"Catch Your Wave" |
"This is a motivational course for individuals.The course is suitable for all of you willing to direct your life to the right way.Be First Be Rich.For all of you who are prepared to change your life to become much more happier and richer.Recognize your life values and set your lifes goals.Youll learn how to change your way of thinking for more useful causing the creation of comfortable moments and situations from which youll benefit. Youll be able to build the perfect relationships with the others whether you meet them, speak, work or live together now or even in your future everydays life.Change your life!Find the mission, realize your potential, and live your dream life.Together, wellfix the situations appearing in your life causing the creation of unpleasant consequences. Youll find out how to avoid these situations. Ill show you how to do this by using the principles and methods I recommend you in this course and in my book Be First, Be Rich. Youll recognize how to change the situations you are given to your benefit using recommended principles and ways.Dont waste your time. At the end of the course, youll be able to create your positive attitudes to your everydays life, it doesnt matter if you are at work, at home or in a difficult lifes situation.You lstart positive changes in yourlife in order to achieve yourgoals.I designed this course to be easily understood by everybody.Complete with given samples and your notes, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will create your own successful life.Youllrealize the power of your life and perceive life with more enthusiasm and energy. Youllbe given a new impetus for yourfuture."
Price: 94.99 |
"Bootstrap 4 Theme Development Masterclass" |
"Do you want to create professional and great looking HTML5 themes?Then this course is for you.You will learn how to create amodern responsivetheme using the Bootstrap framework. We will proceed from scratch and by means of an intuitive iterative process.This means that we first create a basic structure for our theme which we will further refine to achieve an awesome result.The features of the theme created with this course include:* Fully responsive on any device.* High resolution with Retina support.* Clearly defined color scheme.* Typography used the smart way.* Parallax and animation effects to enhance user experience.* Portfolio gallery by means of the Isotope plugin.* Flickable testimonials section using the Flickity plugin.* and more...There are lots of facets of web development which we will cover. So let's start today!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Develop Competitive Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce" |
"*** This course is new, we will work with WordPress 4.7+ and WooCommerce 2.0 to 3.0***Do you want to create succesfull WordPress and WooCommerce plugins?Then this course is for you.You will learn how to create WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions the easy way.We will start with a ""Hello World"" example and build our way up to real world plugins.In fact, I'm a plugin author on CodeCanyon and have many years of experience with WordPress and WooCommerce.I'll share lots of useful insights and tricks which I have learned through my career.We will discuss all the facets of plugin development. We will:install WordPress and WooCommerce on localhost in a standard and recommended way for plugin development,start with basic and simple subjects first and then build our way up,build a Scroll To Top Button plugin with admin settings as well,build a lite version of the successful and competitive plugin WooCommerce Free Gift,show how to upload our plugins to the official WordPress listing and to CodeCanyon.discuss the plugin localization process."
Price: 149.99 |
"Sass/Scss Kurz und Knackig" |
"Willkommen in meinem KursIn meinem Kurs Modernes CSS mit SCSS/SASSwirst du den modernen und populren CSS Prprozessor kennenlernen und nicht mehr missen wollen. Du wirst lernen wie du unter anderem Mixins nutzt oder For-Schleifen und Funktionen.Warum solltest du SCSS oder Sasslernen?Einen CSSPrprozessor in der Webentwicklungzu nutzen ist mittlerweile Standard und macht unser CSS berschaulicher, wiederverwendbarer und erweitert es um viele Funktionen. SCSS ist hierbei mit Abstand der bekannteste Prprozessor neben LESS und hat eine feste Community und viele Nutzer.Kursinhalte:VariablenInterpolationMixinsVererbung mit ExtendNestingMapsIf, for, each und while Schleifen/DirectivesFunktionenImports und PartialsAuerdemGebe ich dir in einer Bonus Lektion wertvolle Tipps mit auf dem Weg die dir helfen werden deine CSS, SCSS, HTML und Javascript Skills zu verbessern."
Price: 19.99 |
"JavaScript Bootcamp - Build Real World Applications" |
"THE COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT COURSE ON UDEMY!!!JOIN THE COMPLETE AND ADVANCED JAVASCRIPT TUTORIAL ON UDEMY!!!If you want to start learning to program or you already have some basic knowledge, then you are in the right place. This course gives you a chance to take your knowledge to the next level. You will start from very basics and reach the most advanced level.Let's actually talk about what the course covers...***INCLUDED:***JavaScript Basics / Intermediate:You will learn about the very basics of this language, like how to write JavaScript, what kind of syntax it has. What kind of data types JavaScript uses, functions, conditionals, objects, loops, etc. At the end of the section, you will be able to build your very first basic JavaScript application -- 'Digital Clock', followed by the coding task and quiz.JavaScript Behind The Scenes:In this section, you will be able to learn how JavaScript works behind the scenes. If you want to be a real JavaScript developer then you definitely need to understand how the code actually works, how the JavaScript engine executes and runs the code under the hood. You will cover very important topics, such as the global execution context and global object, what is execution stack, scope, and scope chain, hoisting, the special keyword 'this' etc. At the end of the section, you will check your knowledge with a quiz.Document Object Model (DOM):You will learn how to manipulate individual and multiple elements, how to change the web page content, how to style the elements using JavaScript and much more. In this section, you will build your next project -- 'Note Manager', which will be more complex and interesting than the previous one.Advanced JavaScript:This is the section where you will feel confident in JavaScript because you will be able to learn and understand the most advanced concepts in JavaScript. You will cover the following topics: function constructors, prototypal inheritance, prototype chain, first-class functions, closures and much more...Advanced JavaScript Project - Quiz Application:When you reach this point, you will be able to build the most advanced real-world application using pure JavaScript. You will learn how to write a real-world app using object-oriented JavaScript, you will be familiar with how to organize, structure and make your code safer using JavaScript Patterns.Next-Generation JavaScript:At the end of the course, you will be able to get familiar with the latest updates of JavaScript. You will learn about the next version of JavaScript, ES6 or ECMAScript2015. You will cover the following topics: Get familiar with Array helpers, let/const block-level variable declarations, arrow functions, template strings, default parameters, spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring, classes and much much more...JavaScript Interview Questions:The last section of the course will help you to get ready for your JavaScript interview. In this part, you will meet commonly asked JavaScript questions on the interviews and the relevant answers on them.Test your knowledge with lots of QUIZZES AND CODING TASKS!!!24/7 Support From The Instructors!!!JOIN US! "
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Build 6 Creative Projects" |
"""HTML, CSS, JavaScript Course - Build 6 Creative Projects"".If you want to get your hands dirty in three core technologies - HTML, CSS and JavaScript, then this is the right course for you. You will be able to build 6 modern, beautiful and creative projects. Learn how to create cool CSS animations and awesome 3D effects. INCLUDED:Project 1 - Invisible CardIn this project you will build nice profile card. You will be able to learn how to manipulate on backgrounds and create some cool effects. Project will be built based on HTML and CSSProject 2 - Sign Up FormThe second project will represent modern-looking and beautiful sign-up form. Project will consist of two parts. First part will be nice banner with little CSS animation and using banner button you will be navigated to sign-up form. Project will be created using HTML, CSS and JavaScriptProject 3 - Profile CardsIn this project you will build three beautiful profile cards with some cool animations. Besides cards, we will have heading with typing text animation. It will be created using JavaScript. Also, we will use CSS keyframes to create nice animated button with hover effect.Project 4 - SlideshowFourth projects is going to be slideshow. It will consist of two parts. We will have banner with header and 3D button. Banner elements will have some really nice and beautiful animations. By clicking button, we will move on to slideshow. Slideshow will be created using pure CSS. Each slide will represent the famous cities of world. Project will be based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Project 5 - Hamburger MenuIn this project, you will be able to learn how to create Hamburger Menu. Project will consist of two parts. First part is going to be banner, in which you will be able to build 3D button with hover effect. By clicking on Hamburger menu icon, we will be navigated to second part of project. It will be Navbar with two different Navigations. In this project, you will learn about how to create really modern and nice 3D effects. Project will be based on HTML, CSS and JavaScriptProject 6 - CubeSixth project will be the most interesting and advanced one. We will create slideshow represented by 3D cube. Project will be based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We are going to use really advanced stuff from CSS and relatively lots of JavaScript. After building this project you will be capable to create modern, advanced and beautiful projects on your own. Get fast and friendly support from instructors 24/7.JOIN US!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"SASS - The Complete SASS Course (CSS Preprocessor)" |
"The Brand New SASS Course on Udemy!!!""SASS - The Complete SASS Course (CSS Preprocessor)""If you want to learn about the most popular CSS Extension and build modern, beautiful and real world websites, then this is the right course for you. The course covers all you need to know about this awesome technology.INCLUDED:1. You will start from SASS basic topics, such as how to install SASS compiler, how to create variables and mixins in order to write more concise and flexible code. Also, we will cover topics like: extend, placeholder selectors, functions, imports, partials and much more...2. You will build modern and beautiful website - Restaurant ""Georgia"". Project will be created based on basics of SASS. You will learn about how to structure your code using SASS and you will be able to put all the learned stuff together and build the website.3. Next we will cover some advanced stuff in SASS. You will be able to learn about SASS data types, Interpolation, loops, IF Directive and much more.4. After completing the advanced SASS section, we will build our next project - ""Clothes Store"" based on advanced SASS stuff. 5. You will be able to make websites responsive for all screen sizes using some SASS techniques.Throughout the course, you will meet detailed explanations about how SASS works, also, you will introduce to modern practices and solutions.Get fast and friendly support from instructors 24/7.JOIN US!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Crea juegos para Android sin programar" |
"Este es un curso tutorial que te lleva de la mano por todo el proceso de creacin de un video juego para dispositivos Android de la manera ms eficiente.Tienes una idea para un juego?Tradicionalmente el proceso de produccin de un juego para Android requiere muchsimo tiempo, dinero y habilidades tcnicas, con nuestro mtodo todo eso es cosa del pasado.Desde el dibujo hasta la publicacin en Goople Play,en este curso aprenders la forma ms simple y rpidade transformar tus ideas en juegos, sin gastar tiempo en cdigos complicados y concentrando tu energa en lo ms importante, los personajes, la mecnica,la historia del juego, la presentaciny todos los elementos creativos."
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduction to Structural Steel Design" |
"Structural steel is one of the most versatile materials in the construction industry, with near endless possibilities when designed correctly.I have created thiscourse to providewhat I believe are the most fundamental concepts in the design of steel, learntfrom almost a decade's worth ofdesign experience.After studying structural steel design at four different universities, it became clear that a formal education, although incredibly valuable, does not alwayscoverthe most important concepts in design. My hope is that this course helps tobridge thegap between the classroom and the real world for anyone willing to take the time to learn.This course has been specifically designed to give value to you, the student, at any level. Lifetime access means you will receive all future updates and additions free of charge.If you are not100% sure this course is for you, feel free to take a look around.If you are not convinced, there is a 30 day money back guarantee with no hard feelings or questions asked.Thanks for taking the time to view this course, and I hope to see you in there!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Sonido Profesional - Fundamentos, tcnicas y secretos!" |
"Si eres msico, compositor, DJ, locutor, publicista, periodista, Youtuber, productor musical, audiovisual o haces podcast...Llegaste al lugar indicado!Este gran curso viene acompaado del libro FUNDAMENTOS DEL SONIDO PROFESIONAL que podrs descargar sin costo, y te ensea de una manera rpida, sencilla y eficaz todo lo que necesitas para desempearte como un profesional manejando tcnicas que te llevarn a obtener los mejores resultados.Temas como el sonido, la acstica, micrfonos, tcnicas de microfoneo, conexiones, consolas, ecualizadores, compresores, reverberaciones, delays, programas de audio, entre muchos ms, te ayudarn a tomar las decisiones correctas para lograr la mejor calidad en tus producciones musicales, tus presentaciones en vivo, el audio de tus videos, podcasts o el diseo y montaje de tu home studio.OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO:El curso est estructurado de modo que avances desde los conceptos iniciales necesarios para comprender todos los procesos empleados en el campo del sonido y el audio, avanzando de la siguiente manera:Comprender el sonido, cmo se produce y la forma en que este se propaga.Analizar la forma en que el sonido se comporta en diferentes entornos, desde conceptos de acstica abordados de manera sencilla y de fcil comprensin.Entender la manera en que el sonido es captado y llevado a dispositivos elctricos y electrnicos, explorando la cadena electroacstica en todas sus partes y aprendiendo paso a paso cmo el sonido es transformado en audio.Estudiar uno a uno con descripciones y ejemplos prcticos, los principales dispositivos de audio utilizados con mayor frecuencia tales como micrfonos, consolas, ecualizadores, compresores, delays, reverberaciones, etc. Finalmente lo ms importante: Aprender a utilizar equipos de audio profesional entendiendo a ciencia cierta y con criterio su correcto manejo, con verdadero conocimiento de lo que se est utilizando en base a todo lo aprendido en cuanto a sonido y acstica."
Price: 99.99 |
"Mezcla y Masterizacin de audio en la produccin musical" |
"Si buscas que tu msica suene con calidad profesional, este curso es para ti!Te ensea de una manera rpida,sencilla y eficaztodo lo que necesitas para lograr esa fuerza, calidez y claridad que deseas en tus mezclas para sonar con calidad profesional. Temas como el sonido, la psicoacstica, edicin, tcnicas de ecualizacin, compresin, reverberaciones, delays, headroom, entre muchos ms, te ayudarn a tomar las decisiones correctas para lograr calidad profesional en la mezcla y mastering detus produccionesen cualquier gnero musical.OBJETIVOSDEL CURSO:El curso est estructurado de modo que avances desde los conceptos iniciales necesarios para comprender todos los procesosempleados en el campo de la mezcla y el mastering profesional, avanzando de la siguiente manera:Comprender el sonido, la acstica musical, la psicoacstica.Organizar los procesos de la mezcla.Conocer los pasos por los que debe atravesar una produccin musical para llegar a un nivel de calidad con estndares profesionales.Entender los fundamentos tcnicos en los que deben basarse la mezcla y la masterizacin.Aprender la manera de llevar los procesos en un ordenador lgico."
Price: 119.99 |
"Produccin Musical profesional De la tcnica a la venta!" |
"Si tu sueo es vivir de tu msica, este curso es para ti!Te ensea de una manera rpida, sencilla y eficaz todo lo que necesitas para ser un productor musical, trabajando tu propia msica o la de cualquier artista; aprenders a organizar tu trabajo desde la pre-produccin, utilizar las herramientas de audio y entender conceptos comerciales, de promocin, marketing musical, publicidad y ventas, para enfocar tu msica como un negocio y una profesin rentable.Entender los distintos elementos musicales, el sonido, los diferentes procesadores de audio, las tcnicas comerciales y los aspectos legales; te llevar a encontrar el camino correcto para que tus producciones en cualquier gnero musical alcancen lo que quieres lograr!OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO:Este curso est estructurado para que avances desde los conceptos iniciales necesarios, hasta comprender adecuadamente todos los procesos concernientes al campo de la produccin musical y el negocio de la msica."
Price: 99.99 |
"Der Weg zum Traumgewicht" |
"Wie wre es, wenn es dir gelingt, dein Traumgewicht zu erreichen und dauerhaftmit Leichtigkeit zu halten?Gehrst du auch zu den Menschen, die immer wieder mit Gewichtsschwankungenzu kmpfen haben? Fhlst du dich gefangen in einem ewigen Kreislauf von abnehmen und danndoch wieder an Gewicht zulegen?Drehen sich deine Gedanken permanent ums Essen oder Nicht-Essen?Regelst du deine Gefhle ber das Essen?Macht es dich unruhig, wenn du deine Lieblingsspeisen nicht im Hause hast?Dient dir das Essen als Ersatz fr ungelebtes Leben?Lenkt dich der Kampf mit dem Essen von dem ab, was wirklich wichtig frdich ist?Hlt dein Gewicht dich davon ab, Dinge zu tun, die dir am Herzen liegenoder dich weiterbringen wrden?Wnschst du dir nichts sehnlicher, als endlich dein Traumgewicht zu haben, mitdeinem Krper in Frieden und Harmonie zu leben und das zu tun, wovon du schonso lange getrumt hast?Dann habe ich eine gute Nachricht fr dich. Es ist mglich, dieses Ziel zu erreichen und zwar dauerhaft! Ich selbst bin diesen Weg gegangen und habe hunderte von Menschen individuellund in Trainings begleitet. Diese Menschen waren sehr unterschiedlich, docheines hatten sie alle gemeinsam. Ein Groteil ihrer Energie verpuffte in ihremEssverhalten und das hat sie davon abgehalten, ihre Trume zu leben. Mir ging es lange Zeit genauso. Bis zum Alter von 30 Jahren war meinGewicht eine reine Achterbahn und das spiegelte sich in meinem Leben undbesonders in meinen Emotionen wieder. Nachdem ich wieder einmal die 80 KiloMarke um einiges berschritten hatte, entschloss ich mich zu einer radikalen Ernhrungsumstellung.Nach zwei Jahren war ich soweit. Ich hatte mein Traumgewicht von 58 Kiloerreicht. Doch das war, wie ich feststellen musste, nur der halbe Weg. Dennabnehmen ist die eine, doch sein Gewicht dann auch halten, die andere Seite derMedaille.Mit den Jahren habe ich meine gesamte Thematik um das Thema Essen undGewicht aufgearbeitet und meine Erkenntnisse schrittweise meinen Klienten zurVerfgung gestellt. Ich halte mein Traumgewicht auch heute noch und habe viel dazu gelernt. Dieser zweiteilige Onlinekurs ist die Zusammenfassung alldessen und soll jenen, die sich aus diesem Teufelskreis befreien mchten, dazudienen, dies mit Leichtigkeit und permanentem Erfolg zu tun.Bist du bereit, dein Leben auf eine neue Weise in die Hand zu nehmen? Gut, dann ist es an der Zeit, jetzt den ersten Schritt zu tun!"
Price: 99.99 |
"ABCs of Calculus" |
"ABCs of Calculus is an 18-hour self-paced course complete with over 80 lectures taught by Allen Parr. In this course, Allen, aformer Secondary Teacher of the Year, will walk you through step-by-step the major concepts in Calculus 1. In his career he has earned a 97% passing rate on the Calculus AP exam and travels nationally teaching students strategies for success in calculus.After downloading your 80-page workbook,students will have the opportunity to learn from a master instructor via 80 engaging lectures. This course covers limits, derivatives, first and second derivative tests, particle motion, optimization, integration, area, volume and most other concepts taught in Calculus 1. Students willhave plenty of opportunities topractice these concepts. After each major lesson there is a quiz over the concepts. But don't worry, we've got you covered! After you take the quiz you will have the option of checking your work by viewing a video showing you step-by-step solutions giving you instant feedback. At the end of the course students will have the opportunity to test their knowledge on the ""final exam"" which is a timed test coveringNon-Calculator Multiple Choice, Calculator Multiple Choice, Calculator Free Response and Non-Calculator Free Response.This course will adequately prepare you for either AB, BC or college level Calculus I. I hope to see you on the inside! You will not be disappointed."
Price: 49.99 |
"Using Tarot for Successful Decisions" |
"Learning to use tarot cards can be daunting. The cards contain so much information, and the meanings can differ for each person and situation. This course aims to provide details on the symbols captured in the tarot major arcana cards, and helps you apply the knowledge to your problems and challenges. You dont need to recall or memorise loads of information. You only need to respond to specific questions on the card you draw, to get guidance on your challenge. Master Tarot Major Arcana Easily Using the Card Sequence and Symbols to Guide You The journey through life and the conflict resolution process Explanations of the symbols on the cards and their meanings Specific questions and guidance relating to the content of the cardQuick and impartial guidance when you need it Be Inspired by Tarot Major Arcana to Find New and Different Solutions to Your Challenges Theres no reason for you to always consult an expert on tarot when you are facing challenges. You wont always have the time or money to find a trustworthy expert to guide you. By mastering the details on the tarot major arcana cards, youll see your challenges from different angles, and find innovative solutions. The hidden language in tarot card illustrations contain the key to information that will guide you through every step of finding the best solution for you. Youll also understand why youll always have a challenge to resolve, and how your solutions get better as you grasp the steps in the journey through the four gateways of life.Contents and Overview This course contains over 35 lectures and more than 100 minutes of content. Its designed for people who dont know tarot or the tarot major arcana journey, and who want to become familiar with the cards and their meanings and applications. People who have some knowledge of tarot and want to use the cards for finding different solutions to their problems and challenges will also benefit. In this course, youll discover the four gateways through life and how they contribute to resolving conflict and obstacles.Youll become familiar with the richness of the illustrations and symbols on each of the cards, and the information and knowledge that is captured on each card.Finally, youll get access to specific questions that are unlocked by each card, and guidance from the wealth of symbolic knowledge on each of the cards.By the end of the course, youll be familiar with the entire conflict resolution journey that you repeat all the time in all areas of your life. However, now youll be more aware and understand the journey and its purpose. Youll also be able to draw a card, and consult the relevant lecture to find the questions and guidance for you to focus on. Youll identify the one or two aspects that relate to your issue, and be able to move forward towards a solution. This process will also guide you towards using your intuition safely.Youll do a quiz at the end of each section, to confirm your new knowledge of the meaning and content of each card. Who is the target audience? People with no knowledge of tarot or the tarot major arcana journey, who want to become familiar with the cards and their meanings and use. People with some knowledge of tarot who want to use the cards for finding different, individual solutions to their problems and challenges. If you want to start a business consulting for others on tarot, then this course is not for you."
Price: 64.99 |
"How to End a Relationship" |
"Leaving a relationship behind can be daunting. This is the case when you chose to leave, and also when you are abandoned. This course aims to explain how to resolve all your relationship issues, and helps you find closure and contentment, whether you finally leave, or choose to stay in a relationship that can be rescued. You dont need to spend a lot of money on therapy for yourself, or for you and your partner. You only need to work through this course and be honest with yourself, to get the future and contentment you crave.Get your self-esteem back and move on easily using this information to guide you: Discover why we have relationships. Explain what is keeping you in the relationship and whether it is worth staying Learn about the future of relationships in this century Explain the mechanics of a relationship. Discover your emotional cycles and how to manage them better. Understand what true love is and how to achieve it Follow the steps for finally ending a relationship Be inspired by the step-by-step process for dealing with your relationship issues to find contentment and a clear way forward. Theres no reason for you to hold on to destructive emotions. You wont always be able to blame your partner or ex-partner for the failure of the relationship. By ending the relationship in a balanced way, youll feel good about yourself, and ensure you dont have the same bad experience in your nest relationship. The course explanation of managing conflict contains the key to finding balance that will help you resolve the issues and move on. Youll also understand why people make the same mistake in several relationships, and how to prevent this by learning from your experience.Contents and Overview This course contains [so many] lectures and more than [so many] minutes of content. Its designed for people who feel trapped in a current or past relationship, and who want to find solutions and closure. People who want to stay in their current relationship and improve it, will also benefit. In this course, youll discover how to resolve conflict (with or without the help of your partner) and how to be in a more satisfying relationship.Youll become familiar with the mechanics of a relationship, and manage any relationship in your life better.Finally, youll get access to the key to experiencing true love, and guidance on how to increase those moments of true love.By the end of the course, youll be able to take the next without any fear. Youll be more aware of your own role in any relationship, and understand how you can improve any relationship you are in. Youll also be able to break down any obstacles in your way, and take the action that is right for you. Youll understand your own values, and be able to move forward towards increased self-esteem. This process will also guide you towards avoiding the same issues in the future.Youll do self-discovery exercises throughout the course, to confirm your new knowledge of resolving conflicts and issues.Who is the target audience? People who still feel stuck in a previous relationship even though they had left, and who want to finally get closure. People who want to remain in a relationship that is challenging, but dont see a way forward. If you are happy in your current relationship, then this course isnt for you."
Price: 34.99 |
"Designing Business Models" |
"Since its publication in 2010, the Business Model Canvas has become a popular tool among people responsible for designing future enterprises of all sizes.It is attractive because it condenses years of business school and management consulting practice into a single page, effectively democratizing much of the traditional strategy theory in the process. And it is also freely accessible, that is, a quick internet search will provide you withaccess to a template, along with some background information on the basic conceptsand process to populate the template.However, I would suggest thatthe success of your future enterprise needs and deserves more than this basic content. Accordingly,the courseleadsyou through business model design fundamentals in a step-by-step manner, and then builds on this basis by linking Finances and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as well as an analysis of the business environment (sc. SWOT analysis). ABusinessModel which is a productfrom this processisbound to possess betterlevelsofquality,integrity, rigourand business environment awareness, which will provide a superior basis for your subsequent customer and businessdevelopment efforts.This course is ideal for people from any industry wanting to start a new business venture, either by building a new organization, or building anew line of business within the context of an existing organization.It is also essential learning for those having to renovate or transform the value creation recipe of an existing business."
Price: 29.99 |
"Como Capturar a Ateno do Investidor para seu Negcio" |
"Fazer o seu Pitch no precisa ser difcil e nem chato. Quando voc aprende COMO falar e vai alm do O QUE falar, tudo fica mais fcil. Aprenda nosso mtodo.>>> O QUE ESSE CURSO NO ! Esse curso no um curso completo de Pitch. No mtodo que aplicamos, esse curso somente 1/7 do mtodo, e o treinamento completo envolve muitos outros mdulos como: Pitch Canvas, Ensino do Mtodo de Pitch propriamente dito, Como responder s perguntas no Q&A, Dicas de Body Language, Storytelling de verdade, Mindset de quem apresenta, Como treinar seu Pitch, Como apresentar usando o Pitch Deck, Como fazer um OnePager. <<<Nesse curso voc vai aprendertcnicas de captura de ateno no seu pitch, que vo aumentar as chances do investidor ler seus e-mails, de um potencial cliente se interessar pelo seu projeto, de receber mais ateno na submisso para editais de empreendedorismo e inovao.Meu nome Emerson Espnola, sou co-fundador do Pling Ideas, uma startup especializada no ensinode Pitch.""Eu tinha uma pitch formado, mas nunca tinha parado para avaliar o quanto bom ele era. Depois de uma breve conversa e algumas explicaes de como aperfeioar a maneira de apresentar o produto com Emerson e Mauro, fiz modificaes considerveis no meu roteiro. O resultado foi que na primeira apresentao para 10 pessoas em um evento, 3 acabaram se tornando clientes logo aps a apresentao.Considero as alteraes como positivas e me sinto mais confiante para apresentar meu produto. (Raoni Valadares, Co-Fundador Eskolar)""Queremos que essas tcnicas alcancem mais pessoas, mais startups, pra que elas tenham mais chances de serem ouvidas e melhor compreendidas.E dado que investidores recebem centenas de pitches por dia, como conseguir ser ouvido? O mesmo vale para seus potenciais clientes que buscam loucamente por solues que resolvam os problemas deles, mas no sabem qual escolher.Ento se faz sentido pra voc aprender tcnicas de captura de ateno para ter mais oportunidades nos seus negcios, te espero dentro do curso. :)"
Price: 54.99 |
"Wordpress: Comment utiliser le thme FABLE" |
"Vous voulez un thme responsive et trs design?FABLE est fait pour vous ! Produisez des sites Wordpress avec des prsentations en plein cran, trs puissants et facile mettre en place ! Apprenez les principales options du thme, incluant tous les types de ""postings""qui vont vous permettre de crer les pages de votre site avec la plus grande des facilits."
Price: 19.99 |
"Dbuter avec KRITA" |
"Krita est connu pour tre un logiciel de dessin gratuit, mais extrmement puissant.En effet, bon nombre de professionnels commencent l'utiliser dans la cration de comics, bande dessine et manga.La particularit du logiciel est qu'il est spcialement conu pour rpondre un besoin fort de cration faon BD, et concept art. Celui-ci permet une prise en main rapide et ne ncessite pas une approche lente, comme pour Photoshop qui devient, au fil des ans, une machine gaz trs complique.Dans ce cours, nous allons voir comment aborder le logiciel de la manire suivante: Dans un premier temps, nous allons voir comment crer un premier fichier, une premire feuille blanche sur laquelle nous allons pouvoir travailler.Puis nous allons nous attarder sur les outils prsents dans l'interface et voir les similitudes et les diffrences avec d'autres logiciels de cration que vous connaissez surement.Puis nous allons voir l'utilisation des calques, leurs options, et aussi les brushes proposs par Krita qui sont vraiment trs bien intrssants et facile d'utilisation.Nous finirons ce cours par un exemple en live de l'utilisation de Krita, avec la cration d'une illustration, en passant par toute les phases de cration: croquis / encrage / couleur"
Price: 24.99 |
"PHOTOSHOP: Dessiner l'affiche du film Rogue One en style BD" |
"Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons voir comment utiliser Photoshop pour crer, partir de la photo originale, l'affiche du film ""Star Wars: Rogue One"" et la transformer en style Bande dessine / comics.Nous allons commencer par la ralisation du croquis. Cette premire tape est commune tous les travaux d'illustration, il faut dans un premier temps placer de manire gnrale les premires formes de l'illustration grce un brush lger de couleur bleu, et travailler sur un premier calque.Nous allons ensuite passer l'""encrage"". Qu'est-ce que l'encrage? Et bien il s'agit d'un terme connu des illustrateurs qui signifie repasser les contours du dessin avec une encre noir. Cela se fait gnralement avec une encre de chine, des stylos noirs, des feutres etc... Ici, sous Photoshop, nous allons voir utiliser un nouveau calque et un brush pour donner cette impression d'encrage.Puis il y aura la section ddie la couleur. Celle-ci demandera d'avantage de temps d'apprentissage car nous allons explorer plusieurs faon d'appliquer la couleur. Encore une fois, un nouveau calque sera cr et diffrents brushes utiliss.La couleur est vraiment ce qui va venir appuyer l'univers que l'on veut transposer. Il y a tout un cot puissant dans la couleur car elle donne le ton du dessin, et permet de vraiment personnaliser l'ambiance qui rgne dans la scne que l'on tente de reprsenter.La couleur sera applique en temps relle sur chaque partie de l'illustration, vous donnant une explication prcise de chaque tape ainsi faite.Enfin, la dernire partie du tutoriel vous montrera la cration de quelques lments supplmentaires que l'on va rajouter l'illustration, comme des personnages que l'on va dessiner, pour les rtrcir ensuite afin de les incruster dans le paysage, en bas de l'image.Je vais aussi vous montrer une mthode trs simple pour dessiner des engins spatiaux, les rtrcir sous Photoshop et les incorporer votre illustration. Aprs ce tutoriel, jespre que votre comprhension de l'utilisation de Photoshop pour travailler sur un style BD sera grandit!Bon cours et au travail !"
Price: 49.99 |
"Apprendre russir ses croquis pour dessiner des MANGA" |
"Vouloir dessiner du Manga quand on est un dessinateur -amateur ou professionnel - relve de quelque chose de presque normal dans un pays comme la France qui est le deuxime plus gros consommateur aprs le Japon.Mais par quoi doit-on commencer? Et bien ce cours va vous donner les bases du dessin ncessaires qui vous serviront encore et toujours pour apprendre dessiner du Manga ou d'autres styles de dessin.Le Manga se compose de personnages qui se dessinent en partant des mmes bases anatomiques que pour le dessin classique. Nous allons voir ces bases, mais aussi ce qui fait la diffrence entre un dessin classique et une tte de personnage Manga.Ce cours va traiter fond de la cration de CROQUIS, c'est dire la partie de la cration qui se trouve AVANT le dessin lui-mme. le croquis reprsente le travail prparatoire qui va donner les grandes lignes votre uvre.Ce cours est le VOLUME I et ne traite presque seulement que des croquis et les volumes suivants traiteront de chaque aspect des Mangas.Les vidos prsentes sont des captures vidos d'un logiciel de dessin, mais prenez bien en compte que les rgles expliques s'appliquent 100% si vous dessiner la main avec une feuille et un crayon.Prenez bien en compte que, malgr toutes ces explications, le secret d'un bon coup de crayon rside avant tout dans la QUANTIT de dessin que vous allez produire. Donc ne vous contentez pas de regarder les vidos, DESSINEZ A FOND !Bon courage tous !!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Apprendre utiliser PAINT 3D" |
"Avec la mise jour de Windows 10 d'avril 2017 est venue la nouvelle version de Paint qui devient ""PAINT 3D"".Voici un cours qui vous explique comment utiliser cette nouvelle version de Paint.Vous y trouverez la prsentation des outils de dessin, leurs fonctionnalits et les effets qu'ils produisent. Nous parlerons aussi des objets 3D qui sont la toute nouvelle option de Paint, ce que l'on peut faire avec cela et jusque o on peut aller."
Price: 19.99 |
"Apprendre les bases de ARTICULATE STORYLINE 2" |
"Storyline est un logiciel qui va vous permettre de crer vos propres modules e-learning.Aucune programmation n'est ncessaire et tout se passe via des glisser-dposer et autres manipulations simples raliser.Le E-learning est de plus en plus populaire dans les entreprises et les universits. Il apporte la solution de l'apprentissage un maximum de personnes grce aux nouvelles technologies.Articulate Storyline2saura rpondre vos attentes en matire de cration de modules e-learning.Si vous utilisiez Powerpoint pour crer vos prsentations, vous ne serez pas du par Storyline 2qui est trs proche en terme d'interface et de prise en main.Dcouvrez ici un logiciel trs efficace et crezds maintenant vos modules e-learning !Attention, ce cours est une initiation au logiciel Storyline 2 et comporte seulement les quelques options ncessaires pour bien dbuter qui sont: cration de diapositives, cration de scnes, cration de quiz, cration de banques de questions, utilisation des conditions et utilisation de la chronologie et des dclencheurs."
Price: 29.99 |
"Apprenez utiliser GO ANIMATE !" |
"Plusieurs solutions existent pour crer des animations 2D ludiques sans s'y connaitre en programmation, en logiciel 2D ou autre... L'une de ces solutions s'appelle GO ANIMATE! Il s'agit d'une interface web qui vous propos un outils trs complet de cration de scnes en 2D dont l'intgralit des lments peuvent tre modifies. Les personnages proposs peuvent tre anims, du son et de la musique rajouts etc.. GO ANIMATE propose une trs large gamme d'assets qui vont vous permettre de crer volont toute sorte d'animations 2D. Les possibilits sont presque illimites.Nous allons voir dans ce cours d'une heure comment bien dbuter avec les outils principaux de Go Animate. Les bases se focalisent sur la prise en main de l'interface et l'intgration de contenu.Nous verrons aussi comment utiliser les templates proposs par l'interface, comment importer ses propres fichiers, comment utiliser la timeline et enfin comment mettre des personnages en animation."
Price: 29.99 |
"Crez des prsentations animes avec POWTOON !" |
"Vous voulez crez des prsentations animes en 2D et avoir du fun? PowToon est fait pour vous!Ce cours vous donne les cls de ce site web dont l'interface vous permet de crer rapidement et simplement des animations en 2D avec toute une gamme de personnages, dcors et divers objets dj intgrs.Aucune programmation, juste une interface intuitive et efficace pour produire en quelques minutes des animations super sympathiques!Ce cours traite de toutes les options dont vous aurez besoin pour vous y retrouver pour arriver vos fins!Tout d'abord, il faut comprendre que PowToon est un site internet proposant une interface de cration d'animations.La version de base est gratuite, mais limit et sans possibilit d'exporter ses crations. Donc, un accs payant (qui est trs abordable) est prfrable et peut vite tre rentable si on en fait un usage commercial.Nous allons voir dans ce cours comment utiliser PowToon pour crer des animations en 2D avec des outils trs simples et avec les lments proposs par l'interface.Pas besoin de coder ni de faire une quelconque manipulation qui demande des comptences en informatique. Ce cours vous donne toutes les cls principale pour bien comprendre PowToon!A vous de jouer!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Dessiner des cases de storyboard en se basant sur une photo" |
"Nous allons voir ici comment dessiner une case de storyboard.Le storyboard est une technique de dessin utilise dans la publicit et les films, qui consiste dessiner les plans avant qu'ils ne soient films. En premier, nous allons nous baser sur une photo pour crer une case raliste. Plusieurs techniques seront utilises, dont les contours en noir et ensuite une couche de gris.La deuxime partie consiste voir une technique qui se rapproche du digital painting."
Price: 39.99 |
"Comment dessiner un ange futuriste sous Clip Studio Paint" |
"Nous allons voir dans ce cours comment faire une illustration d'un ange futuriste, en mettant particulirement l'accent sur le dessin des ailes en mtal.Le logiciel utilis pour raliser cette vido est CLIP STUDIO PAINT, mais les techniques proposes sont aussi utilisables avec Photoshop ou d'autres logiciels.L'accent est mit sur les techniques de mise en couleurs ainsi que sur les dtails apports pendant cette tape."
Price: 39.99 |
"Apprendre dessiner un enfant dans un style dessin anim" |
"Apprenez dessiner un enfant dans un style ""dessin anim"".Deux styles vont tres utiliss. Le premier est un style dont les contours du personnages sont en noir. Le deuxime, les traits de contour seront en couleurs. Dans les deux cas, vous pourriez voir que vous pourrez les utiliser pour crer vos personnages.Ce cours est ralis partir d'un logiciel de dessin, mais les principes peuvent aussi s'appliquer au dessin la main."
Price: 44.99 |
"Apprendre quelques notions pour dessiner des femmes" |
"Dessiner des femmes n'est pas chose facile.Beaucoup de dtails font la diffrence entre un corps masculin d'un corps fminin. Ce cours d'une heure vous donne quelques notions de base connaitre lorsque vous aspirez dessiner des femmes.Dans un premier temps, nous allons voir tape par tape le dessin d'un croquis de femme en prenant soin de dtailler chaque tapes.Puis nous verrons un deuxime croquis avec encore d'autres exemples de dtails auxquels vous allez devoir faire attention."
Price: 19.99 |