"Mapa mental de Logstica no Comrcio e Servio" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo terico aplicar conceitos, j estabelecidos mas, que nem sempre com a nossa correria do dia dia, no visualizamos estes processos sendo aplicados na prtica, a inteno deste curso e aplicar conceitos simples, atravs de mapas mentais .Lembre se, esperar com pacincia a fim que no derradeiro tua vida enriquea. Eclesistico-2,3."
Price: 54.99 |
"Python Searching & Sorting Algorithms: A Practical Approach" |
"Learn how to implement Searching and Sorting algorithms in Python. Understand how they work behind the scenes through a detailed visual and practical approach. Be able to relate each line of code to the actual inner workings of the algorithms as they run. Enter the World of Computer Science and Algorithms with the Right Skills.Learn how to implement these algorithms in Python.Be able to explain how they work behind the scenes. Learn how to compare them based on their efficiency.Be able to apply them to new scenarios.Add New Skills To Your Algorithmic ToolboxBasic knowledge of algorithms is vital for every developer. Searching and Sorting algorithms is a key topic commonly asked during technical interviews. Be one step ahead of your competition by learning these skills with this on-demand course. Python is the most popular and approachable programming language and its popularity continues to rise year-over-year. Having a firm grasp of Searching and Sorting algorithms will not only help you during your job search, it will also enhance your computational thinking skills. Be able to dive into more advanced algorithms with the solid foundation that this course provides. With detailed and didactic slides, animations, explanations, and exercises, you will dive into the world of algorithms through an engaging and practical learning experience. Content & OverviewWith high quality video lectures that include graphics and animations, you will learn the following algorithms:Linear SearchBinary SearchBubble SortSelection SortInsertion SortMerge SortQuicksortYou will also learn how to use the timeit module to time the execution of small code snippets.Course by the Numbers1,050+ PDF slides.96+ quiz questions.23+ Downloadable Python files.10+ PDF handouts.10 coding exercises.9 mini projects.Learning Material & Practice:High-Quality Video Lectures - Carefully designed graphics and animations.Coding Exercises with detailed solutions - Execute and test your code directly in the browser.Mini Projects with detailed solutions - Dive deeper into each algorithm by completing a mini project per section.Quizzes - Test your knowledge and receive instant feedback.Code with Print Statements - See how the algorithms work behind the scenes as the code runs. PDF Handouts - Each section has a PDF handout with a graphical and detailed summary of the algorithm.PDF Slides - You can download the PDF slides displayed in the videos.Articles - Detailed descriptions of key aspects of the topics to complement your knowledge.Why is this course unique?This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the algorithms work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to implement them in Python, you will also learn how they work in such detail that you will be able to explain and visualize the steps of the process, given a particular input.You will see how the algorithms work behind the scenes as the code runs with downloadable Python files that contain implementations with carefully designed print statements. No more trying to guess what is happening behind the scenes when the algorithm runs!You will have access to unique downloadable PDF handouts specially designed for the course (one per section) with complete and graphical descriptions of the algorithms. If you need to learn or refresh the basics of lists, tuples, and algorithmic time complexity, the course has you covered. The Quick Refresher section offers a short but comprehensive introduction to these topics through interactive video lectures, exercises, and didactic PDF handouts. You will check your knowledge with short Quizzes after each main lecture. The Quizzes provide instant feedback, so you can see the correct answer immediately. The quiz questions were designed to make you think more deeply about the topics presented.You will be able to download the PDF slides used in the videos, so you can take your learning material with you even if you don't have an internet connection when you commute to work. Study algorithms anywhere, at any time.Finally, you will practice communications skills in the Mini Projects (one per section), where you will explain how the algorithms work step by step when they are applied to a particular input. Each mini project comes with a sample answer, so you will always be able to check your solution. Being able to explain how the algorithms work is a key skill during interviews.You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum. What are you waiting for? If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you've found it.Add ""Searching and Sorting Algorithms in Python"" to your resume and showcase your new skills!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Techniques" |
"Start editing professionally using adobe premiere pro cc 2019If you are looking for an application to edit videos properly, you can use Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe Premiere Pro is used by users all over the world, due to its ease of use. Adobe Premiere Pro is used by professionals across the world for every type of production from business & marketing, music to documentaries.You will learn the workflow from Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019, from entering videos, cutting, adding logos, adding transitions, adding titles, adding effects, making images in pictures, adding music and creating final filesIn this course covers all the things you need to know in editing videosDownload Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019Create A New ProjectImport Video Into Project WindowsCreate New Sequence From ClipsHow To Cut The Clips Too LongAdd Transition Into ClipsAdd Logo Into ClipsAdd Crop Effects Into ClipsMaking Universal Counting LeaderMaking Title In Front Of ClipsMaking Crawl Text Running Form Righy To LeftMaking Slow Motion And Fast Motion ClipsMaking Final TitleAdd Audio Into SequenceMaking Picture In PictureMaking Picture In Picture with AnimationMaking Building PreviewsFinal Render"
Price: 19.99 |
"2 Vol" |
"OBANE JUNPDFJUN OBANE 2000Thank you AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm---------------Calligraphy Art marketing"
Price: 5400.00 |
"Be an English teacher to speakers of other languages" |
"This 10 lesson course consists of interactive videos and other resources, and shows you the steps you need to take to :1. Decide if you are suited to being an ESLteacher2. Shows you where the 14,000 vacancies (daily estimate) are3. How to apply for one or more of the numerous continuing vacancies4. What to consider about leaving your comfort zone back home5. How to cope with ""culture shock""6. Where to find resources and how to use the easily available resources you will need7. Why the ESLteacher needs to talk only 10% of the lesson8. How to prepare effective lessons easily9. How to keep effective control of your classes10. How to teach children11. How to teach teenagers12. How to teach adults and professionals13. How to continue teaching abroad once you have returned home by using the internet"
Price: 49.99 |
"Fundamentals of Friction Stir Welding" |
"Welcome to the course entitled Fundamentals of Friction Stir Welding . This course combines the selected content from the first two MOOCs on Friction Stir Welding. Learners will come across the following topics:Basics of Friction Stir Welding.Advantage of Friction Stir Welding.Various mechanisms involved in Friction Stir Welding process.Study of tools used in Friction Stir Welding process.I hope that you are definitely going to enjoy this course. I also advice you that before attempting the quizzes please go through the lectures well.Happy learning!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Friction Stir Welding of Aerospace Alloys" |
"Welcome! to the course Friction Stir Welding of Aerospace Alloys. This course is the third MOOC on the Friction Stir Welding process. If you are not familiar with the basics of Friction Stir Welding process, you are requested to go through the previous two courses on the Friction Stir Welding process. In this course you will learn about:1. Basics of Friction Stir Welding process2. Application of Friction Stir Welding process in aerospace industries.3. Friction Stir Welding of Aerospace grade aluminum alloys.4. Friction Stir Welding of Titanium alloys.Learners will face various quizzes and assignments while going through this course. So they are advised to go through the lectures again before attempting them.Happy learning!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Friction Stir Welding of Polymers" |
"Friction Stir Welding process is not only limited to metals only. Various polymeric materials which are similar and dissimilar in nature are joined Friction Stir Welding Technology. No prior knowledge of Friction Stir Welding is required. Topics covered in this course are following:Basics of Friction Stir WeldingBasics of Polymeric materialsFriction Stir Weldability of polymers"
Price: 29.99 |
"Deep Learning with Tensorflow" |
"Python is understandable by humans and it plays a vital role in the application of Deep Learning. Introduction to Python Programming is the first part of the MOOC Deep Learning with Tensorflow. Learners will go through basics of functions, types, sequences, indexing/slicing, working on arrays and strings. Final test includes the quiz question covering all the topics in the course. The platform used for coding purpose is Google Colaboratory.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Friction Stir Welding of Titanium alloys" |
" This course gives an introductory overview of the difficulties involved in the joining of high-temperature alloys like Titanium alloys. Titanium alloy has wide use i.e. it finds application in the biomedical field to the aerospace sectors. Friction Stir Welding which is a solid-state joining process makes it easy to join/weld these high-temperature alloys to impart high strength and good microstructural properties to its joint. Before starting this course, you are requested to go through the basics of the Friction Stir Welding Process.Happy Learning!!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Nondestructive Testing for Friction Stir Welding Process" |
"Welcome to the course!!Despite the excellent weld quality, which can generally be produced by Friction Stir Welding, the joining process is unlikely to provide welds that completely free of defects. This course explores various defects in Friction Stir Welded joints and various Nondestructive Testing methods to identify those defects.Happy Learning!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Introduction to Powder Metallurgy" |
"Welcome to the Course!!!This course describes the powder metallurgy process for producing net-shape parts from metal powders. The course begins by examining methods of producing and blending of metal powders and investigates the shapes that powders will develop based on the process employed to make them. A number of secondary operations are then presented, such as compaction to consolidate the powder into the desired shape, and Sintering to fuse the particles to achieve the required strength. Happy Learning!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Criando Aplicativo Financeiro com Ionic3" |
"O curso de Aplicativo Financeiro com Ionic3 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a criar um aplicativo hibrido completo, este app serve tanto para android quanto ios e windows phone, alm de poder ser compilado tambm para outras plataformas, o banco de dados usado neste aplicativo o sqlite, adquira j os o curso e crie seus aplicativos usando Ionic."
Price: 579.99 |
"Ionic3 com WEB API e WEB Services PHP" |
"O curso de Ionic 3 com WEB API possui 50 vdeo aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a comunicar o banco de dadosd mysql usando php7 com seus aplicativos desenvolvidos no ionic, mostro o passo a passo do consumo das apis, da criao das apis, hospedagem, tudo que o aluno precisar saber para poder desenvolver seus aplicativos consumindo apis, adquira j nosso curso e se torne um especialista em Ionic e desenvolvimento mobile."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de ASP NET Core 2.0" |
"O curso completo de ASP.NET Core 2.0 possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar o ASP NET em C# para poder desenvolver projetos web como sites e sistemas usando .net core, que facilita bastante o desenvolvimento, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus projetos, asp net uma linguagem muito simples e prtica, com pouco conhecimento em programao voc ir conseguir desenvolver um contedo web excelente e profissional."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de ASP NET Core 2.0 com SQL Server" |
"O curso de ASP NETCore 2.0 com SQLServer possui 57 aulas, neste curso o aluno ir aprender a comunicar banco de dados sql usando asp net core, utilizaremos tambm entity framework, migrations e vrios outros recursos que dinamizam muito sua aplicao para comunicar com o banco de dados, tambm mostro como hospedar o sistema e hospedar o banco de dados para que ele fique em rede, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus sites e sistemas web."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de ASP NET Core com WEB API" |
"O curso de ASP NET Core 2.0 com API e Angular possui 41 aulas, neste curso o aluno ir aprender a usar API e web services para comunicar seus projetos com arquivos e projetos externos usando sqlserver, tambm ser mostrado o passo a passo de como criar as apis e consumir seus servios, adquira j o curso e aprenda tudo sobre asp net core e desenvolvimento web."
Price: 564.99 |
"Sites com ASP NET Core MVC" |
"O curso de criao de sites com ASP NET Core 2.0 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno ir aprender a criar um site completo com asp net core, criando as classes, banco de dados, templates, modelos e muito mais, criamos um site para vendas, semelhante a uma loja virtual, usamos diversos recursos nativos do asp net em mvc e tambm alguns recursos do asp net core, aquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sites e sistemas web."
Price: 579.99 |
"Site Completo com Wordpress 2018" |
"O curso completo de criao de site responsivo com wordpress 2018 possui 55 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a criar um site completo usando wordpress e os mais novos plugins existentes, usamos tambm recursos como Elementor para poder criar as pginas, galerias, slideshows e todo contedo visual do site sem precisar saber nada de programao, adquira j o curso e comee a criar sites profissionais de forma rpida e prtica."
Price: 579.99 |
"E-Commerce com Wordpress 2018" |
"O curso completo de criao de loja virtual com wordpress possui 48 aulas, neste curso criamos uma loja completa e responsiva usando Woocommerce, Elementor e diversos outros plugins, nesta loja tambm usamos plugins para implementar pagamentos via pagseguro, correios, e diversos outros recursos para criao de lojas e-commerce, adquira j o curso e monte suas lojas vituais de forma prtica e profissional."
Price: 564.99 |
"Curso de Angular 6 TS" |
"O curso completo de Angular 6 com TypeScript possui 53 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar Angular para desenvolvimento web e mobile, ser aprensentado toda sua estrutura, chamadas, cdigo fonte, documentao, tudo que voc precisa saber para comear a trabalhar com angular em seus projetos, adquira j o curso e fique por dentro dessa excelente linguagem."
Price: 564.99 |
"Curso de Bootstrap 4" |
"O curso completo de Bootstrap 4 possui 44 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar bootstrap para poder utilizar em sites, sistemas web, aplicativos e muito mais, atualmente todas as plataformas utilizam bootstrap para estilizao, neste curso criamos um site dinmico usando os novos recursos do bootstrap, adquira j e aprenda tudo sobre estilizao."
Price: 549.99 |
"Curso de C" |
"O curso completo de C possui 43 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender tudo sobre a linguagem C, mostrada toda sua documentao, comandos, funes, mtodos e muito mais, criamos diversos exemplos prticos usando C, no curso usado o sublime text para criar os cdigos em c e usamos o prompt de comando para gerar as compilaoes, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver em C."
Price: 564.99 |
"Python com Interface Grfica Tkinter" |
"O curso completo de Interface Grfica com Python possui 32 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar a biblioteca Tkinter para criar telas com componentes e recursos grficos para usar em seus sistemas com python, criamos alguns modelos de telas e explico cada um dos recursos disponiveis para inserir os componentes e configurar da melhor forma possvel."
Price: 564.99 |
"Criando Sistema WEB com Django 2.1" |
"O curso completo de Sistema WEB com Django 2.1 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a criar um sistema web para gerenciamento de igrejas, com cadastros, banco de dados sqlite, bootstrap e outras tecnologias, a partir do contedo aprendido voc poder criar diversos outros tipos de sistemas com Django, adquira j o curso e se torne um desenvolvedor web."
Price: 579.99 |
"Sistema WEB com Smarty PHP7" |
"O curso completo de sistemas e templates com smarty possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar o smarty com php7 para criar sistemas web e templates, criamos um sistema de gerenciamento de funcionrios, aprenda tudo sobre smarty e comece a desenvolver seus sites e sistemas usando php e integrando de forma profissional suas pginas web."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de Adobe XD para Mobile e WEB" |
"O curso completo de Adobe XD possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar o adobe XD para montar prottipos dos templates web e mobile, com ele voc poder apresentar para seus clientes toda estrutura do site/sitemas/app que voc precise montar, voc conseguir criar os modelos com poucos minutos e aprensentar de forma profissional a seus clientes, adquira j o curso e crie seus projetos."
Price: 549.99 |
"Administrao de Redes com Windows Server 2019" |
"O curso completo de Windows Server 2019 possui 40 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a usar o windows server 2019 para poder administrar redes e servidores, ser mostrado o passo a passo da instalao, criao de dominios, servios DHCP, estaes e tudo que voc precisar para gerenciar redes internas e empresariais, adquira j o curso de se torne um administrador de redes completo."
Price: 579.99 |
"Dominando o Office 2019" |
"O curso completo de Office 2019 possui 85 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com microsoft word 2019, excel 2019 e power point 2019, aprendendo todos os principais recursos de cada um destes softwares para poder dominar edio de textos, planilhas e apresentaes em slides, adquira j o curso e aprenda tudo sobre Microsoft Office, domine esta ferramenta e seus recursos."
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de Word 2019 Bsico e Avanado" |
"O curso completo de Word 2019 possui 57 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com microsoft word 2019 e todos os seus recursos, do bsico ao avanado, mostrado o passo a passo das ferramentas, o curso tambm pode ser acompanhado com as verses anteriores do word, adquira j o curso e domine o microsoft word."
Price: 549.99 |