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"Introduction to Android Development for beginners"
"Android powers the majority of smartphones on the planet and a growing number of devices, from Android Wear on your wrist to Android Auto for your car.This course is designed to teach anyone how to make a new Android app from scratch.Learn all the basics of the platform and all the skills an Android app developer needsto be successful. Discover the tools and technologies that you will use when you createApps for Android, including Java, XML, and the Android SDK.In this course we will be using the latest version of Android Studio which at the time of publishing this course is version 2.3.3 also referred to as Android O. Android tool is the official integrated development environment that you will need to create android apps.Making apps for Android is a lot of fun. The project we are going to work onis a simple game that will review the basics of programmingas well as the tools and technologies you'll use to build Android apps.Topics include:Installing Android StudioExploring Android Studio user interfaceWorking with constraint layoutsCommunicating with toastsCoding in Java and XMLGetting a head start with starter templatesWorking with emulatorsCreating a project, variable, and toastConnecting XML widgets to codeAdding imagesAdding game logic with conditional statements and operatorsChanging the data or design"
Price: 119.99

"Learn Apple's IOS App Development with Swift from scratch"
"Do you Want to build an iPhone or iPad app? Start here. You will learn how to build a basic IOS app from scratch using the latest version of Xcode 9 which is the integrated development tool (IDE) and the swift(version 4) programming language which is apple's new programming language for IOS app development.a new( about 3 years)We will be using the MVC ( Model View Controller) design pattern which is commonly used in IOS app development.Xcode comes with several simulators that can be used to test your apps on various apple devices.This course also explores the Xcode 9 interface , techniques for connecting UI elements to code.Discover how to build native iOS apps. This course covers the code, tools, frameworks,and practices for building applications with iOS 11. Discover how to build native iOS apps.Topics include:Acquiring the right tools for iOS app developmentUpgrading IOS macOS high SierraInstalling Xcode version 9Creating an Xcode projectIntroduction to basic programming with swiftUsing MVC in iOSLoading an arrayCreating variablesCreating random numbersCreating basic interactionConnecting UI elements to codeExploring storyboardsDesigning your appWorking with XcodeMaking UI-to-code connectionsRunning your app in various simulated devices"
Price: 134.99

"Beginner Introduction to Mobile App development with Xamarin"
"Xamarin is a software platform that enables you to create cross platform apps that will work on the top three platforms (Android, IOS, Windows) using the same codebase . The programming language used by Xamarin is C#.Xamarin has in a way solved a problem most developers face and that is developing the same app multiple times for each of the top three platforms : Android , IOS and Windows. Without Xamarin developers will have to use different development tools and programming languages to develop the same app for the top three platforms..Topics include:Installing visual studio on macInstalling visual studio on WindowsOverview of Visual studio and Xamarin development environmentCreating a cross platform test appModifying textTesting your app in an Android simulatorTesting your app in an IOS SimulatorModifying XAML codeXamarin can be used to develop native apps using :Xamarin.formXamarin.IOSXamain .Andoid.Using xamarin.form enables you use the same codebase across the top three platforms."
Price: 114.99

"Learn Expressjs for beginners: A JavaScript Framework"
"Express is a fast, minimalist framework that sits on top of Node.js and allows you to build powerful single- and multi-page web applications and websites.Express JS is built with Node JS and is a web framework that can help developers build faster and smarter websites and web apps. NodeJS is a server-side technology built using JavaScript.Express can also be integrated with other modules and databases and offers HTTP utilities and middleware for creating APIs.This course will teach you the very basics in practical steps from installation to creating basic routes and using various http request and response status codes. You will learn how to use a useful tool called postman to test http request methods and also the response and status codes. We will also be learning how to install mongodb database and integrate it into our express app.By the end of the course we would have created a basic functional express server integrated with a mongoDB database.Topics include:Handling HTTP requests with Node.js and ExpressIntroduction to basic routingCreating simple basic routesCreating a basic express serverUsing callback functionsUsing arrow functionsRefactoring existing codeUsing Postman to test HTTP request response and status codesIntroduction to middlewaresIntegrating MongoDB into ExpressInstalling and using nodemon"
Price: 129.99

"Writing Advanced SQL Queries on Microsoft SQL Server"
"Microsoft SQL Server is robust relational database management system used by so manyorganizations of various sizes including top fortune 100 companies.SQL -Structural Query language is the language used to interrogate and manipulateMicrosoft SQL Server Databases.This course is a beginners to slightly advanced course that will walk you through how to develop queriesto execute on and SQL Server Database.We will developing queries to extract data from multiple tables using: Inner joins Left outer joins Right Outer joinsWe will also be Summarising data with aggregate functions such as:COUNTSUMAVGMINMAXVARVARPWe will also be writing queries using various analytic functions like:LEADLAGLAST_VAUEFIRST_VALUEPERCENT_RANKCUME_DISTSQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. Taking full advantage of its power requires an in-depth understanding of the language. In this course, you learn to use the full potential of SQL to write simple queries for SQL Server databases. You will gain the practical skills to choose the best query method to ensure accuracy and avoid common errors or pitfalls."
Price: 129.99

"Writing Advanced SQL Queries on Oracle"
"Oracle database is one of the top and most widely used relational database management systems in the world .This more advanced beginnerscourse will teach you how to retrieve data from an oracle database.We will start off by downloading and installing oracle database 11g express which is free to use. Then we will install TOAD which is a tool we will be using to connect to the oracle database and interact with it.Topics we will cover in this course includes:Retrieving Data with Aggregate FunctionsIntroduction to aggregate functionsUsing AVG functionUsing COUNT functionUsing MAX functionUsing MIN functionRetrieving Data with Table JoinsIntroduction to Table JoinsUsing Equi JoinsUsing Non Equi JoinsUsing Cartesian JoinUsing Outer JoinUsing Self JoinRetrieving Data with Analytic FunctionsIntroduction to Analytic FunctionsThe SyntaxPartition By ClauseFirst and Last FunctionRow number FunctionsDense Rank FunctionLag FunctionLEAD FunctionRANK FunctionBy the end of this course you will have enough skill to write more complex queries on an oracle database."
Price: 124.99

"Writing Advanced SQL Queries on PostgreSQL"
"PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database. There is an increasing need for data scientists and analysts to understand relational data stores. Organizations have long used SQL databases to store transactional data as well as business intelligence related data. If you need to work with SQL databases, this course is designed to help you learn how to perform common relational database advanced queries using various analytic and aggregate functions.What you will learn includes:Downloading and installing PostgreSQLQuerying tablesIntroduction to Aggregate FunctionsWriting queries to perform various aggregate functions like: AVG, COUNT, SUM, MIN,MAXIntroduction to Analytic FunctionsIllustrating various Analytic functionsRow Number FunctionsUsing various types of OperatorsIntroduction to Table JoinsUsing various types of joinsWindowing functions for working with ordered data setsPostgresql INNER JOINRetrieving all Data from TablePostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOINPostgreSQL CROSS JOINPostgreSQL NATURAL JOINPostgreSQL Left JoinThe course will teach you how to aggregate data,analyse data ,retrieve data from multiple tables using table joins and write more advanced queries."
Price: 114.99

"MySQL and MySQL Workbench For beginners"
"MySQL Workbench is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and much more. MySQL Workbench is available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.MySQL Workbench enables a DBA, developer, or data architect to visually design, model, generate, and manage databases. It includes everything a data modeler needs for creating complex ER models, forward and reverse engineering, and also delivers key features for performing difficult change management and documentation tasks that normally require much time and effort.MySQL Workbench delivers visual tools for creating, executing, and optimizing SQL queries. The SQL Editor provides color syntax highlighting, auto-complete, reuse of SQL snippets, and execution history of SQL. The Database Connections Panel enables developers to easily manage standard database connections, including MySQL Fabric. The Object Browser provides instant access to database schema and objects.MySQL Workbench provides a visual console to easily administer MySQL environments and gain better visibility into databases. Developers and DBAs can use the visual tools for configuring servers, administering users, performing backup and recovery, inspecting audit data, and viewing database health.MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a combination of ""My"", the name of co-founder Michael Wideness's .MySQL is the most popular Open Source Relational SQL Database Management System. MySQL is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing various web-based software applications. MySQL helps users store, organize, and retrieve data."
Price: 129.99

"JavaScript Functions , Objects , and Classes For Beginners"
"Objects in JavaScript, just as in many other programming languages, can be compared to objects in real life. The concept of objects in JavaScript can be understood with real life, tangible objects like a cup or car..In JavaScript, an object is a standalone entity, with properties and type. Compare it with a cup, for example. A cup is an object, with properties. A cup has a color, a design, weight, a material it is made of, etc. The same way, JavaScript objects can have properties, which define their characteristics.A JavaScript object has properties associated with it. A property of an object can be explained as a variable that is attached to the object. Object properties are basically the same as ordinary JavaScript variables, except for the attachment to objects. The properties of an object define the characteristics of the object. You access the properties of an object with a simple dot-notation:Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks in JavaScript. A function is a JavaScript procedurea set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value. To use a function, you must define it somewhere in the scope from which you wish to call it.Classes are in fact ""special functions"", and just as you can define function expressions and function declarations, the class syntax has two components: class expressions and class declarations.An important difference between function declarations and class declarations is that function declarations are hoisted and class declarations are not. You first need to declare your class and then access it, otherwise code like the following will throw a ReferenceError.In this course you will learn how to create objects ,functions and classes."
Price: 84.99

"ECMAScript For Beginners"
"ECMAScript is a standard. While JavaScript is the most popular implementation of that standard. JavaScript implements ECMAScript and builds on top of it. ES is simply short for ECMAScript. Every time you see ES followed by a number, it is referencing an edition of ECMAScript. ECMAScript , has brought about a ton of changes to the JavaScript programming language. In this course, you'll explore some of those changes to learn about the latest features and improvements to the language including new keywords, arrow functions, the Class syntax, Promises, and so much more. This course will cover some ECMAScript features from 1997 -2018Topics includes:Using the ""use strict"" directivesCreating variables using let and const keywordsCreating generator functionsUsing getters and settersUsing Map functionUsing template LiteralsUsing Array find IndexUsing Async FunctionDestructuringArrow FunctionsClassesFor of statements"
Price: 104.99

"MySQL Database Admin -DBA for Beginners"
"The MySQL is the world's most popular open source database.This course will teach you a lot to start using this incredibly popular MySQL database and gain useful skills in the process. In learning about MySQL you will also gain an understanding of relational databases in general. Furthermore, you will harness that power by learning SQL and using it to build databases, populate them with data and query that data through extensive hands-on practices.You will learn how to use the MySQL Workbench which is a very powerful administrative tool that contains a lot of useful features that will enable you perform various administrative tasks on MySQL Server installations.What You will learn includes:Installation and configuration of MySQL ServerCreating DatabasesCreating TablesCreating ViewsCreating Stored ProceduresUsing subqueriesManaging users and proviledgesPerforming backups and restoreChecking client connectionsChecking Server StatusPerform table joinsExplore and use MySQL WorkbenchUse MySQL Command line clientExecute Common MySQL CommandsQuery databasesUpdate databasesDelete recordsPerform aggregate functionsUsing SQL Editors"
Price: 129.99

"SQL: Reporting and Analysis for beginners"
"This introductory beginners course will help you master SQL for Data Reporting & daily data analysis by learning how to select, filter & sort data, customize output, & how you can report aggregated data from a database!The course, we will focus on ANSI(American National Standards Institute) SQL that works on every database like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.SQL has become a requirement for most data science jobs that include: data analyst, BI (Business Intelligence) developer, programmer, database programmer. SQL will let you communicate with the database and work with your data. What You will learn include:Writing SQL SELECT StatementsEliminating duplicate rows using DISTINCTRestricting and Sorting DataWHERE clause, wildcard like IN, LIKEAnalysing data using various SQL OperatorsSorting data using ORDER BY clauseCharacter FunctionsConcat FunctionsUsing LIMIT OperatorReporting Aggregated Data Using the Group FunctionsAVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX...Using GROUP BY and HAVING ClausesDisplaying Data From Multiple Tables inner-join, right outer-join, left outer-join, self-joinAnalysing data Using Subqueries Analysing data Using nested Subqueries"
Price: 119.99

"Coding for beginners"
"Coding knowledge is a must-have 21st century skill. The ability to read,write,and understand code has never been more-important,useful,or lucrative as it is today.Computer code has forever changed our lives . Some people can't even make it through the day without interacting with something built with code.If you're ready to learn the magic behind web and app development but don't know a style sheet from a string , coding for beginners is the perfect place to start.Explore the basics of HTML,CSS,JavaScript,Ruby and Python.Projects we will build together from scratch:One page Web siteWeb CalculatorDigital ClockRandom Number generatorNumber Guessing GameRemoving Vowels from textBlog ApplicationWhat You will Learn include:( Some basics of HTML,CSS,JavaScript,Ruby,Python)AttributesElementsMarking Up TextLinksCSS SelectorsBox ModelMargin and Padding PropertyFont PropertyStatementsExpressionsInputOutputData TypesVariablesArraysListsFunctionsConditionalLoopsOperatorsCommentsTuplesGemsCreating new rails project"
Price: 149.99

"Learn to code with HTML from Scratch"
"If you want to become a web developer the very first language you need to learn is HTML.HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content. For example, content could be structured within a set of paragraphs, a list of bulleted points, or using images and data tables. HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup LanguageHTML describes the structure of Web pages using markupHTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pagesHTML elements are represented by tagsHTML tags label pieces of content such as ""heading"", ""paragraph"", ""table"", and so onBrowsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the pageHTML is the programming language that powers the web. And like any language, once you master it, you can begin to create your own content, whether that's simple websites or complex web applications. This course provides the training to help you build very useful HTML web development skills. We will incorporate what has been learnt by creating a one page website.Topics include:HTML ElementsCreating LinksAdding images to web pageEmbedding videos on a webpageCreating paragraphsCreating headingsCreating HTML documentInspecting HTML elementsUsing AttributesCreating ListsHTML entitiesHTML DivId attributeClass attributeSpan elementFormatting textCreating formsCreating Tables"
Price: 114.99

"PostgreSQL Database Administration (DBA) for Beginners"
"PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database. PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.A database administrators (DBA) primary job is to ensure that data is available, protected from loss and corruption, and easily accessible as needed.The PostgreSQL administration covers some of the most important PostgreSQL database server administration activities. Some of the Key Responsibilities of a Database Administrator includes:Database ManagementDatabase Backup and restoreTablespace managementRole ManagementManaging users Securing database via proper role managementA DBA ( Database administrator) has to perform several responsibilities to ensure the smooth runningof the SQL sever database.In this course, we will go over the basics of the PostgreSQL. We will cover topics ranging from installations, to writing basic queries and retrieving data from tables. We will also explore the logic of joining tables to retrieve data and much more.The course also covers the basics of creating tables, storing data with data types, and working with expressions, operators, and strings. Topics also includes:Installing PostgreSQLLoading sample databaseCreating database and tablesPerforming CRUD operationsJoining TablesUsing aggregate and analytic functionsCreating views and triggersThis is a practical hands-on course that will equip you with the skills and confidence to work with PostgreSQL ."
Price: 119.99

"Essential Web Developer and SQL Skills For Beginners"
"Web development and SQL knowledge is a must-have 21st century skill. The ability to read,write,and understand code as well as interacting and querying databases has never been more-important,useful,or lucrative as it is today.Computer code has forever changed our lives . Some people can't even make it through the day without interacting with something built with code.If you're ready to learn the magic behind web and app developmentand interacting with databases but don't know a style sheet from a string , this course is the perfect place to start.Explore the basics of HTML,CSS,JavaScript and SQL.RequirementsComputer InternetWhat You Will LearnHTMLAnatomy of an HTML ElementCreating HTML DocumentHTML AttributesMarking Up TextCreating LinksCSSways to apply CSSstyling multiple elementsThe Box ModelMargin and Padding Propertychanging Background ColorJavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptUsing developer ConsoleStatementsExpressionsVariablesArraysData TypesConditional StatementsOperatorsFunctionsEventsBuilding Web Applications ProjectsBuild a calculatorBuild a digital clockBuild a todoListBuild an interactive quiz appSQLDatabase ConceptsInstalling PostgreSQLloading sample databaseFiltering dataSorting dataQuerying dataRemoving duplicate recordsTable JoinsCRUD OperationsUsing OperatorsAggregate FunctionsBy the end of this course you would have acquired enough skills to get creative building web based applications and interacting with databases ."
Price: 129.99

"SQL Programming For Beginners"
"Our world is driven by data and a lot of that data is stored in databases. In order to unlock the information and insights stored in databases, we need a way of asking for data. One common language for asking about and modifying data in databases is SQL. SQL in some form or another is used in database products across the spectrum. From small SQLite databases in mobile devices to my MySQL servers, hosting data for blogs and other apps, to enterprise scale Oracle and Microsoft SQL server databases running multi-billion dollar corporations. The goal for this course is to get you comfortable working with the basics of the language, using MySQL. We'll look at how to get information from more than one database table, and I'll introduce some more features and functions of SQL.After that, we'll take a look at adding and modifying data in tables that already exist in a database. This course will help prepare you to work with SQL in programming or data reporting applications, and it will provide a foundation for deeper learning about database administration, advanced SQL, and developing with data.SQL (Structured Query Language) is a common tool for retrieving data from relational databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. This course provides an introduction to this core programming language. Learn how to request data from a database server, limit and sort the responses, aggregate data from multiple tables with joins, and edit and delete data. Topics include:Installing MySQLWhat is SQL?Requesting for data with SELECTLimiting database responsesOrganizing responsesRequesting for data from two or more tablesUnderstanding join types and data typesUsing stored procedureRemoving duplicate recordsAdding and modifying data in a table"
Price: 129.99

"Introduction to Data Extraction Using SQL"
"This introductory beginners course will help you master the basics of using SQL to query and retrieve data from databases.You will learn how to filter & sort data, customize output, & how you can query aggregated data from a database.In this course, we will focus on ANSI(American National Standards Institute) SQL that works on every database like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc.SQL has become a requirement for most database related jobs that include: Database Administrator -DBA , Data analyst, BI (Business Intelligence) developer, programmer, database programmer. SQL will let you communicate with the database and work with your data. What You will learn include:Writing SQL SELECT StatementsEliminating duplicate rows using DISTINCTRestricting and Sorting DataWHERE clause, wildcard like IN, LIKEAnalysing data using various SQL OperatorsSorting data using ORDER BY clauseUsing LIMIT OperatorQuerying Aggregated Data Using the Group FunctionsAVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX...Using GROUP BY and HAVING ClausesDisplaying Data From Multiple TablesAnalysing data Using Subqueries Filtering data"
Price: 114.99

"Learn to create database Apps Using C# and SQL Server"
"Data driven applicationsare applications that saves data to and retrieves data from the database.We interact with data apps daily from Facebook,Instagram,emails and even our bank accounts.In this beginners course we are going to create projects that will save data into databases.We will be using C# an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.Also Microsoft SQL Server will be used as our database for storing and retrieving data.This course is suitable for anyone who has basic knowledge of C# and SQL server .You will learn:How to download visual studioHow to install visual studioHow to download Microsoft SQL ServerHow to install Microsoft SQL ServerHow to create a database How to design a form with datasetHow to create new C# project in visual studioHow to add controls to a formHow to customise controls on a formHow to run your application.By the end of this course you should be able to create your own database driven projects using visual studio and SQL Server"
Price: 94.99

"Learn to build console apps with Java from scratch"
"Console applications are computer programs designed to be used via text only computer interface such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems like UNIX. Windows ,MacOS) .Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding . Java is a useful ,robust and popular programming language to embark on that journey. The best way to learn programming is my doing and getting your hands dirty.This course is a practical Hands-on course with simple to follow videos that will not overwhelm a beginner programmer.Java is a case-sensitive, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. One of the reasons Java is so popular is that it is platform independent . You only need to write java code once and then run it on any platform be it mac, windows or Linux.You will learn about: Primitive Data Types Basic Data typesVariablesArraysWe will also build 5 mini console based java projects"
Price: 109.99

"Microsoft SQL from scratch - Beginner to Expert"
"Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media.Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.T-SQL - Transact SQL is Microsoft's implementation of SQL. There are a lot of similarities between them but also proprietary parts that are specific to SQL Server. We will be using Microsoft's version of SQL ( T-SQL ) popularly referred to as T-Sequel with Microsoft SQL Server .SQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS developed and owned by Microsoft.Thousands of companies all over the world use SQL Server for their data solution . What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to create and query viewsHow to build a stored procedureHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataSQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.This course is a beginners guide to performing data analysis using SQL to interrogate SQL Server to provide answers to data related questions. You will learn to write useful SQL queries that is applicable to the Real World production environment.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit,every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions."
Price: 109.99

"Learn SQL using PostgreSQL Server - Beginner to Expert"
"SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media applications like Facebook and Instagram..Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.We will be using PostgreSQL Server to host our database.PostgreSQL Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS used by lots of companies all over the world What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to create and query viewsHow to build a stored procedureHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataCreating viewsCreating TriggersCreating sub-queriesData Analysis with Analytic functionsSQL can be used for Data Analysis to transform data already present in the database to valuable useful information that help companies and organisations make key business and management decisions.Everywhere data is being collected, every transaction, every web page visit,every paymentall these and much, much more are filling relational databases with raw data that can be analysed to provide useful information.There is a demand for people who can use data to perform reporting and analysis thus helping businesses and organizations make important and critical decisions."
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from scratch"
"This introductory course to HTML ,CSS and JavaScript is vital for anyone who wants to become a web developer..These three technologies are skills every web developer must learn and have.HTML : Used to create content CSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript : Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating a basic one page website and 7 other projects.What You will learn include:Introduction to basic HTMLCreating a very basic websitePlanning a basic websiteAssembling files and foldersWhat is HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing commentsHTML AttributesIntroduction to basicCSSWhat is CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhat is JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsEventsUsing Linting toolsAdding image changerAdding personalized messageProjects we will create :TodoListCalculatorInteractive quiz Image sliderCountdown timerWeight converter toolLoan calculator"
Price: 104.99

"Learn Professional Web Development Skills From Scratch -2019"
"An app or a web service can have two broad parts: the frontend and the backend. The roles of these parts can be guessed from their names. The frontend is the part that you can see. It is the part that lets you interact with the app or service. The colours, animations, layout, and all the other cool stuff that adds to your experience of using the app or website is the frontend. The frontend is generally called the User Interface (UI). Example include HTML , CSS and JavaScript.The backend is the part that you cant see. It is the internal working of the application or website. This includes stuff like the server, the database, etc. Exaples include Ruby on Rails, Nodejs ,Python ,MongoDB, MySQL etc.If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging this course will guide you and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learningweb development (on your own or as part of a class), a teacher looking for class materials, a hobbyist,or someone who just wants to understand more about how web technologies work.Topics include:HTMLCSSBootsrapJavaScriptNodejsExpressjsMongoDBCreate database Interacting with databaseRubyRuby on RailsCreating a basic websiteCreate apps that runs in web browserCreate a real-time chat application with Nodejs Expressjs MongoDB SocketioCreate a blog application using Ruby on RailsDeploying application on internetBasic introduction to Git and Github Chrome development tools"
Price: 129.99

"Learn MariaDB SQL for beginners from scratch"
"MariaDB is great for its open-source innovation and enterprise-grade reliability, as well as its modern relational database. SQL -Structured Query Language is an internationally recognised language used to communicate and manipulate various database systems.Data is everywhere and growing at a rapid rate. Most Software application we interact with daily deals with stored data . From our interaction with our banks to social media applications like Facebook and Instagram..Due to the relevance and dependency on data , professionals that are skilled in SQL are always in high demand to help interact with various databases to help business intelligence and other sectors that relies on data.This course will teach you from absolute beginner to expert so you can be confident with enough skills to build simple to complex queries to communicate and interact with databases.We will be using MariaDB Server to host our database.MariaDB Server is a relational database management system -RDBMS used by lots of companies all over the world What You Will Learn include:How to extract data from multiple Database Tables using JoinsHow to insert new data into database with SQLHow to update existing data inside a databaseHow to delete data from a databaseHow to filter dataHow to sort dataHow to use Aggregate functions to summarize returned dataHow to group dataUsing AliasesUsing various Operators"
Price: 109.99

"Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (Real World Hacking!)"
"This course includes all necessary information to start your carrier in Cyber Security field. This course aims to teach you how to perform full penetration testing on web applications.JOIN OVER 8000 STUDENTS IN THE Website Hacking & Penetration Testing (Real World Hacking!) COURSE#############################################################################Web applications hacking course is not like other courses. I will not teach you the boring hacking stuff that you can get from Google. All the videos in this course are simple, short and practical. You will practice web applications Hacking / Penetration Testing against a number of real-world web applications.You will learn how to discover Web Applications vulnerabilities through Penetration Testing. You will learn how to hack the web security.I will start by teaching you the basics of any vulnerability and then exploiting it with pure technical skills. The web applications hacking and penetration testing course is designed to cover all the latest vulnerabilities of Web Applications like Web Applications Attacks, CSRF attacks, Injection attacks and many more.In this course, we will answer the following questions:How do hackers hack websites?The Best Ways to Hack a Website.How to Hack a Web Application?In this course, you will learn the following:Hacking a website database.Hacking a website using sql injection.Website hacking by php source code.Website hacking exploits.Website ethical hacking.Website ethical hacking tools.Website hacking techniques.Ethical hacking tools.The ethical hacking process.Ethical hacking basics.OWASP top 10.*This Course Is For Educational Purposes Only*------Don't be evil------Student reviews:*********************************************** I like the way the instructor is explaining the course. As of now I am happy with the contents and support I am receiving for my queries. This is one of the best courses on Udemy! ***********************************************Very good course, enjoying it so far. the instructor is, helpful, clear and direct to the point with practical tutorials. ***********************************************Excellent course! The Course was amazing. I learned a lot of things about ethical hacking and the instructor was awesome. I think that the course is definitely worth way more than it's asking price.      "
Price: 169.99

"Mobile Application Hacking and Penetration Testing (Android)"
"This course includes all necessary information to start your carrier in Cyber Security field. This course aims to teach you how to perform full penetration testing on Android Mobile applications.Course at a glance:- Start from Android architectures basics.- Covers Mobile applications reverse engineering.- Practice onreal world mobile applications.- Build your ownhome lab on mobile application security.- Provides you the skills necessary to perform Penetration tests of mobile applications.Syllabus:Introduction To Mobile Apps.Mobile Application Security.Mobile Application Penetration Testing.The most common areas where we find mobile application data resides.The Architecture of Android.The App Sandbox and the Permission Model.AndroidManifest.xml File.Android Compilation Process.Android Startup Process.Android Application Components.Setup a testing environment.Android Debug Bridge (adb).Digging deeper into Android (ADB tool).intercept and analyze the network traffic.Reversing an Android application.OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for mobiles.Install DIVA (Damn insecure and vulnerable App).Insecure Logging Issue.Insecure Data Storage.Database Insecure Storage.Insecure Data Storage Inside Temporary Files.Hardcoding Issues.Input Validation Issues - SQL Injection.Input Validation Issues - Exploiting Webview Vulnerability.With this course you'll get24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 10 hours.NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only."
Price: 179.99

"Modernes JavaScript (ES6): jQuery, node.js, und viel Praxis!"
"JavaScript - Profis werden heutzutageberallgesucht - egal ob fr Webseiten oder Apps. Lernemit diesem Kurs die Programmiersprache JavaScript und bringe deine Karriere einen guten Schritt vorwrts!Genau deswegen habe ich diesen Kurs entwickelt:JavaScript hat sich in den letzten Jahren massiv verndert, und zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Deswegen mchte ich dich fit machen, damit dunach Abschluss dieses Kurses ein gefragter Entwickler bist.Um das zu erreichen, darf natrlich die Praxis nicht zu kurz kommen. Alle Beispiele zeige ich dir nicht nur in der Theorie, sondern auch in der Praxis.Dadurch wirst du perfekt fr die zuknftige Anwendung vorbereitet.Dazu schauen wir uns verschiedene Themen an, und schauen auch ber den Tellerrand. Du lernst also nicht nur die Konzepte, sondern auch,wie du es in der Praxis einsetzen kannst. Dazu gibt es auch nochviele Beispiele: DocumentObject Model (DOM) jQuery Ajax JavaScript auf dem Server (node.js) Webserver inExpress Konzept:Event LoopZudem:Diverse PraxisprojekteDieser Kurs macht dich fit fr die Zukunft.Gerade im Zeitalter des Internet of Things wird JavaScriptzunehmend noch weitere Verbreitung finden. Inzwischen kannst du sogar Spiele in JavaScript entwickeln.Und genau dafr ist dieser Kurs konzipiert:Um dich fit zu machen fr das JavaScript, welches in den nchsten Jahren wichtig ist.Lass mich dir noch heute die Programmiersprache JavaScript beibringen, und dich auf deinem Weg zum gefragten Programmierer untersttzen."
Price: 124.99

"Praxisprojekt: A/B-Test mit PHP"
"In diesem Kurs programmieren wir Schritt fr Schritt einen kompletten A/B - Test in PHP.Aber was genau ist ein A/B - Test?Die Idee dahinter ist, dass du auf einer Webseite z.B. einen Button zum Kaufen eines Produktes hast.Ist es jetzt besser, diesen Button oben oder unten auf der Seite zu platzieren? Wann kaufen mehr Leute im Online - Shop ein?Und genau bei solchen Fragen kannst du einen A/B - Test laufen lassen. Es wird also mal die eine Variante (Button oben), und mal die andere Variante (Button unten) getestet. Gleichzeitig werden Daten gesammelt, welche Variante besser funktioniert.Nach Abschluss des A/B - Tests weit du also, welcher Button besser funktioniert. Dadurch sparst du dir teure Fehlentscheidungen.Was genau bringt dir dieser Kurs?Ich fanddieses Thema unglaublich spannend, weil hierBigData in der Praxis angewendet wird. Ich habe aber nur mehr oder weniger theoretische Informationen gefunden, mir fehlte eine Schritt-fr-Schritt - Anleitung, wie ich denn genau einen A/B- Test entwickeln kann.Und genau deswegen habe ich ich in das Thema hineingearbeitet, und diesen Kurs entwickelt. Du lernst hier, wie du von einer mathematischen Idee bis hin zur Implementation in der Praxis kommst.Wie gehen wir hier in diesem Kurs vor?Zuerst schauen wir uns das Beispiel (PHP), welcheswir optimieren mchtenDanach programmieren wir einen einfachen A/B - Test inkl. AuswertungAnschlieend schauen wir uns die mathematischen Grundlagen an - wann wissen wir, dass der A/B- Test abgeschlossen ist?Wir knnen den A/B - Test noch weiter optimieren. Dazu gibt's dann noch ein paar weitere mathematische Grundlagen...... die wir anschlieend nach PHPumsetzen."
Price: 29.99

"Data Science, Apache Spark & Python: Analysiere echte Daten!"
"Neu:Fr Spark 2.1!Auswertungen von""Big Data"" werden immer wichtiger, Experten werden hnderingend gesucht. Du lernst in diesem Kurs die heieste Technologie,Apache Spark kennen. Dieses wird bereits von unzhligen Unternehmen verwendet, darunter Amazon, eBay, Groupon, TripAdvisor!Lerne jetzt Apache Spark - ganz bequem auf deinem eigenen Computer.In diesem Kurs wertest du echte Daten aus. Dadurch macht dieser Kurs nicht nur richtig viel Spa, die Beispiele sind auch besonders anschaulich und bereiten dich perfekt vor - sei es weil du selbst ein paar Daten auswerten mchtest, oder du dich fr einen Job als Data Scientist bewerben mchtest! Verstehe dieSpark Basics:Das Resilient Distributed Dataset Entwickle Spark - Programme in Python Fordere dich mit bungsaufgaben heraus und festige nebenher dein Wissen Analysiere auf deinem Computerriesige Datenmengen mit ein paar Zeilen Code in Apache Spark Lasse ein echtes Spark -Cluster auf der Amazon Cloud (Elastic Map Reduce)laufen (optional) ndere den Beispielcode aus diesem Kurs ab und analysiere noch schneller deine eigenen DatenNach Abschluss diesesKurses kannst Datenstze eigenstndig auswerten und visualisieren- und hast das schon zig mal gemacht. Du hast Gletscherstatistiken analysiert, Taxi - Daten visualisiert, Hufigkeit von Wrter in einem eBook bestimmt, sowie Geburtsstatistikender USAausgewertet. Dadurch bist du perfekt fr eigenstndige Auswertungen vorbereitet, und kannst z.B. deinen Chef mit aussagekrftigen Analysenbeeindrucken!"
Price: 119.99