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"Apitherapy encompasses the use of bee hive products including honey, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom. Apitherapy is used to treat many illnesses and to alleviate pain from injuries both chronic and acute. The honey bee and hive products have historically played a large role in disease care and prevention. Science is finally catching up to what naturalists, herbalists, and acupuncturists have known for years. In this course with organic beekeeper and apitherapist Ross Conrad, you will learn about using honey, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, beeswax and bee venom to promote healing and health. From burn treatment and the common cold, to arthritis, cancer and multiple sclerosis, Ross shares how each of these products can be beneficial to human health. Ross explains how bees make each of these products and how the bees use them in the hive. He covers the chemical constituents of each product and how each product can promote health and healing. Ross draws on his considerable experience as an organic beekeeper and explains how these products are harvested from the hive with the success of the hive as the ultimate goal. With the help of volunteers from the live audience Ross even demonstrates how to give a live bee sting! As Ross says everything about the bees is so healing; it is astounding really. Be prepared to be astounded! And be thankful for the bees! This workshop was filmed at: Metta Earth InstituteLincoln, Vt"
Price: 34.99

"Website Design"
"**UPDATE**See our new course ""Start your own Website Design business"" - This course covers all the material in this course plus shows you how you launch your own business designing websites. What's the course about? Web development - Plain and simple. Everyone needs a website, whether it's to market your business, sell your new e-book, make money through advertising and affiliate marketing, or just for your family. The problem is that it just seems so difficult to create, and so really expensive to get someone else to do it for you. Try Google ""custom website design"" and see what you find. You'll find companies offering to design a site for $500, $1000, and more. And don't forget the monthly fee, which can be anything from $50 upwards. So, that's not an option for most of us, unless you have your own private jet - in which case you can probably buy the website design company. The other option is to create your own website. However this sends tremors of fear rippling through your body as you imagine weeks and months of trying to learn Javascript, HTML, XML, and what the 'L. Or maybe you can try and master Wordpress. Some say that is not too hard. Yeah sure! It's also not too hard to do a backflip on a trampoline (or so I'm told). But you're likely to hurt yourself trying. The Web Development Solution - A simple drag and drop way to design a website. This course will show you how to use an awesome online website creator to design the most professional looking site possible. In fact I will start of by letting you watch me create an amazing website in under 5 minutes. Yes, that's correct. It is possible to create a fully functional, professional website in 5 minutes, if you know how! And I will show you how to do just that! By the end of the course...actually by the end of the first section you will be able to create a website in 5 minutes too! I'll show you how to develop a website that includes videos, images, contact forms, a blog, twitter feeds, contact forms and more. And you do not need to know anything about website creation, HTML or anything else. It's simply copy/paste, drag/brag! We will also cover other important things (after you've mastered creating your site) such as choosing a domain name, buying a domain, getting images and video, etc. And to really make sure the website you develop is not only awesome but professional and money generating, there is a section where I will share Power Tips from the experts. Tips on getting free resources, making sure your website looks professional, making sure your website is found in Google (Search Engine Optimisation), and even some power tips on how to turn your website into a money making machine! What kind of materials are included? Everything you need for web devlopment will be explained. In fact you will be so good you could even start creating websites for others and making money. The course will consist of some really easy, professional, step-by-step videos that show you how to create your website. I mean professional...both in presentation and recording. This is not just some guy mumbling ramblings into a webcam! Plus there are downloadable tip sheets, and more. This is the ultimate web development guide! How long will the course take to complete this web development course? There are 4 sections to this web development course. After you have done Section 1 you can easily begin building your website. And that will take you just over 30 minutes of learning! Seems unbelievable, but I guarantee it! Thereafter Sections 2, 3 and 4 will extend your ability, in the same easy way as Section 1, helping you create the most amazing website possible. How is this web development course structured? This is an action course. So the course starts with getting to the doing straight away. Sure there is lots of ""fluff"" like choosing domains, and sourcing images etc. which is important, but that is left till later. I want you to get building immediately, and then we can deal with the rest. The course is structured in the following way: 1.Section 1 - A website in 5 minutes. 2.Section 2 - Making my website awesome 3.Section 3 - Making my website professional 4.Section 4 - BONUS - Making your site famous! Why take this web development course? If I am looking for an online course there are 3 key things I look for. Firstly, the qualification/experience of the teacher. Secondly, the ability of the teacher to teach/present. Thirdly, the quality of the teachers material. So here are my credentials. My Qualification/Experience - I have just completed a PhD in the use of IT for education. I've been involved in IT both as a university lecturer, IT consultant and entrepreneur for over 20 years. This includes starting up multiple businesses both online and offline. Ability to teach - In addition to having been a lecturer for over 20 years I have spoken around the world to everyone from business leaders to politicians to teachers to children. But don't believe me, here are what some of those who have heard me say: - ""Craig has the rare ability to engage personally with each member in his audience"" (A. Byrnes, PDM Pty Ltd, Australia), - ""Craig is a dynamic speaker, out-of-the-box strategic thinker and professional"" (R. van Rooyen, Associate Partner, Deloitte) - Mr. Blewett is a pleasure to take in. The excitingly focused style by which he speaks keeps you on the edge of your attention. (C. Stickney, USA) - Craig is an experienced and highly competent teacher and presenter. He has the rare ability to convey innovative concepts in an engaging fashion that is packed with enthusiasm but also logic and balance. (Dr. Alleyne, UK) - ""Craig is possibly on of the most interesting presenters I have encountered. His students love him and in public forums he is unequalled."" (Prof. Maharaj, UKZN, South Africa) 3. All the material presented in this course is professionally produced using HD video, high quality audio and specialist video editing software. Besides all this, you wont find a better value, easier course that will enable you to develop your own online business website. If you need a website for your company, to sell products online, to launch your e-book, or just for your family - then this is the web development course for you."
Price: 199.99

"The Stress-Less Sprint"
"Ever feel so stressed and anxious that the very thought of relaxing aggravates you? I know I did. I felt massively overwhelmed by an endless stream of projects and tasks and so wound up that any trivial glitch could make me explode! Eventually, I quit my high-stress job. But the stress and anxiety followed me down to the garden office! I read the advice online and tried all kinds of techniques to change my negative thinking. Some seemed to work. My inner stress-bunny was hidden but still there, ready to jump out whenever times got tough. It turns out that Id been looking for answers in the wrong place. Modern scientific research has shown that stress isnt just caused by high-stress jobs and difficult circumstances. It isnt just caused by negative thinking. Its also caused by the electric soup of chemicals in your body that are causing your cells distress. Understand how that works, unplug the power to that soup, and those overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety will fade away. Ive pulled this knowledge together into a short, practical online video course that shows you exactly how you can tackle your stress, step by step. Theres no woo-woo stuff here - The Stress-Less Sprint is based on research. Its also been tried and tested by me Judy Rees and my coaching clients around the world. In this training, Ill show you how to use your body to change your stressed and anxious feelings, so that you become happier and more productive. Then youll be in a strong position to make other changes you want in your life getting that job, that partner, launching your own start-up or whatever. The first lectures called Your Bodys Instant Chill Pill and thats honestly how fast it works! But the whole process will take a little longer. Review this course and youll know what to do. Take action, and within 28 days you can expect your level of stress and anxiety to have reduced significantly. You'll be starting a new chapter in your life."
Price: 29.99

"Model Driven Architecture"
"Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) is an approach for the development of software systems. It is a set of guidelines for the structuring of specifications and are commonly shown as models. This course will begin discussions by presenting an overview of Systems Engineering, Development Life cycle, and Model-Driven Architecture. This course will also explain Model-Driven Architecture principles, models, tools, and processes."
Price: 49.99

"Gamification is the integration of game dynamics into a website, service, community, content or campaign in order to drive participation. This introductory course will begin discussions on identifying and defining gamification and present its benefits and risks. The succeeding modules will discuss pitfalls, characteristics and elements in gamification. A discussion about the usage of gamification, specifically in the areas of education and business will be included in this course. Last but not the least, some trends, real-time applications and the future of gamification will be discussed."
Price: 49.99

"Basel II"
"Explore the latest financial IT trend created to regulate and control risks faced by financial organizations. Basel II is the second of the Basel Accords, which are recommendations on banking laws and regulations issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. This introductory course will discuss a range of topics to Basel II through Data Governance and introduction and background to the updated version of Basel II to Basel III."
Price: 49.99

"Biometrics comprises of techniques and systems for uniquely recognizing individuals on the basis of one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, biometrics is used as a form of identity for access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups who are under surveillance. The course will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, issues and concerns, technology and devices, etc. of biometrics technology. The types of biometrics and its different uses will also be explained."
Price: 49.99

"Business Process Outsourcing"
"Business Process Outsourcing, one of the subset of outsourcing, is the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions or processes to a third-party service provider. It primarily refers to the outsourcing of business processing services to an outside firm, replacing in-house services with labor from an outside firm. This course will discuss topics such as globalization, principles of outsourcing, the business process outsourcing industry, understanding the business side, and the management side of BPO."
Price: 49.99

"Haptic Technology, is a tactile feedback technology that uses the persons sense of touch by applying pressure, vibrations, and/or motions to the person. This mechanical stimulation can be used to assist in creating virtual objects, controlling virtual objects, and improving remote controls for machines and devices. This course will begin by discussing the different aspects of Haptic Technology including the Haptic System, Haptic Rendering, Affective Haptic, and its different devices and applications."
Price: 49.99

"IT Governance"
"Get a head start and explore the concepts surrounding Information Technology Governance tools and techniques. IT Governance is a subset discipline of Corporate Governance focused on Information Technology (IT) systems, their performance, and risk management. This introductory course will discuss a range of topics from elements and domains of IT Governance, understanding and constructing frameworks, to proprietary frameworks and national/international standards. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Basel II will also be discussed."
Price: 49.99

"Near Field Communication"
"Near Field Communication has taken the world by storm, and is an effective method of contactless transactions, data exchange, and connections made using NFC devices. Near Field Communication (NFC) allows for simplified transactions, data exchange, and connections with a touch. NFC can share a contact, photo, song, application, video, or pair Bluetooth devices. This course will begin with discussions on the history, technical growth, and progression of mobile phones. The succeeding modules will discuss the definition, capabilities, benefits, and the different uses of Near Field Communication."
Price: 49.99

Price: 49.99

"Itinerario de Energa"
"Conseguir un balance equilibrado entre cuerpo, mente y espritu es fundamental en la vida. T ya eres un Juggler, un malabarista que cada da gestiona muchas bolas en el aire. Desarrolla habilidades multitarea, aprende a gestionar tu frustracin y a romper paradigmas limitantes de forma divertida, con un maestro malabarista del Circo del Sol. Qu tiene que ver el Cardiobox con tu proyecto de vida? La energa y su canalizacin es fundamental en la vida. El equilibrio, la tcnica, el entrenamiento y el saber asumir los fracasos como ventajas en el futuro son cosas tiles y necesarias para todos. Aprende a desarrollar tu equilibrio y conocer las mejores tcnicas de relajacin de un modo diferente. En este curso aprenders todo esto y ms de forma energizante y divertida. Sinopsis: Este Itinerario de Energa es un completo programa compuesto de 3 cursos YPD para desplegar y aprender a gestionar tu energa: 1. Cmo gestionar muchas variables al mismo tiempo (JUGGLIN MANAGEMENT) 2. Energa, Emprendimiento y Box (CARDIOBOX) 3. Aprende a relajarte y concentrarte con Yoga (YOGA) Autores: Franco Soldi (CEO Founder & YPD Captain) Matt Ledding Director artstico, profesor del Circo del Sol y colaborador YPD Teresa Juan Lpez Profesora de Yoga certificada en la Escuela Internacional de Yoga de Madrid, avalada por la Yoga Alliance International, la European Yoga Federation, el World Movement for Yoga y la Federacin Espaola de Yoga Profesional. Objetivos: Desarrollar habilidades de Multitasking: gestin de entornos en movimiento y gestin de distintas situaciones al mismo tiempo. Aprender a gestionar el estrs, tcnicas de concentracin y ruptura de paradigmas limitantes. Orientacin a resultados, procesos, objetivos a corto plazo y visin a largo. Aprender a canalizar la energa. Desarrollar el equilibrio. Aprender a gestionar la adversidad. Aprender tcnicas para agudizar la concentracin y la creatividad. Aprender tcnicas de relajacin. Aprender tcnicas de respiracin. Material: Pauelos y bolas de Juggling. Se recomienda disponer de una esterilla de Yoga y ropa cmoda para la prctica de esta sesin. Consejos: Reflexiona e interioriza la analoga del malabarismo. Enfatiza la importancia de la gestin simultnea de muchas cosas. El error es natural, el fracaso es parte del proceso de aprendizaje. Los participantes que tengan alguna patologa o lesin reciente deben consultar a su mdico antes de realizar los ejercicios de CARDIOBOX y YOGA. Dinmicas esenciales de energa y balance de las que se pueden sacar muchos mensajes y aprendizaje. Se recomienda no forzar el cuerpo en ningn momento dentro de la prctica del Yoga."
Price: 29.99

"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 3 - Understanding Layers"
"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 3 Understanding Layers ... This is Volume 3 of 5 in my Photoshop - Beginners to Intermediate series. I have developed this series over many years of teaching at both the College and University levels in a variety of departments including the Multimedia Program, Graphic Design Program, the Fashion Program, and the Creative Photography Programs both daytime and evening diploma and certificate programs. These courses in Adobe Photoshop (Volumes 1 through 5), start right at the very beginning assuming that the learner has no experience in using the application. As a fundamental concept of Photoshop since version 3 (not CS3 but version 3), Layers are probably one of the most flexible ways to work in Photoshop as far as editing our images is concerned. Lecture 1: Lets look at some Layers - An Overview of Layers If you dont already know what Layers are in Photoshop, this lecture will enlighten you to the fact that Layers are an integral part of any photoshop image and are used extensively in creating collages, montages and in scrapbooking projects. For example, if you wanted to type some text in your image, such as Happy Birthday or Congratulations, you would do this on a separate layer from the image itself. Lecture 2: An In-depth look at Layers In this lecture we explain what the different kinds of layer there are in Photoshop. As mentioned in Lecture 1, there are Type Layers as well as Adjustment Layers. Along with Adjustment Layers come Layer Masks. Layer masks help you hide portions of a layer. Lecture 3: Creating New Layers As with anything in Photoshop, there are approximately half a dozen ways to do something as this goes for getting new Layers into your image. Depending on what you are working on, youll want to choose one of the many ways there are to get that new layer into your image file. Lecture 4: Drag n Drop and Copy n Paste Layer Contents These are two methods used to bring parts of other images into your main image. They both have their pros and cons and understanding which method to use with the task at hand is really important. Youll learn all of the ins and outs here. Lecture 5: Layer Groups When you are working on a project that includes many layers in your image file, things can get a bit messy and disorganized but with Layer Groups we can keep a handle on this. Lecture 6: Adjustment Layers Since you already kind of understand what Layers in Photoshop are, then moving on to adjustable layers should be a smooth transition. If you performed an adjustment to a normal layer and for example say you made a change to lighten the image using Levels, then these adjustments would be permanent because you made the adjustment to the actual pixels in that layer. If you used Adjustment Layers, which are basically mathematical calculations floating above your image, then you could go back and make more changes for as many times as you wish. Nothing is permanent with Adjustment Layers. Lecture 7: layer Styles Layer Styles are the cool effects that you can apply to aspects of your image. say for example you did create that text I mentioned earlier, Happy Birthday. Well with Layer Styles you could add a drop shadow and a stroke to that text. There are others that can be applied as well and ... just like so many other things in Photoshop, these layer Styles are completely editable forever and a day. Lecture 8: Layer Masks Layer Masks are very very cool. They offer a way to hide and show portions of a layer or for that matter a complete layer. All adjustment layers come with white layer masks by default. You paint with black on that Layer Mask to hide portions. Unlike using the Eraser tool which permanently removes the pixels, painting with black on layer masks only temporarily hides those pixels because you can just as easily paint back over that area with white to reveal those pixels again. Lecture 9: Layer Opacity and Fill Settings Learning the differences between these two settings will make a large difference in your approach to designing your layouts in Photoshop. When I ask students if they know the difference between the two or to explain the differences, they go blank. Its not difficult and once explained, it makes perfect sense. This is one of those topics that is better explained visually than with words."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 2 - Great Selections"
"This is Volume 2 of 5 in my Photoshop - Beginners to Intermediate series. I have developed this series over many years of teaching at both the College and University levels in a variety of departments including the Multimedia Program, Graphic Design Program, the Fashion Program, and the Creative Photography Programs both daytime and evening diploma and certificate programs. These courses in Adobe Photoshop (Volumes 1 through 5), start right at the very beginning assuming that the learner has no experience in using the application. First of all, why would you ever need to make a selection? Well, if you have ever wanted to make a change in your image on a specific part of the image, one of the easiest ways to do that is with a selection. You see, selections allow you to isolate areas that you want to make a change in and protect the other areas from that change. Learning how to use all of the selection tools properly will allow you to make these changes to your images so your viewers wont know you did anything to your image. Lecture 1: The Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tools Knowing how to use these selection tools will assist you in making great selections. Have you ever wanted to make a selection of a square object in your image(s) but were not successful? Knowing how to modify the Rectangle Marquee selection in order to create a perfect square is just one thing youll learn in this volume. have you ever wanted to enhance or modify the moon (or any other circular object) in one of your images? Knowing how to modify the Elliptical Marquee selection tool will allow you to make these changes in an undetectable way to your viewers. Lecture 2: The 3 Lasso Style Selection Tools Probably one of the most often used selection tools is the Lasso Tool. The main Lasso Tool is what we call a free hand style drawing tool. Just click and drag around the area that you want to change. But what if you wanted to select an object that has straight lines and curved lines? Or what if your hands are not as steady as you would like but you still need to make a selection - try the magnetic lasso tool. Lecture 3: The Selection Brush and the Magic Wand Tools The Selection Brush is relatively new to Photoshop. Not everybody fully understands how to use this selection tool, but you will. the Magic Wand Tool is probably the absolute most used selection tool in Photoshop. In this lecture I will show you how to fully use it for amazing results. Lecture 4: Adding to and subtracting from a Selection What if your selections are not perfect on the first attempt and you need to add some more to the selection or take away some of it. This lecture will teach how to modify your selections by adding some more to your current selection or by taking away some of the stray areas that should not be part of the selection. Lecture 5: Modifying your Selections More on modifying your selections. Creating that transitional edge between the part that is selected and the part that you want to protect from your changes is critical to making believable enhancements. What if your selection is the right shape but it is too large or too small. You will learn how to manage these situations with your selections in this lecture. Lecture 6: The Refine Edge Feature Years ago we had this great feature in Photoshop called the Extract Tool which would allow us to extract say a person from an image so we place that person in another image easily. Well, that tool has been replaced by the Refine Edge Tool and it is really amazing to use. As its name indicates, it allows you great flexibility in refining the edges of your selections. Lecture 7: Making Selections Based on Colour A quick and easy way to make selections in your images can be to base that selection on colour. In this lecture you will learn how to say, select a blouse or pair of slacks in order to change their colour or brightness making that selected object either darker or lighter. Lecture 8: Select and Fill in Just One Click The paint bucket tool has had a bit of a facelift in recent versions of Photoshop and understanding how and when to properly use this selection tool in what you will learn in this lecture."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 4 - Colour Corrections"
"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 4 Colour Corrections and Dynamic Range ... This is Volume 4 of 5 in my Photoshop - Beginners to Intermediate series. I have developed this series over many years of teaching at both the College and University levels in a variety of departments including the Multimedia Program, Graphic Design Program, the Fashion Program, and the Creative Photography Programs both daytime and evening diploma and certificate programs. These courses in Adobe Photoshop (Volumes 1 through 5), start right at the very beginning assuming that the learner has no experience in using the application. Lecture 1: Understanding Auto Tone, Auto Contrast and Auto Colour This lecture introduces the basic Auto image correction features available in Photoshop and compares and contrasts them with an explanation of what each are doing. Lecture 2: The Colour Balance Feature and Hue/Saturation There are many ways, methods and features in photoshop that allow you to change colours in your image. In this lecture we discuss two of the most commonly used approaches and in using them as adjustment layers, we can always go back and make any changes we feel are necessary. Lecture 3: Using Photo Filters This approach to changing colours is one of the forgotten methods. Using actual Photo Filters over a cameras lens was one of the only ways film photographers could change colours in their images with out getting into the colour darkroom. Not many went into a colour darkroom and left that task to the darkroom technicians. Also, using these filters over a lens affected the entire image whereas in Photoshop with the use of Adjustment layers, we can affect certain ares of our image and leave the rest unchanged. Lecture 4: Using Levels, Colour Balance and Hue/Saturation In this lecture we use a variety of approaches on images to make colour changes to our images in order to enhance them so the look more like what our minds eye saw when we first thought about taking the image in the first place. Lecture 5: Using Levels to Adjust Mid-Tones This lecture adds to all of the previous methods and techniques discussed. Adjusting the mid-tones to either lighten or darken the individual red, green or blue channels or components of an image can make some amazing results."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 5 - Retouching Images"
"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 5 Retouching and Repairing Your Images ... This is Volume 5 of 5 in my Photoshop - Beginners to Intermediate series. I have developed this series over many years of teaching at both the College and University levels in a variety of departments including the Multimedia Program, Graphic Design Program, the Fashion Program, and the Creative Photography Programs both daytime and evening diploma and certificate programs. Lecture 1: Clone Stamp, Patch, Healing & Spot Healing Brush & Red Eye Removal Tool Knowing how to properly use Photoshops retouching tools is essential to making your images look realistic when you are done. When viewers look at you images you want them to ask the question; Was Photoshop used on this image? as opposed to making the statement; Photoshop was used to make this image!. If you have ever had a great image of a family photo where everyone in the picture was smiling and had their eyes open except for that one person and you wished you knew how to fix that in Photoshop, then this lecture is for you. Lecture 2: Modifying Your Brushes When using most of the retouching tools in Photoshop you will notice that they are brush based. that means that the tool is a brush and the effect you wish to apply is done so in a painting manner. For example in the previous lecture description I mention about possibly replacing somes closed eye for an open one. Using the Clone Stamp Tool, which is a brush, you can sample form one image and paint into another image. Learning how to modify your brushes will allow you to paint in a more organic fashion which will leave you with a more realistic end result. Lecture 3: Understanding the Dust & Scratches Filter Understanding how this filter works can save you lots and lots of time when trying to clean up old images that may have been scanned in and given to you to work on. We all have these old images. Some are colour and some would be black & white and if they have been sitting in a shoe box for the past 20 years or so, chance they will have dust embedded into them and the easiest way to clean them up is using this filter. Lecture 4: Using the History Brush and the History Panel for Creative Work So moving forward and building upon the last lecture, we can further enhance our image using the History Brush and the History Panel. You can do some pretty amazing things with this technique and I encourage you to do so. Lecture 5: Using the Straighten Tool and Content-Aware to Fix Images Using the Straighten tool is very straight forward but until you are shown that it exists and how to use it, you may be spending too much time using other methods to get that horizon to line up properly. The Content-Aware feature is just plain magic. This tool, when used properly, will assist you in ridding your images of unwanted objects with three clicks of a mouse button. Okay, maybe four. Lecture 6: Understanding the Vanishing Point Filter This is truly one Photoshops under used and misunderstood Filters. Its not really a filter in the traditional sense - its more like a tool and it is very useful. It allows you to clone in perspective. What does that mean? You know how when you use the Clone Tool to clone say along the side of a building to clean something up. If you start from the front and work your way backwards, the clone job doesnt look very real because the size of the clone brush stays the same from front to back but in reality it should get smaller as it travels towards the back - this filter will allow you to clone in perspective. Lecture 7: Bonus Lecture - Finalizing the Panorama ... In this final lecture we go over many of the previously discussed tools and techniques and add in more techniques in order to bring it all together. If the light has not already gone on, I am hoping that this will do the trick."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Professor Notes - Volume 1 - Setting Up Photoshop"
"This is Volume 1 of 5 in my Photoshop - Beginners to Intermediate series. I have developed this series over many years of teaching at both the College and University levels in a variety of departments including the Multimedia Program, Graphic Design Program, the Fashion Program, and the Creative Photography Programs both daytime and evening diploma and certificate programs. These courses in Adobe Photoshop (Volumes 1 through 5), start right at the very beginning assuming that the learner has no experience in using the application. Lecture 1: Navigating the Document Window Knowing how to effectively and efficiently navigate around your image files (the document window) will allow you to zoom in and zoom out and focus on specific areas of interest in your images. Lecture 2: Setting Up Our Preferences Setting Photoshop up for success allows us to fine tune how the application performs. Photoshop is factory set for very generic purposes and not set up for photography. Lecture 3: Setting Up Photoshops Colour Settings Changing these default factory settings will allow your images to look clearer, cleaner and more vibrant in ways your friends, family and coworkers images wont because they arent aware of these issues. Lecture 4: Creating a New Document There are a number of ways to create new documents and knowing these little secrets will allow you to create your masterpieces faster like creating a new image file with the same attributes as your currently open file. Lecture 5: Arranging Panels and Groups Learning how to arrange and then rearrange Photoshops Panels and Panel Groups allows you to work on your images with less clutter in the applications interface. Lecture 6: Creating a Custom Workspace Learning to modify Photoshops workspace so that only the tools and panels that you use most frequently are showing can help you work more efficiently. Lecture 7: Learn how to use the Colour Heads Up Display (HUD) The Colour Heads Up Display is just a fancy name for a really cool way to select existing colours in your image. Why is this important you ask? Well, for one thing, if you ever want to type some text over your image and you want to use a colour that already is in your image, using the HUD is quick and easy to do. Lecture 8: An Introduction to File Size and Resolution File size and resolution can be one of the biggest hurdles to wrap your head around for the average person. Getting a handle on this topic can greatly assist you if you ever wanted to create a montage or collage of any kind where you bring one or more images together for a birthday or anniversary collage."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Mobile Game Programming from Scratch"
"Get to build your own mobile games and launch them in apps store with this course. This extensive course covers the two most powerful and popular game engines for building games for mobile devices. You will learn both Unity 3D and Corona SDK. This course will help you create games for multiple platforms and will provide you necessary training to design, develop and launch the next block buster game. Mobile games are the most popular apps category world wide and you can be part of that market fairly easily with this course. This course covers both Corona SDK and Unity 3D in ten sections with five units dedicated to both of them respectively. The first five units cover Corona SDK the cross platform game engine which can help you build games for iOS, Android, Kindle and Nook. This platform will help you build games quickly and you can implement powerful monetizing APIs like in app purchase and advertisements. The first five units will make you master of this SDK and you can quickly start building games that will sell. The last five units covers the powerful Unity 3D engine. It is one of the most popular game engines in the market and you can make highly advance games using this engine. You will start with basic Unity concepts and then will advance to use advance features like collision detection, character control and terrain handling. You will further learn about handling physics and other game properties. You will surely be a Unity 3D master by the end of this course. Why this course is for you? Covers two of the most powerful cross platform engines in one course Course developed and designed by real game developers Provides you real insight to game development process Requires no prior game development experience Easy to follow process which gets you started quickly Get started and bring all your game ideas to life.."
Price: 29.99

"""Get Organized"" Booster"
"Are you Totally Confused About How You Should Start Your Day Every Morning? Learn How to Stop Procrastinating and Jump Right Into Your To-Do List! Are you wasting valuable time just lying in bed indecisive about what you should start your day with? Truth be told, you are not alone. Most people find themselves in this predicament every morning,in that, they just cannot seem to decide what is more urgent vs. what is not. Most of the times it is that one thing you did not have enough time to attend to the previous day or getting the kids to school on time or simply something you may have to drop off or pick up somewhere. I bet you just end up losing valuable time while you constantly procrastinate about what is more important. What you are unaware of is that you could have already taken care of one or two items on your list during the time you spend procrastinating while walking around or lying in bed. Here is the secret that will help you make use of every precious hour of your day. Learn How to Set Priorities Realistically! Dont take this literally. This does not mean writing down all you have to do in sequential order. However, it means you will have to formulate a stable structure to follow which will help you to decide what is more imperative. As soon as you are able to make an accurate distinction between what is more imperative vs. what is not, you will be able to jump right into your "To-Do" List! Let Your Priorities Push You to Success! Does this sound too good to be true? Sure it is not that simply, if it where you would have been able to get a head start ages ago. However, let go of your fears. Here we have formulated a system that will guide you through making the right decisions as you learn how to prioritize. Introducing: Get organized Booster Get organized Booster is an effective system that provides you with different methods that will help you to determine what is more urgent and the secret elements to making them work. By testing each method individually, you will be able to determine which one is right for you. By the end of this course, you'll be able to: - Set priorities effectively for all areas of your life - Implement the basic principles of setting priorities that work - Use a simple method of categorizing daily tasks - Employ a ranking technique that allows you to put first things first - Establish your own rating scale system for setting priorities - Personalize your priority-setting method to make it perfect for you - Box up your time to keep it under control - Get rid of distractions and boost your productivity - Avoid common mistakes that can keep your system from working - Set priorities that get done AND reduce your daily stress level too! The program is split up into different areas so that it doesnt overwhelm you in anyway. You will be able to jump right into your To-Do list without any delay. We also use different methods of illustration through graphics and tools that will help you to easily remember what was taught. A Workbook is provided to you so that you can make important jottings and begin using the system. Are you interested? These are the areas the course will cover. Introduction Course Objectives Module 1 Why You Need to Set Priorities Module 2 Start with the Long Term Module 3 The Basics Module 4 Categorizing Module 5 Ranking Module 6 Rating Module 7 Time Boxing Module 8 Monitoring Module 9 Identifying Distractions Module 10 Avoiding Common Mistakes Conclusion Next Steps By the end of the course, you'll know just what you need to do to take charge of that to-do list and, Achieve more than you could ever imagine! And that's not all, we're offering you a BONUS course to make it even easier for you to organise your daily tasks. This is a tool you will absolutely LOVE to use. Let me ask you, How often do you think of something that you need to remember? How many times a week do you come across an idea and then forget about it? Perhaps you dreamed of something that could have been great, only to forget it ten minutes later? Even more importantly where does all of your inspiration come from, and how much of it gets lost? "Remember Everything with Evernote" bonus course will make organizing your to-do list a piece of cake! Evernote allows you to grab all of these little bits of information and store them in one place by creating notes for each item. No more scraps of paper, scrawled-on napkins, or misplaced paper notebooks. It's all there on your digital devices, your computer, and in the cloud - accessible from anywhere you are at the moment. Possibly the most impressive part of this app is that you can create notes in pretty much any format, such as a photograph, an email, grabbing something you saw online or using your phone to record a voice message and then converting it directly into text. You can even drag and drop things from your computer or a web page right into a note. What Can You Use Evernote for? Evernote can be applied to any area of life; whether it be professional or personal. Some examples include; - To collect inspiration for a creative pursuit Writing Painting Drawing Scrapbooking Photography Graphic design Sculpturing Carpentry Interior design Music creation - To keep track of elements of a project Resources People involved Costs Deadlines Materials - Collect ideas for a new project/product - Encourage collaboration between team members - General record keeping Daily organization/To-Dos Shopping lists Daily/Weekly planning Resource lists Material lists So, do you think Evernote can help you be more productive and organized? Maybe make your life a bit easier? Remember, people who are successful did not use any magic to achieve what they intended to. All it took was prioritizing for the best. With that said, stop procrastinating NOW, and start taking charge immediately.You've got THE Best tools to get started. What's holding you back? Let's Start Getting Organized Now!"
Price: 109.99

"Motivation Booster"
"Want to have more success in your business? The key to success is keeping yourself motivated! Find how you can stay motivated and keep your spirit up so that you can focus all of your efforts in becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs! Get ready to have the secrets of success revealed. Ever wondered how some people simply seem to have it easier than others? And you might say that some have a better start, but you know that this is not true in all cases. Some of them started from scratch and they managed to amass impressive fortunes! All these entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they never gave up on their dreams! However, we all know that not giving up is hard, and that sometimes life has a habit of kicking you down and you cant seem to find it inside of you to get up. After all, as an entrepreneur, its hard to always see the light at the end of the tunnel. And when youre working hard, you know that your energy levels are often low. The truth is, that most of the people who didnt have a great start, had to truly work very hard until they got to where they are now. Read the stories: countless sleepless nights, social life non-existent, and family thinking that you gone AWOL. It happens more times than you can imagine, and some people have it inside them, while some dont. And what makes the difference is motivation, more specifically their ability to keep focused and still be motivated through the hardest times. You have to give up some things in order to enjoy them later! And thats why we have created something to help you stay motivated. Introducing. Motivation Booster - Motivating & Inspiring Entrepreneurs to Success What will you learn in this course? You will learn everything that you need to know about how to keep yourself motivated for your business, how to make sure that everything runs smoothly and how to avoid burning up. There is often a problem with most entrepreneurs and business owners, both online and offline. They dont know that when it comes to success in online business, or really any business for that matter, there are just a few things they need to master to perform well. In some cases, you could even get away with just doing one thing really well. In this course were going to provide you with the right entrepreneur mentality and mind set. This course was created to take you through all the steps required for you to succeed in your endeavors. All 10 of the most important business and motivation points are covered in this course! Business Development Self Confidence Constant Improvement Driving Force Energy Management Dealing With Fear Focus Your Mind Plan Your Goals Cultivate Persistence How to Improve Productivity Each part of the course comes with exercises that will help you learn how to truly become a better entrepreneur, no matter if youre trying to succeed in the online or offline world. Remember! With this course you get: -A blueprint of what being an entrepreneur means -The keys to staying motivated -An overlook of how you need to run your business -A helpful insight into merging business and pleasure (or better said, knowing when to switch) -Exercises to help you achieve all of your goals and conquer your fears -And more Get Started with Motivation Booster!"
Price: 104.99

"How to Create Fast and Fun Abstract Paintings"
"In this course, you will learn to mix acrylic paint with floating medium and to create beautiful blends of color. This is a simple technique, using minimal supplies, that you can use with different color combinations to achieve many different looks. Most of the instruction is in real-time recorded video. Depending on the size of the canvas (or other substrate) you deicide to use, you could have a completed painting in just 1-2 hours."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a combinar colores en tu imagen personal."
"Acabas vistiendo siempre de los mismos colores porque "no se te da bien" combinarlos? Tienes prendas que te gustan pero no utilizas porque no sabes cmo casarlas con el resto de tu ropa? Te gustara enriquecer tu paleta sintindote segura de que tus estilimos queden armoniosos cromticamente? Quieres poner ms color a tu vida? Con este videocurso pretendemos poner fin a tus dudas. A travs de vdeos tericos, herramientas online y ejercicios de prctica aprenders los principios del uso del color: Qu es la rueda de color y qu colores la componen, qu tipo de combinaciones se pueden hacer, cmo manejar el color en las distintas piezas de ropa, cmo manejar los estampados y complementos, y sobre todo cmo aplicar todo esto a tu propio vestuario, componiendo estilismos a partir de una prenda concreta o de una idea. Tambin te ensearemos cmo descubrir la paleta de color que mejor va a tu color de piel y pelo. Porque no todas somos iguales. Es hora de que quites el miedo al color y lo pongas en tu vida, sin complejos y con la seguridad del que reconoce la armona y sabe crearla."
Price: 19.99

"The Business Plan"
"Welcome to this Three Sixty Academy course exclusive to Udemy. Here with Three Sixty Academy you can study online towards creating a business plan. Our course is comprised of 5 sections covering every element of creating a strong and concise business plan. Introduction Business Model Business Plan Conclusion Resources More than enough to transfer that business idea on your mind onto a strong and concise business plan, using our proactive and practical approach. Good luck and we hope you enjoy our course!"
Price: 19.99

"Web Development by Doing: Javascript"
"If you've learned a little bit about HTML and CSS than you're ready to take the next step in front end development with Javascript. Some people find javascript to be a little confusing, but I take you step by step through real world examples so that you can learn the easy way... By doing! What is Javascript? Javascript is what brings your website to life! Its what allows users to interact with things on your website. The page you're looking at right now uses it all over the place. See those little arrows below this description that give additional details about this course? Well when you click on that to reveal the additional text, THATS JAVASCRIPT! Look off to the left where theres the description about me, when you click on the "more" button, thats JavaScript too! Why learn Javascript? If you're serious about being able to build a website, then knowing Javascript is essential. Without it you can't really consider yourself a front end developer. You can already see how its used on this one page alone, just imagine where else its used, and the possibilities of what YOU can do with it. This course will take you from knowing nothing to being a javascript pro. You wont just learn some boring code syntax, you'll learn how to use it in real life examples."
Price: 49.99

"CCNP BGP - Cisco"
"CCNP BGP - CiscoSams Courses have been taken over 50,000+ times by 30,000+ students all over the world. And now, hes ready to help YOU learn BGP!If youre the type of person that doesnt like to waste time, likes to learn at a quick, yet easy pace, and follow along cutting edge Prezi guides and professional voice overs and video editing, then boy do we have the course for you! The average amount of lecture time for a course like this is 4 hours, but ours is 2. Its not less information. Its just exactly what you need to know! In short, Why take OUR BGP course? It saves you time and teaches you the SAME stuff! But don't take our words for it, reads the words of your soon to be pears, who have already enrolled in this BGP course, and are already lovin' it (ba da ba ba bummmmm)Praise For ""Cisco Network CCNP BGP""                               Coming from the mind of an industry expert with 20+ years of experience, Sam masterfully breaks down every last detail of BGP in a quick, easy to understand way. His teaching style is light, quick, and I just cant make myself bored                                                                                                                       Isaiah T. 5 Stars                 This BGP course makes CCNA topics like routing technologies and network device security as simple as possible. I really enjoyed it, and I will definitely be taking more of Sams courses.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Trever Eason 5 StarsIn fact, theres mile long lists of people raving about this BGP course, and how much they love it, and we know you will too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What Makes This BGP Course different?This course is packed with essential, need to know info that is useful for tests, but most importantly, gives you real world, practical applications. Theres no reason to spend an additional 4 hours, following along as a boring, monotone voice reads off a pdf. Not when you can get this 2 hour, essentials-packed work of art that keeps you on your toes and engaged the entire way through.What Does This BGP Course ContainThis BGP course contains over 2 hours of content, and is jam-packed with 26 lectures, each overflowing with real world knowledge, examples, experience. All coming from someone who has over 20 years of it!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BGP COURSE CURRICULUM OVERVIEWBGP Section 1 (Introduction)In this albeit brief but essential section of the BGP course, Sam get's you introduced to both the BGP course, and his teaching style, in a way that's light, fun, and sure to please.BGP Section 2 (Configuring BGP)Learn how to configure..BGP Routing ProcessBGP Router IdeBGP PeeriBGP Peer/iBGP Peer-Full MeshHow to originate BGP Prefixes, next hop reachability, and how to Reset BGP Connections.BGP Section 3 (Customizing BGP Peer)Learn how to shut-down, reconfigure, advertise, monitor and maintain, and redistribute things like BGP Peers, route maps, and community.+More!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And the best part? If all of that doesn't tickle your fancy, you can always use Udemys money back policy to reclaim the root of all evil. There's literally NO risk, but as for the reward? Well, let's just say skys the limit! You know what to do, ENROLL TODAY!Additional questions? Don't be afraid to message me! Otherwise, I'll see you on the inside!-Networking Step By Step: Learning At the speed of Life "
Price: 109.99

"Make an iPhone Arcade Game & Publish it. No need to program"
"This course gives you the source code to create a clone of the classic arcade game called Break out and Arkanoid game. You are shown every single step it takes to turn the existing game into your very own. You can apply any theme that you want. Some examples are Flappy Angel, demons, ducks, or penguins, alien bricks, monster bricks, neon cat bricks, or even celebrity faces! Your imagination is the limit! This course assumes you know nothing about making games, and without coding not even a single line of code, you will publish your very own game to the apple app store! The game comes with multiple advertising channels to bring your passive income."
Price: 19.99

"Next-Gen Sclupting, Texturing, and Materials for Game Assets"
"In this course, instructor Stephen Wells continues on with the creation of his Vampire Stake Launcher. Here, he will be covering his low poly modeling workflow in 3ds Max, his sculpting and poly painting process in ZBrush, and finally a brief rendering setup inside of Marmoset. More about the Instructor: Stephen Wells is an expert 3D modeler for characters, props, vehicles, weapons and environments and have created both high and low polygon assets for game productions. He has over 20 years experience in creating a variety of game assets for several different genres (fantasy, sci-fi, combat, superheroes, horror, etc) using 3ds Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, Mudbox, Topogun, and XNormal. As an enthusiastic instructor, he loves creating video tutorials on a wide variety of subjects to help students better their skillsets."
Price: 19.99

"Rhythm to Rock Drum Lessons 2"
"Rhythm to Rock Drum Lessons 2 is the second lesson in a series of drum lessons designed to teach reading music for drums. The lessons are best learned in order. Before signing up for this lesson make sure you sign up for and learn lesson 1 "Rhythm to Rock Drum Lessons". The video series follows my method book "Nelsons Great Big Drum Book". This lesson series is the same as signing up for drum lessons at a local music store, or signing up for drum lessons in a school band program. Although the video format does not allow for personalized instruction, it does allow for repeated use of the presented material. Students aged 10 and up can utilize the series to teach themselves to play and read drum music. For this lesson you will need the same things you used in lesson 1. After a week of working with this lesson you will be ready for "Rhythm to Rock Lesson 3"."
Price: 19.99

"Sublime Text S ms productivo y desarrolla ms rpido!"
"Este curso est pensado para que conozcas en profundidad Sublime Text, uno de los mejores editores de texto que existen hoy en da para programar. En este curso veremos en profundidad el programa, desde cmo crear proyectos, crear mltiples espacios de trabajo, navegacin entre proyectos y archivos, instalar y localizar plugins, creacin de macros para automatizar tareas repetitivas, cmo realizar bsquedas avanzadas y reemplazos de textos, autocompletado de cdigo, cmo crear nuevos atajos de teclado y muchos ms consejos y trucos para que afiances tu relacin con el editor. Adems te ofrecer una serie de recursos para hacer tu vida ms fcil a la hora de programar y para aumentar an ms tu velocidad de desarrollo con Sublime Text."
Price: 74.99