"Joomla security - Full guideline how to protect website" |
"If you want to protect your website and your business from hackers, viruses and other harmful action then you can turn your website intounassailablewithout any other person. Find out how you can do it just in few hour without paying much more. All exercise materials you will find in attached files. Website Security one of the most important things you need to do. From this course you'll learn:How to protect your website from SpammersHow to securelybackup and restore your websiteHow to install and configure active firewallHow to hide Joomla footprints and system files.How to work with Joomla User GroupsHow to find viruses in your websiteHow to clean website from viruses"
Price: 44.99 |
"Joomla Speed - Boost up speed of your Joomla 3 website" |
"One of the most important aspects of SEO and Website traffic optimization is a speed of your website. That's fact that even milliseconds on load time affect on your website traffic. But optimize speed not so easy thing. Especially if your website already working or you have a very big website. Joomla CMS speed is very fast but after installing side templates and Joomla component website speed going down. In this video course you'll learn how to speed up your Joomla 3 website.In this videocourse, you'll learn how to speed up Joomla 3 website.Why website speed so importantYou'll understand website loading processHow to begin speed optimizationHow to optimize CSS, HTML and Javascript filesHow to optimize website imagesHow to connect CDNand other tips and tricks in Speed optimization."
Price: 24.99 |
"Build multilingual Joomla Website / Blog just in hours" |
"If you wants to be a owner of website but think its too difficult then this video course for you. Probably you are thinking its too expensive to be a owner of website. If you'll order your website to studios or to freelancers then yes Its expensive. But with Joomla CMS you can create any type of website andwithout any help. In this video course you'll learn how built your own Joomla 3blog without any help in few hour. Most amazing part is that you don't need to know any web development languages.What you'll learn from this course:How to set up local hosting in your website.You'll learn how to create Travelling websiteHow to set up multilingual website.You'll understand how Joomla 3 CMSworks.You'll understand how all parts of Joomla CMSworksInthis course you'll see hot to create travellingblog / websiteHow to install and set up template.How to create all contentHow to fix website elements with CSSAfter everything done how to transfer your website into web hostingand many more."
Price: 19.99 |
"Java Java" |
"JavaPCAndroidJavaJavaCPHPJavaScriptJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaJavaWebJavaORACLESign InSign in to my AccountORACLE"
Price: 12000.00 |
JavaDBJavaWeb |
"JavaDBWebJava Java Java JavaDBSNSWebJavaJavaJDBCJava DataBase ConnectivityJavaJavaJavaJavaWebJDBCJDBCJDBCDAODTO---------------------------------------------------------------- JavaWebJavaPCSNSWebJavaWebJavaJSPJSPWebWebWebJSPJSPMVCMVCJavaORACLESign InSign in to my AccountORACLE"
Price: 21000.00 |
"Mobile App Testing: Key Instruments and Practices" |
"In modern world business is paying more and more attention to mobile technology. The mobile devices market is growing several times faster than the PC market, allowing to realize new opportunities for development and promotion of the most innovative business ideas. With all this demand for mobile applications testers is also increasing. Mobile software development is a new and fast growing industry, so developers and testers have to solve not only the typical IT problems, but also to overcome ones emerging in the process, yet unexplored difficulties. The fact that the tools for development and testing are under development themselves adds one more layer of difficulty.This training aims to help you overcome the difficulties encountered when testing mobile applications. The course is designed both for beginners who intend to work in the mobile testing and for already working mobile testers who want to improve their skills.During the training you will learn how to work with mobile testing tools: phones, emulators, proxy, IDE. Particular emphasis is placed on work with the Android platform as the most widespread mobile operating system at the moment. Also, you will learn to use more advanced technology: statistics collection, mobile application testing strategy construction, the use of third-party services and organization of various types of testing. The training is designed not only for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also on its refinement, allowing to learn in practice how to apply the skills of mobile applications tester.Please note, although this training is complete, I will add more information on Android, iOSand Mobile Web testing later.So if you buy it now, you will get new information for free!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Aumenta tu flexibilidad en 15 das y evita lesiones." |
"Quieres tener lasuficiente flexibilidad para realizar movimientos acrobticos bonitos?Quieres llegar a tu mximo potencial fsico y elstico?Quieres llegar aabrirte de piernasrealizandospagatfrontal y lateral?Quieresevitar lesiones?Acompame y te ensear los estiramientos que llevarn a tu cuerpo al siguiente nivel.Mi nombre es ngel,soy mdico y he ideado esta tablade estiramientos que yo mismo realizo.Tevienes? Da el salto en tu vida."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a suturar heridas en la piel correctamente." |
"Quiero darte la bienvenida a este novedoso curso sobre cmo suturar las heridas de la piel correctamente. Imagina que, siendo mdico, enfermero/a, estudiante de enfermera, estudiante de medicina, o alguien que tiene contacto o inters por el mundo de la asistencia mdica, llama a la puerta de tu casa un familiar con una herida en la piel tras una cada casual. Sabes que acuden a ti por tu contacto e inters con el mundo mdico. Te gustara poderle ayudar y ser t quien le suturase correctamente y de forma esttica la herida que presenta? Tegustara poder aplicar estos conocimientos en tu puesto de trabajo hospitalario?Con este curso aprenders la anatoma de la piel,distinguir los tipos de heridas e identificar aquellas susceptibles de ser suturadas, ponerte los guantes estriles correctamente,crear un campo estril, identificar el instrumental y material de sutura necesario, conocer los diferentes tipos de sutura, infiltrar anestesia local en la herida que queremos suturar y realizar diferentes puntos de sutura paso a paso. Nuestro equipo ha enseado a ms de 200 estudiantes de Medicina a suturar correctamente, en cursos realizados de forma presencial. En nuestras ganas de llegar a ms personas para divulgar este conocimiento hemos creado este vdeocurso con todo el contenido necesario para que puedas aumentar tus conocimientos. Slo nos queda decirte una ltima cosa; Bienvenido, Y vamos a aprender!Palabras clave: Sutura, herida, Medicina, Enfermera,puntos, seda, material quirrgico, cicatrizacin, nudos, esttica, porta, pinzas, piel."
Price: 69.99 |
"El Eneagrama de la personalidad" |
"El eneagrama puede servirnos para ver lo que nos impide recordar esta verdad profunda sobre quines somos realmente, la verdad de nuestra naturaleza espiritual. Lo hace ofrecindonos percepciones profundas y concretas de nuestra naturaleza psquica y espiritual. Tambin nos ofrece orientacin respecto al aspecto que es necesario trabajar, pero slo mientras tengamos presente que no nos dice quines somos sino cmo hemos limitado a quienes somos. Eleneagrama no nos encierra dentro de una caja, nos muestra la caja en que ya estamos, y la salida. (La sabiduria del eneagrama D.R.Riso-R.Hudson)"
Price: 49.99 |
"Mindfulness para tu vida diaria: El bienestar a tu alcance." |
"La prctica de Mindfulness o la atencin plena es una tcnica excepcional para que recuperemos el bienestar fsico, mental y emocional. Mindfulness est siendo una autntica revolucin en las terapias naturales que logra encontrar la paz interior que todos andamos buscando. Este curso supondr un antes y un despus en tu desarrollo personal."
Price: 99.99 |
"SikuliX - Automate Anything - Python Based Sikuli Scripting" |
"This course is an introduction to SikuliX, a tool that lets you write easyscripts to automate pretty much anything you can do on your computer.What is SikuliX?SikuliX automates anything you see on the screen of your desktop computer running Windows, Mac or some Linux/Unix.It uses image recognitionto identify and control GUI components.Besides locating images on a screen itcan also run the mouse and the keyboard to interact with the identified GUI elementsSikuliXcomes with basic text recognitionthatcan be used to search text in images.SikuliX supports the following as scripting languages:Python language level 2.7Ruby language level 1.9 and 2.0JavaScriptYou can alsouse it in Java programmingJava aware programming/scripting language (Jython, JRuby, Scala, Clojure, ).We will be covering scripting SikuliX with Python in this courseNote: SikuliX is a Java application, that works on Windows XP+, Mac 10.6+ and most Linux/Unix systems. For Windows, Mac and Ubuntu 12.04+ it is complete and should normally work out of the box. For Linux/Unix systems there are a fewprerequisites to be setup.Disclaimer: Ido not claim any rights to the SikuliX language, Sikuli and SikuliX IDE are properties of their respective owners. All original documentation and official information can be found at Sikuli launchpad page."
Price: 24.99 |
"Linux Command Line Interface and BASH Scripting" |
"This capsule is aimed to getyou comfortable with the Linux Operating System, Linux Command Line and BASH Scripting...in just under 3 hours!Linux is one of the most powerful operating systems out-there. Powering 80% of financial trades as well as 90% of super-computers - It is a MUSTknow in today's fast growing information technology world.BASHis the command language interpreter(CLI) for the Linuxoperating system. This is the tool that interpretsyour commands to the Linux operating system.BASHScriptis a file that contains a set ofcommands thattells the computer what to do, using a certain logic. This helps you to automate tasks on yourLinux machine as well as create custom scripts for a variety of different usages."
Price: 49.99 |
"The Ultimate Deep Web Guide: Purchase Anything From Markets" |
"A Deep Web Crash Course (Without the Crashing)The Ultimate Deep Web Guide was designed to help you become an active, daily, deep web user.Learn to purchase products from dark web markets.Learn to anonymously search the Deep Web.Learn how to use Cryptocurrency without detection.Across five main sections, youll learn everything you need to...Begin using the Tails Operating System.Be able to setup and configure Tor with a VPN or Tor Bridges.Send communication through Tails using OpenPGP encryption.Purchase Bitcoin anonymously.Use and purchase items anonymously off of Deep Web markets.You will learn about important topics like...Tor- The anonymous browser used to access the Dark Web.Tails- An operating system that keeps your network and hardware privacy secure.Bitcoin- A concurrency used to purchase things online without a trace.Markets- The hub of the entire Dark Web. Black markets account for 80% of all traffic on the Tor Network.PGP- A form of encryption used to send messages across the internet. Not even the FBI could read what you were saying"
Price: 184.99 |
"Any dreams, success and healing - for 2 months." |
"3- :1) 2 . , . 2) ( ). 3) . . . . - .( . you.Very , .)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Develop Minecraft Plugins (Java)" |
"Here, you will learn all about Minecraft plugins! The first tutorial is the installation and description of what you will need, and we'll work together by starting simple and by slowly developing your plugins you will become a Java god! You will start with basic lectures, teaching you how to setup your first plugin, create commands and manage events, and then move onto more tricky aspects, such as the idea of GUIs or packets.Whether you know Java or not, you will learn a lot from this course. I will be covering Java from basic to advanced throughout the course and it is a skill that you can carry all throughout life. When using it with Minecraft, you can create some amazing things; for instance, you could be developing for your own server, another server, or even make money from uploading your plugins online for people to purchase. At the end of this carefully constructed course you will be confident in creating plugins for Spigot, Bukkit & Bungee.I have been dealing with Java for several years and have been working with Minecraft for the majority of those. I have developed plugins ranging from Spigot to Bungee and earned a lot of money from it. I am a natural teacher and so I can assure you that you will be in safe hands! Once you have completed the course (or even each lecture), you will be able to create your own plugins based on what you have learned. Why this course? 720+ 5 star reviews & 310+ 4 star reviews Very generous price and still one of the best available Discord server with 600+ members & dozens of experienced Support staff (who are only a ping away from helping you!) Constantly being updated to suit API changes 'Best selling' course by Udemy (quality reviewed by a human) 24/7 Q&A section (every question answered) One purchase = lifetime access (content is always being added) 13.5+ hours of lectures alone Extra resources after each lecture for further learning Caters for both Windows and Mac users 1080p HD videos English captions"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Mautic" |
"Marketing Automation is the best kept secret of the most successful online businesses. Utilizing marketing automation platforms turns your website into a 24x7 lead nurturing machine to convert visitors into buyers.Until now, most marketing automation platforms were simply too expensive for most of us to use. Mautic has disrupted that industry by providing the world's first open source (free) marketing automation platform.This course will walk you through implementing marketing automation on your website using Mautic as our platform.Unlike other courses that simply show you features of a product, I take a different approach. We implement Mautic in a logical sequence to build an entire marketing funnel.By the end of the course you will have a thorough understanding of Mautic, have had significant practice and will be ready to change the way you do business online forever."
Price: 24.99 |
"Karriere Guide - Erfolgreich im Job" |
"Suchst Du nach einer Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung wie Du deine Karriere voranbringen kannst?Dabei ist es egal, ob Du bereits fest im Berufsleben bist oder gerade erst am Anfang stehst.Wenn Du lernen willst, wie Du eineerfolgreiche und nachhaltige Karriere machen kannst - also eine Karriere die dich persnlich erfllt - dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich!Dieser Kurs wird dir helfen deinen persnlichen beruflichen Werdegang zu finden und Realitt werden zu lassen.In denber 15 bungenzu denen Du jeweilsherunterladbarerVorlagenerhltst wirst Du schritt fr Schritt zu deinem Karriereplan geleitet.Nachdem du diesenKurs durchgearbeitet hast wirst Du:Deine persnlichen Werte und Treiber kennen und wissen wie siesich auf deine Karriere auswirkenManahmen definierthaben um Berufs- und Privatleben ausgeglichen in Einklang zu bringenEin klares Bild von deinen Kompetenzen habenWissen, welche Qualifikationen Du dir fr deine Traumkarriere noch aneignen musstEinen Plan haben, wie Du dir diese Qualifikationen aneignen wirstDeine 5 Grundmerkmale kennen und wissen wie sie sich auf deinen Karriere auswirkenEin klareres Selbstbild von Dir haben und wissen, wo Du deine Wirkung nach auen noch verbessern kannstDir einen Plan erarbeitet haben, wie Du deine Traum-Karriere zur Realitt werden lsst.Das sind nur einige der Themen in diesem Kurs. Am besten berzeugstDu dichselbst von dem Spektrum des Kurses indem Du dir denKursplan anschaust. Da ich mchte, dass Du dich von der Qualitt des Inhaltes berzeugst,habe ich einige kostenlose Videos fr dich bereit gestellt, die Du am besten JETZTGLEICHanschauen kannst.Wir sehen uns im Kurs!Niko"
Price: 199.99 |
"Postmates, Grubhub, Doordash: How To Be Successful!" |
"Thiscourse is afast and informative tutorial on how to be a Courier for On-Demand Delivery services like Postmates, Grubhub and Doordash while being successful and making these services work for you. No filler, No waiting foranswers, No wasting your valuable time, No confusion, and nofrustration. Jam packed with Real World information, this course is designed for those that want detailedinformation about these companies andhow they work. You'll get pricelessknowledge that's nearly impossibleto find anywhere on the internet and, most importantly, the know-howto get started and makethese services,and ones like them, work for you. Come join me as I discuss, in greatdetail, the ins and outs of this industry and how to use each serviceto your advantage."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Basics Of Pro Songwriting" |
"Ready to Drastically Improve Your Songwriting?Whether youve never written a song in your life, or youve been writing for years and want to step up your gamemy video course will have you writing songs like the Pro's.So there are countless books, videos, and classes that teach songwriting. What makes my video course better, or even different? Good question. All of these other sources can teach you how to write a song. Whats a verse, chorus, bridge, etcand yes, I will certainly teach you all of these things.But in addition to the basics of songwriting, I teach you the basics of PRO songwriting. Ive been a professional and successful songwriter for over 10 years and in this course I show you the exact method my colleagues and I use to write commercial songs every day. The exact same songwriting method that has been used to write countless #1 hit songs on the pop, country, christian,and rock charts!Ill also identify the most common mistakes songwriters make that instantly turn off industry professionals. If youre currently making these mistakes, I can almost guarantee you wont have success. SorryI dont make the rulesbut I know them, and now you can too!"
Price: 49.99 |
"How To Co-Write Songs Like The Pro's" |
"As Ilook at the Billboard charts today it tells me something that may surprise you...over 90% of allsongs in every charted genre are co-written. And as a professional songwriter I'll tell ya - I rarely if ever write songs by myself. Why?Well...it's not because Ican't write songs by myself...Ican, and I'm sure you can too. BUT...there arereasons over 90% of songs on the commercial charts are co-written. This course explains these reasons. But more importantly it teaches youhow to co-write songs like the Pro's. If you're a songwriter that knows how to write songs, this course will teach you how you can have success co-writing."
Price: 19.99 |
"Restoring Deep Sleep to Enhance your Health" |
"Sleep is an absolutely vital part of maintaining your health, but there seems to be a massive problem these days with sleep. When over 9 million prescriptions a written for sleep drugs every year and you notice coffee shops on almost every corner then you have to wonder what's going on. The affects of sleep deprivation might shock you because they include:Elevations inLDL CholesterolElevations inBlood SugarReduction ofBlood supply to the gutDebilitating both physically and mentallyA weakenedimmune systemHigher disease ratesBuild up of waste products in the brainIncreased risk of CancerAnxietyIrritabilityHallucinationsDifficulty concentratingAggressionShorter attention spanImpaired memoryEvery disease, condition, or illness is always linked to underlying problems with sleep. If you have to take sleep medications at night or you have to consume large amounts of stimulants like coffee every day then it's time to look at your sleep patterns to find out what's going on because you're setting yourself up for some major healthproblems later in life. The SolutionThe good news is that if you follow all the advice in this video series you'll become a master of sleep and you'llwake up refreshed and energized every single day. This video course is designed to guide you step by step to address all the factors that affect your ability to achieve deep restful sleep every night."
Price: 34.99 |
"How to: Financial Management with Mint" |
"This course teaches youhow to use Mint(a freefinancial managementweb app) to takefull command of yourfinances. In a succinct and to-the-point manner, we will review the full functionality ofwhat Mint has to offer.The course will advise which aspects of Mint are useful and which are not, withadvanced tipssqueeze the most out of Mints functionality.The course is taught by going through Minton an example account to see the real functionality in practice. Students will benefit the most if you already have a Mintaccount and practice each lesson before moving on to the next."
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Photoshop for Interior Designers" |
"Whats so special about this course?- This Course is designed with Interior design in mind. So youll find Ive removed all the extra fluff that you find around the rest of the internet.- Its laid out as an easy to follow series of classes positioned in a specific order to make sure you come out the other side with a skillset that will help you tackle everyday image manipulation for your Interior Designbusiness.Why Learn Photoshop ?1) Save Time- As you may have already noticed there are a ton of Photoshop videos out there that are spread out all over the internet.Trying to piece them all together to learn what you need to for your design business is nothing less that a huge time waster. With this intro course you will have the skills to begin using photoshop across many different areas of your business.- There are many great 3d softwares out there that make very realistic looking designs. But the truth is, the turn around time with these softwares can take up to a week if not more. with a strong foundation of photoshop you can make beautiful designs that look realistic within a day. Although this course does not go into realism it does give you a strong foundation to add more specific Photoshop training to.2.) Save MoneyYoull save money by understanding how to create your own web graphics, make your products look great, and have enough confidence to run social media campaigns that market your business and get you clients without having to hire a graphic designer.3.) Be ProfessionalPhotoshop is the most versatile software on the market for creating and presenting designs, which is why 99 percent of professional design companies use it daily. It has both 2d and 3d abilities and even if your design happens to be created with a complex 3d software like Sketchup, 9 times out of 10, you will need Photoshop to finalize the Sketchup render.4.) Upon completionYou will have expert knowledge of Photoshop and have the advantage over the 99% of the people who dont.What it comes with it?11 training videos (averaging 6 minutes each)11 Lesson download files (optional)10 exercisesTo top it off, Its only $20 USD on UdemySo what are you waiting for? Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Web design for entrepreneurs" |
", . . :: HTM: .: CSS , :Bootstrap , , . , ."
Price: 129.99 |
"Computers: Progress to Professional. How to master computers" |
"Hi,My name is Warrick,I'm aProfessional Computer Technician.Have you ever struggled with a slow unresponsivecomputer? I used to think...'This is as good as it gets, computers get slower the longer you own them, thenyou buy a new one......that's just life!'. But then as I got older and a little wiser, I learnt to make these machines work the way they were meant to, andwhat I learnt wasnot that complicated!In this course, I amgoing to show you simple step by step instructionsthat canturn your computer around and get it back to it's former glory and make itevenbetter! Best of all, after this course, you will be able to boot up or flip open anycomputer or laptopand carry out the simple operations that I willteach you in this course.But not only will I teach computer maintenance, I will also show you some ultimate tips and tricks that you will probably use for the rest of your life, due to their simplicity and well.... justsheer awesomeness! You can also expect regular educational announcements every time I update the course with new and useful tutorials.So.....This course is designedfor any person, anywhere, no matter what you do, nomatter if your computer is brand new or used!Put the kettle on, boot up and let's get started!RegardsWarrick"
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Hi,Did you know that750 million people have Excel installed on their computer but most do not know how to use it!Excel can be the most awkward of all Microsoft programmes if not the most awkward programme OFALLTIME! I remember teaching my boss a few simple tricks on Excelthat could have easilysaved him thousands of hours and untold amounts of effort!Whatever version of Excel you have, with'MicrosoftExcel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced' Iwant to showyou howto build and prepare a Workbookgood enough for a fortune 500 CEO to a household budget and everything in between.My course is designed to help you getup to speed as fast as possible,you can expect tobe at acapable levelwithin the first hour of lectures, then you will have the opportunity to explore more great features, functions and tools as you progress further throughthe course.What can you expect after enrolling? You can expect new tutorials to be added every few days that will help you to keep expandingyour Excel skills. How will you know thatnew materialhas been added?Imake educational announcements to all of my enrolled students when I have added new material.Included within thecourse are downloadable Excelworkbooks which you can download and use to follow along,which meansyou won'thave to go through the ""Pleasantries"" of inputting figures throughout the course but rather you can get straight into the training. Once you have started the course, you will find the lessonsarestructured in such a way that you will get the most out of this courseand leave with enoughknowledge and confidence toget around the mostcommon problems faced by even the most experienced of Excel users.Whatever your path, 'MicrosoftExcel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced'can help you along the way. Enrol today!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Excel Crash Course, Beginners" |
"Hi,Did you know that750 million people have Excel installed on their computer but most do not know how to use it?Excel can be the most awkward of all Microsoft programmes if not the most awkward programme OFALLTIME! I remember teaching my boss a few simple tricks on Excelthat could have easilysaved him thousands of hours and untold amount of effort!So.....Whatever version of Excel you haveon your computer, with'Excel crash course, Full Tutorial' I want to teach you to build and prepare a Workbookgood enough for a fortune 500 CEO to a household budget and everything in between.Included within this crash course isa free workbook, so that you will nothave to go through the ""Pleasantries"" of inputting figures throughout the course but rather you can get straight into the training. Once you have started the course, you will find the lessonsarestructured in such a way that you will get the most out of this courseand leave with enoughknowledge and confidence toget around the mostcommon problems faced by even the most intelligent people on the planet.Sowhat ever your path life, Excel Crash Course, Full Tutorial can help you along the way.Warrick"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to create a Mortgage Spreadsheet. Excel crash course" |
"Hi,Did you know that750 million people have Excel installed on their computer but most do not know how to use it!But in this free course I will talk you through building a basic spreadsheet based on Mortgage repayments (Something on most peoples minds.....or eventually will be).I will demonstrate the PMTfunction (Payment function) to findthe exact paymentsthatshould be made on a specific mortgage (Or Mortgage of your choice). Then later in the course I will delve into the world of interest when I will show you the IPMTfunction (Interest payment). Whooooohooooo!Let's just say that mortgages can be a little stressful at best, but let Excel do all of the work in this free course. Just follow along throughoutmy lecturesand learn some fantastic features and functionsthat you will never be able to live without....in this world that revolves aroundCREDIT!Warrick"
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel: How to create a spreadsheet on car finance" |
"Hi,Did you know that750 million people have Excel installed on their computer but most do not know how to use it?But in this free course I will talk you through building a basic spreadsheet based ona car loan(Something on most peoples minds, when they get a whiff of new car smell).I will demonstrate the PMTfunction (Payment function) to findthe exact paymentsthatshould be made on a specificcar loan(Orcar loanof your choice). Then later in the course I will delve into the world of interest when I will show you the IPMTfunction (Interest payment). Whooooohooooo!. By the end of the course you will know how to work out the EXACT cost of buying a car with a loan, onceyou have reached the end of your term of agreement and sell the car. Let's just say thatcar loanscan be a little stressful....andshady at best, but let Excel do all of the work in this free course. Just follow along throughoutmy lecturesand learn some fantastic features and functionsthat you will never be able to live without....in this world that revolves aroundCREDIT!Warrick"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Windows 10 Computer Course. Beginner and Beyond" |
"Did you know... Windows 10 is now being used by more than one billion computer users worldwide, but most user's don't know how to get the most out of this most powerful of operating systems, never mind how to carry out basic maintenance to keep everything responsive and running silky smooth!So, in this ""Windows 10 computer course"", I plan on taking you on a journey and introducing you to some pretty cool areas of Windows 10, that once known, will set you apart from the rest of the pack! At it's core, this course will take you through some basic and advanced ""step by step"" tutorials on computer maintenance to help improve the speed of your computer; and also, how to carry out preventative maintenance to stop it happening again! But there is no need for screw drivers and other tools; Your two main tools for the course will be the keyboard and the mouse! You'll also be introduced to areas of Windows 10 that will undoubtedly improve you user experience, helping you with navigation and task management. Generally speaking...I was inspired to create this course after I bore witness to many computer users living with less than desirable computer performance, and it was only with my intervention that they were able to start using their computer (Some of them very expensive) with the performance it was designed to deliver; and afterwards, they would sometimes look at me as if I had just painted a masterpiece in front of there very eyes!What you will learn in this course:Be able to carry out maintenance to optimize a computers true processing power.Manage programmes and applications more effectively and efficiently.Discover new skills that will set you apart from other Windows 10 users.Become more confident with general and advanced computer use.And much more...What you need to know for enrollment:If you are reading this description on a computer that has Windows 10 or you have one or more, then you are already overly qualified! You will be able to start carrying out the exercises and procedures that I show you in this course straight away! If there is a requirement to leave your computer switched on and plugged in, while it carries out a task, I will let you know at the beginning of the tutorial, so you'll be able to manage your time while doing this course.You will be able to take the skills taught in this ""Windows 10 computer course"", and apply them to all aspects of your ""digital life""; Whether it be to improve your skill set for current or future employment, adding to your skills set as a self employed person, or just maintaining your own, or someone else's, computer while learning some awesome Windows 10 skills along the way!A little more information...All steps in this course are simplified to the bare bones to suit ALL types of enrolling studentsThis course can save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars! Never have to hire a professional again to sort out ""silly little issues"" on your computer for you! Also, save money by not having to buy a new computer to replace a perfectly good one. More money for that nice holiday! This course can provide you with the necessary Microsoft training to quite possibly help you move into a field of Information Computer Technology and even writing code. I hope you find what you are looking for in my course,Kind regardsWarrickKlimaytys"
Price: 19.99 |