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"SQL Server 2014: Management Studio"
"This course will introduce students to SQL Server 2014 Management Studio, as well as teach them about queries, projects, DB design, constraints, indexes, diagrams, integrity, design, and types.This course will teach students about queries, projects, and DB design with reference to the query editor. It will also teach about principles of database design and referential integrity and how to implement them. The final chapter of the course covers data types, columns, constraints, indexing and database diagrams."
Price: 199.99

"SQL Server 2014: Security Fundamentals"
"This course will introduce students to SQL Server 2014 security fundamentals, as well as teach them about authentication, contained databases, authorization, permissions, schemas, metadata, and encryption.This course will teach students about SQL Server authentication, contained databases, authorization, permissions, schemas, execution and metadata. The final chapter of the course covers the theory and implementation of encryption."
Price: 199.99

"SQL Server 2014: Tour and Installing"
"This course will introduce students to SQL Server 2014 tour and installing, as well as teach them about SQL Server Data Tools, mode, tables, BI Services, preparing for installation, installation, and configuration.This course will teach students about using the SQL Server Management Studio to explore DB objects, customize the UI and help, and use SQL Server data tools. Students will also learn about Disconnected Mode, tables, queries and services, and SQL Server integration tools. The final chapter of the course covers preparing for installation."
Price: 199.99

"SQL Server 2014: T-SQL Fundamentals"
"This course will introduce students to SQL Server 2014 Transact-SQL fundamentals, as well as teach them about functions, flow, results, select, where, clauses, tables, and working with data.This course will teach students about operations and converting, null and number functions, string functions, data flow, global functions and controlling program flow. The next chapter of the course covers SELECT, WHERE, GROUPBY, ORDERBY and joining tables. The final chapter of the course covers insert, update, delete, output, bulk copy and understanding transactions."
Price: 199.99

"Certified Security Principles+"
"This course will introduce students to IT security, as well as teach them about risk management, understanding of cryptography, understanding identity and access management, managing data security, managing network security, managing server/host security, application security for non-developers, understanding mobile device security (IoT), managing day to day security, and understanding compliance and auditing.This course begins with an introduction to IT security, and proceeds to a discussion of risk management in terms of risks and vulnerabilities, cryptography in terms of encryption algorithms and usage, identity and access management including authorization and monitoring, managing data security, managing network security, managing server/host security and application security for non-developers. Mobile device security is covered with reference to the Internet of Things (IoT). The course concludes with a discussion of managing day to day security and understanding compliance and auditing."
Price: 199.99

"Certified Security Awareness Part 1"
"This first part of a two-course suite course will introduce students to the need for security in todays information technology, and provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to protect themselves from common criminal activities.The course begins with the basics of security awareness, and moves on to unmask the deceptions referred to as Social Engineering.The next chapter addresses data classification; working out the protection needs of various kinds of data in an organization.The course concludes with extensive coverage of the best practices for end users of computer systems.The course is for all users of information technology systems, particularly those who will go on to more advanced education in computer security."
Price: 29.99

"Certified Security Awareness Part 2"
"This second part of a two-course suite course builds on the knowledge imparted in the first part.The course begins by describing practices and techniques that will create a cyber security culture.The second chapter builds on the coverage of social engineering in the first part, and describes social engineering attacks and countermeasures in detail.The third chapter covers planning and preparation for a security incident.The course concludes with information on relevant laws and global compliance standards.The course is for all users of information technology systems, particularly those who will go on to more advanced education in computer security."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Office 2019: New Features"
"This course will introduce students to the new features in Microsoft Office 2019, including updates to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. One chapter of the course is devoted to each product.This course begins with an introduction, followed by one chapter for each product in the Microsoft Office suite.In each chapter of the course, there is an introduction followed by two lectures for each new feature. The first lecture describes a feature, the second demonstrates its use in practice. Each chapter concludes with a review for the product in question."
Price: 49.99

"CompTIA A+ (Exams 220-1001 & 220-1002)"
"A+ Certification is the computer industry recognized credential that certifies the competency of PC Service Specialists. It is sponsored by CompTIA - the Computing Technology Industry Association, and tests are administered by Pearson VUE. This certification program is backed by over 50 Major computer hardware and software manufacturers, vendors, distributors, resellers, and publications. Certification provides a wealth of benefits to any person seeking a job in the computer industry! Your successful computer career can start with this one course, or it can serve as proof of your computer hardware and operating system knowledge as a professional already in your field.The course consists of 23 chapters and over 15 hours of video. It is designed for self-paced learning, so students can review the material as many times as needed, at varying speeds.It begins with soft skills and safety principles, then we dive into components, motherboards and processors.We look at the firmware of BIOS and CMOS, then cover disk drives, power supplies, ports, cables and connectors, I/O devices and printers. A chapter on mobile devices, multimedia and laptops rounds out the hardware coverage.After a discussion of preventive maintenance and troubleshooting procedures, we launch into operating systems, files, utilities, troubleshooting and optimization.We cover device drivers and networking, then look at recovering systems and disaster recovery, rounding off the course with a discussion of cloud computing and security fundamentals."
Price: 149.99

"Getting Started with Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Part1"
"This course will introduce students to Microsoft Office Excel 2019, and teach students about performing calculations, modifying a worksheet, formatting a worksheet, printing workbooks, managing workbooks, adding borders and colors to worksheets, and basic Excel customization. This course will teach students about working with functions, working with lists, analyzing data, visualizing data with charts, using PivotTables and PivotCharts, working with graphical objects, and using array formulas.This course will teach students about working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, sharing and protecting workbooks, automating workbook functionality, using Lookup functions and formula auditing, forecasting data, creating sparklines and mapping data, importing and exporting data, internationalizing workbooks, working with Power Pivot, advanced customization options, and working with forms and controls."
Price: 99.99

"Getting Started with Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Part2"
"This course will introduce students to Microsoft Office Excel 2019, and teach students about performing calculations, modifying a worksheet, formatting a worksheet, printing workbooks, managing workbooks, adding borders and colors to worksheets, and basic Excel customization. This course will teach students about working with functions, working with lists, analyzing data, visualizing data with charts, using PivotTables and PivotCharts, working with graphical objects, and using array formulas.This course will teach students about working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, sharing and protecting workbooks, automating workbook functionality, using Lookup functions and formula auditing, forecasting data, creating sparklines and mapping data, importing and exporting data, internationalizing workbooks, working with Power Pivot, advanced customization options, and working with forms and controls."
Price: 99.99

"Getting Started with Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Part 3"
"This course will introduce students to Microsoft Office Excel 2019, and teach students about performing calculations, modifying a worksheet, formatting a worksheet, printing workbooks, managing workbooks, adding borders and colors to worksheets, and basic Excel customization. This course will teach students about working with functions, working with lists, analyzing data, visualizing data with charts, using PivotTables and PivotCharts, working with graphical objects, and using array formulas.This course will teach students about working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, sharing and protecting workbooks, automating workbook functionality, using Lookup functions and formula auditing, forecasting data, creating sparklines and mapping data, importing and exporting data, internationalizing workbooks, working with Power Pivot, advanced customization options, and working with forms and controls."
Price: 99.99

"PTE Academic (English Test)- Mastering Listening - Score 79+"
"NEW!!!This course provides the knowledge you need to hit full score in listening module of PTE academic, when paired with your dedication to do so.Starting with ""Score Guide"" and ""Question Types"", we then proceed with main lectures covering all the listening question types that you will get at the test. For each and every question type we cover: how it is marked, timing, how to pick or write the answer, and common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid will be discussed, as well as practice tests to give you a better understanding of how it all works. There is an additional section at the end of each question type called ""Emergency"", useful for saving marks when things do not go as expected at the test and you fail to apply what you have learned.You will also get all the resources you need to study PTE listening."
Price: 39.99

"PTE Academic Exam (Tutorial) - Mastering READING - Score 79+"
"NEW!!!This course,  paired with your dedication,  provides everything you need to hit full score in PTE Academic Reading module. Starting with ""Score Guide"" and ""Question Types"", we then proceed with covering all the Reading question types that you will get at the test. Each lesson has a step by step tutorial on how to find the correct answer/s.For each and every question type, we cover: how it is marked, timing, how to pick or write the answer, common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, and one practice question to give you a better understanding of how it all works. There is an additional section at the end of each question type called ""Emergency"", to save marks when things do not go as expected at the test and you fail to apply what you have learned.Resources to study PTE Reading is also provided with this online course."
Price: 39.99

"Corso SEO Completo: come ottimizzare il tuo sito WordPress"
"Con questo corso SEO (Search Engine Optimization Ottimizzazione per i Motori di Ricerca) vedrai come migliorare il posizionamento del tuo sito internet. Il corso pensato per siti in WordPress, ma puoi applicare nozioni e tecniche di questo corso, anche su altri siti.In questo corso sarai guidato dai due fratelli Matteo e Alberto Olla. Non imparerai a fare SEO da un consulente, imparerai da persone pratiche che ottengono risultati concreti con siti ben posizionati in alto sui motori di ricerca per keywords rilevanti. Nel corso vedrai poca teoria, di seguito faremo:> una breve introduzione al SEO> lanalisi delle parole chiave e dei siti della concorrenza> SEO on site Fattori di posizionamento riguardanti il tuo sito in generale> SEO on page Fattori di posizionamento riguardanti i contenuti sulla tua pagina in particolare> SEO off site Fattori di posizionamento esterni al tuo sito, principalmente backlink (link esterni)> Tecniche di SEO avanzate, tutto quello che normalmente non ti viene detto> Negative SEO, come difenderti da gli attacchi di Black Hat SEO> e molto altroFare SEO non un costo ma un investimento, solo se sei in grado realmente di fare SEO in maniera efficace, altrimenti pu risultare un costo enorme sia in tempo sia in denaro. Questo corso pensato per professionisti, blogger, imprenditori, webmaster. Se hai un business online, o vuoi crearne uno, questo il corso che ti insegner ad avere la giusta visibilit su Google e sugli altri motori di ricerca. Focalizza i tuoi sforzi su parole chiave importanti, non perdere tempo e denaro su cose poco rilevanti strategicamente per il tuo business, iscriviti subito! (Prima che lo faccia il tuo concorrente)"
Price: 169.99

"Corso Microsoft Excel: dal Livello Base all'Avanzato"
"Microsoft Excel in un Unico PacchettoQuesto corso di Excel combina 4 livelli differenti:Excel IntroduttivoExcel BaseExcel IntermedioExcel Avanzato stato registrato con Excel 2013 ma funziona senza problemi con 2010, 2016, e 2019La 2011 Mac, e le altre versioni di Excel (2007, 2003, e precedenti) sono sconsigliate.Iscriviti ora ed esplora le funzioni dello strumento pi popolare degli del mercato del lavoro. Al completamento del corso tu padroneggerai gli strumenti pi popolari di Excel per completare con successo qualsiasi compito con Excel. Qui sotto solo alcuni degli argomenti che tratteremo:Fogli di LavoroGestione dei datiFunzioni SEFunzione Cerca VerticaleFunzione Somma, Somma Se, Somma Pi SeFunzione Conta, Conta Se, Conta Pi SeTabelle Pivote molto altroChe cosa aspetti? Iscriviti subito ed inizia ad imparare Excel!"
Price: 19.99

"e-Commerce: Come Vendere Online su Amazon, eBay e Sito Web"
"Questo NON un corso per ""fare i soldi gratis"". Sperare di trovare merci cinesi da rivendere a prezzo maggiorato una speculazione, non un business, e si chiama parassitamento della catena di distribuzione! Questo un corso di business, non di speculazioneQuesto NON un corso tecnico. Bench vedremo tecnicamente come creare il tuo sito di e-commerce, e vedremo anche tecniche di vendita che ti saranno utili, questo un corso focalizzato sulla gestione delle procedure interne, sul organizzazione dell'attivit con i partners chiave (Amazon, eBay, corrieri, fornitori, ecc), sull'implementazione delle performance della tua attivit. Questo un corso di business, non di HTMLQuesto il corso pi difficile che io abbia mai fatto, perch non conoscendo la tua situazione personale posso dare soltanto tantissimi consigli generici. Non un consulenza privata, ma ti insegner ad impostare una ottima attivit online che sar in grado di produrre profitto per te.Da questo corso imparerai:come funzionano Amazon, eBay, il Dropshipping e i Servizi di Logistica (Fulfillment / FBA)come creare in tuo sito di e-commerce (indipendente)come aumentare le venditecome aumentare i margini (tagliando gli sprechi e non i servizi utili)come gestire gli ordinicome migliorare le valutazioni tecniche di analisi di mercatocome non perder tempo con compiti improduttivie sopratutto ..... io vendo online da sempre, l'e-commerce il mio elemento. In questo corso voglio riversare tutto il mio sapere e le mia abilit. Quando lavoravo dentro un piccolo e-commerce come supervisore alle vendite online, sono riuscito a pi che raddoppiare le vendite sul punto massimo (da un massimo 40 mila a una media di oltre 95 mila al mese), aumentando il margine percentuale (di +5%), diminuendo drasticamente le ore di lavoro, aumentando le valutazioni dei clienti, ed impostando un multi-channel (Amazon, eBay, e sito) che prima non era gestibile causa complessit. Questo corso stato fatto per dirti come ci sono riuscito perch voglio per te lo stesso risultato!Il corso venduto con la garanzia soddisfatto o rimborsato, quindi se non dovesse fare per te puoi tranquillamente chiedere il rimborso. Se hai intenzione di avviare un attivit di e-commerce, questo il corso pensato per te. Ti aspetto ;) "
Price: 124.99

"Invest for Dividends with UK REITs"
"Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are becoming increasingly popular investments for individuals and institutions. They can provide a reliable and stable income with above-average dividend yields. REITs are still in their infancy in the UK, unlike the US, where REITs have been traded on the exchange for decades. Invest for dividends with UK REITs is a comprehensive and distinguished guide to understanding this asset class and the attraction of this investment. The course is a must for any small investor who is new to investing in REITs in the UK and understanding the investment opportunities.Since the credit crunch ended, now is an excellent time to consider REITs as an investment for both substantial returns and diversification. The course covers: The history of REITs dating back to their development in the US Understand what a REIT is and what it can do for you as an investment How to know whether a REIT is run well and achieving excellent performance Know what tools to use to value a REIT and measure performance How to build a diversified portfolio with different commercial markets Understand the risk of REIT investments How to invest in REITs, directly or using mutual funds The future of UK REIT marketsCourse tutor Anthony Dixon has built his experience in property investment in the private rented sector. Over the past five years, he has turned to UK REITs to invest in commercial property that he thought would never be possible due to lack of experience and money. Study this introductory course and choose REITs in the UK as a stable investment in commercial real estate."
Price: 19.99

"Micro-business Bookkeeping and the Cash Budget"
"Learn how to manage the finances of your small business with this short course on bookkeeping. Micro-business Bookkeeping and the Cash Budget will help you set up an efficient bookkeeping and accounting system. From setting up your filing system to invoicing, you will have control of your books. This course includes: Understanding the accounting system Set up a filing and recording system Spreadsheet cash ledger Sales and purchase ledgers Accounts receivable with invoicing Accounts payable and aged analysis Using the cash budget to manage cash inflows and outflowsYou will have confidence in managing your finances for your micro business. Accounting doesnt have to be complicated and this course keeps things simple for a business with less than a hundred transactions per month."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Cassandra in 2 hours"
"This Apache Cassandra training course teaches you working with Cassandra. This course is intended for complete beginners in Cassandra. In this course, we will what is Cassandra how to install Cassandraunderstand Cassandra data model with some hands on exercise which will teach you how to create a keyspace, create a table,insert and read the data . different data types in Cassandra with exercise. After this you will learn about the partition key and clustering key and understand how data is distributed across the nodes in a cluster.TI will covers the Cassandra Architecture in details in which we will cover replication, consistency, gossip protocol, write path, read path, Cassandra storage and compaction.Understand Cassandra configuration files Working with nodetools to manage cluster Integrate with Cassandra java driver to write and run Cassandra from java program.Integrate Spark with Cassandra to perform analytics .Once you have completed this video based training course, you will have a solid understanding of Cassandra."
Price: 19.99

"Master Big Data: Hadoop & Spark (CCA 175 with Practice test)"
"In this course, you will start by learning what is hadoop distributed file system and most common hadoop commands required to work with Hadoop File system.Then you will be introduced to Sqoop Import Understand lifecycle of sqoop command.Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to HDFS.Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to Hive.Use various file formats, compressions, file delimeter,where clause and queries while importing the data.Understand split-by and boundary queries.Use incremental mode to migrate the data from Mysql to HDFS.Further, you will learn Sqoop Export to migrate data.What is sqoop exportUsing sqoop export, migrate data from HDFS to Mysql.Using sqoop export, migrate data from Hive to Mysql.Further, you will learn about Apache HiveHive IntroExternal &Managed TablesWorking with Different Files - Parquet,AvroCompressionsHive AnalysisHive String FunctionsHive Date FunctionsPartitioningBucketingFurther, you will learn about Apache SparkSpark IntroCluster OverviewRDDDAG/Stages/TasksActions &TransformationsTransformation &Action ExamplesSpark Data framesSpark Data frames - working with diff File Formats & CompressionDataframes API'sSpark SQLDataframe ExamplesFurther section will have CCA175 Practice Tests with explanationsCCA175 practice test1CCA175 practice test1 explanationsCCA175 practice test2CCA175 practice test2 explanationsFinally, we will start with our last section Apache FlumeUnderstand Flume Architecture.Using flume, Ingest data from Twitter and save to HDFS.Using flume, Ingest data from netcat and save to HDFS.Using flume, Ingest data from exec and show on console.Describe flume interceptors and see examples of using interceptors.Flume multiple agents Flume Consolidation."
Price: 24.99

"Master Flume, Sqoop, Hive for Big Data Ingestion & Analytics"
"In this course, you will start by learning what is hadoop distributed file system and most common hadoop commands required to work with Hadoop File system.Then you will be introduced to Sqoop Import Understand lifecycle of sqoop command.Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to HDFS.Use sqoop import command to migrate data from Mysql to Hive.Use various file formats, compressions, file delimeter,where clause and queries while importing the data.Understand split-by and boundary queries.Use incremental mode to migrate the data from Mysql to HDFS.Further, you will learn Sqoop Export to migrate data.What is sqoop exportUsing sqoop export, migrate data from HDFS to Mysql.Using sqoop export, migrate data from Hive to Mysql.Further, you will learn about Apache FlumeUnderstand Flume Architecture.Using flume, Ingest data from Twitter and save to HDFS.Using flume, Ingest data from netcat and save to HDFS.Using flume, Ingest data from exec and show on console.Describe flume interceptors and see examples of using interceptors.Flume multiple agents Flume Consolidation.Finally, we will start with our last section about Apache HiveHive IntroExternal &Managed TablesWorking with Different Files - Parquet,AvroCompressionsHive AnalysisHive String FunctionsHive Date FunctionsPartitioningBucketing"
Price: 19.99

"Advance Hive & Sqoop - Big Data Analytics (CCA 159 Exam)"
"u will start by learning what is Hadoop &  Hadoop distributed file system and most common hadoop commands required to work with Hadoop File system.Finally, we will start with Apache Hive [Advance]Hive IntroExternal & Managed TablesInsert & Multi InsertData Types & Complex Data TypesCollection FunctionConditional FunctionHive String FunctionsHive Date FunctionsMathematical FunctionHive AnalysisAlter CommandJoins, Multi Joins & Map JoinsWorking with Different Files - Parquet,AvroCompressionsPartitioningBucketingViewsLateral Views/ExplodeWindowing Functions - Rank/Dense Rank/lead/lag/min/maxWindow Specification"
Price: 19.99

"Guitar Lessons: Play & Sing to LANDSLIDE (Fleetwood Mac)"
"In this course you will learn how to play Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. You will also get some tips on how to sing better as well as lectures which allow you to sing along. Learn from award winning music coach and singer - songwriter Joe Borowsky. This lesson will also introduce you to finger picking and have you finger picking quickly."
Price: 74.99

"Mediatek Software Repairs"
"Whether you're a novicelooking to start a device repair outfit or trying to save money by learning to fix your own Mediatek device issues, this course is exactlywhat you need to build a solid foundation.Thiscourse assumes you have no prior knowledge;therefore, it starts from the ABC of Mediatek software repairs with practical examples and scenarios."
Price: 24.99

"Fundamentals of Apache Tomcat"
"Apache Tomcat is a web server popular with Java programmers and system admins who need a superior web server to publish their web apps. Written in Java for the Java community, Tomcat is a free production grade web server that is open source, cross-platform (runs on Unix, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows), and very easy to installIn this course, you'll learn all the core concepts of using Tomcat such as all the tools and major components.First, we'll show you how to set up Tomcat and use it to install web applications. Then, we'll get into some more advanced concepts, including how web servers handle encryption and how to encrypt web traffic with Tomcat. Also learn how to deploy a web app using Tomcat Manager, the web-based UI for managing a Tomcat instance.By the end of this course you should have a solid understanding of using Apache Tomcat."
Price: 24.99

"Penetration testing Practical Guide"
"Learn how to test the security of your environment by conducting a penetration test. Learn by applying the techniques and apply them in a realistic environment legally.In this course you will learn how to scan a network for vulnerable running services, manually and automatically using the specific tools.You will learn how to exploit these vulnerabilities to gain your first access to the machines and collect local informations to run a privileges escalation attack and gain root privileges."
Price: 199.99

"How to Make WordPress Website With No Coding DIVI theme"
"Make Professional WordPress Website with no coding skills required!!both using FREEThemes and DIVIThemeIhave covered everything A - Z in this course which you need to learn the skills of building high quality awesome WordPress websites for your business or your client businesses.You don't need any knowledge of programming of technical knowledge. Just have the content and start building your website as you want it with drag and drop visual builder.You can also ask any questions on my Facebook group and Digital Marketing LIVE held every Friday on YouTube in case if you may have any questions."
Price: 49.99

"How to Start Your Own Successful Digital Marketing Business"
"I will teach you my proven process to create a desired lifestyle that you want to live from Digital Marketing Business. I have over decade years of experience now in Digital Marketing business and selling digital marketing services worldwide to hundreds of clients.You will copy my proven process and implement it in your business to earn recurring lifetime revenue. So enroll in this course RIGHT NOW and start your Digital Marketing Business Journey!"
Price: 49.99

"WhatsApp for Business Mastery Course"
"WhatsApp has billions of users using its app on a day to day basis worldwide. Almost all kinds of people use WhatsApp for their personal and business communication these days.It is an excellent opportunity for all of us as marketers to use WhatsApp for Business for our business benefits. You can use WhatsApp for Business in two ways as -1) Customer service to existing customers2) Marketing to New CustomersIn this course, I will walk you through every process right from setting up WhatsApp Business account, configuring to its best practices, and tell you all the secrets to successfully manage your business conversation with both your new customers and existing customers.I will also cover how you can run WhatsApp Ad Campaign using Facebook Ad Manager and acquire new customers/leads/prospects.So ENROLL today and grow your business using WhatsApp for Business."
Price: 49.99