"Crer votre prsence enligne via Google MyBusiness" |
"Rejoignez-nous cette formation certifiante pour apprendre gagner en notorit sur Google search et Google Maps, grce l'outil gratuit ""Google MyBusiness""Durant cette formation 100% pratique vous allez apprendre:1 - Comment crer une prsence en ligne son business2 - Comment crer une fiche Google My Business3 - Valider votre fiche Google My Business 4 - Habiller votre fiche Google My Business5 - Editer mon site web6 - Ajouter des produits7 - Ajouter des administrateurs8 - Ajouter un groupe d'tablissement9 - Ajouter des publications10 - Analyser les performances de votre fiche entreprise11- checker les Avis, Messages, comptes associsFORMATEUR : Directeur d'une agence digitale, certifi Google, Facebook, Email Marketing, Inbound Marketing et Social Media Marketing."
Price: 199.99 |
"Dropshipping avec WooCommerce, AliExpress et Facebook Ads" |
"Rejoignez-nous cette formation en Dropshipping pour apprendre bien dmarrer son entreprise e-Commerce, et vous offrir les clefs d'une gestion russie.Durant cette formation 100% pratique vous allez apprendre:1 - Crer votre boutique enligne sur WooCommerce1.1 - Setup de la boutique1.2 - Installer un thme 1.3 - Installer les plugins essentielles 1.4 - Crer les pages de votre boutique enligne2 - Configurer votre boutique enligne2.1 - Dcouvrir la plateforme ALiDropship2.2 - Importer les produits d'AliExpress2.3 - Editer vos produits (prix, titres, description, images...)2.4 - Importer les avis3 - Lier votre boutique enligne avec vos rseaux sociaux3.1 - Synchroniser votre boutique avec la boutique Facebook3.2 - Publier vos produits sur votre page Facebook3.3 - Promouvoir vos produits sur Facebook et Instagram3.4 - Lancer plusieurs types de publicit sur Facebook et Instagram"
Price: 199.99 |
"Microsoft Excel Beginner to Advanced - Data & Dashboards" |
"Microsoft Beginner to Advanced - Data and DashboardsThis Microsoft Excel course combines Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels and is focused on managing and analyzing your data with pivot tables and interactive Dashboards. This course will give you to power and knowledge to understand your data and make important decision based on your reports, graphs and dashboards.Material recorded with Excel Office 365Learn the Microsoft Excel skills you need with our beginner to advanced hands-on Excel course. These courses are designed to teach you the skills in how to master spreadsheets with confidence. You will learn to work with a range of excel tools, such as, formulas and functions, creating charts, sorting and filtering data, creating reports and much more. You can also extend your Excel skills to an advanced level with pivot tables, and interactive dashboards. All courses come with a manual and training data for you to follow along after the lessons. What you will get:* 3 Courses - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced* Training manuals for all courses* Case studies for your training* Templates* Training Data"
Price: 24.99 |
"ChatBot com Python/MySQL e Telegram" |
"Quem sou eu?Ol, me chamo Ricardo.Sou gacho e desenvolvedor de sistemas h algum tempo, trabalho com Delphi, Java, PHP e comecei a trabalhar com Python justamente por uma necessidade.Sou formado em Cincias da Computao e tenho duas Ps-Graduaes, uma em Gesto de TI e outra em Docncia no Ensino Tcnico.Depois de trabalhar vrios anos como Docente no Sistema S, acabei indo trabalhar como Desenvolvedor, mas a paixo por ensinar continuou e encontrei esta forma para continuar ensinando as pessoas para o trabalho.Por que devemos estudar Python e Telegram?2 Motivos:Telegram possui a criao de Bots, onde o envio de mensagens e automao feito por Id do bot e do usurio, no necessita de nmero de telefone para automatizar processos.Python uma linguagem simples e acima de tudo RPIDA e pode ser incorporada em diversas plataformas e compila o cdigo em tempo de execuo.Telegram como ferramenta de informaoTelegram um timo aplicativo para troca de mensagens, mas por ele ter esta parte de criao de bots ele tambm se torna uma fonte de informao, hoje o Telegram possui bots para fazer qualquer coisa, como previso do tempo, valor do bitcoin, buscas de perfis no Instagram e muito mais.Acredito que com o passar do tempo, o Telegram ser um feed de servios e informaes, hoje em dia j usado para isso e a tendncia aumentar cada vez mais.Linux MintVamos utilizar Linux porque geralmente o bot vai rodar a nvel de servidores e mquinas virtuais. Como existe uma preferncia no mercado para a utilizao de linux por servidores, o que ns adotaremos.Ele grtis e muito mais rpido que o Windows para o que estamos nos propondo neste curso. O Mint a distro Linux mais usada do mercado por ser a mais completa, os principais pacotes tanto na verso Desktop como Server esto nas ltimas verses.Integrao com Base de Dados MySQLO que adianta a pessoa responder as perguntas do rob e elas no serem armazenadas em uma base de dados para utilizar estas informaes? Para nada!Por isso, vamos aprender o bsico de MySQL para que voc consiga manipular os dados e com isso aplicar filtros, separando as pessoas por perfis que lhe interessam. Com isso voc pode mandar links personalizados vendendo produtos ou at mesmo informaes teis de acordo com os interesses de cada perfil.PHP com BootstrapVamos aprender a criar um formulrio de envios de links e informaes para os usurios cadastrados no banco de dados com suas respostas.Assim podemos controlar os envios atravs dos filtros aplicados e enviar links e notcias via WEB, voc pode entrar em contato com as pessoas de qualquer lugar que voc esteja tendo seu celular ou computador ligados na internet.Pensa que baita ferramenta de Marketing isso pode ser!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Criando um Dashboard do Zero com PHP,MySQL e Bootstrap" |
"Este curso est dividido em 5 mdulos1 Mdulo Comeamos a estudar o Google Charts e como funciona a criao dos grficos com esta tima biblioteca que poucos conhecem, uma das melhores quando se trata de criar grficos rpidos e sem enrolao para alguma apresentao.2 MduloCriaremos um Dashboard experimental, criaremos uma estrutura bsica, para que possamos entender como funcionam os Links Dinmicos(abrir outra pgina na pgina atual sem recarregar o site), com isto vamos aprender a inserir grficos e formulrios de forma dinmica e criar nossos grficos com Google Charts.3 MduloIremos aprender a criar grficos mais completos com a ajuda do chart.js que trabalha com Javascript, grficos profissionais e com um design mais bonito do que o Google Charts, ideal para sistemas web.4 Mdulo Criao de um Dashboard profissonal, onde colocaremos em prtica tudo que aprendemos nos 3 mdulos anteriores, com um visual limpo e bonito para apresentar as informaes cadastradas na base de dados.5 MduloComo utilizar o Admin LTE e aplicar todos os conhecimentos do curso.*Aulas dirias!"
Price: 39.99 |
"MySQL - Guia para iniciantes do zero (Curso Rpido)" |
"Iremos aprender a criar uma base no MySQL programando em linguagem SQL com ajuda do PHPmyAdmin totalmente do zero, o mesmo utilizado em hospedagens de sites. Nele vamos aprender passo a passo como construir uma base de dados, criar tabelas de dados e inserir,editar e excluir os valores nestas tabelas, tambm aprenderemos aplicar alguns filtros para encontrarmos os valores que precisamos em uma tabela ou mais tabelas utilizando PK(chave primria) e SK (chave estrangeira)Vou te ensinar a forma correta para voc estruturar uma base de dados, que voc consiga manipular e consultar os dados sempre que precisar de forma organizada.Este Curso para quem esta iniciando na programao e precisa de uma base de Banco de Dados Gerencivel (SGBD) para colocar seus projetos na internet ou busca conhecimento em MySQL"
Price: 39.99 |
"Creating realistic hair in Autodesk Maya ANY VERSION" |
"Learn to create realistic and dynamic hair with a great control over the look of the character, once created we will give movement to the hair, in this way it will react to the movement of the character, wind, gravity and collide with objects, at the end of the cousre you will have a realistic hair with excellent control and totally dynamic.No doubt a method that you can adopt for the creation of hair in your characters and in any version of Maya."
Price: 149.99 |
"Complete asset creation Maya ZBrush Substance Painter 2019" |
"Learn the complete process to create assets or props for videogames using Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019.First in Maya we are going to create the base model with simple geometry, you will learn some tips to create complex geometry easly in Maya, also we are going to create a correct UV map with an excelent automatic method, from there we'll take our base model to ZBrush for detailing, we're going to teach you some brushes to get detail very easy in ZBrush, afterwards we'll take the model to Substance Painter 2019 for PBR textuting and get a realistic look for the axe.Finally we'll return all the detail from ZBrush and texture from Substance Painter to Maya, set the materials, textures and illumination settings to get the final render in Maya.All in this complete course."
Price: 149.99 |
"Prop modeling and texturing in Maya ZBrush Substance Painter" |
"Learn the complete process to create assets or props for videogames using Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019.First in Maya we are going to create the base model with simple geometry, also we are going to create a correct UV map with an excelent automatic method, from there we'll take our base model to ZBrush for detailing, we're going to teach you some brushes to get detail very easy in ZBrush, afterwards we'll take the model to Substance Painter 2019 for PBR textuting and get a realistic look for the shield.Finally we'll return all the detail from ZBrush and texture from Substance Painter to Maya, set the materials, textures and illumination settings to get the final render in Maya.All in this complete course."
Price: 84.99 |
"AutoCAD Essencial - Comandos para voc se destacar!" |
"Neste curso voc aprender comandos que so essenciais para facilitar o seu dia a dia com o AutoCAD.Estes comandos no so ensinados em cursos tradicionais, porm so muito teis no mercado de trabalho, pois facilitaro e te daro agilidade e habilidade em suas atividades!A instrutora Giselle tem mais de 5 anos de experincia em AutoCAD e te dar todos os macetes que aprendeu trabalhando com este programa!"
Price: 39.99 |
"The Guitar Players Guide to Minor Scales" |
"Are you interested in learning how to play your minor scales? Then you've come to the right place. 50% of all songs you're probably going to play will be in a minor key. So why not understand the music theory behind what makes those songs so great. This course was designed to teach a you how to play any minor scale, pentatonic scale, or minor chord tones in any key anywhere on the neck. This material is absolutely essential to becoming a good guitar player. What will you learn in this course?The music theory behind the minor scaleHow to create minor scales going up the neck and across the neckHow to play the minor scale in any key anywhere on the neckHow to play the minor pentatonic scale in any key anywhere on the neckHow to play the minor chord tones in any key anywhere on the neckGreat practice techniques for these scalesDiatonic chords in minorI've included a copy of my scales book. A digital copy (PDF) of my scales book called ""Basic Scales A study of the Ionian and Aeolian Scales"". The book is 85 pages long and has charts for the followingmajor scales all over the neck in all 12 keysmajor pentatonic scales all over the neck in all 12 keysmajor chord tones all over the neck in all 12 keysminor scales all over the neck in all 12 keysminor pentatonic scales all over the neck in all 12 keysminor chord tones all over the neck in all 12 keysWhy should you buy my course?My name is ChrisRupp and I'm the founder of the Guitar Training Camp. I've been teaching guitar full time for over 19 years. I have taught more then 30,000 individual private guitar lessons. I teach guitar students online all over the world. I have a bachelors of music degree from the world renowned Berklee College of Music where I studied with some of the best guitar players on earth. I created a successful line of guitar instruction DVDs that sold very well and garnered the attention of the ""As Seen on TV"" folks. I love teaching guitar and helping students become better musicians through the guitar. I will answer your personal questions and help you with learning the material in this course. Why should I take your course and not just learn from YouTube?You can try to learn guitar from YouTube but eventually you'll figure out there's so many videos out there is very hard to put the information together in a coherent way. I have students come to me all the time that are tired of watching random guitar videos on YouTube and don't know how to put the information together. With my course you will get a systematic way of learning your minor scales. Do I have to be a great guitar player to benefit from this course?No! This course is more geared towards beginner and intermediate players. There's a lot of information in this course so take you're time learning the material. You will have full lifetime access to the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Triads for Guitar on Strings 1, 2, and 3" |
"Do you wish you had a better understanding of the guitar neck?Are you tired of just playing open chords or barre chords?Are you ready to spice up your rhythm and lead playing?If you've answered yes to any or all of these questions they you're ready for this class. In this class Triads for Guitar on Strings 1, 2, and 3 I'm going to change the way you look at the guitar neck forever. Once I learned how to play triads I've never looked at guitar the same way again. They have greatly improved my ability to play the guitar and understand chords whether I'm playing rhythm or lead guitar. Now I would like to teach you how to play triads on strings 1,2, and 3.What will you learn in this lesson?How to play and construct triadsYou will learn the 3 different inversions of a triadYou will learn how knowing triads can help you rhythm playingYou will learn how triads can really help your lead playingMajor triadsMinor triadsDiminished triadsAugmented triadsHow to create all 4 triads starting from the major triadHow to play a chord progression in root positionHow to play a chord progression in 1st inversionHow to play a chord progression in 2nd inversionHow to play a chord progression in a close set of triadsWhy should you sign up for my lesson?My name is Chris Rupp and I'm the founder of the Guitar Training Camp.I've been teaching guitar full time for over 19 years.I have taught more then 35,000 individual private guitar lessons.I teach guitar students online all over the world.I have a bachelors of music degree from the world renowned Berklee College of Music where I studied with some of the best guitar players on earth.I created a successful line of guitar instruction DVDs that sold very well and garnered the attention of the ""As Seen on TV"" folks.I love teaching guitar and helping students become better musicians through the guitar.I will answer your personal questions and help you with learning the material in this lesson.Why should I take your class and not just learn from YouTube?You can try to learn guitar from YouTube but eventually you'll figure out there's so many videos out there is very hard to put the information together in a coherent way. I have students come to me all the time that are tired of watching random guitar videos on YouTube and don't know how to put the information together. With this class you can get a very experienced teacher that can assist you with the learning process.Student Testimonial (Beginner Guitar Lessons - 10 Lessons)Hi Chris, thanks so much for reaching out! I'm about half way through lesson 10 of your Beginner lessons via Skillshare, so I was researching more of your teaching, and what's next... and found your GTC Online! I've gotta tell ya, something about your explanations, your method of teaching, and the detailed resources provided, you've connected so many dots for me -- it's appreciated beyond words! I'm mostly self-taught, regret that I started so late in life, and have tried other online resources, but yours has been the most comprehensive! As a corporate facilitator to adult learners myself, I just wanted to express my gratitude!Mel"
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner Open Chords for Guitar" |
"Are you new to guitar and are frustrated with it because you don't know how to play anything?Let Chris from GuitArmy get you on your path to playing your favorite songs.I created this course Beginner Open Chords for Guitar to teach beginner guitar players how to play their first chords. If you are new to guitar this course will teach you the basic chords you will need to play an endless amount of songs.This course is not only for beginners. I think all guitar players can find the course useful because it not only shows you basic chords but you will also learn variations of the chords and more advanced open chords.In each instructional video the chart for the chord is included right in the video making it very easy to learn the chords.A PDF chart of all of the chords is also included in the project section of this course.You will learn over 30 different open chords in this course. Below are the types of chords you will learn:major chordsminor chordsdominant 7th chordssus2 chordssus4 chordsadd9 chordsmajor 7th chordsminor 7th chordsslash chordsAfter you have learned all these great open chords you will play along with Chris on 4 chord progressions.This course is designed to be a fun light course that teaches you the basic chords you'll need to know and makes you a better guitar player.I look forward to seeing you inside the course!Testimonial:Hi Chris, thanks so much for reaching out! I'm about half way through lesson 10 of your Beginner lessons via Udemy, so I was researching more of your teaching, and what's next... and found GuitArmy! I've gotta tell ya, something about your explanations, your method of teaching, and the detailed resources provided, you've connected so many dots for me -- it's appreciated beyond words! I'm mostly self-taught, regret that I started so late in life, and have tried other online resources, but yours has been the most comprehensive! As a corporate facilitator to adult learners myself, I just wanted to express my gratitude!Melanie"
Price: 19.99 |
"Power Chord Workout for Guitar" |
"Are you interested in learning how to play power chords on the guitar? Then you've come to the right place. This course will teach you how to play power chords on the guitar and give you 20 exercises to practice them. You'll be playing power chords based off the 6th, 5th and 4th string along with 3 exercises in drop D tuning. Each exercise has the guitar tablature right in the video which makes it very easy to follow along. The exercises are designed for beginners through intermediate guitar players. You will not only learn how to play power chords you will also learn about playing rhythm guitar.What will you learn in this lesson?You will learn what power chords areHow to play power chords based on the 6th stringHow to play power chords based on the 5th stringHow to play power chords based on the 4th stringHow to play power chords in drop D tuningYou will learn how to read and play 20 guitar rhythms in this course.What charts are included in this course?Notes on the guitar neck PDFPower Chord Workout for Guitar Part 1 PDF (the tab for the exercises)Power Chord Workout for Guitar Part 2 PDF (the tab for the exercises)Power chords chart (PDF)Why should you sign up for my lesson?My name is Chris Rupp and I'm the founder of the GuitArmy.I've been teaching guitar full time for over 19 years.I have taught more than 35,000 individual private guitar lessons.I teach guitar students online all over the world.I have a Bachelor of Music degree from the world renowned Berklee College of Music where I studied with some of the best guitar players on earth.I created a successful line of guitar instruction DVDs that sold very well and garnered the attention of the ""As Seen on TV"" folks.I love teaching guitar and helping students become better musicians through the guitar.I will answer your personal questions and help you with learning the material in this lesson.Why should I take your class and not just learn from YouTube?You can try to learn guitar from YouTube but eventually you'll figure out there's so many videos out there is very hard to put the information together in a coherent way. I have students come to me all the time that are tired of watching random guitar videos on YouTube and don't know how to put the information together. The GuitArmy's guitar courses are more organized to systematically improve your skills on guitar.Student TestimonialHi Chris, thanks so much for reaching out! I'm about halfway through lesson 10 of your Beginner lessons via Udemy, so I was researching more of your teaching, and what's next... and found your GuitArmy! I've gotta tell ya, something about your explanations, your method of teaching, and the detailed resources provided, you've connected so many dots for me -- it's appreciated beyond words! I'm mostly self-taught, regret that I started so late in life, and have tried other online resources, but yours has been the most comprehensive! As a corporate facilitator to adult learners myself, I just wanted to express my gratitude!Mel"
Price: 19.99 |
"10 Influencer Marketing Strategies That Make Me 6-Figures" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you the 10 incredibly effective influencer marketing strategies I use to gainthousands of followers every month, andhundreds of thousands of dollars per year.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of online companies that each generate up to$45,000 per month, a lot of whichcomes from influencer marketing.So, what are my influencer marketing strategies for success? Youll be gettinglive on-screen videodemonstrationsfor each of themthroughout this course:INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 1: Youll learn how to choose your objective so that you know exactly what you want to achieve with influencer marketing, and how youre going to do it.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 2: Youll learn how to find influencers so that you very quickly have access to a full range of great options.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 3: Youll learn how to assess influencers so that youre able to choose the best ones who have highly relevant, valuable and engaged audiences.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 4: Youll learn how to contact influencers so that you can get their attention and start developing a productive relationship with them. INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 5: Youll learn how to confirm promotion terms so that your influencer promotions are clear, well-structured and set up for success.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 6: Youll learn how to confirm payment terms so that you get a great deal on the price, and youll also learn how to do influencer marketing for free.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 7: Youll learn how to pay influencers so that the whole payment process is completed smoothly and safely.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 8: Youll learn how to manage promotion launches so that youre in control of whats happening, and get the best results possible.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 9: Youll learn how to assess promotion results so that you have a clear view of how your influencer marketing is performing, and what decisions you can make based on that performance.INFLUENCER MARKETING STRATEGY 10: Youll learn how to optimize your performance so that you really get the most out of every single influencer marketing promotion, and continually get better as time goes on. So, if youre anentrepreneur, an influencer, a professional or any type oforganizationthat wants to absolutely crush it with influencer marketing, then thiscourse is for you.Anyone who enrols in this course will also havedirect accessto me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram. See you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99 |
"10 Online Business Models That Make Me 6-Figures" |
"Welcome to my online business course that will teach you 10 of the most popular and profitable online business models, which you can successfully run full-time or as a side hustle to generate extra income.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of online businesses that each generate up to$45,000 per month, and my courses have reached thousands of people in 130 countries.Its easier, faster and cheaper than ever to start an online business and grow it to 6 figures or more. But with so many opportunities, I know it can be overwhelming to understand what options you have, and how to actually start. So in this course, youll be getting a summary of those 10 online business models, how to start them and what the advantages are of each one. Specifically, youll be learning how to:Online business model 1: Attract clients with a SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AGENCYOnline business model 2: Impact audiences as an INFLUENCEROnline business model 3: Achieve wonders as an AFFILIATEOnline business model 4: Dream big with DROPSHIPPINGOnline business model 5: Prosper with PRINT ON DEMANDOnline business model 6: Amaze customers with AMAZON FBAOnline business model 7: Pioneer a PRODUCT OR SERVICEOnline business model 8: Crush it with COURSESOnline business model 9: Astonish with an APP that requires zero codingOnline business model 10: Have it all with a HYBRIDSo, if youre ready to discover all of these different ways of creating a fortune online, then this online business course is for you. Anyone who enrols in this course will also havedirect accessto me through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram. I'll see you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99 |
"10 Facebook Ads Golden Principles That Make Me 6-Figures" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you the 10 golden principles of Facebook Ads that I use to gain thousands of customers every month, and hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of online businesses that each generate up to $45,000 per month, a lot of which comes from Facebook Ads.In just one of my Facebook Ads accounts, you'll see that advertising has made me over 614,000 which is equivalent to over $820,000. This is just to show you how powerful Facebook Ads can be, even for one person.Most people who fail with Facebook Ads only focus on how to use the system. But knowing what to click and which settings to use on the Facebook Ads system doesnt give you the full picture. If thats all it took, then everyone would be successful. You also need the theory behind Facebook Ads, and thats what youre gaining in this course.So, what are my 10 Facebook Ads golden principles?Facebook Ads Principle 1:FOCUS THE ALL-SEEING EYE: working with Facebooks algorithmFacebook Ads Principle 2:MASTER EVERY ANGLE: crafting winning messagesFacebook Ads Principle 3:PAINT A MOSAIC: designing winning visualsFacebook Ads Principle 4:FIND YOUR TRIBE: choosing winning audiencesFacebook Ads Principle 5:OFFER AN APPEALING JOURNEY: using effective funnelsFacebook Ads Principle 6:OBSERVE THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE: complying with Facebook policiesFacebook Ads Principle 7:FULFIL YOUR PURPOSE: launching the right campaignsFacebook Ads Principle 8:GUIDE EVOLUTION: managing campaign performanceFacebook Ads Principle 9:EXPAND YOUR EMPIRE: scaling successful campaignsFacebook Ads Principle 10:STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS: modelling successful advertisersSo, if youre an entrepreneur, a small business, an influencer, a professional or any type of organization that wants to absolutely crush it with Facebook Ads, then this course is for you.Anyone who enrols in this course will also havedirect accessto me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram. See you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99 |
"10 Dropshipping Product Categories That Make Me 6-Figures" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you 10 of the most powerful dropshipping product categories, that I and many other successful dropshipping entrepreneurs use right now to gain thousands of customers every month, and hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of dropshipping and other online businesses that each generate up to $45,000 per month, and my courses have reached over 10,000 people in over 140 countries.The knowledge youll gain in this course will put you at the very top of dropshipping. Because while most dropshipping entrepreneurs are just choosing random products and hoping they sell, youll be learning my dropshipping product category framework of how to choose products, why to choose products and Im also going to give you over 30 great examples of dropshipping products that fit within the framework.So, here are those 10 powerful dropshipping product categories that were going to be covering:High Perceived Value Dropshipping ProductsViral Dropshipping ProductsStack Dropshipping ProductsRepeat Dropshipping ProductsSynergy Dropshipping ProductsTrending Dropshipping ProductsHigh Volume Low Total Dropshipping ProductsLow Volume High Total Dropshipping ProductsTimed Dropshipping ProductsHyper Targeted Dropshipping ProductsSo if youre looking to start a new dropshipping business or upgrade the one you already have with the best possible products, then this course is for you.Anyone who enrols in this course will also havedirect accessto me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram. See you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99 |
"DROPSHIPPING 2.0: Sell Great Products That Aren't From China" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you DROPSHIPPING 2.0, which allows you to sell over 100,000 awesome products from suppliers based in the United States, Europe, Australia and many other countries instead of China. The whole process is so much easier, faster and safer than traditional dropshipping, which means were now entering an exciting new era of opportunitieswhich I call DROPSHIPPING 2.0.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of online businesses that each generate up to $45,000 per month, and my courses have reached over 10,000 people in over 140 countries.The knowledge youll gain in this course will put you at the forefront of dropshipping, because youre not just learning the best strategies, youre also learning from someone who has taken dropshipping stores from zero to multiple six figures in under a year.So heres what were going to be covering in this course:DROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 1: Youre going to learn all of the differences between Dropshipping 1.0 and Dropshipping 2.0, so that you have a solid foundation of understanding for what youll be doingDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 2: Youre going to learn how to actually find hot products from top countries instead of China, and youll be amazed at how simple but effective it isDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 3: Youre going to learn how to supercharge your online store for sales, and specifically, Im going to give you 10 keys for skyrocketing your successDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 4: Youre going to learn how to master the world of marketing, so that you can drive thousands of targeted customers to your online store every single monthDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 5: Youre going to learn how to rapidly fulfil orders with ease, so that its quick and simple for you, and your customers get their orders as soon as possibleDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 6: Youre going to learn how to create a smooth customer experience, so that your happy customers come back again and again, and your sales keep growing month after monthDROPSHIPPING 2.0 Section 7: Youre going to learn how to create an epic personal experience, so that you actually enjoy your journey to success, and get the best possible results as well. This is something that people dont really talk about, but its super important.So if youre looking to start a new dropshipping business or upgrade the one you already have into a massive success, then this course is for you.Anyone who enrols in this course will also have direct access to me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram.Welcome to DROPSHIPPING 2.0, Ill see you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99 |
"Advogado 4.0 - Legal Design - Solucionando Problemas" |
"Talvez voc tenha ouvido e lido antes sobre Design Thinking ou Legal Design Thinking.Se voc j sabe exatamente o que , como voc pode us-lo e o que ele pode fazer por voc, maravilha.Mas se voc no sabe o que e curioso e de mente aberta para aprender mais, este curso foi feito para voc.Vou minha viso sobre Legal Design Thinking de uma forma clara, visual e fcil de entender.O design jurdico a disciplina que cruza o pensamento jurdico com o modo de pensar do designer, pasando por pensamento visual e experincia do usurio (UX).Do casamento destas disciplinas, passamos a entender melhor o modo como o ser humano entende e aplica a lei, nascendo ai novos oportunidades tanto de negcios, quando de incrementos para negcios j existentes. Venha comigo explorar o mundo de possibilidades que o Legal Design Thinking promove aos advogados e operadores do direito."
Price: 144.99 |
"Grounding Skills for PTSD, Stress, Panic and Anxiety" |
"Everyone experiences stress and anxiety in their life, and for some people, traumatic experiences take that stress and anxiety to an even higher level in the form of PTSD or Panic Attacks.In this course, I teach you how to turn on your body's natural calming response, the parasympathetic response, and train your mind and body to calm down, relax, and turn on the ""rest, digest, and heal"" response. The Stress and Anxiety response is a natural reaction to danger and it shows up in our Body through the Fight, Flight, Freeze Response. You feel your stomach go tight, hands cold and sweaty, your heart starts beating faster and your body tenses up. This is your nervous system preparing you to fight off physical danger. But this reaction isn't helpful when you're having problems in your work, school, relationships or if you're struggling with chronic stress or anxiety. When that reaction is severe, you may develop PTSD, Panic Disorder or Anxiety disorders. In this course you'll learn:How your stress response worksHow to turn on the calming part of your nervous system (the parasympathetic response)Over 20 easy activities to turn on calmEssential skills for managing Stress, Anxiety, PTSD and Panic Attacks"
Price: 24.99 |
"Coping Skills and Self-Care for Mental Health" |
"When youre super emotional the thinking part of your brain essentially shuts down. Thats why when youre upset you say things or do things that you later regret. Im Emma McAdam, a Licensed Therapist, and welcome to The Coping Skills and Self-Care Course.In this course youre going to learn what most people dont teach about coping skills- that they dont really work on their own. Thats because coping skills need to be used in conjunction with emotion processing skills and self care skills in order to create lasting change. Youll learn essential skills to manage intense emotions, calm the stress response, and develop a self-care practice that keeps you from burning out. This course is for anyone whos struggling with intense feelings of Anger, Sadness, Anxiety, Stress, or Discouragement. Most people only have one or two skills to deal with emotions- like eating, venting or avoiding them. Within the first 30 minutes youll learn dozens of strategies to manage those intense feelings and help you calm down when emotions run high. By the end of the course youll know over a hundred ways you can self-soothe or cope with emotions. In the first section of this course youll learn about four different types of Coping Skills:Emotion Coping Skills, Relaxation Skills, Sensory Coping skills, and Distraction Coping Skills. Each section will have an explanation, a list of skills, and an exercise you can try. In the second section of this course youll learn about Self-Care, creating habits that lead to a sustainable life. Youll learn to take care of your body and mind in a way that renews your energy, resolves emotions, improves relationships and helps you move forward with joy and purpose.Coping skills and self care work together to help you handle all that life has to throw at you. Coping skills help you feel better in the short term, and can keep you from acting impulsively. They are essential when youre overwhelmed with intense emotions. But, to be most effective and to find lasting solutions to problems, they need to be paired with Self-Care skills.So sign up now to begin learning right away."
Price: 49.99 |
"Game creation made easy in Unity - learn something fun!" |
"Welcome chosen one! You are here, presumably because you want to create your own cool games!What are your motives and goals for wanting to create games? Just for fun? Make a living? Becoming big time professional? Get hired at EA (probably not), how about CD Project Red? Creating an emotional rollercoaster?No matter your goal I accept it!Now I have your attention I think you probably want to know exactly what this course is about? This course will give you success if you want to learn to create games in Unity. That's pretty much what it's about.You will be taught from the very basics and will develop your skills in coding and thinking object oriented. This will enable you to start creating your own small cool projects in Unity and thereby taking you on your way.I really, really hope that this course is exactly what you are looking for, but if for some reason it isn't, don't worry! This course is of course completely risk free and if you for any reason don't feel like I've provided you with the value you were looking for, you can return it and get your money back within 30 days. I've made sure there is no risk for you.I use Unity in my full-time job and it really is a great engine with lots of possibilities. This course is only the beginning for you :)Illustrations in Course image courtesy of:vectorpocket"
Price: 199.99 |
"Adsense Reklam Yerleimi Eitimi" |
"Wordpress kullanan ve adsense ile alan sitelerin gelir optimizasyonu iin renkleri tanmas ve profesyonel bir reklam yerleimi yapmas iin hazrlanan kursumuz hakknda giri videosunu izleyerek n bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Kurs reklam yerleimi hakknda hi bilgisi olmayan kiilerden bu alanda uzmanlamak isteyen kiilere kadar geni bir kitleye hitap etmektedir. Wordpress kullanan ve adsense ile alan sitelerin gelir optimizasyonu iin renkleri tanmas ve profesyonel bir reklam yerleimi yapmas iin hazrlanan kursumuz hakknda giri videosunu izleyerek n bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Kurs reklam yerleimi hakknda hi bilgisi olmayan kiilerden bu alanda uzmanlamak isteyen kiilere kadar geni bir kitleye hitap etmektedir. Wordpress kullanan ve adsense ile alan sitelerin gelir optimizasyonu iin renkleri tanmas ve profesyonel bir reklam yerleimi yapmas iin hazrlanan kursumuz hakknda giri videosunu izleyerek n bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Kurs reklam yerleimi hakknda hi bilgisi olmayan kiilerden bu alanda uzmanlamak isteyen kiilere kadar geni bir kitleye hitap etmektedir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Merhaba Adsense - Google Adsense in En Kapsaml Kurs" |
"Bu Eitim ile neyi hedefliyorum ?Adsense hakkndaki en gelimi ders olarak yaynlamay ve herkesin katlabilmesini hedefliyorum.Eitim sonras- Tm nerileriniz dikkate alnacaktr.- Ders u an tam olarak hazrdr ve yayndadr daha gl ve daha yeni kaytlara imdiden katlanlar gelecekte de cretsiz eriecektir.Ders iin 6 ay ierisinde u an ki haline ek olarak en az 24 ek video daha ekebilmeyi planlyorum. ek dersler satn alanlar iin tamamen cretsiz olacaktr."
Price: 409.99 |
"How to Break into Acting and Book the Job!" |
"With the multitude of classes, techniques, books and ""gurus"" all claiming to have the key to success in the Entertainment Industry, learning about how to break into acting and book work can be a daunting task. But not anymore!Through our combined experience in Film/TV/Commercials, we have created a course to help you through every aspect of the Acting process. We remove the complications and empty promises of many acting teachers and show you a technique that allows you to keep acting fun, simple and practical.This course will also help non-actors and non-industry professionals to develop skills in confidence, public speaking and harnessing a strong mental attitude.COURSE GOALS:Learn how to master the elements of your Actor Toolkit (Headshots, Resume, Demo Reel)Learn how to land an agent/manager and which is best for youLearn how to identify your typeLearn how to cultivate a strong mindset to be a working actorUnderstand how to break down an audition script and make it work for youLearn how to navigate lines and characterLearn how to audition for different formats (One Hour Drama, Half-Hour Comedy, Multi-Cam, Film)Learn how to self-tapeLearn how to book Co-Star rolesLearn how to book CommercialsUnderstand the steps needed to stay in touch with casting and keep yourself accountableLearn what is needed to turn up to your first day on setWHO WE ARE:ASHWIN GORE is an Australian actor/writer/producer based in Los Angeles. His credits include, but not limited to:Television - Ace in the Hole, Fresh Off the Boat, Criminal Minds, Modern Family, For the People, Unbelievable, Good TroubleFilm - Mojave, You Can't Curry LoveDigital Series - Game Night, What If, The Dating Chronicles, Dirty ThirtiesCommercials - McDonald's, KPMG, NRMAAnd numerous theater productions. He is also an American Accent Coach (separate course is available on Udemy).COURTNEY DLUGOS is an American actor/writer/content creator based in Los Angeles, CA. Her credits include:Award-winning feature film Off The RailsG-Eazy's digital album film The Beautiful and DamnedHulu limited series South BeachKevin Hart-produced digital series UnmaskedAnd over a dozen national commercial campaigns including Domino's, Eggland's Best, Tampico, Big Lots and more.Follow her on Instagram @itscourtneymichelle"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learning AWS AppSync with Amplify, AWS CLI, IOS and Swift" |
"Amplify provides:Easy-to-Use Library: Choose your cloud services and easily connect them to your app with just a few lines of code.Powerful Toolchain: Effortlessly create and maintain sophisticated serverless backends for your apps.Beautiful UI Components: Accelerate app development by leveraging our beautiful out-of-the box UI components.AWS Amplify enables developers to develop and deploy cloud-powered mobile and web apps. The Amplify Framework is a comprehensive set of SDKs, libraries, tools, and documentation for client app development. The Amplify Console provides a continuous delivery and hosting service for web applications.The Amplify CLI lets you quickly add backend features to your application so that you can focus on your application code.AWS amplify frameworks simplifies AWS resource integration with IOS apps. Instead of integrating individual SDKs for each resource, we can just use amplify to add or remove resources. In this course we will learn building IOS apps with with AWS as backend using AWS amplify CLI.This course will helps you to choose world's most popular cloud service AWS as backend for your app. Almost all the features needed for your app will be discussed here. At the end of this course you will have the necessary skill to develop IOS apps with AWS platform using amplify framework. This course focuses on practical implementation of the apps along with a summary of most common issues and techniques to handle them."
Price: 74.99 |
"Udemy cration de cours pour des revenus passifs unofficial" |
"Udemy est une plateforme de type place de march accessible tous pour vendre des cours en ligne. Les plateformes de cours en ligne offrent la possibilit de publier des cours grce des outils ergonomiques. Udemy est tout simplement l'une des meilleures plateformes de publication de cours en ligne. C'est pourquoi je vous invite suivre le reste de cette formation maintenant en vue de commencer vendre des cours en ligne sur Udemy.A l're du numrique, il y a une demande toujours croissante d'avoir accs des informations en ligne. Les individus tendent de plus en plus vouloir se former rapidement et simplement. Pour cela ils se dirigent vers la diffusion de formations en ligne sur les plateformes ddies. Et cette demande ne va cesser d'augmenter dans les annes futurs, c'est donc un crneau rentable.Au premier abord il peut paratre difficile de crer et de publier des cours en ligne mais nous allons voir que cela est beaucoup plus facile qu'il n'y parait. Pour cela il faut avoir les bons outils, les bons lments d'informations, et de la motivation.Pourquoi vous devez crer des cours en ligne? Pour gagner de l'argent en enseignant ce que vous aimez et engendrer des revenus passifs, ces revenus qui vont pouvoir perdurer dans le temps de manire passive une fois que vous aurez publi votre cours.Aujoud'hui peut tre voulez-vous crer un complment de revenu votre activit, peut tre voulez-vous crer un revenu total, peut tre voulez-vous voyager temps plein et gagner votre indpendance financire. Autant de raisons lgitimes qui peuvent vous pousser la vente de formation en ligne. Et vous avez raison, grce cela vous allez pouvoir crer votre business profitable sur du long terme. En effet il faut viser le long terme pour dvelopper son succs et ainsi gagner de l'argent dans les annes futures.Dans cette formation vous allez voir comment tre capable de crer un cours en ligne du dbut jusqu' la fin en utilisant la plateforme de vente Udemy. A travers plusieurs modules et sessions, vous verrez comment la plateforme Udemy fonctionne, comment dmarrer parfaitement la cration d'une formation, comment enregistrer votre cours, comment l'hberger tape par tape, comment rendre attractif votre cours, quelles stratgies marketing utiliser, comment optimiser les ventes, et bien plus..."
Price: 39.99 |
"Create Udemy courses for passive income Unofficial" |
"Udemy is a marketplace platform accessible to all to sell online courses. Online course platforms offer the opportunity to publish courses using ergonomic tools. Udemy is simply one of the best online course publishing platforms. That's why I invite you to take the rest of this training now to start selling online courses on Udemy.In the digital age, there is an ever increasing demand for access to online information. Individuals tend more and more to want to train quickly and simply. For this they are moving towards the dissemination of online training on dedicated platforms. And this demand will not stop increasing in the future years, so it's a profitable niche.At first it may seem difficult to create and publish courses online but we will see that it is much easier than it seems. For this you have to have the right tools, the right pieces of information, and the motivation. Why do you have to create online courses? To earn money by teaching what you love and generating passive income, these revenues will be able to persist in time passively once you have published your course.Today may be you want to create an income supplement to your business, maybe you want to create a total income, maybe you want to travel full time and earn your financial independence. So many legitimate reasons that can push you to selling online training. And you are right, thanks to that you will be able to create your profitable business in the long term. Indeed we must aim for the long term to develop its success and thus earn money in the future years.In this training you will see how to be able to create an online course from start to finish using the Udemy sales platform. Through several modules and sessions, you will see how the Udemy platform works, how to start the creation of a training perfectly, how to register your course, how to host it step by step, how to make your course attractive, what marketing strategies to use, how to optimize sales, and more ..."
Price: 39.99 |
"Introverti la force tranquille" |
"Vous pensez que vous tes diffrents et vous en souffrez? Vous ne vous ralisez pas dans les relations sociales? Vous en avez peut-tre marre d'tre jug sur votre faon d'tre? Vous vous posez des questions sur pourquoi vous tes comme cela?Nous sommes dans une socit normalise qui valorise les personnes qui parlent et qui se montrent. La pression sociale peut des fois vous amenez vers une voix qui est d'aller l'encontre de votre personnalit. On n'aime pas tellement les introvertis, car ils ne respectent pas assez les codes, s'isolent, agissent et s'expriment diffremment.Cela entrane des jugements sur soi-mme. Mais pas de panique. Changer votre tat d'esprit, prenez du recul et dcouvrez que vous tes tout ce qui est de plus qualitatif, apprenez aimer votre personne pour vivre au mieux. Vous serez ensuite fire de vous-mme et vous ne prterez plus attention aux pressions sociales. Vous serez totalement libre.En effet les personnes introvertis possdent de relles avantages qui font leur richesse intrieure, ils sont cratifs, rflchis, l'coute, indpendant. Ils ont besoin de passer du temps seul avec eux-mmes, ils analysent les situations de la meilleure de faons. Ils sont capable de profiter de la vie de manire totalement indpendante. Ils n'ont pas besoin de suivre les phnomnes de groupes.Vous tes tout fait normal et vous n'avez pas changer quoi que ce soit pour tout ce qui n'en vaut pas la peine. Restez vous mme et apprciez vous. La socit, vous allez pouvoir la dompter. Dans ce cours je vais vous dcrire l'introversion pour vous montrer comment on peut vous dfinir, qu'elles sont les prjugs par rapport cela et probablement que vous allez vous reconnatre . Ensuite nous allons galement voir l'introversion dans le monde du travail. Je vais vous montrer comment vous pouvez changer votre vision sur vous-mme en vous expliquant que ce n'est pas vous de changer, mais que vous devez changer votre vision sur vous-mme pour vivre mieux. Tirez partie de votre introversion par diffrents procds. En effet je vais vous montrer toutes les qualits que vous possdez."
Price: 39.99 |