"Boutique Basics: How to run a successful fashion boutique" |
"This course give you a comprehensive, practical guide to running a successful fashion boutique. From how to choose your location, identifying your ideal customer, creating sales projection and buying plans, marketing your business and putting in place the necessary policies, this course provides a one stop shop for all of the above so you can hit the ground running with all the best practices in place. Included are practical workbooks for you to go deeper on each subject and blank copies of all the necessary documents for you to input your own figures, as well as comprehensive examples to help you understand the subjects clearly."
Price: 94.99 |
"School Principal 101: New Principal Training!" |
"Yes!!! Here's a new course from an experienced school principal.Are you new to educational leadership and don't feel quite ready?Are you ready to take your practice to the nextlevel?Ever wish you could just ask an experienced educatorwithout being judged?Im telling you... I wish there was a simple,practical course like this around for me when I began my careerin education. Within this course, you will find suggestions,ideas and best practices that have worked for me over theyears. Very often, they will be things that I did NOT learn incollege and have adapted over the years from my experiences.Trial and error, baby!Ideally, youll find that this courseprovides you with a shortcut for your own practice. Okay, letsgo!!!This is a hand-crafted coursefor educators (i.e.teachers, administrators, universities, program directors, etc.).In addition to video content, it includes several downloadable resources for your personal/professionaluseand a series of direct, useful tipsthat are guaranteed to change the way you approach your work.My educational philosophy is: All students deserve a high quality education with awesome leadership, regardless of their home zip code. This philosophy is engrained within our daily tasks and every initiative we implement.This course brings that to life."
Price: 199.99 |
"Interview Skills 101: A Guide to Outshine the Competition!" |
"Yes!!! Here's a new course from an experienced school principal who has interviewed hundreds of candidates over the years.In this simple, practical course, you will learn 'easy-to-implement' strategiesfrom an experiencedinterviewer in order to excel before, during, after the interview and ultimately land the job of your dreams.By utilizing thequicktips you'll discover within this course, you will feel empowered and confident throughout the interview process.Are you new to the workforce and don't feel quite ready?Are you ready to take your interview skillsto the nextlevel?Ever wish you could just ask an experienced interviewer their advicewithout being judged?Ideally, youll find that this courseprovides you with a shortcut for your own successful interviews.Okay, lets go!!!This is a hand-crafted coursefor everyone interested in improving their interview skills. Welcome to Interview Skills 101.In addition to video content, it includes downloadable resources for your personal/professionaluseand a series of direct, useful tipsthat are guaranteed to change the way you approach your next interview."
Price: 49.99 |
"Inside Your Dog's Mind with Victoria Stilwell" |
"Do dogs really experience love?What makes the bond between man and dog so unique?How does the dog's wolf ancestry affect the way we communicate today?These are just a few of the questions answered in Inside Your Dog's Mind by world renowned dog behavior expert and TV dog trainer Victoria Stilwell from It's Me or the Dog.By focusing on the amazing advances seen within the world of animal behavioral and cognitive science over the past few years, Victoria will take you on a fascinating journey deep into the canine mind while providing practical tips and exercises designed to enhance your communication and relationship with your dogs. Inside Your Dogs Mind explores how dogs think, feel, learn and process the world around them. By learning what modern behavioral and cognitive science is uncovering to help better our understanding of how mans best friend learns, adapts and communicates, you can discover how to use this knowledge to more effectively promote learning and guide your dogs into making choices that are more compatible with the world you share with them.Inside Your Dogs Mind explores the following: What is canine cognition? Breakthroughs in canine cognitive science Canine ethology & the canine brainMeasuring your dogs intelligence Harnessing the power of the five cognitive dimensions Dogs & emotionsHow dogs learnCognition games & exercises for your dog This course is designed for dog owners and enthusiasts of all skill levels, and while you are encouraged to at least have access to a dog so that you can participate in the many games and exercises led by Victoria, it is not required. Inside Your Dog's Mind is designed to take you beyond the world of dog training, providing you with the information, tools, and activities you need to not only help your dog more effectively learn from you, but also for you to learn from your dog.By exploring how to develop the strongest possible communication system with your dog based on his/her unique traits, characteristics and learning styles, Victoria will guide you through the canine mind and help you get the most out of your relationship with your dog(s).""We live in an exciting time of scientific research and discovery. The last ten years have seen an explosion in the study of canine behavior and cognition, thanks to universities and research centers around the world. The minds of dogs are being explored like never before, and the findings are proving once and for all just how intelligent, emotional, and complex dogs are. Dogs have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, and as they have adapted, so has their ability to communicate with us. By paying close attention to our vocal and physical language, dogs have evolved a rich social intelligence and a physical and vocal language as complex and subtle as our own. Like humans, dogs communicate consciously and unconsciously, using a complex language of body and vocal signals that reflect what they are thinking and feeling. These signals communicate intent and ensure dogs personal safety by affecting behavior in others. Understanding what dogs are saying as well as how they perceive the world will make it easier for you to understand their needs.""-- Victoria Stilwell"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ruby on Rails" |
"Ruby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsHTML,CSSUnixOSRuby on RailsNORuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsRuby on RailsMacWindowswindowsVPSRuby on Rails version 5.0.1Mac macOS Sierra version 10.12.3Virtual Box version 5.1.18CentOS version 6.8atom version 1.16.0 google chromeRuby version 2.4CentOS6.866.96.9"
Price: 10200.00 |
"Dare to Learn Differently" |
"WHAT IS AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT?An Innovative Learning Environment is the physical, social and pedagogical context that continues to evolve in relation to its students. It is a future thinking space that gives students the skills adapt to any environment. An innovative Learning Environment gives more control to the student, allowing them more freedom to learn for themselves, cooperatively and in their unique style.BUT WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE AND HOW DO YOU GET THERE?Anthony Breese, an experienced New Zealand educator will take you through the steps you need to take to develop an Innovative Learning environment.Dare to Learn Differently is a step by step course to support you in your classroom transformation. Dare your kids to learn differently in your classroom this year. Let your children take more control of their own learning, develop student agency, and innovate your teaching space."
Price: 174.99 |
"The course will give you in depth knowledge about triggers, beliefs and patterns responsible for our Procrastination. How to overcome them by breaking patterns and learning Tools, techniques and strategies to win over our habits of procrastination. Start using them & move towards life without procrastination by saying good bye to procrastination and achieve our dream life."
Price: 34.99 |
dakkoto-onbu |
"Loving HUG saitama Pole Pole NPO special thanks"
Price: 2400.00 |
"Learn English: The Next Gen Guide to English Grammar" |
"Welcome to The Next Gen Guide to English Grammar!If youre ready to really understand grammar enough to use it correctly and effectively, if you want to be able to understand and explain why we say what we say or write what we write, then this course is for you. Its for students of all ages who want to learn about grammar for their studies, or anyone who just wants to learn for their own benefit. Its for professionals who want to make sure that they can communicate effectively in the workplace, or to simply be able to write emails without mistakes. Its for teachers and educators who want to improve their understanding before planning lessons or developing lesson material on anything to do with English grammar. This course looks at the most important aspects of grammar. The essential grammar that we use from day to day, and it clearly explains the rules and principles that we need in order to have a strong, deep and ultimately useful understanding ofthe framework of the English language. Each lesson explains and teaches the learning objective clearly, and the course contains helpful quizzes and supporting materials to help you to reinforce and internalise what you learn. By the end of this course, you should be able to have any conversation, pick up any book or visit any website, say or write any comment and easily have a good understanding of whats right, whats wrong and why. What you get:High-quality, detailed videos that explain the lesson objective clearly and effectively. High-quality PDF resources to help you master what you learn. Video transcripts. Quizzes and helpful exercises. User feedback based updates and new material as the course grows. A great way to learn new skills to help you in your life and your career."
Price: 34.99 |
"Introduccin a Cypress PSoC 4 con PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit" |
"En este curso sobre sistemas embebidos usando PSoC 4 aprenders a utilizar el software de programacin y desarrollo de Cypress llamado PSoC Creator. Como electrnicautilizaremos el kit PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit que es muy verstil y econmico. Las lecciones cubren tanto el desarrollo de HW con el editor de esquemticos de PSoC Creator como la programacin en C. Aprenderemos como programar y depurar el PSoC 4. Algunos de los componentes que aprenders sern los LED, pulsadores, entradas gestionadas por HW, Toggle Flip-Flop, Contador Bsico, Contador, PWM, UART, Debouncer, Demultiplexer, Status Register, ADC, iDAC y ms. En software vers como crear programas de flujo sin excepciones, con interrupciones y cmo depurarlo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to KiCad 4" |
"In this course on KiCadyou will learn on a step by step way all the knowledge needed to create a PCB from sratch. At the beginning you will use existing libraries of schematic symbols and footprints to make the first version of a PCB. You can collect the schematic symbols and footprints you usually use in your own libraries. Later on you will learn how to create your own components and footprints. Once your board is complete we will see where to order online and how to fulfill the requirements of the fabrication in terms of minimum sizes. Fulfilling those requirement isvery important to have the PCB made at a low price."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Cypress PSoC 4 with PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit" |
"In this course on embedded systems usingPSoC 4you will learn how to usePSoC Creator, the IDE(Integrated and Development Environment)byCypress. As hardware you will usePSoC 4 Pioneer Kitthat is very powerful and low cost. The lessons cover both HW development with the schematic editor in PSoC Creator as the C programming. You will learn also howto program and debugPSoC 4Some of the components that you will learn will be the LEDs, pushbuttons, inputs handled by HW, Toggle Flip-Flop, Basic Counter, Counter, PWM, UART, Debouncer, Demultiplexer, Status Register, ADC, iDAC and more. In software you will see how to create flow programs without exceptions, with interruptions and how to debug it."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Arduino with Elegoo UNO Super Starter Kit" |
"In this course on embedded systems using Arduino Elegoo UNO super Starter Kit you will learn how to use the Arduino IDE to make programs and updload them to the Arduino UNO micro. You will learn how to use all the sensors, motors andactuators that come with the kit, leds, PWM signals, RGB led, switch buttons, buzzers, tilt sensor, servomotor, ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, joystick, infrared remote control, LCD, NTC, 74HC595 IC, Photocell (LDR), 7-segment display, DC motor, relay and stepper motor. With animations to understand the principle of operation of the sensors and motors. A great resource to learn."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pull-up for beginners" |
"This is a beginners course for people who want to get their first pull-up or increase the amount of pull-ups that they can do today.The course has a easy to follow 12 week plan where everything you need to know will be explained in details.Beside the the progression plan the course also have lectures on nutrition ans stretching. My name is Henrik Nielsen, I'm acertified crossfit level 1 trainer and co-owner of CrossFit Landskrona in Sweden, where I'm also the head coach.Beside my CrossFit Box I also work with online fitness programming.Beside developing my own pull-ups I have experience from working with many clients and I therefore know what works and what doesn't.In this course I will walk you through every aspect you need to know in order to get your first pull-up or develop your strength to do several."
Price: 49.99 |
"Zielsetzung Leicht Gemacht: Lerne deine Ziele zu erreichen!" |
"WILLKOMMENZUMKOMPLETTENZIELSETZUNGSKURSIn diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie du deine Ziele erreichen kannst. Wahrscheinlich hast du schon von vielen Leuten gehrt, dass Sie dir zeigen werden wie du deine Ziele erreichen kannst.Viel steckt hinter solchen Leuten jedoch meist nicht. Ich lebe meinen Traum, konnte die Welt umreisen und bin nun der Grnder des Project Freedoms. Fr mich bedeutet meine Ziele zu erreichen ein Stck weit Unabhngigkeit zu schaffen und mein Leben nach meinen Vorstellungen zu leben. Genau dies mchte ich auch dir in diesem Kurs Schritt fr Schritt beibringen!Nachdem du diesen Kurs geschaut hast, wirst du folgende Dinge wissen.Ziele setzen, die realistisch und erreichbar sindMit einfachen bungen Ziele fr jeden Lebensbereich definierenZiele und Werte im Leben kombinierenZiele genau an die jeweiligen Strken und Schwchen anpassenDie richtige Motivation fr alle Lebensziele findenZiele so formulieren, dass sie umsetzbar sindGroe Lebensziele durch kleine Teilschritte erreichenDen eigenen Zielen im Leben folgen anstatt fremdbestimmte Ziele anzustrebenProbleme und Hindernisse bei der Zielsetzung und -erreichung berwindenEinfache psychologische Tricks benutzen, um die eigenen Ziele sicher zu erreichenEine bersicht aller wirklich wichtigen Lebensziele erstellenZielsetzung nutzen, um ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu fhrenZiele so formulieren und einplanen, dass sie sich nicht gegenseitig im Weg stehenNICHTVERGESSEN:Wenn du diesenKurs nicht magst, kannst du jederzeit dein Geld zurck bekommen?Worauf wartest du also noch?Nehme jetzt deine Ziele in die Hand und werde Teil dieses Kurses!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Social Media Marketing: Die Facebook & Instagram Masterclass" |
"**WILLKOMMENZUMULTIMATIVENFACEBOOK&INSTAGRAMCONTENTMARKETINGKURS**Mchtest du mehr Follower auf Instagram oder mehr Likes auf Facebook generieren? Mchtest du von einem Social Media Experten lernen deineFangemeinde zu vergrern, mehr Leute zu erreichen und mehr Geld mitSocialMedia Marketing zu verdienen?Dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig. In diesem Kurs zeigt dir Social Media Experte & Grnder desProject Freedoms Patrick Thiele wie du die Vorzge von Social Media fr dich nutzen kannst.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an all die Leute, die Facebook und Instagram fr ihr Unternehmen und ihre Personal Brand nutzen mchten. Patrick wird dir von A-Z beibringen wie du Instagram und Facebook zu deinem Vorteil benutzt.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen...ohne Vorkenntnisse erfolgreich Social Media Marketing bei Facebook und Instagram zu betreibendie Grundlagen des Social Media Marketing erfolgreich umzusetzendie eigene Marke bei Facebook und Instagram aufzubauendie eigene Zielgruppe zu definieren und anzusprechensich selbst authentisch zu vermarktenmit Hilfe von Facebook und Instagram eine eigene Community aufzubauenmit der eigenen Marke erfolgreich Attraction Marketing bei Social Media betreibenalle Tools von Facebook und Instagram fr ein optimales Social Media Marketing zu nutzenFacebook und Instagram fr ein gezieltes Social Media Marketing zu nutzenihre Reichweite bei Social Media gezielt zu vergrernFacebook und Instagram zu verstehen und als Untersttzung fr das Social Media Marketing zu nutzenrund um eine Person, ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung eine echte Verbindung zur jeweiligen Zielgruppe herzustellenDieser Kurs kommt mit kostenlosem Support und hat eine 30 Tage Geld-zurck Garantie! Du kannst diesen Kurs also ohne jedesRisiko kaufen. Gefllt er dir nicht, bekommst du das Geld zurck!Eine weltweite Community wartet auf dich! Schreibe dich jetzt im Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Facebook & Instagram Marketing: Der Komplette Crashkurs" |
"**WILLKOMMENZUM #1FACEBOOK&INSTAGRAMMARKETING CRASHKURS**Mchtest du mehr Follower aufInstagramoder mehr Likes aufFacebookgenerieren? Mchtest du von einem Social Media Experten lernen deineFangemeindezu vergrern, mehr Leute zu erreichen undmehr Geld mitSocialMedia Marketingzu verdienen?Dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig.In diesem Kurs zeigt dirSocial Media Experte & Grnder desProject Freedoms Patrick Thielewie du die Vorzge von Social Media fr dich nutzen kannst.SCHLERMEINUNGEN""Vielen Dank fr diesen schnen Kurs! Ich habe mich vor 6 Monaten selbststndig mit meinen eigenen Online Informationsprodukten gemacht und wollte irgendwie Reichweite erzeugen, hatte dies aber bisher einfach nicht geschafft. Patrick hat mit Schritt fr Schritt in diesem Kurs gezeigt, wie man erfolgreich im Bereich SocialMedia wird und auch meine Sales haben sich verdoppelt.Kann den Kurs absolut weiterempfehlen!""- (Andreas Neumann, Hamburg)""Ich bin normalerweise keine Person die Udemy Kurse kauft - deiner war es aber auf jeden Fall jeden Cent wert! A++!Freue mich schon auf weitere Kurse von dir!""- (Ute Hagenbrck, Osnabrck)Dieser Kurs richtet sich an all die Leute, dieFacebook und Instagram fr ihr Unternehmenund ihrePersonal Brandnutzen mchten. Patrick wird dir von A-Z beibringen wie duInstagram und Facebook zu deinem Vorteil benutzt.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen...ohne Vorkenntnisse erfolgreichSocial Media Marketing bei Facebook und Instagramzu betreibendieGrundlagen des Social Media Marketingerfolgreich umzusetzendie eigeneMarke bei Facebook und Instagram aufzubauendie eigeneZielgruppezu definieren und anzusprechensich selbstauthentischzu vermarktenmit Hilfe von Facebook und Instagram eineeigene Community aufzubauenmit dereigenen MarkeerfolgreichAttraction Marketingbei Social Media betreibenalle Tools von Facebook und Instagram fr einoptimales Social Media Marketingzu nutzenFacebook und Instagram fr eingezieltes Social Media Marketingzu nutzenihreReichweite bei Social Media gezielt zu vergrernFacebook und Instagram zu verstehen und alsUntersttzungfr das Social Media Marketing zu nutzenrund um eine Person, ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung eine echte Verbindung zur jeweiligen ZielgruppeherzustellenDieser Kurs kommt mitkostenlosem Supportund hat eine30 Tage Geld-zurck Garantie! Du kannst diesen Kurs also ohne jedesRisiko kaufen. Gefllt er dir nicht, bekommst du das Geld zurck!Eine weltweite Community wartet auf dich! Schreibe dich jetzt im Kurs ein!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Die Podcasting Masterclass: Werde selbst zum Podcaster" |
"""EINFACHNURKLASSE - Patrick wei wovon er spricht und kann es klasse rberbringen!""-Mark Adelhofer. ""Mein zweiterKurs mit Teaching Hero und wiederein Volltreffer""- Dr..Martin Lindner""Toller Kurs!Sehr gut erklrt, vor allem sehr detailliert und einfach zu verstehen. Konnte sehr viel im Kurs lernen!""- Anna Maria BodenburgWILLKOMMENZUM#1 ZERTIFIZIERTENUDEMYPODCASTINGKURSVONPROFI-PODCASTERPATRICKTHIELEVOMPROJECTFREEDOMPODCAST-Wenn du schon immer einmal wissen wolltest, wie du deinen eigenen Podcast planst, aufnimmst, verffentlichst,vermarktest und monetisierst, dann bist du richtig in diesem Kurs!Schon bald knntest du 5- bzw. 6-stellige wchentliche Downloads mit deinem Podcast generieren und deinHobby zum Beruf machen. Wenn du wissen mchtest, wie du durch das Interviewen anderer Leute Geld verdienen kannst, dann schreibe dich noch heute in den #1 zertifizierten Udemy Podcasting Kurs von Patrick ein!Was wirst du in diesem Kurs lernen?Einen eigenen Podcast erfolgreich verffentlichenDie passende Zielgruppe fr den Podcast genau bestimmenDas Thema fr den eigenen Podcast genau definierenAlle ntigen Software-Hilfsmittel problemlos bedienenEinen eigenen Podcast bei iTunes und allen anderen Plattformen registrierenEigene Audios bearbeiten und schneidenEine komplette Podcastfolge vom Intro bis zum Outro erstellenEine Launch-Strategie fr den eigenen Podcast entwickeln und umsetzenDen eigenen Podcast von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung entwickelnEigene Audio- und Interviewaufnahmen optimierenund vieles mehr!NICHTVERGESSEN:Wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt, kannst du deinGeld innerhalb der ersten 30 Tage wiederbekommen. DUHASTALSOKEINRISIKODICHINDIESENKURSEINZUSCHREIBEN!Starte jetzt und verffentliche schon bald deinen ersten eigenen erfolgreichen Podcast!Wir freuen uns auf dich!- LeonChaudhari (Grnder Teaching Hero)& Patrick Thiele"
Price: 99.99 |
"Instagram Marketing Komplettkurs: Deine ersten 10k Follower" |
"WILLKOMMENZURKOMPLETTEN INSTAGRAMMASTERCLASSMchtest duInfluencer werden oder einfach ber Instagram deine Produkte verkaufen? Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich.In diesem Kurs werden Dir Patrick Thiele, professioneller Marketer, undLeon Chaudhari, Geschftsfhrer von Teaching Hero,beibringen wie du deinen Instagram Account von 0 auf 10.000 Follower in 6 Monaten skalieren kannst.Auerdem werden wir dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen, wie du Instagram Ads schaltest, Call-to-Action Buttons installieren kannst und vieles mehr.Was du alles in diesem Kurs lernen wirst:ber Instagram eine groe und aktive Community aufzubauenInstagram als effektives Tool fr mehr Reichweite zunutzenDein Produkt oderDienstleistung erfolgreich ber Instagram zuvermarktenSich durch Instagram mit der gewnschten Zielgruppe zuverbindenInstagram fr den Aufbau einer Marke oder Personal Brand zunutzenDurch Instagram Marketing gezielt neue Kunden zugewinnenEffektiv Werbeanzeigen auf Instagram zuschaltenMit kostenlosen Strategien DeineFollowerzahl und Reichweite zu erhhenDich durch ausgewhlte Strategien als Experte in DeinerNische zupositionierenDeine Instagram-Strategie gezielt zuerweitern und zuoptimierenDein Unternehmen oder DeinenService als Marke bei Instagram zuetablierenInstagram als Erweiterung DeinerSocial Media Strategie zunutzenAuf Instagram eine langfristige und aktive Bindung zu DeinerZielgruppe aufzubauenEine der aktuell schnell wachsenstenSocial Media Plattformen zu verstehen und gewinnbringend zunutzenDurch kostenlose Content-Strategien eine enge Kundenbindung zuerzeugenDichals Influencer in DeinerNische zupositionierenNICHTVERGESSEN:Wenn Dirdieser Kurs nicht gefllt, bekommst Dujederzeit deinGeld zurck!DU HAST ALSONICHTSZUVERLIEREN, ABER KANNSTVIELGEWINNEN!DiesesAngebot gilt nur fr begrenzte Zeit. Deshalb: TAKEYOURCHANCE!Wir freuen uns auf Dich!Beste Gre,Patrick Thiele &LeonChaudhari- Lehrer -"
Price: 124.99 |
"Comment dfinir votre stratgie de prix" |
"Quel prix vendre vos produits/services?Une des dimensions les plus difficiles dfinir dans votre stratgie marketing est la variable prix. quel prix vendre vos produits ou services? Devez-vous vous baser sur vos cots? Sur la comptition? Vendre en bas du prix du march pour btir sa clientle? Si je rduis mes prix, est-ce facile de les remonter par la suite? Quel impact ont les modes de paiement sur mes cots? Dois-je facturer tout d'un coup ou en plusieurs tapes? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquels nous offrirons des rponses lors de cette formation. Objectifs Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez :les modles classiques de fixation de prix; comment se positionner sur le march avec une stratgie de prix gagnante;comment structurer ses prix lorsque les sommes en jeux sont importantes;quels sont les options de paiements;y a-t-il un avantage avoir un paiement rapide, est-ce que a se monnaie;peut-on percevoir une somme avant prestation de services?"
Price: 49.99 |
"Comment btir votre entreprise et votre marque personnelle" |
"L'expression ""branding"" est de plus en plus utilise, mais qu'est-ce que c'est? Est-ce que c'est important pour moi et mon entreprise individuelle? De plus en plus de gens sont leur compte. Ils aiment la libert d'tre leur propre patron. Mais comment se faire connatre? Comment aller chercher des clients? Comment faire valoir mes comptences et me diffrencier de mes concurrents sur le march?Cette formation veut rpondre ces questions.ObjectifsDans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment:choisir son nom; travailler avec son nom personnel ou prendre un nom corporatif;identifier vos avantages concurrentiels;mettre en valeur ce qui vous distingue de vos comptiteurs;comment faire en sorte que vos clients et clients potentiels vous voient comme tant la personne qui peut rpondre leur besoin;dfinir nos prix;comment aller chercher des clients;comment se servir de la gratuit pour dvelopper sa clientle;quelle place d'affaires choisirselon notre type d'entreprise;se servir des mdias sociaux pour dvelopper sa clientle et sa notorit;se servir des envois courriels pour garder les clients et clients-potentiels informs;comment btir ses actifs marketing."
Price: 49.99 |
"Quit Smoking!" |
"What will I learn? How to improve your lifestyle. What smoking really does. A simple technique to stop smoking. Requirements We just ask that you listen and apply the video to life. Very little effort due to our short and simple method . 21 days of your time to help you become smoke free. Learning Objectives The impact smoking has globally. What it actually does to you. Gain self-discipline that you have always wanted. How to use our proven techniques to help you quit permenantly. How to use our Free included worksheet; which usually has a charge of 10.00, to monitor your progress. Why should I listen to you? An important question you ask. This video was created by an economist and a pre-registration pharmacist which we believe is a great team to help you quit smoking. Many studies have been carried out that show that the majority of smokers were not fully aware of the facts about smoking (which does play an important part in quitting). For some, the economic side is enough to quit but, others may be more concerned about the health risks. Weve put the two together to cover all the bases! We have already helped many people successfully quit."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a escribir un guin para cine, teatro o televisin" |
"De la mano de Kim Planella reconocido director, autor y guionista a nivel internacional; aprenders una de las profesiones ms creativas que existen, si tienes ganas de escribir, crear personajes, historias, situaciones, argumentos y convertir la escritura en tu profesin o simplemente sacar lo que llevas dentro, hacer-te escuchar, emocionar, intrigar, o divertir a los dems; este es el curso que necesitas.ATENCIN! Este curso est en progreso y de manera constante irn apareciendo nuevas clases y actualizaciones."
Price: 64.99 |
"Complete WordPress Theme & Plugin Development Course [2020]" |
"WordPress is the leading Content Management System on the market, powering a large percentage of the Web. The need for WordPress Developers who can build and customize themes and plugins is ever growing. Learn from one of the most recognized educators in the WordPress world, Zac Gordon, who has taught thousands of people now employed asWordPress Developers.If you want to learn everything from customizingexistingthemes, building customthemes or starting to buildplugins, this course is for you. You will learn in depth howWordPress works under the hood, from template files and tags to hooks and internal APIs. If you are looking to build bigger and more custom projects withWordPress or just get a good job with a great company buildingWordPress projects, then this course is for you. Make sure though you can already build and style a basic web page with HTML and CSSas we assume you already know this and focus more on learning PHP.When you learn the skills this course contains you will feel incredibly empowered to build almost anything you can imagine with WordPress. You should also feel confident working professionally in the field as aWordPress Developer.You will have built a theme and plugin along with the course as well as a theme and plugin of your own. Follow in the path of thousands of others of Zac's students who learnedWordPress Development and went on to do great work in the field."
Price: 199.99 |
"Headless WordPress REST API Authentication" |
"Many developers and top agencies have learned how to use WordPress as a headless CMS, where WordPress stores the content, but Modern JavaScript driven websites and applications display the content and provide customized interactivity.One of the key components to using WordPress as a Headless CMS involves authenticating to allow full read, write and delete access to everything the WordPress RESTAPI provides.In this course you will learn the following:The different types of authentication availableHow to work with the JWT Authentication StandardHow to setup WordPress to offer authenticationHow to write secure JavaScript to authenticateHow to build login and logout formsHow to add, edit and delete content using authenticated WordPress RESTAPI callsThroughout the course we will build a custom decoupled project using simple JavaScript, but all of the code can be easily converted over to work with React, Vue, Angular and other JavaScript frameworks."
Price: 99.99 |
"Peering into our Unconscious Minds" |
"Possiblythe most empowering course available on UDEMY!In this course, world-renowned author, pioneer and educator, Philip Beer takes students on a fascinating journey into hidden aspects of human behaviour (affecting every aspect of your health, prosperity and happiness) that have never before been explored,this deeply, in mainstream psychology, on television or in any of the world's religious and academic traditions.To learn more, we invite to sit back and to enjoy our free video previews:"
Price: 194.99 |
"Bullying Prevention" |
"In this course, I take my students on a compassionate journey into the heart and the soul of a bully. Once we're able to understand what's causing one human being to torment another, the remedies become obvious and they become easily attainable.The approach presented in this course is scalable - it's as effective when applied to individual relationship challenges as it is when applied to situations where millions of people are being adversely impacted by bullying.Please keep in mind that you are welcome to reach out to me if you require additional help.To get the most from this course, you'll need to review the videos multiple times, exposing fresh layers of insight each time.My presentation skills have not developed as rapidly as my analytical and problem solving skills,so please be patient when I stumble.This compassion-based approach to the prevention of bullying is only available here and through my website."
Price: 144.99 |
"Healing Your Own Trauma" |
"Using the same approach that I share in this course I've been working with survivors of severe trauma and our results have been profound.This course offers a simple Blueprint that will help you to lead your clients and students out from beneath the shadow of their particular traumatic experiences. Please keep in mind that you are welcome to reach out to me if you require additional help.The range of educational and healing resources that I offer is available on my website.Remember that you are not alone and almost all emotional trauma can be healed. Applying this approach can help to erase your most traumatic memories.To get the most from this course, you'll need to review the videos multiple times, exposing fresh layers of insight each time.My presentation skills have not developed as rapidly as my analytical and problem solving skills,so please be patient when I stumble.This compassion-based approach to healing is only available here and through my website."
Price: 184.99 |
"Dissolving Hostility in a Workplace" |
"Workplace hostility canmanifest as shaming, blaming, emotional, psychological, physical and sexual abuse, passive aggression, overt aggression, deceit, sabotage ... I'll leave you to fill in all of the manifestations that I've left out. The underlying reason for workplace hostility is rarely what it appears to be, and this course will direct you to look for the true causes because, the more accurately a problem is defined, the more likely a remedy is to succeed.Please keep in mind that you are welcome to reach out to me if you require additional help.Remember that you are not alone and almost all emotional trauma can be healed. Applying this approach can help to erase your most traumatic memories.To get the most from this course, you'll need to review the videos multiple times, exposing fresh layers of insight each time.My presentation skills have not developed as rapidly as my analytical and problem solving skills,so please be patient when I stumble.This compassion-based approach to Hostility is only available here and through my website."
Price: 149.99 |
"Cultivating an 'Abuse-Free' Future" |
"This course was created at a time when tens of thousands of women around the world were reacting to revelationsof sexual abuse by powerful men, sharing the hashtag #metoo.Questions were being asked about what women and men can do to prevent further abuse from occurring. There was a growing demand for systemic cultural change.This course lays out a detailed Blueprint for Change, exposing the underlying emotional patterns that driver abusers to override the internal messaging telling them that what they're doing is hurtful and harmful.The course applies to all forms of emotional, physical and sexual abuse providing students with a powerful set of tools for preventing abuse and for raising a generation of youth who are neither abused, nor abusive."
Price: 149.99 |