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"Fundamentos de Diseo Web Con Adobe Photoshop CC"
"Bienvenido al curso Fundamentos de Diseo Web con Photoshop CC. En este curso aprenders desde cero los fundamentos, teoray prctica de como crear tu propio sito web desde cero. Utilizaremos Adobe Photoshop CC como herramienta principal y revisaremos todas las tcnicas profesionales que te permitirn llegar a un resultado de alta calidad.Estaremos profundizando en:Teora sobreDominios, Hosting, plataformas y tiendas virtualesInspiracin, equipo necesario y equipos de trabajo.Estructura de un WebsiteInterfaz, herramientas maquetacin y grillas en Adobe Photoshop CCDisearemos una web Completa con su Home, su tienda y MicrositeEs un curso pensado para todos los que quieran iniciarse en el diseo web y conocer las tcnicas profesionales que se utilizan actualmente en el mercado."
Price: 79.99

"Master Diseo Digital con Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 + 30 horas"
"Bienvenidos al Master en Diseo digital con Adobe Photoshop CC. En este Master estaremos estudiando todas las herramientas y tcnicas profesionales que se usan en diseo digital y que se pueden aplicar a todos los soportes.Nos servir para aplicarlo a diseo de logotipos, diseo web, cualquier formato digital como portadas y presentaciones, diseo de interfaces de aplicaciones Mviles y Tablets, Diseo de Frame Styles para Publicidad y Televisin, diseo de texturas para proyectos 3D y diseo 2D para videojuegos.Photoshop es uno de los programas mas completos y profesionales que podemos utilizar para abordar cualquier tipo de diseo o idea para cualquier producto digital.Estaremos profundizando en todas las herramientas necesarias para diseo digital y estaremos haciendo estudio y prcticas con casos reales.Proyecto Final: Diseo de Videojuego 2D COMPLETO listo para Unity y Unreal ENGINEConceptos de Imagen DigitalHerramientas de Selecciones y Composiciones BsicasMscaras y LayersHerramientas de Corte y TransformacinCapas de AjustesTipografas, Guias y GrillasSelecciones AvanzadasHerramientas de Forma y Objetos inteligentesGestin de Color, Curvas, Canales y MscarasArtborads para diseo y maquetacin de pginas Web y AppsAcciones y filtros.Es uno de los Masters mas completos del mercado y en el que aporto mis mas de 15 aos de experiencia trabajando con esta herramienta para diferentes sectores de diseo digital y audio visual y para plataformas digitales.Te espero en el Master y cualquier consulta que tengas no dudes en contactarme."
Price: 199.99

"MagicaVoxel y Unity 3D - Modelado y Diseo para Videojuegos"
"Bienvenidos al curso Diseo de Assets 3D y 2D para videojuegos con Magica Voxel. En este curso aprenderemos desde cero a utilizar el programa Magicavoxel para que puedas crear tus propios Diseos 2D y 3D y que los puedas utilizar en tus videojuegos o composiciones digitales.MagicaVoxel es un software gratuito para generacin de imgenes 2D y Modelos 3D que que permite obtener unos acabados finales de nivel profesional con estilo voxel art.Actualmente muchos juegos independientes de xito lo utilizan en su flujo de trabajo juegos del estilo como Crossy Road o Monument Valley y tambin Artistas de prestigio que estn creando imgenes de muy alta calidad.Antes de comenzar recorreremos toda la web del programa, los recursos disponibles que hay en ella y veremos pginas y artistas que nos servirn como fuente de inspiracin.Empezaremos instalando MagicaVoxel y entendiendo la estructura de funcionamiento y como est organizado el programa.Continuaremos desglosando toda la interface y los mdulos que componen MagicaVoxelEntraremos de lleno en el estudio de todas las herramientas y tcnicas de modelado 3D desde cero hasta nivel avanzado.Pondremos en prctica todas estas herramientas modelando una escena de Crossy Road.Lo siguiente ser estudiar todas las herramientas y tcnicas de pintura y texturizado disponibles hasta llegar a un nivel avanzado  Con todo esto aprendido lo aplicaremos a nuestra escena que ya tenemos modelada hasta darle un acabado profesional.Ya dominando a nivel medio el programa estudiaremos en profundidad todos los mdulos que se utilizan para organizacin y gestin de proyectos.El siguiente mdulo avanzado ser el de Iluminacin y render. Uno de los mas importantes que necesitamos saber para darle calidad de acabado profesional 2D y 3D a todo nuestro trabajo.Pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido modelando un escenario del famoso juego Monument Valley desde cero hasta llegar al acabado final.  Con todos los mdulos dominados lo siguiente ser estudiar todo el flujo de trabajo para exportar en 2D y 3D todo el contenido realizado dentro de mgica voxel. Para poder llevar nuestras imgenes y Modelos a software de videojuegos como Unity, Unreal o Photoshop.Estudiaremos todos los formatos de exportacin y como optimizar los modelos 3D para que mejore el rendimiento dentro del Motor Unity 3DComo proyecto Final estaremos creando el Arte de un videojuego 3D desde cero hasta realizar todos los assets necesarios para publicarlo como los modelos de juego, la escena de inicio, el desarrollo del logotipo y la presentacin final de toda la direccin de arte.  Es un curso muy completo en el que adems de aprender conceptos sobre diseo digital y herramientas 3D estars creando tus propios diseos y podrs aplicarlo a tus videojuegos 2D y 3D o proyectos profesionales de ilustracin 2D.  Te invito a que veas el  video de presentacin con el recorrido completo de todo el curso.Cualquier duda que tengas no dudes en escribirme un mensaje privado y estar encantado de poder ayudarte.Te espero en el curso un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 149.99

"Ableton Live 10 - Produccin Musical y Diseo Sonoro"
"Hola y bienvenidos al curso de Produccin Musical y Diseo Sonoro con Ableton Live 10. En este curso Mario Nieto, experto en produccin musical y DJ nos ensear a utilizar Ableton Live 10 para la produccin y creacin de pistas musicales y ambientaciones sonoras. Tambin podrs crear efectos de sonido profesionales que podrs usar en tus propios videojuegos o ediciones de video para TV Youtube o Cine.Este curso est dirigido a cualquiera persona que est interesada en el campo de la creacin sonora y musical.El curso est divido en dos grandes bloques: diseo sonoro y Composicin musical.Empezaremos desde 0, os explicare como descargar y Instalar Ableton live 10 de forma correcta. Nos familiarizarnos con el interface de Ableton Live.Continuaremos por aprender a cargar y editar nuestros sonidos, aprenderemos como cambiar el pitch, ajustar volmenes.Veremos en detalle cmo funciona el Warp y como manipularlo.Veremos cmo grabar y procesar nuestros sonidos- Estudiaremos los efectos y su funcionamiento, y os mostrar la importancia de la ecualizacin y sus mltiples usos.Hablaremos del routing de la seal, los envos y de cmo optimizar nuestras sesiones.En la segunda parte del curso veremos la composicin musical, el midi.Ensear trucos de composicin, escalas, acordes, usaremos efectos avanzados de composicin.Explicar como funcionan los sintetizadores y samplers, y como automatizar sus parmetrosVeremos en qu consiste el proceso de mezclar una cancin y cmo aplicar los retoques finales en el etapa del mastering.Mostrar y analizaremos diferentes proyectos que he sonorizado, como el videojuego que cree llamado Bruc, o la cancin del video promocional.Pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido creando ritmos percusivos y musicales, escribiremos melodas, acorde, lneas de bajo, Crearemos voces de monstruos, voces con efecto de radio, y crearemos una cancin completa desde 0.Adquirirs una base slida para poder desarrollar cualquier proyecto sonoro, dndote la capacidad de crear tus propios soundtracks para cualquier proyecto. Lo que te permitir realizar trabajos sonorizando pelculas, videos promocionales, publicidad, videojuegos y cualquier proyecto que necesite sonido. Es un curso muy completo en el que empezamos de 0 hasta nivel avanzado, cualquier persona puede hacer este curso ya que no se precisan conocimientos previos, explicare todos los pasos uno a uno de forma ordenada para que todos los conceptos queden claros."
Price: 109.99

"SSH > Secure Shell - De cero a experto"
"Si eres operador GNU/Linux, o sysadmin, o administrador de red, o incluso programador o administrador Windows y necesitas interactuar con sistemas GNU/Linux, este curso va a interesarte!!SSH, siglas de Secure Shell, es un protocolo de capa de aplicacin que permite y facilita un montn de tareas, incluidas:Conexin a una terminal de comandos remota.Ejecucin remota de comandos en un servidor.Transferencia de archivos.Montaje de proxy's SOCKS para mejorar la privacidad de usuario o saltar firewalls.Montaje de un sistema de archivos remoto sobre un punto de montaje local.Montaje de un tnel ssh reverso para dar soporte remoto a equipos Linux que no sean accesibles en Internet.Montaje de una VPN sobre tneles cifrados SSH y direccionamiento a los hosts.Reenvo de un puerto local a un servidor remoto sobre un tnel seguro.... y muchas cosas ms!SSH es mi protocolo favorito en mis tareas de sysadmin, programador y docente/instructor GNU/Linux, me permite enormes facilidades a la hora de interactuar con servidores remotos, y en este curso he tratado de volcar muchas de las herramientas que suelo utilizar habitualmente (y otras no tan habituales :) ).--------------------------------NOTA: en versin betaEl curso actualmente est en versin beta (y a precio reducido por tiempo limitado).En las prximas actualizaciones se publicar contenido referente a:Guas prcticas para que puedas poner a prueba lo que has aprendido!"
Price: 59.99

"Espaol Intensivo - Intensive Spanish Course for Beginners"
"Dive deep into the realms of the Spanish language. Master all the ins and outs of Spanish grammar and youll feel much more comfortable about the language. In this course well explore all the main areas of Spanish grammar, pronunciation and spelling. Discover How Fantastic the Spanish Language Is and How Marvelous It Is To Use It Correctly. Pronunciation and Spelling Conjugation Patterns of Regular, Slightly Irregular and Irregular Verbs, Spanish Tenses Number and Gender of Nouns and Adjectives Indicative, Imperative and Subjunctive - Spanish Moods Articles Personal Pronouns Prepositions Compound Sentences and Conjunctions Word Order in Declarative and Interrogative Sentences Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Fractions and Other Numerals Date and Time Direct and Indirect Objects Impersonal Verb Forms: Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles Progressive and Continuous Verb Forms Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Possessives Diminutives and Augmentatives Compound Nouns Ways to Express the Future Conditionals Indefinite Pronouns Coordination and Subordination of Clauses Reported Speech Passive Voice ... and much more Become a Highly Skilled User of Spanish Its All Well Within Your Reach. Spanish is definitely one of the most popular languages in the world. Theres a whole bunch of benefits to knowing Spanish. Let me just mention a few. In our global society you can make use of it in business, becoming a more valuable worker, in private life, on vacation, chatting online, reading literature and press or watching satellite TV. In some parts of the world, like for instance in both Americas, Spanish is either the main language spoken or one of the main ones. And I could go on and on like that... This is an intensive course, which means it covers the basics from level zero (absolute beginner) and then you wander across all the lectures and learn quite a lot of stuff. The explanations are concise and clear. You should have no difficulty following and understanding them. A lot of stuff and a lot of practice. Contents and Overview This course is pretty comprehensive. It contains all the basic areas of Spanish grammar. Starting off with Spanish spelling and pronunciation, touching upon all the main grammatical categories in the first sections and then going into much more detail in the following sections. The language I use is simple and should be easily understood by absolute beginners. This course is divided into 25 sections, each of them covering a broad topic subdivided into lectures. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more sophisticated ones. To help you memorize and practice all the new stuff, there are loads of exercises. Most lectures are accompanied by additional resources. These are downloadable files with exercises (with key). There also files with vocabulary revision and, first of all, the main text file containing the material covered in the lecture video. After you finish each section, theres a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section.This course contains: 240 lectures in 25 sections, about 24 hours of video content, nearly 800 pages of grammar explained in detail (lecture scripts), over 350 written exercises with complete answer keys on 444 pages, over 230 interesting facts about the language and the Spanish-speaking countriesAfter you finish this course you will be able to use the Spanish language comfortably and correctly, understanding all the underlying rules and thus able to generate any constructions you want, in both spoken and written language. You will be able to use simple, compound and complex sentences and you will know what word order should be used. You will know how the language works and you will get a good feel of it."
Price: 79.99

"Franais Intensif - Intensive French Course for Beginners"
"Dive deep into the realms of the French language. Master all the ins and outs of French grammar and youll feel much more comfortable about the language. In this course well explore all the main areas of French grammar, pronunciation and spelling. Discover How Fantastic the French Language Is and How Marvelous It Is To Use It Correctly. Pronunciation and Spelling Conjugation Patterns of Regular, Slightly Irregular and Irregular Verbs Number and Gender of Nouns and Adjectives Indicative and Imperative Mood Articles Personal Pronouns Prepositions Word Order in Declarative and Interrogative Sentences Cardinal Numbers Direct and Indirect Objects Impersonal Verb Forms: Infinitives, Participles Reflexive Verbs Possessives ... and much more Become a Highly Skilled User of French Its All Well Within Your Reach. French is definitely one of the most popular languages in the world. Theres a whole bunch of benefits to knowing French. Let me just mention a few. In our global society you can make use of it in business, becoming a more valuable worker, in private life, on vacation, chatting online, reading literature and press or watching satellite TV. In some parts of the world French is either the main language spoken or one of the main ones. And I could go on and on like that... This is an intensive course, which means it covers the basics from level zero (absolute beginner) and then you wander across all the lectures and learn quite a lot of stuff. The explanations are concise and clear. You should have no difficulty following and understanding them. A lot of stuff and a lot of practice. Contents and Overview This course is pretty comprehensive. It contains all the basic areas of French grammar. Starting off with French spelling and pronunciation, touching upon all the main grammatical categories in the first sections and then going into much more detail in the following sections. The language I use is simple and should be easily understood by absolute beginners. This course is divided into 10 sections, each of them covering a broad topic subdivided into lectures. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more sophisticated ones. To help you memorize and practice all the new stuff, there are loads of exercises. Most lectures are accompanied by additional resources. These are downloadable files with exercises. After you finish each section, theres a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section."
Price: 29.99

"English Tenses"
"You already speak English well. But maybe you occasionally have doubts as to whether use one tense or another. This is normal, even more so if sometimes there are multiple options to choose from. Dive deep into the realms of English tenses. Master them all one by one and in comparisons. The course is focused on American English but the differences in British English are highlighted.Discover How Flexible and Easy to Master the English System of Tenses Can Be. English Tenses at a Glance Present Participle Third Person Singular Forms in Present Tense Regular Simple Past Forms Doubling the Final Consonant Irregular Verbs Present Continuous Present Simple Past Simple Past Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Present Continuous vs Present Simple Past Simple vs Past Continuous Past Simple vs Present Perfect Past Simple vs Past Perfect Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect vs Past Perfect Continuous vs Past Continuous Used to vs Would Future Simple vs be going to Present Continuous vs be going to Present Simple vs Future Simple Future Simple vs Future Continuous Be to + Infinitive Be about to Be on the verge / brink / point of Be due to Be sure / bound to Be set toBecome a Master of English Tenses Its All Well Within Your Reach.The English system of tenses is impressive. If we add constructions like to be going to, used to and such like to it, it all gets even more complex. This allows us to express quite a wide range of subtleties but it also is a nightmare for learners of English, especially those whose languages dont have so many tenses. But dont worry. The system is pretty flexible and if you really want to master it, you surely will.This is an intensive course, so the pace is pretty fast. I assume you are an advanced learner of Enlish and dont need to repeat every sentence after me. If you want to practice, you can watch the videos several times. They are quite short and concise. Also, make sure to do all the exercises available in the downloadable resources section."
Price: 19.99

"Python Jumpstart Course"
"Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. The language is rapidly gaining popularity, not only because its relatively easy to learn, but also because you can do almost everything with it. Python is used for scientific and economic simulations, desktop apps, web apps, data mining, machine learning, games, 3D modelling, even making music, and many, many more. Python is used in almost every domain you can think of: mathematics, physics, atronomy, chemistry, biology, geography, arts, music, economy, robotics. Actually you could find an application for it everywhere. As you can see, Python is a valuable skill to have, maybe it even will become your profession and passion. Well, this course will let you start this adventure. If you are a beginner, this course is right for you.Discover The Fascinating World of Python Programming: Input and output Variables Statements Conditional code Loops Numeric types Operators Strings Lists , tuples, ranges Dictionaries Sets Booleans Data type conversions Flow control List comprehensions Functions Scope Lambda Expressions Object Oriented Programming Modules Files Exceptions ... and much moreDont Wait Any Longer. Dont Be Afraid Any Longer. Go For It. Fall in Love with Python.Python seems to be everywhere. And if its not somewhere yet, it soon will. Python is taught in schools, Python is used by world-wide known companies, Python is used to make websites, many of which most of us use on a regular basis. Python can help us solve complex everyday problems in less time and with less code than many other languages. Python is interpreted, so you can see your results right away. And Python code is very orderly and readable. Contents and OverviewThis course is targeted at beginner students who have never learned to program or have some background in other programming languages. Each lecture is brief and concise, focused on one topic. Most lectures consist of two parts. The first part is a brief introductory video with some examples. The second part is a project for you to do. Its based on the material covered in the video and is supposed to solve a simple practical problem. There are 80 lectures and 70 projects. Its quite a lot. I can tell you, dont skip any. Take your time to do all the projects and this will really skyrocket your practical skills. If you have difficulty doing the project, you can find lots of guidelines and hints and also the full code. Dont get discouraged if something doesnt work straight away. Its normal when you learn programming. A single unmatched parenthesis or too small an indent may cause the program to not run. But this is part of programming. With practice youll write code more and more smoothly.This course is divided into 11 sections, each of them covering a broader topic subdivided into lectures. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more complicated ones.After you finish each section, theres a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section.After you finish this course you will be able to move around the fascinating world of Python and apply your knowledge to practical everyday problems. You will be able to use quite a lot of tools and techniques. This will make a good starting point for more advanced study."
Price: 29.99

"English Grammar - Tenses and verb structures"
"Hello,Are you taking an exam?Or do you just need help to understand and master the tenses in the English language?This course is a visual aid to help understand and memorize:past, present and future tensessimple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous verb formswhen and how to use the tenses, verb formswhat the structures of them arewhatthe differences and connections arebetween themIt helps you to prepare for an English Exam, like TOEFL, Cambridge, IELTSetc. Certainly, its useful even if you only want to refresh your grammar in an amusing quick way. You can learn the tenses in a few hours but thanks to the visual explanations youll remember them for the rest of your life. You can also use this course as a first aid kit and check back from time to time if you dont remember the usage or structure of a tense. The Focus lessons and the Recap are designed forquick summarizing and repetition of them, in case you only have a few minutes to spare.The other lessons show each tense one by one to help you understand the usage and structure of them separately.There are Quizzes at the end of the lessons to check your understanding. This course is built on videosE-bookWorkbook and online testsProgress SheetThere are 20 videos, the Intro, 18 lessons and the Recap. The E-book is an important part of this course, so dont forget to read the relevant chapter after each lesson. You can check your understanding at the end of the lessons. You can also download the Workbook and this time we'vemade an online test series for you to help you practise the usage of the tenses. There is a Private Group you can join on our social media site to receive further tests, tasks, videos, explanations and helpful ideas. You can also find your ownstudy-buddy and improve together. The Progress Sheet is another additionto this course. It helps you do the tasks in the right order, it motivates you, it makes you feel awesome and you can follow your personal improvement. Are you ready? Lets get started. See you with the first episode."
Price: 99.99

"MS Project completo + Curso Bnus + Update verso 2019"
"SEMDVIDA, este o curso de Microsoft Project (MS Project)mais prtico, objetivo e eficiente que voc encontrar na internet.Com uma linguagem simples,exemplos prticos erealistas, voc aprender a utilizar o Microsoft Project para planejar e controlar projetos de qualquer porte ou nvel de complexidade.A tcnicas que voc aprender aqui podero tranquilamente ser aplicadas em projetos de qualquer segmento do mercado, da Arquitetura Construo Civil, Tecnologia da Informao, Marketing e outros.Este curso est totalmente consistente com as melhores prticas de gesto de projetos definidas pelo PMI (Project Management Institute). Assim, se voc tem o desejo de obter a certificao PMP ou simplesmente est encubido de liderar equipes, coordenar ou simplesmente participar em projetos com segurana, este curso ser mais um grande passo em direo ao seu objetivo.Voc aprender, passo-a-passo, a planejar e gerenciar cronogramas, tempo, custos, recursos humanos, acompanhar o progresso, tomar aes corretivas e conduzir o projeto ao sucesso.BNUS:Antes do curso de MSProject, voc ter gratuitamente dois mdulosbnus excepcionaiscomo preparao, os quais te ensinaro os fundamentos e algumas tcnicas essenciaisda gesto de projetos e ampliaro a suaviso antes mesmo de voc iniciar o curso principal. Tudo isto para que voc no aprenda simplesmente a utilizar uma nova ferramenta, mas, sim, que voc saiba a melhor forma de utiliz-la de modo a conseguir os melhores resultados em seus trabalhos.[Bnus] Mdulo 1: O que um projeto e como criar novas oportunidades com ele.[Bnus] Mdulo 2: Obtendo resultados seguros com tcnicas de gesto de projetos.[Bnus Extra] 1h de consultoria/coaching particular com Gustavo Farias com 50% de desconto.OBS.:para agendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo.[CONTECOMIGO]Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 99.99

"Teste de Software: seja um expert e impulsione sua carreira"
"Indiscutivelmente, o mais completo:Fundamentos do teste de softwareTcnicas de TesteNveis de TesteTipos de TesteFerramentas para voc utilizar de imediato em seus projetosComo moldar o seu perfil para ser um testador de alto nvelDicas de carreira super prticaspara transformar os conhecimentos adquiridos em promoes e reconhecimentos ao longo desua carreira profissional, mesmo se deixar de ser um testador ou programadorEste curso te darem detalhes no apenastoda a formao necessria para se tornar um testador de software profissional, mas tambm te ensinar sobre como utilizar os conhecimentos e tcnicasensinados para fazer de vocalgum diferenciado no mercado de T.I. e criar realmente grandes oportunidades com isto.Com umalinguagem simples, muitamotivao,exemplos prticos erealistas, voc iraprender vrias tcnicas que te permitiro se desenvolver para ser um testadorprofissional.Seguindo os ensinamentos que te darei neste curso, SEMDVIDA, voc ser totalmente capaz de conquistar novas oportunidades em sua vida e carreira profissional, mesmo que hoje voc no saiba NADA sobre o assunto e at mesmo ache queno temperfil para para ser umtestador.Durante o curso voc receber ferramentas utilizadas na prtica por profissionaiseprontas para serem utilizadas para gerenciar os testes em seus projetos.[Bnus01]Planilha para gesto dos testes de Sistema.[Bnus02]Planilha para gesto dos testes de Aceitao.[Bnus03]Planilha para gesto dos testes Alfa e Beta.[Bnus 04]1h de consultoria/coaching particular com Gustavo Farias com 50% de desconto.OBS.:paraagendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo.[CONTECOMIGO]Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 159.99

"Testes Automticos + Curso COMPLETO de Teste de Software"
"Automao de Teste + Fundamentos do Teste de Software: diferenciais que traro excelentes oportunidades no mercado de TI.Antes mesmo de iniciar o aprendizado sobre automao detestes de software, voc recebercomo bnus o curso mais completo da internetsobre os fundamentos do teste de software, para que voc tenhauma base slida sobre o assuntoantes de aprender sobre testes automticos. Voc receber:Fundamentos do teste de software:Tcnicas de TesteNveis de TesteTipos de TesteFerramentas para voc utilizar de imediato em seus projetosComo moldar o seu perfil para ser um testador de alto nvelDicas de carreira super prticaspara transformar os conhecimentos adquiridos em promoes e reconhecimentos ao longo desua carreira profissional, mesmo se deixar de ser um testador ou programadorTestes automticos:Fundamentos do teste automticoApresentao doframework a ser utilizadoEnsinamento sobre astcnicas, padres e boas prticas do teste automticoDisponibilizao de projetos exemplos e apresentaes para que voc seja capaz deimplantaro teste automtico na sua empresaAteno:a linguagem de programao que utilizaremos neste curso ser Java eoframework para automazao dos testes ser o JUnit. Porm, se voc no programa emJava, no se preocupe, pois o foco do curso no na tecnologia, mas sim na tcnica. Assim, voc poder facilmente utilizar qualquer outra linguagem diferente de Java e ter exatamente o mesmo proveito.Este curso te darem detalhes no apenastoda a formao necessria para se tornar um testador de software profissional, mas tambm te ensinar sobre como utilizar os conhecimentos e tcnicasensinados para fazer de vocalgum diferenciado no mercado de T.I. e criar realmente grandes oportunidades com isto.Com umalinguagem simples, muitamotivao eexemplos prticos, voc iraprender vrias tcnicas que te permitiro se desenvolver para ser um testadorprofissional, economizando muito tempo e dinheiro atravs da utilizao de testes automticos e agregando um enorme valor para a empresa onde voc trabalha.Seguindo os ensinamentos que te darei neste curso, SEMDVIDA, voc ser totalmente capaz de conquistar novas oportunidades em sua vida e carreira profissional, mesmo que hoje voc no saiba NADA sobre o assunto e at mesmo ache queno temperfil para ser umtestador ou elaborar testes de altaqualidade.Durante o curso bnus,voc receber ferramentas utilizadas na prtica por profissionaiseprontas para serem utilizadas para gerenciar os testes em seus projetos.[Bnus01]Planilha para gesto dos testes de Sistema.[Bnus02]Planilha para gesto dos testes de Aceitao.[Bnus03]Planilha para gesto dos testes Alfa e Beta.[Bnus04]Disponibilizao deprojetos exemplos e apresentaes para que voc seja capaz deimplantartestesautomticos na sua empresa.[Bnus 05]1h de consultoria/coaching particular com Gustavo Farias com 50% de desconto.OBS.:para agendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo, seja para alavancarmos o seu negcio, seja para realizarmos um planejamento de carreira que lhe leve ao sucesso profissional.[CONTECOMIGO]Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 174.99

"Gesto gil com Scrum COMPLETO + 3 Cursos BNUS"
"Indiscutivelmente o mais completo: gesto gil de projetos com SCRUM (Scrum Agile), Liderana, Negociao, Produtividade e Mentoria em um s curso!ALERTA.: se voc gosta de muita teoria, decoreba e ""bl bl bl"" difcil at mesmo de entender, cuidado. Este curso  extremamente simples e prtico, onde voc entender tudo rpido e facilmente, receber modelos prontos para aplicar nos seus projetos e gerenciar um projeto simulado com scrum (o mais famoso dos mtodos geis) do incio ao fim utilizando um sistema online de gesto de projetos.Scrum Agile / Agile Management: ""A arte de fazer o dobro do trabalho na metade do tempo"".Voc dominar no apenas o mtodo agile para gerenciamento de projetos, mas tambm tudo o que precisa para ser algum diferenciado, reconhecido e capaz de conquistar grandes oportunidades no mercado de trabalho.Este  um curso extremamente inovador, prtico e 100% online que vai ensinar passo a passo como planejar e gerenciar projetos de forma profissional e bem sucedida utilizando a melhor metodologia gil do mundo: SCRUM (Scrum Agile). ainda o nico curso que vai alm do tcnico e oferece gratuitamente vrios cursos extras para sua formao complementar em habilidades interpessoais que potencializao seus resultados (confira mais abaixo).Nveis acima dos cursos (superficiais e tericos, feitos para quem busca mais um certificado) que encontramos hoje pela internet, este curso foca na aplicao de tcnicas geis para solucionar as principais deficincias das empresas atualmente no mercado, ensinando o passo-a-passo para planejar e gerenciar projetos com preciso, aumentar a produtividade, reduzir custos, eliminar horas extras e, como resultado natural, aumentar o lucro dos negcios.Resultado de anos de consultorias em empresas de diversas reas que apresentam problemas e dificuldades comuns e que, facilmente, podem ser solucionadas atravs da aplicao de tcnicas de gerenciamento de projetos, mesmo que voc no saiba nada sobre o assunto hoje.---> ""O que me levou a reconhecimentos e trabalhos internacionais e o que aplico nos grandes projetos foram EXATAMENTE estas mesmas tcnicas de gesto de projetos que voc aprender neste curso. Este curso foi preparado para transformar sua vida. Se voc realmente se dedicar, SEM DVIDA, no h como ter um resultado diferente deste. Permita-me lhe provar isto."" Gustavo Farias.Inovando e trazendo uma formao realmente completa ao aluno, o curso traz vrios BNUS complementares:[Bnus 01] Curso intensivo de Liderana.[Bnus 02] Curso intensivo de Negociao.[Bnus 03] Curso intensivo de Produtividade com a melhor tcnica de produtividade pessoal do mundo.[Bnus 04] 1h de consultoria/coaching particular com Gustavo Farias com 50% de descontoOBS.: para agendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo, seja para alavancarmos o seu negcio, seja para realizarmos um planejamento de carreira que lhe leve ao sucesso profissional.[CONTE COMIGO] Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 579.99

"Learn To Create An RPG Game In Unity"
"Learn how to create and program your very own classic RPG game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. In this course you wont just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether youre a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:Full top-down character movementCreating tile-based maps in UnityA full dialog systemInventory creation &managementStat-tracking &leveling upShop systemTurn-based battles with enemiesBoss BattlesQuest ManagementStart learning today and let me help you become a game developer!"
Price: 194.99

"Anger Management: Lose the RAGE!"
"Everyone gets angry from time to time, but some seem to get angry a lot and thenlose control. My course on anger management will help you lose the rage that comes from your anger. However, this course will also help those who just want to have more control over their anger in general. Theproven techniques in my anger management coursecan change your life forever. Imagine not allowing angerto take control of your life again. When you apply the techniques taught inthis course, you will be able to stop your anger in its tracks, and you will learn to be a much happier person without having to move to a remote island with no people. So, what are you waiting for? Take my anger management course now and lose the rage."
Price: 29.99

"Apache Spark 2.0 with Java -Learn Spark from a Big Data Guru"
"What is this course about:This course covers all the fundamentals about Apache Spark with Javaand teaches you everything you need to know about developingSpark applications with Java. Atthe end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Apache Spark and general big data analysis and manipulations skills to help your company to adapt Apache Spark for building big data processing pipeline and data analytics applications.This course covers 10+ hands-on big data examples. You will learn valuable knowledge about how to frame data analysis problems as Spark problems. Togetherwe will learn examples such asaggregatingNASA Apache web logs from different sources; we will explore the price trend by looking at thereal estate data in California; we will write Spark applications to find out the median salary ofdevelopers in different countries throughthe Stack Overflowsurvey data; we will develop a system to analyzehow maker spaces are distributed across different regions in theUnited Kingdom. And much much more.What willyou learn from this lecture:In particularly, you will learn:An overview of the architecture of Apache Spark.Develop Apache Spark 2.0 applications with Javausing RDD transformations and actions and Spark SQL.Work with Apache Spark's primary abstraction, resilient distributed datasets(RDDs) to process and analyze large data sets.Deep dive into advanced techniques to optimize and tune Apache Spark jobs by partitioning, caching and persisting RDDs.Scale up Spark applications on a Hadoop YARN cluster through Amazon's Elastic MapReduce service.Analyze structured and semi-structured data using Datasets and DataFrames, and develop a thorough understanding of Spark SQL.Share information across different nodes on an Apache Spark cluster by broadcast variables and accumulators.Best practices of working with Apache Spark in the field.Big data ecosystem overview.Why shall we learn Apache Spark:Apache Spark gives us unlimited ability to build cutting-edge applications. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to the big data world.Spark provides in-memory cluster computing which greatly boosts the speed of iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tasks.Apache Spark is the next-generation processing engine forbig data.Tons of companies are adapting Apache Spark to extract meaning from massive data sets, today you haveaccess to that same big data technology right on your desktop.Apache Spark is becoming a must tool for big data engineers and data scientists.About the author:Since 2015, James has been helping his company to adapt Apache Spark for building their big data processing pipeline and data analytics applications.James' company has gained massive benefits by adapting Apache Spark in production. In this course, he is going to share with you his years of knowledge and best practices of working with Spark in the real field.Why choosingthis course?This course is very hands-on, James has put lots effort to provide you with not only the theory but also real-life examples of developing Spark applications that you can try out on your own laptop.James has uploaded all the source code to Github and you will be able to follow along with either Windows, MAC OS or Linux.In the end of this course, James is confident that you will gain in-depth knowledge about Spark and general big data analysis and data manipulation skills. You'll be able to develop Spark application that analyzes Gigabytes scale of data both on your laptop, and in the cloud using Amazon's Elastic MapReduce service!30-day Money-back Guarantee!You will get 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy for this course.If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days. You will get a full refund. No questions whatsoever asked.Are you ready to take your big data analysisskills and career to the next level, take this course now!You will go fromzero to Spark heroin 4 hours."
Price: 199.99

"Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization"
"*** This course has been updated to use the latest version of D3 - Version 6.x ****Hello! Welcome to the D3.js development course. This is the most comprehensive and effective course on D3 around. This is the only course you'll ever need to learn D3. The goal of this course is to not just teach you D3 (v6.x), but help you understand D3. D3 is a JavaScript library that allows you to build data visualizations easily. The library is absolutely massive and you can create any kind of data visualization you can imagine.  With such a massive library, it can be difficult to grasp a lot of the concepts.By the end of this course, you'll be more than comfortable using D3 and build awesome visualizations. Here is just some of the things you can expect to learn.Learn about D3 selections which are used to select and manipulate elements on your document. Get a basic overview of SVG. This is something courses skip over. By having a solid foundation of SVG, then you can make more optimal decisions for your visualizations.Learn about scales which help you by converting your data into values that can be used to properly display your data.Builds various graphs such as bar graphs, pie charts, scatter plots and even maps!Add interactivity and animation to your graphs to make them more interesting and appealing to the user.Builds responsive graphs. Your visualizations will work on any device with a few simple tricks.Learn how to build maps and have a solid grasp over GeoJSON which powers maps.This course focuses on the latest version of D3. (version 5.x)This is just some of the topics that will be covered. If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know to be successful D3 developer, take this course."
Price: 84.99

"Learn Google Apps Script: From Level Zero"
"Since I am a full time Google Spreadsheet and Apps Scriptconsultant, with clients all over the world,I know what are the things that are important and should be taught to students.Google Apps Script is a powerful tool by Google that takes the productivity of a team, or process to next level. One can use this toAutomate data calculationFetching data from 3rd party software like Trello, Salesforce etcSending data to 3rd partyConnecting various sheets , Documents and other toolsSetting a trigger for an action, based on an event. For Example, send an Email, when form is filledThe best part of writing codes in Google Apps script is that you do not need to worry about hosting the code on a server and maintaining it. Google takes care of everything. You write the lines of codes and it is up and running. Above all, it is free.Here are some thoughts by students of this course:""This has been of the best course I've taken in Udemy. One can begin to apply the new knowledge to real world almos instantly. I cant wait to take another Shahbaz course. Thanks!!!""""I really enjoyed this class -- I think for a beginner or even someone who has a little experience but needs to see more examples of how to use the Google Apps documentation, this is a great course. The pace of the course was also nice for beginners. You will not be an expert after you finish this course but you will have a good understanding of the fundamentals and you will be more comfortable using the Google documentation on your own. This course sets the learner up perfectly for a follow-up intermediate level course and it would be great to see this instructor add an intermediate level course to this one with more real world projects. Thanks for sharing your knowledge -- nice job.""""Detailed instructions at a good pace. The course was short and accomplishable within a certain time period ending with a real world application."""
Price: 109.99

"77-727 MOS Core Excel Practice Tests and Video Solutions"
"The purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-727 Microsoft Certification exam in Core Excel. Each practice exam is divided into seven projects with a total of 35 tasks for each exam. That's 21 projects and 105 project tasks all geared towards the 77-727 exam. Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided. Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included. The solutions to all of the practice projects are provided in the form of video lectures in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.If you can master the practice projects included in this course you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-727 exam."
Price: 124.99

"77-728 MOS Expert Excel Practice Tests and Video Solutions"
"New November 2018 - Additional Questions on CUBE Functions AddedThe purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-728 Microsoft Certification exam to become an Excel Expert. Each practice exam is divided into five projects with a total of 26 tasks for each exam. That's 15 projects and 78 project tasks all geared towards the 77-728 exam. Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided. Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included. The solutions to all of the practice projects are provided in the form of video lectures in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.If you can master the practice projects included in this course you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-728 exam."
Price: 124.99

"Networking for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs and Startups"
"What you will be learning if you embark on this course? Youll understand in depth: why effective networking has some rules that actually make an etiquette that cannot be ignored if you want countable results youll understand how to express in a short and impactful manner your business proposal how not to waste peoples time and be considered instead a reliable resource on the labor market (be you employee, freelancer or entrepreneur) what are the tools you need to be armed with whenever you go out hunting, otherwise there is no point in networking how to make online and offline face to face good impressions - and not only impressions - but how to be sustainable in your promises how to make the most of your contacts, more exactly what I call the discipline of follow up To the point tips but also maybe fresh perspectives on several issues that will unleashtiny personal revelationson the matter. I firmlybelieve there is value inside, just unwrap the box and enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Business Strategy Formulation: Become a Strategy Consultant"
"~~~The Business Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500, high-growth companies.~~~      As a result of the sustained economic downturn, the current business context is creating a huge opportunity for any company who wishes to get ahead of the competition and become a leader. In fact, successful leaders are already developing smart strategic initiatives to create value and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.Do you want to develop your own Business Strategy and become a Market Leader too? To do so, you will need a structured and efficient methodology with which to create adequate strategies. During this course, we will explain how to use our methodology to define and implement the right Business Strategy to reach the key business objectives defined. What are the benefits of this course? It doesnt matter whether you are the Head of Business Development of a multinational company or an SMB (Small Medium Business), the CEO of a start-up, a C Level professional within a company or someone who wants to find a job in the fascinating world of Strategic Planning, the benefits of this course for you are clear.    Are you a Corporate or SMB Business Developer? Industry leaders are finding clear benefits fromhaving a Business Strategy, such as: clarity, focus and direction; drive and impetus; a better understanding of the business; better discussions, debates and alignment and better business results, among others. Within this context, Business Developers must use robust methodologies for the definition and up-dating of the Business Strategy, to thereby maximize the value of the same to the company. This course will show you how.Are you working on a start-up? A Business Strategy is a structured method used to define a specific action plan to reach the business objectives defined. However, this is a different strategic planning exercise to that used for the development of a Business Plan. Therefore, it is essential that the founders of a start-up know how and when to develop and use the strategy to obtain new funding from investors.Are you working or do you want to work on Strategic Planning? It doesnt matter whether you wish to be a Strategic Consultant or work for a Management Consulting company, this course will help you to better understand the bases of Strategic Planning.Are you a C Level professional in a listed company or an SMB? For the implementation of a Business Strategy to be successful, the teams must have the right strategic mind-set, especially those working at C Level. This course will help you to better understand the planning process of a Business Strategy so you can be a key active part of its definition and implementation.Our Business Strategy blueprint will master your strategy skills. We will teach you how to identify and implement organic and inorganic growth drivers, and the necessary business enablers to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. You'll learn how to analyse market data, formulate your growth framework and create the implementation roadmap to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. Ultimately, it is a question of reaching the desired growth and efficiency quotas and to do this quicker than our competitors.As a final training project and based on our methodology, you will be able to create a comprehensive Business Strategy for an existing business of your own. You might think to yourself I have no experience in strategy. How do I drastically increase my value in a short period of time? You'll learn from our 20 plus years of experience while avoiding our pitfalls.   Will you get specific tips for entrepreneurs/start-ups? Yes. You will be given TIPS FOR START-UPS. They are based on our experience as start-up investors and operating partners.   Learn the Business Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500 companies. If you follow these lessons and take action, we are confident you'll start to see high-growth of your business. This method works for companies from start-ups, SMBs and publicly traded companies.Trust it. It has been designed for organizations who want to achieve growth and high performance."
Price: 94.99

"Digital Strategy Formulation: Become a Strategy Consultant"
"~~~IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a Digital Marketing course (fb, ads,SEO, etc.)~~~Our world is becoming increasingly digital. This is creating a huge opportunity for any company who wishes to get ahead of the competition and become a leader.  In fact, successful leaders are already developing smart strategic digital initiatives to create value and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.Do you want to develop your own Digital Strategy and become a Market Leader too? To do so, you will need a structured and efficient methodology with which to create adequate strategies. During this course, we will explain how to use our methodology to define and implement the right Digital Strategy to reach the key business objectives defined.   What are the big benefits of this course? It doesnt matter whether you are the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), a Chief Marketing Officer, a CIO of a multinational company or an SMB (Small Medium Business), a C-Level professional within a company or someone who wants to find a job in the fascinating world of Strategic Planning, the benefits of this course for you are clear.  Are you a CEO? According to the last CEO Survey carried out by consulting company, PwC, 86% of CEOs say a clear vision of how digital technologies can create competitive advantages is key to the success of their investments. Within this context, the CEO or CDO should know how to use robust methodologies for the definition and up-dating of the Digital Strategy, to thereby maximize the value of the same to the company. This course will show you how.  Are you a C Level professional in a listed company or an SMB? C-Level executives cannot stand to one side regarding initiatives such as big data and analytics, social-media tools and the use of new delivery platforms such as cloud computing and mobility. This course will help you to better understand the planning process of a Digital Strategy so you can be a key active part of its definition and implementation. Are you working or do you want to work in Strategic Planning? It doesnt matter whether you wish to be a Strategic Consultant or work for a Management Consulting company, this course will help you to better understand the bases of Strategic Planning.  Our Digital Strategy Blueprint will master your strategy skills. We will teach you how to identify and implement Digital strategies to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. You'll learn how to analyse market and brand data, formulate your growth framework based on digital capabilities and create the implementation roadmap to achieve the objectives. Ultimately, it is a question of reaching the desired growth and efficiency quotas and to do this quicker than our competitors. As a final training project and based on our methodology, you will be able to create a comprehensive Digital Strategy for an existing business. You might think to yourself I have no experience in strategy. How do I drastically increase my value in a short period of time? You'll learn from our 20 plus years of experience while avoiding our pitfalls.Will you get specific tips for entrepreneurs/start-ups? Yes. You will be given TIPS FOR START-UPS. They are based on our experience as start-up investors and operating partners.Learn the Digital Strategy methodology we teach to Fortune 500 companies. If you follow these lessons and take action, we are confident you'll start to see high-growth of your business. This method works for companies from start-ups, SMBs and publicly traded companies. Trust it. It has been designed for organizations who want to achieve growth and high performance."
Price: 94.99

"Estrategia de Ventas B2B : Convirtete en un Vendedor Top"
"~~~Ms de 12,000 estudiantes en nuestros cursos~~~(octubre de2018)~~~La metodologa de Ventas B2Bque enseamos a las CompaasFortune 500y start-ups de alto crecimiento~~~~~~Aprende a formular tu Estrategia para ganar,mediante ejemplos prcticos basados en nuestra experiencia en el cierre de grandes oportunidades~~~ Normalmente, los equipos comerciales B2B (Business to Business, hablamos aqu de venta a empresas) centran errneamente su esfuerzo comercial en dos reas:Demostrar que el portafolio de soluciones de su compaa es el mejor para el cliente (aunque muchas veces se desconocerealmentequ quiere o qu necesita el cliente). Utilizar sus habilidades relacionales para convencer al Cliente y ganar la oportunidad, muchas veces sin pensar ms all del corto plazo.Pero, es esa la forma correcta de actuarde un buen vendedor? Por supuesto que no.Te dediques o no a las ventas,Vender es una parte nuclear del negocio y debes saber cmo hacerlo.En primer lugar, cuando nosotros explicamos al cliente lo que creemos que es el valor diferencial de nuestros productos, sin alinearlo con los valores de compra del mismo (es decir, lo que el cliente quiere realmente), estamos ofrecindole un producto que para l o ella puede tener un valor cero.Por otro lado, con respecto al segundo punto, si un comercial establece relaciones a corto plazo con sus clientes, cunto creemosque durar esa relacin? Poco o nada. En este curso os ensearemos a crear propuestas de valor especficas para vuestros clientes, y establecer relaciones a largo plazo con ellos con el objetivo de originar y ganar grandes oportunidades. En primer lugar, aprendermoes a desarrollar el proceso de Planificacin de cuenta, que nos permitir identificar cmo podemos vender valor a un cliente determinado, es decir, cmo encajan nuestras soluciones para resolver sus problemas de negocio.A continuacin, dado que como resultado del Plan de Cuenta conoceremos mejor el mapa de relaciones con el cliente (lo que en ingls se llama Power Map), generaremos el conocimiento necesario paraempezar a construir relaciones a largo plazo con las personas clave de dicho mapa. En paralelo, trabajaremos los mtodos paradesarrollar laEstrategia para ganar aquellas oportunidades prioritarias identificadas en el Plan de cuenta. Es decir, aqu se trabaja sobre la propuesta de valor, los mensajes clave y, en concreto, se desarrolla y ejecuta un plan de accin muy detallado para ganar la oportunidad. Una parte crtica en el proceso de venta B2B es el desarrollo de la propuesta y su defensa. Se trata de evitar el copia pega que hacen muchas compaas. Aprenderemos acrearmaterial especfico para ganar una oportunidad, que incluyatoda la informacin que hemos captado durante el proceso de anlisis de la cuenta y la oportunidad. Finalmente, hablaremos sobrela contratacin, un aspecto clave dela venta B2B, especialmente para emprendedores y start-ups. No esperes ms y apntate a nuestro curso. Deja de competir por precio,aprende a vender valory cierra grandes oportunidades. Supera la barrera del milln de dlares en ventas!"
Price: 94.99

"Estrategia de Negocio : Convirtete en Consultor Estratgico"
"~~~IMPORTANTE:Este no es un curso de Marketing o Ventas, es un curso de Estrategia~~~~~~Ms de 12,000 estudiantes en nuestros cursos~~~(octubre de2018)~~~La metodologa de Estrategia de Negocio que enseamos a las CompaasFortune 500 y start-ups de alto crecimiento~~~ El contexto actual de negocio est creando una gran oportunidad para aquellas compaas que quieran mejorar su posicionamiento competitivo y convertirse en lderes de mercado. En realidad, las principales empresas cotizadas estn desarrollando iniciativas estratgicas para crear valor y ganar una ventaja competitiva sustancial. T tambin quieres crear tu propia Estrategia de Negocio y convertirte en Lder de Mercado? Para ello, es necesario disponer de una metodologa estructurada y eficiente con la que crear las estrategias adecuadas. A lo largo de este curso, te explicaremos cmo utilizar nuestra metodologa para definir e implantar la Estrategia de Negocionecesaria para alcanzar con xitotus objetivos clave de negocio.Esta metodologa est basada en nuestra experiencia desarrollando proyectos de Planificacin Estratgica en compaas Fortune 500.Cules son los beneficios de este curso? No importa si eres el responsable de Desarrollo de Negociode una multinacional o PYME (Pequea y Mediana Empresa), el CEO de una start-up, el Nivel C de una Compaa, o alguien que quiere encontrar trabajo en el apasionante mundo de la Planificacin Estratgica. Los beneficios de este curso son claros para ti: Eres un responsable de Desarrollo de Negocio?Las compaas lderes de mercado hace tiempo que han descubierto los importantes beneficios de disponer de una Estrategia de Negocio: claridad,foco,mpetu y mayor alineamiento del negocio con los requerimientos de los clientes,entre otros.Dentro de este contexto, los Responsables de Desarrollo de Negociodeben conocermetodologas robustas para la definicin y actualizacin de la Estrategia de Negocio,con el objetivo de maximizar el valor que aportan a la Compaa. Este curso te ensear cmo hacerlo.Trabajas en una start-up?La Estrategia de Negocio es un mtodo estructurado que permite definir un plan de accin especfico para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio definidos. Sin embargo, es un ejercicio de planificacin estratgica diferente al desarrollo del Plan de Negocio. Por ello, es imprescindible que los fundadores de la start-up sepan cmo y cundo desarrollarla y utilizarla para obtener nuevos fondos de los inversores.Trabajas o quieres trabajar en el apasionante mundo de la Planificacin Estratgica?No importa si quieres ser Consultor Estratgico otrabajas paraMcKinsey oPwC, este curso te permitir entender mejor las bases de la Planificacin Estratgica.Eres un nivel C de una compaa cotizada o una PYME?Para la implantacin exitosa de la Estrategia de Negocio es necesario que los equipos tengan el enfoque adecuado, especialmente los Niveles C. Este curso te permitir entender mejor el proceso de planificacin de la Estrategia de Negocio, con el objetivo de ser un activo clave durante su definicin e implantacin.Nuestro marco de trabajo de la Estrategia de Negocio (Business Strategy Blueprint) incrementar sustancialmente tus conocimientos de Estrategia. Te ensearemos a identificar e implantar las palancas de crecimiento orgnico e inorgnico, y los facilitadores necesarios para alcanzar un crecimiento sostenido y rentable. En este curso aprenders a analizar el mercado, formular la estrategia de crecimiento y definir el plan de accin necesario para crecer y posicionarte como lder.Se trata, en definitiva, de alcanzar las cuotas de crecimiento y eficiencia deseadas, y de hacerlo ms rpido que nuestros competidores. Como proyecto final, sers capaz de crear tu propia Estrategia de Negocio basado en todo lo que te hemos explicado.Puede ser que todava tengas dudas porqueests pensando algo delo siguiente:No tengo experiencia en Estrategia. Cmo puedo incrementar sustancialmente mi conocimiento acerca de este tema en un corto perodo de tiempo?. Tenemos la respuesta. En este curso aprenders de nuestros ms de 20 aos de experiencia, evitando de esta forma repetir nuestros errores.El curso proporciona activos de Estrategia? S. Te presentaremosnuestros principales documentos de trabajo.Habr recomendaciones especficas para start-ups? La respuesta es s.Aprende la Metodologa para formular Estrategias de Negocio que enseamos a las compaas Fortune 500. Si estudias nuestras lecciones y pasas a la accin, estamos seguros de que vers crecer rpidamentetu negocio y de forma sostenida. Cretelo. Nuestra Metodologa ha sido creada para organizaciones que quieren alcanzar el crecimiento y el alto rendimiento."
Price: 94.99

"Blockchain for Business: How To Make Money With Blockchain"
"~~~Be part of the BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION that is Changing the World~~~ ~~~Learn how to Turn a Worthless Blockchain Idea into a Successful BusinessThe blockchain market is extremely hot. In fact, one of the latest reports by KD Market Insights called ""Worldwide Blockchain Market 2018 to 2024"" describes a market size that can reach $60 billion in the coming years.Exciting, right? Can you imagine capturing just a percentage of this money with a new business model? Or finding a job to lead a new blockchain business unit within a larger corporation? Well, that is the main objective of this course: to explain to you in a very practical way the technical principles of Blockchain, along with the necessary methodology to create successful business models based on this technology. To do so, in the first part of the course, we will give you a detailed understanding of Blockchain technology covering the following key topics: public key cryptography, hash functions, blocks, the Chain and peer to peer networks. Next, we will discuss about the future of Blockchain, especially about smart contracts.And, finally, we will practice building specific business models based on Blockchain. We will use the Canvas method, a simple tool for designing innovative Business Models based on nine essential components: value proposition of our blockchain solution, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, resources, activities, partnerships, revenue stream and costs structure. Blockchain experts are in short supply and hot demand. In this course, you will learn why the blockchain market is hot and how to take advantage of the current skills shortage by:Understanding the key technical principles of Blockchain.Exploring how this technology can impact businesses in the short, medium, and long term.Being more agile than your competitors in identifying and managing this technological trend. Developing disruptive business models supported by Blockchain.As you know, it is important that businesses are managed by thinking about what the market will be like tomorrow. Understanding the latest technological trends like Blockchain will allow you to anticipate the changes that will occur and develop new business models that can generate growth.Are you ready to be part of the Blockchain Revolution? Great! Then enroll now and start creating winning business models based on this technology.IMPORTANT NOTE: The Business Model Canvas is licensed as Creative Commons. Enjoy it and adapt it freely, as long as you reference with citation Strategyzer .com and share your work under the same license."
Price: 99.99

"Marketing Jurdico: La Estrategia Comercial del Abogado"
"Este es el curso que necesitas para tu XITO PROFESIONAL COMO ABOGADO Este curso es para ti, s:Quieres formar tu propio despacho,Si ya tienes un despacho pero quieres hacerlo ms rentableSi quieres trabajar tu MARCA PERSONAL COMO ABOGADOSi quieres tener clientes ms rentables y encontrar tu nicho de mercadoSi eres estudiante de Derecho y quieres aprender esta asignatura que se le olvido a la facultadEn fin este curso te va a ayudar a tener: MS Y MEJORES CLIENTES Espera! Es realmente para ti este curso?Vamos a tratar temas de marca personal, cmo encontrar tu cliente ideal, cmo promocionar tus servicios, cmo cerrar el trato y por ltimo pero no menos importante, hablaremos sobre honorarios profesionalesEsta podra ser una de las mejores inversiones que hagas para tu carrera profesional. Pero no te preocupes porque si no quedas satisfecho TENEMOS GARANTA 100%. (30 DAS PARA PEDIR REMBOLSO)Por menos de lo que te cuestan los libros de Derecho vas a aprender LO QUE NO TE ENSEAN EN LA FACULTAD DE DERECHO"
Price: 194.99

"Teach English Abroad: How to Find and Get a TEFL Job"
"In short, easy-to-follow video lectures,TEFL Essentials: How To Find And Get A Job Teaching English Abroad introduces you to the types of TEFL jobs available and shows you how to find and get a job teaching English abroad.Learn how to write a TEFL CV and cover letter, know what to do, and what mistakes to avoid when starting your TEFL career!This is not a full TEFLcourse and it will not teach you how to teach English. If you want to learn how to teach English, please join my full TEFLcourse, TEFL Essentials: Teaching English as a Foreign Language."
Price: 19.99

"Real World English Idioms"
"Welcome to Real World English Idioms!This course teaches 100 phrases that will help you when communicating with native English speakers.Even English language learners who have great grammar and vocabulary struggle when it comes to communicating with native (British, North American, and Australian) speakers. It's partly because native English speakers use a lot of language that isn't often taught in schools and in textbooks.Did you know that, 'break a leg' means good luck? With this phrase, you can't understand what it means by looking at the words alone - the meaning is totally different!The English language is full of idiomatic phrases which is why it can be difficult, even for people with a high-level of English to understand native English speakers' everyday speech.In this course you will learn 100 English idioms that are commonly used by British, North American, and Australian Speakers every day.In each video lesson you will learn 4 English idioms. Each idiom is presented and shown with two examples; one in everyday speech and the other in writing. Then there 16 questions for you to practice using each idiom- these are part of each video lesson. You can record your answers on the downloadable answer sheet and in the grade book (which will calculate your score) if you like.The course is divided into 6 sections and at the end of each section is a mini quiz to test your understanding of the phrases you've learned.Finally, I've included an ebook of all phrases covered in the course which you can download and keep!Learning these idioms will help you speak more naturally and better understand native English speakers.So what are you waiting for? Join Real World English Idioms and start speaking English with the world!Fiona"
Price: 19.99