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"Scrittura Creativa"
"Il corso online affronta tutte le tematiche per iniziare correttamente e in maniera del tutto autonoma la propria attivit di Scrittura Creativa, con un particolare riguardo alla progettazione coerente delle trame, alla creazione dei personaggi e allo sviluppo di storie in grado di affascinare bambini e ragazzi.Il corso distinto in 4 moduli: Scrivere in Prosa, Scrivere in Poesia, Scrivere per Bambini e Ragazzi fino ai 16 anni, Il Mestiere dello Scrittore.Obiettivo principale del corso online di scrittura creativa e children stories apprendere tecniche di scrittura narrativa, confrontarsi con i propri limiti e preconcetti, porsi in ascolto e riscoprire il piacere della lettura, mettersi alla prova, conoscere qualche segreto del mestiere dello scrittore.I destinatari del corso sono laureati, diplomati e under 18 che vogliono arricchire le proprie competenze o intraprendere da zero una carriera nel campo della Scrittura Creativa e dell'Editing.Il programma del corso online articolato attraverso le seguenti tematiche:1. Scrivere in Prosa-Trovare un'idea valida - il Brainstorming-La costruzione del racconto-La costruzione dei personaggi-Come creare l'ambientazione-Il tempo della narrazione-Come strutturare i dialoghi-Come superare il blocco dello scrittore2. Scrivere in PoesiaChe cos' la poesiaAppunti sulla metricaLa musicalitLa rimaLe figure retoriche3.Scrivere per Bambini e RagazziScrivere racconti per bambini in et prescolare (2-5 anni)L'uso pedagogico della favolaLa favola come strumento per affrontare le paureScrivere racconti per bambini in et scolare, preadolescenti e adolescenti4. Intraprendere la Carriera di ScrittoreCome ricercare la casa editrice adattaL'altra via - l'autoproduzioneEssere autori al tempo dell'e-book. La rivoluzione digitaleIl grande ruolo del correttore di bozze - l'editing"
Price: 199.99

"Product Designer"
"Il corso affronta in dettaglio gli aspetti fondamentali del disegno industriale, dall'ideazione alla progettazione grafica del prodotto, con l'ausilio dei principali software del settore.Il corso utile a chiunque voglia imparare da zero ad ideare, progettare e realizzare graficamente nuovi elementi di design.Un Corso rivolto ai professionisti del design grafico industriale e a tutti gli appassionati di design e progettazione. Il corso stato fruito con profitto da studenti di Architettura, Ingegneria Civile, Ingegneria Meccanica, Design, Moda e dagli studenti di materie artistiche e tecniche delle superiori.Il programma del corso online parte da zero e copre tutte le seguenti tematiche, teoriche e pratiche:1. Il Mondo del Design e la sua Storia2. Il Disegno Geometrico ed i principali software di riferimento per il product design3. Concept Design4. Basic Design5. Analisi del Mercato6. Progettazione Creativa7. Dal Concept alla Realizzazione8. Materiali e Tecniche di Produzione9. Principi di Ergonomia e Standardizzazione dei prodotti10. Guida all'utilizzo di Photoshop, Illustrator e InDesign nell'ambito del Product Design"
Price: 199.99

"Suonare la Chitarra"
"Tutte le tecniche per suonare correttamente la chitarra.Il corsoideato da Accademia Domani perfetto per chi ha sempre voluto imparare a suonare la chitarra ma non ne ha mai avuto il tempo. L'impostazione online dei Nostri corsi permette a chiunque di seguirli, sia a chi studia sia a coloro che lavorano. Da oggi comodamente da casa, con le nostre dispense e i nostri video imparerai l'ABC della chitarra.Il corsoillustra tutte le tecniche e gli accorgimenti per suonare correttamente la chitarra: dalle operazioni di accordatura fino all'improvvisazione musicale.Il corso rivolto a chiunque voglia ampliare la propria creativit imparando a suonare autonomamente la chitarra.Il corso, accessibile a chiunque, vuole insegnare da zero a suonare un'affascinante strumento come la chitarra e preparare i suoi studenti alla professione di musicisti, per animare serate tra amici, celebrazioni ed eventi. Per seguire il nostro corso online e imparare a suonare, ti basteranno la tua passione, una chitarra e il tuo computer: il divertimento non mai stato cos semplice!Il programma del Corso copre le seguenti aree: Il Funzionamento della Chitarra Come Accordare la Chitarra Le Varie Tecniche della Mano nel Suonare la Chitarra Tecnica degli Arpeggi Le Scale Gli Accordi Giri Armonici Progessione e Ritmica Principi di Improvvisazione Semplificare l'Utilizzo della Chitarra"
Price: 199.99

"Web Journalism e Web Writing"
"Il corso online affronta tutte le tematiche per iniziare correttamente e in maniera del tutto autonoma la propria attivit nel campo del Giornalismo, con un particolare riguardo alla stesura di articoli corretti, coerenti, veritieri e di diversa tipologia, adatti sia al web sia alla carta stampata. Obiettivo principale del corso di Web Journalist/Editor apprendere tutte le tecniche corrette del Giornalismo, per la stampa e per il Web.I destinatari del corso sono laureati, diplomati e under 18 che vogliono arricchire le proprie competenze o intraprendere da zero una carriera nel campo del Giornalismo edell'Editing.Il corso onlinevuole preparare nuovi professionisti in grado di operare consapevolmente nel mondo attuale dell'editoria digitale. Il corso guida nella realizzazione di articoli, interviste e reportage, mettendo in evidenza anche il carattere specifico del giornalismo online.Il programma del corso online accessibile a tutti poich parte da zero, per permettereanche achi non ha mai avuto esperienza di partecipare.Il programma copre i seguenti principaliaspetti:1. Le strutture comuni a ogni scrittura2. Le strutture dellargomentazione3. Le regole e la tipologia dellintervista4. Il Commento5. Il Reportage6. Il giornalismo sul Web"
Price: 199.99

"Esperto di Comunicazione 2.0. Professionale e Completo"
"Comunicare importante per trasmettere la mission e i prodotti di ogni azienda. Ma come si comunica nel migliore dei modi?Accademia Domani ha sviluppato un corso online per diventare un Esperto di Comunicazione, Marketing e Pubblicit. Il corso online si rivolge infatti a tutti coloro che desiderano intraprendere una carriera nel Marketing Management, nella Comunicazione Istituzionale o Aziendale e nella Pubblicit. Per questo motivo il corso parte da zero permettendo a tutti di partecipare, anche a coloro che non hanno mai lavorato nel settore. Il corso online fruibile anche da chi gi lavora in questi contesti ma vuole arricchire il proprio curriculum e competenze.Il corso online di Accademia Domani illustra, partendo da zero, i concetti fondamentali del Marketing. Spiega, attraverso dispense e video lezioni dettagliate, tutte le tecniche e gli strumenti per definire i target di mercato e gli obiettivi, nonch gestire strategie generali di marketing e survey.La seconda parte del corso online invece dedicata alle strategie di comunicazione aziendale, fondamentali nell'organizzazione del lavoro, nella gestione dei vari work team e nelle presentazioni aziendali.L'ultima sezione del corso online infine dedicata alla pubblicit, pertanto verranno analizzate tutte le possibile strategie comunicative attuabili attraverso i diversi media: dalla pubblicit cartacea a quella online e televisiva.Il programma del corso online copre le seguenti aree:- Introduzione al Marketing Elementi Fondamentali del Marketing Strategie e Piani di Marketing Le principali strategie di marketing Raccolta dei dati e Ricerche di Mercato Prodotti e Value Proposition Creazione del Brand e Brand Identity Gestione della Delivery Web marketing Introduzione alla Comunicazione La Comunicazione Aziendale Ufficio Stampa e Pubbliche Relazioni Introduzione alla Pubblicit Pubblicit per i diversi Media La strategia pubblicitaria e il processo creativo Laltro volto della pubblicit Le agenzie pubblicitarie"
Price: 199.99

"Esperto di Moda. Crea la tua linea di abbigliamento"
"Diventa un Esperto di Moda con questo corso online di Accademia Domani.Il corso online di Accademia Domani si pone come obiettivo quello di formare gli Esperti di Moda. Il corso online non vuole semplicemente insegnare la storia e l'evoluzione della moda e del fashion business. L'obiettivo di Accademia Domani quello di preparare i nuovi professionisti in grado di progettare autonomamente e con creativit nuovi capi d'abbigliamento. Non solo ago e filo per i vestiti del domani, ma anche formazione e progetti che attraverso questo corso online potenzierete per essere sempre al top della formazione. Accademia Domani sempre incline alle necessit sia del mercato del lavoro, che richiede professionisti qualificati, ma anche degli studenti che desiderano completare e impreziosire i propri CV.Il corso online tratta le seguenti tematiche: La Storia e lEvoluzione del Concetto di Moda LArte e la Moda Le principali Maison di Moda I Principali Eventi nel Mondo della Moda Il Mondo della Moda: il Mercato e le Possibilit di Lavoro Tecniche per la Realizzazione di Figurini: Donna, Uomo e Bambino Tecniche di Disegno specifiche per labbigliamento Tecniche per Realizzazione di Cartamodelli Cartamodelli per la realizzazione di diversi Capi di Abbigliamento Taglio, cucito e confezione sartoriale Dizionario dei Tessuti Dizionario della Moda"
Price: 199.99

"Modellazione e Animazione 3D: il corso completo"
"Il corso online di Accademia Domani nasce dalla necessit di professionalizzare figure da inserire nel settore della modellazione 3D. questo un settore in grande espansione che necessita sempre pi di professionisti capaci di realizzare creativit 3D da utilizzare nei nuovi mercati digitali. Cosa aspetti allora anche tu ad arricchire il tuo CV con un nostro corso online?Il corso online di 3D Professional parte da zero per permettere davvero a tutti di frequentarlo. Coloro che hanno gi avuto esperienze nel settore apprezzeranno la possibilit di approfondire le competenze gi acquisite aggiungendone di nuove. Il corso online prepara i nuovi professionisti nel campo della modellazione 3D e Animazione, attraverso l'impiego dei principali software del settore.Il programma del Corso online copre le seguenti aree:1. Teoria dell'Animazione Professionale2. Modellazione e Animazione con MAYA 3D3. Rendering con Lightwave 3D4. Modellazione con zBrush5. Texturing con Photoshop6. Post-Produzione con After Effects."
Price: 199.99

"ECDL: preparazione alla Patente Europea"
"La Patente Europea del Computer (ECDL - European Computer Driving License) evolve e, insieme alla tecnologia - ormai decisamente orientata alla Rete - evolvono anche le conoscenze minime necessarie per l'uso di un computer. Attraverso il Nostro corso online avrete la possibilit di preparavi al meglio per affrontare l'esame ECDL. Questo esame risulta essere complesso per la variet di informazioni e di conoscenze, e per questo c' bisogno di un sostegno allo studio.Il corso online preparatorio agli esami ECDL che vanno acquistati e sostenuti in presenza in un centro AICA.Il programma del corso online copre le seguenti aree:Computer EssentialsOnline EssentialsWord ProcessingSpreadsheetPresentationIT SecurityOnline CollaborationQuiz Simulati di preparazione agli esami ECDL"
Price: 199.99

"Costruire una Web Radio. Costruzione e Gestione"
"Negli ultimi anni le web radio hanno invaso il mondo di internet, un successo talmente grande che anche le radio in FM hanno dovuto adeguarsi ai tempi aprendo piattaforme online.La radio come mezzo di comunicazione offre un incredibile potere, e un mass medium capace di trasmettere contenuti sonori alle masse. In passato comunicare era appannaggio esclusivo della classe dirigente poiche le attrezzature per trasmettere e le frequenze su cui andare in onda avevano costi molto onerosi. A differenza di tutti gli altri mezzi di comunicazione come televisione o carta stampata che restano difficili da realizzare in proprio, la web radio trasmettendo grazie a internet e riuscita ad abbattere i costi di produzione rendendo questo mezzo lunico davvero democratico.Qualsiasi persona, con poche centinaia di euro e buone idee puo allestire uno studio web radiofonico e trasmettere comodamente da casa propria al resto del mondo. Inoltre il decreto legislativo n. 44 del 2010 ha stabilito che solo le web radio istituzionali che sono effettivamente provviste di capacita competitiva devono sottostare alla regolamentazione prevista dal decreto stesso. Questa regolamentazione lascia molta liberta alle piccole emittenti.Questo corso base offre la possibilita di costruire una postazione web radio e avviare il proprio progetto radiofonico tramite il web contenendo i costi e liberando la creativita e la voglia di diffondere i propri contenuti nel mondo.Il nostro Corso Online Come costruire una web radio e articolato in 2 aree tematiche principali. Il programma scelto prevede in particolare la trattazione dei seguenti argomenti chiave: Costruire una postazione web radio Costruire un programma radiofonicoIl corso come costruire una web radio e rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliono fondare una web radio per trasmettere i propri contenuti sonori da casa propria, in modo professionale e con la minima spesa.Durante il corso si accennera anche alla legislazione sul diritto dautore e alla regolamentazione sulluso delle web radio: in questo modo lutente sara completamente informato nellavviare il proprio network e avra tutte le conoscenze utili a trasformarlo anche in una piattaforma commerciale, rendendo cosi questavventura anche un opportunita di lavoro, senza infrangere la legge.Programma BaseModulo 1 - Conoscere il mezzo: una breve storia della radio dai transistor al webModulo 2 - Costruire la postazione: materiali e accessoriModulo 3 - Costruire un sito internet per una web radioModulo 4 - Costruire una web radio istituzionaleModulo 5 - Costruire una web radio creative commonsModulo 6 - Costruire un programma radiofonico efficace: le regole base"
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing: Tecniche Strumenti di Digital Strategist"
"Il Corso di Digital Marketing propone unampia ricognizione delle potenzialit e specificit che offre oggi la rete. unoccasione di esplorare le nuove frontiere di Internet, per poterle integrare con professionalit nelle proprie strategie di marketing.ll fatto che Internet sia alla portata di tutti non significa che tutti siano in grado di interpretarne al meglio le possibilit. La sua diffusione impone alle aziende, oggi pi che mai, una presenza in rete che sia adeguata, efficiente, professionale, proiettata nel futuro. Gli strumenti di Internet, che si rinnovano ogni giorno, offrono reali vantaggi competitivi soltanto a chi ne sa cogliere gli aspetti strategici.Il corso Digital Marketing affronta i cambiamenti occorsi nel marketing negli ultimi dieci anni e approfondisce la relazione tra il digital marketing e quello tradizionale. Analizza la presenza online di unazienda e offre gli strumenti per razionalizzarla: dallottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca SEO, a Google AdWords, dalla Web Analytics al Social Networking, dal SEO all'Email Marketing il tutto monitorato attraversoGoogle Analytics.Il nostro corso di Digital Marketing tratta tutti gli argomenti necessari e pi attuali per promuovere con successo unattivit online. Nel corso dei Moduli verranno analizzate tutte le tecniche e strategie per: Valutare le potenzialit attuali per la promozione e il successo di unattivit online Definizione del pubblico, per comprenderne meglio interessi e problemi Strumenti per svolgere delle indagini di mercato online Creazione da zero di un sito web promozionale Creazione e promozione di una Mailing List Ottimizzazione SEO dei contenuti Online Promozione vincente attraverso Facebook, Twitter e Youtube Analisi dei dati del Sito e delle Strategie Promozionali attraverso Google AnalyticsProgramma:MODULO 1: Definire il TemaDefinire gli obiettivi del nostro online businessMODULO 2: Definire il PubblicoDefinire il profilo del nostro pubblico e dei nostri potenziali clientiMODULO 3: Ricerche di MercatoSviluppo di unindagine di mercato attraverso un sondaggio miratoUtilizzo di Typeform come strumento di Market ResearchMODULO 4: Creare un Sito Web con WordpressGuida allacquisto di un dominio e di uno spazio webGuida allinstallazione di WordpressScegliere un Tema WordpressGuida allutilizzo di Wordpress: creazione pagine, contenuti, categorie.Guida alla gestione di Wordpress: gestione temi, widget, plugin.MODULO 5: Email MarketingCreazione di una newsletter con MailChimpGestione liste in MailchimpCreazione di un modulo discrizione alla mailing list in wordpressGestione dellinvio newsletter in MailChimpMODULO 6: SEOIntroduzione al Copywriting e al SEOScrivere Testi per il WebScrivere Titoli per il WebUtilizzo di Yoast SEO per WordpressUtilizzo di browser addons: Keywords Everywhere e MozBarOttimizzazione delle performance del sito webRicerca delle Parole ChiaveOttimizzazione SEO degli articoli WordpressMODULO 7: Facebook MarketingCreazione di una pagina promozionaleGestione e costruzione delle pagina promozionaleCreazione di Post efficaciStrategie per la diffusione dei contenutiStrategie e Strumenti di Promozione della paginaFacebook InsightsFacebook AdvertisingMODULO 8: Twitter MarketingCreazione di un account twitterGestione dellaccount TwitterQuando usare Twitter per promuovere la propria attivitCome usare Twitter per ottenere traffico sul proprio sitoCome ottenere pi follower su TwitterMODULO 9 Youtube MarketingLe metriche e il funzionamento di YoutubeCome promuovere il nostro canale YoutubeCome costruire un video per YoutubeCome promuovere il nostro sito attraverso YoutubeOttimizzazione SEO per i Video su YoutubeMODULO 10 Google AnalyticsMonitorare il proprio sito attraverso Google AnalyticsFunzionamento di Google AnalyticsConoscere il proprio pubblico su Google AnalyticsGli obiettivi in Google AnalyticsAnalisi dei Rapporti di Analytics relativi a: pubblico, acquisizioni, comportamentiMonitoraggio di Obiettivi e Campagne"
Price: 199.99

"Domina profesionalmente Windows 10 + Curso de Mecanografa"
"En cualquier oficio deofimtica es un gran requisito,el dominar Windows 10 a un buen nivel, estote convierte en una persona mas productiva destacando entre los dems.Si eres programador o consultor este curso es para ti, ya que todo programador tiene que escribir rpido por teclado y conocer muy bien su sistema operativo.Con este curso de Windows 10 usted seconvertirenSuper usuario enpoco tiempo, aprendiendo los trucos mas productivos.Sintase menos estresdo en su trabajo a lo largo de su da,gracias a lo que aquaprendera.Sorprenda a sus amigosmovindosesin necesidad de tocar el mause.En lo personal hace mucho tiempome vi afectado por mi baja productividad en el uso de Windows 10, yaque no sabia de laexistencia demuchas aplicaciones y comandosa la hora de ejecutar tareas en mi ordenador.Muchos cometemos el error de no conocer el potencial que tenemos en nuestras manos, por lo cual instalamos nuevas aplicaciones llegando al extremo de comprar aplicaciones. Por eso y muchos mas motivos te invito a tomar este curso YA MISMO.Aprenderas a: Abriry cerraraplicaciones con solo teclas. Escribir rpido sin ver el teclado.Conocer el potencial detodas lasaplicacionesnuevas. Navegarpor Windows 10 con solo combinaciones de teclas. Cambiarentre aplicaciones abiertas rapidamente. Multiplique por diezsu experiencia de navegacin web. Todo esto y mucho mas !Nadie saldrde este curso igual como a entrado."
Price: 89.99

"Mster en Programacin de Aplicaciones en Labview y Arduino"
"Este masterest dirigido a todapersona que est interesada en aprender yreforzar mas de LabVIEW, todo de manera practica y optimizadadonde podrsasimilar todos los conceptos de unamanera fcil y en el menor tiempo posible.El masteresta en construccin, quedan por aadir proyectos y mas clases (llegaremos a las 15horas o mas de contenido), realizare actualizaciones cada semana.El precio del curso incrementara a medida que el curso se complete. APROVCHALO AHORA !!!!!Aprenders:Entender todo el entorno de Labview y moverte con soltura.Programacin estructurada -Usar todas las estructuras que tiene LabVIEW.Shift Register.Un repaso de electrnicadigital para entendermas (AND - OR - NOT) elementos en LabVIEW.Grficasen LabVIEW.Uso de Arrays y Clsters, para ascrear aplicaciones mas complejas.Programacin modular - Interconectando VIsAprenderemos enlazar y adquirir datos con el micro controlador ARDUINO.Internet Protocolo TCP-IP - DataSocket - Publicacin en WEB.Visin Artificial y Procesamiento de Imgenes con el Software Vision Acquisition and Motion. Soy ingeniero en electrnica industrial y automtica, totalmente certificado, con este curso obtendrs informacin dictada por un profesional en este programa.De hecho mi tesis o trabajo final de carrera BANCO DE PRUEBAS PARA UNA MOTO ELCTRICA DE COMPETICIN, lo realice con LabVIEW + tarjeta de adquisicin de datos DAQ-6009 el cual lo expondr en el curso prximamente."
Price: 159.99

"UnityUnity 20183201Unity201855UnityUnity2018.1.0f22019425unityunity2019.1.0f2unity hubunityunity2019817unity2019.2.1f1"
Price: 9600.00

"Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals"
"Newly expanded with even more video content!More than 50,000 satisfied students worldwide have enrolled in this bestselling course, writing thousands of 5 star reviews:""Easily the best introduction to Blockchain technology and Bitcoins. George explains in such a way that he is going to give a lot of people new career goals.""- Manohar""Great course, with an instructor who is clearly very passionate about the possibilities of blockchain technology. It only takes a couple of hours to complete, but afterwards you really feel like you have obtained a good understanding of the fundamentals of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Highly recommended.""- Mark Wever""I have taken several cryptocurrency courses on Udemy and George Levy's are consistently the best. Clear, friendly and well presented, the course is laid out in a logical format with easy to follow visual aids.""- Mike Collings""Great course George.I've been involved in the Bitcoin space since early 2013 and I can honestly say that you have made some of the more technical aspects of Bitcoin and its underlying technology very simple to understand and retain.Thank you for this.""- Jessie Yanger""The course is very well organized for anyone to learn the technology step-by-step to build the concept and knowledge.Especially, when the new terminology/concept is introduced, the instructor mentioned it briefly and provide the right level of explanation at each stage of the course. This is one of the best online training course to learn the new technologies, and the way to instruct is the most efficient in the planet!""- Hiro Aoki""Outstanding concepts and very lucid explanations. George explains complex concepts in the simplest of ways. May be after this lesson, can explain this to my 8 year old daughter. :-)""- Avinash Sagar""I am extremely happy that I took the course. The blockchain concepts are very well explained. The instructor's pace, his knowledge and his way of explaining things made the course all the more interesting. I would highly recommend this course.A big thanks to George.""- Bharat K Dontamsetti""What I love about the course's lectures is that by the end of each lecture I understood the concept presented clearly. Also, I like the opening of each lecture, it prepares the student, for me it lowered the fear factor when approaching a new concept in Bitcoin Network and Blockchain. The course doesn't provide only the theoretical part of Bitcoin Network and Blockchain, George Levy provides many examples which delivers the objective of the lesson (lecture).I truly recommend this course for new comers to Bitcoin Network and Blockchain.Thank you George Levy for the great course.""- Ali EtoomAnd many thousands more...Quickly get the working knowledge you need and earn your certificate of completion in blockchain and Bitcoin from a globally recognized blockchain and Bitcoin expert by enrolling now!Listening and acting upon valuable feedback from the many tens of thousands of students worldwide who are currently enrolled in this course - I have added new video and valuable content including Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrency, DAOs, DACs and even video lectures on Bitcoin Cash - the new cryptocurrency born out of a Bitcoin Hard Fork. I've also included lessons and a downloadable guide on how to best manage any possible future Hard forks in the most profitable and safe manner.- Are you looking for a quick, highly-effective and easy way to understand blockchain and Bitcoin, without wasting countless hours sifting through unnecessary filler information? - Do you want to get a firm grasp on what blockchain and Bitcoin are all about? Even topics such as Smart Contracts and Digital Tokens?- Do you need to quickly learn the key concepts and vocabulary around blockchain and Bitcoin? This effective guide will help you understand blockchain and Bitcoin, including more advanced topics such as smart contracts and digital tokens, and will set you well on your way to blockchain and Bitcoin mastery. You'll learn the key aspects around Blockchain and Bitcoin, including:What is a blockchain?What is Bitcoin?What are smart contracts?What is a cryptocurrency?What are digital tokens?How blockchain and Bitcoin are related and why it's so important to know the relation.Some common misconceptions about blockchain and Bitcoin.What is the future of blockchain?How to get started with Bitcoin...and much much more!You get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!FREE BONUS: I have included two downloadable and printable PDFsGlossary including over 100 of the most important blockchain and Bitcoin terms so you can have the essential concepts and language available with you whenever you may need them.An Infographic guide with steps on how to best manage any future possible Bitcoin Hard Forks. This course will help you quickly master the most important ideas and topics in blockchain and Bitcoin.I look forward to seeing you inside!Best,George Levy, CSBCP, CBP"
Price: 94.99

"Bitcoin: Aprenda a usar, recibir, enviar, comprar y vender."
"Aprenda cmo usar BitcoinAprende cmo usar Bitcoin de forma rpida, segura y eficiente!Ests buscando una manera fcil, rpida y efectiva de aprender lo que es Bitcoin y cmo funciona?Quieres entender cmo recibir, enviar, comprar, vender y usar bitcoins de manera segura y eficiente?Necesitas que alguien te explique detalladamente cmo puedes dominar Bitcoin y aprovechar la oportunidad de participar en Bitcoin?Te interesa saber lo que son criptomonedas y que tipos de criptomonedas existen?Actualizado con mltiples nuevos contenidos en video!Siguiendo las observaciones y sugerencias de miles de estudiantes y lectores del mundo entero - hemos agregado nuevos contenidos y secciones sobre el uso seguro y eficiente de Bitcoin, la tecnologa Blockchain e informacin adicional acerca de otras criptomonedas.No pierdas ms tiempo y aprende cmo usar Bitcoin hoy de un reconocido experto global en Bitcoin y criptomonedas.Este curso en video te ayudar a rpidamente entender y dominar Bitcoin y cmo puedes usar Bitcoin de manera segura y eficiente.Aprenders los temas ms importantes sobre Bitcoin y criptomonedas, incluyendo:Qu es Bitcoin?Cmo funciona BitcoinLa historia de Bitcoin y a dnde vaCmo se crean los bitcoinsCmo recibir y enviar bitcoinsCmo comprar y vender bitcoinsQu son criptomonedas?Qu tipos de criptomonedas existen?Respuestas a las preguntas ms frecuentes sobre BitcoinCmo empezar a usar BitcoinY mucho ms.Este curso en video te ayudar a dominar Bitcoin para poder empezar a usar Bitcoin rpido, y de manera segura y eficiente."
Price: 74.99

"Cryptocurrency Fundamentals: Buy, Sell, Trade Cryptocurrency"
"Don't be left behind and catchthe Cryptocurrency wave - NOW!In just under two hours you will know everything you need to get started buying, selling and trading cryptocurrency. Includes essential topics such as how to store your cryptocurrency safely, away from hackers, and how to read cryptocurrency candlestick price charts!Just a few of the hundreds of 5 star reviews left by students of this course:""Very clear and concise with lots of reference to other learning material. Great course for anyone looking to get more information on crypto-currencies and exchanges.Thanks George! ""- Dave Barnhart""A fundamental guide to getting into crypto market with where / how to start trading; while also answering simple questions or concerns novices would have with regards to FIAT integration etc. A great Agnostic approach to wallets and exchanges was good to see also.Great stuff George""-Fab Horszowski""Thank you for the course on Cryptocurrency fundamentals ; I was a complete novice and was lost int ocean of internet ; I really appreciate the way the course is structured and the impeccable delivery ; Im more confident of the subject then I was before. Hope to become an expert trader soon :) , Cheers !!!""- Seema Bhatia""What I enjoyed about the course is that George made it easy to follow along and understand. In the lessons, he would compare the processes of how cryptocurrency works, with processes that most people would understand. This makes learning a lot easier.""-Robert Nicholson""Great stuff.Simple and straight forward. Thank you for the material, George.""- Jessie YangerQuickly get the knowledge you need about Cryptocurrency and start buying, selling and trading cryptocurrencyby enrolling now in this top ratedcourse.***** FREEBONUS: Includes aDownloadable PDF ""Cryptocurrency Exchange: Starter Guide"" *****This quickvideo course wastes no time andleads you to quicklyunderstand whatcryptocurrency is, the different types of cryptocurrency available,and how you can use cryptocurrency, buy it, sell it and even trade it.You willlearn the key concepts around cryptocurrency including:What is a cryptocurrency?How do cryptocurrencies work?What types of cryptocurrency are available including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Monero and others.Which are the most valuable cryptocurrencies?What are Ethereum Tokens?What is the difference between a coin and a token?What do I need to do in order to start buying,selling and trading cryptocurrencies?How to store your cryptocurrency safely and protect yourself.FREEBonus: With your course enrollmentyou will receive aPDF download of a professionally produced, simple and quick-to-read""Cryptocurrency Exchange StarterGuide.""Thisvaluable document includes information on how to select and get started on some of the leading Cryptocurrency exchanges, andis a perfectsupplement to the video course. This downloadable PDF canhelp you get started evenmore quicklyon trading cryptocurrencies if this is something you are interested in.This videocourse and accompanying guidehavebeen designed taking the feedback and requests from the more than 35,000 satisfiedstudents worldwide whichI currently teach on Udemy. Itis specifically designed tohelp you quickly understand how to get started using, buying, selling and even tradingcryptocurrencies both safely and effectively.I look forward to seeing you inside!Best,George Levy, CSBCP, CBP"
Price: 94.99

"Bitcoin Advanced Level: Transactions"
"Master Bitcoin Transactions (Advanced Level) with this bestselling video course!Learn what Bitcoin transactions are, how they work and how they are structured!Do you want to fully understand Bitcoin transactions?Do you want to be able to describe the process of how Bitcoin transactions are created and processed?Do you want to develop theexpertiseand the vocabulary necessary to speak knowingly andprofessionally about Bitcoin transactions?Then this is the course for you!Just a few of the many dozens of 5 star reviews from students of this course:""This course was absolutely fantastic!Even for experienced Bitcoin and Blockchain advocates, there are some mighty fine tidbits in the information presented and taught in this course that are expressed in a very simple and comprehensive way. If anything, that is the one thing I appreciate the most about George's lessons... he takes the technicality and simplifies it so that anyone can understand it and find true value in Blockchain Technology.Thank you again, George, for all the work you've put forth. Really enjoyed this one and look forward to the next course""-- Jessie Yanger""George explains the concepts in a clear, concise manner. He made it easy to understand using examples that we can relate to.""-- May Wong""I have learned a lot from your classes. I came in empty but left full of knowledge afar as bitcoin is concerned. Excellent instructor.""-- Zeida Cozart""The instructor has a wealth of knowledge regarding this topic, that for a novice or people wanting to expand their knowledge in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency, this course and other courses is a must. George does a good job in explaining what was so difficult to understand about bitcoin makes all sense in simple terms.With what I learned, I'm comfortable using my new found knowledge and take advantage of opportunities with this new technology has to bring.""-- Aldrin AlejoTake your Bitcoin expertiseto the next level with this Bitcoin Advanced Level: Transactions course.This advanced level video course focusing on Bitcoin transactions will prepare you to be able to understand and discuss what Bitcoin transactions are, how they work and how they arestructured.You'll learn the key concepts around Bitcoin transactions including:What is a Bitcoin transaction?What are the key components of a Bitcoin transaction?How are Bitcoin transactions structured?How areBitcoin transactions permanentlyrecorded on the blockchain,as well as how to review them.NOTE: This is an advanced-level video coursedesigned for business professionals, and focuses on the business components of Bitcoin transactions.It requires the student to have an understanding of Bitcoin and blockchain technology in order to be most effectively understood. As a result, it is highly recommended that students have previously taken and successfully completed the Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals course.This course is intended for business professional audiences and there is no software coding experience needed,nor are there software coding examples included."
Price: 149.99

"Cryptocurrency for Your Business: Get New Customers & Sales."
"Here are just a few of the real student reviews for this valuable course that can help you drive better results from your business:""Overall this course with a full knowledge and real world examples.""- Gurmeet Singh""Very practical examples. Great to show 3 different businesses and the actual process of how they accept crypto and then to interview them.""-Marilyn Escue""George's passion for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain is contagious! I love his enthusiasm, especially when interviewing various business owners, who's businesses already accept Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. As a business owner myself, my business has too, only just recently, started accepting Cryptocurrency payments. I found this short course invaluable, easy to follow, and packed with real world examples.Thank you for the additional resources at the end of the course.""- Pete Grabec ""Excellent!!""- Julio InfanteDrive More Sales and Profits in Your Business By Accepting CryptocurrencyThis course will teach you how to tap into a new source of passionate, paying customers for your business who want to buy from you - and pay using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum and others.During this ""Cryptocurrency for Your Business"" course, I will share with you not only my experiences and what has worked for me, but I also take you to personally meet business owners who accept cryptocurrency to increase their sales, and have used it to drive millions of dollars in new sales. You can hear how they did it directly from them. Why should you learn from me?I am a business owner myself who takes and uses cryptocurrency regularly across multiple businesses Irun, and I help businesses all around the world to do the same. In other words - this is real life business knowledge based on real results that have been proven to help you grow your business.With more than 40,000 students around the world enrolled in my blockchain and cryptocurrency courses on Udemy - I am committed to help you succeed.Can you imagine opening your business to a stream of new customers who are actively seeking places where to spend their new cryptocurrency wealth? That can be you after you finish taking this course and apply the lessons presented.Whether you have tried to accept cryptocurrency payments in your business before, or this is something completely new to you, you're going to get a ton of value from this course. You will learn things like:How to easily and safely accept Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency as payment for products and services. Places to promote your business for free to drive more customers who prefer to pay using cryptocurrency Why the way many businesses that start to accept payments in cryptocurrency is wrong and downright risky. Multiple ways in which accepting payments in cryptocurrency can be a far better option than taking credit card payments.Which cryptocurrencies are the best options to accept, and which ones to steer clear away from.How to easily convert your cryptocurrency into regular currency such as US Dollars, Euros, or other currencies whenever you want.How to safely store and protect your cryptocurrency once you have it.I know all this from both personal experience and from helping tens of thousands of students worldwide.... and I can help you succeed.Get a First Mover Advantage for your Business There are more than 2,000 different cryptocurrencies at the time that Iwrite this course description, with a combined market value of more than two hundred billion dollars. Get a piece of that action in your business by enrolling in this course today.Remember, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee so there is nothing to lose and no reason to wait. Enroll now, set your business up to accept cryptocurrency payments as explained in this course, and start getting new customers and new sales today.I look forward to seeing you inside!Best,George Levy, CSBCP, CBP"
Price: 149.99

"Fraud Management Fundamentals"
"Do you aspire to pursue a career in Fraud Management? Do you want a program that provides all those in less than an hour? Look no further.This is an introductory course to Fraud Management. All the basics and essentials any individual needs to know about fraud are taught in this course. You are one step closer to being a fraud expert."
Price: 19.99

"Teach English Online (Anyone can do it!)"
"Most people take for granted that they can earn money online just for being a native English speaker! Unlike other courses, this course helps you obtain a position for teaching English online with a company that already has an established student base. There is no need to go through the hassle of marketing yourself and creating your own website to find students.This course provides the nitty gritty details of how to get a job teachingEnglish online. Teaching onlinecan be done from anywhere with a solid internet connection.There are many benefits of teaching online including making your own schedule,working from home,having the flexibility to travel while working. From this course, students will gain more than justa basic understanding of the job, they will obtain hands-onskills for finding the right company, nailing an interview, and using best practice in the onlineclassroom.Teaching online is great for educators seeking to supplement their income, stay-at-home moms and anyone that wants to work at home. After this course students will realize that the skills for becoming an online teacher are very obtainable for anyone that has a native command of English!So hop in and I'll guide you to your next online teaching job!"
Price: 104.99

"Defusing Polarization: Understanding Divisive Politics"
"Political differences divide us like never before. Or so it seems. Attempts to bridge this growing chasm stubbornly elude us. Until now.   Realize How Political Polarization Promptly Dissolves in an Empowering Love   By putting your needs ahead of ideology.   By valuing your vulnerable needs ahead of hardened political talk.  By affirming the needs in others, inspiring them to affirm your needs in return.     Needs come first   Missing in every previous attempt to explain political differences is the burning priority of your specific but often overlooked needs. Your needs cannot submit to the arguments shaped for the needs of another. So why should theirs agree to your need-shaped reasoning?   Here, respect for your needs, and theirs, come first. Politics afterwards. Here, you finally get to understand how each side experiences opposing needs. Before reasoning can get its foot in the door.   If you lean left, wouldnt you like to better understand and perhaps appreciate those who lean right?   If you lean right, wouldnt you like to better understand and perhaps appreciate those who lean left?   Or better understand and appreciate those who lean center, or not at all?   After all, wouldnt you like others to better understand and appreciate you? Now thats possible.   With this course, you can finally:  1. Understand the deeper motivations behind political views.2. Appreciate how political sides can slide into polarized voices.    3. Transform political hostilities into opportunities of mutual value.     Content and overview   Youre introduced to an illuminating definition of politics, which youll only find here. This three-part definition provides the structure for the bulk of this course.   Each section after the opener contains three video lectures packed with rich imagery, deep insight, illuminating terms, along with a sprinkling of humor. Each video lecture is further subdivided into segments, which you can find in each video lectures description.   These three video lectures are summarized in a following text-based brief RECAP. No need to remember the meaning of those new words, since you get a glossary of these fresh terms in each RECAP. A 3-question quiz then takes you a step deeper into engaging the material.   Along the way, youre introduced to a brand new academic field, for understanding needs. This opens wide your understanding of political differences, and the tendency to slip into opposing extremes.   You will relate deeper to your own needs, like never before. And relate better to the needs of others. Which may inspire them to relate better to yours, and stop hiding behind a mask of so-called political reasoning.   You will see how dropping your politicized guard, to expose the vulnerability of your inflexible needs, actually opens you to more opportunities to be loved. Youll see how love, indeed, is the answer.   To top it off, you get a well-established communication format for dissolving divisive politics, which can help you love thy enemy. When used effectively, this 3-part tool can convert even hostile opposition into mutual understanding.   You affirm their politically expressed needs  You inspire them to respect your needs  You invite them to mutually respect each other   You learn how to liberate your love for others by expressing your respect for their needs, before insisting any attention to yours. Now wouldnt you like your political opponents to do that for you?   When you do that for them first, you empower them to do much the same toward you. You will learn from experience how love truly is transformative. Even for the politically polarized.   At the end of this course, youre invited to join us on this transformative journey. Where we put love ahead of politics. Who knows? We just might make history together.   Ready to get on board? A movement could unfold, and may need you to take your special part.   Well hold a seat for ya. See you on the other side.2019 UpdateI created this course with the idea of gaining feedback for a book I started about it, Politics Defused: Moving Beyond Political Polarization.  Since publishing this course, I had to pivot. I realized I needed to first write a separate book about anakelogy, the study of need. That book is tentatively titled You NEED This. Perhaps I'll also turn that into a Udemy course. Perhaps I should make the time to remake that intro video.I see myself creating something so unique and off the beaten path, that I am still learning how to bring these fresh ideas to market in various formats and platforms like Udemy. You deserve to know that what I say in the opening unit, about the Politics Defused book, remains a work in progress for the unforeseeable future. Thank you for your understanding patience.   "
Price: 179.99

"The Real Power of I AM - Law of Attraction Master Class"
"The information in this course is from years of gathering, teaching and using the Power of the I AM and the Law of Attraction. Hundreds of thousands of peoplebreak the cycle of being pulled and pushed by their own unknown commands on the Law of Attraction. This class offers a fascinating and unique look into the extraordinary word of power ""I AM"". The class is a step by step manual on the mental, spiritual and physical power of the mantra - I AM, which can be used to create wealth, promote healing, bring about extreme happiness and higher states of consciousness. As you learn to use your own ""I AM"" Power in this easy-to-follow manner, with suggested writings, simple keys to magnify The Law of Attraction in your life and detailed explanations of esoteric meanings, you will become more powerful than you ever knew you could become.Instead of philosophical words being used to understand the meaning of the Power of ""I AM"" and the ""Law of Attraction"", the student is given practical steps to helpthem obtainthe natural power that is already hidden within.Become Certified in the I AM Power and Law of Attraction as a Master/TeacherDiscover how to help yourself & others withthe Power of I AM.This course introduces Beginning and Advanced Knowledge about thePower of I AM and the Law of Attraction, the history of the Power of I AM and the Law of Attraction and the science behind it.In the FirstSections - Level l (the Beginner Sections), you will explore the history behind these TWO powers -The Power of I AM and The Power of The Law of Attraction. You will become knowledgeable ofhow these powers work and begin to practiceusing these Amazing Powers in your life. These sections allow you to laythe groundwork for advancing and enhancing your ability to use the""I AM"" and Law of Attraction Powers.As you continue to Section 4 - Level II(theIntermediate Sections)of this course you will gain Advance Knowledge of using the I AM Power and some of the KEYS for creating more POWERwithin. You will alsolearn about things thathave kept you from manifesting your goals. Here is where you begin to do work on yourself and your mind.These sections will Enlighten you as they will shed light onto your hidden fears,blocks, andself-doubts. These sections are where your correctiveactions take place. The knowledge behind these corrective actions are the mainreasons people fail to see the Law of Attraction working in their life. Mastering these sections are the KEYS to launching one into the mental state where the Power of the I AM can begin to be used.Once you move into Sections 10 and above - Level III (the Advance/Mastery Sections), you will learn SECRETSand MASTERY tools of manifestation. You will receive knowledge on the Ancient Arts of Manifesting,begin to Control Your Influence On Your Surroundings, SharpenYour Skills On Working With the Law of Attraction, and Gain the Advance Knowledge and Mastery Tools needed toincrease yourskills inManifesting Your Desires. After completing this sections, you will have the Knowledge needed for changing and manifesting in your own life.You will receive a comprehensive downloadable workbook as well as additional worksheets and articles that you must use in working in this course.This course can be used to enhance your manifestations in your personal, work, and business lives on many levels. It is also knowledge that can beused in yourbusiness forteaching and helping your clients and those around you.Why take this course?Individuals will benefit highly from the lessons inthis course. The methodologies introduced and taught here along with the additional workbook, free mp3s, andsupplementswill give the student what they need to start incorporating these Powers into their lives once they have completed this course.Every part of this course meets the highest levels of integrityThis curriculum is endorsed and reflects best practice in our training on the subject.This course is comprehensive and detailed.The 63Lessons incorporate with hours of teachings including:42+ videos lectures1 downable Mini Mind Meditation Movie1 complete I AM Power downloadableWorkbook,25 Supplemental (instructions, additional information, and article links)3 downable Mp3s Meditationand moreIt is MOST important that you learn to MASTER the principles taught. Here you can take your time, work with the material and have access to ask your questions. You also have lifetime access to the course materials and any updates that are made.You will also receive a unique and authentic The I AM Power Law of Attraction certificate (pdf) via email once you have completed the course.Who is the target audience?This course is intended for those new to The Power of I AM and the Law of Attraction or for individuals who want to take their knowledge to the next level of Manifesting. By learning and understanding this course material, students will have the opportunity to tap into their Hidden/Unlearned Attraction Power and Begin to Master these Truths.In this course, the ""I AM""Power will be revealed. The student will learn where to find it, how they can obtain it, and how to use it at will for whatever they desire.Experience the power of ""I AM"" like never before!"
Price: 119.99

"How to make my first external power cord"
"The course talks about how to connect Flex Old and NewWithout the need to buy this or book that will put an electrician wire.It also shows that I am the all the tools and connectionsWho need to know and make your own flex evenUsed Mmhsir electric Old throw.I look step by step Hebrew unfortunately now to you can,To do so without problems and save money.Of course you have good hands little patience and a lot of determination.Also there Lhizhrllct barefootBut with rubber shoes like sneakers.Of course, if something is not clear you create contact meBy mail or through the website and I will explain inDetailed as far as possible in order to help implement the course with great pleasure of success.Hope to see you in my course and along Helmer you a fascinating subject."
Price: 99.99

"Learn German Fast & Easy !"
"Annie B-W: ""This is a nice introduction to the German language. The material is presented in an easy to follow manner and the instructor is pleasant to listen to throughout the course. Very good for those who know nothing about German""Do you want to learn the German language in a easy way? Are the courses offered in your home town to expensive or you want flexible times? Then I can help you with my Online German Language Course.In this class you will learn the 5 ways of greetings in the German language. Followed by a ""Recap Session"" where you can implement your knowledge based on the first class.The last part contains a practical part. where you can listen and watch the ""German vocabulary"" , which we discussed in this class to improve your German language speaking skills!More over you will learn how to express yourself and say your name and ask the name of others in German.After all the theory you have to chance for practicing by listening to the German audio-visual slides, too!Viel Spa! Enjoy it!UPDATE (17.03.2017) If there is a high demand, I am going to expand this course :)Update 19.03.2017 : I extended the course with grammar:1) the declination of ""heien"" with the three personal pronouns (Ich, Du & Sie)2) explaining the difference between ""Du"" & ""Sie""  3) the Expression (Aussage) and Question (Frage) sentences (Syntax)Note: I don't offer any certificate anymore."
Price: 49.99

"Presentation skills for students, taught by ex-CNBC anchor"
"This course helps you speak andpresent effectively. Taught by former CNBCanchor and award-winning trainer, Mark Laudiwill prepare you to be effective on stageand in your communication withthe audience. This course was initiallyprepared for post-MBAstudents but isrelevant for the wider public. Parts of the course have also been used to train very senior business leadersand political leaders worldwide."
Price: 34.99

"Video Savvy - How to produce videos in time and on budget"
"If you are a member of a marketing team tasked with producing content marketing videos or video blogs in-house, this course helps you save a lot of headaches.We should know.We produced such programs for corporate clients in Singapore and Malaysia for more than a decade, and have compiled all our learnings in this course, ""Video Savvy Express course for marketers producing video"".By learning from the experience of other marketers in Southeast Asia, you are on the fast-track to producing video content frequently, and without fuss.Get more likes, shares and comments, have your videos approved by management faster, and enjoy producing them in-house.Chances are, you might have already had some bad experiences, which resulted in the production overrunning in cost or time, or you just don't know where to start.Whether you are engaging an external video production company or not, this course puts you on the fast-lane to a smooth production delivered on-time and on-budget."
Price: 29.99

"Convirtete en un excelente comunicador en pblico"
"La mejor manera de eliminar el miedo a hablar en pblico es lanzarse a ello. Con el cursoConvirtete en un excelente comunicadortendrs aMara Jos Enrquez,presentadora de televisin, actriz y locutora de radiocon ms de 20 aos de experiencia, comotu Coach Personal. Este curso no es un curso ms de comunicacin! Es un entrenamiento,tu entrenamiento. Que podrs ver y practicar las veces que quieras: antes de presentar tu proyecto, antes de una entrevista de trabajo o antes de realizar una ponencia en un auditorio o ante un medio de comunicacin. Haremos hincapi medianteejercicios prcticosen el aprendizaje de tcnica vocal, oratoria, superacin del miedo escnico y comunicacin no verbal. Recuerda, aprenderemos a hablar en pblico!"
Price: 19.99

"Desenvolvimento de aplicativos com Thunkable"
"Neste curso vamos aprender a trabalhar com o FirebaseDB, que um banco de dado realtime da Google que nos da diversas possibilidades para trabalhar em nossas aplicaes.O projeto desenvolvido ser uma aplicao para anncios de imveis, sejam eles aluguel ou venda, podemos chamar de um ""OLX"" simplificado. Vamos aprender a armazenar imagens no Storage do Firebase, recurso pouco conhecido pelos usurios da plataforma."
Price: 54.99

"Ace the Pitch!"
"Imagine being able to speak in public, hold your audience's attention (no matter who they are), make a persuasive point, convey your ideas with confidence, clarity and convictionand walk away with the result you want.THATis what this course will teach you.Ace the Pitch was designed to help anyone (no matter your age, background orlevel of experience)master theability to communicate, influence, inspire and persuade.Drawing from the expertise of the world's most successful speakers, entrepreneurs,sales geniuses, and remarkableleaders, you'll learn exactly how to craft and deliver a compelling, persuasive story that GETSTHEYES!You'll learn:Why 99%of presentations FAILand the surprisingly simple thing you can do to ensure yours succeeds.How to craft a compelling story that will have keep your audience captivatedno matter how ""dry"" your subject-matter may be!The secret ""power tools""that remarkable leaders and top-paid speakers use to inspire, influence and persuade their audiences to TAKEACTION!How to craft a KILLERelevator pitch that sparks interest and gets ""the next meeting.""How to present data (even if it's super technical or complicated)in a way that turns those ""glazed over"" looks into wide-eyed ones that cry ""tell me more!""How to strategically choose words and visuals that your audience CANNOTRESIST!The exact, step-by-step process I used to create several of the MOSTVIEWED, MOSTDOWNLOADEDpresentations EVER. (This alone will save you hours of pain and stress!)How to create GORGEOUS, professional-looking slideseven if you have zero design skills.The best tools, hacks, shortcuts, templatesandresources for crafting and delivering a presentation or pitch that blows minds (without breaking your back or your bank account).The secret to opening your pitch or presentation LIKEABOSSwith total confidence (no matter how shy, introverted or nervous you normally are when speaking in public!)The most effective strategies (which I'll DEMONSTRATE in the video lessons) for overcoming pre-pitch jitters, appearing confident (even if you're scared to death), handling difficult questions/mistakes with poise, and walking away feeling like AMILLIONBUCKS!I've spent the past decade plus studying, learning, and mastering the techniques that I'll share with you in this course. And the best part is thatI know they work, because they've helped raise over $100Million in venture funding, launch several billion-dollar brands, and generate tens of millions of views on social media.If you're serious about confidently andeasilyACING your next pitchand EVERYpitch!this is the course for you."
Price: 194.99

"Aprende a programar jugando con Scratch"
"Este curso tiene un doble objetivo; el primero es claro:la enseanza de un lenguaje de programacin al alcance de todos con el que podrn divertirse creando videojuegos de toda la complejidad que nos permita la imaginacin,aplicaciones educativas y creaciones arttisticas interactivasde diverso tipo, todocon una asombrosa curva de aprendizaje... en pocos minutos de curso ya se visualizarn resultados, lo que facilita la rpidacomprensin de los conceptos.Iremos paso a paso... no doy por sabido nada, por lo que cada detalle se explicar porqu y para qu se hace.El segundo objetivo es menos evidente: el desarrollo y el ejercicio del pensamiento computacional que es el proceso que nos permite formular problemas de manera que sus soluciones pueden ser representadas como secuencias de instrucciones y algoritmos. Al enfrentarnos aun problema... es pensar cmo loresolvera un programa de ordenador. Y estos conceptos los aplicaremos al programar con Scratch... pero nos servirn en su totalidad si luego pasamos a estudiar un lenguaje ms profesional, como Java, C, C++, etc. El alumno en este curso adquirir los fundamentosde la programacin... jugando. Y el pensamiento computacional, una vez que se aprende, es como andar en bicicleta,... no loolvidaremos ms.Y porqu Scratch? El MITcre este lenguaje pensando en los nios y eso fue una idea genial porque nos ha dado un lenguaje que, a diferencia de los tpicos lenguajes de toda la vida, no es un jeroglfico ilegible sino que los programas se crean simplemente apilando bloques, como jugando al Lego. Y ya que tenemos un lenguaje de aprendizaje rpido,intuitivo, divertido... y gratuito... por qu no lo va a aprovechar el resto de la humanidad?Vamos a aprender!"
Price: 39.99