desde el minuto inicial.Una vez termines el curso podrs seguir con los mejores cursos de anlisis de datos publicados por Juan Gabriel Gomila como los cursos de Machine Learning o Inteligencia Artificial con Python o RStudio, el Curso de Data Science con Tidyverse y RStudio o incluso los varios cursos de Deep Learning1! Todo el material del curso est enfocado en resolver los problemas de falta de base en el mbito de estadstica inferencial que presentan los estudiantes de esos cursos avanzados y poderlo hacer en un curso a parte te permitir nivelar tus conocimientos y tomar los otros cursos con garantas de xito."
Price: 199.99