"MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"Your Journey To Pass The MS-900Perhaps this is your first step toward the certification, or perhaps you are coming back for another round. We hope that you feel this exam challenges you, teaches you, and prepares you to pass the MS-900. If this is your first course on MS-900, take a moment to relax. This could be the first step to a new high-paying job and an AMAZING career.What Is The MS-900 Focused On?The MS-900 or as its also known, the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals, like all tests, there is a bit of freedom on Microsoft's part to exam an array of subjects. That means knowing the majority of MS-900 content is required because they test randomly on the many subjects available. Be aware too that experience requirements often exist because theyve observed the average person and what is required. You can always push past that to succeed with the MS-900 but it may take some extra work.Rome Wasnt Built In A DayRemember that incredible things take time. And just like ancient monuments took years of effort, certification is not easy. It is not always quick either. If you have questions, dont forget to leave a comment and reach out. Remember That Certification Is Quite RewardingIt can be hard to keep your focus on studying but remember that the best jobs in the world are only a few tests away. Whether you enter Cyber Security or do entry level tech work, certification is a clear, learnable, and rewarding path to careers that pay a LOT of money. They offer better work-life balance and youll get in with some of the major leaders in the business world. So dont give up, it is worth it, and all this work will pay off!This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam also covers knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.This exam can be taken as a precursor to cloud computing and technologies exams, such as Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection (AIP), and Windows 10.Here is the exam outline:Understand cloud concepts (15-20%)Understand core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)Understand security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)Understand Microsoft 365 pricing and support (25-30%)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Domina PHOTOSHOP desde cero - Todo para iniciarse." |
"Lo primero que quiero contarte es que este curso esta grabado en la versin mas actualizada de photoshop y el contenido del curso se estar actualizando peridicamente. Photoshop es la herramienta por excelencia y el referente mundial para el tratamiento de imgenes, Ya sea que usted sea un fotgrafo, diseador grfico, dibujante, diagramador, diseador web, editor fotogrfico, retocador, publicista, productor audiovisual o periodista, usted en algn momento va a necesitar saber usar photoshop, y de la misma forma como es utilizado para mltiples tareas y reas tambin es su nivel de complejidad, por eso antes de especializarte en tu area es importante que conozcas las herramientas bsicas, las nociones y las formas de trabajo de photoshop, esto te va permitir a partir de este curso seguir tu camino con unas nociones solidad para especializarte en tu rea de trabajo. En este curso vamos a abordar todo que necesitas para iniciarte en el mundo de photoshop, cual es su forma de trabajo, cuales son las herramientas esenciales en cualquier tipo de trabajo, como funcionan cada una de las muchas opciones, herramientas y pinceles que este programa tiene, de tal forma que sin importar su rea de especialidad profesional ac vas a encontrar todo lo necesario para tu punto de partida en photoshop."
Price: 74.99 |
"The Complete Business Startup Playbook" |
"Looking to start a businesswith a proper foundation and strategy?Learn how to polish your plan with the Business Startup Playbook!In this 45 minute course, Nate will show give you the knowledge and tips he has learned from coaching over 200 small business owners and sole proprietors.There are so many items to keep track of when starting a business andthat is why we need to stay laser focused on the necessary building blocks for a solid foundation. Without this foundation, we are likely going to focus in the wrong areas of the business and will become inefficient. Maximizing every dollar is crucial for us to keep the business growing and keeping up with a continuing evolving market.The course is broken down into six sections:Entrepreneurial QuizBuilding Your TeamBusiness ModelStrategyCost / RiskExecutionWhether you are starting a brick/mortar restaurant or are launching a simple online retail business,this course will give you the necessary tools/resources to minimize efforts and maximize results."
Price: 19.99 |
"Thunder - Lightning - Rain Oh My" |
"I am going to help you understand what you need to do first, how to gather information about your roof, what's the condition of your shingles, how to recognize damage, how to measure, estimate cost, and bidding a roofing job. You will know what questions to ask and what to never say to a roofing contractor. One of the hardest things after you've done all of your due diligence is to find a contractor. We will help you with that. We will also cover other things to consider like filing an insurance claim and understanding your homeowners insurance. So let's get started."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Secure Your WordPress Site & Protect Files Safely" |
"Dear Business Owners,In a recent study done by Sucuri, around 90% of all the hacked content management systems that they investigated and helped fix in 2018 were WordPress sites.If you rely on your website for your business - whether that means for marketing purposes, business operations, or anything important - protecting your asset is crucial.If you haven't done it yet, then you need to do it.Why?Just like offline businesses - thieves can break into your business. Except when it comes to online security - you may not even know that theres an intruder in your site or using your site until sometimes months or years later.This is why it's essential to be proactive.Note: WordPress sites dont get hacked because of WordPress original code, but due to backdoors from 3rd party code.But what do backdoors mean? If you're not tech-savvy, what are some quick and easy ways to secure your WordPress website safely?Finally, Discover How to Secure Your WordPress Site...Even If You Know Nothing About Security.This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site.Heres a brief insight into the great assistance that we are providing you with our course:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Introduction to WP SecurityLets talk a little about WordPress. Youll also get a birds eye view of the course and how it is laid out. More importantly what you need to get started.BackdoorsUnderstanding how back doors open up to allow a hacker into your website is crucial. This way, you can protect yourself and have a plan to implement to start the process.WordPress HostingBelieve it or not, your web hosting plays a crucial part in your word press site security. We will dive into why that is the case and how you can use that to your advantage. We will also go over certain web hosting companies that have done an excellent job and protecting their clients' websites.Protect WP-AdminOne of the many lines of defense is to protect your WordPress admin login page. The reason why you want to do this is simply because the way people often get into your site is by trying to brute force their way into your login page. By brute force, we mean computers and or hackers will try and guess what your password is and your username is.Different Security PluginsThere are hundreds of different word press security plug-ins out there. The question is which one of them is going to protect you from various attacks. This video will cover precisely that.2-Step Authorization PluginsAnother line of defense is to protect your login page from a two-step authorization process. I will show you how to do this in this video.Protect Files Another line of the fence is to protect your files such as your images, your other media files, and more. Know what we mean by protecting your data is to protect them from what we call hotlinking. This is when an outside source or outside website decides to take your data, such as your images and post it on their site. What ends up happening is it inns up using your bandwidth with that you were paying to your web host. Well, that might not seem like a big deal if a hacker decided to send hundreds and thousands of people to that image that could accrue more expensive costs.Password ProtectionWell, creating a strong password may seem like common sense, you'd be surprised to know how many people do not adhere to this process. In this video, we will discuss how you can not only go about creating a stronger password, but how you can utilize password protection apps to help you remember exactly what they are. In addition to that, when you create your WordPress username and password, there are certain things you want to avoid using to prevent brute force attacks.***************************************************************************************Lets start success together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.The Elite Team Groupprofessionals of Entrepreneurs, Market Experts and Online Tutors."
Price: 189.99 |
"Filemaker ile harikalar yaratn [Filemaker'e Giri]" |
"Bu kursumuzda Filemaker ile gelitirdiiniz bir uygulamay nasl a ve internet paylama aacanz renme imkan bulacak ve Filemaker'n temellerini atm olacaksnz.Bu kursumuzda Muhasebe adnda bir uygulama yaptk. Muhasebenin stok, cari ev sat modllerini tek tek ele aldk. Sonra bunu serverda nasl paylama aacamz anlattk.Bu kursu gelitirmek isterseniz Filemaker ailesini daha detayl bir ekilde ele alan ""Sfrdan en st dzeye kadar Filemaker renin"" adl kursumuz tam da size gre. Baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 49.99 |
"Machine Learning y Ciencia de Datos con Python" |
"Este es un curso prctico de Machine Learning y Ciencia de Datos con Python en Espaol. Este curso est dirigido principalmente ms no exclusivamente para la comunidad de habla hispana explicando los conceptos que son generados en ingles en espaol.El curso se caracteriza por ofrecer los conceptos de forma concisa enfocndose en la aplicacin prctica de los mismos con muchos ejemplos ilustrativos.El curso requiere de un conocimiento previo del lenguaje de programacin en Python as como conocimientos de algebra lineal, clculo matemtico as como uso del sistema operativo Windows 10.El curso trata de forma ilustrativa los siguientes tpicos:- Configuracin del entorno de trabajo para el Machine Learning y Data Science.- Uso de Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab y Sublime.- Revisin del Web Scraping.- Recopilacin de data y conexin a bases de datos MySQL y SQlite.- Principales libreras para Data Science: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn y Plotly.- Scikit-Learn en Machine Learning.- Conceptos de Machine Learning y diferentes algoritmos para clasificacin y regresin.- Redes Neuronales Artificiales.- Machine Learning en la web con Google Colab.- Aplicaciones prcticas.El alumno tiene la oportunidad de formular preguntas o dudas en cualquier momento a travs de los foros de preguntas y respuestas o por correo electrnico al instructor."
Price: 49.99 |
"Digital Design Masterclass For Graphic Designers" |
"The future of design is digital. This course was designed to get graphic designers up to speed on the latest and greatest digitally focused projects so they can expand their skillset and offer more services. This course is massive covering so many Digital design projects from social media, icon design, web design and more. SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN (Youtube, Facebook and Instagram)ANIMATED GIFSDIGITIZING SKETCHESCREATING DIGITAL BRAND ASSETS ICON SET DESIGNAPPLE APP STORE ICON DESIGNE-BOOK COVERSWEB DESIGN USING WORDPRESSLANDING PAGE DESIGN USING ADOBE XDFirst of all we go cover Digital Design theory, learn the different aspects of designing for digital like creating powerful social media campaigns, website designs, layout for digital and even taking about accessibility in digital design. Next, we conquer several popular digital design projects including creating several YouTube thumbnails that drive users to click through. We even create an entire social media campaign and talk about how to design for facebook, instagram. We even talk about creating display ads for websites so you can feel comfortable expanding your skillset to all types of digital ad creation.Need to know how to create animated gifs using Photoshops Timeline feature? We will create an animated display ad from our previous campaign and add movement and animation. We will also learn how to create GIFS from imported video clips. Have you wanted to know how to create a compelling e-book cover? We will do just that and learn how to design for e-book covers. We talk about sizing, exporting and how to create a design that grabs the viewers attention. We will go over how to take hand written type and bring that into photoshop to use on our e-book and also learn how to work with other sketching apps to bring in hand written assets. We also create our own mock-up to display our final design.A newly added project goes into more detail about how to create hand drawn assets in procreate or other sketching apps and how to bring them into Photoshop to create modern, dynamic campaigns that have style and a unique flair. Do you like to sketch or illustrate? I even created a step by step project where we take a pencil sketch and digitize it using Adobe Illustrators Pen Tool. Knowing how to digitize sketches is a big part of expanding your skillset to the digital arena.Icon design is at the center of any digital design projects. Icons can be used on websites, mobile apps, applications and more. Using a handy provided template we will create an entire cohesive icon set. We will learn how to use grids to create a thematic set and even learn how to add color and how to export our icons in all the right sizes for use everywhere.After creating a simple, basic icon set we go even deeper to create a highly detailed Apple store App icon from scratch. We learn lots of tools, like how to use gradients to create a dimensional effect as well as the pattern tool and many more. We will learn how to export these files as well for use on the apple store as well as how to present our icon in a professional way. It is hard to teach digital design for graphic designers without including a few sections that focus on web design. We will learn what our role is as graphic designers in this space as well as how to prepare and export files for web design projects. We will learn from scratch Adobe Xd in a quick crash course. We will learn many aspects of strong web design and layout by creating a landing page together, step by step. We will even learn how to link our various pages to create a working prototype and learn some ways of how to export our files to the web developer.Finally, we will conquer a basic front page website design for a travel company using Wordpress. We will learn the very basic of Wordpress and learn the very popular page building plug-in for Wordpress called Elementor to build out our webpage using video backgrounds, parallax images, icons, columns animated text and more! We use only the free version of Elementor so not purchases are bestiary to work through this courseLastly, there are tons of downloadable resources in this class including pre-made templates for most of the projects. This includes Photoshop e-book, YouTube and social media templates and an icon set and app store icon template in Adobe Illustrator. This course is not for those students who have never been in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator before but this class is general enough for most beginner level graphic designers who are interested in adding to their skillset. For those who have never opened the Adobe software before I suggest taking the Graphic Design Masterclass to get a leg up on the basic tools. This course assumes you have very basic working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and illustrator and tools like Wordpress, Adobe Xd, Elementor page builder and more are taught from scratch so no prior experience is necessary. So are you ready to up your design game and add a whole new skillset to your offerings? Are you ready to explore this essential side of design? See you in the first lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Tai Chi Chuan forma 24 estilo Yang" |
"O curso oferece uma continuidade aos cursos de tai chi por mim publicado anteriormente, agora com uma forma tradicional simplificada do tai chi Yang , para os alunos que gostaram dos cursos anteriores e interessados no aprendizado do tai chi iram encontrar um curso essencialmente prtico, oferecendo um mtodo didtico para seu aprendizado contribuindo para a divulgao do tai chi Chuan e a qualidade de vida das pessoas , lembrando que o tai chi est entre as cinco atividades fsicas mais completas segundo a universidade de Harvard , atuando tanto no aspecto fsico como no emocional , se voc procura uma vida mais saudvel esse curso pode lhe ajudar ."
Price: 159.99 |
"Certified Information Systems Auditor Question Bank - 2020" |
"Welcome to ISACAs Certified Information Systems Auditor CISA Question Bank 2020. This question bank is a collection of all latest 2020s exam question, answer, and explanations to crack the exam easily at your very first attempt. This Test Series has been designed to be one of the most advanced and accurate Practice Tests with an effort to update continuously with new questions and accurate answers. Along with proper understanding of the CISA Job Practice distributed in the five domains, this 2020s question bank definitely going to put all prospective CISA candidates one step ahead towards becoming a Certified Information Systems Auditor An ISACA Certification."
Price: 199.99 |
"Leading Traders Give Their Best Strategies for Trading Gains" |
"Using the content from my weekly Financial Times columns 'The Diary of an Internet Trader' and my Financial Times books, my own hedge fund, and from the published interviews with the leading traders of the world such as Bill Lipschutz, this course distills all the essentials for those wishing to succeed in trading."
Price: 99.99 |
"Momentum Trading for Profit - Learn Momentum Trading" |
"How to Momentum Trade Online: Online Momentum Trading Tutorial : Learn Momentum Trading : How To Momentum Trade Online TutorialNowhere else will you have a hedge fund manager teaching you, using his own experience, his published Financial Times books and columns, and his mentors - some of the leading traders in the world, as well as academic credentials and articles to back up everything. Over 100,000 people around the world have bought my books and attended my trading coursesLatest Update: 2019 based on user feedback - more live trade examples, more step-by-step guides to strategies, audio enhanced plus lots more resources added - enjoy!This course is complete routemap for creating an online momentum trading income. I'm going to show you exactly the strategies I have used to win competitions on Bloomberg TV and Financial Times and how I went from being a private investor like you to running my own hedge fund. I also use material from my Financial Times columns and books and academic papers such as 'Trend Following Indicators: How to Use, When to Use'; 'Breaking the Black Box, Trend Following'; 'Risk and Reward in Momentum Trading'. Moreover, this course is constantly updated with bonus material and I will answer your questions in a comprehensive way. My Mission: My advanced teaching methodology shaves hours off your learning time and shows you exactly when to buy and sell. After years of teaching and trading I have finessed the approach to accelerate your learning by focusing on the practical essentials and making it fun. My mission is to take your trading to the next level and cut your learning curve to the minimum using all the latest educational techniques combined with my proven trading expertise. With continual on-going support you will join other successful traders in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take! What you will learn: We start by getting you up to speed and what the smaller trader can do to profit on the back of giant traders.What others have said about my trading teaching style: ""Patel does it again - condenses and simplifies the world of investing into an easy-to-understand indispensable handbook."" James Bateman, Head of Marketing, ODL Securities ""The Online Trading CourseBook is the best guide of its kind to personal investing and will satisfy both the beginner and the professional"". Nathan Moss, Chief Operating Officer, Merrill Lynch HSBC ""Insights into online trading from one of the leading authorities in the field.""Craig Walling, Chief Executive, Charles Schwab Europe #tradingfx #onlinetrading #forex #trader #tradeonline #momentum"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Basic SQL with SQL Server 2019 Express" |
"Features of this course: All the audio is done with a studio microphone.All the videos are filmed in 1080p. Udemy might not show them at 1080p, though. I cannot control this. Any closed captions are automatically generated. I cannot control what they say. This course uses the ""talking head"" feature, but it's small and I move around the screen to bring attention to different concepts under study. This is a course for beginners. If you are at the intermediate or advanced level, this is not the course for you. This course uses SQL Server Express 2019. If you try to use a lower version of SQL Server Express, you might have compatibility issues. The code is always created in real time, and explained line by line as it's typed. There are some exercises placed throughout the videos. Please pause and try to answer them. When code is written,it's saved under lesson resources. The first lesson with saved code is 7.There are some preview videos available so you can get a feel for the course. Please watch those. Please remember that I am only one person, so while I strive to be detailed, I cannot always think of every small point you might need covered. If it's too slow or fast, please change the speed on the player to 0.75x or 1.25x . The average video length is 4 minutes and 45 seconds.Please note this whole course is only about 1.5 hours. It's just brief introduction to SQL with SQL Server 2019 Express.Thank you for reading, and enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Exploring The Go (golang) Programming Language" |
"Google's Go Programming Language is one of the fastest growing, highest paying programming languages in the world.There is a reason for Go's popularity: Go was created by geniuses and is the next step in the evolution of programming languages. Knowing how to use Go well will increase your power and productivity as a programmer.This course will give you the skills you need to advance your Go Programming Language skills. This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use.In addition, this course will build your skills with web architecture, git, curl, interfaces, context, error handling, & escape analysis. Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about Google's Go (golang) Programming Language and collaboration. Co-taught by a tenured professor in California and a Professional Developer, this is just some of what you will learn in this course:Learn to succeed as a studentMaster intermediate skills using gitLearn how to version your codebase in gitAcquire the ability to use curl for web requestsExplore the fundamentals of software and web architectureGain insight into REST, SPA, MVC, containers, and container orchestrationExplore the nuances between monoliths and microservicesAcquire an understanding of serverless architecture and continuous integrationSolidify your abilities using interfaces to abstract code and decouple dependencies Explore the implications of method setsGain insight into code organization conventionsStrengthen your skills with writing tests and creating mocksLearn to use the context package to write idiomatic Go codeReinforce your abilities to write robust code using Go's error wrapping capabilitiesAcquire a thorough understanding of the heap, the stack, and escape analysisThis is an amazing course! This course will change your life. Being skilled at using the Go Programming Language will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency, productivity, and power as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this course.Join me and enroll now!--The art used in the course image was designed by Renee French.license: Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license"
Price: 64.99 |
"How to make a Circle Skirt for Kids" |
"Welcome to SugarPlumDolls online courses.In this lesson, I will show you how to quickly and easily DIY a circle skirt.A circle skirt is the ultimate girly skirt, party skirt, and perfect for all seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall !! With maximum princess twirl ability and you can even make it reversible!You can learn easily how to make a fun reversible circle skirt for a child!Made up of just a few pattern pieces, a circle skirt is surprisingly simple to sew. Youll easily be able to whip one of these up in a few hours!This skirt is so cute and easy you can easily make it in a couple of hours! A circle skirt is perfect for beginners new to sewing. For beginners, I recommend a light to medium weight fabric such as cotton.Circle skirts are quick and easy to make and sew, everyone loves them and you can make a basic circle skirt for play or a fancy circle skirt for a special event, flower girls, or the holidays!I think you will be really impressed with your results - and that you will learn a few new techniques and skills all while having fun."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete PowerPoint and Presentation Skills Masterclass" |
"This is the only PowerPoint course you will need if you want to learn how to design PowerPoint Presentations AND Create Compelling PowerPoint slides AND Deliver PowerPoint Presentations in a compelling, memorable and engaging manner. Most Important: You will learn how to communicate effectively with ever aspect of your visual and verbal tools.TJ Walker is the #1 Bestseller of public speaking, presentation skills, communication skills, media training and storytelling courses here on Udemy. He will lead you through every aspect of who to accomplish your primary goal: successful communication.Imran Afzal is a leading technology expert and trainer and the instructor of many top selling courses on Udemy in the fields of Linux and other IT specialties.The course is divided into two main parts.Part One covers all aspects of PowerPoint 365 ProPlus slide design and creation.Imran Afzal will be your instructor here.Message from the instructor:I am going to teach you how to create impressive PowerPoint presentation that will be your guide for effective presentation. I have covered every single detail about PowerPoint in this course and it is very simple to navigate through.Course OverviewSection 1 - Introduction Quick PowerPoint RefresherSection 2 Creating your first PowerPoint Slide Download and Install PowerPoint 365 Access or Start the PowerPoint 365 ProPlus Application Selecting Your Slide Creating First PowerPoint PresentationSection 3 - Editing Objects in Slides - Home Menu Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate Text Objects Selecting New Slides, Duplicate and Reuse a Slide Slide Layout, Resetting and Adding Sections Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline etc. Clear formatting, Highlighting text, Changing text color Bullets, Numbering, List Levels, Line spacing, Alignment and Justify Add or Remove Columns, Text Direction, Align Text, and Convert to Smart Art Drawing Shapes - Text, Circles, Squares and Arrows Order, Group and Position Object Shape Fill and Outline Find, Replace and Select (Editing) Insert Shapes and Styles (Shape Format Menu) WordArtStyles and Accessibility (Shape Format Menu) Arrange and Size Text Objects (Shape Format Menu)Section 4 - Adding Objects to Slides - Insert Menu Inserting Through Slide Themes New Slide Options Inserting a Table Table Styles, WordArt Styles and Draw Borders (Table Design) Add Row & Columns, Merge, Size & Align Cells, Table Size & Arrange (Table Layout) Insert or Import Excel Table Inserting Images (Pictures, Online Pictures, Screenshots, Photo Album) Illustrations (Shapes, iCons, 3D Models, SmartArt and Charts) Add-Ins (Get Add-ins and My Add-ins) Zoom (Insert - Link) Creating Links within Insert Menu Add Action to Objects (Insert --> Links) Add Comments (Insert --> Comment) Text, Header & Footer, WordArt, Date & Time, Slide and Object (Insert --> Text) Add Equations and Symbols (Insert --> Symbols) Add Videos to Slides (Insert --> Media) Insert Audio to Slides (Insert --> Media) Screen Recording (Insert --> Media) Remove Picture Background (Picture Format Menu) Picture Corrections, Color Artistic Effects & Transparency (Picture Adjust Menu) Compress, Change and Reset Pictures (Picture Format --> Adjust Menu) Picture Border, Effects and Layout (Picture Format --> Picture Styles) Picture Accessibility and Arrangement (Picture Format --> Arrange) Crop, and Change Picture Size (Picture Format --> Size)Section 5 - Designing Slides - Design Menu Selecting Themes Variants Customize Slide (Standard vs. Widescreen) and Format Background Designer View of SlideSection 6 - Transitions Transition from one Slide to Another Timing Slides with Sounds and DurationSection 7 - Animations Different Type of Animations (Entrance, Emphasis and Exit) Different Type of Animations (Motion Paths and Additional Effects) Motion Path Animation for Shapes Animation of Pictures and Videos Timing Animated Objects Objects Sequence or Reorder Deleting Animation From Objects Adding Multiple Animation to an Object (Advance Animation) Animation Pane, Trigger, Animation Painter (Advance Animation)Section 8 - Slide Show Starting the Slide Show Setting Up Slide Show Rehearse Timings (Set Up Slide Show) Record Slide Show Play Narrations, Use Timings, Show Media Controls (Slide Show) Monitors and Presenter View (Slide Show)Section 9 - Review Proofing, Accessibility and Insight (Review) Language (Review) Adding and Deleting Comments (Review) Comparing Presentations (Review) Hide or Delete Ink (Review)Section 10 - View Changing Presentation and Slide Views (View) Master Views (View) Ruler, Gridlines and Guides (View) Zoom (View) Color and Grayscale your Presentation (View) New Window, Arrange All, Cascade, Move Split and Switch WindowSection 11 Help Get Online Help Contact Support Feedback Show Training Whats NewSection 12 - File Menu PowerPoint 365 ProPlus Information (FILE --> Info) Saving Presentation Print, Share, Export and Close Account and Feedback General Options Proofing Options Save, Language and Ease of Access Options Advance Options Customize Ribbon, Quick AccessToolbar, Add-in and TrustCenter (Advance Options)Part Two will cover all aspects of PowerPoint Presentation deliveryTJ Walker will be your instructor here.Message from the instructor:""I am going to teach you how to deliver an effective and memorable presentation while using PowerPoint slides. Remember, any fool can stand up and read off of slides and put everyone in the room to sleep. Then Pat himself on the back that he did a professional job and didnt make any mistakes and covered all the material. This is shortsighted thinking.Im going to teach you the following:How to start every PowerPoint presentation in a compelling engaging way.How to not rely on the PowerPoint presentation as your notes or Teleprompter.A 100% Reliable means of testing The effectiveness of everyone of your PowerPoint slides before showing it to your real audience.The fastest and easiest way of rehearsing every PowerPoint presentation.A full proof way to completely eliminate all nervousness before giving a PowerPoint presentation.The ultimate way of testing the effectiveness of your entire PowerPoint presentation before and after every Delivery."" TJ Walker"
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Animated Promo Videos - 2020 Complete Walkthrough" |
"Would you like to increase your sales by using promo videos? How about an animated video where you don't even need to be on camera? Video has a huge impact on your brand credibility, and on sales. They produce substantially higher conversion rates (where customers go from browsing to buying) and you'd be crazy not to use them in your business. The problem is they are either expensive or hard to make. Not today. This course is a major shortcut to your first animated promotional video. We'll be working together in each lecture creating your video as you learn. No 'learning for learning sake' here, just actionable and productive lectures. I've been teaching the EFFICIENT WORKFLOW since 2015 and here is what my students have to say: 'This was BRILLIANT! After going through this course I felt like I was using it like a pro, I already knew all the tricks to work around the limitations of the system and was able to produce my first, very professional looking video is a really short amount of time, THANK YOU!!' -Paul'Pure information - no clutter! Enjoyed this course so much, you'll save about $104 thanks to lecture 5. This course is a shortcut to mastery.' - Brandon I didn't know what I was looking for till I found you. The course was great, no really, its fantabulous.' - April Powerful course here! Powerful, engaging and so easy to follow. All instructors need this course!' - Rosa Well done this course was amazing...I am now a convert, loved the style and engaging voice over.' - Leap Training Institute By the end of this course you will have your own promo video, all: without appearing on camerawithout having to buy anything more than a microphone and a Wideo accountwithout wasting time learning to master complex programs like Adobe After Effects.Plus you'll have my proven EFFICIENT WORKFLOW (PDF) that produces quality videos in the fastest time possible. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You are backed by Udemy's 30 day refund policy. No sweat. "
Price: 149.99 |
"How to create a Bitcoin and Ethereum crypto address - Java" |
"This course includes captions, subtitles (English) as well. New course.Learn how to create private keys and addresses offline without having an internet connection for Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies.Technical details:Java bitcoinj Java library for Bitcoin addressesethereumj Java library for Ethereum addressesbouncy castle cryptography libraryIntelliJ IDEA as development environmentMavenDo you want to create your Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses using Java libraries securely?I'm sure you do because lately, I was in that situation.A couple of months ago, I was trying to create my Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses using some of the so-called trusted and well-known cold and software wallets on the market.Initially, I thought it could be more secure to buy a hard wallet, and I did this. Then after reading the details of the installation of initial setup software on the hard wallet, I immediately decided to return the product to the seller and asked for a refund.The reason was, most of the time, they want from you to download something on your computer or the tool using the internet.Moreover, most of those wallets downloaded from the internet cannot guarantee that private keys are not being exposed to hackers, because they generally want from you to connect the internet to download their latest updates/patches.Most of the time, it is difficult to learn how the Bitcoin or Ethereum addresses are created as well; they don't provide their source codes, and even if they do, it is very complicated.Because of these reasons, I decided to create my Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses using open-source libraries. There are successful and well-coded industry-standard libraries. So, I learned how to use them to create secure, offline Bitcoin, and Ethereum addresses. And the course is going to explain how to use them in a simplified step by steps.So, if you attend this course, you are going to learn how to use those open-source libraries and create your BTC (Bitcoin and Ethereum) address offline so that you dont need to connect anywhere, download anything or use the internet as well. Addresses can be created offline using java programs.I want to mention that this is the most secure way of creating a Bitcoin or Ethereum address.I also coded/designed an accompanying online tool to demonstrate that addresses can be created online and promote my course to the prospective students :)Ok, if you are interested to create your Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses, you can enroll now.For any reason, if you don't like the course (I am sure you will find it useful), you can cancel it and get your money back.Details:You will learn how to create Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses by attending this course. Moreover, you don't need an internet connection to create Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses. All addresses will be created by open-source Java libraries and you will be able to run your code on your local computer; you will have a complete control while creating your public and private key pairs you don't need to trust somebody else's code provided most of the time in cold wallets or downloaded on your mobile phones.I will teach you how to create different Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses and you will have the source code for the applications written in this course; we will also send small amounts of cryptocurrencies to test the public addresses created by the source code provided in this course.If you attend this course and follow the steps, you don't need to buy a cold-wallet or download a wallet software on your mobile phone to create public and private key pairs. This provides additional security for Bitcoin and Ethereum users because when you download software from the internet, most of the time, it is difficult to learn how the Bitcoin or Ethereum addresses are created by those cold wallets or software; most of them don't provide their source codes and even if they do, it is very complicated. But this course is simplified and even beginner users can learn how Bitcoin or Ethereum addresses are created. Furthermore, when we download wallets from the internet, we can't be sure whether if the private keys are stored or not somewhere in remote servers, however, the accompanying software we will write here will also run offline on your local computer so you will see step by step how a Bitcoin or Ethereum address is created, so you will have the complete ownership of randomly created BTC and ETH public and private key pairs.Moreover, I will teach you how to encrypt and decrypt your private keys with a password, so it will be more secure for you to store private keys. (this part of the course is still under development)Benefits of attending this cryptocurrency course are listed below:Complete ownership of your public and private keys for Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies.Complete ownership of the source codes (coded with Java programming language) to create private keys open-source software.Understand how the addresses are created step by step (with a simplified language) without depending on external parties such as companies providing software wallets or cold wallets also named as cold storage.You will be able to encrypt your private keys and store in a safe place without the need to share anywhere which provides you the opportunity to send some cryptocurrency to your offline address and store it for many years in a safe location. (this part of the course is still under development)You don't need to depend on anyone apart from following this course which is simplified and based on open source software while creating your cold/paper wallets.Understand Bitcoin and Ethereum, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies."
Price: 19.99 |
"Golang gRPC API - Beginner to Expert" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create gRPC API's using Golang. You will learn production ready techniques to put you at the top of Golang gRPC programmers. We will learn how to get 100% coverage from all of our models and endpoints. We will also build unary and stream interceptors. We will also explore sqlmock and how it can help us achieve 100% coverage. We will build our own mock files from our models. Come and explore the new and excited gRPC with me!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Terraform on Azure" |
"Terraform allows you to write your cloud setup in code. If you have used Azure before, you'll know that setting up your infrastructure using the Azure Portal (the Web UI) is far from ideal. Terraform allows you use Infrastructure as Code, rather than executing the steps manually by going through the correct steps in the Azure Portal.This course will teach you how to write HCL, the HashiCorp Configuration Language, to bring up your infrastructure on Azure. Terraform is cloud agnostic, so the terraform skills learned in this course are easily transferrable to other cloud providers. After teaching you the terraform basics, the course will continue setting up simple architectural patterns, like VMs, to get you used to how terraform works. Once you have a good feeling of how you can use terraform, we dive a bit deeper into the possible Azure Services you can spin up, like Autoscaling, LoadBalancing, MSSQL & MySQL, CosmosDB, Storage Accounts, Azure AD, and others. Also covered is advanced terraform usage, like using remote state, for/foreach loops, and conditionals/functions.Our mission is to ensure you can start using terraform with Azure in your organisation to automate the provisioning of cloud infrastructure. After taking this course, you'll have a solid basis of Terraform and Azure!"
Price: 39.99 |
dr_imad_courses |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Learn how to build a web based management software with HTML" |
"Do you want to create a modern management software, based on web technology and working on any Smartphone, Tablet, PC device?This is the right course for you.Starting from the basics during the course, a simple software project of a web app that manages contacts and contacts will be explained in detail. Through the lessons we will deal step-by-step with all the operations to create the application, from the preparation of the work environment then download Xampp, Bootstrap 4, Fontawesome and FPDF library, to writing the code that implements all the interface, reading and writing.During the course we will perform various functions:MySql database configurationHTML5 interface design using Bootstrap 4Implementation of Javascript / JQuery / AJAX functions for interfacing with the PHP server codeWriting PHP code for dialogue with the databaseWriting PHP code to use the FPDF library for the purpose of creating PDF files to be printed or saved directly in the BrowserGuide for exporting the project from local to remote to publish it online on your web spaceThe DEMO program created ""ad-hoc"" for this course allows you to:Manage an online address book with an infinite number of contactsEach contact is defined by 4 fields: Last Name, First Name, phone, emailThe program allows the insertion, modification and deletion of contactsWith a simple button you can generate a PDF file with the directory list or print a ""vcard"" of a single contact always in PDF formatA search box allows you to find a specific contactThrough a simple PHP code it is possible to export the address book to an Excel format file."
Price: 19.99 |
"Masterestaurant - Crear y potenciar restaurantes xitosos" |
"Cmo crear, potenciar, administrar y hacer crecer un restaurante rentable y exitoso? es el primer entrenamiento altamente especializado de MASTERESTAURANT en su tipo para potenciar los elementos claves en los restaurantes para potenciar su xito y rentabilidad.Combina experiencia internacional y nacional con tecnologa digital del ms alto nivel, que no solo le apunta triplicar las posibilidades de xito de su negocio aumentando la rentabilidad y satisfaciendo las preguntas que todo dueo y administrador de restaurante siempre a querido responder al momento de comprar, operar, vender y franquicias su restaurante.Si ud. es dueo, socio administrador, gerente, lider o firma parte del equipo de un restaurante y quiere aumentar sus resultados, mejorar su operacin y operar un restaurante ms exitoso o rentable este es el curso para ud."
Price: 179.99 |
"Introduccin a la Gestin Sostenible de Residuos" |
"En este curso aprenders lo que puedes hacer en tu vida diaria para ser ms sostenible y ayudar al medioambiente desde la gestin correcta de residuos.El curso es apto para todos los pblicos y no necesitas conocimientos previos sobre la materia, el contenido del curso est explicado de manera sencilla y amena para que sea lo ms didctico posible.S el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo ;)"
Price: 29.99 |
"Advanced Web Scraping with Python using Scrapy & Splash" |
"Hi there & welcome to the most advanced online resource on Web Scraping with Python using Scrapy & Splash. This course is fully project based means pretty much on each section we gonna scrape a different website & tackle a different web scraping dilemma also rather than focusing on the basics of Scrapy & Splash we gonna dive straight forward into real world projects, this also means that this course is absolutely not suitable for beginners with no background on web scraping, Scrapy, Splash & XPath expressions.---This courses covers variety of topics such as :---Requests chaining, like how the requests must be sent in a certain order otherwise they won't be fulfilled at all.How to analyse a website before scraping it, this is an important step to do since it helps a lot in choosing the right tools to scrape a website & it literally has a huge impact on the performance of your final product.How to optimize Splash scripts by reducing/aborting all the unnecessary requests that has nothing to do with the data points you're going to scrape, this is an important thing to do if you care about the performance of Splash as it is the key to bypass 504 Gateway Timeout HTTP errors in Splash. We gonna also cover how to build a Cluster of Splash instances with a load balancer(HAProxy) rather than having one fully overloaded Splash instance this also helps in bypassing 504 Gateway Timeout errors. Heavy data processing, you'll understand how Input & Output processors work so you'll be able to use them in order to clean the scraped data points as this will ensure the quality of your feeds.We'll use ScrapyRT (Scrapy RealTime) to build spiders that can fetch data in real time.Showcase the scraped data points in a minimalist web app using ScrapyRT & Flask, this is extremely helpful for web scraping freelancers.Bypass Google ReCaptcha, please don't get me wrong on this point, I don't mean that we will solve it using Scrapy, instead I'm gonna show you a technique that I use frequently to fool websites and let them think that the request is sent using a browser & was performed by a human being !Build clean & well structured spidersFinally, we gonna build a Desktop app using Tkinter, the app will fetch & execute all the available spiders in your Scrapy project, you can also choose the feed type, feed location & name, this is also extremely helpful & important if you're a web scraping freelancer, it is always a good idea to deliver to your client a desktop app rather than installing Scrapy on his machine & stuff like that.This course is straight to the point, there's no ""foo bar"" or ""quotes to toscrape dot com"" as other courses do so make sure you have a good level of focus & lot of determination & motivation.By the end of this course, you'll sharpen your skills in web scraping using Scrapy & Splash, you'll be able to write clean & high performing spiders that differentiate you from others, this also means if you're a web scraping freelancer you'll get more offers since you can deliver ""User-Friendly"" spiders with a Graphical User Interface(GUI) or web apps that fetches data in real-time. So join me on this course & let's harvest the web together !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Inovao 4.0 com Inteligncia Artificial e Blockchain" |
"A Inteligncia Artificial e Blockchain esto causando mudanas profundas na nossa sociedade, em uma velocidade e com impacto centenas de vezes maior do que qualquer outra grande transformao ocorrida na histria da humanidade.Porm, mudanas trazem oportunidades, e oportunidades dependem da capacidade dos empreendedores as perceberem e de inovar, criando produtos e servios disruptivos e que agrem valor as pessoas ou as empresas.Este curso traz um panorama amplo sobre empreendedorismo nesta nova era e como ela depende diretamente de nossa capacidade de inovar. Ainda, voc ter oportunidade de entender melhor fenmenos como Inteligncia Artificial, IOT e BlockchainInscreva-se agora e seja bem-vindo ao mundo 4.0!"
Price: 39.99 |
aftereffectsfromzero |
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Price: 24.99 |
socialmediastar |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Fundamentals of English Grammar Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Hi, welcome to my course on 'Fundamentals of English Grammar'!The aim of this course is to help you develop your English grammar knowledge so that you're able to use the language accurately and appropriately.The range of grammar concepts covered in this course begin from beginner to intermediate. There are 15 units in this course and each units covers a particular aspect of English grammar.Our course is designed to make learning grammar easy, and as fun as possible, and to do that, we aim to do the following.Create lessons that are easily digestible. Our lessons range from 2 to 5 minutes and we stick to a very narrow range of topic so that we keep a simple focus, which makes learning grammar simple.Worksheet to check your understanding. There are 54 exercise worksheet which you can use to check your understanding of each grammar concept you learn.Please feel free to take a look at some of the sample lessons to find our what our course is like."
Price: 149.99 |
"Google Cloud Professional Cloud Developer Practice Exams" |
"Updated - 12/13/2019""According to Global Knowledges Salary Survey for 2018 a GCP Cloud Architect had the highest salary at $139,529"". Getting Google Cloud Certified or even just learning more can add value to your career earningsLooking to accomplish your Google Cloud Platform Professional Developer Certification. These Practice Questions should aid in your accomplishmentThese are practice questions that should enable to you to test your knowledge around Google Cloud Developer Exam objectives. This is not a course. Who would be the target audience?Existing DevelopersExisting Cloud Managers and Administrators Programmers Interested in Deploying Applications on GCPPeople interested in hosting highly scaleable, fault tolerant applications (such as Wordpress and Joomla) on the GCP platform IaaS or PaaS.Taking the GCP exam and need to get certified Quickly..."
Price: 29.99 |