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"Hypnotic Journey: Elevate Your Self-Esteem"
"Self-esteem is a wonderful thing to have. And an awful thing to lack.People lacking self-esteem seem to almost enjoy finding all the reasons (no matter how logical or illogical) to feel bad about themselves.It's then too easy to ignore all the reasons why to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments.And how exactly are you suppose to live an amazing and fulfilling life when YOU - the corner stone of your life - is in shambles?How long will a building stand for when the foundation is crumbling?Luckily it doesn't have to be that way!Just like a building can go through a reconstruction so can you raise your self-esteem.Now, there are many ways to do it. The most pleasant and fastest one I found is hypnosis.You see, people with problems will use all of their conscious energy to protect the problem - yep, you've read that right.Every got a good advice from a friend only to say ""that won't work for me, because....""That's your critical factor protecting you from positive change.Hypnosis works directly with your unconscious and that's why creating lasting change with hypnosis is not only virtually effortless but pleasant - because you don't have to fight yourself in order to have high self-esteem!In this program you will embark on a hypnotic journey inside of your mind where you can elevate your self-esteem! After all, your self-esteem exists in your mind, so why would you try to improve it anywhere else? And that's what makes this program so effective!Here is the process step by step:Sign Up NowFind a quiet placeNotice how pleasant it is to listening to the inductionRepeat #2 and #3 everyday for as long as you need toWhen you've noticed your self-esteem raising leave a review!So get started now and start living a better life! A life where you have self-respect, confidence in yourself, and where people enjoy being around you. A life where you can value yourself and your accomplishments. Truly a life worth living! And it will be yours to live!I'll see you on the inside!Health Warning:All of the following groups of people should consult their doctor before listening to the inductionPeople who have diagnosed mental conditionsPeople on heavy medications (whether for mental or physical reasons)Pregnant womenDisclaimer:This program is not intended to replace professional care in any way. When in doubt if this program is right for you please consult your doctor."
Price: 39.99

"Hypnotic Journey: Become Wealthy"
"Money is a nightmare for a lot of people. Whether it's growing money or even keeping it...problems problems problems....On top of that some people had the misfortune of being raised with negative ideas around money which simply sets you up for failure and poverty.How are you suppose to make enough money for yourself and your family when you believe money is evil? Or when you spend it all?All the riches in the world start in the same place - your mind! You need to start thinking like a rich person before you become rich, not the other way around.People who suddenly come to money are known for losing it all within a year or two. That's because they are still thinking like a poor person.That's where this program comes into play! It takes care of your mind - your inner blueprint - and sets you up for wealth!This Hypnotic Journey is the seed of all the wealth in your future! And the journey starts now!Here is the process step by step:Sign Up NowFind a quiet placeNotice how pleasant it is to listening to the inductionRepeat #2 and #3 everyday for as long as you need toWhen you've noticed your self-esteem raising leave a review!DISCLAIMER:This program is not a coaching program on how to manage your finances or how to become rich. You still need to go out there and educate yourself about whatever you need to get where you want to be.This program will take care of any internal struggles or barriers so that you can actually reach the place where you want to be.Just realize that you may need to educate yourself about certain things.And if anything comes up down the road - if you start to feel like there is something holding you back - you can come back to this program and use it to take care of that as well!So jump on board this ship and sail towards your bright future now! And I'll see you on the inside!Health Warning:All of the following groups of people should consult their doctor before listening to the inductionPeople who have diagnosed mental conditionsPeople on heavy medications (whether for mental or physical reasons)Pregnant women"
Price: 39.99

"Crea un Embudo de Ventas desde Cero para tu Negocio Digital"
"CREAR UN EMBUDO DE VENTAS ES MS IMPORTANTE QUE LLEVAR TRFICOCurso Totalmente ACTUALIZADOy siempre subiendo contenido nuevo !!Tienes trfico en tu negocio pero muy pocas ventas?Has odo alguna vez la frase el dinero est en la lista de Suscriptores?Sabias que es ms importante tener un embudo de ventas antes de traer trfico a tu negocio?EL ERROR MS COMN EN LOS NEGOCIOS ONLINE ES NO TENER UN EMBUDO DE VENTAS .Es lgico , que vas a hacer con las personas que llegan a tu sitio web, blog, ecommerce??Tenis que convertir cuanto antes vuestro trfico en Leads (clientes potenciales)para posteriormente llevarlos poco a poco hacia una venta.Hay que ganarse su confianza , y YO OS VOY A MOSTRAR TODO EL PROCESO PASO A PASO!**** ATENCIN EN ESTE CURSO VOY A UTILIZAR UN PLUGINPARA WORDPRESS DE PAGO , CUESTA 67$ (NICO PAGO) Y UN AUTORESPONDEDOR (9$ MES) *****T podrs utilizar si quieres cualquier otra herramienta, lo que importa es el fin .ESPERO QUE TENGASMUCHAS GANAS DE APRENDER !! MIRA TODO EL TEMARIO A VER QUE TE PARECE.He creado este curso muy sencillo de aplicar y lo he explicado lo ms al grano posible. A todos mis alumnos les gusta eso . Espero que a ti tambin !Hazclic en el botn de ""TOMAR ESTE CURSO"" , para que podamos empezar ! Nos vemos dentro ;)Jose MarkInstructor de UDEMY"
Price: 144.99

"Curso de Facebook Messenger ChatBot"
"NETE A LA REVOLUCIN BOT con este Curso Prctico y al GranoEn este curso te voy a ensear a crear tu Bot en Messenger totalmente GRATIS y sin Necesidad de programar.Por algo los bots estn revolucionando la forma de comunicarnos con nuestros clientes potenciales y es que son extremadamente tiles para crear listas de contactos muy EFECTIVAS y resolver dudasal instante.++++++3 HORAS DE CONTENIDOPRCTICO y esta un paso adelante de tu competencia+++++++Vas a aprender todo esto y mas :>1.- Crear un bots totalmente personalizado>2.- Crear mensajes de seguimiento>3.- Segmentacin y etiquetado de Personas>4.- Creacin de palabras clave de contenido>5.- Captar trfico fuera de Facebook mediante Popups, Landing page, mensajes en post,etc.>6.- Mtricas y afinamiento de mensajes, botones, etc.Tanto si tienes Web como si solo utilizas tu FAN PAGE este curso te ir genial para generar ventas, leads, suscriptores, CONFIANZA.Los resultados son increbles, los indices de aperturas de mensajes son altsimos No te quieras quedar atrs!DALE A COMPRAR ESTE CURSO Y EMPEZAMOS A CREAR TU BOT EN MESSENGER.Nos vemos dentro !Jose MarkInstructor de Marketing en Udemy"
Price: 74.99

"Domina los Grupos en Facebook : Crea tu tribu de seguidores"
"Te gustara aprender a crear grupos slidos con mucha interaccin y de esta manera poder monetizarlos? Entonces este curso es para ti! Te voy a llevar de la mano volcandote toda mi experiencia en crear comunidades en Facebook, sers un EXPERTO/A al final del curso.Esto es lo que aprenders al inscribirte en el curso:1.- Primero te enseare las bases de crear comunidades solidas y con interaccin. 2.- Luego vers como configurar toda la maquinara para que cuando empiecen a llegar personas este todo perfecto.3.- Aprenders todos las tcnicas de aportacin del valor , es la base para generar CONFIANZA Te hars un maestro de este arte!4.- Veremos como analizar los grupos y su tendencia. Ya sabes ! analizar para mejorar.5.- Aprenders diferentes estrategias de MONETIZACIN .6.- Vas a ver como hacer crecer tu grupo rpidamente con varias estrategias.Te puedo asegurar que cuando finalices el curso estars preparado para crear, administrar y monetizar comunidades en Facebook de manera PROFESIONAL. Que podrs hacer despus de haber terminado el curso?1.- Crear comunidades rentables , solidas y con mucha interaccin.2.- Aprenders a monetizar tu tribu ofrecindole productos,servicios,etc.3.- Sabrs los pilares fundamentales de la administracin y gestin de comunidades.4.- Aprenders a moderar y escalar tu grupo delegando tareas.5.- Podrs analizar tendencias en miembros,publicaciones, interacciones, y identificar publicaciones destacadas.6.- Aprenders a traer trfico de personas realmente interesadas en tu grupo.Adems tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das.Te veo dentro del curso y empezamos !!Tan solo haz clic en el botn ""tomar este curso"" y ahora mismo te ver en el otro lado. Gracias de nuevo por inscribirte !Un abrazoJose Mark"
Price: 149.99

"AutoCAD 2D para Iniciantes"
"O curso abrange desde as ferramentas bsicas de criao e edio de objetos at a criao de blocos, camadas, cotas, layouts de impresso e muito mais.Ao final do curso, o aluno dever ser capaz de:Criar desenhos bidimensionais aplicando os conhecimentos de desenho tcnico, a fim de familiarizar-se com a ferramenta e preparar-se para o trabalho com projetos. Este curso destina-se para engenheiros, arquitetos, projetistas, desenhistas ou estudantes da rea que necessitam trabalhar em modelos bidimensionais."
Price: 129.99

"Construct 2"
"Construct 2 um programa que o deixa criar jogos de computador em HTML5 sem ter qualquer experincia em programao utilizando um intuitivo,ambiente de desenvolvimento. A maioria das ferramentas dos programas pode ser usada a partir da interface grfica sem ter que escrever uma nica linha de cdigo.Construct 2 tem como foco a criao de jogos 2D, e vem com muitos recursos que a torna fcil, incluindo uma sistema fsico que causa os itens no jogo serem governados pela lei da gravidade, como tambm bits grficos e de som como os sprites, fundos e efeitos de som."
Price: 134.99

"Maquete Eletrnica em 3Ds Max 2018 e Vray"
"Curso intermedirio com foco na criao e desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetnicos para maquetes eletrnicas utilizando o software 3ds Max 2018 integrado com o plugin V-Ray que produz renderizaes com iluminaes hiper-realistas.Destinado a qualquer pessoa que tenha interesse em aperfeioar o seu conhecimento em softwares do setor de criao e desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetnicos em ambiente tridimensional."
Price: 204.99

"Illustrator CC 2018"
"O Illustrator CC 2018 um software de ilustrao vetorial, possui poderosas ferramentas para criaes grficas com eficincia, tanto para Web como para materiais impressos.Amplamente utilizado por designers, ilustradores, animadores, etc; lder em seu segmento, sendo uma ferramenta essencial no mercado de trabalho nacional e internacional. Por ser uma ferramenta baseada em vetores e no em pixels, como no caso do Adobe Photoshop, ela permite criar artes que funcionem em qualquer dimenso."
Price: 204.99

"Indesign CC Essential 2018"
"O Curso de InDesign CC Essencial permite ao aluno compreender na prtica como trabalhar de forma profissional com o InDesign, um poderoso software de publicao da Adobe.InDesign um dos programas mais conhecidos quando falamos sobre criao de revistas e layouts e tambm desenvolvimento de diagramaes.Criado especialmente para editorao eletrnica, o software oferece ainda grande flexibilidade para criao de diversas publicaes."
Price: 204.99

"ZBrush 2018 - Bsico em Escultura Digital"
"O ZBrush um software de modelagem tridimensional usado em filmes, e animaes. ZBrush referenciado muitas vezes como o Photoshop da modelagem 3D, por seu foco na criao livre para queartistas digitaisdesenvolvam seu estilo nico. Curso bsico com foco na criao e desenvolvimento de projetos de escultura digital de personagens utilizando as novas ferramentas da nova verso do software ZBrush."
Price: 99.99

"Maquete Interna com 3Ds Max 2019"
"3Ds Max um programa de modelagem tridimensional que permite renderizao de imagens e animaes. Sendo usado em produo de filmes de animao, criao de personagens de jogos em 3D, vinhetas e comerciais para TV, maquetes eletrnicas e na criao de qualquer mundo virtual. Curso intermedirio com foco na criao e desenvolvimento de projetos de maquete eletrnica interna utilizando as novas ferramentas da verso mais recente do 3ds Max."
Price: 249.99

"English Made Simple: Learn Common English Proverbs"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English proverbs with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 12,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English proverbs. Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular proverbs used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each proverb. We learn proverbs, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study proverbs, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as proverbs (or idioms) can help you take your language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using proverbs.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99

"English Made Simple: Idioms For Business & Communication"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English idioms with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 12,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English communication idioms! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular communication idioms used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each idiom. We learn idioms, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study idioms, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as idioms (or proverbs, phrasal verbs) help us develop our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using idioms.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: Learn Common English Phrasal Verbs"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English phrasal verbs with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 12,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English phrasal verbs. Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular phrasal verbs used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each phrasal verb. We learn phrasal verbs, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study phrasal verbs, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as phrasal verbs (or idioms, proverbs etc) help us develop our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using phrasal verbs.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: Learn British Slang Words & Phrases"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover British slang and phrases with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 12,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English proverbs. Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular British slang and phrases!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each piece of slang or phrase. We learn slang, because it can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study slang, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as slang (or idioms, proverbs, phrasal verbs) help us to take our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using slang.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: Learn How To Use Prepositions"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English prepositions with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 12,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English prepositions.Welcome to this fun and easy guide to prepositions used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each preposition. We learn prepositions, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study prepositions, I already have a lot of vocabulary!Learning prepositions can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using prepositions.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: Learn How To Use Modal Verbs"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English modal verbs with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 15,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English modal verbs.Welcome to this fun and easy guide to modal verbs used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each modal verb. We learn modal verbs, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study modal verbs, I already speak good English!Learning modal verbs can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using modal verbs.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99

"English Made Simple: Vocabulary For Business"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover new vocabulary and expressions with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 15 educational courses on Udemy with over 20,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new vocabulary course to help you talk about the world of business.Welcome to this fun and easy guide for business vocabulary!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each word or expression. We learn and develop our vocabulary, because it helps us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers) and enjoy richer conversations.I don't need to study vocabulary, I already have the basic words!Learning more vocabulary can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using your new vocabulary and expressions.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: Idioms For Conversation"
"Learn English from afully qualifiedESL TeacherSound morenaturalduring your English conversationsDiscover English idioms with the help ofreal examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 20,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course focusingon English conversationalidioms! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular conversationalidioms used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each idiom. We learn idioms, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study idioms, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as idioms (or proverbs, phrasal verbs) help us develop our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using idioms.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99

"English Made Simple: Learn How To Use Conditionals"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover English modal verbs with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 20,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course on English conditionals.Welcome to this fun and easy guide to conditionals used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain how each conditional works. We learn conditionals, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study conditionals, I already speak good English!Learning conditionals can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skillsThis course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using conditionals.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 19.99

"English Made Simple: Vocabulary For Football (Soccer)"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover new vocabulary and expressions with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 15 educational courses on Udemy with over 20,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new vocabulary course to help you talk about the world of business.Welcome to this fun and easy guide for football (soccer) vocabulary!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each word or expression. We learn and develop our vocabulary, because it helps us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers) and enjoy richer conversations.I don't need to study vocabulary, I already have the basic words!Learning more vocabulary can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using your new vocabulary and expressions.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99

"English Made Simple: Vocabulary To Describe Feelings"
"Learn English from a fully qualified ESL TeacherSound more natural during your English conversationsDiscover new vocabulary with the help of real examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 15 educational courses on Udemy with over 20,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new vocabulary course to help you describe people and their personality!Welcome to this fun and easy guide to vocabulary that describes feelings!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each word. We learn and develop our vocabulary, because it helps us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers) and enjoy richer conversations.I don't need to study vocabulary, I already have the basic words!Learning more vocabulary can help you take your language skills to the next level. It's the difference between sounding like a foreigner, or a native speaker. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using your new vocabulary.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 24.99

"English Made Simple: Excellent English Expressions!"
"Learn English from afully qualifiedESL TeacherSound morenaturalduring your English conversationsDiscover common English expressions with the help ofreal examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 25,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course focusingon English conversational expressions! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to popular expressions used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each expression. We learn expressions, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study expressions, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as expressions (or idioms, phrasal verbs) help us develop our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using English expressions.Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 39.99

"English Made Simple: The A-Z Guide To Phrasal Verbs"
"Have you noticed how much English speakers use phrasal verbs? They form an absolutely essential part of everyday conversations in any English speaking country. If you don't understand how to use phrasal verbs, then communicating in English can be very challenging.Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to ESL phrasal verbs!Learn English from afully qualifiedESL TeacherSound morenaturalduring your English conversationsDiscover English phrasal verbs with the help ofreal examplesHi, my name's Fred and I'm a former advertising professional who now teaches English in Rome, Italy. I have developed over 12 educational courses on Udemy with over 25,000 satisfied students. I'm very excited to bring you this new course focusingon phrasal verbs! Let's begin:Welcome to this fun and easy guide to the most popular phrasal verbs used in the English language!This course contains short and simple lectures which provide real examples to help explain the meaning of each phrasal verbs. We learn phrasal verbs, because they can help us communicate more naturally with native (or mother tongue speakers).I don't need to study phrasal verbs, ther most important part of a language is grammar!Yes, you need to study grammar. You also need to practice writing, and speaking, and listening......etc. However, learning things such as phrasal verbs (or idioms, slang, prepositions) help us to take our language skills to the next level. If you want to really enjoy the local culture of a country, it helps if you can speak in the same way as the local people.Enjoy practicing your new skills!This course provides you with an opportunity to practice your knowledge. You will find plenty of practice activities to help you grow confidence around using phrasal verbs,Remember, learning a language should be fun and not stressful. I hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to your feedback.Fred"
Price: 119.99

"Advanced Business English Vocabulary"
"*THE MOST ORIGINAL AND ENGAGING BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE AVAILABLE ON UDEMY**CREATED BY AN ESL TEACHER WITH OVER 10 YEARS OF REAL LIFE CORPORATE EXPERIENCE**BONUS CONTENT ADDED ON 2/12/2018, INCLUDING BUSINESS BOOK REVIEWS AND PRESENTING FIGURES*This course includes:Real life interviews with real life entrepreneursDownloadable PDF transcripts of each interviewDetailed explanation of all new business terms and expressionsBusiness book reviews to see how advanced vocabulary is usedReal life quotes and learnings from successful entrepreneursHow to present figures (sales reports etc)Everyday 'office' conversationsAre you struggling to find a business ESL course which challenges you? Would you like to learn commonly used business expressions/vocabulary whilst challenging your listening skills?If you want to feel more confident in professional situations, or simply improve your understanding of Business English then this is the course for you.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE YOU WILL FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH:Business conference callsBusiness meetingsProfessional emailsProfessional conversations (listening and speaking)THE STORY BEHIND 'ADVANCED BUSINESS ENGLISH'Hi, my name's Fred and I'm the creator of the top selling English Made Simple courses here on Udemy. A few years ago when I worked in London, I interviewed real life entrepreneurs for a business podcast. In total, I conducted around 200 different interviews over a two year period.I've taken these interviews and turned them into the ultimate listening experience, allowing ESL students to expand their business vocabulary and practice their listening skills!THE SIMPLE PROCESSEach lecture provides you with a new entrepreneur. You will learn about their business before hearing an extract from their interview. Every interview contains numerous expressions and words commonly used in the business world. These expressions and words will be explained to you as you watch the video.INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTSA full transcript of the interview will be provided to you so that you can see the new vocabulary in text format. You may also enjoy playing the video again and following the script.*MORE THAN A BUSINESS ENGLISH COURSE, THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU REAL LIFE BUSINESS LESSONS*This course offers so much more than just the language. It is full of insights and learnings from entrepreneurs who have 'been there and done it.' Not only will you learn about the highs and lows of business itself, you will also develop your advanced vocabulary skills.REVIEWS""Fantastic course - it was a completely new experience for me. I have been trying to advance my own career and I'm very interested in finding a job in London. This course was very easy to follow, well structured and taught me many new things.""Fernando, Madrid""Thank you teacher Fred! I loved the straight forward videos, especially the challenging audio bits where I had to concentrate on the interview. I have learned a lot with this course!""Lucia, Bologna""A great and easy way to learn more about the world of business and improve your English level. I feel much more confident with this kind of topic and the available PDF transcripts make a big difference.""Edison, Shanghai"
Price: 59.99

"How To Change Your Core Beliefs"
"Welcome to""How to Transcend Limiting Beliefs"". The title was changed to ""How To Change Your Core Beliefs"" for search function purposes.In this course, you will learn how to clearly identify the limitingbeliefs within you which you are consciously or unconsciously choosing that keep you from having the experiences you prefer. Beliefs, positive or negative have a job to perpetuate themselves in order to give you a stronger sense of reality. You are ALWAYS motivated to choose the beliefs that you find to be in your best interest, however they may not always serve you positively. We pick up beliefs from our parents, friends, and society that are not resonant with who we are as high vibrational beings. This is why they don't sit well within us.In short: In this course, you will learn technically how emotions and belief systems work, what their purpose is why we have them. You will learn how they perpetuate themselves and why they can be so difficult to change. You will learn how to change your beliefs to ones that you prefer no matter how ""deep"" they may seem or how long you have had them.It is my passion to share this topic with you. Iam a very specific and technical person with this topic, no fluff, but you do need to be open-minded. I do back up my theories with personal examples as this is what has worked for myself.The material in this course comes from years of my own experience of self-exploration in transforming my own beliefs that I picked up from my past and I hope it serves you well."
Price: 24.99

"Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2020"
"UDEMY'S #1 BESTSELLING BLOGGING COURSE REDESIGNED WITH ALL NEW CURRICULUM FOR 2020 AND BEYOND""Brad is clearly experienced, accomplished and an expert in this subject. His knowledge will be very helpful for those who are able to absorb & implement all of his suggestions and tips."" Leah, Udemy student""Totally AWESOME course!!!!! You have addressed every aspect of getting started with a new blog, but better yet what it takes to make it a success. I can't wait to get started."" Terry, Udemy student""Excellent material, well explained, and a talented & experienced instructor who is not afraid to share his opinion on what it does or doesn't work for him."" JP, Udemy studentBrad Merrill has been building things on the web for well over a decade. In 2010, he started a blog about technology and innovation, and in just a couple of years it grew into a large publication with staff and revenue, serving more than half a million monthly readers. His work has been featured on Techmeme and cited by a number of notable blogs and publications, including the Wall Street Journal.In this course, Brad condenses more than ten years of trial and error into a simple blueprint designed to help you build a successful blog. You'll learn all the essentials, including:The mindset of a successful bloggerHow to build a WordPress siteHow to write amazing blog content that readers will love and shareHow to promote your content to ensure people actually see itHow to build and leverage an email list to generate traffic and revenue on demandHow to turn your blog into a business that generates revenueWhy would you want to build a blog? Well, there are many different motivations, but here are a few of the most common:Build a business: A blog can be the center of a low-overhead, location-independent, lucrative business. There has never been a better time to do thisthe Internet has made it cheaper and easier than ever before for anyone to start a business.Grow an existing business: Content marketing is one of the best ways to drive your business forward, and a blog is a tried and true format. Many of the world's biggest companies and brands are now using digital content to market their products and services, so you'll be in great company if you do the same.Showcase your expertise: If you want to position yourself as a thought leader or expert, blogging is an excellent way to do it. A blog can be a powerful asset if you're trying to build a personal brand, get a job, sell services, or launch a career in public speaking.Build Relationships: Blogging is a great way to become an active and influential member of your community, which can help you build relationships with people you want to reach.If you're thinking of starting a blog this year, there's never been a better time. This course will walk you through the entire processsetting up WordPress, writing stellar content, promoting that content, building an email list, and implementing a revenue model to turn your blog into a business. It's all here."
Price: 189.99

"WordPress 101: Build Beautiful Websites Without Coding"
"This course is a complete beginner's guide to WordPress and how you can use it to build beautiful, functional websitesfor yourself or for clientswith no programming or web development experience whatsoever.WordPress isquite possibly the best solution for building any type of website in today's world, and it's easy to see why:It's completely free.It's extensible with a world of free themes and plugins.It doesn't require significant technical knowledge to get started.I've been working with WordPress for nearly a decade, and I'm in very good company. It's alsoused by some of the world's most notable companies and organizations, including:TechCrunchThe Wall Street JournalForbesMercedes BenzThe Next WebNASAHere are some of the things you'll learn in this course:How to install WordPress on your own computer so you can follow the course without paying for web hostingHow to install WordPress on a web hostHow to navigatethe WordPress dashboardHow to install WordPress themes and customize your site's designHow to extend the functionality of your site with pluginsHow to build a hotel website (practice activity)How to secure your site and protect it from hackers and malwareHow to optimize your site for search engines like Google and BingHow to build an ecommerce store with WordPressHow to add forums to your siteHow to build a full-fledged social network with WordPressWe'll start with the absolute basics of WordPress so you can get a feel for how it all works, and then we'll walk through the process step-by-step of actually building a site. After we've covered all the basics, we'll gradually dive into some more advanced things, like security, SEO, and ecommerce.By the end of the course, you'll be prepared to build virtually any type of website using WordPresscrushing your next project or amazing your clientswith a stunning new web presence."
Price: 199.99

"WordPress SEO Optimize Your Site For Search Engines"
"This course is an all-inclusive beginner's guide to WordPress SEO (search engine optimization).Over the last few years, WordPress sites of mine have been able to achieve high search rankings for a wide variety of keywords, resulting in millions of page views of free, organic traffic.Through massive amounts of research as well as a good deal of trial and error, I've developed a deep understanding of the inner workings of WordPress, the various ranking signals that Google and other search engines use to deliver results, and the relationship between the two.To be sure, WordPress plays pretty well with search engines right out of the box. But I've learned that there are a lot of ways to further optimize your site to maximize your exposure.In this course, I'll lay outa step-by-step WordPress SEO roadmap that you can follow to optimize your site and your content using the best practices that Google and other search engines like to see.Here are some of thethings we'll cover:How search engines work, what they're actually looking for, and how you can leverage that to your advantageHow to configure your WordPress settings to ensure your site is accessible to search enginesHow tooptimize your site'sunderlying code and metadatato help search engines understand exactly what you have to offer (don't worry, we use plugins for thisno web development experience necessary!)How to choose the right WordPress theme and how factors like responsive design, breadcrumbs, external links, and duplicate content can impact your SEOHow to improve the speed and performance of your site (Google uses speed as a ranking signal)How to choose the right keywords to targetHow to create amazing, high-ranking content on any topicregardless of the competitionThe goal of this course is to give you all the tools you need to dominate the search results with your WordPress site. I'm confident you'll love it, and my confidence is backed by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee.If that sounds good to you, I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 99.99