"Beginners Guide To Sewing" |
"In this course we will explore the sewing machine, we will look at what all the different features are and how to operate them. We will look into the care of your sewing machine andhow to clean it. We will review what is needed for a basic sewing kit and why not to get carried away with gadgets and extras. We will also learn how to wind a bobbin and how to thread a sewing machine. You will alsolook atdifferent stitches available and practicing the basic stitches. I will talk through different terminology for the elements of the sewing machine and give you some top tips as a beginner."
Price: 19.99 |
"Affordable Email Marketing Automation with MailerLite" |
"Do you want to take your online business to the next level? Using email marketing automation is a proven way to do that. Unfortunately, many systems out there will cost youa lot of money.In this course, you willlearn how to do email marketing automation with MailerLite. Using MailerLite, you can get started for free and get all the features. It means thatyou can start using email marketing automation for your business without costing you a penny!This course will help you get the most out of the automation features in MailerLite. It introduces you to the features and shows you how to use them for different scenarios. At the end of the course, you will be ready to take your business to the next level!"
Price: 74.99 |
"How to Invest Long-Term in Bitcoin" |
"Do you want to achieve your long-term financial goals?Do you want to find a better way to invest your money?Investing long-term in Bitcoin could be the answer you are looking for.Bitcoin is the hot topic in finance for a good reason: its value has increased significantly compared to other financial instruments.But many people come to the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies with a short-term mindset. They just want to make a quick buck.This course is different becauseit takes the long-term view. This is nota get-rich-quick scheme. Instead, it teaches you how to win the game in the long-term. It uses proven investing principles to do that.So, if you want to reach your long-term financial goals, this is thecoursefor you.I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99 |
"AtaanaMethod Energy Healer Training: Part 1" |
"The AtaanaHealing Method is an advanced form of energy work that is one of the most effective healing methods. It is streamlined to support transformation and self-empowerment (calling all of your power back to yourself). And to clear yourself from unhealthy attachments and drain energies to fortify your healthy progress and Life ForceBy taking this course you will go into alignment with the powerful energy healing system that supports you in your self-healing and allows you to support others in their spiritual development."
Price: 139.99 |
"AtaanaMethod Energy Healer Training: Part 2" |
"The AtaanaHealing Method is an advanced form of energy work that is one of the most effective healing methods. It is streamlined to support transformation and self-empowerment (calling all of your power back to yourself). And to clear yourself from unhealthy attachments and drain energies to fortify your healthy progress and Life ForceBy taking this course you will go into alignment with the powerful energy healing system that supports you in your self-healing and allows you to support others in their spiritual development."
Price: 139.99 |
"Learn All About Drafting Profession" |
"Learn about drafting, drafting profession, its disciplines and how important it is in the design process.Find out why learning a CAD software isnt everything you need to know to become a great drafter and designer. Understanding the basics of how to use the software can certainly give you a head start in this career, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.Course ContentAs there are many stages in the design and construction process, different drafting disciplines take on different roles in these stages and do not carry the same responsibilities. Learn which one is the most aligned with the vision of your future job:drafting disciplines,coordination between disciplines,BIM basics,jobs computerisation,Artificial Intelligence these are only some of the topics that will be covered in this course.Experience real life projects from the city of stunning architectural designs. See what challenges face designers as they embark on these projects and discover how these challenges can be overcome.There is much more to this profession than 3D modelling skills. In your job you are the one at the forefront of creativity in the office, the one who is able to look ahead and be aware of the technology advances. Learn why creativity can give you an edge and see how future can affect and potentially reform your professional life.Course OutcomeBy the end of this course you will be able to understand where this career can take you. Choosing your right path will be much easier and clearer.This course is suitable for everyone who wants to learn about the drafting profession. If you feel stagnating in your current job, or wish to be more creative, this course will provide you with insights into this occupation. You will learn how drafting progressed and where it is heading.Things you need to knowIdeally, you would have a technical mindset, your maths and physics at a secondary school or a college level, love the idea of 3D modelling and are interested in technology developments. This profession is rapidly evolvingfind out how it may be affected in the future and what you need to do to stay relevant in the changing world."
Price: 29.99 |
"[Mehr Leads] Landingpages & Lead-Generation mit WordPress!" |
"Landingpages zhlen zu den wichtigsten Marketingwerkzeugen im Internet. Sie sind deine 24/7 Mitarbeiter. Mit richtig aufgebauten Landingpages wirst du:erfolgreich Produkte verkaufenLeads sammelnGeschichten erzhlenEmotionen weckenund Menschen zum Handeln bringenEgal worum es geht: Um Lead Generation Pages mit denen Newsletter Kontakte gesammelt werden, oder Produkte die prsentiert und verkauft werden. All das wird auf Landingpages gemacht. Es gibt viele kostenintensive Anbieter wie Clickfunnels und Leadpages, aber in Wirklichkeit kann das alles mit geringem Aufwand und dem richtigen Wissen selbst erstellt werden.In diesem Kurs bekommst du alles was du brauchst um deine perfekten Landingpages selbst zu bauen! Lerne es richtig und setze dafr dein Geld gleich in Werbung ein, anstatt in teure Werkzeuge die du auch kostenlos haben kannst!Und es geht tatschlich! Ich baue seit langem fr mich und fr meine Kunden mit diesem System und mit WordPress ausgeklgelte Sales Funnels und Landingpages auf. 100 Fache Gewinne fr ein Hundertstel der Kosten.Viel Erfolg und viel Spa beim Verkaufen,Alex Hammerschmied"
Price: 69.99 |
"[10.000+] Passives Einkommen mit Affiliate Seiten aufbauen" |
"Erschaffe dir das Fundament fr dein passives Einkommen.Affiliate Nischenseiten sind einer der schnellsten und vor allem Nachhaltigsten Wege, um online Geld zu verdienen.Was ist Affiliat Marketing berhaupt und wie beginnst du am besten mit deiner Affiliate Nischenseite? Genau darum geht es in diesem Training. Ich zeige dir einen, modernen, schnell gelernten und guten Weg. Mit dieser Anleitung baust du die perfekte Seite fr jede Nische. Und das mit minimalen Kosten und geringem Zeitaufwand. MEINTIPP: Halte dich an die Reihenfolge dieses Kurses. Wir bauen gemeinsam Schritt fr Schritt eine Affiliate Nischenseite auf. Danach hast du ein Template in der Hand mit dem du schnell und einfach viele weitere Nischenseiten erstellen kannst. Ohne das Rad jedesmal neu zu erfinden. ffne die Tre zu einer Karriere als Online Unternehmer!Viel Erfolg auf deinem Weg in die Freiheit,Alex Hammerschmied"
Price: 69.99 |
"[Onlineshops] schnell+einfach mit WordPress & Woocommerce!" |
"Hast du schon ein bestehendes Geschftund mchtest deinen Verkauf auch Online starten? Hast du gerade deine ersten Produkte erstellt und mchtest diese endlich in deinem Online-Shop verkaufen? Ich zeige dir,wie ein funktionierender Online-Shop innerhalb krzester Zeiterstellt und erffnet wird!In diesem Kurs lernst Du:Deine Domain registrierenWordPress installierenEin passendes, kostenloses ThemeinstallierenPassende, kostenlosePluginsbenutzen:Woocommerce - die wahrscheinlich erfolgreichste Lsung am Markt!DeinenOnline-Shop aufbauenDeine Produkte erstellen undin den Shop einbauenNotwendige Einstellungen fr den Kassabereich, die Zahlungsmethoden, Steuer und VersandPayPal integrierenGutscheine erstellenBaue dein eigenes Shop-System mit einemkostenlosen Theme und Plugins auf, ohne zustzliche teure Software!Du lernst Schritt fr Schritt wie die einzelnen Einstellungen funktionieren und was du beachten musst. Du bekommst das notwendige Wissen,um sofort deinen Onlineshop zum Laufen zu bringen.Starte heute und gehre zu den Gewinnern von morgen! Beginne jetzt den Kurs und werde ein erfolgreicher Online-Shopbesitzer!"
Price: 69.99 |
"WordPress Masterclass! Vom Anfnger zum Profi in 5 Stunden" |
"In der WordPress Masterclass lernst du:das Anmelden deiner Domain und deines Webspacewie du WordPress mit nur einem Klick installierstwie du WordPress richtig konfigurierstdie einzelnen Funktionen von WordPress und wie du sie nutztdie Grundlagen des WebdesignWie du Schriftfonts, Farben und Bilder wirkungsvoll auf deiner Seite verwendest.wie du mit dem besten Pagebuilder (Elementor) tolle Seiten und Blogbeitrge machst.Ich fhre dich anhand von Praxisbeispielen durch alle Funktionen die du fr den erfolgreichen Aufbau brauchst. Du wirst deine eigene Website und deinen Blog nach modernen Marketing und Webdesign Erkenntnissen gestalten. Dadurch bist du deiner Konkurrenz den entscheidenden Schritt voraus. Wir behandeln gemeinsam alle Punkte damit deine Seite DSGVOkonform ist.Du lernst alle Tricks, um schnell und einfach zu wissen was zu tun ist.Du wirst: deinen eigenen Blog,deine Brand Website,und auch Landingpagesaufbauen und betreiben. Die WordPress Masterclass macht dich fit fr deinen Blog und das Onlinebusiness. Du bekommst alles was du fr dein eigenes Online-Business brauchst.Du bekommst alle Werkzeuge in die Hand, um deine perfekte Seite selbst aufzubauen.Die Videos sind wie einNachschlagewerk konzipiert. Dadurch kannst du im Nachhinein jederzeit nachschauen wenn du etwas wiederholen oder ganz genau wissen willst.Alles Gute, viel Erfolg und vor allem viel Spa! Ich freue mich auf dich, in der WordPress Masterclass!Alex HammerschmiedMEIN TIPP:Durch den Schritt fr Schritt Aufbau zahlreicher praktischer Beispiele und realistischer Seitenstrukturen, kannst du dein eigenes Projekt parallel zum Kurs aufbauen. Indem du die vorgezeigten Techniken direkt auf deine eigene Seite anwendest wirst du in krzester Zeit WordPress lernen und zeitgleich dein Projekt fertigstellen. So sparst du enorm Zeit und kannst das gelernte sofort in die Tat umsetzen!"
Price: 119.99 |
"AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction" |
"Serverless computing will shape the future of web development since it allows you to get rid of many issues ""traditional"" web hosting poses. Now's the time to dive into this exciting new technology!Unlike in traditional web hosting, where you spin up servers, configure them and then deploy your code, in serverless applications, you don't manage any servers! Instead, you only provide your code and define when it should get executed. Done!Without managing any servers, you typically pay way less (since you got no overhead capacity), can react much better to incoming traffic spikes and don't have to worry about server security!For these very reasons, it's no wonder that serverless computing is on the rise, with more and more companies adopting it! Learn it now to gain an edge and either use it for your own projects or apply for high-paid jobs!What does this course offer then?This course will introduce you to serverless computing and then quickly dive into how to build serverless apps with Amazon Web Services (AWS).Specifically, you will learn:how you can build a REST API without worrying about servers, using AWS API Gatewayto set up your on-demand code via AWS Lambda how to execute that Lambda code whenever incoming requests reach your defined REST endpointshow you can store data in a database - naturally without managing any database servers!We won't stop there though! Instead, you'll then dive even deeper into serverless computing and learn:how you can add user authentication to your existing frontend apps and how you can then also protect your REST API against unauthenticated access with ease!how you can easily integrate a complete user sign up & sign in flow (including user confirmation) into ANY app (web app, iOS or Android app!) with AWS Cognitohow to deploy your web app in a serverless mannerhow to speed up the delivery of your static web app assetshow to secure your serverless appwhat else you can build with the services covered in this course and which other services might be interesting to youwhere to dive deeper regarding advanced development workflows and much more!Is this course for you?Now that you know what this course offers, is it the right choice for you? Which skills should you bring?This course is absolutely the right choice for you if you're interested in providing great web applications without worrying about the provisioning of servers.It's also the right choice if you already got experience as a system administrator but are interested in keeping up with the latest developments and the many new possibilities serverless computing offers.You will need some basic AWS knowledge, or the willingness to dive deeper into AWS alongside taking this course. Additionally, a credit card is required for signing up to AWS.Finally, you should be familiar with APIs and SPAs (Single-Page-Applications) and which role they play in today's web development environment. You don't need to know how to create them though.I'd be very happy to welcome you on board! "
Price: 144.99 |
"Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript)" |
"Angular is an amazing JavaScript (TypeScript)framework which allows you to build small, medium or large Single-Page-Applications (SPAs). Since the code runs entirely in the browser, you can build user experiences which are way faster than traditional websites could ever be!The skills required to build such SPAs are in extremely high demand since this kind of web app is very popular and allows you to build almost mobile-like, highly reactive user experiences.Indeed most modern web applications are built as SPAs today!As the creator of the 5-star rated, BESTSELLINGAngular course here on Udemy,I know what I'm talking about and I know what the core features of Angular are which you need to learn. It's my goal to allow you to focus on these core features to get the quickest and best introduction into Angular, you can find!Learning Angular never is a wrong choice and with this course, it's more correct than it ever was before!This course gives you the fastest and most efficient way of diving into Angular. If you don't want or can't take my CompleteGuide on Angular or you want to get a feeling for Angular before doing so, this course is for you! It's also your #1 choice if you already know Angular but want to have resource for refreshing your basic Angular knowledge as fast as possible.Whilst this course is much shorter, it gives you all the core insights into Angular you need. It focuses on the heart of Angular, the most important features Angular offers you and even shows you how to build a complete Angular app!Telling by the length of the course, you might not believe it, but you'll actually learn about all these topics:What Angular isWhat TypeScript is - including a super-efficient introduction to itHow to use the CLI to create Angular projects and manage themHow Angular apps start and workWhich role components play and how to use themHow to bind and pass dataHow to debug your appHow to use other, 3rd party JSlibraries in an Angular appHow to use directivesHow you may manage application state with servicesHow to turn your SPAinto an ""illusionary""MPAwith routingHow to handle user input with formsHow to send Http requestsHow to build your project, optimize it and deploy itMuch more!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide" |
"Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the next big thing in web development as they bring mobile-app-like experiences to your users without requiring them to install an app from the app store/ play store.You still create a web application (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) but this course will teach you how to add features such as camera access, service workers for offline support, push notifications and more. This combines the best of both worlds: You deliver fast, engaging and reliable experiences whilst still having the reach and accessibility of a web page.""Progressive Web App"" simply is a term summarizing all the features allowing you to deliver mobile-like experiences. The topic is highly trending and it also is a topic which is here to stay! Not only is it strongly promoted by Google (actually a lot of talks at Google I/O 2017, Google's developer conference, were devoted to PWAs), it's also quickly being adopted by big companies like Twitter or the Washington Post.Having the skills to build and optimize these kind of web apps is already an important and highly demanded skill for modern web developers, a trend which is only going to accelerate! Therefore, learning how to build PWAs will give you a competitive edge!In detail, this course will cover everything you need to build amazing PWAs - leading to a score of 100 (out of 100) in Google's PWA auditing tool ""Lighthouse"":Detailed explanation about what a PWA exactly isHow to use an app manifest to make your web app installable on device homescreensUsing service workers to offer offline support by caching assetsAdvanced service worker usage and caching strategiesA refresher on Promises and the Fetch API as both concepts are heavily used in PWAsHow to improve user engagement by adding push notificationsA way to synchronize data in the background, even if connection is lostHow to access native device features like the camera or geolocationUsing Workbox to make service worker management easierExplanations on how to turn your next SPA project into a PWAAnd moreAll these things are of course put into practice by building a course project. To ensure that you can apply the knowledge to ANY of your projects, the course project doesn't assume any JavaScript framework but focuses on the core features mentioned above!So this course has a lot to offer, how do you tell if it's for you though?It definitely is the right choice if ...... you already are a web developer (no matter if experienced or still new to the business) and want to prepare for the future... you enjoy working with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and want to leverage the full power the web and browser technologies have to offer... you want to deliver the best possible experiences to your users, using technologies like web push notifications or offline supportWhat do you need to know to get the most out of the course?You need to know at least the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScriptNo advanced knowledge of these technologies required thoughYou DON'T need to know any JavaScript framework like Angular or React - PWAs work with ANY JavaScript app, even if you don't use a framework at all (actually, that's what we'll build in the course!)I'd be very happy to welcome you on board of this course and start this journey together with you!Max"
Price: 149.99 |
"React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)" |
"This course is fully up-to-date with the latest version of React and includes React Hooks! Of course it will be kept up-to-date in the future :-)---What's this course about?Learn React or dive deeper into it. Learn the theory, solve assignments, practice in demo projects and build one big application which is improved throughout the course: The Burger Builder!More details please!JavaScript is the major driver of modern web applications since it's the only programming language which runs in the browser and hence allows you to provide highly reactive apps. You'll be able to achieve mobile-app like user experiences in the web.But using JavaScript can be challenging - it quickly becomes overwhelming to create a nice web app with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery only.React to the rescue! React is all about components - basically custom HTML elements - with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web apps. Just build a component once, configure it to your needs, dynamically pass data into it (or listen to your own events!) and re-use it as often as needed.Need to display a list of users in your app? It's as simple as creating a ""User"" component and outputting it as often as needed.This course will start at the very basics and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we'll go all the way from basic to advanced. We'll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react-router and Redux. By the end of the course, you can build amazing React (single page) applications!A detailed list with the course content can be found below.Who's teaching you in this course?My name is Maximilian Schwarzmller, I'm a freelance web developer and worked with React in many projects. I'm also a 5-star rated instructor here on Udemy. I cover React's most popular alternatives - Vue and Angular - as well as many other topics. I know what I'm talking about and I know where the pain points can be found.It's my goal to get you started with React as quick as possible and ensure your success. But I don't just focus on students getting started. I want everyone to benefit from my courses, that's why we'll dive deeply into React and why I made sure to also share knowledge that's helpful to advanced React developers. Is this course for you?This course is for you if ......you're just getting started with frontend/ JavaScript development and only got the JS basics set (no prior React or other framework experience is required!)...you're experienced with Angular or Vue but want to dive into React...know the React basics but want to refresh them and/ or dive deeper...already worked quite a bit with React but want to dive deeper and see it all come together in a bigger appWhat should you bring to succeed in that course?HTML + CSS + JavaScript knowledge is required. You don't need to be an expert but the basics need to be setNO advanced JavaScript knowledge is required, though you'll be able to move even quicker through the course if you know next-gen JavaScript features like ES6 Arrow functions. A short refresher about the most important next-gen features is provided in the course though.What's inside the course?The ""What"", ""Why"" and ""How""React Basics (Base features, syntax and concepts)Managing state with class-based components and React HooksHow to output lists and conditional contentStyling of React componentsA deep dive into the internals of React and advanced component featuresHow to access Http content from within React apps (AJAX)Redux, Redux, Redux ... from basics to advanced!Forms and form validation in React appsAuthenticationAn introduction to unit testingAn introduction to Next.jsReact app deployment instructions...and much more!"
Price: 189.99 |
"NodeJS - The Complete Guide (incl. MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL)" |
"Join the most comprehensive Node.js course on Udemy and learn Node in both a practical as well as theory-based way!Node.js is probably THE most popular and modern server-side programming language you can dive into these days!Node.js developers are in high demand and the language is used for everything from traditional web apps with server-side rendered views over REST APIs all the way up to GraphQL APIs and real-time web services. Not to mention its applications in build workflows for projects of all sizes.This course will teach you all of that! From scratch with zero prior knowledge assumed. Though if you do bring some knowledge, you'll of course be able to quickly jump into the course modules that are most interesting to you.Here's what you'll learn in this course:Node.js Basics & Basic Core ModulesParsing Requests & Sending ResponsesRendering HTML Dynamically (on the Server)Using Express.jsWorking with Files and generating PDFs on the Server (on-the-fly)File Up- and DownloadUsing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) PatternUsing Node.js with SQL (MySQL) and SequelizeUsing Node.js with NoSQL (MongoDB) and MongooseWorking with Sessions & CookiesUser Authentication and AuthorizationSending E-MailsValidating User InputData PaginationHandling Payments with Stripe.jsBuilding REST APIsAuthentication in REST APIsFile Upload in REST APIsBuilding GraphQL APIsAuthentication in GraphQL APIsFile Upload in GraphQL APIsBuilding a Realtime Node.js App with WebsocketsAutomated Testing (Unit Tests)Deploying a Node.js ApplicationAnd Way More!Does this look like a lot of content? It certainly is!This is not a short course but it is the ""Complete Guide"" on Node.js after all. We'll dive into a lot of topics and we'll not just scratch the surface.We'll also not just walk through boring theory and some slides. Instead, we'll build two major projects: An online shop (including checkout + payments) and a blog.All topics and features of the course will be shown and used in these projects and you'll therefore learn about them in a realistic environment.Is this course for you?If you got no Node.js experience, you'll love this course because it starts with zero knowledge assumed. It's the perfect course to become a Node.js developer.If you got basic Node.js experience, this course is also a perfect match because you can go through the basic modules quickly and you'll benefit from all the deep dives and advanced topics the course covers.Are you an advanced Node.js user? Check the curriculum then. Maybe you found no other course that shows how to use SQL with Node.js. Or you're interested in GraphQL. Chances are, that you'll get a lot of value out of this course, too!PrerequisitesNO Node.js knowledge is required at all!NO other programming language knowledge (besides JavaScript, see next point) is requiredBasic JavaScript knowledge is assumed though - you should at least be willing to pick it up whilst going through the course. A JS refresher module exists to bring you up to the latest syntax quicklyBasic HTML + CSS knowledge helps but is NOT required"
Price: 199.99 |
"MongoDB - The Complete Developer's Guide 2020" |
"MongoDB is one of the most important NoSQL databases you can work with these days. It's extremely popular and MongoDB developers are in high demand.No matter if you're building web applications, mobile applications or any other kind of application or if you're a data scientist - you'll need to work with data. Storing data, querying it efficiently and minimizing complexities whilst optimizing performance are crucial tasks.MongoDB makes working with data simple - it's built on a philosophy that prioritizes performance and efficiency.In this course, you'll learn all about MongoDB from scratch. No prior MongoDB or database experience is required!In detail, you'll learn:... how to install and use MongoDB locally and in the cloud (MongoDB Atlas)... how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on MongoDB databases... how to filter for data efficiently... how to work with both the Mongo Shell and drivers (e.g. Node.js driver)... how to increase performance by using indexes (and how to use the right indexes!)... how to use the amazing ""Aggregation Framework"" that's built into MongoDB... what replica sets and sharding are... how to use MongoDB Atlas - the cloud solution offered by MongoDB... how to use the serverless platform (Stitch) offered by MongoDB... and much more!This course is a hands-on course - you'll learn by writing code/ commands. We'll work on a wide variety of example data and use-cases and by the end of the course, you'll have all the knowledge you need to work with MongoDB in your next project!This course is for you, no matter which programming language you plan on using, you'll learn a uniform way of interacting with MongoDB that can be easily applied to any language.This course is for you:... if you're brand-new to MongoDB and databases in general... if you got some basic database or even MongoDB experience - in this course, there are different entry points you can choose from!... if you are a web or mobile app (or desktop app) developer who considers using MongoDB... if you're working in a team that considers using MongoDB (or already does use it)... if you are primarily using SQL-based databases so far and you want to explore the most popular NoSQL alternativeThis course is NOT for you:... if you're looking for a guide on administrating MongoDB servers => This course focuses on the commands/ queries you write, it's NOT an administration course. I will show (in detail) how to deploy a ready-to-use cloud MongoDB solution that follows best practices though."
Price: 164.99 |
"Web Components & Stencil.js - Build Custom HTML Elements" |
"Let's face it:You got thousands of HTMLtags to choose from but some really helpful ones (<tabs>, <side-drawer>, <modal>, ...)are missing.What if you could build your own HTMLtags?Without frameworks like Angular, libraries like React or expert JavaScript knowledge in general. Just with a magic, native-JavaScript feature called ""Web Components"" (or ""custom HTML elements"").Web Components are a combination of various specifications that are baked into the browser. Getting started with these features is a breeze and you'll quickly be able to build your own powerful and re-usable (even across projects!)custom HTMLelements.Such custom elements don't replace Angular, React or Vue though - instead you can easily use them in ANYweb project, including projects using such frameworks and libraries.In this course, you'll learn this from scratch.But we won't stop there. Whilst getting started is fairly easy, more complex components will be more difficult to create.Stencil.js is a tool that makes the creation of such native web components much easier by using modern features like TypeScript and JSX(don't know that?No worries, you'll learn it in the course!).In detail, in this course you will learn:how to build re-usable, lightweight custom HTMLelements with native browser featureshow to build web components of all complexities - from a simple tooltip to modals or side drawershow to pass data into your own web components and use it therehow to emit your own custom events which you can listen to in JavaScripthow to use the Shadow DOMto scope your CSSstyles to your custom elementshow to use Stencil.js to get a much easier development workflowhow to use the many features Stencil.js provides to build native web components way more efficientlyhow to deploy/re-use your own web components in ANYproject using ANYJavaScript framework like Angular, React or Vue (or none at all!)Prerequisites:Basic JavaScriptknowledge is a must-haveES6 JavaScript knowledge (const, let, classes, ...)is strongly recommended but not strictly required - a brief refresher is provided as part of the courseNO JavaScript framework knowledge (e.g. Angular, React, Vue)is requiredNOTypeScript or JSXknowledge is requiredLet's dive into this exciting technology together!"
Price: 124.99 |
"Learn How To Read Tarot Cards" |
"This course is for the person who wants to be more self-aware about their subconscious.The cards are not only used to read the future but Tarot Cards are a template that reflects our Chakra Resonance and it is also a representation of our DNA coding. With that said, it is a divine system in which for some reason it scores accuracy when one asks a question. Join the course today!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Forex Trading Now! .. climb advanced Forex peaks fast" |
"On this forex trading course, you will acquire essential knowledge needed to become profitable forex trader, taught by a private trader with more than 20 years of experience. Forex trading business is full of false assumptions, wrong information, unrealistic methods and complicated tactics, which only add to a traders confusion, instead of generating profits.Simply put, you cannot be forever profitable by using someone elses forex trading tactics because every person reacts differently during certaintrading events. If you try to copy another forex traders methods, you will end up closing an opened position prematurely, while those with more endurance under pressure will prevail, because they have more appetite for risk than you have. What you can do is to acquirerobust, provenrules, skills and behavior patterns, which you can adapt to your own character and emotional profile. That way, you will always feel confident, insteadof being confused while thinking about what someone else would do in your place.One particular rule says that complicated matters beyond our control should not be treated in a complicated way. You have to treat them simply and consistently because this will be the only thing you can control in forex trading, and that will also be your main advantage. Your simple, but robust tactics will be the forex markets Achillesheel. Every other approach will only add to the overallclutter, which is the main reason why so many forex traders are constantly confused, not knowing which rules they need to stick to.Let me explain this in a straightforward way. The forex market is too powerful to be giving attention to any single trader. The forex market will behave the same, no matter which tactics you use. Furthermore,the market will not change its behavior in order to prevent you from using some clever tacticto generate profits. It will simply ignore you, while handing over your profits. It would be as if you said, Well, forex market, you know have I found some profitable tactics, only for the market to reply, Take your profits, I dont care.After you finish this forex trading course, you will feel relieved and confident because you will know exactly what to do, and, even more importantly, what to avoid or ignore. You will know what to do in order to make profitable forex trading moves. You will also find out what is realistic to expect, no matter what you have been told before.This essential course is the result of having read many books about forex trading and psychology, acquiring countless bits of information and possessing more than 20 years of practical forex trading experience. I would dare to say, it is almost impossible to buy all this knowledge and experience in a single package, for any price whatsoever.Even if you decide not to actively trade, you will acquire a lifetimes worth of knowledge, which you can use in many different situations. For example, you can supervise the fund managers who take care of your savings or pension funds etc.because, believe or not, they use similar knowledge to manage your funds.*Disclaimer: this course is written carefully and with all good intentions, but it is not a guarantee for profits on the Forex market. Every student is responsible for his/her own decisions and actions."
Price: 49.99 |
"WordPress Web Design and Advanced Theme Development" |
"Would you like to make more money as a web developer? or maybe you want to start making money as a new web developer because it gives you a lot of free time and flexibility? Or maybe you want to start your own Web Development business? or want to work as a Web Designer and Developer at the freelancing market places? No matter what your reason is to be a professional web developer, you're in the right place. No Matter how old you are and what your educational background is, that after finishing this your you will have enough knowledge to start your own Web Design and Development business or start a new career as a freelance web designer and developer. After finishing this course you will become job-ready and you will have the below skillset.HTML and HTML5PHP and WordPressCSS and CSS3jQuery PHP Language (basic)Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Fireworks (Better than Photoshop when it comes to designing Websites)PSD to HTML & CSS template creation ability Ability to use WordPress (There are tons of jobs out there for Web Systems Administrators)Ability to create Advanced WordPress Theme (Endless job opportunities for WordPress Developers)I've started learning about HTML CSS, jQuery, jQuery UI, Photoshop back in 2005 and I have learned it the traditional way which is to learn by reading books and even though I love reading books, I found it pretty difficult to acquire or generate a visual concept by reading text-based learning materials and I didn't have anyone (an instructor) to answer to my queries. In this course, I have covered and covered all the step learning curves that I have endured during my journey to become a Web Designer and Developer so that you don't struggle to understand any concept which may be vital for your journey to become a Web Designer and Developer. So What are you waiting for? Start becoming a professional web Designer and a WordPress Developer today and change your World!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Facebook Anzeigen Masterplan" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du einfach und effektiv High-Performance-Anzeigen auf Facebook erstellst.Der Kurs beginnt mit einen Grundlagen-Lektionen, um die spteren Lektionen auch fr Anfnger leicht verstndlich zu halten. Du lernst:Wie du Beitrge und Seiten bewirbstWie du ein passendes Ziel fr deine Werbekampagne auswhlstLaserscharfe Zielgruppen erstellst (sogar wenn du nicht weit, was deinen idealenKunden ausmacht)Wie du mitRetargeting auch fehlgeschlagene Conversions noch zum Positiven wendestWie wir es geschafft haben, bis zu 0,1 Cent pro Klick auf eine Webseite zu zahlen!Wie du packende Beitrge, berschriften und Bilder erstellstDer Kurs beinhaltet zudem weitere Themen wie:FacebookGraph SearchZielgruppenstatistikFacebook PixelCustom/Lookalike-AudiencesIch freue mich, dichbald im Kurs wiederzusehen!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Catapult Conversions: STICKY Website Brand Basics" |
"Due to a high churn rate (9 out of 10 businesses fail)among the540,000businesses that begin monthly in the US alone, we can see the benefit in making your business memorable and instantly relevant to your targets. Planners win.A well-craftedBrand Identity isessential tothis winningstrategy.Make sure yours is in place, andworking for you by the time you open your doors or launch online.Confusion about the need for, and process behind, full development of a solid Brand Identity keeps many emerging ventures in the dark about what actually drives conversion. Abundant online propaganda, advertising, and blog posts about SEO lead less experienced business owners and entrepreneurs to believe that Search Engine Optimization and analytics (tactics) are the primary road to snagging and holding visitor attention. Even worse, the promoted belief is: with enough traffic, sales will automatically follow.This flawed logic skips past the essentials: image and messagepositioningeffectiveness, agreement, consistency, clarity, and calls to action must be prominently integrated as a strategic core. Without a clear, clean, credible expression of Brand Identity on a website, and throughout every other promotional channel & point of presence there is nothing for a customer to recognize about your differentiation that will compel them to purchase from you instead of the competition: now.Join the training and gain crucial insights to create a STICKY environment that overcomes visitor bounce rates, churn, and bleeding funds. Learn how to put those financial resources to use in the right way:boosting results &catapulting conversions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bootstrap 3 ile Grid Sistemi ve rnek Proje Yapm" |
"Tartmasz ki tasarm dnyas her geen gn farkl yeniliklere imza atyor. Hzl gelimeler deien yaplar derken bizlerde bir ekilde buna yetimeye alp kendimizi gncellemeye alyoruz. Bootstrap tasarmlarmz hzl bir ekilde oluturmak iin biilmi kaftan. Dzenli snflar, hazr bileenler ve esnek yapsyla kendi tasarmlarnz istediiniz gibi oluturmanz ve mobil dnyann hakim olmaya balad gnmzde tm cihazlarda herkese eriebilmemizi salyor.Sizlerde bu eitimi alarak Bootstrap 3 kullanmayrenebilir, kendi projelerinizde kullanabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Mastering Relationships: Communication, Conflict, and Caring" |
"The Mastering Relationships Course increases yourknowledge and experience in the three key areas necessary for success in personal and work relationships: Communication, Conflict, and Caring (or providing support and guidance). It gives your profile of your own styles for Communication, Conflict and Caring/Nurturing, and uses videos and downloadable practical exercises and key takeaways, to show you how to improve your skills in these areas. In addition, you will get two lectures of Dr. Brookes discussing how to overcomethe challenges of motivating oneself to change for the better. You will also get Dr. Brookes' eBook on Mastering Relationships."
Price: 59.99 |
"GCSE Biology Overview" |
"This course provides you witha quickoverview of GCSE Biology and is designed to aid your learning at school. This courseis full of explanation videos which rhyme in order to help the information stick in your brain. Additionally, there are extra notes and quizzes to help you build up your knowledge.This course is aimed at students who are studying coreor double science, but may also help with some aspects of triple science revision.By the end of the course you will be able to understand the importance of cellular components, identify how the heart pumps, recall how specific plant hormones work, and much more!The following sections are included in the course:CellsLifestyle, Drugs and Defence against diseaseHomeostasisHeart and CirculationBreathing and RespirationDigestionNerves and HormonesDNA and InheritanceProteinsSpecies, Adaptation and the EnvironmentPlants"
Price: 19.99 |
"A Beginners Guide to Bookkeeping" |
"This course provides a comprehensive guide to basic bookkeeping. If you are looking to start a financial qualification in Accounting or setting up your own business, this course provides the essential foundation to ensure you have the skills and knowledge to be successful. Easy to understand examples are also provided in the course which help reinforce the keyconcepts of bookkeeping."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cronoanlise aplicada em BPM e Lean Thinking" |
"Como podemos obter melhores resultados operacionais em nossos negcios? Sabemos que medir, analisar, melhorar, balancear e monitorar os tempos das atividades de um processo, so aes fundamentais para se obter maior domnio sobre as oscilaes operacionais. Alm disso, as organizaes que estudam corretamente suas atividades, possuem maior agilidade e assertividade nas atualmente to conhecidas mudanas de rota, provocadas pelas variaes de mercado. A Cronoanlise uma das principais ferramentas da medio de processos, aplicada para o estudo e definio dos tempos das atividades dos processos. muito importante que analistas e gestores de processos, conheam os reais tempos e capacidades das atividades dos processos, assim podero utilizar essas informaes para otimizar os resultados operacionais.Nosso curso Cronoanlise, aborda os temas relacionados com a estruturao da rea de medio de tempos e capacidades, aplicando os mais modernos conceitos de gesto por processos, baseados nas disciplinas de BPM & Lean."
Price: 249.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones - Part 1" |
"This course is thefirst part of the 3 course series The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones.Thispartcovers the basics of land surveying and how drones have revolutionized this process. Wehave detailed all the steps involved in flight planning and execution and how you can go about processing the images captured to get the needed outputs. This course is especially useful for those of you who are beginners and have no experience with drone surveying.The course series has over 4000 enrollments across 114 countries since it wasreleased 10months back and it has been a bestselling course on Udemy.Reviews""Though the information about the workflow is exhaustive, it has been put in a very nice and concise way, I have started offering Drone Survey in my bouquet of services and today I got my first paying customer! Thanks.""""clear, descriptive, fun and generous teaching""""Great content and easy to follow and understand. I think this is essential for anyone starting out with aerial mapping workflow.""""Good for beginners. Simple and easy to understand explanation which is very helpful for non technical people. I have learnt so much in under one hour!""""The instrucor is very knowledgeable about drone mapping and it shows in the way he explains the entire workflow. I've really enjoyed the course!"""
Price: 99.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones - Part 2" |
"This course is thesecond part of the 3course series The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones. This part covers the steps involved after you have processed the images from your drone survey. Wehave detailed post processing using various software applications such as QGIS, AutoCAD, Google Earth Pro and Gimp. We've also covered how to create the best reports for your clients and finally, how you can convert all this knowledge you have gained, into a sustainable and profitable business. This course is a continuation of the first course. It also useful for those of you who are already in the drone survey business.The course series has over 4000 enrollments across 114 countries since it wasreleased 10months ago.Reviews""This is one Informative, clear and well done course. A lot of knowledge on post processing of drone data has been shared that is not available anywhere. Thanks!""""The course is meticulously made with great visuals and the instructor takes you through the process step by step, elucidating all the concepts . There are a lot of materials like checklists etc that are a must have for all drone surveyors. Absolutely fantastic!""""Part 2 of the course is fantastic! Kinda closes the loose ends when it comes to delivering drone mapping outputs to the customer. I used to be daunted by the thought of having to use qgis and autocad. Well, not anymore!""""This course is completely technical and detailed. I would say it is a must for anyone who wants to do further than just process drone images on dronedeploy and pix4d.""""I like the fact the it uses QGIS open source. Many small companies can't afford the expensive programs. Besides, it's a good refresher."""
Price: 99.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones - Part 3" |
"This course is the third part of the 3course series The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones. This part covers end to end processes and techniques of using Ground Control Points (GCPs) for Land Surveying with Drones.To obtain the highest amount of global accuracy in your drone mapping project, the most common and effective method is to use GCPs. We have detailed out all the steps involved in strategizing, capturing and processing drone survey data with GCPs.This course is especially useful for those of you who have experience with aerial surveying and want to make your outputsabsolutely survey gradebyincorporating global accuracy.The course series haveover 4000 enrollments across 114 countries since it wasreleased 10months back.Reviews""Great job by instructors to simplify and present the process. The workflow and demonstration of the process were of great value to me.""""Good explanation and demonstration of the process.""""Absolutely fantastic! Along with a perfect workflow for using GCPs in an aerial survey, I learned much about the gps technology as well today :)""""The on site video example was the clincher. Made everything so clear!""""Interesting course. Look forward to doing the assignments."""
Price: 99.99 |