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"Elevate Your Tennis Game: Learn from Champion Andre Agassi"
"Boost your tennis game in no time with this course from eight-time Grand Slam champion Andre Agassi. For the first time, one of the games all-time greats is sharing 20 years of tour experience to help you advance your skills and give back to the game that gave him so much.These bite-sized lessons focus on only whats most important to help you improve and see immediate results on the court. Andre not only covers specific techniques and strategies for all essential strokes, but also how to develop the mental tenacity and focus that sets a champion apart.The course will help you:Learn the fundamentals and improve every shot in your game including forehand, backhand, serve, volley, overhead, tweener, drop shot, and moreUnderstand best practices for racket grips, body positioning, and when specific shots are most effectively playedIdentify the secrets of Andres signature moves: the two-handed backhand and return serveLearn how to listen to the sounds of the game to read the ball and anticipate how it will moveApply strategies that will keep your opponents off balance and unable to guess what you will do nextPractice Andres own proven drills to improve your skills, both alone or with a partnerAdopt the champions mindset that took Andre years to developMake a valuable investment in your tennis game with this course. With lifetime access, you can complete the course at your own pace, from wherever is convenient for you."
Price: 99.99

"Melhore Seu Jogo de Tnis: Aprenda com Andre Agassi"
"Melhore seu jogo de tnis rapidamente com este curso lecionado pelo campeo de oito Grand Slams, Andre Agassi. Pela primeira vez, um dos grandes nomes compartilhar 20 anos de experincia para ajudar voc a desenvolver suas habilidades, devolvendo ao jogo que j lhe deu tantas glrias.Essas lies focam somente no que importante para ajud-lo a melhorar, e observar resultados imediatos na quadra. Andre aborda no somente tcnicas especficas e estratgias para todas as principais rebatidas, mas tambm como desenvolver a determinao mental e ofoco que diferencia um campeo.O curso ajudar voc a:Aprender os fundamentos e melhorar todas as rebatidas, incluindo forehand, backhand,servio, voleio, overhead, tweener, deixadas e muito maisEntender as melhores prticas para segurar a raquete, posicionar o corpo, e qual asrebatidas especficas para cada jogadaIdentificar os segredos dos movimentos caractersticos do Andre: o backhand com duasmos e a devoluo do servioAprender a ouvir os sons do jogo; ler a bola e antecipar seu movimentoAplicar estratgias que mantero seus adversrio desestabilizados, sem saber qualser seu prximo movimentoPraticar os exerccios praticados pelo prprio Andre para melhorar suas habilidades,tanto sozinho quanto em duplaAdotar o raciocnio de campeo que ele levou anos para desenvolverFaa um investimento valioso no seu jogo de tnis com este curso. Com acesso vitalcio, possvel concluir este curso no seu ritmo, e de onde for mais conveniente para voc."
Price: 99.99

"Mejora tu nivel de tenis con el campen Andre Agassi"
"Impulsa tu juego de tenis en un abrir y cerrar de ojos con este curso del 8 veces campen del torneo Grand Slam, Andre Agassi. Por primera vez, uno de los ms grandes tenistas de todos los tiempos comparte contigo sus ms de 20 aos de experiencia para ayudarte a mejorar tu rendimiento, como una forma de contribuir al deporte que tanto le dio.Estas breves lecciones se centran en lo ms importante, para que puedas mejorar y ver resultados inmediatos en la pista. Andre no solo cubre la tcnica y estrategias especficas de todos los golpes esenciales, sino tambin cmo desarrollar la tenacidad mental y la concentracin que diferencian a un campen.El curso te ayudar a:asentar las bases y mejorar cada golpe de juego, incluida la derecha, el revs, el servicio, la volea, el remate, el Gran Willy y la dejada, entre otros.comprender las prcticas recomendadas para la empuadura de la raqueta y la posicin corporal, adems de determinar qu golpes son ms efectivos en cada situacin.identificar los secretos de los movimientos ms caractersticos de Andre: el revs a dos manos y la devolucin del servicio.aprender a escuchar los sonidos del juego para leer la pelota y anticipar su movimiento.aplicar estrategias que desequilibren a tus oponentes para que no puedan prever lo que vas a hacer a continuacin.practicar los ejercicios de eficacia demostrada del propio Andre para mejorar tu rendimiento, tanto en el juego individual como de dobles.adoptar una mentalidad ganadora, algo en lo que Andre invirti aos de desarrollo personal.Realiza una valiosa inversin en tu juego de tenis con este curso. Con acceso de por vida, podrs completar el curso a tu propio ritmo y desde donde te resulte ms conveniente."
Price: 99.99

"Tennis auf hchstem Niveau: Lernen Sie von Andre Agassi"
"Mit diesem Kurs des achtmaligen Grand-Slam- Champions Andre Agassi verbessern Sie ihr Spiel im Handumdrehen. Zum ersten Mal teilt einer der grten Tennisspieler aller Zeiten seine zwanzigjhrige Erfahrung, um Ihr Knnen zu erweitern und etwas fr den Sport zu tun, der ihm so viel gegeben hat.Die kurzen Einheiten beinhalten ausschlielich die fr Sie wichtigen Inhalte, um Ihr Spiel zu verbessern und sofort Ergebnisse auf dem Platz zu sehen. Andre erklrt nicht nur die speziellen Techniken und Strategien der grundlegenden Schlagarten, sondern auch, wie man sich die mentale Strke und Konzentration eines Champions aneignet.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie:Die grundlegenden Schlagarten und wie man sie verbessert: Vorhand, Rckhand, Aufschlag, Flugball, berkopfball, Tweener, Stoppball und mehrSie lernen, wie Sie den Schlger am besten greifen, welche Krperhaltung die richtige ist und wann bestimmte Schlagarten am effektivsten angewandt werden.Entdecken Sie das Geheimnis von Andres Markenzeichen, dem beidhndigen Rckhand-Return.Erfahren Sie, wie man auf die Gerusche des Spiels hrt, um dem Ball zu folgen und vorherzusehen, wie er sich bewegt.Wenden Sie Strategien an, die Ihre Gegner verwirren, sodass sie Ihre Bewegungen nicht voraussehen knnen.Wenden Sie Andres erprobte bungen an, um Ihr Spiel zu verbessern sowohl im Doppel als auch im Einzel.Eignen Sie sich die Einstellung eines Champions an, an der Andre jahrelang gearbeitet hat.Investieren Sie mit diesem Kurs sinnvoll in Ihr Tennisspiel. Da Sie lebenslangen Zugriff haben, knnen Sie den Kurs abschlieen, wann und wo Sie mchten."
Price: 99.99

"Amliorez votre tennis aux cts du champion Andre Agassi"
"Avec l'octuple vainqueur du grand Chelem Andre Agassi, vous progresserez en un rien de temps. Pour la premire fois, l'un des plus grands champions de tous les temps revient sur ses 20 annes d'exprience des tournois et partage sa passion pour ce sport qui lui a tant donn afin de vous permettre d'amliorer vos performances.Ces courtes leons se concentrent sur l'essentiel pour vous aider amliorer immdiatement vos rsultats sur le court. Andre vous dvoilera les techniques et les stratgies spcifiques des principaux coups, et il vous aidera dvelopper la concentration et la force mentale qui caractrisent les champions.Le cours vous permettra: D'apprendre les bases et d'amliorer chaque coup de votre jeu (coup droit, revers, service, vole, smash, tweener, amorti, etc.) D'acqurir les meilleures pratiques en matire de prise de la raquette, de positionnement du corps et de placement efficace des coups spcifiques D'identifier les secrets des mouvements caractristiques d'Andre : le revers deux mains et le retour de service D'apprendre couter les sons du jeu afin de pouvoir lire la balle et anticiper ses dplacements D'appliquer des stratgies visant dsquilibrer vos adversaires et les empcher de deviner vos coups suivants De pratiquer les exercices prouvs d'Andre et d'amliorer vos performances en solo ou avec un partenaire D'adopter l'tat d'esprit de champion qu'Andre a mis plusieurs annes dvelopperAvec ce cours, vous ralisez un investissement prcieux dans votre jeu de tennis. Grce l'accs illimit, vous pouvez terminer le cours votre propre rythme, d'o vous le souhaitez."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda Testes Unitrios com Javascript"
"Esse curso tem como objetivo principal o ensino de testes unitrios em Javascript, mas abordando no somente a criao dos testes unitrios, e sim todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento orientado a testes, que inclui:Desenvolvimento de testes unitrios em Javascript comJasmineAutomatizao de execuo de testes com KarmaIntegrao contnua dos testes com o Travis CIControle de verso de cdigo fonte com Git/GitHubDesenvolvimento guiado por comportamentos (BDD - Behaviour Driven Development)Atravs desse curso, voc ser capaz de se destacar no mercado como um desenvolvedor que alm de criar um cdigo mais confidente e de maior qualidade, tambm saber seguir as melhores prticas de desenvolvimento de software utilizando como base os testes unitrios.Veja a seguir como esse curso o tornar um profissional diferenciado no mercado de trabalho:Atravs da criao de testes unitrios, o seu cdigo ser mais confidente, de melhor qualidade, fcil manuteno, e conter menos bugsDesenvolvendo guiado por comportamentos far com que seus testes sirvam como documentao de referncia para o cdigo desenvolvidoCom a automatizao de testes, seus testes sempre sero executados assim que uma alterao for realizada, o que aumenta significativamente sua produtividade.Atravs da Integrao Contnua (CI), seu cdigo poder ir para produo diretamente aps a realizao de um commitCom o versionamento de cdigo fonte, seu cdigo ficar centralizado e sua produtividade ao trabalhar em equipe tambm aumenta.O curso 100% prtico, e todas as lies so executadas passo a passo para que no fique nenhuma dvida.O curso certamente o tornar um melhor desenvolvedor, e caso voc ainda no goste do curso, o que acredito ser pouco provvel, voc poder pedir o seu dinheiro de volta.Como foi possvel perceber, s existem vantagens em atender esse curso, e se voc pretende ser um profissional diferenciado no mercado de trabalho, esse curso foi feito para voc!O que voc est esperando? Comece agora mesmo e bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Formao Angular 8 - O incio criando 7 projetos"
"*** Atualizado para a verso 8 do Angular ***Esse curso tem como objetivo principal ensinar a criao de aplicaes web com o poderoso framework Angular 8.Para tornar o aprendizado prtico e divertido, voc criar 7 projetos ao longo do curso, onde sero ensinados passo a passo na prtica, os recursos bsicos e intermedirios do Angular 8!Ao trmino do curso, voc ser capaz de criar aplicaes utilizando os principais recursos do Angular 8, e dar os primeiros passos na carreira de desenvolvedor web com esse poderoso framework web.Atravs do curso, voc ser capaz de se destacar no mercado de trabalho, como um desenvolvedor web que possui conhecimentos em Angular 8, que por ser um framework recente, ainda demanda de muitos profissionais qualificados.Veja a seguir como esse curso o tornar um profissional diferenciado no mercado de trabalho:Atravs do estudo utilizando projetos na prtica, voc ser capaz de criar seus prprios projetos em um curto espao de tempo.Aqui sero apresentadas as melhores prticas a serem seguidas, o que significa que voc criar aplicaes otimizadas e de qualidade.Com a criao de projetos prticos, voc ter uma ampla base de exemplos codificados para utilizar como referncia em seus projetos, o que aumentar a sua produtividade.Atravs de pequenos projetos, voc ficar motivado a concluir o curso rapidamente, o que o ajudar a estar qualificado em um curto espao de tempo.O curso 100% prtico, e todas as lies so executadas passo a passo para que no fique nenhuma dvida.O curso foi dividido em 7 projetos, com o objetivo de tornar o aprendizado otimizado, divertido, e prtico, portanto ele no possui lies tericas e cansativas. um curso para ser realizado do incio ao fim, deixando ainda um gostinho de quero mais ao seu trmino!Como foi possvel perceber, s existem vantagens em atender esse curso, e se voc pretende se tornar um profissional diferenciado no mercado de trabalho de desenvolvimento web, esse curso foi feito para voc!O que voc est esperando? Comece agora mesmo e bons estudos!"
Price: 174.99

"API RESTful com Spring Boot e Java 8 - Guia de Referncia"
"O cursoAPI RESTful com Spring Boot e Java 8 - Guia de Referncia, um curso que visa apresentar os principais componentes de uma API RESTful eficiente e escalvel no formato de problemas e solues.Durante o curso sero apresentados 33 problemas do dia a dia na criao de APIs RESTful, e suas respectivas solues.Este curso no 100% focado em Spring e Java, ele apresenta tambm problemas rotineiros que compem o ciclo de desenvolvimento de qualquer sistema, como controle de verso de cdigo fonte, teste de stress, integrao contnua, entre outros mais.O curso no um passo a passo de como criar uma API RESTful do zero, seu objetivo explicar em detalhes os componentes da criao de uma API, servindo como guia de referncia para o dia a dia de qualquer desenvolvedor.Um guia em PDF com todo o contedo contendo mais de 100 pginas ser disponibilizado, assim voc ter acesso as informaes aprendidas com extrema facilidade, e na hora que desejar.Enfim, ogrande objetivo deste curso servir como uma fonte de refernciapara o desenvolvimento de APIs RESTful com Spring e Java 8, e se voc est procurando um guia para solucionar suas dvidas em APIs voc est no lugar certo!Espero te encontrar no curso, bons estudos!"
Price: 84.99

"API RESTful avanada com Spring Boot e Java 8"
"** Curso com suporte ao Spring Boot 2Aprenda a criar uma API RESTful completa na prtica com Spring Boot e Java 8.Ao longo do curso voc desenvolver uma API RESTfulpara um sistema de controle de pontos eletrnicos, que utilizar recursos do bsico ao avanado.O objetivo do curso prover o conhecimento necessrio que voc encontrar no seu dia a dia de trabalho, desde a parte de gerenciamento de cdigo fonte e deploy,testes unitrios e de integrao, at a criao de solues eficazes e escalveis.Este curso no um curso para iniciantes, e embora disponibilizo um ebook com os tpicos abordados no curso (requisitos), pode ainda assim ser necessrio um estudo complementar.Em caso de dificuldades, recomendo meu outro curso sobre APIs RESTful com Spring Boot e Java 8 - Guia de Referncia, pois explica tudo em detalhes e passo a passo sobre tudo o que serestudado neste curso.Confira a grade curricular do curso para ver a quantidade de conhecimentos a ser adquirido, e o quanto isso impactar a sua carreira profissional!Espero te ver em breve no curso. Bons estudos!"
Price: 144.99

"API Restful com Spring Boot, Kotlin e MongoDB"
"Aprenda a desenvolver com o Kotlincriandouma API RESTful completa na prtica com Spring Boot e MongoDB.Ao longo do curso voc desenvolver uma API RESTfulpara um sistema de controle de pontos eletrnicos.O objetivo do curso prover o conhecimento necessrio para que voc aprenda a desenvolver com o Kotlin, focando no desenvolvimento back-end.Embora o curso foque no desenvolvimento do Kotlin para aplicaes back-end, os conceitos sobre a linguagem podero ser utilizados para o desenvolvimento de aplicaes Android tambm.Confira a grade curricular do curso para ver a quantidade de conhecimentos a ser adquirido, e o quanto isso impactar a sua carreira profissional!Espero te ver em breve no curso. Bons estudos!"
Price: 129.99

"Digital Marketing 201: Multi-million dollar tips and tricks"
"*LIMITEDTIMECOURSE*I do not want to give these tips out to too many people. The reddit trick will be abused and shutdown.Therefore, this course is a limited time course only. I will only sell this course to the first5,000 students.Michael Krynski has launched some of the most profitable digital campaigns in recent history. He's helped Fortune 500 companies, startups, politicians, and smallbusinesses all expand their online presence through today's mostinnovativedigital marketing techniques.He has his Master's in Computer Science andalsocurrently owns one of the web's most profitable organic content pieces according to Moz.Simply put, he is one of the internet's foremost experts on Digital Marketing.And this is his first online course...exclusively on Udemy.In this course,Michael will first teachyousome basic principles and best practices fordigital marketing in 2017. He will then show you how to create a marketing plan that allows you to track your progress easily.At the end of the course, Michael divulges three of his favorite ""tips"" or ""hacks"" that he's learned from theyears that can help any digital marketer make their campaigns more effective with little to nomoney. These tricks can supercharge your campaigns into SEO and remarketing workhorses that will work for you for yearswith just a couple hours of work.Learn his secrets by purchasing this unique and informative course today!"
Price: 194.99

"Building a eCommerce Startup in 4 Hours [Livestream]"
"In this course you will learntobuild an Wordpress ecommerce website from start to finishtroubleshoot problems that arise during developmentlearn answers to questions asked by thousands watching the buildcreate initial marketing materials for your startupfind your first backlinks and do competitor analysisThis is one of the most unique courses on Udemy becauseyou will join me while I build an complete ecommerce website and troubleshootall the problems and concerns that arise during the development process. In no other course will you see an unedited view of exactly what the development process looks like.The original livestream on YouTube had10k viewers during broadcast watching me as Ibuiltan entire ecommerce startup in 4 hours, Istartedwith just anidea and built out an entire ecommerce startup. I start by buying a domain, designing a logo, installing software, buying a theme, editing the theme, creating product pages and thencreating initial marketing materials and finding backlinksall in 4 hours! I've edited the original4.5 hours of video into 3.5 hours of jammed packed material with practicalweb development and digital marketing information.Watch and follow me as I complete each process and troubleshoot the problems that arise during the livestream.This livestream was done for thepopular entrepreneur forum on Reddit(/r/entrepreneur).Check out my other course (Digital Marketing 201:Multi-million Dollar Tips & Tricks)to go beyond the basics discussed in this courseand begin tosupercharge your digital marketing strategies."
Price: 49.99

"Git Na Prtica - Curso do Bsico ao Avanado. (Completo)"
"Git do Zero ao AvanadoEsse curso foi desenhado com exemplos prticos para o iniciante absoluto. Voc ir percorrer o caminho das pedras com facilidade e exemplos extremamente simples. Em poucas horas voc ir adquirir o conhecimento e j estar apto a comear a usar o Git no seu prximo projeto.Sero explorados diversos conceitos como criao de branch (frentes de trabalho), resolver possveis conflitos e publicao do seu projeto na nuvem, entre outros conceitos. Foram adicionados exerccios de fixao para ajuda-lo a lembrar os conceitos. Ah! J estava esquecendo, elaborei um Guia de Comandos com todos os comandos mais utilizados e estou oferecendo de bnus para voc no esquecer mais.Nesse curso no h cortes! Voc aprender na vera, no tem essa de ficar cortando vdeo Voc aprende completamente do zero, desde a instalao.Atualizaes constantesConstantemente adiciono mais contedo, como exerccios ouaulas. Qualquer atualizaono cursovoc receber uma notificao do Udemy em seu e-mail.Se voc no gostar do curso? Voc pode solicitar o dinheiro de volta.O Udemy tambm aderiu a esse conceito. Se voc no gostar do curso, voc pode solicitar o dinheiro de volta diretamente para eles. uma opo muito bacana nos dias de hoje que existem milhares de informaes ruins por a. Essa poltica lhe garante 30 dias para pensar se gostou ou no.Para quem esse cursoPara todos os que querem prosseguir na carreira de desenvolvedor de software ou designer, em algum momento, voc precisar aprender um sistema de controle de verso. Um sistema de versionamento uma ferramenta importante, mas s vezes esquecida, que essencial para manter todos os projetos. Neste curso, vamos falar sobre o controle de verso e como ele funciona antes de cobrir as noes bsicas de um dos mais populares sistemas de controle de verso disponveis hoje - Git."
Price: 54.99

"Montaje de fotografas con Powerpoint"
"Aprenders a hacer llamativos fotomontajes ideales para redes sociales, blog, presentaciones o el uso que ms te guste. Tienes un canal de Youtube y quieres hacer miniaturas personalizadas para tener ms visitas? Quieres hacer una portada para una presentacin? Pues esto y mucho ms te lo muestro en este curso."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Wikispaces Classroom Website without coding"
"Wikispaces classroomis an online platform that enables you as a teacher to help students collaborate in an engaging educational environment. Research indicates that using Wikispaces improves students' learning outcomes and performance(Oprea, 2016). It also encourages interactionsamong students through peer-editing and projects. It also enhances interactionbetween teachers and students as well (Singh, Harun and Fareed, 2013).In this course you will learnthe method of creating a professional wikispaces classroom website. The course focuses on areas by which you can maximize the learning process through creating pages, making your students participate inprojects in which peer editing takes place. You will also learn how to embedcreative widgets that will encourage your students to engage more. This course also examines ways in which teachers can assess their students' performance and track their progress as well. Eventually, This course is a professional development for every teacher, like you, who is looking for an optimal teaching experience.Ready to create your own wikispaces classroom? Lets go!References:Oprea, M. (2016, July). WIKISPACES CLASSROOM-A COLLABORATIVE E-LEARNING PLATFORM FOR THE TEACHING OF PHYSICS. In The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (Vol. 3, p. 229). "" Carol I"" National Defence University.Singh, A. K. J., Harun, R. N. S. R., & Fareed, W. (2013). Affordances of Wikispaces for collaborative learning and knowledge management. GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, 13(3), 79-97."
Price: 99.99

Price: 199.99

"Build Dynamic Dashboard With FREE Dashboard Codes Like A Pro"
"A number of businesses are realizing the importance of the internet. Quite a lot has come to understand that by running their office applications on the internet, they save a lot on recurrent hardware and software expenses. Most of these companies prefer to go for custom applications designed and developed to meet their unique project scope. This is where you, the student with skill and knowledge in custom web application development comes in. You will be contracted to develop and deploy this applications. Integrating attractive and dynamic dashboards to your application will increase your product andservice value.In this course, you are going to learn how tobuild dynamicdashboardswith attractivecharts, tables, data labels and progress barfor yourweb application using FREEJavascript, CSS codes,PHP, MySQL, HTML & Dreamweaver without a writing a single line of PHP, HTML or Javascript code of your own. After deploying your first application with thisdashboard, thats it. You willnot need to build another dashboard from ground upfor another project. All you need to do is duplicate your first application, create a new database link and re-customize the duplicated version to meet the scope of your new project. Remove all features that are not needed in the new project, edit or add a few features that are needed in the new project and you are good to go. My early days of learning how to develop web applications with dashboards charts and graphs where full of struggles. Where I could not succeed, I leaned on commercial plug-ins to achieve my objective. But after several months of studying and researching, I am able to deploy web applications with attractive dashboardwithout spending extra funds oncommercialdashboardplug-ins. You, on the other hand, are going to learn all this in a couple of hours. what a privilege.Don't hesitate. Take action by enrolling nowNote:All codes used in thiscoursewill be made available for download in one of the lectures."
Price: 19.99

"Integrate WebCam Features Into Your Web App Using FREE Codes"
"The ability to virtually communicate and collaborate instantaneously with colleagues, partners and customers regardless of location is sweeping todays business world. Video calling, video conferencing and unified communications are replacing face-to-face meetings, reducing the need for business travel. More importantly, since collaboration is instantaneous, businesses and individuals are realizing real improvements to productivity. Seeing who you are talking to, rather than just hearing, enhances the experience of connecting with others exponentially.Based on this and more therefore, learning how to integrate a webcam plugin into a customweb application to enhance the real time participation of your clients online visitors will make your professional service more viable and appreciated.The knowledge you will gain in this course and the course materials that will be made available to you all for free will far exceed your investment.NOTE: The COURSE MATERIALS and WEBCAM PLUGIN mentioned hereindo not include any kindof Open Source CMSsoftware's like WordPress, Joomla, etc or webcam plugins developed for any of theseOpenSourceCMSSoftware's. The WEBCAM PLUGIN is a complete standalone FREEWARE pluginfor customweb applications."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Monitoring & Evaluation Software Development Guide"
"In this course, you will learn all the basic skills to design and deploy a comprehensive Web based Monitoring & Evaluation Software Solution for your organization.Web based software solutions are helping organizations keep up with their daily projects. A number of organizations are not there yet due to the cost of implementation. But in this course, we are going to see how easy it is to actually design, develop and deploy a complete and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation software system. Paper-based monitoring and evaluation process have a number of limitations, although they are very easy to create and organizations already have the skills and tools they need to create them. They dont deliver as at when due. Besides the Paper-based solution, the use of MS Excel has also been adopted and is widely used by development professionals. As a result, its easy for them to dive straight in without extra training. As earlier mentioned, there are clear visible problems with these methods. Capturing data on paper and then collating various spreadsheets is time consuming and prone to error. Managers also dont have clear oversight into what is happening in real-time. Monitoring & Evaluation indicators are only available after all the data has been entered, compiled and analyzed. This means that if there are any issues, management might not realize until they receive a 6 monthly report. It also means that decisions will be made bymanagement based on outdated data.But with the web based monitoring and evaluation solution, the reverse will be the case. Organizations will be able to Collect their project monitoring data as close to source as possible. Access real-time updates on specific projects, review and criticize incorrect data entries. View overall and specific project summaries using dashboard charts and tables Convert an entire report with dashboard charts and tables to PDF with a single click of a buttonFeedback useful information to staff, in a timely manner. Enable management to make decisions in real time Reduce cost on project field visitsReduce cost on overall staff manpowerIncrease project transparency and visibilityIncrease trust and accountabilityDo a lot more with less cost."
Price: 49.99

"Bot Building Basics"
"This course will not only teach you the basics about bots, it will also show you how to make your own bot using NOCODE on the Microsoft Bot Framework. Bots are becoming more ubiquitous to our daily internet lives. There is hardly a place you can go online without interacting with a bot, whether you knew it or not. And there are different types of bots who do various kinds of things. From indexing web pages to finding information even to book airplane flights.To this point, bots were usually created by programmers. And the cost to make them was high. The everyday person could not use them for their purposes. With this course, you will learn about the different types of bots, why they exist, along with what they do. All in a very easy to understand (no techspeak, I promise) format with lectures, demonstrations, and step-by-step instructions.We will use the Microsoft Bot Framework to build our very own bot. And we will connect the bot to the outside world through SMS text messaging. So, you will be able to share your bot with other people! This course will also give you some ideas and examples of other types of bots that you may wish to create afterward.If you are looking to learn about bots, build a bot or see examples of bots working on the internet, then this course is for you."
Price: 24.99

"Learn to trade using technical analysis"
"Technical analysis is a powerful toolused by traders to make smarttrades.Technical analysis basically captures the momentum of the market using indicators like price and volume and helps a trader to make the right trade entry and exit. This course teaches you all the important tools and indicators which are extremely useful in determining short-term market movement. After learning this course you would be able to makedata-backed smart tradesand become a sound trader."
Price: 49.99

"Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)"
"""This course will teach you Fundamentals of Laravel, The Worlds most Popular Web Frameworkwhile Building Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO""You will be building similar project but with additional features. Great for learning by building one project and repeating another while learning to add additional features.However both projects are complete on their own, so it's not necessary to do both if you dont wan't to.You will begin this course with OOP - object oriented programming, which is a must have knowledge to learn and understand how laravel framework works.Then you will start learning laravel basics while applying everything you learn into a real world project, This is the best approach to learn and be able to build applications with laravel.Every lesson in this course is packed with valuable tips that you can use to build any type of web application.By the end of this course, you will have build a production ready Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO.If you know the basics of php. You can begin with this course, learn the object oriented programming in the very first section and start building awesome web applications with laravel.Let me show you some of the topics you will learn in this course. There is so much more but I have listed few of them here..UNDERSTAND OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING - THE KEY TO UNDERSTAND LARAVEL FRAMEWORKROUTING - ROUTE PARAMETERS, NAMED ROUTES, ROUTE RESOURCEMODEL - WORKING WITH MODELS AND UNDERSTAND HOW THEY COMMUNICATE WITH DATABASEVIEWS - WORKING WITH VIEWS USING BLADE TEMPLATING SYSTEMCONTROLLERS- HOW CONTROLLERS SIT BETWEEN MODEL AND VIEWS AND MAKE THINGS WORK (MVC PATTERN)HTML FORMS - WORKING WITH PLAIN HTML FORMS AND HANDLING FORM DATACRUD OPERATIONS - CREATE READ UPDATE DELETELARAVEL ELOQUENT RELATIONSHIPSIMPLEMENTING TRASH, RESTORE, PERMANENT DELETE AND DRAFT FEATURESIMPLEMENTING USER ROLES SUCH AS ADMIN, AUTHORUSING MIDDLEWARES TO SECURE YOU APPLICATIONAPPLYING AUTHORITY, PERMISSION AND RESTRICTIONSIMAGE UPLOADUSER PROFILEFLASH MESSAGES, PRETTY URLEMAIL, CONTACT FORMSDISQUS COMMENTING SYSTEMFACKBOOK LOGINPAGINATIONSEARCHDEPLOY THE WEB APP YOU BUILD - MULTI USER BLOGGING PLATFORM(SEO READY)So themost exciting thing about this course is that it is constantly updating. I am adding new videos on a daily basis. By the end of this course, you will have build a MULTI USER BLOGGING PLATFORM, that is ready for deployment!CONCLUSION:This course is unlike any other course you will find online. This course is all you need to Become a Professional Laravel Developer. By the end of this courese, you will be able to build complex web applications for you or your client or for your boss.So don't waste your time and money going through 10 different sites, learning from 10 different courses. This one course is all you need to become a professional Laravel developer. See you inside the course. Thank you!"
Price: 19.99

"Master JavaScript from Scratch (with jQuery and React JS)"
"Finally the course has arrived which will make you a Professional JavaScript Developer from Scratch.This one course is all you need to understand Core JavaScript Fundamentals and start building real applications using most popular, most in-demand and most amazing Javascript libraries like jQuery and React js.The highlight of this course is the knowledge it will give you about the Core JavaScript Programming, which will give you a solid understanding of how the code you are writing actually works behind the scene.Knowing how the programyou write will work behind the scene is an amazing skill to have. It gives you all the confidence and joy you need in order to become a successful Web Developer.Another advantage of this course for you is the the ability it will give you to pick up any other programming language such as PHP or Ruby.You will have an easy time learning new language or framework. Because all the programming languages share the same core fundamentals. And you will be mastering those core concepts in this course.What other students have to say about this course?This is the best course about javascript on this earth. just awesome. - Shakir AhmadI love his teaching style. I have been using several different resources to teach myself Javascript, including W3schools and Freecodecamp, and I finally feel like I'm ""getting"" it. The instructor takes his time to explain everything clearly and uses console to check every single input, which I appreciate, that way you can check along with him to see how it's working. - Dylan WoodNice course curriculum and methodology. This is course is perfect for people who is starting with JavaScript. The course content is complete. It helped me to understand all the concepts clearly by demonstrating by step by step. Thank you so much. - Umesh ShirurThe course is taught in detail and perfect for beginners. - Abin ShresthaNice tutorial for absolute begginers . Very simple clear and direct point to point. - Vamc Krishna YadavA nice course, not only for those who's new to javascript world but also for a day-to-day frontend dev. - Duc Hong QuachIf you just want to learn React only there are a lot of other courses, but this one is perfect if you want to learn from the basics. Especially with the jQuery part, where that library is a very good example to learn how to manipulate the HTML DOMs. - Prabu RangkiA very good, unique, to the point course. I have gone through many courses but finally my find is over with this one. - Anish JangraOk great, but just learning a language is not enough and gets boring overtime. That is why, as soon as we finish with the core JavaScript fundamentals, we will begin building real applications.You will be building 4 Real World Applications using jQuery and React. Yeah, this course will teach you basics of jQuery, ES6 and React too.You will also learn to push your projects to GitHub pages for free hosting. This way you can build your own portfolio mand include at least those 4 projects you will build by the end of this course.And the immense knowledge you will gain from this course will prepare you to build more apps for sure.Lastly, I will always help each and every student who needs help in regard to this course via Udemys Q&A section or via Social Media.Here is a glimpse of this course. Make sure to check the course table of contents for more details:Learncore programming fundamentalsin JavaScriptUnderstandcoreJavaScript in organized orderUnderstand Object Oriented JavaScriptYou will be able to learn any other programming language other than javascript too. Because you will learn the core programming fundamentals that shared by most of the programming languages.JavaScript,Objects,Functions,PrototypeandConstructorsLearnjQueryLearnES6LearnReactBuild 4 Real world project192 lectures with over 13hours of valuable content"
Price: 19.99

"Nuxt JS with Laravel API - Building SSR Vue JS Apps"
"Hello and welcome to the complete Laravel API Development with Nuxt JS as a frontend framework that helps you build powerful Server Side Rendered Vue js applications with Vuex in a best possbile way.This course is made to take you from zero to hero to build a complete frontend of your web application using Nuxt JS.So why learn Nuxt js?Mainly because it helps you build Vue js applications the best way. Nuxt comes with routing and server side rendering out of the box. with Nuxt, you can build Single Page App(SPA), Static Site and fully Server Side Rendered (SSR) web applications. These applications are tend to be extremely fast and performant!And if you already know Vue JS, Nuxt js will be very easy for you to learn. With Nuxt JS you will continue, to become a better Vue JS developer... and not to mention... Vue JS is the world's most popular and most loved JavaScript framework of recent time.Why learn API development?Well, Laravel is a developers dream. It gives you so much out of the box, no matter how big your project is, you will be able to develop and scale your app in no time. Laravel is currently the worlds most popular web framework for building fullstack web applications. You can build any type of server side applications with it. And greater API support has been added to this amazing framework in recent versions.So who is this course for?This course is for people with at least a basic knowledge of Vue JS. And for people who are already familier to Laravel Basics but wants to dive into API development.However, you can skip the Laravel part and only continue with Nuxt JS if you want to avoid writing your own backend API.So in short, this is the only course on Udemy that teaches you how to build your own API with Laravel and also build a frontend with Nuxt JS all in one course!So what's the course like?This course begins with the absolute basics of Nuxt JS. Then it goes through all the fundamentals of Nuxt JS. You will also build a project while learning Nuxt and also deploy to firebase hosting.Once you understand everything about Nuxt, you will move to Laravel. With Laravel , you will learn to build a powerful backend with everything you wish to include such as Authentication, CRUD, likes, relationships, API resources and more...This course is your gateway to the present and future of modern web development, where the backend is separated from the frontend. All in all, this course has all the ingredients to make you A Truly Fullstack Web Developer!!!About the course, I will be personally helping the students via Q&A section of Udemy so if you ever get stuck, you wont be alone. I will be there to help you.Finally, Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee! so if for some reason you are not satisfied, you can get your money back. Its completly risk free!So join me in this course and Master the API driven web development with Nuxt JS for building modern web applications.This course also have a bigger, most exciting final project. You will be building A Complete API with Laravel which will have Authentication, CRUD, Relationships including polymorphic relationship for Likes and whole lot more...You will also learn to use postman for testing while building your API.By the end you will be comfortable enough to start off your next big project using Laravel backend to serve as your API and Nuxt JS to build a frontend client for your Web Application. Please go through the curriculum below to get a bigger picture about this course. Thank you!"
Price: 19.99

"Alimentacin Adaptativa Natural"
"Este es el curso ideal para t si tu forma de alimentarte no es la ms apropiada, porque est teniendo impacto negativosobre tu salud, rendimiento fsico o intelectual. Ya sea que ests agotado antes de finalizar tu jornada, que tengas kilos de ms que afectan cmo te ves y como te sientes, o si ests teniendo algunos desarreglos como el colesterol elevado, problemas digestivos, colon irritable, etc., este curso te dar todas las herramientas necesarias para descubrir qu alimentos de tu dieta son los que te perjudican y de qu manera puedes reemplazarlos por otros ms naturales y saludables, sin perder el placer por comer. No se trata de ""hacer una dieta para"" si no de encontrar la forma definitiva de comer en la que el gusto por la buena comida no se oponga a la buena salud. Si bien toda la informacin suministrada tiene base cientfica y un profundo proceso de estudio e investigacin, antes de realizar cualquier cambio en tu alimentacin es importante que lo consultes con tu mdico de confianza. Disclaimer:de ningn modo la informacin suministrada reemplaza al consejo profesional mdico, yel autor no se hace responsable de ninguna consecuencia o impacto negativo en la salud del estudiante."
Price: 19.99

"Learn guideline of business and jobs in Thailand"
"Thailand is my home country and from the past to present there are a lot offoreignbusinessmen and investors have flowed into Thailand to make jobs, trade and business commercial widely, however there are some businessmencould not understand clearly. Someone have to hire agency which wastea lot of money also unfortunately information from authority mostly is shown in local language therefore from my experience working and consulting tradewith foreign many years so let me be a map for you...!!! If you want to know about businesscommercial in shortcut.Try this course and I will be your map and center to bring information to you. Thank youI hope to see you again in This course.Tana"
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Redux with React"
"This course will help you master Redux and allow you to use Redux and React seamlessly together in all your projects moving forward.If you are new to Redux, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the right course for you.Learn what actions are.Learn what a reducer is and why we use them.Learn how to put Redux and React together when building your apps.I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was trying to finally understandRedux. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 84.99

"Qi Gong y Meditacin para la salud - NIVEL 1"
"En este curso encontrars los ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacin para mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesorossistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo)sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china, AHORAATUALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad deconocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORARTUCALIDADDEVIDAeste es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad decanalpara preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Qi Gong Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tucurso conun programa paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong y Meditacin."
Price: 119.99

"Chi Kung y Meditacin para la salud - Versin LITE"
"En este curso encontrarslos ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacinpara mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesorossistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo)sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china,AHORAATUALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad deconocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORARTUCALIDADDEVIDAeste es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad decanalpara preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Chi Kung Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tucurso conunprograma paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Chi Kung y Meditacin.Ests en la versin LITE del curso, SITEGUSTAACCEDEALCURSOCOMPLETO ""Chi Kung y Meditacin para la salud - Versin PRO""."
Price: 39.99

"Qi Gong y Meditacin para la salud Nivel 2"
"En este curso profundizamos enlos ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacinpara mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao), enfocando el trabajo en el segundo tesoro pero sin olvidar seguir aportando ejercicios destinados al trabajo de los otros dos.El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesorossistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo)sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china,AHORAATUALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad deconocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORARTUCALIDADDEVIDAeste es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad decanalpara preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Qi Gong Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tucurso conunprograma paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong y Meditacin."
Price: 119.99