"Mastering Putty for beginners (+ Session Manager, MobaXTerm)" |
"PuTTY is an open source SSH and telnet client developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. Putty is a light-weight standalone application, that is easy to learn.In addition, Putty also supports - Rlogin, Raw and Serial connections.Putty is a well know tool among system and network administrators. However, Putty can be a handy tool for programmers, DBAs, and QA Testersas well,when working with Unix/Linux based systems.Putty comes with many settings to customize your sessions to your projectneeds.Download and install Putty - Quick way & Installer way.Learn to launch duplicate &multiple sessions quickly.Establish SSH sessions to the same server with a different/same username.Customize & Tune Putty with various settings.Use X11 Forwarding to access Linux GUI.Automatically SAVE your SSH session to a file.Tips & Recommendations (Working on adding more)Securely Transfer filesUsing other tools/components thatcome with Putty Understand &Use RSA key-pair for Password-less authentication.Create a Linux Virtual Machine (EC2) in AWS & SSH into your own AWS Linux Machine.*** NEW ***Learn PuTTY Session Manager*** NEW ***Learn MobaXTermPutty Cheatsheet (Coming Soon)"
Price: 74.99 |
"Mastering Secure Shell (SSH)" |
"This course is specially designed to enhance and add value toLinux Admins and DevOps Engineers skill-set. The course starts with the basics and goes into the advanced concepts to become a PRO.Topics:SSH History.Basic SSH usage.Running commands on a remote machine.Running local script on a remote machine.Transferring files and folders to &from remote machine.Understanding Public/Private Key concepts.Generating Key-pair and using them for password less authentication.OpenSSH Server installation &learn to Start, Stop and Restart.Port Forwarding/Tunneling.X11 Forwarding.SSH Configuration & Related files.Securing OpenSSH*** NEW ***Create a Linux Virtual Machine (EC2) in Amazon AWS & SSH into your own AWS Linux Machine.Future Additions:We will add few more topics to our current curriculum later this year (2018).You get 30-day Money Back Guarantee!! So, WHY NOT GIVEITATRY !!"
Price: 99.99 |
"YAMAHA Venova" |
Price: 2400.00 |
"iOS 11 e SWIFT 4 - Sviluppare app per iPhone e iPad da zero" |
"Questo corso ideale per tutte le persone che desiderano imparare a programmare con iOS 11 e Swift4.Il corso parte da zero quindi adatto anche a chi non ha conoscenze di alcun linguaggio di programmazione o di progettazione. Cominceremo dalle basi e faremo il nostro percorso di studio verso alti livelli di programmazione! Alla fine del corso sarai capace di implementare la tua idea in un'App reale e caricarla nell'App Store. Impareremo a conoscere il mondo dello sviluppo Appe faremo praticaper la creazione di applicazioni come ""Art Book"", Game, ""IMDB Api"", ""Instagram Clone"", ""Mappe di viaggio"", ""Foursquare Clone"", ""Recognition of Image"" e molto altro ancora. Inoltre avrai la possibilit di imparare le Notifiche Push, argomento cardine in quasi tutte le guide e i corsi online! Inoltre alla fine di tutto il percorso si arriva ad imparare ad utilizzare sia Firebase che Parse.Verr inoltre condiviso tutto il codice sorgente delle applicazioni che creeremo durante il corso per un confronto con le tue future applicazioni!Il programma del Corso online copre le seguenti aree:- Le basi della Programmazione iOS- Comandi Base in Swift- Layout e Oggetti- Gli Essential- Creazione di un Gioco- Tableviews: Creazione di un Album Fotografico- Tableviews e Classi: Creazione di un Listino Vendite- Coredata: Creazione di un Ricettario- Mapkit: Creazione di uno Stradario- Funzioni Extra- API e JSON: Creazione di un Convertitore di Valuta- CloneGram- Le Notifiche Push- Design con Sketch- Esercizi di Design- Creazione dell'Icona di una App- Riconoscimento delle Immagini: Machine Learning- Caricamento di un App sull'Apple StoreVersioni Software Utilizzate nel Corso: iOS 11, Swift 4.0, XCode 9"
Price: 199.99 |
"Blender 2.79: corso completo di grafica e modellazione 3D" |
"IlCorso diBlender adatto a chiunque voglia entrare nel mondo della progettazione 3D con un programma molto potente ma allo stesso tempo gratuito, con una comunit open source che ne continua sempre lo sviluppo. Blender uno dei programmi pi utilizzati nel campo della grafica 3D avanzata, in quanto vanta alcune caratteristiche che lo rendono unico nel suo genere, in primis lessere un open-source da installare ed utilizzare gratuitamente.Il percorso didattico cominciando dalla creazione degli oggetti pi semplici si concentrer sullutilizzo degli strumenti messi a disposizione per arrivare ad un progetto completo che potrebbe essere di tipo architettonico, industriale o videoludico.E un corso molto completo in cui si pu facilmente apprendere in maniera efficace come muoversi allinterno di Blender e come, seguendo un workflow logico e acquisendo le giuste tecniche di esecuzione, migliorare le proprie capacit nel campo della modellazione e del rendering.QuestolCorso fornisce lezioni chiare ed esempi pratici per esplorare in dettaglio le funzionalit del programma al fine apprenderne luso professionale.PROGRAMMAINTRODUZIONE AL CORSOObiettivi del CorsoInstallazione di BlenderBLENDER BASICSInterfaccia Grafica di BlenderOperazioni Base in Object ModeLOutlinerOggetti e MeshEdit ModeModifica Vertici, Spigoli e FacceEstrusioneSuddivisioniLoop CutsBevel ModifierProgetto Modellazione CasaArray ModifierTexturingUV Map e SeamNode EditorLuci di ScenaVideocameraAnimazioneRenderingBLENDER ANIMATIONOggetti MultisurfaceBump Map e Specular MapLattice e Lattice ModifierAnimazione tramite relazione genitore-figlioAnimazione con le Shape KeysGraph EditorIlluminazione di scena a tre fontiRendering Progetto AnimazioneRelizzazione video con sonoroBLENDER MODELINGProgetto Modellazione Spada LaserImmagini di riferimentoMirror ModifierModellazione tramite emptiesBoolean ModifierSpin ToolBLENDER SCULPTINGIntroduzione allo Sculpt ModeDynamic TopologyI PennelliI Tratti e le CurveProgetto SculptingTexturing in Sculpt ModeColor Vertex"
Price: 199.99 |
"SalesForce: CRM e Cloud Computing" |
"La Piattaforma Online SalesForce uno strumento fondamentale per tutte le aziende che desiderano gestire al meglio le proprie attivit di Marketing, Comunicazione, Vendita e Assistenza Clienti.Una Piattaforma CRM Virtuale che permette una collaborazione efficace e attenta tra il personale aziendale, migliorando non solo i contatti interni ma anche i rapporti con clienti e collaboratori esterni.Il nostro Corso si rivolge a tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di diventare degli Utenti SalesForce, capaci di orientarsi tra le funzionalit della piattaforma, gestendo con precisioni i dati e le informazioni aziendali relativi a clienti, campagne, eventi, prodotti e operazioni.Un Corso online mirato a formare professionisti in grado di utilizzare autonomamente, partendo da zero, la piattaforma SalesForce, capaci a loro volta di formare dellaltro personale, insegnando le dinamiche di funzionamento e le features di SalesForce.Programma:Introduzione a SalesForceIntroduzioneCreazione di un Account SalesForceLe Basi di SalesForceVersione Classica e Lightning ExperiencePagina Iniziale e Personalizzazione InterfacciaGestione Profilo PersonaleCalendario ed EventiChatterNavigazione in SalesForceMarketing ManagementIntroduzione al Marketing Management con SalesForceI LeadComunicazione con i LeadIl Chatter e la sua Utilit nella Gestione dei LeadCreare CampagneEseguire CampagneCampagne e OpportunitRisultati di CampagnaComunicazione di Campagna con il ChatterSales ManagementIntroduzione al Marketing Management con SalesForceI LeadComunicazione con i LeadIl Chatter e la sua Utilit nella Gestione dei LeadCreare CampagneEseguire CampagneCampagne e OpportunitRisultati di CampagnaComunicazione di Campagna con il ChatterAssistenza ClientiIntroduzione allAssistenza Clienti con SalesForceI CasiCreazione di CasiGestione Casi attraverso Web FormIntroduzione alla Service ConsoleLavorare in Team con la Service ConsoleAutomatizzazione dei CasiRisposte Automatiche ai CasiCollaborazione Casi con il Service Console ChatterRapporti e LibrerieIntroduzione ai Rapporti e Librerie di SalesForceI Rapporti in SalesForceCreazione di Report Personalizzati Gestione delle Librerie e della Documentazione"
Price: 199.99 |
"React e Redux: Corso da zero per creare applicazioni mobile" |
"Un corso completo per comprendere tutte le funzionalit di React e Redux.Acquisire metodologie, approcci e best practice consolidate per la realizzazione di applicazioni mobile modulari, scalabili, manutenibili e testabili. Verranno acquisite tutte quelle conoscenze necessarie per sviluppare Mobile Application attraverso React e Redux Si impareranno i tool da usare e gli scenari di sviluppo avanzato. Attraverso il nostro Corso il partecipante acquisir gli elementi e lambiente di lavoro per poter creare Mobile Application con React. Ogni modulo organizzato con lezioni teoriche di inquadramento degli argomenti ed esercitazioni guidate studiate ad hoc che si pongono lobiettivo di portare ogni frequentatoreverso il saper fare. Verr analizzato lo sviluppo di applicazioni con approccio dichiarativo attraverso Redux e un pattern Flux-like. Verranno mostrati diversi esempi di casi duso classici quali asincronia, dati complessi, immutabilit degli stati e diverse librerie, utility e helpers disponibili per questo ecosistema.PROGRAMMACAPITOLO 1 Panoramica del Corso Setup del Progetto Un Assaggio di JSX Altro su JSX ES6 Import Statements ReactDOM vs React Componente Interfaces e Components Class Render Targets Component Structure Youtube Search API Signup Export Statements Class-Based Components Handling User Events Gli Stati Altro su gli Stati Controlled Components Revisione del Progetto CAPITOLO 2 Risposta da Yutube Functional Components e Class Components Props Creiamo la Lista con Map Keys della Lista Lista Video Detail Component e template Strings Null Props Selezione del Video Styling con CSS Ricerca del Video Tempo di Risposta CAPITOLO 3 I Reducers I Containers - Connettere Redux con React Containers Parte 2 Implementazione di una Container Class Riepilogo del Progetto Action Creators Creiamo la Action Creiamo il Reducers Reducers Parte 2 Conditional Rendering Riepilogo Finale CAPITOLO 4 Panoramica e pianificazione dell'app Component Setup Controlled Components e Binding Context Form Elements Lavorare con le API Introduzione al Middleware Ajax Requests con Axios Redux-Promise Redux-Promise Parte 2 State Mutations nei Reducers Creare una List Container Mappare il Props verso un Render Helper Aggiunta dei Grafici Creazione di un Componente Grafico Riutilizzabile Labeling delle Units Integrazione Google Maps Integrazione Google Maps Parte 2 Revisione del Progetto CAPITOLO 5 Panoramica e Obiettivi dell'App Implementiamo il Posts Reducer Action Creator Shortcuts Rendering di una Lista di Posts Creare un Nuovo Post Otteniamo il React Router Navigazione con Link Component Redux Form Implementazione del Redux Form Componente per i Campi Generalizzazione dei Campi Validating Forms Mostrare gli Errori a gli Utenti Gestione della Submission di Modulo States del Form e dei Campi CSS Navigazione Creazione del Post Action Creator Navigazione Attraverso Callbacks Posts Show Component Ricezione di Nuovi Posts OwnProps Data Dependencies Prendere i Records Cancellare un Post Revisione"
Price: 199.99 |
"Fundamentos de la programacin con Pseint - Algoritmos" |
"El curso est en construccin, seguimos aadiendo contenido exclusivo rellenando todas las secciones.POR QUE TODOS Y TODAS PUEDEN APRENDER A PROGRAMAR SIN TENER ALTOS ESTUDIOS !!!Este curso es una invitacin a entrar en el maravilloso mundo de la programacin.Como todo profesional tiene que conocer muy bien sus herramientas de trabajo iniciaremos el curso desde cero, entendiendo el todo sobre el ordenador (porttil).Cuando se trabaja en programacin, antes de escribir nuestro programa, primero escribimos el Pseudocdigo.Realizaremos mas de 100 ejercicios seleccionados, para aumentar tu rendimiento a la hora de programar, potenciando tu capacidad de programador.La mayora de las personas que he visto fracasar en el intento de convertirse en programadores tienen una caracterstica en comn: no tienen una slida base de conocimientos en matemticas y algoritmos.Al final mostraremos explicaciones en todos los lenguajes de programacin, donde cada uno de mis estudiantes seguir su camino con xito con el lenguaje que elija y necesite en su carrera profesional,pero eso si con unos fundamentos slidos de lo que es programacin. Realizando la decisin correcta ya que tocaremos todos los mbitos (Demanda laboral, etc) que influyen en esta hermosa carrera.Realizaremos tantos ejercicios de ejemplos que saldrs de este curso como un programador con unas bases muy solidas, para as poder desenvolverte en cualquier otro lenguajes de programacin ya que tu mente estar preparada para construir algoritmos para resolver problemas rpidamente.El PSEUDOCODIGO es una forma de escribir los pasos que va a realizar un programa de la forma ms cercana al lenguaje de programacin que vamos a utilizar posteriormente. Es como un falso lenguaje, pero en nuestro idioma, en el lenguaje humano y en espaol.Para realizar un buen programa realizaremos los siguientes pasos: Que quiero hacer?Lo escribo en PseudocodigoEscribo el programa en mi lenguaje de programacinPSeIntes una herramienta para asistir a un estudiante en sus primeros pasos en programacin mediante un simple e intuitivo pseudolenguaje en espaol (complementado con un editor de diagramas de flujo).Psint nos permite convertir el algoritmo de Pseudocodigo a cdigo numerosos lenguajes de programacin: C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, MatLab, Pascal, PHP, Python 2, Python 3, QBasic Visual Basic"
Price: 79.99 |
"Blockchain y Bitcoin: Fundamentos Esenciales" |
"Preprate rpidamentey obtn el conocimiento que necesitas acerca deblockchain (la tecnologatambin conocidacomo ""cadena de bloques"")y Bitcoin inscribindote en este curso!Con ms de 45,000 estudiantes en ms de 170 pases que han tomado mi curso Best Selleren ingls ""Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals"", he creado este curso en espaol con lo mejor de ese curso y nuevos conceptos adicionalespara que domines con facilidad los temas dela cadena de bloques y Bitcoin.- Ests buscando una manera rpida, altamente efectiva y fcilpara entender blockchain (cadena de bloques) y Bitcoin?- Quieres obtener una comprensin firme delo qu se tratan blockchain y Bitcoin?Incluyendotemas avanzados como contratos inteligentes (Smart Contracts) y usos de blockchain ms all de simplemente Bitcoin. - Necesitas aprender los conceptos clave y el vocabulario sobre blockchain y Bitcoin? Esta eficaz gua en video te ayudar a comprender de una manera rpida y eficiente. Aprender los aspectos clave de blockchainy Bitcoin, incluyendo:Qu es un blockchain /cadena de bloques? Qu es Bitcoin? Qu son contratos inteligentes? Cmo se relacionan blockchain y Bitcoin y por qu es tan importante conocer la relacin. Limitaciones de la tecnologa blockchain y Bitcoin. Cmo empezar a usarBitcoin Y mucho ms...Este curso te ayudar a dominar rpidamente las ideas y temas ms importantes en blockchain y Bitcoin.Inscrbete ahora y te ver adentro!Desendote aun mayor xito en todo lo que te propongas, George Levy, CSBCP, CBP"
Price: 94.99 |
"Blockchain Advanced Level: Uses Beyond Bitcoin" |
"Check out a small sample of the many 5 star reviews of students in this course:""Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!Loved the clear & concise explanations, real world examples, and links to research further. The knowledge checks with answer check was helpful. Learning material was clear, professional, and effective. Will recommend to colleagues.""- Nancy Thomas""The real world uses of Blockchain beyond Bitcoin is very eye opening and really helps folks to see what CAN be and what most likely WILL be. The potential of the underlying technology behind Bitcoin and the innovation that has resulted from it along with the birth of of better, bigger and more efficient results is truly amazing and exciting.Thank you for this course and for helping everyone ranging from the ""Crypto Curious"" to the ""Crypto Serious"" see the future. We ARE changing the world One Blockchain At A Time. =)""- Jessie Yanger""Thank you George for sharing your knowledge on blockchain, and also for providing us with the additional resources. I certainly found your course enlightening, you present the information in an engaging, and very digestible way. It certainly does look like we have just entered a, now new, revolutionary journey, a soon to be established way, in which the world masses will soon operate: Blockchain.""- Pete Grabec""I'm glad to purchase this course...It is worth much more than what I have paid.Thanks George....""- Muhamad GhazaliWould you like to know how blockchain is being used in multiple use cases beyond bitcoin and where the future of blockchain is heading?Then this course is for you!I am George Levy and I am a bestselling instructor on Udemy on the topics of blockchain, bitcoin and cryptocurrency with over 40,000 satisfied students in more than 170 countries.In this blockchain advanced levelcourse on uses beyond bitcoin, I will personally show you step by step why Bitcoin is only one application of blockchain technology, and how blockchain is being used in a wide range of other situations to drive real results.I also explain the various platforms used,where blockchain technology is heading, and which areas you should bepaying attention to as blockchain develops,in order to stayahead of the curve.In this course, I only present and review real blockchain uses andapplications that are live and driving real outcomes.This course presents real blockchain uses beyond Bitcoin- no hype, Vaporware or empty promises.With your enrollment, you also receive multiple valuable resources which will help you explore further, including access to a special online platform to help you practice and learn as you take the lessons.Why study with me?As a certified instructor for Blockchain Institute of Technology, and a co-founder for Bitsonline, a leading cryptocurrency and media publication, I work directly with many of the leading entrepreneurs and developers that are creating these world changing solutions which are applying blockchain. As you will see in the initial lessons, I have worked and regularly work with many of the leading personalities in the blockchain space.It is my personal mission to help spread and grow the impact of blockchain technology, and through this course, I am truly hoping you will take this valuable information and apply it to create your own use cases of blockchain beyond Bitcoin.Here in this class, I will be walking through multiple real business cases, and explaining how they work as well as the blockchain platforms each one of them is using.When you finish with the course, you will be knowledgeable on multiple use cases of blockchain above and beyond Bitcoin, and have a clear understanding of how blockchain can be used in many more situations beyond merely Bitcoin.You will learn and apply what you learnWhile other courses may be hard to understand and leave you feeling more confused than when you started, my courses are well-known and attended by thousands of active students around the world for being very clear.Additionally, as a student in my course, you have access to me directly in case you wish to learn more or have any questions on a topic.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.You have nothing to lose, and a big opportunity to step ahead of the rest of the pack as you learn how blockchain is being used beyond Bitcoin, along with where the future of blockchain is heading.Included in this course you'll find:I have included the following bonuses:Access to a custom programmed,online demo blockchain platfom.PDFDownloadable and Printableguide on when to use a public or a private blockchainThis course will help you quickly masterthe concept ofmultipleuses and applicationof blockchain beyond Bitcoin.I look forward to seeing you inside!Best,George Levy, CSBCP, CBP"
Price: 149.99 |
"JavaScript Bootcamp For Beginners - 10+ Projects" |
"Project Included - Analog Clock , Typing Speed Tester, Quiz App, Chat Application, Restful API, MEAN Stack Registration. 10+ and Many More Projects are on the Way !!!Recent Project Updates : Build Restful APIUsing Node & Express JS ***Build Advance Registration System with MEAN Stack ***Included JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks :TypeScriptECMA 6+Node JSExpress JSMongoDBAngular 7+*** Learn JavaScript by Developing Real-Word Web Applications ****** The Only Course which will get new Project based Content All the Time ****** Understand the Complete JavaScript Under the hood ***i will take you from an absolute beginner to JavaScript guru in just 17 hours. this course has bonus section for HTML and CSS. So if you are totally beginner and never programmed before then no worries i got you covered.We follow and use all the new ES6 feature throughout this course.Therefore you will learning the future proof and latest JavaScript features plus how to use these feature and how they can help us developing amazing web application.We are going to learn JavaScript by developing real-world web apps first app is a analog clock which will teach you how to use DOM API. Second we have typing speed test game which is another cool project. Third we have a quiz application which will teach you the JavaScript OOP. and last project is a Game Development in JavaScript.So once you have completed the course then what's next i will give full lecture about getting a job as a full stack JavaScript developer.This course is a perfect fit for you if... You want tolearn JavaScript. You want tobecome a web developer by writingJavaScript. You want tochange careers. You want tolearning programming conceptsthat work forPython, Java, PHP or Node.js."
Price: 79.99 |
"MEAN Stack Registration and Login App" |
"This Course Cover every aspect ofbuilding advance mean stack registration and login system. we will use MLab to host our mongo db database and we will have two projects Front-end / back-end front-end will be built font-endon angular 5+ so you will learn the greatest features of angular 5+ and also we will learn how to build back-end api which will store our data sent from front-end through Ajax post to the database."
Price: 24.99 |
"Ongoing Spanish Course 1 (+3 online sessions)" |
"With this Spanish course designed by MSc. Miriam Hidalgo, certified teacher in English and Spanish with more than tewnty (20) years of experience in the teaching field,Ongoing Spanish 1 is designed including a mix of methods, as there are many learning styles, but mainly using the communicative approach. This approach takes into consideration the communicative competence, in which you will learn discourse, linguistic, social and strategic competences to become competent in Spanish.How you are going to learn with Ongoing Spanish 1? With a mix of contents (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, etc.) and skills such as Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. Speak Spanish easily, fluently and naturally from the first second of your course learning about interesting and useful topics.Speak Spanish throughout our: -8 Sectionsdivided in 58 different lessons. -More than 16 hours of fluent Spanish speaking. -3 online group discussions through zoom directly with your instructor.-Be part of our Facebook Group for more information, updates, live sessions,the latest news and events: Learn Spanish 1 to 1-Lets acquire the Spanish language while you learn about the countries, food, clothing, house, culture and much more."
Price: 49.99 |
"Ongoing Spanish Course 2 (+3 online sessions)" |
"With this Spanish course designed by MSc. Miriam Hidalgo, certified teacher in English and Spanish with more than twenty (20) years of experience in the teaching field.Ongoing Spanish 2 is designed including a mix of methods, as there are many learning styles, but mainly using the communicative approach. This approach takes into consideration the communicative competence, in which you will learn discourse, linguistic, social and strategic competences to become competent in Spanish. How you are going to learn with Ongoing Spanish 2? With a mix of contents (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, etc.) and skills such as Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. Speak Spanish easily, fluently and naturally from the first second of your course learning about interesting and useful topics."
Price: 24.99 |
"Aprende php con poo, mvc y bases de datos" |
"Hoy en la actualidad el requisito ms solicitado en los puestos de trabajo como desarrollador es contar con el conocimiento de la programacin orientada a objetos, combinada con la metodologa de la estructura modelo vista controlador (MVC). Es por eso que en este curso hemos recopilado la informacin necesaria para que en poco tiempopuedas aprender este tipo de programacin. Llevndote desde lo ms bsico de PHP, adentrndose en la POO y bases de datos hasta llegar a crear un proyecto completo con el uso de todos estos conocimientos combinados con MVC.Al finalizar sers capaz de entender la programacin orientada a objetos no solo en PHP si no en cualquier lenguaje que la utilice, y adems tendrs un ejemplo prctico de la implementacin del paradigma MVC, para poder desarrollar tu propio framework y tener la capacidad de trabajar en equipo en cualquier empresa de desarrollo que te lo solicite."
Price: 2970.00 |
"Programacin para principiantes: desarrolla tu lgica" |
"Este curso ha sido desarrollado para todas aquellas personas que desean adentrarse en el mundo de la programacin, pero de una manera que resulte sencilla y agradable, comenzando por los conceptos ms bsicos como lo son los algoritmos, pasando por los diagramas de flujo, pseudocdigo hasta llegar a tener contacto con un lenguaje de programacin y conocer su sintaxis bsica creando los primeros proyectos que sern la base para que puedas comenzar a desarrollar software.Todo esto a travs de ejemplos prcticos y de la vida cotidiana, cuya dificultad ira incrementando de manera paulatina para generar un conocimiento slido, ya que esto son los cimientos para formar programadores de excelencia y que sean capaces de entender fcilmente cualquier lenguaje de programacin.Se comenzar a trabajar en el lenguaje Java, ya que es uno de los ms conocidos y ampliamente utilizados,continuando con PHP, Python y Rubypara que puedas conocer las diferentes sintaxis y ambientes de programacin, y de esta manera al final puedas contar con un gran abanico de posibilidades para elegir en que entorno desarrollar tus proyectos o en que lenguaje especializarte."
Price: 570.00 |
"QA Testing: From Zero to Robot Framework" |
"In this course, we will go through all the concepts related to the quality assurance in the software industry. We will navigate all the foundations for a test plan, testing coverage and how to create test cases and bug reports. We will also learn how to jump into automation in the easiest and less complicated way, working with Robot Framework and Selenium Library"
Price: 104.99 |
"Build 3 JavaFX Apps" |
"This course, Build 3JavaFX Apps, was published in May2018.In this course I will help you to develop real-world, modern-looking graphical user interfaces with JavaFX.Hi there, my name is Marius from AlefTav Coding and this is an overview of this JavaFX course.I am a java expert and teacher. In fact, I taught myself to program, using java. Having been a teacher for many years, I am now working full-time as an independent software instructor, making video tutorials on programming. My passions are learning, teaching and Java in equal measure. It is my mission to help others learn programming in general and Java-related software in particular.At the end of this course you will be able to:* Build applications in JavaFX* Create a portfolio of working Apps* Implement the MVC pattern* Analyse Business requirements* Devise JavaFX solutions* Develop real-world appsThe main topics of this course, are: An introduction, followed by building 3 complete Apps: first of all, an airline App that models passenger and flight details, secondly, a health centre App that models provision of medical servicesand lastly, an App that models a business that buys, renovates and sells real estate. I conclude this course with some final remarks.Lectures start with a brief explanation of the lesson topic. This is followed by building one aspect of the application. Further aspects are added in subsequent lectures until the complete app is built. The lecture resources are a video tutorial and PDF document. These can be downloaded for free to do personal study and review.Along with the current JDK, SE 10, I am using as my preferred IDE, IntelliJ IDEA. However, Instead of IntelliJ, you may wish to use either Eclipse or Netbeans. In order to design the user interfaces I am using a stand-alone software tool, named, 'SceneBuilder'. You can download these 3 tools at the respective URLs indicated.I designed this course for you if you have completed an intermediate or advanced course in Java. Now you want to build Java apps as modern-looking graphical user interfaces, either for yourself or for others.The sooner you enrol in this course the sooner you will be able to build apps in JavaFX.Please note that you have an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. This means that if you are not happy with this course you can claim a full refund within 30 days."
Price: 149.99 |
"IoT: Internet Das Coisas Com Arduino E Ruby" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a trabalhar com diversos componentes utilizados com o arduino para IOT. Usaremos sensores de temperatura, led RGB, acionaremos uma lmpada, tudo isso e muito mais utilizando a linguagem de programao Ruby. Ao final do curso teremos um projeto prtico onde mostrarei como acionar uma fechadura eltrica paracontrole de acesso de pessoas."
Price: 174.99 |
"Become A Master in HPLC Technique - (Liquid Chromatography)" |
"****************************************************************************************************Note:This course is the first and the lonelyHPLC course exclusively on Udemy !!!****************************************************************************************************High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is the most commonly used analytical tool in testing laboratories related to Analytical Chemistry field, allowing for the separation, identification, purification and quantification of drug substances or any organic compound.Infact, High performance liquid chromatography is an incredible technique with wide applications in Analytical Chemistry, the food industry, pharmaceutical field, research of new compounds in universities and colleges and many other areas.For students who complete training in HPLC, its possible to secure a great career in a number of exciting fields:R&D ScientistsQA Managers & Practicing ChemistsStudents in disciplines of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Food & Nutrition, Polymer Science, and Agricultural Sciences.Life Science researchersGovernmental Regulatory BodiesEnvironmental ScienceThe operation of HPLC is the required fundamental skill for all chemists and technicians using HPLC.Recent industry and student surveys found that there is a high training demand for basic HPLC operation skills for diploma graduates and working adults intending to work in the testing laboratories. However, many of these laboratories do not have enough resources for staff training. This course aims to assist the industry in training its prospective and existing employees the basic skills for the operation of HPLC. It provides a comprehensive review of basic concepts of High performance Liquid Chromatography.***************************************************************************************Have a look at some awesome reviews about this course!!! ""Im taking this course to complete my Phd research in Analytical Chemistry after in my college. I have prepared a new organic compound and am looking to analytical method for analysis, and this will increase my publication and my supervisor professor will be so happy now. HPLC will be the best method to do this.."" - Forhad. ""Finally I found what i was looking for, this course covers all the basics in HPLC. I learned so much which i didn't in my school, Very helpful, I am glad I took this course..."" -Jonlok. ""Outstanding Experience, This course helped me to increase my trust and confidence with my self for future job that am thinking in joining pharmaceutical companied so now I can apply to this field using the certificate of this course.."" -Akef Abuinsair. ""This course covers a lot of essential information relate to chromatography, and the explanations are step-by-step and very well done. I'm so happy with this course.This course was excellent!!"" -Reloex. ""This HPLC course is very comprehensive and well balanced, the instructor has a perfect experience in HPLC and engaging clear voice, the explanations are awesome."" -E.x alex.***************************************************************************************This course will help you in covering everything you will need to know about HPLC and How it works. The components of this fantastic instrument and the Chemistry of the heart of HPLC which is the stationary phase(The Column). It doesn't matter how much, or how little, prior knowledgeof LiquidChromatographyyou've got as this course will take you through all thenecessary stages.Hey!!!Am Mohammad Abualrub, I have PhD in Chemistry and am Expert in pharmaceutical Industry -+8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years. I have beenusingHPLCfor more than 8 Years!!!This course covers the following topics:Introduction to Liquid ChromatographyHow HPLC WorksHPLC AnalysisComponents of HPLCColumn Chemistry Stationary PhaseSystem SuitabilityStarting HPLC SystemDetermination The Assay Using HPLCMethod DevelopmentYou will get the opportunityto see a realHPLC instrument inside the analytical chemistrylab in my College!!!See how I run HPLC system, installing the Column, andpreparingthe Mobile Phase, all this will be done in the lab !!! So what you are waiting ???Test Your Basic General learningabout HPLC System in This Quiz:HPLC stands forTypical HPLC column dimensions arePressure range in normal analytical separations isThe mobile phase used in HPLC analysis isIncrease in flow rate of mobile phase leads toHPLC columns are generally made ofMost commonly used HPLC detector isMost commonly used mode of HPLC analysis isIsocratic mode of operation impliesRetention time drifts of eluting compounds are controlled by30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!!!Udemyhas an unconditional30 daymoney backguaranteeso there isno risk. You have everything to gain andnothing to lose!I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gainedNO VALUEat all within30days, I will personallyguaranteeyou aRefund!I am confident in what I have created.Letsstart success together!Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page rightNOW!Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.Dr Mohammad AbualrubPhD in Chemistry Expert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years."
Price: 199.99 |
"Organic Chemistry - Bonding And Molecular Structure" |
"Hi!!!Are you one of thehigh schoolstudents:Chemistrystudent,Pharmacystudent,biologystudentand you haveproblemsin studying Organic Chemistry???Do you Like OrganicChemistrybut you dont know how to study thebasicsinChemistry??? Are yousufferingfrom understanding thebasics of Organic Chemistrywhich makes the Exam as anightmarefor you???Do you want to be amasterinOrganic Chemistryand pass the Chemistryexamgetting a high score easily???Whatever the reason you have for thinking aboutstudying Organic Chemistry, Whether you wereChemistrystudent,Pharmacystudent,Biologystudent,this course will help you to understand the essentialbasics ofChemistry.***************************************************************************************Have a look at some awesome reviews about this course!!! ""I couldn't believe that I actually understood the organic chemistry from this course since it has been so long and I needed a refreshment for my memory"" -Bx laxman ""The content is very well explained, there are plenty of examples solved step by step a. Ether you want the learn all the concepts covered, or just review for an exam, the course is great"" -Suzanne R. Wyse ""An awesome course help me a lot"" -Osama Ayad Shehata ""Best lectures!!I love organic chemistry and am so happy with this course"" -desr Monry ""Very impressive , easy to learn the awesome content"" -Jacky Abraham ""If you're struggling with organic chemistry, I would suggest taking this course, as its very straight forward and easy to be understood"" -Bee J Hamixen****************************************************************************************This course will help you in covering everything you will need to know as you prepare for possiblefuture exams. It doesn't matter how much, or how little, prior knowledge ofChemistryyou've got as this course will take you through all thenecessary stages.If You just love Organic chemistry !!!! OR Whatever the reason you have for thinking about studying Chemistry further,ENROLL in this course to help you learn and understand the Organic Chemistry basics very easily.Hey!!!Am Mohammad Abualrub, I have PhD in Organic Chemistry and am Expert in pharmaceutical Industry -+8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years.In this Course we will cover the following topics:Bonding & Molecular StructureIntroduction to Organic ChemistryAtomic StructureIsotopesValence ElectronsThe Structure Theory of Organic ChemistryMolecular Formula and Structural FormulaIsomersChemical Bonds: The Octet RuleHow to Write Lewis StructuresException to Octet RuleFormal ChargeResonanceHow to write resonance structureElectron ConfigurationHybridization sp3Hybridization sp2Hybridization sp1Restricted Rotation of Double BondCis - Trans IsomerismSigma Bonds and Pi BondMolecular Geometry: The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion ModelFamilies of Carbon Compounds - Functional GroupsHydrocarbonsPolar Covalent BondsFunctional GroupsPhysical Properties and Molecular StructureIonic Compounds: Ion-Ion ForcesSolubility of Organic CompoundsInter-molecular Forces (van Der Waals Forces)Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms Acids and BasesHomolysis and Heterolysis of Covalent BondsAcid Base ReactionsCarbocations, Carbanions, Electrophiles and NucleophilesThe Strength of BrnstedLowry-Acids and Bases: Ka and pKaHow to Predict the Outcome of AcidBase ReactionsRelationships between Structure and AcidityThe Acidity of Carboxylic AcidsA Mechanism for an Organic ReactionAlkanes & CycloalkanesIntroduction to Alkanes and CycloalkanesShapes of AlkanesPhysical Properties of Alkanes & CycloalkanesNomenclature of Alkanes & CycloalkanesIUPAC NomenclatureNomenclature of Branched-Chain AlkanesExamples - Branched-Chain AlkanesNomenclature of Branched Alkyl GroupsNomenclature of Alkyl HalidesNomenclature of AlcoholNomenclature of CycloalkanesNomenclature of Alkenes, Alcohols & CycloalkenesNomenclature of AlkynesIUPAC Nomenclature ExamplesBond Rotation and ConformationsSigma Bonds, Bond Rotation and ConformationsConformational Analysis of ButaneThe Relative Stabilities of Cycloalkanes: Ring StrainConformations of Cyclohexane: The Chair & the BoatSubstituted Cyclohexanes: Axial & Equatorial Hydrogen AtomsDisubstituted Cycloalkanes Cis-Trans IsomerismSynthesis of Alkanes and CycloalkanesIndex of hydrogen deficiency (IHD)Stereochemistry Chiral MoleculesChirality & StereochemistryIsomerism: Constitutional Isomers & StereoisomersStereoisomersEnantiomers and Chiral MoleculesHow to Test for Chirality: Planes of SymmetryNaming Enantiomers: R, S-SystemProperties of Enantiomers: Optical ActivityPlane-Polarized LightRacemic FormsThe Synthesis of Chiral MoleculesMolecules with More than One Chirality CenterMeso CompoundsFischer Projection Formulas Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions of Alkyl HalidesOrganic HalidesNucleophilic Substitution ReactionsNucleophiles, Leaving GroupsKinetics of a Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction: An SN2 ReactionTransition State Theory: Free Energy DiagramsThe SN1 ReactionA Mechanism for the SN1 ReactionCarbocationsFactors Affecting the Rates of Reactions - The structure of the substrateThe Effect of the Concentration & Strength of the NucleophileSolvent Effects on SN2 ReactionsThe nature of the leaving groupOrganic Synthesis: Functional GroupElimination Reactions of Alkyl HalidesThe E2 ReactionThe E1 ReactionHow To Determine Whether Substitution or Elimination Is FavoredIn addition to that, there are a lot ofExamplesadded to this course in order to enhance students understanding to thecontents of this course and get thedesired value!!!30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!Udemyhas an unconditional30 daymoney backguaranteeso there isno risk. You have everything to gain andnothing to lose!I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gainedNO VALUEat all within30days, I will personallyguaranteeyou aRefund!I am confident in what I have created.Letsstart success together!Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page rightNOW!Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.Dr Mohammad AbualrubPhD in Chemistry Expert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1" |
"=== Our students reviews regarding this course ===""This course deserve more than 200$"" -- Mohamed Laqlii""A-class course. So excited that I am taking it."" -- Krassimir Boyanov""Great and very clear teaching. Easy to understand and follow, I highly recommend this class."" -- Kingsley Onuoha""Very easy to understand, the instructor has mastery of the subject."" -- Carlos Rivera""I enjoyed this course, the instructor has good knowledge of the subject, the lesson plans are prepared and explained well."" -- Michael Pritchard""Interesting contribution on the applications that can be used for HTML development."" -- Francisco J. Parrilla""It was a brilliant course to learn web development in shortest way possible. It was very helpful and enjoyed learning. The expertise of the teacher is quite enormous in the field"" -- Shahriar Alam ""While I already a fair amount of knowledge and understanding relating to the concepts in this video I wanted to reassess some bad habits that I feel I've developed in order to improve my skills and workflow. This course has helped me to identify methods and habits that I could improve upon as I 'm still very early on in my coding and programming education."" -- EstenGrove""i have completed html and css. both of the courses have been amazing. the tutor explains the stuff in a very understandable manner."" -- Adit KalyaniBy completion this course, you will be able to read and write front end web development code using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery. This course gives you hands on and practical experience on detailed HTML5, CSS3 , Bootstrap & jQuery. Contents of this tutorial # Mastering HTML5Introduction to HTMLHTML4 vs. HTML5Making your first HTML pageTools to create HTML filesBase HTML TagsParagraph Tags Break TagsHeader TagsBold and Italic TagsOrdered and unordered Lists Image TagsDifference between Absolute Links and Relative LinksHyperlinking to an external page Hyperlinking to an email address Hyperlinking to a file in your sitePlaying and Controlling Audio Playing and Controlling Video Mastering CSS3What is CSS? Why we need it?What's new in CSS3CSS Selectors, properties and attributes ID Selectors Class Selectors Element Selectors All Selectors Inlinse style sheets External Style sheets The Box model Adding Color Working with fonts Background images Styling ID tagsFloat and Clear Block and inline elements Positioning Adding the elementsMastering Bootstrap Why Bootstrap? Downloading BootstrapAdding Bootstrap in your siteCreating the navigation Styling images Creating the footer Adding styled buttonsMastering jQuery What is jQuery and what you will learn?Downloading jQuery A first look at jQuery code Selectors and Filters Replacing contents Handling events Hide/Show events Fading Slide Toggle AnimateSelectors Filters Advanced SelectorsCreating Content Creating Content: Part 2Inserting content Modifying content Modifying CSS Final thoughts Learning HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap & jQuery is one of the fastest ways to improve your career, specially on web development. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mastering Architectural, Night & HDR Photography" |
"Architectural photography is one of the important branch of photography. In this course you will learn how to shoot architectural photos, process them and important tips & tricks. There are many ways to shoot architecture photography and the method you choose will be based on how your images will be used. Are they for a realtor, a home builder, commercial developer, or maybe and architect? Depending on who you are shooting for will depend on how you approach the photography and this course covers many methods that can be applied to each type of client. Equipment needed for Architectural photographyHow to shoot in low light How to shoot for HDR.How to process for HDRAnd many in-depth Photoshop techniques for beautiful architecture photography. You will learn techniques that allow you to work quickly for low budget assignments and how to create beautiful architecture photography for high end clients as well."
Price: 194.99 |
"Complete Database Course: 6 Courses in 1" |
"What our students says regarding this course!---""Lovely! Compact course with proper guideline."" -- Pensee Chouinard""The Course is very efficient i would highly recommend this course to all the newbies who are willing to learn Databases"" -- Ikram Khizer""I love this course! Thanks Instructors."" -- Oscarfpotts""Good information to get started."" -- Debashish MajumdaBy completion this course, you will be able to read and write basic and complex queries using both RDBMS databases and NoSQL Databases. This course gives you hands on and practical experience on world most popular RDBMS databases like MySQL, and NoSQLdatabases like MongoDB, Redis, more. This skills are also applicable to any other RDMBS databases (Like Oracle, MS SQL Server, SQLite, etc) and NoSQL databases (CouchDB, Amazon Dynamo DB, etc). Learning both SQL and NoSQL is one the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information."
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn MongoDB with PHP, PHP Basics & Advanced, Git, JSON,XML" |
"=== Students' reviews' regarding this course ===""In-depth explanations, good examples, knowledgeable instructor!"" -- Gordon Stanley""Really very good course to start learning Mongodb."" -- Saifaldeen""Simply awesome. The instructor is explaining every line of code that he is typing it on the console and explains straight to the point. I got to learn many new things in this course as a beginner."" -- Saurabh Mirajkar""Great course. Loved the style of the instructor and the way things are presented. Cheers"" -- Joey Smith""This is a good course for someone who has worked with json objects and php before, the examples are easy to understand. Im really enjoying this course"" -- Jezer Eduardo Martnez""So very clear and concise... we learn to build and the instructor is taking us through the major steps to build something"" -- Robin McManusMongoDB is one of the most powerful NoSQL database in the current world. By completion of this course, you will be able understand the concepts of MongoDB and get working experience on MongoDB. This course gives you hands on and practical experience on MongoDB queries; both basic queries and advanced queries. How to install Also you complete a basic project with PHP and MongoDB. Learning NoSQL (here for example, MongoDB) is one of the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information. Along with MongoDB, you will learn PHP Basics and Advanced. Practical work with Git, JSON and XML. "
Price: 194.99 |
"Complete SQL Bootcamp with MySQL, PHP & Python" |
"""its good that the course focus more on the application part rather than just giving some bookish theories or concepts which anyone can read for the plenty of textbooks."" -- Deepanshu Kumar""Very clear and straight forward."" -- Chakri Muthyala""really very explanatory and easy to understand"" -- Sekh""simply the best"" -- Frederick EkowBy completion this course, you will be able to read and write basic and complex SQLqueriesusing MySQL.This course gives you hands on and practical experience on world most popular RDBMS databases like MySQL. This skills are also applicable to any other RDMBS databases (Like Oracle, MS SQL Server, SQLite, etc). You will do several practical projects with MySQL, PHP&Python. Learning both SQL is one the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information."
Price: 194.99 |
"Mastering Adobe Lightroom: Complete Photo/Image Editing" |
"Adobe Lightroom is designed for photographers. It provides you the ability to organize, edit and manage your photos like no other software. The Lightroom tutorials start off explaining what Lightroom is, what catalogs are and how many you should consider having. Then we'll dissect the interface and learn how to customize for our own personal preference. From there, you can follow along as we import photos, organize and do advanced searches. Once your organized, we'll explore all the options for creating works of art by editing in the Develop module.Course contents Lightroom IntroductionImport photosCollectionsWorking with White BalanceDigging with color correctionsMastering Lens correctionWorking with Spot HealerWorking with Graduated FilterWorking with Radial FilterWorking with Adjustment FilterExporting imagesWorking with presets"
Price: 39.99 |
"Complete Photography Masterclass: 4 courses in 1" |
"----- Our students reviews regarding this course ------""I just started the course this morning and I am learning so much I have been having major issues with light."" -- Michael Beale""It's good and straight to the point.. and covers a lot of basic aspects you might need in photography and photo editing."" -- Amin Shalaby""Learned a lot. Best course for beginners."" -- Darshan parmar""Genuine course packed full of great information. Thank you"" -- Bobbie Smith""The course is helpful for beginner to learn"" -- Tuhin""Enjoying the professional technique"" -- Pranish ShresthaThrough this course you will become pro/master in photography field. This course designed to deliver basic to advanced concepts of photography using step by step guideline. ==== Course Contents ====Understanding Photography Basics Intro to Photography BasicsWhat is Exposure Triangle Understanding Aperture Understanding ISOUnderstanding Shutter SpeedRAW vs. JPGMastering Architectural, Night and HDR Photography Equipment needed for Architectural photographyHow to shoot in low light How to shoot for HDR.How to process for HDRAnd many in-depth Photoshop techniques for beautiful architecture photography.Mastering Photo Editing: Adobe Lightroom Lightroom Introduction Import photos CollectionsWorking with White Balance Digging with color corrections Mastering Lens correction Working with Spot Healer Working with Graduated Filter Working with Radial Filter Working with Adjustment Filter Exporting images Working with presets Mastering Photo Editing: Adobe Photoshop Mastering color popWorking with Matte Working with Sharpening Sun glass reflection HDR with PhotoshopHow to remove objects using Photoshop Working with warm B/W effect Working with Hue/Saturation in Photoshop Working with vintage effect Working with High Key effect And more."
Price: 199.99 |
"Basics of Database Design & Development" |
"Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design. Through this tutorial we will try to teach the basis components of database design and explains how to make a good database design.Designing a database is in fact fairly easy, but there are a few rules to stick to. It is important to know what these rules are, but more importantly is to know why these rules exist, otherwise you will tend to make mistakes!Contents of this courseIntroduction and Database OverviewUnderstanding SQL Types of commandsTables, Views and Stored ProceduresDatabase constraintsDatabase NormalizationER DiagramRelational Database Management SystemNoSQLRDBMS vs. NoSQL"
Price: 44.99 |
"The Complete jQuery Course : From Beginning to Advanced" |
"Our students review about this course --""Best course to get started with jQuery, Thankyou :) "" -- Vipinraj KT""It is easy to understand for beginners in JQuery. Simple and clear explanation."" -- Irina Zakharova""taking everything into the details and steps by steps, I love the course so far"" -- Maher Mahbouby""I loved this course, it will definitely help me complete my second year of my FdSc Computing course. Thank you"" -- Daryl Sturman""That is really good course not just for learning new, but also reviewing jquery."" -- Mirnaghi AghazadajQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License. Web analysis indicates that it is the most widely deployed JavaScript library by a large margin.Mastering jQuery will boost up your career specially in web development. This course is designed you to master yourself in jQuery through step by step process. Course Contents jQuery IntroWhat is jQuery and what you will learn?Downloading jQuery jQuery Basics A first look at jQuery code Selectors and Filters Replacing contents Handling events Hide/Show events Fading Slide Toggle AnimateSelectors Filters jQuery AdvancedAdvanced SelectorsCreating Content Creating Content: Part 2Inserting content Modifying content Modifying CSS Final thoughts"
Price: 74.99 |