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"PHP y PDO - Proyecto de Agenda Personal de Contactos"
"PHP Data Objects (PDO) es una extensin que provee una capa de abstraccin de acceso a datos , con lo cual se consigue hacer uso de las mismas funciones para hacer consultas y obtener datos de distintos gestores de bases de datos. La PDO no es especfica una base de datos en particular, por lo que podemos usarla para conectar y controlar datos para una amplia seleccin de bases de datos. La PDO es la forma ms segura y fcil de acceder a cualquier base de datos.En este curso, aprender cmo usar PDO para crear, leer, actualizar, eliminar datos usando como gestor de base de datos mysql en su manejador phpMyAdmin pero estos conocimientos los puedes poner en practica en cualquier gestor de base de datos.Lo mejor de este curso es que va directo al punto y no desperdicia mucho tiempo en asuntos triviales. Por lo tanto, cada leccin ha sido diseada para ayudarte a comprender rpidamente los conceptos y procesos involucrados en la conexin y el uso activo de bases de datos.En este curso aprenders PHP y MySql con Bootstrap, se desarrolla un proyecto para poder usar e implementar este tri perfecto como lo es PHP, MYSQL y BOOTSTRAP, el curso est dirigido a personas que desean desarrollar su comprensin y habilidades en PHP y MySQL para desarrollar webapps con PDO .Cada lnea de cdigo se explica como enseo. Las lecciones se mantienen cortas y al punto.La nica diferencia con respecto a mis cursos es que se te dan ejercicios para completar despus de cada seccin. Esto le permite probar lo que ha aprendido con mi soporte completo. Los estudiantes que han tomado este curso aprecian el nivel de explicacin clara y el fortalecimiento de sus habilidades.El curso se ha desarrollado despus de aos de ensear a los estudiantes en un ambiente de aula real y observar y analizar sus reacciones a los nuevos conceptos. Por lo tanto, cada leccin ha sido diseada para ayudarlo a comprender rpidamente los procesos involucrados en la conexin y el uso activo de bases de datos dentro de los sitios web.Al final del curso podrs:Crear una base de datos usando phpMyAdminConectarse a una base de datos MySQL usando una conexin PDOCrear la estructura de una pagina usando bootstrap.Usar Bootstrap en un proyecto desde cero o en un proyecto existente.Usa Bootstrap para darle estilo al formulario modal.entender el acrnimo CRUDCrea, leer, actualizar y borrar registros usando PHPCrea, leer, actualizar y borrar registros utilizando un formulario MODAL y PHPUsar Font Awesome para agregar algunos conos para editar y eliminar accionesPresentar los registros de la tabla de la base de datos en una tabla y disearla con BootstrapMis promesas para tiComo profesor universitario es mi trabajo garantizar que te sientas totalmente apoyado al tomar mis clases. Por lo tanto prometo lo siguiente:Respetarte como estudiante y persona ,con tus propias necesidades de aprendizaje.Ser corteses y educados en nuestras interacciones.Responder a sus preguntas con prontitudSolucionar cualquier problema que pueda encontrar con las leccionesResponder con prontitud a los comentariosEstoy seguro de que disfrutars el enfoque practico de aprender lo que realmente significa cada lnea de cdigo.No esperes mas y nete al curso hoy.Accede a mi sitio web."
Price: 99.99

"Teach kids to learn Chinese from poetry step by step"
"Learn20classic Chinese poetrys, learn more than 200 commonly used Chinese characters.Through the recitation and recitation of classical poetry, with the picture experience Chinese classical literature aesthetics, non-native speakers of the country for children to learn the most popular second language!Teach Chinese interesting kidsto recite Chinese famous poemsImage correspondence methodAnd repeated lingdu methodsLet the child master the correct Chinese pronunciationUnderstanding 200 + Chinese common Chinese characters"
Price: 19.99

"Up & Running with OpenCart to create online E-Commerce shops"
"OpenCart is one of the fasted growing E-Commerce software that is very fast, lightweight on server, easily customizable andopen source.Its intuitive admin panel makes it easy to manage and administer all the operations. People from non-technical walk of life can also easily manage the store and run their business online.Since its open source, its most affordable solution for small and medium stores. It does support multi-store feature and can handle thousands of products.As this coursewill make you a good expert on OpenCart without any programming, so you should not expect to learn from this course:OpenCart Core DevelopmentOpenCart Extensions DevelopmentOpenCart Theme DevelopmentPHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript or any other Web Development Programming although all of these programming languageshave been used inside the OpenCart itself.The goal of this course is to give you a goodknowledge of OpenCart and understanding of its workings. By end of this course you will be able to:Install and Setup E-Commerce Storefronts(Online Shop) using OpenCartBackup and Restore OpenCart to an earlier working stageCustomize OpenCart with Themes and ExtensionsManage OpenCart and Administer daily activitiesProcess Orders and Deliveries"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Basic MVC CRUD Operation With ASP.NET."
"This is an introductory course for MVCusing ASP.NET. Course will show you how to create a basic application from the very begining. We will use Microsoft's pre-build MVCtemplate but will not useEntity Framework. You will learnhow to build your own core components. At the end of the course you should be able to build your own basic application."
Price: 19.99

"Du bist Schler des beruflichen Gymnasiums, Berufsschler oder Student und mchtest dich optimal auf deine Klausur oder Prfung zum Thema Buchfhrung vorbereiten, dann bist du in diesem Kurs genau richtig! Aber wer bin ich eigentlich? Ich bin Nick, dualer Student der Fachrichtung BWL bei Volkswagen. Ich gebe seit vielen Jahren Nachhilfe im Bereich der Buchfhrung sowie anderen Wirtschaftsthemen und in den letzten Jahren habe ich damit begonnen, auch Tutorien an der Uni in diesem Bereich durchzufhren. Ich selbst habe die Buchfhrung bereits auf dem beruflichen Gymnasium, in der Berufsschule und an der Uni gelehrt bekommen.   Durch meine positiven und negativen Erfahrungen inspiriert, habe ich diesen Komplettkurs aus der Schler- sowie Studentensicht entwickelt, um dir die umfangreichen Thematiken von Beginn an leicht verstndlich zu machen. In diesem Kurs werde ich dichSchritt fr Schritt durch die Grundlagen, die ersten Buchungen bis hin zu den komplexen Buchungsthematiken fhren.Dadurch ist der Kurs fr Schler, Berufsschler und auch Studenten bestens geeignet. Neben den umfangreichen erklrenden Videos mit vielen Beispielen, die alle Buchfhrungsthematiken abdecken, gibt es zum besseren Verstndnis auch Lernzettel, Aufgaben und Quizze zu jedem Themenbereich. Zudem hast du eine 30-tgige Geld-Zurck-Garantie, sollte dir der Kurs wiedererwarten nicht gefallen.  Ich hoffe, dass ich dich mit meinem Kurskonzept berzeugen konnte und freue mich nun bereits, dich im Kursbereich wieder zu sehen!"
Price: 29.99

"Get started with Vegan Fine Dining - Vegan Cooking Course"
"Are youinto vegan cooking or are interested to start to cook vegan ? Ever wondered if vegan cuisine can match other fine dining experiences ?Or you are looking for some inspiration on improving your vegan cooking skills?This is the course for you ...The course is the making of a typical 7 course meal I serve at my restaurant in Innsbruck.It takes you through its realization with all the ins and outs, whys and hows.The student will be given clear written and video recipes including a shopping and utensils list.The course is also explaining youon how and why those ingredients came together, on whichtechniques I use and how you can conceptualize to further enhance your vegan cooking skills.You will get a blended learning experience with videos that explain you the making of a course step by step together with written explanation, recipies and everything else you need to start surprise your next guest"
Price: 49.99

"Live the Life You Were Meant to Live with these Simple Tools"
"Are you feeling stuck? Henry Ford said, ""If You Always Do What Youve Always Done, You Always Get What Youve Always Gotten.""Are you ready forsomething new?You have come to the right place! If youre willing and ready to change, you can replace those old habits and patterns that are no longer serving you with productive and positive action oriented insights. I can show you how!There is something powerful in knowing you made a different choice. You didnt let your past reactions, habits and patterns get in your way again. Permanent growth happens when the past has no hold on you.Establishing a practice of emotional intelligence will give you fundamental insight. By the end of this course you will have practical and proven tools to help you start getting congruent with your core values. You will learn tools and exercises on how to stop getting in your own way and rise above the mainobstacle that is holding you back. Your Mind!Its time for a mind shift. Time to change your self from the inside out. Time to become an Empowerment Engineer and live the life you were meant to live."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exams(2018-2019)"
"Welcome to the last important stage of your preparation for AWS-CSAA.These practise tests has been created to help individualsstudy and prepare for AWS Certification exams in more efficient way.It covers all the core topics like IAM, EC2, VPC, S3,Route53, CloudFront, CloudFormation, Application services (SQS, SNS, SWF), RDS, DynamoDB, Redshift, EMR, Lambda, ECS, API Gateway, Direct Connect.It alsocovers near to all matching type questions which you would face in real exam.Most of theexam's blueprint and all the domain sections,related scenario questions, whitepaper related questions and its proper answerare also included.Thisexam contains Multiple choice and multiple selectquestions which would giveyou the ideaabout Final Exam of AWS-CSAA. You will have80 minutes to complete the each exam.I will add more questions frequently from recently givenexams feedback's.You would nothave to worry about missing out or failing the AWS-CSAA Certification exam as you would getupdated content.After taking thisexam, You can check your answers and review explanation.That woulddefinitely help youto identify the sections where you might need to study further.All the Best !! :)"
Price: 1280.00

"Adobe Photoshop CS6 From Scratch 2018"
"New to Photoshop or need a refresher? This online course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the basics of Adobe Photoshop.In this courseyou will learn how to use basic techniques like layer masks ,removing red eye, many more.and we will see how different tools work in Photoshop and with the help of Different tools what you can do ?Whether you use Photoshop for work, study, or Fun, these tutorials will start you on your journey to becoming a Photoshop pro!Target Audience ?This course is For the Beginner not for the Expert Level.All those how want to learn Photoshop and have NO previous experience."
Price: 19.99

"Do you want to work abroad, but dont know where to start?Do you want to work abroad, but dont think its possible because of your English?Do you want to know how the visa process works?Do you want to prepare an attractive resume?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the right course for you.:This course will be broken down into the followingtopics.Self Analysis and Mind Set Thoughts on Changing Jobs Work Visas Ways to Find a Job Resume Writing"
Price: 19.99

"English Job Interview Success for the Non-Native Speaker"
"Get hired now!Are you a non-native English speaker who wants towork in the US or at a global company? Or maybe you'vealready applied to a US or globalcompanyand need to prepare for the job interview.Take this complete course and master the skills you need to excel at interviews!Learn how tospeak and act like a native speaker.This job interview preparationcourse has been designed specifically for the non-native English speaker. This course will help you understand what the unspoken rules and expectations are for the interview and provide detailed strategies and explanations on how to answer common interview questions.This course has been divided into the following categories:1. General statistics about interviews - Learn how recruiters, interviewers, and job hunters like you think. By understanding this, get a general picture of what you should expect for your English interview.2. Before the interview strategies- Understand the cultural expectations and the differences in interview normsbetween countries. Understand how interviewers will respond when a non-native candidate does not follow the American norms.3. During the interview strategies- Learn how to leave a great first impression.Learn how to answer the common interview questions by understandingthe interviewer's purpose of asking thatthe question, along with samples of good and bad answers.4. After the interview strategies- Learn how to write a thank you letter. Learn the proper and professional way to follow up or express gratitude for the interview.In addition to video lessons, quizzes and reference material (such as interview preparation checklists) will be provided. For any general questions or questions you may have regarding your own specific situation, please feel free to contact me. I am here to help! Ihope this course will provide you with all the information you may need to ace your job interview. You may have the right skills for the job, so don't let language or cultural barriers prevent you from landing your dream job in the US or a global company!"
Price: 29.99

"Ruby on Rails 5Web"
"Ruby on Rails5WebRuby on RailsWebRubyRuby on Rails52016RubyWebCloud9Ruby"
Price: 3000.00

"Top Recruiting Skills from A to Z. Psychology of recruitment"
"This course is a complete BLUEPRINT in recruitment and guides you step by step through the recruitment strategy steps, helps you transform completely your recruiting career. The recruiter's skills are very important for recruitment success!Where? First, when analysing the needs of recruitment. In this course you will learn how to calculate future needs and how to make the recruitment process more efficient.The best recruitment strategy starts with identifying the need for recruitment.Then we will talk about sourcing strategy where it is very important to contour the more specific job description possibly, we will get to how to create a recruitment advertisement adjusted to the candidate s profile. What does it mean? Well, it means that after many studies and researches, it has been discovered that WORDING is the key to success when creating a job advert.I dont want to tell you more, I will just leave you with this:""It has been shown that the use of words perceived as masculine, such as ""assertive"" or ""aggressive,"" can cause women who are perfectly qualified for the job not to send their resume. This is because, while men apply to jobs for which they are 60% qualified, women apply only to jobs where they feel 100% qualified, according to the phenomenon known as the ""confidence gap"". If women perceive that they do not fit perfectly with the description of the job, both in terms of skill and personality, they give up, while men are less concerned about this match.""I will show you during the course how to formulate a recruitment ad and why you need to keep in mind when creating it, what researchers have discovered and how you can benefit from it.It's not enough to have a 100% tailor-made ad on the profile you're looking for if you do not know where to post it. About the places where you can post ads to attract as many candidates as possible, I will teach you in this course, as well.The success of the recruitment begins with the sourcing stage that plays an extremely important role. If this first step is not done carefully, the entire recruitment process may suffer. The ad could pull inappropriate applicants with undesirable profiles, and profiles that are really suited to the job may not be attracted by the ad due to the way the announcement is formulated or because the responsibilities of the job are not clearly stated, skills required ... or simply because the ad, whether structured perfectly, did not reach the candidate by any method of promotion used. So, this course will help you avoid these defining mistakes.The recruitment process consists of two stages, and the second stage is the selection where the employer has the power to choose from the applications received. Selection is a multi-step process starting withCVsselection , followed bytheinterview stage which can start with the telephone interview or directly with the face to face interview. For the phone interview, I prepared for you a downloadable form to filter your candidates and to get to a shorter list for the face to face interview.During the face to face interview, various techniques are used by recruiters, such as the STAR interview technique which is one of the most common interviewtechniques. Thistechnique is abehaviouralinterview technique based on questions that reveal the candidate's competences and skills based on his pastbehaviour.We will get in the details of this technique throughout the course as well as FrancoisePetit's3-point analysis technique and many more.I will give you an effective lists of types of questions that you can address during the interview in order to check:Communication skillsInterpersonal skillsCandidate motivationTeamwork skillsManagement skillsCultural fitAnd many moreOf course, preparing an interview plan is important and extremely useful in assessing candidates, but the recruiter's skills to properly evaluate each candidate are much more important. I have made a classification of the most important skills a recruiter should have. You will learn in details about the most important of them:-empathy-active listening-evaluate your body language and the candidate's body language-communication skillsOk, you've come to the end of the recruitment process and you'vesuccessfully selected the ideal candidate ... how do you deal with rejected candidates?This course contains a lesson dedicated to this sensitive topic and a downloadable form.Finally, I will teach you how to evaluate the recruitment process to increase your success rate in finding ideal candidates, but you will learn and evaluate yourself as a recruiter to improve your recruitment skills.There are a lot of reasons for you to ENROL NOW, so let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Hacking & Security Using Android Device For Beginners"
"We see that themost of Hacking & Securityonline courses are about using either Linux OS or WINDOWS/Mac OS, ButThis course is Different and also Unique of it's content compared to the others so thisis about Basic Hacking & Security using your Android device, normally We may use our device only for texting, calls etc but what about thinking to protect your device, prevent your data to accessedif you lost it, monitor your device even if it's not with you, and check your devices security and become a complete user, starting this course will help you Master the basics and no need to be an expert EthicalHacker, just the only requirement is that you have an Android device to start practicing, After this moment be different compared to the other user Learn today to lead them tomorrow."
Price: 79.99

"How to Make Stuff People Love"
"Design is about relationships, and ahealthy relationshipisvaluable, balanced, emotional, & satisfying.The Ladder of Sustainable Engagement is a framework for crafting products and services that provide meaningful value, have a balanced rhythm, embody an emotional personality, and endure over time. It's basicallymydesign playbook, developed over 16 years of UXwork with different clients and Philips Design.This course is a series of video lectures and practical exercises. You can download free design tools for the exercises, and I'm happy to provide feedback on your work as you go! In this course,wetouch uponhow Lean Startup and Value Proposition Creation keep your products meaningful.We'll coverhow tools like Nir Eyal's HOOK Model help products fit with the psychology of people's habits.We learn how to give your products personality using emotional data visualization and design empathy.And we'll discover how storytelling and UX research help you build long-lasting, valuable relationships with your customers."
Price: 19.99

"Psychological Selling"
"Customers have certain psychology and if we could understand their psychology and go along with them, they will buy from us automatically.Psychological Selling is connecting with people's hearts and get into his inner world with the purpose of solving his problem. It is like the doctor who always do consultation before he dispenses any solution (medicine) to the patient. And of course the doctor must connect with the customer or the customer will not share openly with the doctor. The doctor gets the customer to open up with him by showing concern and having a real connection with him.Whether you have been selling all your life or you are new in sales, you need to move from hard selling to heart selling. Master the art of Psychological Selling selling and youll see your sales soar.What you will bring back from this course include:Know why most people are selling the seller's wayhow this will not workThe science of selling the way people buyHow to seek first to understand then to be understood with the art of rapport buildingHow to find out not just reasons but strong reasons for people buying from youThe effective 9 ways to make your offer not just attractive but irresistible WITHOUT dropping your price"
Price: 99.99

"7 Strategies for Limitless Business"
"In this economy, everyone is facing sales challenges. Today customers demand choices, and they want cheap and good choices. If you were to invest time and money in acquiring customers, you could be in for a loss as customers are not loyal.How to overcome the sales challenges?We need to have the right strategies. With strategies come tactics. The highest sales strategy is to sell without selling, that is, we simply create the 5conditions and people will buy from us automatically. We shall share with you these 5 conditions in this course.To increase sales, there are 6 effective ways that we can do so with zero cost. We can go back to old prospects, offer guarantees to remove sales, measure conversion rates, increase average sale value, get customers to come back again and use free salesmen. There are over 58 examples that we offer in this course.Once you have created the right conditions, you are on track to implement the 7 strategies to get limitless business as follows:Service to Others as the Highest PurposePeople strategy better than Product strategyPlacement strategy more superior than Pricing strategyCustomize Benefits to your customersUse SNAPSelling (Scenario-Needs-Answers-Payoffs)Create Irresistible OffersMake Customers LoyalUltimately, your way to limitless business is to create a legacy for years to come"
Price: 199.99

"5 Steps to Massive Results in Business"
"As a business owner, director, boss or manager, you would have suspected for a long time that, instead of owning your own business, all you actually owned was your job as a business owner. You are in fact all-in-one planner, executor, delivery men, operator, accountant, salesperson and worker.By now you would also have realized that most of the business owners that you know are in the same boat as you working longer and longer hours, and many of you earn less than your employees or your previous job. But you know that there is another way. Some people spend tens of thousands of dollars to learn from seminars and retreats, while others engage professional consultants to help to revitalize their business. Some people say the answer lies in getting a Business Coach. AndyTheCoach has, since May 2001, coaching and training business owners on how to work on their business, not work in their business. He guided them on cash flow management, business planning, sales management, and talent attraction and retention. To-date, over 171 businesses have benefitted from his programs, chief among them are ERS Industries, Stylistique Ads, Teck Seng Enterprises and Duramex Industries Sdn Bhd. Now you can get all the best of Andys over 17 years of experience in this power-packed one-hour Udemy course: 5 Steps to Massive Results.What you will bring back in this 1-hour Udemy course include: Why most business owners are happy in their struggles and what to do about it Step 1: Successful Business ModelsStep 2: Cash Flow Success Step 3: Expand Step 4: Defend Step5: Capital Success"
Price: 199.99

"Sun Tzu People Management"
"Sun Tzu (or Sn Z in pinyin) was a 500 BC Chinese general, military strategist, and author of The Art of War, an immensely influential ancient Chinese book on military strategy. Many great leaders like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan study his work and became legendary leaders. Many corporate leaders paid thousands of dollars to attend courses to learn Sun Tzusecrets.We believe that you too can learn master his secrets with just two hundred dollars. This is because we take the essence and compile them into a 63 minute video coursethat will leave you with just enough materials to lead your team to greater heights. The most valuable lesson out of his 13 chapters of 5,000 words must be found in the 3rd chapter: Win Without Fighting. As translated from The Art of War: Generally, in war the best thing is to take the enemy state whole and intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. To capture the entire army is better than to destroy it. Hence, to win on hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill.To subdue the enemy without fighting is supreme excellence. In short, win without fighting is the best.How does it apply to your people management?Enemy here refers to not your enemy but theteam that you are leadingTake the enemy state whole and intact means you must lead your team wholly with not just their bodies, but also their minds, hearts and spiritsNever destroy the bodies, minds, hearts and spirits of your team. So you cannot over-work them for you will be destroying their bodies and minds. You also cannot break their hearts by not delivering on your promises and make them give up on youTo win without fighting in people managementis to manage without your team knowing that you are managing them. A manager is at his best when people barely knows he exists, when the work is done, the team will say: we did it ourselves. This is because the manager has empowered the team so much and they have become so competent that they are mini managersthemselves. This must be the highest form of management:manage without managingIf you too want to be a great leader, learn from the master.For this first time in the world of Udemy, we bring Sun Tzu Art of War into your hands. If you too want to be a better people manager, invest $200 into this valuable course. It will reward you with thousands of dollars, benefiting you for a lifetime.Contents of this Udemy Sun Tzu People Management course includes:People Management is about Battles of the MindBackground behind Art of War: Story of the ConcubinesArt of War: Win To FightFive Elements of Art of War: Purpose, Climate, Support, Leadership and MethodsSeven Conditions to WinHow to Win Without FightingTheFive Strategies of Art of WarFive Ways of DeceptionThe ultimate of Art of War: Win the Entire NationIf you have always wanted to be a good people manager but don't know how, here is the way. You'll be pleasantly pleased with what you've learnt from this highly entertaining and educational course People Management with Sun Tzu Art of War"
Price: 129.99

"Win at Work with The 36 Stratagems"
"We have all heard of Sun Tzu Art of War , where it is said that all war is based on deception.What exactly is deception? Is it about deceiving people or changing of perception?Unknown to many, there is another equally famous ancient book only officially published in 1961. This book was used to be known as The Secret Art of War or , but since 1961, is called officially The 36 Stratagems or Although this book is less than 1,000 words, it contains wisdom that the Chinese believe can solve all the world's problems. Do you know that Google used Stratagem number 10 'Hide a Dagger in Your Smile' and took over from Yahoo! to become the world's number 1 search engine till today? How about MacDonalds, which used Stratagem number 1 'Openly Deceive Under Camouflage' to become the world's largest restaurant group?Many corporate executives paid thousands of dollars, some traveling to as far as China and Japan, to learn this ancient military wisdom. For the first time in the world, we are bringing to you this valuable learning at very low cost. This is the world's first e-learning 100% video learning. Using highly animated explanation by a veryenthusiastic and passionate trainer, this course also incorporates 15 video clips to entertain you while you learn. Using wisdom from The 36 Stratagems, we will help you to resolve some of the most pressing issues at work and win Big in your career and business. What you'll learn in this course includes:The mystery behind The 36 Stratagems and how this lost art of war can help you in your daily workTop 6 misunderstandings of the 36 StratagemsHow to Win at Work:defining what is winningThe top 6 work challenges from getting things done to getting a lifeThe 6 Situations of The 36 Stratagems from winning to desperate situationsThree Chinese Wisdom of Yin Yang, Wu Wei and Jian JieArt of Deception in the 36 StratagemsFour Steps to Taking 36 Stratagems ActionHow to Get Rich with the 36 StratagemsHow to Get a Salary Raise and Promotion with the 36 StratagemsThe 11 Stratagems to Increase Sales by 46%and Profits by 61%Solving the World's Top 3 Problems of Terrorism, Climate Change and Rising ChinaProblem Solving with the 36 StratagemsHandling the top 6 work challenges with 10 Stratagems"
Price: 129.99

"Craig Bennett II teaches web design"
"This course comes from my YouTube channel, and it meant for better understanding of the material and this gives you a way to download my videos. Within this course, students will learn the basics on HTML. This is to include how to get started, how to make a layout, how to create list, how to add images to the site, and more.Students can use any compiler they want, but in this class I'm using Notpad++. Students can use their own computers, and they don't need a web server or a domain name. This is just a basic HTMLclass to get students started, and so students will know if they want to learn more about web development or if they should do something else."
Price: 19.99

"Stock Market Go From Noob To Elite"
"In this course, I will show you how to trade in the stock market. This course will start as if the student has never been exposed in a serious matter to the stock market, and I will explain the basics of what you need to get started. In later videos, we will talk about advance subjects.NOTE:There is always a risk when trading, and any companies I show in this course I am not promoting their stocks. I'm just showing you the tricks of the trade so it can make your experience a lot easier."
Price: 29.99

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"218J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 3000.00

"18J(21(C&C)Going out(fade out)Coming in(fade in)(Change)(Chance)"
Price: 2400.00