"Fundamentals of Body Language from TV's Human Lie Detector" |
"IN THE GAME OF LIFE, IT PAYS TO HAVE ALL THE SKILLS NECESSARYTO STAY AHEAD OF THE OTHER PLAYERSHow much do you really know about body language ?Could improving your communication skills help you progress at work, in relationships, orin your business?If you were asked to attend an interview or give apresentation, would it fill you with a feeling of dread?Are youtired of seeing everyone else around you get what they want time after time while you are stuck in the same place?Would you like to be able to tell when your partner, friends,co-workers orboss arelying to you?Discover simple skills andtechniques that you can use to get results straight away.LEARN THE SKILLS DIRECT FROM SOMEONE WHO IS RECOGNISED AS A WORLD-LEADERIN THE SUBJECTWho is Darren Stanton?Darren left behind a career as a front line British Police Officer to become a renowned expert on Body Language, Deception Detection, Influence and Persuasion. The media simply call him ""The Human Lie Detector"".Darren has made his mark in the public eye assessing some of the world's biggest names in showbiz and politics. These include political heavyweights such as Hilary Clinton, David Cameron, Donald Trump & Tony Blair, whilst his eclectic list of celebrities stretches from the likes of Johnny Depp & Taylor Swift to Katy Perry & Tom Hiddlestone to name just a few.He is also an accomplished journalist having written articles for the worlds press assessing public figures on their body language.Darren regularly appears on television, for example BBC's The One Show & ITV's This Morning in the UK . He frequently appears on news channels as diverse as Sky News and Russia Today.He is widely recognised as a world authority on the subject of body language.HAVE FUN WHILE YOU LEARNDarren will share hisextensive knowledge and secret shortcuts so you can go directly to the goodstuff andbegin getting results straight away. Youll soon be deciphering body language and making progress in both your personal and professional life.Using fun and practical activities Darren will give you tried and tested methods to begin to feel confident in any situation.ANESSENTIALLIFESKILLDid you know that out of all forms ofcommunication, 96percent is non-verbal. So its not what you say but more what youdont."
Price: 99.99 |
"Negotiation Skills: How to Craft Agreements that Give More" |
"Why is negotiation important?We all need to negotiate in our professional and personal lives, but negotiation doesnt have to be a fight to get what you want. In fact, youll create better deals and better relationships through collaboration.In this engaging, immersive and interactive online programme, Gavin Presman shares his ethical and mutually-beneficial approach, showing you how to prepare for and engage in every negotiation to achieve better results for yourself and others whether youre drawing up a contract with a new client, buying a house or, often the trickiest of all, settling family disagreements.With step-by-step guidance, illustrative examples and checklists to refer back to, this is a practical and empowering online training that will improve the negotiating skills of any learner, enhancing personal and professional relationships in the process.What will you learn?On this course you will learn all the key elements that are necessary when creating agreements that give everyone more. These include:Principles of collaborative negotiationHow to structure your negotiationUnderstanding the power of variablesPreparingProposingBargainingAgreeingUnderstanding personalityHow to avoid common gambitsWhat people are saying about this course?Gavins is a special gift....If this is your first exposure to his talent, you are in for a treat.- Marc Nohr - CEO of Fold7Its great to have such an honest, practical and enjoyable guide to the art of negotiation- Mike Morton - Leadership Trainer"
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende a maquetar paginas web: De PSD a HTML5" |
"En la actualidad el desarrollo de un sitio web, se ha vuelto un proceso un tanto largo y tedioso. No por el hecho del proceso en si, sino porque en las grandes y pequeas agencias de desarrollo web, se han encargado de utilizar demasiados pasos entre la concepcin de la idea y el producto final.Todo lo anterior se puede resumir en el boceto inicial, maqueta o mockup inicial, mockup final, codificacin, ajustes y finalizacin del proceso.Es por eso, que en este curso, vamos a abordar el proceso en su totalidad, como se hace en la vida real, partiendo del boceto y culminando todo con el montaje del producto final a un servidor web. Usaremos lo mejor de Photoshop para ello, tambin utilizaremos las propiedades idneas del HTML5 y CSS3, generando cdigo ptimo para la correcta construccin de nuestros sitios. De igual forma sacaremos provecho de herramientas de terceros para el proceso y dejaremos de lado todo lo que sea innecesario en el desarrollo, como lo hacen los profesionales de verdad"
Price: 99.99 |
"Maximierung des Stundeneinkommens auf Fiverr" |
"Fiverr ist verrufen fr sein Preisdumping.Dort gebe es alles viel zu billig.Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet das natrlich, dass man dort selbst nichts verdienen kann.Das ist falsch!Ich habe auf Fiverr 60 USD in der Stunde verdient, indem ich meine Arbeit und meinAngebot optimiert habe. Dazu brauchenSie noch nicht einmal Vorkenntnisse oder besondere Fhigkeiten. Ich habe es allein mit meiner Stimme und einem effektiven Auftrags- und Zeitmanagement erzielt.Ich zeige Ihnen in diesem Kurs, wie Sie es mir nachmachen knnen. Die Strategie zum Erzielen hoher Stundeneinkommen ist dabei aber auch weit ber Tonaufnahmen hinaus einsetzbar.Sie lernen:Wie Sie sich auf Fiverr anmelden.Wie Sie Ihr Profil ausfllen und was darin stehen soll, damit es als Anbieter attraktiv ist.Wie Sie Gigs (Verkaufs- und Dienstleistungsangebote) erstellenWie Sie einen attraktiven Gig erstellen, der sich auch verkauft.Wie Sie die Preise richtig gestalten, sodass Ihr Stundensatz hoch ist.Wie Sie sich einenGuten Ruf als Anbietererarbeiten.Wie Sie sich Stammkunden erarbeiten.Wie Sie hhere Verkuferlevel erreichen.Wie Sie Express-Gigs bekommen.Wie Sie als begehrenswerter Verkufer wirken.Wie Sie Experte werden.Gig-Management und Gig-Optimierung.Wie Sie mitZeitmanagement effektiv arbeiten und gutes Einkommen erzielen.Wie Sie Ihre Chance auf einen""Featured Gig"" erzeugen.Wie Sie Fiverr ber das Einkommen selbst hinaus nutzen knnen um sich inFragen von beruflicher Zukunft und Selbstndigkeit zu entwickeln.Womit Sie beiFiverr noch alles Geld verdienen knnen.Der Kurs wird Sie nicht ber Nacht zumMillionr machen.Sie werden keine 4.000Euro pro Woche verdienen, oder was man sonst bei unserisen Verkaufsangeboten im Internet findet. WennSie meinen Kurs jedoch gewissenhaft verfolgen, werden einige von Ihnen mglicherweise hauptberuflich davon leben knnen.Der Rest lernt, wie er mit wenig Arbeit einen mglichst hohenStundensatz erzielt. Es ist also nicht das Ziel, mglichst viel zu arbeiten, sondern vielmehr, mit der Arbeit die man leistet, mglichst viel zu verdienen. Damit ein dreistelliges monatliches Nebeneinkommen zu erzielen ist relativ einfach umsetzbar."
Price: 94.99 |
"Wie funktionieren Bitcoin? Ein Einfhrungskurs." |
"Seit ber einem halben Jahrzehnt handle ich mit Bitcoin und habe dabei die unfassbaren Kursanstiege miterleben drfen. In diesem Kurs werde ich Ihnen folgende Dinge beibringen:Was sind Bitcoin? (Geschichte, Sicherheit undSystem)Wie knnen Sie Bitcoin erwerben?Wie bewahren Sie Bitcoin sicher auf?WelcheGefahren drohen Ihnen mit Bitcoin?Wie sind Gewinne zu versteuern?Welche Anlagestrategie habe ich benutzt?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Das Geheimnis fr mehr Gesundheit & optimale Ernhrung" |
"Du kennst sicherlich die Gezeiten und die riesige Kraft, die der Mond auf die Meere ausbt. Dass der Mond einen ebenso groen Einfluss auf unsMenschen und alleLebewesen hat wird oft belchelt. Meist ist eine eigeneErfahrung notwendig, um den immensenNutzen dieser Kraft im tglichen Leben zu erkennen.Wie gro dieser Nutzen fr dich ist, hngt natrlich davon ab, wie du sie bercksichtigst. Das notwendige Wissen erhltst du in diesem Kurs.Wer wei schon, dass eine Blutanalyse bei abnehmenden Mond ein genaueres Ergebnis bringt, als bei zunehmenden. Wer geht schon gern zum Zahnarzt. Wenn es nur um eine Fllung geht, ist das unangenehme Gefhl geringer, als wenn garein Zahn gezogen werden muss. Was hltst du davon, die Fllungen lnger haltbar zu haben? Wie fhlst du dich, wenn das Zhneziehen leichter geht und die Nachblutungen geringer sind?Die Alltagserleichterungen sind zwar weniger spektakulr, erhhen jedoch ebenfallsdeine Lebensqualitt.Du weitwelcheLebensmittel bekmmlicher sind.Du findest die optimaleTermine fr deine Vorhaben.Du hast mehr Sicherheit bei Entscheidungen.Du wirst deine Gesundheit leichteruntersttzen und damit glcklicher sein.Du hast mehr Erfolg in der Tagesplanung.Viele TeilnehmerInnen meiner Live-Seminare hatten gerade im gesundheitlichen Bereich berraschende Erlebnisse. Sie haben ihre Lebensqualitt deutlich verbessert. Das Wissen und das Verstndnis fr die Kraft des Mondes sind die Grundlage, das Umsetzen der Weg zum Erfolg."
Price: 44.99 |
"Learn Java in Telugu" |
"This course is designed to help you get an in-depth understanding of both core & advancedconcepts in Java.Take your first step towards a career in software development with this introduction to Javaone of the most in-demand programming languages and the foundation of the Android operating system.Designed for beginners, this Specialization will teach you core programming concepts and equip you to write programs to solve complex problems. In addition, you will gain the foundation skills a software engineer needs to solve real-world problems.In this courseYou will learn foundational programming concepts (e.g., functions, for loops, conditional statements) and how to solve problems like a programmer.You will learn best practices &key design principlesfor writing effective Java programsYou will understand the inner workings of Java platform"
Price: 19.99 |
"PhotoShop in Telugu" |
"I will teach you how to get into photoshop, so don't worry if you don't haveprior experience with photoshopor other plugins. Follow my lead and I'll teach you to be good at it!Seriously""All my photoshop instructionsform part of a comprehensive guide that can help you to accomplish your goals by applying these skills. During the lesson you get to eavesdrop as I work, giving you some insight as to how I work and what I do. You will also be able to download all my work files and work along with the exact same files."
Price: 19.99 |
"MySQL in Telugu" |
"This course will take you from beginner in SQL andMySQL to an advanced level. Whether you're a complete beginner with only basic computer knowledge, or a professional who alreadyuses MySQL but wants to understand advanced features liketransactions, user permissions, triggersand stored procedures, this course can help you.Database skills are highly in demand in the I.T. industry;everything from websites to multiplayer games are likely to make use of some kind of database.MySQL is a free, industrial-strength relational database, very widely used all over the world. In fact, the MySQLCommunity Server (which this course covers to an advanced level) is the world's most popular open-source database, used by millions of websites."
Price: 29.99 |
"C Language in Telugu" |
"In these videos I have done my best to make C look like a piece of cake, in these videos, you will learn various topics under C language.The videos contain theory as well as practical parts. I've explained everythingin a very simple language which is easy to understand for anybody. I've explained every topic with examples which will help you to understand them better. This course is for both newbie and advanced programmers.Videos are very helpful for those who are thinking of making C as their primary course, and will go ahead and make a career in this field.Videos contain every topic in depth. I've explained every problem to its highest complexities. The videos cover many essential topics like what is C, how do you use C, and explanations of the terms like operators, constants, etc. Also, it covers many advanced topics like arrays, 2D arrays, nested structures, nested loops, all types of loops, if else statement, relational operators, logical operators, etc. These videos will also teach you how to operate with functions, how to pass arguments, what are actual and formal arguments, etc.In these videos, I will tell you how to deal with real life problems and how to apply C concepts.We are supplying you with all the help material you will need in learning the basic and some advanced. By watching all the videos, it is guaranteed that you will have an enormous amount of knowledge about C. You wouldnt need to go anywhere else to get the grip on C. The videos are the best for C students.Your programming skills will enhance by a huge difference. All you have to do is watch these videos."
Price: 19.99 |
"C++ in Telugu" |
"ThisC++Programmingcourse makes you familiar with the the basic practical details of this essential language. In this training we present theeasiest wayto learn the basics of C++ from the ground up. By the end of the course you will have a thorough knowledge of C++ language and would be able to implement it with ease.The curriculum starts with the basics of C++ and then explains C++ variables, operators, statements, Loops, Functions, Arrays, pointers and gradually lays emphasis on object-oriented approaches, and moves on to Strings, Exception, File handling and Namespaces.Theseexhaustive C++ practical lectureswill provide a solid reference for both experienced programmers and those who are brand-new to the language."
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML in Telugu" |
"HTML is the two most important languagefor a new web developer to learn. It isalso the easiest. If you've always wanted to build webpages, but were intimidated by the code, this course will help you learn your languagequickly and easily.Taking a step-by-step approach, this course will have you learning by doing, building severalweb pages."
Price: 19.99 |
"JavaScript in Telugu" |
"Explore what you can do with JavaScriptMake your web pages interactive, use JavaScript to apply logic and create amazing things online.JavaScript is the language to use for creative and interactive content online. Within the course explore how JavaScript can be used within web design to add interaction. JavaScript programming is a great skill to develop and learn. Explore the fundamentals you need to build JavaScript applications and create web interactions."
Price: 19.99 |
"PHP in Telugu" |
"Welcome to the course on beginner's training on PHP. As you know, PHP is one of the best server side language for web development. This course is strictly based on basics of PHP. If you are a complete newbie in web development, then this course is for you. I have created this course with a proper mindset that my students are learning PHP from A, and I have to teach them to Z without leaving any concept in basics of core PHP. I tried my best to explain each and every concept to the best. If you know a little about PHP, then you can join me. But, if you are much familiar with PHP then this course is not for you.I have started this course with an introduction to PHP and installation of required free software. Very basic topics like creating PHP file, writing PHP code properly, are also included in this course. You will also learn reading PHP info and errors, doing proper indentation.Other related topics include Echo, Comments, PHP in HTML, HTML in PHP, Variables, Concatenation, Conditional Statements, Operators, Loops and a little about functions.Discover how to use PHP and MySQL, a popular choice for developing powerful web applications!"
Price: 19.99 |
"MS Office in Telugu" |
"In this Microsoft Office essential skills course I share with you the real-life skills people need to get the best from the software in the workplace, gathered over many years. By taking this course you will be able to:Confidently use the core Microsoft Office programs in the workplaceLearn the skills employers expect you to have in Word,Excel and PowerPointApply best practices to your workAchieve confidence and job satisfaction through practice"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Oracle in Telugu" |
"This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior knowledge of Oracle SQL is required.You will start by learning about DBMS and then will jump in to SQL working basics from select statement to advanced topics like functions, views etc. This course will introduce SQL* Plus and PL/SQL basics to you.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be able to use Oracle SQL and will be trained well to pursue a Oracle DBAcareer."
Price: 29.99 |
"Tally in Telugu" |
"After completion of this course you can handle complete accounts of any business / company independently.Whether you are fresher or an expert, this course is for you because we included live examples. We includes all business transactions such as sales, purchase, contra, receipt payment manufacturing voucher payroll voucher.We have covered all the topics of any business such as accounting, inventory, taxation (VAT & CST, Excise, Service Tax, Payroll, Job Costing, Cost Center and many more..Kindly check the course content for complete list of topics covered. I hope you will learn a lot in this course!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Flash in Telugu" |
"Adobe Flash is still the leading way to create animations, games and presentations that can be viewed on any computer and countless mobile devices. It's also an incredibly popular way to share high quality video. Now in this hands-on Adobe flash cs5 tutorials for Beginners course, you'll learn how to work within the application to create impressive visuals for interactive animations, website interfaces and streaming online videos with usable controls.The Adobe Flash Training Video course presented as a beginner-friendly guide to multimedia creation using the program's professional features. You'll learn how to work in Flash from the most basic creation of a project to adding layers, working with the timeline, adjusting colors, importing graphics, introducing interactivity and more. It could take years to learn such a wide range of skills on your own, but in this guided course you can learn how to put your videos, animations and presentations online in a matter of hours."
Price: 19.99 |
"C # in Telugu" |
"C# is a beautiful cross-platform language that can be used to build variety of applications. With C#, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, web sites and desktop applications.Once youmaster fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or you can change job and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy."
Price: 19.99 |
"VB.Net in Telugu" |
"The course will then teach you how to build classes that define properties, methods, and events in VB.NET, as well as understand and use overloaded methods and operators and perform calculations. This video tutorial will also cover topics including debugging programs, working with data types, branching and looping statements, and use subroutines, functions, and object-oriented techniques. You will learn how to use LINQ to select, modify, and sort information, as well as easily read and write data in files."
Price: 19.99 |
"Visual Basic .Net Windows Forms Development in Telugu" |
"Visual Basic is one of the Microsoft core programming languages for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications.Why do we learn Visual BasicIt shares the same principles with other programming languages.It is good when developing small and handy utility programs.It is supported by Microsoft.It is powerful when integrated with Excel and Word.A programmer can put together an application using the components provided with Visual Basic itself.We will see How to create a variety of visual basic Projects using Windows form application in Visual Basic. We will see How to work with buttons, list, text-boxes, text area, date time picker, PictureBox, Listview etc.The course then outlines the language fundamentals such as data types, strings, operators, conditional code, and looping constructs. In Addition, discover how to package reusable code in functions and subroutines.The We will see How to Create more advanced stuff in visual basic Like creating file, Working with PDF files, Media player, vlc media player, chars, tables, webview etc.In the Last part of this course We will learn How to work with access database & Creating Reportswith visual basic."
Price: 19.99 |
"ASP.Net in Telugu" |
"In this course in Asp.Net I am going to teach you how to create your first web app from scratch then you will learn how to work with all the standard server controls like ListBox, DropDownList, RadioButtonList, CheckBoxList BulletList, Calender and FileUpload then slowly we will move on to data controls like GridView and FormView. We will also dig into GridView and perform some advance operation like adding controls to gridview column and formation gridview rows based on data."
Price: 19.99 |
"XML in Telugu" |
"This course is primarily targeted at students needing to understand the syntax and concepts behind XML and XML Schemas. This course is also for anyone who want to learn how to use XML Schemas to define the structure of XML languages and how to validate XML documents against XML schemas.XML has become a widely used standard for storing and exchanging information on the internet. Knowing how to work with XML has become a core skill that every developer needs to have. In this course, we'll start off by learning about what XML is and does, and some of its advantages.At the end of this course, students will be able to write well-formed XML documents, validate and enforce business rules using XML schemas"
Price: 19.99 |
"Windows 7 in Telugu" |
"The course starts from introduction and ends with installation. In this student can able to learn all thethings that he/she needs to do in windows 7. The course covers...How to setting up your computer.How to manage file system.How to work with different applications.How to place security to your computer.How to install windows 7.etc..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Advanced Excel A-Z in Telugu" |
"This course was created to aiming at the students from beginners to Experts. All who are having Ms-Office 2007,2010,2013,2016 in their systemscan easily understand and canapply. The course was designed by an expert having more than 20 years experience in software training. Students will learn basic to advancedfunctions and formulas, including creating and using range names, and logical, lookup, date and time,and common text functions. Students will analyze large amounts of data by creating, manipulating, and modifying PivotTables, PivotCharts, and Excels Table features.At the end student can learn how write programming using VBA to manage data in excel."
Price: 24.99 |
"Crie Rest APIs com Python" |
"No curso ""CrieRest APIs com Python"", voc aprender de forma rpida e simples em menos de 1 hora, como desenvolver Web APIs desde o nvel simples extremamente complexas, com manipulao de at 40 tabelas do banco de dados em apenas 1 dia! inscreva-se agora, e aprenda tudo sobre o desenvolvimento deRest APIs na linguagem Python.ATENO: O CURSO NO OFERECE O ESQUEMA DE AUTENTICAO. O CURSO FOI DESCONTINUADO, MAS VOLTAR EM BREVE COM SUPORTE COMPLETO E TODAS AS AULAS RESTANTES."
Price: 69.99 |
"Small Business Recruitment: How To Hire A Salesperson" |
"Ever hired a salesperson who couldn't sell or who thought their way was better than yours and made your life a misery?Do you want to hire a sales professional who won't give you sleepless nights?Do you want to invest in a revenue generating machine who'll stick with you for the long term?This course explains how to plan for a successful hire and what to do if it doesn't work out. In just one hour you'll learn:How to plan and execute high value interviews.How much time recruiting a salesperson will really take you.How to develop an attractive salary and commission structure.Whether to use a recruitment agency.When to end the relationship.Much more!How to Hire A Salesperson Successfullywill help you learn from my experience of over 25 years of hiring more than 1000 salespeople so you can minimise the cost and disruption that hiring and firing a salesperson creates.Hiring a salesperson is really difficult - and expensive!The purpose of this course is to provide a road map to minimise the risk of getting it wrong while giving you a lifeline if you do.Why not enrol now and save yourself lots of time, money and heartache!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Sales Training Course: Selling Skills Refresher Course" |
"This high-impact, rapid fire selling skills refresher course is vitally different from other sales training courses because it deals head on with the nitty gritty:You'll learn to identify when each element of your sales skills tool kit is likely to erode or ""go off the boil"" so you can plan ahead to avoid any drop-off in your sales figures or those of the people who report to you.You'll learn which symptoms to look out for if you suspect any elements of your selling ability (or those of your team) are dropping off.You'll learn how to fix any elements of your sales tool kit that are operating below where you know you should be.In little more than half an hour this super-practical course will empower you to stay at the top of your sales game or pull you back up to the head of the field if your numbers have started to drop.This course was written for committed salespeople who need an instant tune-up - people who don't have time to lose.My dynamic, short, selling skills refresher training programme focuses on reviving soft skills including questioning and listening, use of relevance-matched features & benefits, power vocabulary, trial closing, objection handling and final closing.Then it seals the deal with specific sales mechanics to underpin those soft skills including the shelf-life of web leads, the steps of the sale and the latest information on planning and preparation.If you've been selling for as little as six months or so long that you've seen it all before, grab this short training programme and use it as a super-fuel to turbo-charge your selling skills.We're talking about a complete refurb of your sales skills in 34 minutes or less. What have you got to lose? Enrol now!"
Price: 49.99 |
"An Introduction to Financial Markets on Wall Street" |
"An Introduction to Financial Markets on Wall Street gives a comprehensive introduction of financial markets, financial institutions and products on Wall Street.Equity, bond, MBS, FX, commoditiesInvestment bank, mutual fund, hedge fund, insurance company, pension fund.Financial derivatives (forward and future, option, interest rate swap, swaption, credit default swap, CMO, CDO)Investment risks (interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, counter-party risk)Financial crisis (a lot examples from the 2008 subprime crisis)Types of jobs on Wall Street (portfolio manager, trader, analyst, developer, operations and so on).What are differences between this course and other online finance courses?Knowledgeable instructor (PhD from Stanford, worked at JP Morgan, Munich Re and a macro hedge fund)It uses the most updated financial and economic data and statistics from various sources including Fed, BLS, BEA, IMF, SIFMA, and US Department of Treasury.It is useful for all types of students. You can improve your financial knowledge needed for the personal financial planning. If you would like to seek a career in finance, this course gives your a complete training to land your dream job."
Price: 29.99 |
"Android N Dveloppement 2017 - Le Cours Complet" |
"Vous souhaitez dvelopper vos propres applications Android ou vous lancer dans une nouvelle carrire ?Ce cours est fait pour vous.Dans cette formation de plus de 13h, vous allez apprendre les bases de la programmation Java pour Androd et nous allons crer ensemble et pas pas 3 applications fonctionnelles.Le format du cours sappuie sur une approche pratique et pour chacun des sujets abords vous retrouverez :Une introduction du sujet Une dmonstration en liveUnexercice de mise en pratique ainsi que la solutionUn rcapitulatifNous allons crer ensemble 3 applications que vous pourrez ajouter votre portfolio et prsenter firement vos futurs employeurs et vos amis pour montrer vos nouvelles comptences.Application 1: Jeux Deux.Le joueur qui appuie 10 fois le plus vite sur son bouton remporte le duel.Application 2: Twitter Clone.Naviguez sur diffrentes timeline de votre choix, envoyez des Tweet et plus.Application 3: Meteos.Le climat d'une faon interactive n'importe o vous tes.Le dveloppement de ces applications est dun niveau accessible et vous permettra dapprendre les fonctionnalits essentielles pour ensuite programmer n'importe quelle application.Si vous cherchez l'quilibre entre la thorie et la pratique, ce cours est fait pour vous !C'est vous de jouer, rejoignez-moi ainsi que les autres lves dans ce cours, je suis Ben votre formateur.A tout de suite."
Price: 199.99 |