"Aprenda a programar em linguagem R" |
"O Curso, Aprenda a programar em linguagem em R, um curso voltado para a rea de programao. Na verdade, mais voltado para a programao estatstica e construo de grficos. Nesse curso, abordo os seguintes temas:Bibliotecas, Usando o R como calculadora, funes, grficos e outros assuntos bem interessantes. No perca o seu tempo, venha fazer esse curso que te auxiliar muito em seus trabalhos!!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Programando em Lua" |
"O curso, programando em lua, um curso voltado para a rea de programao e de desenvolvimento de software. Desejo, com esse curso, auxiliar todos os alunos da rea de cincias da computao ou reas afins. Nesse curso, ensino vrios conceitos como: variveis globais ou locais, operadores, tabelas, funes e vrios tipos de exerccios para que os alunos tenham a oportunidade de praticar o que esto aprendendo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Scholarship tips" |
"In this course I will sharewith you how to achieve a scholarship and how to make the best out of it. I will share about mindset and strategies based on my 7 year experience of applying for different scholarships as well as interviewing more than 100 scholars from different countries."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mastering Photoshop Luminosity Masks" |
"Master one of the most valuable Photoshop skills with this course. Quickly master one of the most powerful editing techniques in Adobe Photoshop; Luminosity Masking. Luminosity Masks allow you to precisely target the adjustments you apply to your images. In this easy to follow course you will learn how to create a complete set of 15 Luminosity Masks. Five masks to target the highlights, five for the shadows and five for the midtones. Using these Luminosity Masks, you will learn to selective adjust images to achieve impressive and natural looking results. As well as learning how to create your Luminosity Masks, you will learn how to record the process as a set of Photoshop Actions. You will then be able to replay these actions against any image, creating Luminosity Masks in seconds. After you master the mask creation process you will learn to use the masks with Photoshop Adjustment Layers. You will also learn how you can use Luminosity Masks in Exposure Blending to produce images with a High Dynamic Range, but which appear natural. If you have heard great things about Luminosity Masks but are unsure where to start, this is the course to help you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Build website elements with Html 5 & Css 3- ( 25+ project )" |
"Hi welcome to the awesome course ofBuild website elements with Html 5 & Css 3- ( 25+ project )in this course you will come to know that how to create a best website elements like pageloader, preloader, forms, beautiful navigation and much more. This is the project Based new course and it will come by having lots of projects and we will build more that 25+ projects from very scratch. And all the projects will be super professionally. This is the long duration based course and in this course i dont have missed any single steps to make the projects more awesome. So at the end of this course you will be having a good knowledge to create the best website elements for your own website in no time."
Price: 199.99 |
"Build a real world responsive website with Html 5 css 3 & JS" |
"Hi Beautiful people out there !Today I am introducing my best website design and development course with Html 5 css 3 Bootstrap JavaScript and JQuey from very scratch. For creating all the website section and elements I will be using simply Html 5 markup and so on.[[ Are you looking for the course that has a project ]]This is the course which is coming with full source code and full website project and All the videos are strictly following with the step by step procedure to create the awesome looking real world responsive website from very scratch and You will get all the classes super friendly for your understanding with all the steps mentioned beautifully.Course contentsHtml 5css 3Bootstrap JavaScriptJQueryMediaQueries Retina Ready websiteFully Responsive9+ JQuery plugin8+ css 3 files and much moreWhole source file includedLifetime supportsYou will not learn only the code but to entire process for website designing and developing from very scratch in no time . So why are you looking for lets have a look and at the course description and I am really looking forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99 |
"Build Music Player in Html 5 css 3 & JavaScript (2 project )" |
"Music Player Application development using Html 5 css 3 JavaScript & JQueryHi Nice People out there This is the very short course on Building two real world Music Player using Html 5 css 3 JavaScript and JQuery. In this course you will be learning that how to create the Music player application in very short span of time. It will be super easily and be professionally and also it will bring your skills at the next level for website design and website development using all the modern technologies and this is the super easy course for making functional Music player design.It sounds good- Isn't itMost of the time we listen and follow the other creation but here after completing this course you will have something new skills which can go with modern technologies existing out there - I hope this course will also increase your interactivity and skills throughout this course. This is not only the Music Player design course but here i will also go by some small and big issues about the coding that how you can improve your coding and surely you will get your coding at the next level. This course will increase your coding and workflow for sure. Will this course help you ?Yeah sure This course will help you because it has unique feature of application development so if you are newbie or experienced one then it will just rock your skills and put great creativity in you for sure. This course is packed with the pure muscle of Modern technologies like Html 5 css 3 JavaScript and JQuery.So why waiting lets take a look on course description and i am looking forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99 |
"Design a professional website without writing any codes" |
"Hi Beautiful People out there - This is ultimate course for website design and development. Here we will create real world responsive website without writing any lines of code from very scratch.Yeah you heard right here i will not use any line of code to design and develop the responsive website, So it sounds good.Most of the website designers and developers use Modern technologies like Html 5 css 3 Bootstrap JavaScript and JQuery to design and develop a real world responsive website and to the some extent this is 100% true no doubt. For creating the custom website we have to go by all the modern technologies but for very first responsive website creation and who has no any skills of modern technologies they can go by it and design their very first responsive website design from very scratch."
Price: 99.99 |
"The complete website design course in Photoshop- 2 projects" |
"Do you want to be a professional web designer or website Template designer ?if youranswer of this question isyes, then this course is gonna perfect fitting for youWelcome to theBrand New course of ''The complete website design course in Photoshop (2 project included) ''After completing this course , you will have enormous confidence in yourself , that you can design any website or website Templates in Photoshop just in no time with fully perfection and creative as well..We will cover the followings :You will getacquainted with the toolsrequired for web designing in Photoshop with complete source fileYou will learnvarious tips and tricks in Photoshop for website Template designingWe will design aCool Modern Professional Fitness + PSD Template You will Learn theproper described stepsof getting intoweb design freelancing career with this courseYou will have30 days money back guarantee.If you don't like this course with no questions asked.So why waiting .Lets enroll in this course and take your first step to become a professional website Template designer"
Price: 199.99 |
"Design UI Faster in Sketch: Design a Cooking Blog UI/UX" |
"Hi, I am Irfan aUI/UX Designer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I have been using Sketch since 2015, and i use Sketch almost everyday in my working time. I would love to share to you the tips and trick on how to design faster in Sketch based on my two yearsexperience working with sketch, so you can save your time. Sketch is very powerful tools when it comes to designing UI.In this course i am teaching you on how you can use sketch plugin to speed up your design process, and you will learn a lot of various sketch'skeyboard shortcut to help you design faster in Sketch.In this course, you will learn on how tocreate asimpleCooking Blog with clean user interface styleand prototype it directly withinSketch.So let's take this course nowand speed up your design process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Estadstica fcil con R usando la interfaz R Commander" |
"R es un lenguaje de programacin, y como tal, tenemos que conocer su gramtica para poder realizar los anlisis estadsticos que necesitemos. Eso requiere una curva de aprendizaje relativamente elevada, que puede asustar a muchos en un inicio. Sin embargo, se ha desarrollado una interfaz grfica que nos facilita enormemente la vida. Esta interfaz se llama R Commander, y tiene implementado en un conjunto de mens grficos la mayora de los anlisis estadsticos ms comunes. De este modo, no necesitaremos conocer la programacin de base, ya que esta interfaz lo hace por nosotros.En este curso os enseo cmo realizar estos anlisis en R Commander, tales como el anlisis de componentes principales, anlisis cluster, estadstica descriptiva, realizar regresiones, generar grficos visualmente muy atractivos, etc.Sin embargo, tambin os ensear un poquito de programacin, para extender las funcionalidades de R Commander. As, os ensear a personalizar figuras y grficos para que sean profesionales, aprenderemos a realizar anlisis de correspondencias y discriminante...Pero no nos centraremos solo en la interfaz, puesto que una de las mayores ventajas de R Commander es que cada cosa que hagamos con su interfaz, podremos ver el cdigo de R que se ha ejecutado. De este modo, aprenderemos a posteriori programacin, casi sin quererlo."
Price: 159.99 |
"Edita el mapa de OpenStreetMap como un profesional con JOSM" |
"OpenStreetMap (OSM) es una base de datos cartogrfica libre y colaborativa. Es el equivalente a Google Maps, pero con todos los datos con licencia libre y plenamente accesible a todos los usuarios, sin excepcin. Esto nos permite a todos editar el mapa, imitando el estilo de la Wikipedia.Pero... cmo editamos los mapas de OSM?De la multitud de herramientas disponibles, en este curso utilizaremos JOSM. JOSM significa Java OpenStreetMap, y esun software multiplataforma, es decir, puede instalarse en cualquier sistema operativo. Este software nos dar acceso al mapa, nos podremos descargar un rea concreta del mapa y podremos editarla. Posteriormente podremos subir todos los cambios al servidor general de OSM para que todo el mundo, incluidos nosotros, nos beneficiemos de nuestra edicin.En este curso compuesto por ms de 2 horas y media de videotutoriales, os describir brevemente OSM y las herramientas que nos permiten modificar los mapas. Os ensear en profundidad cmo funciona JOSM para que lleguis a ser autnomos en la edicin de los mapas, pasando desde lo ms bsico (poner capas de fondo, descargar reas concretas, aadir un nodo o una lnea...) hasta el nivel experto (edicin de nodos, lneas y reas, generar relaciones entre elementos, aadir etiquetas de informacin, uso de plug-ins, etc).Hay que tener cuidado porque realmente engancha. Una vez que empiezas a editar, no puedes parar. Y sobre todo y ms importante: es muy muy divertido Te animas a probarlo? Pues... matriclate ahora mismo en este curso!"
Price: 89.99 |
"The Art & Science of Figure Drawing: GESTURE" |
"In this beginning figure drawing course, youll learn the exciting art of gesture drawing. Gesture drawing is one of the most important, but least understood parts of the figure drawing process, butInstructor Brent Eviston will guide you through the figure drawing process with the same award-winning instruction and hands on projects that have made his other drawing courses bestsellers.This course brings the figure drawing studio to you by providing master instruction and timed practice poses for you to draw from. Once enrolled youll learn from numerous anatomical diagrams, detailed drawing demonstrations and hundreds of photographs of a fully nude model.This course contains 12 lessons, each filled with essential figure drawing techniques. Each lesson contains at least one practice reel with timed poses specifically chosen so you can get the most out of the lesson they accompany.By the end of this course youll be able to do gesture drawings that stand alone as works of art as well as lay the foundation for more detailed figure drawings.Because this course features photographs of a fully nude model, it is important that you conduct yourself maturely and appropriately in the course.Although this is a beginning figure drawing course, it is not a beginning drawing course. Some basic drawing skills are recommended."
Price: 99.99 |
"How To Create Android Apps Without Coding Advance Course" |
">>> In this Android Development course you will learn AWESOME methods to MAKE Mobile Applications in less than a Day with ZERO Coding Experience! <<<>>> Continues Updates <<<More Than 19000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!A Simple Android Development Course That Will Teach You To Create Stunning Apps Within Hours.All you need to know is how Android apps work, and we will take care of the rest. We will even lead you to free resources and content that you can use in your projects without paying anything.This course is exclusively developed for absolute beginners who dont know anything about programming and want to become professional app creators without investing a lot of their time and money.It is a step-by-step course where you will learn:The core essentials that you need to know before you start creating an app.The elements of an app, and how to deploy them.Creating a database and connecting your app to it.Sourcing royalty free images, icons, and content, and using them in your app.Making your app look unique with the help of design and graphics.How to test your app to see if it works the way you want it to work.The process of getting your app published in the Google app store.Simple steps to monetize your app so that you start making money.And a ton of more tools, tips, and ideas that will rocket your app creation career to success stratosphere.Businesses Are Paying From $5000 To $500,000 For A Single App. Imagine The Amount Of Money You Can Make By Creating Apps For Your Clients.After completing this course, you will easily know what your client needs, the time and the resources required to create an app, and you will be able to quote a price without any confusion.We have taken care to provide you with everything you need from getting started and publishing your first app while keeping it as simple as it can be. You will be amazed how this course can help you even if you never learned to code.Enroll for How To Create Android Apps Without Coding and start your app development business today.If you are struggling to make money and want to have a high paying passive income, this is your gateway to make it happen.Start Your Professional Android App Development Agency Today.What can you do with an additional Dollers or more coming to your pockets? You just have to spend few hours a week to create apps for your clients.You can even start your app development agency and grow your business from there."
Price: 199.99 |
"Youtube SEO Course :How TO Rank #1 On YouTube in 2020" |
"Youtube SEO Course:How TO Rank #1 On YouTube in 2020.Proven YouTube SEO Secrets & How to Rank YouTube Videos To #1. Master YouTube Marketing Live Demos & Guides In CourseBE THE PART OF OUR GROWING COMMUNITY OF 60k + STUDENTS Do You Know YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of all people on the Internet.Every day more and more of people and companies are using YouTube to share their ideas, their brands and products and their passion or vlogs.Its a proven fact that using YouTube can revolutionize the way that you interact with your followers and can help you to exponentially grow your audience reaching thousand of people every day.But, with all this competition, how do optimize your YouTube Videos to Rank Higher How you can show your passion to users ?As You All Know in 2018 YouTube Change Its Algorithm of ranking videos and also have many updates in their policies . I will Teach You How You Can grow And optimize Your YouTube Channel In 2020 With Simple Steps of YouTube SEO.How you can improve your YouTube Channel so when people search for a specific keyword or idea, your video comes first?What are the things you need to do and the things you need to avoid?Not having an optimized YouTube Channel will cause you to lose potential views, likes, and subscribers.A Super Optimized YouTube Video have the potential to reach millions of people, that right now, are looking for your products and ideas.In this course, you will learn a proven step by step strategy, that you can implement right now, to rank your videos on the first page of YouTube in 2019.You will learn in this course how you can do keyword research and how you can validate which keyword is best for you and which is not ?And you will learn how to target specific keywords, so when a user search on YouTube, your video comes first on the results.You will also learn, how to create stunning YouTube Thumbnails that will draw the attention of your viewers.And Learn how to do basic seo for you thumbnails Before we go any further, let me just say, I don't want you to be disappointed.If you don't like the course for any reason, you can request a full refund in the first 30 days, no questions asked.So join me on the other side and lets start applying all these powerful strategies to rank your YouTube Videos Right now in 2020!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Master Discrete Mathematics: Sets, Math Logic, and More" |
"UPDATED AS OF JUNE 2019! All new quiz solution videos plus an additional graph theory section to help students master all aspects of Discrete Math!Welcome to Master Discrete Math! This is a course designed to help you master the difficult topics of Discrete Math and get you prepared for a career in computer science, actuarial science, mathematics, or even engineering! I have been tutoring for many years and my students have had great experiences with my teaching methods!Here's what students who have taken this course have had to say: I got this course originally to review material for my final, and the instructor is very clear in his videos. I wish I had this at the beginning of the semester! - Jessica, Udemy StudentEasy to understand, Concepts are well explained and demonstrated. - Jeremy, Udemy StudentGreat course on Discrete Math. The practice questions are a big help! - Bridgette, Udemy StudentThis Master Discrete Math Course includes over 30 lectures that will introduce students to many topics including sets and their properties, advanced counting techniques (combinations/permutations), mathematical logic, and graph theory. The students' progress will be measured along the way through practice videos and quizzes that contain examples following almost every new topic. This course can be broken into a few key categories:Set Theory: Students will leave this course understanding what sets are, the nuances of sets, and how to find power sets.Mathematical Logic: After this course students students will understand mathematical logic and truth tables. They will learn the many logic laws that help computers run complex algorithms while also learning how to solve basic proofs using truth tables.Advanced Counting Techniques: Students will learn the advanced counting techniques used by poker players and statisticians that help them analyze complex problems. Students will be exposed to the sum and product principles along with the combination and permutation formulas. There will be an abundance of practice problems in this section due to its difficulty!Mathematical Proofs: Students will learn the foundations of writing mathematical proofs. We will discuss the many different methods of mathematical proofs and go through many examples. This section is often important as you go into other math classes that can be very proof heavy. Graph Theory: We finish the course with a section on graph theory. Graph theory is a huge and important part of mathematics that we begin to scratch the surface on in this course. Students will begin to see the wide ranging applications of graph theory when they learn about Euler and Hamilton paths/circuits, complete/bipartite graphs, and more. "
Price: 99.99 |
"Midas M32" |
"The M32 has been an absolute breakthrough for thousands of satisfied users...though it does require a lot of background knowledge to use it to it's fullest potential.ProAudioDVDs'David Wills spends 2 full hours going through every feature of the M32 workflow from Input Channels to Advance Routing with DCA groups and everything in between. There''s also a section called Mixing 101 where David goes through with easy to understand animations to see how a mixer works and how to use subgroups, EQ, Compression, Effects, Sidechains and Monitor Mixes so you can mix like a pro.If you have been getting frustrated trying to learn your M32 from just using the manual, then sit down, grab a cup of you favorite beverage and look over the shoulder of a professional audio engineer with 30 years in the business putting your M32 through its paces."
Price: 29.99 |
"PHP MVC Programlama ve STOK TAKP Program" |
"PHP'nin ileri dzeydeki MVC programlamaybu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.PHP MVC blmn tamamladktan sonra batan sona STOK TAKP'i program yazyoruz ve bilgilerimizi kullanyoruz.Kendi Frameworkunu hazrlamak istiyorsanz bu kurs sizi kesinliklefikir sahibi yapcaktr.Kurs ierisinde PHP ilemlerimizde kullanacamz harika bir alt yap hazrladk ve bu alt yapy kullandk.Sizde MVC denilince fransz kalmamak istiyorsanz Kurs'a hemen balayn."
Price: 399.99 |
"Sfrdan leri Seviye Laravel Eitimi" |
"PHP Frameworku olanLARAVELprogramlamaybu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.Temel LARAVEL Eitiminitamamladktan sonra batan sona LARAVEL ileKitap sat scripti kodluyoruz.BuScript ierisinde Admin panelini ayr , grnt sayfasn ayr olarak kodluyoruz.Bildiklerimizi tam manasyla pekitiriyoruz.Laravel'in temel konularndan balayp ileri dzeye kadar tm ilemleri tek tek inceliyoruz. Framework ile yaplabilecek konular hakknda tartyoruz.Bizler iin biilmi kaftan olan Eloquent ORM ve Blade Template Engine gibi yaplar derinlemesine reniyoruz ve bilgilerimizi pekitiriyoruz.SizdeLARAVELdenilince fransz kalmamak istiyorsanz Kurs'a hemen balayn."
Price: 399.99 |
"Power Query for Excel and Power BI (Introductory Level)" |
"Power Query, also known as Get & Transform, is an amazing piece of ETL technology built into Excel 2016 and Power BI Desktop, and is available as a free add-in for Excel 2013 and 2010. It allows you toExtractdata from a vast array of sources,Transformit more quickly and easily than you ever thought possible, and thenLoadit directly into a table or your data model.If you need to learn one new tool today, Power Query is it! Power Query for Excel and Power BI is an introductory excerpt from our full course, Power Query Academy. In this course, we will introduce you to the magic of Power Query and how it will transform the way you work with data forever. Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar, both top Power Query experts, will guide you as you learn about this powerful tool. They will walk you through how Power Query works, connecting to basic data sources, performing simple transformation techniques, combining data from multiple sources), and loading the prepared data in Microsoft Excel and Power BI Desktop."
Price: 19.99 |
"Experto en Firebase para Android + MVP Curso Completo +30hrs" |
"Importante: Este curso se encuentra en constante evolucin, siempre estoy atento para aadir ms contenido o actualizar algn tema(comenz con 4.5hrs y hoy tiene ms de 30hrs. en vdeo).Se un experto utilizando Firebase en tus aplicaciones Android de una manera sencilla y concisa. Paso a paso desde cero hasta que programes como los profesionales con patrones de diseo como MVP, Singleton o el uso de SRP,(Principio de Responsabilidad nica), este curso se imparte en Android Studio y Java.Aqu un pequeo listado de lo que aprenders:Instalar y configurar el entorno de desarrollo(Android Studio, plugins, Emulador AVD, etc...)Conocer que es Firebase y como usar sus herramientas en apps para Android.Leer/escribir en una base de datos NoSQL en tiempo real(Realtime Database).Utilizar la nueva y ms potente base de datos NoSQL para Firebase(Firestore).Enviar y recibir Notificaciones Push(Firebase Cloud Messaging y PHP).Subir, borrar o actualizar imgenes en la nube(Cloud Storage).Iniciar sesin con redes sociales(email/password, Facebok, Google+) con FirebaseAuthUI.Mejores practicas en Firebase y Android en general.Controlar remotamente la interfaz y comportamiento de una app(Remote Config)Extraccin y analisis de datos de nuestra app y los usuarios(Google Analitycs for Firebase).Utilizar la cmara y procesar la imagen en tamao real.Conceder los permisos necesarios en las diferentes versiones de Android(Marshmellow o superior).Dominio del Patrn de diseo MVPUsar el Patrn de diseo SingletonImplementar correctamente el Principio de Responsabilidad nica(SRP)Material adicional(tips, trucos, bonos, etc...).Aplicacin tipo Chat con envi de texto, imgenes, notificaciones, estados y ms.No estas convencido? Mira las primeras clases de forma gratuita y decide si quieres subir tu nivel de conocimientos, soy un profesor comprometido y soy un fiel promotor de las buenas practicas para el desarrollo profesional, mis ms de 52,000 estudiantes me respaldan.Estoy cociente del valor de tu tiempo, as que las clases son sustancialmente enfocadas a la practica y directo al grano. A travs de ejemplos sencillos y aplicaciones reales, tendrs las herramientas necesarias para comprender los conceptos y a plasmar tus propias ideas; y claro, siempre estoy atento a resolver todas las dudas a la mayor brevedad. En adicin a las clases, el curso cuenta con actividades practicas que tienen su vdeo en un servidor externo(youtube), este tipo de clases son minutos y minutos extras que no se cuentan en el total de horas que Udemy muestra.Este curso tambin lo haces t, si si, hablo en serio y me explico, estoy dispuesto a escucharte atentamente y a tocar no solo los temas que yo considero vitales para tu formacin, si no que tambin tomo en cuenta lo que mis estudiantes me piden ver o profundizar. De esta manera el curso se va enriqueciendo con material extra que a todos nos gusta, as que te aliento a participar y dejar comentarios, dudas o sugerencias que mejoren tu aprendizaje.Que hay del instructor? Ser bueno en lo que hace?Es una pregunta importante y me gustara aclarar eso de forma rpida, tengo ms de 7 aos dedicado al desarrollo profesional y ms de 5 aos son especializados en el sector mvil, concretamente en Android. Tengo ms de dos aos enseando en Udemy y con resultados muy buenos tanto en el numero de estudiantes, como en las calificaciones que me otorgan. Haciendo un resumen de mi formacin, debo decir que son Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales con especialidad en Desarrollo de software y cuento con certificaciones en Android, mi carrera laboral comenz en 2012 y desde entonces no he parado de aprender y seguir actualizado.De que sers capaz al final del curso con las herramientas de Firebase?Con Realtime DatabaseConectar aplicaciones a la nube de Firebase para leer datos en formato JSON, desde propiedades, objetos y arreglos. Tendrs la capacidad de escribir y consultar en tiempo real, y reflejarlos en interfaces puntuales o listados de objetos y por supuesto, las operaciones CRUD bsicas para crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar.Con FirestoreCrear aplicaciones completas con MVP, que podamos comparar y apreciar de forma clara, las equivalencias con respecto a Realtime Database, adems claro, de poder probar aquellas diferencias y aprovechar las ventajas que nos ofrece esta nueva y ms potente base de datos, que fue pensada para aplicaciones con crecimiento masivo. Sabrs elegir entre una y otra, dependiendo de tus necesidades.Con Firebase Cloud MessagingEnviar push notifications personalizadas desde la consola de Firebase y recibirlas de 2 maneras en Android, con servicios propios o a travs de la bandeja del sistema. Aprenders a usar los canales de filtracin implementados a partir de Android Oreo 8.0 y a enviar notificaciones por dispositivo, por grupo o masiva(todos quienes tengan la app instalada).Con Cloud StorageTener la capacidad de consultar y visualizar una imagen proveniente de Internet, a su vez claro esta, la habilidad de subir imgenes seleccionadas directamente de la galera o fotografas tomadas con la cmara del dispositivo Android. Posibilidad de eliminar o actualizar una imagen en la nube desde una interfaz propia.Con Firebase AuthenticationPosibilidad de registrar y autenticar usuarios ya sea con el medio convencional(correo/contrasea), o con redes sociales tales como Facebook y Google+. Aprenders a cargar los datos del usuario y a cambiar la imagen de perfil del usuario. Adems de darte de alta como Facebook Developer.Con Remote ConfigTendrs el poder de modificar una aplicacin de forma remota, gratis y con el menor impacto en el consumo de recursos. Condiciona los valores remotos dependiendo del idioma, region o tipo de sistema operativo del usuario final. Elimina la fragmentacin en las actualizaciones de Google Play y ofrece una forma amigable de aplicar los cambios con el usuario.ExtrasLibreras para la vinculacin de vistas(butterknife), tratado de imgenes(Glide), Imgenes circulares(CircleImageView), Comunicacin avanzada entre clases(EventBus), plugins para Android Studio(Zelezny), permisos en Android, buenas practicas, y mucho ms...En fin... muchos ms temas vienen en camino y tambin aplicaciones completas y complejas que agrupen varios temas que han de trabajar en conjunto y con una codificacin correcta con MVP, Singleton y SRP... Este curso muy pronto incluir ms ejemplos con el uso del patrn de diseo Modelo Vista Presentador, con el cual haremos que nuestros cdigos sean eficientes, escalables y sostenibles.Actualmente el curso ya incluye una app grande, con mltiples mdulos que muestra como crear aplicaciones grandes y muestra como resolver los problemas que lleva el trabajar con varios servicios y recursos dentro de una app. La app se llama Texting, y es de tipo Chat en tiempo real, el cual nos permite iniciar sesin con redes sociales, enviar solicitudes de amistad, gestionar un perfil de usuario, enviar texto o imgenes en un chat, enviar notificaciones push con PHP y muchas cosas ms.Sin ms que decir, te invito a tomar accin y cumplir esos objetivos que tienes en mente. Adquiere el curso hoy mismo, suprate y aprovecha esta gran oportunidad para lograr tus metas. Te veo en clase! El xito es de aquellos con el valor de superarse as mismos cada da, de los que dan el primer paso an sin estar seguros de lograrlo.Un cordial y amistoso saludo.Ing. Alain Nicols Tello."
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Video Game Tileable Textures From Scratch" |
"NOTE THAT THIS IS AN INTERMIDIATE COURSELearning 3Dcan be very confusing and time-consuming when doing it by yourself.I want to make the learning process easy for you, going through all the tools and techniques used to createtileable texturesstep by step in very detailed videos.In this course we will create textures from A to Z.I will teach you my approach toplanning, modeling, sculpting, baking,and creating the final texture maps.We will do a series of different textures, making sure you learn various ways to solve problems. After finishing this course, you'll have the knowledge required to create any tileable texture that you need to in a project.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that willaccelerate your workflowand make you understand the fundamentals of creating this kind of textures.We'll coverpowerfull techniques to create professional looking texturesto help your projects come to life.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.So please, take this course now."
Price: 89.99 |
"Perfect French Macarons #2 - Designer Macarons" |
"Elevate your macaron cookies to the next level, by decorating them with stunning presentations and showing them off using magnificent display cakes.Developed by award-winning pastry chef and cake decorator Irit Ishai, this course is designed to inspire andempoweraspiring decorators with a huge array of decoration techniques, that can be used for many kinds of cakes, desserts and cookies. Create many unique macaron designs: elegant, modern, cute, ethnic and much more Discover how to create your own designs and customize them to any theme or event Learn great techniques for making stunning display cakes to show off your macarons Master a huge variety of decoration skills and techniques for cookies, cakes and desserts Discover the secrets of creating macaron cookies in any shape, size and color you like Learn how to pipe royal icing like a pro to create intricate and elegant decorations Explore brushed embroidery techniques for sophisticated lace-like elements Work with modeling chocolate and fondant to make flat and 3D decorations Master the art of creating stunning patterns and textures using specialty decoration tools Discover critical tips and tricks, that will take your macarons to the next level Advance your baking & decorating career and become a well-rounded decorator Designer Macarons is the second course in CakeNuvos Perfect French Macarons series, which has a goal of helping you to become a master macaron maker. Note that while the first course in the series teaches how to make amazing macarons from scratch, the focus of this course is decorating and presenting your macarons and creating stunning and customized edible creations.You dont need to know how to make macarons from scratch to benefit from this course, as it covers easy ways for making or getting macarons to decorate."
Price: 119.99 |
"Design The Best Advertising Material From Scratch" |
"Have you ever wanted to design flyers, brochures, posters and other promotional materials on your own, but you thought that it is too complicated, and it will take too much of your time?Statistics have shown that visuals are processed60,000 times faster in the brain than text; therefore, creating visual promotional items is essential for any business in any industry.This coursewill teach you how to create awesome professional advertising materialthat you can use for your own company, your website, your social media, for someone you work for, or you can make thousands of dollars selling them online, on platforms like Fiverr. Thus, you cangrow your business with the themor make a business out of them.Ill walk you through every step of designing these professional marketing items. You will become from a beginner to a professional, and you will be able to create amazing professional leaflets in few minutes.I am going to break thewhole process into 3 simple steps:- Step 1. Design the Grid- Step 2. Fill In the Grid- Step 3. Makethe Final TouchesIve made sure to simplify everything for you, so you will be able to understand it better and faster. Therefore, this course is enormously practical and very easy to implement. I have also included free sources of High Definition images, icons, and vectors that you need to use to create a flawless design, that otherwise would have cost you hundred and thousand dollars to buy them online.Moreover, all of these sources are free for personal use as well as for commercial use, additionally there is no required attribution. Along with these sources and the appropriate skills you will learn in this course, you will be able to create any design you can imagine."
Price: 199.99 |
"Design Awesome Infographics to Grab Customer Attention (A-Z)" |
"Visual content is a great way to educate, inform and entertain your audience. Infographics are powerful, efficient and interesting ways to represent a message.If you wonder why you must integrate data visualization into your businessInfographics are liked and shared 3X more than other any other content,The demand for infographics has increased 800% in the last year,Visuals get 92% more views than textinformation,Picture-based posts have 600x more engagement than textmessages,Visuals increase peoples willingness to readby 80%,Thus, infographics increase website traffic and improve SEO.Visual equals Viral, and viral is what every business dreams for.This course teach you creative ways to present your data visually. Ill walk you through every step of designing different kinds of infographics, youll become from beginner to a professional of data visualization and youll be able to create visual content in few minutes.The designing process can be complicated and take you a lot of time, but Ive made sure to simplify everything for you so youll understand it better and faster.Ill break down the whole infographic designing process in three simple steps.1. Grid2. Fill in3. Final TouchesIve also included free sources of infographics elements that you can use to create these infographic designs. Moreover, they are all free for personal as well as for commercial use.So, if you want to create awesome visual content, lets get started"
Price: 199.99 |
"Stand Out With Unique Typography Designs" |
"Selecting the perfect typography for promotional materials is a vital aspect of brands identity.In this course you will learn how to create typographicdesignsfrom scratch. They will help you to establish a specific tone, to convey a meaning, or create a perception. You can create logos with these designs or you can add them to your promotional materials, to build recognition and deliver your messages efficiently. Therefore, you will learn how to design the visual voice of the written word.We often see the same typography being used again and again in advertising and print media.Nowadays, when you see a company doing something different with text youre more likely to pay attention.It is important to create a clear brand identity,customers should be able to recognize anything you produce in both print and digital media. One of the easiest ways to do this is create consistency using custom typography.When used correctly, typography can convey a certain mood or feeling. Having the appropriate typography design sets the tone of your message before the audience even begins to read it.Every typography design that you choose either adds or subtracts from your brands personality. Thats why you have to invest in typography that best reflects brands personality.Navigating the world of typography can be confusing particularly if youve never thought about it before. Butthats fine, you dont have to be a designer or typographer to reap the benefits of a good type design. This course will teach you typography design without requiring any previous graphic design experience.If you want to: - Attract and hold the audiences attention - Make your message reader friendly - Establish information hierarchy - Create harmony - Build recognition Enroll in this course and learn Typography Design A to Z"
Price: 199.99 |
"Brand Design From Concept to Finish" |
"Brand design is what makes your brand unforgettable, therefore, the brand design is one of the most important investment one can make in their business.When the most utilized information sources for industrial companies are websites, search engines, leaflets and catalogs, the companys branding must stand above the rest in order to succeed at all. While Ill always stress the importance of good content, its the visual aspect of your brand that first grabs an audiences attention. Thus, good visual brand design provides you these competitive advantages.In a busy world, with many competing brands and other distractions, your brand identity will often be the difference between success and failure. Learning how to design the brand you dreamed of or learning to create brands for other companies gives you this highly paid and very on demand skills.In this course I will teach you how to design brands from concept to finish. The course will be a project-based course and will use the learn-by-doing approach where you will be walked in details through the brand design process from logo design to business cards, branded t-shirts, brochures, leaflets, letterheads, envelopes, website banners, etc.I am a certified design instructor and I've designed brands for my own startups as well as for other companies for many years. I will teach you how to design a strong visual brand that creates a sense of unity and cohesiveness, by maintaining a consistent and clear brand across all marketing channels, because only then customers can instantly recognize your brand. Visual branding shows that you take pride in your business. Customers will recognize the investment you make in your own businesss success and know you will deliver with the same passion when it comes to serving their needs. The attention to details in brand design, even something as simple as a business card, can reassure your customers that you value any and all aspects of your business. Professional branding immediately gives people the impression that you're an established, confident, and trustworthy company. Whether a business is a small startup or has hundreds of employees, getting the brand design in order will bring you more customers, make your product more easily recognizable, and encourage people to come back for more.So enroll in this course, if you want to become from beginner to a professional brand designer."
Price: 199.99 |
"Python Python3" |
"PythonPythonPythonPythonPythonQ&APythonPythonPython1PythonFacebookGooglePythonIoTPythonYouTubeInstagramDropboxWebPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonAnacondaJupyter NotebookPythonPython"
Price: 15000.00 |
"Hacking MasterClass - A to Z of Ethical Hacking" |
"Welcome to Ethical Hacking Course !In this course, you will start as a beginner and leave the course with an expert . The course purely focused on Practicals . Course is divided in 3 parts - 1. Network Pentesting 2. Web Pentesting 3. App Pentesting The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of computer systems, networks andhow devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take youfrom a beginner to a more advanced level -- by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields. Network Penetration Testing - In this section you will learn major and minor attacks on networks .it can be divided in 3 sections . - Pre-connection:in this section, we still don't know much about penetration testing -- all we have is a computer witha wireless card. You will learn howgatherinformationabout the networks and computers around you and launch a number of attacks without a password, such as controlling the connections around you (ie:deny/allow any device from connecting to any network). You will also learn how tocreate a fake accesspoint,attract users to connect to it and capture any important information they enter.Gaining Access: Now that you have gathered information aboutthe networks around you and found your target, you will learn how to crack the key and gain access to your target network.In this section you will learn anumber of methods to crack WEP/WPA/WPA2encryption.Post Connection: Now you have the key to your target network and you can connect to it. In this section you will learn a number ofpowerful attacksthat can be launched against the network and connected clients. These attacks will allow you to gainaccess to any account accessed by any deviceconnected to your network andread all the traffic used by these devices(images, videos, audio, passwords ...etc).Gaining Access -In this section you will learn how to gain full control over anycomputer systemServer Side Attacks: In this approach you will learn how togain full accessto systemswithout the need for user interaction. You will learn how to gather information about a target computer system such as itsoperating system,open ports, installed services anddiscover weaknesses and vulnerabilities. You will also learnhow toexploitthese weaknesses to gain full control over the target. Finally you willlearn how to generate different types ofreportsfor your discoveries.Client Side Attacks -If the target system does not contain any weaknesses then the only way to gain access to it is by interacting with the user.In this approach you will learn how to launch a number of powerful attacks to fool the target user and get them to install abackdoor on their device. This is done bycreating fake updatesand serving them to the user or bybackdooring downloadedfileson the fly. You will also learn how togather information about the target personand usesocial engineeringto deliver abackdoor to them as an image or any other file type.Post Exploitation -In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised so far. Youlllearn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute),maintain your access,spyon the target and evenuse the target computer as a pivot to hack other computer systems.2.Web Application Penetration Testing -In this section you will learn how webistes actually works . you will learn various web application attacks like sql injection attack , xss attack , csrf attack , shell upload attack , buffer overflow attack , local file inclusion attack etc . we have covered all major attacks on web applications . 3. Android App Penetration Testing - In this section , you will learn how android app works . you will learn about various information gathering techniques regarding vulnerabilities like log analysis , reverse engineering etc . A complete process to pentest android apps . Summary In this course, you will perform test to carry out and exploit hidden vulnerability within your network and systems, not only you will be exposing those but you will also provide ways and methods to fix and secure and hardening your system security preventing it from any other attacks. You will learn how to test your network against various types of attacks & develop a network-testing environment that can be used to test scanning tools and techniques. Employ the methods used by real hackers effectively, to ensure the most effective penetration testing of your network, select and configure the most effective tools from Kali Linux to test network security, employ stealth to avoid detection in the network being tested, recognize when stealthy attacks are being used against your network.Exploit networks and data systems using wired and wireless networks as well as web services. Identify and download valuable data from target systems & learn to maintain access on compromised systems. Use social engineering to compromise the weakest part of the networkthe end users. Port scanning for UDP scanning, stealth scanning, connect & zombie scanning using pentesting tools. You will learn how to utilize the arsenal of tools available in Kali Linux to conquer any network environment.By the end of this course you will become a pro with the tools that Kali Linux offers to perform some advanced penetration testing, how to exploit the vulnerable systems and how to patch them.NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only .NOTE: This course is a product of Sunil Gupta and no other organisationis associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprenda Javascript, jQuery, Ajax e Json do Zero na Prtica" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender Javascript com facilidade,de forma natural e intuitiva, para seguir carreira no Desenvolvimento Web.Alm da base slida em Javascript, neste curso voc aprender tambm JQuery, Ajax e JSON.Aqui vamos dar bastante nfase no s na parte lgica de programao com Javascript, como tambm na parte visual, aprendendo a fazer transies entre telas de um programa, animaes e outros detalhes importantes da interface grfica de aplicaes web.Temos 5 folhas de exerccios, 3 projetos prticos e muitos desafios! So mais de 70 aulas super didticas em vdeo + todo o contedo em texto pra voc consultar quando quiser.Se o seu objetivo aprender e trabalhar com esta linguagem, no deixe pra outra hora, inscreva-se agora e comece hoje a programar em Javascript!"
Price: 129.99 |