"Domina ACTIVECAMPAIGN Desde Cero Y AUTOMATIZA Tu Negocio" |
"AUTOMATIZA TU NEGOCIO POR INTERNET E INCREMENTA TUS VENTAS INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Ests aqu porque quieres hacer crecer las ventas de tu negocio, mejorar la relacin con tus contactos y clientes, liberarte de actividades manuales y repetitivasque consumen tu tiempo, y lograrllevar tu negocio a otro nivel.LA AUTOMATIZACIN DE MARKETINGY PROCESOS DE TU NEGOCIO ESLA FORMA DE LOGRARLO!Y ActiveCampaignes la mejor herramienta para emprendedores y empresarios con la que puedes empezar.Cree ste curso porque, a pesar de que existen algunas herramientas gratuitas en el mercadohasta para cierto nmero de contactos (Autorespondedores), la realidad es que ninguna cuenta con todas las funcionalidades que tiene ActiveCampaign (Automatizacion Avanzada).Automatizar los procesos de tu negocio, en especial los de marketing y ventas, esla forma adecuada de crear una experiencia de usuario de gran calidad, prestar un servicio personalizado y oportuno, e incrementar tus ventas, ofreciendotus productos y servicioa miles de personas del mundosimultneamente.Porque de eso se trata todo esto verdad? De lograr convertir a miles deinteresados en clientes, luegoen clientes recurrentes y posteriormente en Fans de tu negocio, que te van a recomendar y a traer ms clientes.Este curso es el siguiente paso que debes tomar para aprender a manejar ActiveCampaign y empezar a automatizar tu negocio.No importa si no tienes experiencia previa, si anno tienes una cuenta de ActiveCampaign, si apenas estas empezando y no tienes mucho presupuesto... en este curso te voy a llevar paso a paso desde la creacin de tu cuenta de prueba gratuita de 14 das de ActiveCampaign hasta la creacin e implementacin de estrategias deautomatizacinavanzadas para tu negocio.Por qu debes aprender este tema conmigo?Mi nombre es Ivan Rojas, estudie Ingeniera Industrial y desde el 2007 me he dedicado a lacreacin y asesoramiento de negocios tradicionales y por interneten diferentes sectores como el de viajes, inmobiliario, redes de mercadeo, restaurantes, comercio internacional, membresas, tiendas online, infoproductos, entre otros.En todos estos aos he invertido miles de dlares en marketing digital, desarrollo de nuevos negocios y educacin. He podidoverificar con hechos lo que funciona y lo que no funciona, as que toda esta experiencia adquirida la aplico en la creacin de mis cursos para quetu NO tengas quepasar por los mismos errores y perder dinero haciendo las mismas pruebas que yo ya hice.Esta es mi promesa para ti...Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes escribir tu preguntao enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero hacer de esteel mejor curso de ActiveCampaign y Automatizacin de Negocios. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin.Si buscas vender ms aprovechando las ventajas delinternet,mejorar la forma en que te relacionas con tus contactos y clientes, liberar tu tiempo y el de tu equipo automatizando procesos que estas haciendo manualmente,este curso es perfecto para ti!""Domina ActiveCampaign desde cero y Automatiza tu Negocio"", es el curso ms completo en espaol, de fcil comprensin, con herramientas y casos prcticos de aplicacin para la automatizacin del marketing y otros procesos de tu negocio, te devolvemos tu dinero.Es el sitio donde encontrars todo lo que necesitas para empezarsin necesidad depagar costosas plataformas, ya que ActiveCampaign tiene prueba gratuita y posteriormente planes que se ajustan a cualquier presupuesto (Desde 9 USD mensuales).Para que tengas en cuenta...Puedes conseguir miles de personas interesadas en tu negocio, pero si no los atiendes oportunamente y de forma personalizada, solo tendras una gran lista de contactos,pocos clientes, y perders el dinero invertido en publicidad.Es difcil conseguir un curso como ""Domina ActiveCampaign desde cero y Automatiza tu negocio"", que sea fcil de comprender y fcil de aplicar, incluso para principiantes.As que si eres unnovatoo alguien que quiere usar internet parahacer crecer su negocioy que necesitaayuda, ests en el lugar correcto.Qu vas a poder lograr cuando termines este curso?Hacer la configuracin bsica que necesitas en tu cuenta de Active Campaign para empezar a trabajar de forma organizada y estratgica.Segmentar tus contactos de acuerdo con las visitas a tu web, los clicks en correos, sus compras y cmo crear procesos que transformen esos intereses en ventas.Manejar cada una de las funcionalidades de ActiveCampaign (Listas, Etiquetas, Formularios, Contactos, Automatizaciones, etc) con ejemplos reales y talleres prcticos de aplicacin.Crear procesos automatizados bsicos y avanzados para implementar en tu propio negocioAutomatiza tu negociopor internet, mejora tu relacin con contactoa y clientesy vende ms!Contenido y vista previaEste curso fue creado paraensear a cualquier personaa utilizar ActiveCampaign y crear estrategias de automatizacinpara implementar en cualquier tipo de negocio.Empezars por lo bsico, aprendiendo por qu ActiveCampaign es la herramienta ideal para empezar a automatizar,y haciendo la configuracin bsica de sistema para poder utilizarlo.Aprenders en detallecmo utilizarlas Listas y las Etiquetas para segmentar tus contactos e iniciar procesos, as como una estratgia de etiquetado para que trabajes de forma organizada.Vers la: creacin, actualizacin, importaciny eliminacin de contactos;la creacin de plantillas de email utilizando variables de textoque se adapten a la imagen de tu negocio;el envo dediferentes tipos de campaasy comunicaciones generales y segmentadas.Aprenders a todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la creacin e integracin deformularios para capturar los datos de contactos.Entraremos a conocer y entender lo que son las automatizaciones en ActiveCampaign y cada una de sus funcionalidades como el envo de correos, notificaciones, esperar un tiempo o a que ciertas condiciones sean cumplidas, hacer pruebas de A/B para optimizar tus procesos, utilizar condicionales de Si/Si no, manejo de objetivos dentro de un proceso, actualizar y etiquetas contactos dentro de tus automatizaciones y a conectar procesos entre si.Y finalmente veremos casos de aplicacin bsicos y avanzados con una metodologa de taller, donde vas a poder practicar la implementacin en tu sistema y posteriormente ver la solucin realizada por mi. Esto te permitir comprender las estratgias y la implementacin para que luegopuedas crear tus propios procesos adaptados a tu negocio.Con la garanta de 30 das la devolucindel 100% de tu dinero si no ests satisfecho, no hay ninguna razn para dejar pasar esta oportunidad y probar el curso en este momento.Haz clicken el botn de""Comprar Ahora"", y nos vemos en la leccin 1!Saludos,Ivan"
Price: 144.99 |
"Facebook Ads ESTRATGICO: Marketing Digital para VENDER" |
">>>>Consigue Ms Clientes Para Tu Negocio Usando Facebook Ads <<<<INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Quieres conseguir ms clientes para tu negocio con Facebook Ads yno sabes cmo hacerlo? Ya ests haciendo publicidad con Facebook Ads perono has logrado los resultados que necesitas? No has podido generar como mnimo el dinero que inviertes en publicidad? EL MAYOR ERROR ES NO TENER UNA ESTRATEGIA PROBADA Y ENFOCADA EN RESULTADOS PARA TUS CAMPAAS CON FACEBOOK ADS! > Por qu Facebook es ideal para conseguir clientes para cualquier tipo de negocio? Es muy sencillo En la actualidad, toda decisin de compra individual o empresarial es realizada por una persona La mayor parte de las personas a nivel mundial tiene una cuenta activa de Facebook Las personas interactan y comparten informacin personal a travs de Facebook constantemente, lo cul permite que la plataforma almacene informacin detallada de cada una de ellas (demografia, comportamientos, intereses, entre otros) Los anunciantes podemos utilizar esa informacin para poner un anuncio en frente de las personas con mayor probabilidad de necesitar nuestro producto o servicio, llegando con el mensaje correcto y en el momento oportuno. Para tener xito en esto se necesitan dos cosas principalmente: Saber cmo se maneja la herramienta de Facebook AdsImplementar una estrategia que realmente funcione al lanzar tus campaasLo primero es sencillo. Existen muchos tutoriales por internet, incluso gratuitos. Lo segundo es lo ms importante, y es en lo que vas a aprender con este curso, porque sin estratgia, es muy probable que pierdas el dinero que inviertes en publicidad. Por supuesto que en el camino te ensear tambien lo primero;) > Esta es mi promesa para ti... Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes hacer tus preguntas a tavs de la plataforma o en el grupo privado de Facebook.. Quiero hacer de esteel mejor curso de Facebook Ads. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin. ""Facebook Ads Estratgico2019: Marketing Digital para Vender"", es el curso donde encontrars todo lo que necesitas para empezar sin necesidad de conocimientos previos, nipagar costosos programas de capacitacin. He creado este curso parallevar paso a pasoa cualquier persona a la creacin e implementacin de una estrategia efectiva con Facebook Ads. Tambin compartir contigo algunasrecomendaciones generalespara que puedas optimizar y replicar el modelopara todos los productos y servicios que desees.>>> Haz clicken el botn de""Comprar Ahora""! Nos vemos adentro!, Ivan* IMPORTANTE:Los conceptos y la estratgia que vas a aprender en ste cursolos puedes integrar conotras estrategiascomo los embudos de venta, chat bots, webinars y dems que te ayuden con el crecimiento de tu negocio. *"
Price: 149.99 |
"CHATBOT ManyChat: Embudo de VENTAS en Facebook Messenger" |
"APRENDE A VENDER TU PRODUCTO A TRAVS DE FACEBOOK MESSENGER DE MANERA AUTOMTICA INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Djame preguntarte algoSabas que la mejor manera de convertir prospectos en clientes es hacindolos pasar a travs de un embudo de ventas?Sabas que el correo electrnico no es la nica herramienta que puedes usar para automatizar tus procesos de venta?Sabas que a travs de messenger puedes lograr que ms del 90% de los contactos lean tus mensajes e incrementar tus ventas?AHORA PUEDES CREAR TU PROPIO EMBUDO DE VENTAS A TRAVS DE UN CHATBOT AUTOMATIZADO PARA FACEBOOK MESSENGER!Pero por qu un Chatbot para Facebook Messenger es ideal para conseguir clientes para cualquier tipo de negocio?Es muy sencilloLas personas estn pendientes de las notificaciones de su celular y utilizan los servicios de mensajera instantnea para comunicarse. Billones de personas se conectan a Facebook diariamente y utilizan su sistema de mensajera instantnea.Puedes brindar informacin relevante para tus contactos a travs de una conversacin y llevarlos paso a paso a travs de tu proceso de ventas.Puedes integrar todo el poder de la plataforma social y publicitaria de Facebook con tu Chatbot para atender a miles de personas diariamente de forma automtica.As vas a poder conseguir nuevos clientes potenciales para tu negocio TODOS LOS DAS!Para tener xito en esto se necesitan dos cosas principalmente:Conocer y crear una estratgia para vender (Embudo de Ventas)Implementar el embudo de ventas a travs de un ChatbotEn este curso te vamos a llevar paso a paso por todo el proceso, desde la explicacin de la estratgia hasta la implementacin de la misma. De tal manera que al finalizar, vas a tener tu primer embudo de ventas construido con Chatbots para Facebook Messenger.Vas a aprender a manejar la herramienta recomendada en este curso: ManyChat. Con la cul puedes empezar a crear tu propio Chatbot de forma GRATUITA.Esta es mi promesa para ti...Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes hacer tus preguntas a tavs de la plataforma o en el grupo privado de Facebook..Quiero hacer de esteel mejor curso de Chatbots para vender. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin.""Chatbots para vender: Embudo de Ventas en Facebook Messenger"", es el curso ms efectivo, de fcil comprensin, con herramientas y casos prcticos de aplicacin para la construccin de tus propio embudo de ventas automtico a travs de Facebook Messenger, te devolvemos tu dinero.Es el sitio donde encontrars todo lo que necesitas para empezar sin necesidad de conocimientos previos, nipagar costosos programas de capacitacin.IMPORTANTE:Los conceptos y la estratgia que vas a aprender en ste cursolos puedes integrar conotras estrategiascomo el e-mail marketing, y dems que te ayuden con el crecimiento de tu negocio. Crea tu propio embudo de ventas utilizando los Chatbots para Facebook Messenger, consigue ms prospectos y ms clientes!Este curso fue creado parallevar paso a pasoa cualquier persona a la creacin e implementacin de su propio Embudo de Ventas utilizando Chatbots.Tambien compartir contigo algunasrecomendaciones generalespara que puedas optimizar y replicar el modelopara todos los productos y servicios que desees.Haz clicken el botn de""Comprar Ahora""!Nos vemos adentro!,Ivan"
Price: 149.99 |
"Como Crear Una PAGINA WEB Profesional Con WORDPRESS [2019]" |
"***** CREA UNA PGINA WEB PROFESIONAL PARA TU NEGOCIO *****INCLUYE GRUPO PRIVADO DE FACEBOOK: Estrategias, networking, eventos y contenido exclusivo.Djame preguntarte algoQuieres tener una pgina web profesional sin tener que gastar miles de dlares contratando una agencia o un diseador?Ests empezando tu negocio y tienes poco presupuesto para empezar tu presencia digital?No sabes qu plataforma utilizar para crear tu pgina web sin perder el control o la posibilidad de escalar cuando crezca tu negocio? TU MISMO PUEDES CREAR TU PRIMERA PGINA WEB SIN ESCRIBIR NI UNA SOLA LNEA DE CDIGO, DE MANERA RPIDA, SENCILLA Y MUY ECONMICO!En este curso te voy a llevar paso a paso a la creacin de tu propia web utilizando Wordpress y una plantilla gratuita que va a hacer que tu pgina:Se vea como diseada por un profesionalFuncione en cualquier dispositivo: Computador, Tablet o Celular.Se adapte perfectamente a las necesidades de tu negocio.Te permita agregar nuevas funcionalidades cuando lo necesites: Blog, tienda virtual, embudos de venta, entre otros.No necesitas ningn conocimiento para tomar este curso, te vamos a ensear todo, desde la seleccin del dominio y el hosting para tu negocio hasta la creacin y configuracin de cada detalle de tu sitio web.Si ya tienes el servicio hosting y dominio puedes empezar a crear tu web de inmediato, si an no lo tienes, te ensearemos cmo puedes adquirir estos servicios indispensables para crear tu web con descuento de ms del 60%.As que no solo vas a tener acceso al mejor curso de creacin de pginas web con Wordpress para principiantes, sino que tambin tendrs la oportunidad de tener tu negocio online durante todo un ao por menos de lo que cuesta un caf al mes.Esta es mi promesa para ti...Estar aqu para ti en cada paso. Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con el tema, puedes hacer tus preguntas a travs de la plataforma.Quiero hacer de esteel mejor curso de creacin de pginas web bsicas con Wordpress. As que si consideras que hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar el curso, solo dmelo y lo tendr en cuenta en una prxima actualizacin.""Cmo Crear Una Pgina Web Con Wordpress"" es el curso ms completo, efectivo y prctico para guiarte en el proceso desde cero.IMPORTANTE:En este curso vamos a utilizar plantillas gratuitas de Wordpress para la creacin de tu web, sin embargo los conceptos y configuraciones bsicaslos puedes aplicar conotras plantillas gratuita o premium. Crea tu propia pgina web para negocio con Wordpress!Este curso fue creado parallevar paso a pasoa cualquier persona a la creacin de su propia pgina web sin importar sus conocimientos previos ni el producto que venda. Tambin compartir contigo algunasrecomendaciones generalespara que puedas hacer crecer tu negocio utilizando internet. Regstrate ahora y nos vemos adentro!,Ivan"
Price: 99.99 |
"Stop Smoking Hypnosis; You Deserve Healthy Life" |
"Do you want to remember again what is the natural life without smoking, do you want to discover the original taste of food that I am sure you have forgotten about. We might lose more than 50% of our natural tasting and smelling of the most beautiful frequencies of out sweet life by smoking. You deserve to breathe well again; You deserve to sleep well again. You deserve to look shiny, clean, and healthy. Do you want to feel the freedom? Be prepared for your future by giving up smoking today. I'm Dr. Khaled Daqrouq, aprof of Biomedical Engineering field. Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Please let me guide you to your most wonderful journey to give up smoking by two hypnosis sessions. You deserve this fantastic trip. Give it a try.In this course there are two Actual Therapeutic Sessions for smoking giving up.Many clients may give up immediately by the first session. You have to help your self getting rid of this danger."
Price: 149.99 |
"Pain Control; NLP Techniques for Pain Relieving" |
"If you would like to learn techniques thatcontrol your brainto manage your pain without drugs, if you would like to go to a journey to our brain to understand how itmanages the pain,this course will be an excellent coursefor you.If you would like to be amaster in thebrain manipulation, this course will be very good for you.In this course, you will learn 10NLP techniquesthat can be used easily and can be applied within2 or 3 minuteswhere very good results can be achieved.Please returnto me for any interpretation orfurther explanation of any related idea. The techniques are explained carefully to give a maximum benefits to you. I'm Dr. K. Daqrouq,associate professor in Biomedical Engineering, I would like to guide you to an amazing journeyto understand how to deal with the pain.I am delighted to be with you in this course and I'm privileged to guide you through this fantastic adventure."
Price: 149.99 |
"Life Coach, a Program to Become a Certified Life Coach." |
"Do you like to havea fascinatingandvery well-paid profession? Do you like to be a certified life coach? If your answer is yes, please joinus to a very excitingjourney of the ""Life Coach, The Best Guide to Become a Certified Life Coach"" course here on udemy. Let us dive into our 75 lectures of all what you need to be a very well-paid life coach. In this course you will learn: # Coaching origin and definitions.#Coachingbackground.#Coachingprinciples.# All coachingmodels.# Detailed dream-lifecoachingprocess.# Neuro-linguistic-programmingcoachingprinciples model.Eight hours of well-done videos are offered to teach you every thing about coaching. More than sixty exercisesand many case studies from the best coaches around the world are explained in details to make youable to get the hands on experience on the subject. Dream big because dreams happen.I hope you anenjoyable learning and the best luck."
Price: 199.99 |
"Calculo 3 Aplicaciones Derivadas Parciales Integral Mltiple" |
"Este curso generaliza el concepto de derivada de una funcin a variables y funciones definidas en el espacio de dimensin 3 o R3 las cuales se pueden extender a cualquier nmero de variables.. Es un curso previo a otros cursos mas avanzados y usualmente se le llama Calculo III. Es precedido por dos cursos. El de calculo diferencial en una variable y el de calculo integral en una variable. Incluye aplicaciones al clculo de las derivadas parciales que es la generalizacin del concepto de derivada en Clculo I e integrales mltiples que generalizan las integrales de Calculo II. Integrales de lnea. En este curso se ensea a calcular longitudes de curvas en dimensin 2 y dimensin 3 y a calcular volmenes de slidos en tercera dimensin. Se entiende la idea de area a el clculo delarea de una superficie no necesariamente plana y al Flujo de campos a travs de las mismas. Termina con las aplicaciones de los teoremas de Green y Stokes."
Price: 19.99 |
"Razonamiento Lgico Matemtico:Espacial,Abstracto,Numrico I" |
"Este curso prepara para pruebas de admisin y para pruebas psicomtricas. Adems de ello le servirn como medio para probar su propia capacidad de razonamiento resolviendo las preguntas que aqu se presentan. Las claves de respuesta se irn incorporando poco a poco.Altamente recomendado para todas las edades. Sus preguntas y retos le ayudarn a medir su capacidad intelectual"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias: Ejercicios resueltos" |
"El corazn de este curso consisteen clases en VIVOgrabadas en los ltimos aospor el profesor Jos Arturo Barreto durante su labor diaria como instructor a distancia. Las clases se irn complementando poco a poco con explicaciones previas en cada seccin basadas en el contenido de textos reconocidos y explicaciones propias del autor.Es un curso apropiado tanto para principiantescomo paraestudiantes con un conocimiento bsico de ecuaciones diferenciales o que estn tomando en paralelo un curso universitario de ecuaciones diferenciales. El autor har lo posible por complementar cada seccin a medidaque los estudiantes que participan en el curso lo soliciten. Recomendaciones, sugerencias y preguntas sern altamente apreciadas con el fin de ajustar el curso, en lo posible,a los requerimientos de los estudiantes"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fsica de los circuitos elctricos de corriente continua" |
"Este curso contiene ejemplos de aplicacin de las leyes de Ohm a la solucin de problemas de redes electricas. Se estudia en detalle el calculo de resistencia equivalente para resistencias en paralelo y en serie. Las leyes de Kirchoff se utilizan para calcular corrientes en cada una de las mallas y en cada malla en las resistencias. Los mtodos de solucin de sistemas deecuaciones lineales por reduccin,tanto por el algoritmode Gauss y Gauss Jordan son ampliamente utilizados"
Price: 19.99 |
"Step-By-Step: Create C# Database Driven WinForm Desktop Apps" |
"WARNING! Some students reported that the MS Access database used in this course will not work with the current version MS Office 365, even with legacy MS Access database redistributable engine. In majority of cases the issue is solved by installing 2016 version of the MS Access database redistributable engine (please see Q&A section of the course). If this doesn't work for you and you experience problems after purchasing the course, please note that Udemy offers 30-day money back guarantee.I created this course with a C# beginner in mind. Someone, who knows the basic C# concepts, and knows his way around loops, conditional statements, arrays, and very basics of object oriented programming, but never really had a chance to incorporate any of it with a relational Database project. If that describes you, then this is definitely a course for you.For this course, I decided to use a Microsoft Access database, as that is a common database small business use around the world. Now, full disclosure: we won't be creating any earth shattering application and there will be a lot of room for improving our code. What we ARE going to be doing is LEARNING how to use with C# with MS Access, and we'll use a simple, but fairly common scenario - a small books database app.The goal of this course is three foldFirst, is to show you how things workSecond, help you understand how things work under the hood.And third, to drill the basics so that they become a second nature to you.This course concentrates solely on using Access database with C We will use Windows Forms as the user Interface and we'll use form events to code the application logic to. This way, we won't get distracted with million other little things that come into play for truly well designed commercial app. Like I said, the goal here is to LEARN the basics, and to RETAIN the knowledge. From my own experience, from the beginners point of view, nothing is worse than taking a course to learn the basics, only to suddenly be introduced to a dozens of advanced real world concepts, that completely derail you from learning what you came here to learn in the first place...which is, the basics. What good is it for a beginner to watch someone build professional grade app when three quarter of the stuff presented goes right over your head? Not in this course. However, with that being said, if you go through this course, and if you code along, I am absolutely sure that at the end, you will have great foundation to build on, and you will be able to move to more sofisticated applications and coding styles.The course consists of several sections. The first few sections introduce the basic concepts, such connecting to database, browsing through the records, binding database fields with form objects in the windows forms and other core concepts related to databases as well as windows forms.First project is a small Data Entry application. This project does not include database yet. We will create a simple data entry form and explore few properties and form objects. This project serves as a simple introduction or a refresher, and if you are familiar with basics of windows forms and the concept of properties and events, then you can safely skip this project. However, there still may be a few things you could learn from this project, as we will be working with timer, key press events, mouse events, and form elements in the run time.Second project will be a mix of theory and practice. We'll spend a few minutes going through some basic theory where we will discuss some basic database concepts, SQL commands, and C# database objects and after each lesson, I will demonstrate a practical use of each of the concepts. In our third project, we start putting the theory into practical use. It'll be just a simple project that loads data into our form from one table, but we will see in action how to connect to the database and how to select records from the table. Ir will also be a little departure from previous examples, as we will use a different database.Fourth project is na SQL tester. Here, we will be able to test SQL commands. We'll use all the knowledge we acquired thus far, and introduce some cool techniques in the Windows Forms allowing us to create form elements at run time. And, we will have a small, but functional practice environment for SQL commands.Fifth project is the last, and most comprehensive one. We will create a small books database app. Until this project, we were only displaying records, but now, we will learn to add new records, edit or delete existing records, we will work with multiple forms and tables, put in place an application state for different actions - such as enable and disable controls based on user's action, and also learn how to pass data from one form to another.This whole course is designed as follow along course. Meaning, you are encouraged to code along with me. Everything is on the video, there are no code snippets being magically pasted into the Visual Studio. Also, I don not want you to just learn the concepts and then forget them a week later. I want you to remember and retain what you learn in this course. And let's face it - that is only possible when you not only work on the project along with me, but also try to do the exercises. Trying to solve problems on your own is at the core of learning to program. However, I won't just leave you figure things on your own, I am well aware that sometimes it may feel overwhelming. So I will also show you my solutions. And one more thing that makes or breaks learning to program - using what you learn, and using it frequently. Therefore, I code even the repetitive things from scratch and I don't simply just refer you to previous lessons. But that means, that if you just watch the course, it will feel repetitive. However, if you actually code along, I guarantee you will feel like you learn, and also REMEMBER what you learned. But, If you prefer more instructional videos, that show everything once and move faster, then this course is not for you. Please keep that in mind before purchasing the course. I encourage you to watch some of the sample videos so you get a feel for the course structure and my teaching style.Now, I made the videos short and to the point. Most videos are only around 5 minutes long. That is deliberate, so each video is a small learning step that is easy to follow.Alright, there's a lot of coding to be done. So let's get to it!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Step-By-Step Create Games With C# & WinForms (Windows Forms)" |
"Do you know basic C# concepts, and know your way around loops, conditional statements, arrays, and very basics of object oriented programming, but never really had a chance to incorporate any of it into a game project?. If that describes you, then this is a course for you.Full disclosure: we won't be creating any earth shattering games. What we ARE going to be doing is LEARNING how to use with C# in game projects, and how to THINK like a game programmer. All games will use Winforms (Windows Forms) as the game board.The goal of this course is three foldFirst, is to show you how things workSecond, help you understand how things work under the hood.And third, to drill the basics so that they become a second nature to you.This course concentrates solely on creating game logic and algorithms in C#. We will use Windows Forms as the game board and we'll use events to code the application logic to. This way, we won't get distracted with million other little things that come into play when you try to learn the game programming and a framework such as Unity at the same time. Like I said, the goal here is to LEARN the basics, and to RETAIN the knowledge. What good is it for a beginner to game programming to watch someone build a complex game when three quarter of the stuff presented goes right over your head? Not in this course. If you go through this course, and if you code along, I am absolutely sure that at the end, you will have great foundation to build on, and you will be able to move to more sofisticated applications and coding styles.The course consists of four games, and more will be added later if there's enough interest. The first is a Hungry Snake game.It's a great game to use to learn basics of drawing on the board, dynamic animated movement, collision, score keeping, dynamic changes to the game, key press events and more. You'll be surprised how little code is needed, yet at the same time, how much of all the mentioned concepts you will understand at the end of this section.Second is a Bubble Breaker game.We'll get into details of defining a path for a selection triggered by a player's mouse click. I will show you both loop and recursive solution. We'll learn how to draw bubbles and paint them using gradient colors. You'll understand how 2D arrays relate to 2D x and y coordinates. We'll go into details of Graphics class of C#. We will make the game dynamic and allow for variety of bubble sizes and number of bubbles on the form. We will learn more about mouse events and how to branch the game logic based on user clicks. We will enhance the game with keeping the historical scores in a text file and allowing player to enter his/her score into the file. And in the process, you will not only learn game programming, but become a master of arrays, loops, and Enums. Third is Pong game. (added June 2018)A simple game that everyone is familiar with. But, we will go deeper, and I will show - and explain - how to move objects on the form, how to change direction of the movement upon detecting a collision, how to manipulate the speed of an object, how to generate new objects and keep track of their position in real time and much more!Third is Brick Breaker (Arkanoid clone) game. (added August 2018)A classic game with a little twist. Our version of the game features randomly placed bricks of random colors and sizes. We will also bounce the ball off the paddle based on what part of the paddle intersects with the ball - left part will bounce the ball to the left, right part to the right, and middle part straight up. Our scoring system will be based on brick colors and as the game progresses, the speed of the ball and paddle increases. And everything will be coded using OOP principles.This whole course is designed as follow along course. Meaning, you are encouraged to code along with me. Everything is on the video, there are no code snippets being magically pasted into the Visual Studio. Also, I don't want you to just learn the concepts and then forget them a week later. I want you to remember and retain what you learn in this course. And let's face it - that is possible only when you code along. And one more thing that makes or breaks learning to program - using what you learn, and using it frequently. Therefore, I code even the repetitive things from scratch and I don't simply just refer you to previous lessons. But that means, that some parts may feel slow and repetitive. However, if you actually code along, I guarantee you will learn, and also REMEMBER what you learned. But, If you prefer more instructional videos, that show everything once and move faster, then this course is NOT for you. Please keep that in mind before purchasing the course. I encourage you to watch some of the sample videos so you get a feel for the course structure, topic difficulty, and my teaching style.Now, I made the videos short and to the point. Most videos are only around 5 minutes long. That is deliberate, so each video is a small learning step that is easy to follow.Alright, there's a lot of coding to be done. So let's code some games!"
Price: 19.99 |
Linux |
"1. LinuxLinuxUnixPOSIXUNIXCPUUNIX3264LinuxUnixLinux1991 10 5 LinuxLinuxLinuxLinuxLinuxLinuxLinuxLinuxGNU 2. Linux3. LinuxLinux ShellLinux ShellSSHSCPShell"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python Flask Web" |
"Flask Python Web WSGI Werkzeug Jinja2 Flask BSD Flask microframework extension FlaskFlaskFlaskWeb"
Price: 109.99 |
Git/GitHub/GitLab2019 |
"GitGit Linux Linus Torvalds Linux gitHubgit gitHubgitHub2008410git WebGist350Rubyon RailsjQuerypythonGitLab 2011GitwebGitGitpushmergeGitHubGItLabGitGitGItbest practice"
Price: 34.99 |
Kubernetes |
"2018kubernetes2017AustinDockercon17DockerKubernetesKubernetesK8SK8S2018Kubernetes20146Docker 1.01.0DockerDo not run in production!1.01.0Docker Engine, Docker EngineDockerDocker EngineDocker20146KubernetesGoogleRedHat20147DockerOrchard LabsDockerOrchard Labs2013figfigdocker-composeDocker ComposeAPPDockerKubernetes2015DockerSwarmKubernetes20157Kubernetes 1.0Kubernetes 201511Swarm 1.0SwarmKubernetes20163DockerbenchmarkSwarmKubernetes20166Docker1.12SwarmSwarmWindowsIEDocker20167Google Kubernetes Kelsey Hightower DockerCTO Solomon HykesTwitterBDocker20173DockerDocker20162017DockerDockerDocker SwarmKubernetes2017KubernetesAWSMicrosoft AzureVMware 2017DockerKubernetesSwarmDockerKubernetesDockerDockerKubernetescontainerd2016Docker EngineKubernetesDockerDocker SwarmSwarmKubernetesDockerKubernetes"
Price: 49.99 |
"UNIX & Vim on Mac" |
Price: 2400.00 |
"HTML & CSS" |
Price: 2400.00 |
"JavaScript & jQuery" |
Price: 2400.00 |
ECMAScript(ES6) |
Price: 2400.00 |
"How to Make a Freaking Keylogger - Python Ethical Hacking" |
"Last Update - Oct, 2019Have you ever wanted to build a keylogger but didn't know how to? May be you even know how a keylogger works but have no idea how to make one in the Python language. In this course we will be building a Python Keylogger for Ethical hacking and SecurityWith this course you will be able to create a powerful Keylogger pretty quickly. With over 17 videos this online Ethical hacking course is designed to provide a solid foundation in building a Python Keylogger. Ethical hacking and cyber security is one field which everybody is interested in but is still considered an advanced topic. ""Off-limits Python - Build a Windows Keylogger using Python 3 ""is easy for beginners and powerful enough for advance coders. You will also learn (BONUS) How to control your mouse movement using PythonSimulate keyboard strokes using the pynput libraryGUI Automation with Python 3Listening for mouse movement + recording keyboard stokesSource Code - Allsource code shown in this course is also available for download.Students can create their own projects usingthe downloaded Python files.Why choose me as an instructor?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. At the end of each section we will take a quiz to check up on your skills and see if were ready for the next section. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Programao de games com a Unreal Engine 4 e Blueprints" |
"Aprenda do zero e desenvolva Jogo incrvel de Tiro em Terceira Pessoa(TPS).Entre para rea que mais cresce no mundo: GamesMilhares de Alunos Satisfeitos. S Falta Voc.Confira depoimentos de alguns dos milhares de alunos satisfeitos com o cursoO melhor curso de Unreal. O professor se preocupa com o aprendizado dos alunos aulas didticas contedo terico introdutrio bem explicado e de fcil aprendizado. - Rmulo do Nascimento Franciscos Foi incrvel eu conseguir criar um jogo completamente funcional sem saber programao - Vittor Fonseca SerraSuper recomendo. Professor responde sempre as perguntas e tira as dvidas. Excelente mesmo. Parabns. - Leonardo Nunes SoaresSuper recomendo este curso. O curso possui um excelente contedo com explicaes detalhadas. O professor super atencioso, passa as informaes de forma clara e objetiva e nos responde prontamente - Carlos Augusto DavidOi! e Bem-Vindo(a) a seu prximo curso em que voc ir desenvolver um game do zero com menu, arma, tiro, inimigos, level design, drones, inteligncia artificial e muito mais.Programe do zero um game completo de tiro em terceira pessoa, usando ns, links e lgica de programao com Blueprints e sem Digitar Cdigos.E que seriam as famosas Blueprints da Unreal Engine 4?Atravs destas Blueprints toda lgica de programao de um game desenvolvida de forma visual e intuitiva, atravs da ligao nodes(ns) no qual voc no precisar digitar cdigos de uma linguagem de programao como C#, C++, JAVA, etc, para desenvolver seu Game.OBS: TODAS OS RECURSOS, ASSETS, ANIMAES, PERSONAGENS, SONS E FERRAMENTAS UTILIZADOS NO CURSO SO GRATUITOS...As Blueprints da Unreal Engine 4 so a base principal da personalizao e construo de um jogo para qualquer pessoa sem experincia na Unreal ou com linguagem de programao C++. Este mtodo de programao com Blueprints tambm conhecido como programao de arrastar e soltar. Pois, de fato voc s vai trabalhar com caixas, pinos e ligaes para criar a lgica de seu game. tudo visual!E ento?Quer criar games sem precisar programar uma nica linha de cdigo?Quer conhecer um sistema fantstico de programao de Jogos que no usa cdigos de linguagem de programao: as Blueprints?Quer aprender a usar a Engine mais famosa na criao de Games do Mercado e criadora do FORTNITE, a Unreal Engine 4?O mercado de Jogos o que mais cresce no Brasil e no mundo. O faturamento de Games maior que os ganhos somados da indstria do cinema e da msica juntas! Se voc se tornar um desenvolvedor ou desenvolvedora de jogos poder atuar como autnomo, como funcionrio em agncias de publicidade e arquitetura, como funcionrio ou freelancer em empresas produtoras de jogos digitais, em empresas canais de comunicao via web, produtoras de websites e veculos de comunicao.E eu vou te ajudar nesta trajetria! Sou professor h mais de 10(dez) anos, ensinei vrios anos para alunos de sistemas de informao, cincia da computao e engenharias. Atualmente ensino exclusivamente aqui na UDEMY. Possuo Mestrado que teve como tema Games. Nele desenvolvi um game na Unreal Engine 4 e coloquei minha experincia neste curso de Jogos com a Unreal Engine 4 e Blueprints a sua chance de aprender a fazer um game! Aprenda os conceitos e depois crie um Jogo completo do incio ao fim e sem digitar CDIGOS. Aprenda com professor Mestre e especialista na Unreal Engine 4.Aprenda criar seus prprios games e entre para mercado que mais cresce no mundo em curso aprovado por milhares de alunosE o que voc ir aprender?Difcil resumir 23h em apenas algumas linhas, mas vamos l! Ao iniciar o curso voc ir ver os conceitos bsicos e dar os seus primeiros passos na Unreal Engine 4, criando assim, um primeiro cenrio com materiais e texturas que voc vai aprender a fazer utilizando o GIMP e AwesomeBump. Aps esse primeiro momento, voc vai criar seu prprio personagem (player) do jogo e configurar as suas animaes(State Machine, Blend Space). Depois voc vai programar via blueprints a Inteligncia Artificial e as indicaes na tela(HUD) do sistema de sade e pontuao do personagem e Inimigos, indicao da quantidade de munio da arma do player e seu n de vidas. Vai programar o Lanamento de Projtil do personagem e inimigos e como aplicar Dano(ApplyDamage) tanto ao personagem quanto ao inimigo. Voc vai usar um personagem diferente do fornecido na Unreal Engine 4. Vai aprender como configurar, programar e animar este personagem que voc vai importar do site de personagens Mixamo e que ter animaes de correr, pular, andar, guardar arma, agachar, parado(idle) e Aim Offset Em seguida voc vai aprender como criar e disparar uma ao em determinado momento de uma animao(Anim Notify), ir configurar animaes com Fsica (ragdoll) e vai aplicar sons para seu Game. Alm disso, voc vai criar Miras do tipo Sniper, Vai programar o Projtil para Perseguir o alvo mesmo ele se movimento depois do tiro(Homing Projectile).Voc vai tambm criar inimigos que perseguem e atiram no player e tambm drones que se movimentam, utilizando inteligncia artificial que ao detectar o jogador(player) vo em direo ao jogador com movimentos e tiros. Ir programar a arma do player com sistema de tiro e zoom-in e zoom-out e com mira cross para indicar onde o projtil deve atingir e causar dano. Voc vai desenvolver um Level Design avanado utilizando Static Meshes gratuitas com tema Sci-fy Vai programar efeitos customizados para cada tipo de impacto em que sangue ser jorrado ao impactar inimigos, efeito de tiro no cho e parede, efeito de impacto em drone para indicar que o drone foi atingido pelo projtil da arma do Jogador.Voc tambm vai aprender a como fazer o jogador reaparecer aps ter sido morto pelo inimigos e vai criar os menus do game Carregando(Loading) ,Principal, Pause e Game Over. Ao final voc ir aprender a criar o Packet e Setup .exe para voc distribuir seu game.Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasE porque esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria de criao de Games com a fantstica Unreal Engine 4, s clicar no boto! :)Vou te ensinar passo a passo, com calma, tirando suas dvidas e voc vai finalizar o curso se sentindo vontade com a Unreal Engine 4 e com a programao de games atravs das Blueprints. Coloquei pr-aulas explicando os conceitos envolvidos na programao do game. Voc vai entender o que esta fazendo e no simplesmente repetir passos sem ter a mnima ideia do que eles representam.Ser inclusive capaz de desenvolver seu prprio game como muitos alunos deste curso j esto fazendo... A Unreal Engine 4 um conjunto de ferramentas integradas lder no desenvolvimento de jogos 3D. J foi utilizada para produzir games como: Borderlands, Gears of War, BioShock e Mass Effect, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Vampyr, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds e Kingdom Hearts 3, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Sea of Thieves, LawBreakers.Por isso, a Unreal Engine 4 um dos motores grficos mais utilizados na indstria de games atualmente, abrindo espao para grandes desenvolvedoras e pequenos estdios indie fazerem games de sucesso e com altssima qualidade!Se quiser aprender sobre como desenvolver GAMES com a Unreal Engine 4 e Blueprints, de forma tranquila, explicada e sem abismos entre os conceitos, CONTE COMIGO! Um grande abrao! Te vejo em breve!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Aprendendo programao bsica e avanada com Linguagem C++" |
"Saber programar em um computador considerado por especialistas da rea de informtica como a habilidade do sculo 21. Que tal se preparar para o futuro com a didtica que conquistou milhares de alunos?Confira Depoimentos de Alguns dos Milhares de Alunos Satisfeitos com o curso:O que tenho a dizer a TODOS que pretendem comprar esse curso. Vou ser completamente sincero com todos. Prof. Marcos Pacheco um INCRVEL professor. Esse cara no deixa voc pra tras e no deixa uma duvida e mesmo se voc ainda tem duvida o cara te explica da melhor forma possvel! Eu tenho 4 certificaes da Udemy e o cara ainda supera tudo o que aprendi at hoje. Pq ningum faz o que ele faz. Com os cursos dele voc vai de verdade ser um profissional. - Reynaldo Vilela Amo as aulas, o professor explica super bem ! No era o que eu esperava, mais do que eu imaginava ! Mal posso esperar para partir pro prximo. - Andr Luiz Mangueira da SilvaProfessor sempre muito solcito e didtico. Fiz o curso de jogos da Unreal C++ e devo muito a este grande mestre! Agora para consolidar um pouco mais meus conhecimentos estou quase terminando este curso e ponho a mo no fogo por ele! Estou trabalhando no ramo graas aos conhecimentos compartilhados pelos cursos do professor Marcos!! Forte abrao, mestre. - Arthur Neves MonteiroIncrvel. O professor explica tudo muito bem, no sobram dvidas. E quando sobram, ele explica tudo e se coloca a disposio pra ajudar. Preparou listas de exerccios e realizou a resoluo deles, simplesmente fenomenal. - Gustavo RamosEXCELENTE. Melhor professor de c++. Ensina em uma aula o que muitos levam em 10 - Igor HenriqueSimplesmente fantstico! Sou programador java a 10 anos, e no conhecia c++, tem uma semelhana enorme as linguagem. Porem, a facilidade foi pela didtica fantstica do professor, impossvel no aprender C++; temas complexos ele torna muito simples, exemplos explicados passo a passo. Parabns!! Decidi aprender c++ no para games, mas para refatorar um software feito em python, pois preciso de performance, grande abrao! -Thiago Luiz RodriguesOBS: TODAS OS RECURSOS E FERRAMENTAS UTILIZADOS NO CURSO SO GRATUITOS...E a? Tudo bem com voc?Este curso destinado para Iniciantes Totais em programao. Voce vai utilizar a poderosa , e bastante utilizada, linguagem de programao C++ e ir aprender programao desde os conceitos bsicos at os avanados. A maioria destes conceitos esto presentes nas principais linguagens de programao da atualidade.C++ pode parecer complexa no incio, mas com o tempo a programao vai ficando mais simples para voc. O Importante aprender os conceitos para no ficar somente repetindo cdigos. Depois s praticar o que aprendeu para fixar seu conhecimento. Voc j vai usar para programar um programa profissional: O Visual Studio Community. Tenho mais de 10(dez) anos de experincia de ensino de programao e PLANEJEI PEDAGOGICAMENTE o curso para voc evoluir passo a passo e aprender conceitos que iro te credenciar a SABER O QUE EST FAZENDO!Voc vai aprender a programar do zero utilizando a linguagem C++ e a mais famosa ferramenta de desenvolvimento de softwares da atualidade: o Microsoft Visual Studio. Neste curso voc ter os conceitos de programao explicados e os cdigos das aulas comentados com esclarecimento de todas as funcionalidades, para ajudar a garantir seu aprendizado. Todos os cdigos das aulas esto disponveis para voc consultar e baixar a qualquer momento.Atualmente no Brasil e no Mundo a necessidade de programadores e programadoras muito maior que a oferta deste tipo de profissional. Desta forma, o Brasil e o Mundo necessitam de mais programadores! Neste curso vou te ajudar na sua trajetria de iniciar seus estudos de programao! Sou professor com Mestrado e ensinei por 10(dez) anos em universidades para alunos de Sistemas de Informao, Cincia da Computao e Engenharias. Atualmente ensino exclusivamente aqui na UDEMY. Possuo Mestrado em Sistemas e Computao e ensinarei a voc como programar utilizando a linguagem C++ e o Visual StudioE o que voc ir aprender?Ao iniciar o curso voc ir instalar seu Ambiente de Programao Instalando a IDE Visual Studio Community. Terminada esta etapa voc j vai criar seu primeiro programa C++, compilar e executar este cdigo no Visual Studio Community. Depois ser o momento de analisar todos os conceitos envolvidos com seu primeiro cdigo. Aps este primeiro momento voc vai aprender os importantes conceitos sobre o que Abstrao, o que uma linguagem de programao, o que a linguagem de programao C++? Alm disso, vai mergulhar no processo de construo(build) do C++ analisando desde o cdigo Fonte, Pr-Processamento, Compilao, Linkedio at a gerao do .exe. Finalizando voc ir fazer diversos exerccios de fixao dos conceitos aprendidos nesta seo e isso vai se repetir em todas as sees do curso.Em seguida, voc aprender o que e como declarar uma varivel, vai aprender a manipular variveis e a criar e utilizar variveis em C++. Depois voc vai conhecer o que so e quais principais tipos de dados C++ (int, char, float, double, bool), as regras para declarar(nomeiar) variveis e os modificadores de Tipo: short, long, signed e unsigned. Feito isso, voc comear a estudar sobre a entrada de dados (cin) e como programar utilizando os Operadores Aritmticos, Relacionais e Lgicos e os operadores de Incremento ++ e Decremento --Depois destas sees comea ento seu estudo sobre as Estruturas de Deciso Condicional if-else, o Operador Ternrio ? e o Switch Case. Em seguida voc comear a estudar e programar utilizando as Estruturas de Repetio(Loops): while, do-while, for. Aps os loops comea a importante etapa de aprender sobre funes. No inicio voc ver uma introduo as funes, depois as vai aprender sobre as funes que no retornam nada (void), funes com parmetros, o comando return e os prottipos de funes. Depois vai aprender a criar suas prprias bibliotecas separando prottipos e implementaes de funes em arquivos .h e .cpp.Finalizada esta etapa de seu aprendizado voc parte para aprender sobre Cast - Converso de Dados Explcita e Coero e vai aprender os conceitos sobre: Varivel Global, Varivel Local, static e o Escopo(tempo de vida) de uma Varivel.E ento voc entra nos temidos ponteiros, mas que voc vai estudar de forma tranquila analisando o que so as variveis *ponteiros com muitos conceitos e muita prtica. Depois far o mesmo com as &referncias em que voc vai praticar criando e utilizando referncias e posteriormente vai analisar a passagem de argumentos para funes por valor e por referncia utilizando tanto o conceito de ponteiros quanto o conceito de referncias.Ao finalizar mais esta etapa voc parte para estudar variveis compostas Vetores(Arrays) e Matrizes. Aps praticar e aprender os conceitos de sobre Arrays e Matrizes, voc vai entrar na importante fase de aprender sobre a Programao Orientada Objetos em C++: Classes, Objetos, Atributos e Mtodos.Vai primeiro saber o que o Paradigma da Programao Estruturada e o Paradigma da Programao Orientada Objetos, O que so Classes, Objetos e Instanciao, Atributos(Propriedades) e Mtodos(Funes) de uma classe. Vai Declarar Classes e Criar Objetos em C++ e aprender sobre os modificadores de acesso Public x Private.A prxima seo voc vai aprender sobre como o computador cria os objetos na memria entendendo as Regies da RAM (Stack e Heap) para consolidar seu conhecimento sobre classes e objetos. Vai tambm separar suas classes em Conceito (.h) e Implementao (.cpp). Vai aprender sobre o ponteiro this, Construtores e Destrutores.Vai aprender em seguida sobre Structs - Estruturas em C++ e na prxima seo ir desvendar os conceitos Avanados de Orientao a Objetos com C++: HeranaObs: Como disse logo no incio, o curso ainda ter muito mais aulas, mas j tem contedo suficiente para voc comear deslanchar na linguagem C++!Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha: - Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaes- Certificado de concluso online do curso- Meu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidas- Garantia de reembolso de at 30 diasE por que esperar? Vamos comear? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria de criao de Games com a fantstica Unreal Engine 4, s clicar no boto! :)E ento? Comece o curso e nos vemos l! Abrao!"
Price: 579.99 |
"How To Start Your Own Digital Product Creation Business" |
"Are you constantly looking for new products to promote?Do you constantly write new emails to send to your list,So that you can keep making profit every day?what if you don't email your list will you keep making profit? What if one day you stop driving traffic to your site will you keep making profit?What if I tell you it's possible to keep making profit without constantly doing all these things every day.Introducing ultimate digital product creation business model. My new21 step-by-step video course on how to build everlasting recurring profit using simple methods that neversaturated and work with any niche.In this entire course we are going to be talking about a very simple digital product creation business model, that any marketer can implement and grow their business.And in this business model you are going to discover an easy way to generate a recurring income and it is one that has been proven over time to work in various various methods. We're gonna be showing you the very simplest way for you to be able to execute it.One of the best things about this business model is that in order to set it up gonna be depending on free and/or low-cost tools. So it's not going to cost you a lot to set up this model.Obviously the more that you are making the more that you want to invest in things like advertising and other things that will help you to increase your conversion rates. However to start the business you won't need a lot of money and you won't need a lot of fancy tools.Most of thepart it's going to be easy to manage because we're going to be relying on WordPress, and most of theinternet marketers had some experience withWordPress. It works in anypopular niche, so you don't need to worry abouthighly competitive niche, because this business is work with even lowcompetitive niche.So I hope that you are ready we are too, so let's get started."
Price: 94.99 |
"Complete Alibaba Dropshipping Business: From Zero To Hero" |
"Have you ever thought about selling products online?But don't know exactly where to get low-cost supplies? from that's about to end today. How? How? How?...Today you get the lowest prices on the supplies that you need from Alibaba. But wait what Alibaba this is where ourlatest course AdvanceAlibaba Businesscomes in with this course I'm going to show you how you can use Alibaba and be a successful online entrepreneur.Learn what Alibaba is, and how you can use it to bring great success to your online business.Discover how to avoid getting scammed by bogus suppliers. Learn more about placing orders and making payments, and so much more.Your satisfaction is guaranteed you have nothing to lose through our shock zero risk no-nonsense win-win 100% money-back guarantee. Soscroll down this page below to discover how to succeed using Alibaba starting today."
Price: 94.99 |
"PMP Exam Prep - ITTO Dictionary [PMBOK V6] - 4 PDUs" |
"ITTO stands for Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs.This course helps you as a PMP candidate to capture all details regarding the ITTO for the 49 project management processes as described in the PMBOK sixth edition and makes you ready to correctly answer the questions related to the ITTO in the PMP Exam.The course starts with an introduction covering some PMI definitions and then highlights the latest changes in PMBOK sixth edition with respect to the fifth edition.This course develops two dictionaries; the inputs and outputs dictionary and the Tools and Techniques dictionary.The inputs and outputs dictionary includes references for all the inputs/outputs artifacts across the 49 project management processes, their narratives, and their recurrences. This dictionary includes charts that show the recurrences of each artifact across the 49 processes with respect to the knowledge areas and the process groups.The Tools and Techniques dictionary creates references for all the tools and techniques used in the 49 project management processes and includes brief description for each tool. It explains how each tool is repeated across all the 49 processes using simple charts that help you to remember the tool recurrences easily. The course resources include audio files for all the ITTO lectures to help you hear the lectures many times and be acquainted with the ITTO elements, their narratives, and their recurrences. In addition to empty templates that help you in sketching and remembering the ITTO dictionary.This course enables you to gain 4 PDUs if you are PMP certified or 4 Contact Hours if you are gathering the contact hours to prepare for your PMP certification."
Price: 99.99 |
"PMP Exam Prep: Fundamentals and Overview [PMBOK V6] 2PDU" |
"This course helps you, as a project manager, in your journey to prepare for the PMP exam and get your PMP certification.This course introduces the project management concepts based on the PMBOK 6th edition and differentiates between the following:Project, program, and portfolioProject management office, program management office, and portfolio management officeProject management, program management, portfolio management, and operations managementGovernance and managementProject life cycle and Product life cycleAnd moreThis course highlights the new changes in the PMBOK 6th edition and describes what is Agile.Furthermore, it shows how the project manager executes the 49 project management processes starting from initiating, and going through planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and then closing. It presents these 49 processes in a simple way using the whiteboard and utilizes its easy charts to pass the knowledge and explain how the processes are working together to manage the project and achieve its objectives.This course enables you to gain 2 PDUs if you are PMP certified or 2 Contact Hours if you are gathering the contact hours to prepare for your PMP certification."
Price: 49.99 |
"[PMBOK V6] - PMP Exam Simulator - Two Complete Exams" |
"This course contains two complete PMPexams which were created based on A Guide to the Project Management Bodyof Knowledge Sixth Edition that was PMI certified in 2017. They are newly created questions forPMBOK Sixth Edition and they are not upgraded nor updated questions fromprevious PMBOK editions.This course utilizes the new Udemyfeature of Practice Test for the PMP certification exams. Therefore, eachPractice Test will have 200 PMP exam questions to be answered within four hours.The practice test includes the rightanswer, the clarification for selecting this answer, the question reference inthe PMBOK Sixth Edition, and the knowledge area of that question.The two practice tests included in thiscourse reflect the flavor of the questions that you are going to see on the PMPexam. Besides, they cover different examples of each type of the commonlyfound questions on the PMP Exam model; including the regular question, tablequestion, and question set. Thiscourse is different from the others as it was created by an instructor whopassed the PfMP, PgMP and PMP Exams on his first attempt, so, the instructorknows how to pass the different exams from the PMI on the first attempt. Thiscourse of ""[PMBOKV6] - PMP Exam Simulator - Two Complete Exams"" is anawesome way for the PMP candidate to solidify his knowledge and to see whatareas he might be weak in. I amsure that no one wants to enter a PMP testing exam without total reassurancethat he has become familiar with the actual certification exam."
Price: 99.99 |
"Prepare & Pass AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam" |
"Why Learn about Cloud Computing?Cloud Computing is the fastest growing segment of Information Technology landscape. Cloud Computing is enabling businesses and consumers to do innovative things quickly, at a massive scale, and without an up-front investment. Cloud Computing industry is at $100 billion today and is expected to grow to $300 billion by 2020. Ten years later, the knowledge of Cloud Computing will be what it is to know and use Gmail today!About AWSAmazon Web Services (AWS) commercialized Cloud Computing in 2007. Today, AWS offers over 100 services of their own and thousands more through the Marketplace. AWS certification is in high demand. Average AWS certified professional is earning $110K to $150K in urban areas to over $200K in high-tech areas such as Silicon Valley, Seattle, and New York.Why become AWS CCP Certified?Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) forms the basis of all Cloud Certifications including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Every person from age 12 to 72 who is or may be interested in pursuing career in technology space should earn CCP. CCP certification is well suited for Systems Engineers, Network Engineers, Developers, Sales, Marketing, and IT leaders.ThisAWSCCP exam preparation courseisthe basis and the prerequisitefor the following AWS certifications and related courses: AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate,AWS Certified Solution Architect Professional,AWS CertifiedDeveloper Associate,AWS Certified Sysopt Administrator Associate,AWS Certified Devops Professional, AWS Certified Networking Specialist, AWS Certified Security Specialist, and AWSCertified Bigdata Specialist.The Course Objectives:In this course, I have three objectives: (1) Provide you information, material, and pointers related to this certification, (2) teach substantive material covered in the exam blueprint, and (3) provide you with high quality full scale simulation practice exam.The Course Structure:Introduction Section:where I familiarize you with the course structure, content, support, how to build your outline, resources for this course, and much more.Substantive Exam Focus Summary Segments:where I teach all required topics in a video format, test you with short question and end of the topic quizzes. I walk you through hands-on labs and provide you PDF document with high level steps for each lab.Practice Exams:where I have provided you with a full-scale simulation practice exam with 65 questions with answers in text and video formats.Please see the course content for the detailed index of this course.This Course Includes:Over 100 video segments covering all topics required for this exam.One full-scale simulation practice exams with answers in text and video formats.Hundreds of short questions.Several end of topic quizzes.Instructor & community support.Free 30-day money back guarantee.The Instructor:My name is Kasey Shah and I will be your mentor for this course. I have over 20 years of experience in architecting, deploying, and operating large scale IT infrastructure. I have held over 25 IT certifications and taken more than 100 certification exams over my career. I have taught several thousand students in face-to-face setting and several tens of thousands of students in online setting. I want to use my experience to help you prepare & pass this and many other certification exams. Please allow me to be part of your journey and vicariously re-live the excitement of passing this certification exam!Quotes from my previous Learners:Hey Kasey! I'm supplementing with your course. I must say, I am thankful that I had a solid understanding of the topic prior to your course. I'm halfway done at the moment, and each question makes me realize ""WOW.. I thought I knew this.. but not in this insane level of detail!"" I'm hopeful to pass the exam and would love your guidance to help me along the way. Thank you! The course rocks and I hope to finish this weekend. :DThe approach with the highlighting, explanation, and detailed including additional information are very helpful to learning.It is a wonderfully organized course. I have been studying for the exam for a few weeks now and this course has helped me a lot. The course is formatted in a way that it provides you preparing material very precisely, this has saved me a lot of timeMr. Shah immediately reminded me of my graduate professor for Finite Element Methods in that he is a proponent of the students success and fluid understanding of the material.The course was very helpful as the instructor provided in-depth explanation for some important topicsI just finished your class and wow.. amazing!! I am absolutely motivated and I am going to pass the exam.The Support:I have provided a detailed document and video about the support for this course and beyond. There are over 10 communication channels that you can use to receive support from me and other fellow learners going through the same journey.These channels include: free forum, Udemy Q&A, Udemy private message, web site, Facebook page, Twitter, my blogs, my YouTube channel. Active Learners can reach me via Slack channel, Text messaging, and at least one 1:1 session for help, guidance, or inspiration.Sample Practice Exam Questions:Sample Question 1:[Question ID = HCC-AWS-PQ-1386]The Company is running their IT environment in on-premise data centers. The Company is debating whether to use the Cloud Computing for their business application needs. Executive team is in a meeting to discuss and decide about their decision to embrace the Cloud. Executives seem to be worried about cost, security, ROI, capabilities, and ability to master the cloud administration.If you were a fly on the wall of this meeting room what would you say to your cousin fly?(A) AWS environment is by default more secure than on-premise environments.(B) AWS environment cannot be more secured than on-premise environment because you own the building.(C) AWS environment can be more secure than on-premise environment if well architected.(D) AWS environment cannot achieve compliances as a cloud provider.Correct Answer is C.AWS environment can be more secure than on-premise environment if well architected.[Question Difficulty Level = 65]AWS environment can be more secure than on-premise environment if well architected because AWS provides several tools, capabilities, services, and market place solutions to secure your workload in AWS.Sample Question 2:[Question ID = HCC-AWS-PQ-1232]The Startup has very little money but a lot of hope and potential. Their app is free for the customers. The app saves their users photos and converts it to thumbnails. The Startup wants to ensure that they can retrieve the actual photo and the thumbnail for 1 month. However, after 1 month, they are not too concerned about the thumbnail because they can recreate it if lost, however, they would like to keep it and not delete it and they can wait a few hours for the access to this file.Which of the following approach will result in the most cost savings with regards to the thumbnail in operating their AWS environment?(A) Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to Glacier after 1 month.(B) Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to S3 RRS after 1 month.(C) Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to S3 IA after 1 month.(D) Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to S3 RRS after 1 month and back to S3 Standard after 6 months.Correct Answer is A.Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to Glacier after 1 month.[Question Difficulty Level = 75]Configure S3 lifecycle to migrate data from S3 Standard to Glacier after 1 month.S3 lifecycle policies allow you to migrate data from one class to another on a schedule. Moving data from S3 standard storage tier to other tiers such as S3 IA (Infrequently Accessed) or RRS (Reduced Redundancy Storage) class or Glacier class will result in substantial cost saving by trading off on higher durability of the data.Here, The Startup requirement is such that they need to have access to the actual photo and the thumbnail for 1 month and after that time they are less concerned about the durability and the amount of time it takes to access it. Glacier is extremely low cost storage solution for such a use case where it is acceptable that the access to data can take a few hours."
Price: 49.99 |