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"Curso de auxiliar administrativo - Bsico"
"Nesse curso vocs aprendero sobre: As principais habilidades do auxiliar administrativo;  Os objetivos da administrao;  A importncia do trabalho em equipe;  Noes sobre departamento de pessoal;  Noes de administrao financeira e oramentria;  Entenda o que patrimnio;  Entenda o que so direitos e obrigaes;  Noes de produo e custo;  Noes de matemtica financeira;  Entenda o que taxa de juro;E muito mais!!!Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados.Como funciona o curso? Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento para os procedimentos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes esto nos simulados. Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"MANUTENO DE PC - Mdulo II - Conserte qualquer PC"
"Aprenda a resolver os defeitos tpicos de maneira rpida e fcil. Veja em detalhes os procedimentos bsicos da manuteno de computadores: PC NO LIGA; PC NO D BOOT; PC D UM ""BEEP"", BEM FORTE E PARA; WINDOWS FICA EM 'LOADING' INFINITO E NO CARREGA; WINDOWS CONGELA OU MOSTRA TELA AZUL; PC FICOU LENTO; IMPRESSORA NO IMPRIME; NO SAI SOM NO PC; E MUITO MAIS.Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados.Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos tpicos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS!  Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"O nico caminho para interpretar textos por meio da leitura. Aprender estratgias e os tipos de anlises de textos so ferramentas importantes para garantir um bom resultado durante a leitura de um texto. Neste curso vocs aprendero sobre: O entendimento do conceito de leitura; Interpretao Textual; A finalidade da leitura; Tipologia textual; Texto Narrativo; Texto descritivo; Texto dissertativo; Texto injuntivo; Texto dialogal; Tipos de leitura; Fases da leitura; Estratgias argumentativas;E muito mais!!!Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados.Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos tpicos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS! Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"Gesto da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados - LGPD - BSICO"
"Neste curso vocs aprendero sobre: Introduo A Lei n 13.709/2018, conhecida como LGPD Informao e Transparncia Entenda O Que Tratamento de Dados Entenda os Fundamentos Legais para o Tratamento de Dados Noes sobre o  Princpio da Finalidade, Adequao e Necessidade Noes sobre o Princpio da Segurana e da Preveno Noes sobre o Princpio da Transparncia e do Livre Acesso Entenda os Direitos dos Titulares E muito mais!!!Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados.Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos tpicos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS! Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"Gesto empresarial - Assistente contbil - BSICO"
"Neste curso vocs aprendero sobre: A Finalidade da Contabilidade;  Usurios da Contabilidade;  ESTUDO DO PATRIMNIO;  Ativos, Passivos e patrimnio Liquido;  Situaes do Patrimnio Lquido;  TCNICAS CONTBEIS;  Auditoria, bens e Capital;  Razo e direitos;  Receitas e Despesas;  E muito mais.Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados.Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos tpicos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS!  Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de ingls avanado"
"Esse curso de ingls indicado para todos aqueles que j concluram o nvel intermedirio e querem evoluir para o nvel avanado. TODOS OS UDIOS E EXPLICAES ESTO EM Ingls sem traduo.Nesse curso vocs aprendero sobre: Phrasal verbs (Explained by American Teachers); Reduced forms; Sentence pronunciation; Reductions; The rhythms of english; Accent reduction; Conversational strategies; How to sound natural in English;  Sentence-erros; Present perfect tense; and much more!   Obs. Cursos de apenas simulados no geraro certificados. Por que comprar? O preo do curso completo mais barato do que 1 aula presencial. Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99

"Equilibre sua energia: 21 dias de evoluo"
"Voc est sendo desafiado para 21 dias de meditao e estudo dos 7 chakras, com realizao de movimentos que trabalham cada chakra.Neste curso prtico voc vai trabalhar todos os 7 chakras, recuperando seu bem estar. Sua energia corporal precisa de sua ateno, cuide dela e obtenha mais resultados em sua vida profissional e pessoal.As aulas contemplam:Vdeo aulas demonstrando movimentos que trabalham os chakrasMeditao guiadaInstruo de meditaoDescries dos movimentosFiguras ilustrando as posesMsicas de cada chakraExplicaes tericas sobre os chakrasCronograma adaptadoGrupo de apoio no telegramPermita-se ter qualidade de vida! Vista roupas confortveis, aumente o som e reserve um tempo para cuidar de si. So 21 dias para se superar criando um novo hbito, respeitando sua disponibilidade!"
Price: 84.99

"Virtual Machines [ VM ] : Basics Explained with Live Demo"
"This course is for students who is looking for basics of Virtualization and no previous knowledge of Virtualization. This course explain things from very high level and made for students who is very new to the topic. This course also shows how to create a virtual machine on different virtualization vendorshappy learning"
Price: 24.99

"Different software engineer jobs in detail: Check your Skill"
"This topic helps you to understand the different roles in IT industry and expert level and specialization needed to shine in those areas. You should be able to walk through the varieties of available jobs and the exact requirement and responsibilities looking out. This lecture deals with roles like software development, software testing, support engineering, System Admin, Documentation engineer, Build engineer, IT manager, Product manager etchappy learning"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Border Gateway Protocol in Networking"
"BGP Border Gateway Protocol autonomous System . 1989 Yakov Rekhter IBM Kirk Lougheed BGP-1 RFC 1105 1995 BGP-4 RFC 1771 2006 RFC 4271 Classless Inter-Domain Routing Aggregation network Routing Table EBG Exterior Gateway Protocol BGP - Routing Protocol Interior gateway routing OSPF, EIGRP, RIP, IS-IS IGPExterior gateway routing autonomous System BGP v4 BGP EGP - BGP Path-vector Protocol RIP, EIGRP Distance-vector Protocol OSPF, IS-IS Link state Protocol- BGP TCP 179 RIP UDP OSPF,EIGRP IS-IS - BGP autonomous System AS IANA 16 0 65536 64512-64534 Privet AS 2008 49152 AS 32 FRC 4893 AS BGP ISP AS BGP Routing Table .BGP Border Gateway Protocol autonomous System - BGP Path-vector Protocol RIP, EIGRP Distance-vector Protocol OSPF, IS-IS Link state Protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the routing technology that enables the largest and most sophisticated network in the world today - the Internet. BGP is also one of the critical underlying foundations of new-world technologies such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS).This must-have advanced routing course covers the theory of BGP, configuration of BGP on Cisco IOS routers, detailed troubleshooting information and hands-on exercises that provide students with the skills needed to configure and troubleshoot BGP networks in customer environments.Different service solutions in the curriculum cover BGP network design issues and usage rules for various BGP features.Upon successful completion of this course, students will be prepared to design and implement efficient, optimal, and trouble free BGP networks."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Completo de Fundamentos de Computacin"
"Este curso esta pensado para ser un curso de nivelacin. Esto significa que sirve de preparacin para cursos posteriores con temas ms avanzados. Si das un vistazo al temario del curso, te dars cuenta que contiene temas muy variados desde los componentes de un equipo de cmputo pasando por Sistemas Operativos, Bases de Datos, Redes Computacionales, Internet, Desarrollo de software, Diseo web, Seguridad bsica, entre otros.Todos estos temas tienen un nivel bsico para que conozcas los aspectos esenciales y puedas elegir cuales te gustan y profundizar en ellos una vez finalizado el curso.El curso esta dirigido a personas sin conocimientos de computacin o personas que sepan un poco de computacin y desean mejorar sus conocimientos en los temas cubiertos en este curso."
Price: 149.99

"Deine Freiheit: Bitcoin."
"Wenn du fr Bitcoin offen bist, lernst du zunchst in diesem Online-Workshop Bitcoin in seiner totalen Essenz und seinem evolutionren Transformationspotential zu verstehen. Du verstehst die Wurzel-Ursachen unserer monetren, finanziellen, konomischen, sozialen....und zivilisatorischen Kettenreaktion von ""Symptomen"". Du verstehst im ersten Kapitel, dass das globale Zentralbanken-Kartell (Bank fr InternationalenZahlungsausgleich) politisch, judikativ und faktisch UNberhrbar und UNkontrollierbar ist. In den weiteren Videos verstehst du die Essenz, Operation und einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Bitcoin. Die rote Pille befrdert dich tief in das Hasenloch:Du verstehst jetzt, wie simpel die totale Entmachtung und DEzentralisierung des Fiat-Geld-Schuldenbasierenden Zentralbankenkartells ist. Du lernst, dass mit deinem zu bestellenden original Trezor-Hardware-Wallet du selbst mit totaler Sicherheit deine eigene ""Zentralbank"" bist. Der Samen fr deine Zukunft mit materieller und aufblhender Freiheit ist gest. Herzlichen Glckwunsch. The Total Connector. Total Bitcoin. Total Crypto. Total Blockchain. Total DEentralization. Total Freedom. Keyvan Davani (Dr. jur. / Ph.D. Law)"
Price: 29.99

"Monetary RootLayer of Bitcoin for Your Freedom and Wealth."
"Understand the transformational power and monetary rootlayer of Bitcoin for your wealth and freedom. Take the future into your own hands and become part of the most exciting monetary evolution in human history:By learning to have a low-time-preference, the hardest and scarcest money ever created in human history- harder than gold- Bitcoin will give you, your beloved family, and humanity the totally decentralized monetary-financial-economical structures, which we all can thrive and prosper on. With this knowledge, you are empowered to not only believe, but to understand and trust the essence, logic, ethos, and visionary power of Bitcoin. With the monetary rootlayer of Bitcoin, our human civilization will thrive and evolve on every level beyond our imagination. Check out link for original Trezor-Hardware-Wallet on my youtube-channel and my website keyvandavani dot com.Thank you for your support!"
Price: 29.99

"Wordpress Site Hzlandrma Rehberi"
"Merhabalar,Wordpress Site Hzlandrma Kursuma Ho Geldin.Sizlere beraber bir ok web sitesinin alt yapsnda kullanlan Wordpress'in hangi aamalardan geerek hzlandrldn gsteriyorum. Websiteyi hzlandrmak, dnemimizde ilk bata SEO ve sonrasnda kullanc deneyimi iin nemli bir rol oldu. Ben de sizlerle deneyimlerimi paylamak iin bu eitimi hazrladm. Hemen kursa kayt olarak bu ahane eitime balayabilirsin."
Price: 59.99

"The complete Freelancer, Upwork & Fiverr _ Home Jobs"
"Complete Guidance to start work from  Freelancing Virtual JobsA to Z information about Famous project websites ""Freelancer, up-work & Fiverr""12 Freelancing Websites providing International ProjectsDummy reviews technique for your account to grow faster20+ Skills paying highest money in the marketYou can work Part-Time & Full-TimeLearn Both hourly and Fixed priced project systems & Milestone system20+ Web applications required for the successful freelancing careerThe secret method to get the funds directly in the bank account by eliminating the website chargesThe technique of working for multiple clients & freelancing websites"
Price: 44.99

"Akademik Yazm Teknikleri, Makale Yazmak ve Yaynlama Sreci"
"Akademik kariyer dnen, makale yazmak isteyen ve bu alanda almalar yapmak isteyenler iin hazrlanm olan online bir eitimdir. Bu eitimde yaynlama srecide dahil olmak zere makale yazmak ile ilgili bilgiler ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalara yer verilecektir. Her ne kadar teknik ksmlar verilse de makale yazmak pratik bir sre olduu iin kursa katlanlarn yazd makaleler de incelenecek ve destek verilecektir. Bylece karlkl etkileimle hem teknik hem de pratik olarak makale yazm sreci gereklemi olacaktr.Bu kursta mendeley programnn salad kolaylklar ve tm makale blmlerinin detaylar da yer almaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Sosyal Bilimler in Uygulamal SPSS Eitimi (Temel Dzey)"
"zellikle Sosyal Bilimlerde saha aratrmas sonras toplanan verilerin girii, analizi, veri taban oluturmas, yorumlanmas ve grselletirmesi iin hazrlanm temel SPSS eitim setidir. (Temel Dzey)Bu eitim; saha aratrmasnda anket yapanlar ve saha aratrmalarnn ktlarn kolay ve grsel bir ekilde rapor sunmak isteyenler iin faydal olacaktr. Bu eitimi izleyen Sosyal Bilimciler SPSS zerinde kendi ilerini halledecek seviyeye geleceklerdir.Bu eitim yeni balayan dzeyinde hazrlanmtr bu nedenle ciddi istatistiksel bilgiler yerine temel mantk ve uygulamalar zerinde younlalmtr.stediiniz zaman iletiime geebilir sorularnz sorabilir ve anlalmayan ksmlar hakknda yeni video talebinde bulunabilirisiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Vocal Workouts #1: SINGING SIMPLIFIED"
"VOCAL WORKOUTS #1 gets you practicing what you're learning in Singing Simplified #1!  You need to exercise your voice to reach your vocal goals, and that's what Vocal Workouts #1 is all about!I'll be your personal singing trainer through these vocal workout sessions, helping you to improve your technique, strengthen your voice, and increase your vocal range even more quickly than you thought possible!Included in the course:TEN, fun and challenging 30-minute Vocal Workouts for you to choose from - simple enough for Beginner to Intermediate studentsEach Workout includes vocal warmups, 10-12 vocal exercises, a warm down, and a lot more helpful tips along the way.EVERY EXERCISE IS DEMONSTRATED FOR YOU, IN FULL. I walk you through each one, step by step!I answer the most popular questions about breathing for singing, vocal support, and how to get the best natural vocal tone.The Workouts are great for intermediate to advanced students as well! Simply choose a Vocal Workout each day and we'll go through it together!  I hope to see you in class!Steve Glazer"
Price: 114.99

"STRUMMING SIMPLIFIED: 51 Guitar Rhythms For All Styles!"
"Learn 51 awesome Strumming patterns and Finger-picking patterns, in ALL styles of music! Pop, Rock, Blues, Country, Indie, Metal, Funk...STRUMMING SIMPLIFIED demonstrates, in detail, how to play each Rhythm using a different musical example.  Includes over 4 hours of video lessons, charts, tablature, drum beats to download, and more!The Benefits:Improve all aspects of your rhythm playing on Acoustic and Electric guitarPlay more interesting and complicated rhythmsLearn your favorite songs much more easilyCreate awesome original music with the all new rhythms you've learnedSing and play guitar at the same time much more easilyLearn to keep a more consistent tempoHave a better feel in your rhythmsPlay faster and more easily without fatigueAfter learning these 51 rhythms and the techniques behind them, you'll be able to tackle any rhythm you run into, or want to create, in the future!  I guarantee it!"
Price: 124.99

"Parenting with Purpose"
"Welcome to Starfish Parentings course on Parenting with Purpose! Youve taken the first step to becoming the best parent you can be and in turn giving your child the parenting he or she needs. What you will learn here has helped more than 200 families and now it can help you and your family!Our course is led by Mike Wallach, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with over 15 years of experience working with children. Hes ready to give you his secrets of building a positive relationship with your kids. In this course, youll learn how simple and easy changes to your own interactions and reactions to your child will create a more pleasant household. The good news is that these small changes will produce big rewards."
Price: 49.99

"Build Multiplayer Games With Unity And Photon ( PUN 2)"
"Have you ever wanted to build your own multiplayer games that hit the stores like Pixel GUN 3D, Golf Clash and ShadowGun Legends? Yeah, you've come to the right place!Because all these successful games are built using Photon which is a multiplayer game engine trusted by hundred thousands of developers around the globe!In this course, you will learn the basics to create your own multiplayer games! And in every section, we will build a multiplayer game from scratch! So, you will learn by doing in every project...In the first section, we will build Pixel Gun 3D Clone project from scratch with Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN2).It will be your first multiplayer game. By building this game, you will learn lots of things:Creating and  joining a random rooms with Photon.Instantiating remote players in the same room.Synchronizing Player movement and player health across the network.In the second section, we will build a Mobile Multiplayer FPS Game from scratch with Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN2).In this section, you will learn more advanced stuff in multiplayer games.How to create rooms by name and max.players.How to list the existing rooms.How to list the players in the room.How to synchronize player animations across the network.First Person Shooter basics like FPS Hands and 3D player models.Mobile ControllersBasic re-spawning mechanism after the player got killed!In the third section, we will build Multiplayer Racing Game from scratch with Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN2).There will be more and more advanced stuff and you will have the opportunity to practice what you learned.How to work with Scriptable ObjectsHow to sync Projectile Shooting over the networkCharacter SelectionGame Mode SelectionRaise Events Player Ready MechanismAnd more..So, come and join me on this Multiplayer Game Development  Journey! Lets build together!-Tevfik"
Price: 199.99

"Unity3d 2019 Multiplayer Oyun Gelitirmeyi Yaparak ren!"
"Unity3D ile multiplayer oyun yapm hakknda merak ettiiniz ve renmek istediiniz her eyi renebilirsiniz. Derslerimizde bilgisayar ve telefonlar iin yaptmz oyunlar ile her trl platformda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Srekli gncellenecek olan kurslarmz ile gnmzn popler oyunlarnn nasl yapldn anlamanza yardmc olacaz ve bu oyunlar birlikte yapacaz. Eer siz de kendi oyunlarnz multiplayer hale getirmek istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Multiplayer Augmented Reality (AR) Game With Unity"
"Multiplayer Augmented Reality Games are becoming popular with the latest improvement in AR tech. We have now very stable ARCore and ARKit SDKs to build immersive AR experiences.  Also, with Magic Leap and Microsoft HoloLens,  AR experiences reach to another level. So, a new gaming experience has arrived! It is Multiplayer AR Games. There are already very successful Multiplayer Games out there such as Pokemon GO, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Mini Guns - Omega Wars...If you are a game developer, there can't be a better time to develop and publish a Multiplayer AR Game to the stores...Because there are really a few games and the potential is huge!  That's why I created this unique online course on Multiplayer Augmented Reality to help game developers publish their own Multiplayer AR Games. In this course, you will learn the basics of Multiplayer Augmented Reality game development. Once we completed the single-player mode, we will implement Multiplayer using Photon Unity Networking 2 package as the multiplayer engine.For the Multiplayer side of the game, you will learn:Connecting to Photon serversJoining random roomsPlayer SelectionManual Player SpawningWriting your own  Synchronization script to synch player movement.Killing and respawning mechanismThen, we will implement Augmented Reality into the multiplayer game we've built. We will use the top AR SDKs which are Google's ARCore and Apple's ARKit.  And with Unity's AR Foundation, we will develop only once and deploy the game to both Android and IOS devices. That will definitely save you some development time...For the Augmented Reality side of the game, you will learn:Implementing AR to a Unity sceneImplementing ARCore/ ARKit to project with AR FoundationDetecting flat surfaces and visualizing AR PlanesPlacing the game arena to flat surfacesScaling in Augmented RealityMovement synchronization in Augmented RealityCome and join me if you want to be part of this new, awesome Gaming platform which is Multiplayer Augmented Reality. Let's build together!-Tevfik"
Price: 199.99

"Comment crer un chatbot messenger sans coder ?"
"Avoir une page Facebook s'avrer tre bien plus utile que vous ne le pensez... En effet, si vous l'optimisez au maximum, elle peut travailler pour vous. Encore faut-il connatre certaines fonctionnalits et mettre en place des squences grce un chatbot. Mais un chatbot et une automatisation ne feront pas tout. Il faut mettre galement en place une stratgie d'acquisition afin que cette automatisation soit rellement utile. C'est pourquoi nous allons voir ensemble dans cette formation :Qu'est-ce qu'un chatbot et pourquoi faut-il en mettre un en place ?Comment crer votre premier chatbot Messenger ?Quelle stratgie d'acquisition mettre en place ?Quelles fonctionnalits Facebook utiliser ? A qui s'adresse cette formation ?Cette formation est pour vous si vous souhaitez dvelopper votre activit.Que vous soyez indpendant ou que vous ayez une petite structure, ce tutoriel vido peut vous permettre de mettre en place votre premier chatbot et automatiser certaines tapes de votre marketing.Cependant, je tiens vous mettre en garde. Ce n'est pas une solution magique. Il faut travailler en amont pour mettre en place ce dispositif et l'amliorer. Si vous n'avez pas assez le courage ncessaire pour mettre en place une telle squence, cette formation n'est pas pour vous. En revanche, si vous tes dtermin russir, cette formation vous permettra d'avoir un moyen de conversion supplmentaire pour vous donner encore plus de chances de russir.Si vous faites parti de ces personnes qui souhaitent dvelopper leur activit et qui n'ont pas froid aux yeux, on se retrouve tout de suite dans la formation ! Je reste disponible dans le salon d'entraide pour rpondre vos ventuelles questions."
Price: 99.99

"Analyser et optimiser vos campagnes publicitaire Facebook"
"Si vous investissez en publicit Facebook/Instagram et que vous avez du mal ou des difficults vraiment bien analyser et optimiser vos campagnes, alors, vous serez accompagn tout au long de ce cours pour bien comprendre la dynamique et la rflexion avoir pour amliorer vos rsultatsEn effet, vous aurez accs des ressources qui vont vous accompagner au quotidien pour ne louper aucune tape lors de la cration de vos campagnes, mais aussi et surtout, lors de vos analyses et optimisationIl s'agit plus exactement de check lists qui vont vous permettre d'tre plus efficace dans votre travaille et ne plus vous poser de questions ""existentielles"" concernant la publicit Facebook/InstagramCes documents seront expliqus et vous saurez exactement quoi faire et comment le faire, grce une tude de casDe plus, je vous expliquerai le systme utilis pour toutes les campagnes que je gre, que ce soit pour mes clients ou pour notre entreprise, pour que l'on puisse avoir une croissance constante de nos rsultatsEnfin, si vous suivez ce cours, vous allez galement accder des bonus pour vous faciliter la tche dans vos analyses, mais aussi, dans vos optimisations de campagnes pour conserver la preuve sociale que vous avez engendrA qui s'adresse ce cours ?Tout dabord, je tiens prciser que ce cours ne vous conviendra pas si vous avez peur d'investir, puisque je ne suis pas l pour vous apprendre avoir confiance en la publicit en ligne de manire gnrale. Donc, si vous tes sceptique par rapport la publicit en ligne, notamment la publicit Facebook/Instagram, ne suivez pas ce coursPar contre, si vous avez conscience que vous pouvez avoir des rsultats grce ce canal, alors, vous pouvez suivre ce cours, d'autant plus si vous avez votre propre business ou que vous tes un marketeur en qute de nouvelles comptencesCe cours est encore plus pour vous si :Vous voulez avoir un esprit plus analytique de vos campagnes et ne plus passer du temps sur des indicateurs inintressants pour vos objectifsVous voulez avoir une trame qui vous aidera avancer sereinement dans la construction, l'analyse et l'optimisation de vos campagnes afin de construire des rapport dtaills, pour vous, comme pour vos clientsVous tes un entrepreneur qui a du mal avec la publicit Facebook et qui veut vraiment exploiter le plein potentiel de ce canal d'acquisition payantSi c'est votre cas ou que vous vous tes reconnu dans cette description, je vous dis, tout de suite de l'autre ct"
Price: 99.99

"Disea tu Estrategia de Marca Personal paso a paso"
"Mi curso de Branding Personal explica paso a paso como pasar de ser un profesional annimo a otro conocido, respetado, fiable y con autoridad que se convierta en la opcin preferente en el competitivo mercado laboral actual y, de este modo, tener ms posibilidades de eleccin.Lo importante es empezar a aplicar lo aprendido. Todo lo explicado puede realizarse inmediatamente, as que slo hay que ponerse en marcha. Si se siguen las instrucciones del curso, en poco tiempo empezarn a verse resultados que irn creciendo si se mantiene el impulso."
Price: 19.99

"Etiqueta de negocios para profesionales"
"La Etiqueta empresarial es increblemente importante para los recin licenciados, los profesionales en sus primeros aos, los ejecutivos de alto nivel y cualquiera que quiera tener opciones de xito en el mundo empresarial actual.Cuando sabes comportarte en el mundo empresarial a todos los niveles, tendrs ventaja sobre tu competencia. Podrs conectarte mejor con clientes y compaeros de trabajo. Ser ms fcil, agradable y, seguramente, rentable para ti.Soy Andrs Prez. Llevo trabajando en habilidades de Estrategia Personal desde 2004. Imparto conferencias y talleres y escribo libros y artculos. Me he especializo en ayudar a las personas a desarrollar sus habilidades sociales en los negocios para aumentar su valor y sus opciones profesionales.He ayudado a muchos de mis clientes a posicionar su Marca Personal para conseguir puestos de trabajo, mejorar su reputacin y generar ingresos. En este programa te explico muchas de esas cosas relacionadas con el comportamiento y los modales en el trabajo.El mundo profesional de hoy es competitivo y tienes que sobresalir de algn modo para progresar y tener xito. Cmo sigues siendo empleable? Cmo te destacas entre la multitud? La etiqueta puede ayudarte.Acumular ttulos y engordar el Currculo no es la respuesta. Mejorar, mejorar y desarrollar tus habilidades sociales en un entorno deshumanizado como el actual, puede hacerte destacar sobre el resto.Dos personas que tienen un nivel comparable de formacin y cualidades, pero aquella que tiene ms capacidad para conectar con los dems, participar en conversaciones y generar sintona, va a llamar la atencin para bien.En otras palabras, lo que separa a esas dos personas cuando se trata de xito, es su nivel de habilidad social en los negocios. Y de eso va la Etiqueta en el trabajo."
Price: 19.99

"Networking Profesional paso a paso"
"Existen multitud de oportunidades profesionales que podemos utilizar para progresar, sea cual sea nuestro estado laboral, pero hay que descubrirlas. Una de las mejores formas de conseguirlo es a travs de nuestros contactos.Aprender, desarrollarnos, encontrar un empleo o un cliente o simplemente disfrutar de nuestra profesin ms all de lo puramente empresarial.Pero el Networking es una forma sistematizada de disear, tejer, desarrollar y mantener nuestra red de contactos. Hay que seguir un mtodo y superar barreras mentales. Anlisis, estrategia, miedos, conversacin, eventos, propuesta de valor... Son muchos los elementos que influyen en la construccin de relaciones. Y eso es lo que te explico en este programa.Durante este programa aprenders muchos principios simples y tiles que aumentarn tus opciones de xito profesional mediante la gestin de tu red de contactos.Cuantas ms personas conozcas, ms oportunidades tendrs como emprendedor, empleado o profesional en transicin.Una red ms grande y de ms calidad implica ms oportunidades para obtener acceso a quienes puedan apoyarte en tu proyecto profesional. Las redes proporcionan soporte cuando los tiempos son difciles, es tu red de seguridad. Ms acceso a personas influyentes significa ms acceso a consejos profesionales. Cuantas ms personas conozcas, ms prestigio tendrs. Estar bien conectado aumenta el valor de tu Marca Personal.En este programa te proporciono herramientas para tener influencia en la vida de otras personas y dejar una huella positiva en tu entorno.El curso tiene ms de 4 horas de vdeo, algunos ejercicios y tareas y un manual de ms de 80 pginas."
Price: 19.99

"Qt Core Intermediate with C++"
"This is not a beginners course! This is the second course in the Qt series, and is a follow up to the Qt Core for beginners course. It is highly recommended you complete that course first! There are not a lot of intermediate courses, the goal of this one is to bridge the gap between beginners and advanced programmers.Qt core for intermediate programmers coversSmart PointersQSettingsQIODeviceQFile & QDIRqCompressEncoding SerialiationDesign patternsAnd much more"
Price: 19.99

"Qt Core Advanced with C++"
"This is not a beginners course! This is a followup to the Udemy Qt Core for beginners and intermediate users and picks up where they both left off. In this course you will learn how to work with threads, sockets, libraries, plugins, unit testing, and application deployment across multiple operating systems."
Price: 19.99