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"Curso de Redes en Google Cloud Plataform"
"Curso donde profundizaremos en los elementos de red que ofrece Google Cloud Plataform, crearemos una solucin completa que tenga presencia en varios continentes, haciendo uso de los elementos que Google pone a disposicin de todos sus clientes.Iniciaremos con un escenarios bsico que iremos modificando y agregando elementos conforme avancen los captulos, hasta que completemos una solucin global.Crearemos recursos en varias regiones del mundo, y mostraremos cmo puedes aprovechar la versatilidad que ofrece Google en cuanto a elementos de red. Y uno de sus componentes ms fuertes es las Virtual Private Cloud, que de una manera transparente para los usuarios permite conectar todas regiones del mundo de GCP. Si no cuentas con una cuenta activa en Google Cloud Plataform debes abrir una y para ello Google te pedir una tarjeta."
Price: 109.99

"The advance guide for game environment design in Unreal 4"
"More about the Instructor:This course is designed by Animation Hackswhichis the visual effect studio with high-quality skillartistwork on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoysharing theirknowledge with those students who learn 3D online.NOTE FORSTUDENTS- please take a lookSection 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachmentlinkwith the lesson.)"
Price: 199.99

"Creating The Simple Shooting Game With Unreal Engine"
"More about the Instructor:This course is designed by Animation Hackswhichis the visual effect studio with high-quality skillartistwork on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoysharing theirknowledge with those students who learn 3D online.NOTE FORSTUDENTS- please take a lookSection 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachmentlinkwith the lesson.)"
Price: 199.99

"Universal React with Electrode"
"Single page apps using React without server side rendering are NOT search engine friendly. The Electrode open source platform provides an easy way to build large scale universal web apps making your sites incredibly fast and search engine friendly. This open source framework is supported by WalmartLabs and therefore updates and improvements are guaranteed in the future to further improve your website.Learn how to use thi powerful framework to build your large scale modern web apps."
Price: 104.99

"Apprendre Python de A Z"
"Apprenez la programmation Python par la pratique!Il y a beaucoup de cours et de confrences sur Python. Cependant, la courbe dapprentissage de Python est trs abrupte et les tudiants sont souvent dbords. Ce cours est diffrent!Ce cours est vraiment tape par tape. Dans chaque nouveau tutoriel, nous construisons sur ce que nous avons dj appris et progressons d'un pas supplmentaire.Aprs chaque vido, vous dcouvrez un nouveau concept intressant que vous pouvez appliquer immdiatement. Et la meilleure partie est que vous apprenez travers des exemples en direct.Cette formation est remplie de dfis analytiques rels que vous apprendrez rsoudre. Nous allons rsoudre certains de ces problmes ensemble, dautres comme exercices de devoirs.En rsum, ce cours a t conu pour tous les niveaux de comptence et mme si vous navez aucune connaissance en programmation ni en statistiques, vous y russirez!J'ai hte de te voir en classe,Cordialement,Anouar DALLI"
Price: 19.99

"Consigue tu trabajo ideal"
"Estamos convencidos de que tu filosofa no debe ser conseguir trabajo por conseguir trabajo, sino encontrar un trabajo justo a tu medida, se, que te haga sentir feliz, a gusto, libre, con potencial de crecimiento, y que genere un alto impacto en tu vida, en tu entorno familiar y desde luego, en tu desarrollo profesional.Para lograrlo, en este curso te explicaremos todo lo que sucede en un proceso de contratacin. Te daremos tips, recomendaciones y consejos para elaborar tu curriculum, qu hacer y a qu te enfrentas en una entrevista laboral."
Price: 345.00

"Create Prestashop 1.7 module developer guide"
"This course is created to teach you first of all what is a prestashop module,Through the episodes of this series you will learn how to create a fully functional module for prestashop 1.7 with front and back page ( controllers ) and various hooks that will allow you to show content generated from the module in various place of the view.Learn the new feature of prestashop 1.7 module such widget .Learn while creating is the way of this course."
Price: 99.99

"Angular With practical examples"
"The purpose of this course is to teach angular while creating apps .I tried to stay away from super clean videos and i explicitly left some footage that i get in trouble with code and how i debug these issues because i believe it's beneficial for you to see real life coding experience situation."
Price: 84.99

"Symfony 4 beginner guide 2020"
"This courses will help you learn Symfony 4 the powerful PHP framework that would let you create not only websites but great web applications, APIs or mobile backends.It's latest version is the most powerful, yet simplest to use for developers. If you want to get started with Symfony , this is the best place you could get.We'll go through each single task step by step, you will code along with me. I'd explain every detail of how things work, and how things should be done.I'll even leave some scene with error uncut that you can see and experience a real world coding example and how the journey is!At the end of this course you will complete a fully working, real world application. The recommended development environment is Linux for the sake of speed and optimization for developer, but if you are on Windows or MacOs no worries. I won't be using any tool or package that could restrict you from taking this course if you are on an another environment.The course starts with introduction.Then we'll move on and install the framework using official documentation and guides.Next section is centered around Controllers, Routes and Twig templating engine. You will learn how to create a backbone of your application and how to render HTML together with data using Twig. We will also see how we can install and manage assets, like CSS & JavaScript, by installing Bootstrap using npm ( You can use Yarn if you are comfortable with ).After that, will touch databases and the excellent Doctrine ORM. You will learn how you can create simple PHP objects as a representation of a table rows. You will learn about database migrations - an easy way of managing your database schema changes. This section will also show you how to quickly fetch, modify and delete data from the database.And we end up doing some Front-End work updating and customizing the User Interface. Who this course is for:PHP developers that do not know any frameworkDevelopers with some knowledge of other PHP frameworksDevelopers that need and want to pick-up Symfony fast with straight to the point course"
Price: 79.99

"Prestashop 1.7 : Create Product Comment Module"
"This course is created to teach you step by step how to create a commenting system for Prestashop 1.7.It has two parts front and back;FrontStore visitors will be able to express their ideas about the store products by leaving a comment BackStore ower / administrator will have the full control to remove any abuse comment or approve it, once approved the comment will show up in the product page"
Price: 64.99

"Protractor Angular framework from scratch using java &nodeJS"
"Protractor Content/Protractor on a real project/Protractor Overview:Protractor Tutorials on End-to-End testing on AngularJS websites. A wrapper over Selenium WebDriverJS libraryPrerequisites to install ProtractorProtractorInstallationArchitectureand Process communication of ProtractorOverview on Jasmine:Covering Jasmine Framework that needed for Angular JS automtion using Protractorvarious editors and folder structureoverview on spec.jsintroduction to global variables:browser.getelementbycreated a simple exampleexecute the scriptoverview on conf.jslocators with examplesOverview on ng-repeat with examplesIntroduction to Multiple It and Before Each in JasmineBasic script in handling calculatorverifiaction points in jasmine using expectHow to work on non angular JSapplicationsSample script to login to SF applicationIntroduction to Page Object Modle frameworkconvertingspec file to a page object mondelcreating and executing scripts in Paga ObjectModelHow to handle Protractor using JAVAprogramming languageCreating JProtractor jar file and adding to JAVAProject in eclipse editorCreating basic scripts for Protractor using JAVAprogramming languageHandling text fieldsHandling dropdownvariousidentification mechanismforNgBy. with examples"
Price: 1600.00

"Cucumber BDD With Java, Jenkin, GIT"
"Updated course with Jenkins, GIT concepts on Jan 18th 2020     Cucumber Content              Cucumber Overview          Cucumber Environment         Prerequisites for Environment         Setup         Configure         Cucumber with Maven         Cucumber Gherkins         Cucumber Junit Runner class creation and examples          Cucumber FeaturesFeature       FilesCucumber Scenarios    Examples of creating scenarios on different applications      Converting manual test cases into scenarios              Steps Definitions    Generate step definition from TestRunner classGenerate step definition from chrome browser plugin     Generate step definition by writing our script             Integrating cucumber with Selenium    Examples of cucumber + Selenium scripts              How to create reusable steps    Examples in creating reusable steps and step definitions              Cucumber Data Tables   Examples of creating data in data tables              Cucumber: Parameterization and passing multiple sets of data     Examples of data parameterization              Cucumber Tags             Cucumber Comments             Cucumber Hooks             Cucumber Reports          Framework creation             Integrating Appium with cucumber Examples of executing scripts       on Android devicesExamples of executing scripts       on iPhone"
Price: 1280.00

"Selenium webdriver using python for beginners"
"This course is designed for complete beginners.Get started with Selenium using Python .If you are a complete beginner on Selenium or Python, this course is perfect for you. Topics we are going to cover: How to install Python How to install SeleniumHow to create Automation test scriptsHow to handle various scenario in the browserHow to generate reportsAnd much more..."
Price: 1600.00

"Crie um programa de Afiliados matador e de resultado"
"Este um curso, para quem quer monetizar na internet como afiliado e uma leve introduo para quem quer ser um produtor. Focamos na construo de um programa de afiliados para iniciantes no marketing digital. Demonstramos como os grandes gurus da internet criam seus lanamentos e mais; entregamos um material rico do Erico Rocha para que voc possa montar toda sua estratgia de lanamento do absoluto zero."
Price: 219.99

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration boy's comic character"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration standing cool guy"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: A standing character illustration for a girls dating sim* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration Kawaii Moe character"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: The Tripping Cat Maid who is an adorable ""moe"" girl.* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

"BASIC JAPANESE COURSE "" ""/ Primer (JLPT N5 Level)"
"BASIC JAPANESE COURSE (Raku Raku Nihongo) / Primer (JLPT N5 Level) This is a course for the person who learn Japanese for the first time.You can steadily learn the basics of Japanese, including the pronunciation, how to write and compose sentences in ""Hiragana"", ""Katakana"" and ""Kanji"", because this course is supervised by an expert in Japanese language education.Japanese woman ""YASUHA"" will navigate you in a fun way. In the lesson, you can also see her cosplay and pantomime.* In the video, ruby (Hiragana) is added to kanji and katakana. And you can display English or Japanese subtitles. If you feel difficult, please view it while displaying English subtitles.* In this lesson, there are scenes that the navigator says ""Let's do the exercises"", but we apologize in advance that the exercises are not included with this course. ------------------------------------------------------------------------<Supervise>Chikako Ogiwara / Professor at Meikai University, faculty of Languages and Cultures<Production cooperation> Isao Yazu / Actor & Actress Talent Section Manager at International Image Media CollegeYasuha Hoshi / Student at International Image Media College"
Price: 59.99

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration Face & Hand"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: Basic Drawing Lessons of ""How to draw faces"" & ""How to draw hands"".* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration chibi character"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: 2 chibi characters and the background of a city with a laid-back vibe* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration Japanese kimono girl"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: modern clothing inspired by Taisho romanticism, coffee shop pancakes and a cute girl.* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00

"Manga Drawing/Digital Illustration girl & cherry blossoms"
"Want to improve your illustration skills?!Learn from professional illustrators' tips and take your illustrations to the next level!I want to learn how to draw beautiful illustrations...How do the professionals create their illustrations?We at MANABI JOURNEY have heard your voices and in response created an online illustration course where you can learn all the skills!Watch unlimited tutorials teaching you professional techniques thatll improve your illustration skills!Theme of this course: a kawaii girl & cherry blossoms with highlights* The explanation is only displayed with subtitles in this course. There is no audio explanation."
Price: 29.99

Price: 3000.00