"Dfinir et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux" |
"La meilleure exprience de satisfaction dun tre humain est laccomplissement de ses rves. Dans lactivit commerciale, cette rgle sapplique aussi. Ainsi, tous les professionnels de la vente, nont quun rve: atteindre leur objectif commercial. Mais pour atteindre les objectifs commerciaux, il faudrait les dfinir lavance et prparer leurs conditions de ralisation. La plupart des professionnels de la vente, ne vont pas au-del de la phase de dfinition des objectifs commerciaux. Par consquent, ils narrivent pas obtenir les rsultats escompts. Cest la raison pour laquelle dans cette formation, vous trouverez toutes les explications et tapes ncessaires pour dfinir et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. Vendre deviendra un plaisir pour vous."
Price: 149.99 |
"9 Conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre d'affaires" |
"Vous vous intressez aux 9 conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre daffaires, vous avez raison. Tout entrepreneur et dirigeant dentreprise cherche vendre et vendre plus. Cest bien normal car la vocation mme dune entreprise est de vendre. Ces 9 conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre daffaires, vous aideront dvelopper vos ventes durablement, cest--dire ds la fin de votre formation et pour toujours. Vous dcouvrirez une approche originale vous permettant la fois de trouver des clients, dvelopper vos ventes et fidliser vos clients existants. Vous doutez dune telle solution, inscrivez-vous pour dcouvrir la mthode et lappliquer votre propre activit, et mesurer vos progrs. Il ne vous restera plus qu observer les rsultats"
Price: 74.99 |
"Your final cigarette. No more excuses. Get it sorted today." |
"You know that by stopping youll save several thousands a year; youll add years to your life and save your health before its too late. The one thing that drives people to continue to smoke is FEAR Fear youll have to go without your crutch or faithful friend Fear you wont be able to relax or handle stress Fear youll have to go through some awful tortureFear youll never be free of the craving All of these fears can be summed up as Fear that its all going to be painful and too difficult. Achieving any major goal needs the right mindset and optimal motivation. This course provides all the steps necessary to get you to the point where you can easily and successfully quit without feeling youve made a great sacrifice, or had to undergo any feelings of pain. Rather youll experience a huge sense of relief and joy when youve achieved what all smokers secretly desire; youll have become a permanent and happy non-smoker. Smoking is a habit and all habits (good or bad) are run from the unconscious mind. Since hypnosis works directly with the unconscious this is the only way that makes sense to finally break free and take back control of your own life and behaviours. The time to stop is right now so go ahead and take the course and soon you could be a happy non-smoker!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Bsico" |
"Aprenda a programar em uma das linguagens mais usadas no mundo, o C#.C# uma linguagem de programao multi-plataforma que pode ser utilizada para construir uma variedade muito grande de programas. Com C#, voc pode construir aplicativos mveis (para Windows, Android e iOS), jogos, sites e sistemas web e programas de computador.Depois de dominiaos fundamentos da linguagem C# e a plataforma .NETFramework, voc ter muitas opes pela frente. Voc pode escolher construir aplicativos se preferi, ou trabalharnaconstruo de sites. Contanto que voc conhea os fundamentos da linguagem C#, trocar de rea fica muito fcil."
Price: 69.99 |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Intermedirio" |
"Neste curso vamos dar um passo a mais em relao aocurso anterior ""Linguagem de programao C# - Bsico"". Vamos continuar aprender C# e suas estruturas principais, desta vez focado em aprender como construir programas com o uso da Programao Orientada a Objeto. Neste curso voc aprender tpicos como:- Struct.- Passagem de parmetros por Valor e por Referncia.- Classes Abstratas, Seladas(Sealed) e Interface.- Classe eMtodos Parciais.- Enumeradores.- Tratamento de erros (Try, Catch e Finally).- O uso de muitas palavras reservadas (This, Base, Readonly e etc).- A trabalhar com arquivos.- Faremos um projeto final para fixar o contedo apresentado- Alm de dicas e outras informaes passadas em nosso curso.Aproveite este curso, que o segundo da serie de programao comC#, para aprender todos os fundamentos da Linguagem mais poderosa da atualizada."
Price: 69.99 |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Avanado" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender tpicos avanados da linguagem de programao C#, uma das mais utilizadas do mundo para desenvolvimento de software, apps e games.C# uma linguagem de programao multi-plataforma que pode ser utilizada para construir uma variedade muito grande de programas. Com C#, voc pode construir aplicativos mveis (para Windows, Android e iOS), jogos, sites e sistemas web e programas de computador.Depois de dominiaos fundamentos da linguagem C# e a plataforma .NETFramework, voc ter muitas opes pela frente. Voc pode escolher construir aplicativos se preferi, ou trabalharnaconstruo de sites. Contanto que voc conhea os fundamentos da linguagem C#, trocar de rea fica muito fcil."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso prtico - HTML 5, CSS 3, JS + Bootstrap 3.3 e JQuery" |
"Neste curso estarei ensinando a desenvolver sitesdo zero, com as principais tecnologias de mercado, o HTML 5, CSS 3 e Javascript. Estas 3 linguagens trabalham em conjunto para a construo de uma pgina com contedo, estilo e interao. Neste curso, alm de aprender as linguagens tambm ensinarei como utilizar doisframeworks, um framework recurso construido com base em umalinguagem para facilitar o desenvolvimento, neste caso o desenvolvimento de sites. Aprender os frameworks Bootstrap verso 3.3, que utiliza a linguagem CSSpara adicionar lindos estilos a sua pgina. Tambm aprenderemos a usar o framework jQuery, famoso por facilitar o desenvolvimento com Javascript."
Price: 39.99 |
"Xamarin Forms - Avanado" |
"Neste curso irei ensinar tpicos avanados deXamarin Forms, a tecnologia da Microsoft para desenvolver aplicativos para as 3 principais plataformas de Smartphone, o iOS, Android e UWP(Windows Mobile10). Meu nome Elias, eu sou instrutor de um dos cursos mais bem sucedidos da Udemy, o Xamarin - Desenvolvimento para Android, iOS e WP. E agora estou lanando a verso avanada do curso de Xamarin, onde focaremos no Xamarin Forms e nas tcnicas e componentes existentes para termos maior controle sobre a plataforma. Irei aborda neste curso assuntos muito desejados pelos alunos, como Custom Render, Custom Control, Mapas, GPS, Cmera, Multi-idiomase muito mais."
Price: 114.99 |
"Windows Forms - Programas de computador (Desktop)" |
"Ol, bem vindo ao curso de Windows Forms, a tecnologia da Microsoft para desenvolvimento de programas para computador. Neste curso iremos passar por vrias etapas de aprendizado, desde as possibilidades de executar seu programa em outros sistemas operacionais no Microsoft, passaremospor controlese organizao de projetos at a construo de um programa completo com interface grfica elegante e suporte a mltiplos idiomas. Tudo isso voc ver em nosso curso. Este um curso completo, que ensina um estudante com conhecimentos bsicos/intermedirios em C# a criar seu programa com Windows Forms do zero.Convido voc a se tornar aluno deste curso e aproveitar a grande quantidade de contedo criar especialmente para voc.Atenciosamente, Elias Costa."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso prtico de ASP.NET Core MVC - Bsico" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar por meio de um projeto bsico como desenvolver um sistema web, um site dinmico, onde seu contedo pode sofrer alteraes devido a utilizao de banco de dados, algoritmos enfim de programao. Neste curso esteremos criando um projeto muito simples, mas que permitir entender como funciona o ASP.NETCore 2.1 MVC e trabalhar com funcionalidades de validao(DataAnnotations), Layouts, Banco de dados, Sesso, Filtros, Publicao do projeto no Azure e muito mais.Voc pode notar que nosso projeto simples, mas ensinamos assuntos que possibilita criar grandes projetos com uma estrutura limpa(MVC) e recursos atuais do ASP.NETCore 2.1.Para saber mais veja nossa grade horria."
Price: 39.99 |
"Object Oriented Programming with C# - Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will lay the foundations of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in your mind, allowing you to progress to more systematic and cleanerProgramming methods.The course is aimed at students who have at least some coding experience, preferably with C#(but Java or any other similar language is also acceptable).There are so many things that you will learn in this course, some of the most noted ones are:What is an object and a classWhat is object oriented programmingClass ConstructorsNamespacesShould you or should you not use the ""this"" keywordFields and PropertiesDifferent ways in which Properties can be usedConst and Readonly constants, the difference between them and how to use themStatic Fields and Static (Singleton)ClassesEnumerationsAccess ModifiersThe 4 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, PolymorphismMany, manyquality code guidelinesEach of these topics will be looked upon in great detail, and each of them are accompanied by a variety of Exercises. Practice makes perfect.There are tons and tons of tutorials on Youtube, so why would you have to pay for this course?The answer is very simple, in this course you will get every single lecturesystemized in such way, that it ensures smooth transition between the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.There are no stones left unturned, everything is explained in great detail (but not too much, that would be boring :))The video lectures in the course are produced with the highest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!"
Price: 199.99 |
"MATLAB Graphical User Interface with the MATLAB GUIDE tool" |
"What You will learn in this course:You will be intimately familiar with every available tool in the GUIDEEnvironmentYou will know how to work with every available element in the GUIDE Environment and practice it by building two different projectsWork with the handles structure and use it to interact between separate elementsVisualize Data within Your GUIValidate incoming data from your end users and handle itCreate Toolbar Menus for easier use of the end usersCreate Menubars and Context menus, to add even more functionality to your applicationsPackage your app into a MATLABApp or a Standalone Application that does not require the user to have MATLABinstalledBuild Two Big projects, one oriented more towards the interface part of the project and the other oriented more at the ""behind the scenes"" partWhy to Develop Graphical User Interface?Often times people judge a book by the cover. And for sure the code that you wrote works flawlessly, but does it have a good looking cover and how easy is it to use it? And if you want your code to be used by people who have no coding skills or at the very least, their skills are not good enough to understand it. Why not wrap your code with an interface that will enable anyone to use it? Let us help you with this!The Development of a intuitive graphical user interface can make your work more popular, since it will be available to a much broader audience of people, that way it can reach more people, and be valued by more people. The graphical user interface, gives the ability to the end user to use the point and click strategy, to work more easily with the software application, so the need for the user to know the actual language in which it was written is eliminated.Why with MATLAB?Matlab (Matrix Laboratory) is a programming language of a higher level with interactive development environment, that can satisfy the needs even of the most demanding software developers.The advantages of MATLAB are:Specially designed to work with data structuresBuilt on a modular principle from many different toolboxes, that make specialized functions available for many scientific fields finances, cartography, numerical biology, data processing, signal processing, parallel calculations and many others)Platform independent language it works on any Operating SystemIt can directly communicate and operate with hardware periphery (sound cards, video cameras, Arduino, DAQ systems and many more)Gives you the ability to package your code into an (.exe) executable fileRich documentation with thorough explanations of all of its functions, available both offline in the MATLAB environment itself, and in the MATLAB Central websiteWhy with MATLAB GUIDE?GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Environment) is a MATLAB integrated working environment that provides instruments and techniques for accelerated, easy and intuitive design and development of GUI for user oriented applications. The approach is straightforward, arrange the user interface elements using the GUIDE Layout Editor, then GUIDE will automatically generate the code behind these elements (Callbacks), which are responsible for the behavior of each of your elements, and finally populate these automatically generated Callbacks with their appropriate behaviors (code), package the app and make it available to the end users.In conclusion:If you ever wanted to be a movie producer, this is a great opportunity become the screenwriter of your own graphical user interface and a producer of its implementation. Create the product, share it with the users, and enjoy the end result! Dont be the only one who understands and uses your own code, wrap it in an interface and make it available to the broader audience! As always Express Yourself!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso de ionic 2 en espaol (actualizado a la versin 3)" |
"Quieres crear aplicaciones mviles nativas pero no sabes Swift, Java o C#?En el curso de Ionicte enseamos cmo puedes usar tus conocimientos de Angular 2 y desarrollo web para crear aplicaciones mviles nativas sin tener que aprender ms lenguajes de programacin y duplicar (o triplicar) todo tu esfuerzo para poder tener la misma aplicacin en tres plataformas diferentes. Con Ionic 2 solo necesitas crear la aplicacin una vez e instalarla en las plataformas que quieras.El curso de Ionicte dar los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar a desarrollar tus aplicaciones mviles. Te ensearemos con ejemplos:Como instalar los requerimientos para comenzar a programar en IonicLa estructura de las aplicacionesLos componentes principales de las aplicaciones de Ionic como:BotonesCampos de textoNavegacinPasar parmetros entre pginasToastsListasSlides (diapositivas)ModalsCardsFABsEl uso de funcionalidad nativa del telfono (e.g. Cmara, GPS, persistencia )Como correr aplicaciones en emuladoresComo correr aplicaciones en dispositivos mvilesComo hacer autenticacin de usuariosY mucho msCuales son los requerimientos del curso?Para poder aprovechar el curso al mximo es necesario tener conocimientos de:Angular 2TypeScriptConocimientos bsicos de HTMLConocimientos bsicos de CSSConocimientos bsicos de JSNo es necesario saber de Ionic 1 o Angular 1.Si necesitas aprender Angular 2 puedes tomar nuestro curso en udemy.Para poder instalar aplicaciones en dispositivos iOS o publicarlos en el AppStore es necesario tener un Mac.Este curso ser actualizado constantemente de acuerdo a los comentarios de los estudiantes. El cdigo fuente de cada aplicacin est disponible para ser descargado y si tienes alguna duda puedes contactar al profesor del curso para solucionar cualquier problemaLa versin 3 de Ionic solo fue una actualizacin con cambios mnimos en nuestras aplicaciones. Este curso est actualizado a la versin 3"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Vue JS 2 en Espaol" |
"De acuerdo con las ltimas tendencias VueJS est ganando mucho terreno entre los frameworks de desarrollo front end tanto en mundialmente como en los mercados de habla hispana. Y la demanda por personas con conocimientos de frameworks de JScomo VueJS estincrementando increblemente.Con VueJS puedes crear desde aplicaciones pequeas hasta aplicaciones para empresas de una forma extremadamente fcil y sin necesidad de aprender TypeScript, todo est creado en JavaScript, lo que es una de las razones de su gran popularidad. VueJS 2 toma lo mejor de otros frameworks como Ember, React y Angular. Es un framework bastante liviano por lo que va a hacer nuestras aplicaciones mucho ms rpidas.En este curso vas a aprender desde cero como usar VueJS, vamos a ver como usarlo en aplicaciones pequeas y poco a poco vamos a ver lo que nos ofrece el framework.En este curso vas a aprender, entre muchas otras cosas:Que es VueJS y porque es tan popular?Como lo puedo usar en mis proyectos?Que son las plantillas y como usarlas?Que son los componentes y como usarlos?Como puedo interactuar con el DOM?Que son enlaces de datos y como usarlos?Como crear Filtros?Que son las directivas?Como puedo crear mis propias directivas?Como crear aplicaciones de pgina simple usando enrutamiento?Como interactuar con una API?Como interactuar con una base de datos?Como correr mi aplicacin en unservidor de produccin(ApacheoAmazon Web Services)?Y mucho mucho ms!Tendrs acceso al cdigo fuente en cada seccin y como siempre el curso ser actualizado constantemente de acuerdo a las necesidades y sugerencias de los estudiantes.Aprende VueJs 2 ahora!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The complete guide to learn Arabic level 1" |
"Many of us have passion for learning languages and the most important language are Arabic.Today I am proudly announcing this course which is going to give you the ability to learn Arabic language with a lot of new features that makes learning easier and more efficient .In this course you will learn the Alphabet Arabic language , how to pronounce it and how to write the letters in first , middle and last of the word.All you have to do is a lot of repetitions and download the pdf file for practicing writing Arabic letters.you will find in this course the the English translation ( for understanding ) and the written words in English letters (for spelling).In the end of this course you will be able to :Read Arabic perfectly.Speak Arabic.Work in Arabic Country .Who should take this course ?People who are seeking to learn new language .Want to improve their skills .Want to read about Arabic culture.Want to work with Arabs.Who enjoy the challenge of learning new language.All you need to be welling take action and learning."
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz 01 (Juz / Para 1)" |
"Self Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed:Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students. Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid. With the video Lessons you learn:* Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationCourses we offer Online:# Quran Reading # Tajweed Rules # Applied Tajweed # Quran Translation # Tafsir e Quran # Basic Islamic teachings # Memorization of Holy QuranOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz 02 (Juz / Para 2)" |
"Juz / Part 02 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 02 of the holy QuranMethod: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn:* Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationCourses we offer Online:# Quran Reading# Tajweed Rules# Applied Tajweed# Quran Translation# Tafsir e Quran# Basic Islamic teachings# Memorization of Holy QuranOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz 03 (Juz / Part 3)" |
"Juz / Part 03 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 04 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationCourses we offer Online: # Quran Reading# Tajweed Rules# Applied Tajweed# Quran Translation# Tafsir e Quran# Basic Islamic teachings# Memorization of Holy QuranOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed (Juz / Part 04)" |
"Juz / Part 04 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 04 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 05" |
"Juz / Part 05 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 05 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 06" |
"Juz / Part 06 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 06 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 07" |
"Juz / Part 07 of the holy QuranSelf Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 07 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons.Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading* Applied Tajweed Rules* Rules of Waqf* Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us."
Price: 39.99 |
"Formula For Solving Difficult Problems Of Life" |
"Life is full of problems, from the day of birth the problem begins and on it goes till the day of death. Every institution, companies and firms were created or established to solve one problem or the other. Look around you, everything you see is either creating or solving a problem. In human kingdom, a problem free life is an illusion, a mirage in the desert.A course that teaches people on how to handle personal problems and help solve the problems of others is highly necessary. This course was developed by me to show you how to deal with difficult problems that had sent some people to early grave. As a Pastor, the course is developed from Christian principles but this principles will help anyone from any religious background.I guarantee you that when you complete this course, your confidence in problem solving ability will increase drastically. You will suddenly become a fearless champion winning over difficult situations with ease."
Price: 74.99 |
"Miracle Academy" |
"MIRACLES are extraordinary solutions to human problems that first appear as if there is no solution. Miracles are God's supernatural manifestations of love to mankind with the intention to solve problems and make life easier for man. One good thing about miracle is that though it is God's work, it is always done or worked or performed by man. God love man so much that ALL His miracles are done by the man He loves and chooses. Every single man on earth falls into that category, he loves and choose you, that's why you are born into this world.The red sea was divided by Moses, God told him, ""... stretch your rod toward the sea and divide it"" Exodus 14: 16. God told Moses to divide the red sea, God did it, but Moses worked it out. In the New Testament, there are nine gifts of the Spirit, all of those gifts were called GIFTS except the working of miracles, see 1Corinthians 12: 1-12. All miracles are works or blessings, or favour of God, but a man must be ready to take delivery of it by working it out.Someone said ""miracles are only what God can do"", that is true, but there is nowhere in any scriptures where God performed a single miracle without using a man. The truth is that God CANNOT work any miracles without using a MAN. Many are waiting for God, begging God to do a miracle while GOD is all the time waiting for them to take action that will lead them to work a miracle.In Miracle Academy, my aim is to show you what to do to work out your own miracles, there is a miracle in you that is begging to be let out. This course will teach you how to discover that thing on the inside of you that have large capacity to work miracles. Every MAN and woman has got that creative ability and intelligence to work out miracles. When you learn to connect with your inner power, working miracles will be as simple as ABC. enrol for this course and learn the secret.Miracles are products of personal faith in God and His imbedded power and ability already deposited in you at birth, and so, i cannot guarantee that you will get a miracle when you complete this course. No guarantee because your personal faith is involved, your ability to take daring steps of Faith is also involved, no man on earth can do that for you. I will show you however all the qualities that miracle workers and inventors have in common, and if followed, you will succeed in all endeavours of life."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Basics of Python like a Baby" |
"Python is a very simple yet extremely powerful programming language. It is a scripting language that is widely used for prototyping to get work up and running in a short amount of time.This course assumes no programming experience and slowly builds the skills you need to take on larger challenges.This course is divided into below chaptersBasics of Python ProgrammingVariables (Numerical/Boolean/String)Collections (Lists/Tuples/Sets/Dictionaries)Flow Control (For Loops/While Loops / Repetitive Execution/Conditional Execution/Iterative Execution)Program Structures(Named Functions/Anonymous(Lambda Functions)/Generator FunctionsLibrariesEvery lecture will explain the fundamentals in detail before taking you to actual code execution.By the end of this course, you will be a mature Python programmer. Make use of the expertise to design programs of your choice and be ready to take your Python skills in any direction that you need."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn Python Programming with Examples" |
"Python is a very simple yet extremely powerful programming language. It is a scripting language that is widely used for prototyping to get work up and running in a short amount of time.This course assumes no programming experience and slowly builds the skills you need to take on larger challenges.This course is divided into below chaptersBasics of Python Programming Variables (Numerical/Boolean/String) Collections (Lists/Tuples/Sets/Dictionaries) Flow Control (For Loops/While Loops / Repetitive Execution/Conditional Execution/Iterative Execution) Program Structures(Named Functions/Anonymous(Lambda Functions)/Generator Functions LibrariesEvery lecture will explain the fundamentals in detail before taking you to actual code execution.By the end of this course, you will be a mature Python programmer. Make use of the expertise to design programs of your choice and be ready to take your Python skills in any direction that you need."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn Scala Programming Language:The Java Successor" |
"Scalais a type-safe JVM language that incorporates both object oriented and functional programming into an extremely concise, logical, and extraordinarily powerful language.A few reasons why touse Scala:Apache Spark is built with ScalaIt runs on the JVM (one of the more mature environments for a programming language)It can run Scala and Java librariesCross-compatibility with JavaClean and concise syntax. I swear the first time I was writing Scala, it felt magical compared to Java or Python.It's a great transition from traditional OOP into FP. Take note that Scala is an object-functional language though.Built with concurrency in mind. Martin Odersky designed Scala to be a ""scalable language""--hence Scala. It goes with the ideas of massive parallelism and reactive programming."
Price: 29.99 |
"5 weeks Social Media Championship Course" |
"The 5 week social media championship programmeAfter 10 years of running digital marketing agency and having my first venture being used as a case study by Google and others reaching multi-million dollar revenues, I have had the opportunity to work with over 100 of the worlds best marketing minds who have been my clients and together we hashed out 50 million dollar revenues every year for businesses. These large corporations have the impatience that is needed to succeed quarter after quarter, measuring success and learning fast while making grander visions as they grow. I learnt all that and then found smaller businesses have this urgency missing and it's not easy to maintain the same momentum sometimes to keep driving forward month after month. So I have used my 10 years of working experience with world class clients and put together a course for today's impatient entrepreneur who wants to make a marked difference in his life, family and business in the next 90 days, which I will show you is possible by leveraging the power of the Internet and social media. I have tried tosimplify the digital world intosmaller sections making it possible for you to win but after these5 weeks.I have considered the 5 weeks as 5 different floors of your success. Your journey to the penthouse begins now. I will be constantly there to help you climb each step with precision. After the completion of these fruitful 5 weeks, I assure you will be able to elevate your businesses and careers to higher floors of success. So let's get started Week 1 The FoundationBuilding anything requires a strong foundation whichiswhy I call the first floor of my courseasthe foundation wherein I will be introducing you to the world of DigitalMarketing. In this level I will be talking about my concepts and the basics for beginners which I have presented to industry leaders, small business owners and to managements ofcompanies like Marriott,Starwood,ThaiAirways,InterContinental, AlDiar, Radisson, Four Points,Crowne Plaza, Tamarind andmanymore. The first floor of my course includes: 1)The 6 circles of digital marketing success 2)The361degreeingredients of digital marketing(this works every time it's a winning recipe) 3) Client profiling sheet 4) Moguls success ritualsWeek 2 Building the Pillars The second floor is the ground floorof my course. Once thefoundation is ready,Itakeyou through the top 9 concerns that lead to failure but if you have clear answers, these 9life changingdecisions will help you winthe competition. 1.What business must I do on the internet? And does my current business have potential to do well online? 2.Should I choose an agency, freelancer or in-house team? (How to measure thecost and returns) 3.How to calculateROIon my digital marketing returns? 4.What are the top channels I should use or shouldI use all channels? 5.Aviyou said 50 percent business should comefrom online channels.Whatshould I do to make that happen?A questionthat Ifrequentlyface!The remedyanswer has remained the same:reputation managementof your brand,online social media,web design,anda refinedcontentmarketing strategy. I will be unfoldingthe conceptsof these subject matterand give live examples of successhere. 6.The fun part. How can youuse FacebookLive,Snapchatstories,Twitter advertising&LinkedIn marketingto grow yourbusiness in exactly next 90 days from today? 7.How do I select the keywords to be targeted on social media? HereI will give you an insight intothe hacks to understand the science behind it. 8.How important isqualitycontent for social media and what are the best practices to generate the type of content required? 9.Sell and make money! The importance of call to action buttons on social media.Week 3 Build Alliances Every product needs a target audience and the third floorof my coursehas been designed tohelp you understandyour audience.It will definitely help you to get some crucial answers.Why is it important to know your customer?(Define your demographic) i.It helps you to modify your business offering as per the audience. ii.It is essential for customer satisfaction. iii.Opens up new business opportunities. iv.Understanding the audience properly addsvalue toyour business. v.A thorough research of your audience helps in understanding theirneedsandmeeting themwhich leadstocustomersatisfaction.Week 4 Take a Leap Quite a climb, eh? Well, on the fourth floorof my online course I will introduce you the latesttrendsof the digital marketing industryto revolutionize your business.The digital world demands that you are consistent and constantly in sync with the pace at which todays world is moving.a)Did you know thatLive streaming is getting bigger and businesses like yours can reach their audience for free using this? b)Instagramupdate of news feed not being time based any longer Learn how it affects your business! c)Push marketing is becoming personalized on social media Get the tips to master it.I love it, market like a sniper. d)Rise ofSnapchatand hacks to master it e)How are stories making a difference on socialchannels? Find out to tell your story better to your audience.Week 5- Penthouse Let's call the top floor the Penthouse. Once you are on the penthouse your view and the way you look at the world changes, by now I'm sure your mind set has shifted and my attempt to inject you with a wave of freshness and new possibilities using social media is starting to take effect.HereI will be talking about how to make effective plans or strategies to build your brand.The history ofAdvertisingdates back to centuries. Brands used it to the fullest through the traditional media but now its the time of Digital.Everyone is reaping the benefits of digital marketing noting that it is a community with the biggest number of your audience.In the fifth floorof the course you will be learning how toadvertise your product and brandbetter ona.Facebook The population of our planet has surpassed 7 billion and the number of Facebook users is 1.7 billion users which is growing with every passing minute.It is the most important platform to promote your business. A recent study has found out the newest levels marketing parameters are evolving with consumerbehaviour changing with a rapid speed. Facebook gives a brand the opportunity to stay connected with their target audience during any hour of the day.Need I sayany moreabout the prospects of advertisinghere?b.Instagram Instagramis the latest and honestly, the fastest platform to begin engagement with consumers. There area huge numbers of users onInstagramand many top-notch brands are using this forum to reach out to their target audience. The best part of being active onInstagramis that a brand can bean integral part of a consumer, which is a very tough job to achieve otherwise.Itcan be used to tell a visual story about your brand, enhance engagement with the followers from around the globe. One of the best me channels to promote your brand with innovative campaigns.c.Twitter Twitter is one ofthe most powerful social media channels.The 140 charactersletyou make huge impact on your target audience.Trust me, this platform can do wonders for you and your brand.d.LinkedIn Linkedinhas grown up from a social network for professionals into a full-scale business-orientedsocial networking service. It is not just a forum for professionals to share their resumes, rather its a24/7convention space where specialists of their individual spaces share the latest developments of their fields. It is a space for collaborations and mutual growth. This social network has tremendous potential to help businessesto increase their brand visibility. Through engaging content and efficient interactions,youcan easily promote its facilities and offerings directly toyourtarget audience. LinkedIn is the great tool in the arsenal of the marketing team of a business and if optimally utilized can help to raiseyour brand quotient.Some of the elements that we are going to cover under LinkedIn are content generation for LinkedIn pulse,tagging connections, leads accelerator, value discussions for groups,etc.e.Making social media ad strategies It is important to learn the fact that in order to spark more engagement on social media platforms, target audiences should feel the urge to interact with the respective brand. More engagement means more chances of conversion.There are steps that have been tried and tested to expect solidified results.Making solid social media ad strategies for Facebook, Google or for that matter any other online channel with interactive and catchycontent can take you to the next level.This and lots more to change the way you do business in today's world."
Price: 29.99 |
"Core Web Development 1: Get used to the basics" |
"Learning Web Development is NOT easyLearning about web development is never easy because it requires knowledge of multiple languages, programming methodologies, computer science theories and getting used to many development tools. You also need to get lots of development experiences under your belt to finally be able to create a decent web. As a matter of fact, all these things require a lot of discipline of you.Build up a Foundation in the only BasicsSo you should get a foundation in the basics first and then later dive deep as a specialist in an area that appeals to you.This course has been designed specifically for the complete beginner who wants to get a strong foundation of web development. Basically you will learn a few selected very basics of web development technologies.The course includes:93 Lectures28CodingExercises13 QuizzesCode-AlongsProjectsAssignmentsDownloadsContents and OverviewThis course has 6 sections and each section deals with the following subjects.Section 1:Introduction to Web DevelopmentSection 2: Creating a web document in HTMLSection 3: Running Your Web by Deploying it to a Web ServerSection 4: Designing a web with CSSSection 5: Safeguard Your Project with Version ControlSection 6:Improving Productivity by using a library BootstrapTo summarize what you will be able to do by the end of the course, you will be able to create a web document in HTML and design it with CSS and Bootstrap. You will be able to get your web development under version control using Git and Github. And finally, you will be able to deploy your web to a web server so that everyone can see you web in public.The Coursedesigned for the NoviceWhat I focus on as an instruction designer when designing a course is get students get a strong foundation in the basics through practices. So you will be able to understand basic concepts of web development first through the lectures, then make sure if your understand them correctly through the quizzes, practice what you learn through the coding exercises and work on your own project as a course assignment.This course has been particularly designed for novice learners who want to learn creating a web. The course focuses heavily on the basics. And you will not be surprised or discouraged by the not explained jargons or jumping to the higher difficulties all of a sudden."
Price: 199.99 |
"Kpops Korean - Learn Korean with G-Dragon's Untitled" |
"Learning Korean is complex and isn't easy. In this situation,learning with Kpop can beonegood way to keep up your learning not getting discouraged. How about learning singing G-Dragon's untitled to show off your Korean?Learn Korean with G-Dragons Untitled13Phonics lectures, 13Grammar lectures and 13PracticesSinging G-Dragons' Untitled with Perfect Korean PronunciationLearning from a Native Korean InstructorContents and OverviewThis course has been designed to help you with your learning Korean.The goal of this course is tomake you understand the basic grammar of the song untitled of G-Dragon, and practice reading the lyrics with perfect Korean pronunciation. Even phonics lectures have been offered for the beginner who doesn't recognize and sound Korean alphabets.The course is composed of 13phonics lectures and 13grammarlectures plus each practice. Basically, you will learn each sentence of the lyrics by learning its grammar and exact pronunciation.By the end of the course you will be able to read all the lyrics of G-Dragon's Untitled with perfect Korean pronunciation."
Price: 129.99 |