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"Photoshop For Everyone"
"Photoshopis the world's most popular image authoring and editing software. It isused by photographers, designers and digital artists to enhance, manipulate andcreate images for a variety of purposes. If youwant to learn how to use photoshop from scratch and get a solid knowledge todevelop professional work, this course is for you.In thiscourse you will learn from the fundamental principles of the interface to themost advanced features of the software. Throughimportant theoretical explanations and practical exercises developed especiallyfor each topic you will see how to use layers; BlendModes; LayerStyles; Advancedselection and mask tools; Imageadjustments; Filters; Vectorcreation and editing tools; And muchmore.Photoshopis a fundamental tool for everyone who wants to work with digital images. If thisis your case, sign up now and let's get started."
Price: 99.99

"Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud"
"This course is about Spring Cloud Microservice development. This course is for the IT professional (and final year students) who have some professional experience (or no professional experience at all) and wants a short , direct, solid, to the point and deep introduction of Spring framework based Microservice development. It specifically eliminates all unnecessary theory and tries to link the student's existing knowledge in making him / her realize that a significant portion of Microservice development is not any different from regular java REST service development. The direct approach tries to reduce learning curve and speed up the learning processes. It demystifies Microservice development at a fast pace. For example, it stresses that after all, Microservices are services themselves. If someone is already confident in designing legacy monolithic REST services, a lot of those skills transfers directly to Microservice development as well. At the same time, it highlights specific areas where Microservice development has solid differences from legacy service development. This course thus, will focus on two aspects of the students background1. What he / she already knows about service development and how that skill still is useful in Microservice development.2. What he / she needs to know new about Microservice development.We cover several topics including Spring Framework Dependency Injection, Aspect Oriented Programming, Spring Boot based Microservice development ,which will add confidence to the student and his/her ability to do Spring Boot, as well as some of the heavily used Spring Cloud Netflx stack of libraries including1. Spring Cloud Service Discovery.2. Spring Cloud Config Service using Github3. Spring Cloud Config Client4. Spring Cloud Deteriorative Client Feign5. Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker HystrixLastly, we use a custom loan application domain as a field to explore Microservice development."
Price: 24.99

"Practical World Java Spring Microservices"
"This is a comprehensive course on Spring Boot 2 latest features, Actuators, Spring Cloud Features such as Service Discovery with Eureka and Spring Boot2, Remote Config Service with Spring Boot 2, Declarative Client Feign with Spring Boot 2, Circuit Breaker Hystrix with Spring Boot2, Spring Cloud API Gateway Direct Service Invocation, Spring Cloud API Gateway Integration and Load Balancing with Eureka. Besides, this courses includes complex JPA Relationships, Native Queries, and strategies for practical world issues faced by Microservices projects."
Price: 24.99

"PSA -"
"Problem Solving ApproachPSA PSA PSA30 2.0PSA2.0SBTT ()"
Price: 7000.00

"Criando um servidor para envio de Newsletter"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a criar e operar seu prprio servidor de newsletter. Desde a maquina a ser utilizada, passando pela configurao da rede de sua empresa ate a configurao de SMTP.Como o PHPList ser possvel o aluno montar o servio e utilizar o mesmo para divulgar sua empresa e seus produtos, mantendo um contato constante com seus clientes."
Price: 39.99

"Aprendendo os comandos bsicos do linux"
"Neste curso voc ira aprender como dominar o linux. mas no pela interface grfica e sim pelo seu terminal ou bash. Aprendacomandosparamanipulardiretrios(pastas) earquivos.Veremos tambm comoinstalar e remover pacotes e muito mais.Sempre indo direto ao assunto, sem enrolao e teorias e muitas vezescomparando com o windows, para que alunosque nunca tiveram contato com esse maravilhoso sistema possamcompreender suas funcionalidades. Ao finalizar este curso voc estar apto a instalar e utilizar os sistemas Ubuntu e CentOs que esto entre os 10 mais utilizados no momento.Seja bem vindo, aproveite o curso, interaja, faa perguntas e pratique. Entre de cabea neste novo mundo de diversas possibilidades."
Price: 39.99

"Aprendendo a programar usando Python 3"
"Neste curso iremos aprender a logica de programao, Algoritmos. Uma ferramenta necessria para pessoas que querem criar seus prprios aplicativos e sistemas para suas empresas ou pessoas que esto estudando TI.Utilizando uma linguagem de programao moderna e cada vez mais utilizada no mercado de trabalho, o Python, vamos no somente aprender a programar mas tambm aprenderuma ferramenta bastante utilizada nos dias de hoje por empresas e profissionais liberais para criarem seus projetos e sistemas.Python uma linguagem multiplataforma, ou seja, pode ser executada no Windows, Linux ou Mac com poucas modificaes. bem fcil de aprender e gratuita, podendo voc aplicar em sua empresa sem se preocupar com licenciamento de software.Voc que aluno de TI e esta passando por dificuldade na hora de aprender a logica de programao este curso para voc, pois ensinaremos passo a passo todas as estruturas necessrias para se criar um software.Voc empreendedor e quer criar voc mesmo o software,website ou app para sua empresa e evitar os altos custos de desenvolvimento dos mesmos, esse o ponto de partida. Com este curso vocter os fundamentos bsicos e a preparao inicial paracriao da sua ferramenta, seja ela um software desktop, um website ou um app.Voc que quer aprender a programar e ganhar dinheiro vendendo softwares, websites e apps. aqui voc comea seus estudos para esse mundo novo de possibilidades.Nossa equipe espera sua inscrio e estamos totalmente abertos a dvidas e sugestes.Este curso estar em constante desenvolvimento e sempre estaremos trazendo novidades exerccios e aulas de resolues de dvidas..::Em Breveum novo mdulo. Criao de uma aplicao desktop com TKinter e banco de dados sqlite::.."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Professional Speaker"
"Welcome!This is THE course to take if you are even thinking about marketing your skills in the speaking world. The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Professional Speaker is a course for anyone with a desire to become a professional public speaker.Public speaking is a business, and the course material includesthe different categories of professional speakersdefining your ideal target audiencedeveloping your signature speechcreating your target list of potential speaking clientsmarketing your speaking businessusing public relations to promote your speaking businesscreating a rock-solid speaking contractcreating value for your clients and informational products based on your presentationresources for professional speakersThis course provides everything you need to know before you start your professional speaking business and develop your professional speaking career!I sincerely hope that you enjoy the course! Samantha"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Guide to Starting a Business on a Budget"
"Hello! I am so excited that you chose the Complete Guide to Starting a Business on a Budget. I know that you will achieve whatever you set your mind to. This course will cut through some of the pitfall that happen when setting up a business. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Learn the right things to do from the start!You will learn:Types of businesses and business modelsImportance of a business website and how to get one on a budgetWho is your ideal customer? Who will keep buying from you again and again?Is it possible to market your business on a small budget? Yes, yes it isWhat about accepting payments and banking stuff?Should you have a business partner? Are there alternatives?I hope that this course is one that you will come back to again and again! Let's get to work!Here is to your success!Sam"
Price: 199.99

"This training will be your first step in branding your dreams, and you will be able to take your brand one step further without spending time knowing where to start. you will see that in this century you can succeed by having a brand in your life.This training will be your first step in branding your dreams, and you will be able to take your brand one step further without spending time knowing where to start. you will see that in a hundred years you will be able to succeed by having a brand in your life"
Price: 19.99

"Acoustics 101 : Speaker design basics and enclosure design"
"Design an enclosure to match your preferencesThe main purpose of this course is to teach you how to properly design an enclosure for your speaker. There is no such thing as ""This enclosure is the best choice for this particular speaker"". You have to take into consideration your application and your personal preferences. Do you want it to sound loud? Do you want it to sound deep and don't care about loudness? You want it to be as smooth and linear as possible? These are all just a few examples of questions that needs answering before you get to work. The final result will always be a compromise between the acoustical qualities of an enclosure. Only you can decide which sound qualities are more important to you and you should be the one who ""moves the sliders"".Acoustics basicsThis course assumes that you have minimal knowledge about acoustics, and therefore starts slowly with some basic information about sound waves, how they are created and what are their characteristics. Then moves on to how the speaker is designed and some other relevant information about acoustics. This is obviously needed for a beginner, but it's also good for an intermediate student, as I'm sure he will also find new information to make matters even more clear.Enclosure typesMost of the common enclosure types are listed, explaining their working principle, pro's and cons for each one. But, we will focus our attention for the sealed and bass reflex enclosures. These are covered with extensive details regarding their characteristics and how to design them according tothe standard alignments, or to complete custom response curves.Modeling softwareTo model the response curve of the enclosure and to calculate the dimensions of the box, two methods will be used. You will receive an excel spreadsheet, that has all that you need to model a sealed or a bass reflex enclosure with minimal difficulty. It even has a chart to show you the modeled frequency response. It's basically a complete package for a beginner. The other method is by using a paid application. There are a lot of speaker design software solutions out there but I chose : ""Subwoofer design toolbox"". The main reasons are : it's cheap, simple, easy to understand and it has all the basic functions. If you are a beginner it's very important to start slow, otherwise you will get overwhelmed by complicated applications withextra features that will only confuse you.Nov 2017 Update -2-way speaker build example and basic 2-way crossover design.Jan 2018 Update -Added English subtitles."
Price: 99.99

"Loudspeaker engineering : How to design speaker crossovers"
"Design you own speaker crossoverThis course is the last piece in the loudspeaker design process. You will learn how to use the FRD and ZMA files (check Acoustics 201 course) to design 2-way and 3-way crossovers. These designs will be done in XSim which is a free application. Crossover design, while it does have some general guidelines, it's unique for every crossover. For this reason, 5 different types of enclosures have been built for this course :two 2-way bass reflex bookshelf speakers, a 3-way bass reflex, a sealed MTM and a 3-way bass reflex floorstanding speaker with dual woofers. This way you will get a better understanding on how the process works. It takes not only knowledge, but also intuition and experience when designing a crossover.Specific circuits for crossover designBesides the basic filtering for speakers (1st order, 2nd order, etc), there are other circuits which are implemented to correct the frequency and the phase response of the system. Since we have 5 examples to play with, we have enough crossover projects to go through most of these in a practical way. To mention some of the circuits :impedance equalization circuit, attenuation pad, baffle step compensation, ladder delay network, notch filter, and more.Testing the new crossoversDesigning a crossover on your computer is convenient but we will also test it out. I have a large amount of electrical components, capacitors, inductors and resistors, from small to large values. After we design the crossover in XSim, we will assemble a prototype crossover and check how it measures and how it sounds. Some tips and tricks on how to make your life easier and what to avoid when building a prototype.Building a crossover networkBuilding a crossover network will require some handy work. You will need to be aware of the size and material of the board, how and where you place your components. What will you use to fix the components to the board. How to make sure the components won't rattle about. Unavoidably you will acquire some basic soldering skills as well.At the end of this course, and by taking the previous 2 courses as well, you will be able to fully design from scratch your own multi-way loudspeaker."
Price: 99.99

"Launch your career as a Professional Mind Coach -Certificate"
"Here's achance to take your place in the fast growing, lucrative field of professionalMind Coaching.Unlike psychologicalcounselling, life coaching and othertalktherapies, subconscious mind training goes straight to the cause of the issue, tofocus inon theprocess and retrain the brain to actin different ways. Whether it'schoosing the wrong foods, lighting up cigarettes, abusing drugs or alcohol, flunking out of exams, clamming up insocialsituations or wanting to perform better on the track, the golf course or the playing field,thesubconscious mind is ultimatelyin charge. Mind coaches are currentlyin demand by majorsporting organizations, business groups and by the general public. As a skilled mindcoach, you can work from home or travel the world, alongsideprofessional sports teams or be in the company of celebrities and the wealthy.You can change the direction of your professionallife right now, just by enrolling in this course.Your skills are in widedemand because you deliver results like nothingelsecan. You might conduct a consultancy, you may choose toopen a coaching practice and meet with clients face to faceand you can always choose toproduce products that can be marketed worldwide via the internet. It's your choice how you spend your days. In this'Fast Start'master course is all you need - you will quicklyacquire the skills tobegin a highly lucrative clientpractice:Formind retrainingofathletes,Fordrug-free behaviour management andForwellness and generalperformance enhancement.Itwill also equip you to competently develop unique andeffectivemixed mediaapplicationsfor saleonline and directsale at retail outlets. Upon completion of the course, you'll alsobe awardedaprofessional coachingcertificatethat you canproudly display. We'll cover a wide range of topics including:Essentials of human behaviourUnderstandingbrain functionsTherapeutichypnosis and entrainment techniquesVoice developmentAudio production including the specialized ISM methodsEquipping your businessOrganizations to join to promote yourself and build credibilityand over 40 downloadable valuableresources you can useThis is a professional level careercourse - you'll receive thorough, ground-up training from an expertin all aspects of client evaluation,session creation, ethical &legal implications, branding & packaging.It willprovide the groundwork for good, profitablepractice management anywhere in the world.You'll learn how toidentify and penetratetarget markets,how topromote your practice and how to market your products and services worldwide. You'll get the following included in your course:An elegant certificate suitable for framingComprehensive course notesLots ofvaluablesoundfilesAll the essentialclientformsOver 200 pages ofvoicescriptsAnd you'll be authorized to use the patented ISM (interhemispheric synchronic mediation) logo in all your productions as well- it's the basis of products like the best-sellingprogilfIQand feelgoodIQ sessions and it's use isexclusive to all graduates of this course.Dr. Jason Gregg has over 50 years of worldwide experience as a peak performance mind coach,developing and marketing highly effective and profitable programs in a wide range of areas including elite sports, addiction management, behaviour control including smoking cessation and weight loss, memory and learning, pain reduction and general enhancement of all aspects ofhuman performance.He is an expert in this field and currently holds patents in the unique application of brainwave entrainment to manage human response.His programs are widelyused by elite and amateur athletes and sporting teams,and his methods have been the basis of many 'stop smoking', weight loss and other successful behaviour managementbusinesses."
Price: 39.99

"Marketing Basics for Helping Professionals"
"Therapists and other helping professionals are trained to work with their clients, but often, the training gives little or no direction about how to earn a living from their newly acquired skills, such as how to market and promote their services.If you are a self-employed therapist or a helping professional starting to promote and market your practice for the first time, this course is for you. I will teach you the basic building blocks to get you started with finding the clients you want for your practice. By leading you through some simple questions, I will guide you towards designing a marketing approach that works for you. I will also show you some of the common mistakes made by those promoting their services for the first time, and share the lessons I learned when I started my own therapy practice."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de teclado cristiano"
"Muy buenas, me llamo Lucas y voy a ser tu instructor para aprender tocar el teclado u rgano en tu iglesia.En este curso vamos a iniciar desde 0 si no sabes nada y quieres empezar para poder alabar a Dios. Espero poder darte los mejor de mi y de mis 7 aos de experiencia tocando. Cualquier duda que tengas puedes consultarme. Espero que lo disfrutes, Gracias"
Price: 19.99

"The Baby Sleep Coach System"
"Finally, the First Ever Customized Baby Sleep System That Will Teach Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night 100% Guaranteed! Of course, you want your baby to sleep through the night, nap longer than thirty minutes during the day, be able to play happily, and have more time for yourself. But you've read so many books and tried so many methods that you just don't know who or what to believe anymore. All you want is for your baby to sleep through the night, and so you can get the good nights rest that you deserve!I'll show you step-by-step how to get your baby to sleep through the night - no matter how hard you've tried before My name is Heather Pizzo (a.k.a. The Baby Sleep Coach) and I'm a Professional Infant and Child Sleep Consultant with a doctoral degree in psychology. See if this sounds familiar? One parent reports:My baby is 6 months old and is still getting up at least once or twice a night for a feeding. In addition, he is only taking two 30 to 40 minute catnaps during the day. Then after following The Baby Sleep Coach System this same parent had this to report. My baby is now sleeping soundly eleven to twelve hours straight at night. He no longer requires a feeding at night and his eating habits have improved during the day as well. He is even taking 2 one to two hour long naps a day nowYes, that's all it took! And it can work for you too I know, because it has worked for thousands of people just like you. I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly - your situation is NOT hopeless. The big problem is that parents of babies with sleep difficulties have been fed the 3 myths by doctors and other sleep experts. Here are the three biggest myths about baby sleep that will never help improve your babys sleeping habits: 1. The first is your baby will grow out of this stage and his sleep habits will improve with age. 2. The second is that feeding and sleep schedules are not related. 3. The third is not all babies are good sleepers. Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think that one baby sleep book will solve all babies sleep problems? That's why you need to try something different The Baby Sleep Coach System can help you get your baby to sleep through the night starting tonight You see, I am offering you a customized comprehensive baby sleep system, based on The Baby Sleep Coach System that gives you an individualized step-by-step formula for getting your baby to sleep through the night, nap longer during the day, and become an overall happier baby. The Baby Sleep Coach System includes detailed information on how to get your baby to sleep as well as the Baby Sleep Coachs Method Selector Tool which will help you choose the right method for you and your baby. It's different than anything else on baby sleep you've seen. This system has taken a lifetime to develop. You do not have to piece together information from countless websites offering information on how to possibly get your baby to sleep or spend tons of money on all the latest books only to find that they dont work for you. The Baby Coach Sleep System will solve your babys sleep problems in the privacy of your own home (from the comfort of your couch) in as little as 3 nights. Here Are Just a Few Of The Breakthrough Ideas Inside The Baby Sleep Coach System: * No more cookie cutter models that sleep consultants and books offer. * The amazing phenomenon of how sleep induces sleep. * Quick and easy feeding tips to help correct sleeping problems. * How there are sleep windows and how to know when they occur * How leaving your baby to cry by himself does not have to be an option. * Seven key ingredients to establishing a healthy sleep routine. * The secret of how sleep deprivation could actually be a cause of colic or misdiagnosed as reflux. plus, lots more. But you do not need to take my word for it We ordered your sleep coach system about two weeks ago and things are going so well for us. Since then he has been falling asleep on his own at six forty five with no crying. What a breakthrough for us! He is sleeping twelve hours straight now.My husband and I just want to thank you so much for helping us. We are getting more sleep, our relationship is so much better with each other and with him. We were laughing the other night because after Josh went to bed we were able to watch a movie was kind of like a date even though we were on our couch! I never realized before how having a child can negatively affect a marriage and Im so thankful to have that couple time back. ~Kristin Lambert, mother to JoshI thought my 18-month-old son was going through the terrible twos early until I found The Baby Sleep Coach. After using her program, I realized that his lack of sleep was the real problem for his temper tantrums and bad behavior, not the terrible twos! He is now sleeping twelve hours straight at night and taking two-hour naps during the day. And best of all I have my sweet baby back again. I could have never thought that sleep was so closely tied to his behavior. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ~Paula Sabatini, Mother to Jake Dont waste another second; lets get your baby to sleep so that you too can once again regain control of your life!"
Price: 199.99

"O Poder da Produtividade: Faa o Dobro na Metade do Tempo"
"Voc se sente sobrecarregado e ocupado o tempo todo, mas no nada produtivo?Voc est cansado de ficar procrastinando e no conseguir atingir os seus objetivos?A produtividade afeta todas as nossas atividades dirias, e a falta dela pode ter efeitos muito grandes na nossa vida.Muitas pessoas lutam para serem mais produtivas, ento voc no est sozinho nessa. Bloqueio mental, tdio e medo so alguns dos motivos para um dia improdutivo. Uma pessoa produtiva no tem mais tempo do que voc, e certamente ela no mais ocupada do que voc. E com este curso voc vai aprender como deixar de ser uma pessoa ocupada e sobrecarregada para ser uma pessoa extremamente produtiva e com muito mais tempo livre para fazer as coisas que voc mais ama.Neste curso voc vai aprender:Como aproveitar cada momento do seu diaPorque fazer tudo se outras pessoas podem fazer melhor e mais rpido do que vocO que rouba o seu tempoPorque voc procrastinaPorque descansar a mente um dos aspectos mais importantes na sua produtividadeO que os objetivos dirios podem fazer por vocOs melhores aplicativos gratuitos que voc pode usar para planejar o seu dia da melhor forma possvelO poder do foco e como ele pode mudar a sua vidaA melhor tcnica para no se sentir cansado, ser mais produtivo e fazer mais em menos tempo.E muito mais!Quer dobrar a sua produtividade e ter mais foco nas coisas mais importantes da sua vida?Ento no perca mais tempo e comece a ser mais produtivo hoje mesmo.Role a pgina para cima e compre o curso agora!"
Price: 294.99

"Rules behind a perfect relationship"
"This is not a course with trivial advice on relationships. We will not present you with dubious research or empty philosophical concepts. Instead we will uncover a set of rules that determine relationships. They were created by analyzing many successful couples. These rules were tested time and time again by life with the same results. If you want to self-diagnose your relationship and use the tools we provide to improve, this course is for you! If you are looking for ""a road map"" leading to a successful partnership or wonder why your relationships are flawed, perhaps you should consider the fact that relationships are governed by rules which do not like to be bent."
Price: 19.99

"Create your own React!"
"Hi, maybe you know how to use React, but have you ever thought about what happens behind the scenes everytime you render new element? Do you want to actually ""understand"" what exactly is virtual DOM, how it works and what happens inside popular virtual DOM manipulation libraries? If so, then this course is for you!My name is Filip and I am a passionate JavaScript developer, who likes to create his own libraries. In this course we'll start by creating simple React app, then we will take a deep dive into virtual DOM, and finally, I'll show you how to create your very own lightweight version of React and how to use JSX. At the end of this course you are going to understand principles, people who wrote React, understand.So if you ready to transform from a JavaScript developer to JS software engineer in no time, just click this button and I am happy to see you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Instagram Marketing: How to gain 100 organic followers daily"
"This course is for anyone and everyone no matter what your aspirations or intentions are.I will walk you step-by-step on how to reach a return of 100 followers per day even if you don't have an Instagram account. These are professional steps that are used by myself and many other social media influencers.In the end I'll direct you into some ways you could actually make money off Instagram, but the sole purpose of this courses is to get you on your way to 100 followers daily which I will also teach you how to track and manage your Instagram profile. I hope you enjoy this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Adobe Photoshop from scratch to professional"
"""""you don't love with people but you love with expectations that is attachedpeople. when you start hating people its mean they are not meeting with your desire expectations""""Expectation is build when you readdescriptions of course on any instructor. I would like to be very clear about.what I am offeringI will giveyou lot of information about almost every tools and options, half of course has been design to create brochure, logo, visiting cards and more professionals projectsyou will have command on Adobe Photoshopyou will learn the principles and way of workingyou will have insight and detail knowledgeof graphic designingyou will understand how you can start graphic designing as professionyou constructive feedback are always welcome and I will continuouslyupdating videoSpecial noteThis course is for beginners or the students who have no idea at all about Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 19.99

"Keep your sanity as a new dad"
"Becoming a dad is usually very special and happy event in most guys' lives. However, it is a huge life change and over time it can get stressful. Especially when we don't take care of ourselves.Get equipped on how to take care of yourselfphysically, emotionally, mentally you can truly show up and step up for those you love the most.Bonus tip:your partner needs to be taken care of in the exact same four areas!"
Price: 29.99

"Self Mastery, upgrade your mindset and thought patterns"
"This course will be about Mental Models, Thinking, Behaviors (especially automatic behaviors like habits), certain learning techiniques (like the route method), how to adjust your behaviors and simply think different and see things in a new light.Some short descriptions here. Waiting things out, dont let restlessness move you, relaxed focus Pomodoro Cycles, Resting enough, finding a start, stop when going good Knowing how you focus Finding and removing distrations, dont let restlessness move you, chains of habit are too light until it is too late, things add up, we need empty space for processing Why meditation will help you with almost everything, but in a subtle way that you might not always attribute to meditation, it calms you down The small creates the big, break things down to achievable steps, focus on the now, the next step you want to achieve, how to deal with problems? Breaking Push Ups or Squats into smaller steps, practice this in many aspects of your life The law of big numbers, or how long does it take until you know something will work long term? Results do not always tell us the truth, Focus on the Process Find your strength and focus on doubling down on what your strength are. What type of learner and performer are you? How to figure it out Always leave yourself some wiggling room, dont push everything to the limit at all times. Add 50% to the time you planned, dont overspend your budget, have a buffer Reducing input, stay with things longer and you will find more quality and more depth What are the triggers that you are unaware of and the need to explore them Perception is reality, the brain might register it as done, undertalk and over deliver Passive Learning, you become what you think the most, so many things in life run in automatic mode Do you really have all the facts to be able to give your opinion or judge this? Learning an orderly route to better remember facts and learn new things. Think about problems backwards, inverse them, what is the worst thing you could do here?"
Price: 29.99

"Upgrade fr deine Gedanken und deine Einstellung"
"This course is designed to take a critical look at our attitudes and to get to know some learning techniques that can accompany us on our way to growing and help us to bring more quality into our lives. We will discuss some philosophical as well as psychological concepts and also discuss their significance in our lives."
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Effective Communication"
"Having the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively, in all situations, is key to our professional success and our comfort level navigating social situations.EffectiveCommunication skills can positively impact multiple areas of your life, including work and social interactions. In today's society, many jobs require strong communication skills and people with good communication skills usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family.Effective communication is also a two-way street. Its not only how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended, its also how you listen to gain the full meaning of whats being said and to make the other person feel heard and understood.Let me help you along your path of professional and personal development.If you want to become a better listener, then this course is the one for you.You'll learn the primary methods of communicating with your colleagues, gain an understanding of the barriers that get in our way, how to be a better listener, and steps to improve your own communication style.This quick, but extremelyeffectivecourse will help anyone seeking to improve theirprofessional and personal development in the area of effective communication. Whether you're new to the professional world, or looking for a refresher course, this is the training for you.And don't worry, if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!"
Price: 19.99

"Lead Generation Machine: Cold Email B2B Sales Master Course"
"You might be offering an amazing product or servicebut getting your foot in the door to schedule that first meeting with your dream clients is usually the hardest part. Most people aimlessly try finding new clients by cold calling or going to networking events, which we all know can lead to inconsistent results, and frankly, can be a huge waste of time. There has to be a better way, right? Fortunately, there is a PROVEN method top sales people and entrepreneurs having been using to schedule appointments with their dream clients for years, and its called COLD EMAILING. Now cold emailsare, easily and decisively, one of the most effective ways for an individual or business to develop a business relationship with another company. Email is so pervasive in our everyday lives, and will continue to be the overwhelmingly dominant form of communication to do business in as time goes on. Not a day goes by where you, or someone around you, doesnt check their email. As a sales person or an entrepreneur, this is a powerful concept. Unfortunately MOST PEOPLE FAIL AT COLD EMAILING For most people, whether theyre sales people, freelancers, consultants, or entrepreneurs, they spend hours of their personal time writing and sending poorly written emails that get ZERO RESPONSESand eventually give up thinking cold emails dont work. Heres the good news: this failure is an OPPORTUNITY for YOU. As long as you use our PROVEN LEAD GENERATIONCOLD EMAIL MACHINE(which Ill show you how to do step by step), you can get a meeting with ANYONE. Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master cold emailing (and, get meetings with your dream clients): We will show you how to create a Lead Generation Machine for developing consistentnew leads and prospects to grow your businessHow to send cold emails andget a meeting with ANYONE from small, medium, and Fortune 500 companiesWhere to mine new potential clients for your business and add them to your lead generation machineHow to find the right decision maker to reach out toHow to find ANYONEs email addressWhy identifying your customers main PAIN points is critical and how to solve for their PAINHow to think and write like a professional copywriterHow to use the PROVEN Lead Generation Cold Email MachineBonus Cold Email Scripts and Templates for every situationWhen and how to follow up to people who play hard to getHow to handle objections like we dont have the budgetHow to convert emails into REAL meetings via phone or in-personThis course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to get a meeting with ANYONE whether youve tried cold emailing before or youre just getting started. Ive personally tested all these bullet proof email strategies myself with small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies in all types of industries like retail, real estate, health care, etc. as one the TOP sales people at Oracle and Y-Combinator backed startup, Lob. I promise these cold emailstrategies WILL WORK for YOU whether youre a sales person, consultant, freelancer, or entrepreneur or your money back guarantee. 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE This Lead Generation Cold Email MasterCourse is designed to walk anyone through the steps to get a meeting with your dream clients and grow your business. Everything is given to you. Youll have all the tools you need. If you do this program, take action and dont generate more leadsthen I will give you a full immediate refund. No questions asked. So if youre ready to TURBOCHARGE your business and get a meeting with ANYONE with cold emails, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99

"Communication Skills Machine: Master Persuasion & Influence"
"WHY DEVELOP YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO BECOME MORE PERSUASIVE & INFLUENTIAL? No matter who you are or what you, we all face a similar challenge What do you need to say in order to get people to say YES and how can you make that happen more often? As you know, its incredibly frustrating when you want to persuade someone to take action: whether its to get them to buy a product or service or even getting someone to listen to insightful life advice. Butsometimes we just dont know the exact words to say or how to say them during these crucial conversations.And this typically leads toheated arguments,unproductive outcomesand honestly, can be ahuge waste of timeall caused by a simple miscommunication. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT? Fortunately, Ive created aPROVENCommunication Skills Methodologythat will show you how to develop the communication skills required to become more persuasiveand moreinfluentialin both yourprofessionalandpersonallife. And its calledCommunication Skills Machine. Unlike other courses, Communication Skills Machine is theCOMPLETE MASTER COURSEthousands of people have used to master the psychology of persuasion and communication skills to have more influence in their everyday lives. As long as you use our provenCommunication Skills Machine Methodology(which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to take control of any situation. Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master persuasion and influence skills: We will show you thecore foundationsworld class performers and companies use to develop their communication skills to become morepersuasiveandinfluential in leadership roles How to authentically make a great first impression and get anyone to like you within the first 5 seconds of meeting you The most effective method to pitch your product, service, or idea that will get almost anyone to say Yes! How to take control of any conversation and guide people into seeing things from your perspective The best way to make people take an action by appealing to their emotions How you can get more people to say YES without being seen as pushy, needy, or aggressive How to master persuasion psychology principles likeSocial Proof, Time, & Scarcityto have more influence in your everyday life How to position yourself as anauthority figureand get people to listen to whatever it is you have to say How todefendyourself from anyone who tries to usemanipulative persuasion tactics on youand how touse this to your advantage This course will teach youEVERYTHINGyou need to know to develop yourcommunication skillsand to become morepersuasive & influentialinbusinessandlife,whether youre already familiar with communication skills development or if youre just getting started. Ive personally tested these bullet proof strategies during my time as one of theTOP sales professionals at Oracle, aY-Combinator backed startup,as well as in my everyday life. I'mconfident theCommunication Skills Machine MethodologyWILL WORKforYOU. Now, if youre ready to take your Communication skills, Influence, and Persuasion skills to the next level, Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99

"LinkedIn Marketing, Lead Generation & B2B Sales for LinkedIn"
"Why learn LinkedIn Marketing and Lead Generation? You might be offering an amazing product or servicebut getting your foot in the door to schedule thatfirstmeeting with your dream clients is usually the hardest part. Most people aimlessly try finding new clients by cold calling or going to networking events, which we all know can lead to inconsistent results, and frankly, can be a huge waste of time. There has to be a better way, right? Fortunately, there is a PROVEN method top sales people, recruiters, and entrepreneurs having been using to schedule appointments with their dream clients for years, and its simply by leveraging LinkedIn. Now using LinkedIn to generate leads is, easily and decisively, one of the most effective ways for an individual or business to develop a business relationship with another company. LinkedIn is so pervasive in our everyday lives, and will continue to be the overwhelmingly dominant social media network to do business in as time goes on. Everyday millions of users all around the world check their LinkedIn and its only getting started. As a sales person, recruiter, or an entrepreneur, this is a powerful concept. Unfortunately MOST PEOPLE FAIL AT UTILIZING LINKEDIN TO ITS FULL POTENTIAL For most people, whether theyre sales people, recruiters, freelancers, consultants, or entrepreneurs, they spend hours of their personal time writing and sending poorly written LinkedIn messages that getZERO RESPONSESand eventually give up thinkingLinkedIn doesnt work. Or they may even spend hours of time trying to generate leads on LinkedIn using marketingbut without a blueprint, fail to capture a single lead. Heres the good news: this failure is an OPPORTUNITY for YOU. As long as you use our PROVEN LINKEDIN MARKETING & LEAD GENERATIONMACHINE(which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to generate leads and get a meeting with anyone. Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to utilize LinkedIn Lead Generation & Marketing (and, get meetings with your dream clients): We will show you how to create a LinkedIn Lead Generation Machine for developing consistentnew leads and prospects to grow your business using a FREE LinkedIn Account How to optimize your LinkedIn Profile to get 10x more visibility and generate leads How to send cold LinkedIn Messages andget a meeting with ANYONE from small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies Access to the MOST EFFECTIVE LinkedIn Cold Outreach scripts and templates you can use in almost any situation The MOST EFFECTIVE LinkedIn Marketing strategies to capture your audiences attention and convert them into warm leads How to create a LinkedIn Group and a LinkedIn Company Page to build your profile credibility How to drive traffic to your website using LinkedIn Videos and LinkedIn Blog Posts How to generate leads using LinkedIn Ads Why identifying your customers main PAIN points is critical and how to solve for their PAIN When and how to follow up to people who play hard to get How to convert LinkedIn conversations into REAL meetings via phone or in-person This course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to generate leads on LinkedIn using marketing and outbound strategies and get a meeting with ANYONE whether youre already familiar with LinkedIn or just getting started. Ive personally tested all these bullet proof email strategies myself with small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies in all types of industries like retail, real estate, health care, etc. as one the TOP sales people at Oracle and Y-Combinator backed startup, Lob. I promise these LinkedIn strategies WILL WORK for YOU whether youre a sales person, recruiter, consultant, freelancer, or entrepreneur or your money back guarantee. This LinkedIn Marketing & Lead Generation MasterCourse is designed to walk anyone through the steps to get a meeting with your dream clients and grow your business. Everything is given to you. Youll have all the tools you need. If you do this program, take action and dont generate more leadsthen I will give you a full immediate refund. No questions asked. So if youre ready to TURBOCHARGE your business and get a meeting with ANYONE with using LinkedIn, then Ill see you inside! -Patrick"
Price: 194.99

"Sales Fire: B2B Sales & Business Development for Startups"
"WHY MASTER THE ART OF SALES AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT?No matter how amazing your product or service, if dont have the right sales mindset, strategy, & tactics to convince others to buy into your vision and generate revenue, how will your business survive?And building business relationships and generating sales is typically the most difficult part about growing your startup.Most people aimlessly go into sales meetings without clear plan, force their products or services onto their prospects, and go home empty handed wondering why they didnt close the deal.As you know, this can be a huge waste of time.THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT?Fortunately, Ive created a PROVEN methodology specifically for startups and B2B businesses to master the art of sales and close more deals. And its called Sales Fire.Unlike other courses, Sales Fire is the COMPLETE BLUEPRINT the top Silicon Valley companies use to develop their sales skills and exponentially grow their businesses.As long as you use our proven Sales Fire Methodology (which Ill show you how to do step by step), youll be able to close a deal with anyone!Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to turn a complete stranger into a paying customer from start to finish:Well show you how to build your own scalable sales process to consistently close new customersYoull learn the psychology of why people buy and how to make your product/service irresistible for your target market The best sales strategies and tactics the top companies use to build their sales team from scratch and generate more revenueHow to write your own sales script that converts strangers into paying customersThe best way to pitch your idea and convince people to believe in youHow to get customers to buy emotionally and justify logicallyHow to close deals without using high pressure techniquesHow to handle deal breaking objections and turn skeptics into buyersExactly how to run a successful business meetingThis course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to develop more business relationships and generate more sales whether youre already familiar with business development & sales or if youre just getting started.Ive personally tested all these bulletproof growth strategies myself with small, medium, and Fortune 500 companies in all types of industries like retail, real estate, health care, etc. as one the TOP sales people at Oracle and Y-Combinator backed startup, Lob.I'm confident the Sales Fire Methodology WILL WORK for YOU to grow your business or your money back guarantee.Now if youre ready to take your sales skills to the next level, Ill see you inside!-Patrick"
Price: 194.99

"Kickboxing Klass with Karissa"
"Kickboxing Klass with Karissa:This courseis abeginnerto intermediate kickboxing course. It does require you to work out and it is high intensity. However, it is also a TONOFFUNand will get you toned in no time. As well as getting in a good work out, this course will teach you how to defend yourself correctly in case of any potential threats. Kickboxing is a great way to relieve daily stress, while getting in a good workout.We will go step by step together through the workout routines. Each class, the momentum will pick up, the moves will be longer and you will use more force. This klass is an opportunity for you to grow strong physically as well as mentally.Your body was made to be active.You are strong!You can do this and Ican help.Let's go kick some butt!"
Price: 59.99