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"Change the Perception of Your Happiness"
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the perceptions that are responsible for the relationships youre in today!And unless your living a life full of joy and emotional abundance, these perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with the present state of your life - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not enjoying your life to the fullest - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it!With Change the Perception of Your Relationship you will:i. Change the perception of who you are.ii. Create the perception you desire.iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99

"Change the Perception of Your Success"
"In this course, youll discover the four stages of your Identity and how these different stages conflate to create the Perceptions that are responsible for the success youre experiencing in your life today!And unless you are achieving your most important goals and objectives in life, these perceptions have failed you! In fact, the true villain is your Persona and IT is responsible for all the perceptions and misconceptions that have been created about you! If youre unhappy with the present state of your life - these perceptions are to blame! If you are not enjoying your life to the fullest - it was these perceptions that failed you! If you created a dependency on drugs or alcohol - it was you Persona that created this addiction! If you are overweight or out of shape - your Persona was the cause! If you have lost your faith - it was your Persona who abandoned it!With Change the Perception of Your Success you will:i. Change the perception of who you are.ii. Create the perception you desire.iii. Develop a new Persona for the person who would be successful!This is the person you must become!"
Price: 29.99

"Change the Perception of Your Faith"
"The perception you have about your faith is responsible for the connection you have with your spirituality! This course will show you how to change that connection! If you dont have a faith-based belief system, its because of the perception you have about your faith! If you dont have an intimate connection with your faith, its because of the perception you have about your faith. If you are not spirituality guided, its because of the perception you have about your faith! This course will strengthen your faith by changing the perception you have about your faith!"
Price: 29.99

"Modern European Dining Etiquette"
"This course will guide you through the proper dining etiquette that applies to most common servings of meat, game and fish as well as a variety of ancillary dishes and desserts that complement most formal dinners. You will learn in simple and straightforward language how to assert yourself as an expert at the traditional and modern dinner table. I will give you many examples on what to do with the dishes that are placed in front of you and how to avoid any embarrassing faux pas.But most of all, I want you to experience the pure joy that you will derive from partaking in the ambiance and elegance of Modern European Dining Etiquette.Bonne apptit!"
Price: 29.99

"Give Your Personality a Makeover"
"This course will not change your personality, but it will change the perception of your personality! The perception of your personality is the way in which you see yourself. It is also the way in which others see you through their own lens. It is what others talk about when they talk about you. And this perception of your personality is responsible for the situation you are in today! If youre not attracting the right partner to build an ideal relationship with, its because of theperception of your personality.If you havent landed that dream job or promotion, its because of theperception of your personality.If youre not successful in your personal or professional life, its because of theperception of your personality.The perception of your personality is a mirror image. It may resemble you in every way, but its only your reflection. And its two-dimensional! The dimension that is missing is YOU."
Price: 29.99

"Give Your Relationship a Makeover"
"This course may not change your relationships, but it will change the perception of your relationships! The perception of your relationships is the way in which you see your relationships. It is also the way in which others see your relationships through their own lens. It is what others talk about when they talk about your relationships. And this perception of your relationships is responsible for the situation your relationships are in today!"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Git"
"This course was created for anyone interested in understanding how to use a distributed version control system (DVCS) for managing digital content - code, images, text. This course is intended for users that may haver heard about Git, but have never used it before. By the end of the course you will have hands-on experience using Git and be able to version control your digital content on a local repository on your own laptop or server and push or pull that content to/from a remote repository (we use GitHub as our example)."
Price: 99.99

"O curso de drone foi desenvolvido para o melhor aproveitamento dos alunos na teoria e na prtica. Ele rene informaes tericas e prticas baseadas no que o mercado mais necessita nos dias de hoje. um contedo completamente estruturado para o aprendizado de qualquer pessoa - conhea ela ou no sobre Drones previamente. Alm disso ainda dispomos de profissionais capacitados para acompanhar nossos alunos em todas as dvidas em nossas mentorias em grupo e individuais. O nosso processo de mentoria individual para quem deseja empreender na rea, junto com marketing digital tambm uma forma de desenvolver o aluno para o mercado, auxiliar ele na captura dos servios e at mesmo na formulao dos primeiros oramentos. , com certeza, o curso mais completo do mercado e o que mais desenvolve pessoalmente e profissionalmente."
Price: 579.99

"Trafik Kazalar"
"Trkiye' de nfusun artmasna ve dier sebeplere bal olarak artan ara says ve meydana gelen trafik kazalarnn istatistiksel olarak olduka yksek oranlar iermesi neticesinde trafik kazalar dosyalarn hukuki adan inceleme ihtiyac hissettik. Trafik kazalar dosyalarnn Yargtay kararlar dorultusunda uygulama alan hakknda bilgi verdik. Trafik kazalar sonucunda bavurulacak hukuki yollar anlattk."
Price: 19.99

"[SongWon] Korean Grammar for Speaking 1"
"Song Wons Korean Grammar for Speaking is the quintessential text for learning how to speak and write Korean. As a proven, passionate, and dedicated teacher, Song Won has perfected his language learning system in the classroom. Now, hes finally put those same methods into an informative, easy-to-understand textbook. Korean Grammar for Speaking is methodically organized and broken down into separate units. In the beginning, students will build a foundation by learning how to read, write, and pronounce Hangul (the Korean alphabet). From there, students will learn everything from the counting systems and present tense verbs, to more complex and complicated grammatical concepts. Within each unit, there will be vocabulary lists, a wide variety of practice problems, and end-of-unit quizzes. This comprehensive language learning textbook will have you speaking, reading, and writing Korean in no time! Along with Korean grammar, this textbook will teach students important vocabulary words that are useful in many common, everyday situations. It will also highlight Korean slang and colloquialisms, as well. Song Wons language learning method is different from classic, traditional textbooks. This book will have students thinking and responding organically in Korean. The goal of Korean Grammar for Speaking is to make students fluent in Korean within six months. Although learning Korean will be a challenge, its a challenge that will reward students many times over."
Price: 34.99

", . 10, 20 . .1. , , , .2. 100% .3. .4. . ."
Price: 34.99

"[SongWon] Korean Grammar for Speaking 2"
"The second installment in the Korean Grammar for Speaking series picks up exactly where the first left off, and manages to answer pretty much any question you had left about this challenging and exciting language. Author Song Won has carefully crafted this follow-up course and packed it with highly useful content which will provide you with all of the tools needed in order to build upon the strong foundations set along the course of the first level. The easy-to-understand and to-the-point format has remained unchanged, allowing readers to immediately dive into the good stuff and start expanding their comprehension of Korean Grammar right away. This second level covers a truly wide array of more advanced high usage daily expressions which will definitely come in handy while engaging in conversation, small-talk and even during more formal situations, such as giving a talk or presentation. Apart from presenting these new concepts, the text also aids us in combining them with previously learned conjugations, in a creative, fun and simple building blocks kind of approach. Each unit also includes extensive advanced vocabulary lists, a wide variety of practice problems, and end-of-unit quizzes. Youll be genuinely amazed at how easy Korean Grammar seems while following Songwons tried and tested methods! Korean Grammar for Speaking 2 has been created in order to immensely enhance your understanding of spoken Korean Grammar and finally give you the confidence you seek in order to further progress towards your language learning goals. As if all that wasnt enough, this valuable book is enhanced with audio lessons which can be accessed at PodBbang, as well as videos that may be viewed on YouTube at no extra cost. Korean Grammar for Speaking 2 is an undoubtedly essential tool for virtually anyone at all who wishes to learn this fascinating language."
Price: 34.99

"java swing using yswing framework"
"in this course i will show you how to create gui using swing in a more effective way.we will do this by using my swing framework i created for that this course we will go over basic usage of my framework, and in the final parts we will use all we have learned to create a notepad clone and a todo list programs."
Price: 144.99

"Advanced Html,Css,Jade(pug),Materializecss Course"
"last updated 22/09/2019developing a website from scratch is tedious. all those html tags css attributes creating a layout and making everything work can also take a lot of time, even for the simplest web template. I wanted a better faster workflow, something that will allow me to develop websites in half the time.and thats what I will show you in this course.the workflow is a combination of using jade (html precompiler) and the materializecss framework. I wanted to add sass but it was not needed.even those tools weren't enough, so I created a code generator that allows me to create the common elements I usually hand code, with a few written words.first part:in this part, I will cover the basics of jade and how to use the materializecss grid. then we will use what we have learned to create a simple landing page. after that we will create a simple home page design, I call it ""classic""  because it has all the classic elements homepages usually have (menu, billboard, 3 features etc).the point of all of this is getting your hands dirty using my workflow.second part:we will start by creating a simple contact form using the materializecss  forms class, we do that to get you trough the basics of creating forms using the materializecss  framework. after that we will make another landing page, and ""under construction"" page, this kind of page is used as a placeholder while you develop a website, it also has a contact form. and then we will create the most basic portfolio layout, which is basically all you need to display your projects, its very reusable and all you need for a basic portfolio.third part:in this part we will create one project, a tabbed website, its a 4 page generic business website layout and design.the twist is that the browser dont need to reload the page when clicking a page from the menu, only the main content changes.each page is actually a tab, this is not how the tabs component was meant to be used but its not a hack. technically all of the pages are on the same file, if we weren't using jade it would be hard to maintain, but as we do use jade its a breeze to edit and add to.this part is based on all we learned and adds a few new things.fourth part(bonus):you dont have to use this part, but its highly recommended, it features my code generator tool. its a tool i created to make my life easier and for faster development.the first few lessons will demonstrate basic usage and will showcase all of the components it can create.then we will create two one page layouts. both using the code generator tool.the last lesson will show you how to add your own code generator commands.faq:will there be more?yes, im planning on adding more lessons and parts to this course teaching more tricks and techniques that will help you become a better front end developer and develop html css websites faster and better. what if i get stuck?udemy has a q&a section for each course, use it, i will get an email notification and try to help as best as i can.your problems solution might even help future students.make sure your question/problem is course related."
Price: 104.99

"Python 3 For Beginners in 2020!"
"Do you want to learn Python 3?You have come to the right place, welcome to the Python 3 for beginners course,where you will learn how to create real-world Python applications from scratchWhy should you learn Python?Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet.Even compared to other popular languages. Python is way ahead.It is also projected to be one of the most popular programming languages way into the futureIt doesn't matter whether you want to focus on Web applications, Games, Machine learning or Data Science, Python is used everywhere.Who is this course for?Beginners with no experience with python 3Programmers with experience in other programming languagesAnyone who knows the basics of python but wants to learn more in-depthAnyone who wants to start with programmingWhat you can find inside the course?How to install Python 3How to install Visual Studio CodeVariablesOperations with VariablesCastingCode Branching (if, else if, else)Python Data Structures (Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries)Loops (for, while)Break & continue statementsWork with files (create, open, write, append)Exception HandlingFunctionsRecursive FunctionsHow to debug applicationsModules and PIPObject-Oriented ProgrammingInheritanceProtectionIteratorsSimple Algorithms (for improvement of problem-solving skills)TkInter GUIFrames, Buttons, Entry, Grid, Menu, Canvas, Rectangles, Lines, Oval...You will also create real-world graphical applications:TODO listtext editorgraphical editorWe have over 80 high-quality video lecturescombined with articles and quizzes.So that you can test your python skills.If you don't understand something or if you need help with something. You can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a day.At the end of this course, you will get a certificate of completion.That you can put on your resume or on your LinkedIn profile.The course comes with an amazing 30-day money-back guaranteeSo you can try the course, risk-free.So do you want to learn Python 3?Enroll today and I will see you in the course"
Price: 99.99

"Master TkInter: Create 5 Real World TkInter Apps"
"Do you want to create Python GUI with TkInter?Then you have come to the right place.Welcome to the TkInter mastery course, where you will learn how to create real world TkInter applications from scratch.Who am I?My name is LukeI am a programmer with over 5 years of experience.I worked for companies like SAP and currently I am a Udemy instructor with over 75 000 students.Who is this course for?Anyone who want to create Python GUIProgrammer with basic python knowledge who wants to create GUI with TkInterAnyone who knows basics of TkInter but wants to learn moreWhat you can find inside the course?In the beginning we will take a look at how to create window and how to add widgets like:buttonlabelframemenuimageentrycanvas (Lines, Rectangles, Ovals)check boxcombo boxThen you practice your knowledge on several fully functioning python GUI applications.First one is the ""Todo-list"". Then we take a look at the Tick Tack Toe game.From these simple applications we move on to more complex ones one of them is the working text editor. It allows you to save and open file and even style the text a little bit. Another project is the Graphical editor, where we take a closer look at the events that are occurring in your application.Lastly we create an application that I do like to call the clicking game (within some time frame, you are trying to click on a moving button as many times as possible)All the source codes are available to you. So that you can show off to your friends, what applications you can create.We have over 30 high quality video lectures combined with articles and if you don't understand something or if you need help with something. You can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a Day.At the end of this course, You will get a certificate of completion. That you can put on your resume or on your linked in profile.The course also comes with amazing 30 day money back guarantee. So you can try the course, risk free.So do you want to learn TkInter?Enroll today and I will see you in the course"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Computer Networks"
"I remember the time when I took Computer Network class at my University. It was extremely boring. Though the professor had great knowledge about Computer Networks, he couldn't explain it in a simple, fast and engaging way. That is why I created this course.In this course I will explain the most important concepts of Computer Networks in a simple, fast and engaging way!Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn the most important concepts of Computer NetworksPerson who just wants to learn how the Internet worksAnyone who is studying on their Computer Network exam.What will you learn?As I wrote earlier, you will learn the most important concepts of Computer Networks. The exact topics include:Types of networks (size, topology)Cables in computer networksTCP/IP architectureISO/OSI modelIP protocol (IP address, routing)TCP & UDP - How they work and what they doTCP - Connection managementDNS ServersWhat things do I need?In order to take this course, you only need your computer or smartphone and internet connection.Also, if you don't understand something or if you need help with something. You can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a Day.At the end of this course, You will get a certificate of completion. That you can put on your resume or on your linked in profile.The course also comes with amazing 30 day money back guarantee. So you can try the course, risk free.So do you want to learn how the internet works?Enroll today and I will see you in the course"
Price: 49.99

"Bootstrap 4 from Scratch With Projects"
"Master responsive website development with Bootstrap 4 from Scratch!This course will teach you how you can use Bootstrap 4 in order to create real-world websites. We start completely from scratch, at the Bootstrap documentation. Which is a great place to learn about Bootstrap 4 components and utilities. In my opinion the best way to learn any technology is via practice. That is why, we will jump right into projects where you will learn the most important concepts of Bootstrap 4 and responsive web development.Once you've completed the course you'll be able to design and develop you're own Bootstrap 4 responsive websites and themes. The source code for the completed theme is added as a resource to this course. Same goes for images used at the website template that you will create.You do NOT need to know Bootstrap 4 for this course. The course is designed even for complete beginners. If you are already familiar with Bootstrap you can skip the first section and go directly to the projects.Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn or expand their Bootstrap 4 knowledgeBeginner web developers curious about responsive web design and Bootstrap 4Someone who wants to create real-world websites with Bootstrap 4, HTML 5 and CSS 3Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?You need to have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS but only a beginner understanding is required.Course Curriculum:As mentioned earlier, we start with bootstrap 4 documentation. I took a moment to explain the CSS Grid layout often used in Bootstrap websites. Then we take a look at Bootstrap Components & Utilities. Then we finish of the first section with a brief lecture on Best Practices and Versions of the bootstrap library.After finishing this section we move on to first project, which is the E-commerce Landing Page. This web template is fully responsive. We start implementing it from scratch but if you want you can download the source code.Then we move to second project which is a simple responsive landing page. Once again implemented from scratch.I'm here to help you along the way while you master Bootstrap and I'm ready to answer any questions you may have.So do you want to learn Bootstrap 4 and create your own responsive websites?Enroll today and I will see you in the course."
Price: 99.99

"Google Slides From Beginner To Pro"
"Do you want to create presentation but you don't want to pay for the licence of PowerPoint? Don't worry, there is a solution to create presentations without PowerPoint. The solution is called Google Slides. This tool is free to use. In this course I will explain the most important concepts of Google Slides in a simple, fast and engaging way!Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn how to use Google SlidesPerson who just wants to create free presentationsAnyone who is studying and needs to create presentationsAnyone who is working and needs to create presentationWhat will you learn?How to create Google Slides presentationHow to select template of your presentationWork with slides (copy, paste, delete, move)Presentation skillsHow to insert element into your presentationHow to arrange elementsTransitions & AnimationsHow to work with google slides fileWhat things do I need?In order to take this course, you only need your computer or smartphone and internet connection.Also, if you don't understand something or if you need help with something. You can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a day.At the end of this course, You will get a certificate of completion. That you can put on your resume or on your linked in profile.The course also comes with amazing 30 day money back guarantee. So you can try the course, risk free.So do you want to learn how to use google slides?Enroll today and I will see you in the course"
Price: 59.99

"Engineering Interview: Improve Problem-Solving in Python!"
"Are you someone who wants to improve problem-solving skills or prepare for an upcoming software engineering interview? Then you have come to the right place!In this course, you will improve your problem solving skills and prepare for an engineering interview with 18 real-world coding interview problems. Solving those problems will improve your problem solving capabilities and help you get a software engineering job.Hello, my name is luke and I will be your instructor throughout this course.In this course, you will prepare for your coding interview in python.Basically I will show you how to solve real-world problems. That often comes up at a software engineering interviewThese are the type of problems you can get at an interview in one of the big tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.If you practice your problem-solving skills on these problems I promise you, you will be better prepared for your interview.So who is this course for?This course is for a person who is preparing for a coding interviewAlso, it is a good match for people who wants to get a job at one of the big tech companies and they need to pass the coding interview before they can get to the in-place interview.And overall if you just want to improve your problem-solving skills, this course is made for you.Another thing I want to mention is that this course is not designed for absolute beginners. It requires that you know basic programming concepts such as function, variables, if statements, loops and so on.Also In the course, I am using some data structures to solve some problems so it would be great if you would know what I am talking about. I use only basic data structures like Binary search tree or Hash table.In the course, there are currently 18 exercises on which you can practice your problem-solving skills. You have the source code that is written in python available to every exercise.And if you get stuck or if you don't understand something you can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a day.So do you want to improve your problem solving skills?Enroll today and I will see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Product Owner Certification + 2 Mock Tests"
"To be effective, Product Owners need to have a firm grasp on the value drivers for their product, and a keen sense of how to use agile practices and Scrum to maximize that value. The Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) assessments allow people to validate and certify their understanding of the role of the Product Owner and how they would respond to real situations that would challenge them.NEW: After receiving lots of messages from my students on my Scrum Master Certification Course, I have added a new lecture in this course about how to manage product backlog in an effective way. This course will save you hundreds of pounds on Scrum training and help you to pass Scrum Product Owner certification in your first try.What will you learn?This Course enables aspiring Product Owners to develop their knowledge of how to maintain and manage a responsive product backlog, and have a product vision that represents the stakeholders and customers requirements.  At the end of this course you will not only learn about the product owner role within scrum framework but also will have detailed knowledge on scrum to direct your team using the best practices of agile and scrum. New Addition: I have added a lecture to this course about INVEST technique.Why this course?Because I have trained hundreds of Product Owners and got consistent feedback. My course content is created out of real life scenarios and experiences.In my course you will also learn everything included in Scrum Guide which is primary source of passing Professional Product Owner Certification. You will be able to ask me questions via Udemy messaging system Disclaimer: This course has professional voice over as well as a professional teacher in front of you virtually - face to face. Who this course is for:This course is for Scrum Team Members, Scrum Masters, Scrum Product Owners.This course is for product managers who will transition to agile environments or product managers who will start their journey as a newbie.Business analysts, testers, software developers can also step into their product owner role journey with this course.Anyone who is planning to Pass Product Owner Certification tests"
Price: 199.99

"Japons TODO EN 1: Lo Ms Importante"
"En este videocurso aprenders las enseanzas bsicas del idioma japons tales como hiragana, katakana, vocabulario variado entre otras cosas. Al aprender japons, normalmente se debe conocer un conjunto de palabras que sirvan para formar oraciones y estructuras considerablemente tiles y prcticas en el da a da. Recuerda que es necesario que tomes en cuenta los tips extra sobre como aprender japons que se te irn proporcionando a lo largo del curso."
Price: 19.99

"En este videocurso de ingls aprenders a pronunciar varias palabras, tips acerca de la fontica (sonido)en ingls, ideas para aprender a largo plazo y mucho ms! Te ser de gran utilidad a lo largo de tu aprendizaje del idioma y sin duda alguna podrs experimentar un buen desarrollo de tu idioma al poner en prctica estas habilidades a travs de exmenes y ejercicios."
Price: 19.99

"Ingls Performance: Lee, Prctica y Aprende"
"Felicidades por venir aqu, significa que tuviste la iniciativa como para querer interesarte por el idioma ingls y de alguna manera reconoces que lo necesitas urgentemente. Este videocurso te ayudar a finalmente aprender ese idioma que tanto has estado tratando de aprender con gramtica, vocabulario, prcticas e incluso tips para el da a da. Qu podra ser mejor? Es un curso que incluye un todo en uno!Prepare yourself because the adventure is about to begin. Fast your seatbelts! We are going to the United States!"
Price: 19.99

"BASIC English: Una Herramienta Para Practicar Ingls"
"Este videocurso de ingls te ser un gran repaso del idioma de una forma completamente funcional. Aprenders cosas como palabras nuevas, gramtica, ideas para avanzar mejor, pronunciacin adecuada en el idioma y otras cosas para el da a da. Esperamos que tengas un buen nivel de desarrollo del idioma y comprendemos que hayas podido experimentar la necesidad de repasar ingls de la manera correcta. Con la experiencia de ms de 8 aos de ingls del profesor Pedro Planas, podrs disfrutar de un videocurso que har de tu nivel de ingls, una buena herramienta para tus futuros viajes, exmenes, negocios o cualquier otro tema dnde sea requerido el idioma. Un buen estudiante no nace, sino que se hace."
Price: 19.99

"Ingls SIMPLE: Mtodo De Ingls Vocabulario Y Lectura"
"Este videocurso de ingls est hecho para que puedas aprender un considerable nivel de vocabulario, lecturas y tips. Lo seguro es que de tanto leer ingls tarde o temprano vas a venir comprendiendo algo. La realidad es que no tienes que ir a costosas embajadas y que definitivamente puedes estar en tu casa mientras aprendes con el videocurso Ingls SIMPLE: Mtodo De Ingls Vocabulario y Lectura. Es momento de aprender ingls sin parar y que puedas hacerlo sin mucho gastar! Entre las cosas que puedes esperar tras finalizar este videocurso tienes las siguientes: un mejor nivel de ingls, mayor cantidad de palabras (lo que genera un importante repertorio a largo plazo al continuar estudiando ingls), mejores probabilidades de superar los test de ingls y prcticas utilsimas con lecturas del idioma ingls. Hopefully, you will be learning lots of things with this videocourse and that is going to be a very nice stuff. So prepare yourself, you are going to be board the bus with us!"
Price: 19.99

"Habas deseado aprender ingls de una forma compacta, sencilla y de fcil digestin?Entonces llegaste al lugar indicado! Con el videocurso Ingls TODO EN 1 literalmente tendrs un vocabulario sper extenso y prcticas de lectura en las que se te indicarn muchos tips de pronunciacin, gramtica y aprendizaje. Lo mejor?Todo por el precio de 1!"
Price: 19.99

"Ingls Champion: Compite Por Ser EL MEJOR en Ingls!"
"En esta ocasin, Ingls Champion: Compite Por Ser EL MEJOR en Ingls! te trae algo muy bueno para mejorar tu nivel de ingls de una forma bastante centrada. Tus aprendizajes de escuela, universidad o instituto sern reforzados sin lugar a dudas y podrs incrementar tu capacidad actual. Lo seguro es que esto va a estar BUENSIMO y que seguramente tendrs un nivel importante de avances de esta materia. S competitivo!You are going to make it and that is for sure! Es hora de hablar ingls as que espero que te vayas a costumbrando desde YA! Modo ""Motivation On""!"
Price: 19.99

"Good Time English: Ingls Para Cualquier Momento!"
"This is a GOOD TIME FOR LEARNING ENGLISH! Esto te ser una excelente manera de aprender el ingls al estilo americano. Siempre es un buen momento para aprender ingles, s, incluso hoy.Es hora de que aprendamos que un buen ingls y que definitivamente puedas generar un gran vocabulario en este preciso instante. Recuerda que no es nada ms que aprender la gramtica por aprenderla, la verdad es que es de gran ayuda poder tener muchos buenos aprendizajes que complementen lo que ya hayas visto. Sugiero que no dejes de learning english!Sin lugar a dudas esto te ayudar y te ser muy recomendable tener en cuenta que aprender el idioma no tiene que ser algo tan complejo, por el contrario, en Good Time English queremos que puedas aprender de manera bsica, fcil y cmoda. Todo bien sea por aprender ingls."
Price: 19.99

"Aprendiendo Ingls Sencillo: Hora de Leer!"
"Este videocurso de ingls est enfocado en ensearte el idioma ingls con un conjunto de lecturas que te sern de utilidad para mejorar tus aprendizajes en trminos especialmente de vocabulario. Tienes garanta de una cosa: no saldrs como entraste y la verdad es que tienes que ponerle empeo a esto del ingls si quieres lograrlo no olvides que cualquier videocurso que veas al final del da solamente te servir si tu pones en prctica aquello que vas viendo. Es una cuestin de mejorar tu nivel y tratar de no olvidar que este aprendizaje se hacer de manera CONTNUA. Time to speak in english so I hope that you do not miss the chance to get a good experience with the english language:let's go!"
Price: 19.99