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"Muk Yan Jong Wing Chun - El mueco de madera"
"La forma del Muk Yan Jong (Mueco de madera) te permite entrenar las tcnicas del sistema Wing Chun cuando no dispones de un compaero, tambin te ayuda a perfeccionar y corregir la postura corporal de cada tcnica, a desarrollar la potencia de manera correcta, acondicionar el cuerpo ya conseguir un correcto trabajo de pasos y desplazamientos.A travs de los vdeos donde LASEXPLICACIONESSONDETALLADAS y DEFACILCOMPRENSION, tendrs la GARANTIA de poder aprender todo lo necesario para llegar a dominar el trabajo en el mueco de Wing Chun.El trabajo con el mueco te ayudar a mejorar tus habilidades y a desarrollar una tcnica depurada para poder ser ms EFECTIVO en situaciones de DEFENSAPERSONAL, ya que a travs de este trabajo vas a tener una mayor comprensin de la pelea en DISTANCIACORTA.En este curso te voy a guiar seccin a seccin, a travs del trabajo al mueco desde diferentes ngulos, explicacin detallada de cada seccin, las aplicaciones tcnicas que se extraen de ellas, as como el TRABAJOALAIREde la forma, de manera que tambin puedas trabajarla cuando no dispongas de un mueco.Si eres un estudiante de Wing Chun este trabajo te ayudar a perfeccionar y profundizar en el sistema de Ip Man."
Price: 119.99

"Qi Gong de los 5 animales de Hua Tou"
"En este curso encontrarslos ejercicios de estiramientopara mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesorossistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo)sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china,AHORAATUALCANCE.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad deconocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinSi buscas MEJORARTUCALIDADDEVIDAeste es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad decanalpara preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Chi Kung de Hua Toude la antigua china.Este es tucurso conunprograma paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong."
Price: 89.99

"Get Organised:Sentimental Items (Declutter,Clutter-Clearing)"
"We've all got sentimental items - me included. And there's nothing wrong with that.It's LOVELY to have stuff around that reminds us of happy times and people we love or loved.Our memories are precious.But... ...what if you've got so MANY items that you don't get to APPRECIATE your memories?What if you can't find your most precious memorabilia because you're overwhelmed with sentimental items?Sentimental items are the HARDEST of all to declutter. The fear of letting go of something - and then missing it - can be paralysing.But having sentimental clutter (instead of sentimental items) keeps you stuck in the past: living withold, dead energy, instead of creating the future you want - and deserve.So I'm here to help you tackle it - gently and without regrets.Honour the past without being held back by it.Understand the natural, deep, psychological reasons why we get attached to things.Make time to declutter and learn my simple, foolproof 7-step decluttering process.Learn a TON of ways to make letting go of sentimental items easier.How to find great new homes for the stuff you're letting go - and make the MOST of the stuff you're keeping.How to stop sentimental clutter creeping back.By the end of this course, you'll be able to let go of the sentimental items that are no longer serving you - and are keeping you stuck - and really ENJOY the ones you keep, while stepping into the future you deserve. What would you LIKE to come into your life?!"
Price: 104.99

"Beeinflussen Sie Ihren Chef - 1x1 der ""Fhrung von unten"""
"Ob Sie IhrMitarbeitergesprch vorbereitenoder eine Projektidee rberbringen wollen - Sie mssenIhren Chef berzeugen.Wenn Sie im Job etwas erreichen wollen,hngt Ihr Erfolg mageblich von Ihrem Chef ab. Sein Einfluss kann Sie nach vorne katapultieren oder ins Abseits stellen.Dieser Kurs gibt Ihnen einen Schritt-fr-Schritt-Plan fr die""Fhrung von unten"". Am Ende des Kurses werden Siewissen, wie Ihr Chef tickt und was dies fr die Beeinflussung bedeutetwissen, wie Sie Ihr Gesprch mit dem Chef optimal vorbereiten undmit welchen Beeinflussungsmethoden SieIhren Chef berzeugen knnen.Wie Sie es aus meinen Kursen gewhnt sind, sindalle Videosknapp,kompaktundknackigfr die Praxisaufbereitet,mitChecklisten,Leitfden zur Gesprchsvorbereitung und vielem mehr.Kein langes Geschwafel, sonderndirekt zum Punkt. Keine langen Theorien, sondernsofort anwendbare Tipps und Methoden fr Ihren Alltag - auch fr Ihr nchstes Mitarbeitergesprch!""Wie beeinflusseichmeinen Chef?"" ist eine der hufigsten Fragen, die ich als Coach gestellt bekomme. Oft luft das auch unter dem Stichwort ""Cheffing"" oder ""Fhrung von unten"" - daher habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt.brigens werden Ihnen die Methoden zur Beeinflussung anderer nicht nur bei Ihrem Chef helfen, sondern auch bei Kollegen, Geschftspartnern, Kunden und sogar in Ihrem Privatleben - ob in der Familie, im Verein oder Verhandlungen mit Ihrer Bank-ich sage nur ""Priming""...:)Inhalte des Online-Trainings ""Beeinflussung von unten - so fhren Sie Ihren Chef (oder:Das 1x1 des ""Cheffings""):Praxisaufgabe:Was sie ber Ihren Chef wissen sollten, um ihn beeinflussen zu knnenPraxisaufgabe:Was wollen Sie eigentlich bei Ihren Chef erreichen?Was wollen Sie beeinflussen?Um den Chef (und andere Menschen) beeinflussen zu knnen, mssen wir erst einmal verstehen, was fr denjenigen wichtig ist (""erst verstehen, dann verstanden werden"")Welches sind die Ziele Ihres Chefs?Welches sind die heimlichen/verdeckten Ziele Ihres Chefs?Welches sind die Ziele Ihres Chefs als Mensch?WieSie sich selbst fr Ihr Gesprch mit Ihrem Chef vorbereiten mssen?Wie tickt eigentlich Ihr Chef? Je besser Sie ihn einschtzen knnen, desto bessere Argumente knnen Sie auswhlen, um ihn effektiv zu beeinflussen?Wie Sie am besten mit Ihrem Chef kommunizieren und welche Kommunikationswege Sie beachten solltenWas treibt Ihren Chef an? Die 5 unterbewussten Antreiber unseres VerhaltensDie 24 grten, typischen Schwchen von Chefs - Analysebogen und Tipps, wie Sie mit den Schwchen Ihres Chefs am besten umgehenWie wichtig ist Fachwissen, um andere Menschen zu berzeugen?Die 6 geheimen Methoden der Beeinflussung (Influencing - nach Robert Cialdini) und wie Sie diese aktiv nutzen knnenWieso die Reihenfolge von Argumenten und Optionen wichtig ist und wie Sie die beste Reihenfolge findenWie viele Optionen sollte man vorstellen, wenn man beeinflussen will?1, 2, 3 oder noch mehr?Wie sollten wir unsere Beeinflussung zeitlich und organisatorisch vorbereiten?Welche Rolle spielt unsere und die Kultur unseres Chefs bei der Beeinflussung?Sie mssen sichtbar sein, um beeinflussen zu knnenWie Sie Ihr Mitarbeitergesprch am besten vorbereiten und Ihren Chef beeinflussenWenn Sie einen super Chef haben,erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie noch besser mit ihm zurechtkommen werden.Und fallsIhr Chef kein Musterexemplar ist, dann werden Sie erfahren, wie Sie ihn fhren knnen und wieder mehr Freude, Motivation und Erfolg bei Ihrem Job haben.In der Bonuslektion finden Sie den Link fr Ihr individuelles Zertifikat, Buchempfehlungen und Links zu unseren anderen Kursen mit Rabatten fr gute Kunden!"
Price: 74.99

"Coachen Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter: Coaching Wissen fr Manager"
"""Weiterentwicklung gehrt fr die Mehrzahl der Mitarbeiter zu den wichtigsten Anforderungen an ihren Arbeitgeber - und Coaching ist der Schlssel""""Mitarbeiter kndigen nicht ihren Unternehmen, sondern ihren Vorgesetzten""Dieser Kurs ist der Richtige fr Sie, wenn Siein einem Vernderungsprozess stecken und Ihre Mitarbeiter (noch strker) weiterentwickeln mchten Fachkrfte und Experten fhren, die inhaltlich mehr Fachwissen haben als Sie, jedoch disziplinarisch von Ihnen gefhrt werden Mitarbeiter allgemein weiterentwickeln wollen davon berzeugt sind, dass klassische Fhrung nach dem ""Ich Chef - Du nix""-Ansatz nicht funktioniertdie Zukunft in coachender Fhrung sehen.Aus 15 Jahren Erfahrung als Fhrungskraft und Geschftsfhrer sowie weiteren ber 10 Jahren als Fhrungskrfte Coach mit Kunden aus ber 30 Lndern habe ich Ihnen die besten Methoden fr die coachende Fhrung zusammengestellt.Der Kurs beinhaltet praxiserprobte Coaching-MethodenSchritt-fr-Schritt AnleitungenChecklistenbungen Praxisbeispiele. Unabhngig von Ihrer Branche werden Sie zu einem echten Coach fr Ihre Mitarbeiter.Durch Coaching Ihrer Mitarbeiter werden Sie gemeinsamZiele besser und effektiver erreichenProbleme souvern lsenInnovationen entwickelnVernderungen schneller und erfolgreicher durchschreitenTeams zusammenbringenfachliche und persnliche Fhigkeiten Ihrer Mitarbeiter frdernschwierige Situationen meisterndie Motivation Ihrer Mitarbeiter steigernund vieles mehr erreichen.Coaching sollte ein elementarer Bestandteil in der Fhrung sein, um langfristig zufriedene und motivierte Mitarbeiter zu gewinnen. Insbesondere fr die jngeren Generationen (Millennials, Generation Y und Z) sind Entwicklungsmglichkeiten oftmals wichtiger als das Gehalt. Weiterentwicklung und Freiheit haben nicht selten einen hheren Stellenwert als der Dienstwagen oder eine klassische Karriere.In diesem Kurs erlernen Sie Coaching Methoden, die Sie zur Fhrungskraft der Zukunft machen: einer coachenden Fhrungskraft.Nebenbei profitieren Sie auch persnlich von dem Coaching-Wissen, um Ihre eigene persnliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung voranzubringen."
Price: 119.99

"Advanced 3D Typography Techniques in Photoshop"
"This course is designed to teach you a varietyof advanced Design techniquesby creating a real world Typography text effectproject with the 3D features of photoshop,The goal is to walk you step by step and teach youhow to design professional looking projects in Photoshop.we focus on a real world casebyteaching youthe best techniques thatproduces maximum results. I'll be using the latest version of the program -Photoshop CC 2018, but all the content can be created in photoshop CS6 and aboveWhat will you learn?3D fundamentals We will start by understanding the 3D interface , how to use the panels, how to control the scene and the lighting for those who are not familiar with 3D in PhotoshopCreate 3D objects and assign materials you'll learn how to create your first 3D object and then adding a material to it by exploring the materials panel and the image based light systemAdding advanced layer style to a 3D object you'll discover how to enhance a 3D object by adding advanced layer style on top and getting the most of itCreate directional light source and shadows a realistic shadow and lighting effects is what makes great images and you'll learn how to create that using 3D lighting as well as creating it manuallyLearn an exclusive custom 3D Typography technique i will reveal my secret technique on how to create amazing 3D lettering and typography even if your not good at calligraphyCreate a depth of field effect you'll learn how to add a realistic dripping effect to the Typography using a mixture of custom paths, layer style and reference images and so much more!Why is this course different?greatquality video tutorialsone of the most unique and professional courseson the platformQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 12 hoursAll lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by watching!By the end of this course you will be More familiar with the Softwareespecially the 3D interface. You'll feel in control as you pursue and complete more ambitious projects. Whether you are contemplating a career change, considering freelancing opportunities, or developing a personal skill, get started today on your Photoshop career!"
Price: 99.99

"Let's learn to read & write uppercase A-Z and lowercase a-z"
"Hi learnersWelcome to the Basic English and Maths Beginners course.This course is actually designedto facilitate the beginners to get acquainted with theBasics of English Language and the Fundamentals of Math.Anyone whether a kid, beginneror even a non native speakercan well explore the simple lessons which are based on :Exploring the English Alphabet (26 Uppercase and lowercase letters)Vowels and ConsonantsGood HabitsMannersFamily ,Professions/ Jobs, Hobbies/ InterestsColors and ShapesDays and DatesHouses and RoomsFirst Aid BoxSports and gamesNumbers 1-50Cardinal & Ordinal numbers ,missing and between numbers ,odd & even , addition & subtraction.Also learn basic interactive phrases to communicate well.And ample worksheets to download and practice.A bonus lecture on handwriting tips will be added to the curriculam to motivate learners to be neat and clean whilewriting.Please don't forget to leave a positive review and rating after finishing this course to motivate the instructor and other learners as well.Good Luck and Happy Learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Organizational Acupuncture: For the Health of Your Culture"
"A combination eLearning micro-course and accompanying business eBook. Using principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine and the ancient healing art of acupuncture, the instructor presents a unique theory and model to help leaders attain cultural health to achieve enduring business success! Organizational Acupuncture helps leaders strategically manage their workplace communications to optimize business results. Techniques taught in the course can help fix broken or toxic cultures, as well as address communication blockages caused by ineffective channels or company silos. Countless business problems can be traced to poor communication between employees and teams. Organizational Acupuncture helps you overcome these and other obstacles to developing a high-performance culture.  *   *   *Organizational Acupuncture: For the Health of Your Culture is derived from the instructor's business eBook, which is offered as course material and which delivers a broader look at management issues through the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine and yin-yang theory. Organizational Acupuncture is part of the instructor's 3-book/eLearning course catalog entitled Ageless Wisdom @ Work."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de Lean Manufacturing + 5 BONUS incrveis"
"Est querendo aprender a ferramentas da qualidade na prtica com Excel sem enrolao? Quer aprender a aplicar os 5's na prtica em sua empresa para gerar melhorias? Est em busca de aprender as principais ferramentas do Lean sem complicao? Voc encontrou o caminho certo! Compreendendo 5,5h de aulas, mais de 10 trabalhos para estudantes e vrios questionrios, atividades prticas - Este o curso de Lean Manufacturing mais completo que existe!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Lean Manufacturing + SixSigmasO gerenciamento em Lean e o Seis Sigma so as estratgias de excelncia empresarial mais procuradas entre as multinacionais lderes e progressistas.A demanda por profissionais certificados nesses campos enorme no mercado global.Conhea as ferramentas que ao mesmo tempo em que reduz custos, aumenta a produtividade, qualidade e lucratividade. Com este curso, voc conhecer alguns dos principais temas utilizados pela metodologia Lean Manufecturing (5s, Poka Yoke, Kanban, Kaizen, TPM, entre outros).Conhea um pouco mais:Lean Manufacturing uma filosofia de gesto que surgiu na Toyota no Japo.aplicado em empresas dos mais variados ramos que buscam aumentar a competitividade. Esta filosofia busca reduzir desperdcios, que consequentemente reduz custos e ao mesmo tempo aumenta a produtividade e a qualidade. As ferramentas apresentadas neste curso visam melhorar os procedimentos atuantes na empresa, sejam eles quais forem (do atendimento ao cliente at a produo de uma pea), atravs da eliminao dedesperdcios.Esses desperdcios so, em linhas gerais, coisas que a empresa faz, mas que no geramvalor para o cliente,tornando-se assim inteis. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Por que devo me inscrever?As tcnicas de Lean ensinadas neste curso vo te surpreender.Respeito o seu tempo e quero ensinar-lhe o que voc precisa saber sem te atrapalhar com os detalhes ou a teoria desnecessrios.Este umcurso prticoque o levar a vrios cenrios de negcios e exemplos para aprimorar seu aprendizado.Essas habilidades fornecero um grandeimpulso para o seu currculoe fornecero o conhecimento pararespondercomconfiana a quaisquer perguntas relacionadas entrevista.Voc no tem nada a perder!Este curso vem com uma garantia de reembolso de 30 dias.Se voc no estiver completamente satisfeito com sua compra, receber um reembolso.Nenhuma pergunta feita!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Nossa metodologia de ensino a seguinte:ENSINAR- Primeiro, voc aprende um conceito.Voc aprender no apenas o que , mas tambm como e quando us-lo.MOSTRAR- Depois de entender o conceito, aprimoramos sua compreenso ao orient-lo atravs de exemplos do mundo real para fornecer um contexto sobre como ele pode ser aplicado.FAA- Voc, ento, coloca seu novo conhecimento em teste, completando atividades e questionrios.Isso no apenas validar voc entender completamente os conceitos, mas tambm aumentar muito sua capacidade de reter as informaes.""Diga-me e eu esqueo. Ensina-me e eu me lembro. Envolva-me e aprendo.""- Benjamin Franklin:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Oua o que outros estudantes esto dizendo: ""Excelente curso, recomendo a todos aqueles que tem sede de conhecimento e esto sempre dispostos a superar-se"". - Jax Colho Garcia ""Curso fornece uma boa viso dos problemas reais"". - Clio Reis de Queiroz ""Informaes claras e objetivas. O Curso bem abrangente e nos d uma tima viso sobre o que o Lean Manufacturing e como podemos aplicar no dia a dia de uma empresa. Obtive conhecimentos no assunto que me ajudaro muito na rea de Lean. O instrutor tem domnio do assunto e esclarece as dvidas se necessrio! Recomendo o curso! "" - Luiz Henrique Valrio :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Quais bnus esto includos?Tal como acontece em todos o curso Guia Prtico de Anlise e Mapeamento de Processos com Bizagi, disponibilizamos numerosos materiais e modelos para acelerar o seu aprendizado.Alguns exemplos incluem:+ de 200 planilhas (template) em ExcelPlanilhas modelos de LeanLivro Sistema Toyota de Produo (em formato PDF)Arquivos de origem para solues de atividadesE mais!Alm desses bnus, voc tambm ganha acesso a um especialista do setor!Eu no sou apenas o instrutor deste curso, tambm sou um recurso e um mentor para lhe dar orientao e dicas para comear e avanar sua carreira de analista de negcios.Veremos juntos alguns casos de sucesso da implantao da ferramenta e isso tudo atravs de estudo de caso(artigos e muito mais).Aqui voc ter aulas prticas com o uso do Excel... esteja preparado(a) para performance!Atualmente as empresas buscam pessoas que sejam capazes de fazer mais com menos, que conheam boas prticas de gesto e por este motivo, o curso ajudar a voc a alcanar posies estratgicas nas organizaes.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::Algumas das ferramentasProduo puxada;5's;8 desperdcios;TPM e Manutenes;Takt Time e Tempo de Ciclo;Poka-yoke;Kanban;Diagrama de Ishikawa ou de Causa e Efeito;Grfico de Pareto;Fluxograma;Histograma;Folha de verificao;Ciclo PDCA;5W2H;Entre outros.Estou ansioso para v-lo no curso!"
Price: 159.99

"Guia Prtico de Anlise e Mapeamento de Processos com BizAgi"
"[Tenho 5 BNUS para voc!]Voc est procurando um curso de mapeamento de processo prtico que o orientar passo a passo em tudo que voc precisa saber, certo? -  Voc encontrou o caminho certo!Compreendendo mais 90% das aulas em vdeos, artigos, estudos de caso, questionrios, este o curso de anlise e mapeamento mais completo que existe aqui na plataforma. Melhorar os processos da organizao fator crtico para o sucesso institucional de qualquer organizao, seja pblica ou privada, desde que realizada de forma sistematizada e que seja entendida por todos na organizao.   O mapeamento de processos uma ferramenta que analistas usam para descrever como o trabalho fluida etapa 1 at o final. Inclui as pessoas e ferramentas envolvidas e a base para a melhoria do processo.Se voc no capaz de descrever o que voc faz como um processo, ento voc no sabe o que est fazendo William Edwards Deming.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: Por que devo me inscrever neste curso? Este curso bem prtico e se voc est procurando aprender a criar lindos fluxogramas para melhorar ou descrever os processos de sua organizao, voc est no lugar certo. Veremos como construir esses diagramas para casos reais, nada de abstrao.Entenda como Voc alcanar a alta performance:APRENDER: Primeiro, voc aprende um conceito. Voc aprender no apenas o que , mas tambm como e quando us-lo. MOSTRAR: Depois de entender o conceito, aprimoramos sua compreenso ao orient-lo atravs de exemplos do mundo real para fornecer um contexto sobre como ele pode ser aplicado.  FAZER: Voc, ento, coloca seu novo conhecimento em teste, completando atividades e questionrios. Isso no apenas validar voc entender completamente os conceitos, mas tambm aumentar muito sua capacidade de reter as informaes.  Faremos juntos um estudo de caso sobre o filme The Founder (O fundador) que conta a histria do Mc Donald's;Voc descrever um processo dentro do BizAgi e entregar a atividade para receber seu feedback.Dado isso tudo, vou deixar esta frase abaixo para sua reflexo:""Diga-me e eu esqueo. Ensina-me e eu me lembro. Envolva-me e aprendo."" - Benjamin Franklin:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: Muitas pessoas esto preocupadas em saber utilizar um software para mapeamento de processos, digo que estes so meros desenhistas ou designs... eles so incapazes de gerar uma melhoria ou inovao, pois esto presos a programas, mas quando voc estuda tcnicas corretas para implantar uma melhoria, gerar oportunidades de negcios, voc certamente est frente de muitos. Muitos cursos ensinam a criar lindos mapas, mas no ensinam como gerar melhorias... ESTE O NOSSO FOCO!!!Agora lhe pergunto: Voc quer aprender a desenhar processos ou quer melhorar processos?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: Dentre vrios benefcios que o mapeamento de processo pode trazer para uma empresa, listaremos 5.5 benefcios do Mapeamento de Processos da sua empresa.1- Estruturao do processoCom um mapa do seu processo possvel entender e ter todo o controle do procedimento realizado, tendo em mos algo mais tangvel e de fcil acesso. Alm disso, detalhes importantes podem ser lembrados com maior facilidade.2- Otimizao e aumento de produoDe posse de um passo a passo da fabricao do seu produto, torna-se mais fcil a visualizao de pontos fortes, fracos e de melhoria. E ao trabalhar essas questes, pode-se aperfeioar o processo cortando ou adicionando etapas. A partir do mapeamento possvel identificar o desempenho do seu processo, fazendo com o que desperdcios sejam solucionados, e que haja um aumento do seu rendimento.3- Formalizao do conhecimentoTendo seu processo mapeado, o procedimento ser conhecido por qualquer funcionrio, caso seja necessrio. E ainda, ser repassado a todos da mesma forma, de modo que mais difcil que se tenha mais de uma interpretao do funcionamento do processo.4- Padronizao do processo e aumento da qualidade do produtoE como um dos mais importantes pontos, o mapeamento facilitar a padronizao do processo. O que ir promover o aumento da compatibilidade dos produtos e isso, alinhado a todos os outros pontos anteriores leva a um aumento de qualidade dos mesmos.5- Inovao na sua empresaFeito o mapeamento, torna-se bem mais simples a tarefa de identificao dos pontos de melhoria da organizao. Identificados esses pontos, possvel propor e aplicar ideias inovadoras melhorando os resultados da sua empresa.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: Quais bnus esto includos?  Tal como acontece no curso de Fundamentos de Lean Manufacturing, forneo materiais gratuitamente para voc ter a possibilidade de expandir seus conhecimentos e acelerar seu aprendizado:BNUS 1: Voc ainda ganhar GRATUITAMENTE o BPM Cbook Version 3.0: Guia de Gerenciamento de Processos de Negcios em Portugus (PDF). Esse material na Amazon est saindo a R$ 250,00, aqui no curso 0800.Este Guia do BPM CBOK (TM) fornece um documento de referncia bsico para todos os praticantes. O objetivo principal deste guia identificar e fornecer uma viso geral das reas de Conhecimento que so geralmente reconhecidas e aceitas como boas prticas. O Guia fornece uma viso geral de cada rea de conhecimento e fornece uma lista de atividades e tarefas comuns associadas a cada rea de conhecimento. Ele tambm fornece links e referncias a outras fontes de informao que fazem parte do Corpo Comum de Conhecimento mais amplo do BPM.  BNUS 2: Recomendao das habilidades e competncias aprendidas no curso diretamente em seu perfil no linkedin. isso mesmo! Terminou o curso? Pegou o certificado bonitinho? Me adiciona no Linkedin e fao isso por voc. Acredito que desta forma ganhar visibilidade no mercado de trabalho. Imagina!BNUS 2: Software BizAgi Modeler gratuitamente para voc praticar e criar seus fluxos. Veja os requisitos do sistema!BNUS 3: Manual de Gesto por Processos (PDF)BNUS 4: Tutorial do Software BiZagi (PDF)BNUS 5: Coletnea de Estudos Sobre Gerenciamento de Processos de Negcios (BPM) - Puc Master!Alm desses bnus, voc tambm ganha acesso a um Engenheiro de Produo! Eu no sou apenas o instrutor deste curso, tambm sou um recurso e um mentor para lhe dar orientao e dicas para comear e avanar sua carreira de analista de negcios.E voc, ficou interessado?! Quer saber como mapear e melhorar o seu processo?! SE INSCREVA AGORA!!!!Estou ansioso para v-lo no curso!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: Voc s precisa de um PC com as seguintes caractersticas para baixar o software:Sistemas Operacionais Windows 10 Windows 8.1 / Windows 8Windows 7Windows Vista Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 / 2008Nas verses 2.10 ou superiores do Modeler, os seguintes sistemas operacionais no sero suportados Windows Server 2003 Windows XPHardware Processador: 1 gigahertz (GHz). 32 bits (x86) ou 64 bits (x64) Memria: 1 gigabyte (GB) de RAM (32 bits) ou 2 GB de RAM (64 bits) Disco rgido: 50 MB de espao disponvel no disco rgido Display: resoluo de 800 x 600 ou superiorPara ver as documentaes Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer (10, 11), Chrome ou Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft Word 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 Microsoft Excel 2016, 2013, 2010 Microsoft Visio 2016, 2013, 2010 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010/2007 e SharePoint Services 3.0 MediaWiki 1.14 a 1.22"
Price: 99.99

"Alemn Bsico Para Hispanohablantes - 2"
"En ste Curso de Alemn continuamos nuestros primeros pasos en la lengua germana, por lo que necesitas tener unos conocimientos mnimos previos.Se trata de un curso muy dinmico en el que iremos aprendiendo poco a poco los principales verbos y vocabulario que utilizaremos en el da a da, necesario por ejemplo para comprar un comercio, pedir en una cafetera, a hablar de nuestra familia y amigos, aprenderemos a diferenciar entre nominativo y acusativo y a declinar en acusativo, tambin practicaremos verbos en nominativo yacusativo, as como la declinacin de artculos determinados e indeterminados, pronombres posesivos y adjetivos determinativos, tambin aprenderemos a preguntar y a dar la hora y tres formas denegar en alemn.El curso va acompaado de multitud de ejercicios y audios quefacilitarn enormemente tu aprendizaje de la lengua germana."
Price: 49.99

"Alemn Bsico Para Hispanohablantes - 3"
"En ste Curso de Alemn continuamos nuestros primeros pasos en la lengua germana, por lo que necesitas tener unos conocimientos mnimos previos.Se trata de un curso muy dinmico en el que iremos aprendiendo poco a poco los Verbos Modales y su correcto uso, fundamentalpara la comunicacin tanto hablada como escrita en el mbito profesional y personal, tambin aprenderemos a formar oraciones con dos verbos, el pronombre indefinido man"",la negacin alemana cuando hay ms de un verbo en la frase ylos verbos y expresiones ms utilizadas en el da a da, aprenderemos vocabulario relacionado con las redes sociales, lo que nos permitir dar nuestros primeros pasos en el mundo digital.El curso va acompaado de multitud de ejercicios, audios y como novedad, dictados, loque facilitarenormemente tu aprendizaje de la lengua germana."
Price: 69.99

"Alemn para Community Managers"
"Empezaremos con una pequea introduccin sobre las funciones y responsabilidades de un Community Manager, as como la manera de impulsar el crecimiento de la firma a la que representamos, nuestro mayor inters reside en publicar el contenido adecuado de manera correcta y elegante para llegar a todos nuestros followers y captar nuevos clientes.Aprenderemos a usar de manera correcta el traductor, es decir, a sacar el mximo partido a las traducciones que hagamos para hacerlas ms elegantes o informales en funcin del pblico al que vayan dirigidas, tambin realizaremos varias publicaciones en alemn en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram y aprenderemos a configurar cada red social para sacarle el mximo partido.Al final de cada temaencontraremosun test, su objetivo es por un lado afianzar conocimientos y por otro comprobar nuestros progresos.Una vez terminado el curso, seremos capacesde publicar cualquier contenido que nos permita impulsar en mercados de habla alemana, la firma a la que representamos."
Price: 49.99

"Alemn para Hostelera"
"Partiendo de unos conocimientos bsicos del idioma, aprenderemos a desenvolvernos en el da a da a nivel profesional en un pas de habla alemana, a travs de varias posibles situaciones.Nos hemos trasladado a vivir a Alemania, estamos buscando trabajo y vemos un anuncio de empleo. Empezaremos aprendiendo a presentarnos, a hablar de nuestra experiencia profesional, a solicitar el puesto y a dejar nuestro currculo.Nos contratan en una cafetera, y aprendemos a preguntar a los clientes que desean tomar y a cobrar. Tambin conseguimos un trabajo en un restaurante, por lo que aprenderemos a tomar nota, a cobrar y a emitir recibos.Cambiamos de lugar de trabajo, en esta ocasin, desempeamos funciones de recepcionista de hotel, por lo que aprenderemos a hacer una reserva de manera presencial y telefnica y a atender a los clientes cuando lleguen al hotel, adems daremos indicaciones sobre los servicios que presta el hotel, as como a cobrar a los clientes y a responder dudas que les puedan surgir con la factura del hotel.Nos encontramos en Alemania y nos ponemos enfermos, por lo que veremos como comunicarnos con nuestro jefe y compaeros (por telfono y E-Mail ) y a explicar que es lo que nos sucede.Una vez recuperados, nos toca sustituir a un compaero y hacer en su lugar un mailing a todos los clientes de la cafetera en la que trabajamos, no sin antes, haber redactado y corregido el texto que formar la publicidad.El curso va acompaado de varios audios, lo que te permitir practicar algo tan importante como es la correcta pronunciacin y entonacin del idioma. Tambin incluye varios test para que vayas evaluando los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso."
Price: 49.99

"Gestiona tu negocio con Excel"
"En este curso aprenderemos a controlar todos los gastos e ingresos que se produzcan en nuestro negocio de manera independiente y paralela a la contabilidad de la empresa. Para ello, utilizaremos una herramienta tan sencilla y verstil como las hojas de clculo de Excel.Con la ayuda de excel, elaboraremos dos libros que nos ayudarn no solo a llevar un registro exacto de todas las entradas y salidas de dinero de nuestro negocio, sino que haremos tambin una previsin de gastos e ingresos para una mejor gestin de los fondos de la empresa.Al mismo tiempo, aprenderemos a actualizar ambos libros de tal manera, que sern un fiel reflejo del saldo bancario de la cuenta de la empresa, por lo que podremos, no slo llevar un control de cobros y pagos, sino provisionar todas las entradas y salidas de dinerode manera semanal, mensual, bimensual, anual,etc. y saber, que gastos puede afrontar la empresa en funcin de los ingresos que se produzcan.Tambin, podremos realizar consultas mensuales, anuales, y comparativas para conocer con exactitud el margen de beneficio o prdida obtenido en funcin de las entradas y salidas de dinero producidas.Una vez terminado el curso, no slo sers capaz de crear y modificartu mismo ambos libros en base a las necesidades de tu negocio, sino que podrs descargarte todo el material que hemos utilizado en el curso y utilizarlo en tu da a da."
Price: 59.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms in Java For Coding Interview"
"Welcome to Data Structures and Algorithms in Java For Coding Interview!This is the most comprehensive online course to help you with yourcoding interviews and solving algorithmic problems withData Structures! This course utilizes Java's strong standard library to efficiently teach you what you need to know to solve basic algorithmic and data structures interview problems in the coding interview!This course will teach you everything you need to know about utilizingdata structures in youralgorithms. We discuss data structures and algorithmic techniquessuch as:Array/Strings SequencesStacksRecursionHash MapsBinary TreesSearchingAlgorithmsHeapsSeveral Assignments to solidify your understandingAchieve your career goals and get a fantastic job in technology by enrolling in this course!Please Note:If You're a complete beginner to Java, this course is not for you. Please make sure you satisfy the requirements before joining the course.Also, if you're more comfortable with C++, feel free to join my other course which teaches the same problems but in C++."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Linear Algebra"
"In this course, We will explain the essentials of Linear Algebra and everything that you need to understand the basics of linear algebra. We will cover content such as:Matrices and Linear System of EquationsGaussian EliminationReduced Echelon Form and RREFMatrix AlgebraSpecial Matrices, Diagonal Matrices, and Inverse MatricesInverse Matrices and The Inverses of Transposed MatricesDeterminants and computing the DeterminantMuch more!By the end of this course, you should very comfortable with linear algebra and be able to follow throw any Math which uses the Linear Algebra notation.You will also get answers to any questions on any linear algebra questions that you might have for life."
Price: 149.99

"Watercolor Mixing for Beginners"
"In this course, you'll learn how to mix purposeful colors in watercolor and how to apply them on paper. We'll learn how to achieve different saturations (color intensities) and values (lightness and darkness) in addition tocreating the various hues on a standard color wheel. It is meant for the complete novice equipped with basic art materials. It is also meant to be a concise, efficient class that offers lots of great information in a small amount of time.You will be carefully supported and guided through the entire process, from discussing which materials you will need,onto adding water and color to your mixing tray, onto avoiding common missteps that may lead to frustration.When we are finished, you will walk away with a new set of skills you can useto create any color you desire using watercolor paints.What are the requirements?This class requires an open mind and an enthusiasm for learning to mix watercolor paints.This class is for beginners, no experience is necessary.What am I going to get from this course?You will be able to mix any color you'd like in watercolor.You will learn how to adjust saturation (intensity) and value (lightness or darkness) of your watercolor paints.You will learn how to apply small areas of watercolor to paper.You will learn how to avoid frustrating pitfalls that common when beginning watercolor mixing.What is the target audience?The complete beginner or the watercolor dabbler who wants to acquire skills in basic watercolor mixing.NOTE:Materials list is in the free preview video called ""Materials"""
Price: 99.99

"Inspired Watercolor for Beginners"
"In this course, you'll learn a variety of techniques to paint with watercolor in order to create different effects. In the beginning prep section, you'll practice the different subtle blends, fine lines, and the mottled texture you'll need to create this beautiful seashell image. Then I'll walk you through making the painting, start-to-finish, step-by-step. It is meant for the complete novice equipped with basic art materials. It is also meant to be a concise, efficient class that offers lots of great information in a small amount of time.You will be carefully supported and guided through the entire process, from discussing which materials you will need, to how to hold your brush, how much color or water to apply and how to manipulate it on paper, onto avoiding common missteps that may lead to frustration.When we are finished, you will walk away with a new set of skills you can use in many watercolor paintings, as well as your own beautiful rendition of the seashell painting we'll make in this class."
Price: 99.99

"Rebounding Skills and Drills for Winning Basketball"
"This is the rebounding course you've been searching for. My 35 years as a college Division I coach, as well as a high school coach and skill development teacher, have prepared me to help you become a master rebounding coach. Twelve of my players were NBA players including Steve Kerr, the Golden State Warrior head coach.You will see, learn, and understand the key elements of coaching the art of rebounding. No course is backed by the video instruction, vast knowledge of rebounding, or passion for teaching the game the right way.You will soon find yourself asking the questions and learning about rebounding like you've always wanted to. I'm glad you are taking this course and I'm excited to see your teaching ability skyrocket with my course."
Price: 29.99

"How to Score Easy Baskets with 2,200 Proven Plays"
"This course will allow you to score more points by using effective offensive set plays. The course includes a descriptions of offense, ways to score baskets, half court offensive schemes, and well-designed set plays. You will learn the difference between set plays and an offense, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using set plays. By taking this course you will be able to design your own plays, learn how to teach them to your team, and determine which play will work best for each situation. You will be able to match a play to each of your players giving them confidence and opportunities to score more points."
Price: 29.99

"Qualification, Discovery, and the Mutual Evaluation Plan"
"Sales is tough. When you're up against time and have a large quota to hit, and aren't close - it's really easy to go from working smart, to being hopeful. Hope is not a strategy, hope does not close business. We become desperate when we aren't working enough sales opportunities (opps) and don't have enough leads, that's why if you haven't taken the course Lead Generation, you need to before starting this portion of the sales cycle. A healthy sales pipeline gives you the power to manage your time effectively, and making sure you only work opps that are REAL. In this course, we uncover the qualification and discovery methodologies that will help you determine if your lead and this opp, is worth your time. DISQUALIFICATION is just as important as qualification. If a deal is dead, STOP WORKING IT, and MOVE ON TO THE NEXT OPP. Qualification and Discovery will provide you frameworks to consider when qualifying your sales deal, and how to uncover challenges and pain, so that you can identify the value you can bring. From there, you'll go through a Mutual Evaluation Plan - a collaborative plan between you and your lead, that informs and guides your lead on how they should evaluate your software. The MEPdives into the structure, the types of requirements you'll want to gather, and how to structure your MEPso you get the information and accountability you need to progress in your sales cycle. Once you've completed this course, you'll move into the next phases of the SAASsales cycle:Joint Execution Plan, Deployment Plan, Proposal, Negotiations, and Closing the opp and transitioning to your post sales success. Enjoy!- Sherrylyn"
Price: 19.99

"Lead Generation for Software as a Service (SAAS) Sales"
"Lead Generation is the first step in the SAASsales cycle, without leads, you have no one to sell to. In this course, we'll discuss factors you should consider when prioritizing your accounts and inidentifying which accounts make it to your strategic vs. non-strategic account list. We will take a look at time management and how to best maximize the AE/BDRtime, and how both roles should work together to hunt and build pipeline. The prospecting methods I cover at a high level include cold calling, crafting emails and messaging, and when and how to use social mediato build rapport and capture your prospect's attention. There is no silver bullet when it comes to prospecting, but the goal is to always be hunting. A healthy pipeline empowers AEs to have healthy sales cycle, lead generation is crucial to hitting your quota and exceeding beyond in."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Marketing : Hotel & Accommodation Business"
"Have you ever wanted to increase your direct bookings to minimise the commissions payable to your Online Travel Agencies? Have you ever wanted to keep more liquidity in your pockets so that you can renovate your accommodation or even expand your business?Gaining more reservations through your website and via phone calls or emails is your key to make more profits. Period. At the moment you are receiving many reservations through booking, hrsor Expedia. What would happen to your whole business when you turn that scale around so that more reservations come in through your own booking button? What could you do with the extra money? Where would you invest it?Perhaps, it is difficult for you to envision this thought, but let me assure you that you too can switch the weight of the scale for the better. The path exists, and it is up to you to keep on walking.There are two main options to walk the path to increase your direct bookings.1st option:You do a lot of research. You start figuring out how to increase your direct bookings by yourself. You try out various methods until you find the right strategies that fit you and make a difference in your business.2nd option:You save a lot of precious time and look for a coach that did research, tried various methods and explores only the ones that make the most sense for any accommodation business. That is where I come in.I am a hotel and apartment owner in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. I created the Pimp My Hotel Coursethat teaches you how to establish and manage a hotel to gain regular guests, gain excellent reviews, make your guests love your services and do word-of-mouth marketing for you.Upon the massive request of my students and the success of the Pimp My Hotel course, I created the Viral Direct Booking Method Course, that explicitly dives into how to increase your direct booking through social media marketing.Let me ask you how you would feel if you had the chance to get to know how to amplify the source stream of gaining direct bookings for your business. Imagine you have proven know-how available that teach you how to maximise the essence of doing social media marketing for your accommodation business. Do you believe profound marketing knowledge on that specific topic could change the way you manage your business so that it becomes even more successful than it is right now?If you believe that how-to knowledge and step-by-step guidelines support you to increase your direct bookings (these are the same methods that I use for my businesses), then let me list some of the benefits that this course holds for you:Every single day you will know what to post on your social media platforms. There is no need to ponder and dismantle your mind anymore. I know how it is to sit there and ask yourself, what I can post today, tomorrow or even in a week? These moments were painful, and I wasted a lot of precious time. Believe me when I tell you that there are ways to come up with captivating posts that are available every single day.Your GAINS:By posting consistently on social media platform you will automatically gain more followers, likes, and shares. By posting interesting and exciting content, you will stand out and become more attractive.Your fan base will grow and so will your likes, shares, and reservations.Your GAINS:The more you post creative and meaningful posts, the more attraction you gain, the more people are willing to share your message with the world.By adopting the methods explored in the course, your direct bookings will grow.Your GAINS:Your upcoming bills payable to your OTAs will be lower than before. You will have more money available. You will be able to start a guest relationship right at the first contact with your new guests. The doors to more freedom and flexibility regarding your business development will finally be opened.Your followers will realize that you are different than other accommodation businesses due to the unique marketing strategies that you are using to gain new reservations.Your GAINS:People do not only want to stay in your accommodation, but they want to meet you. You will inspire your fans by your methods and way of doing business.There are more benefits I could mention right now; however, let me tell you aboutThe Direct Booking Incubator- As soon as you start using these strategies, you will receive excellent reviews and at the same time obtain many more direct reservations. This is a strategy I am very proud of to share with you.The Direct Booking Incubatorwill uplift your business. The guests that participate will enjoy it as well. It is a solution where everyone benefits.To sum it up:If you are ready to breakthrough with your social media accounts for your accommodation, then do not waste precious time and put your head in the game. The provided methods in this course will increase your direct bookings. You will gain more attention, and more people will start talking about you. Your fans will share your messages, and your booking button/website will be viewed more often. If you want more success, then go and get it. It is all there for you. You just have to grab it.Also, when you buy the course, you get instantLIFETIME ACCESSto all the training materials. Thus, you can absorb all the information at yourown paceand check back as many times as you like."
Price: 109.99

"MATLAB/SIMULINK BibleGo From Zero to Hero!"
"This course will cover the basics of Simulink and students will be able to create Simulink models and run simulations of physical systems. The courseincludes a unique project-based learning approach and you are going to learn by doing! students will be able todevelopfun, useful and practical Simulink models from scratch.In this course,students will be able to:Experience a true practical project-based learning experience, we will build 10 Simulink projects togetherAccess all the Simulinkmodels and slides,Receive acertificate of completion topost on LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills in Simulink to employers.Receive a risk free trial with30 day money back guarantee so you can give a course a try risk free!Check out the preview videos and the outline to get an idea of the projects we will be covering."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete MATLAB Computer Programming Bootcamp"
"This course will cover the basics of programming and students will be able to create their own code scripts. The courseincludes a unique learning approach and you are going to learn by doing! students will be able todevelopfun, useful and practical code scriptsfrom scratch.In this course,students will be able to:Experience a true practical learning experienceAccess all the codesand slides,Receive acertificate of completion topost on LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills in programmingto employers.Receive a risk free trial with30 day money back guarantee so you can give a course a try risk free!Check out the preview videos and the outline to get an idea of the projects we will be covering."
Price: 99.99

"Control Systems Made Simple Beginner's Guide"
"This course covers the basics of modeling, simulations and control of mechanical and electrical systems.Thecourse is divided into 3 main sections:1.Mechanical systems modeling,2. Electrical systems modeling3. Control systems designSection #1: Mechanical System ModelingThe section covers thebasics of howto derive mathematical models from scratch, draw free body diagrams,apply Newtons laws of motion andsimulate mechanical systems using MATLAB/Simulink. This section alsocoversLaplace domains, transfer function development, and system simulationsusing several inputs such as impulse and step inputs.Section #2: Electrical System ModelingThis section covers electrical systemmodeling fundamentals. It covershow to mathematically model basic elements such as capacitors, resistors and inductors, how to apply Kirchoffs circuit law to solve various electrical circuit. The section also coversadvanced topics such as how to model DC motors, and batteries in MATLAB/Simulink environment.Section #3: Control systems fundamentals/DesignThis section includes the basics of control system and thesteps required to build anycontrol system. Thissection covers one of the most famous controllers known as PID or Proportional Integral Derivative controller. The section includes basics of how to perform block diagrammodel reductionand how to assess dynamicsystemperformance. Furthermore, thesection covers how to performPID tuning to achieve the best desired systemperformance."
Price: 149.99

"Optimization and State Estimation Fundamentals"
"This course covers the details of how to develop optimization and state estimation algorithms and apply them to real world practical applications. The course coversthe following topics:Basic of system modeling which is how to describe any mechanical or electrical system in a mathematical form.The theory of operation ofGenetic Algorithm optimization which is extensively used in several industrial and academic applicationsHow to optimize parameters using experimental dataImplementation ofGenetic algorithm logic in MATLAB environment and apply it to real world problemsHow to represent systems in State space representation form.Theory of operation of state estimation strategies such as Kalman FilteringHow toapply state estimation strategies such as Kalman filtering in MATLAB to real world problems."
Price: 149.99

"Kali Linux Web App Pentesting Labs"
"Welcome to my Kali Linux Web App Pentesting Labs course! This course will be 100% hands-on, focusing specifically on exploitation of vulnerable web applications. Well be building a lab environment consisting of Kali Linux, and several intentionally vulnerable web applications including Beebox, SQL injection labs, OWASP Juice Shop, and WebGoat.Through the duration of this course, well be focusing upon the most prevalent web application vulnerabilities and how to exploit them. As a framework for our learning approach, well be using the most recent version of OWASP at the time of this recording, which is OWASP 2017 top 10. OWASP is an organization which focuses upon improving the security of web applications and is a fundamental and necessary component to learn for aspiring pentesters. We'll be covering OWASP 1-9, because 10 does not apply specifically to pentesting, and is focused on the defensive side. Additionally, we'll be covering each of these in great detail over this course. The primary topics within this course are both manual and automated methods of detection and exploitation of web application web application vulnerabilities. You'll be getting hands-on exposure to industry standard tools such as Burpsuite, Nmap, Nikto, Sqlmap, and many more. From what I've seen over the years in cybersecurity academia, including certifications, hands-on skills are highly lacking, save for the offensive security certs. This is because the majority of courses I've seen only teach theory, and have students prove their competency through writing and answering multiple choice questions. This does not prepare one for the real world, especially for pentesting where technical skills are paramount. This course aims to bridge that gap. The beginning of this course will consist of downloading, installing, and configuring the components necessary for comprehensive hands-on web application penetration testing in a lab environment. Please get ready to hit the ground running and follow along with these labs, as well be getting started right away in the subsequent lecture. I really look forward to working with all of you. If you have any questions during any of the labs, please feel free to reach out to me directly with the messaging system or Q&A section."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Word 2013 - Completo e Descomplicado"
Price: 129.99