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"Android Jetpack Architecture Components & MVVM Masterclass"
"Become a highly qualified Professional Level Android Developer by mastering most demanded Android skills of 2019!If you are an Android Developer with some coding experience, If you want to level up your skills and become a professional level Android Developer this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Android Architecture Components (View Model, Live Data, Room, Data Binding, Paging, Work Manager,Navigation,Life cycle  ) with ""Dependency Injection With Dagger 2""  and "" Networking (REST API Communication) With Retrofit 2"" .With over 120 lectures and more than 11 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned! . I will teach all the topics in a way anyone can easily understand . To improve the student engagement  homework assignments and quizzes have included to each chapter, as well as 2 major projects aimed to provide a clear idea about how all those components work together!This course will teach you  Advanced Android Development in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screen-cast, corresponding  short notes and downloadable code samples! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Room Data Persistence Data BindingView ModelLive DataDependency Injection With DaggerNetworking With RetrofitPagingWork ManagerNavigationLife Cyclesand much more!You will get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus corresponding code samples and notes for the lectures! This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep access to the Notes and Code Samples as a thank you for trying out the course!So what are you waiting for? Start mastering Android Architecture Components with Dagger and Retrofit  in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!Who is the target audience?Beginners level Android Developer (with at least 2 months of  Android coding experience).Intermediate level android developers  who want to level up their skills!Note: During the course (in one chapter) to demonstrate different usages of retrofit, we will use TMDB free online REST API  . You may need to provide an email address to sign up and get a free API key from them."
Price: 199.99

"Realistic Portrait: Paint A Vietnamese Child In Watercolor"
"Do you like watercolor?Did you want to try it but never had time?Are youalready painting but need more advanced guidance? This course is for you:all you need is to relax, follow each step and listen to the comments.I lived in Vietnam for a new months and got inspired by a beautiful nature there. But mostly I was excited about sunny kids that run everywhere with a happy smile. I decided to paint one and teach you how to do it. After this course you will understand that watercolor is not that difficult. This is not a magic pill and it doesn't mean a portrait of a child will appear out of nowhere ;)The secret is - I will not only show you the techniques but also explain HOWwatercolor works.I will share tricks and tips, break down all the techniques and answer any question that you might have - just send me a message!So now you are ready.Jump into the course and let's create!"
Price: 79.99

"Aprende Oracle PL/SQL desde Cero"
"Durante este curso, vas a aprender a usar PL/SQL, el lenguaje de programacin de las Bases de Datos Oracle. Este lenguaje permite desarrollar aplicaciones complejas dentro  de Oracle. Empezaremos con lo ms bsico y llegaremos a conceptos avanzados, que te permitirn desarrollar aplicaciones PL/SQL de forma profesional.El curso vale tanto para 18c, 12c y 11g. Aunque no es un curso especfico para certificacin, si que tiene muchos de los conceptos que necesitas para certificarte como desarrollador  PL/SQL de OracleCon una mquina virtual ya preparada para trabajar. Aunque durante el curso veremos como instalar todo lo necesario, para aquellos que queris ir directamente al grano, hemos creado una mquina virtual en Fedora para que empecis a trabajar desdebv el minuto 1.El curso es eminentemente prctico. Mediante ejemplos y ejercicios iremos viendo las caractersticas del lenguaje y como puedes utilizarlo.Los puntos que veremos en este curso son:Introduccin a PL/SQLBloquesComandos y estructuras de ControlExcepcionesColeccionesCursoresProcedimientos y funcionesPaquetesTriggersNo necesitas grandes conocimientos, ms all de saber algo de programacin y de SQL.Espero que te guste y cualquier duda estamos a tu disposicinUn SaludoSergio"
Price: 19.99

"IDoc Trouble Shoot,Processing and Re-Processing for SAP FICO"
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of SAP, ""IDoc Trouble Shoot,Processing and Re-Processing for SAP FICO"".This Course is Designed Based on Insights fromReal Time Experience in HandlingSAP IDocs ProcessingIssues andContains Detailed Information How to Search, Troubleshoot,Process and Re-Process an IDoc in SAPwith Detailed Overview of Application Link Enabling, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and EDISub-System Process in SAP.This Course is a Mustfor People who Wants to Learn Deep aboutIDoc, IDoc End to End Processing Cycle in SAP,Application Link Enabling (ALE),EDI andEDI Sub Systems Processes.In This Course We Will Cover Important Bonus Topics Around IDoc Searching, Troubleshooting,Processing, Re-Processingand Reporting.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of End to EndIDocProcessing inSAP, EDI ProcessOverview, Application Link Enabling (ALE)Overviewand youwill be highly Proficient inEnd to EndIDocProcessing inSAP,And at the End of this Course you canConfidently Add IDoc Processing, Troubleshooting, Re-Processing with Basic Understanding ofEDI and ALEon your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 49.99

"Writing Functional Design Document(Real Time Project Based)"
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Writing Effective Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document in Information Technology.In this Course Iwill walk you through Writing a Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document Based on Real Time Project ofBuildingInterface Between SAP and SalesForce.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time ProjectInsights, This CourseContains CompleteInformation AboutProject Life Cycle Including Pre-Requisites Before Writing Functional Specification Document Including Raw Requirement/User Stories, Requirements Gathering, Requirements Finalization,Writing Functional Specification Document, Development Process, UnitTesting, QA Testing,End User Testing, Cut over Activities,Project Go Live, Hyper Care Period and Post Go Live Support.This Course is a Must for People who wanted to Learn End to End Project Cycle in Information Technologyand Wanted toPrimarilyBecome EfficientWriting Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document in Information Technology.You will Get Sample Functional Specification Documents (FSD) Templates for DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments along with CompleteDetails of What is Functional Specification Document, Propose of Writing Functional Specification Document, Audience of Functional Specification Document, Key Features of Functional Specification DocumentandWho Writes Functional Specification Document.In This Course We Will Cover VeryImportant Bonus Topic of Technical Specification Documents(TSD)/Technical Design Document IncludingWhat is Technical Specification Documents, Types ofTechnical Specification Documents,Who Writes Technical Specification Documents along withSample Technical Specification Documents (TSD) Templatesfor DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Writing Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document Along with End to EndProject Cycle in Real Time Environment and Good Understanding of Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document.At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Designing Processes,Writing Functional Specification Documents/Functional Design Documents in Information Technologyon your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!"
Price: 49.99

"Writing Technical Design Document (Real Time Project Based)"
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Writing Effective Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document in Information Technology.In this Course Iwill walk you through Writing a Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document Based on Real Time Project ofBuildingInterface Between SAP and Trendset.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time ProjectInsights, This CourseContains CompleteInformation AboutProject Life Cycle Including Pre-Requisites/Pre-Phases Before Writing Technical Specification Document Including Functional Specification Document Walk through, Development Process, UnitTesting, QA Testing,End User Testing and Post Phases After Writing Technical Specification Document Including Cut over Activities,Project Go Live, Hyper Care Period Support and Post Go Live Support.This Course is a Must for People who wanted to Learn End to End Project Cycle in Information Technologyand Wanted toPrimarilyBecome EfficientWriting Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document in Information Technology.You will Get Sample Technical Specification Documents (TSD's) Templates for DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments along with CompleteDetails of What is Technical Specification Document, Propose of Writing Technical Specification Document, Audience of Technical Specification Document, Key Features of Technical Specification DocumentandWho Writes Technical Specification Document.In This Course We Will Cover VeryImportant Bonus Topic of Functional Specification Documents(FSD)/Functional Design Document IncludingWhat is Functional Specification Documents, Types ofFunctional Specification Documents,Who Writes Functional Specification Documents along withSample Functional Specification Documents (FSD) Templatesfor DesigningProcesses, Custom Programs,Interfaces and Reports Developments.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Writing Technical Specification Document/Technical Design Document Along with End to EndProject Cycle in Real Time Environment and Good Understanding of Functional Specification Document/Functional Design Document.At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Technical Designing Processes,Writing Technical Specification Documents/Technical Design Documents in Information Technologyon your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!"
Price: 49.99

"Tips and Tricks for General Ledger Accountants/Clerks in SAP"
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of SAPGeneral Ledger Accounting.This Course is Designed Based on Real Time Day to Day Activities and End User Needs of General Ledger Accountants and Clerks, this Course will Help General Ledger Accounting End Users to Make their Job More Cozy in SAP.After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Important Tips and Tricks Around SAP General Ledger Accounting, Installation of SAP GUI in Computer,At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Your Knowledge in that Domain in SAP on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Legacy System Migration Workbench(LSMW)Tool in SAP"
"This isStep-by-Step Course that will Take you into Incredible World of Data Conversion Using SAPData Conversion Tool Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW).This Course is Designed Based on Real Time Processes of Data Conversion, Data File Preparation and Data Validation in SAP, this Course will Help to Get Detailed Understanding ofData Conversion Process in SAP Using LSMW.Data Conversion Process is Key/Essential Element in any SAPImplementation Project.By Taking that Course You Can Learn End to End Data Conversion Process and Get Expert in Data Conversion Activities.Having Knowledge in that Domain Will Help you to Open New Doors of Opportunities in your Career. After this Course you would have Deep Understanding of Data Conversion Process, Data File Preparation Process and Data Validation Process in SAP Using LSMW,At the End of this Course you canConfidently Add Your Knowledge in that Domain in SAP on your Resume/CV.Learn by Doing!Disclaimer:SAPis a Registered Trademark of SAPAG Globally and We are NotAssociated with SAP by any Means.SAP Software andGUI are Proprietary SAP AG. Neither me orUdemy are Authorized to Provide SAPAccess. You can Officially Get SAP IDES Access to Practice on SAP System from SAP's website. I am Not Allowed by Udemy to Place Link Here.Please Google ""SAP IDES Access"" and you will Find Respective Links."
Price: 99.99

"Gane dinero con eBay Dropshiping,"
"Inscrbase en este curso y aprenda los conceptos bsicos de la creacin de un negocio basado en el hogar de Amazon a eBay Drop-Shipping en este Curso Dropshipping Starter.Este curso est hecho para cualquier persona que quiera un ingreso extra y un negocio secundario basado en el hogar que se puede administrar desde cualquier parte del mundo sin un almacn o inventario fsico. Usted puede seguir siendo un empleado y ejecutar este negocio en su tiempo libre o entrar en el negocio de eBay Drop-shipping a tiempo completo.El curso lo llevar paso a paso en la configuracin de los conceptos bsicos de un comercio electrnico y eBay Drop-shipping BusinessUsted aprender a abrir sus cuentas de eBay y PayPal y fuente de productos calientes de Amazon para vender con rentabilidad en eBay, usted descubrir cmo configurar su cuenta de eBay y automatizar su negocio con fcil de usar Drop-shipping Software Automation.Todo lo que necesitar para tomar este curso es una computadora (escritorio o porttil), una conexin a Internet, unas pocas horas a la semana y una mente abierta para aprender algo nuevo.Este curso le ser de utilidad en cualquier etapa de la vida, ya sea que se est uniendo a la fuerza de trabajo o a la jubilacin.Este curso est dirigido a aquellos que estn listos para hacer los primeros pasos crticos en la creacin de un negocio de eBay Dropshipping o para aquellos que todava lo consideran y le gustara saber ms antes de decidir si es para ellos.El curso incluir videos, presentaciones, resmenes fciles de seguir y materiales de bonificacin para aquellos serios acerca de convertirse en un exitoso Drop-shipper de eBay.Vamos a compartir las tcnicas, consejos y trucos que el empresario exitoso Aviv Malka ha utilizado para convertirse en un Top-Rated eBay Drop-shipper y Platinum Level eBay Vendedor con ms de 350.000 dlares de ventas en el ltimo ao.David Levine, un empresario de eBay, Dropshipper & Trainer estar enseando el curso basado en las tcnicas de Aviv (y como el hablante de ingls nativo en el equipo responder a la mayora de las preguntas de los estudiantes).Si desea ahorrar incontables horas de prueba y error al configurar un negocio de eBay Drop-shipping por su cuenta y empezar a ganar dinero en su tiempo libre, entonces ENROLL en este curso."
Price: 19.99

"Ganhe dinheiro no eBay com Dropshipping"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar seu negcio prprio no eBayutilizando um modelo de negcios conhecido como dropshipping ou arbitragem.No dropshipping voc publica produtos para serem vendidos em um site de destino ( Por exemplo no eBay ), e somente apos seu cliente ter feito a compra, voc entra no site onde viu a oferta inicial e faz a compra (Por exemplo, no site da Amazon )Dropshipping um excelente metodo para iniciar no comrcio eletrnico (e-Commerce)Voc vai aprender todos os segredos do DropShipping do Amazon para o eBay passo, desde como abrir e configurar corretamente sua conta, selecionar produtos quentes para serem vendidos no eBay ate os passos finais de compra e envio dos produtos aos clientes.Voc vai aprender tambem como utilizar um software exclusivo para fazer todo o processo de maneira 100% automtica.A grande vantagem deste metodo que permite que voc crie seu prprio negcio sem ter de investir para ter seu estoque prprio, podendo assim comear seu negcio praticamente sem nenhum investimento inicial.Dropshipping um metodo comprovado: Existem hoje dezenas de milhares de pessoas no mundo que ha fazem Dropshipping, seja como renda extra ou seja para gerar uma renda principal em tempo integral.Este curso foi construido em parceria com um de meus clientes que TOPSELLERPLATINUMLEVELno eBaye se baseias nos resultados positivos de centenas de usuario"
Price: 579.99

"-> Describe ospf implementation in Juniper Routers-> Describe Area0 and 'B' bit and ABR description-> Explain Virtual-Links and how they are implemented-> Explain various BITS in OSPF Header-> Explain OSPF Authentication-> Explain OSPF Path Selection process-> Explain STUB,T-STUB and NSSA Areas-> Explain OSPF Summarisation-> Explain Overload bit in OSPFThis is purely done keeping one thing in mind as i have re-iterated earlier, the goal of this course is to make it as practical as possible along with exploring the user-friendly options where students who enrol for this course can take a better advantage by setting up their own systems without worrying about hardware. I have also made sure that this entire course can run on a single VMX Instance of Junos which consume a 2GB ram and 2vcpuI hope you enjoy this course as much as I did developing it.Cheers"
Price: 19.99

"The course primarily aims in understanding and implementing MPLS technologies- MPLS Header and Packet- LDP and Implementation-RSVP-CSPF-Traffic Engineering-SRLG-Traffic protection Mechanisms-MISC MPLSTopics- All of the course Documentation is available in Lucid chart for easier exam reviewwww<dot>lucidchart<dot>com/invitations/accept/3186e11a-7812-4930-828c-73fe0653eaab - Please review the content and Intro Videos and if they are as per your liking go ahead and Enroll the course.This Course primarily aims at best practices and standard implementation procedure and certification should be a by product of your learning."
Price: 24.99

"Smart Tips To Dominate Social Media #1"
"In this course you'll learn Smart Tips To Help YouDominate Social Media,including:Tips on choosing which social media site to useTips on getting started with a social media siteTips on keeping subscribers glued to your accountTips on using multimedia contentTips on using languageTips on how to expand the reach of your social media accountTips on outsourcing work and taskTips on dealing with trolls, & HATERSThis is the first part of the series, so make sure to keep an eye for the other parts"
Price: 94.99

"Hollywood Film School: Filmmaking & TV Directing Masterclass"
"Join over 30,000 Students who are learning from our courses.""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate CarrollWant to learn how great directors create award-winning films? Want to learn how to become a working Hollywood director in Television or Film?In this online course you'll learnWhen to Move the Camera in your next film and video production.The key here is that camera movement must be invisible. It should serve the story without calling attention to itself. Next, learnHow To Move the Cameramost effectively by systematically fulfillingFive Taskswhen designing each moving master shot. Finally, learn how a master of visual design like Zemeckis customizes his application of theseFive Tasksto the unique demands of each scene.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!THIS COURSE IS AMAZING!!! I'm learning SO FREAKIN MUCH from it, and it's totally blowing my mind. Thanks so much to Gil and Alex for putting this course together. I'm a director working on my first horror film, which has a bit of action in it, and this course is totally giving me rocket boots. If you have more courses from Gil, please let me know and TAKE MY MONEY! -Colby R RiceExcellent content. But you'd better pay attention or you will miss something. This course is packed with loads or useful and well explained stuff. -Mr Mick FarmerInstructor is clearly in command of craft and engages with questions, simple explanations and familiar examples. Video and audio are excellent. -Bill HalfordVeteran film and television director Gil Bettmanwill teach you how to enhance drama and heighten action by using different lenses. This is the key toLensmanship the technique which Spielberg borrowed from Wells, Kubrick and others to transform the look of today's films.Once you have graspedLensmanshipyou are ready for the final lesson-- How to Shoot Action Sequences. Gil will show you how Kathryn Bigelow, John Woo and others ignite the screen by putting the camera in the right place and using the right lenses. Here's what will be covered in the course.Why you must shoot with a moving cameraWhen to move the cameraWhy all camera movement should be invisibleThe three kinds of camera movement that are always invisibleHow to move the camera shoot the best moving master shotThe five tasks of a moving master:Establishes geography and believabilityEliminates editsGenerates eye candyFocuses the audience on the center of the dramaPicks up coverageHow to customize the five tasks to each sceneExamples: dailies from:Movies for TVLow budget featuresBig budget features directed by Bob ZemeckisLensmanshipHow the look of 3 different lenses is the key to understanding all lensesThe three ways that lenses change the look of a shotPerspectiveField of VisionDepth of FieldShooting ActionThe 3 key components to shooting actionPut the camera in the right placeBreaking down your shotsPut the right lens on the cameraHow lenses affect motion in the frameGet the right number of piecesHow coverage heightens energyHow to shoot a chaseHow to shoot a fightVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi TsitsuSo what are you waiting for. Jump start your filmmaking career as a film director."
Price: 174.99

"Filmmaking Using DaVinci Resolve. Free Software Included"
"Take your filmmaking and video creation to a new levelwithDaVinci Resolve!If you are looking for a video editing programthat is will help your filmmaking,easy to use, super powerful and also FREE, DaVinci Resolve is for you. DaVinci Resolve is the industry leader in color correction but also haspowerful editing abilities.Ipersonal edited my feature film and a show for Legendary Pictures on DaVinci Resolve.Professionals all over the world are using Resolve as their complete post production option.This full course is the best way to get startedand start editing your projects.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Alex Ferrari, founder of Indie Film Hustle and a Hollywood editing/post production professional with over 20 years in the business. I've edited, color graded, post supervised or VFXsupervised easily over 1000 projects in my career. Editing and post production is how Imake my living.Some reviews of my other courses:A ton of great information included derived from actual experience and a get-in-there-and-get-it-done perspective. Lots of value here. - It's MeThis is an insightful and refreshing revelation of what it takes to produce a short. What a rich learning experience. Thank you. -Randy HendricksMy Promise to YouI'm a working editing and post production professional, as well as an online educator. I'll be here if you have questions on your journey to learn how to edit on DaVinci Resolve. Maybe you already are a professional editor using AVID, FCPXor Adobe Premiere and just want to add a new software package to your toolbox or you might be a film student just starting out. Either way this course is for you.So what will this course cover?In this course you will learn everything you need to learn to get started editing with DaVinci Resolve right away. You'll get inside the mind of a professional editor.In this course Iwill cover:How tostart a projectTimeline editingAdding videotransitionsProject SettingsArchiving/RestoringYour ProjectVideoSpeed ChangesOrganizing MediaImporting MediaExporting your video for high-quality playback on any deviceKeyboard Short cutsTake your Filmmaking to Another Leveland a ton more!Learn from an actual working professional editor who been in the business for over twenty years and has worked on projects with million dollar budgets.COURSEBONUS: I'll be also including bonus lessons and articles on post production that will help round up your education and save you tons of time.When you are finished you'll be able to edit your project using DaVinci Resolve.What are you waiting for?Join over 20,000 students already learning from my other courses.Click the enroll button, and I'll see you in on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Screenwriting: Pitching Your Screenplay or Novel in 60 Secs"
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!From Michael Hauge,author ofthe Best SellingUdemy Screenwriting &Storytelling Course:Screenwriting and Story Blueprint: The Hero's Two Journeys.You walk on an elevator and just before the door closes Steven Spielberg gets on. You have 60 secs to pitch him your latest screenplay. What do you do?Your goal is to have your audience say yes, I understand, and I care after reading or watching your brand story.If your audience just says now I know then you have successfully informed them but not enough to make them care, to make them stay to whatever you have to say next.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!Your career can be made in 60 seconds - if you make the right pitch! Master the Elevator Pitch, even when you've got less than 60 seconds. Get your screenplay or Novel read by the major power of Hollywood - guaranteed!Instructor Michael Hauge walks your through his process of breaking down the key elements of your story and how to pitch them in 60 secs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This isa once in a lifetime opportunityto see two of Hollywoods finest and smartest teachers combine their masterful approach to plot, character and commercial success.- Rich KrevolinScreenwriting Professor at USC; Author ofScreenwriting From the Soul and How to Adapt Anything into a ScreenplayWow! Michael Hauge and Christopher Vogler ignite the room. Ive been a pro for nearly 20 years, and in one day this double-barreled seminar made me a better screenwriter.-Eric Edson, Director of Graduate Screenwriting at Cal State University Northridge; Author of The Story Solution: 23 Steps All Great Heroes Must Take-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MichaelHauge is a story and script consultant, author and lecturer who works with writers and filmmakers on their screenplays, novels, movies and television projects. He has coached writers, producers, stars and directors on projects for Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron and Morgan Freeman, as well as for every major studio and network.Michael also works extensively with Hollywood executives, producers, agents and managers, helping them sharpen their story and development skills, and improving their companies' abilities to recognize powerful material, employ advanced principles of structure, character arc and theme, skillfully communicate a story's strengths and weaknesses, and work effectively with writers to achieve a commercially successful screenplay.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is Alex Ferrari? As the founder ofIndie Film Hustleit's Alex goal to bring the best information and education he can toindie filmmakers, screenwriter, storytellers and entrepreneurs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updateswe'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOWand learn how to pitch your story in 60 secs! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Filmmakingin a Box: Indie Feature Film Masterclass"
"Join over 33,000 students learning from our courses!You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on film school, you can work as a production assistant for a decade and hope to move up the ladder or you canGET OUT THERE AND MAKE YOUR OWN MOVIE! FILMSCHOOLIN A BOX shows you in every possible detail how one team of Hollywood professionals made,and commercially released, a movie on a micro-budget of $100,000. YOU CAN TOO!FILMMAKING IN A BOXhas over 20+ Hours of real world lessons they DON'Tteach you this in Film School! This course is unlike anything youve ever seen. Seriously.If youre a lover of movies who dreams of getting behind the camera, you know you own dozens of DVDs with behind-the-scens material that youve watched 100 times. Right?But, seriously When are you going to get the chance to be standing in a field surrounded by 10,000 extras all in custom-made armor filming with 20 cameras? Chances are your first film (or even your second or third) are going to besignificantlysmaller in scale than thatFILMMAKING IN A BOXis theultimatebehind-the-scenes look at the making of amicro-budget(meaning REALISTIC BUDGET!) feature film. This is a look into how a professional near-no-budget film is made with EVERY DETAIL available at your fingertips!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""It shares the kind of lessons that can usually only be learned by doing. Not a lecture, not a seminar, just the honest, accurate, moment-to-moment account of everything it takes to put a film together.""Earl Newton, Executive Producer/CreatorStranger Things--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How Can FILMMAKING IN A BOX Help You?FIBexamines the EVERY detail of the making of an independent movie called2 Million Stupid Women(a comedy written by a woman!), which was made for only $100,000, made within the Hollywood system.FILMMAKING IN A BOXhas tonof INCREDIBLY detailed behind-the-scenes interviews and footage covering every stage of the prep, production and post-production. Youll get interviews and conversations with all key members of the production team: the director, the producers, the writer, the cinematographers, the editor, the production sound mixer, the post production sound designer, the assistant director and more! These are not marketing fluff interviews these areuncensored, honestandstraight-to-the-pointdiscussions about every pitfall, conflict and negotiation required to complete the project.In addition you also gethundredsof pages of the actual documents used to make the film: the full budget (yes! the REAL full budget, line by line see how the money was spent), the schedule, call sheets, every contract, directors notes and MORE.FILMSCHOOL IN A BOXwill take you, step-by-step, through the exact process this team took to mount an independent feature film from the ground up.FILMFILMSCHOOLIN A BOXshines a light on every potential misstep and lucky break that can fall into a first-time (or second or third!) filmmakers lap.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""I wish something like this existed when I was starting out... No bulls**t; the next best thing to actually being there with the filmmakers while they were making it!""Mark Bell, Owner/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, FilmThreat--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To get a real idea of whats inside, you need to see the FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS (link below!), but just as a sampleFIBincludes:The complete filmmakingexperience all in one package. Over 17 hours divided into 108 individual video modules covering: Development Funding Contracts CastingRehearsals Locations Lighting Sound Cameras Production Diary Editing Score Music Post Production SoundWe also include all the production documents we used: Full Budget Schedule Screenplay Call Sheets Casting Notes ContractsFILMMAKING IN A BOXalso includes such unique features as: Audition footage Rehearsals with the actors The complete, pre-mixed, rough-cut of2 Million Stupid Women The entire table read with the cast and filmmakers of2 Million Stupid Women Comprehensive explanations on lighting and recording sound forevery day of production Behind the scenes footage shot during principle photography Examples of the contracts, permits, call sheets, sound reports, and dozens of other pertinent documents used during production Over 100 individual video modules detailing every single element of pre-production, production and post-production The final release version of2 Million Stupid Women And even moreFIBis a must-own for anyone thinking of making their first, secondor even thirdfeature filmIt is beyond anything you can learn from film school or filmmaking tips in a book.This is as close to the experience of actually making a movie as you can get without actually doing it.Through candid, first-hand anecdotes, hard-earned by actual independent filmmakers,FILMMAKING IN A BOXwill help prepare you for what to expect before you ever step foot on set. Whether youre prepping your first film, or youre simply curious what goes into making an independent film,FILMMAKING IN A BOXis anessentialtool of every aspiring filmmaker or video creator.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...Filmmaking in a Box will help you make your film into a reality.Enroll NOWand learn how to make a low budget feature film! Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Twitter For Filmmaking: Film Marketing and Brand Building"
"***Over 22,000 satisfied studentshave enrolled in my courses!***Are you not getting the results you want for your film or video content from Twitter? Haven'tcracked the Tweet codeyet?Are you ready to take your Twitter game up to a whole new level?Then is the course for you.Twitter for Filmmaking is my up to date method on how I generated over 10,000 Followers (True Fans) in 10 weeks.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll learn NEW SKILLSthat theydon't teach you on YouTube. The ""secret sauce"" I use is a gold mine. I'll teach you how to find, engage and eventually monetize true fans of yourindependentfilm, video content or streaming series. They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!This is a LIVING COURSE, I'll be adding and updating it often!As the founder of thepopular filmmaking blog, Indie Film Hustle, I knew I had to learn how to crack the Twitter code so I couldgenerate traffic to my site and indie films.I now share my proven techniques with you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's what you will learn from Twitter Hacks:What are True Fans?The 1000 True Fan TheorySocial Media EtiquetteThe Temptation of the dark side (buying followers)Optimizing Your Twitter AccountWhen Should I Tweet?What do I Tweet? - Creating Engaging Content for Twitter80/20 Principle on ContentOptimal Sizes for All Images for Twitter#hashtag for follower explosionHow to Schedule Your PostsAutomating Your TweetsMy Secret Sauce on How I got 10,000 Followers in 10 Weeks...and much more.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOWand turn your Twitter account into a traffic generating, brand building and geteyeballs for your film! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Film Distribution: Navigating the AFM (American Film Market)"
"Join over 25,000 students learning from our courses!Got a completed film? Have no idea how to sell it? How do Iget my film to distributors? If youre looking for standard, hollywood distribution, and are based in America, then the best place for you to go is The American Film Market. But the market has its own culture that can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Luckily, Producers Rep Ben Yennieand Author of the First ever book on film markets has your back. Bens Book, ""The Guerrilla Rep:American Film Market Distribution Success on No Budget"" is used as a text book at more than 10 film schools, and is available at bookstores everywhere. But more than that, hes repped films ranging from $100,000 dollars to $1 million dollars and he understands what to look for in a deal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No matter how you plan to distribute your film, the relationships you foster are key to finding success. If you're self distributing, those relationships are the ones you foster through social media and your local communities. If, like many filmmakers, you're looking for more traditional distribution then you'll need relationships with distributors and sales agents. If you're an American or InternationalFilmmaker, the best place to foster those relationships is at The American Film Market.But AFM (American Film Market)is somewhat Mercurial and hard to understand without a veteran guiding you. That's whyis happy to bring you a workshop on how to use AFM to establish relationships with distributors.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what are you waiting for? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you.Join over 25,000students that have already taken Indie Film Hustle filmmaking and screenwritingcourses.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you sell your feature film at AFM (American Film Market).Enroll NOWand learn how to sell a low budget feature film at AFM! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Indie Filmmaking Bootcamp: Pitching Investors Blueprint"
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!Have a film idea or project but have no financing for it? Want to learn how to properly pitch your indie film to an investor? So youve got your budget, youve found your audience, and now its time to pitch. But this is no simple process, its a skill that must be practiced and honed.Great movie ideas, like great business ideas, are not actionable unless they get the funding and resources needed to make it happen. Many believe that a good idea is all it takes to get funding, but what it really takes is a good pitch. Being able to effectively deliver a pitch is critical to your success, whether you are building your team, attracting talent, or raising money.Yet many filmmakers struggle to create and present a pitch that brings results. So, how do you develop a good pitch? While we've done a few workshops to help filmmakers get feedback on their pitches, a lot of filmmakers just don't understand how to structure a pitch. So Producer Foundry has teamed up with Chris Aguilar to bring you a primer on building a pitch that will get Results.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chris has heard more than 2,000 pitches for an investment bank, and in his time there that bank raised more than $3 Billion dollars for it's clients. He's an Expert at knowing what it takes to get that ""Yes.""Topics to Be Covered:Philosophy of a PitchElements of a Pitch (use some, lose some)The Human Factors Yours and the AudiencesPractice, Practice, Practice!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what are you waiting for? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you.Join over 25,000students that have already taken Indie Film Hustle filmmaking and screenwritingcourses.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you sell your feature film at AFM (American Film Market).Enroll NOWand learn how to make a low budget feature film! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Digital Marketing for Filmmaking: Learn to Sell Your Film"
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!Have a film idea or project but have no idea how to get the word out? Want to learn how to sell you film or brand? The world of independent film and media is rapidly evolving and the industry will be nearly unrecognizable within a few years. With the wide adoption of second screen viewing and cross platform storytelling, its more important than ever for film and media makers to understand how to use the myriad of tools available to establish relationships with customers and monetize your film or video projects.These are big words and even bigger concepts, so it can be difficult to know where to begin. Thats why Indie Film Hustle and Producer Foundry has teamed up with TransmediaSF to bring you a primer on what youll need to know to utilize new and burgeoning tools to market and monetize film productions.Dont miss your chance to learn some of the most important skills youll need to know to succeed in the new frontiers of independent media. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses:""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! -Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOPICS TO BE COVEREDIf you build it they will come building an audience to engage with your project from the get go tips on social media and audience engagementCrowdfunding Pros and ConsTransmedias audience engagement planning, deploying and measuringPlethora of monetization: Ads, branded entertainment, sponsorships, grants and more.You are your best marketing and sales person the Filmmakers Personal Brand!Transmedia Digital Marketing: Future of Brand Storytelling & StorymakingThe Internet has made brand publishing ubiquitous. Gone are the days when brandsrequiredan intermediary to reach their target audience. Now, theyhave the luxury of reaching out to their audiences directlythroughTransmedia storytelling. Transmedia storytelling is atechnique of telling a story across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.So what are you waiting for filmmakers and screenwriters? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you.Join over 25,000students that have already taken Indie Film Hustle filmmaking and screenwritingcourses.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this coursewill help you market and sell your feature film, short film, web series, or brand.Enroll NOW! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Public Speaking: Adding Hollywood Magic for Public Speakers"
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!From Michael Hauge,author ofthe #1 Best SellingUdemy Screenwriting &Storytelling Course:Screenwriting and Story Blueprint: The Hero's Two Journeys.Are you desperate to break through the noise and set yourself apart from the crowd? Or are you tired of being told you must tell great stories to establish your brand and grow your business, but youre convinced you have no stories to tell, and no ability to tell them if you did?With Michael Hauges guidance, you will learn to present your own stories in a way that will captivate your readers, viewers or audiences, and have them eager to hire you or purchase your products. Applying the same powerful principles Michael has mastered as one of Hollywoods top script consultants and story experts for the last 35 years, his simple, proven approach will help you move your prospects to action, increase your revenue, and transform your business.This brand new presentation will empower you to:Select emotionally powerful stories from your own experience or from those of your successful clients and customersCreate persuasive, profitable stories for books, blogs, videos, sales pitches and live presentationsEstablish a powerful emotional connection with your readers viewers and audiencesMaster the 12 simple components of every great storyCreate immediate empathy with the hero of your storyAdd depth to your characters arc by incorporating wound, fear, identity, essenceLearn the biggest weaknesses of most stories and how to avoid themDevelop universal themes that touch ALL of your followersEmploy Michaels 18 Key Questions for building your storyWho is Alex Ferrari? As the founder of Indie Film Hustle it's Alex goal to bring the best information and education he can to indie filmmakers, screenwriter, storytellers and entrepreneurs. When the opportunity to work with a storytelling legend like Michael Hauge and present his work to the Udemy community I jumped at the chance.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MichaelHauge is a story and script consultant, author and lecturer who works with writers and filmmakers on their screenplays, novels, movies and television projects. He has coached writers, producers, stars and directors on projects for Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron and Morgan Freeman, as well as for every major studio and network.Michael also works extensively with Hollywood executives, producers, agents and managers, helping them sharpen their story and development skills, and improving their companies' abilities to recognize powerful material, employ advanced principles of structure, character arc and theme, skillfully communicate a story's strengths and weaknesses, and work effectively with writers to achieve a commercially successful screenplay.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOW and take your public speaking to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Novel Writing: Adding Hollywood Magic to Your Writing"
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!From Michael Hauge,author ofthe #1 Best SellingUdemy Screenwriting &Storytelling Course:Screenwriting and Story Blueprint: The Hero's Two Journeys.All the great content and bonuses of Add Hollywood Magic to Your Storytelling, but targeted specifically for fiction writers!Michael Hauges unique approach to story, plot structure, character arc, love stories, theme and commercial potential is now available to novelists onthis new (slide show) Streaming Video. DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR NOVELWRITING!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Michael inspired me to writeJockeying for Youat the 2015 CTRWA conference, and gave me confidence in my story line. As an author andattorney, I have attended many how to write courses.But the best is Michael Hauges Story Mastery.Thank you, Michael, for your faith in me, my chapter, and romance writers everywhere.- Stacy Hoff Author:Lawfully Yours, JockeyingFor You,theDesireseries for Soul Mate Publishing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This brand new presentation will empower you to:Establish a powerful emotional connection with your readersMaster the 12 components of every great storyCreate immediate empathy with the hero of your storyAdd depth to your characters arc by incorporating wound, fear, identity, essenceLearn the biggest weakness of most love stories and how to avoid itDevelop a universal theme that touches ALL of your readersEmploy Michaels 18 Key Questions for building your storyTransform and captivate your readersWho is Alex Ferrari? As the founder of Indie Film Hustle it's Alex goal to bring the best information and education he can to indie filmmakers, screenwriter, storytellers and entrepreneurs. When the opportunity to work with a storytelling legend like Michael Hauge and present his work to the Udemy community I jumped at the chance.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MichaelHauge is a story and script consultant, author and lecturer who works with writers and filmmakers on their screenplays, novels, movies and television projects. He has coached writers, producers, stars and directors on projects for Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron and Morgan Freeman, as well as for every major studio and network.Michael also works extensively with Hollywood executives, producers, agents and managers, helping them sharpen their story and development skills, and improving their companies' abilities to recognize powerful material, employ advanced principles of structure, character arc and theme, skillfully communicate a story's strengths and weaknesses, and work effectively with writers to achieve a commercially successful screenplay.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates we'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOW and take your novel writing to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99

"Powerpoint - verblffende Effekte und Animationen"
"""Powerpoint ist doch fr Prsentationen, oder?""Richtig! Aber nach diesem Kurs wirst du feststellen, dass du Powerpoint mit all seinen Mglichkeiten vllig unterschtzt hast. Denn mit Powerpoint schlummert eine Software auf deinem Rechner, die mehr kann. Die viel mehr kann!In diesem Kurs lernst du das ""Was"" und das ""Wie""? Ich zeige dir in leicht verstndlichen Lektionen, was mit Powerpoint geht und wie du das Gezeigte kinderleicht umsetzen kannst.Und ich gebe dir ein Versprechen! Die einzige Software und das einzige Tool, das wir in diesem Kurs verwenden ist - Powerpoint.Keine versteckten und geheimen Tools und Internetseiten, sondern ausschlielich nur Powerpoint!Alle Bilder und Vorlagen, die in diesem Kurs verwendet werden, stehen dir als Download zur Verfgung. So kannst jedes Projekt gemeinsam mit mir direkt umsetzen."
Price: 34.99

"Powerpoint - Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis"
"Powerpoint ist ein geniales Tool, nicht nur zur Erstellung von Prsentationen. Mit Powerpoint lassen sich ebenso Fotos und Grafiken bearbeiten sowie Tabellen und Animationen erstellen.Aufgrund der umfangreichen Mglichkeiten kannst du dich aber auch schnell in Details verlieren und bersiehst dabei die Abkrzung, die nur wenige Klicks entfernt ist. Ich zeige dir in diesem Kurs einige nahezu unbekannte Tricks und Kniffe, die dir dein Powerpoint-Leben enorm erleichtern, dir viel Zeit sparen und ein deutlich effektiveres Arbeiten mit Powerpoint ermglichen."
Price: 24.99

"Modern Freelancing Website In PHP&MYSQLI With Bootstrap 4"
"Have you ever wondering how to build your next marketplace Web application?I have made this advanced freelancing website for those students who want to learn to make any kind of freelancing websiteby purely using PHP and MySQL functions with the assistance of Bootstrap 4 framework to make it complete responsive and dynamic.Often people use bootstrap for this purpose and the good thing about the usage of bootstrap kinds of framework is that students can easily make any kind of theme responsive without indulging themselves in any complicated issues. Therefore I have made this freelancing website to make the students fully expert in all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and Bootstrap 4 framework.So I am very hopeful that after joining this course and learning it, you will get a good control over making any kind of advance level responsive plus dynamic freelancing website with all its complete functionalities with the assistance of Bootstrap 4, PHP & MySQL. I have focused to make the students fully experts in the usage of all the essential PHP & MySQL functions and Bootstrap 4, so you could learn their usage very well.So I assure you that after joining this course and learning it completely, you will be able to run your own freelancing company like fiverr,freelancer and upwork."
Price: 99.99

"Lose Weight -- Gain Wealth FAST!"
"This course present a fresh perspective onweight loss and finance by highlighting the similarities between the two challenges.Managing your money and becoming financially fit is exactly like physical fitness. It's simple, but not easy. The premise is the same -- input vs. output. If you want to get financially fit, you have to spend less than you make. If you want to get physically fit, you have to eat less than the energy you extend.The easiest way to accomplish both financial and physical fitness is to develop a love for learning. Learn and model how it has been accomplished by those that have led the way before you.This course will explain why it's so difficult to get around to financial planning and weight loss. Why is it so hard to stay on track, but most importantly what one can do to achieve success in both physical and financial fitness."
Price: 199.99

"Attn Parents of Teenage Boys: Motivate Your Son to Study!"
"Take the frustration out of getting your son to study!Do you wish your son had the ability to set quality study goals, generate the motivation needed to follow through with them, and ultimately make the changes youve always wanted him to make?Motivate Your Son to Studyprovides you with all of the essential skills you need to help your son makepositive study related changes and gives you all of the tools and techniques you need to help him plan for, and implement any change you would like him to make. Youllsupercharge your sons abilityto make study related changes and ultimately help him to save time and energy by focusing on the things thatREALLY matter.As Im sure you know, theres often a massive gap between you and your son,KNOWING HE SHOULD BE STUDYING, and your sonACTUALLY STUDYING. We all know our teenagers need to study to be successful, and we even know in most cases, how they should be studying, but this still doesnt result in them doing it. Thats because the DOING part often requires high levels of motivation, which lets face it, a lot of teenagers, especially teenage boys, struggle with.Now we could blame video games, teaching methods, prescription drugs, or even the devaluation of masculinity for this problem, and if we did we wouldnt be alone. All of these things are thought to be contributing to theglobal phenomenon of disengaged, and unmotivated boys. But would this actually help to change your son's motivation and his ability to study? No, not at all.This is whereMotivate Your Son to Studycomes in. This practical, no-nonsense course willpower up your abilityto motivate your son to study, and will give you the best possible chance of helping himfulfill his true potential, all in 7 easy steps. So, whether itsIve got no time,Ill do it tomorrow, orthe dog ate my homework,Motivate Your Son to Studyhas got you covered!So, thats it. All thats left to do now,is to do it!Or theres always the other option which is to do nothing, and watch your son never reach his full potential. But thats not why youre here right?Over to you"
Price: 29.99

"The Perfect Nginx Server - Ubuntu Edition"
"2019 Update(s): The 2019 Ubuntu 18.04 updates added to the course relate to performance and security - some of the updates include:Performance: Redis Object Caching, FastCGI Caching, W3 Total Cache and how to correctly enable Cloudflare on your VPS. Run multiple versions of PHP on the same server: PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 can be used.Security: stop xmlrpc.php and the seemingly never ending wp-login.php attacks using Nginx Rate Limiting. Make use of nginx directives to block certain user agents, spam bots and common exploits. Nginx directives also aid in stopping certain sql and file injection attacks. Further protect your site by restricting from where assets can be fetched by the clients browser using a Content Security Policy. This is a beginners course that assumes you have no knowledge configuring NGINX.NGINX is a high performance web server that is responsible for serving almost all of the most popular sites in the world. We start with a blank slate and layer by layer configure the perfect nginx server.  I will teach you, step by step, to a point where you will have the skill, knowledge and confidence to host multiple secure WordPress sites, on an unmanaged Virtual Private Server, using nginx. You will need no support from your host. You will be your own system administrator. This course covers the entire spectrum of configuring an Ubuntu based NGINX server. We will cover everything from initial server configuration to installing NGINX, MariaDB and php7.x. Once installed, we will configure, secure and optimize nginx, MariaDB and php7.x.  The WordPress sites we create also need to be installed, secured and optimized. Then we move on to installing SSL certificates and plugin free backups.The most important aspect of any server is security. I don't just glance over this aspect, every configuration step you will take is geared towards security. Some of the security aspects included in the course are: SSH Keys, the firewall, fail2ban, changing ""dangerous"" default settings and NGINX ""deny"" directives. These are just some of the steps we are going to use in securing your server and your sites. Installing a WordPress ""security plugin"" does not secure your server or your WordPress site. Some ""security plugins"" are a source of vulnerabilities themselves. After security we need to look at optimization. Speed is everything and NGINX delivers WordPress sites at blazingly fast speeds. We will use a varied approach to optimization - command lines tools, nginx ""caching"" directives - you can be assured - your page speed scores will sky rocket...By the end of this course, you will be ready to reap the benefits.Add a new revenue stream and start earning additional income hosting your own sites using NGINX. There will be numerous new services you will be adding to your resume as a web developer. You will be able to charge for numerous new services -  site hosting, site optimization, Let's Encrypt SSL certificate installation and renewal, backups and even a monthly maintenance fee. All that's left is for you to sign up for this course and start your wonderful journey as your very own system administrator running multiple WordPress sites on a NGINX server."
Price: 99.99

"The Perfect NGINX Server - CentOS Edition"
"2019 Update(s): The 2019 updates added to the course relate to performance and security - some of the updates include:Performance: Redis Object Caching, FastCGI Caching, W3 Total Cache and how to correctly enable Cloudflare on your VPS.Security: stop xmlrpc.php and the seemingly never ending wp-login.php attacks using Nginx Rate Limiting. Make use of nginx directives to block certain user agents, spam bots and common exploits. Nginx directives also aid in stopping certain sql and file injection attacks. Further protect your site by restricting from where assets can be fetched by the clients browser using a Content Security Policy. This is a beginners course that assumes you have no knowledge configuring a CentOS server or NGINX.NGINX is a high performance web server that is responsible for serving almost all of the most popular sites in the world. You can serve your WordPress sites using the same web server as the busiest sites in the world. NGINX can deliver your site(s) up to 70% faster than Apache.CentOS is a free operating system derived entirely from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution. CentOS provides an enterprise class server operating system and is probably the most popular Linux distribution for servers. The main reason is stability. When you think of CentOS, think of stability and rock solid reliability with uptime measured in years rather than weeks.I will teach you, step by step, to a point where you will have the skill, knowledge and confidence to host multiple secure and optimized WordPress sites on an unmanaged Virtual Private Server. You will need no support from your host. You will be your own system administrator and tech support agent. Never used the command line before? Never edited a configuration file before? No problem, I will teach you and provide you with the knowledge you need. This course also includes a Linux Essential Skills Crash Course - learn the basics quickly and easily.I cover all aspects, no matter if your are using Windows or MACOSX. We will download the software, I'll show you how to install and configure the software and most important how to use the software. Prior to each section, I'll explain what we are doing, why we are doing it and in plain easy to understand English. You wont find any long and boring PowerPoint presentations and minute after minute looking at me talking to the camera. Its us and the command line, nothing else. The command line is easy to use, just think of terminal as a very basic word processor. I'll be there guiding you step by step.This course covers the entire spectrum of configuring a CentOS based NGINX server. We will cover everything from initial server configuration to installing NGINX, MariaDB and php7.3. We will configure, secure and optimize nginx, install, secure and optimize WordPress and end with installing Let's Encrypt SSL certificates and plugin free backups.The most important aspect of any server is security. I don't just glance over this aspect, every configuration step you will take is geared towards security. Some of the security aspects included in the course are: SSH Keys, the firewall, fail2ban, changing ""dangerous"" default settings, NGINX ""deny"" directives and Security Enhanced Linux. These are just some of the steps we are going to use in securing your server and your sites. Installing a WordPress ""security plugin"" does not secure your server or your WordPress site. Some ""security plugins"" are a source of vulnerabilities themselves. We will NOT disable SELinux ( Security Enhanced Linux ) to make security configuration easier, we will configure SELinux to work with our existing security configuration. After security we need to look at site optimization. Speed is everything and with our optimization NGINX will deliver WordPress sites at blazingly fast speeds. We will use a varied approach to optimization - command line, ""caching"" directives, server side object and page caching. Only after optimizing the server will we look at WordPress caching plugins. A caching plugin is used to complement the server configuration, its not meant to be your first choice in optimization.By the end of this course, you will be ready to reap the benefits. There will be numerous new services you will be adding to your resume as a web developer. You will be able to charge for numerous new services -  site hosting, site optimization, ssl certificate installation and renewal, backups and even a monthly maintenance fee. This course will add a new recurring revenue stream - monthly recurring income - hosting your own sites using NGINX.All that's left is for you to sign up for this course and start your wonderful journey as your very own system administrator running multiple NGINX powered WordPress sites on a CentOS based server."
Price: 99.99