"ZBrush 4 R8 - Game of Thrones John Snow Likeness Sculpt" |
"Welcome to this course on creating a likeness sculpt of John Snow ""King of the North"" from the epic series ""The Game of Thrones""In this course my main aim is to teach you how to create likeness sculpt of people, I have specially designed this course for non artist , using my special techniques it should be possible if you have good reference images to create fairly accurate likenesses. Now on saying that its not going to be easy the more you practice these techniques the better you will become FACT!I give you all the tools and a pletherer of skills to be able to achieve your visions!Some of what we cover is bulleted below:Building a base mesh from a meshBuilding up detail in dynamesh and using a few practical brushesProjecting details from one mesh to anotherRetoplogy techniques for clean geometryCreation and implementation of vector Displacement brushesThe all new gizmo for R8Customisation and material, doc and view saving and loadingFInal render and compositing in ZBrushIn this course I will be using ZBrush 4 R8 and Photoshop for the compositing workThis course is the next step in ZBrush training and reigns in a new era in creative techniques.FInal thoughts!The most important thing is for you to have fun dont rush, follow along and create amazing sculpts in ZBrush!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Maya 2018 - High Poly Modelling Rapier Missile System!" |
"Want to learn to Model effectively in Maya, if the answer is yes then this is the course for you, this all level course covers the basics as well as intermediate and advanced skills in modelling high poly models inside Maya 2018.Course DescriptionThis course is an in-depth course on High Poly modelling in side Maya 2018, during this course we will build a Rapier Missile System just like course image, we will discuss reference and the importance of it as well as looking at lots of techniques you can use in this and other projects this course is fast paced and action packed so enjoy the ride!Key TecnhniquesNavigation and PanelsThe importance of referenceBuilding details from the ground upBox modelling techniquesWire and Lattice deformersCreating on curves for cables and wiresModel conversionsOptimising geometryScene clean up and controlGroups and pivot pointsWhat this course is NOT!""important information, I need to inform you of before you think about taking this course""""First I want to tell you what this course is NOT as I want it clear, this course is not about texturing or creating UV's why have i not covered it here? well i believe it is most important for you to learn the skills of modelling first and also i did not want to confuse the issue or fill your head with information setting up UV's as well as Texturing will be add on modules to this course so if you want to use the same project files you are welcome to do so in the future courses on each module"".I hope you enjoy this Online Course in Modelling in Maya 2018All the bestUKONLINETRAININGCENTRE"
Price: 139.99 |
"YouTube SEO Expert - Auf Nr. 1 der Suchergebnisse!" |
"Dieser YouTubeKurs istfr all diejenigen, die YouTube SEO lernen wollen, um mehr Klicks auf ihre Videos und dadurch mehr Aufmerksamkeit z.B fr ihre Produkte oder Angebote bekommen wollen!Ich mache Dich in drei Abschnitten zum YouTube SEO-Experten!1. Keywords -Der Schlssel zu deinem ErfolgKeywords sind Schlsselworte fr eine Videos, die mit darber entscheiden, ob dein Video gefunden-, oder nicht angezeigt wird. Ich erklre wie ich meine Keywords finde, sie einschtze und schlussendlich daraus die Stichwrter fr meine Videos ermittle.Einfach und kompakt erklrt!2. Ranking -Den YouTube-Algorithmus verstehenBei YouTube entscheidet der Algorithmus, welche Videos gefeatured werden und z.B auf der Startseite, oder in den Suchergebnissen ganz oben landen.In diesem Segment gebe ich Dir einen Einblick auf welche Richtwerte du besonders achten solltest und ich gewichte sie in ihrer Bedeutsamtkeit.Du findest heraus, was der Keyfaktor auf YouTube ist und lernst genau darauf deine Videos zu optimieren!3. META-Daten -Das Erfolgsrezept fr mehr Klicks und AbonnentenDie Klicks eines Videos stehen und fallen mit einemoptimalen Titel, einer intelligenten Beschreibung und passenden Tags.Du erfhrst meine best practices direkt am Beispiel. Ich habe den Kurs so angelegt, dass er direkt zum selber machen einldt und du das gelernte direkt umsetzen knnen wirst.4 Grnde, weshalb Du dich jetzt direkt in den Kurs eintragen solltest!Kompakt:Wofr andere 10 Stunden brauchen, erklre ich Dir kompakt in 1,5 Stunden durchgeplanten Videolektionen!Umfangreich:Hier geht es um YouTube SEO von A-Z. Du bist am Ende dieses Kurses ein waschechter YouTube-SEO Experte!Anschaulich:YouTube-SEO ist ein eher theoretisches Thema - ich vermittle es Dir aber so praxisnah und anschaulich wie mglich. Zum Beispiel mit drei detaillierten Case Studies, in denen das Gelernte angewendet wird.Erfahrung:Wer knnte dir das Optimieren deiner Videos es besser beibringen, als jemand, der schon ber 700 Videos fr YouTube gemacht und optimiert hat, die mehr als 20.000.000 Aufrufe erzielten?Warum ich diesen Kurs fr Dich erstellt habeAuf YouTube gibt es unglaublich viele geniale Videos! Videos, die anders sind als der Einheitsbrei, Videos deren Qualitt teilweise unvergleichlich ist. Doch das Problem: DieseVideos bekommen einfach zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit!Sie sind schlichtweg nicht SEO-Optimiert und das finde ich persnlich unglaublich schade. Mit diesem Kurs mchte ich dafr sorgen, dass das deinen Inhalten nicht passiert! Deshalb gebe ich mein YouTube-SEO Wissen an dich weiter!Ich produzierebis heutehochwertigeTutorialsfr eine wachsende Zuschauerschaft von mehr als75000 Abonnenten. Meine Videos erreichen insgesamtmehr als17 Millionen begeisterteZuschauer.Hauptschlich, weil ich meine Videos auf die Suche optimiere. Deshalb kommen auch mehr als 50% meiner Aufrufe durch die YouTube-Suche!Heute bin ich vonYouTube-Zertifiziert, stehe in engem Kontakt zu Google und gebe mein umfangreichesYouTube-KnowHow in Kursen und in derBeratung von Unternehmen weiter."
Price: 69.99 |
"Partial Shade & Mismatch losses on PV arrays MATLAB/Simulink" |
"In this course, studying of the effect of partial shade of PV panels and its effects on the output power, current and voltage. This studying show the different topologies of connection PV arrays and how this topologies treat and reduce the Partial shadow effect and mismatch losses. Each topology has his features and reduces the pad effects on output power of the system better than each other.This Course using MATLAB/Simulink to show three different connection topologies of PV modules under partial shade conditions (PSC), this topologies are Series-Parallel connection (SP), Total-Cross-Tie (TCT), and Bridge-Linked (BL)."
Price: 69.99 |
"Inverters Design (SVPWM) MATLAB/Simulink" |
"In this course we will learn how to designVoltage Source InverterwithSpace Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM); and the next course you will learn about Power Sharing, droop control and Parallel Inverter Control.you must study the levels step by step to know how to design the Inverter and build droop control."
Price: 69.99 |
"(Arduino) ;" |
"Arduino, Arduino. , . , , ."
Price: 99.99 |
"Your Guide in Advanced Arduino Sensors ( Practical Course )" |
"Practical studies in advanced Sensors is particularly important for different reasons which are a technical reference work which reflect contemporary developments in the sensors world of today, which are the sinews of international practical life.It aims at teaching the modern sensors and its applications ,this Course represent a very important step in your Learning journey with Arduino, in other hand this course discuss advanced kinds of sensors which can improve your skills to build your creative projects.Here in this Course you will learn how to write programs and use some special Commands to make a specific operations.This course treat with the most wide spread Sensors, which represent your guide to treat with others sensors you can meet in your studding ."
Price: 99.99 |
"Your Guide in Modern Control Engineering with MATLab" |
"Starting From its main Goals at upgrading the academic and Practical Level of the Modern Control Systems to develop your skills to Design your Controllers for different Systems and the studies of Modern Control Theory.The Course has included a varied contents where scientific method ranked equally with Practical technique throw the exercises that had been intended to rain fours the Academic subject matters. Finally it my Great Pleasure to express my thanks to all students to study this more valuable and most useful work."
Price: 49.99 |
"Your Guide in MATLab / Simulink, Basic Blocks" |
"This particular studies in MATLab/Simulink is particularly important for the response as follows :First, It is a technical reference work which reflects contemporary developments in the MATLab / Simulink .Secondly, It amis a teaching the Modern works of MATLab / Simulink.MATLab (Simulink) represent a very important tools to all peoples who want to make studies to all physical systems around us, This Course will represent your successful beginning to study MATLab / Simuling and be a professional. This work has a details for the most basic blocks in Simulink which allow you to make your Modelling for your own system."
Price: 49.99 |
"Your Guide in Electric DC Motors Drive and Control Circuits" |
"It is my Great Pleasure to starting the Course of Electrical DC Motors Drive From its main Goals which aim to upgrading the academic and Practical Level spreading theoretical as well as Practical studies and developing the methods and techniques of the subject Electrical DC Motors Drive. In this Course you will Learn the equations of different kinds of DC Motors and Study the different operations Mode of that motors, build the classical Control circuits, and understand the different method to control speed of DC Motors."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Full Stack Developer Bootcamp" |
"Through lectures aimed at hands on practice and teaching the foundation of coding, The Full Stack Developer Boot camp is a course that will take you through various languages and work, building up the skills you need in order to be a developer. We focus on code and teach you how to use GIT so when you are done with our course you have multiple projects to show for it. We want you to have up to date skills and a portfolio of projects to show for it. This isn't a course driven by slides and instead puts the student in control, pushing them to code in every single lecture. We focus on html, css, JavaScript, and JavaScript libraries such as React.JS, Node.JS and MongoDB. Plus we cover Computer Science areas such as algorithms and Data Structures that will help you pass code interviews.*PLEASE READ*This course is being built. We add a few lectures every other night. And we are working hard to make it the best course you can find for Full Stack JavaScript Development. We bring you the boot camp with what we hope is high quality and a lot less of a price tag."
Price: 199.99 |
"Neuromarketing Aplicado nas Estratgias Digitais" |
"Este curso possui os conceitos fundamentais do marketing digital, branding e do neuromarketing. Por meio destas trs grandes reas, voc conseguir desenvolver suas estratgias de marketing digital e e gerenci-las pois ter ferramentas e tcnicas que geram resultados como maiores converses e vendas. Voc ir aprender os seguintes conceitos e tcnicas:O que o neuromarketing.As emoes e os sentimentos Sistema 01 e Sistema 02 do nosso crebroTipos de ateno Bottom Up Top DownO que so e como utilizar os biomtricos em suas estratgias de marketing digital.Fundamentos e estratgias de converso e vendas em marketing digital utilizando o neuromarketing:- atrao- reteno - envolvimento - conversoO que branding e como criar uma proposta de valor de marca utilizando o neuromarketing- como criar uma proposta de valor- identificando as dores dos consumidores - a criao de significado de marca - diferenas entre segmentao e posicionamentoComo criar landing pages com altos nveis de conversoComo criar postagens de alto envolvimento"
Price: 189.99 |
"Mastering Facebook Lead Ads" |
"This course will teach you the simple, powerful, quick and straight forward method to generate leads. No frills and No hightech jargons are used. The concepts are explained in simple language. The complete process is demonstrated in video format. Easy to learn and perform for anyone who is capable of using facebook page and spreadsheet application."
Price: 2560.00 |
"Criar Curso Seu Primeiro Curso no Ar!" |
"O Criar Curso um curso criado para quem tem um conhecimento bsico, e precisa encontrar o caminho das pedras dentro do emaranhado de informaes que a internet um curso para iniciantes, que tem a vontade mas no sabe como fazer. um curso com acesso vitalcio, ou seja, voc pode voltar e consultar o contedo quando e quantas vezes quiser, inclusive com acesso a novos contedos que podero ser disponibilizados depois de voc ter se matriculado. O Criar Curso um curso produzido com vdeo e udio de tima qualidade, e voc poder emitir seu certificado de concluso ao final do curso, se quiser. Se voc responder sim a pelo menos uma das perguntas abaixo, voc est no lugar certo... Voc tem vontade de criar um curso? Voc quer ensinar outras pessoas? E ainda quer ganhar uma grana com isto? Tente imaginar quantas horas de seu tempo voc vai economizar por cada hora desse curso, pr reunir e organizar todo este conhecimento na internet? No curso eu vou abordar todo o processo de criao e produo de um curso on-line, voc vai aprender a planejar, produzir, publicar, divulgar e vender seu curso on-line. Durante as aulas eu vou indicar as ferramentas e equipamentos que voc vai precisar, desde os mais simples at os mais profissionais, e no final tem do curso tem uma aula bnus com a indicao de mais de 150 ferramentas teis para sua vida na internet. No final do curso voc estar suficientemente familizarizado com os processos e as ferramentas necessrias para iniciar sua jornada no mundo fantstico dos cursos on-line. Seja muito bem-vindo! Te encontro l no curso. Abrao Marco Aurlio Gomes"
Price: 54.99 |
"Aprenda a Editar Vdeos com o DaVinci Resolve 14" |
"O CursoAprenda a Editar Vdeos com o DaVinci Resolveum curso bsico, para iniciantes, ou para quem sabe pouco sobre edio de vdeos e quer continuar avanando.Foi criado para quem quer aprender a editar seus vdeos de forma profissional, mas no est disposto a comprar um software profissional.O Curso foi todo editado no prprio DavInci Resolve, verso 14, e produzido com vdeo e udio de tima qualidade.Ao se inscrever neste curso voc receber de bnus(*), depois de encerrado o prazo de reembolso (30 dias), o""Criar Curso - Seu primeiro curso no ar"", outro curso meu aqui na plataforma, que ensina o passo a passo da criao e produo decursos online (confira nos cursos relacionados, no final da pgina). basicamente um tutorial, onde eu mostro diretamente na tela do DaVinci, a utilizao das ferramentas e a forma de editar.Este curso voltado inteiramente para o potencial e o processo de edio de vdeo, particularmente de videoaulas, sem perder a perspectiva de edio de vdeos em geral.No sero abordadas com profundidade as outras funcionalidades do programa, como a colorizao/correo de cores e edio de udio.No existe muito material disponvel na internet sobre edio de vdeo no DaVinci Resolve, os tutoriais que esto por a so mais voltados correo de cor, que era a principal ferramenta do programa, at a divulgao das ltimas verses. um curso com acesso vitalcio, ou seja, voc pode voltar e consultar o contedo quando e quantas vezes quiser, inclusive com acesso a novos contedos, que podero ser disponibilizados depois de voc ter se matriculado.E, ao final do curso, voc poder emitir seu certificado de concluso, se quiser.Te encontro l dentro...Seja muito bem-vindo!Grande abrao!Marco Aurlio Gomes(*) S terdireito ao bnus (Criar Curso),oalunoque se inscrever no curso pelo o preo de lanamento (R$ 85,00). As inscries realizadas atravs de promoes da Udemy, dos seus afiliados ou por valor inferior ao preo de lanamento, no participamdapromoo."
Price: 84.99 |
"Fusion 360 Product Concepts: Headphone" |
"In this course, we will model a concept Headphone to showcase the power of Fusion 360 in the development stage of a product design.As takeaways, you will learn to: Model all the parts and components for our product concept Apply In-context and top-down assembly Import non-native 3D files into assembly Create feature patterns Apply joints and joint limits Add or remove materials through press pull command Use surfacing tools such as patch, offset, trim, and stitch Split a body into components Follow along with highly-detailed light to moderate instruction Receive an Autodesk Certificate of Course Completion once you have created your own unique set of headphones visible in the Fusion 360 gallery** (on top of your Udemy Certificate of Completion)By the end of this course, you will realize the importance of sketches, constraints, and modify tools. Most importantly, you will gain the confidence to create your own unique and innovative product concepts with Fusion 360."
Price: 149.99 |
"Parametric Part Modeling in Onshape" |
"All 3D Parametric modeling packages requires a great deal of 2D sketching and sketch constraints in part creation.Some of the key takeaways in this Onshape essentials course are: You will gain understanding of 2D sketching Mastery of sketch constraints Follow along with highly detailed light to moderate instruction. Course Exercise Files included in the lecture to assist you in part creation process. Level up to assembly and free-form modeling with high confidence that you have mastered the very fundamentals of part creation.Why master 2D sketching?In the context of CAD, all 3D parametric objects usually starts out as 2D sketches.When creating technical drawings your 2D sketches ends up very similar to your final drawings. 2D sketches holds the very foundation of your 3D model and 2D drawings.Why master sketch constraints?Constraints are the tools that binds and reinforces your sketched geometry.In a typical machine, constraints are like the nuts and bolts the holds the assembly together.Without constraints all of our sketched geometries are loose and unstable.By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation on 2D sketching, mastery of sketch contraints and parametric part creation in Onshape."
Price: 149.99 |
"Fusion 360 Product Concepts: Footwear" |
"In this course, we will model a concept Footwear to showcase the power of Fusion 360 in the development stage of a product design.As takeaways, you will learn to: Model all the parts and components for our product concept Use surfacing techniques such as patch, offset and trim Sculpt organic forms using T-splines Create, split and combing solid bodies NURBS topology strategies Follow along with highly-detailed light to moderate instruction Add a Footwear to your evergrowing design portfolio.By the end of this course, you will add t-splines, surfacing and modify tools to your design tool arsenal.Most importantly, you will gain the confidence to create your own unique and innovative product concepts with Fusion 360."
Price: 149.99 |
"Fusion 360 Design Concept: Spacecraft" |
"In this course we will model a spacecraftto showcase the speed of Fusion 360 in the concept stage of product design.Some of the key takeaways are: We will model all the parts and components for our product concept Creating feature and body patterns Add or remove materials thru press pull command Usage of surfacing tools such as patch, offset, extrude and stitch Splitting a body into components Mirror and Symmetry strategies Follow along with highly detailed light to moderate instruction.By the end of this course, you will realize the importance of sketches, tools in patch workspace and modify tools in model workspace. Most importantly you will gain the confidence to create your own concept spacecraft in Fusion 360."
Price: 149.99 |
"How To Play Guitar - For Absolute Beginners" |
"Hi my name is Francesco and if you would like to learn how to play guitar and have all the tools that will allow you to play any song you want this course is right one for you.I'm teaching guitar since I was 18 years old. Most of my student make their passion into a profession with my coursesandIteach into schools, private and I'm the founder of ""Gene2020 HDbacking tracks"".You will learn how to position the finger on the fret and I will give you the right information on how guitar works and how can you find any chords, we will work also on the rhythmic and some fun exercises to make your hands elastic and able to play anything and be independent between each other.Anyone who will take this course ( if they will followall my instruction and practice at least 15 minutes a day ) at the endwill be able to play guitar and play along with the lyrics and chords of any song.""The only secret in music is practice"""
Price: 19.99 |
"Jenkins CI CD and DevOps Complete Boostcamp" |
"What arespecial points inthis course ?100% hand-on, practical with real life Jenkinsuse caseStep by step style, explain and makeevery thingclear about Jenkins systemCover Continuous Integration with JenkinsCover Continuous Delivery with JenkinsCover Jenkins PipelineCover Jenkins on AWSCover Jenkins Backup and RestoreCover Jenkins SecurityCover Jenkins Distributed SystemCover Installation on Windows, Mac, UbuntuWorking with Git to Clone Github Code, integrate Git to JenkinsWorking with Maven to BuildJava Project, integrate Maven to JenkinsWorking with Tomcat to Deploy Java Project, integrate Tomcat to JenkinsSPECIALBONUS :PDFbooks that cover every in the style of step by step practical guideWhy shall we learn Jenkins:Jenkins is on the bleeding edge of technology today. Jenkinsalso one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development andoperationpractices.The Jenkins Continuous Integration solution has become a standby in organizations of all sizes that want to increase productivity and streamline software development in the era of Agile. Ithas extensive community support has the extended the core functionality of Jenkins by developing thousands of useful plugins. An ecosystem of more than 1,100 plug-ins has emerged, enabling customers to add all sorts of functionality and integrate Jenkins with everything from Active Directory to GitHub to Tomcat.Jenkins is becoming a must tool for DevOps.It allows companies to build very sophisticated build pipelines very quickly, thus greatly reducing the risk within the software development life-cycle.Tons of companies have already been using Jenkins to implement continuous integration pipeline.Today you have the access to that same technology right on your desktop.After complete this course:Now a day, DevOpt and Continuous Integration engineer are very hot career. The average salary for DevOpt engineer at silicon valley is more than $140,000 a year. After complete the course, You will familiar with Jenkins and make it become essential tool for your CI/CD or DevOpt implementation"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ethereum : Dapp Development Bootcamp" |
"What is Etherum ?Ethereum is an open source, globally decentralized computing infrastructure that executes programs calledsmart contracts. It uses a blockchain to synchronize and store the systemsstatechanges, along with a cryptocurrency calledetherto meter and constrain execution resource costs.The Ethereum platform enables developers to build powerful decentralized applications with built-in economic functions. While providing high availability, auditability, transparency and neutrality, it also reduces or eliminates censorship, and reduces certain counterparty risks.What is a smart contract ?The termsmart contracthas been used over the years to describe a wide variety of different things. In the 1990s, cryptographer Nick Szabo coined the term and defined it as a set of promises, specified in digital form, including protocols within which the parties perform on the other promises. Since then, the concept of smart contracts has evolved, especially after the introduction of decentralized blockchain platforms with the invention of Bitcoin in 2009. In the context of Ethereum, the term is actually a bit of a misnomer, given that Ethereum smart contracts are neither smart nor legal contracts, but the term has stuck. In this book, we use the term smart contract to refer to immutable computer programs that run deterministically in the context of an Ethereum Virtual Machine as part of the Ethereum network protocol, i.e. on the decentralized Ethereum world computer. What is a DApp?A Decentralized Application, orDApp, is an application which is mostly or entirely decentralized.Consider all the possible aspects of an application that may be decentralized:Front-end softwareBack-end software (logic)Data storageName resolutionMessage communicationsTools will be used in this courseIn this course you will learn all tools which use for develop decentralize application : truffle frame work, ganache, metamask, visual studio code, geth, infura, ipfs, javascript, jquery. This course is design to practically guide you real life skill on development of Ethereum Dapp. Following topics are covered.Understand the big picture of decentralize applicationInstall development tool : nodejs, truffle framework, ganache, metamask, visual studio code, and pluginsStart project with truffle unboxSolidiy smart contract codingInteract with smart contract use truffle consoleDevelop automation test for smart contractLayout htmlJavascript code to communicate with smart contract and update webuiDeploy smart contract to rinkeby test network use geth nodeDeploy smart contract to ropsten test network use hdwallet and infuraDeploy webui to distributed file system with ipfsMake the app fully decentralizedBlockchain and Ethereum dapp right now are very hot technical trend. Developer with good skill of blockchain and Dapp very easy to get jobs with 6 figures. Are you interesting joining the huge innovation of Dapp ? Joint my course and I will show you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Comunicao via Satlite - Comeando (Telecomunicaes)" |
"O curso Comunicao via Satlite - Comeando aquele curso para voc que gostaria de entender melhor das redes de computadores via satlite e no encontrava um material semelhante na internet.Com uma didtica leve, prtica e sem rodeios, mostrado como funciona um satlite de comunicao no tocante a sua rbita, sistemas de transmisso, estrutura interna e muito mais!Esse curso um bom pr-requisito para o meu outro curso deRedes de Computadores via Satlite. Um curso online indito no Brasil.Seja um profissional completo! Entenda no s sobre Cisco e Windows, mas de todas as tecnologias de telecomunicaes existentes no mundo."
Price: 84.99 |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Avanado Profissional (Site Survey)" |
"O curso Redes Wireless - Avanadofoi criado pela necessidade de um material em lngua portuguesa para os profissionais de tecnologia da informao se capacitarem para a implantao de redes wireless de mdio e grande porte. O que se tem hoje so algumas empresas que fazem cursos voltados s suas plataformas. Mas, no existia nada explicando os conceitos e a prtica para implantao de redes ""vendor neutral"".Diversas ferramentas so demonstradas no curso, aliando sempre a teoria com a prtica bem fundamentada de como devemos implantar uma rede sem fio da maneira mais eficiente possvel. desejvel que voc tenha conhecimentos prvios em redes sem fio como os do curso Bsico e Intermedirio, que so tambm de minha autoria.O curso foi criado baseado na certificao Certified Wireless Design Professional. Assistindo este curso e aoscursos de ""Redes Wireless - Radio-Enlace"" e ""Redes Wireless-Gerenciamento""(a serem lanados), cobriremos todo o contedo desta certificao."
Price: 159.99 |
"Redes Wireless - Pr-Intermedirio (Troubleshooting)" |
"Curso Pr-Avanado de redes wireless.A sua rede wi-fi est lenta?No consegue se conectar internet?Gostaria de melhorar o desempenho da sua rede?O curso Redes Wireless - Troubleshooting (Pr Intermedirio)pode te ajudar!Aqui colocamos em prtica tudo que aprendemos nos cursos Bsico e Intermedirio. Realizamosos principais testes de conectividade que os melhores tcnicos de redes e telecomunicaes no pas utilizam.No adianta apenas fazer download de um monte de software que tem por a se voc no sabe interpretar seus dados. No curso, vamos ensinar as principais tcnicas que visam reativar a conectividade da sua rede sem fio alm de oferecer a voc as melhores ferramentas de anlise de desempenho gratuitas do mercado.Voc no vai ficar apenas seguindo aquele tutorial na internet, vai entender de verdade.Recomendamosque vocassistapelo menos o curso Redes Wireless - Curso Bsico Profissional ou que tenha conhecimento equivalente."
Price: 84.99 |
"Learn 3D Animation - The Ultimate NEW BLENDER 2.8 Course A-Z" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn 3D and create some awesome animations? Blender 2.8 is out! And with it's release, a lot has changed! This NEW course will guide you through the A-Z's of creating some awesome animations using the new Blender 2.8 with BRANDNEWprojects and animations!Are you brand new to 3D and have never touched it before? Are you coming over from Blender 2.7 and need to learn the new Blender 2.8? Well this course is for you! We will go from the A-Z's of Blender and by the end create your first full blown animation!Learn The Art of 3D With The NEWBlender 2.8 From The Very Basics to The More Advanced! -Changes means NEW ways of doing things! We kick it off by learning the very basics of Blender 2.8 and the changes that have occurred!-As we go along we learn more intermediate skills and become confident with using Blender 2.8 to create some awesome projects!-At the end we go step by step for creating your first full blown animation from creating your character, texturing, rigging, animating and adding sound!- Create projects, animations and models you can be proud of as you hone your skills! -Finish the course with the confidence, skills and knowledge to be able to create what you want from an idea in your head to finished 3D project!The Power to Create in the Palm of Your Hands -As we progress along the course we will be met with projects and assignments to create some things we can be proud of!-Learn and follow along with the workflow of a complete animation from A-Z-Finish the course with skills that you can take with you and completed animations you can show everyone!-Lifetime access!Learning the basics and more advanced aspects of 3D creation gives youa useful and powerful skill. Blender 2.8 is a free and powerful program. 3D arts is becoming more and more popular with demands in production studios and freelance work. With the fundamentals in your toolbox, you will be armed with the skills and knowledge to create some amazing artwork Content And Overview This course contains over 110 lectures and is designed for anyone who wants to learn the art of 3D graphics, regardless of if you have any experience or not. In this course, you will learn the skillsof 3D art which will enable you to create your very own 3D artwork. You will learn by working through projects that will help you to master the art of 3D and come out of it with some awesome work of your own!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Case Management 101: Advocate, Educate, and Invoke Change" |
"This is Course 2 from the Case Management 101: Course 1. Here I will pick up where we left off with getting more in depth with the process of being a case manager/support coordinator. Please understand this is non-clinical case management and not to be confused with medical case management. If you are getting ready to start a job in the support coordinator field, this is the course for you. This course also assist with understanding jobs within the social work, psychology, counseling, and health and human services field. I always recommend that student abide by their agency policies and procedures. Take a few hours to listen to the material and give us feedback if the material helped you in seeking employment or help with your staff."
Price: 64.99 |
"Beast Android Development:Integrating A Node.Js Server" |
"Firebase alonealthough auseful and powerfulback end isnot enough tobuild a trulygreat androidapp. Itis best to create a node.js server to play middle man between your android client and Firebase.By having a node.js server, you improve security, app performance, and unlock features such as user to user push notifications!The mainpurpose of this course is to show you how tobuildand utilizeanode.js server with Firebaseto create apowerful android application. In order to accomplish this goal, we will build a fully functional chatting app from scratch. This app will contain features such asreal time chatting, user profiles, andnotifications to name a few. Youwill alsopick up some UI tricks like creating a bottom navigation bar, using circular image views, and wiring up a search bar.This course is designed for intermediate Android Developers. We are going to be creatingplenty of android code but a lot of boilerplate code such as recycler-view adapters will not be explained. Therefore, it is best that you already have a firm understanding on Android.In addition, you are also expected to know the basics of rx-java. Rxjava will play a big role inour project and there will be no basic explanations such aswhat observables/observers are. Although we will be building a node.js server, you are not required to know how to code in javascript. Just be sure to be ready for the challenge of quickly picking up a new language!This course is one of a kindas there is no other Android coursethat tackles implementing a node.js server into development. By taking this course not only will you achieve a whole new level in your development skillsbut you'll be able to build any app you can think of!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Police Legitimacy, Procedural Justice & Community Relations" |
"With the scrutiny of recent volatile police-citizen interactions, there is now an opportunity and obligation for you tore-evaluate your purpose for being a law enforcement officer.Introducing Police Legitimacy, Procedural Justice and Community Relations, a required and approvedtwo hourcourse by Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council for annual certification.This course gives you the precise informationfornot only be taking the most decisive action to address the source of crime consistent,within the rules of law, but transforming the communities trust and value forwhen you perform duties in a fair and consistent manner.Soundtrack ""Venom"" courtesy and permission by Grammy Award Artist Phil Davis."
Price: 84.99 |
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Price: 24000.00 |