"Aperturas de Ajedrez: El Sistema Londres 2" |
"El Sistema Londres es un esquema de apertura que tiene fama de slido pero que encierra mucho ms veneno del que aparenta. Recientemente, ha alcanzado gran popularidad porque el propio Campen del Mundo, Magnus Carlsen, lo utiliza con asiduidad y ha demostrado que se puede ganar con este sistema incluso a los Maestros de la lite.Una de las grandesventajas del Sistema Londres es que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teoraya que, debido a la naturaleza de esta apertura, es muchoms importante entender las ideas y los planes que surgendetrs de cada posicinque aprender de memoria un sinfn de variantes tericas.Adems, el Sistema Londres es un sistema de apertura universal que puede ser empleado contra casi cualquier respuesta y defensa elegida por las negras. Esta caracterstica permite al jugador ahorrar mucho tiempo en su estudio de las aperturas, ya que puede confiar en utilizar este sistema para casi todo. Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy slidas pero no exentas de posibilidades tcticas y combinativas. De hecho, esuna apertura en la quesuelen producirse pocos cambios de piezas, lo que lleva a posiciones demedio juego muy ricas estratgicamente,que permiten jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas. El jugador que entienda mejor las posiciones que surgen en el medio juegose encontrar en ventaja y tendr todas las posibilidades para ganar la partida.En esta segunda parte delcurso se estudian las ideas generales detrs del Sistema Londres, celadas,trucos tcticos yplanes tpicos enfocados especialmente en las variantes en las que las negras desarrollan rpidamente su alfil de dama y lo sacan fuera de la cadena de peones. Aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y finales que surgen a partir de este sistema de apertura.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida. Un curso muy completo con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativaspartidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de apertura lleno de posibilidades.Dominar el Sistema Londreste permitir tener un repertorio de aperturas slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 34.99 |
"La Profilaxis en Ajedrez" |
"Profilaxis es una palabra que proviene del griego y significa prevencin. La profilaxis aplicada al ajedrez es un concepto estratgico muy avanzado ysutil que consiste en prevenir las jugadas y planes del oponente incluso antes de que tengan lugar.El gran maestro Aaron Nimzowitsch fue el primero en adoptar el concepto de profilaxis en elajedrez y actualmente es una de las estratagemas ms ingeniosas y efectivas que utilizan los Grandes Maestros.La partida de ajedrez no consiste solamente en tratar de llevar a cabo nuestros propios planes, sino tambin enintentar evitar que el rival lleve a cabo los suyos.Una partida bien jugada estratgicamentedebe tener siempre en cuenta la profilaxis y prevenirse contra los posibles planes del contrario. El buen jugador no debe olvidarse nunca de que tiene un oponente al otro lado del tablero que tambin intenta llevar a cabo sus planes y deber realizar las jugadas adecuadas para tratar de llevar a cabo sus propios planes pero, al mismo tiempo, evitar que el contrario pueda realizar los suyos propios.Un buen jugador est constantemente preguntndose: qu quiere hacer mi rival? qu jugadas le conviene realizar a mi oponente? cul es el plan correcto que intenta hacer mi contrario? para qu ha hecho su ltima jugada? qu pretende?...Encontrar la respuesta a todas estas preguntas es el primer paso para dotar a tupropio juego de una gran profundidad estratgica."
Price: 34.99 |
"Aperturas de ajedrez: El Sistema Londres 3" |
"El Sistema Londres es un esquema de apertura que tiene fama de slido pero que encierra mucho ms veneno del que aparenta. Recientemente, ha alcanzado gran popularidad porque el propio Campen del Mundo, Magnus Carlsen, lo utiliza con asiduidad y ha demostrado que se puede ganar con este sistema incluso a los Maestros de la lite.Una de las grandesventajas del Sistema Londres es que no es necesario el estudio de mucha teoraya que, debido a la naturaleza de esta apertura, es muchoms importante entender las ideas y los planes que surgendetrs de cada posicinque aprender de memoria un sinfn de variantes tericas.Adems, el Sistema Londres es un sistema de apertura universal que puede ser empleado contra casi cualquier respuesta y defensa elegida por las negras. Esta caracterstica permite al jugador ahorrar mucho tiempo en su estudio de las aperturas, ya que puede confiar en utilizar este sistema para casi todo. Es un sistema fcil de aprender, y que lleva a posiciones muy slidas pero no exentas de posibilidades tcticas y combinativas. De hecho, esuna apertura en la quesuelen producirse pocos cambios de piezas, lo que lleva a posiciones demedio juego muy ricas estratgicamente,que permiten jugar a ganar desde las primeras jugadas. El jugador que entienda mejor las posiciones que surgen en el medio juegose encontrar en ventaja y tendr todas las posibilidades para ganar la partida.En esta tercera parte delcurso se estudian las ideas generales detrs del Sistema Londres, celadas,trucos tcticos yplanes tpicos enfocados especialmente en las variantes en las que las negras desarrollan su alfil de rey por el fianchetto.No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativay desarrollars tu tcnica en los finales de partida, ya que aprenders a manejarte en posiciones de medio juego y finales que surgen a partir de estosesquemas de apertura.Un curso muy completo con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativaspartidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar este sistema de apertura lleno de posibilidades.Dominar el Sistema Londreste permitir tener un repertorio de aperturas slido para el resto de tu carrera ajedrecstica.Si realmente ests buscando mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso"
Price: 34.99 |
"Chess openings: The italian game" |
"The Italian game is one of the oldest openings. This opening wasalready investigated in the sixteenth century by Italian players. It is also called Giuoco piano, which in italianmeans ""quiet game"", because it usually produces a slow game of maneuvers. However, if one of the two players does not play correctly it can lead to attack positions that end in a quick mate.The Italian game is an opening of the so-called open gamesand is characterized by its logic and soundness. From the first movements the two players seek to control the center and place the pieces in attackingpositions against the enemy king. It is a very rich opening in tactical and strategic ideas.In this course we willstudy the fundamental ideas of the Italian opening, traps, tactical tricks, plans and typical maneuvers. Not only will you learn openings, but you will also learn strategy, improve your tactical vision,and develop your technique in general, since you will become familiar with the typical schemes and plans of the middlegames that arise from this opening.A very complete course with numerous practical exercises and illustrative fully commented mastergames so you can get to master this opening full of possibilities.If you really want to improve your chess, this is your course"
Price: 24.99 |
"Start-up Masterclass 2018: 15 Business Courses in 1" |
"MORETHAN 1,000 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on popular start-up businesses. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course can transform an absolute beginner to a skilled entrepreneur. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFBUSINESSESYOUCANSTARTWITHTHISCOURSE?Online Store BusinessThe online store is one of the most attractive businesses to own in our digital age. Put up one and leverage the advantage of the Internet. Learn everything you need to know about the business in this course.Coffee Shop BusinessThis is a comprehensive course that tackles everything you need to know about putting up and running your own coffee shop.Small Restaurant BusinessThe restaurant business never goes out of style. This course will teach you all the essential skills and knowledge you need to start and run your own mini restaurant.Internet Cafe BusinessThe Internet caf business arrived two decades ago and is here to stay for good. Put up your own Internet caf and be part of this brimming industry. You can learn everything you need about the business in this comprehensive course.Bakeshop BusinessOwn the ultimate comfort-food business, the bakeshop. This course tackles all the key points in starting and operating your own bakeshop business.Make up businessTurn your passion about makeup artistry into a thriving business. Turn yourself into a one-person company, and earn money by doing your most beloved hobby. Learn how to make this happen through this course.Water Refilling StationOur need for water will never end, and so youll never go out of business with the water refilling station. Learn how to put up and manage your own through this comprehensive course.Party Needs BusinessParty hard, do business harder. Know everything you need to put up and manage your own party needs business through this comprehensive course.Sizzling House Business (Popular in Asia)The sizzling house is Asias own that has become a global thing as well. Know everything you need to know to put up and grow your own sizzling house in this comprehensive courseTapsilogan Business (Popular in Asia)The tapsilogan is Southeast Asias ultimate breakfast eatery. Learn how to own one and make it a thriving business through this courseSari Sari Store (Popular in Asia)One of the steadiest business industries in the whole world, the Philippines sari-sari store can be a good business idea for you. Know what its all about and how to manage one in this comprehensive course.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organization has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 199.99 |
"Masterclass: How to Start your Bakeshop Business!" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on bakeshop business.It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own bakeshop, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?It starts with lessons on raising the capitalization needed for your business. It then proceeds with essential matters such asbaking tools and facilities needed, workforce, and key success factors. It talks about developing and improving your baked goodies and services. It will also teach you how to get to know your market and competitors so you can thrive in your industry. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as funds management, daily productivity in the bakeshop, forming and managing your personnel, and effective marketing strategies that will catapult your business appeal in your customers eyes.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass: Start Your Water Refilling Station Business!" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on water refilling station business.It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own water refilling station business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?My Water Refilling Station starts with lessons on raising the capitalization needed for your business. It then proceeds with essential matters such as legal registrations, water refilling facilities, and workforce. It talks about products offered in this type of business and improving the overall quality of your service. It will also teach you how to get to know your market and competitors so you can thrive in your industry. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as funds management, daily productivity in a water refilling station, forming and managing your personnel, and effective marketing strategies.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass: Start Your Online Store Business!" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on popular food-related businesses.It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own food business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations.The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This coursestarts with lessons on raising the capitalization needed for your digital business. It then proceeds with essential matters such as equipment and facilities needed, and workforce. It talks about web development and how to continuously refine your overall service. There are case studies of successful online stores from which you can pick up valuable tips and advises. The course will also teach you how to get to know your market and competitors so you can thrive and crush the competition. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as funds management, daily productivity, forming and managing your personnel, and effective marketing strategies that will capture your marketWHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis."
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass: Start Your Food Business 7 courses in 1" |
"MORETHAN 1,000 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on popular food-related businesses. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own food business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFBUSINESSESYOUCANSTARTWITHTHISCOURSE?Coffee Shop BusinessThis is a comprehensive course that tackles everything you need to know about putting up and running your own coffee shop.Small Restaurant BusinessThe restaurant business never goes out of style. This course will teach you all the essential skills and knowledge you need to start and run your own mini restaurant.Bakeshop BusinessOwn the ultimate comfort-food business, the bakeshop. This course tackles all the key points in starting and operating your own bakeshop business.Sizzling House Business (Popular in Asia)The sizzling house is Asias own that has become a global thing as well. Know everything you need to know to put up and grow your own sizzling house in this comprehensive course.Tapsilogan Business (Popular in Asia)The tapsilogan is Southeast Asias ultimate breakfast eatery. Learn how to own one and make it a thriving business through this courseWHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organization has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 199.99 |
"Masterclass: Popular Asian Food Businesses to Start in 2018" |
"MORETHAN 1,000 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on popular Asian food businesses.It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own food business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed! WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations.The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFBUSINESSESYOUCANSTARTWITHTHISCOURSE?Coffee Shop BusinessThis is a comprehensive course that tackles everything you need to know about putting up and running your own coffee shop.Small Restaurant BusinessThe restaurant business never goes out of style. This course will teach you all the essential skills and knowledge you need to start and run your own mini restaurant.Bakeshop BusinessOwn the ultimate comfort-food business, the bakeshop. This course tackles all the key points in starting and operating your own bakeshop business.Sizzling House Business (Popular in Asia)The sizzling house is Asias own that has become a global thing as well. Know everything you need to know to put up and grow your own sizzling house in this comprehensive course.Tapsilogan Business (Popular in Asia)The tapsilogan is Southeast Asias ultimate breakfast eatery. Learn how to own one and make it a thriving business through this courseWHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organization has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 199.99 |
"Masterclass: How to Start a Make-up Artistry Business" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on starting a make up business. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers.This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations.The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This is the perfect course for makeup artists who want turn their passion into business. It tackles all the essential aspects of the business, from raising your capital to turning yourself into a one-person company and the key success factors that will ensure your entrepreneurial success in the future. If you feel that its time to grow a second wing and become an entrepreneur on top of being an artist, this course is perfect for you.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Start your Tapsilogan Food Business (Popular in Asia)" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on starting a Tapsiloganbusinesses which is very popular today in Asia. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own food business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This coursestarts with lessons on raising the capitalization needed for your business. It then proceeds with essential matters such kitchen equipment and facilities needed, workforce, and key success factors. It talks about product innovation and how to continuously refine your service. It will also teach you how to get to know your market and competitors so you can thrive in your industry, crush the competition. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as funds management, daily productivity in the eatery, forming and managing your personnel in the kitchen and the rest of the crew, and effective marketing strategies to make people swarm toward your tapsilogan like fireflies.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Start your Sari-Sari Store Business (Popular in Asia)" |
"MORETHAN500 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on starting your sari-sari store business which is now popular in asian countries. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers. This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This coursestarts with lessons on raising the capitalization needed to put up a sari-sari store. It then proceeds with essential matters suchfacilities needed, workforce andstrategies that you need to know. It also covers topics on how to woo your market and beat your competitors. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as daily fund management, inventory management, effective product pricing, and marketing among others.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Start your Sizzling House Business (Popular in Asia)" |
"MORETHAN 300 STUDENTS HAVE BENEFITTED FROM THIS COURSE WITHIN TOW WEEKS OF ITS RELEASE!This is a comprehensive course on Sizzling House Business which is now popular in Asia. It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers.This course is packed!WHYTHISBUSINESSCOURSEISUNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations. The course is more practical than academic, plus it develops entrepreneurial skills and intelligence, not just dry knowledge.WHATKINDSOFTOPICSARE TACKLED IN THIS COURSE?This course starts with lessons on raising the capitalisation needed for your business. It then proceeds with essential matters such as legal registrations, kitchen equipment and facilities, workforce, and key success factors. It talks about product innovation and how to continuously refine your products and service. It will also teach you how to choose the perfect location for your business, get to know your market and competitors so you can thrive and crush the competition. The course culminates by discussing operations concerns such as funds management, daily productivity in the eatery, forming and managing your personnel in the kitchen and the rest of the crew, and effective marketing strategies to make people swarm toward your sizzling houselike fireflies.WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL?Our organisation has been a playground for innovation ever since its creation in January of 2015 with over 50,000+ students worldwide.Our team is composed of passionate, competent, and happy educators, business experts and digital artists who enable us to produce high-quality courses.Be part of our growing family of satisfied students and passionate educators.Our courses are designed to be practical and engaging.Our topics are comprehensive, covering everything you will need to be a successful entrepreneur in your chosen business.WHATYOUWILLACCOMPLISHATTHEENDOFTHECOURSE?Ability to acquire the needed capital for your businessCapacity to produce, evaluate and improve your productKnowledge about the important personnel, facility, success factors, and budgeting needed for the business.Skill on how to conduct basic market analysis, location analysis and competitor analysis.Deep knowledge about managing and operating the business on a daily basis"
Price: 99.99 |
"Create a SMS Verification with Login System Using PHP MySQL" |
"How to Create Secure PHP Login and Registration system withmobile and email verification using PHP, OOP , PDOand MySQL. Every one who just started learning webdeveloping and web designing and wanted to learn more inPHP ,MySQL OOP concept then you are at the rightplace at the right time.Before taking this course you need to know some basics about PHPand HTML, CSS we will be straight coding in PHP.PHP Login and Registration system this is not the simple Sign-in& Sign-up system, we will be creating OOP methodsfor better understanding how PHP OOP works. I've created the securedLogin and registration system .Support:By taking this course will get my full support.Im always loved to help my students (could be you). Imalways in ninja mood, if theres been question itll beanswered within an hour or few.Welove helping!Ifyou stuck in any of my lectures, then dont worry we are alwayshere to help. Or if you need assistance from a lecture? Tells us theproblem.This Course Covers The Following Features: Login System Sign-up System User Settings Account Recovery Email Verification SMS Verification Clean Friendly URLs Please look at all the lectures to see more things thatare covered."
Price: 44.99 |
"React v16 + Redux avanc" |
"Venez dcouvrir de nombreux concepts avanc et nouveauts de React V16 et Redux.Alerte : Il est essentiel d'avoir une connaissance et react et de redux avant de suivre ce cours !Le but de ce cours est de vous amener au niveau suprieur avec React et Redux.Vous allez y dcouvrir dans une premire partie beaucoup de nouveauts-Dans ce cours nous utiliserons la dernire version de React (16)-La dernire version de Redux et Redux-Form -Nous allons construire ensemble une application complte connecte une base de donne MongoDB et scurise avec JWT ( Javascript Web Token ).-Vous apprendrez utiliser la dernire version de React Router : La version 4 une rcriture complte de la librairie !-Vous dcouvrirez des concepts abstraits, mais forts utiles avec React : Les HOC ( High Order Component )-Nous apprendrons raliser des tests unitaires sur nos composant avec Jest et Enzyme-Nous verrons quelles sont les erreurs communes avec Redux et comment les viter : Les mutations de state-Nous dcouvrirons aussi le concept de middleware dans Redux-Nous apprendrons utiliser des librairies indispensables comme Reselect et comment crer des slecteurs-Vous apprendrez monter un serveur Express avec une base de donne MongoDB ! Comme d'habitude on fait a progressivement, dans le fun et la bonne humeur, rien ne change ;)"
Price: 124.99 |
"Basic Java Programming with Eclipse" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with Eclipse!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about Eclipse?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 34.99 |
"Advanced Java Programming with Eclipse Part 3" |
"Welcome to my Advanced course on Java Programming with Eclipse!Before discussing the course I must emphasize that this is an Advanced course, so fundamental knowledge of Java and/or Eclipse are required. If you would like to learn these fundamentals then please take a look at my beginner course,Eclipse The Basic Java Programming Course.THISISPART 3OF4 INMYADVANCEDJAVAPROGRAMMINGWITHECLIPSESERIESMy name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you in a programming career?There are many skills in programming that are required in any form of the field, but what I plan to to teach you in this course is exactly what you will find on many job requirements as well as many advanced methods that will no doubt help you in the future. I speak of OOP, Object Orientated Programming, in addition I included data processing and storage.Data is important in the technological world that we live in, but what we use is processed data, so you, as the budding programmer need to know this as well. I show you how to scan through large amounts of data with ease as well as extract specific types and process it as well.What about Eclipse?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.In short, you will learn:Advanced Java Methods (Part 1 - 4)Data Collection (Part 1 - 3)Data Processing and Storage (Part 1 - 3)Data Extraction (Part 1 - 3)Data Scanning (Part 2 - 3)OOP, Object Orientated Programming (Part 4)and BONUS tips and tricks! (Part 1 - 4)Go no further if you're looking for the course that will take you from a novice to an expert! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you in your career or further studies on Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"Basic C# Programming with Visual Studio" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on C# Programming with Visual Studio!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the C#programming language.C#, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving C# over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that C# is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming C#?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about Visual Studio?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in C# programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"OOP C# Programming with Visual Studio" |
"Welcome to my OOP course on C#Programming with Visual Studio!Before discussing the course I must emphasize that this is an Advanced course, so fundamental knowledge of C# and/or Visual Studio are required. If you would like to learn these fundamentals then please take a look at my beginner course,Visual Studio The Basic C#Programming Course.My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as tough several programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in an easy and fun manner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the C# programming language.C#, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving C#over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that C#is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you in a programming career?There are many skills in programming that are required in any form of the field, but what I plan to to teach you in this course is exactly what you will find on many job requirements as well as many advanced methods that will no doubt help you in the future. I speak of OOP, Object Orientated Programming, in addition I included data processing.What about Visual Studio?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several projects that will helpyou get truly comfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.In short, you will learn:Advanced C#MethodsData CollectionData ProcessingOOP, Object Orientated Programmingand BONUS tips and tricks!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will take you from a novice to an expert! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you in your career or further studies on C# programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 59.99 |
"Basic Java Programming with IntelliJ IDEA" |
"Welcome to my Basic course on Java Programming with IntelliJ IDEA!My name is Matthew Dewey. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in a funand easymanner. In this course I do just that and with one of the most useful IDEs coupled with the Java programming language.Java, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving Java over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Java is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Java?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your IDEEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!What about IntelliJ IDEA?A popular, widely used IDE that many large applications have been created in over the years. Do you know how to use it to its full potential? Well, in this course we will go through several lessonsthat will helpyou getcomfortable with the IDE as well as more adept at program creation.Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"Basic JavaScript for Beginners" |
"Welcome toBasicJavaScriptProgramming for Beginners!My name is Matthew Dewey, lead programmer at Programming Tut. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in a funand easymanner. In this course I do just that and with theJavaScript programming language.JavaScript, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving JavaScript over any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that JavaScript is an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming JavaScript?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your software, Notepad++Establish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in JavaScript programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"Basic Python for Beginners" |
"Welcome toBasic PythonProgramming for Beginners!My name is Matthew Dewey, lead programmer at Programming Tut. I am an experienced programmer, having received several accommodations on programming in my formal education as well as taughtseveral programming languages to thousands of students. Mygoal is to provide you, the budding programmer, the the knowledge you need on programming in a funand easymanner. In this course I do just that with the Pythonprogramming language.Python, a wonderfully simple programming language that has encouraged many programmers to pursue careers involving programmingover any other language. Of course, it goes without saying that Pythonis an excellent language, but do you know what is required of you to start programming Python?As with any programming language it is important you understand the fundamentals and that is exactly what I teach you in this course.I help you:Install your software, AnacondaEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataas well as BONUS methods and code!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Python programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!""Programming is a form of art. It is logical creativity!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"How to Dance: Kick Ball Change / Top Rock" |
"The Kick Ball Changeis one of themost important move you will master because it is the foundation for many other hip hopmoves. Learn and master this dance move in this 9lesson comprehensive course.Layers Upon LayersIn this course, you will learn that a proper kick ball change is not just a simple move but layers upon layers of moves. Ceech will teach you this entire move progressively by starting with a simple kick-step-step; slowly, he will make minor adjustments to incorporatehops,tempo changes,arm variations, and free stylecombos. Most importantly, Ceech will teach you how to stayon beat.By the end of the course, you will learn to incorporate all of these layers of moves together.Repetition is KeyThe more you practice, the more natural you will look. The course is designed for you to practice each lesson multiple times.Explanation Videos & Exercise VideosWith over 20 years of teaching experience, Ceech explains the key elements of each exercise video as well as many potential pitfalls and/ormistakes that most beginning students might make. You will watch each explanation video before watching andpracticing to its respectiveexercise video."
Price: 49.99 |
"Decoding your online marketing reports" |
"This course is mainly for marketing people and business owners. It is also for anyone managing, overseeing or evaluating digital marketing campaigns. In this course, i will i go through facebook, SEO, Adwords and Linked In Reports,and show you a quick fireway to evaluating your campaigns' result and have a better sense of what is going on to be able to give better direction to your team or contractors."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn Alternative Healing through Chromotherapy" |
"Chromotherapy, or color therapy, is a method of therapy that is done using color. In itself color does not heal, but it has been said that it enables the body to heal itself.It probably has something to do with light, frequency, and vibration and how everything works together to make the whole. That is why color therapy is a form of holistic healing it aims to see the whole picture. Colors have different frequencies and vibrations and even correspond to a certain note on the musical scale. We have heard the words: green with envy, in the pink of health, down in the blues, red carpet treatment, and such. Since the mind and emotions are the most powerful energies on earth, people have come to associate colors with emotions and vice-versa. In order to better understand how color affects our lives, let us see how it has evolved from the simple consciousness of early man to how we have come to use it now in our daily lives."
Price: 24.99 |
"Ms-Excel - From beginners to experts" |
"This specially designed course will take you from beginning level thenpassing through intermediate level you will reachadvanced level. This isa highlymeticulously prepared course on Execl that you will start relishing from Lecture 1 itself.It does not only covers data collection but also delves into data analysis through various grand features like filtering, Advanced filtering,Goalseek, sorting, conditional formatting and much more."
Price: 74.99 |
"Object Oriented Programming in C++" |
"This course has been designed meticulously to help students master the Object Oriented Programming skills in C++. It covers basic topics like input/output streams, namespaces,classes and objects, constructors, function overloading, function overridingthrough to advanced topics such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Templates, Exception handling, File handlingetc,It will be a stepping stone for learning other technologies like Java, Ios, Windows phone programming etc.In today's scenario it is almost impossible for a budding programmer/developer to survive in the market without a solid foundation of OOPs concepts. There is no better option than to start with C++ for this purpose. Once you acquaint yourself with the aforesaid topics there won't be any looking back.The initial lectures explain the pillars of OOPs with the help of real-life examples.The best part of this course is all the concepts have been elucidated in simple English languagefollowed by example codes. I humbly advise tall thestudents of all my coursesto practise writing programs as much as you can.Write all the programs with me to get the thorough benefit of my course(s)."
Price: 74.99 |
"Learning HTML Step by Step" |
"This course teaches HTML scripting in a step by step manner. It covers all important aspects of HTML programming. The course has been designed for beginners level. The course starts from the structure of an HTML script and goes up to the level of using images, marquees, inserting photos and videos, etc. This course teaches how to write HTML programs in Notepad and how to show the output in a browser. It then starts using free IDE Brackets."
Price: 74.99 |
"Learn Fundamentals Of Mathematics" |
"This course has been designed for the students who consider mathematics a tough topic. It will entirely dispel their fear of mathematics.It covers many important topics such as Number System (Estimation of Numbers,Roman Numbers, International Number System, Hindu-Arabic Number System), Factors and Multiples(Factors, Multiples, LCM, HCF, Prime Numbers), Fractions, Decimals, Simplification of expressions, Whole Numbers (Properties of whole numbers such as addition properties, subtraction properties, multiplication properties, Division properties), Introduction to Algebra, ratio, proportion and Unitary method, Negative Number and Integers. It also has many quizzes to clear the concept more or test yourself. The solutions are provided in the form of video."
Price: 74.99 |