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"Business Intelligence com Tableau Desktop"
"O Tableau o software que lidera o quadrante Gartner de ferramentas de BI h cinco anos consecutivos! Seguido de perto por seus concorrentes, como a Microsoft, a empresa inova e investe cada vez mais em seus softwares, tomando assim uma grande fatia do mercado de ferramentas de Data Discovery. No sabe o que isso? Entra aqui que vou te ensinar do zero, com a didtica que voc j conhece e a dedicao em retirar as suas dvidas que voc j viu! Se voc aluno novo, confira as classificaes dos nossos cursos e venha com muita vontade, porque uma certeza eu te dou: Voc vai aprender! O curso ministrado com a verso mais atual do Tableau: A verso 10"
Price: 129.99

"Cloud Computing - AWS, Google Cloud e Azure - Dados na nuvem"
"O curso de Cloud Computing foca na criao e gerenciamento de mquinas virtuais e na plataforma de dados, como MySQL, Oracle e SQL Server. Mostrando os trs maiores provedores do mundo, teremos a teoria essencial sobre Cloud Computing e um Hands On sobre cada um dos provedores.Gerenciaremos mquinas via linha de comandoGerenciaremos a plataforma via dispositivos MobileFaremos o deploy de mquinas Windows e LinuxConectaremos via console de provedores ou via protocolo SSH"
Price: 129.99

"Business Intelligence com Power BI - Estudos de Caso"
"Voc gostaria de criar as suas prprias visualizaes do seu negcio de maneira gratuita, rpida e simples? E se voc pudesse enviar um relatrio gerencial para o seu gerente acessar via dispositivo mvel? E se voc pudesse criar os seus PRPRIOS grficos personalizados, como por exemplo, as cadeiras de um cinema para acompanhar a lotao?Aqui voc pode!Inscreva-se no curso de Business Intelligence com Power BI e aprenda de forma hands on, mo na massa, com casos de estudo diferentes ao longo do curso! Entenda conceitos tericos importantes de anlise de negcio, que lhe faro criar Dashboards e grficos mais completos!Vamos passar dos conceitos bsicos at os conceitos mais avanados, dessa maravilhosa ferramente, lder no quadrante Gartner!Power BI - Anlises preditivas fceis, com a didtica que voc j conhece!Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 69.99

"Data Science de A a Z - Extraao e Exibio dos Dados"
"Data Science de A ZO essencial que voc precisa saber sobre esse curso : Ele voltado para iniciantes. Esse o meu pblico e amo trabalhar com ele.Portanto, se: Voc quer entrar na rea de Data Science e no sabe por onde comear, se voc fez algum timo curso mas achou avanado demais e no entendeu nada, se voc que saber todos os conceitos importantes que cercam essa rea, se voc UNIVERSITRIO buscando conhecimento sobre a reas,se voc quer ter uma viso geral um EXCELENTE BASE para saber caminhar sozinho, o seu lugar aqui. Vamos aprender de uma forma didtica mesmo para quem nunca viu o assunto.A profisso de Cisntista de Dados no s luxo. H tambm partes que ningum conta, como por exemplo onde tudo feito antes da exibio dos lindos grficos para tomadas de deciso, e eu vou te mostrar aqui como tudo , para que nada te surpreenda em um ambiente real.O curso segue uma lgica de aprendizado com um plus que voc s encontrar aqui: Carga e tratamento de Dados no SQL Server.Por que carga de dados? A profisso de Cientista de Dados lida em 70% do seu tempo com o tratamento de dados. Os dados, nosso ator principal, precisam ser tratados, padronizados e limpos que QUALQUER tcnica seja aplicada em fases posteriores. Aqui voc ter um forte base nesse tratamento, utilizando no somente o Python como tambm a ferramenta Integration Services em conjunto com a linguagem SQL. E para fechar, ns construiremos do ZERO um componente no Integration Services que nos avisa QUANDO um registro foi alterado e grava a sua alterao. E ns vamos instalar o SQL Server DOZERO.InfraestruturaOutro ponto : Voc j se imaginou como um ambiente de cientista de dados? Como so organizadas as pastas, como so salvos os scripts e como so comparados os dados? Aqui tambm focaremos na infraestrutura do ambiente, organizao de pastas e versionamento de scripts.GrficosUm recurso indispensvel para a anlise de dados so os grficos. J imaginou em apenas olhar para um grfico e verificar se variveis so correlacionadas? Ou dizer o quanto de correlao h entre elas? Aqui eu vou te ensinar de uma forma simples, assim como os mais comuns tipos de grficos, suas variaes e por ltimo, mas no menos importante, a dar estilo a esses grficos escolhendo a sua paleta de cores.RecursosDentre os recursos gerais do curso, teremos:SQL para Data Science.Integration Services e ETL.Python para tratamento de dados com Pandas.Python para clculos matemticos com NumPy.Grficos em Python com MatplotLib.Grficos estilosos em Python e customizao de grficos com SeaBorn.Servidor DedicadoPara facilitar o curso, voc ter um servidor de armazenamento online DEDICADO voc! Voc poder realizar TODOS os downloads desse servidor caso no encontre os arquivos no site dos fabricantes. Alm dos softwares do curso, todos os datasets e cdigos em script esto organizados em pastas, separados por mdulos para fcil acesso!Sim, tudo aqui, em um curso s!Como voc pode ver, um curso grande, e as aulas esto sendo adicionadas semanalmente!Tudo com a didtica que voc j conhece!Esse um curso generalista, que mostra desde o incio da rea, com a aquisio e o tratamento dos dados at a ltima ponta que a exibio dos grficos para a tomada de deciso, portanto voc ver a rea completa.Universidade dos Dados - Elevando o seu conhecimento!"
Price: 579.99

"SQL e Banco de Dados para DataScience, sem mistrios!"
"Se voc gostou do meu Best Seller - O Curso Completo de Bancos de Dados e SQL sem Mistrios, voc com toda certeza ir gostar desse curso!Em SQL e Banco de Dados para DataScience eu dou uma viso mais estatstica e avanada no esquecendo a didtica to falada no meu primeiro curso. Em resumo: Aspectos avanados tornam-se simples em diversos bancos de dados modelados exclusivamente para voc!Aprenda como importar um set de dados e tambm como exportar um set de dados do banco de dados para um formato colunar extremamente utilizado para Data Science e Machine Learning!Retire medidas estatsticas do seu banco de dados, como, Mdia, Moda, Mediana, Desvio Padro e Coeficiente de Variao, tudo isso com muita simplicidade, em selects simples!Aprenda as Window Functions e eleve as suas anlises a outro nvel!Formate colunas de nmeros e strings!Procure por palavras com expresses regulares!Prepare-se para o futuro! Bancos de Dados e SQL para Data Science!Vejo vocs nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99

"O Curso completo de NoSQL sem mistrios! MongoDB Neo4J"
"Prepare-se para entrar no apaixonante mundo dos bancos de dados no relacionais e ter mil e uma idias de como modelar um sistema!Voc j aprendeu SQL comigo utilizando 3 bancos de dados relacionais: O MySQL, o SQL Server e o Oracle! Ento agora vamos mergulhar no mundo NoSQL com mais 3 bancos de dados extremamente utilizados na rea de Data Science e tambm na rea de Business Intelligence: o MongoDB e o Neo4J! So 2 bancos de dados NoSQL de tipos diferentes, no mesmo curso!O MongoDB nos mostra como o NoSQL pode ser voltado para documentos e para isso vamos aprender o que JSON e a sua hierarquia.O Neo4J nos mostra o conceito de banco de dados aplicado grafos! Alm de uma viso muito bela de um banco de dados grfico, os grafos nos permitem pesquisas que remetem a sistemas de recomendaes, como aquele que voc v no NetFlix!Em todos esses bancos veremos a infraestrutura, a modelagem, como inserir, consultar, atualizar e deletar dados! E claro, como em todos os meus cursos, teremos a lousa de explicaes que deixa a didtica mais clara, como sempre elogiada por vocs!Como no podia faltar, aprenderemos tambm sobre a arquitetura dos 3 bancos de dados e entraremos em suas infraestruturas para que voc saiba virar-se sozinho na hora de montar o seu servidor! Sero 3 instalaes do zero, mais a montagem do servidor, incluindo virtualizao e a instalao do sistema operacional! Tudo isso do zero e com todos os softwares e scripts disponibilizados pra voc!Voc ainda no me conhece? D uma olhada nos meus outros cursos e reviews! Minha mdia geral de 4.5 e os alunos imensamente satisfeitos! Eu te garanto uma coisa: Aqui voc vai aprender!Te vejo nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99

"Reporting Services - Relatrios SQL com seu o Banco de Dados"
"Seja bem vindo ao primeiro curso em portugus de Reporting Services da Udemy!O Reporting Services a ferramenta de servidor de relatrios mais utilizada no mundo. Com o Reporting Services ns podemos nos conectar a QUALQUER base de dados e gerar relatrios utilizando a linguagem SQL sem NENHUMA complicao!Aqui nesse curso montaremos dois servidores, um com Windows 10, para estudos, no qual ser conduzido esse curso e tambm ser mostrado como fazer a instalao no Windows Server, utilizando as verses Enterprise mais novas.Criaremos diversos tipos de grficos como Pie e Bar e tambm trabalharemos com Mapas, um recurso extremamente poderoso e avanado.Tambm faremos deploy dos nossos relatrios para o servidor e configuraremos o nosso portal web de relatrios.Drill Down e Drill up no poderiam ficar de fora, assim como relatrios dinmicos com parmetros.Se voc quer aprender a construir relatrios analticos com um curso rpido e completo, voc est no lugar certo!Todos os downloads sero providos pelo curso e todos os softwares so livres para estudo!O que voc est esperando? Te vejo nas aulas!Confira as minhas avaliaes e inscreva-se!Um grande abrao"
Price: 204.99

"Cisco Data Encapsulation 101"
"Welcome everyone!In this course you will be learning the basics of Data Encapsulation so you can understand how our data learns the information it needs to be transmitted across the network, using various ports, protocols, addressing, and standards.I will present this information to you in three formatsso you do not get bored and you are engaged in the material I am presenting to youPowerPoint SlidesWhiteboard drawingsVirtual Labs Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!Course Information:For this course you will need to have a basic understanding of networking fundamentals. If you don't, you can always take my ""Cisco Networking Introduction"" course available here on Udemy.This course has over 9.5 hours of video lectures and is made up of about 2/3of labs so you become fluent on configuring Cisco routers and switches.You will need to download:Cisco Packet Tracer - A virtual network simulator, available for FREE downloadWireshark - A packet capture application, available for FREE downloadData Encapsulation 101eBook - Available in Lecture 2 ""Overview &Requirements""for FREE downloadStudents can expect:To have a full understanding of DataEncapsulation which is directly related to Cisco's CCNA Certification Exam objectives.Students will be given a review on some key network fundamental topics directly related to data encapsulation and for this course.Students will havethe necessary knowledge needed to discuss data encapsulation with peers, and provide informative information regarding details pertaining to the data being sent across networks.In addition, Students will learn:How to use Cisco Packet Tracer to capture virtual lab network trafficThe basics of Wireshark so they are familiar with navigating the application, and know how to capture traffic.Students will learn how to capture Switch and Router passwords using Wireshark.Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on youtube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future. Note: If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 19.99

"Subnetting - Become a Subnet Master!"
"Welcome to the most comprehensive subnetting course! My name is Keith Gebhardt, your instructor.In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand IPv4 addressing which is directly related to your Cisco CCNA Exams, or any other IT exams you may be taking.Once you learn the details and key topics, you will learn the tricks and tools which will allow you to subnet any question quickly and accurately!So what are you waiting for... come on and lets go! YOUWILLMASTERSUBNETTING!Join the STUDENTS thatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand! Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!I use whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to me sound like a robot reading material and get bored -I will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with me.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as i teach it. Study the information I tell you is important for your exams!There will be many parts of this course which I work on addressing problems to help you learn IPv4 addressing and subnetting so you can pass your Cisco certification exam, so you should work on them with me!I will give you the tools you need to be subnetting pro's for your Cisco CCNA Exams and for being an IT Professional!Main topics covered!Binary ConversionsFormats of IPv4Subnet MasksIPv4 CalculationsDesign a subnet based on Network RequirementsDesign a subnet based on Host RequirementsReverse Engineer SubnetsReview/Practice Questions for CCNASubscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 39.99

"Cisco CCENT / ICND1 (100-105) LABS FREE eBook"
"Welcome to CiscoCCENTLABS Course, which will be the BESTHANDSONICND1/CCENTTRAININGCourse you take covering the major topics you need to know for CCENT and in the industry at a CCENT level employee!My name is Keith Gebhardt, I will beyour instructor.In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand Cisco iOS and configurations to implement a small office/home office network directly related to the CiscoCCENTobjectives.You will use a virtual network simulator to build all of these labs!You will need to download theeBook which contains all the configuration files, and you will also have the opportunity to download actual Packet Tracer Lab files, and all of the videos.IFATANYTIME - You want to learn how to configure/design something for a LAB related to the CCENTObjectives that I did not cover, TELLME!I will create a LABand upload it for the course! This course is designed so you STUDENTS can make suggestions and I can taylor it just right for you!I will continously update the LABSuntil the curriculum changes and it will be time for revision!So what are you waiting for... come on and lets go! Master Cisco iOS CLIJoin theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!The entire course will be presented to you in the form of a screencast. You can simply watch me work on labs and follow along in your network simulator. This works best with a dual monitor setup so you can have me on one monitor, and your lab on another however, single monitors will work just fine.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as Iteach it. Work on the labs as I have them for you, work on the exercises, and continue to practice configuring network devices and you will become a pro in no time!Main topics covered!Installing Packet TracerPacket Tracer GUIConnecting Cisco DevicesBase ConfigurationsBase SecurityConfigureTelnet/SSHVLANS/TRUNKSInter VLANROUTINGStatic RoutingDNSHTTPDHCPIntro to VoIPNATRIPv2FinalLabSubscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99

"Cisco - TCP/IP & OSI Network Architecture Models"
"Welcome to the Cisco -TCP/IP &OSINetwork Architecture Model course!In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand TCP/IP and the OSI model which are directly related to your CiscoCCENT/CCNA exam objectives.Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!You will be seeing different graphical presentations, and then I use the screen as your very own whiteboard so you get the best explanation possible, and stay engaged!YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 19.99

"Cisco EIGRP - Complete Understanding Hands-on Training"
"Gain an edge over others with this comprehensive, complete understanding, and hands-on coursewith Cisco's EIGRP routing protocol!This course is designed to cover ALL the Cisco CCNA (ICND1 & ICND2) level EIGRP curriculum. However, this course is a more high-level course which will also introduce many of the topics related to the Cisco CCNPROUTEcurriculum! Students will also follow along using their LAB environment of choice to gain real-world, hands on experience!Why do we teach both CCNA and CCNPTopics?Allows sutdents studying for the CCNAto have a much better understanding of all the KEYTOPICSAllows students looking to move into the industry, to know EIGRP in more detail, so they can answer interview question confidently, or perform in the workplace at a higher level.Allows students looking to prepare for their CCNP ROUTEexam an advantage as this material introduces many of the CCNP level topics relating to EIGRPStudents that have not utilized or studied EIGRP that hold a valid CCNA, can use this course to prepare for their CCNP studes.Presenting both CCNA and CCNP level material really allows students to have a solid conceptual understanding of EIGRP.This course breaks downthe KEYIMPORTANTTOPICS so you UNDERSTAND them thoroughly!Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience.He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged!Keith will teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored -he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SOBESURETOSAYHI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams!You will also be required to have a LABenvironment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99

"Cisco OSPF - Complete Understanding Hands-on Training"
"Gain an edge over others with this comprehensive, complete understanding, and hands-on courseOSPF's routing protocol!This course is designed to coverALLtheCisco CCNA (ICND1 & ICND2)level OSPF curriculum. However,this course is a morehigh-levelcoursewhich will also introduce many of the topics related to theCisco CCNPROUTEcurriculum! Students will also follow along using their LAB environment of choice to gain real-world, hands on experience!Why do we teach both CCNA and CCNPTopics?Allows sutdents studying for the CCNAto have a much better understanding of all the KEYTOPICSAllows students looking to move into the industry, to know OSPF in more detail, so they can answer interview question confidently, or perform in the workplace at a higher level.Allows students looking to prepare for their CCNP ROUTEexam an advantage as this material introduces many of the CCNP level topics relating to OSPFStudents that have not utilized or studied OSPF that hold a valid CCNA, can use this course to prepare for their CCNP studes.Presenting both CCNA and CCNP level material really allows students to have a solid conceptual understanding of OSPF.This course breaks downthe KEYIMPORTANTTOPICS so you UNDERSTAND them thoroughly!Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience.He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged!Keith will teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored -he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SOBESURETOSAYHI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams!You will also be required to have a LABenvironment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99

"Cisco Access Control Lists with NAT / PAT"
"Welcome to the MOSTCOMPREHENSIVEAccess ControlList &NAT/PATCourse on Udemy!Cisco Access Control Lists - Higher Level Education for aComplete UnderstandingWe specifically cover all topics relevant for understanding and implementing Access Control Lists on Cisco Devices. Since NAT/PATutilize ACL's, we throw this topic in as well.Although this is indeed a higher level understanding course, for those of you at your CCNA level, the only reason ACL's are even covered is because of NAT and PAT.We will cover Standard ACL's, NAT/PAT, Extended ACL's and Named ACL's in this course. We will also discuss wildcard masks and take all the fundamentals you learn and apply them to LABS that we build together in CIsco Packet Tracer.Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience.He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged!Keith will teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored -he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SOBESURETOSAYHI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams! You will also be required to have a LABenvironment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99

"Cisco CCNA R/S (200-125) - iOS Administration Labs"
"Welcome to Cisco CCNA Routing &Switching(200-125)iOS Administrative Labs CourseIn this course you learn all the necessary administration skills directly related to Cisco's CCNA, Routing and switchingExam curriculumand for the real industry. This course is designed so you can be engaged, and follow along with the FREEWORKBOOK step-by-step so you have a complete understanding of all the key Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching administrationtopics and in a more complex network setting.We will build a Cisco CCNA R/Snetwork topology together, step-by-step which then we will discuss and implement many different CCNAadministrative configurations on the network.You will learn many CCNA R/S administration topics over the course of 5 hours!Router Base / Administrative ConfigurationsSwitch Base / Administrative ConfigurationsBasic VLANand Interface ConfigurationsCore Routing w/ RIPv2, Static Routes, and Default RoutesConfiguring NTPServerConfiguring DNSServerConfiguring TFTPServerConfiguring DHCPRouter and ServerConfiguring SYSLOGServerImplementing Backup /RestoreImplementing Password RecoverJoin theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! I took this as a standalone course to better understand subnetting in general as an IT generalist, as opposed to working towards my CCNA. Really helped me wrap my head around the process, and the exercises do a great job of reinforcing the learning. Time well spent!.Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!I have really enjoyed going through this course It is a really good tutorial. I have enjoyed it so much I have already signed up to another one of Keith's courses.I have even started saying the phrase bada bing bada boom as I practice the labs.How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!I use whiteboard styled teaching, occasionally some slides, and most importantly LABSto teach this course.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as i teach it. Study the information I tell you is important for your exams and work on the labs with me!LEARNBYDOING!This course will give you the necessary skills to take with you to continue your CiscoCCNAStudies, and for real world networking environments in the work place.Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith GebhardtNetwork Engineer - Private Consultant"
Price: 74.99

"Cisco Packet Tracer Network Simulator Introduction"
"Cisco Packet Tracer is anetwork simulator that can be utilized in training for Network certifications such as CompTia Network+and Cisco CCENTor CCNACertification Exams. The software allows students to create virtual networks with many different networking devices from switches, routers, end user devices and even systems integration devices such as security cameras, motion sensors, lights, and alarms.Like all of my courses - You will LEARNBYDOING which is absolutely the best way to learn networking. I will not only thoroughly go over the Cisco Packet tracer Application but I will also give you the opportunity to follow along with me and build some simple Switching and Routing Labs, and we will briefly discuss some networking fundamentals so you understand what is it we are building!In addition to traditional networking labs, I will also show you how to set up a lab for any of you System Integrations folks joining this course so you can take full advantage of this powerful application.Hope you enjoy!Keith"
Price: 49.99

"Neste curso voc aprende a utilizar o photoshop como ferramenta de trabalho ou seja voc vai aprender a realizar diversos efeitos em fotos, criar banner, anncios, cartes de visita, logos, animaes gifs, efeitos 3d, mockups e muito mais.Neste curso o aluno j deve ter um bom conhecimento no programa pois o foco do curso no explicar as ferramentas do programa e sim aprender na prtica  a utilizar toda potencia do photoshop para criao de diversas artes em geralAproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 354.99

"After Effects CC 2019 - Do Bsico ao Avanado"
"Curso de Adobe After Effects Do bsico ao AvanadoAprenda trabalhar com o After Effects o programa mais utilizado do ramo da edio, composio e efeitos especiais em vdeos.Neste Curso After Effects do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender as ferramentas deste incrvel programa para criar efeitos incrveis em vdeos O curso est com as verses mais atualizadas do programa como o After Effects cc 2019Neste Curso de Adobe After Effects do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 294.99

"Photoshop cc 2019 / 2020 - Do Bsico ao Avanado"
"Curso de Adobe Photoshop Do bsico ao AvanadoAprenda trabalhar com o photoshop o programa mais utilizado do ramo da computao grfica onde voc faz edies de imagens, manipulaes de imagem, retoque de foto e muito mais.Neste Curso Photoshop do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender as ferramentas deste incrivel programa para criar artes digitais.O curso est atualizado com as verses mais atualizadas do programa como o Photoshop cc 2019Neste Curso de Adobe Photoshop do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 279.99

"Fundamentals in Depression"
"Depression and low motivation are a growing problem, with many people finding that nothing seems to help them feel better or lift their mood.. The benefit of medication, vitamins and 'pep me up' tonics is short lived and for many people, growing older looms with increasing low mood and energy, robbing us of the joy it is our right as vital humans, to experience. We may go from doctor, to psychologist, to psychiatrist, with no light at the end of the tunnel, creating more anxiety, stress and fear for our future, for how can we face our future when we feel so low? This course will give you essential information about the foundations of depression, specifically about neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Dopamine and what we need to do to either enhance medication we are taking, or turn around the downward spiral leading to ineffective, or diminishing supply of our necessary neurotransmitters Specifically, this course will increase your understanding of insulin, a hormone we are constantly exposed to, and how exactly Insulin affects neurotransmitter activity, particularly that of Serotonin and Dopamine. This course will give you a place to start, with changes you yourself can effect, without the need for expensive consultations. It will give you some guidelines in order to begin to make positive, impactful changes, to turn low mood and depression around."
Price: 24.99

"An Examined Life - Create A Life Worth Living!"
"An unexamined life is not worth living."" Socrates Examining our lives is how we discover the road to complete satisfaction. This program is designed around the idea that examining your life is critical to satisfaction, and upon completion you will enjoy all seven levels of life satisfaction! Life Satisfaction Satisfaction and happiness are not the same thing, but the good news is when you have satisfaction, you have a more profound feeling than if you had happiness. Satisfaction is lasting while happiness can be fleeting. So, what life satisfaction and how is it different from happiness? Happiness is an immediate, in-the-moment experience, whereas life satisfaction is happiness that exists when we think about our lives as a whole, looking at the big picture. Life satisfaction is not based on research, but rather your cognitive judgements of elements YOU consider to be valuable ergo, you determine your satisfaction, whereas happiness is generally a more external feeling. Based on the research The Study of Life Satisfaction, quality of life is associated with living conditions, such as food, health, shelter, and so forth. By contrast, life satisfaction is defined as a state of emotion, like happiness or sadness. In general, whatever level of satisfaction you are feeling, you can define and maximize your level of wellbeing if you choose which elements you want to engage in to flourish. Contributors to Life Satisfaction The sources of life satisfaction are not completely understood yet, but what is known, is that they are a complex combination of: Environmental Factors: Learn how you can use external features to help you determine your satisfaction, i.e. where should I live? Behavioral Factors: Learn specific action steps for success, including routines and mantras Capabilities: Use mental maps, plans, and strategies for success; these cognitive processes allow you to change how you think Beliefs: These are the foundations of your action plan and your capabilities; think of this as your world view Purpose: Know who you are and why you are here this is your mission Spirituality: Have a connection with a larger system of beliefs, this could be something religious or something more ephemeral and personal Ikigai: In Buddhism is this thought more of as the Dharma. This is the intersection of what you are good at, jobs you can work in, and the causes you wish to fight for Most people spend their lives at the first three levels, and unless you access the other four levels, you will have an unfulfilled life. In this program, youll learn about each level and live a life of purpose and passion. Can You Feel More Satisfied with Your Life? Yes. If you are not as satisfied with your life as you would like to be, you can do things to change this. Things such as having friends, goals, and a life story are shown to increase ones life satisfaction. You can look more in depth at these here, along with a couple of other ways to feel more satisfied with your life. The Importance of Reflecting on Yourself Scrutinizing ones actions and reflecting is an important aspect of life, as it comes with the knowledge that every one of us is living in his very own world, a subjective reality, that is filtered by our (often biased) awareness filters within our minds. Reflecting allows us to recognize these biased mindsets, discover the truth and allows us to spot misbehavior or mistakes we committed. The Importance of Reflecting You might be wondering why it is important to reflect on your experiences. Here are four main reasons: Learn from Your Experiences: Reflect on your past and analyze your strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors and make the adjustments to get the most out of your future Help Others: Use your self-reflection to help make others better, think of it the way team sports work teammates reflect on performance and share with each other the best way forward Celebrate Success: Acknowledge the things that youve done well and use them as touchstones to improve Gain New Perspective and Relax: Take a deep breath and relax and reflect on what is going well. Improve your life by viewing it from a different angle This program is designed to provide you with the tools for total reflection on your life now and in the future. You will have access to some of the most powerful techniques to create ah-has in every area of your life. Get the satisfaction you deserve by enrolling in the course today!"
Price: 124.99

"Grer efficacement des projets avec Microsoft Project 2016"
"Commencez planifier de manire professionnelle vos projets avec Microsoft Project 2016!CE COURS EST NOUVEAU ET AMLIOR PAR RAPPORT AU COURS Project 2013 : Les Bases de la planification simplifie.Si vous recherchez une application de gestion de projets vous permettant de planifier comme vous le souhaitez, Microsoft Project est la meilleure solution. Microsoft Project est utilis par les professionnels du monde entier pour tous les types de planification: Traditionnelle, Agile, Cascade, PERT, SCRUM, Crystal clear, Processus Unifi, Adaptative. Ce cours complet est le meilleur moyen dintervenir et de commencer Planifier.Grer des projets comme vous les imaginez!Pratiquez la gestion de projet pendant que vous apprenez. Ce cours comprend des fichiers de plan de projet dentranement pour vous permettre de suivre et dapprendre par la pratique. la fin du cours, vous aurez cr et gr un calendrier des ressources dun projet fourni.J'enseignerai le cours en utilisant la version Microsoft Project 2016, mais si vous possdez une version prcdente, vous pouvez toujours apprendre planifier comme un pro.Qu'est-ce qui me rend qualifi pour vous apprendre?Je m'appelle Roger Flan et je gre des projets de dploiement des logiciels depuis plus de dix ans. De plus, je suis le crateur de certains des cours danalyse de donnes et de gestion de projet, avec plus de 381 tudiants et des critiques 5 toiles :Ce cours m'a permis de rviser mes connaissances sur les tableaux croiss dynamiques et d'apprendre de nouvelles comptences, surtout la cration du tableau de bord interactif sans code vba, ni macro. Flicitations au formateur. Edouard KADJOSuper cours, facile suivre! - Charmarke OsmanMa promesseJe suis Ingnieur informaticien et enseignant en temps plein. Je serai l pour vous chaque tape. Si vous avez des questions sur le contenu du cours ou sur tout autre sujet li ce sujet, vous pouvez toujours poster une question dans le cours ou m'envoyer un message direct.Qu'est-ce que le cours Grer des projets avec Microsoft Project ?Dans ce guide complet du cours de gestion des projets, vous apprendrez non seulement tous les outils de gestion de projet disponibles dans Microsoft Project, mais galement les techniques de management de plan dans lesprit dun administrateur professionnel.Ce cours couvrira tout ce que vous devez savoir pour commencer la planification de projet, notamment:Initier un projetCrer et grer des calendriersConfigurer les informations sur le projetGrer des ressources et des affectationsFaire le suivi et lanalyse d'un projetFaire la communication d'informations sur le projetUtilisation des options personnalisesConseils d'efficacit avancsTellement plus!Apprenez auprs de quelqu'un qui travaille actuellement dans le mtier, qui connat les techniques de gestion de projet les plus actuelles et qui est titulaire d'un MIE (Microsoft Innovative Expert 2019 2020) BONUS: En prime, vous recevrez des fichiers de plan de projet supplmentaires pratiquer pendant que je vous enseignerai. la fin de ce cours, votre confiance en tant que gestionnaire de projet augmentera. Vous comprendrez parfaitement comment utiliser Microsoft Project pour le plaisir ou en tant qu'opportunit de carrire.Allez-y et cliquez sur le bouton d'inscription, et je vous verrai dans la leon 1!Bien vous,"
Price: 19.99

"MongoDB 3.2: Professional Developer"
"Why MongoDB?MongoDB is a leading non-relational database. It is used by many well known, large companies like: Google, Facebook, eBay, UPSand many more.Learn from a professionalI'm a certified MongoDB developerandcertified MongoDB administrator.You can verify my certificates using alink from the promo video.Here are the license numbers:developer:463-864-356administrator:106-358-385I've been working with MongoDB for quite some time, and I can say that I know MongoDB very well.MongoDB certificationAlthough this course was not designed for the needs of the certification process, its content, especially quizzes, can be a tremendous help in preparing to pass the MongoDB developer certificate. Read more about quizzes below.Live course with supportThis course will be upgraded based on your feedback as this course is for you and your thoughts, problems and questions arevery importantfor me.I will help you a much as I can.Quick overviewThis course is designed to make you a real, professional MongoDB developer with deep understanding of many different MongoDB features. After this course you will know everything you need,to work with MongoDB comfortably. This course is a MongoDB complete training.ResourcesSo that you can follow all the queries executed during this course, I have attached a file that contains all the collections I've used. So you will be able to repeat every query and check everything in practice. You will be able to perform your own queries.QuizzesFor many sections you will find Quizzes. These quizzes contain about 150 questionsin total. These quizzes are designed to be hard. They are not there to make you feel good because you know the answer to every single question. They are there to remind you of some things, to draw your attention to certain cases and to make you a better developer at the end. And this is thegoal of this course.HomeworksFor two sections:CRUD andAggregationyou will find some homework. You will need to write some queries, to master your skills. For each homework you will find solutions, so you can compare your queries or just take a peep to help yourself out.SQL backroundIn somecases we will compare MongoDB to relational databases, to see the differences. This, I think, will be quite useful if you have a background in relational databases.But you don't have to be familiar with relational databases at all to learn MongoDBMongoDB versionThis course is based on MongoDB 3.2. It is the neweststable release, ready for production.Course versionCurrent version: 1.0.2 02.03.2017 Better voice for lectures from 20 to 28 1.0.1 31.01.2017 Improved sound for sections 2, 3 and 4Work in progressClosed captions 17.04.2017 done for lectures from 1 to 33(25%)"
Price: 49.99

"Personal Finance ""A Beginners Guide to Personal Finance"""
"After finishing college, Iknew that I needed to start investing, but wasn't quite sure where to begin. So, I turned to turned to the experts, read their books, and learned the principals that they used to create wealth. This course outlinespowerfulprincipals that when implemented will help you overcome debt and build wealth."
Price: 19.99

"Quality and Regulatory: EU Product Legislation & CE Marking"
"The European Union is one of the wealthiest market in the world... and one of the most regulated!Selling a product in this market, whether you are a manufacturer bases within or outside the European Union, an importer o a simple reseller/distributor, implies that you takes responsibilities, wether you like it or not.This course introduce you to the most important concept of the European product legislation.After a short introduction on the European Union, it will explain the concept of the free movement of products, the main pillar on which the huge European market relies on.Then the course will go into details, explaining the product legislation framework, starting with its types of legal acts, and explaining two of the most common directives:- the General Product Safety Directive- the Directive on Product LiabilityThen we will explain when and how the legislation applies, introducing, among others, the concepts of- selling techniques and types of products- making available- placing on the market- intended use and misuseFinally, we will examine in details responsibilities and obligations of the main economic actors:- Manufacturer (within or outside European Union)- Authorised Representative- Importer- Distributor- End user (even though not an economic operator strictly speaking)At the end of the course you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the European Union legislative framework, and you will have the vocabulary and the autonomy to further deepen your knowledge in a specific field like for instance in the Toys industry, in the Medical Device field, and so on.Do not lose valuable time and enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"PCB/Electronics: Thermal Management, Cooling and Derating"
"This course is about cooling, thermal management and derating in PCB design.After introducing the basic definitions, it provides a clear and logical path to a complete design of thermal aspects.- It starts with calculating the dissipated power for different types of components, and understanding whether the thermal equilibrium is optimal or we need a thermal management strategy.- Then it introducesheat sinks, which is by far the most used cooling approach, talking about their features, mounting techniques, parameters and so on.- Than it speaks about thermal interface materials, used to couple heat sinks to integrated circuits, their types and characteristics.- It also speaks about the forced air cooling technique, introducing how to calculate a fan performance and its impact on the heat sink thermal resistance.- Then it explains PCB related aspects for thermal management, of particular relevance when the used devices have exposed pads.At the end of these group of lessons, you will be able to understand the need for thermal management and provide your design with a comprehensive strategy mastering all the related aspects and variables influencing it (like altitude, spreading resistance, etc. ) Then the course dedicate an entire section to a related and very important aspect: derating.It explain the concept of re-rating and de-rating, its impact on electronic devices reliability and expected life (MTBF, Mean Time Between Failure, nowadays often used instead of MTTF, Mean Time To Failure), and it shows how the most used electronic components are derated and which parameters are reduced.The course is enriched with exercises and real life examples, using real devices datasheets to show where parameters are gathered and how they are used.At the end of the course you will have a broader understanding of the thermal/cooling management and derating aspects, and you will able to design a PCB that is able to manage the dissipated power (and related temperature rise), and properly choose components parameters based on the right derating considerations.Therefore, you will be able to design a PCB that stands thermal and electrical stresses and that actually works and last in the real world environment."
Price: 199.99

"Risk Management: Master FMEA/FMECA & Criticality from A to Z"
"""Professional FMEA training with examples. Delivers a quality training for the full scope"", Fred""It was a good course, well laid out and detailed. The instructor provided very good examples and resources"", MichelleCourse DescriptionWith this course, you will be able to perform, at any level of detail and complexity, a complete Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Criticality Analysis and Matrix, mastering indexes like Risk, Risk Priority Number, Failure Mode Failure Rate, etc.Risk Management is an extremely fascinating field, since it helps in foresee and manage hazards and probabilities thereof.Nowadays, this disciplines is widely used in many fields, and sometimes also required by the legislation. The most common use of risk management are:-risk evaluation in product design, e.g.during medical devices and machinery design- financial risk evaluation- safety on workplace risk assessment- design and processes in automotive and aerospace- risk evaluation during potentially hazardous processes, like food production, and so on- risk evaluation in project management- process control techniques, e.g.six sigmaWe may resort to many different techniques for risk evaluation, however, the most widely used and accepted, is FMEA/FMECA, i.e. Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis.This methodology follows a bottom-up approach, and starting from the failure of a component (or a phase if we are talking about a process), estimates the final effect and evaluates it consequences. Even if it seems easy to understand at a first sight because of its intuitive concept, actually, performing it thoroughly is not an easy matter, especially if you consider that, the FMEA/FMECA documentation often has a legal value, since you may be asked by the court in case of accidents to show it, in order to prove your design or process was performed with the user safety in mind.+++++ Have a look at the course curriculum and at the intro lesson +++++In this course we will study both FMEA and the Criticality Analysis, starting from the basic qualitative analysis to the more complex quantitative criticality analysis (and its representation with the criticality matrix) using modal failure rates, and effect conditional probability.There are many version of FMEA/FMECA, and in order to provide the most useful and valuable learning experience to you, we will use as a reference the International Standards IEC 60812, ""Analysis techniques for reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)"" .However, this standard cover very effectively only FMEA and the qualitative and semi-quantitative FMECA, not providing much details on quantitative criticality analysis. Therefore, for the latter methodology, I will refer to the methodology borrowed from the US military Standard MIL-STD-1629, which provide a very accurate numerical methodology for the criticality calculation.Which are also the approaches I use in my professional activity.In the course, we will also talk about of Process FMEA, PFMEA, with a simplified example on a cooking process, and of Design FMEA, DFMEA. We will provide various example, on electric toys, cooking process and variouscomponents. However you will get the mostfrom the course if you work in the design field, in particular product design or electronic design, and you will find many examples in it.HAVE A LOOK AT THE LESSONS AVAILABLE FOR FREE IN THE COURSE CURRICULUM !!!As we said, FMEA/FMECA are very versatile tools, therefore, once learned its concepts, it will be easy to transfer it to other fields, therefore even if you are not exactly in the product development or electronics field, you will earn valuable information and concepts from this course.At the end of the course, you will be able to perform, at any level of detail and complexity, a complete Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, and a Criticality Analysis.HAPPY LEARNING!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Risk Analysis, Evaluation & Assessment - from A to Z"
"""Good pace and solid information"", Bobby""Very nice course for beginner introduction to risk analysis. A good point to start"", AngelosBesides risk management,risk assessment is demanded in many field, like product development, process control, project management, business plans and so on. Even a process as simple as delivering a meal in a business activity, is subject by law to a particular risk assessment.However, the theoretical basis is almost the same for every field, even though there are many risk assessment tools available for this objective.In this course, we will cover both the common basis and the specific tools. More in details, with respect to the general aspects of risk assessment, we will see:risk analysis,risk estimation both qualitative, semi-quantitative and numericalrisk evaluation and control measuresThen we will see the most used techniques:Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)Fault Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)Once learned the above concepts, we will see the complete risk assessment cycle, and which techniques to use during specific phases of a development process.Both the general part and the particular techniques lessons are fitted with examples and downloadable excel worksheets.At the end of the course, you will be able to master both the basic concepts and specific techniques, and you will be able to apply and adapt this knowledge to your field of interest.HAPPY LEARNING!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Process Validation (101) in ISO 9001/Quality/Risk Management"
"Process Validation is the most widely used technique in order to guarantee that a process yields the desired outcome over time. It can be applied to virtually any types of processes, both manufacturing and service processes, and it is often required by international standards (like ISO 9001), and by applicable legislation, like in the medical devices or pharmaceutical field, automotive, food, aerospace, and so on. Whatever the field, its application can be summarized in few basic steps and tools, whose comprehension enable you to perform almost every Process Validation required in the industry. In this course, I will guide you through these principles and techniques with plain words and clear examples, so that at the end of the learning experience, you will be able to understand and apply these principles to your field of interest. This knowledge is valuable both to managers and engineers involved in production processes, quality management, six sigma, and in general in any activity which required that a process yields specific outcomes over time in a reliable way. Therefore... let us get started!"
Price: 199.99

"ISO 31000:2018 - Risk Management in Organizations"
"Risk is the result of uncertainty, and managing risk is performed to preserve and develop value.Risks affecting organizations can have consequences in terms of economic performance and professional reputation, as well as environmental, safety and societal outcomes. Therefore, managing risk effectively helps organizations to perform well in an environment full of uncertainty.  In this course you will learn all the concepts introduced by ISO 31000 with respect to :- principles, - framework,- and a process for managing risk, a practical checklist is also available, to assess and review Risk Management activities in an organization. Therefore, enroll now!Let us get started with risk management according to ISO 31000!"
Price: 199.99