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"Diplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Modulo 1"
"Este curso es el primer modulo del Diplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Integral.Obtendrs los conocimientos ymedios de entrenamiento deportivo y aprendersa desarrollar programas integrales de entrenamiento para personas especficas.Hablamos de temas como:Objetivos del Estado de Salud y Fitness: Conductas Saludables y Ejercicios de Intensidad.Fitness: Surgimiento, Componentes y Beneficios del FitnessEvaluacin del Estado de Salud: Reconocimiento para ejercicios de intensidad moderada, Evaluacin del Estado de Salud y Directrices de las Pruebas.Nutricin Deportiva: Clases de Nutrientes, Gasto Calrico y Directrices para el control de Peso.Transtornos deComposicinCorporal: Factor de Riesgo de Enfermedades, Peso y Calculo de Composicin Corporal.Este curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo."
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Modulo 2"
"Este curso es el segundomodulo delDiplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Integral.Obtendrs los conocimientos ymedios de entrenamiento deportivo y aprendersa desarrollar programas integrales de entrenamiento para personas especficas.Hablamos de temas como:Gasto Energtico de la Actividad: Medicin y Formas de Expresar eldel Gasto Energtico, Formulas para estimar el Costo Energtico al Andar ya Distintas Velocidades.Anlisis Bsico del Sistema Cardiovascular: Corazn, Sistema Cardiopulmonar yMedicaciones.Metabolismo del Ejercicio: Metabolismo del Ejercicio, Metabolismo Muscular, Contracciones, Especificidad del Entrenamiento, Estructuras Musculo-esquelticas, Adaptaciones Msculo-esquelticas al Entrenamiento yVas Energticas,Este curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo."
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Modulo 3"
"Este curso es el tercer modulo delDiplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Integral.Obtendrs los conocimientos ymedios de entrenamiento deportivo y aprendersa desarrollar programas integrales de entrenamiento para personas especficas.Hablamos de temas como:Generalidades Teoria y Metodologia del Entrenamiento: Homeostasis, Entrenamiento, Carga del Entrenamiento, Sobre-Entrenamiento y Sistemas Energticos.Entrenamiento Aerbico: Resistencia, Componentes del Ejercicio Aerbico, Frecuencia Cardiaca Mxima, Mtodos y Planificacin del Entrenamiento.Entrenamiento Contra Resistencia: Entrenamiento de Fuerza, Contracciones Musculares, Factores y Equipamiento de Entrenamiento de Fuerza, Evaluacin de la Fuerza, Gua de Entrenamiento de Fuerza y Fisicoconstructivismo.Generalidades de la Flexibilidad: Flexibilidad y Estiramiento.Este curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo"
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Modulo 4"
"Este curso es el cuartomodulo delDiplomado en Instructor Especializado en Fitness Integral.Obtendrs los conocimientos ymedios de entrenamiento deportivo y aprendersa desarrollar programas integrales de entrenamiento para personas especficas.Hablamos de temas como:Poblaciones Especiales: Cardiopatias, Infarto Miocardio, Afecciones Pulmonares, Hipertensin, Diabetes, Obesidad, Embarazo, Adulto Mayor, Nio,Programas con Pacientes hospitalizados y Ambulatorios.Prevencin y Atencin Inmediata de Lesiones: Gua para el Reconocimiento Prevencin y Tratamiento, Ciclo de la Lesin, Lesiones o Desordenes ms comunes de las Extremidades Superiores eInferiores, Padecimientos por Temperatura, Lesiones del Tejido Blando.Aspectos Administrativos: Impulsar Ventas, Rotacin Lenta o Rpida y Decisiones Emocionales.Este curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo"
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado Farmacologa Deportiva - Modulo 1(BODY BUILDING)"
"Este curso es el primermodulo delDiplomado en Farmacologa Deportiva.En este Diplomado conocerslas caractersticas de los principales esteroides analgicos andrognicos (EAAs), su uso en el deporte del fisicoculturismo. As como maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular.Objetivo:Buscamos profundizar el conocimiento adquirido sobre las caractersticas de los principalesesteroidesanablicosandrognicos(EAAs) as como una visin sobre su uso en el deporte delfisicoculturismo, especialmente enfocado a aquellos deportistas que ya han probado con anterioridad su uso para el desarrollo de masa muscular.Asimismo, ampliamos la informacin sobre la posible combinacin de los mismos para maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular, o mejorar la apariencia del msculo ya obtenido, con fines demodelajeocompetencia.Se incluye una revisin ms completa sobre las caractersticas de las principales protecciones requeridas en cualquierciclo anablicoo de definicin, que involucren el uso de los EAAs.Los cuidados generales denutricinysuplementacinque deben seguirse durante la fase de entrenamiento, anabolismo, recorte y depletacin previa a una competencia defisicoculturismo, con la finalidad de maximizar las ganancias musculares,mejorar la aparienciaen la competencia, y prevenir daos tanto al msculo, articulaciones o estado de salud general, como consecuencia de la aplicacin de los ciclos que involucran EAAs.Hablamos de temas como:Ayudas Ergogenicas: Definicin y Clasificacin de las Ayudas ErgognicasNeurotransmisores:Dopamina,Adrenalina,Acetilcolina,Glicina,Oxido Nitrico y EncefalinasAgentes Farmacologicos: Efectos y Beneficios delAlcohol,Bloqueadores Beta,Diureticos,Marihuana,Nicotina y CafeinaAgentes Fisiolgicos:Creatina,Glutamina,Carnitina,BCAA`S,Ginseng y TermognicosAyudas Ergognicas Hormonales:Hipofisis,Pancreas,Rion y Glandulas Suprarrenales,Tiroides y ParatiroidesEsteroides,Hormona del Crecimiento eInsulina como Factor de Crecimiento.Este curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo"
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado Farmacologa Deportiva - Modulo 2 (BODY BUILDING)"
"Este curso es el segundomodulo delDiplomado en Farmacologa Deportiva.En este Diplomado conocerslas caractersticas de los principales esteroides analgicos andrognicos (EAAs), su uso en el deporte delfisicoculturismo. As como maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular.Objetivo:Buscamos profundizar el conocimiento adquirido sobre las caractersticas de los principalesesteroidesanablicosandrognicos(EAAs) as como una visin sobre su uso en el deporte delfisicoculturismo, especialmente enfocado a aquellos deportistas que ya han probado con anterioridad su uso para el desarrollo de masa muscular.Asimismo, ampliamos la informacin sobre la posible combinacin de los mismos para maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular, o mejorar la apariencia del msculo ya obtenido, con fines demodelajeocompetencia.Se incluye una revisin ms completa sobre las caractersticas de las principales protecciones requeridas en cualquierciclo anablicoo de definicin, que involucren el uso de los EAAs.Los cuidados generales denutricinysuplementacinque deben seguirse durante la fase de entrenamiento, anabolismo, recorte y depletacin previa a una competencia defisicoculturismo, con la finalidad de maximizar las ganancias musculares,mejorar la aparienciaen la competencia, y prevenir daos tanto al msculo, articulaciones o estado de salud general, como consecuencia de la aplicacin de los ciclos que involucran EAAs.Hablamos de temas como:Esteroides Anaboicos Andrognicos:Historia de los Esteroides,Generalidades del Sistema Endocrino,Clasificacin y Mecanismos de Accinde las Hormonas.Testosterona:Testosterona Libre, Total y sus Mecanismos de Accin.Efectos Secundarios Esteroides AnabolicosPrecaucin en el uso deEsteroides:Marcadores Tumorales y Esquemas de AplicacinEste curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo"
Price: 49.99

"Diplomado Farmacologa Deportiva - Modulo 3 (BODY BUILDING)"
"Este curso es el tercermodulo delDiplomado en Farmacologa Deportiva.En este Diplomado conocerslas caractersticas de los principales esteroides analgicos andrognicos (EAAs), su uso en el deporte del fisicoculturismo. As como maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular.Objetivo:Buscamos profundizar el conocimiento adquirido sobre las caractersticas de los principalesesteroidesanablicosandrognicos(EAAs) as como una visin sobre su uso en el deporte delfisicoculturismo, especialmente enfocado a aquellos deportistas que ya han probado con anterioridad su uso para el desarrollo de masa muscular.Asimismo, ampliamos la informacin sobre la posible combinacin de los mismos para maximizar la ganancia de masa muscular, o mejorar la apariencia del msculo ya obtenido, con fines demodelajeocompetencia.Se incluye una revisin ms completa sobre las caractersticas de las principales protecciones requeridas en cualquierciclo anablicoo de definicin, que involucren el uso de los EAAs.Los cuidados generales denutricinysuplementacinque deben seguirse durante la fase de entrenamiento, anabolismo, recorte y depletacin previa a una competencia defisicoculturismo, con la finalidad de maximizar las ganancias musculares,mejorar la aparienciaen la competencia, y prevenir daos tanto al msculo, articulaciones o estado de salud general, como consecuencia de la aplicacin de los ciclos que involucran EAAs.Hablamos de temas como:Sistema Musculo Esqueletico:Composicin del Tejido Muscular, Tendones, Ligamentos, Msculo Blanco, Msculo Rojo y Procesos de Contraccin Muscular.Esteroides Anabolicos Andrognicos:Nandrolona,Metenolona,Stanozolol,Trembolona,Oxandrolona, Sustenon,Oximetalona,Metandrostenolona,Boldenona,Metilandrostenediol yQuimbolona.Ciclo deEsteroides:Estretgia Nutricional y SuplementacinEfectos deEsteroides:Efectos y Ejemplos deCiclos EsteroidesEste curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo"
Price: 49.99

"WordPress SEO Masterclass 2020+SEO Audit Checklist & Tools"
"Course DescriptionSEO or search engine optimization is probably one of the most misinterpreted or misunderstood subject in the field of marketing.   Unfortunately, many false claims from unscrupulous online marketers, projecting SEO as a Magic Solution to achieve overnight success in getting traffic and leads and the subsequent failure to achieve it has caused businesses to devalue its importance as a part of their marketing strategy.    This is highly unfortunate because, if applied correctly, SEO can bring in qualified leads and customers to any business. It can help to achieve a much better ROI than many of the traditional marketing techniques like print advertisements and TV commercials.   Why This Course   This is a comprehensive course that covers all the Important aspects of SEO. Upon completion of this course, students will not only get a Certificate but would have gained an important marketing skill that will tremendously boost their chances of becoming successful in their business/career.    Course Content and Overview   SEO Basics   We cover the meaning of SEO, search engine algorithm, google business model and on-page and off-page SEO meaning and examples.Keyword Research   In this section, several Important questions related to keyword research like Why keyword research is important, Customer journey in the process of search, Different categories of keywords, How keywords are targeted and ranked in a website, Free and paid tools to generate large amount of keywords, How to find keyword difficulty, What are LSI or Latent Semantic Index keywords, How to use LSI Keywords and How to Generate more content Ideas to write blog posts and Articles. This section shows a step by step process to conduct Keyword research using free and paid tools.Optimizing ContentContent marketing is intertwined with SEO. Talking about SEO without writing great content is as good as a human body without the soul. So In this section, we talk about writing and optimizing great content.Several On-Page and Off-Page SEO factors are covered here. Specifically, Crafting great titles and subheadings, Writing best meta descriptions, Matching search intent and using only appropriate keywords, Keyword positioning, Prominence and Proximity, Using Alt texts and Captions for Images, Types of content to use, Examples of words that can boost SEO, Active vs Passive writing style, Freshness of the content, Choosing topics for writing, Internal and External links, Ethical practices while writing and sharing content, Being mindful of plagiarism, Spell checking, Proofreading, Word counting, Usefulness of swipe files, Placing Call to Actions (CTA) at appropriate places, Using click triggers, Outsourcing blog writing, Inbound marketing tips, Leveraging Influencers, Best SEO content writing style, Using Anchor Text, Creating link baits, Encouraging social shares, Including SEO case studies, Using video transcriptions and many more.All in all, this section covers everything about How to create great SEO content, market the same and tools that can help to do that. Link Profile & Link BuildingThis section covers the meaning of a good link profile, Importance of anchor text, Relevancy and Freshness factors, Diversity of linked Pages, Number and Quality of Links, etc.This section also covers several practical ways to Build Quality Links to your Website.Web Page Speed FactorWeb Page Loading speed is an Important SEO factor confirmed by google. This section covers the meaning of web page speed and various ways to make your webpage loading superfast.Dwell TimeDwell Time is a clear user experience factor that influences SEO. This section covers the components of dwell time and practical tips to improve the sameResponsive Web Design and LayoutThis section covers how to make your website Mobile responsive and various ways and tools to make it happen.Social SignalsIn this section, we cover how social signals and shares affect SEO.Other FactorsAll the factors that are not covered above are covered here. Most of these factors are moderate to lesser important ones when it comes to SEO."
Price: 189.99

"Ultimate Web Content Writing Masterclass+Power words eBook"
"Introduction""Content is King""-Bill Gates, 1996.Content will forever be the King as long as it's of topquality.Just like any other profession, you hone yourcontent writing skills with practice.But understanding the fundamentals of writing great content is the starting point.Once you understand the basics, you need to apply those principles every time you create content.In this course you'll learn how to write content for the web.Course ContentAfter the brief introduction, you'll learn the difference between different terms like content writing, copy writing and content marketing.Then you'll learn how to write content for the home page of a website. All the basic ingredients of a home page content is covered.Then I show how to outsource content writing step by step, in case you decide to do so.Then you learn howto write contenton the About Us page.After this, you'll learn how to write a blog post step by step. You'll also learn some of the best practices to write a great blog post.For eCommerce and other types of businesses, it's a must to write great product and category pages.I cover how to write attractive content that sells for the business websites.Who is this course for?Website OwnersOnline EntrepreneursDigital MarketersMarketing StudentsFreelance Content Writers*(Image from freepik dot com)"
Price: 189.99

"Lead Generation Sales Funnel + Email Automation - Builderall"
"Learning OutcomeYou'll learn how to create a simple lead generation sales funnel pages with an email auto-responder system.With this system, you'll be able to collect emails, deliver autoresponder emails and sell your products via sales pages.Sales Funnel IntroductionA sales funnel is a system thru which you sell your products online.It starts with a landing page with a great free offer to attract leads.An email popup is attached to the landing page. Those who want to avail the free offer will give in their email ID to get it.Then, a few emails are delivered to the subscribers providing great value. This is to create trust and credibility and establish that the sender is an expert in that field. An advanced bulk emailing system called auto-responders are used in this process.At the end of the email series, a related paid product is pitched.An email list is a great asset because emails are very personal and people don't change their emails too often.So this email list is used to communicate with the leads and pitch related products to them in future.This is why the saying ""Money is in the list""Software UsedIn this course, we'll be using a platform called Builderall to create funnel pages. For email autoresponder service, we'll be using a software called Mailingboss, which is a part of Builderall platform.Course CoverageCreating a simple landing page with a FREE offer.Creating an email opt in form and attaching it to the landing page to collect emails from subscribers.Creating a thank you page to show after collecting the email.Creating a list within the email marketing software to store and deliver emails to the subscribers.Creating auto-responder emails to deliver content and offers.Creating a sales page with paypal checkout option.Adding additional apps on the landing page to increase conversion.Who can take the courseAnyone who wants to understand the basics of sales funnels and how to implement them.If you are an Entrepreneur, Digital marketer, Startup owner, Online business owner, Freelance marketer who want to understand and implement a lead generation funnel, this course is for you."
Price: 189.99

"Oracle SQL: domina lo necesario para el trabajo"
"El presente cursoproporciona un tratamiento completo del lenguaje SQL para la manipulacin de datosy puede ser de utilidad para usuarios de la base de datos, para el diseador de la misma, para programadores de aplicaciones y para administradores de la base de datos que no estn familiarizados con estos SQL para manipulacin de datos.Incluso puede ser de utilidad para los directores del rea informtica que desean conocer acerca del poder de SQLAprendelas funciones necesarias para recuperar datos almacenados en la base de datos.Aprendecomo actualizar los datos que fueron previamente almacenados en la base de datos.Como insertar nuevos datos.Como suprimir datos antiguos que no ya no se necesitanEn general este curso estaenfocado para cualquier persona que desea aprender como manipular la informacin en la base de datos, y te mostrara como hacerlo paso a paso.Ningn conocimiento de SQL es necesario."
Price: 74.99

"Python: Aprende a programar paso a paso."
"Este curso de Pythonte lleva de la mano si no sabes nada de programacin. Al final introduce conceptos intermedios, pero se tratan de manera sencilla.Python es un lenguaje de programacin multiplataforma que lo mismo puede correr en Windows, Linux, OS X y otros sistemas operativos. Este curso es una forma excelente para aprender a programar. Este curso trata de explicado de manera que un nio de 10 aos entienda. Sabas que Python es ahora el lenguaje de programacin mas popular en las universidades de estados unidos ? Y que se encentra en cuarto lugar entre los mas populares, detrs de viejos clsicos Java, C y C ++? Python es fcil de usar, potente y verstil, por lo que es una gran opcin para principiantes y expertos por igual."
Price: 74.99

"MS Word Training - Documentation level"
"Microsoft Word is a word processing system that can be utilised for both business and personal use. While already feature rich and critical for productivity, Microsoft continues to improve and enhance Word with each new release.This course will assist Microsoft Word users to make the switch from earlier versions of Word to the more advanced 2010 version. Word 2010 allows for more customisation of the work space and creates an easier work flow when creating more complex documents. This course will introduce all the new aspects of Word 2010 including the new Backstage view, the Navigation Pane, the customizable Ribbon, formatting text and images together, live collaboration, saving your document to the cloud, and much more."
Price: 1600.00

"MS Access Crash Course"
"Take control of your data and make smarter business decisions with Microsoft Access training.Whether youre new to Access or an advanced user, Microsoft Access this trainingcan accelerate your database management skills.Learn the basics, such as how to create a database, navigate the Access application environment or organize data stored within Access tables. Or, graduate to more advanced skills like form customisation, querying and importing and exporting data."
Price: 2240.00

"MS Office 2010 Complete Training - Beginner to Expert Level"
"Basic Commuter course for the beginners. Most of us are aware of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Access but are not efficient as we dont give so much importance to it and got stuck in workplace many times because of the lack of knowledge. So dont let this happen to you and learn it in detail.Not only this, the course content is also comprises of advance level techniques and the training is one of its kind. Here the course content will cover all the important topics of Ms Office like MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Access."
Price: 3200.00

"MIS Training - Advance Excel + Macro + Access + SQL"
"A Management Information ystem (MIS) provides organisation with the information they require in an organised manner to take upon management and crucial decisions. MIS tools and knowledge is very important nowadays. There is a very high demand for MIS Professionals in the market and the manpower supply of it is very less because of the obvious reason that the skill-sets required is not a part of any academic curriculum. A professional training in it hence becomes mandatory.This training will endow every student with the skill sets required to be a successful MIS professional. Our course curriculum comprises of all the important aspects requires in the real world to get the job done in MIS. The student will get the enhance knowledge in Data management, Reporting and Analysis through MS Excel, MS Access & RDBMS. Moreover training will be given on the most demanding technology , which is MACRO -Automation."
Price: 4480.00

"Tally ERP 9 Training"
"Tally.ERP 9 has advanced integration capabilities in the form of Application programming interfaces to make the software extensible. Tally is the most demanding ERP software available in the market. The course content is going to teach students in detail on how to mange and account, Inventory and payroll in Tally."
Price: 3200.00

"Create Android Application without Coding - Appsgeyser"
"My name is Himanshu and I am trainer in the field of MIS and digital marketing. I have came across very useful techniques and have practices them to perfect about the art of creating useful application for the user and doing the promotion and earning from it. I have realised that there are many obstacle in this complete process and so I have decided to share my knowledge about how easy it is to create application. Creating an app requires great idea but our lack of programming knowledge and initial investment came up as an obstacle. So in this course you would learning the technique without investing huge."
Price: 3200.00

"Poetry and Copywriting: a shared approach"
"Discover the crossover between poetry and copywriting and how the same techniques can be used in both disciplines.At first sight, poetry and marketing copy would seem to be two entirely different writing genres: on the one hand, poetry is an art - one of the highest literary forms - while the commercial nature of marketing materials places copywriting firmly at the other end of the scale.This brief course aims to show that there is no such dichotomy: both copywriting and poetry aim toevoke anemotional responseandtoinfluence behaviour or opinion.The same techniques that poets use to convey their message and meaningand to produce the desired - and oftensubconscious -reaction in their audiencecan also be used in marketing materials to affect and influence the potential client. But because suchtoolsas metre and layout are so closely associated with the discipline of poetry, theirpoweris not always recognised or fully exploitedbythe copywriter.Based on the premise that""words are not enough"", well look closely at how literal meaning, word-associations and cultural connotations, sound, metre, line breaks and layout are allused in careful combination by the poetto create different effects and to influence the reader's mood and response.Understanding these techniques will draw attention to some of the subliminal effects produced by the marketing copy we encounter each day and make us more aware of the effects we create when producing our own business literature.Whether youre a poet who hopes to apply your skills to a more lucrative genre, or a copywriter who is looking for a new perspective on your discipline, this course will offer insights into ways to expand your writing repertoire."
Price: 39.99

"Better business networking"
"Networks have always been important for business - from family-run businesses, to the old-school tie, jobs-for-the-boys and the whole ugly world of nepotism. But now, perhaps more than ever, we have the idea of networking as an activity, an activity thathas become a keystone for small and medium-sized businesses, especially those who work with other businesses. But face-to-facenetworking can be frightening - the idea ofwalking into a room full of strangers, of pitching your business to a crowd of people you don't know - and it can also be a tremendous drain on time and money. It really helps if you understand the general landscape ofnetworkingand how the different organisationsfunction so that you can make more informed decisions about where to focus your resources.In this course, we'll take a look at the types of group, the obligations that membership can involve, and theactivitiesyou can expect at different meetings.We'll look at the whole before, during and after progression, withguidance on how you can preparebeforehand, advice onhow to act during the event - including a section on how to prepare your pitch -and recommendations onwhat to do afterwards, to make your networking more effective.We'll ask you to consider your own reasons for networking and explain some of the other motivations you may come across - it's important to realise that not everyone approaches things in the same spirit.If you're new to networking this course will give you a clear overview of what is involved and get you on the right track from day one.If you're a seasoned networker it will offer the opportunity to take stock and review what you are doing and why, to be sure you are getting the most out of your efforts."
Price: 34.99

"Master Gmail and achieve maximum productivity"
"Email has become one of the primary communication tools that we use on a daily basis, and it is something that we spend significant amounts of time on. For many of us, the email client of choice is Gmail.Not only is Gmail one of the most widely used clients, but it is also one of the most productive. That is, if you know how to maximize its potential. Gmail has many hidden functions and organizational features that can help streamline your workflow and save you tonnes of time.Time is money, so why not start improving on your productivity. Whether you are a student, a business person, an entrepreneur, or anyone that uses gmail.Mastering gmail will have you save time which you can spend on something more important.Becoming a gmail master, means having the tools to concentrate on the important tasks and fight spam. Through this course, you will become a power user of Google's popular email platform.Your instructor Thomas has been using Gmail for a long time and sees productivity to be as important as earning more income.he manages multiple businesses whilst holding a full time job. Yet he is always able to find time to do all this. According to him, this is the result of maximization of his productivity. In this course he offers you gmail tips and tricks that you can use to manage the inbox layout, set up other email accounts within Gmail and get organized with labels, stars and filters.So don't hesitate, he knows your time is precious, and so he has managed to condense all that knowledge into a fast paced, jam paced 1 hour course. As always, enroll today and Thomas will see you inside. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch."
Price: 84.99

"The Ultimate Travel Film Making Course"
"Travel Film making isn't for everyone and there are alot of people who may be just as happy getting their phones out and using snapchat to log their lives.They'll take a couple of videos here and there and just leave it at that, but there are some people who want to take this to the next level and get a bit more creative.The majority of the world isn't interested in this, but I'm assuming that since you are reading this now, that you are one of the those people who is looking to bring your content to the next level. You are probably interested in really capturing and recording and documenting you life in a way that so creative, you'll be looking back at them in the future.If you are passionate about making your videos come to life, enroll and join me inside. If you would like to see more references of my work, you can find me on instagram @thomas.photogIn this course, I will be teaching you how to best shoot videos that will work in your edits, I will teach you how to swiftly and efficiently edit all your clips into a short film and I'll also be teaching you along the way on how you can make certain transition effects, color grade your videos quickly with LUTs, sync your videos with music, edit hyperlapses and timelapses and much much more. This course is jam packed with information so join me inside!"
Price: 109.99

"Complete Lightroom Workflow for Portraits and Landscape"
"Do you have lots of photos lying around? Are you too lazy to get started editing them because of all the work?Well in that case, this course is for you. I will be teaching you all the techniques that you will require to work super efficiently within of lightroom and photoshop.If you like my photos and my style this course is going to teach you my exact process for editing so that you can do the same for your photos.For more references of my work, feel free to follow me on instagram @thomas.photogIf you are interested in learning all the knowledge that I have accumulated, do enroll and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 119.99

"Complete Nutrition for Competitive Triathlon"
"Looking back on your races,doesyour nutrition help or hinder your performance? Learn how you you can feel as good at mile 22 as you do at mile 10!If you're serious about triathlon, this course is for you.Nutrition is the ""fourth leg"" of triathlon, and having a thorough understanding of how nutrition can impact your performance and recovery is vital!How good can you really feel?How fast can you really go? Without a specific nutrition plan it is very likely that you have yet to see your best self. Smart nutrition means fueling for healthy energy levels, supporting your training sessions, and knowing exactlywhat to eat and drink on race day.In this course you will:Create detailed fueling plans for your training and racingUnderstand the different types ofcarbohydrateand how they are best absorbedTake adeeper look into the various sports drinksFluid and electrolyte needsSweat rate calculationsSupplements for training and performanceHeat acclimation protocolsFueling for optimal training adaptations (which can often be quite different than your race fueling plan)Strategic use ofcaffeineLow carb vs. high carb for endurance athletes"
Price: 89.99

"Triathlon Nutrition: Solve Your Fueling!"
"Triathletes - do you know exactly what you should be eating and drinking before, during, and after every workout and race?If not, then this course is for you.Learnwhat you should be eating and drinking in order feel great, power your workouts, and avoid the dreaded bonk!As a sports dietitianI've helped athletes complete over 50 full and half-Ironmanraces, and hundreds of sprint and Olympic distance races.Together we willfigure out your calorie and fluid needs, measure yoursweat rate, and create a fueling plan for your training and racing, all without going too deep into the science.This course is all about providing a solid foundation without getting bogged down with nuance...""Just tell me what works!""Don't be fooled by the low price of this course, you will receive a tremendous value from taking it. For the price of a few drinks, you will be able to improve your training adaptations, recovery, and racing performance not just for your upcoming race, but for every race you do!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn JavaScript Through Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Web"
"In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and Visual Studio 2013 For Web. You're doubling your skills. Please note that this is a course for beginners, or those who want a Visual Studio approach to JavaScript. 1) This course shows you how to use JavaScript 2) This course shows you how to use Microsoft Visual Studio 3) This course shows you the basics of HTML 4) This course is 6.5 hours long, so there is a huge amount of information 5) The course follows a simple outline of code examples, and quizzes 6) You also learn how to use the debugging features of Visual Studio and IE so you can execute your code with very fine control and truly understand it 7) There are several hundred questions so you can check your understanding 8) Given the hours of content, and number of questions, this is by FAR the best deal for a paid JavaScript course on this site."
Price: 169.99

"Complete Wordpress course to develop website & online Store"
"A step by step easy path way to master wordpress. By the end of this course one thing that you would say wordpress piece of cake for me. This course is specially designed for beginners who have intentions of becoming an expert web developer. The course provides you all the detailed information in a way that by the end of it you would be able to create your own wordpress website. The course has been designed in a way that each one of you can understand and learn the procedure of making a website easily. The course not only trains you in making wordpress website but also guide you to make an online store. The course also includes the lectures about freelancing and earning through google AdSense. The things that you will get to learn in this tutorial are: Purchasing Domain Purchasing Hosting Downloading, Installation and running of Xampp Downloading, Installation and running of Wordpress (Local server/online) All sections of wordpress in detail (posts, media, settings, themes, plugins, Customization, themes, menu) E-Commerce website (online store) Transferring local wordpress live. DNS/ NS Filezilla Wordpress publisher Google AdSense Freelancing (fiverr, upwork) By the end of this course you would be a confident user of wordpress. This course is for all those who seek an opportunity to become an expert web developer. It is definitely a course which will enable even an individual with no web knowledge to become an proud wordpress web developer. After the end of this course you would be able to use any form of wordpress easily and can make an online store or a beautiful website. There are few things in this course that separates it from any other available course. The first is that it unlike other courses it starts from the very basic (purchasing domain and hosting) and step by step takes you to the finish line where you launch the website. In this course you would be able to learn details about all the sections of wordpress. It also includes downloading and uploading of all the essentials like themes and plugins. You would also learn wordpress installing on local server and online. This course not only train you to make a wordpress website but also enables you to make an e-commerce website (online store). You will learn listing and posting of products, making categories, all the setting and will also learn to create coupons. You would also get lessons on other abounded topics like, DNS/NS, Filezilla, Xampp and change of hosting service. Now the last but most important thing about this course that you would not find in any other course is that it takes to a further step, lets say you have successfully launched a website. Now what would you do? This course will provide you a guideline where you would be able to earn handsome money using your wordpress expertise. As a sum this is one course that will make sure that you get what you come from and make you what you desire for."
Price: 19.99

"Curso sobre Modelado y Sculpt en Cinema 4d para videojuegos"
"En este completsimo curso vers como funcionanlas tcnicas y herramientasde modelado ysculptingde assets paravideojuegos y a aplicarlas en tu propio trabajo, tendrs unas bases del manejodel programaCinema 4d y vers como usarlo para darle vida a tus ideas.Esos conocimientos,sern totalmente aplicablesa cualquier otro software como3d Studio Max, Maya, Blender,Zbrush... y a cualquier otro campo del diseo 3d como por ejemplo el cine o la ilustracin.Aprendersa pensar y planificar tu flujo de trabajo antes de actuar, a solucionar cualquier problema que te pueda suceder en un mbito profesional para luego poder proceder de una manera rpida, sencilla yefectiva"
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate Front-End Web Developer Course"
"NOTE: This is the latest Course updated Nov 2019.Are you tried of courses teaching you skills that you cannot effortlessly convert right into a income? If so, this is the perfect course for you.  Front-end frameworks let you hit the ground running when developing a new website. Due to their popularity, a wide array of front-end frameworks are available, and new ones emerge on a regular basis.  This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about web design and web development. Understanding how to use these core technologies provides infinite possibilities.Because there are so many to choose from, pinpointing the right front-end framework can be tricky. Like many programmers, you may be drawn to wildly popular, tried-and-true options like Bootstrap and Foundation. Then again, a newer but less widely known framework may more effectively suit your needs, so its worth it to get up to speed about todays most popular options.  In this course, you will learn:  Building a Complete Application with BackboneBuilding a Complete Application with AngularBuilding a Complete Application with ReactBuilding a Complete Application with EmberBy the end of the course, you'll have all the tools and practical knowledge necessary to build your complete Web applications, try your luck with job interviews and kickstart your career as a Front-End Developer!"
Price: 194.99

"Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Machine Learning"
"Data science and machine learning are some of the top buzzwords in the technical world today. Machine learning is the buzzword bringing computer science and statistics together to build smart and efficient models. Using powerful algorithms and techniques offered by machine learning you can automate any analytical model.Python is one of the most popular languages used for machine learning and arguably, the best entry point to the fascinating world of machine learning (ML). If you're interested to explore both the programming and machine learning world with python, then go for this course.In this course, you will work through various examples on advanced algorithms, and focus a bit more on some visualization options. Well show you how to use random forest to predict what type of insurance a patient has based on their treatment and you will get an overview of how to use random forest/decision tree and examine the model. And then, well walk you through the next example on letter recognition, where you will train a program to recognize letters using a support Vector machine, examine the results, and plot a confusion matrix. With the help of various projects included, you will find it intriguing to acquire the mechanics of several important machine learning algorithms they are no more obscure as they thought. You will build systems that classify documents, recognize images, detect ads, and more. You will learn to use scikit-learns API to extract features from categorical variables, text and images; evaluate model performance, and develop an intuition for how to improve your models performance.At the end of this course, you will master all required concepts of machine learning to build efficient models at work to carry out advanced tasks with the practical approach."
Price: 194.99