"Android Advanced Guide to Create A RESTFul API Client App" |
"Welcome to Android advanced guide to create a RESTFul API Client app. I have designed this course for those who have some basic knowledge on Android app development. In this course I will show you how you can quickly create an API based app with modern libraries like Retrofit, ButterKnife, and EventBus.In this course we are going to build a weather forecast app using a service called DarkSky API. Here is how I structured the course. First I will discuss about the API and the structure of the data. After that I will show you how you can convert raw JSON string into Plain Old Java Objects, which is also known as POJO.Then I will use Retrofit library to get responses from the server. I will also discuss how you can refactor your code to make it clean. I will show you how to access & update user interface using ButterKnife library.When a codebase gets larger, it becomes complex to communicate back and forth between different Android components. I will show you how you can easily avoid this issue in the future using EventBus library, right from the beginning.Finally I will show you how to update the UI dynamically by using the data from that API server."
Price: 19.99 |
"8 Fun & Simple Mind Hacks to Sharpen Your Brain" |
"This is a very simple (but extremely powerful) littlecourse. One which will help you to get smarter by making small changes in your life.Mind hacks are designed to be 100% practical and powerful. And with this in mind, the mind hacks in this course have been specifically chosen for their effectiveness and practicality. But! They are also a lot of fun! You will find yourself actually looking forward to doing the exercises every dayBecause my coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work.This course will be free for 1-2 months, so enrollnow!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Tricks of the Trade - 12 Great Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorials" |
"This course will not teach you how to become the world's best video editor. This is not a 'Masterclass 3.0 Super Secrets Revealed' type of courseeither;nor is it particularly a complicated course - anyone with moderate computers skills will find all of the tutorials easy to follow.This course has just one very simple goal -to teach you how to easy and effectively use Adobe Premiere Pro to achieve the 95% of tasks you'll actually need it for.In other words, I'll teach you how to quickly start using Premiere Pro so you can immediately get to work improving your business/YouTube channel/videography work in general.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, soenrollnow!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Easy Breathing, Mindfulness & Meditation Training with Jamie" |
"Whether you are interested in cultivating greater and greater amounts of personal energy, or if you simply want to learn how to relax quickly and easily, this is the course for you!In this course, you will be introduced to several different types of breathing and meditation techniques. Some are tried and tested techniques with a new twist, and some are completely unique to this course and you won't find them anywhere else.One thing is for certain - when you enroll in this course and make your way through the lectures, you will find yourself naturally relaxing, feeling more at peace with yourself, feeling greater and greater amounts of inner tranquility and rejuvenating energy.It may be one of the most important courses you ever enroll in.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, soenrollnow!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Modern Myths of Productivity Holding Back Your Success" |
"Are you ready for a course that will break all the conventional rules of business productivity? Do you want to hear me tear down each and every stupid piece of advice offered by conventional wisdom?Then keep reading...My coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work. So this course will not only dispel the modern myths of productivity, but you'll also learn alternative solutions that might actuallyimproveyour levels of productivity.This course will be free for 1-2 months only, so enrollnow!"
Price: 29.99 |
"The Best Creativity Course You'll Ever Need to Take!" |
"Are you readyfor a course that will teach you new and unique methods that will take your brainstorming and mind mapping to the next level?Then keep reading...My coursesfocus on all the fun things that WORK to sharpen your mind, rather than focusing on things that feel like (home)work. So this course will not only teach you how to brainstorm ideas and become more creative, but you'll also have a great time doing it!This course will be free for 1-2 months only,so enrollnow!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Unofficial - Want to Stand Out as a Udemy Instructor?" |
"If you are just starting out on Udemy and feel intimidate by the amount of competition...Or if you are a Udemy veteran, but are still not getting as many students as you want...Then this course is for you!Topics include:Don't Be Artificial,Don' Be Afraid toCourt Controvesy,Your Voice of Velvet.And More!There are numerous other courses that will teach you the fundamentals. But you need this course to learn how to STANDOUTas a Udemy instructor.So enroll now! And be prepared for the honest truth to standing out as a Udemy instructor."
Price: 29.99 |
"First Aid Tips for Mental Health" |
"Don't you know that USA and Canada have spent billions of dollars to treat various mental health conditions?Don't you know that 20% of Canadians will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime?Don't you know that suicide is one of the leading causes of death in theUSA and Canada?With thesefacts, first aid for mental health is crucial andnecessary. While first aid is widely recognized and used forcommonphysical problems, such as bleeding and choking, it is not well established and commonly used among psychological or mental disturbances.In this lecture, Dr. Rayel introduces the CARE Approach as thefirst aid for mental health, and discusses the common mental health syndromes that people suffer from. Moreover, he explores and talks aboutsome of the relaxation and coping strategies to prevent and to deal with beginning or worsening mental problems.Topics include the following:1. The CARE Approach as mental health first aid -This practical approach has both assessment and intervention prongs, and follows four basic yet crucial steps in dealing with depression, anxiety, anxiety attacks, and other mental problems.2. Common Mental Health Syndromes - Depression, Mania or hypomania, panicattacks, anxiety, excessive drug or alcohol problem, phobia, psychosis, obsessions and compulsions, eating disorder, memory loss, grief,and emotional difficulties after a trauma are discussed.3. Relaxation and Coping Mechanisms - Physiologic interventions discussed here include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, diversion, socialization,and sleep hygiene.If you or someone you know,such as a friend or a relative,suffers from distressful psychological symptoms, this lecture is for you."
Price: 29.99 |
"First Aid Tips for Suicide Prevention" |
"In the US in 2015, one person died of suicide every 11.9 minutes and one senior died of it every one hour and six minutes. Also in 2015, there were more than 1 million suicide attempts inUS or one suicide attempt every 29 seconds. In fact, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death, and among young people, it was the 2nd leading cause of death.With these relevantfacts, first aid for suicide prevention is crucial. While first aid is widely recognized and used forcommonphysical problems, such as bleeding and choking, it is not well established and commonly used among psychological or mental disturbances.In this lecture, Dr. Rayel introduces the CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention. Unlike other approaches, this CARE approach is a practical four-step process with both assessment and intervention prongs.Assessment is necessary to recognize the signs and intervention prong is important to prevent suicide through various first aid strategies.Moreover, Dr. Rayeldiscusses the warning signs and risk factors of suicide. He alsoexplores and talks aboutsome of the relaxation and coping strategies to prevent and to deal with early or worsening mental problems.Topics include the following:1. The CARE Approach as first aid for suicide prevention -This practical approach has both assessment and intervention prongs, and follows four basic yet crucial steps in dealing with mental problems and suicidality.2. Warning signs of suicide- Severe mental problems, feelings of hopelessness, agitated andrisky behavior, preoccupation with death, among others are warning signs of suicide.3. Risk factors of suicide -Major suicide risk factors, such asmental disturbances,psychiatric disorders, medical problems, medications, and substances,are discussed.3. Relaxation and Coping Mechanisms - Interventions discussed include breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, diversion, socialization,sleep hygiene, among other coping strategies.If you or your loved one suffers from mental disturbance, then first Aid strategies to prevent suicide is very important to learn."
Price: 29.99 |
"Goal Setting With Meditation, Visualisation And Yoga" |
"There is nothing you cannot achieve, but you need to be clear about your goals. After all, to reach any destination, you need a map....this course is largely based around writing exercises, but we'll also look at the role visualisation, mediation and yoga can play.During this useful and enjoyable course you will learn: How to use meditation and visualisation to focus on the vision of your dream life and authentic self.How to use meditation and visualisation to focus your life goals and core valuesHow to furtherexplore your goals, visions andcore values using writing exercisesHow to focus your visions into actionable goalsSetting out your goals into actionable stepsStrategies for checking in regularly with you goals and core values to make sure you reach your goals and how toenjoy the journey!Using yoga to help calm and focus your body and mind"
Price: 69.99 |
"Yoga Retreats: How To Organize Awesome Events" |
"What is the difference between a good yoga event and an amazing one? Join me to find out! During this course I will help to get you inspired, informed and ready to leap into a new yoga event project! What youll learn: Your options for events: themes, classes, workshops, intensives, training, dayretreats and residential retreats What to consider when researching venues Yoga and beyond: what to offer at your events Logistical advice for planning events from start to finish: with an awesome schedule for your yogis Tips and tricks for make events truly memorable and get your yogis to return!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Stress Management in the Workplace Course" |
"Stress Management In the WorkplaceWe encounter stress each and every day, and many people work in highly stressful environments. Stress is good in some situations, but in others, it can deter one from doing their best when at work. In other cases, stress can become debilitating to the point where it can affect your well-being. This course will give you the tools required to manage the stress you have in your life.Thiscourse will arm you with the knowledge and tools you will require to manage stress in any situation, including work.What You Will LearnTheStress Management In the WorkplaceShort Coursewill give you a full overview of how to manage your stress, and then apply these skills and information to your everyday life. This course includes:An overview of what is considered stress.Dealing with stress at workUnderstanding burnout and the formation of stressCoping with stress and the effect stress has on the bodyLearning how to manage stress in a positive wayCreating a personal action plan to deal with stressBONUS Yoga routine to wind down after the work day and 2 Yoga Nidra meditations - suitable for all levels, including complete beginners."
Price: 44.99 |
"SQL Server 2016 Administration" |
"In this course you'll be taken from novice to experienced Database Administrator.Learning about.Creating a Lab environment.Installing related services, Active DirectoryHigh Availability Systems, including mirroring and always on clustersSQL ServerSecurityBenefits of PowershellInstalling Windows Failover ClusterConfiguring Always On ClusterScans Vs SeeksTop I/O and CPU queriesBy the time you have completed this course you will have the skills to administrate SQL Server in corporate networks or your own startup."
Price: 19.99 |
"Marketing Digital Para o Pequeno Empreendedor" |
"Esse curso objetiva apoiar o Pequeno Empreendedor na estrutura do seu Marketing Digital como elemento fundamental em sua divulgao, ampliando a visibilidade do seu negcio e conquistando mais clientes. O curso ensina noes de Marketing Digital para o empreendedor que deseja comear a divulgao do seu negcio atravs de E-mail Marketing e Mdias Sociais."
Price: 54.99 |
"Pinterest Para Negcios - 2020: Marketing Digital Poderoso" |
"Veja o video de apresentao e entenda as 8 razes pelas quais voc PRECISA comear a trabalhar a divulgao da sua Empresa ou Marca no Pinterest!...Esse curso ensina de maneira descomplicada todas as opes do Pinterest, objetivando orientar o aluno a trabalhar a ferramenta a favor do seu negcio, conquistando mais trfego para o seu blog e ampliando o nmero de suas vendas e clientes.Voc no apenas aprender a entender a ferramenta, mas tambm a trabalhar de maneira profissional sua divulgao, passando a frente dos seus concorrentes atravs de estratgias avanadas."
Price: 69.99 |
"SEO Para Iniciantes: Estratgias Para Atrair Seu Pblico" |
"Um curso que ensina de forma descomplicada vrias estratgias de SEO - Otimizao de Sites Para Mecanismos de Busca - com elementos simples de serem implementados. Com esse aprendizado, o aluno poder facilmente trabalhar seu site, blog ou mesmo seu canal no Youtube para classificaes cada vez melhores nos resultados do Google.Criao de Autoridade Atravs de BacklinksEstudo Aprofundado de Palavras-chaveProduo de Contedo Relevante Para a Sua AudinciaPlugins de SEOAprenda e implemente facilmente estratgias que produzem resultados!Coloque seu website no topo dos principais mecanismos de busca!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Oracle Performance Tuning" |
"This Course is for candidates who are in Oracle Database Administration and Oracle Developers; who are interested and want to dive-deep in Oracle Database Performance Tuning. I will be covering wide range of topics, which will surely help to optimize databases/application response time w.r.t database in your organization. There will be practical videos, which i have performed for the topics i explained and will be able to provide the scripts used in that session and can share the slides if required.Course is customizable upon request."
Price: 24.99 |
"Ultimate Creature Design and Concept Art" |
"Join the course and begin designing creaturestoday!Do you want to learn how todesign creatures for game and film like an industry pro? Or maybe youre on a quest to start making money as concept artist? In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Ultimate Creature DesignCourse' will show you how to create interesting and believable creaturesthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Manga Studio to paper and pencil.This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of creature design- or your money back!The course is your track to building a solid portfolio of creature designs andconcept art! Whether for your own contentor for other peoples projects.This course will take you from having little knowledge in designing creaturesto creating professional concept art in as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic animal anatomy to believable and original creatures, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course. Youll also gain access to all of myfilesI create though out the course for you to use how ever you like. These assets can be used to study and trace over or as inspiration and reference for your own paintings.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating interesting creature designs. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 134.99 |
"Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master" |
"Join the course and begin digitally painting today!Do you want to learn how todigitally paint beautiful, accurate, and interestingly lit paintings? Or maybe youre wanting to brush up on what you already know? Perhaps you're a complete beginner and are looking for someplace to start.In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Digitally Painting Light and Color: Amateur to Master' coursewill show you how to create beautiful and believablepaintingsthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Procreate.This course will teach you how to understand and accurately paint light and keep you from getting muddy and dull color palettes.- or your money back!Thiscourse is your track to building a solid portfolio of realistic digital paintingsandconcept art! Whether for your own portfolioor for client work.This course will take you from having little knowledge in how to interpret light and apply it to your paintingin as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic fundamentalsto believable and beautifully litpaintings, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course and you'll be able to view it for life.You can follow along and view each lecture or use it as a guide book to refer too when you need to brush up on a specific topic.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating beautiful colors palettes and accurate lighting. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message. Plus there are over 5 hours of content with 20 downloadable files! You could say this course is pretty lit (pun intended).I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Photorealistic Digital Painting From Beginner To Advanced." |
"Join the course and begin digitally painting today!Do you want to learn how todigitally paint images for games and film like an industry pro? Or maybe youre wanting to branch out and try a new painting style? In any case youve come to the right place.The 'Photorealistic Digital Painting' coursewill show you how to create photorealand extremely detailedpaintingsthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Procreate.This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of digital painting- or your money back!Thiscourse is your track to building a solid portfolio of realistic digital paintingsandconcept art! Whether for your own portfolioor for client work.This course will take you from having little knowledge in how to paint realisticallyto creating professional paintingsin as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic sketches to believable and detailed paintings, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course.You can follow along and recreate my painting or use it as inspiration to paint your own masterpiece.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating realistic paintings. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Ultimate Guide to Digital Sketching: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Join the course and begin drawingtoday!Do you want to learn how todigitally sketchimages for games and film like an industry pro? Or maybe youre wanting to branch out and try working digitally? In any case youve come to the right place.The 'The Ultimate Guide to Digital Sketching: Beginner to Advanced' coursewill show you how to digitally sketch and draw skilled imagesthat will stand up as professional work. The techniques taught in this course can be translated into any program from Photoshop to Procreate.This course will enhance or give you skills in digital drawing,or your money back!Thiscourse is your track to building a solid portfolio of digital artandconcept art! Whether for your own portfolioor for client work.This course will take you from having little knowledge in how to drawand sketchto creating professional drawingsin as little as one week.So what else is in it for you?Youll be taken from basic sketches to creative ideas and drawings, from beginner to expertYoull gain instant access to allof the course.You can follow along and recreate my drawingsor use it as inspiration to drawyour own masterpiece.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating digital sketches. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning images and concept art!This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now tostart creating today!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Digital Painting Series: Ominous Alien and Tribal Dino" |
"Youll learn every step to creating an awesome digital painting so you can gofrom beginner to expert! The Digital Painting Series will show you how tocreate advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in digital painting,or your money back.Each course in the digital painting series is your track to obtaining digital paintingskills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional.Each course in the series covers on painting demo that goes step by step through how to create a digital painting. Each one will have a bonus lecture at the end where I share a quick tip or trick to help you with your painting skills. This course will cover how to paint an ominous looking alien as well as a tribal dinosaur and the bonus sections go over how to paint foliage and black light glow effects. There is over 25 lectures and over 4 hours of content. So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 4sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step my process of creating a digital painting.Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. We'll start with an underdrawing or sketch and prepare it for painting.Next youll learn how to paint in grayscale in order to get accurate values and prep the image for color.Once youve learned that we'll go over how to add color to bring your painting to life.Then you are going to learn how to use layers and different blend modes as well making image adjustments to your paintingLastly are the bonus sections that goes over how to paint trees and foliage and glow effects.What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Full length painting demoThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change your art world today!"
Price: 59.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Digitally Painting Everything" |
"Youll learn how to paint over 50 different things with new lectures being added every month!The Ultimate Guide to Digitally Painting Everything will show you how to paint everything from metal, to water and from fur to feathers. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of digital painting- or your money backThe course is your track to obtaining digital paintingskills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional.It will take you from having little knowledge in digital painting to painting all manner of subjects textures and materials to work into your finished masterpiece.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 7sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of digital paintingdozens of different subjects with easy to follow demos with a downloadable worksheet for each one.Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 7sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of digital paintingfrom the ground up. The course is supported with over 13hours of clear content ,with more added every month, that I walk you through each step of the way. Each lecture has a layered paint file for you to use as you follow along with over 50 downloadable resources.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get a basic understanding of the fundamentals of digital painting. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn the basics of lighting, form, color, and edge control.Next youll learn how to paint different materials and objects including different types of metal, snow, water, stone, trees, plants and much more!.After that you'll learn how to handle and paint different lighting situations including, underwater lighting and glowing objects.the next section covers how to paint different aspects of animals such as fur, feathers, and shells.Lastly you will learn how to paint the various aspects of humans such as hands, feet, hair, and noses.What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is created- Over 50 exercises and work sheets- Access to a private facebook group for students only- Exclusive access to all future lectures added monthly covering even more topicsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change your art world today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"photoshop - Cover Designing" |
"Professional Cover Designing for Digital ProductsIn this tutorial movie, you learn to design any cover for your digital products such as DVD/CD package very fast and easily.In this tutorial movie, we want to design a cover movie in Photoshop, and we are going to teach you to design any kind of covers such as musics, cooking, movie, web service, software service, ads, sport and etc.Attention: It doesnt matter if you dont know Photoshop, because we teach you to use Photoshop Commands easily.OK. lets see part of tutorial movie together ..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Intermediate Mobile App Development (Swift 3, iPhone iOS10)" |
"Are you a beginner developer thats looking to improve your skills? Do you want to take your iOS development skills to the next level? Do you want to learn some of the new Apple API such as Touch ID and Quick Action? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you. Also, if you have taken my beginner course, then this course will take you to thenext level.After completing this course, you will be ready to apply for jobs. You will gain a confidence boost in your skills and your ability.In this course you will work on 10 different APIs, including drawing with Core Graphics, Using Touch ID, persisting data with Core Data and much more (see full curriculum below).It is recommended that youhave a basic working knowledge of iOS development before enrolling in this course. If you dont have any knowledge of iOS development, I recommend starting with my Mobile App Development for Beginners course first.After completing this course:1) You will be ready to for an iOS development job.2) You will be able to develop medium to complex apps.3) You will have a better understanding of working with repository and integrating third party libraries into your own app.4) You will have more confidence in your skills and ability.Here is what you will learn in the course:3D Touch Quick Action- Learn the two different ways to create home screen shortcut menu when a user 3D Touches on the icon- How to perform different actions based on the menu selected from the quick action- How to add custom icons to shortcut item- How to check the force touch capability of a deviceCALayer- Learn how to get the layer of a view and how to change some of the properties such as background colour- Learn how to add a border to a layer- Learn how to add a corner radius and a shadow to a layer- Learn how to add content such as an image to the layer- Understand the Mask to bounds property of a layer- Learn how to add gradient to a layer- Learn how to add flip a layerCocoapods & 3rd Party Libraries- Installing cocoapods- How to initialize pod file for Xcode project- How to integrate third party libraries into our projectCore Data- How to add UIAlertController to obtain user inputs- How to set up core data model, entity and properties- How to save value to core data- How to fetch all records from core data- How to display NSManagedObject record- How to edit core data records- How to delete an object from Core DataCore Graphics- How to use Quartz 2D API to draw a 2D line- How to draw paths- How to draw a rectangle- How to fill a path with a color- How to fill a rectangle with color while preserving its path color- How to draw a circle/ellipse- How to add shadow to drawings- How to draw an image on a view at a point, or in a rect- How to redraw a view with the SetNeedsDisplay methodGesture Recognizers- How to add tap gesture to a view that does not have a tap gesture- How to add long press gesture to an image view- How to add swipe gestures to a view- How to add pinch gesture recognizer- How to add pan gesture recognizer - How to add gestures directly on the storyboard object.JSON Tutorial- How to read a JSON file using a built-in API- How to display the contents on any JSON in a tableTouch ID- Checking a device support for Touch ID- Dealing with an error where user has a Touch ID capable device but has not set a passcode.- How to use Touch ID to protect sensitive information on iOS devices- How to set a fall back password when a Touch ID failsDownload from Internet using URLSession- Create URLSession and Download task objects- Delegate methods to track completed and download errors- Set progress view to monitor download progress- How to stop, pause and resume an active download task- Configure app transport security setting in order to work with http linksVersion Control with Bitbucket and SourceTree AppTopics include;- Creating an account with BitBucket- How to connect Xcode to a repository on BitBucket- How to commit and push code from within the Xcode- How to create a new Xcode project from an online repository- How to pull changes from a repository- How to use source tree to commit, push and pull changes- How to checkout another version of a app.This course is going to help you take your app development skills to a whole new level.If you're ready to become a proficient app developer so you can work as a freelance or full-time developer, click the ""Buy Now"" button and join the course today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete iOS11 Swift4 Development Course - Build 28 Apps" |
"***NEW Section added on how to send push notification on iOS using OneSignal SDK.MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITYDo you want to develop your own dream apps or become a pro iOS developer? Do you want to change career and become an iPhone app developer? You have come to the right course.I am Dee Odus and I have created this course to make your app development dream a reality. This course will TEACH you the basic, intermediate and advanced skills needed to call yourself an iOS app developer. Whether you want to create apps for yourself, change career to become an iOS developer and apply for iOS jobs or you want to earn money as a freelance developer, this course will get you started on your DREAMS, you will learn how to design and develop 28 apps.In this course, you will develop professional quality apps. You don't need any previous programming skills. You simply need a desire to learn and a Mac computer. The course is app-based, which means you will build a complete and professional app step-by-step during each section of the course. No other course teaches you this same way.By the end of the course, you'll be able to:1. Design and build simple and complex apps (well develop 28 apps in this course)2. Call yourself an app developer.3. Create your own apps worthy of publishing to the app store.4. You will be able to apply for iOS development jobs5. You will gain a confidence boost in your skills and your ability. ABOUT MEI have been developing on iOS platform for the last five years. In this period of time I have developed over 120 apps and worked with 2 successful startups in bringing their apps to the market. I work full time as an iOS developer, as a freelancer. I have also developed around 10 apps of my own that you can find on my website. ABOUT YOUThis course has been developed for beginner and intermediate programmer in mind. If you have never programmed before but you have a strong desire to learn programming on the iOS platform you will find this course adequate. Also if you are intermediate developer you will find lots of topics that will improve your skills and also some of the latest hot topics such as artificial reality, machine learning, vision framework, drag and drop and so on. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKEMastering any skills takes time and iOS development is no different. This course is over 40 hours long which means if you study 1 hour per day you are looking to complete the course in just over a month. However you will develop your first basic app within 30 mins into the course and within 2 hours of the course you develop a beautiful app that you will be proud of. SIGN UP/ENROLL NOWEnroll in the course now so you can start learning immediately. You have a 30 days money back guarantee if you change your mind. Theres no better time to learn iOS development. If you are ready to begin your iOS development journey CLICK THE ENROLL BUTTON now to begin your iOS development career. SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED ITYou will be supported throughout your journey in this course. If you get stuck on any of the lectures, you can use the Q/A section of the course to ask for assistance. I am committed to supporting my students on this course, I am constantly involved in the Q/A to provide assistance to anyone that needs it. SOME OF THE TOPICS COVEREDiOS development basicsNavigation and Tab bar controller Storyboard, segues, and common controlsSwift beginner and intermediate, and object oriented programmingHow to use tableview and collection viewPlaying and recording audioVideo playbackLocation and map APIRich user notification Sharing to Facebook and TwitterHow to work with JSONCore data3D Quick actionCore graphics and Quartz 2DGesture recognizersTouch IDHow to download with URLSessionVersion control with Xcode, Bitbucket and Source Tree appAnd so onWHAT ABOUT IOS 11, XCODE 9 AND SWIFT 4The course include new features added to iOS 11 and Xcode 9. We are going to create multiple apps that focus on each of the new features. Some of these new features include;ARKitArtificial Reality app used to take thousands of lines of code and complex algorithm to achieve but with the new iOS 11 ARkit, it takes only few lines of code to make an AR app.Machine LearningMachine learning is gaining traction in the computer industry and theres no better time to learn machine learning and how to develop an app that take advantage of it. Well develop a simple app that can recognise dominant object in a photo and an app that can recognise the faces of the people in a photoDrag and DropiOS 11 allows user to drag and drop content within one app and also between two different apps. Well develop a basic app that allows dragging text from one part to another part.Vision Well develop an app that allows you to track real world object directly through your phones camera. This is a nice feature.Many more...Ill be adding more iOS 11 topics that include Natural Language Processing, SiriKit, PDFKit, Apple Music integration, new camera APIs, new Files app and so onNows the best time to learn iOS 11, Swift 4 and Xcode now before the official release of the public version to the users.If you're ready to become a proficient app developer to develop your own apps or to work as a freelance or full-time developer, click the ""Buy Now"" button and join the course today!STILL NOT CONVINCED?Watch some of the FREE preview lectures to learn more about the course. Click the enroll button to join the course today. (***All videos in this course will be updated toXcode 9 once it's released by Apple)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Practical iOS 11: What's New in iOS 11, Swift 4 and Xcode 9" |
"iPhone Development CourseWhats New in IOS 11, Swift 4 and Xcode 9 In this course you are going to learn some of the new features added to iOS 11 and Xcode 9. We are going to create multiple apps that focus on each of the new features. Some of these new features include; New Xcode Features Xcode has lots of new features and well be taking a look at some of the new exciting features and how to take advantage of them to make you a better coder. These features include structure highlighting, method extraction, easy renaming, github integration etc. ARKit Artificial Reality app used to take thousands of lines of code and complex algorithm to achieve but with the new iOS 11 ARkit, it takes only few lines of code to make an AR app.Machine Learning Machine learning is gaining traction in the computer industry and theres no better time to learn machine learning and how to develop an app that take advantage of it. Well develop a simple app that can recognise dominant object in a photo and an app that can recognise the faces of the people in a photo Drag and Drop iOS 11 allows user to drag and drop content within one app and also between two different apps. Well develop a basic app that allows dragging text from one part to another part. Vision Well develop an app that allows you to track real world object directly through your phones camera. This is a nice feature. Many more. Well be diving into Natural Language Processing, SiriKit, PDFKit, Apple Music integration, new camera APIs, new Files app and so on Nows the best time to learn iOS 11, Swift 4 and Xcode now before the official release of the public version to the users."
Price: 29.99 |
"80 Xcode Tips To Improve Productivity - Xcode 9 iOS11 Swift4" |
"Are you an iOS developer? Have you been working with Xcode for a period of time and you want to be more productive?If you have been using Xcode as your iOS development tool, then you know that Xcode is a complex tool to use. In this course I have come up with 80 tips and tricks to boost your productivity as an iOS developer using the Xcode IDE (More tips will be added).There are hidden features, cool and neat tricks andkeyboard shortcuts that you need to master in order to work more efficiently. Some of thesehidden featureswill blow your mind once you discover them. Xcode has so many neat functions that can be taken advantage of.As a developer, Ihave been developing on Xcode for 5 years and in this period I have learnt lots of things that I want to share with you. Some of these features are not immediately obvious but with my guidance I'll be able to show you how and when to use each feature.Some of the tricks we'll look at include;How to treat warnings as errorsHow to extract methods from a chunk of codeHow to lock control properties to prevent additional changesHow to add tokens to snippetsHow to create your own color palettes for different projectsHow to group multiple objects as one unitHow to set layout constraints between two objects using the document outlineHow to open your project file using the 3D view mode - cool featureHow to fold and unfold your codes and why you want to do thisHow to set Xcode to send you directly to the line where an error occurred.And many more tipsThis tips I shared in this course are the ones that I considered to be very important for every iOS developers to learn. There are many more tips and tricks but most of them will not improve your productivity any further.If you are ready to become Xcode proficient, enroll in this course and I look forward to being your instructor."
Price: 19.99 |
"Create App Like Instagram using Parse Server: iOS 11 Swift 4" |
"****NOTE: This course is not for Advanced Parse developers, if you are already advanced in using Parse this course is not for you.The course will feature advanced features eventually, right now only basic Parse features are addressed.***Are you an iOS Developer looking to learn how to use the Parse Server API for your apps backend? Do you want to develop cloud-based iOS apps like instagram, Twitter, Facebook and you dont know where to start? Do you want to increase your job prospects by learning one of the most powerful BAAS (Backend As A Service) solution in the market? If you are ready to take your development skills to the next level then this course is for you.ABOUT THE PARSE SERVER DEVELOPMENT COURSEIn this course I will teach how to use the Parse Server open source backend for your iOS app development. Well create iOS/iPhone app that will use most of the Parse Server API functions. You will learn how to install Parse Server within 20 minutes of enrolling in the course. You will learn some of the basics but important API calls and then well dive into developing a basic Twitter-like app where you will be able to save message to the backend, retrieve saved messages, write queries with constraints and modify records in the backend.You will learn some of the cool APIs that make writing codes so easy. Ill show you wrong ways of doing things and then show you the correct way. By the end of this course you will be able to;Call yourself a backend developerCreate a cloud based app such as Twitter, Instagram and FacebookAccept any job that requires a cloud storage solutionIncrease your confidence as a developerKnow Parse Server API in-depth and be ready to explore moreABOUT MEI have been developing for 5 years on iOS platform and around 4 years with Parse API. I currently have 14 major apps running on the Parse platform (and 10 more that are just basic apps). Parse is my go-to solution for adding backends to my apps because of its simplicity. I have also used other platforms such as Firebase and AWS Mobile Hub for adding BAAS to my apps but Parse is a lot more intuitive and easier to use. I am a freelancer, I have developed over 100 apps in my career. I am passionate about teaching and I enjoy coding :)ABOUT YOUThis course assumes that you have some iOS development skills, around 3-6 months of programming in Swift and the ability to develop a basic table view app. The course is NOT absolute beginner who hasnt programmed in Swift. I explained in details all the steps in the course however a basic understanding of iOS development and some swift programming skills are required. If you want to develop cloud-based app then this course is for you.SIGN UP/ENROLL NOWEnroll in the course now so you can start learning immediately. You have a 30 days money back guarantee if you change your mind. Theres no better time to learn how to use PARSE SERVER. If you are ready to begin developing cloud-based apps CLICK THE ENROLL BUTTON now. SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED ITYou will be supported throughout your journey in this course. If you get stuck on any of the lectures, you can use the Q/A section of the course to ask for assistance. I am committed to supporting my students on this course, I am constantly involved in the Q/A to provide assistance to anyone that needs it. SOME OF THE TOPICS COVEREDQuick guide on how to install Parse Server with HerokuHow to install Parse DashboardHow to install Parse SDK manually and using CocoapodsHow to save records to the cloudHow to query and retrieve objects from the cloudHow to write compound queriesHow to modify recordsHow to count records in the backgroundHow to add query constraintsHow to order and limit recordsHow register and authenticate usersHow to use lots of Parse Server API that allow us to write small amount of codes.How to develop a simple app like TwitterAnd so on...If you're ready to become a proficient backend developer, click the ""Enroll Now"" button and join the course today!STILL NOT CONVINCED?Watch some of the FREE preview lectures to learn more about the course. Click the enroll button to join the course today."
Price: 49.99 |
"Rust Programming for Beginners" |
"Rust is the programming language of the future.Rust is a systems programming language focused on three goals: safety, speed, and concurrency. It maintains these goals without having a garbage collector, making it a useful language for a number of use cases other languages arent good at: embedding in other languages, programs with specific space and time requirements, and writing low-level code, like device drivers and operating systems.Rust attempts to give you a language with 100% control, yet be absolutely safe. It does this through extensive compile-time checking, so you pay little (and often no!) cost at run time for its safety features. Rust has some strong advantages in the concurrency department due to its ownership model. For example, sharing mutable state across a concurrency boundary without a mutex is a compile-time error in Rust. This is super huge on the correctness side.It improves on current languages targeting this space by having a number of compile-time safety checks that produce no run time overhead, while eliminating all data races. Rust also aims to achieve zero-cost abstractions even though some of these abstractions feel like those of a high-level language. Even then, Rust still allows precise control like a low-level language would.Rust has lot of great features that will blow your mind away.It is a perfectly designed language.While learning Rust you will certainly learn best coding practices and will deal with well-written code.Here concepts are easily expressed due to algebraic data types.It puts strong focus on speed, safety and concurrency.It removes a lot of unnecessary garbage for example fussy syntax.It adds a straightforward object model, adds modern tooling, and has some brilliant ideas like ownership.The compiler safety guarantees and zero-cost abstractions mean that its often like writing a high-level language (for safety) or a more mid-level language (for ease of use) while getting all the capabilities of a lower-level language like C (performance, low-level access).This course explains everything Step by Step Hands On."
Price: 49.99 |