busines4u |
":- ;- ;- . . . , . 100 . . . . , ."
Price: 39.99 |
WordPress |
Price: 16200.00 |
"Secrets revealed: Treat your acne to have beautiful face" |
"Everyone face acne once in their life. Almost 85% people in this world face acne once in their life.Most of the people don't know how to treat their acne. You hear myths every day like don't eat chocolate or keep washing your face, but the truth is these won't help to get rid of acne. A detailed information is required before you start treating acne. If you want to go to any party tomorrow and you see a pimple grown, what will you do? Don't get worried as my course will help you enable to fight acne. There are simple tips and tricks to improve acne.After you complete this course, you will be able to confidently face acne as you can treat easily. Treatment of acne requires a little knowledge and items to prepare facial masks, homemade remedies etc. Skin acne is most common and you'll get surprised that to have a beautiful face it just requires 5-10 minutes of work! Skin care is an essential part of your life as it will give a boost to your personality. So make sure you signup for my course and start treating your acne now. At the end of my course I will be giving you my free acne e-book, so grab before it's too late."
Price: 19.99 |
"Email Marketing Master Class" |
"Enroll for Email Marketing Master Class to learn how to improve your email strategy and connect with more customers. You'll get six tactic-packed lessons that'll teach you how to master an essential aspect of your email marketing strategy. Here's what we'll cover:Lesson 1: Grow Your Email ListLesson 2 Write Compelling EmailsLesson 3: Design Flawless EmailsLesson 4: Test and Improve Your EmailsLesson 5: Build an Automated Email SeriesLesson 6: Convert Subscribers to CustomersWith each lesson, you'll also get a handout and quiz to help you apply what you've learned.Start building a better email marketing strategy today! Enroll for Email Marketing Master Class."
Price: 144.99 |
"Aprende a crear tu primer sitio web con Laravel 5.4" |
"En este minicurso aprenderemos desde cero, y paso a paso, a crear tu primer sitio web utilizando el Framework ms popular dePHP, Laravel.Aprenderemos a integrar plantillas html con Laravel PHPAprenderemos a crear formularios de contactoAprende a enviar emails automticamenteAprende a publicar tu sitio web en un servidor, y ms.."
Price: 19.99 |
"Dominando Laravel - De principiante a experto" |
"En este curso aprenderemos desde cero, a programar aplicaciones web utilizando el framework ms popular de php, LARAVEL.Ac te dejo el temario completo:Mdulo 0 - Laravel para principiantes (ACTUALIZACIN 2019)Instalando todo lo necesario para programar con Laravel en WindowsInstalando Sublime Text 3 Mejorando la apariencia de Sublime Text Configurando PHP Companion en Sublime Text Preferencias personales de Sublime Text Mejorando la apariencia de Sublime Text - Parte 2 Qu son y cmo se utilizan las RUTAS Rutas con nombre Cmo mostrar HTML con las vistas Blade, el motor de plantillas Estructuras de control con Blade Controladores Controladores Resource & APICmo enviar formulariosCmo validar formulariosCmo traducir tus aplicaciones en LaravelCmo enviar emails en LaravelVariables de entorno y Bases de DatosQu son y cmo se utilizan las migracionesEloquent: Obtener registros de la base de datosEloquent: Obtener registros individualesRoute model binding - URLs amigablesEloquent: Insertar registros Qu significa la asignacin masivaQu son y cmo utilizar Form RequestsEloquent: Actualizar registrosReutilizando el formulario de crear y editarEloquent: Eliminar RegistrosRoute ResourceCmo mostrar mensajes de sesinAgregando Login y RegistroCmo proteger rutas con usuario y contraseaIntroduccin a Laravel MixDiseo con Bootstrap 4 - parte 1Terminando el diseoMdulo 1 - Nivel BsicoEn este mdulo veremos los fundamentos de LaravelRouting - Qu son y cmo se utilizan las RUTASViews - Cmo mostrar HTML con las VISTASBlade - El motor de plantillas de LaravelControllers - Cmo utilizar controladoresRequests - Cmo manejar las peticiones HTTPValidation - Validacin de formulariosResponses - Cmo manejar las respuestas del servidorMiddlewares - Qu son y cmo se utilizanBases de Datos - Configuracin de la conexinMigrations - Control de versin de bases de datosREST - Entendiendo el diseo de software RESTQuery Builder - Implementacin RESTEloquent - Reestructuracin RESTAuthentication - Login manual de usuariosElixir - Preprocesadores CSS y BootstrapElixir - Combinacin de archivos y BrowserSyncMdulo 2 - Nivel IntermedioEn este mdulo crearemos un sistema de Usuarios y RolesUsuarios y Roles - IntroduccinEloquent - Relaciones HasOne & HasManyEloquent - Relaciones Many to ManyValidacin - Regla unique al actualizarPolicies - Polticas de accesoCollections - Reestructuracin de cdigoEloquent: Guardar relaciones HasOne y HasManyEloquent: Guardar relaciones ManyToManyEloquent: Relaciones Polimrficas HasOne & HasManyEloquent: Relaciones Polimrficas belongsToManyEloquent: Optimizacin de consultasEmails - En entorno localEmails - En entorno de produccinEventos y Listeners - Reestructuracin del cdigoMdulo 3 - Nivel AvanzadoEn este mdulo veremos lo siguiente temas un poco ms avanzadosInstalacin de HomesteadActualizacinSeedersPaginacin - CustomIntroduccin al CachUtilizando el Cach en LaravelCach con RedisRepositorios - Reestructuracin de cdigoDecoradores e Interfaces- Reestructuracin de cdigoView PresentersQueues & JobsSocketIO - Laravel Echo & RedisTesting - Unit TestsTesting - Integration TestsTesting - Functional TestsTesting - Acceptance tests con SeleniumMdulo 4 - Despliegue en servidoresEn este mdulo aprenderemos a poner en produccin aplicaciones de LaravelDeploy en Heroku (servicio gratuito)Migraciones y bases de datos en HerokuForge - Deploy en Digital OceanForge - Cmo tener mltiples sitios pagando un solo servidorAdquiriendo y configurando un dominio personalizadoConfigurando cuentas de email corporativoForge: Queues & cach con RedisForge - Cmo instalar un certificado SSL gratisForge - Despliegue automticoMdulo 5 - Tips & Trucos (BONUS 1)En este mdulo vemos tips y trucos con Laravel, adems de actualizaciones de las versiones 5.*Cambios importantes en el directorioMailablesNueva forma de subir archivosNotificaciones va emailNotificaciones va database y ms...Qu son los ataques XSS y cmo evitarlos Cmo exportar PDFs en Laravel Cmo exportar Excel & CSV en Laravel Cmo exportar consultas a Excel & CSVCmo exportar vistas de blade a Excel & CSVCmo exportar datos a travs de queuesMdulo 6 - Cmo funciona la autenticacin en Laravel (BONUS 2)En este mdulo vemos tips y trucos con Laravel, adems de actualizaciones de las versiones 5.*Cmo funciona el loginCmo funciona el registroSolicitud de reestablecimiento de contraseaPersonalizando el email de reestablecimiento de contraseaCmo funciona el restablecimiento de contraseasMdulo 7 - Novedades de Laravel 5.5 (BONUS 3)Frontend presetsMtodos view y redirectDirectivas de BladeComando vendor publishComando package discoverEmails renderizablesValidacin de requestsComando make ruleComando migrate freshComando make factoryObjetos opcionalesDiferencias entre request has y request filledMdulo 8 - Novedades de Laravel 5.7 (BONUS 4)Cambio en la estructura de carpetas Mejores mensajes de error Usuario opcional en politicas de acceso Dump Server Verificacin de Emails Mdulo 9 - Novedades de Laravel 5.8 (BONUS 5)Registro automtico de polticas de accesoDireccin de los archivos de BladeTiempo de expiracin del cachMdulo 10 - Novedades de Laravel 6 (BONUS 6)Cmo ejecutar el comando make:auth en Laravel 6Ignition: La nueva pgina de error de Laravel 6Confirmacin de contraseaNueva constante de redireccinCambios en los tests"
Price: 199.99 |
"Laravel & Vue.js: Crea una aplicacin web del mundo real" |
"SECCIN1 -Integracin de las plantillas html y esquema de base de datosINTEGRANDO LA PLANTILLA HTMLCREANDO LA TABLA POSTSMOSTRANDO LOS POSTS DESDE LA BASE DE DATOSMOSTRANDO LA FECHA DE PUBLICACIN DE LOS POSTSCREANDO LAS CATEGORASQU SON Y CMO UTILIZAR SEEDERSCREANDO LAS ETIQUETASINTEGRANDO LA PLANTILLA DE ADMINISTRACIN ADMINLTEINTEGRANDO EL LOGIN - PARTE IINTEGRANDO EL LOGIN - PARTE IIPERSONALIZANDO EL MEN Y UTILIZANDO CONTROLADORESMOSTRANDO LOS POSTS CON DATATABLESJSREESTRUCTURACIN DE CDIGO Y ACTIVACIN DE LINKSSECCIN 2 -Crear y editar publicacionesCREACIN DEL FORMULARIO PARA INGRESAR POSTSIMPLEMENTACIN DE UN SELECTOR DE FECHAS 'DATEPICKER'INTEGRANDO UN EDITOR DE CONTENIDO Y UN SELECTOR MLTIPLEGUARDANDO LAS PUBLICACIONESVALIDANDO EL FORMULARIOQUERY SCOPESMOSTRANDO LOS POSTS INDIVIDUALESURLS AMIGABLESTTULO Y DESCRIPCIN PARA SEOSOCIAL LINKSACTUALIZAR POSTS - PARTE 1ACTUALIZANDO POSTS - PARTE 2SECCIN 3 -Cmo subir imgenesCMO SUBIR IMGENES CON DROPZONEJSVALIDANDO LAS IMGENESALMACENANDO LAS IMGENES EN EL SERVIDORMOSTRANDO LAS FOTOSGALERA DE FOTOSELIMINANDO FOTOS PARTE 1ELIMINANDO FOTOS PARTE 2SECCIN 4 -Filtros y mejoras en el cdigo (reestructuraciones)POSTS CON VIDEO Y AUDIOPAGINACIN PERSONALIZADAFILTRAR POSTS POR CATEGORAFILTRAR POSTS POR ETIQUETAACCESORES Y MUTADORES DE ELOQUENTCREANDO ETIQUETAS SOBRE LA MARCHAREESTRUCTURACIN DEL POSTSCONTROLLERREESTRUCTURACIN DEL PHOTOSCONTROLLERELIMINAR POSTS Y SUS RELACIONESACTUALIZANDO A LARAVEL 5.5MANTENER EL MODAL SI HAY ERRORESURLS NICASACTIVANDO LA NAVEGACIONAGREGANDO LAS PAGINAS ESTATICASSECCIN 5: Roles y permisosACCESO A POSTS NO PUBLICOSASIGNAR POSTS A USUARIOSReestructuracin VISTAS POLIMRFICASPOLTICAS DE ACCESO A PUBLICACIONESInstalacin del paquete laravel-permission (Vista previa)Roles y UsuariosPermisos de usuarioMostrando el listado de usuariosCreando el perfil de usuarioEditar usuariosEditar contraseaAgregar y quitar roles de usuarioAgregar y quitar permisos de usuarioActivando rutas anidadasCrear usuarios - parte 1Crear usuarios - parte 2Eventos y ListenersEnviar credenciales por correo electrnicoPolticas de acceso a usuariosEliminar usuariosPermisos para asignar rolesMostrando el listado de rolesFormulario para crear rolesFormulario para editar roles - parte 1Formulario para editar roles - parte 2Mensajes de validacin personalizadosEliminar rolesPolticas de acceso a rolesVer y editar permisosPolticas de acceso a permisosMostrar y ocultar botonesImplementando la pgina de archivoAgrupar posts por mes y aoFiltrar posts por mes y aoOptimizacin de consultas en EloquentSECCIN 6: Convirtiendo el Blog en un SPA con Vue.jsInstalacin de dependencias NPM (Vista previa)Compilacin de archivos (Vista previa)Configurando BrowserSync (Vista previa)Definiendo la vista principalInstalando Vue RouterCreando las rutasDefiniendo la navegacinCreando las vistasMostrando los posts via AJAXMostrando los posts - parte 2Rutas con nombreMostrando posts individualesUso de API Resources en LaravelExtraccin de componentesMostrando posts por categorasMostrar posts por etiquetasComponentes para los postsParmetros a propiedadesImplementando la vista archivoAgregando los comentariosPaginacin con Vue Router"
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop Bsico" |
"Aprenders de manera divertida y prctica los conceptos bsicos de esta aplicacin. Acabando el curso, tendrs los conocimientos para hacer pequeos trabajos de retoque fotogrfico, diseos sencillos para imprenta y muchas otras cosas.Herramientas cotidianas de Photoshop, retoque de fotografas, montajes de fotos, diseos para impresin offset, elaborar banners para web etc.Est diseado para personas que nunca hayan tenido contacto con este programa. Empezamos desde cero, pero no lo hacemos de manera tediosa, sino que vamos directo a las partes prcticas, viendo las herramientas quems vamos a usar. Pensamos que el alumno no tiene por qu saber de entrada todos los comandos y ventanas que hay en el programa, eso lo ir viendo poco a poco en su tiempo libre, lo que necesita el alumno es conocer lo bsico y lo que es realmente til, para empezar a trabajar desde el primer da.El profesor de este curso tiene ms de 21 aos de experiencia, no solo en Photoshop, sino en todo lo relacionado con el diseo y la publicidad, con estudios realizados en la Unin Europea en diseo y empresas fundadas tanto en Espaa como en Mxico."
Price: 49.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop - Aprende Montajes fotogrficos rpido" |
"Aprenderemos a hacer montajes rpidos de fotografas, una con una foto de un humano y la cara de un animal, algo poco comn, y otro montaje donde sustituiremos el rostro de la fotografa por otro rostro que no estar perfectamente alineado como la foto original, y por tanto, deberemos aprender a ajustarla lo mximo posible para que quede convincente, a pesar de ser una foto de diferente resolucin y posicin. Al ser una clase rpida, sera conveniente tener conocimientos bsicos de Photoshop, pero si no los tienes puedes igualmente hacer el curso y preguntar las dudas que tengas. Estamos trabajando en un curso completo para los usuarios que ven por primera vez el programa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Haz tu primera cancin: mientras aprendes FL Studio 12!" |
"Aprenders a elaborar una cancin desde cero y usar las herramientas ms bsicas deFL Studio.Logrars poder hacer un tema dancede manera sencilla y tendrs las bases para poder hacer cualquier cancin que te propongas. Como alargar la cancin, meter una intro para DJ etc.Dejaremos a un lado los aspectos ms tediosos para centrarnos en lo ms bsico para que empieces a usar el programa desde el principio entendiendolo paso a paso."
Price: 420.00 |
"Design Your Website WWW" |
"Master Web Design so You Can Start Your Own Business : Make MoneyAre u looking for Web Design and Development Easy Course ? yes here is the right Stop. we have Designed this Course for students to website Owners. who have Basic knowledgeof code or design. This course contains all levels Tutorials we have started from simple web layout to Advance Responsive Mockup.We are going to learn effective Tricks to make your website look more unique and professional, there are lots of design Sources and elements available we dont know the resources so in this course i have created fine Guidelines for you to use that all usefull Resources for Free.Website Design is an Art. and we must need to Improve with latest trend to convert this art in master piece."
Price: 199.99 |
"Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome" |
"Are you dealing with autoimmune conditions at the moment that just don't seem to be getting better? Are you suffering from bad cases of acne and/or eczema which seems to be getting worse. Or are you just feeling sub optimal in your health and wellness?No matter which of these applies to you, this course will be of benefits.Did you know that 70% of our immune system actually resides in our gut. This means that if you don't get it in control you will find yourself suffering with ongoing colds and flu's and even put yourself at greater risk of certain cancers.Did you also know that 95% of our serotonin (reduces risk of depression) is also located in our gut. Leaky gut can therefore lead to Depression, Anxiety, Brain Fog and Memory Loss.It is important that you get your gut health into order now..."
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn to Master After Effects and Illustrator" |
"What students are saying about this course:Really straightforward, nice break down of what happens step by step in a short space of time with a practical, real-world example across several tools in the Adobe Suite. Great stuff! - Nikita Blanarik, student""Awesome, easy to learn. Recommended"" - Nicolas Ortiz, studentI remember when I was trying to learn more about how to improve my skills using illustrator and after effects. I knew how to draw on paper and pencil, but I could not draw as well on the computer and the tablet. Also, I was not sure how to use shape layers in after effects. It confused me because I didnt know the difference between shape layers and normal layers.After several classes, books, tutorials, and working a ton of jobs I found a method to improve my drawing skills on the computer AND to use shape layers to animate them in after effects. These techniques have booked me several jobs and now Im will be showing them to you in this course.In this class you will learn how to illustrateflat vectorsin Illustrator.We'll startin Photoshop where we will make a rough sketch to lay out our ideas.We'll bring our sketch into Illustrator to refine our design and illustration using shapes and the pen tool.We'll bring the Illustrator file intoAfter Effects and convert them to shape layers. We'll animate the shape layersusing shape parameters.In addition to the lectures, throughout the course I will be supplying my working projects so that you can use them as a downloadable resource as you follow along.At the end of this course, you'll be able to design and illustrate flat vector illustrationsin Illustrator and animate them in After Effects using the shape layers.I want you to succeed. If you have any questions reach out to me in the Q&A section of the course. Id be happy to answer any questions you may have.Let me help you master illustrating in illustrator andanimating in after effects by clicking the red button on the right to enroll now."
Price: 99.99 |
"Animate 3D Parallax Camera in Photoshop and After Effects" |
"What students are saying about this course:The instructor didn't waste any time, she was on to the point and a well worthy course for beginners - Bridge Kode, studentVery short and to the point, I really like this, I don't like long courses just for the sake of making it look like there is a lot of material, the instructor teaches you what you need to know if a great course. - Gabriel Pena, studentloved it - Peter Munuero, studentevery topic well explained - computer scientist Brian Arias Monari, studentexcellent - Kaustav Kar, studentIt was a good course, and easy to undestand - Byron Adalberto Garcia Villedasuperb - Anchana G.V., studentCOOL - Kamal Achour, studentNice course. I have learn some new techniques in photoshop masking and after effects camera settings. - Renjith. R R, studentHAPPY. - Gour chowdhuri, studentawesome easily understandable - Parveen, studenti learned new things. Erdinc Celvan, studentLearned a good deal about some tools i overlooked, this course was really well made and engaging. - Troy Smith, studentGood introductory course. - Carl Van Fossen, studentAwesome, really amazing - Tcherno Madjo Djalo, studentThis class is made for the beginner motion designer who is looking to learn more about Adobe Photoshop and After Effects, and how to apply these skills in a professional setting.In this class you will learn how to animate a still photograph.We'll startin Photoshop where we will learn how to use the Pen tool to separate the photograph and create a layer mask. Then we will paint the skater out using the Clone Stamp Tool and the Patch tool.We'll bring these layers into After Effects and convert them to 3D layers and animate them using a camera.Finally, we will animate some text using the text tool and 3D layers.In addition, throughout the course I will be supplying my working projects so that you can use them as a downloadable resource.At the end of this course, you'll be able to animate a still photograph using these techniques.Let me help you learn how to animate a 3D parallax Camera in Photoshop and in After Effects by clicking the red button on the right to enroll now."
Price: 19.99 |
"Create HUD graphics in After Effects and Illustrator" |
"What students are saying about this course:Great course for expanding your expertise in After Effects. Many great workflow tips. - David Erickson, studentRelaxed person to person way of explaining, so you understand it deeply.. - Peter Jensen, studentI learn a lot by watching the instructor thought processes while she builds out the project. She not only shows what she is doing, she shows why she is doing something. Nice. - Ira Camp, studentExcellent, step by step but not tedious. And I learning to a point that I don't have to constantly go back and refernce. - Kenneth Vanwright, studentAwesome stuff.....best money I have spent here on Udemy. I am really learning so much about after effects through the project...and the repetition on the same hotkey behavior has helped me learn immensely. As someone that is learning animation I have learned more from this project based course than I have in many larger ""all inclusive courses""...I will be taking every other course she offers. - Jeremy Hazel, studentThis is awesome training!!! - Daniel Martinez, studentClear and detailed explanation, many tricks and trips, I can't really imagine number of animation can I do by following this method, make me feel that I am designing like professional , or maybe I am already professional after this course. Very recommend - Ahmed S Safwat, studentHigh quality course offering many well explained tips and tricks applicable to Interface motion graphic animation and beyond! Recommended! - Amanda Jessup""The course is very good and easy to understand. Thank"" - Kanawat, studentI remember when I wanted to create HUD graphics. I was lost. How do they get that kind of detail, those glows, how did they set up their shots?After many years on the job, I learned some effective workflow tips to help me create this HUD animation relatively quickly, and now you can too. Ill be covering a lot of important workflow concepts as well as tricks so that you can create this animation.We'll start with a Thumbnail sketch and bring it into Illustrator to create our assets. Thenwe'llbring them into After Effects.We'll take ourIllustrator file intoAfter Effects and convert the layers to 3D layers and animate them using shape layers. We'll comp these assets and create the text in After Effects. We'll apply effects and filters to create the final look.At the end of the course, you'll havebuilt up a library of assets that you can re-use in addition to creating this animation.Also, throughout the course I will be supplying my working project filesso that you can use them as a downloadable resource.I want you to succeed. If you have any questions reach out to me in the Q&A section of the course. Id be happy to answer any questions you may have.Let me help you master animating in after effects and illustratorby clicking the red button on the right to enroll now."
Price: 164.99 |
"Master working with Textures in After Effects" |
"Textures are my favorite to work with in After Effects. In this course I'll be teaching you what good textures are, how to find them and make them and how to use them in After Effects. I'll be teaching you my tricks and secrets in how I design and animate with textures. I'll be walking you through an example project which I will also be providing my project filesfor you to learn as you go.I want you to succeed. If you have any questions reach out to me in the Q&A section of the course. Id be happy to answer any questions you may have.Here are what students are saying about this course:""THis is the answer to every question I ever had about textures. You definitely need some basic knowledge on what you are looking FOR in After effects, but she shows you HOW to do it all ......I have so many ideas opened up as a result of this course....."" Jeremy Hazel, student""I did this course in a couple of hours but after having learned a solid foundation of the basics this is exactly what I needed to help cement my After Effects knowledge. Having a real world type of project like this is a great way to put it all together. I really enjoyed it and would recommend this to anybody looking to improve their motion graphics skills who is a beginner looking to get to a more intermediate/advanced level."" - Eric Vasquez, student""The quality of the end product and the clever but accessible techniques the instructor demonstrated to achieve it makes this course feel like a direct insight into an industry professional's process."" - Jonathan Rogers, studentLet me help you master working with texturesin after effects by clicking the red button on the right to enroll now."
Price: 164.99 |
"VFX + GFX: Rotoscoping and compositing graphics" |
"This course is designed for the After Effects artist who wants to get into visual effects. Regardless of your background as long as you have basic knowledge in After Effects and a desire to learn about visual effects, this course is for you.One of the first techniques I learned as a visual effects artist was rotoscoping. At first I thought it was incredibly tedious and difficult until I got into a good zone with it. I think every digital compositor should know how to rotoscope and that it's the gateway into the visual effects world. Also, it useful professional technique to know. There's a good and bad way to rotoscope, and I'll be discussing some important workflow setups so that you set yourself up for success. Also, I'll be talking about some important animation concepts that will be helpful for you to learn in order to master rotoscoping.The other portion of this course will be creating graphics using shape layers and compositing them over the live action footage. I'll be walking you through our class example project, and I will also be providing my project filesfor you to learn as you go.I want you to succeed. If you have any questions reach out to me in the Q&A section of the course. Id be happy to answer any questions you may have.Let me help you master working with texturesin after effects by clicking the red button on the right to enroll now."
Price: 179.99 |
"How to be present whilst presenting" |
"We all have to communicate right? Whether you are a baby crying for milk or you are a businessman pitching his next big idea! What amazes me is that many of us forget how to use our natural skills and develop unhelpful habits that can inhibit us, leave us a nervous wreck and make us unable to communicate effectively. This course teaches you easy to implement acting techniques which will press the reset button and allow you to present with flair and presence.Iwill guide you from nervous wreck to polished performer:I willteach you how to be present whilst presenting, using the skills I have learnt as a Professional RADA Trained Actress. By the end of this course you will have a 'carpet bag' of tools to help you get your message across including vocal techniques, a greater awareness of physicality and how to train your brain to help you overcome inhibition and unhelpful self-analysis. You will learn about how to warm up your voice before a presentation, how to use effective body language to keep your audience engaged and how to keep your mind clear and focussed. You will have a clear understanding on how to structure a presentation both from the point of view of writing it and performing it. You will learn how to help your brain memorise your presentation whilst being free and easy in your delivery. You will be introduced to elements of the Alexander Technique which can help you free your mind and body of tension and stress. Although I am going to let you in on the secrets of professional acting, I will not expect you to be any good at acting, all I am asking is that you tap into those natural skills we all have had since birth which have been covered up by years of bad habits, learned behaviours and past experience which has made you feel you are unable to present effectively.Being able to speak publically can open up many doors in the business world. From being able to pitch effectively to selling your products through sales presentations, this course will give you the skills to speak confidently and professionally and this in turn will allow your business to flourish. The more confident and engaging we are, the more likely people are to listen to you. You will be free of the shackles of inhibitions and able to take the world on by storm.Sign up for my course today and you will be let into the secrets of RADA's world renowned training - something that has only been afforded to 3000 people in the last 100 years. Too good an opportunity to pass up? See you at rehearsals soon!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Jobseekers guide to acing that interview!" |
"Research has proven that most employers make a decision about acandidate within the first 60 seconds of interview. Feeling panicked already? Wish someone was around to tell you how to act? Well, Amy Botes of PEPPED Productions is here to help.Amy Botes is a professional RADA trained Actress and businesswoman, who is perfectly placed to guide you through the entire process of an interview. From job seeking; to preparation; to rehearsal; to D-day, she will be giving you advice, techniques and exercises to make sure you get your DREAM role! You will be given guidance on how to write an attention-grabbing CV. You will learn, rehearse and perform answers to typical questions whilst being free and easy in your delivery. You will have the chance to stage your own practice interview to build your confidence and hone your performance. You will have a greater understanding of body language and how to send the right message during your interview. You will be introduced to elements of the Alexander Technique which can help you free your mind and body of tension and stress. You will be introduced to the idea of personal brand and how you can use this to your advantage. You will be given knowledge in how to build upon your personal impact through mental, vocal and physical techniques. You will learn how to relax and deal with nerves effectively. You will be introduced to improvisational techniques, that will give you the advantage when hit with curve balls. You will learn about how to warm up your voice before your interview. You will learn how to keep your audience engaged and how to keep your mind clear and focussed. You will learn how to deal with your inner critic and the waiting period after the interview. You will be given the chance to weigh up whether this role is really right for you, once you get offered the job. You will be introduced to the concept of characterisation and how this can help you project the best parts of yourself. You will learn how to build rapport and follow up on useful connections in your network. Although Amy is going to let you in on the secrets of professional acting, she wont be asking you to act. She calls this acting but not acting. All she is asking, is that you tap into your innate ability to communicate and wash away any bad habits and learned behaviours that are getting in your way.If the only thing in the way of you, getting your dream role, is you come on this journey with me. In a society that profits from your self-doubts, liking yourself is a rebellious act. You can be anyone you want to be.All you have to do, is sign up for my course today and you will be given the opportunity to completely ACE that interview! Ready to show the world what you are made of?"
Price: 94.99 |
"Le scalping avec Ichimoku" |
"Apprenez comment scalper sur les marchs grce l'indicateur Ichimoku !Dans cette formation destine ceux qui veulent trader trs court terme, nous exploiterons ce magnifique outil qu'est Ichimoku pour analyser et prendre de multiples positions sur les marchs "" grande vitesse"".Nous verrons comment exploiter d'Ichimoku pour dterminer les tendances et trouver les zones de supports et de rsistances dynamiques qui nous permettent d'intervenir au mieux pour acheter et vendre dans des trs petites units de temps.Les grands axe de la formation :Utilisation d'Ichimoku et comment prparer ses graphiques avant de commencer scalper.Suivi d'un plan de trading qui nous permettra d'intervenir sur le march la hausse comme la baisse afin de profiter au mieux de tous les mouvements du march.Exploitation de la mthode en direct avec de nombreux exemples de sessions de trading live avec IchimokuLa mthode peut tre utilise sur tous les marchs que ce soit le forex, les indices, les CFD,les Cryptomonnaies, les actions ..."
Price: 159.99 |
"Personal Branding: Master Your Elevator Pitch" |
"What does it take to create a powerful first impression with recruiters,hiring managers, and professional contacts?When you're trying to land your next big role, your ability to create immediate impact will make the difference between you standing out or getting lost in the shuffle.So how can you quickly and effectivelycommunicate who you are and what you can offer?What should you say?How much should you say?This course will help you understand how to effectively craft andpitch your professional storyto build more meaningful connections when networking, make yourself more memorable torecruiters, and impresshiring managers during interviews.In this course, youll learn:The3 career-related questions you should always be ready to answer when you're job hunting.Simple frameworks to help you deliver your elevator pitchesKeyprinciples of creating an effective career pitchConcrete tips on how to come across as a confident, focused professional when talking about yourselfPractical techniquesto impress hiring managers during job interviewsThis course is taught byJoseph Liu, a personal branding consultant, professional career coach,and former blue-chip brand marketer with 10 years' global industry experience building & relaunching five US&UKbrands. Having listened tohundreds of professional pitches, he knows what it takes to cut through the noise and convey who you are.Using simple but powerful branding frameworksinformed by marketing tactics,he'll help you craft an effective elevator pitch to land your next dream role.What othershave said about this course:""Your elevator pitch frameworkswere very useful and practical. Just last week, Iused the pitch ata networking event, and it worked like magic because Ialready have follow-upinquiries. Your approach really works, and I still use it today."" -Tony N.Risk Consultantin London""Thisjob offer came my waybecause of your great ""Tell me about yourself"" framework. I can only say positive things about the framework. It helped to build my job interview speech, but it alsohelped me in so many other occasions. I have used it frequently, still do now. Definitely very useful!""-CarrieM. Investment Manager, New York City"
Price: 199.99 |
"Presentation Skills: Give More Powerful, Memorable Talks" |
"Learn how to create and deliverhigh quality presentations that make youmore memorable with audiences, stakeholders, and colleagues.Master the Principles of Effective Public Speaking inthis Presentation SkillsCourse Built on Proven Branding Principles.Develop morefocused presentationsDesign your slides to create more impactPrepare the right wayDeliver your talk with confidenceAvoid common presentation pitfallsGiving aneffective presentationcan open excitingnew doors in your career.In this course, you'll learn how to create more impact when you present, speak with more confidence, and connect with your audiences in a way that not onlyboosts your credibility but also makes your messages more memorable. After all, beingable toeffectivelygive apresentation is one of the key skills you'll need to master if you want to be taken seriously and succeed in yourorganization.Being a strong presenter can opennew professional opportunities, enhance your visibility in your organization, and improve your credibility with stakeholders, clients, and colleagues.Content &OverviewI designed this course for the aspiring professional who understands the importance of being able to give a strong presentationbut isn't sure how to structure your presentation or feelcomfortable speakingin front of an audience.Building on proven marketing and branding principles, you'll learn simple, step-by-steptechniquesto create and deliveran effective presentation from start to finish. Starting with developing your idea, this course will walk you through how to:Create a clear presentation structurethat audiences can easily followDesign your slides so yourcontent can truly shinePrepare in a way that allows you to reducenervousnessDeliver your talk to create a positive, lasting impression with your audienceAvoid the mostcommon mistakes speakers make that reduce their effectivenessThis 90-mincourse includes real-world case studies, interactive exercises, helpful resources, and simple techniquesyou can begin applying right away to your presentations. With so many presentation skills courses out there, this course hones in on only those specific principles that make a realdifference to the quality of your public speaking.This course is taught by Joseph Liu,aseasonedpersonal branding consultant, TEDx speaker, former news anchor, and former Fortune 500 brand marketerwith 15+ years of public speaking experience. Josephcoaches senior executives and professionals on how to elevate their presentation skills and is regularly invited to serve as a keynote speaker or workshop host for companies, business schools, and conferences around the world.By the end of the course, you'll be able to create more impact when you present, speak with more confidence, and be a more memorable speaker so you canbecome known as an excellent public speaker who cantruly impress your audiences."
Price: 199.99 |
"Decoracin con telas para fiestas y eventos" |
"PARA QUIN VA DIRIGIDO ESTE CURSO?Este curso est dirigido para todo el pblico en general que desea aprender a decorar con telas, ya sea para abrir un negocio de eventos, decorar su propio local, decorar una fiesta para algn familiar entre otros.PORQU ESTE CURSO ES IDEAL PARA T?Si vas emprender un negocio de eventos sociales (fiestas infantiles, bodas, baby shower, graduaciones y otros) necesitars saber cmo armar y decorar una estructura para el fondo de un local y en este curso lo encontrars.CMO REALIZAR EL CURSO?Es recomendable que el alumno estudie en orden secuencial ya que las tcnicas que aprenda los ir aplicando en las dems. Cabe recordar que por ser un curso 100% prctico se recomienda no solo memorizar el contenido sino que tambin ponerlo en prctica solo as se podrn ver los resultados.QU APRENDER EN ESTE CURSO?Aprenders desde cero todas las tcnicas y modelos comerciales para decorar cualquier tipo de evento, nosotros te enseamos todas las tcnicas y tu imaginacin har el resto.NECESITO SABER ALGO?Absolutamente nada, este curso esta 100% prctico desde cero"
Price: 74.99 |
"Automotive & Car Retouching in Adobe lightroom & Photoshop" |
"I have developed my own car retouching technique &workflow for the past two years & I decided to share my knowledge with those who would love to learn the trades of automotive retouching in photoshop.This course is split into 12 videos that will shed some light on how to professionally edit & retouch car photos in Adobe photoshop & lightroom.Ever wondered how automotive photographers get sharp detailed photos?Want to improve your photoshop skills?Want to understand the proper automotive and car retouching workflow?Want to get the highlights and shadows right?Want to have a clean & a professional looking image?--------------------------- Then this course is for you -------------------------------What you will learn:Apply basic adjustments in adobe lightroomRemoving & cloning out elements in adobe photoshopRemoving basic reflections in Adobe PhotoshopRemoving Nasty reflections in Adobe photoshop (BONUS)Dodging & Burning the car in Adobe PhotoshopAdding Tonal ContrastAdding SharpnessDesaturating with channel mixerApply final adjustments in Adobe lightroomA prior knowledge to using basic tools in photoshop is required, I will be supplying additional resources as required."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 1200.00 |
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". . . . . . .ENGLEARNN1 ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Start A Business - Complete Guide" |
"Starting anew businessis much different than improving one you already own.So, try to learn some basics and informative topics before you start a business. Many people start a business without any solid information cause them money and time lose. Recommend you to start a businessafter learning it's basics.In this course you will able to get knowledge of business laws, business and business plan.Their are lots of Business Types you will learn in this course,you are able to get know in detail and start a business as your Choice.After this course you will able to learn which business types will suit you.After, you will learn about the business types that suits for you choosebusiness structure. You will get detailed information about business structure, and able to learn which structure will suit you.We will discuss each structure with Pros & Cons.You will able to learn which location will suit you and choose equipment for leasing. Learn about Business LawsAnd finance your business, you will get details to finance your business from venture capital to angel investor.Hope you will ENROLLTHIScourse and start your own business.Before starting business learn some basics and Supercharge your business.Thanks,Samuel"
Price: 59.99 |
"Revealed: Power BI Query Editor For Cleaner BI Data" |
"2nd in my series of Udemycourses on mastering data cleaning in the age of bigdataEvery day is training day! Think about how the data explosion is changing analytics and your career prospects. You can join the fun by learning to createsimple but powerfulBI data transformations.Microsoft has the right tool for to do this. Its called Power BI Query Editor. Want to learn how to use it and have more career opportunities? You are in the right place!Learn and Master Power BI Query EditorTo Strengthen Your Data Analytics CareerIf you're like me,you want the best data possible 'feeding'your Power BIvisualizations . . .create fast, repeatable data transformations that improve Power BI analysis and reportingpush-button, formula and multi-query functionschange'dirty'data into clean,structured data for better dashboards and visualizationsthe perfectcourse fornewPower BI users who need to increase their Query Editor and career skillsControl your data instead of letting it control you_______________________________________________________________________________________________Some comments from students:""I feel so empowered by this course! Thank you soooo very much for delivering this masterpiece of a course in an easy to digest manner; and I hope to see more courses from you!"" - Aisha I.""Step by Step mastery course! Really worth."" - Prabhakar K.""Very clear instructions and a great way to expand into data analysis."" - Kenneth L._______________________________________________________________________________________________My simple strategies will save hours and let you avoid data cleaning mistakes. Here they are in this unique course!I GUARANTEE your investment in learning Power BI Query Editor will be the best you can make! It will pay you back every time you use it.I will respond to all questions so you can use these simple strategies in a fool-proof wayThe careerpower of learning Power BI Query Editor is amazing. It's time for youto see the benefits.Let's get started!- Doug"
Price: 69.99 |
"Revealed: Power Query Advanced Tips And Tricks" |
"3rd in my series of Udemycourses on mastering data cleaning in the age of bigdataEvery day is atraining dayfor your next job opportunity. Prepare by making data transformations that are simple to use and quick. People notice, and you willhavea solid career. Microsoft has the right tool for this. Its called Excel Power Query. Want to use it like a pro?Advanced Excel Power Query WillStrengthen Your Data Analytics Career'Learn by doing' with downloadable exercise files,step-by-step video demonstrations and three-part 'Case Study' assignment that reinforces the knowledge you gainedCustom columns, the Power Query Formula Language (M code),embedded functions and much moreDozens of tips & tricks focused on Power Query's best featuresControl Your Data Instead Of Letting It Control YouI designed this course for data users of all levels. There is something here for everyone. Well solve some of the most common data cleansing problems encountered by data analysts. Youll walk away with first-rate knowledge valued in the job market. It's essential for developing your data career.Companies are moving to Excel Power Query for next generation data analysis power. Let meprepare you for thecareer that companies need.By taking this course, you will say ""Wow. It didn't know I could do that with Power Query!"""
Price: 69.99 |
"The Disobedient Writer: Break the Rules and Free Your Story" |
"Write what you know!""Find your voice! Show, don't tell!Rules and conventions are pervasive in fiction writing, and whether we are aware of it or not, they shape the way we approach and write our stories. This course aims to free you from the tyranny of the rules and offer a solid foundation of techniques, or roads into writing, that expand your understanding of the workings of creativity, language and story, and help you discover and bring forward your own best work.Break the rules that limit your creativity and bring forward what you have always wanted to writeRe-evaluate conventional rules and approaches and decide if they are right for you and your writingDiscover alternative tools and approaches to expand your creative power and language, and ultimately help you discover the form of your story that gives it the space to fully developGet un-stuck, beat writer's block, and generate lots of new writing with the help of the fertile writing explorations that accompany each unitChallenge conventional writing rules and discover effective approaches to bring forth your most creative and surprising workThis course is the fruit of working with thousands of writing students at all levels.Ive seen them paralyzed by how they think theyre supposed to write, judging their own work so harshly according to conventional rules that they fail to notice the gold in it. They fail to notice that they are doing something different, even unique, and instead throw away work that with some development could be mindblowing! Exquisite! And true to their deeper goals in writing.In all my teaching, I have found my students to be immensely more creative, and immensely better writers, than they understand themselves to be. What they came to create in writing was way beyond what they had imagined. And I believe, that if you are willing to put in the work, this course can do the same for you.Course structureTogether well look at twelve writing rules and conventions that are generally accepted by many, though certainly not all, writers, and continue to be taught as the way. Well look at each of these rules in turn.At first, well shake up those conventions, explore a bit of why they have been embraced, and consider what damage they may do to writers, their characters, and their stories. Then, well look at a tool or technique for writing beyond this convention in order to deepen your writing and unlock your real creative gifts.Well finish each unit with a practical exploration to illuminate for you - or familiarize you with - each creativity tool which you can apply immediately to your own writing.During this journey, well use plenty of examples from literature around the world, by authors such as Toni Morrison, Michael Ondaatje, Zadie Smith and Pablo Neruda.Youll be leaving this course with effective approaches to bring forth your most creative and surprising work. Detailed overviewHere is what we will cover in regards to each of the rules:1.Write what you knowHow sticking to writing what you know can block your creativity and limit your writing by deflating the power of your imagination. How to use the process of association in your writing, a valuable tool which can fuel your imagination and the expressiveness of your language.2. Find your voiceWhy finding your voice is sound, yet incomplete advice. How working with multiple voices and viewpoints can help you write complex stories.3. ""The more details, the better""The importance of narration and point of view in shaping details. How the concept of microscopic truthfulness can help you use details more effectively.4. Write from a sense of placeWhy the instruction to write from a sense of place does not apply to all writers and all stories. How to expand this instruction in order to open your work to the complexity of an unconventional sense of place.5. OutlineWhy discovery can be preferable to, and should precede, planning. How to use a story map as a tool to allow for more discovery and creativity in the journey of writing your story.6. Deepen character through backstoryWhy backstory is a crucial yet insufficient aspect of full and complex characterization. How to tap into the concept of the unlived life in order to create unforgettable and moving characters.7. A story consists of five parts with rising and falling tensionThe origins of the five-part story form and why it is time to move beyond this prototype. How to change the shape of your story by exploring the stories often left unexplored.8. Start by setting the sceneThe drawbacks to revealing too much too soon when beginning a story. Alternative ways of crafting a story beginning that allows for mystery and discovery.9. All events lead up to the climax.Why every story doesnt have to be built on the rising and falling of tension. How to discover different shapes of story and its tension in your own experiences and those of others.10. A causes B, then B causes C, The difference between simple and complex causality. How to use concentric circles as a tool to create multidimensional characters and events.11. Use flashbacks sparinglyThe limits of a mostly chronological unfolding of story. How to tap into associational thinking to open up your language to move your story around in time.12. Every story has already been toldWhy it is not true that every story has already been told and why yours is a story worth telling.+ Abonus lecture on ""Show, don't tell""Why ""show, don't tell"" is not a rule set in stone and why sometimes telling can be preferable to showing."
Price: 74.99 |