"Developing Your HIP POCKET Skills" |
"The HIP POCKET Skills deliver a polished culture of excellence through practice and deal as strengths of incapsulation towards excellence. Hip pocket skills make you more valuable because they're something useful that not many people on your team excel at, or they're a specific skill usually not common in your field that you manage to make work well. The module covers success element for individuals to absorbing the traits of excellence with practice."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Assisted Education" |
"The module integrates learning to explore the power of technology. It defines and encapsulates any use of computers to aid or support the education or training of people. CAL can test attainment at any point, provide faster or slower routes through the material for people of different aptitudes, and can maintain a progress record for the instructor. The procedure is depicted as an information in the module towards learning as a delight for the course doers."
Price: 19.99 |
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"!!! . "" "" : 1. . 2. 40 50. 3. , . ( )))) 4. . 5. . 6. ."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
svitshot_new |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Video Course for Dad" |
"Coach Brian Quinn shares his kid whisperer secrets in this course to help parents connect and teach their children. Decades of teaching children swimming and sports he has allowed him to identify common techniques and strategies that work to help kids feel heard and safe. Most parents have their very first experience communicating with children when they become parents. Learn to become a kid whisperer with your coach BQ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Vanellope no carro de corrida (biscuit/porcelana fria)" |
"No curso ""Vanellope no carro de corrida"" o aluno aprender a confeccionar a personagem Vanellope e seu carrinho de corrida. Alm dos vdeos sero disponibilizados os moldes (para impresso no formato A4), lista de material, medidas e pesos. No curso voc aprender a estruturar o carinho no isopor e modelagem em biscuit. As tcnicas ensinadas podero ser aplicadas na confeco de outras peas/personagens."
Price: 84.99 |
"Macaquinho baby (escultura em biscuit/porcelana fria)" |
"Na aula virtual ""Macaquinho baby"" o aluno aprender a confeccionar este macaquinho super fofo e sapeca. Ser ensinado todo o processo de modelagem e estruturao da pea. A pea mede aproximadamente 33 cm de altura (total). S o personagem (sem a bola e a base de mdf) mede em torno de 23 cm de altura."
Price: 54.99 |
"Elefantinha baby ( modelagem em biscuit/porcelana fria)" |
"No curso virtual da ""elefantinha baby"" (tema circo) o aluno aprender a confeccionar esta elefantinha super fofa que mede aproximadamente 20 cm de altura. Alm da modelagem e estruturao da pea, tambm aprender a pintar e sombrear a mesma. A medida total da pea de aproximadamente 28 cm de altura."
Price: 54.99 |
"Escultura boneca Frida (modelagem em biscuit/porcelana fria)" |
"No curso virtual da ""Boneca Frida"" o aluno aprender a confeccionar esta bonequinha super fofa que mede aproximadamente 25 cm de altura. Alm da modelagem e estruturao da pea, tambm aprender a pintar e sombrear a mesma. A partir das tcnicas ensinadas poder criar outras bonequinhas, de acordo com sua necessidade e gosto."
Price: 69.99 |
"Menina panda (modelagem em biscuit/porcelana fria)" |
"No curso ""menina panda"" o aluno aprender a confeccionar esta menininha super fofa feita em biscuit (porcelana fria) e que mede aprox. 16 cm de altura (um tamanho timo p/ topo de bolo). Tambm aprender a fazer um lindo beb panda (aulinha bnus) de aprox. 7 cm. A partir das tcnicas ensinadas poder criar outras bonequinhas e bebs de acordo com o tema de sua preferncia."
Price: 39.99 |
"Qigong For Releasing Back Pain" |
"In this Qigong online course you will discover: 8HD video lessons 8 Powerfully transformative, deep, dynamic healing Qigong exercises Special Qigong Breathing techniques Qigong Meditation Fascia and its unique role in this Qigong Anatomy of 8 Qigong for Back Pain exercises Chinese Medicine applications of Qigong for Back Pain exercises Downloadable PDFs with high resolution photos Quizzes and answers Do you suffer from back pain? Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctors office. Experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives Back pain can come from all sorts of things. Sitting at a desk for hours a day on the computer, driving a car, aches and pains from sports or injuries. Back pain can be crippling. The scary thing about back pain is, if you dont do something about it, it can get worse, even leading to disability. Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. -Global Burden DiseaseAccording to Chinese Medicine, If there is free flow, there is no pain; If there is no free flow, there is pain. Bring back the flow with White Tiger Qigongs Online Course Qigong for Back Pain. White Tiger Qigong exercises for back pain have brought deep relief for people from around the world.. In this online course, discover the simple Qigong exercise, White Tiger Qigongs Master Instructor Tevia Feng, personally used to heal his back naturally when doctors told him he would have to have spinal surgery. This Qigong online course reveals how you can achieve soothing, deep, healing relief from back pain with simple, easy to learn, ancient Qigong exercises. In this online course you will get 8 key dynamic Qigong exercises that are specifically designed to stretch, twist, strengthen, create a supple spine and bring positive realignment for health and longevity. The videos are step-by-step and easy to follow. These Qigong exercises utilize dynamic Qigong movements coupled with deep breathing and a meditative state of mind. Get White Tiger Qigong for Back Pains Online Course now for a healthy, pain-free back and body. Feel good Feel free Feel the Qi!"
Price: 49.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect-Professional Practice Test" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam. After successfulcompletion of this course you will be able to passAWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam in 1st attempt. All the questions are absolutely aligned with real exam and this practice test guarantees 100% passing in real exam.The pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than80% in these practice tests.Regards, Cloud ME"
Price: 24.99 |
"From Zero to NVivo 12 - Qualitative data analysis with NVivo" |
"I'm a professional researcher specialising in Qualitative data. I teach Research Methods at a university level, and my best-selling From Zero to NVivo 11 course has been completed by hundreds of satisfied students from over 70 countries. Now, I want to teach you how to use NVivo 12 for qualitative data analysis...Whether you are completely new to NVivo or have some previous experience with it, you will find this course both useful and enjoyable. I will teach you complex ideas in a simple and approachable way and, step by step, we will develop our project (based on the sample data set I provide) from scratch. All lessons are logically connected - the analytic ideas that emerge, for example, early in the course when we record our initial thoughts will be later tested when we learn to code and conduct various coding queries. This is, in fact, what my students seem to enjoy most about these courses - the way they are logically organised and the way I support my students throughout (I am very responsive to messages and always do my best to assist each student personally). I hope that you will take this course and we will soon embark on this exciting analytic journey together! :)"
Price: 39.99 |
"MBA Marketing Digital Facebook Ads - As Melhores Estratgias" |
"Bem vindos ao curso MBA Marketing Digital Mdulo Facebook Ads. Nele voc aprender como dominar as tcnicas e estratgias para criar campanhas de marketing no Facebook, e aproximar a sua empresa de milhes de clientes em potencial!Esse curso adicionar o certificado de Marketing Digital Facebook Ads no seu currculo e agregar sua vida profissional!Meu nome Rafael Issa, trabalho com marketing digital e e-commerce desde 2000, tempo em que participei da criao de centenas de projetos de e-commerce e campanhas de marketing digital. Estou aqui para te ajudar a aprender as formas corretas de se anunciar no Facebook, formas que otimizam os resultados.Voc sabia que nunca se deve anunciar clicando no boto ""Impulsionar publicao""? Alm de perder dinheiro, voc no atingir o pblico esperado. Aprenda neste curso as tcnicas certas para a criao dos anncios atravs do gerenciador de negcios.Iremos desmistificar cada objetivo de campanha, para que servem e como configurar anncios utilizando cada um desses objetivos, tudo mostrado passo a passo para que qualquer pessoa possa montar a sua campanha vencedora.Depois aprenderemos as tcnicas para usar o algoritmo do Facebook a nosso favor, tanto para postagens pagas quanto para as orgnicas, buscando alcanar o mximo de pblico possvel.Aprenda a planejar uma campanha utilizando o planejador e criando uma anlise de marketing, concorrentes e mercado!Veja as estratgias para criar um funil de vendas de sucesso para o seu negcio, e quais tipos de campanhas criar para cada etapa do funil, segmentando audincia e misturando marketing digital com marketing de contedo para maximizar os resultados.Atravs de cases uma anlise de anncios reais, que iro te inspirar a criar os seus prprios anncios, mostraremos as estratgias de campanhas de vdeo no Facebook, como atingir um maior alcance com o menor investimento possvel, utilizando as ferramentas certas.Por fim, descobriremos quais so os melhores dias para postar nas mdias e criaremos um checkup para descobrir o motivo de sua campanha no funcionar como esperado."
Price: 39.99 |
"Forex Strategy - Advanced Trading (GBP) - Arabic." |
"6 . 1-Price ActionBuyers and sellers gauging Momentum Market Condition and statesmoney spottime frames v-formations probes,fake outs and spikes2- core basics coursebreachesthe universeterritories and who started it 3- Motivation and daily routines Habits and it's powersmorning routines the mental conflict winner's identity channel your emotions celebrate your wins4- the four course bundlecorrelationsupply and demand timingroadmaptrade managment 5- what type of trader are you introduction types of tradersdifference between traders and investors aggressive trader conservative tradersconfirmation traders"
Price: 94.99 |
"House in Multiple Occupation(HMO).Increase your rent income!" |
"House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is the most profitable strategy for real estate investors! This course will give you an overview of the process and give you examples along the way. We will learn how to maximise our property's potential to receive the highest rental yield. We will also learn how to find the best HMO properties online with what kind of filters to look for. We will also learn about:- Maximising our rent income/profit (rental yield)- The Location- Floorplan- Room Sizes- Property Condition- Article 4 Restriction- Laws / Legislations- Licences to consider- Opening a business to pay less tax... and many more aspects included with a mentor to help you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Reversing The Stress When Life Becomes Overwhelming" |
"Do you sometimes feel stressed,drained, and unable to focus? Chances are you're spending moretime in your head thinking, worrying and imagining a fearful future. Did you know that stress and emotional pain is NOT caused by external issues, but by the battle in your mind between the beliefs and labels of narrative you've been brainwashed to accept? and who you really are in your heart!Did you know financial problems are NOT caused by a lack of what's coming to you, but a lack of what you're allowing to come THROUGH you? You have been trained into scarcity, fear and :hard work."" When you use what you learn on this course you open to the infinite abundance of your true talents that will always provide for you IF you are properly aligned!The truth is most people allow themselves to be conditioned by family, friends, and society, to believe that...they're not enough, don't have enough, or need something outside of themselves in order to be complete.Because of this, its scary to own our power and purpose - but the truth is we must take a stand for ourselves and take back control of our destiny!If youre ready to take back your power and live your deepest purpose, check out this course right here designed especially for you!--------------------------------------------------------- Here is the solution! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------After working with tens of thousands of people around the world, seeing this discovery work for people in all cultures, countries, facing all manner of obstaclesIve created a proven process for activating your deepest potential and living the life of your dreams.If you find yourself yourself overwhelmed with stress, obligation and disappointment in finding peace, happiness and success in life, enroll right now!Is this still your daily life: Try harder or work longer? Scream louder or numb yourself with medications,drugs or alcohol so you reduce the pain? No, these actions only prolong the suffering and temporarily delay the inevitable let down that will occur. I am Dr Brian Sheen and I have designed this method to show you how:to uncover the underlying causes for the stress and overwhelm to take a different approachto correct the causes of the distress and aggravation and guide you to build a bridge to new possibilities that bring inner peace, happiness and success in your life.Dont let another day go by where youre not living the true purpose you came here for and enjoying all the rewards that life can bringCheck out this Stress reversal Blueprint TODAY, and let me help you take your life to a whole new level.This is your time. This is your moment. I cant wait to watch the miracles that unfold for you!To Your Emerging Purpose!Dr. Brian Sheen"
Price: 199.99 |
"Vocabulrio de Livros Tcnicos de TI - parte 01" |
"A ideia deste simulado que sempre seja adiciona palavras em ingls para que se tenha um banco com termos que aparecem continuamente nos livros tcnicos e que o usurio no reconhea. Com esta repetio e processo continuo de reviso e adio de novas palavras, o usurio absorver uma imensa quantidade de vocbulos e ter mais facilidade no conhecimento dos termos tcnicos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Ultimate Travel Hack to Travel Long-Term: House Sitting" |
"Welcome to my course about international short and long-term house and pet sitting. The best way to travel the world without paying for accommodation or live rent-free worldwide if you decide not to travel. I've been travelling the world since 2013 and house/pet sitting enabled me to stay in luxury accommodation around the globe without paying rent or paying any bills. House sitting gave me over 2 years of free accommodation and enabled me to stay in villas with swimming pools (watch the video for images), homes on deserted beaches as well as apartments in the centre of some of the worlds most famous cities. My first 2 years of travel were only possible because of house and pet sitting and it is also the reason why I am in the amazing position that I am in today: travelling the world while living off multiple online income streams such as my book that also has a Udemy course, by the way. Because of my low cost luxury lifestyle I have been featured on TV, radio, magazines and several major websites, such as 'The Daily Mail' and 'The Huffington Post'. So you can rest assured that I will guide you through this course in a professional manner and show you how you can travel the world without paying for accommodation! This is suitable for anyone who wants to travel luxuriously, have luxury holidays or just live anywhere without paying for accommodation!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Creative Thinking : How to Think More Creatively" |
"Creative Thinking is something many people struggle with. It's not taught in schools like logical problem solving. In this course we are going to go over how to generate more creative thought as well as how to develop more of a culture of creative thinking within your organization. There are creative thinking exercises included in this course that will help to get your in the creative mindset.We will discuss how you can use different parts of your brain for creative thinking for problem solving (practical creativity). Your ability to be creative is like a muscle. It needs to be exercised to retain strength.We will will learn how to use mind mapping to generate more creative ideas. We will do this by first examining how to perform mind mapping, then we will examine how you can utilize mind mapping in meetings or at work to help improve your creative processes.Why should you learn to be more creative?1. Creativity encourages us to be lifelong learners:Creativity requires the humbleness to know that there is always room for self-improvement.2. Creativity allows you and others to express yourselves:An integral part of the being human is learning who we are and recognizing how we fit into the the world. Creativity allows for constant self-discovery and the opportunity to share a hidden side of ourselves.3. Creativity promotes thinking and aids with problem-solving:Problem-solving is a required component of the creative process!4. Creativity helps you reduce stress and anxiety:People usually pursue creative projects because they enjoy the process or the outcome. For many artists and hobbyist the simple creative art of creating something new or unseen is the primary way they relieve stress and anxiety.5. Creativity allows you to enter your happy place:Creativity is really another form of play which is universally important to each individuals sense of joy and fulfillment. Imagine if work felt more like play, then all the stress would melt away.6. Creativity is a prerequisite for innovation:New ideas are inspired and created by imagination and creativity.7. Creativity can lead to feelings of accomplishment and pride:The combination of brainstorming and the creative process are the perfect recipe for personal and professional satisfaction.8. Creativity improves your ability to focus:The act of creating requires dedication and commitment. Not only for 1 project but dedication and commitment to the creative process itself.9. Creativity promotes risk-taking and persistence:Creaives fail and fail often. They have to get up. The creative process can be long and hard and full of set backs but getting used to the cycle of failure and growth can add a level of persistence to a team that elevates it to another level.10. Creativity is Multidisciplinary:You can practice creativity through many different mediums and apply the benefits of creativity to all professions."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to be Successful: Think and Grow Rich" |
"Success isn't an accident. It's not something that happens to just the ""lucky"" ones. Think and Grow Rich is a book written by Napoleon Hill. This book was inspired by an interview with Andrew Carnegie. The book and these lessons contains the teachings of Napoleon Hill. Teachings that have lead me to find continued success in my life. Teachings that have lead thousands of people down the path of success. This course not only teaches the principals and application of Think and Grow Rich, it also contains an eBook of Think and Grow Rich for your enjoyment.Apply the Success Principles listed in THINK & GROW RICHBenefit from a 20-year study of the richest millionaires America Benefit from interviews with 500 successful individuals.Learn how to generate success in your life.Learn how to cultivate a positive mental attitude."
Price: 49.99 |
"How to Close Deals, Sales Closing Techniques" |
"In this course you will learn the top 4 closing techniques to use in your sales process.Knowing how to close deals is key. When you first start in sales one of the hardest things to do is ask for the deal. Closing out a sale, or rather, knowing how to close a deal is difficult. With these 4 closing techniques you will have the tools you need to move from a qualifying conversation to a closed deal!"
Price: 24.99 |
"How to start a business using private label products" |
"In this course you will learn how to find your first private label products.These are products you can easily source to start your brand or add to your established brand. Adding products is easier than you think. In this course will will search for products together and examine the benefits of private label products.You've likely bought a private label product in the last month. It's hard not to. Because it's so easy to add products via private label, companies often choose private label products to add to their established brands and increase their revenues.ExclusivityPrivate labeling allows retailers to offer something distinct to their customers. It is an excellent way to separate yourself from your competitors. With private branding, you can create your image and have your own marketing identity. Such thing can promote stronger customer recognition and loyalty. Aside from that, if you can market your brand well and create a demand for it, you will benefit from your clients only source.Why should you use private label products?LoyaltyA loyal customer base is a major factor to make a business successful and your business likely depends on repeat business from your current customers. Private label products give you more to sell your clients. Private label branding is a way to build customer loyalty from people who like your business products and would be interested in other things you can offer. It gives those customers an attachment to your brand the ability to buy from you instead of competitors that might be offering similar products that don't necessarily fill your customers needs adequately.Wholesale IncomeAnother advantage private label products can give retailers is that they can allow them to be a wholesaler of their brand. Get your products on store shelves. This opens up another stream of income for your business and you still don't have to worry about producing a product.BrandingPrivate label branding lets you create your unique image, which in return promotes a stronger customer recognition leading to maintained sales. Manufacturers who offer private label branding are able to tailor the packaging and labels the way the owner specified it. It includes the product name, description, companys logo, and contact information. Such thing can personalize a customers shopping experience which can eventually lead to a higher customer loyalty. A successful private label brand will also be able to create better sales opportunities for retailers.Increased RevenueWhy do anything in business? Increased revenue. Private label brands offer higher profit margins compared to resale products. It is because the cost basis for making your product is it is usually much lower. And it is a given that the lower your expenses at production, the higher your profits will be by the time you sell. Supermarkets routinely use private labels to attain high-profit margins which offset minimal gains on top industry brands. The store brand peas that are 30% less than the name brand generate more profit than the name brand products."
Price: 19.99 |
"Rekrutacja na stanowisko programisty" |
"Proces rekrutacyjny czsto jest dugi, mczcy i powoduje duo stresu. A jednoczenie jest niezwykle istotny, bo dziki niemu moemy otrzyma wymarzon prac i zmieni swoje ycie na lepsze.Celem tego kursu jest przeprowadzenie Ci krok po kroku przez cay proces rekrutacyjny: zaczynajc od przegldania ogosze i wyboru pracodawcy, poprzez przygotowanie profesjonalnego CV i odbycia mock interview, nastpnie przechodzc przez rozmow techniczn online lub przez telefon, a koczc na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej w siedzibie firmy.Dziki kursowi dowiesz si take jak negocjowa stawk wynagrodzenia z pracodawc i czego oczekiwa na okresie prbnym lub stau.Kurs przybliy Ci rwnie charakterystyk rnych typw zatrudnienia: etatu, pracy jako kontraktor oraz B2B.Poznasz zalety oraz wady pracy zdalnej i najbardziej optymalny sposb nauki przed rozmow kwalifikacyjn.Wszystko to spowoduje, e zyskasz pewno siebie i w caym procesie rekrutacji nic nie bdzie Ci w stanie zaskoczy!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Ace your IT job interview!" |
"The recruitment process is often long, tiring and can cause a lot of stress. And at the same time it is extremely important, because very often it is the only way to get your dream job and change your life for the better.The goal of this course is to guide you step by step through the entire recruitment process: starting from searching for a job, choosing an employer, preparing a professional resume and having a mock interview, through a phone or online coding interview, ending with a classic interview at the company of your choice.In this course you will also learn how to negotiate your salary and what to expect during the trial period or the internship.We will show you the differences between the various types of employment: a full time job, working as a contractor and self employment.You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of remote work and the most optimal way of preparing yourself for a job interview.All of this will make you gain confidence and nothing will surprise you during the whole recruitment process!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Testy jednostkowe - JUnit 5, Mockito 2, TDD" |
"Testy jednostkowe s jedn z najwaniejszych technik, ktre powinien zna kady programista, niezalenie od jzyka w ktrym tworzy.Kurs zaczynamy od wytumaczenia czym s testy jednostkowe i dlaczego s takie wane.Nastpnie przedstawiamy szczegowo dwa najwaniejsze i najpopularniejsze frameworki Javowe uywane w tworzeniu testw jednostkowych:JUnit 5 - bardzo znany i popularny framework do uruchamiania testw oraz tworzenia asercji,Mockito 2 - rwnie popularny framework, sucy gwnie do tworzenia mockw - obiektw imitujcych zachowanie zewntrznych zalenoci testowanych klas.Centraln czci kursu jest dokadne przedstawienie poszczeglnych waciwoci oraz funkcjonalnoci JUnita 5 oraz Mockito 2.Przy okazji przedstawiania danej funkcjonalnoci, omawiamy rwnie rnice w implementacji danego rozwizania midzy poprzednimi i aktualnymi wersjami tych frameworkw.Bardzo wanym dziaem jest wprowadzenie do tematyki TDD - Test Driven Development - czyli techniki tworzenia kodu, w ktrej zaczyna si od napisania testw jednostkowych, a dopiero potem przechodzi do implementacji danej funkcjonalnoci w kodzie.Z pomoc tego kursu poznasz take zestaw konwencji oraz dobrych praktyk programistycznych: dowiesz si jak tworzy dobre testy jednostkowe korzystajc z akronimw FIRST oraz CORRECT i skonfigurujesz bibliotek JaCoCo, by tworzy raport pokrycia kodu testami jednostkowymi przy kadym uruchomieniu testw.Wszystkie zagadnienia s dokadnie omawiane na praktycznym przykadzie aplikacji rozwijanej w trakcie trwania kursu.Ponadto czekaj na Ciebie zadania, ktre pomog ci ugruntowa nowo zdobyt wiedz, a kod do kadego wykadu oraz zadania bdzie umieszczony na platformie GitHub."
Price: 399.99 |
"PLC Programming From Scratch - RSlogix 500 Training" |
"This is a course is designed to give you a deep understanding of the foundation of programming usingRSlogix 500.Everything needed to be able to program, troubleshoot, and have the knowledge of Rockwell Automation PLC Rslogix 500.This course uses the free version of RSlogix 500 which is the Micro Starter Lite offered from Rockwell for free, I just made this easy to get and follow along."
Price: 19.99 |