"Mahjong Genius" |
"Mahjong Genius is a comprehensive learning skill designed for absolute beginners who wish to learn how to play the traditional HongKong Mahjong game. This course also addresses intermediate players who wish to improve their level of play to achieve high-scoring winning hands.Mahjong Genius is a ""Mind Sport"" and its goal is to provide the student with a full understanding of how to strategize the use of the 13 tiles he or she is dealt with in order to achieve a winning hand. Creating order from chaos by means of random drawings, that is amazing! Mahjong is played with 144 tiles intricately engraved with Chinese characters and symbols. But dont be scared by the explanation of the game, I guarantee its lots of fun! Similar to the card game Gin Rummy, Mahjong involves mental skill, strategy and calculation, with a degree of chance.A good game should bring thrill and excitement, allow you to think and plan your strategy which could bring about a win! In Mahjong, every winning hand is unique. Mahjong stimulates the thinking process, keeps your brain alert and thinking, is a great game which allows social interaction, and creates enjoyable experiences to live happy, healthy and fun lives."
Price: 29.99 |
"Nutricin para nios, aprende sobre alimentacin saludable." |
"My Leafy Kids es un curso dirigido a Padres o cuidadores, el cual fue diseado paraeducar en materias de nutricin y alimentacin de nios desde un punto de vistaintegral (cuerpo, mente y espritu) haciendo nfasis en la nutricin del cuerpo. Se divideen cuatro etapas: la 1era describe el ambiente en que vivimos para entender el origende enfermedades y dolencias actuales, la 2da cubre el cmo hacer frente a esteambiente con herramientas sencillas y realizables, la 3era abarca principiosfundamentales de nutricin y por ultimo la 4ta el cmo implementar lo aprendido atravs de la creacin de hbitos. El curso incluye recetas, tcnicas y consejos paramejorar el nivel de nutricin de los nios de manera rpida y efectiva.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El curso se compone de 4 videos y material de apoyo escrito que incluye: Un recetario con 14 recetas Ejemplo grafico del Plato Ideal Etiqueta modelo con valores nutricionales de consumo diario para nios y elequivalente en protena y fibra de los alimentos mas conocidos. Lista y link de Dirty Dozen y Clean 15 (Lista de los 12 alimentos mascontaminados y los 15 mas limpios con relacin a pesticidas) y link a laorganizacin que regula que los organismo no sea genticamente modificados. Lista de alternativas mas saludables que al azcar refinadaDurante el curso se pueden hacer consultas por escrito a myleafykids@gmail.com lascuales sern respondidas con un margen mximo de dos das.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Te gustara llevar una vida mas saludable para ti y tu familia pero no sabes por dondeempezar?- Tratas de buscar mejores versiones de alimentos para tus hijos pero estas confundidacon tanta informacin contradictoria que hay all afuera?- Te sueles preguntar si deberas o no darles leche? Carne? Cereales de caja para eldesayuno?- Tratas de leer etiquetas pero te confunden tantos nombres confusos?No estas sola! Eres una de miles de madres que queremos darle una alimentacinsaludable a nuestros hijos, en un ambiente que no lo es.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Si eres una madre que reconoce la importancia que tiene la alimentacin en eldesarrollo de un nio, si entiendes la influencia de la alimentacin en sus estados deanimo, el desarrollo de su cerebro y el impacto que tiene en su felicidad en general, esteprograma es para Ti.----------------------------En My Leafy Kids aprenders:- Diferencia entre un producto saludable de uno que no lo es. Leer etiquetas.- Mejores versiones de los alimentos que ya conoces. Recetas fciles y deliciosas.- Que evitar y que incluir en su dieta.- Snacks saludables y mucho mas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Java for Beginners" |
"Java for Beginners was updated in September2017. There are nowalready more than1,800students enrolled, and the course rating is 4 out of 5. In this course you will learn programming, the easy way, by using the worlds most widely-used language to:* discover that anyone can code in Java* write your own programs* be in demand world-wide* do Android coding (You must know Java to do Android programming)There are 54 lectures that are on average 5 minutes long. Every lecture includes a:* video* PDF* lesson transcriptYou can download these resources to do your personal study and review. Also, this course has a total of 25coding exercises in order to practice what you have learnt.At the end of this course you will be able to:* Read Java code* Write Java code* Analyse programming requirements* Implement Java solutions* Develop basic Java applications* Devise Java solutions when you are given a problem statementLectures start with a brief explanation of the lesson topic. This includes animations, diagrams and images. It is followed by working through a problem statement with expected output and suggested solution. I then do some live coding to implement the solution and produce the expected output. The lecture ends with a coding exercise for you to complete. In the next lecture I go on to explain the solution.The 6 main topics you will study in this course, are:* Introduction* Java basics* Arrays* Exceptions* Java classes* ConclusionThe sooner you enroll in this course the sooner you will gain mastery of programming basics.Please note that you have an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with this course you will get a full refund after 30 days."
Price: 74.99 |
"Java for Intermediate Users" |
"Javafor Intermediate Users was published on 18 September 2017. There are now more than 3,100 students enrolled and the course rating is around4 out of 5.There are 51 lectures that are on average 6minutes long. Every lecture includes a:* video* PDFYou can download these resources to do your personal study and review. Also, this course has a number of coding exercises in order to practice what you have learnt.At the end of this course, you will be able to:* Code in JavaFX* Write Java code* Read somewhat advanced Java code* Do coding with lambdas and Java stream()* Develop better Java applications* Get promotion from being a Junior developer* Devise Java solutions when you are given a problem statement.Lectures start with a brief explanation of the lesson topic. Thisis followed by working through a problem statement with expected output and suggested solution. I then do some live coding to implement the solution and produce the expected output. The lecture ends with a coding exercise for you to complete. In the next lecture I go on to explain the solution.The 7 main topics you will study in this course, are:* Introduction* Java data types* Library classes* Java classes* Lambdas & Streams* JavaFX* ConclusionThe sooner you enroll in this course the sooner you will be ready for advanced programming.Please note that you have an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with this course you will get a full refund after 30 days."
Price: 99.99 |
"Java for Advanced Users" |
"Java for Advanced Users was published on 30November2017. There are 30lectures that are on average 5 minutes long. Every lecture includes a:* video* PDFYou can download these resources to do your personal study and review. Also, this course has a number of coding exercises in order to help reinforce what you have learnt.At the end of this course you will be able to:* Read advanced Java code* Write advanced Java code* Code Java in a functional style* Develop high quality Java applications* Combine traditional and modern coding conventions* Devise Java solutions when you are given a problem statement.Lectures start with a brief explanation of the lesson topic. Thisis followed by working through a problem statement with expected output and suggested solution. I then do some live coding to implement the solution and produce the expected output. The lecture ends with a coding exercise for you to complete. In the next lecture I go on to explain the solution.There are 8 main topics you will study in this course, namely:* Introduction* Java class design* Collections* Strings* Recursion* Input/Output* Error handling* ConclusionThe sooner you enroll in this course the sooner you will be able to write Java code in a functional style.Please note that you have an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the course you will get a full refund after 30 days."
Price: 149.99 |
"How To Find A Business Idea In A Weekend" |
"The outcome of this programme is that you will have found yourself abusiness idea that you have validated in the real world and hence have the confidence that it will work.This programme is structured into threesections, first were going to take a look at the higher level view of what makes up a good business idea and why its important to get it right from the start, we will also be looking at a number of factors that significantly increases the value of your business idea.In section two and threewe will be getting more into the practical stuff of first finding an idea and then learn techniques how to validate that your customers will actually buy the product from you.I will be walking you through some of my favourite market research tools on the screen with a few examples so that you can see exactly how to use them.I will also show you some valuation techniques so that you can estimate the value of your idea and if its worth your time pursuing. This programme will be focusing on business ideas for selling information where I think there are many great opportunities available, but the techniques you will learn can also be applied to other types of products."
Price: 49.99 |
"Out Of Office - How To Start Your Own Side Business" |
"There Has Never Been A Better Time To Become An EntrepreneurThere has never been a better time to start your own business. New technology has given us an opportunity to start and run a business from anywhere in the world. With the right business model you will not only have the freedom of location, but you will also be able to earn money by creating value for others. So let 2017 be the year you take control of your own income and start your own business today.Choose The Right Business ModelMost people dream about starting their own business but you need to understand that starting a business is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of learning and refining, and you need to get started building your system today. The sooner you start the faster you will have your profitable business up and running.The good thing is that with the right business modelyou can start your business while still working and then transition into your new business once it's proven successful.A Step-by-step guide to set up your own side business.Start your business while still working.Transisiton into your new business once it's proven successful.8 Critical StepsThere are 8 critical steps you need to get past when setting up your online business and this course have been set up to help you get through each step in the right order.All the modules are concise and to the point to show you exactlywhatto do but alsohowto do it so that you can get past each step quickly.At the end of each module theres a checklist so that you can make sure that you have completed all the actions required before moving on to the next step.Real World ExamplesMany courses Ive seen, and taken myself are too focused on the big picture and dont have enough practical examples. So in the end youre still confused on which steps to take next, even if you understand the concepts.This course is filled with templates and examples where I will walk you through how to do it step by step on the screen.You will get templates so that you can create your products quickly.Swipe files so that you can just copy paste email copy and headlines.I will show you the best templates to use for all your pages, including landing and sales pages.A dashboardthat will tell you how youre business is doing.I will also show you all the tools Im using behind the scenes to automate my entire business.Sign Up Today AndLet 2017 Be The Year You Started Your Own Business"
Price: 94.99 |
"How to implement social media into your web using Angular ?" |
"In this course You will learn how tomake a use of YouTube and InstagramAPI. But what it API ?An API is a list of commandsthat one program can send to another.In this case a browser sends You information from social media database.In our example You tube API will send information aboutyour playlists,channels and a generalYouTubeprofileas name, email etc.Instagram will sent information about the photographs Youuploaded. Our Application will allowto excess above information and display themon your privatewebsite. If you ablogger, designer or you just Yourunyour website for business purposes, your potential buyer does notneed to go to your Youtube or Instagram Channel the media will be alreadythere, ready to be explored. This featuregivesanextra wow factor to you website for sure !Withsimple steps I will walk You through that process.This projects will use Angular as main programming library.Happy coding!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Sewing Patterns 101: Learn to Read Sewing Patterns" |
"Learn to read any sewing pattern - from classic printed patterns to PDF patterns and vintage patterns.Get tips and tricks to select a size that actually fits. Find out some of the best places to buy sewing patterns - in stores and on the web.Sewing Patterns Do Not Have to Be Scary - Learn to Tackle Sewing Patterns In This Detailed CourseFollow along with me as we explore thetissue pattern piecesLearn to translate the manufacturer instructions so you can easily get sewingTap into the wide world of PDF sewing patterns and learn to assemble them like a proUnlock the mysteries of vintage dot sewing patternsGet started on the road to sewing by learning the fundamentals of sewing patterns. Sewing patterns have been around for years and years. If you want to sew, then you are familiar with the overwhelming selection at big box stores. How do you know which one to choose? How do you know you will able to sew it? What do all of those symbols mean? In this course, you will learn about nearly any type sewing pattern and how to read them.Garment sewing is a fun and exciting hobby. Whether you want to so sew clothing for yourself or others, sewing patterns are one of the most essential elements you will need. We will be focusing on going through all of the parts of a sewing pattern in detail so you are able to read common manufacturers, such as Simplicity and McCalls.PDFsewing patterns have also gained popularity and are readily available on the web. We will cover the process of printing out the patterns and assembling them so you will never be afraid to try a pattern you find on the web. Additionally, I will take the mystery out of using vintage dot style patterns as we go over a 1940s era sewing pattern.By then end of this class, you will be a pro at reading sewing patterns. Let's dive into sewing together!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Improve your Health and Life with Iodine" |
"Either If you are feeling tired, overwhelmed,demotivated,overweight or want to improve your health and become fit, lean, energized,fueled and inspired,this course is for you!In this course you will be taught on why and how to supplement with Iodine in order to optimize your metabolism and become healthier,more productive and leaner.All the ground level knowledgeis provided on Iodine supplementation followed by its influence on our general metabolism and finally instructions on how to supplement and where to find it. A complete set that will make you skyrocket your health.So, don't wait any longer! ENROLL and start to change your LIFE, your HEALTH and your BODYNOW!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Linguagem Ruby Para Iniciantes: POO, BD, Jogos 2D E Mais!" |
"Este curso constantementeatualizado.Ao se tornar aluno voc tem acesso vitalcio a todos os contedos futuros.Aprenda a programar em uma das linguagens mais usadas no mundo.Ruby uma linguagem de programao multi-plataforma, totalmente orientada a objetos que pode ser utilizada para construir uma variedade imensa de programas. Com Ruby, voc pode construir jogos com a gem gosu, desenvolver pginas webe construirprogramas de computador.Depois de dominaros fundamentos da linguagem Ruby , voc ter condies de criar sockets em rede, utilizar a gem Sinatra para gerar pginas web, dentre uma infinidade de outras coisas que Ruby te proporciona."
Price: 189.99 |
"Linguagem C Para Iniciantes: Matrizes, Ponteiros E Mais!" |
"Aprenda a programar com a linguagem C, uma linguagem universalmente conhecida.Neste curso irei mostrar as principais tcnicas para voc desenvolver habilidades na criao de programas de computador.Comearemos com a instalao das principais ferramentas necessrias para o desenvolvimento de programas e finalizaremos com a criao das suas prprias bibliotecas.Te espero no curso, inscreva-se!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Lp trnh VBA c bn trong mi trng Excel v Office" |
"Sau khi hc xong kho hc ny:Bn c kin thc vng vng v VBA c bn, lm nn tng cho cc kho hc VBA nng caoC th s dng nhng tc v x l d liu trn Sheet cng nh trong mng hoc tp hp ca VBAC kh nng t vit chng trnh lc d liu theo iu kin da trn 1 ct hay nhiu ctLp trnh form tng chnh xc khi nhp liu trong Excel kh nng lp trnh, t xy dng phn mm phc v cng vic cng s gip ca ging vinp dng VBA nng cao hiu qu cng vic"
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn to Sing with Easy Vocal Warm Ups" |
"This course is catered for Singers of all levels and also for public speakers, with full warm ups and scales to complete before performing, recording or speaking. The outline of the course is easy going, from Stretches, Breathing, Warm ups and Pronunciation. This course is to ensure you perform confidently and its a few less things to worry about when performing! You can take this away with you wherever you go!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Smart Money Making System for 2018" |
"This is thecourse where you will learn a method that really, really works. I will hold your hand and teach you all we need for this method to be successful: from how to create a blog to how to use the scripts that I will give you for FREE.Those who know how to register domain names and create a blog may want to jump directly to the BBSM method and to the scripts/ I am selling these scripts for hundreds of dollars/.I and my VIP list /I sold them the method for $990 last year/ are making six figure incomewhile travelling the world.You will also get super scripts with which you can convert any click on your website into a Facebook page like, I will alsogive you a script that will bring you hundreds of thousands of Facebook post likes /with video tutorials/ and many more.I am also doing a giveaway of 3 Facebook pages and 25000 e-mail list.We are sure you will like it, it's time to give this a try and make 2017 the greatest year of your life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Como Instalar Wordpress En Un VPS No Administrado Desde Cero" |
"Cmo instalar Wordpress En Un VPS No Administrado Desde Cero, es un curso para principiantes, donde se vaa trabajar con una VPS No Administradade la empresaOVH,Ubuntu 16.04, PHP7 y Nginx.El curso tiene un enfoque prctico, con el propsito de que t desarrolles la habilidad para dar seguridad, fortaleza y ptimo desempeo al VPS como base del servidor Nginx cuyo trabajo en equipo le dan mximo poder a Wordpress.Por ahora se piensa en un curso para poner a correr Wordpress velozmentecon la configuracin que Nginx requiere para su correcto funcionamiento.Son tres los pilares de este curso:Seguridad en VPS y Wordpress.VPS No Administrado.Wordpress.En la primera seccin hablo de la seguridad desde los conceptosdepermisos y propietariosde los directorios y archivos del VPS y de Wordpress.Lospermisos y propietariosasignados alos directorios y archivos son muy importantes para blindar tu Wordpress.Si la seguridad deWordpress es tan importante para ti, no puedes dejar el tema a un lado por eso este curso te da los fundamentosbsicos para blindar Wordpress. Ya no hars parte de la lista negra de Wordpress hackeados.En la segunda seccin, yo hablo del VPS No Administrado (Unmanaged Virtual Private Server),debes saber que un VPS No Administrado tiene que ser configurado desde cero y eso depende de ti, eso es lo que vas aprender en este curso.Es apasionante saber que t tendrs el control total de tu VPS. Ya no dependeras de los proveedores de hosting para que te configuren los requerimientos que muchas ocasiones necesitas para tu Wordpress o para otros CMS.En este curso bsico no te voy a ensear a hacer configuraciones de plugins o themes como complemento de Wordpress, pero lo que aprenders en este curso te ayudar a ir ms all de solo tener un hosting compartido.En la tercera seccin, te hablar de Wordpress, de Cmo instalar Wordpress En Un VPS No Administrado haciendo uso de WP-CLI. De cmousarWP-CLI te ahorra tiempo en la instalacin de Wordpress.El curso Cmo Instalar Wordpress En Un VPS No Administrado Desde Cero, es muy til si quieres que tuWordpress sea veloz y deje atrs a la competencia en tiempo de carga. Recuerda que Google tiene en cuenta el servicio que tu Wordpress brinda a tus visitantes y eltiempo de carga de tu Wordpress va a mejorar de forma aplastante."
Price: 199.99 |
"MS PROJECT 2013." |
"Microsoft Project 2013 can be the go-to tool in your project-management toolbox. ThisCourse explains how to use Project to build schedules (which well generally call plans)complete with tasks and resources, use the extensive formatting features in Project toorganize and format the plans details, track actual work against the plan, share status, andtake corrective action when things get off track."
Price: 29.99 |
"Building Up To Barre Chords" |
"This course is aseries of exerciseson how to play barre chords. The exercisesstartoffvery simpleand build in difficultyvery gradually until you reach the barre chord. You will achieve not only the barre chord, but the skill to apply it in actual songs.Learn How to BuildUp to theBarre ChordUsing This Unique MethodEstablish proper foundation for the barreBuilding finger strength and dexterityBuilding muscle memoryGain speed switching chordsApply to actual songsHave youattempted to play a barre chord only to be scratching your noodle wondering why this is so difficult?Perhaps you'rea beginneror intermediateguitar student wanting to learn barre chords. Ora self taught guitar player, but still struggle with playing barre chords onguitar.You have come to the right place my friend. I am about to take you on a journey that starts from the most basicexercises that are easy for anyone to do.The first series of exercises is simply establishing the foundation on which we will be building our barre chord. This foundation is so easy, but without it, playing barre chords on guitar is so hard!Thenext series of exerciseswill target finger strength and dexterity.We will build up the difficulty level very slowly so that you don't feel like there are any huge leaps.After that youwill learn how to train your fingers to automatically find the barre chord shape. This will help you to start developing the ability to find the barre chord shape without thinking too much about it.Finally, you will be given exercisesto help you be able to play them in an actual song.This will take some effort and patience on your part. This course is a sure way to get to be able to play barre chords with the condition that you really train hard on the exercises given."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Study Chemistry Easily And Get A Chemistry Job" |
"Hi!!!!!Are you one of the high school students and still not sure what is the appropriate specialization for you in university study, which provides you an opportunity to obtain a well-paid job???Are you parents and looking for a brilliant future for your Children???Do you like science but you are not sure which specialization will be the most suitable for you???Do you Like Chemistry but dont know How to learn it and is it difficult or easy???Do you Like Chemistry but don't know what jobs that Chemist can get it???Are you Confused by the range of chemistry qualifications on offer???There are many reasons why you might want to study chemistry. Chemistry can be learned and studied easily if you followed the guidelines in this course.Studying Chemistry not only enables the student to gain a better understanding of the many ways chemistry affects everyday life; chemistry degrees also provide an excellent qualification towards a whole host of careers within industry, If there is one type of study which almost guarantees employment of some kind or another, it is chemistry. Vacancies are constantly available in companies ranging from small local outfits to multi-national chemical companies and research centers.In fact. They are a lot of Chances for chemists to obtain a profitable jobs:Working In Pharmaceutical FieldWorking In ResearchWorking In salesWorking In Schoolsas a teacherWork as Assistant Professor Extra more Options - to work as a ChemistSo as we see they are a lot of options available for thechemists and this makes chemistry major very nice to be studied.If You just love chemistry!!!! OR Whatever the reason you have for thinking about studying chemistry further, ENROLL in this course to help you learn more about the opportunities it can offer you.Hey, amMohammad Abualrub, I havePhD in Chemistry and amExpert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years.In this Course we will cover the following:Section 1:IntroductionSection 2:What Is ChemistrySection 3:How To Learn ChemistrySection 4:Career Opportunities in ChemistrySection 5:How To Find A JobSection 6:ConclusionUdemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a Refund! I am confident in what I have created.Lets start success together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.Dr Mohammad AbualrubPhD in Chemistry Expert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years."
Price: 19.99 |
"Become A Chemistry 1 Master - Basic Principles Of Chemistry" |
"Hi!!!Are you one of thehigh schoolstudents: Chemist student, Pharmacy student, biology student, Nursing student or Engineering student and you haveproblems in studying General Chemistry 101???Do you Like Chemistry but you dont know how to study the basics in Chemistry???Are you suffering from understanding the basics of Chemistry which makes the General Chemistry Exam as a nightmare for you???Do you want to be a master in Chemistry and pass the Chemistry exam getting a high score easily???***************************************************************************Whatever the reason you have for thinking about studying chemistry , Whether you were Chemistry student, Pharmacy student, Biology student, Nursing student or Engineering student, this course will help you to understand the essentialbasics of Chemistry.This course will help you in covering everything you will need to know as you prepare for possible future exams. It doesn't matter how much, or how little, prior knowledge of Chemistry you've got as this course will take you through all the necessary stages.***************************************************************************Have a look at some awesome reviews about this course!!! ""This is an awesome course in General Chemistry 1, the explanation are very easy to be understood, the examples in this course helped me to understand the Chemistry 1 completely."" -Amin ""Comprehensive chemistry course with a lot examples and quizzes really helped me understanding the basics of chemistry"" -Appi -shon ""Awesome content. I have never learn like this style in my school, supported examples and quizzes really simple and helpful and great instructor."" -Karon ""I have learned more in this course than I did in school"" - Jari -chan ""EXCELLENT CONTENT - simple and easy to be understood !!!!"" -Mstluchy ""This course is a mini introduction to 101 Chemistry, it serves to build further interest in the subject. I found it engaging; however, it left me wanting more, which is good. It drives home the fact that chemistry in integrated into all aspects of our daily lives and existence, so there is nothing to fear. After all, cooking is in fact chemistry, most of us do this experiment on a daily basis."" - DL Lieberman ""very easy to understand..."" - Mohammed demachkie ""The course is really informative and it has help me lot."" -Mr. SHEIKH SAJJAD SHEIKH ""Great chemistry course!"" - Matt F. ""Very detailed and well thought out explanations. Covers each concept very well and in simple steps.!"" -MacSabu. ""This is the best Course in chemistry I have watched !!!!!!"" -Tanjib. ""I am a popular science fan with a background in Chemistry. I needed this course to be able to understand the terminology of chemistry and its applications in daily life.!"" -Noyon. ""Great and full experienced instructor....!"" -Sssujon. ""Well organized and easy explanation , I liked this course....!"" -Zihad.***************************************************************************If You just love chemistry!!!! OR Whatever the reason you have for thinking about studying Chemistry further, ENROLL in this course to help you learn and understand the Chemistry basics very easily.Hey!!!Am Mohammad Abualrub, I have PhD in Chemistry and am Expert in pharmaceutical Industry -+8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years.*****In this Course we will cover the following topics:*****Section 1 - Matter and MeasurementAn Introduction To ChemistryMethods Of ScienceCategories Of ScienceSteps Of Scientific MethodTheory And LawThe Scientific MethodLaw of Conservation of MassMatter, Element And CompoundTypes Of MixturesThe Three States Of matterProperties And Changes Of matterUnits Of MeasurementsScientific NotationsSignificant FiguresAccuracy And PrecessionUnits and Dimensional AnalysisSection 2 - Atoms, Molecules, and IonsDaltons Atomic TheoryAtomic Symbols and ModelsLaw of Conservation of MassLaw of multiple proportionsThe Structure of The AtomDiscovery of the ElectronThe nuclear model of the atomAtomic Mass, Mass Number and IsotopesMass number and Atomic MassePeriodic Table of the ElementsMetals, Nonmetals, and MetalloidsMolecular SubstancesIonic SubstancesOrganic CompoundsIonic CompoundsRules for predicting ChargesNaming of Ionic CompoundsFormula of Ionic CompoundsNaming of Binary Molecular CompoundsAcids and Corresponding AnionsNaming of HydratesWriting Chemical EquationsBalancing Chemical EquationsSection 3 - Calculations With Chemical Formulas And EquationsIntroduction to Calculations in ChemistryMass and Moles of SubstanceMolecular Mass and Formula MassThe Mole ConceptMole CalculationsDetermining Chemical FormulasElemental Analysis, Percentage of C, H and ODetermining FormulasMolecular Formula from Empirical FormulaStoichiometry: Quantitative Relations in Chemical ReactionsLimiting ReactantTheoretical YieldSection 4 Chemical ReactionsIntroduction to Chemical ReactionsIonic Theory of Solutions and Solubility RulesElectrolytes and Non-electrolytesSolubility RulesMolecular and Ionic EquationsAcid Base, Neutralization and Oxidation-Reduction ReactionsOxidation numberTypes of Oxidation-Reduction ReactionsWorking with solutionsQuantitative AnalysisSection 5 Gaseous StateIntroduction to the Gaseous StateGas Pressure and Its MeasurementBoyles Law: Relating Volume and PressureCharless Law: Relating Volume and TemperatureGay-Lussacs Law : Relating Pressure and TemperatureCombined Gas Law : Relating Pressure, Temperature and VolumeAvogadros Law: Relating Volume and AmountThe Ideal Gas LawStandard Temperature and Pressure (STP)Gas Density; Molecular-Mass DeterminationGas StoichiometryGas Mixtures; Law of Partial PressuresReal GasesSection 6 ThermochemistryIntroduction to ThermochemistryThermodynamicsThermodynamic EquationsHeat Capacity (C)Standard Enthalpy of Formation H formationSection 7 Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of AtomsProperties of WavesBohrs Model of the AtomSchrodinger Wave EquationAufbau principle and Hund's RuleElectron configurationSection 8 Periodic RelationshipsGround State Electron Configurations and Classification of ElementsElectron Configurations of Cations and AnionsEffective nuclear charge (Zeff)The Atomic RadiusThe Ionization EnergyThe Electron AffinityGroups Elements PropertiesSection 9 Ionic and Covalent BondingThe Ionic and Covalent BondingElectronegativity and Polar Covalent BondWriting Lewis StructuresFormal ChargeSection10Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding TheoryValence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) modelDipole Moments and Polar MoleculesValence Bond TheoryHybridizationIn addition to that, there are a lot of QUIZZESadded to this course in order to enhance students understanding to thecontents of this course and get the desired value !!!For example in One Quiz you will practice on solving the following questions:Can an element be broken down into a simpler substance?What is a compound?What is a mixture?How many classifications of mixtures are there?Mixtures can be separated. Which of the following represents a way a mixture cannot be separated?Which of the following is a compound?Which of the following is an element?Are there more compounds or more elements?Which of the following is not a mixture?Can compounds be separated?ThisCourse contains the following Quizzes:Elements, Compounds and MixturesProperties and Changes of MatterScientific NotationSignificant FiguresPeriodic Table of The ElementsNaming an Ionic Compound from Its FormulaBalancing Chemical EquationsMole Calculation for atoms, molecules, units and ionsCalculate the percentage compositionLimiting ReactantClassification of Solutes in Aqueous SolutionSolubility Rules for Ionic CompoundsTypes of Oxidation-Reduction ReactionsOxidation NumbersBoyles LawCharles's lawGay-Lussac'sCombined Gas LawThe Ideal Gas LawGas StoichiometryExothermic and EndothermicEnthalpyHess lawProperties of wavesBohrs ModelElectron ConfigurationsElectron Configurations of Cations and AnionsThe Atomic RadiusIonization energyCovalent bonds, Ionic bonds and Polar covalent bondsFormal Charge (FC)***************************************************************************************30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!****************************************************************************************Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a Refund! I am confident in what I have created. Lets start success together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.Dr Mohammad AbualrubPhD in Chemistry Expert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mobile App Marketing 2019: 7 Courses in 1" |
"Mobile app marketing is quite important to get a huge user base and to get ultimate revenue from a mobile app.This course organized asIn App Marketing (Low cost but very effective)Build virality into your appHow virality in mobile app works?Best practices of viralityMore AppsUpdate = $$In App graphical banner Ad (cross promotional)Push Notification (Army for better app marketing)Why you should care about push notification?What is push notification?Push notification best practicesAnalysis of a push messageAdvantage of push notification over SMSSMS vs. Email vs. Push NotificationASO BasicsBase components of ASOImportance of ASO Why we should learn ASOASO PrinciplesASO Keyword Research ProcessThe whole ASO Keyword research process in 10 stepsUtilize long tail keywordPractical example of ASO tools for Keyword Research like Appannie, SensorTowerPractical case study ASO in Apps & GamesPractical ASO Implementation along with cool tricks inApp TitleKeyword FieldApp DescriptionApp Short DescriptionApp IconApp Screen ShotsApp LocalizationApp Preview VideoReview & RatingDifference factor regarding ASO in Market PlacesGoogle Play Store vs. Apple App StoreEmail marketing (For better app engagement)Why email marketing needed to get more downloads?Add an email subscription form to your appCreate mobile friendly email contentVideo content in email performs far better resultPaid MarketingBefore paid marketing, ensure these pointsGet positive reviews from high traffic websitesKnow type of ads for mobile appsKnow marketing terms for mobile advertisersKnow which advertiser suits best for your app/gameSocial Network MarketingWhy Facebook for mobile app marketingFacebook ads statisticsFocus on business goal + reflectFacebook Ad analysis for mobile targeted user baseAnalysis on install ads: perfect choice for mobile appsFacebook contest: Effective marketing approach for mobile appsWhy Twitter for mobile marketingYouTube marketing"
Price: 19.99 |
"Sell Photo Online: Step by Step Guideline Stock Photography" |
"Our students review regarding this course --""Great course about stock photography. It gives details about the photos buyers want (quality, size, ...). I have learnt how to take them, where to submit them, and I still need to improve to have more clicks and get more experiences. The instructor is very engaged and responsive. Enroll and earn money later by selling with your passion."" -- Domoina Ratsizafy""Success theory in stock photography with step by step guideline"" -- Elias Katsaniotis""Amazing course on stock photography. Tutor explained things thoroughly step by step."" -- John Hanks""Great course, in-depth explanation, and lots of applicable approaches and tactics."" -- Stag""Now I feel I can earn money from stock photography."" -- JanetwastonjwContents of this course --Success Theory of Stock PhotographyHere success theory with practical examples shown. Along with several example successful people along with their suggestion for fellow photographer who wanna earn money from stock photography.Market Analysis for being successfulFor every business market analysis is quite important. Stock photography is not exceptional! Here, several tools with practical example shown how to analyze market of stock photography and which markets should you target to become successful.The whole contents of this course is broken down as below:Section : 1 Analyze the Stock Photography Market Success Theory of Stock Photography Analyze the Market through useful tools Learn what type of images buyer wantSection: 2 Create better stock photos Shoot images having both literal and conceptual meaning Save some negative space Expert yourself in a few domain Prepare yourself before shooting Shoot more and more Section: 3 Model/Property Release: Save your time & money Get model release early Use universal model release formSection: 4 Making more money from Stock Agencies Submit to multiple stock agency sites Brand Yourself / Your AgencySection: 5 Keywording Properly Invest time in proper metadata and keywording Don't spam while keywordingSection: 6 Learn to use photography tools Calibrate your monitor with a color calibration toolSection: 7 Mastering Image Rejection Issues Don't submit too many photos at the same time Inspect at full size or more Be aware of brand and logos Noise Issue: Use a very low ISO setting Use cloning tools or brushes to get rid of dust and scratches Avoid JPEG compression artifacts Avoid chromatic aberration"
Price: 194.99 |
"Complete Photography Course for Beginners : 9 Courses in 1" |
"=== Students reviews on this course ===""Awesome all are understanding and point to point"" -- Naman Verma""It was great course. I now have a better understanding as to which camera to purchase."" -- Norman Joseph Edwards""It's a very nice course for the new ones who want to learn about photography , each and every thing are explained. You must take this course."" -- Ananya JainThis online photography course will help you to learn how to shoot amazing and wow images, those will make you far different from average photographer and you will know how to make money, a lot of money through photography. 1. This course explains and helps to learn tricky and hard DSLR concepts pretty easy way. For example, How DSLR image taking process works, through easy animationHow view finder works, through easy animationWhy you should shoot in RAW Format ??What is ISO?What is Aperture?Understanding Shutter Speed with Cool Explanation.Cheat Sheet # Shutter speed and it's use cases. Chart # Sensor Size of Various CameraDeep understanding on APS-CChart # Creative Mode DialChart # Parts of DSLR (Nikon View)Chart # Part of DSLR (Canon View)2. You will master in lighting (Both natural and studio light)Why lighting important in Photography?Understanding natural lightProblems to shoot photo in Mid-DayPhotography at Blue HourPhotography at Golden HourYou will understand direction light, how to compose light better to take better shoot9 important points of photographyReflector to shoot amazing photosCheat Sheet # ReflectorDiffuser to get rid of harsh light and harsh shadows3. Shoot Cool Macro PhotosWhat is Macro PhotographyBenefits of Macro PhotographyLive view to get sharp AND crispy imagesLarger depth of field to get more detailUse focusing rail to save time and perfect the focusUse Manual focus, instead of auto focusDiffuser / Umbrella for better macro shots Wind: Killer of Macro Photos Macro Targeted FlashBetter tripod to get rid of blurrinessHigher ISO; Reason for Noisy and Grainy Photo4. Black and white photographyWhy black and white photographyPower of black and white photographyBlack and White Photography vs. Color Photography Cool tips and Tricks for black and white photographyCreate a vintage looking shot with PhotoshopCreate Black and White with Warm ToneHigh-Key Black & White Portrait Effect in PhotoshopCreating Black & White Effect using Hue/Saturation Tool in Photoshop5. Mastering composition in Photography - Compose Cool PhotosYou will learn what components makes a picture greatWhy composition in Photography?What makes a picture great?Placement of subject techniqueSeparation of subject technique Balance of elements technique Linear perspective Height perspective Overlap perspective Aerial perspective Fill the frame technique Pattern techniqueLeading lines techniqueRule of thirds techniqueGolden ration technique6. Here, in this course you will learn how to make money in stock photography through step by step guidelineYou will learn the success theory of stock photographyYou will learn how to analyze stock photography market How to earn from multiple stock photography sites How to increase image acceptance ratioWhat components makes create a better photo for selling perspective 7. Portrait Photography What is Portrait Photography?Key concepts of portrait photograph.Indoor # portrait photography setupAnalysis on bad portrait shots, how to over come those?Common mistakes in portrait photographyCheat Sheet # Portrait Lighting 8. Deep analysis on LensesChart # Know your lenseDSLR Lens analysis Special purpose lensBenefits of prime lensLens market shareNikon lens terms Canon lens terms9. Filters & StabilizationTypes of filters and which one do you needPolarization filter: when you needExample photo shoot with Polarization filterNeural density filter: when you need Example photo shoot with Neural density (ND) filterWhen you should use Tripod?If you don't have, then what to do?10. Long exposure photography Introduction to Long exposure photographyND filter guide for long exposure shotsWhat equipment needed for long exposure shotsAnalysis on several long exposure shots Tips for better long exposure shots11. Photo Editing in PhotoshopCreate a vintage looking image in PhotoshopCrete Black and White Photo with Warm Tone in PhotoshopHigh-Key Black & White Portrait Effect in PhotoshopCreating Black & White effect using Hue/Saturation in PhotoshopCreate amazing color pop in PhotoshopCool sharpening in PhotoshopHow to create amazing matte effect in PhotoshopAdd reflections to sunglasses with PhotoshopHow to create HDR effect in Photoshop"
Price: 194.99 |
"Complete Web Development: 22 Courses in 1" |
"Our students insight regarding this course ------ ""Very insightful information that other courses do not necessarily go over"" -- Andrew Austin""Good quality of teaching. It's very useful where 12 courses at one place. Very good explanation on each and every installation process and exercises shown. Thanks! to Udemy and Creative Online School"" -- Pramod Ganta""Great ! Short videos but good understanding"" -- Ashiouzzaman Real""The instructor is very clear-spoken and explains things very elegantly. Very easy to follow and understand what is going on."" -- Sharla FieldWeb development is an amazing career path. By completion of this course, you will master yourself in several languages/platforms/databases. This course gives you hands on and practical experience on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Python, JavaScript, XML, JSON, Apache, Wordpress, and more.Mastering these areas are one of the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information."
Price: 194.99 |
"Earn from Photography: A Step By Step Guideline" |
"Section 1: 10 Ways to earn from PhotographyWork as assistant photographer Sell your photographs in stock sites Earn from photography contestsEarn from photography blogging Earn from photography YouTube channel Other ways to earn from photographySection 2: Earn Money Through Stock PhotographyWhy Stock Photography?Success Theory in Stock PhotographyHow much you can earn? from stock photographyWhat type of images buyer wantAnalyze the market through useful toolsShoot Images having both literal and conceptual meaningSave some negative spaceGet model release earlySubmit to multiple stock agency sitesInvest your time for proper meta data and key-wordingSection 3: Mastering Photography MarketingSocial Media Marketing for PhotographyPhysical Marketing for PhotographyWebsite Marketing for PhotographyClassic Marketing for Photography"
Price: 194.99 |
"Mastering Portrait Photography" |
"Course ContentsIntroduction to Portrait Photography What makes a portrait look great?Recommended equipment for better portraitsCompositional techniques for cool portraitsTips for better backgrounds in portraitsLighting skills for amazing portraitsBokeh and BlurExample of poses for better portraitsTips for child portraitsTips for corporate portraits and head-shotsTips for wedding and event portraitsTips for Indoor PortraitsTips for Outdoor Portraits"
Price: 194.99 |
"Bash Shell Programming for Data Sciences" |
"This beginner friendly course is specifically designed to show you how to use Bash commands and shell programming to handle textual data which can be a csv format data or systems log file. In this course you will learn Bash by doing projects. However, you need to understand the fact that Bash may not the best way to handle all kinds of data! But there often comes a time when you are provided with a pure Bash environment, such as what you get in the common Linux based Super-computers and you just want an early result or view of the data before you drive into the real programming, using Python, R and SQL, SPSS, and so on. Expertise in these data-intensive languages also comes at the price of spending a lot of time on them.In contrast, bash scripting is simple, easy to learn and perfect for mining textual data! Particularly if you deal with genomics, microarrays, social networks, life sciences, and so on. It can help you to quickly sort, search, match, replace, clean and optimise various aspect of your data, and you wouldnt need to go through any tough learning curves. We strongly believe, learning and using Bash shell scripting should be the first step if you want to say, Hello Big Data!This course starts with some practical bash-based flat file data mining projects involving: University ranking dataFacebook dataAU Crime Data(Data sets and documentations are provided at the end of each section)If you havent used Bash before, feel free to skip the projects and get to the tutorials part (supporting materials: eBook). Read the tutorials and then come back to the projects again. The tutorial section will introduce with bash scripting, regular expressions, AWK, sed, grep and so on. Udemy Early Access Program Reviews (5 out of 5 Stars):""This is one of the best course I have reviewed in Udemy. All the chapters are very useful. The instructor explained exactly what you need to use Bash as your data analysis tool in your pocket. I look forward more coursed from this Instructor. The instructor is very experienced, explanations are on point. Than you for creating a great course."" - Tarique Syed""The instructor was very engaging. Changed a boring, hard-to-understand tool into something usable and easy-to-use, all the while making it fun to learn."" - Prat Ram""Well done. Well - structured and explained course. Will definitely recommend the course to my course. From my point of view, everything was OK in the course."" - Sem Milaserdov ""Overall, the course delivered what promised with a good resource for those who want to learn and do more. The course is filled with resource and the educator attached his own book on the subject for the learners."" - Afshin Kalantari""It's a very well organized course, from the background, basic Linux cli which everyone should be to build data processing scenarios. wonderful class."" - Charley Guan"
Price: 49.99 |
"Python Regular Expressions with Data Scraping" |
"Python + Regex? Many of you do not find this combination easy, which partly happens because of the Python's obfuscated regex documentation too! In this course, to make your life easy, I have used some real-world examples. The course goals are:Teach you how to use the Python regular expressions (re) module and relevant functions by running interactive examples;Educate you to deal with projects with real world data examples (e.g., pdf and web scraping, more coming soon!); andChallenge you with learning tasks and quizzesThis course should be pretty quick and easy to complete. However, it assumes that you have basic Python skills (see the other Python courses on this platform). This course is a core component of the 'Learn Scientific Programming' project. Bonus!A PDF documentation of the whole course has been added to the first section."
Price: 19.99 |
"Parallel Programming with CUDA" |
"This is the first and easiest CUDA programming course on the Udemy platform. It aims to introduce the NVIDIA's CUDA parallel architecture and programming model in an easy-to-understand talking video way where-ever appropriate. All lessons are well captioned. It shows CUDA programming by developing simple examples with a growing degree of difficulty starting from the CUDA toolkit installation to coding with the help of block and threads and so on. This course covers:GPUs BasicsCUDA Installation (Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2017)CUDA Toolkit CUDA Threads and Blocks in various combinationsCUDA Coding ExamplesCUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. When it was first introduced, the name was an acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, but now it's only called CUDA. Some of the images used in this course are copyrighted to nVIDIA. This is the first course of my Learn CUDA Programming series. I plan to update the lessons and add more lessons and exercises over the time!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Erstelle dein Wiki mit MediaWiki" |
"Herzlich Willkommen!Im Kurs ""Erstelle dein Wiki mit MediaWiki"" hast du die Chance alles Ntige zu lernen um mit deinem eigenen Wikiprojekt durchzustarten und MediaWiki problemlos zu verwenden. Wenn dich die Software hinter Wikipedia schon immer begeistert hat und dies deine erste Wahl fr dein eigenes Projekt ist, bist du hier genau richtig!Wir behandeln folgende Themen:- Was ist MediaWiki?- Wie kann ich mein Wiki installieren und konfigurieren?- Wie kann ich das Wiki individuell an meine Bedrfnisse anpassen?- Wie kann ich Extensions installieren und mein Wiki updaten?- Wie mache ich mein Wiki mobiltauglich und nehme erste Optimierungen vor?- Wie gehe ich erste Schritte mit meinem Wiki nach der Installation?Auerdem gut zu wissen ber diesen Kurs:- keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig- Arbeit mit kostenloser Open Source Software- persnlicher, individueller Support und Austausch zwischen den TeilnehmernIch freue mich darauf, dich baldin meinem Kurs begren zu drfen!Schreib dich ein und mache heute noch den ersten Schritt zum Wikiexperten."
Price: 29.99 |