"La Defensa en Ajedrez 3" |
"La Defensa en Ajedrez es muy importante.El ajedrez es un juego de ataqueen el que gana aquel jugador cuyo ataque es ms poderoso y termina dando jaque mate al rey enemigo.Por eso, en la partida de ajedrez es de vital importancia llevar lainiciativay tratar deatacarponiendo constantepresinsobre la posicin del contrario.Sin embargo, el hecho de que nuestro oponente lleve la iniciativa y tenga ventaja no quiere decir que tengamos necesariamente que perder la partida. Con unabuena defensase puede superar el mejor de los ataques y salir finalmente victorioso.Generalmente, suele ser ms fcil atacar que defenderse, pues si cometemos un error mientras estamos atacando solo significar la prdida de la iniciativa pero nada ms. Sin embargo,un error cometido en la defensapuede ser mortal y ser lacausa de la derrota.Una buenatcnica defensivaes uno de los signos distintivos de losmaestros. Todos los grandes jugadores han sido autnticos maestros en la defensa, por eso es tan difcil ganarles una partida, ya queluchan y resisten hasta el final.En este curso estudiaremos todos losrecursos disponiblespara el bando a la defensiva yaprenders a defenderte como un Gran Maestro. Ya no perders las partidas con tanta facilidad y sabrs cmooponer verdadera resistenciahasta, finalmente, conseguir dar la vuelta a la partida yconquistar la victoria.Si realmente quieresmejorar tu juego, ste es tu curso."
Price: 29.99 |
"Aperturas de ajedrez: El Sistema Londres 5" |
"El Sistema Londres es un esquema de apertura que tiene fama de slido pero que encierra mucho ms veneno del que aparenta. Recientemente, ha alcanzado gran popularidad porque el propio Campen del Mundo, Magnus Carlsen, lo utiliza con asiduidad y ha demostrado que se puede ganar con este sistema incluso a los Maestros de la lite.Una de las grandesventajas del Sistema Londres es que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teoraya que, debido a la naturaleza de esta apertura, es muchoms importante entender las ideas y los planes que surgendetrs de cada posicinque aprender de memoria un sinfn de variantes tericas.Adems, el Sistema Londres es un sistema de apertura universal que puede ser empleado contra casi cualquier respuesta y defensa elegida por las negras. Esta caracterstica permite al jugador ahorrar mucho tiempo en su estudio de las aperturas, ya que puede confiar en utilizar este sistema para casi todo. Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy slidas pero no exentas de posibilidades tcticas y combinativas. De hecho, esuna apertura en la quesuelen producirse pocos cambios de piezas, lo que lleva a posiciones demedio juego muy ricas estratgicamente,que permiten jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas. El jugador que entienda mejor las posiciones que surgen en el medio juegose encontrar en ventaja y tendr todas las posibilidades para ganar la partida.En esta quinta parte delcurso se estudian el ataque Barry y el ataque Jobava. La defensa india de rey es una de las defensas ms utilizadas y una de las ms combativas y difciles de romper. Mediante el ataque Barry y el ataque Jobava conseguirs sacar a tu oponente de los caminos conocidos y llevarlo a tu terreno.Con estos dos interesantes mtodos de juego obtendrs posiciones muy slidas y fciles de jugar en las cuales no tendrs que memorizar largas variantes de apertura, sino que ser suficiente comprender las ideas y planes caractersticos para llegar a posiciones ventajosas, que te permitirn jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas.En este curso aprenders los planes correctos adecuados a cada situacin. Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y tambin en los finales resultantes. De manera que no solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativay desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida, ya que aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y finales que surgen a partir de estosesquemas de apertura.Un curso muy completo con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativaspartidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de apertura lleno de posibilidades.Dominar el Sistema Londreste permitir tener un repertorio de aperturas slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso"
Price: 34.99 |
"Microsoft Power BI - A Complete Introduction" |
"You want to analyze data from single or multiple sources? You want to create your individual datasets based on these sources and transform your results into beautiful and easy-to-make visualizations? You also want to share your results with colleagues or collaborate on your projects? Finally, you want to be able to access your data from multiple devices?Then the Power BI tools are the tools to choose for you!In this course you will learn why Power BI offers you a comprehensive set of Business Intelligence tools for your data analysis goals and how to use these tools to fulfill all of the above tasks - and more. Imagine to quickly structure your data, to easily add calculations to it and to create and publish nice-looking charts in just a few minutes. This is what you will learn:Get to know the different tools of the Power BI universe and learn how to use themUnderstand Power BI Desktop and its componentsLearn how to use the Query Editor to connect Power BI to various source types, how to work on the Data Model and understand the difference between those two stepsHow to work in the different views of the Data ModelHow to create calculated columns and measuresHow to build relationships between different tablesHow to create a report with different interactive visualization typesLearn how to use Power BI service to create dashboards and to share and publish your resultsHow to access your results from multiple devices using Power BI MobileHow to create custom visuals using typescript and the Power BI Developer ToolsAnd more!This is what this course offers, but is this the right course for you?If you......never worked with the Power BI tools before...have a basic understanding of selected tools of the Power BI universe and want to learn how these tools work together...want to understand the latest updated version of Power BI Service, including the newly introduced App Workspaces and the creation and publishing of Apps including your dashboards, reports and datasets..want to understand the basic concepts regarding the creation of customized visuals using the Power BI Developer Tools...then this is the right course for you.I would be really happy to welcome you in this course!Manuel"
Price: 199.99 |
"Amazon (AWS) QuickSight - Getting Started" |
"Working with modern Business Intelligence tools is exciting. Althoughthe market offers a broad variety of tools, you may not have found the tool that meets all your requirements yet. This course might change that!In this course, you will learn how to use one of the latest Business Intelligence tools released to the market: AmazonQuickSight, a tool which allows you to easily analyze and visualize data.But what makes QuickSight special? QuickSight is a cloud solution andcompletely integrated into Amazon Web Services (AWS). With that, it can be easily connected to a broad variety of services and sourceswhich make QuickSight a highly scalable, easy-to-use and veryflexible data analysis tool.This course will give you a first overview of QuickSight including the following topics:How to use QuickSight and its different functionsUnderstand the workflow of QuickSightHow to connect QuickSight to different data sourceswithin and outside of AWSHow to prepare your data inQuickSight, for example by adding filters andcalculated fieldsHow to easilycreate your analysis by building multiple visualsHow to create dashboards and storiesShare your project results with people within and outside your organizationHow to use the iOSmobile appUnderstand theuser management of QuickSightAnd more!These topics will be covered throughout this course, but is this your course?If you...... neverworked with QuickSight and want to get started with it... are looking for acloud based Business Intelligence tool to quickly analyze your data...have worked with other Business Intelligence tools but want to take a look at new tools... already worked with AWSand now want to understand how to analyze and visualizeyour data using a service within theAWSuniverse...are generally interested into data analysis...then this course is made for you!I would be really happy to welcome you in this course!Manuel"
Price: 109.99 |
"Learn Thai with Thai-English Interpreter ( Native Thai)" |
"This course is practical for anybody who want to learn Thai language, especially those who are going to Thailand and you had not minded its language nor did you have time. So this is help.Please bear in mind that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE CONTENT.And YOU CAN JUMP FROM ONE TO ANTHER CHAPTER AS YOU LIKE.For those who are going to spend just few day considering its language before arriving Thailand, you might just focus on those sentences of expression and conversation. You know what, once you arrive Thailand and you just speak it out..... the rest of lectures here are gonna be just a kind your free time activities.In case that you want to get in depth of its language, of course, the other chapters are recommended.Actually, if you aim for learning Thai for ling run, Thai Consonants, Thai Vowels, and Thai Tone Markers are needed.PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THOSE PDF FILES FOR EACH CHAPTER.Love you all,Winai"
Price: 19.99 |
"Diseo impreso - Preimpresin para offset en Illustrator" |
"El objetivo de este cursoes brindar las herramientas necesarias para el armado y control de originales para impresin en offset.Conocer las limitaciones del sistema de impresin offset y las caractersticas que debe tener el original para su correcta reproduccin es fundamental para obtener los resultados deseados y optimizar recursos econmicos y tiempo.A partir de un acercamiento a la prctica profesional, se busca generar un pensamiento crtico, promoviendo el trabajo en equipo y la cooperacin.FundamentacinEl presente espacio est pensado como una introduccin al conocimiento y al manejo de distintas tcnicas,procesos y herramientas necesarias para la planificacin y produccin de piezas grficas.Se abordar el estudio de conceptos y prcticas de pre-prensa con especial nfasis en aquellos que seaplican con mayor frecuencia en la industria grfica.A partir de un acercamiento a la prctica profesional, se busca generar un pensamiento crtico hacia lasformas de produccin, promoviendo el trabajo en equipo y la cooperacin.De este modo, se intenta formar profesionales que puedan generar los mecanismos de anlisis y reflexinnecesarios para abordar las distintas problemticas que se presentan en el ejercicio diario de la profesin.Expectativas de logros al final del cicloAdquirir las herramientas para la realizacin adecuada de las tareas de la pre-impresin en el marco de los procesos grficos actuales.Objetivos generalesElaborar la estrategia tecnolgica adecuada para resolver las problemticas que se presentan en la prctica profesional.Desarrollar la capacidad administrar la inversin econmica del cliente.Promover el reconocimiento y valorizacin de cada una de las tareas y los profesionales que las realizan en el mundo grfico.Objetivos especficosComprender conceptualmente los recursos tecnolgicos necesarios para la reproduccin de piezas grficas.Disear los pasos para los procesos de trabajo en la produccin de originales.Operar software especfico.Desarrollar el manejo de tecnologa especfica.Contenidos procedimentalesConcretar proyectos de diseo teniendo en consideracin todos los procesos involucrados en la produccin de piezas grfica.Evaluar procesos tcnicos y tecnolgicos y determinar su uso adecundose a la demanda.Contenidos conceptualesSistema de impresin offsetReproduccin tramadaTcnica de impresin offset litogrficoCaractersticas principales del papelGestin de colorModelos de colorEspacio de colorGestin de colorPerfiles de colorColor en la impresinCMYK y tintas planasElementos de control de impresinPantone y tintas planasTipos de muestra en IllustratorImgenes digitalesImgenes vectorialesImgenes de mapa de bitsResolucinRemuestreo e interpolacinPreparando el original para impresinSobreimpresinTrappingReservaLneas de corte y sangradoErrores frecuentes en la entrega de originalesPDFCaractersticas generales del formato PDFGeneracin PDF de alta resolucin"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Anxiety Rebalance Course From the #1 Bestseller & Coach" |
"Are you looking for the answers and help you need to overcome anxiety?Hosted by international bestselling author and renowned anxiety coach, Carl Vernon, the Anxiety Rebalance Course will give you all the answers and tools you need to overcome anxiety and anxiety-related conditions.From the Amazon #1 bestseller, Anxiety Rebalance, discover the steps you need to take to instantly reduce your anxiety and transform the way you feel.Start feeling more confident, positive, energised and immediately less anxious.Never view anxiety in the same way again.10 Steps to Balance: What You Will DiscoverSTEP 1: THE REBALANCE SCALEDiscover how high anxiety and low energy impact how you feel, and where you come on the Rebalance Scale.STEP 2: THE FEAR CYCLEThe fear cycle keeps us trapped in anxiety. Learn why we get stuck in the cycle and how to get yourself out of it.STEP 3: AUTOPILOTAnxiety operates within your subconscious. Knowing how this works gives you an advantage. STEP 4: THE REAL CAUSEYou can't fix something if you don't know what to fix. By getting to the real cause of your anxiety, you can deal with it.STEP 5: YOUR TURNING POINTEveryone needs a turning point. Find yours and never look at anxiety in the same way again.STEP 6: OVERCOMING PANIC ATTACKSDiscover the true nature of panic attacks and how they work so you can stop them for good.STEP 7: 'REPRESENTATION'Learn the techniques you need to reduce your anxiety instantly to help you feel calm whenever you feel anxious.STEP 8: FOCUSWhen you focus on anxiety, you get more anxiety. Realign your focus and benefit from the positive changes a new focus brings.STEP 9: 10 ACTIONS TO ACHIEVE BALANCEDiscover all the mindset and lifestyle changes needed to balance anxiety.STEP 10: STAY BALANCEDYou've done it! You feel confident, positive and energised. Now it's time to stay balanced.As a renowned anxiety coach with over a decade of experience, Carl has a proven track record in helping delegates: Reduce and balance high anxiety. Stop panic attacks for good. Overcome health anxiety. Become free from social anxiety. Lift anxiety-related depression. Control obsessive thoughts and OCD. End agoraphobia."
Price: 79.99 |
"Painting Realistic Art from basics - (Easy Step-by-Step)" |
"When we find a photo realisticimage on the internet on our facebook page or elsewhere, we first disbelievethat this was hand painted, then we exclaim that it actually looks like a HD photograph and then wonder how the artist must have done this. We wish somewhere, that if we also could try and come close to this astonishing results. This course shall help you in get there. Right from the planning stage to transferring of the image to coloring and shadows we shall go in absolute detail of every step. There are some speed up videos available on you tube which is entertaining to watch, but really you cannot learn the techniques unless the artist explains you the steps to reach there. Here I shall be with you to take through the paintings and urge you to draw and paint with me. I'm sure you shall be amazed with the results you produce."
Price: 44.99 |
"Masterclass: Start your Coffee Shop Business!" |
"This is a comprehensive course on coffee shopbusiness. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own coffee shopbusiness, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed! WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This course is the key to making such fantasy a reality. My Coffee Shop is a complete course on how to put up and run a coffee shop business. This course will make you learn the ropes without attending a traditional business class. We prepared more than 80 course materials for you composed of engaging videos and PDF files that you can print if you want.The course will walk you through all the facets of the business from funding, budgeting, key personnel, vital equipment needed, business registration, business success factors, to product development, market research, competitor analysis, and everything in between. It culminates in the four pillars of business operations: finance, workforce, operations, and marketing.This courseis packed! And, its mobile too! Study anytime, anywhere. You can unpack this explosive course whenever and wherever you wish.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organization has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass: Start a Profitable Restaurant Business" |
"MORETHAN1,000STUDENTSHAVEBENEFITTEDFROMTHISCOURSEWITHINTWOWEEKSOFITSRELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on small restaurant or eatery business. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own food business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?If you salivate about having your own restaurant, this course is the key to making your dream business a reality. Thisis a complete course on how to put up and run your own eatery/restaurant business. It tackles key issues such as finding your initial capital, managing your product and service, market research and marketing, all the way to business operations. At the end of the course, you will have the confidence, knowledge and skills to start your own food business.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass: Start a Profitable Internet Cafe Business" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course about internet cafe business. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers.This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?If you dream about running your own Internet shop, this course is the key to making your digital hub of a business a reality. Itis a complete course on how to put up and run your own Internet shop business. It tackles key issues such as finding your initial capital, managing your product and service, market research and marketing, all the way to business operations. At the end of the course, you will have the confidence, knowledge and skills to start your own Internet cafe business.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Create a High End Social Network Twitter Clone In PHP, MySQL" |
"How to Build/Create Social Networking Website like Facebook , Twitter?Wanted to build your own Social Networking Website? And dont know where to start from? Dont worry, this Course will show you step by step how to create your own Twitter Clone using PHP, MySQL, JQuery As you may already know Twitter is one of the most popular and best Social Networking Website. So why not learn to make your own Twitter Social Networking website?It doesn't matter if your a beginner or an experienced programmer, just you have to know the basics of PHP, MySQL, HTML ,CSS and JQuery. This course will greatly and highly beneficial to you. And by the end of this course you will capable of creating your own Social Networking website, not only this you will also be more than competent with skills PHP, PDO, OOP, MySQL and jQuery. You can highlight the site you create in this course, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which help you to understand the main concept used to build social networks. So get the ULTIMATE guide to create the High-end social networking website Twitter clone. SupportBy taking this course will get my full support. Im always loved to help my students (could be you). Ive answered all that question that students asked so far. Im always in ninja mood, if theres been question itll be answered within an hour or few. By all this mean is if you have any error. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.This Course Covers The Following Features:Login& Sign-up Systems UsersProfiles UsersTimeline UsersTweets UsersRetweets UsersComments News Feeds Hashtags& Mention Users TopTrending PostsPosts & Images Popups Messagesand Chat System Followand Unfollow System NotificationSystemAndMuch More.Pleaselook at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.Some of my students reviews:Some Firstly the course was well presented the templates made were easier for say newbies to development the instructor Aizaz not only is he very adapt but very patient and always there to help give out advice and more importantly listens*******************************************************************************************************One of the most in-depth and instructive teachers i have had the pleasure of doing a course with. Helped when ever asked a question without fail and went way beyond normal assistance with me. Aizaz overall was superb in teaching this course and taught me wonderful new tricks. 10/10 Class Quality!******************************************************************************************************* Excellent course and teacher! Recommend to anyone who wants to learn PHP and also create a real project. The teacher is willing to answer questions if something was not completely understood in the video explanations. I highly recommend :)******************************************************************************************************* Mentor will explain each and everything neatly that anyone can understand easily.At first starting this course I didn't know much about php and html but I am learning many extra things which will help in future from mentor.Thank you ***************************End of Reviews ***********************"
Price: 44.99 |
"Crer une webradio moindre frais et la mener au succs" |
"Bienvenuedans mon cours consacr la cration d'une webradio de A Z, et la meilleure manire de la mener au succs. Jem'appelle Rmi MORVAN, je suis le crateur et le directeurd'antenne de TrenTMix Radio, qui est la premire webradioRock-Electro en Rhne-Alpes. Pourvous rsumer mon parcours: je suis sorti major de promotion demon cole de journalisme en 2003, j'ai travaill dans les plusgrandes Radios F.M. puis j'ai entam une carrire musicale pendantdix ans derrire mes claviers tout en montant ma propre maison deproduction. Par la suite, je suis revenu mes premires amours encombinant mes deux passions: le journalisme et la musique, pourfonder TrenTMix Radio en 2012. Jesuis issu d'une famille d'enseignants, maisje suis le seul ne pas treprofesseur...Et comme je ne pouvais pas garder toute mon expriencepour moi, j'ai choisi de la partager avec vous ici. Que serez-vous capables de faire aprs avoir suivi maformation? C'est trs simple. Vous saurez comment monter un studio dewebradio facilement et moindre frais, le cbler et l'exploiter au mieux. La programmation d'une webradio et l'animationn'auront galementplus aucun secret pour vous. Vous saurez aussicomment concevoirune chronique et une mission de radio de manire professionnelle,et comment mener une interview parfaite de bout en bout. Bref, l'issue de ce programme,vousaurez acquis toutes les bases que j'ai apprises pendant mes troisannes d'tude en cole de journalisme. Jevous ai galement prpar un module consacr l'laborationd'une plateforme multimdia performante pour diffuser et promouvoirvotre webradio, ainsi qu'une session pour vous apprendre attirer unmaximum d'auditeurs. Ainsi, aprs cette formation, vous aurez toutesles bases requises pour vous lancer dans la webradio sereinement. Desbases que beaucoup de producteurs de webradio n'ont pas et quivous donneront, j'en suis convaincu, une longueur d'avance sur eux.Alorssi vous tes tout comme moi amoureux de la musique, que vous rvezde monter votre propre media pour transmettre votre passion,n'hsitez pas rejoindre cette formation, mme si vous tesdbutant. N'hsitez pas non plus consulter le programme complet ducours pour parcourir en dtail vos prochaines connaissances.A trs bientt!Rmi"
Price: 89.99 |
"Complete Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Course" |
"Welcome to the Complete Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I Course!I have designed and built this course to be 100% aligned with the official exam Study Guide of the latest Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I release, and I will be updating it on each subsequent release if necessary. Currently, this course fully covers the latest Winter 20 release, it also includes lectures that explain how to install and use Visual Studio Code for Sandbox development. The official Study Guide has many Sections; each Section has many topics within it and has its own number of questions weighting (in percentage) out of a total of 60 questions. These are the different sections with the number of questions weighting:Salesforce Fundamentals - 10%Data Modeling and Management - 12%Logic and Process Automation - 46%User Interface - 10%Testing - 12%Debug and Deployment Tools - 10%Each topic mentioned in the Study Guide under each Section above is covered in this course, and each topic has at least a video lecture that is divided into a presentation, and a demo on the Salesforce environment. Some topics have up to 5 lectures, like the SOQL, SOSL and DML topic that is under Section 3! I am sharing all the slides in PDF so that you could download them and read them offline, and I am also sharing a lot of reference links in each lecture. These references include links to Trailhead modules, links to the sources I have used to build the slides, links to official Salesforce documentation related to the topic, and links to official Salesforce guides and eBooks. This course also contains more than 100 quiz questions, none of them are from dumps. I HATE dumps, I have never used them in my IT certifications, and I don't want you to pass this exam based on a bunch of questions from dumps! The questions in this exam are 100% dump free, and they are all designed based on the course content and on real-life scenarios. Finally, I have been there, I spent hours and hours preparing for this exam, I dissected each and every topic of the Study Guide, and took tons of notes, just like I did when preparing for my other certifications. I guarantee that after completing this course, and after practicing on the Salesforce environment, you will pass this exam, and you will become Salesforce Platform Developer I Certified! Good Luck!Walid"
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn and Master Julia Programing Language from Scratch" |
"Join Sethumadhavan Kishore , for a hands-on, in-depth exploration of the Julia Language. In recent year Julia is gaining lots of attention from industry, This programing language combines the ease of use of R and Python with the performance of C++, Java, and Fortran. In this Introductory course we will explore Julia programing language together. We will start the course with Julia installation process, explore basic functions and features of Julia like Variables, strings, logical operators, arrays, types, dictionaries, loops, list comprehensions, scope and modules and functions. We will also explore advance topics like File IO reading ,Error handling and Plotting.Hope you have fun learning this new programing language."
Price: 74.99 |
"Learn to Model Software Architecture using UML in 7 steps" |
"This course will teach you how to Think, Visualize and Model UML diagrams like a Software Architect.If you are a software developer who aspires to be a software architect then this course will teach you key UML diagrams that you should be aware as software architect to Model software architecture. ""Learn to Model Software Architecture using UML in 7 steps course "" is a practical & Hands On approach course which will help you to become a better software architect. In this course kishore will teach you about key software architecture diagrams in UML which are typically used by software architect to define Software architecture. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous UML experience is required. If you are in the software programming world this course is for you as it will help you understand on how to model software architecture using UML.In this course we will also talk about Modelling in UML and what does that means to a software architect. This is a practical Hands on course where you will create some of the key software architecture UML diagrams . In this software architecture Modeling course we will also look at some of the important question for each of the software architecture diagrams like why we should Model software architecure using UML diagramsPurpose of UML software architecure diagramsAudiences of software architecture UML diagramWhen we should model software architecture UML diagramIf you are a software programmer who aspires to be a software architect then this course will teach you various UML diagrams so that you know how to define software architecture in a better way using UML diagrams.If you are a software developer, this is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise and model software architecture the correct way using UML. This course will teach you on how to approach a software architecture business problem the correct way. if you are a practicing software architect this course will teach you to model software architecture the correct way using UML, You can enhance your software architecture UML modeling skills with this course and be a better software architect.Learn critical UML used in software Architecture . And again Think, Visualize and Model UML diagrams like a Software Architect."
Price: 79.99 |
"How to Get Published in Major Publications" |
"The Problem and Why You Should Take This CourseWhen I first started my business, I wasted months (and thousands of dollars) on PR that generated lackluster results from infrequent features on TV and in publications. Despite my efforts (and spending), I became very frustrated because:I was NOT building any real credibility in my industryI was NOT gaining significant exposure for myself or my businessI was NOT attracting new, high-quality clientsAfter months of disappointment, I decided to take things into my own hands. The recipe I have developed has gotten countless writings published in major publications, amassing over 20,000,000 readers in the process. I have established myself as a thought leader, a trusted source of knowledge in my industry, and new, high-quality potential clients are waiting for me in my inbox every morning.I want to make sure nobody else ever has to waste their time or money on PR that doesn't work.Since launch,How to Get Published in Major Publicationshas helped hundreds of students around the world get published and generateREALresults."
Price: 194.99 |
"Productivity for Artists: Set Goals and Get Motivated" |
"Are you an artist that struggles to get things done? Or wanting to learn new ways to get MORE done?Being an artist, especially a successful one can bequite difficult. More often than not the problems us artists face aren't ourart skills, but ourtime management skills.Time management isn't something that most of us are taught and we're stuck having to figure it out ourselves once we become adults. But with all the other responsibilities that get dropped in our lapsit can be very hard to know how to manage it all.With this course we hope to teach you different techniques, methods, and ways of thinking that will help you to get control of your time.Here's some things that you will get in this course:Learn how and whyto write down your goalsHow to break down tasks and prioritize them!Learn methods for better focus!Build a better productive mindset and think like a winner!Full access to ask Jake anyquestions you have through the Udemy platformAND MOREYou will get full life-time access to this course and all updates made to it!And to put your mind at ease if you aren't sure if this is the course for you, Udemy offers a full 30-day money back guarantee. Soif you watch through part or eventhe full course and find that it in no way helps you, you can get a complete refund within the first 30 days!We hope to see you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Business Basics Taught By Dr. Mark Woodard PhD" |
"This class is a basic overview of business. This is the first of five classes included in the businesscourse. Business Basics include: business definitions; a complete overview of business types (Sole-proprietor, LLP, LLC, Corporations...); complete instruction in the development of business documents such as business plans, marketing plans, and more; instructions on performing business analysis such as SWOT and financials; and a brief overview of business financials/accounting, and marketing. The next set of classes cover: Business Finance/Accounting; Marketing; Business Funding; and Global/Corporate Business. The complete course will provide knowledge on all business needs. This class (and all following classes) contain references which include: outlines, tips, directions, formats, documents, examples, and templates for Business Plans, Marketing Plans, SWOT Analysis, Strategic Plans, Amortization Scales, and much more. These documents are helpful in the learning process as well as useful in business as an owner, manager, and executive. Having nearly 20 years of business ownership and executive experience, holding a PhD in Business Management and Finance/Accounting, and having taught Business, Business Negotiations, Accounting I and II, Business Finance, Marketing, and more with ITTTechnical Institute gives me the privilege of passing my knowledge on to others. This course allows me to help future business owners, executives, and managers set a strong foundation in business basics which will be built upon in following classes."
Price: 49.99 |
"React JS + Redux pour dbutants" |
"Depuis quelques temps, un nouveau venu fait beaucoup parler de lui : ReactReact est une librairie javascript open source ddie lcriture dinterfaces utilisateurs. Elle est ne de la collaboration entre Instagram et Facebook.Depuis sa sortie, React a fait beaucoup dmules et est utilise en production chez Facebook mais aussi chez Netflix, Yahoo ,AirBnB et bien d'autres.React est actuellement de plus en plus demand sur le march du travail, le connaitre, accompagn de Redux, est un vrai plusDans ces cours vous apprendrez dvelopper des applications ultra modernes avec React en partant du basique pour aller vers du complexe.Vous apprendrez aussi utiliser de nombreuses librairies et fonctionnalits.De plus nous apprendrons utiliser la librairie Redux qui est une implmentation drive de Flux.Redux, est essentiel pour nous permettre de contrler facilement l 'tat de notre application en tout temps, et c'est galement une librairie de plus en populaire combiner avec React .Nous mettrons en application direct ce que vous aurez appris en ralisant des applications web.Le code corrig pour chacune d'entre elles vous sera accessible.Les cours apportent un suivis vous permettant, qu'importe votre niveaux, de suivre ce cours.Je pars du principe que vous ne savez rien sur React ni de ReduxLe tout avec un professeur qui vous guidera entre chaque sections dans la bonne humeur et de faon dcontracte !A trs bientt !"
Price: 149.99 |
"React Native pour dbutants" |
"Construisez rapidement des applications mobiles ultra-modernes et surtout cross-plateform, ( fonctionnelles sur Android et IOS ) avec React Native.React Native, le petit frre de ReactJS est dvelopp par Facebook, avec une politique Learn once, write everywhere (Apprenez une fois, crivez n'importe o).React Native vous permet de dvelopper des applications mobiles natives fonctionnant sur IOS et Android le mme code, une vrai rvolution ! Cette technologie est en pleine explosion et de plus en plus demande sur le march du travail. La connaitre est un vrai plus !React Native utilise la librairie ReactJS qui permet aux dveloppeurs web une prise en main rapide.Nous utiliserons Expo XDE qui nous permettra de constater nos modifications de code quasi-instantanment.Adieu le dveloppement mobile avec des temps de compilations interminables !Nous partirons ensemble du dbut et dcouvrirons ReactJS et ReactNative dans ce cours, donc pas d'inquitude si vous ne connaissez pas React.Le cours sera progressif et nous dvelopperons ensemble des projets concrets, Le tout comme d'habitude, dans la dtente et la bonne humeur ! trs bientt !Robin."
Price: 99.99 |
"NodeJS + MongoDB (NoSQL) + Express serveur pour dbutants" |
"MongoDB c'est LAbase de donne hyper tendance dans le monde entier et surtout trs prise des entreprises.Et parce que MongoDB est la techno connaitre nous apprendrons l'utiliser avec le serveur le plus en vogue du moment : Node.JSetavec la librairieMongooseNous nous interesseronsau coeur de MongoDB, et son utilisations et partirons la dcouverte du NoSQL+Vousdcouvrirez les fondements de Mongo : Collections, documents, oprateurs, validations etc...+Vous serez capabled'effectuer toutes les oprations de bases et avancessur une base MongoDB.+Nous avanceronspas pas et les corrections seront disponibles pourchaque vidos!+Nous verrons le nouveausystme des promesses de ES6 en profondeur pour grer l'asynchrone+Vous apprendrezle developpement enTest Driven Development(Developpement par les tests)+Nous creronsune API REST avec express et NodeJS d ont la source de donne sera MongoDB+Vous apprendrez aussi les bonnes pratiques en matire de structuration de schmasde donnes !Bref du bel apprentissage en perspective ! Avec toujours des explications claires, des schmas, du fun et de la bonne humeur !"
Price: 94.99 |
"GraphQL + ReactJS pour dbutants" |
"Tu cherches la faon de crer un backend, tendance, flexible et optimis ? Ce cours est pour toi !GraphQL cest une spcification sortie tout droit de Facebook qui permet de repenser totalement les changes de donnes entre client et serveur. Utilise par Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest et bien d'autres...C'est la nouvelle bombe pour faire du backend !Avec GraphQL : - Aurevoir les API REST qui retournent des donnes dont tu n'as pas besoin, - Adios les multiples requtes imbriques pour rcuprer une information- Tchao les casses ttes pour crer des relations entre objets- Goodbye les endpoints figs et prdfinis par les dveloppeursPour ce qui est du programme D'abord nous nous attaquerons au coeur de GraphQL, le typage des donnes , les schmas et l'intgration avec Express et React.Evidemment nous allons crer une app cool et responsive : un blog de film !Pour chacune des vidos tu trouveras le code source associ !Apprends comment utiliser les schmas de graphQL et dfinir des relations entre objetsDcouvre comment combiner le serveur avec le front endApprends penser en terme de grapheDcouvre comment utiliser le provider ApolloApprends crer une API fonctionnelle avec n'importe quel front endApprends les principes de navigation avec React Router et GraphQLJ'ai fait ce cours de faon ce qu'il soit comprhensible par tous avec le moins d'effort possible.On se voit trs bientt dans GraphQL + React pour dbutant !"
Price: 79.99 |
"Self-Publishing Success in Bookstores and Online!" |
"Why You Need a Presence in the ""Bricks and Mortar""Bookstores and OnlineBelieve it or not, there are stilljust as many people out there who prefer to hold a physical book in their hands as there are people who love the compact convenience of e-readers. And many of these people still prefer to shopin a regular bookstore.So, if you only publish an e-book or print-on-demand (POD) paperbackonline, you're likely missing out on half your potential audience.If you're ready to reach your full target market with both a paperback or hardcover and an e-book, then this is the course for you. I'll show you how to ""cast a wider net so you can catch more fish"" and enjoy more commercial success with thetraditional ""bricks and mortar""booksellers as well as the e-commerce retailers.Understandand AchieveYourGoalsAself-publisher is an entrepreneur. Your book is your business card. As a business owner, doing ones due diligence is especially important when it comes to self-publishing a book. In this day and age, so much information is out there on this topic that it can be quite overwhelming and more than a little bit confusing. What road should you take? Which choice will bring you the best return on investment? Who can best help you to achieve your goals? Well that all depends. What are your goals? We're going to figure them out together here,and then I'll show you the best road to take in order toachieve them.Learn About All the Players in the Book Supply Chain and How They Can Help You Sell More BooksWe're going to cover everything in this course:sales and marketing,writing and publishing,ISBNs and barcodes,book reviewers and publicists, distributors and printers. You'll learn how each of these players fitinto the worldwidebook supply chain, how they can help you to sell more books, and what they expect from you before they'll help you. I'll show you how tonavigate this mysterious business littered with acronyms, peculiar old-fashioned practices, and unforeseen pitfalls so you can sell more books and enjoy greater commercial success."
Price: 79.99 |
"An Introduction to Avian Migration" |
"The course starts off with a brief overview of bird anatomy and physiology, presenting the fantastic engineering of its body and wings.Then, delves into deep detail on bird migration. You will beintroduced to the ecology and behavioral forces that drive birds to migrate. The mechanics, physiology and great feats of migration are discussed as well as the navigational methods. And finally, the impacts of humans on migration and conservation issues migrating birds face is discussed as well.There are many animals including birds that are migratory in nature, which requires knowledge on migratory patterns and avian knowledge to properly design sites that address this migratory aspects. For example, the placement of wind turbines within migratory routes has had a tremendous bird kill of migratory birds. These aspects are discussed in order to provide a greater understanding of avian populations that may be located within a site and those which may migrate to the site on a season basis."
Price: 29.99 |
"Introduction to Biodiversity" |
"Climate change is a growing problem. How can we address it? One of the many answers lie in biodiversity.The objective of this course isto give an overview of biodiversity in todays context, highlight its importance and why we need to conserve it. The course will give insight into various definitions of biodiversity, definitions of species, as well as the scaling of definitions from communities to ecosystems. The course will highlight issues that challenge biodiversity as well as the conservation approaches and strategies that are being implemented to reduce biodiversity loss.Biodiversity and Climate ChangeA lot has changed in the past centuries but these changes seemed to have not been for the better. Nature is vulnerable but the changes in climate have made it even more vulnerable. This course will explore how climate change affects biodiversity in general. The good thing is it also presents solutions that can lead to the healing of the terrestrial and aquatic worlds."
Price: 29.99 |
"A Definitive Guide to Outdoor Lighting" |
"Outdoor lighting provides practical benefits for safety and security but can also be used to create ambiance to enhance the use of outdoor urban environments. This webinar will provide an overview of outdoor lighting applications including landscaping, structures, roadways, and public spaces.This course though does not focus on the aesthetic side of outdoor lighting alone though. Also discussed are ideas and concepts that emphasizes safety and security; designs that demonstrate how lighting can be more than a decorative luminaries but also instruments that keep the community, residences, buildings, and other establishments secure. It also tells us how to design a safe outdoorlighting systems, free of possible malfunctions as they are being used every day.The course hopes participants will be able to describe the design considerations for outdoor lighting applications and understand the application of different light sources in outdoor lighting, as well as therole of lighting in creating safe and secure spaces."
Price: 29.99 |
"An Overview of Sustainable Building Technologies" |
"Sustainable buildings have positive effects on the people, community economy, and the world, most especially if buildings of today around the globe employ the same principle, talk about making the world a better place. The key to understanding it concept is to acknowledge the benefits and how sustainable buildings, renewable energy, and sustainable infrastructure work.This webinar provides an introduction to technologies employed in modern sustainable building projects around the world. Participants will gain an understanding of technology options available to building design and construction practitioners, including technology and design techniques for energy efficiency and renewable energy generation in the built environment.This course will help students understand the environmental impacts created by the building industry and the benefits of green building, learn the variety of options of solar design, including daylighting, and technology for energy efficiency, and comprehend the advantages and disadvantages to solar and wind renewable energy."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Stunning Gardens by the Bay, Singapore" |
"Gardens by the Bay, Singapores latest park that spans 101 hectares of reclaimed land adjacent to Marina Bay Reservoir, is an integral part of the citys long-term plan to transform itself from a Garden City to a City in a Garden. Consisting of three waterfront gardens, Bay South Garden, Bay East Garden, and Bay Central Garden, the project has set new standards for developments of its kind by featuring two large-scale conservatories, interconnected lake systems, 18 structures known as the Supertrees (vertical gardens that perform a multitude of functions including planting, shading and serving as environmental engines for the project), as well as various themed gardens that display thousands of plant species.This webinar will provide an overview of the Gardens by the Bay case study including its sustainability design features of passive design and active design features used for energy efficiency, energy generation and water harvesting and treatment."
Price: 29.99 |
"Thermal Comfort" |
"This webinar will provide and introduction to concept of thermal comfort and its application in modern sustainable design. Participants will gain an understanding of the factors influencing thermal comfort, the various thermal comfort models, and role of different sustainable design solutions in influencing thermal comfort.This course will help students understand the the benefits and drivers for thermal comfort in sustainable designs andidentify and describe the factors influencing thermal comfort. It also discussesthe different influences on thermal comfort between indoor and outdoor environments,thermal comfort models,the factors that areassociated with thermal comfort in designing buildings and outdoor urban environments."
Price: 29.99 |