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"Hacks de Copywriting com SEO para Blog by Angelo Pblio"
"Nesse curso voc vaidesvendaros principais truques (HACKS) sobre como escrever de forma SUPERotimizada, para que os seus artigos de blog obtenham melhores posies no Google e em outros sistemas de buscas.Se voc um empreendedor digital, est dedicando parte do seu precioso tempono seu blog, mas no estiver aplicando as tcnicas corretas de SEO, provavelmente voc no vai conseguir boas posies. por isso que esse curso existe:para evitar que voc fique frustrado e desista do seu blog.Se voc uma startup,voc sabe que Inbound Marketing o que vai te ajudar a ganhar visibilidade online. Mas, ficar pagando para escreverem contedo, sem que aumente as visitas do seu site um problema. Voc precisa otimizar o seu contedo, da mesma forma que vocmelhora o seu SaaS.Se voc um analista de SEO, sempre bom dar uma reciclada nos seusconhecimentos. Sempre tem algo novo para voc aprender, ainda mais com a velocidade que as coisas acontecem. Humildade e bora fazer o curso.Se voc gerente de marketing,para que voc possa ser um bom lder, bom que voc conhea todas as etapas envolvidas no processo de copywriting com SEO para blog. Voc vai descobrir que as coisas no so to simples assim. E o melhor de tudo isso que voc poder direcionar a sua equipe corretamente.Se voc um jornalista da ""velha guarda""e est buscando se adaptar nova realidade do mercado, escrever artigos para blogs, este o curso, o que voc precisa.Se voc um jornalista da nova gerao, que bom que voc achou este curso de copywriting com SEO para blog. Assim voc j comea certo com as suas aes deblogging, como p direito.Se voc um freelancer, o seu cliente vai te amar! difcil hoje encontrar bons profissionais que conheam as tcnicas de SEO. Aqui voc ter acesso s tcnicas mais safas que existem de SEO para blog.ATENO:No nos responsabilizamos quando voc estiver com os seus artigos nas primeiras pginas do Google e os seus concorrentes ficarem para trs e""P da vida"" com voc.So +30HACKS neste Curso de Copywriting com SEO para BlogVoc ter acesso a mais de 30 HACKS de Blogging. Vrias lies tm mais de 1 dica, comum valor inestimvel para voc.Imagine o quanto voc est economizando de tempo e dinheiro tendo acesso a todas essas dicas em um nico lugar, com aulas objetivas, que vo direto ao assunto, sem enrolar. O seu tempo valioso e ns valorizamos isso!Apoderosa frmula de Angelo PblioNeste curso voc vai conhecer a PERSIREA: a poderosa frmula para escrever e divulgar artigos de blog com sucesso, considerando todas as etapas do fluxo de trabalho, inclusive antes e depois da publicao.Depois de ter acompanhado a produo de milhares de artigos de blog profissional desde 2009 e ter escrito centenas deles, o Professor Angelo Pblio, desenvolveu um processo para a criao de contedo com SEO para Blog.PERSIREA: a poderosa frmula para artigos de blog e guest posts de sucessoPara que voc tenha sucesso em Copywriting com SEO para Blog, voc precisa passar por cada uma das letras do acrstico P-E-R-S-I-R-E-A:P Pesquisa: defina sua pauta, pesquise sobre o tema e faa um esqueleto com os highlights.E Escrita: o momento em que voc deve fugir de qualquer distrao para focar na escrita de seu artigo.R Reviso: fundamental a reviso de seu artigo.S SEO(Search Engine Optimization): agora a hora de otimizar seu contedo para garantir as melhores posies do seu artigo nos sistemas de busca.I Imagens: o uso de imagens no contedo propiciar uma melhor experincia do usurio (UX Design) einfluenciar o seu SEO.R Redes Sociais: uma vez que voc publique o artigo, hora de divulgar seu contedonas redes sociais.E E-mail: voc precisa avisar aos assinantes do seu blog que um novo contedo est disponvel.A Autor: um dos motivos para um autor escrever um artigo de blog construir seu personal branding.As HACKS estaro distribudas de acordo com a frmula PERSIREA.Turbine o seu Inbound MarketingAlm de voc ter acesso s dicas e truques do curso de copywriting com SEO para blog, voc ainda ter conscincia do processo de produo de contedo.Apliqueafrmula PERSIREA em sua Estratgia de Contedo e turbine o seu Inbound Marketing!PRONTO PARA ENTRAR PARA O CLUBE?Desde 2014, o professorparticipa de treinamentos presenciais nos Estados Unidos emEstratgia de Contedo, Inbound Marketing e SEO, com as principais autoridades nestes temas: Rand Fishkin (Moz), Larry Kim (WordStream), Dharmesh Shah (HubSpot),Guy Kawasaki (Canva), Ryan Deiss (Digital Marketer), entre outros.Angelo Pblio o Professor de Inbound Marketing Mais Vendido na Udemy, Mestre em Design,Autor da metodologia Play-Driven Design,Parceiro da HubSpot no Brasil Plataforma #1 de Inbound Marketing , escio da agncia de marketing digitalNA5. Desde 2002, Angelotem ajudadoempresasa crescerem com Vendas e Marketing Digital.Como desafio pessoal,Angelo Pblio quer ajudar o maior nmero de pessoas no Brasil a terem sucesso com Vendas e Marketing Digital oferecendo cursos de altssima qualidade com valores acessveis e artigosgratuitos no seu blog pessoalporque acredita que as pessoas precisam deapoio em sua jornada de crescimento pessoal e profissional.P.S.:Este no um curso ensinando redao! Isso voc aprendeu na escola.P.S.2:O que a escola no te ensinou foi comoescrever para os seus artigosserem encontrados por muitas, muitaspessoas no Google. Issoa gente resolvefcil, graas a estecurso que caiu do cu!"
Price: 399.99

"Curso de HubSpot CRM por Angelo Pblio"
"Imagina como foi na sua infncia ganhar uma bicicleta e no saber pedalar.Possivelmente voc demoraria muito mais tempo para aprender a pedalar sozinho se no tivesse algum para te orientar.Pois , ter um CRM Grtis para a sua empresa, mas no saber como us-lo, pode tirar o seu sono e tomar o seu tempo. E tempo no mundo nos negcios custa muito caro! No mesmo?Por isso, voc pode aprender rapidamente como realizar a configurao essencial do HubSpot CRM para que os seus vendedores consigam o quanto antes organizar os contatos dos seus clientes e gerenciar as oportunidades de vendas.HubSpot CRM bom, muito bom! Mas o melhor mesmo se voc conseguir usar o CRM gratuito da HubSpot HOJE mesmo! Sim, HOJE, isso mesmo! Com esse curso voc pode!ATENO: para comear este curso necessrio que voc tenha uma conta gratuita do HubSpot CRM. Assista a videoaula gratuita de como criar a sua conta GRTIS."
Price: 579.99

"Presentation Skills - The Art of Presenting"
"Do you find the thought of speaking to groups of people overwhelming?In meetings are you the last person to speak up?When you do make a presentation do people listen and take action?Some of us can speak publicly but can't craft great content and some of us can create great content but we just cannot speak in front of a group of people. When it comes to creating and delivering a great presentation most of us have no idea where to start. Whether you are making a presentationat a company meeting, speaking ata conference, delivering a lecture, making a toast ata friend's wedding or delivering a eulogy ata loved one's funeral it matters what you say and how you say it. The Art of Presenting is the course to help you understand how you need to craft a presentation for the greatest impact. We delve into understanding your audience, developing goals for your presentation, the beststructure for apresentation and some tips on grabbing your audience's attention and making your thoughts stick in their minds well after they have left the room.There is no doubt that people who can present information in a engaging and thought provoking way have great influence if you want to learn the process for developing this influence and create more professional and personal opportunities then this is the course for you.Along with the xx hours of video you will work alongside the lectures developing your own presentation, we have loads of extra resources and at the end of the course we will challenge you to a quiz and we also offer free critique on your presentation structure and video presentation. So join us in learning the Art Of Presenting."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Chemistry with Basic Concepts & Keywords"
"If you are really keen to learn chemistry this course is for you. Whether you are a school student, college student or anyone who wants to learn chemistry here you go :) It has been designed to allow learners to recognise that science is evidence based and understand the usefulness, and the limitations, of scientific method to develop skills that: are relevant to the study and practice of chemistryare useful in everyday lifeencourage a systematic approach to problem solvingencourage efficient and safe practiceencourage effective communication through the language of science to develop attitudes relevant to chemistry such as:concern for accuracy and precisionobjectivityintegrityenquiryinitiativeinventiveness to enable learners to appreciate that: science is subject to social, economic, technological, ethical and cultural influences and limitationsthe applications of science may be both beneficial and detrimental to the individual, the community and the environment.This course is suitable to study for the following syllabus also: IGCSE GCSE AQA O Level EdexcelCheckpoint Other relevant syllabusCandidates study the following topics:1 - The particulate nature of matter2 - Experimental techniques3 - Atoms, elements and compounds4 - Structure & bonding5 - The Periodic table"
Price: 89.99

"The Truth Behind Slavery In The Bible"
"Growing up as an African American4th generation Christian, I was always wondered why a loving God would condone slavery in the bible. I never asked these questions of the people in my church because such questions were taboo. i have heard people ask this question of their christian leaders, and received a rebuke for asking in response.As I grew older, atheist and black conscious individuals began to come up to me asking me ""how could you serve a God that condones slavery???""... Or statements like""You were only christian because the religion was forced on your ancestors during slavery""... Iwas ashamed because, I grew to know the love of God and had a real relationship with him. Yet, I could not refute any of these sayings, I could not defend my reason for being a christian. I saw many of my friends leave the faith because of this reason, and that hurt even more. For this reason I had to find out the answer to these questions, for myself, so that I may have a reason for the hope that I place my faith in.During this time of study,I became a Chaplain, Youth Leader, Missionary,Motivational Speaker, and ChristianAuthor.In my journey of spiritual maturity, I gained the answer to my question.I realized that, everything concerning God that we have questions about (which He desires to reveal to us) can be found through diligent, Holy Spirit inspired study, prayer and devotion.If you are a christian that has had the same question, or an individual who is curious about God, or even an atheist who is just looking for another point of view to debate against........THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!!!!!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The Character of God usually gets a bum wrap because many christians cannot lovingly defend the hope that they believe.Through this course we provide 1 hours worth of7 lectures that explain:1.Spritual Slavery In The Bible.2. Compare The System & Laws of Biblical Slavery with Antebellum Slavery3. Hebrew Slave System4. Non-Hebrew Slave System5. Was Christianity In Africa Before the Slave Trade?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++IF YOU HAVE EVER WONDERED ABOUT THIS QUESTIONS.... THIS COURSE IF FOR YOURIF YOU ARE CURIOUS ABOUT GOD......THIS COURSE IF FOR YOU...IF YOU ARE AN ATHEIST LOOKING FOR ANOTHER CHRISTIAN POINT OF VIEW TO DEBATE ON THE SUBJECT OF SLAVERY AND THE BIBLE..... THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU.ALL ARE WELCOME FROM BEGINNERS TO THOSE MATURE IN THE FAITH &KNOWLEDGE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++TAUGHT BY: Andrae B. Ricketts, Evangelist, Chaplain, Missionary, Youth leader and Christian Author of ""Raising The Foundations: Understanding The Character of Jesus Christ"""
Price: 19.99

"Digital Signal Processing(DSP) From Ground Up using Arduino"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the Arduino board and programming language.By the end of this course you should be able develop and test the Convolution Kernel algorithm on arduino, develop and test the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm on arduino, develop and test the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm on arduino, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters on arduino, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters on arduino, develop Windowed-Sinc filters on arduino, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm on arduino, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99

"Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up with MATLAB"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the MATLAB programming language.By the end of this course you should be able to perform Convolution with matlab, perform Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with matlab, perform Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) with matlab , design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters with matlab, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters with matlab, develop Windowed-Sinc filters with matlab, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.Some of the theory in this course is based on ""The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing"" by Steven W. Smith. You can download a free copy online."
Price: 129.99

"Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) From Ground Up"
"Welcome to the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)  From  Ground Up  course.This practical Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) course will provide you with a solid in-depth training to be able to build BLE embedded devices and use them to communicate with other smart devices and mobile phone app. This course aims to provide a solid practical understanding of Bluetooth Low Energy: the protocol, how data is organized, and tshe key design trade-offs that were made in the creation of the protocol.By the end of this course you should be able to build your own BLE enabled embedded devices and give a lecture on the BLE protocol.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a  FULL money back guarantee for 30 days!  So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start transmitting some packets."
Price: 94.99

"Getting Started with ARM mbed OS"
"Welcome to the ARM mbed OS From Ground Up course.With a practical approach, this course teaches you how develop embedded applications using the ARM mbed OS platform. The initial sections of this course provide a wide-ranging introduction to embedded systems, using the mbed and demonstrating how it can be applied to rapidly produce successful embedded designs. The latter sections introduce the concept of real-time operating systems and then go on to teach you how to build real-time embedded applications using the ARM mbed OS platform.By the end of this course you should be able to master the ARM mbed OS platform. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start developing some firmware."
Price: 124.99

"{ C } Digital Image Processing From Ground Up"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Image Processing in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the image processing techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language of their choice. This version of the course uses the C programming language.By the end of the course you should be able to develop the 2-D Discrete Convolution algorithm in C, develop Edge-Detection Algorithms in C, develop Spatial Filtering Algorithms in C, compute an Image Histogram and Equalize it in C, to develop Gray Level Transformation Algorithms, suppress noise in images, understand all about operators such as Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Robinson, even give a lecture on image processing and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start manipulating some pixels."
Price: 94.99

"Python Digital Image Processing From Ground Up"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Image Processing in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the image processing techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language of their choice. This version of the course uses the Python programming language.By the end of the course you should be able to perform 2-D Discrete Convolution with images in python, perform Edge-Detection in python , perform Spatial Filtering in python, compute an Image Histogram and Equalize it in python, perform Gray Level Transformations, suppress noise in images, understand all about operators such as Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Robinson, even give a lecture on image processing and more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start manipulating some pixels."
Price: 94.99

"Matlab Digital Image Processing From Ground Up"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Image Processing in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the image processing techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language of their choice. This version of the course uses the Matlab programming language.By the end of the course you should be able to perform 2-D Discrete Convolution with images in matlab, perform Edge-Detection in matlab, perform Spatial Filtering in matlab, compute an Image Histogram and Equalize it in matlab, perform Gray Level Transformations, suppress noise in images, understand all about operators such as Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Robinson, even give a lecture on image processing and more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start manipulating some pixels."
Price: 94.99

"Java Image Processing From Ground Up"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Image Processing in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the image processing techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language of their choice. This version of the course uses the Java programming language.By the end of the course you should be able to develop the 2-D Discrete Convolution algorithm in Java, develop Edge-Detection Algorithms in Java, develop Spatial Filtering Algorithms in Java, compute an Image Histogram and Equalize it in Java, to develop Gray Level Transformation Algorithms, suppress noise in images, understand all about operators such as Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Robinson, even give a lecture on image processing and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start manipulating some pixels."
Price: 94.99

"Bare Metal Embedded - C Programming (TM4C123)"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in bare-metal firmware development for ARM-based microcontrollers . The goal of this course is to teach you how to navigate the microntroller reference manual and datasheet to extract the right information to professionally build peripheral drivers and firmware. To achieve this goal, no libraries are used in this course, purely bare-metal embedded-c and register manipulations.Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different ARM Cortex-M development boards so that students can put the techniques to practice using an ARM Cortex-M development board of their choice. This version of the course uses the Texas Instrument TM4C123 Tiva C Launchpad which which has an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontoller.By the end of this course you will be able configure microcontroller peripherals like ADC, UART,PWM, GPIO, TIMER,I2C, SPI, etc. You will also master the ARM architecture and how to build professional embedded firmware for ARM processors.Please take a look at the full course curriculum. REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain.Sign up and lets start toggling some register bits."
Price: 149.99

"x86 Assembly Language From Ground Up"
"Welcome to the x86 Assembly Programming From Ground Up course. Covering x86 Processor History , Architecture and Practical Assembly Programming, this is the most comprehensive x86 assembly course online.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an x86 developer.By the end of this course you will master the x86 Core Instruction Set, the x86 MMX Extension Instruction Set, the x86 Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) Instruction Set and the x86 Advanced Vector Extension (AVX ) Instruction Set. You will be able to develop complex Image Processing Algorithms in x86 Assembly. You will be able to develop complex mathematical algorithms in x86 assembly .You will also be able to write robust programs that mix C++ and x86 Assembly files. Furthermore, you will master every day things like navigating arrays, computing the statistical properties of an array such as computing the mean and standard deviation of each row and column. All of this written in assembly language. There is so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start writing some low level code."
Price: 159.99

"Conflict management in the workplace"
"Conflict is a natural feature of human communication. Often we see conflict as negative, and it is true, conflict that is not handled well can have a devastating impact on staff morale and productivity, as well as customer-relations. However when conflict is managed well, it can lead to increased creativity and enthusiasm amongst workers.This course is of immense practical value to you if you work with other people, whether colleagues or customers.You will learn how to identify conflict, and understand the different types of conflict that occurat work. There is a strong focus on practical skills to resolve conflicts. You will discover what your preferred conflict management style is, and the situations where it is most suitable."
Price: 99.99

"Overcome Burnout"
"Burnout is a reality for many people whose work involves serving others, whether these are students, clients, customers, or patients. The main challenge with burnout is that it is difficult to identify early on. By the time people realise they are burnt out they are often experiencing challenging symptoms, such as lack of energy, demotivation, or lack of empathy towards others. It is therefore very important to identify burnout early on, so that it can be effectively resolved.This course has two main parts: In the first section we focus on the signs of burnout and whom it affects. Thus students become confident in spotting burnout in themselves and others. The second section presents several strategies that will help students resolve burnout. Throughout this course students are supported to complete an action plan, so as to ensure long-term benefits from this course."
Price: 34.99

"Active Directory - Do Zero ao Avanado"
"O curso focado na parte prtica da ferramenta e ensina a implementar e administrar o Active Directory em ambientes para grandes corporaes.No curso tambm vai estar questes do dia a dia de manuteno da ferramenta e melhores prticas, seguindo o que a Microsoft recomenda!Este curso tambm pode ser usado como material de estudos adicional para provas de certificao."
Price: 384.99

"Managing Change Resistance Clear a Path to Success"
"Managing resistance clearing the path to Success This intermediate-level course is for the Inadvertent Change Manager the department manager or project leader forced to address resistance in order to meet goals. You need to get everyone on-board with the task at hand. You are not a change expert, but your success is on the line. Things are not happening that Need to Happen. You are facing resistance to your plans Resistance that Stands between You and Your Goals.This course is for the manager who is facing challenges and needs a pathway to a solution. Content for the course comes from 40+ years professional and academic experience - practical solutions with supporting resources. This course is NOT for those wanting entertainment. (However, I can provide some recommendations for cat videos on request.)Included in this course are four tools (worksheets) that helps identify sources of resistance and guides you through a plan for managing it. (These worksheets are combined as a desktop reference that includes how to best respond to each question inthe worksheets.) Better yet, using this worksheet preemptively allows you to prevent situations (caused by the change objective or change process) that lead to resistance. However, the most valuable part of this course is identifying the many ways YOU might be the cause of the resistance that is holding you back.Upon completion of this course, you will have an understanding of why people resist change (many reasons are hidden) and what you can do to manage a successful change project (you want to avoid being a cause of resistance!). Topics covered in this course span the breadth of change management since mistakes in analysis, change visioning, planning, and implementation all provide fertile ground for resistance to develop and flourish. (The path to reducing resistance is possible, but does take some work. Do not attempt this if you are not willing to face the resistance You may be causing.)Now, why dont you do something about the resistance that is holding you back?Enroll now! to defeat resistance to your ideas & projects"
Price: 94.99

"Flappy Bird Android Game development-Unity 3d no programming"
"I am a game developer and has great grip over multiple types of game development. Let's start with it.Want to develop android gamesbut know very little or no programming ? That's no issue. Start this course, it needs no prerequisite.In this course you will learn how to develop an android game from scratch, This course will teach you step by step, How to do setup the environment and how to do all necessary installations. Further I will provide you all basic and necessary graphics and scripts to develop a great game. So be ready for an exciting course.In addition to very friendly course content, I am just 1 message away from you, If you find any issue in learning or at any point just send me a message and I will respond you in a couple of hours and will resolve your issues.So guys, I am waiting you to start this wonderful course. Best of Luck"
Price: 24.99

"ADN del Innovador, desarrolla 6 habilidades de un Innovador"
"En este curso desarrollars 6 habilidades para convertirte en esa persona creativa einnovadora que siempre soaste ser. Es el tiempo perfecto para crear y desarrollar habilidades para ser diferente.Habilidad de observacinHabilidad de creacin de redesHabilidad de asociacinHabilidad de expresinHabilidad de experimentacinHabilidad de cuestionamientoRecuerda, el innovador no nace..,se hace!"
Price: 495.00

"3D CAD 1, , . , .01 02 2010~2016 03 04 05"
Price: 89.99

"1. 2. 2014~2016 3. 4. 5."
Price: 89.99

"1. 2. 2014~2016 3. 4. 5."
Price: 119.99

"01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 2012 2017 : 1544-1605"
Price: 109.99

"Excel para PyMES y Emprendedores"
"En este curso aprenderas a llevar tus propias cuentas, si eres una PyME o un Emprendedor sabrs luego de este curso realizar una factura, un presupuesto, elaborar libros contables como ; libro diario, libro de compra, libro de venta, llevar un control en tu facturacin, como exportar una factura en PDF para envirsela a tus clientes."
Price: 99.99

"Cmo realizar un tarjeta de visita con Photoshop"
"Gracias a este curso ""Como crear una tarjeta de visita con Photoshop"" el alumno se encontrar con la capacidad de desenvolverse y crear diseos con los que crear tarjetas de visitas utilizando herramientas de diseo profesional. Podr ampliar sus horizontes y utilizar estas herramientas de manera laborales complementando los conocimientos en otras reas con una buena presentacin grfica. Tras su realizacin el alumno conseguir las siguientes competencias:Adquirir los conocimientos tericos necesarios para trabajar con Photoshop.Utilizar eficazmente las opciones de herramientas bsicas de edicin.Insertar y combinar elementos textuales y grficos.Exportar los archivos finales Preparar una presentacin."
Price: 69.99

"Ace the RHCSA Exam, Ultimate Exam Preparation"
"This is the ultimate RHCSA Preparation course. Learn from a 25 year UNIX veteran, and not for courses but real world experience managing and operating Linux/Unix variants.We provide access to a real Redhat system to conduct practice exam. Absolutely NO other online course provides this type of service. Its only for a limited time, so don't delay.......30% of all first time RHCSA fail to pass the test on their first try. Be part of the 70% who pass RHCSA on their first try.Classroom training cost anywhere from 3500 to 7500 for a week worth of training. Who has that type of money, or time, take advantage of the discount price of this exam.This is an engaging self-paced video course that provides learners with real world examples and how they may be tested in the RHCSA course.We GUARANTEE if you pass our practice exams, you will absolutely ACE the real exam. This course comes with advice from over 100 RHCSA veterans and what areas were the most difficult.Obtaining a RHCSA is absolutely lucrative, RHCSA workers average, 95,000 US a year in salary, AND RHCE average over 110,000 US a year. You have to get the RHCSA, before you can get the RHCE.ACCESS to a real RedHat System to conduct practice exam with INSTANT Scoring.You can take practice exams as many times as you like.10 Hours of engaging Self Paced Lectures.Lab Questions on every single lecture.Three FULL exams that test entire curriculum.Exactly what pitfalls, you may face in the examTake this course, TODAY, don't wait until access to the Redhat System goes away......"
Price: 199.99

"Strategic Cost Management for Procurement and Supply Chain"
"This course was preparedbased on my own experience and the best practices I have used by myself. Also this course contains some theoretical knowledge and practical tools that areused by the world class companies and supply chain managers.The material is easy to follow and understand, well-structured and presented in a simple and straightforward way. And what is very important you can start using the tools and the logic of Strategic Cost Management already after finishing the course.I am proud of the materials collected in this course. And I am sure thatyou will bring your Procurement and Supply Chain work to a completely new level!"
Price: 179.99

"WordPress Avanado: Crie Temas Ainda Mais Profissionais"
"""Curso muito bom!! Professor entende do assunto, e os contedos abordados no curso tm 100% de aplicabilidade em projetos reais. Gostei muito....""(Aluno Marcos Henrique)""Excelente curso, com solues para projetos reais do seu dia a dia. O professor prtico e objetivo, consegue passar os assuntos mais complexos com facilidade de maneira que fica fcil entender.""(Aluno Bruno Beuttenmller)********************O WordPress uma verdadeira fbrica de temas, capaz de transformar tudo o que voc tem em mente em websites atraentes, velozes e que convertem visitantes em clientes.Voc est pronto para levar o seu nvel de conhecimento do WordPress a um nvel totalmente novo? Ento, chegou a sua vez! Se voc j conhece um pouco de temas WordPress, que tal abrir as portas para um domnio cada vez mais sem limites dessa ferramenta?Nesse curso voc ir aprofundar ainda mais seu conhecimento, trabalhando com tcnicas bem mais avanadas para criao e melhora de performance de temas WordPress. Crie Temas WordPress Cada Vez Mais Profissionais Aprenda a usar ganchos e filtros para deixar seus temas mais flexveis Crie tipos de posts customizados (CPTs) em seus temas Aumente a performance de seus temas, deixando-os mais rpidosSaia da Superfcie e Eleve o Nvel de Seus Temas WordPress Customizados Voc j conhece diversos benefcios em saber como construir um tema customizado com WordPress.Mas agora chegou a hora de tirar esse conhecimento da superfcie e faz-lo decolar. Vamos mostrar tudo o que um verdadeiro desenvolvedor de temas WordPress ""ninja"" precisa saber, todas as ferramentas avanadas que ele precisa carregar na mochila para surpreender clientes e, de quebra, ganhar muito mais dinheiro.Viso Geral do CursoEste curso totalmente prtico e dividido em vrias sees. Em cada uma delas, o aluno vai aprender a dominar conhecimentos considerados difceis, mas que sero ensinados de forma muito clara e objetiva.Na primeira seo, voc vai entender o funcionamento dos hooks (ganchos) de ao e dos filtros WordPress. Vamos dar exemplos prticos e bastante fceis. Assim, voc terminar a seo com uma base slida para acompanhar as demais sees. Na prxima seo, aprenderemos a estender um tema atravs de tipos de posts customizados (CPTs). Voc entender o que realmente so os CPTs, como cri-los e customiz-los. Alm disso, voc entender o que so taxonomias e como lig-las aos tipos de posts criados por voc.Ainda nesta seo, aprenderemos a criar campos personalizados para nossos CPTs, mostrando-os no frontend. E mais! Vamos aprender a distribuir nossos CPTs, suas taxonomias e campos personalizados juntamente com nossos temas customizados. Tudo isso usando a biblioteca TGM, utilizada por diversas empresas desenvolvedoras de temas para WordPress!Adiante, voc aprender a melhorar a performance de sites criados com WordPress, melhorando a avaliao em mecanismos de medio de performance como o Google PageSpeed e o GTMetrix. Vamos pegar um site de teste e entender como deix-lo mais rpido, o que deixar voc e seus clientes mais satisfeitos.Voc ter acesso a todos os arquivos criados na aula para acompanhar seus testes e, por que no, criar algo novo a partir deles. Ao final do curso, voc alcanar um nvel que voc nunca teve antes no desenvolvimento de temas WordPress. Estar de igual para igual com os melhores profissionais e empresas da rea. Alm disso, ao finalizar o curso, voc receber o certificado exclusivo da Udemy!E a! Vamos comear?!"
Price: 204.99