"Spring Boot: A quick tutorial guide" |
"Course Description:If you want tocreate quick and efficient web application, then this course is for you. ""Spring Boot quick tutorial guide"" introduces you toSpring boot.In this course, youll start from basics to all the way to database connectivity, and youll learn how to do it in a way thats both informative and engaging.In this course, you will: Learn the background working of the frameworkUnderstand building web API with restful APIGet introduced with Spring MVC patternGet bonus videos on Spring boot with jspConnect with the database and perform CRUD operationWhy LearnSpring bootLearning Spring boot can benefit you professionally as you gain a popular skill and brings to in better position to build web application quickly. It is an excellent skill for components developmentto enhance web applicationsand boost ourcareerprospects as a ITprofessional.Why Learn From Me Learning Spring boot can be challenging and complex. To navigate this maze, you need an easy and straight-to-the-point approach. This course brings my teaching experience and industry know-how to you. Ive taught IT for over six years to 84,000+ students, and Im also a web application developer. My teaching style is unique and easy to understand, with plenty of opportunities to practice: I take up simple examples and follow a step-by-step approach. Helping you master these subjects is my highest priority.By the end of the course, you will confidently build web applications using Spring bootJoin me on this adventure today! Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 129.99 |
"Die fnf besten Entgiftungsmethoden" |
"Eine Entgiftungskur gehrt zu den gesundheitlichen Massnahmen, die jeder in regelmssig selbst und zu Hause durchfhren kann. Das geht auch vorbeugend, um die stndige Flut der eintreffenden Umweltgifte regelmssig zu entfernen und ihnen damit das Potential zu nehmen, irgendwann einmal krank zu machen.Wer bereits an einer chronischen Krankheit leidet, kann mit einer Entgiftung (Detox) die Chancen auf eine Heilung der Krankheit oder wenigstens auf eine Besserung der Beschwerden deutlich erhhen.Eine Entgiftung oder Entschlackung ist auch dann sinnvoll, wenn ein Kinderwunsch besteht und man seinem Baby den bestmglichen Start ins Leben bieten mchte. Denn wenn die Mutter mit Schwermetallen Umweltgiften, Wohngiften, usw. belastet ist, dann leidet natrlich auch das ungeborene Kind darunter."
Price: 24.99 |
"Hands-On Sketch 4 Masterclass - Learn Web and Mobile Design" |
"Following the success of my previous courses on Sketch, I created this course to showcase Sketch 4 and packed it with a ton of new content. In thisimmersive course I'll take youstep-by-step through the basics ofSketch andshow you howtodesignmobile app screens, web pages, logos and muchmore.Upon completion of the course, you'll have the confidence andreal-worldexperience to startcreating your own designswith Sketch.Course Outline:Start with the basics: Learn to draw andmanipulate shapes, organize your workspace,manipulateimages andcustomizefontsMagazine Cover Project: We'll brainstorm, gather inspiration and custom fonts, create a wireframe and then create our finaldesignWeb Page Project: Follow along as we recreate content for a top selling web page template fromheader to footerMobile App Screens: Learn the techniques forbuildingthe mostpopularmobile app interfacesLogos: Step-by-stepwalkthroughs for creatingmore than a dozen logosKnowledge Check:Your understanding of the topics covered will be tested in the form of quizzes, designchallenges, and assignmentsClass Resources & Support:You'll see theprocess I use when designing and where Iget myresourcesIf you have a question, comment, or need help, post it in the Q & A section or on the Facebook groupStart your journeyand find out whymanyof the fastest growingcompanies aroundare using Sketch."
Price: 19.99 |
"Formularios PHP con: AJAX, MySQL, reCAPTCHA y Bootstrap 4!" |
"Bienvenido al curso de creacin de formularios con PHP, Bootstrap 4, JQuery y Ajax.Aqu aprenders a crearformularios de contacto donde las respuestas del usuario te llegarn al correo electrnico.Utilizaremos Bootstrap 4, PHP, JQuery,reCAPTCHA (degoogle)y Ajax para el desarrollo de nuestros formularios de contacto, siendo este responsive para dispositivos mviles.Ajax nos permite interactuar con el servidor de manera asncrona, es decir, enviaremos datos a PHP y este nos devolver una respuesta sin tener que recargar nuestro sitio web, siendo una forma atractiva de interactuar con nuestros usuario que estn llenando el formulario de contacto.La seguridad en PHP es muy importante y trataremos varios casos donde tendremos que validar los datos que ingrese el usuario, as evitaremos que nos lleguen correos en blanco, con cdigo malicioso o indescifrables.Para finalizar te dejar un apartado de fundamentos de Bootstrap 4 para que aprendas las bases de este hermoso framework.Espero que disfrutemos juntos la aventura de aprender."
Price: 94.99 |
"Vue js 2 Completo De 0 a Experto! + Firebase + Node [MEVN]" |
"Vue js es un Framework de Javascript progresivo donde podremos crear interfaces de usuario. A diferencia de otros marcos monolticos, Vue est diseado desde cero para ser adoptable de forma incremental. La biblioteca central se enfoca solo en la capa de vista y es fcil de captar e integrar con otras bibliotecas o proyectos existentes. Por otro lado, Vue tambin es perfectamente capaz de impulsar aplicaciones sofisticadas de una sola pgina cuando se usa en combinacin con herramientas modernas y bibliotecas de soporte .Estoy en constante actualizacin de nuevo material, as que atento a las nuevas secciones :)En el curso aprenders:Fundamentos de Vue js con CDN (sin necesidad de instalar nada)Vuex para desarrollos profesionalesCLI 3 que cuenta con una interfaz grfica para nuestros proyectos desde ceroVueRouter para trabajar con rutasWeb SPA (sitios que no se sobrecargan)Consumir servicios de Firebase (base de datos, autenticacin y hosting)Realizar registro de usuario con email y contraseaIncorporar Bootstrap 4 a tus proyectos webRealizar validaciones de formularios con VuelidateSubir proyectos al Hosting de Firebase gratis!Actualizacin Febrero 2019:Consumo de API pblica con AXIOSVuetify (Material Design para Vue.js)Registro de usuario con Google y FacebookManejo de imgenes con Storage de FirebaseActualizacin Marzo 2019Creacin de Chat en tiempo realActualizacin Mayo 2019Introduccin a NuxtNuxt y Axios (API)Actualizacin Octubre 2019MEVN Aprende Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB y Vue.jsMEVN Autenticacin con JWT y roles de usuario.Despliegue de aplicaciones en Heroku y MongoDB Atlas (en la nube)Si, aprenderemos a subir nuestra pgina web al Hosting de Firebase y Heroku, sin necesidad de gastar ningn peso adicional :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Scrum Master Certificacin Mundial" |
"[Actualizado 2019]Scrumla metodologa que es fuerte en proyectos de software esta siendo aplicada en todo tipo de proyecto actualemente.En este curso aprendes los claves de Scrum y te preparas para el examen mundial de varios entes de certificacion.Algunas de las prcticas de Scrum incluyen el establecimiento de equipos multi-funcionales y auto-gestionados, produciendo una entrega de trabajos al final de cada iteracin o Sprint.Este curso esta basado en vdeos donde se explican conceptos de scrum acompaados por documentos en formato PDFy preguntas tipo examen de certificacin que ayudan a validar que el conocimiento adquirido."
Price: 19.99 |
"DevOps Fundamentos con certificacin mundial" |
"DevOps Fundamentos *** BONUS *** Preparacin Examen para DevOps Essentials CertificationEste curso le brindara conocimiento general y fundamental de lo que es DevOps y lo que no es DevOps.No es un curso de uso de herramientas de software. No es un curso de implementacin de entrega continua.Este curso forma parte de la serie que he creado de ""alcanza la certificacin"". Este curso te brindara la posibilidad de entender la importancia de DevOps, un poco de mapeo con Scrum y otras tcnicas. Este es un curso que le ayudara a entender DevOps como cultura, su historia, su uso.Este curso tiene un capitulo de como con LEGOS se puede simular un ambiente de desarrollo y de operaciones con problemas hasta la llegada de la cultura DevOps donde todo cambia.** Incluye Bono de descuento en el examen ***"
Price: 19.99 |
"DevOps Fundamentos em Portugus: Atinge Certificao" |
"Este curso ir fornecer informaes gerais e fundamentais do que e o que no DevOps.No um curso de uso de ferramentas de software. No um curso de implementao de entrega contnua. Este curso faz parte da srie que eu criei chamada; ""atinja a certificao."" Nele voc ter a oportunidade de compreender a importncia de DevOps, um pouco de mapeamento com Scrum e outras tcnicas. Este um curso que vai ajudar voc a entender DevOps como cultura, sua histria, seu uso. Neste curso h um captulo que explica como voc pode simular com Legos um ambiente de desenvolvimento e problemas operacionais at a chegada da cultura DevOps onde tudo muda."
Price: 19.99 |
"Be Inspired: How to Create Your Best Life" |
"Do you have an inkling that this year...and your life... could be more inspired?But fear, self-doubt, busyness and life get in the way?We hear you!Make thisyour best year yet.Join us forthe BEINSPIRED workshop today.BE INSPIREDisa 10 partworkshop bringing the science of happiness to your life. This transformative workshopuses the most compelling ideas and tools in psychology today, to help you:-Get clear on where you'reheading this year- Create a roadmap for the most productive and inspired year ofyour life-Start taking action to turn your big ideas into your reality-Let go of thefear and self-doubt that hold you back- Free yourself from others expectations - Create a sense of personal meaning, purpose and direction-Create balance and positivityfrom the inside outBE INSPIRED is created and delivered by ClinicalPsychologists Dr Kass Sarll and Dr Alicia Franklin. We've designed the workshop to be fun, creative, educational and a 'fork in the road' kind of experience.By taking this workshop you'll join the many people who have completed the course before who have experienced wonderfulbenefits in their own lives- startingnewbusinesses, leavingold uninspired careers, movingoverseas and enjoying greater happiness and personal freedom.If you're consciously seeking to enrich your life... you're in the right place!Take some time (just for you)... before the year runs away to reflect, renew and reignite.We can't wait to see you there."
Price: 24.99 |
"PCB Design And Manufacturing: The Complete Guide" |
"Introduction to the fundamentals of printed circuit board design using Proteus software for designing PCBs.A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. Contents and Overview In this course you will learn how to design your own PCB using Proteus and learn how to make the PCB at your home using common tools that are most likely to be found at any home like iron, soldering iron etc. In 24 lectures this course will make you a confident PCB designer and maker using Proteus software.After this course you will be able to design and make professional PCBs that work from the first time."
Price: 19.99 |
"Trust and Courage in Conscious Business" |
"In today's businessrealm, where the majority ofemployees don't feel engaged in their work** and corporations are increasingly seen as a detriment to a sustainable world, it's essential thatwepractice the virtues oftrust and courage.Become a conscious leader in your organization by building trust and courage in yourself and others:Explore how to build trust and courage in yourself.Learn the inner workings of trust and courage in leading others.Create a consciousness of trust and courage in your life, in your organization and in the world. In the TRUST program, youll learn how to: Enhance communication, relationships and sharingAlign behavior and communication Take a holistic healing approach to businessPractice conscious, trustworthy leadershipFoster a culture of trustForge the bond at workIn the COURAGE program, youll learn how to:Move through the steps of the heros journeyTake the first step to consciousnessRecognize the elements of courageLead others through courageMove through the domains of couragePractice courageous inclusivityThe course is built around 25 lectures on Trust and Courage in Conscious Business. Through a series of videos, slides, quizzes, and other resources, Stephen Dynako and Noreen Kelly will introduce you to ideas on Trust and Courage and challenge your thinking to help increase your effectiveness as a leader at work. The tools and examples that are presented will allow you to apply the concepts immediately in your workplace. Leaders, managers and professionals will gain insights, strategies, and how to applications through the coursework. Stephen and Noreen offer tips and implementation strategies that they have gleaned from their respective careers in both the corporate and entrepreneurial world, as well as from their personal experiences.After completing this program, youll walk away with a greater understanding of how practicing and leading with Trust and Courage are essential to becoming a more conscious leader in your organization, facilitating a more conscious workplace, and raising the consciousness of the world. **According to Gallup,87 percent ofemployees worldwide and 70 percent of employees in the U.S. report not feelingengaged in their work, which directly impacts metrics such as productivity and profitability."
Price: 29.99 |
"Cooperative Entrepreneurship Program" |
"After taking this course you will be able to profit in one of our cooperative business entities and start your own Meet and cooperate with other students and become inventors, investors, business owners, or entrepreneurs together! *FREE START-UP COMPANY STOCK (The guaranteed delivery can: Learn how to help make it grow)*WIN $20,000 REWARD (Young students will become eligible for thousands in invention award money) *FREE PAID PART_TIMEEMPLOYMENTOPPORTUNITIES(Work with startup companies and get paid) *FREE BUSINESSSUPPORT (Free space, with help from other teachers, students and volunteers )US GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND GUARANTEESSpecial Needs Business Development has been chosen by the US government to create more student inventors and entrepreneurs Small Business Innovation Research programYou will be able to combine any two items and personally make low cost Inventions, Innovations and creations perfect for businessYou will cooperate with other students for mutual success Receive free start-up company stock and more payments for your at home help *FREE START-UP COMPANY STOCK (The guaranteed delivery can)*WIN $20,000 AWARD *FREE (Work with startup companies and get paid) *FREE BUSINESSSUPPORTReceive free start-up company stock and more stock payments for your help JOIN TODAY!! For more information send name. phone number and email address to businesscardpromotion.com@gmail.com(973) 602-9771 You'll see and learn how to make an investment,business ideal or invention growThank YouCalvin Edwards"
Price: 29.99 |
"Create Beveled Lettering in Adobe Illustrator" |
"In this class you will learn how tocreate a very special type of 3D Lettering. The Beveled Style or in other wordsthe Digital Stone Carving Style. For this you don't need to know anything about 3D software, you can do it all in a 2D software like Adobe Illustrator!If you want to come along and design as you learn, thisclass project is very straight forward:Select a wordand roughly start playing with it until you find a visual composition that pleases youNow sketch that word with a little more detailDigitalize your word or select a Font that resembles your designApply the Digital Stone Carving Style to your design in Adobe IllustratorPlease share your work with the community, I will be here answering questions and giving tips.Good Luck!Sound and music credits:freemusicarchive - Latch_Swingbensoundfreesound-unfa"
Price: 19.99 |
"Understand Social Media and You Can Dominate It" |
"A lot has been and will continue to be written and discussed about social media and how best to utilize the features it offers to benefit your business. In writing and producing this course I have endeavored to look at the whole process in a different way. Let me explain: In the first module you will learn the basics of social media, why it works and how and why it will work to grow your business. You will learn in the module on social media platforms how best to use facebook, linkedin, twitter Instagram, pinterest, snapchat, google+ and youtube by customizing your message to fit each social groups interests. As I laid this course out in a mindmap it became clear that to get the most out of these 8 platforms some other marketing elements come into play.Blogging is an integral part of social media so I have included a module on blogging; how to set up a good blogging website, how to appeal to your targeted audience and I even teach you how to monetize your blog if that is going to be your intent, and I give you even more information on how to make money from blogging in my download material.To write good content for your blog requires and understanding of content writing, I have included a module on that also. In blogging and on most of the social media sites you will gain a more loyal following when you help them gain an understanding of your company and what it is all about rather than just pitching a product. That is called branding and I have included a complete module on how to brand your company as well. The greatest benefit that social media provides for the marketer is the ability to segment the market so your efforts and money wont be spent talking to the wrong audience.To better understand who your target audience is requires spending time developing an avatar or persona that best represents your ideal customer. In the module on avatars you will learn through the videos and hands on download how to construct an avatar and how to communicate with him or her or both. We are discovering that in the 21st century when it comes to marketing, content is king and the preferred method for customers to learn about your company and your product, in other words your content, is through images and videos. With this course you will find and enormous amount of downloads including an ebook to use as a ready reference for most of the modules. Included in the downloads is a tool book. I refer often to a list of links etc in each module. I have compiled these various links and other references into a tool book for your ready reference.When you have completed this course you will have a greater understanding of how social media works for business and how to use it to grow your business, plus the added bonus of understanding branding, content writing and blogging. All areas you must be familiar with to thrive in the 21st century."
Price: 89.99 |
"Who Are You? An In-depth Personal Transformation Journey" |
"Are you ready to become something better? Something more than you are now? What Im talking about here is embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will leave you smarter, more confident, calmer, more capable and better able to conquer and succeed in every aspect of your life. Am I making too many grand statements? I dont think so! If you finish this course, earnestly striving to include in your life the principles taught you can achieve all that I presented and possibly more. But were not going to take the path that most self-improvement guides take. I amnot interested in five easy hacks or anything remotely related to that way of thinking. Instead, were going to be diving into neuroscience, into philosophy and into ancient tradition in order to look at powerful and useful tools that can turn you into something more than you are now.We will take a hard look at what motivates you, how to stop procrastinating once and for all. Learning how to deal with your fears and giving yourself a confidence boost. You will learn how to develop good, productive habits and how to get rid of those that are holding you back.Setting and keeping goals is a simple thing to do when you follow my simple step by step guide.Finally, we will take all this new found wisdom and knowledge and use it to create a meaningful life.Then, as sort of the cherry on top of the sundae you will take a journey with me through mindfulness.Jump on board! It's a great journey!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Becoming a Manager Bootcamp" |
"Are you ready to become something better? Something more than you are now?What Im talking about here is embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will leave you smarter, more confident, calmer, more capable and better able to conquer and succeed in every aspect of your life.And of course that means at work also. Am I making too many grand statements? I dont think so! If you finish this course, earnestly striving to include in your life the principles taught you can achieve all that I presented and possibly more.But were not going to take the path that most self-improvement guides take. I amnot interested in five easy hacks or anything remotely related to that way of thinking. Instead, were going to be diving into neuroscience, into philosophy and into ancient tradition in order to look at powerful and useful tools that can turn you into something more than you are now.We will take a hard look at what motivates you, how to stop procrastinating once and for all. Learning how to deal with your fears and giving yourself a confidence boost. You will learn how to develop good, productive habits and how to get rid of those that are holding you back.Setting and keeping goals is a simple thing to do when you follow my simple step by step guide.And did you know, all successful leaders set and keep goals consistently?Finally, we will take all this new found wisdom and knowledge and use it to create a meaningful life, both a personal life and a career life.Then, as sort of the cherry on top of the sundae you will take a journey with me through mindfulness.Jump on board! It's a great journey!"
Price: 144.99 |
"The Content Creation Mini Guide" |
"Writing your own content can also be a very rewarding experience. It can help you make a personal connection with your readers. It gives them a sense of who you are, because you will be sharing your knowledge, thoughts, and feelings in everything you write. Writing content that connects to your readers is what you want to do.In this short course I give you the basics to get you started and also some ideas on where to use your content.I have also included a downloadable book that will give you more help and ideas."
Price: 19.99 |
"If Youre Going to Blog, Why Not Make It Awesome!" |
"If you are looking for a stable and easy way to make money online, you should have a blog. But anyone can make a blog, right? Making a profit out of it is another story! Do you really know what you need to have a fully functional blog? Are you lost in the sea of jargon and technical terms? Are you wondering how you can break through the $100 daily online income via your blog? Dont worry, you are not alone if you answered YES to any of those questions. This Step-by-step NEWBIE-FRIENDLY blogging blueprint lays out all the things you need to do, from day 1! You dont need prior knowledge to set up your own money-making blog Anyone can learn. This was created for people from any skill level. The guide will take you from being a blogging newbie to a money-making expert. A few steps explored in this report are: How to create your blog from scratch Getting adomain name and a hosting provider, on a budget! Choosing the best blogging platform How to writeNON-BORING,content How to create blog post titles thatattract attention and bring in readers How to find a HOT, profitable niche that answers to your passions Adsense? What is it and how to profit from your blog How tomaximize your blog design Super user-friendly design and platform How toshowcase your content How to build relationships with your audience How to get loyaltyfrom your audience How to promote your blog How to use social media to market your blog If any of this makes sense to you then Ill see you on the inside."
Price: 19.99 |
"Smarter Brain, Better Life: Brain Training and More" |
"Its Time For You To Learn How To Train Your Brain and Increase Your IQ, Focus and Creativity! Are you having trouble concentrating? There are ways to increase your IQ and your focus. Do you need to work faster but you try and try without seeing results? You can do it by following the right training. There really are ways that you can boost your intelligence and your brain power to accomplish almost anything. If you could increase your brain power, then theoretically you could accomplish almost anything. While having a healthy and strong body is highly important as well, most of us would probably agree that our activities are more reliant on our cognitive abilities rather than our physical ones. Many people have computer-based jobs for instance, and this means that we need to use our brains to handle data, to manipulate software, or to come up with business strategies. Much of our success comes down to our ability to interact with others Which of course is very much dependent on our intelligence and our brain power. Whether youre giving a presentation and choosing the best words to communicate your message, or whether youre in an interview or date setting and trying to quickly find the wittiest or funniest response to a question. And even when an activity seems physical on the surface, it is in fact very often just as much cognitive. Take sports for example, which require you to be aware of the positions of your team mates and opponents and to use your body efficiently and accurately through space. In this course we will cover: Becoming Limitless. The Neuroscience of Intelligence and How it Works. Neurotransmitters, why we need them and how they work. Brain Plasticity, why its important and how to enhance yours. We discuss Nootropics, the whys and hows and do they really work. Nutrition plays an important part in your physical health so it stands to reason that nutrition place an important part in a healthy brain as well. We will spend an entire section on brain nutrition. Just like the rest of your body your brain can be trained and section five will teach you how to train your brain. You will learn memory training exercises and a plan to upgrade your brain. And then finally, a section on mindfulness to help you keep that new, fully upgraded brain at ease when it needs to be."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Expert in You! You Are Much More Than You Think You Are" |
"A solid foundation is built with solid understanding. Do you ever sit back in surprise at the success of other people and wonder how you could become more successful? Well, simply put, there are no miracles when it comes to being successful - just a series of plans that, if put to use, will ensure you get ahead of the game. Many people believe that it is luck that determines whether a person becomes successful or not. However, its amazing how much luckier you get the more you work your plan so perhaps luck has a far smaller part to play in success than you might think. This course is specifically designed to help you become better by gaining an understanding of how great you already are. I use simple, down to earth concepts to teach fundamental principles that all good leaders possess because, after all, arent we all leaders somewhere in our lives and generally when we do a good job leading others, at work, at home, or socially we feel better about ourselves I provide a ton of downloads to assist you in learning the concepts I am teaching. They will become a resource to you throughout your life."
Price: 74.99 |
"Personal Growth Requires That You Change Your Thinking" |
"If you've been failing to get what you want out of life and if you've been feeling as though you're banging your head against the wall in your business, your relationships or your finances then the problem almostcertainlyoriginates from your brain. The way you're thinking, your creativity, your intelligence all of it comes from the physical make up of your brain and the way that you're approaching problems.The best way to approach any problem is by approaching it at its root and at its most fundamental level. In almost every case the root is you: it starts and ends with you.This course then is going to be the key to unlocking your full potential and to solvingallyour problems. It will help you achieve what you want and get what you want out of life by changing your thinking to be more in-line with the thinking of the world's most successful people.In this course I will take you step-by-step through the process of changing your thinking by teaching in a way that will help you understand the importance of applying the Law of Attraction in your thinking. We will go through a comprehensive section on goals and proper goal setting. We will delve deeply into the neuroscience and how you can hack your brain for better thinking, learning and retention. Since thinking involves your mind I will teach you powerful mindfulness techniques and show you how simple they are to practice. You will learn the 20 common traits all successful people practice and a whole lot more.There are plenty of downloadable materials to support you in your quest including several eBooks."
Price: 84.99 |
"Self Esteem - Together Let's Learn How to ""Believe You Can""" |
"One of the surest and best ways to improve your self-esteem is to set a goal and then accomplish it. So, we tackle goal setting, what works and what doesn't.Self -control plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves so we spend a fair amount of time working on breaking bad habits and creating good, strong habits that will improve your life.If there is one sure way of sabotaging your efforts in setting and keeping goals or breaking a bad habit it the ability we all have to procrastinate. We tackle that age old problem head on. It helps to understand why we procrastinate, then we know how to fix it.You will learn all this plus much more like how fear plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves. How to give yourself a confidence boost and even how our environment, including friends and associates plays a big part in how we see ourselves and how we feel about ourselves."
Price: 74.99 |
"Discover and Use the Power of Mindfulness in Your Life" |
"If there is one ability that you could learn that would make every single aspect of your life better, what would it be?Undoubtedly, it would be the ability to control your emotions and to control the way you think.This might sound like a surprising claim but the ability to control your emotions and the way you respond to a situation is not only the secret to happiness, but also the secret to being able to get whatever you want fromlife.Why? Because its our interpretation of events, more than the events themselves, that dictate our happiness, mood and performance. Not only that, but our emotions and the neurotransmitters that control them are what alter our ability to focus, to remember information and to be creative.The reaction of your body is in response to your belief and your perception then notthe reality.If you could gain control of your emotional response then, you could prevent that stressful response and instead stay calm and focused.But the power of controlling your emotions is much more profound than that. As you will learn in this course, the ability to increase your confidence can actually lead to all kinds of changes in your life that result in you being more productive, more successful even wealthier.And it doesnt stop there! Controlling your emotions also means youll be able to overcome stressful situations and even phobias! Say goodbye to a fear of public speaking And likewise, controlling your emotions can help you to avoid arguments and shouting matches in your relationship which will result in a more harmonious and happy home life.Then there are the ways that your emotion can make you more powerful and more efficient. Did you know for instance, that you can increase muscle fiber recruitment and potentially tap into superhuman strength by getting into the right mood? Did you know that the correct combination of neurochemistry can give you perfectrecall?This course will show you how to tap into all those things and at the same time, it will show you how you can simply get some peace and quiet by calming your mind and taking a time out."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn to Master Your Brain - Is That Really Possible?" |
"If you were to buy a car, a computer, a games console or even a toy of some sort, then in all likelihood it would come with an instruction manual of some sort so that you could find your way around it and how you should use it.This is important because it allows you to get the very most from it and it allows you to avoid making mistakes that could damage it.But unfortunately, the most important and most complex things in the world come with no such instruction manual. Take children for example: any new parent will tell you just how dismayed they were when they realized that no one could tell them how to be an effective mother/father.And then theres the big one: our own brains. These are the most complex supercomputers in the entire world and they are what create all of our subjective feelings, sensations and experiences. And yet our brains come with no instructions and no guidance: we are left simply to try and figure them out on our won.So, the question becomes: how can you master your brain?Fortunately, neuroscientists and psychologists are uncovering more of the brains secrets every single day. While there is still a huge amount left to learn, we know more than we ever did and a lot of this information can be used practically to help us become happier, smarter and more effective versions of ourselves.So, if you are ready to learn how you can master your brain for complete and total self-mastery then jump in and I will teach you."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn How to Set and Keep Achievable Goals" |
"Make no mistake, professional athletes are individuals that have learned to set and keep goals.However, the benefits associated with goal setting do not only happen to athletes. To succeed in life, goal setting is paramount. Each successful person acknowledges the weight of goal setting. Successful lawyers, business executives, stay-at-home moms and doctors have in one way or another set goals in their lives. One major benefit of goal setting is that it acts as a road map. Goals help you identify areas in your life that you are driving or striving to achieve. Goals helps you work through the things you want to achieve in your life. Thus, when you set goals you reap maximum benefits in your life. You reach your destination.In this course we break down what a goal is, how to structure a goal that is achievable and then how to stick to the goals you set for yourself. We have another course you may be interested in that may help with the more difficult goals you need to set and keep. Its called The Power of Habit."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn How To Create and Then Excel With a Meaningful Life" |
"Whether youre happy or you feel in a funk, the truth is that life gets a whole lot better as soon as you fill it with meaning.That means finding your lifes purpose. Finding the thing that youre passionate about. And then focusing on that. In this course I will take you through the process of learning ""Why Finding Your Purpose Changes Everything"", how to find more meaning in life. You will learn the importance of positive social interaction and how to manage social exchanges.I will help you ""Learn What You Stand For"" and then how to conduct your life in harmony with your principles.There is much, much more so let's get started! Or, if you not quite ready consider this:Do you ever feel as though you are just going through the motions? Do you ever feel as though youre drifting through life without ever really getting any sense of inspiration, engagement, or excitement? Does life sometimes feel like a series of uninteresting chores?Or perhaps youre perfectly happy and comfortable but you rarely feel challenged or excited. Maybe you spend most of your evenings on the sofa watching TV. Or even out at the corner bar with friends. Maybe you spend your whole life picking up after your children.What will you be leaving behind when youre gone? What is your great impact?Look at people like Albert Einstein, like Newton, like Picasso, like Mozart, the Beatles, Usain Bolt, like Winston Churchill, Neil Armstrong, Nelson Mandela, Shakespeare, and like Mother Teresa.Now look at your own life. Is there a bit of a stark difference?Now you might argue that of course youre no Einstein. Youre not a musical prodigy or a record breaking athlete. It would be overblown to think that you could ever approach the success of any of these historical figures or world-class celebrities.But does that really mean you need to spend your time just passing time?And are you really happy that way? Or do you feel on some level as though there are better uses of your time?Give this course the 30 day challenge - jump in and in 30 days you aren't sure you want to improve then ask for your money back. See, I am confident that if you just learn what you stand for you are on a path that will change you for the good."
Price: 34.99 |
"Habits! Good or Bad They Control Our Lives - Take Control" |
"Ever try changing a habit so desperately only to find out that something deep within is not willing? You have gone to counselors, psychologists, spent money on self-help books and you have been drawn to every sort of seminar that includes self-help stuff only to find yourself at the same position you were in before? It is said that it is at this moment when the subconscious and the conscious are at logger heads and in most cases your subconscious wins. Our habits drive our lives, that is why it is important to bring the bad habits into our conscious awareness and replace them with good ones to be able to move forward. If you are not yet where you want to be or if you have not yet achieved what you have always desired, and this has been going on for a long time, then you ought to really examine your approaches to life and especially to your habits. What forms a habit? Why do we do some things without even thinking?I suggest you prepare a list of how you perceive things around you and your attitude toward life. Of course, you will have those attitudes that do not serve you well and you dont have to beat yourself down because of it, after all you are human. All you have to do is eliminate them completely and replace them with their opposite ones. Say you think that you are looser and you cannot achieve anything in life or that life is way too hard whatever your perception is, your subconscious takes it in and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. So instead of saying that, think of your past achievements or imagine how much you can achieve and how easy life can get if only you could apply the right skills. You may not believe it, but I advise that you keep doing it, fake it till you make it. Keep repeating those words to yourself as much as possible and no matter how long it takes, you will enjoy its aftermath. This exercise requires some effort, full time dedication and a burning desire to really do it. You should set time for some deep analysis of your habits and do more meditation to help relax your mind. Keep the positive attributes coming until it becomes your new approach to life. Your mind will have a new command to steer you directly into your dreams.This course will help you do all of this and more. We take habit control one step at a time. I help you understand how habits work, how we can break them down into manageable parts and then go to work getting rid of old, bad habits and replacing them with new productive good habits."
Price: 24.99 |
"Improve Your Life - Give Yourself a Self-confidence Boost" |
"If you want to improve your life in every single way, then boosting your self-confidence is one of the best ways to do that. With low self-esteem youre going to find yourself feeling bad about yourself and everything you do will be less enjoyable.At the same time though, low self-esteem is something that you will give off to others. This radiates from you whether you mean for it to or not and in turn, this can weaken the impact you have on others. Looking to get a promotion? Low self-esteem will communicate that you arent sure you can do what needs to be done to your employers and they will feel less confident about giving you that boost in responsibility.Want to succeed in your love life? Low self-esteem sends a powerful signal that you are not a good catch. Clearly you do not think you are a good catch, so why would that other person think you are a good catch?This can eventually lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you act as though you are worthless and if you dont take chances, then people will treat you as though youre worthless and you wont find opportunities. You will thus get further and further behind your contemporaries and that will only worsen your self-esteem.So how can you get out of this rut? What is the answer?In this course, were going to take a look at what you can do to boost your self-confidence and how you can become that powerful alpha male, or that dominant wonder-woman that you have the potential to be."
Price: 24.99 |
"Turning Dreams Into Reality - Your Blueprint" |
"Dreams are a fascinating thing. They are pulled from the creative center of the subconscious mind while you sleep. While some struggle to remember their dreams, others are able to recall many of the details. The stories; Frankenstein, Terminator and Twilight came from dreams. Much of Edgar Allen Poes poetry was inspired by his dreams. Paul McCartney created the melody for the hit song Yesterday in a dream and Albert Einstein credited many of his ideas to his dreams. As you can see, dreams can have a profound impact on your life and the world. Since ancient Greece, dreams have been associated with health and healing. Its said they allow you to subconsciously work through different choices you need to make. Dreams allow you to test drive different options and work through the outcomes prior to making a final decision. Generally speaking, dreams reside in ones short-term memory so they only stay with a person a few hours to a few days at most. However, if you document these dreams, they will transfer to your long-term memory and stay with you forever. If you turn to self-help books to aid in processing your dreams into reality you find that most will tell in one way or another you will need to learn to set goals, create new habits and make a written record of what you are doing.This course teaches you how to do these most important steps."
Price: 44.99 |
"Learn and Use the 10 Positive Habits All Great Leaders Have" |
"Most of us will never have seen ourselves as being leaders. For the majority of us, the thought of taking charge of an office will not so long ago have seemed completely absurd. Thats a job for high fliers, for people-people for born leaders! But despite any initial apprehension, leadership roles are something that many of us will have thrust upon us against any protestations. In the vast majority of industries, progress and a hike in salary means taking on more responsibility. And that responsibility will very often take the form of some kind of leadership role. You can only progress so far before you start having staff under you and the further you then climb the ladder, the more people will start looking to you for direction and the more people youll be responsible for.That then leaves two choices: shy away from the pressure and the responsibility and live on the modest salary that comes from that, or learn to suck it up and take charge. In this course you will gain an understanding of the top 10 traits all great leaders have. You will learn to:1. Have a Vision You Believe InThis is by far the single most important point if you want to make sure your team respects you and that you are making the right decisions for your organization. 2. Focus on Your Mission StatementAs a leader, you need to see the bigger picture and that means focusing on how to deliver results and how to grow the business. 3. Build Resilience and Plan for ContingenciesMake sure that your business is able to handle crises and that you know what youll do in any of the worst case scenarios. 4. Hire the Right TeamYour team should be diverse in their skills and their abilities but they should be united by the common goal that you all share and the common vision. 5. Give Your Team Autonomy and CreditThis is the best way to make work intrinsically motivating for your team and to ensure they work hard and passionately. 6. Stay Calm, Be RespectedThis will keep your team calm and it will make you seem more confident. This is most important when you are challenged by dissidents and when you are going through tough times. By showing your passion, doing whats best for the team and being friendly but distant, you can endeavor to be respected. This is better than being liked or feared. 7. Be One Step AheadUse financial modelling and other techniques to stay one step ahead. 8. Take ResponsibilityIf things go wrong, you must always take responsibility. This gives your team confidence and assurance but also wins their respect. 9. Be KnowledgeableYou wont be the best at anything and you need to know how to delegate. BUT you should also make it your business to understand the role of each team member so that you can oversea the course of your ship. 10. Take RisksIt is important to take risks and be courageous as a leader. This is again what will allow you to grow and what will make your team achieve above the rest."
Price: 29.99 |