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"Inbound Marketing: Conquiste Muitos Clientes Pela Internet"
"Nesse curso, voc aprender todo o processo de captao de Leads at a converso em clientes, desde estratgias para atrao do seu pblicopassando pelo processo de converso, onde seu visitante se transforma em um lead qualificado, at chegar na estrutura que transformar esse Lead em um potencial cliente.No se preocupe com seu nvel de conhecimento sobre isso. O curso esmiuacada etapa desse processo, explicando detalhadamente como funciona a atrao do pblico, as ferramentas utilizadas para converso e a captao definitiva do seu cliente.No curso eu explicarei a teoria, mas tambma prtica, demonstrando ferramentas usadas no Mercado para voc conseguir concluir cada etapa desse processo maravilhoso de conquista de clientes."
Price: 204.99

"Krpersprache: Sehen, was Menschen nicht sagen"
"Bluff und Tuschungen erkennen im Emotionsprofiling - Sie erkennen die wahren Gefhle IhrerKollegen & Freunde und sehen Einwnde, bevor sie ausgesprochen werden.Zuverlssig knnenSie einen Bluff und Tuschungen erkennen. Sehen, was Menschen nicht sagen - Mimiksignale imGesprch analysieren - Erkennen der wahren Gefhle wie Angst, Trauer, Ekel, Verachtung - Sieknnen so erkennen, ob die Aussagen authentisch sind und ob heie Themen vorliegen. SchauenSie hinter das Poker-Face! Maximieren Sie Ihre Wirkung in Gesprchen mit selbstbewussterKrpersprache und dem Metapher-Trick."
Price: 99.99

"Profiling Masterkurs - So ticken deine Mitmenschen wirklich"
"Modul #1 Grundlagen der PersnlichkeitspsychologieMittels Big 5 Metaprogamm die Kernpersnlichkeit entschlsselnAnalyse von Sprachmustern und Grundberzeugungen im Gesprch - WelcheFormulierungen werden hufig genutzt? Welche tiefsten Grundberzeugungenknnen dahinter stecken?1 zu 1 Anleitung, um den jeweiligen Persnlichkeitstypen perfekt zu berzeugenErkennen der Abwehrmechanismen der Persnlichkeit Modul #2 Non-Verbales ProfilingPersnlichkeitsanalyse anhand von Krpersprache So analysierst du Personenaufgrund von non-verbalen Signalen (Ist sie machtorientiert? Sensibel?Perfektionist? Etc.) -"
Price: 79.99

"Motivation Masterkurs - Ziele erreichen"
"Vom stndig ablenkten Aufschieber zu wirklich nachhaltiger Motivation und Fokus - Die 6 WochenTransformationMotivation aufbauenIn Modul 1 bekommst du einen glasklaren 1:1 Leitfaden an die Hand nach dem duSchritt fr Schritt Motivation anfngst aufbauen. Du wirst unter anderem lernendeinen inneren Schweinehund zu besiegen!Unterbewusstsein umprogrammieren mit dem 7-Schritte SystemDaily-Riser Modul Morgens motiviert und fit seinSelbst- und ZeitmanagementEntdecke wie du endlich mehr aus deinen 24 Stunden am Tag rausholen kannst, wiedu richtig Prioritten setzt, um schlielich zu mehr Gelassenheit zu kommen.Zeitkiller identifizieren Mehr freie Zeit fr dichNein sagen lernen - Mehr Zeit durch AbgrenzungBonus - Lernen & SelbstvertrauenIm Bonus Modul lernst du wie du richtig lernst und maximales Selbstvertrauenaufbaust. Zustzlich bekommst du 5 Audioguides mit denen du deinUnterbewusstsein auf nachhaltige Motivation programmieren wirst!Fokus und Konzentration steigern - die sieben besten TechnikenSmartphone Special - Schluss mit der Handysucht"
Price: 79.99

"Prsentieren und Reden halten - Das Prsentationstraining"
"Du kennst das vielleicht:Du wirst gebeten, vor einer Gruppe vonMenschen zu sprechen, im Meeting zum Beispiel, oder auf der Hochzeit deines besten Freundes. Dein Puls wird schneller und dein erster Gedanke ist: Warum ich?Kann das nicht jemand anderes machen?Vielleicht fhlst du dich nicht wohl, vor Menschen zu stehen, weit nicht, wohin mit deinen Hnden, oder deine Zuhrer reagieren einfach nicht so, wie du es dir erhoffst, obwohl du tolle Ideen hast.Keine Sorge, du musst keine geborene Rampensau sein. berzeugend prsentieren kann man lernen. Und dieser Kurs ist der beste Einstieg dazu."
Price: 99.99

"Social Media Marketing - Deine Content Strategie"
"Dieser Kurs gibt dir einen kompletten Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Social Media Kanle. Du lernst nicht nur, wie Facebook funktioniert, sondern bekommst genauso einen Einblick in weitere Plattformen wie Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest und Youtube und erfhrst, welche Plattform fr Richtige fr deinen Businesserfolg ist.Weit du, dass du dein Unternehmen auf Social Media bewerben solltest, hast aber keine Ahnung, wo du anfangen sollst? Schreckt dich die groe Auswahl an Plattformen eher ab? Dann ist dieser Kurs perfekt fr dich.Ich richte mich hier bewusst an Social Media Anfnger und leite dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die verschiedenen Plattformen und Mglichkeiten.Auerdem helfe ich dir, eine Strategie zu entwickeln:Worauf kommt es beim Posten an?Wie kannst du dich und dein Unternehmen am Besten prsentieren?Wie erstellst du immer wieder aufs Neue und regelmig hochwertige Inhalt?Wie kannst du die einzelnen Kanle miteinander verbinden?"
Price: 79.99

"Facebook Marketing - Seite, Gruppe, Livestream, Bots und Co."
"Du weit, dass du dein Unternehmen auf Facebook bewerben solltest, hast aber keine Ahnung, wo du anfangen sollst? Verwirren dich die vielen unterschiedlichen Funktionen von Facebook? Dann ist dieser Kurs perfekt fr dich.Ich richte mich hier bewusst an Facebook Anfnger und leite dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die verschiedenen Kategorien.Dieser Kurs gibt dir einen kompletten Einblick in die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten von Facebook. Hierbei gehe ich mit dir Schritt fr Schritt durch alle Bereiche, wie Facebook Seite, Facebook Gruppe, Facebook Event, dein privates Facebook Profil und vieles mehr.Du lernst zu entscheiden, welche Unter-Bereiche von Facebook du fr dein Unternehmen sinnvoll nutzen kannstAuerdem helfe ich dir, eine Strategie zu entwickeln:Worauf kommt es beim Posten an?Wie kannst du dich und dein Unternehmen auf Facebook am Besten prsentieren?Wie erstellst du immer wieder aufs Neue und regelmig hochwertige Inhalt?Wie bekommst du neue Fans, die auch aktiv sind?Wie verkaufst du deine Produkte und Dienstleistungen?"
Price: 79.99

"Manipulationskurs - Manipulation mit und ohne Worte"
"Schluss mit Psycho-Spielen - Manipulation durchschauenPremium-Videokurs- Manipulation stoppenNach dem Bestsellerkurs ""Krpersprache - Sehen, was Menschen nicht sagen"", ist PsychologeMatthias Niggehoffzurck mit einem neuen Kurs und einem pikanten Thema:Wie merke ich eigentlich, wenn ich manipuliert werde?Denn: Wir alle werden, praktisch jeden Tag manipuliert, im Job, im Alltag, sogar in Familie und Beziehung gibt es viele Flle von Manipulation. Die meisten von uns bekommen es ihr leben lang nicht mit und lassen sich manipulieren, lenken und ausnutzen.Nach diesem Kurs wirst du dein Umfeld mit anderen Augen sehen. Du wirstManipulationen durchschauen,wissen, wie du auf Versuche der Manipulationreagieren kannst und(immoralischen Rahmen) das ein oder andere selbst anwenden knnen.Matthias Niggehoff, ist Betreiber des grtendeutschen Psychologie Podcasts, Top Speaker und Business Trainer. Er vermittelt ausschlielich wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen mit direktem Praxisbezug so, dass du es nach diesem Kurs gleich anwenden kannst.Was Matthias' Teilnehmer sagen:""Fachlich sehr gut vorgetragen, gefllt mir sehr und ich habe echt was dazu gelernt -DANKE u. LG."" - Johann Schller""Der Mann ist super!"" - Oliver Kunert""Wunderbare Erklrungen die alltagstauglich sind"" - Stephanie ZschockeWas dich im Kurs erwartet:Modul #1 Grundlagen der ManipulationEntschlssle die Grundprinzipien der ManipulationErkenne die unbewussten Trigger, die Menschen geradezu ""fernsteuern"" lassen.Lerne die glasklaren Signale kennen, um Blender sofort zu entlarven.Schtze dich vor den besten Manipulationstechniken der Psychologie und lasse dich nicht mehr manipulieren.Modul #2 Manipulation ohne WorteManipulation ohne Worte mehr bekommen durch subtile Gestik und Mimiksignale.Bestimme Vernderungen der eigenen Gestik und Mimik aktivieren direkt spezielle Gehirnbereiche bei deinem Gesprchspartner. Zum Beispiel mehr Sympathie und Ehrlichkeit oder auch Vertrauen.In dem Modul lernst du alle subtilen non-verbalen Tricks kennen, um mehr zu berzeugen und Menschen ohne Worte zu steuern.Modul #3 Manipulation mit Worten Du lernst, wie du mittels Priming-Techniken die Gedankengnge deiner Mitmenschen beeinflussen kannst -Bringe sie auf andere Gedanken und steuere ihre Gefhlswelt.Wie du einfach die Grundberzeugungen deiner Mitmenschen mit Hypnotischen Sprachmustern verndern kannst. Im Alltag berzeugen und erfolgreich durchsetzen.Gewinne Diskussionen in Meetings immer mit der Manipulation der Argumentation. Schtze dich gleichzeitig in Gesprchen vor schwarzer Rhetorik.Modul #4 Psycho-Spiele im Alltag Viele Menschen spielen Psycho-Spiele im Alltag. Sie bringen dich dazu Dinge zu tun, die danach bereust. Subtil aktivieren sie bei dir Mitleid oder spielen Opfer-Spiele.So stellen sich Menschen extra dumm, damit du ihre Arbeit machst.In dem Modul lernst du ber 15 verschiedene manipulative Psycho-Spiele kennen und weit genau, wie du sie stoppst.Lasse dich nicht zu Dingen bringen, die du nicht mchtest. Schtze dich im Alltag.Modul #5 BonusDu bekommst ganz konkrete Empfehlungen und glasklare Signale fr Manipulation in den Bereichen Job (Meetings, Verhandlungen, im Team etc.), in der Familie und in Beziehungen."
Price: 99.99

"Ultimate Guide to Drawing Animated Characters"
"Join the course and begin designing characterstoday!Do you want to learn how to design charactersfor tvand film like an industry pro? Or maybe youre wanting to branch out and try a new painting style? In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Ultimate Guide to Character Design' coursewill show you how to create appealing and energetic designsthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Procreate.This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of character design- or your money back!Thiscourse is your track to building a solid portfolio of likable character designsandconcept art! Whether for your own portfolioor for client work.This course will take you from having little knowledge in how to design characters for animationto creating engaging charactersin as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic sketches to appealingand enjoyable character renderings, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course.You can follow along and apply the lessons to your own art to create engaging and vivid character designs that will make audiences laugh, cryor run in fear all possible with knowledge you'll gain in this course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of designing awesome characters for animation. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning charactersand concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 129.99

"The Digital Painting MEGA Course: Beginner to Advanced"
"Youll createover 15different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!The Digital Painting Mega Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of digital painting- or your money backThe course is your track to obtaining digital paintingskills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional.This course will take you from having little knowledge in digital painting to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of digital paintingfundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 14sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of digital paintingin 5many different styles. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustrations!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 14sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of digital paintingfrom the ground up. The course is supported with over 13hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of digital painting. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn everything from sketchingfundamentals all the way up to photorealistic rendering.Next youll learn how brushesworkand how to incorporate theminto your art. You will be learning how to create your own custom brushes as well.Once youve learned brushesyou are going to learn about the fundamentals of light and colorand how to apply it to your drawings.Then you are going to learn how to paint various surfaces and textures.At this point youll be ready to start painting in different art styles. We will spend 5whole sections learning how to paint in different styles.Lastly you will gain access to the bonus section where Ill teach you how to build a professional art portfolio and build a following on social media.Over the 14chapters you will learn:How to draw your under drawingpainting fundamentalsShape and formHow to use value and contrastlight and colorpainting waterCreating texturepainting photorealisticlyWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is created- Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change your art world today!"
Price: 199.99

"The Procreate 4.1 Super Course"
"Youll learn every tool, action,and menu so you can gofrom beginner to expert!The Procreate 4 Super Course will show you how to use Procreate for the iPad Protocreate advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in Procreate,or your money back.The course is your track to obtaining digital paintingskills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional all using the popular painting app Procreate.This course will take you from having little knowledge in Procreate to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of the interface and tools.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 17sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the tools and functions of Procreate. It will equip you with the knowledge to manipulate the program like a pro tostunning designs and illustrations!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 17sections of the course that will teach you the basics of Procreatefrom the ground up. The course is supported with over 4.5hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the interface and artwork gallery features. You will learn everything from sharing art work to importing Photoshop files.Next youll learn how brushesworkand how to incorporate theminto your art. You will be learning how to create your own custom brushes as well. This section will also go over the eraser and smudge tools.Once youve learned brushesyou are going to learn about the color menu and how to create stunning palettes available right at your finger tips.Then you are going to learn how to use layers and different blend modes as well making image adjustments to your.At this point youll be ready to start learning about other features such as the selection tool and perspective guide We'll also go over the actions menu.Lastly I will show you my entire process from beginning to end on how i create a fully rendered final painting using Procreate. I'll go step by step showing you what tools and what steps I take to create a professional quality digital painting.What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how Procreate works- Full length painting demoFully updated to the most recent version of ProcreateThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change your art world today!"
Price: 119.99

"Aprenda a Investir em Aes na Bolsa"
"Quando o assunto investimentos, Bolsa um dos temas mais falados - seja por aqueles que tem medo ou por aqueles que sabem do potencial de rentabilidadee querem se beneficiar dele. Porm a maioriaimaginaque algo difcil e complicado.O fato que investir na Bolsa muito mais simples do que parece e tem inmeras vantagenspara praticamente todotipo de investidor (do mais arrojado ao conservador).Se voc temreceio, bastaum pouco de conhecimento para quebrar esse mito eganhar a confiana necessria para comear eaproveitar esses benefcios.E se voc j deseja comear, mas no sabe como, ter acesso aum passo a passo o que voc precisa para iniciar excelentes investimentos na Bolsa.Para resolver esses 2 problemas de uma vez,tendo como basemais de 6anos de estudos e prticas no mercado financeiro,esse curso foi montado com o que h de maissimplespara se investir na bolsamesmopara quem no tem nenhum conhecimento.Ento se voc quer ter acesso s melhores rentabilidades do mercado,esse curso vai te ensinar exatamente como, atravs de um guia prtico e eficaz.Tudo isso atravs deaulas dinmicas, exemplos e exercciosprticospara voc aplicar o que aprender e poder lucrar na bolsa.Alm disso, voc ter30 dias deGarantiaIncondicional: Caso voc no fique satisfeito com o contedo apresentado, voc pode requisitar seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 30 dias.Comoeu assumo todo o riscode voc no gostar do curso,voc no tem nada a perder, certo?Animado para comear a investir na bolsa e poder ter os melhores rendimentos do mercado?Ento se inscreva e bons estudos!"
Price: 354.99

"Anlise Tcnica: Como Ser um Trader da Bolsa de Valores"
"Quem se interessa por Bolsa de Valorescom certeza j viu aqueles grficosde preo,muitas vezes em mesas de operaes com diversos monitores e acaba tendoa impresso que para operar no mercado preciso ser um expert e gastar muito tempo tanto para estudarcomo para acompanhar o mercado.Ou seja, sabe que na bolsa h um grande potencial de ganho, mas achaque algo difcil, complicado e at arriscado.O fato que investir na Bolsa muito mais simples do que parecee tem inmeras vantagenspara praticamentetodotipo de investidor(do mais arrojado ao conservador).Na verdade, existem2 principais questes para se ter lucro com aes na bolsa:- Saber onde investir e- Saber quando comprar e quando vender.E so exatamente essas questesque a Anlise Tcnica soluciona. Ou seja, atravs de anlises simples e rpidas dos grficos possvel aproveitar o potencial de lucro que a bolsa oferece!Alm disso, atravs dessa ferramenta, voc ganha 100% de autonomia para tomar as suas prprias decises.Ento, se voc quer lucrar na bolsatendo total autonomia e controle das suas operaes, aprender Anlise Tcnica exatamente o que voc precisa!S que uma coisa ter lucro. Outra coisa ter sucesso na bolsa.Para isso voc tambm precisa saber gerenciar os seus riscos.E para resolver todos essesproblemas de uma vez,tendo como basemais de 6anos de estudos e prticas no mercado financeiro,eu desenvolviesse cursocom o que h de mais simplespara voc aprenderAnlise Tcnica e ter sucesso na bolsa!Ento se voc quer ter acesso smelhores rentabilidades do mercadosem abrir mo da segurana,esse curso vai te ensinar exatamente como, atravs de umguia prtico e eficazcom ferramentas simplesque vo facilitar todo o seu trabalho!Tudo isso atravs deaulas dinmicas, exemplos e exercciosprticospara voc aplicar o que aprender.Alm disso, voc ter30 dias deGarantiaIncondicional: Caso voc no fique satisfeito com o contedo apresentado, voc pode requisitar seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 30 dias. Comoeu assumo todo o riscode voc no gostar do curso,voc no tem nada a perder, certo?Animado para comear a usar a Anlise Tcnicapara lucrar e ter sucessonaBolsa?Ento se inscreva e bons estudos!"
Price: 399.99

"SEO Mastery - Drive Traffic & Sales Effortlessly"
"Looking to Rank on Google? Have a Website/Youtube Page/ Facebook Group that isn't getting any traffic?Trying to find a methodtodrive trafficcan be a hassle. With thousands of courses and techniques out there, choosing and differentiating between the optionscan be overwhelming!FEARNOT. SEO Mastery - Drive Traffic & Sales Effortlesslyputs everything you need to know,all in one place!Save time and money by having everything you need, conveniently available to you, in one comprehensive course.This course is a perfect way to build on your existing knowledge or even to use it as astarting foundation for complete beginners.You may have some idea about what you need to do to increase your rankings or you may have no clue whatsoever.EITHERWAYSEOMASTERY HASYOUCOVERED.Knowing and implementing the techniquesand skillstaught in this course will allow you to increase your traffic and ultimately increase your revenue.This works for Websites, Youtube Channels and Facebook Pages/Groups.There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. SEO is the most effective way to get your brand out there and mastering itwill give youSUPER POWERS. It's also absolutelyFREE - there are no recurring costs.Why?What are the requirements?You need to already have an online presence or want to be looking into getting one. Be that a Website, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page or any other form.What is the target audience?This course is meant for everyone!TOTAL beginners in SEO as well as more advanced users can both benefit.No prior SEO knowledge is required.Students with some SEO knowledge can use this course to build upon their skills further.My GuaranteeTo You: Once you finish, you will be comfortable in producing beautiful and functional websites, which can be made for real world application. You will also be able to rank these websites on Google. The focus will be ononly learning those aspects which are relevant, saving you from wasting time learning thingsyou are never going to use."
Price: 94.99

"Short Selling: Sell Bitcoin Before The Fall (8+ Hours)"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Bitcoin Short Sell Strategy Course on Udemy:instructor upfront-Curtis WilliamsImportant info given.-Robert BinnionTOP-NOTCH Instructor on Short SellingI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Short Sell Course Details:In this Course you will learn how to short sell Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency and take profits after the market reverses, using technical analysis. Profits in Bitcoin that took months to build, can be wiped out in matter of days & can also be made through Short Selling. This bearish scenario happens regularly in Stock and forex and it will happened again in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies.  When it does, are you ready for it?This course will give you the tools you need to get out before Bitcoin price reverses, and even earn through market crashes!Take this course now and learn from my Bitcoin Short Selling experience. Avoid the most common Bitcoin pitfalls that catch 95% of traders!The Turning point in Bitcoin and other Altcoin is here now; you need to decide is it your turning point or not?Bitcoin is now falling & you know it, so why not learn how to short sell.I will explain you basic concepts of Bitcoin & Altcoin short sell in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Bitcoin short sell Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Bitcoin short sell Trade.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Short Sell Course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Disclaimer Note: This Short Sell Course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Short Selling Ninja: 10 Hour DIY Strategy for Forex & Stocks"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Short Selling Strategy Course on Udemy:This course teaches a lot about short sell and many different strategies to short sell. I recommend this course to all traders. Lots of goodies taught in this course that no else is teaching about short sell. Very beneficial.-Sorte Auraamazing so far, i had purchased this course because i was inspired from the previous day trading course, thought of gaining extra knowledge about short selling as well.-Mohammad BadranThe course is excellent and I am satisfied with it. The trading plan is easy to follow. You can apply it right into your day trading to see how it works-Zen ItoTOP-NOTCH Instructor on Short SellingI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Course Details on Short Selling:Short Selling trades are always incredibly profitable if you know what you're doing. There is always a pattern in short selling and right at the top you can pick it to make tons of money. Think about this for a moment and realize how profitable Short selling is! The core of my Short Selling strategy involves making a sure bet with limited risk on the Top.This Short Selling Course comes with 30 day refund warranty.This Short Selling course will take you from beginner to expert on (Short Selling) and tools associated with it. You will also watch lecture that discusses my Secret Short Selling technique in detail. You will learn my trade setup and how I manage risk aggressively.This is your year to throw the fear of fall out of your mind.I will explain you basic concepts of Short Selling in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Short Selling Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Short Selling.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.Learn how Short Selling works & master a strategy that makes winning trades 4 shorting stocks. Shorting stocks Made easy.This Short Selling course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Disclaimer Note: This Short Selling course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other Reviews:The level of instruction and detail on this course is astounding. Never before have I ever had a mentor like this.-Joseph Patach"
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Volume Analysis & Strangle Options (Bundle Course)"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Technical analysis & Stock Options Course on Udemy:Very fast respond and thoughtful instructor, let the stars talk-Sukarto Jin ToTOP-NOTCH Technical analysis & Stock Options InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Technical analysis & Stock Options Course Bundle Details:This is a 2 Course bundle which includes below mentioned Courses.Volume Trading Analysis (Skills)   Strangle Stock Options Trading & Innovative Income StrategyPlease Note Volume Trading Analysis course is not related to Options & Only related to Technical Analysis.Volume Trading Analysis Course (Technical analysis)Volume is one indicator that is most under-rated. It is under-rated as it shows the activities of institutional money flow and that is what the big player doesn't want you to see. Volume Trading is hidden from Retail investors.In This Course I will discuss Volume Indicator to show how you can spot the bull trend before the rise and bear trap before the fall. Volume shows the complete history of the stock i.e how with the rise in volume, stock falls and with falling volume it rises.In This course you will Learn Top Volume Indicator to understand when the Smart money is coming in or going out and in the process save your trading account. Volume is your Saviour and use it intelligently.I will explain you basic concepts of Volume in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Trade through Volume (Technical analysis).I will explain how to avoid traps in Stock investment through Volume.I will explain complicated Volume tools to trade with confidence.Technical analysis is your way to understanding stock market.This Technical Analysis Course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Strangle Stock Options CourseThe Strangle Stock Options Strategy is one of the most popular trades of all Stock Options Strategies, as it lets you buy or Hedge your holding and in turn reduce risks and give you an earning.Strangle Stock Options Strategy is a Advance Strategy & a stable income generating strategy.I will analyze the risks, set adjustment points, and discuss my tools for trading Strangle Option Trading strategy.Whether you are a brand new investor, or veteran Options trader, this course will teach you the tools and a plan to reach your financial goals. I will reveal a Stock Options trading strategy that is commonly used by Hedge Funds, Market Makers and Floor Traders.I have even added my own secret tools for Trading Strangle Stock Options Strategy, Which will make it a safe Strategy to trade and earn money.I will explain you basic concepts of Options Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Strangle Stock Options Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Strangle Stock Options Trade.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Stock Options course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Disclaimer Note: This Technical Analysis and Stock Options course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Candlestick Trading Ninja: 10 Hour Glossary & DIY Strategy"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Candlestick Trading Course on Udemy:This course is fantastic. Explained each and everything excellently. After completing it you could see chart efficiently and you have clear idea on which direction stock is going. You can earn huge amount of money with this course. Happy to get this and Thanks for providing great knowledge.-Kushal JoshiA very good course for beginners to crypto/forex trading. The instructor was responsive and well engaging to questions asked. I suggest that at the end of each section, quizzes should be set to help grasp and understand better the concept taught in the current section.-Olabode StephenThis is the most comprehensive candle stick course I've seen. Content is great and the best part is that each video summarises a) the description of the pattern and then b) an example on the chart. Great work! Love this course.-Duncan Owenit was a wonderful course i enjoyed every bit of the training and I know that i will be on top of my trade hence fort-Ike williamsTOP-NOTCH Instructor on Forex & Stock Trading CoursesI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Candlestick Trading Course Details:Candlestick charts are a visual aid for decision making in Forex, commodities & Stock Trading.Since Last 200 years it is working and helping traders make easy money.Japanese Candlestick Chart is the first choice of all Professional Traders. As without Japanese Candlestick Charts, you cannot read or predict market movements. Candlestick Trading serve as a cornerstone of technical analysisThrough this Course, Youll learn precisely How these Candlestick Chart pattern looks and works. These Candlestick Chart Pattern are easy to understand but hard to analyze. I will teach you through Charts & Presentations. I will present Stock trading on Real Candlestick Charts and show you how they look in real charts.In This Course, I will Teach you 42 recognized Candlestick Chart patterns that can be split into simple and complex Chart patterns.No Other Candlestick or Stock Trading Course Does that!!!!Candlestick Chart Patterns are best for forecasting Stock Market & has worked for 100+ years.Candlestick Patterns easily predict stock market & is the Cornerstone of Candlestick Charts & Technical Analysis.I will explain you basic concepts of Candlestick & Stock Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Trade through Candlestick Chart Pattern Trading.I will explain how to avoid traps in Stock investment through Candlestick Chart Patterns.I will explain complicated Candlestick Patterns to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.Disclaimer Note: This Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other Reviews:A very comprehensive course on Candlestick Charting, Worth every penny.-Gary PopeI love the clear, upbeat tone of the course, and the instructor seems very knowledgeable about the subject. He even offers ""proof of earnings"". I have already learned much just in the introductory section.-Darrell RobinsonExcellent course. Exclusive candlestick patterns taught in this course, that no one else is teaching. I recommend this course for traders on all levels.-Sorte` AuraCandlestick Trading can easily predict Forex & Stock Trading Movements & will Make You an Expert at Technical Analysis.-JamesExplained very practical things, not wasted time on theory stuff rather started with real time charts with correct examples. I am satisfied and enjoying this course.-Anuj Kumar"
Price: 19.99

"Big Ben Binary Options & Volume Indicators (2 Course Bundle)"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support & LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Investing Course on Udemy:really informative!!-DennisExciting, and keeps the attention level and interest high. I'm hoping this will be a good strategy.-Joji Ikedagood strategy using support and resistance levels-Jereton EgwehTOP-NOTCH Instructor in Binary Trading & Volume Trading domainI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Course Details:This is a 2 Course bundle which includes below mentioned Courses.Binary Options: The Big Ben Strategy Basics of Volume Based Trading Indicators (Technical Series in Investing  domain) Nadex Binary Options: The Big Ben Strategy With my Binary options trading courses, you will learn the investing basics of trading binary options and then advance steps to begin trading alone, independent of brokers. You will also learn advantages and disadvantages of trading Binary Options Strategies with simple rules to success in investing domain. I will describe how to be invincible in trade binary option.This Nadex Binary Options Trading course will help you understand this financial market, step by step, from scratch.In this course I will demystify professional Binary Options Trading, you will learn the strategy that works and you will be able to trade it well on your own through nadex, the live binary trading examples are proof that it is simple once mastered. You will know how Binary Options market offers returns around 80-400% of your initial investment.I will explain you basic investing concepts of Binary Options Trading in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Binary Options Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Binary Options Trading.I will explain complicated investing tools to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Basics of Volume Based Trading Indicators (Investing Technical Series) You will explore why Volume and its related indicators are critical to study for investment, and they clearly shows the activities of Smart Money. You will also focus on What can Volume analysis tell us about activity levels in the Stock market. As Volume is referred to as the ""fuel of the markets"", the game changer and this course will teach you exactly that.These Volume Indicators discussed in this course form the basis of analysis and Smart Money play, along with institutional tactics to manipulate the Stock market through Volume to their advantage.Volume is one of the most important aspect of trading & is always ignored by Retail investors. This Course will teach you how to learn and Earn through Volume.Learn Strategic Volume Indicators to track the Institutional Money & their traps for You. Volume analysis is a Game Changer.I will explain you basic concepts of Volume Analysis in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Trade made through Volume Analysis.I will explain how to avoid traps in Volume Analysis investment.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.You will learn Volume indicators likeVolume OscillatorAccumulation & Distribution LinePrice Volume Trend (PVT)Ease of movement (EMV)Put/Call RatioNegative Volume IndexThis course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.Disclaimer Note: This Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading Ninja: 12 Hours DIY Day Trading Strategy"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Day Trading course on Udemy:very practical course , I already made more than 10000$ from 100$ using this course principles . I would like to thank the author for such a good effort. I would like to recommend everyone this course who is struggling in the forex market. Needs much patience and no emotions while trading forex.-Roshan ChackoI was very skeptical over the first few chapters but as we move further in, WOW this guy really knows his stuff. I have paid for the course several times over in just two days, trading with only $500 entry. VEY happy. :-)-BryanThe course and the instructor are amazing. Every tip the instructor gives during the lessons is worth the price of the course, so the return on investment is excellent. You have to buy this course if you want learn about trading.-Hernan Cesar MolinattiThis course is very honest and warns of all the risks involved in day trading. It has also enabled me to understand good ways in which to combat the risk and I believe it may help me make better informed decisions regarding trading in future.-Anton BenadieTOP-NOTCH InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Day Trading Course Details:In this Course I will discuss multiple opportunities i.e how to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, ETF & Commodities.This Course not only discusses how to day trade but how to for a formation of day trading, Market Makers & Secrets of Day trading.In this Course we will discuss Charts to show you how to enter and exit along with short selling.This course works on a variety of Day trading examples which is great for everyone. Whether you are a Student Day Trader or an Expert Day trader or learner of Stock Market. This Day trading course will take you to the next level, as it will increase you understanding of stocks, Forex, ETF & Gold. At the end of the Course You will be able to make your own Day trading decisions for the rest of of your life.This Day Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. The Only Tactical Day Trading Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Day Trade After Another With Risk Control. Day Trading is a form of share trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Day Trading  in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Day Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Day Trading .I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This Day Trading course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Other ReviewsAwesome course, has help me see the best time to get in and out. My trading precision has improved which is priceless! Thank you!!! A+++-Matthew SchneiderVery good strategy discussed. Every one should have this course in their pocket.-Suhit KalubarmeThe Only Tactical Day Trading Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Trade After Another With Risk Control - Day Trading for you.-SiThere are new trading tips in each module that will work and that I will incorporate into my trading.-Dale NicholsVery useful course to start with basics of trading. Instructor has excellent knowledge of trading and explained small-small things in very easy manner.-Shivs Jvery informative. already been trading for some time from what i've learnt from youtube and books i've read on trading. but someone showing u examples as u go makes it easier to understand and hopefully gives me the consistent profit i'm looking to make me a consistent trader and gradually the professional trader i want to b. I would recommend to anyone who wants to learn how to day trade. only gave the course 4 and a half star bc he has an accent that is not really a problem. but simply bc i had to find a fault which i'm yet to find with this course. Good work sir and thank u for taking the time out your day to make this course to help people like me become a consistently profitable trader-Every GrahamInstructor is very Good. He is able to teach subtle points relating to use of indicators for Entry and Exit and a practical view using charts. Interesting and worth its time.-Suresh"
Price: 19.99

"Certification in Kagi (TA) Charts & Smiling Buddha Strategy"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Technical Analysis Course on Udemy:Very interesting and unique technical analysis course which will help to make decisions. The instructor clearly explains how to achieve and what to be done.-Hari KishanThis is a concise course on the benefits of using Kagi charts as a positional trading confirmation tool. I learned a useful skill here.-Natraj JayaramanIts a very new concept of charting/trading to me, but it looms absolutely interesting-Michael RowlandTOP-NOTCH Technical Analysis & Stock Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Technical Analysis & Stock Trading Course Details:Kagi chart is a chart used for Following Price Trends and to make decisions According to long term trends in Stock Trading . Kagi Chart differs from traditional Stock Trading charts Example Candlestick chart as Kagi is independent of time.Kagi charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan for Trading Rice and was extremely Successful.You cannot become a Expert Certified Financial Technician without learning Kagi charts.Therefore this is your chance to learn a new Technical Analysis Skill. Kagi chart is a skill only used by Professionals & Now its your time to learn.This Technical Analysis Course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.The Kagi chart is a chart used for tracking price movements and to make decisions regarding Buying or selling of stocks. It differs from traditional stock charts such as the Candlestick chart by being mostly independent of time. This feature helps in producing a chart that reduces random Price noise.Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.Disclaimer Note: This Technical Analysis & Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Certification in Renko Chart Trading & Taj Mahal Strategy"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support & LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Technical Analysis Course on Udemy:Excellent info on Renko chart which is not available in youtube or free videos. Author has patiently clarified all my questions on trading using Renko chart. Completely satisfied with this course.-Venkatasubramanian RamakrishnanTechnical charting with Renko is very few of its kind in the courses. Instructor helps us by making to understand the big picture of the underlying instrument.-Hari KishanHeyy Saad, I have been trading since 5 years from now. The content is great where they can get a hang of the stock market by probably losing/gaining very minimally . I would also appreciate you to initiate the buyers of this course whenever you see an opportunity of buying or shorting in real life. After all there are many out there who can put up buy and sell signals on a EOD chart. But trading is all about that instantaneous moment where you gotta jump in/out of a particular trade. Hope my feedback helps. Thank You.-Hithesh Kumar PTOP-NOTCH Technical Analysis & Stock Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Technical Analysis & Stock Trading Course Details:Renko chart is a Technical Analysis chart used for Following Price Trends and to make decisions According to long term trends. Renko Chart differs from traditional stock trading charts Example Candlestick chart as Renko doesnt add time in Analyzing Price Trends.Renko charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan & has been used since then. Renko Chart trading is time tested and have always worked every time in Stock trading.This Renko Chart Course offers 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.Renko Chart never misses a Change in Trend & Therefore it is one of the best kept secret in Technical Analysis.Therefore this is your chance to learn a new Skill. Renko chart is a skill only used by Technical Analysis Professionals.Renko chart is constructed by placing a box in the next column once the price has surpassed the top or bottom of the previous box by the box size amount. Bricks are used in Renko chart & therefore it is easier to visualize the trends.Disclaimer Note: This Renko Chart Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Some Other Reviews.Very good and practical examples, in depth knowledge.-Naveen VermaThis course is more for long term investors. But it gives good idea to remove risks from our portfolio.-Visheshkumar Mukund Datwani"
Price: 19.99

"Certification in Point & Figure Chart & P&F Chart Patterns"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support with LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Stock Trading & Chart Pattern Course on Udemy:Yes this is a good match, because I want to understand Point and Figure Charts better.-Reginald ClintonSaad is excellent at keeping things simple while exploring a complex topic.-Deran SilvaHello Sir, Very nicely explained, step by step to help everyone for the future stock planning. good day.. ok..-Suhas PathakTOP-NOTCH Stock Trading & Chart Pattern InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Stock Trading & Chart Pattern Course Details:Point & Figure Chart is a chart used for Following Price Trends and to make decisions According to long term trends. Point & Figure Charts differs from traditional Stock Trading charts Example Candlestick chart as Point & Figure Chart doesn't consider time in Analyzing Trends.Point & Figure Chart Patterns were invented in the late 19th century & have worked since then. Point & Figure Chart Patterns trading is time tested and have always worked in Stock Trading.Point & Figure Chart never misses a Change in Trend & Therefore it is one of the best kept Stock Trading secret.Therefore this is your chance to learn a new Skill in Stock Trading. As Point & Figure Chart Pattern is a skill not to be missed.Point and figure (P&F) is a charting technique used by experienced Stock Investors. Point and figure charting does not plot price against time, Instead it plots price against changes in Trend.Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.Disclaimer Note: This Stock Trading & Chart Pattern course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Learn Advance Point & Figure Charts for Stock Trading. Advance P&F Chart Pattern are also included (Technical Analysis)."
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin Short Sell Trading & BTC Binary Options (2 Courses)"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Bitcoin Course on Udemy:TOP-NOTCH InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Course Details:This is a 2 Course Bundle which includesBitcoin Binary Options & Binary Spread Trading Short Selling: Sell Bitcoin Before The FallBitcoin Binary Options & Binary Spread Trading Do you Want to trade Bitcoin with reduced Risk?Do you want to earn easily?Do you want to earn the volatility premium?If your Answer is yes then this course is for you.Bitcoin is Volatile therefore Bitcoin Binary Options is best way to earn daily.You will learn all of the Bitcoin Binary spread fundamentals along with a strong understanding of Crypto-currency trading in terms of short nature of Binary Options. You will learn how Binary Options offers returns in excess of 80%, Now only this you can earn 100% + Profit each and every day through Bitcoin Binary Options as Bitcoin is extremely volatile.Bitcoin Binary Option is designed to be of short term nature.This course will enable you to understand Binary Spreads from scratch. You will also learn how to invest and earn through Bitcoin.I will explain you basic concepts of Bitcoin Binary Options Spreads  in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Bitcoin Binary Options Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Bitcoin Binary Options investment.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.Short Selling: Sell Bitcoin Before The FallIn this Course you will learn how to short sell Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency and take profits after the market reverses, using technical analysis. Profits in Bitcoin that took months to build, can be wiped out in matter of days & can also be made through Short Selling.This bearish scenario happens regularly in Stock and forex and it will happened again in Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies. When it does, are you ready for it?This course will give you the tools you need to get out before Bitcoin price reverses, and even earn through market crashes!Take this course now and learn from my BitcoinShort Selling experience. Avoid the most common Bitcoin pitfalls that catch 95% of traders!The Turning point in Bitcoin and other Altcoin is here now; you need to decide is it your turning point or not?Bitcoin is now falling & you know it, so why not learn how to short sell.I will explain you basic concepts of Bitcoin & Altcoin short sell in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Bitcoin short sell Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Bitcoin short sell Trade.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Disclaimer Note: This Bitcoin Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Algorithmic Trading Robots Without Programming (17 Hrs) MT5"
"*** Course access includes quizzes  & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support & LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Forex Algorithmic Trading Course on Udemy:Very good for your training. thank for your support training knowledge. thank you.-Phyo WaiThank you Saad for this in detail course, you have opened a new door that was unknown for me. Great effort from you Best Regards-Mohammad AlbadriehThe things that he is teaching are amazing things, for instance i didn't know i could run a simulation on a timeframe and see the optimal results for input.-Byron RanieriI am still studying it, but it is very helpful indeed. I have already made mory own EA andtesting it. Great advance. Thank you.-Rod LloydTOP-NOTCH Forex Algorithmic Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Forex Algorithmic Trading Course Details:Planning on trying an Forex algorithmic trading approach? Take a look at this Algo Trading courses and 14+ strategies to see which one might work best for your Forex needs.This course is made to teach you on how to create Forex Algorithmic Trading Strategies really fast without programming. Not only this, you will also learn to test it and Improve it by Artificial Intelligence tools of MT5 platform. Your worries about strategy creation will be gone. Complex Forex Algorithmic Trading StrategiesI will firstly walk you through on the more broad perspective about Forex Algo trading development and then show you how you can create Strategies based on Top Technical indicators. These Automated Strategies (Forex Algorithmic Trading Strategies) will make money even when you are sleeping.I will explain how these strategies work, how will your forex Algo trading Bot buy or sell.You will learn how to create different types of Algo strategies & use the one that suit you. Everything is Automated only counting money is not automated in this course.And All this without the Algorithmic programming fluff.....This Course is 17 Hours long i.e 1020 Mins long. Therefore it includes almost everything about Forex Algorithmic Trading without the programming fluff....Therefore you have selected the right Algo Trading course to learn.These are the easiest and simplest strategies to implement through algorithmic trading because these strategies do not involve Human interaction. Trades are based on the occurrence of desirable trends, which are easy and straightforward to implement through algorithms without getting into Programming Languages.Disclaimer Note: This Forex Algorithmic Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other Reviews:Really love the course so far. Excellent in depth explinations.-Emr BassonThank you for your training, im very satisfied with your course. I recommend to all traders this course-Florent DukaVery nice course and in-depth explanations. I recommend everyone to enroll this course....-Ummer Yousuf"
Price: 19.99

"Short Sell & Day Trading (2 Course Bundle) 21 Hours"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Forex & Stock Market Course on Udemy:Saad is an ultra wondrous, knowledgeable instructor and I get so much out of his courses!-Teri need not to read more if you take the course.-TasmiaFantastic primer on short selling and Day Trading! Excellent course!-Mec warTOP-NOTCH Stock & Forex trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Day Trading Course Details:In this Course I will discuss multiple opportunities i.e how to Day Trade Stocks, Forex, ETF & Commodities.This Course not only discusses how to day trade but how to for a formation of day trading, Market Makers & Secrets of Day trading.In this Course we will discuss Charts to show you how to enter and exit along with short selling.This course works on a variety of Day trading examples which is great for everyone. Whether you are a Student Day Trader or an Expert Day trader or learner of Stock Market. This Day trading course will take you to the next level, as it will increase you understanding of stocks, Forex, ETF & Gold. At the end of the Course You will be able to make your own Day trading decisions for the rest of of your life.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. The Only Tactical Day Trading Strategy: Setup One High-Profitable Day Trade After Another With Risk Control. Day Trading is a form of share trading in which individuals buy and sell shares over a single day's trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.I will explain you basic concepts of Day Trading  in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Day Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Day Trading .I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Short Sell Course for Stock Trading Details:Short Selling trades are always incredibly profitable if you know what you're doing. There is always a pattern in short selling and right at the top you can pick it to make tons of money. Think about this for a moment and realize how profitable Short selling is! The core of my Short Selling strategy involves making a sure bet with limited risk on the Top.This Short Selling course will take you from beginner to expert on (Short Selling) and tools associated with it. You will also watch lecture that discusses my Secret Short Selling technique in detail. You will learn my trade setup and how I manage risk aggressively.This is your year to throw the fear of fall out of your mind.I will explain you basic concepts of Short Selling in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Short Selling Trade.I will explain how to avoid traps in Short Selling.I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Disclaimer Note: This Forex Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund."
Price: 19.99

"Candlestick Chart Pattern & Renko Trading (2 Course Bundle)"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Swing Trading Course on Udemy:Very good and comprehensive. Brush-up on your skills and learn some new ones.-Claudia MacroneThe instructor is very knowledgeable of the subject its up to the mark and quality contain and He described the patterns very well and in detail with charts. It will definitely help you to improve your analysis-Tushar Saraf Wow, this is an amazing course and it has changed the way I now look at charts and it will change the way you see them too. Anyone who is serious about trading this is a must .-Matthew DeanTOP-NOTCH Swing Trading InstructorI currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Candlestick Swing Trading Course Details:Candlestick charts are a visual aid for decision making in Forex, commodities & Stock Trading in respect to Swing Trading.Since Last 200 years it is working and helping traders make easy money through Swing Trading.Japanese Candlestick Chart is the first choice of all Professional Swing Trading experts. As without Japanese Candlestick Charts, you cannot read or predict (Swing Trading) market movements. Candlestick charts serve as a cornerstone of Swing Trading in technical analysis.Through this Course, Youll learn precisely How these Candlestick pattern looks and works. These Candlestick Chart Pattern are easy to understand but hard to analyze. Yes read it right!I will teach you through Charts & Presentations. I will present them on Real Charts and show you how they look in real charts.In This Course, I will Teach you 42 recognized Candlestick Chart Swing Trading patterns that can be split into simple and complex patterns.No Other Candlestick Patterns Course Does that!!!!Candlestick Chart Patterns are best for forecasting  Swing Trading Markets & has worked for 100+ years.Candlestick Patterns easily predict a market movement & is the Cornerstone of Candlestick Charts & Technical Analysis.I will explain you basic concepts of Candlestick Chart Patterns in easy way as if I am explaining to a 5 year old.I will explain how to enter and exit a Swing Trade through Candlestick Chart Patterns.I will explain how to avoid traps in Swing Trading through Candlestick Chart Patterns.I will explain complicated Candlestick Patterns to trade with confidence.This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days. Renko Swing Trading Chart Details:Renko chart is a chart used for Following Price Trends and to make decisions According to long term Swing Trading trends. Renko Chart differs from traditional Swing Trading charts Example Candlestick chart as Renko doesnt add time in Analyzing Price Trends.Renko charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan & has been used since then. Renko Chart trading is time tested and have always worked.Renko Chart never misses a Change in Trend & Therefore it is one of the best kept secret.Therefore this is your chance to learn a new Skill. Renko chart is a skill only used by Professionals.Renko chart is constructed by placing a box in the next column once the price has surpassed the top or bottom of the previous box by the box size amount. Bricks are used in Renko chart & therefore it is easier to visualize the trends.Disclaimer Note: This Swing Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other reviews:Perfect speed for beginners like me, VERY motivating projects.-Verna Maldeni "
Price: 19.99

"Stock Trading Ninja: DIY Trading Manuel with Strategy"
"*** Course access includes quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support and LIFETIME access! ***Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCH Stock Trading Course on Udemy:I really enjoyed this course, and have learnt a great deal from it.-Basil BekerVery well explained the practical part .-Samanta RednapThis guy IS a trading Ninja! Indicators and theories are well introduced and then explained on real charts. This way, you'll learn how to use those theories in practice. If you want to learn how to trade, this is the course for you. Thank you Saad for this great course.-Mahyar HaghdoustTOP-NOTCH Stock Trading Instructor:I currently have 71 Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content (342 hours in total) with 112,000+ Satisfied Students enrolled. Thats 14+ days of learning material!I am currently mentioned in ""Most Popular Instructors"" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.Stock Market / Stock Trading Course Details:Learn how to trade like a Expert Stock trader! No matter how much experience you have with the stock market, you can trust me to teach you technical analysis, and get you started on the right track!Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when investing in stocks.Stock Trading is a Specialized field and I will teach you complex Technical analysis Stuff.This Stock Trading Course is not a get rich scheme but a Process that acts like a candle light in a dark Cave.This Stock Trading Course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.I will touch each and every Technical analysis Aspect related to Stock trading, as Stock trading is an art.Investing in the stock market can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they  will be able to reach their most challenging stock trading goals and lead the life they dream about.Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.Learn secrets of Stock trading, and make profits investing today! Learn Pro Technical Analysis to Predict Stock Market.Disclaimer Note: This Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.Other Reviews:Very good content and good explanation-D Chandra Shekar Raogreat... a good course for those in stocks trading .-Alesson Mayer"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Pandas"
"Pandasis an open sourcelibrary providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Pythonprogramming languagePandasprovides a powerful and comprehensive toolset for working with data, including tools for reading and writing diverse files, data cleaning and wrangling, analysis and modeling, and visualization. Fields with widespread use of Pandas include: data science, finance, neuroscience, economics, advertising, web analytics, statistics, social science, and many areas of engineering.In this course, you'll learn how to use the pandas library and tools for data analysis and data structuring. Students will learn aboutDataFrames, basic plotting, indexing, and groupby. To help you learn how to work with data more effectively,By the end of this course, students should have a good understanding of Pandas andgain proficiency using the Python Pandas library for data analysis."
Price: 24.99

"A'dan Z'ye Interrail Rehberi"
"Gnmzde herkesin yapmak istedii ancak nereden balayaca hakknda pek bir fikri olmad bir konu bu; Interrail. Instagramda giderek nlenen Interrail gezileri seni biraz yreklendirmi olmal ancak internete baktnda blk prk olarak bilgileri bulabilirsin. Interrail konusunu tm detaylaryla ele almak A'dan Z'ye incelemek ve sana yol gstermek istedik. Daha nce saysz kere yurtdna kp, bir ok farkl programa katldk. 2 defa Interrail ile Avrupay dolatk ve imdi tecrbelerimizle sana yol gstermek istiyoruz.Arkana yaslan ve not defterini kart. Tecrbelerimizden renecein ok ey var.Sevgiler,Berin & Sefa"
Price: 144.99