"Artificial Intelligence 2018: Build the Most Powerful AI" |
"Two months ago we discovered that a very new kind of AI was invented.The kind of AI which is based on a genius idea and that you can build from scratch and without the need for any framework.We checked that out, we built it, and... theresults are absolutely insane!This game-changing AI called Augmented Random Search, ARS for short.And in a very simple implementation, it is able to do an exact same thing that Google Deep Mind did in their accomplishment last year - which is to train an AI to walk and run across a field.However, ARS is 100x times faster and 100x times more powerful.Be prepared for the most significant tech challenges of the 21st centuryNo need for sophisticated algorithms and frameworksWhat Facebook or Google spent on millions or even more - you can literally do at home!You will be able to compete with multi-billion dollars companiesChange the world on your own within months or even weeksBuild the most powerful AI that anyone has ever built"
Price: 199.99 |
"Intelligence Artificielle de A Z" |
"Vous apprendrez les concepts cls de l'IA ainsi que dvelopperez l'intuition qui vous permettra d'tre rapidement capable de concevoir vos propres IA :Comment dmarrer la cration d'une IA sans aucune connaissance pralable de code l'aide de Python.Comment utiliser OpenAI Gym pour apprendre le plus rapidement possible.Comment optimiser vos IAs afin qu'elles atteignent leur potentiel maximal dans le monde rel.Voici ce que vous apprendrez dans ce cours :1. De parfait dbutant expert en Intelligence Artificielle - Vous apprendrez crer des IA autonomes et capables d'voluer dans de nombreux environnements diffrents. En partant d'une page blanche, nous coderons et expliquerons ensemble chaque ligne de code permettant de crer une IA. Ainsi, vous pourrez non seulement comprendre exactement comment elle fonctionne, mais en plus, vous serez capable de reproduire les exemples pour vos propres projets.2. Templates de code - Dans chaque chapitre, nous vous donnons accs tous les templates de code que nous utilisons (et expliquons). Ainsi, lorsque vous crez un nouveau projet, pas la peine de redmarrer de zro. Vous pouvez directement reprendre le template, l'adapter rapidement, et observer votre nouvelle IA !3. Vidos intuitives - Plutt que de dvelopper des quations mathmatiques sur des pages et des pages, nous apportons une attention toute particulire l'intuition derrire la thorie afin que vous compreniez ce que vous faites et soyez capable d'tre autonomes lorsque vous voudrez amliorer vos algorithmes. 4. Applications concrtes - Dans ce cours, vous serez amens crer une IA non pas sur 1, ni 2, mais sur 3 jeux diffrents ! Dans chaque module, dont la complexit va aller en s'acroissant, l'IA que vous btirez sera capable d'apprendre comment le jeu fonctionne, et force d'accumuler de l'exprience, va russir remplir les objectifs que vous lui donnerez. Ces applications vous permettront de vraiment mettre la main la patte et de pratiquer vos connaissances nouvellement acquises.5. Aide directe - Nous nous sommes engags rendre ce cours le plus accessible possible afin d'enseigner l'IA un maximum de personnes. C'est pourquoi, si vous avez besoin d'aide, nous serons l pour vous pauler. Posez une question sur le point bloquant que vous ne comprenez pas, et nous vous apporterons la solution."
Price: 199.99 |
"JavaScript Fundamentals: A Course for Absolute Beginners" |
"JavaScript is an excellent computer programming or script language from Netscape. It has a close resemblance in ways of its capability with Microsoft's Visual Basic, Sun's Tcl, the UNIX-derived Perl, and IBM's REXX. As a whole, script languages are easier and faster to code unlike the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++. Though script languages take longer to process than compiled languages, they are very useful for shorter programs. JavaScript is lightweight and so is most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow the web pages to bemore user interactive. LiveScript as it was known earlier, JavaScript made its first appearance in Netscape 2.0. The core of the language has been implanted in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers. JavaScript is designed majorly for creating network-centric applications. It balances and integrates with both Java and HTML. Client-side JavaScript is the most common form of the language. This helps in making a web page not just a static HTML, but more user interactive. User-initiated events such as button clicks, link navigation, and other actions that the user initiates openly or implicitly can be done using JavaScript. Apart from its increased interactivity, it provides rich interfaces to webpages and can provide immediate response to the visitors. There is also lesser server interaction using JavaScript. JavaScript does not require any expensive tool to start working, a simple text editor like Notepad is enough. All these qualities make it a very important tool for someone who is interested in creating dynamic web pages. Our course JavaScript Fundamentals will give the students a good idea on the basics of JavaScript."
Price: 19.99 |
"SWAY - tolle Prsentationen fr Internet und Social-Media" |
"Mit der Software SWAY von Microsoft lassen sich innerhalb von wenigen Minuten wirklich eindrucksvolle Prsentationen und Tutorials, Blogseiten, Portfolios, Reiseberichte und Newsletter, ja sogar Referate fr die Schule ruckzuck erstellen und online verteilen: In den Sozialen Medien und per E-Mail. Sogar auf der eigenen Website oder einem Blog kann die Prsentation mit einem Einbettungscode (HTML) eingebunden werden. Und mit einem kleinen Trick (dazu brauche ich die Software Camtasia) mache ich aus meinen Sways auch Videos fr meine Tutorials auf meiner E-Learning Plattform (Moodle), fr meinen YouTube-Channel und fr meine Website.Dabei ist die Benutzeroberflche von Sway sehr einfach gehalten und leicht zu bedienen (im Vergleich zu PowerPoint, das ja sehr kompakt ist). Neben Texten und Bildern knnen auch YouTube-Videos und Tweets mit wenigen Klicks in die Prsentation eingebunden werden. Und es ist sehr einfach, Bildershows und andere Prsentationsarten fr eindrucksvolle Bilddarstellungen zu entwerfen.Verschiedene Designs und Vorlagen fr Prsentationen erleichtern zudem die Handhabung von Sway. Sway ist wirklich sehr sehr einfach zu erlernen und es macht groen Spa, damit Prsentationen zu erstellen. Und es ist kostenlos! Sie brauchen nur ein (ebenfalls kostenloses) Microsoft-Konto, das aber schnell angelegt ist (im Kurs zeige ich auch, wie das geht)."
Price: 124.99 |
"Windows 10 - Der neue Microsoft-Browser EDGE" |
"Der neue Browser EDGE, der mit dem Betriebssystem Windows 10 auf Ihrem PC installiert wurde, ist ein schlanker und moderner Browser. Gegenber dem alten Internet Explorer bietet EDGE viele Vorteile und Extras, die einen Umstieg auf den Browser lohnen.Lernen Sie den neuen Browser der Firma Microsoft kennen und lieben. Sie erfahren nicht nur, wie Sie den Browser ganz nach Ihren persnlichen Erfordernissen einstellen und absichern, sondern auch wie Sie ihn effizient nutzen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einzelne Lesezeichen anlegen, diese in Ordnern organisieren, wie Sie Internetseiten ganz komfortabel lesen und drucken knnen und dabei berflssige Werbung ""abschalten"" knnen, wie Sie direkt beim Lesen der Seiten eigene Kommentare in Ihre Leseseite eingeben, abspeichern und ausdrucken knnen, und noch vieles mehr!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Visitenkarten mit CANVA erstellen und online drucken lassen" |
"Du mchtest ganz besondere Drucksachen selbst professionell gestalten und dabei nicht einfach bei einer Online-Druckerei ein Motiv auswhlen, das hunderte oder tausende andere Menschen auch verwenden? Wenn Du schon mit CANVAarbeitest, zum Beispiel, um Deine Grafiken fr Social-Media oder fr Deine Website damit zu kreieren, wirst Du von der Mglichkeit begeistert sein, mit CANVA auch Deine DRUCKPRODUKTE genauso einfach gestalten zu knnen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du - falls Du noch keinen Account bei CANVA hast - Dich bei CANVA anmeldest und anschlieend eine Visitenkarte mit Vorder- und Rckseite gestalten kannst.Zustzlich gibt es ""Tipps und Tricks fr ""Nicht-Designer"".Als Beispiel dient die Visitenkarte eines Knstlers, der diese im Anschluss an die im Kurs gezeigte Gestaltung auch online hat drucken lassen. Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs neben der Gestaltung der Visitenkarte auch die Anmeldung bei der Druckerei und die Auftragserteilung inklusive Hochladen der Dateien fr den Druck - alles Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach zum nachvollziehen."
Price: 29.99 |
"DIN-Lang Flyer mit CANVA erstellen und online drucken lassen" |
"Du mchtest ganz besondere Drucksachen, zum Beispiel einen Flyer mit DIN Lang Format selbst professionell gestalten und dabei nicht einfach bei einer Online-Druckerei ein Motiv auswhlen, das hunderte oder tausende andere Menschen auch verwenden? Wenn Du schon mit CANVAarbeitest, zum Beispiel, um Deine Grafiken fr Social-Media oder fr Deine Website damit zu kreieren, wirst Du von der Mglichkeit begeistert sein, mit CANVA auch Deine DRUCKPRODUKTE genauso einfach gestalten zu knnen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du - falls Du noch keinen Account bei CANVA hast - Dich bei CANVA anmeldest und anschlieend einen DIN-Lang Flyer mit Vorder- und Rckseite gestalten kannst.Zustzlich gibt es ""Tipps und Tricks fr ""Nicht-Designer"".Als Beispiel dient der Flyer eines Knstlers, der diesen im Anschluss an die im Kurs gezeigte Gestaltung auch online hat drucken lassen. Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs neben der Gestaltung des Flyers auch die Anmeldung bei der Druckerei und die Auftragserteilung inklusive Hochladen der Dateien fr den Druck - alles Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach zum nachvollziehen."
Price: 39.99 |
"Poster (DIN A2) in CANVA erstellen und online drucken lassen" |
"Du mchtest ganz besondere Drucksachen selbst professionell gestalten und dabei nicht einfach bei einer Online-Druckerei ein Motiv auswhlen, das hunderte oder tausende andere Menschen auch verwenden? Wenn Du schon mit CANVAarbeitest, zum Beispiel, um Deine Grafiken fr Social-Media oder fr Deine Website damit zu kreieren, wirst Du von der Mglichkeit begeistert sein, mit CANVA auch Deine DRUCKPRODUKTE genauso einfach gestalten zu knnen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du - falls Du noch keinen Account bei CANVA hast - Dich bei CANVA anmeldest und anschlieend ein Poster im Format DINA2 gestalten kannst.Zustzlich gibt es ""Tipps und Tricks fr ""Nicht""-Designer"".Als Beispiel dient das Poster eines Knstlers, der dieses im Anschluss an die im Kurs gezeigte Gestaltung auch online hat drucken lassen. Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs neben der Gestaltung des Posters auch die Anmeldung bei der Druckerei und die Auftragserteilung inklusive Hochladen der Datei fr den Druck - alles Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach zum nachvollziehen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Flyer, Poster, Visitenkarten, Postkarten mit CANVA gestalten" |
"Du mchtest ganz besondere Druckprodukte wie Flyer, Poster, Visitenkarten oder Postkarten selbst professionell gestalten und dabei nicht einfach bei einer Online-Druckerei ein Motiv auswhlen, das hunderte oder tausende andere Menschen auch verwenden? Wenn Du schon mit CANVAarbeitest, zum Beispiel, um Deine Grafiken fr Social-Media oder fr Deine Website damit zu kreieren, wirst Du von der Mglichkeit begeistert sein, mit CANVA auch Deine DRUCKPRODUKTE genauso einfach gestalten zu knnen. Auerdem gibt es einen extra Abschnitt mit Tipps und Tricks fr ""Nicht""-Designer. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du - falls Du noch keinen Account bei CANVA hast - Dich bei CANVA anmeldest und anschlieend die folgenden Druckprodukte gestalten kannst.- einen Flyer (Vorder- und Rckseite) im Format DINLang (98 x 210 mm)- eine Visitenkarte (Vorder- und Rckseite) im Format 85 x 55 mm- ein Poster im Format DINA2 (420 x 594 mm)- eine Postkarte (Vorder- und Rckseite) im Format 105 x 148 mmAls Beispiel dienen Druckprodukte eines Knstlers, der diese im Anschluss an die im Kurs gezeigte Gestaltung auch online hat drucken lassen. Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs neben der Gestaltung des der Druckprodukte auch die Anmeldung bei der Druckerei und die Auftragserteilung inklusive Hochladen der Datei fr den Druck - alles Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach zum nachvollziehen."
Price: 99.99 |
"Postkarte in CANVA gestalten und online drucken lassen" |
"Du mchtest ganz besondere Drucksachen selbst professionell gestalten und dabei nicht einfach bei einer Online-Druckerei ein Motiv auswhlen, das hunderte oder tausende andere Menschen auch verwenden? Wenn Du schon mit CANVAarbeitest, zum Beispiel, um Deine Grafiken fr Social-Media oder fr Deine Website damit zu kreieren, wirst Du von der Mglichkeit begeistert sein, mit CANVA auch Deine DRUCKPRODUKTE genauso einfach gestalten zu knnen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie Du - falls Du noch keinen Account bei CANVA hast - Dich bei CANVA anmeldest und anschlieend eine Postkarte im Format 105 x 148 mm gestalten kannst.Als Beispiel dient die Postkarte eines Knstlers, der diese im Anschluss an die im Kurs gezeigte Gestaltung auch online hat drucken lassen. Zustzlich gibt es ""Tipps und Tricks fr ""Nicht-Designer"".Ich zeige Dir in diesem Kurs neben der Gestaltung des Postkarte auch die Anmeldung bei der Druckerei und die Auftragserteilung inklusive Hochladen der Dateien fr den Druck - alles Schritt fr Schritt ganz einfach zum nachvollziehen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Beyond Arduino, Part 4: C for Embedded Applications" |
"In this fourth part of theBeyond Arduinoseries,you'll learn many techniques to produce more efficient and professional embedded applications. It's time to leave the toy programs behind.You'll learn how to handle memory-attached hardware registers properly, how to perform bitwise manipulation of data, how to handle interrupts on your microcontroller development platform, and many other techniqueswhich you aren't always aware of because of the immense body of elements that conceal the details in many beginner platforms, like the Arduino, for the sake of simplicity.You'll also learn how to deal with very basic, typically 8-bit, microcontrollers that don't have a Floating Point Unit and still write code that gets the job done in the best way possible even with the limited resources available.After graspingthis knowledge, we expect you to think differently when designing your embedded applications in the future. By adding these best practicesto your bag of tricks, you'll get one step closer to making embedded applications like aprofessional, and hopefully you'll feel less like abeginner."
Price: 199.99 |
"FPGA Embedded Design, Part 1 - Verilog" |
"Do you feel you've learned enough about microcontrollers? Do you want to learn more embedded application design techniques? How about a technique that will allow you to design high-performance systems the way professional equipment designers do?If you're still interested, this curriculumis for you. The FPGAEmbedded Designseries will teach you the exquisite art of FPGA design.So whatis an FPGA anyway?Before moving on, let me tell you that an FPGA is not a microcontroller. It's not a computer. Well, at least not if you don't want it to be a microcontroller or computer.The simplestexplanation of an FPGA I've found is thatit's a shapeshifter! It's an integrated circuit that will behave as the logic circuit you'd like, and the way of letting it know the desired behavior is, yes, you guessed it, through programming.But you will not do this with a Programming Language, but with a Hardware Description Language!"
Price: 199.99 |
"FPGA Embedded Design, Part 2 - Basic FPGA Training" |
"It's time to get your hands on an actual FPGA!In this second part of the FPGA Embedded Design series, we'll get our hands on an actual FPGA to bring our designs to life.We'll use an FPGA development board from Terasic. We'll program a Cyclone V FPGA from Altera/Intel, using their development suite Quartus Prime.This course consists of two main parts:Foundations of FPGAs, where we'll cover the essentials of FPGAs, how they work, what they can and cannot do.Hand's On Training, where we'll design some simple hardware and download it into an FPGA development board. No purchases are required for this second part, but it sure helps to have your own board to follow along, and keep on tinkering in the future with this new superpower.What are you waiting for? Let's have some fun!!! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Become a master of client and account management" |
"Did you know that repeat customers, on average spend 67% more than new customers?If you need to manage clients on an ongoing basis and have a challenge around:Over-servicing;Coping with project change;Selling on value rather than time;Retaining and growing clients;Having difficult conversations;Then this course is a must for you!It covers everything you need to know from the role of the account/client manager to how to put plans together, managing challenging clients and having difficult conversations. What to do about 'scope creep' and how to stop overservicing.As well as my insight and experience, you will also get access to tools and templates to help you effectively manage clients - resulting in longer term relationships and growing revenues.By the end of the course you will:Confidently manage clients in all situationsBetter understand your customers to ensure a great relationshipManage changes to requirements without the need to over serviceLearn how to politely but firmly push back on clients and say NO when necessaryUnderstand the importance of time recording, capacity management and project management toolsPresent yourself in front of your peers and clients with confidenceLearn Active Listening skillsI developed this course because of demand from my clients and public courses I deliver. I wanted to be able to share my 20+ year's of experience with a wider audience at a cost effective price."
Price: 199.99 |
"Become an Inspiring Leader and a Great Manager" |
"Whether you are new to management,want to brush up on your management skills or want to up-skillother staff thenthis course covers all you need to know. It's born out of the need to support managers (new and old) who are given little management training. Yet it is one of the most valuable skills to running a business or managing a team and retaining best staff.If you:Have had little or no management training;Need a range of approachesfor managing different situations;Are nervous about giving difficult feedback and performance management;Struggle with prioritisation;Have a high turn over of staff or want help to get your recruitment right;Are not good at goal setting or holding people accountable;Then this course is a great resource to watch in one go or use as a resource library to refer to when specific situations occur at work."
Price: 199.99 |
"Increase your profits by selling value rather than time" |
"Traditionally, agencies have sold their time or fixed project based fees to clients. This approach no longer works. There is a fundamental mismatch between what the client is buying (certainly not your time) and what you are selling them.Having worked with many agencies over the past 13 years, I know most agencies still sell this way but if you can align your product/service to the client's needs, desires and pain points, then you will be able charge bigger fees and become a more profitable business.In this short course I want to share with you a much better way that generates more profits and less stress in your agency.The course will:Look at the 3 traditional ways agencies sell, and why they are no longer fit for purposeOutline the concepts of value selling and how this will build much stronger relationships with your clientsTeach you how to better understand your clients, so you speak their language - especially when sellingHow taking a value pricing and selling approach willsignificantly increase your profits almost immediatelyHow and when to have the value conversation with your clientsHow to use pricing anchoring to get the best deal from the clientOutline some common objections and barriers you may have about switching your pricing model to a value based modelBy the end of this course you will have some new tools, downloads and techniques to attract the ideal customers, confidently charge higher fees and generate more profits.Using the tools and concepts within this course, Rob has helped one of his clients, Pedroza Communications increase their profits by 66%.MD, Anna Pedroza commented""Rob supported me to evolve our proposals and costings to sell on value rather than time. This has had a significant impact on the bottom line: after evaluating the profitability of the business, he has helped us increase profits by 66%."""
Price: 64.99 |
"Swift4 iOS11 : (AI)" |
"iOS ? ? iOS . ,iOS . , Swift4Xcode9 Storyboard , , if//switch, , UI , Vision FrameworkCore ML Xcode . . , . . iOS . , // !"
Price: 149.99 |
"Aprende a crear menes de bebidas profesionales" |
"Un men de bebidas es la carta de presentacin de un restauran o un bar dondereinara la creatividad y dedicacin de cada empresa, es por esa razn que durante este cursos aprenders diferentes tcnicas de recorte, armado, colorimetria, efectos de luces, limpieza de imgenes, renders de una marca, boceteado de ideas principales, eleccinde colores y armado de un escenario creativo para la presentacin de ccteles, cervezas, whiskys, jarras de frutas entre otros elementos, podrs ver como armar una pieza grfica desde cero hasta los detalles de tapa y contratapa para posteriormente enviarlo a imprenta."
Price: 49.99 |
"7 tips for new leaders - avoiding common mistakes" |
"This course is designed for new leaders. Such leaders may be new to leadership altogether, or just new to a particular position. The course focuses on helping new leaders get off on the right foot with their team by taking the time to get to understand the context, the history, the team and the people in it. It is designed to help people avoid some common New Broom mistakes, helping them focus instead on engaging with their team from the very beginning in a way that creates relationships and expectations that enable the new leader to get the best from the team immediately and in the future."
Price: 44.99 |
"Managing conflict with skill and confidence" |
"Conflict is inevitable. It is a fact of life and most people are afraid of it. But you don't have to be. Conflicts grow out of disagreement, or simply difference. This course will give you all you need to prevent or manage conflict, whether it involves you directly, or other people. Conflict is immensely costly to organisations, damaging to relationships and disastrous for productivity. It might be an argument between a line manager and a member of their team, a personality clash between colleagues or even a power dispute between different departments. Wherever it arises, conflict is a major cause of stress in the workplace and it can lead to long-standing grievances, factionalism and absenteeism. Confident conflict resolution skills will set you apart. Being able to handle conflict effectively, whatever the situation, is an ability that will help you to build strong, constructive working relationships and improve the overall performance of your team, group or department.This course features easily learned tactics, clearly explained by Barry Winbolt, a trainer and mediator, based on his 30 years' experience oftackling workplace conflict in different settings and cultures. In a series of engaging videos, he explains the pitfalls that cause conflict and the patterns thatlead to escalation. He shows you how to avoid those frustrating cycles of argument and resistance. He then provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating positive outcomes through conversations that build trust rather than dividing people. He explains why early intervention is best, how to deftly handle disputes before they get out of control, and turn them into constructive conversations.By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of conflict, which will reduce any uncertainty you may have in tackling it. It will place you ahead of the pack; positive conflict management skills are a key component of leadership. This short course will give a better understanding of:A framework for handling conflict and disputes with confidencePatterns of conflict and how it escalatesHow to stop a disagreement escalating into a disputeWhen and how to intervene in a dispute between othersThe key communication steps you needto resolve a conflictHow to avoid confrontation and deadlockHow to move from confrontationto constructive conversations."
Price: 44.99 |
"Assert Yourself - Master the benefits of assertive behaviour" |
"Being able to assert yourself and communicate effectively is key to building good working relationships. This course takes an engaging look at how to develop confidence and communication skills to ensure positive outcomes from your interactions with others.When we find ourselves under pressure or in confrontational situations, we may react aggressively - or we may back down and say nothing. Neither approach is likely to result in a positive outcome and were likely to come away from the situation wishing wed handled things differently. Failure to assert ourselves and communicate clearly can have a negative impact on our interactions with colleagues, clients and customers and is likely to affect our personal effectiveness and productivity as well. Assert yourself is an engaging, interactive learning experience that helps you todevelop the skills and confidence you need to ensure that yourinteractions with others are positive, respectful and productive."
Price: 44.99 |
"Tackling sensitive workplace conversations with confidence" |
"Whether its speaking to someone about their bad body odour, tackling issues around someones personal life, dealing with sickness and bereavement or addressing suspected alcohol or drug abuse, being able to have conversations around sensitive issues is akey skill that can mean the difference between a happy, productive workforce and one thats plagued by stress, poor employee dynamics and low productivity.Its also essential for employers and managers to be aware of common legal pitfalls around dealing with certain issues in order to avoid costly tribunal action further down the line.Combining thought-provoking original drama with insight from an employment law expert and leading workplace psychologists, this course from Skill Boosters provides employers and managers with a toolkit for raising delicate and personal issues and resolving them effectively at an early stage.Featured experts:Petra Venton, Employment law expertBarry Winbolt, Psychologist and mediatorClive Lewis, CEO, Globis MediationKate Russell, Employment law and HR consultant, Russell HR Consulting"
Price: 49.99 |
"Six steps to leading productive meetings" |
"Meetings should be collaborative, productive spaces that make the best possible use of everyones time, skills and experience. This course looks at why so many meetings go wrong and provides six key pointers for making sure they go right.All too often, the meetings we attend are tedious, irrelevant and a waste of our time - when they ought to be a place where we can get together to share information, skills and experience and achieve something special. Meetings are an expensive activity for any organisation, so its important that they actually achieve what they set out to do, and dont just stop people from getting on with their jobs. Using a mix of drama and expert commentary from leading workplace psychologist Sarah Lewis, this course looks at why so many meetings go wrong and provides six easy steps for reclaiming the power of the meeting and turning it into a dynamic space for constructive collaboration. This course will give a better understanding of: The importance of creating and maintaining a positive atmosphereHow to encourage creativity and get people to share ideas, information and resourcesHow asking questions can help us manage conflict situations and find answers to problemsWhat to do when people dont turn upWhy thinking outside the group makes for better decisionsWhat we can do to ensure buy-in and commitment."
Price: 44.99 |
"Coaching skills for managers" |
"Welcome to this course on coaching skills development. By studying this course, you will learn how to assess when coaching is the appropriate development approach, how to engage someone in a coaching conversation, how to conduct a coaching conversation and how to effectively conclude aconversation. In addition, you will learn when coaching is not an appropriate approach, and when people might not to in a position to benefit from a coaching approach. The course includes video clips of coaching conversations that illustrate the points being made.This course is for you if you are required to assist in the professional development of other people at work. This could be as a manager, or as abusiness owner who is required to develop the leadership skills of your team members, as an internal coach, or if you are interested in or beginning a professional career in coaching. Equally it will be useful to those in a mentoring role, and to the learning and development professional. This course is aimed at those who want to improvetheir skills in helping others develop. At the end of the course, students will be able: Understand what coaching is Be able to identify when it is appropriate to use coaching and when it isnt Understand the benefits and the costs of taking a coaching approach Be able to identify good coaching opportunities Know how to move to coaching conversations Understand how to conduct a coaching conversation Understand what might get in the way of someone engaging with a coaching conversation Use useful coaching questions Understand how to conclude a coaching conversation"
Price: 44.99 |
"Managing mental health issues in the workplace" |
"Mental ill health is one of themost common causes of workplace sickness absence,costing employers dearlyin terms ofreduced productivity, poor service and recruitment costs. This course looks at the impact of poor mental health at work and explains why ensuring staff mental well-being should be a top priority for organisations across all sectors.Mental health problems among staff pose a growing risk to employers. Yet the stigma attached to mental health still persists in many of todays workplaces and a lot of employers are unaware of the extent of the problem and how to tackle it meaning that employees are not getting the help and support that they need and organisations are suffering as a result.Combining original drama, legal analysis, insights from business psychologists and mental health professionals and stories from people with lived experience, this videocourse looks at common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression and their impact in the workplace and provides an introduction to what employers can do to support the mental well-being of their staff.Section 1 - What is stress?Stress is a major problem for employers and employees alike, costingbusinesses and organisations billions of pounds every year and blighting the lives of millions of people in the workplace and beyond. It's one of the most commoncauses of sickness absence in the UK and can have a drastic effect on our productivity, confidence and mental well-being and if left unaddressed, it can lead to serious mental and physical health problems.This sectionwill give a better understanding of:why we get stressed and how it affects ushow to recognise that we may be becoming stressedthe risks posed by mental ill health and the costs to employersthe importance of good mental health practice in the workplacethe need to tackle the stigma around mental healththe nature of stress and how to spot the warning signs that someone may be sufferingSection 2 - Understanding and managing your own stress in the workplaceBeing able to handle pressure and manage our stress levels are key skills in todays fast-paced, high-pressure working environments. This sectionlooks at some of the common triggers for stress and provides some simple yet effective tools for safeguarding our mental health.This sectionwill give a better understanding of:reducing stress by working smart and taking a strategic approach to our workeffective ways of managing our reactions to stressful situationsthe benefits of having an open dialogue around stress and mental health in generalhow the six ways to well-being can support our long-term mental healthSection 3 - Supporting the mental health of your peopleKnowing how to support the good mental health of your staff is key to having a productive and happy workforce that delivers for your organisation. This sectionsets out good practice for employers in managing employees mental well-being.This sectionwill give a better understanding of:why a change in workplace culture is often needed to improve management of staff mental healthemployers legal obligations to safeguard the mental well-being of their employeesways of gaining insight into mental well-being in your workplacepractical measures you can take to support good mental health at workthe role of managers, peers, coaches and mentorshow to support people with mental health problems in the working environmenthow to make reasonable adjustmentsmanaging absence and return to work"
Price: 44.99 |
"Understanding and tackling Gender Bias in the workplace" |
"The belief that there are fundamental and universal differences between the sexes is a popular one. But its a belief thatlacks scientific backing andone thatcontinues to underpin gender inequality and discrimination, both in the workplace and in society. This course looks at the nature of gender bias, how it affectsbothindividuals and organisations and what we can do toreduce itsimpact on our relationships and decision-making. Studies have shown thatcontrary to popular stereotypes, there are no differences at all in terms of womens and mens cognitive abilities. Whats more, the gendered roles that today appear immutable have not always been so - history tells us that prior to the industrial revolution, men and women performed a wide range of mutually interchangeable roles, and thateven 100 years ago, jobs that today are seen as typically female were done almost exclusively by men. Yet todays workplace remains hamperedby perceptions of gender-specific roles and broadly accepted norms of gender behaviour,and organisations and individualsare suffering as a result.In this course from Skill Boosters,Professor Binna KandolaandDr Jo Kandolaexplain how todays gender inequality stems not from biology and evolution but from artificial social constructs and show how challenging gender bias and dismantling genderstereotypescan deliver huge benefits at bothan individual and organisational level.This course looks at:Why we carry around gender stereotypes and how they affect usThe impact of gender bias in the workplace and the business case for tackling itWhy addressing ourbias helps usto assess peoples strengths, skills and potential more objectivelyand ensure that we recruit, retain and advance the best peopleHow to make sure that the decisionsthat wemake arewell-informed, fair and sustainablePractical techniques for identifying and addressing bias at an individual and organisational level"
Price: 44.99 |
"Managing Difficult Conversations with skill and confidence" |
"Having the skills and confidence to handle difficult conversations with staff is an essential part of being an effective manager. This course aims to remove the fear factor from difficult conversations and show how the right approach can help turn that tough talk into a constructive dialogue.It could be addressing someones behaviour or work performance, breaking the news about redundancies, turning someone down for promotion or trying to get a long-term absentee back to work. Whatever the issue at stake, being able to approach these kinds of difficult conversations constructively is a crucial skill for managers. A positive outcome can mean the difference between an employee becoming more engaged and productive, or getting increasingly dissatisfied, going absent or even making a grievance claim. This course uses powerful original drama and insight from leading workplace mediation experts to look at difficult conversations in a new light and demonstrate how to achieve the outcome you want."
Price: 44.99 |
"Leading Disciplinary Meetings and Investigations" |
"Disciplining employees can be a daunting prospect for managers, but doing so fairly and objectively is crucial for making sure that your employees meet the standards you require.Organisations can face a wide range of disciplinary issues, from relatively minor problems like poor timekeeping and excessive chatting to more serious problems such as bullying and harassment, theft, fraud or the misuse of company equipment. If left unaddressed, even minor issues can have a profound impact on productivity, morale and working relationships - so its essential to address them as quickly and effectively as possible.Informal disciplinary conversations arent part of an organisations formal disciplinary procedure - but they can be a very effective way of tackling issues at an early stage before they become more serious, with a focus on helping the employee to improve rather than imposing sanctions. This course looks at:Common situations where informal resolution can be effective How to prepare for the conversation Exploring your concerns in a constructive way How to avoid common pitfalls Agreeing steps for improvement and monitoring progressSome more serious disciplinary matters may require investigation, and this will require the appointment of an investigator whose role it is to gather evidence, interview witnesses to the alleged misconduct and determine whether or not there is a case to answer. If the investigator decidesthat this is the case,there will need to be a formaldisciplinary meetingat which the employee is present and the investigator's report into the misconduct will be presented.As chair of a formal meeting, youll need to ensure that you follow the correct procedure and deal with the allegations fairly and consistently. This course looks at:When an investigation might be necessary How to gather evidence and collect witness statementsWhat to include in an investigation report How to prepare for a formal disciplinary meeting Who should attend and what their roles are How to deal with the allegations What to consider when deciding an appropriate sanction"
Price: 74.99 |
"Successfully leading through change and uncertainty" |
"If you want to learn how to continue to lead effectively during organisational change, then this is the course for you.This course will helpleaders faced with conditions ofvolatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) to be effective leaders. In this course, you will learn seven steps to ensure you are aneffective leader in these increasingly frequent VUCA situations. The course involves watching video drama and lectures and also includes:Learner notes and exercises for each section to enhance and consolidate learningA short quiz at the end to check learningDownloadable resources and weblinkVideo populated with writtencaptions to emphasise key learning points.By studying this course, youwill learn:About the changing demands of leadership in a 21st century VUCA worldWhy the established models of managing change are no longer effectiveAbout the style of leadership needed to lead through change and uncertaintyHow to overcome the challenges of resistance to change and getting buy-inHow to create and maintain a strong leadership position when the future is uncertainThe importance of maintaining a strong people focus during change, and how to do thatHow to maintain engagement and motivation during complex adaptive changeHow to use sense-making processes to maintain flexibility in fast-changing situationsHow to engage the whole organisation or team in the change challengeSpecific leadership techniques to deal with ever-changing situationsHow to maintain leadership authenticity and integrity in volatile situationsSeven key principles to guide leadership behaviour as situations unfold.Learning how to lead effectively through change can benefit you professionally, as doing this wellis one of thebiggest challengesleaders face. It is estimated that 70% of change efforts in organisations fail. Don't let yours be one of them. Leadership is a complex, judgemental, psychological task. I am a chartered organisational psychologist with over 25 years' experience working with organisations and leaders going through change. I know the theory and have witnessed the practice. I have selected the best of both to speed your learning journey in this complex area.By the end of this course, you will be better equipped to lead through change with confidence and skill."
Price: 49.99 |
"Understanding and developing Emotional Intelligence" |
"This engaging course outlines the concept of Emotional Intelligence, explains why it is important for personal and professional development, and describes how to apply the ideas to assess and improve your own confidenceand performance by developing your EI.As the different aspects are explained via our video lectures, each section is supported by downloadable exercises and other resources to help you revise and consolidate the learning.We all know what intellectual intelligence is, and we also know it can be misleadingbecause that sort of intelligence doesnt accurately reflect how well someone functions and manages at work or in life.We also all know of highly intelligent people who don't handle themselves very well; they are not good in social relationships, for example, or that have difficulty communicating.Just as important as conventional IQ the sort of intelligence that gets measured in those tests many of us did in school is Emotional Intelligence.Emotional Intelligence is a set of aptitudes which determine how well you handle yourself in life, and how well you are able to understand and get on with others.In an ever-more complex and demanding world, technical expertise knowing how to do your job is not enough. We are all experiencing higher demand, more stress, and more fluid working relationships. Now we can all do with being more proactive, engaging with others, and learning how to manage our own energy levels, our relationships, and other people.The skills of Emotional Intelligence show you how to do these things and how to develop the insight and confidence to handle your own and others' expectations and emotions effectively.This course features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Barry Winbolt, lecturer and psychotherapist, based on his 30 years' experience of helping people to improve workplace relationships and performance in many different settings and cultures.In a series of engaging videos, he explains thestrengths of Emotional Intelligence and why we should develop them in ourselves and others. He shows you how to make the skills part of your repertoire. He then provides a comprehensive toolkit for creating positive working relationships, and managing yourself, as well as the increasing demands of the workplace.By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of Emotional Intelligence, which will help you become more confident in your decisions and your working relationships. It will place you ahead of the pack; Emotional Intelligence is a key component in effective management and leadership.Emotional Intelligence is based on a set of learnable skills. It is backed up by a huge body of research which shows that these skills can help you:Get on better with othersCommunicate more effectivelyMake better decisionsHandle stress and pressureMotivate yourselfReduce anxietyManage others more effectively.Youll also learn why EI is now seen as the defining characteristic among successful managers and leaders."
Price: 49.99 |