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"QuickBooks Desktop Job Costing"
"This QuickBooks Desktop Job Costing course will provide the resources for learners to develop a solid understanding of job costing concepts and the tools QuickBooks provides to create an effective job costing system.The course will include four example problems demonstrating different job costing systems and methods that can be used.We will provide backup files so learners can jump forward in the problems or rework any component of a problem. The use of backup files is not a requirement of the course, however.If you have an older version of the software and cannot use backup files, you can still work the practice problems from start to finish. We will be creating new files for each practice problem so learners can follow along from start to finish without the need for a backup file.The course will start out reviewing a job costing system, gaining an understanding of the objectives of a job costing system. Then we will discuss the tools provided by QuickBooks to achieve our objectives in the QuickBooks software.We will start by reviewing the end products of the four job costing system practice problems we will be creating in later in the course. This review process will allow us to visualize where we are headed in the course. Then we will start working problems from start to finish.Our first QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks using a work in process or WIP account to track costs. We will start out using a limited number of accounts and items and walk through each step in detail.The second QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks, focusing on the Cost of Goods Sold account. We will use a small number of accounts and items. We will discuss adjusting entries that can be used to adjust the financial statements to the appropriate accounting method required.The third QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks with the use of more accounts and items, resulting in a system that provides more detailed reports.The fourth QuickBooks problem will run a job cost system in QuickBooks with the use of the classes feature. We will discuss the pros and cons of using this option."
Price: 199.99

"QuickBooks Desktop Not for Profit Organizations"
"QuickBooks Desktop Not for Profit Organizations will provide the tools to enter data into QuickBooks for a not for profit organization.This QuickBooks course will consist of three comprehensive practice problems. One problem will be for a charitable organization, one for a health care organization, and one for a not for profit school.We will learn how to set up a QuickBooks file for a not for profit organization.The course will show how to create a chart of accounts and items list for a not for profit organization.Learners will learn how to enter data into the QuickBooks system using forms.We will learn how to customize forms so that they can be used to provide to donors.The course will show how to generate and analyze reports. We will also learn how to print, display, and distribute reports.Learners will learn how to use the QuickBooks class feature to categorize expenses as restricted or unrestricted. We will also learn to use the job costing feature to track each restricted item in detail.The course will provide backup files that allow learners to jump forward or rework any part of the comprehensive problem.We will also provide Excel files as we work through the problem. We will break each comprehensive problem done and enter it into the system one journal entry at a time. We will show how the journal entry would be entered using debits and credits in Excel first, and then enter the transaction into QuickBooks. Excel is a more transparent system, making it easier to see and understand the connections. Once we understand the objective, we will then move to QuickBooks to enter the data. The system of first Entering data into Excel to understand the objective will be very useful when we need to use more complex features like class tracking and job costing."
Price: 199.99

"S Corporation Income Tax - Form 1120S"
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of an S Corporation tax return into Form 1120S. This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1120S that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again. We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how they work. We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem. Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information. We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1120S. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website. The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible. We will start the data input with the balance sheet. Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance. Next, we will systematically go through Schedule K and M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet. We will then review the tax forms. Next, we will review the Form K-1s and basic calculations. The course will demonstrate the exporting of the K-1 Form to the individual Form 1040 for an owner of the S corporation."
Price: 199.99

"Partnership Income Tax (Form 1065)"
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of a Partnership into tax Form 1065.This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1065 that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again.We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how they work.We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem.Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information.We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1065. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website.The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible.We will start the data input with the balance sheet.Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance.Next, we will systematically go through Schedule K and M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet.We will then review the tax forms.Next, we will review the Form K-1s and basic calculations.The course will demonstrate the exporting of the K-1 Form to the individual Form 1040 for an owner of the Partnership, showing the flow through process."
Price: 199.99

"C Corporation Income Tax (Form 1120)"
"This course currently consists of a comprehensive problem showing the data input process of a C Corporation into tax Form 1120.This course will put together a systematic format of entering data into a Form 1120 that will minimize errors, isolate problems as they happen, and remove the possibility of having to start the process all over again.We will enter each M-1 adjustment individually into both the tax return and an Excel worksheet so that we fully understand how M-1 adjustments function.We will start by reviewing the data for the comprehensive problem.Then we will enter the data into an Excel worksheet that will be used to help us organize the information.We will be using Lacerte Tax software to enter the tax data into Form 1120. However, we will also provide PDF files of the tax forms so learners can enter the data directly into the tax forms as we go. The tax forms can also be found on the IRS website.The course will demonstrate how to enter the data into the tax forms in stages to reduce potential mistakes and to identify mistakes as they happen so they can be fixed as easily as possible.We will start the data input with the balance sheet.Then we will enter the income statement as it is formatted in the adjusted trial balance.Next, we will systematically go through the M-1 adjustments. We will isolate these adjustments, reviewing them on the tax forms, in the software, and using our Excel worksheet.We will then review the tax forms."
Price: 199.99

"Despega con Instagram"
"Como emprendedor he pasado por muchas situaciones y una de ellas es querer ser ms productivo con los recursos disponibles.Tal vez te sientes frustrado porque no obtienes los resultados esperados en las Redes Sociales y por eso piensas que no vale la pena invertir en ellas.Que pensaras si te digo que puedes cambiar esta situacin y lograr aumentar tus ganancias en Instagram para que puedas tener un negocio exitoso?Estoy muy contento de que tengas la posibilidad de unirte a esos emprendedores que ya estn aprovechando las tcnicas y los recursos que estaremos viendo en Despega con Instagram.Aumenta tus ventas sin preocuparte por la cantidad de seguidores que tengas, si es 1 o 1.000.000, puedes incrementar tus ingresos a travs de Instagram. ***************************CONTENIDO***************************************No quiero llenarte de una gran cantidad de clases, lo que aqu veremos es claro y conciso, no necesitas cantidad sino calidad, as que aprovecha la sustancia que ac encontrars.Conoce a tu pblicoConoceremos los aspectos bsicos de la Red Social del momento.Tambin aprenderemos cmo definir hacia donde apuntar para lograr nuestros objetivos.Conceptos bsicos en Instagram.Conoce tu pblico. Establece tu CLIENTE IDEAL.Cmo crear relaciones en InstagramTe hablar de cmo conseguir la atencin de esa audiencia y lograr que se enganchen con tu negocio, empresa o marca personal.Te explicar 5 pasos a seguir que te garantizarn una buena relacin con esas personas que luego te comprarn.Luego de esto, no vers igual la forma en la que le hablars a tu pblico. Crear contenidos que impactanDescubrirs lo que necesitas para tener un perfil de negocio que vende, con las caractersticas que harn que tus clientes te identifiquen y tengan la certeza de lo que puedes ofrecerle.Tambin veremos los diferentes formatos de publicacin dentro de Instagram, explicar las medidas ptimas para cada una ellas y as podrs generar contenidos de calidad.De igual forma dar recomendaciones para sacarle provecho a cada una de las maneras de mostrarte en esta Red Social. Creacin de contenidosDescubrirs lo que necesitas para tener un perfil de negocio que vende, con las caractersticas que harn que tus clientes te identifiquen y tengan la certeza de lo que puedes ofrecerle.Tambin veremos los diferentes formatos de publicacin dentro de Instagram, explicar las medidas ptimas para cada una ellas y as podrs generar contenidos de calidad.De igual forma dar recomendaciones para sacarle provecho a cada una de las maneras de mostrarte en esta Red Social.Diseando contenidos sin ser diseadorTe ensear a utilizar una herramienta que te permitir disear imgenes espectaculares sin ser diseador, solo debes poner a trabajar tu creatividad, buen gusto y listo.Haremos todo desde cero en una clase totalmente prctica.Ventajas de un perfil de negocio en InstagramPor qu debemos tener una cuenta comercial y no personal?Hablaremos sobre las ventajas que te dar tener una cuenta de negocios en Instagram.Si an no te has cambiado, te ests perdiendo de muchas ventajas que te harn tomar las riendas, as que no esperes y entrate de todo lo que Instagram te ofrece.Crear un perfil de negocio en InstagramCambiaremos una cuenta personal a una de negocio.Todo ser de manera prctica.Cmo crear el calendario editorial y programar las publicaciones en InstagramAprende a crear el calendario editorial para que aproveches al mximo las mejores horas en Instagram, aquellas en las que tus seguidores estn ms activos.Tambin te explicar paso a paso una extraordinaria herramienta que te permite programar los contendios y que estos se publiquen de forma automtica.***************************INSCRBETE YA****************************************"
Price: 59.99

"Practical iOS Networking with URLSession and Alamofire"
"Phones are becoming the most important part of your personal and professional life. It doesn't matter how simple your app is, it is essential for any app to seamlessly interact with the Internet or with other phones across the room connected via internet. This course provides a compilation of methods to accomplish this level of connectivity with examples and best practices for each of these methods.The Client-Server model dictates that the server component is to be designed in such a way that it can facilitate communication with one or more clients. This is a widely prevalent architecture that we employ in designing products and services and its not alien to iOS clients that we build today. On the iOS platform, we have a variety of frameworks assisting in accomplishing various things without having to rely on third-party frameworks. This includes communicating with the server whenever necessary without affecting performance of your app. This course will explain all the important aspects of network programming. You will also build a complete app which will not only cover best practices but enterprise level app design as well.You will also learn to integrate OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 into your iOSapps."
Price: 19.99

"Airflow: Basics for Beginners"
"Apache Airflowis an open-source tool for orchestrating complex workflows and data processing pipelines. I have put together this video tutorial to get you started with Airflow. In this course you will learn what Airflow is, how it compares to other alternatives and how you can get started with Airflow to run your own tasks in a workflow as directed acyclic graph (DAG). You will learn to think how your work can be divided into tasks which can be executed independently. You will also learn as how you can merge these tasks into a logical graph."
Price: 19.99

"Getting Started With Flutter 1.0"
"Flutter is modern way of developing cross platform apps for both Android and iOS. Flutter allows you to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase. Well it doesn't end there Flutter can now run on Mac, Linux and Windows. Google's new Fuchsia OS's UI runs on Flutter. So if you learn this platform, you are not only learning to develop mobile apps but you are learning to develop on more than 6 different platforms with code that has single codebase. Sounds exciting then join me here to learn about Flutter."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners to Advanced NumPy"
"Numerical Python or Numpy is an important library when it comes to performing complex computation. In this course, we deep dive into Numpy starting with basic concepts, explaining what , why and motivations for creating such library to advanced concepts. This course can be a pathway towards becoming a data scientist."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Airflow : Develop Data Pipelining & Workflow"
"Data engineering is a field that can be thought as a superset of business intelligence and data warehousing which brings more elements from software engineering. The reason data engineering exists today is because companies have massive treasure troves of data, but to provide value the data must be extracted. Data engineering provides the toolbox and is how we make sense of that data quickly and effectively.When it comes to managing data collection, munging and consumption, data pipeline frameworks play a significant role and with the help of Apache Airflow, task of creating data pipeline is not only easy but its actually fun. Originated from AirBnb, Airflow soon became part of the very core of their tech stack.The data infrastructure ecosystem has yet to show any sign of converging into something more manageable. It seems like were still in a huge phase of expansion where every new day bring new distributed database, new frameworks, new libraries and new teammates. As these systems get more complicated and evolve rapidly, it becomes even more important to have something like Apache Airflow that brings everything together in a sane place where every little piece of the puzzle can be orchestrated properly with sane APIs.So in this course we will be learning as how to reach feature completeness with this amazing orchestration tool called Apache Airflow. You will not only learn to setup the environment but also learn how to create workflow pipeline with real world example so don't wait and sign-up today and get started.Looking forward to seeing you in this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Flutter Tips and Tricks"
"Flutter is Google's answer to cross platform development natively. Flutter creates apps that can run on iOS and Android without many changes. Google is also working on making Flutter available for desktop as well so if you know Flutter, your knowledge will expand beyond mobile app development. This course assumes that you already know Flutter so we will focus on solving for some very specific use cases. If you detailed Flutter courses please checkout my other courses on Flutter."
Price: 19.99

"iOS 12 & Swift with Firebase - Learn by example"
"In this coursewe are going to learn to create a complete app end to end from user login screen all the way to saving data to Firebase backend. This course is designed for all levels of iOS app developers who have knowledge of individual components and want to design an app from scratch. If you want to learn how to Develop iOS Apps with Firebase backend and want to see how to integrate TouchID, FaceID and Keychain security into your app then you have come to the right place.We will not only create every single components in this app from scratch but we will also learn how to manage external dependencies using Cocoapods and secure our app with Firebase authentication. You will also learn about permission priming, implementing different workflows based on user's authentication types and choosing to save their credentials into the Keychain secure enclave. In this app you will learn how to handle service side error cases and paths taken based on user's device capabilities. Also, in this course we will spend some time on errors and debugging the problems. Debugging an issue is one of the most important areas of the software development. So this is another very important aspect of the course.Last but not the least, you will learn how to use Firebase FireStore to keep multiple user's data private from each other."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Machine Learning Core ML 2.0, Create ML & Swift"
"Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is all around us. Autonomous delivery robots, self-driving cars, Apple Siri, Google Home, Amazon Alexa are some common examples of how machine learning and artificial intelligence have become integral part of our day to day life.Do you ever wonder as what are the driving factors for these innovations, what are the fundamental building blocks behind these and what will it take to learn all these skills to apply on your app? If you ever wonder about all this then this course is for you.This course will teach you, how to integrate machine learning into your iOS apps. We are going to learn concepts, types and areas of machine learning while building apps to utilize techniques learned. We will build and train our own machine learning models to classify images as well as classify textual data via Apple's new Natural Language Processing framework. This course will teach you to perform common machine learning tasks. We will focus on practical applications backed with intelligence of machine learning, using hands-on Swift code examples.You will learn how to train machine learning models on your computer. You will develop several smart apps, including a healthy snack classifier, berry fruit classification, Neural Network based style transfer app to turn your photos into famous painter's masterpiece and a lot more!This is the perfect course for you if you're interested in machine learning, or if youre looking to switch into an exciting new career track.Youll Get Premium SupportAs a student of this course, youll get personalized attention and support.Our 30-day money-back guaranteeIf you aren't satisfied with your purchase, we'll refund you your money - no questions asked! We want to make sure you're completely satisfied with the course. That's why we're happy to offer you this money-back guarantee.Why wait go ahead and click the enroll button."
Price: 19.99

"Beginning Collections Views in Swift 5 and iOS"
"A collection view is a way to present an ordered set of data items using a flexible and changeable layout. The most common use for collection views is to present items in a grid-like arrangement, but collection views in iOS are capable of more than just rows and columns. In this course you will learn to harness the power of Collection Views. Build an app from scratch, and customize it by creating and manipulating custom collection view cells. You will also learn how to create UICollectionViews programmatically and add supplemental views to display custom header for each section of your collection view. This course is designed for anyone who wants to create flexible grid layout using collection views. This course takes practical approach by teaching you each aspect in order to create an efficient collection view along with tip and tricks associated with collection views."
Price: 19.99

"Getting started with Kotlin"
"Google announced at Google I/O 2017 that Kotlin will be the supported language for building Android applications. This allows Kotlin to be the first class language for Android platform.Are you Looking to boost your income as a Developer? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Kotlin Programming will give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?Build a strong foundation in Android Development, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA and object-oriented Kotlin Programming with this quick start guide for Kotlin."
Price: 19.99

"SwiftUI Quick Start Guide with iOS 13 and Xcode 11"
"In WWDC19 Apple introduced SwiftUI, which uses a declarative syntax to create user interfaces and enables powerful new visual design tools in Xcode.SwiftUI is described as ""a new framework built from the ground up to take advantage of everything that Swift had to offer"".SwiftUI is a huge deal. Instead of building a user interface in code with Apple's UIKit framework, you describe it with declarative statements, adding modifiers to customize the way they are rendered on the screen. This includes animations and other visual effects.A declarative framework is not only quicker to code, but also works naturally with visual builders. Xcode 11 includes design tools for constructing a SwiftUI user interface with drag-and-drop, using Inspectors to set properties. A preview shows what your application will look like, and you can also push the preview instantly to an iPhone or other device for testing there.SwiftUI works across all Apple platforms, WatchOS, iOS, iPadOS (newly announced for iPad), MacOS and TVOS.In this course, we will explore all there is available to know about SwiftUI."
Price: 19.99

"Pragmatic Approach to MVVM Design Pattern in iOS and Swift 5"
"MVVM design pattern is the next step towards the future of apps. MVVM allows you to create apps that are scalable, maintainable and testable. MVVM allows developers to use their existing coding skills to create amazing iOS applications. As the application grows MVVM design allows the developers break the app into smaller components keeping code quality in check and allowing app to grow.This course is for anyone who has been using MVC design pattern and now wants to take their skills to the next level. Despite being one of the old design pattern MVVM is relatively new in the iOS community. Apps designed with MVVM pattern allows you to write complex apps which can be tested and updated easily through the use of MVVM design principles.What are the requirements?A Mac ComputerXcode 10 or aboveiOS 12 or aboveBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK"
Price: 19.99

"Internationalization and Localization in iOS & Swift"
"Developing apps take time and energy, by no mean it's a small effort and to make it popular is another story. Developing app is not just writing code and designing apps but making is intuitive and available to as wider audience as possible. Localizing your app is relatively easy if you start from the day one and make every effort to internationalize user interface every where you see fit. Apple makes it really easy to internationalize apps whether it being new apps or existing apps, all you need to do is follow few easy guidelines and keeping small things in mind while developing your app.International market should never be an afterthought. More than 70% of iPhone users live outside United States and majority of them don't speak english as their primary language so having an app support their regional language has greater chances of success as compare to others who don't.This course will prepare you for all that. We will cover following topics:- Preparing your app with internationalize strings- Preparing your app with internationalize dates- Preparing your app with custom date formats- Preparing your app with local numbers and their formats- Preparing your app with regional currencies and their formats- Preparing your app with local measurement units- Preparing your app with localized and internationalized imagesWe will look at examples as how to use them and how you can put it all in single file so your chosen translators can add their language translations for you to import them into your apps and start supporting them with ease."
Price: 19.99

"Supporting Dark Mode in iOS 13 and Swift 5"
"In WWDC19 with the announcement of iOS 13, Apple announced to support long requesting feature called Dark Mode. White backgrounds can be a bit overwhelming, but Dark Mode lets you focus on the main content more, whether it's new Memoji stickers in messages or browsing through playlists in Apple Music. Browsing through photos also feels more intimate and immersive with Dark Mode engaged.Its also easy to turn on Dark Mode. You can do it right from within Control Center with a dedicated button. Even better, you can schedule Dark Mode to turn on and off at a specific time or based on sunrise and sunset.Apple is letting third-party developers tap into its Dark Mode API so that their apps are optimized in a similar way.So, is your app ready to support new customer obsession? If not, this course is for you.In this course you will learn to adopt best practices for iOS 13 while developing for dark mode support. You will also see how you can make your existing app work for dark mode. We will cover all the pitfalls and look into various different assets while making sure that you understand as what it takes to develop and be ready for new dark mode interface for your apps running on iOS 13.So if you are ready for the challenge, come join me in this fascinating journey of supporting ""Dark Mode""."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Core Data in SwiftUI"
"SwiftUI: In WWDC 19 Apple announced a new and innovative way to design your user interface and they called it ""SwiftUI"". SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. With a declarative Swift syntax that's easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync.Core Data: Core Data is a framework that you use to manage the model layer objects in your application. It provides generalized and automated solutions to common tasks associated with object life cycle and object graph management, including persistence.In this course we will be looking at combining SwiftUI and Core Data to build a real world app. Throughout this course, we will go through step by step creating an app end to end to show you as how you can combine both of these amazing tech stacks to accomplish something truly amazing. This is a practical course and you will be learning by building, debugging and testing the app all the way to the end of the project.So please join us in this journey and create something amazing together."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Core Data with Example"
"In this video course, you will learn to write your very first Core Data app end to end. You will see how easy it is to start with Core Data and make a professional app that can be published into the app store. App we will be making is simple Todo list because everyone understand the business problem around it, which is to create tasks to do :) which leaves us in a state where we can talk about architecture, design patterns, code structure and other important things that needs to be done to make a slick looking app. You will not only learn about saving and retrieving data from Core Data but you will also learn how to better structure your code that is decoupled  and ready to be scaled. You will learn about MVVM design pattern along the way, which will improve your app architecture understanding and skillsYou will learn real debugging skills by debugging issues that comes up during the app development and how to track them down and resolve them.We will explore how data models are created in Core Data, add new records, fetch records from the backing data store in Core Data, along with sorting filtering, updating and deleting data from the data store.There is a lot to learn and you will have fun with all the practical examples that we will see to learn new concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Ace Programming Interviews with Practical Example in Swift"
"Data structures and algorithms is a complex topic and can be a challenging due to level of complexity involved. This course introduces new way to learn data structures and algorithms by not only learning about them but solving real interview questions around those newly learned concepts. We will be looking at data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees etc and algorithms like sorting algorithms, and algorithms on binary search trees and heaps. But while working on concepts for those data structures and algorithms we will also cover many interview questions and build solutions for them to fortify the concepts we have learned. also cover recursion in this course. After taking this course, you will loose your fear for data structures and algorithms and you will be able to propose new and improved algorithmic solutions to problems that will be efficient, performant, and scalable.You will be able to whiteboard interview questions, conceptualize new algorithms, solve Leetcode, Hacker rank, interview bits questions This course is good for anyone who is preparing or already in the process of interviewing to become developer/engineering at big, medium or small tech companies. During the interview process, Interviewer asks candidate to write algorithms out in code, and this course will prepare you for not only to write algorithm and code it but will also teach you as how to analyze the problem and think about the potential solution for the problem in hand."
Price: 19.99

"SwiftUI In Depth"
"In WWDC 19 Apple announced the next big thing in their dev community SwiftUI.SwiftUI is new way of creating UI/UX for your apps, in a declarative manner. By combining choices of views and modifiers you can create complex user interfaces with ease.SwiftUI helps data binding to User Interfaces easy with the introduction of Combine Framework. When the data changes, so does the UI and vice versa.SwiftUI is also incredibly reusable. Views you create can be reused time and time again.With SwiftUI apple also introduced SwiftUI Previews in Xcode 11 and to show you in real time as how your code changes will effect the look of your app.In this course we will take a deep dive into each component that builds SwiftUI. We will also build working apps after learning components and their properties."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo dibujar Animales - Dibujo artstico"
"Curso sobre cmo dibujar y pintar animales realistas a partir de distintas metodologas y tcnicas. A lo largo del curso vamos a ver contenidos tericos y prcticos para abordar la representacin de distintas especies animales. Entenderemos sus diferentes morfologas y aprenderemos a representarlas de distintos modos, as como sus texturas y posturas, aprendiendo tambin sobre gestualidad, iluminacin y sombreado, y muchos ms contenidos de ilustracin explicados paso a paso y en detalle. A travs de los vdeos aprenders de manera sencilla y entretenida todos los contenidos, de la mano de un artista experimentado (licenciado en Bellas Artes y con un mster de enseanzas artsticas) para aprender a hacer a lpiz dibujos de toda clase de animales."
Price: 34.99

"Cmo hacer Maquetas y Escenografa - Escultura en miniatura"
"En este curso aprenders a realizar maquetas y escenografas en miniatura, paso a paso. Basndonos en el diseo del interior de un templo (por la cantidad de mtodos y procedimientos que implica) aprenders sobre diseo y planificacin a escala, y trabajaremos con distintos materiales, principalmente de reciclaje y de muy facil acceso para todo el mundo, a partir de los cuales podremos recrear toda clase de volmenes mediante su manipulacin y ensamblado. Tambin aprenderemos a modelar, a crear texturas diversas, y a trabajar con el color en distintas fases para alcanzar unos resultados realistas. Y finalmente veremos algunos efectos para un acabado ms espectacular. En definitiva, un curso muy completo para los amantes de las manualidades, que engloba todo el proceso creativo del modelismo: Diseo, Estructura y composicin, Modelado, Texturizado, Ornamentacin, Fases de color, ensamblaje y efectos."
Price: 54.99

"FL Studio 20 Eitim Seti: Trap Mzik Besteleyerek renin"
"FL Studio 20 Eitim Seti tmyle renci ve renim odakl tasarlanm, Mert Balka'n YouTube, Instagram ve Discord mecralarndaki rencilerinden de byk ilgi ve beklenti toplam, kolay anlalr ve rafine edilmi bir mfredata sahip. Trap mzik beat'lerini ve bestelerini proje konusu yaparak reten, retirken rencinin derslere ve uygulamaya muhakkak dahil olmas gerektiini hatrlatan didaktik bir yaps var. Kurs bnyesindeki dersler, testler, makaleler, pratik yapma alanlar ve byk projeler ile FL Studio 20'yi kolayca kavrayabileceinizi biliyorum. Sadece sizler iin hazrland, sizler gibi dnerek hazrland, sizler iin de srekli olarak ierik gncellemesi yaplacaktr.Kursunuz:cretsiz orijinal deneme srm kullanlarak ekildi.Deneme srm fikri, programa eriimi kolaylatrmaktr.Proje tabanl bir eitim verir.Uygulama yapmanza olanak tanr ve bu konuda srarc olur.erik plan 17 senelik tecrbeme gre, doru ayrntlarn alt izilerek yapld.Eitim video'lar rencilerin algsn, motivasyonunu hedefleyip maksimize etmek adna montaj mantyla ekildi.Anlatmlarn aklayc, sade olmas ve nokta at yapmas hedeflendi.Doru ekilde renip uygulamanz iin doru kelimeler seilip doru konulara deinildi.FL Studio'nun yaratcs olan Image-Line firmas gerekten ""kolay anlalr, kullanc dostu"" bir yazlm bizlere sunmutur. Programn imkanlar, piyasadaki dier DAW (digital audio workstation) yazlmlarna ou ekilde benzemekle beraber, art olarak kullanm rahatl, ses bankalarnn zengin oluu ve bilgisayara ekstra performans yk bindirmeyii ile bilinir. Hazr olduunuzda bir sonraki derste bulualm!"
Price: 59.99

"SAP Project Essential Training"
"Help your business team prepare for and participate in the SAP project journey! Get an early read on timelines, processes, responsibilities, and potential setbacks. Understand how your implementation, upgrade, or migration is structured, how to assemble the deliverables, and how to dodge common pitfalls. With this preview of what to expect, what questions to ask, and when to take which steps, you can execute planning, go-live, and post-go-live activities without tripping up or getting lost.Hi, I'm Joseph, I'm an SAP developer, architect, and technologist who has spent a significant amount of my career implementing ERP products. In this course I will show you 2 different implementation strategies to deploy SAP products Accelerated SAP and SAP activate.The value that Ill give you is the chance to benefit from my previous implementation experiences. Most everything you need or want to know to deploy SAP business suite and S/4 HANA, and I will go through the project tasks, deliverables, and best practices in a logical order, so you will not make the same mistakes that I did in my early 20s and manage your career path to become a great SAP consultant.By the end of this course, you'll use the skills you've developed to better understand and explain SAP project methodology and business processes in confidence."
Price: 199.99

"Writing Multi-Genre"
"The vehicle is the tree with it branches representing journals, letters, poems, stories, articles, photos, voices , art and history. Each intertwined with multi-genre writing. The goal is to strengthen your voice in writing and speaking, Developing confidence in your skills.The instructor takes you on a personal journey, in which she explores her seven generations living on a Firelands land grant  from  the revolutionary war. She intertwines the writings of her grandmother, Marian Frisbie Nickols. Marian wrote articles, stories, and letters on the state of politics,  treatment of the American Indian, and her empathy.You will learn writing in multiple perspectives, using articles, timelines, journals, and stories. Organizing with clarity, using dynamic ideas, and  showing  changes by using examples.The instructor introduces emotional content, such as empathy, and use of historical events and timelines.The instructor reviews the American dream as a progression: education, earning a living, making a home,  and the arts.Technical note:Be prepared to use the pause button to read the slide articles. Use head set for best listening.   "
Price: 59.99

"SIEMENS NX 11 Gateway"
"Este curso fornece os fundamentos imprescindveis que todo novo usurio do NX precisa para comear a usar o software. Se voc pretende usar o NX para design, desenho tcnico, manufatura ou apenas para visualizar modelos, este curso apresenta os principais elementos da interface, incluindo a Ribbon Bar e a Resource Bar. Voc tambm aprender a definir roles para otimizar a interface."
Price: 19.99