"Corso introduzione routing - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"In questo corsovengono introdottitutti i temi fondamentali per apprendere come creare e analizzare un routing meteo attraverso i moderni strumenti di navigazione:CartografiaPolari e sail chart della barcaModelli meterologiciIl processo di creazione di una strategia completaUn corso introduttivo dove lo studente potr apprendere grazie a schemi ed esempi tutto quello che serve sapere per iniziare a pianificare le proprie navigazioni d'altura (regate o trasferimenti)in maniera pi accurata."
Price: 79.99 |
"Basic marine electronics course - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"In this basic course you will learn:What type of sensors are there on the market and how to install them and maintain them;How and where to install onboard display and the modern personal display technologies;How does the processor work and the math inside it;How to connect a PC and/or a tablet to the system;How to integrate different systems with different protocols/wires;Which navigation softwares to use onboard for passage planning and racing;During the course you will also find some multiple choice quiz to test what you have learnt in the different sections.With a great didactic method, the teacher will make you understand, step by step, all the concepts!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Introduction to weather routing - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"In this course we will discussall the key elements of weather routing,in order to learn how to create and analyze a routing strategythrough modern navigation instruments:Cartography (raster and vector charts), Polar curves and sail charts (both on graphic and on tables), Meteorological models (what are the main models, the difference between websites and the use of GRIBfiles)and the theory behind theprocess of creating a comprehensive routingstrategy. An introductory course where students can learn everythingtheyneed to know to start planning their offshore sailing (regattas or deliveries) more accurately. We want to transmit a method more then just a series of concepts.Everythingdone usingdiagrams,examples and quizto make it 100% clear!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Corso calibrazioni - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"In questo corso vengono presentate tutte le problematiche relative alla calibrazione dei sistemi elettronici di bordo divise in varie lezioni (una per ogni sensore). Oltre a spiegare le modalit migliori per portare avanti la calibrazione spieghiamo anche i motivi fisici/scientifici dietro a queste modalit e cerchiamo di trasmettere un metodo che vada al di l del semplice ""schiacciare i pulsanti"" ma faccia capire agli studenti la logica che c' dietro e permetta loro di trasferire questa conoscenza e applicarla a bordo di barche diverse con sistemi diversi.L'ultima sezione a grande richiesta dedicata all'autopilota; la calibrazione dell'autopilota molto diversa dalle altre calibrazioni ma abbiamo voluto inserirlo per completare la ""serie di parametri"" che l'utente deve inserire nel sistema elettronico per farlo funzionare al meglio."
Price: 79.99 |
"Instruments' calibration course - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"In this course you are presented all the problems relating to calibration ofelectronic systems onboard a sailing yacht. The course is dividedin various classes (one for each sensor-value to calibrate). We teach the best procedure to calibrate, butwe also explainthe physical / scientific reasons behind these procedures; wetry to share a method that goes beyond the simple ""push thisbutton, then this, then this...""but we want thestudents tounderstand the logic that lays behind it and to allow them to apply this principles on different boats with different electronic systems.The last section is dedicated to the setting of theautopilot; autopilot calibration is very different from other calibrations but we decided to add this section tocomplete the ""set of parameters"" that the user must enter into the electronic system to make itworkproperly."
Price: 79.99 |
"Sailing with numbers - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"During this course you will learn to look at the course, at the competitors, at your performance with a new perspective. A numericalapproach during the race will help you to improve performance and havea much better understanding of the whole picture, including wind trends, currents etc.In the course we discuss mostly techniques and ""tricks""that can be done with a ""normal""electronic system onboard (without any PC and/or advanced navigation software involved).So, if you have a compass, a speed sensor and a wind sensor, you should really start the course right now!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Navigare con i numeri - OceanDrivers Academy" |
"Durante questo corso imparerai a guardare al percorso di regata, agli avversari e alle perfomance della tua barca con una nuova prospettiva.Un approccio numerico alla regata che ti aiuter a navigare pi veloce e a capire meglio tutto quello che succede attorno a te.Nel corso discutiamo varie tecniche e ""trucchi"" da utilizzare sul campo di regata; tutte queste tecniche possono essere utilizzate a bordo di barche con una strumentazione basica.Quindi, se navigate su una barca che ha una bussola, un sensore del vento e un GPS, siete pronti a cominciare il corso oggi stesso!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Learn English idioms: Improve your English using expressions" |
"Learning idioms and expressions is a necessary step towards improving your English. In this course, you will be able to learn most common English idioms with an extremely easy way that would save you time and effort of studying. All videos are in whiteboard animation, to make sure you enjoy every single minute. Each idioms is explained using examples and situations so that you would know how and when to use them. After this course, you will notice how your language has changed and how you will be able to express yourself in a different way. All you have to do is to listen to the videos more than one time-thats why I made them so short- thats how you'll never forget those idioms. I tried similar short whiteboard animation videos with many students before and I asked them to hear them whenever possible and the results were great. I hope you do great, too."
Price: 19.99 |
"Programe em Java com prtica" |
"Com uma metodologia de ensino diferenciada e com muitos exerccios, este curso foi especialmente desenvolvido para aqueles que desejam conhecer e programar, de forma profissional, com a linguagem Java. Alm de assistir videoaulas, voc poder baixar material didtico (em pdf) com assuntos complementares e glossrio com termos, que por enquanto, podem ser desconhecidos para voc.Ao trmino, voc saber os fundamentos da linguagem Java e o paradigma da programao orientada objetos (POO), e como aplicar estes conceitos para desenvolver softwares de qualidade, sempre dentro das melhores prticas de Java e do mercado de desenvolvimento."
Price: 204.99 |
"Excel A-Z for Students and Professionals" |
"This course will take you from the very basics of Excel to more advanced tools at a gradual pace.The videos will get you comfortable with Excel and how to use it's many powerful functions.By the end of the course you will be able to handle Excel confidently and efficiently.Excel 2016 is being used in the videos but any of the versions since 2013 will work the same."
Price: 24.99 |
"Outlook Email A-Z" |
"This is a comprehensive course on Outlook email that will turn you into an expert user.The course starts from the basics and works it's way graduallyto the more advanced functions of Outlook.I will always be on hand to answer any additional questions you may have.You will learn everything you need to know about Outlook...and much more! I have only included content that I use myself on a daily basis.If you are looking to impress at work or pass a test, this course will get you results fast.Results are guaranteed - if you don't see immediate improvements in your Outlook abilities, please request a refund."
Price: 24.99 |
"Fundamental Chemistry: Matter and Measurement" |
"A strong conceptual and problemsolving foundation makes an immense difference in how well you grasp further topics in chemistry; Fundamental Chemistry: Matter and Measurement will do just that for you.Build a powerful skill set in problem-solving and grasping chemistry topicsin this introductory course.Learn about the fundamentals of matter, ions, significant figures, dimensional analysis, and moreFollow along with me as I show you how to solve common chemistryproblems after everyunit sectionBuild confidence in chemistry by solving problems on your own in end-of-section quizzesMastering Chemistry Is A Cakewalk!Overview of CourseFundamental Chemistry: Matter and Measurement was designed to produce a simple learning experience for the student. Unlike other courses, we have put together a comprehensive overview of the major topics in this section to best prepare you in your study of chemistry.The course is divided into 6 major sections: an introduction to definition in chemistry, classifying matter, properties of matter, measurement in science, significant figures, and dimensional analysis or factor-label method.Each major section ends with several lessons on problem solving to coach you through the most typical questions you'll encounter in your classes.Suitable for any beginner, high school, advanced placement (AP), and introductory college levels, Fundamental Chemistry: Matter and Measurement is also agreatway to refresh the basics while prepping yourself for exams."
Price: 24.99 |
"Start the Internet of Things (IoT) from scratch" |
"Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical devices or things using Wi-Fi or other networks. Things, can refer to a variety of physical devices or sensors such as bio sensors, actuators, home appliances, transponders, automobiles, farm sensors or other hardware.Now,IoTis changing the way we live. It helps us in daily live, i.e. collectingand processinghugeamounts of data, interact with each other, and take advantage of cloud services and cloudstorage.This course will teachyou about IoT and related hardwaresfrombasic level.You will learnabout:-Programming amicro-controller using NodeMCU based onArduino platformHow to control devices using digital and analog outputsHow to use some sensors for your projects, i.e. temperature, humidity, light sensorand so forth.How tobuild some projects using digital and analoginputsHow to setup an access point and a web server from a NodeMCU micro-controller."
Price: 19.99 |
"Internet of Things (IoT)" |
"Internet of Things IoT Things IoT Analog Digital IoT Application Mobile IoT"
Price: 1000.00 |
"Dbuter en Marketing Digital : les bases" |
"Ce cours ddi aux dbutants en Marketing Digital. Il vous permettra de dcouvrir l'ensemble des bases des enjeux et stratgies lis au digital pour les mtiers existants et mergeants.L'objectif de ce cours sera de vous apporter l'ensemble des premires notions ncessaires pour comprendre ce qu'est le marketing digital, ses enjeux et les solutions permettant d'accroitre la notorit de vos produits ou services.Vous pourrez dcouvrir plusieurs notions cls : - Les enjeux du marketing digital - La connaissance de sa cible - L'approche de l'UX Design Thinking- La cration de site, boutique et d'application mobile avec des outils libres - Le SEO : rfrencement naturel - Le SEA : rfrencement sponsoris- Les rseaux et mdias sociaux - L'emailing et les NewslettersQuels sont les pr-requis ?- Savoir utiliser l'outil informatique et internet est le seul pr-requis :) Quel est le public cibl ?- Etudiant- Indpendant- Fonctions ou postes concerns par le marketing digital (peu importe le secteur)Alors prt dmarrer l'aventure ?NB : Respectons les copyright : l'image d'illustration de ce cours est un photomontage ralis partir d'une photo m'appartenant. Si vous souhaitez l'utiliser, je vous invite seulement respecter le droit d'auteur :) Merci."
Price: 74.99 |
"Beat the Negative Energies" |
"Are you struggling with balancing your life?Are you feeling drained out at the end of each day?We live in a fast era, where every one of us keeps running for all the activities of the day. As we grow older our bodies stop running that fast just due to our habits. And so, as we get older we feel that what if we had changed our routine a little bit to enjoy the moment in now instead of running. With these thoughts, we feel burdened about the past mistakes.But, imagine yourself taking action now and changing your daily routine by taking one step at a time.Imagine waking up just one hour than your usual time and begin your mornings with a positive outlook.Imagine yourself starting each day with positive vibrations that carry forward with you throughout the day.And, imagine yourself feeling relaxed while facing any hard issues in your life.How would you feel?Won't you live your life fully and happily instead of just being a robot?Won't you enjoy each moment with positive thinking, knowing that all will be well?We want to present an easy to follow routine or habits that will bring positive changes in your life.Beat the Negative Energies contains 4 steps that you can add to your daily life easily and efficiently.In these modules you will discover:How can you love yourself and attract the positive vibrations into your life? { Hint: my personal favorite that changed my life to be more positive.}How to replace negative words and learn the power of being thankful for all the moments in your life? {Check the FREE preview of lecture 4 below}How can you thank the hard moments and learn from them?A secret habit of all the Self-Help gurus and teachers that attract only the positive vibes to you.Bonus: Channeled Meditation to uplift your energy in less than 15 minutes.Bonus:Printable PDF worksheets to work with the steps.Even anyone of these mindsets and habits could make your life much easier and fun.So, take action today and invest in Beat the Negative Energies now.Get ready to change your life by adding these steps into your daily life and achieve the positive outlook in your life."
Price: 99.99 |
"Temel Unity Dersleri - Sfrdan 6 Adet Oyun Yapm" |
"Bu kurs oyun programlaya meraklolanlar ve bu sektre bir kariyer hedefleyenler icin doru balangnoktasdr. Proje merkezli bir egitim teknii izlenecek olan bu kursta renciler sfrdan balayarakUnity Oyun Motorunu kullanmay renecekve kurs sonuna kadar 6 adet oyunu sfrdan yappbitirecektir.Gereklilikler:Unity 3D oyun motorunu altrabilecek kapasitede bir bilgisayar.Internet balants.Neler reneceksiniz:C# dilini reneceksiniz.Oyun programlama ve tasarmnn temel ilkelerini reneceksiniz.Unity 3D ile kendi banza oyun gelitirebilecek kadar bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.TemelBilgisayar Grafikleri bilgisine sahip olacaksnz.Nelere Sahip Olacaksnz:Sadece kurs rencilerinin kullanabilecei Soru/Cevap blm.Kurs rencilerine zel, direktkurs eitmeniyle ve dier katlmclarlasesli grpsorularnz sorabileceinizdiscord odas.Kursa hayatnz boyunca istediinizyerden erimeimkan.Gelecek olan tm gncellemelerden ve ekstra ierikten cretsiz olarak yararlanma."
Price: 24.99 |
"Kapsamli Node.js Eitimi" |
"Merhaba, Kapsaml Node Eitimi'ne hogeldiniz. Bu eitim sizi sfrdan alp, kendine banza node uygulamalar gelitirecek seviyeye getirme amacyla hazrlanmtr. Kursun aamalarn anlayarak getiiniz taktirde eitimin sonunda Node kullanarak kendi banzaweb gelitirme yapabileceinize inanyoruz.ncelikle Node nedir ve ne ie yarar gibi konular ileyeceiz ve temelden gelerek adm adm Node.js'i reneceiz. Sonrasnda NPM, Express, MongoDB,Herokuve GitHubgibi pek ok teknoloji kullanarak rnek uygulamalar gelitireceiz."
Price: 99.99 |
"Fundamentals of Electronics" |
"If you're looking for a resource that covers everything you need to know about electronics, then look no further. This friendly-and-straightforward course introduces the basics of electronics and enhances your learning experience by explaining concepts such as circuits, analog and digital, schematics, voltage, safety concerns, and more.This course will give you an introduction to basics of electronics and electricity.In this course you will learn the fundamental concepts of voltage, current, resistance, and power. Students will also be introduced to circuit board building methods.The course also covers the differences between the ideal, theoretical power sources that we often consider when designing circuits and the physical limitations of the real-world power sources that we actually use to build them. We will also get into on how to use the go-to tool for debugging electronics, the digital multimeter, so you can measure the actual voltage and current in your circuits.So, get plugged in and start your next electronics project today with this course on fundamentals of electronics!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn python with 70+ exercises : Complete Beginner" |
"This python for beginners course is geared to students who want to know how python works and also to those totally new to programming.WHY THIS COURSE?You can see lot of courses on python in internetbut you must know that programming can't be learnt by just watching those video. I also had this kind of problem while learning programming online.I havestructured this course with lot ofexercises for each topics so that it will make the learners to understand python programming very easily.If you are new to python programming or if you need to just brush up concepts, this is the course for you. No need to read pages of documentation when you can learn all about this programming language byjust doing the exercise with the help ofeasy-to-follow lectures.There are two ways for you to do exercises.You can do it on your own system installing pythonorYou can go to the link in the exercisesto do online without even installing python in your system.(Please note that this may ask for sign up to keep track of your exercises)Will i get Support?You can ask me any doubt whenever you want while the exercise i will be always there for you to help."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Android Material Design Course" |
"In a world that every experience is moving to mobile handsets though mobile applications, design matters, it really does! And, designing beautiful apps with nice and appropriate UI/UX plays a crucial role in today's super-competitive mobile application market. Material design is a system for designing beautiful and natural-looking experiences for users. This course teaches you how to use material design principles in your applications by using various components and features that are available for Android, thus creating better experiences for your users, and distinguishing your apps.The course covers many components and design areas by providing clear and step-by-step instructions and concise project-based lectures. So it minimizes your learning curve and if you are looking for a crash course to get started using material design in Android apps, this course is for you! By the end of this course, you would have learned to work with a lot of material design components in Android, and uplifted your skills in Android UI/UX design considerably. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, you take absolutely zero risk by taking this course and gain a lot of practical technical skill instead. So, take this course now and join me in this incredible journey!Note: Android is the trademark of Google LLC"
Price: 194.99 |
"Classroom management for young learners" |
"This course is taught by Gunita.Many of our students have told us that she has a gift of teaching and basically 'spoon feeds' her students by 'coming down' to their level of expertise and making sure that nobody is left behind.Eachyear we have more than twothousand young learners ages 3-7 that we provide language lessons for. Usually twice a week for 7-8 months in a row.Most of our teachers are students and as such many of them have not had much experience in dealing with classroom management. Especially when workingwith kids.We have used this training to help our teachers and have received lots of positiveremarks on how this has helped them to have better results at their lessons and to have more confidence ANDassurance when dealing with the situations covered in this material.Please, let us know your thoughts and potential situations and / or topics you would like us to cover in a follow up material.Enjoy the course and be assured - you can do THIS!Gunita"
Price: 19.99 |
"Editing Better Video for Video Editors & Videographers" |
"Learn How to become a Better Video Editor !Discover ways to improve your editing skillsLearn the types of cuts that will help make your editing more cinematic.Discover how a legendary hollywood editor selects his cuts. Learn simple ways to edit faster and with more creativity Get Your Ideas Out of Your Head and onto the screen...FASTERAre you interested in becoming a better video editor? What if you could make your editing more cinematic and movie like?Imagine what types of projects you could create? What would those videos look like? What kinds of clients could you attract and what doors could that open for you?In this course you will: Quickly identify some key opportunities to create more impactful videos. Expand your editing into the new exciting types of work that you want to be doing. Edit faster and with more inspired creativity. What are the requirements?Have a more than basic understanding of video editing software and the process. Have your own video editing software.What am I going to get from this course?Discover over 20 ways to improve your editing. Learn 7 types of cuts that will make your editing more cinematic. Pick up on a legendary hollywood editors method of selecting his cuts. Learn some of the major rules of editing as well as how and when to break the rules. Discover a popular editing workflow that will help make you faster and more creative when cutting. Discover various ways to expand your skills and take your editing to the next level. What is the target audience?Video editors that are tired of working on the same types of projects.Videographers who want to edit better more cinematic video. This course is NOT forPeople who dont know the basics of editing with a NLE video editor. (Non Linear Editor) People not interested in telling more cinematic stories with their videos. Bonus Material Free audio version you can listen to on the go. Free Ebook version of this course you can reference.I will also include downloadable PDFs and checklists you can use to improve your editing. This course can be fully downloaded onto your phone or tablet so you can learn anywhere you want.There is a 30 day money back guarantee on this course. Start getting noticed for your more professional and cinematic video edits. Begin creating the work you always imagined you could as you start to open up new possibilities for yourself as an editor. Get started down a path that will make you a more in demand and sought after editor."
Price: 49.99 |
"Instagram for Business: Zero to Badass" |
"Why pray for likes, when you can easily triple your engagement? Why celebrate every follower, when you can wake up to 100 new ones? Why scam people into following you, when you can build a profitable brand your ideal customerswantto follow?Theres something about 90% of the courses on the market that you should know.They suck.Be more eloquent, you say? Alright:they dont live up to what they promise.How do I know? I spent half a year extensively researching everything on the market and I had a breakthrough.See, the already existing courses that teach you how to use Instagram for business can be divided into 3 categoriesThe 1-hour course that teaches you not to use hashtags because it makes you seem desperate. Plus, Beyonce doesnt use hashtags - why should you? Price: $30-$100.The course that teaches you how to grow your account by gathering thousands of unsuspecting people who have no idea you clicked the unfollow"" button as soon as they followed you. Price: $100-$300.Theonly course on the market that can answer most of your questions, even the one you just made up. Usually insanely long with tons of unnecessary details. Price: Heart attack.Worrying, isn't it?See, Im a reasonable girl.After seeing all of this, I couldnt add my course to the flaming pile ofshiitake mushrooms out there. So I didn't!Its about time you learned how to cast a net to caption the ocean of traffic going through Instagram on a daily basis. Here's what I have for you:10 modules. 3 hours of pure value. Lifetime access. I'm all for transparency: what you see is what you get.Here's the best part!Buying my course gives you the opportunity to apply at a discounted priceto my Badass Branding Mastermind community on Facebook (regularpricing is $30-$100/month). This is an exclusive community for people who want to build a strong and profitable personal brand and achieve business success by growing together with like-minded entrepreneurs..Here's What You GetMembers-Only ContentYou'll get access to a membership site with expert programs and trainings on topics such as: writing and publishing your first book, your ideal client avatar, starting a business with a full-time job and more.Weekly MastermindsEvery weekyou can hop on a LIVE hangout with me and others from the community where you can ask help for anything you're struggling with. Because brainstorming and strategizing with others produces the best results!Unlimited Access to my ProgramsBy being an exclusive member of the Badass Branding Academy, you'll get unlimited access to allof my future courses and programs (worth $400 or less) FOR FREE, regardless of the topic.Accountability PartnersYour accountability partner will be your secret weapon for reaching your goals faster. You'll hold each other to your commitments, make sure you're moving forward, and, of course: be brutally honest with each other.You Don't Have to Join.But let me ask you this: do you HATE free stuff? Do you NOT want to create a brand that people care about and that makes you money?Take this opportunity and become one of my beta members before I double - and then triple the price.After 2 months, if you dont want to stay: you can cancel your membership, no questions asked.Convinced yet? Let me teach you how to build a mesmerizing Instagram account where you feel comfortable marketing and selling your products and services to your loyal tribe!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Arduino Programming and Hardware Fundamentals with Hackster" |
"Learn the Arduino platform and programming language to create robots, interactive art displays, electronic toys, home automation tools, and much more. This course was created in collaboration with Hackster.Master the skills needed to bring your projects to life through electronics.Learn to program in Arduino (C/C++)Build electronics that sense and react to the environmentRemotely log data to an Internet of Things (IoT) platformUse the Internet to control your Arduino from anywhere in the worldA versatile tool for prototyping, playing, and makingArduino is both a hardware platform and programming language. By learning how to build circuits and code, you can add a new level of interactivity to your projects, prototype potential products, and gain new skills (while hopefully having fun).The Arduino programming language is based on a combination of C and C++. With an understanding of these coding fundamentals, you will be able to more easily learn new languages, such as Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, and Swift, which are in high demand in the job market.Course OverviewThe first version of Arduino was released in 2003 and has exploded in popularity among makers, hobbyists, and tinkerers, who build everything from animatronic sculptures to interactive wearables. Professional engineers and entrepreneurs sometimes start with an Arduino to create a prototype before developing a finished product. The iconic blue board has even found its way into classrooms, where educatorsuse it to teach programming, electronics, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.I designed this course with the absolute beginner in mind: if you do not have any experience with programming or electronics, thats OK! The first few sections walk you through the basics behind programming in C/C++ as part of the Arduino framework as well as how to build simple circuits that flash lights and spin motors. Following that, we continue our adventure into making noise, sensing the environment, and building a robot. Finally, we dive into the world of IoT, where we learn how to pass messages over the Internet, which allows us to do things like turn on a light with our smartphone!Each video lecture is designed to give you one building block of knowledge. Almost every lecture is followed by a hands-on exercise where I ask you to expand on that building block or combine several previous blocks. I provide solutions to each exercise to help you learn. Additionally, most of the sections contain a project that challenges you to synthesize many of the concepts found in that section and from previous sections.Upon completing this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed to create fun and useful Arduino projects."
Price: 149.99 |
"Networking on Android using Retrofit 2" |
"In this course you will learn:How to send request using Retrofit 2 libraryHow to handle responseHow to use Retrofit 2annotationsIn the end of this course you will be able:To send GET request with query parameters and headersTo send POST request with Multipart form data and Url encoded form dataTo integrate JSON and XML converter into Retrofit 2To integrate HTTPlogging interceptorThis course is practical and engaging:Less theory, more practiceInformation is simplified as possibleEach tutorial is provided with code example12 practical tasks onwhich you canlearn by doingIn the end of thiscourse, you will create soccer application from scratch using Retrofit 2 library"
Price: 49.99 |
"Building Your First Django App in Minutes" |
"Tinkering with code for the first time can be a bit intimidating for some, with so many frameworks and languages to choose from, settling on the perfect fit is sometimes a challenge. Fear not this does not have to be the case for you, as by starting off with learning Django & Python a highly versatile and readable language you spend less time fiddling with mandate tasks and more on actually getting your application up and running and building a robust systemBuilding your first Django App in Minutes course is packed with helpful resources that will take you from complete beginner to intermediate Django development within a short span of time. You will acquire the skills needed to make your awesome ideas come to life.Here's what you'll get43lectures and 8 hours of content to Level up your Django skills by Learning Django from scratch with the theme of building an Employee Management System.Explore Django what it is what sets it apart from other web based frameworksGuided Structured material initially covering the fundamentals and the course will gradually bring you up to speed with more advanced topics and concepts while literally holding you by the hand in performing your first deployment.In detailed explanations as the Instructor takes his time to explain concepts and not just wiz through without explaining the details.By the end of the course you will be equipped with the knowledge, to execute an array of programming tasks using Python Django.Why is it worth learning Django?Here's what Django brings to the tableSaves you from a ton of headaches when setting up development environmentsEasily move an application across environments or serversDjango has a concept of batteries included thus makes it ideal for building up Minimal Viable Product to large scale solutions in the shortest time frame as opposed f other frameworks.Makes developing a much more pleasant experienceYou won't need expensive hosting to deploy your web applicationsThe average salary for a Django developer in the US is over $100,000 per year this could be you.What makes this course different than other courses you might find?This course takes a firm balance in terms of not skimming the details but gives the student explanations on which components or technical solution are the best fitper given scenario. This Course was designed from proven concepts tested and used in the instructors own applications. Which will give you the confidence you need to build and deploy your own production ready applications. This course teaches you what they dont teach in university schools and bridges the gap by making sense of all of the Django documentation in asimple to understand manners. Learning to code from scratch can be like playing Russian roulette, this course outlines the steps in a sequential manner Course includesbonus lesson taking a dive into Django channels for realtime web apps (Source code provided.Bootstrap your next realtime startup app)Instructor availablefor mentorship and guidance via course forumsIf you are signing up for this course, then you are automatically enrolled into a life time course series. What this means the course will continuously be updated with the latest in Django as well as new modules and concepts will be added to help you boost up your Django skills. We will continue to enhance the theme of EMS and expand on the app. If that's not enough, I'll be available to answer any questions you might have in the course's forums."
Price: 69.99 |
"Distributed Tasks Demystified with Celery, SQS & Python" |
"This course teaches beginners to industry professionals the fundamental concepts of Distributed Programming in the context of python & Django. We look at how to build applications that increase throughput and reduce latency. In this course, we will take a dive intially in theirst part of the course and build astrong foundation of asynchronous parallel tasks using python-celery a distributed task queue framework. We will exploreAWSSQSfor scaling our parallel tasks on the cloud. These fundamentals will aid youin building scalablePythonsolutions forvirtuallyany python project. By the end of this course, you will havelearnt how to use popular distributed programming frameworks for python and Django. Through concepts learnt, you will discover the world of distributed computing with Python and how easy it is to build distributed components into your python or Django projects.Why take this course? As to be python developer or Django web application developer,Its important to learn how to build applications that areableto process long running jobs or tasks in a non blocking way e.g sending mass email, map reduce, running high computational functions. Building a chatting applications.This course builds up your skills in distribute programming giving youthe tools you need to scale your applications This course consist of projects you can use to implement in your real world projects with the sole emphasis of allowing your applications to become distributed and have asynchronous components During the course, you will have online access to the instructor and get individualized answers to your questions posted on forums.As an enrolled student you will get lifetime access to over 30 lectures plus and counting including future series of lessonsThis course comes with a30 day money back guarantee!This means If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Though you may just miss out of the future existing lessons planned ahead and free source code for your own personal or business projects. So what are you waiting for?""Come join me and lets build distributed Python apps in a way that will advance your career, enhance your knowledge and potiential to earn even more. Thebest part is this doesnt need to be hard it actually can be fun"""
Price: 59.99 |
"From Sex-Obsessed To Creative Genius" |
"Do you have a lot of creative projects on the go, but you never actually get to any of them?Have you been procrastinating on your projects by looking for quick fixes on the side?Are you trying to make yourself feel better by chasing the instant gratification of sex, rather than doing the work? Are you trying to move from being 'Sex Obsessed' to a 'Creative Genius'?This course is definitely for you, if you answered yes to any of the questions above.I have been running live versions of this workshop for months and I realized that there is a real need for it. So many people email me weekly asking whether this workshop would be available online. I decided enough is enough. I stopped procrastinating and created this course for your viewing and working pleasure.In this course, we will explore the connection between creativity and sexuality and how we can use one to drive the other. I have included techniques that you can use in the comfort of your homes to move your creative projects forward using the power of your sexuality.I hope you will be enticed to take this course and use all of its benefits.Testimonial from Wayne Duckworth:I attended Shikhas workshop Creativity and Sexuality with both excitement and trepidation at what was to come but within minutes felt reassured and comfortable as she set out a framework for the 3 hour deep dive into unexplored territory. After explaining the content she set firm boundaries that felt both nurturing and precise but with plenty of space for free exploration and just the right amount of challenge. Her approach is dynamic and heart centred to the creative and energy work, which is both individual, and partnered with plenty of time for sharing back with the whole group. She was able to hold the space for the group as we began to explore ourselves stimulated by the well chosen exercises inviting us to open up and share our stories, vulnerabilities and hope for a deeper connection to our creative selves. I definitely learned about my own desire to hide in my sexuality and with the tools and wisdom she provides feel I can transmute my sometimes distracting sexual focus into a more creatively productive channel. Awesome!Testimonial from Chloe Donnelly:I have attended several of Shikha's workshops now, I was hooked after the first session! I am in love with how fluid and synergetic the sessions are. They bring up powerful emotions within a setting of ultimate confidence and respect among new friends. She is certainly not a pushover, can read you well and does all within her power to help you grow. The sessions on sexuality were particularly empowering for me, as I am constantly re-evaluating my sexuality and it seems fairly ambiguous, but I realised after talking with others that I have a great knowledge within sexuality because of this lack of stillness.These sessions are honestly not to be missed, rarely have I found anything so worthwhile and thought provoking!Testimonial from Zita Moran:Before I encountered Shikhas course I had never made the connection between my creativity and sexuality. Truth be told, I was actually rather repressed in this area. But theres something about Shikha that makes you feel safe to open up and experiment. The result was spectacularit's been revelation after revelation for me. Now I have powerful tools to use whenever I feel my inspiration is drying up. Thank you Shikha for introducing me to a new creative paradigm! You are a godsendI'll never look back"
Price: 94.99 |
"Feeling Like A Fraud? Get Over Imposter Syndrome Now." |
"Imposter Syndrome is described by Wikipedia as follows:Impostor syndrome(also known asimpostor phenomenonorfraud syndrome) is a concept describing high-achieving individuals who are marked by an inability to internalizetheir accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a ""fraud"". The term was coined in 1978 by clinical psychologists Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes.As soon as I started my online business in March of 2016, I started feeling the persistent digs of Imposter Syndrome. I felt unable to proceed according to plan because I was paralyzed by fear. I was afraid I had no idea what I was doing, and I was afraid everyone would find out, and laugh and point at me. Imposter Syndrome was so debilitating in my case, that I postponed creating video course, and other such important deeds, for far too many months.In fact, I wanted to become an entrepreneur in 2007, but I kept on postponing for ten whole years, because I was bowled over by Imposter Syndrome. It completely deterred me from doing anything creative, or courageous for years.I knew there and then, that once I had defeated it, I would create a course on Imposter Syndrome and try to get the message out to as many people as possible. Imposter Syndrome is something that sticks with us no matter how successful we become. In fact, it sticks even closer the more successful we are, because we can't believe we would get to this pinnacle of success. I want to share the techniques I use on a daily basis in beating Imposter Syndrome, and to get my work done.We all want to live self-actualized lives. That is the ultimate goal, isn't it?We do not want to hang around in mediocrity, and let the law of averages rule our lives. We do not want to suffocate in our comfort zones. We want to do more, and be more, and have more than ever before. That is why we are doing all of this.But if we aren't careful and present, we could get hit by a case of Imposter Syndrome and that could take us down completely. I don't want this to happen to you, so I created this course, to help you beat Imposter Syndrome dead in its tracks.That is the goal here.Even though you are going to never eliminate it completely, you can rise above it, and keep on going on your path. That is what I am going to teach you.Everyone on this planet feels the wrath of Imposter Syndrome. No one is immune from it, and that should be a consolation to all of us. We are not alone, and we can find others who will support us in this journey.Let's work on it together, my friends!"
Price: 94.99 |