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"Plan de Marketing para NO Expertos"
"En este curso nos vamos a meter de lleno en nuestra estrategia de marketing, donde te ensear una serie de conceptos CLAVE y haremos los ejercicios correspondientes para determinar:Cules son las necesidades, miedos y frustraciones, y deseos y aspiraciones de nuestro mercado objetivo, para que sepamos cmo dirigirnos y hablarle a ese mercado.Cul ser la CATEGORA MENTAL de tu negocio, para que puedas presentarte como una NUEVA y ATRACTIVA OPCIN, demostrar tu diferenciacin y persuadir instantneamente a tu mercado objetivo, desde el momento en que ven tu publicidad en internet. Crearemos el Avatar de tu cliente ideal, de tal forma que tengas siempre presente a quin le hablas y puedas as, definir mensajes de marketing ULTRA PERSUASIVOS siempre Una metodologa simple, pero MUY EFECTIVA, para inventar nombres VENDEDORES para marcas, servicios y/o productos de cualquier mercado e industria Que es el COPYWRITING (redaccin persuasiva) y cmo aplicarlo a TODAS tus piezas y materiales de marketing, de manera de aumentar los niveles de conversin de tus banners, landing pages y ventasY mucho ms"
Price: 84.99

"SEO para NO Expertos"
"En este curso aprenderscmo trabajar el posicionamiento SEO de tu sitio web, de tal manera de aumentar de forma muy robusta el trfico orgnico que recibes desde el buscador Google y as tener una NUEVA fuente de trfico y vender aun ms de tus productos y servicios.Aqu te ensear:Qu es y cmo funciona el concepto de SEO y trfico orgnico, para que entiendas la lgica de trabajo y por qu funciona de la forma en que funciona; y as entiendas las lecciones de este curso y ejecutes correctamente las tareas del mismoCmo trabajar el SEO Interno de tu sitio web, para optimizarlo completamente y de esa forma, aumentar drsticamente los niveles de trfico orgnico que te enva Google da a daCmo trabajar el SEO Externo de tu sitio web, para que este sea POPULAR en Internet y Google te enve MS trfico orgnico calificado todos los dasQu es la LONG TAIL y cmo usar este concepto para disparar los rankings y trfico orgnico de tu sitio, para que vendas msCmo trabajar publicando contenidos y cmo multiplicarlos para su posterior distribucin, de tal manera de REGAR el Internet con tus contenidos y por ende, recibir hordas de visitas orgnicas calificadas a tu sitio webTaller de optimizacin SEO de tu sitio web PASO a PASO y CLIC por CLIC, utilizando distintas herramientas de optimizacin, como por ejemplo, Google Search Console (ex Google Webmaster Tools)"
Price: 84.99

"Instagram Ads para NO Expertos"
"En este cursoaprenders cmo funciona y cmo hacer CAMPAAS EXITOSAS de publicidadla plataforma de Instagramy cmo te conviene orientar tus campaas y anuncios para aumentar las conversiones y optimizar el presupuesto.Aqu te ensear:Por qu utilizar Instagram Ads y el contexto de los usuarios y la publicidad en esta red socialCmo Construir un Embudo de Marketing Aplicado a Instagram AdsDefinir los tipos de Campaas a Utilizar de acuerdo a tus Objetivos ComercialesCmo Crear Anuncios de Alta Conversin Utilizando Instagram AdsCmo complementar Instagram Ads con otras plataformas como Google AdWords o Facebook Ads a travs de los Pblicos PersonalizadosCmo crear una campaa en Instagram Ads PASOa PASO, CLICpor CLIC."
Price: 84.99

"Love Selling: how to sell without selling out"
"You need to sell, your business depends on it. With no sales there is no income and no business.As a sole trader, a small business owner or new in your first sales role, you need the tools, tactics and clear guidance on how to get those sales coming in.Audrey Chapman is a #1 bestselling author, accomplished tutor, coach and speaker and has spent almost three decades applying, teaching and improving the philosophy and processes outlined in this course.InLOVE SELLINGshe shares the secretsof her revolutionary approach on how to sell without selling out. In each of the four modules, Audrey guides her students through the lessons in her own unique style. Warm, upbeat, and practical, she revealshow it is possiblefor any willing student tocreate profitable and sustainable salesresults without having to sell out.Module 1: The genuine yesModule 2: How to dive into your customers worldModule 3: How to involve your customerModule 4: Purposeful productsWhether you are just starting out in sales or a seasoned sales person, when these lessons are integrated into daily practice they deliver outstanding results; for the student AND the customer. Don't listen to the common sales conversation which historically focuses on closing; instead find a new way of selling start ing with a deep conversation about opening.So do you want to?Radically improve your selling success while keeping your integrity intactGrow your sales more easily and without sales pressure on you or your prospectsDiscover why focussing on closing sales can stunt your sales growthLearn to LOVE selling; either for the first time or all over againIf the answer is yes then the LOVE SELLING method is for you. It will positively change and improve how you feel about sellingimmediately."
Price: 199.99

"Brain Empowerment- focus- success - happiness- easily done!"
"This coursebrings you the SECRETS of rapid learning & fast thinkingthat will transform your BRAIN into a machine that will serve you in all areas of life and will advance you a few levels up. The videos give simple steps for overcoming thinking problems. The process is availeble to you everywhere!This course design to provide tools,activities and exercises that provide you the right framework to faster your MIND.Alin's story begins with typical school difficulties in a peripheral city and continues with overcome those difficulties, administrative positions in the field of education and even the establishment of a unique learning center that teaches students withlearning disabilities,foreign languages in a fascinating way. Alin has gone through a long peocessof revealing and discovering the tools that influence success. Through the many studies that Alin has done, her learning and practical work, she reveals how to make the brain more efficient so you would be able toperformfastest and better! The course consists of 4 parts: *The first part is the introduction to the course. *The second part deals with knowing and training three abilities: working memory, flexible thinking (innovation) and inhibitions. *The third part deals with problems when absorbing our information from the environment and how these problems can be corrected. *The fourth part deals with problems as we pass the information out - to others, and how anyone can overcome them. Who is the target audience? 1. People who want to learn things fast and develop creative thinking. 2. People who strive to job promotion. 3. People who want respect, honor and money. 4. People who want financial well-being and security. 5. People who want to increase their free time so that they have more time for family, friends and hobbies and will still be in high status and demonstrate skills in their workplace."
Price: 154.99

"Hacking with Nmap in Kali Linux"
"I'm sure you have heard of nmap before. It has been around since the 90's and featured in many movies and TVseries involving technology.In this course, I will quickly show you in great detail how to use nmap to scan and enumerate a target. Including, but not limited to;Scanning hosts to find alive hostsScanning open ports, and understanding closed ports, with firewalls.Enumerating services and software versions accuratelyEnumerating a targets Operating System to better gauge the next phase of attackPutting it all together, generating a nice report that we then convert to an html file."
Price: 19.99

"How to Become a Successful Daily Vlogger on YouTube"
"This Course is designed to teach you from scratch how to upload daily Vlogs on YouTube Using Just Your Smartphone.Vlogging is becoming a tredding mode of communication. People are vlogging about their daily lives, holidays, businesses and daily 'live' events. Nowhere before in history hve we been able to get avery 'unedited' real life take of the world which is real!. Vlogging is growing Fast and it is soon to become big business.Enrol today and learn the fundamentals of what it takes to upload daily. I am going to save you allot of hardache and pain and cut straight through what works and what doesn't and what you need to do to launch a successful channel on YouTube."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Engineering Models for Software & Web Developers"
"Ihave been a software and web developer for decades and have always wanted to know how to design software and websites using engineering models. How do you design software withthe same sort of precision used to build skyscrapers,bridges, aircraft, and submarines? This class is the first class in a series that is meant to teach software and web developers of all skill levels and abilitieseverything Iwish Iknewabout modeling software 20 years ago when Iwas making my first websites. This class is avery broad introduction, coveringengineering andengineering models, as well asall the types of engineeringmodels software and web developers can use for back-end and front-enddevelopment,databases, and project management. Engineering as a discipline is compared to architecture, design, art, and craftsmanship. Topics include structural models, behavioral models, managerial models, graphical models, simulations, prototypes, mock-ups, scale models, formal mathematical models,and more. This is a class for introductory students as well as advanced practitioners.This is NOT a class where Iwill read the slides to you -- Idon't like that style of classmyself. Ihave tried to layer as much information as possible into the videosto make a class that students can watch and re-watch and find new bits of information each time. This class contains lots of new information you will not find other places. Itried for many years to find this information before realizing it just wasn't out there and that Ineeded to create it myself. The engineering models presented in this class can help you design better software in less time and with fewer flaws and security vulnerabilities. These techniques are how you build security into software from the very beginning, rather than trying to tack on ""security"" at the end."
Price: 64.99

"The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp"
"Hi! Welcome to the Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp, the complete course that will help you learn the latest technologies, tools and libraries to become a proficient web developer. Think of this course as an encyclopedia of all the knowledge you need to take your developer skills to the next level.There are quite a few options out there for online training, but we are certain this course is the most comprehensive and frankly the best one out there - heres why:This course is taught by professional bootcamp instructors. The material youre going to learn has been taught to hundreds of students in person and hundreds of thousands online.Everything well cover in this course is up-to-date and even anticipates future advancements to prepare you for what is to come. We focus on the most commonly used technologies, libraries and frameworks.This is the only full-stack developer course that covers Advanced CSS, Advanced JavaScript, NodeJS, D3, React and Redux!!We build over 10 projects and have dozens of code challenges with solutions to ensure you understand the material and dont just watch us talk!You get to meet our wonderful course mascot - Whiskey the dog!Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:ReactReact-RouterReduxCSS3 Transitions, Transforms and AnimationsTesting with JasmineD3SVGBuilding charts, force graphs and data visualizationsES2015 keywords, arrow functions, class syntax, and much moreES2016 and ES2017 and cutting edge features to JavaScriptCallbacks, Promises, Generators and Async FunctionsBuilding Node.js APIsBuilding Single Page ApplicationsObject Oriented Programming inJavaScriptClosures and the keyword 'this'Functional Programming in JavaScriptAuthentication and AuthorizationAsynchronous Code with JavaScriptThis course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of ""watch as I code"" videos. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging. The course includes:LecturesCode-AlongsProjectsExercises and SolutionsResearch AssignmentsSlidesDownloadsReadingsIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Weve all been working in the education industry for the past four years and love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be!If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know to be successful as a modern JavaScript web developer, take this course."
Price: 199.99

"Yoga Miracle Morning: Powerful Rituals for Your Best Day"
"Morningshold incredible magic andpower,what you do after you wake affects how you move through the rest of your day.In this transformational course, I share a range of tools to help you to create a powerful morning routine.From movement and meditation to affirmations and journalling, these techniques have the power to supercharge your morning and ultimatelychange your life.You'll also find a a guest moduleform Dashama, who is an amazingyoga teacher thathas one of the most successful yoga courses on Udemy. She shares 'The Miracle ofMiracles' kriya, which will instantly uplift and inspire you, and itcan have profound influence on your life. I've alsoincluded extras such as the bestbook recommendations, gratitude practices and infused water recipes.Oh, and it's all shot on the beautiful Hawaiian Island of Maui too.The great thing about this course is that you can 'test drive'new techniques,and then custom make a personalised morning routine that is best suited to your needs and current circumstances. These teachings will help you to vibe-up, bliss out, and start every morning the right way.So come and practice with meinparadise. Namaste!"
Price: 19.99

"Como usar Facebook Ads y pagar slo 0.0001 por tu anuncio"
"Aqu vasaprender la manera correcta de crear un anuncio en Facebook que te permita sacarle todo el jugo de la plataforma de Facebook Ads. Vas a poder conocer y aprendercmo es que los anuncios se hacen ""Trending"" (virales) en cuestin de minutos. Con esta tcnica puedes asegurarte de que tu Facebook Ad te de mejores resultados agrande escala y obtener mejorpresencia.Slo como referencia, te muestro mis resultados en la plataforma de Facebook Ads para que veas que en realidad yo estoy pagando $0.0001 por mis anuncios.Adems esta misma tcnica te permite obtener Reactions (reacciones de las personasen tu anuncio), Shares (que las personascompartan tu anuncio), y Comments (comentarios en tu anuncio). Pero por si estofuera poco, tambin obtendrs Likes (Me gusta) en tu ""Pgina de Facebook"". Todo esto en conjunto har crecer tu red social,tu anuncio y tcontenido ser de relevancia en la red social de Facebook,atrayendo ms trfico orgnico y pagando slo una fraccin ($0.0001) de lo que puede llegar a costar ste servicio con otras compaas.Hay millones de maneras de hacer que esto funcione, pero yo te dar los mismos pasos que yo personalmente utilizo en mis ""Pginas de Facebook"" cundo creo anuncios en Facebook. Yo no tengo nada que ocultar y para llegar a tener estos resultados he gastado ms de $1,000 dlares intentando varios mtodos para obtener la frmula correcta y obtener ms por menos en la plataforma de Facebook Ads."
Price: 199.99

"Tableau Expert: Top Visualization Techniques in Tableau 10"
"Tableau is a phenomenal visualization program. Even beginners can pick up the program and, within a few weeks, days, or even minutes, create beautiful visualizations and dashboards. This also creates a challenge for the Tableau Professional: how do I make my charts and visuals stand out from the crowd?This course is the answer to that dilemma. Condensing four years of advanced and professional data visualization experience down into a 5.5 hour course, MasteringTop Visualization Techniques in Tableau 10 provides not only theory, but also practical applications for how to bring your Tableau game to the next level.When bar charts and line graphs justaren't enough anymore, this is the course for you."
Price: 199.99

"Creative Portrait Photography Series: Outdoor Milk Bath"
"Featured Review: ""This tutorial is first-rate! It shows step-by-step the process of doing an outdoor creative water shoot, and is loaded with helpful tips on how to do it (based on first-hand experience). Highly recommended for anyone interested in doing this super-creative type of shot!"" - Dave PalmerAre you looking for fresh inspiration in your beauty and fashion photography?Do you want to take advantage of the nice weather and bring your photography sessions outdoors?Do you suffer from a slow summer season and need new ways to attract more clients?Do you want to create jaw dropping mini sessions to boost your income?Do you want to stand out from the crowd, wow your clients and attract models with eye-catching photography?Then this course is perfect for you. Celebrate the summer with a magazine style 'pool shoot' that is playful with a gorgeous feminine yet empowering look! Your clients will feel like top models in the Caribbean - and what's more, creative portrait photography doesnt have to break the bank. There are no borders to conceptual photography, as we'll show you with inexpensive props and a small outdoor area.Youll be amazed at what you can do with just a kiddie pool, bath drops, flowers, milk and other creative props!You will learn:Preparing the shoot - location, practical considerations.Posing tips when the model is lying in the kiddie pool.Camera settings, using a light meter, flash and natural lighting options.Fly on the wall view of 3 photoshoot sets - water, colors and flowers, milk 'hot pink'.3+ hours of Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop videos to transform the images into stunning works of art!Do you love working with flash? Natural light? Both?Sandy and Matt will cover flash techniques and camera settings, as well as the best ways to take advantage of natural light to get the most variety from your shoot.First, Sandy and Matt take you through the preparation and set up of the shoot, including what props to buy, practical tips on handling posing your model in water, and camera and lighting settings. Then you'll get a fly on the wall view of the shoot that implements all the ideas so you can do exactly the same.Then Sandy walks through a complete, comprehensive Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop set of tutorials (over 3 hours) on how to transform the images into amazing works of fine art. At the end, your images will look like they belong in a high fashion magazine and your clients will receive a truly unique style of photography that sets you apart from your competitors.Whether you are a beginner DSLR photographer or a seasoned pro, you will find a host of tips and tricks that will help you create fantastic images. This highly practical course shows you a new way of beauty photography - how to create a dreamy water pool-style that will be an outstanding addition to your portfolio. If you want to achieve higher sales, and help to think outside the box for your next photoshoot, then this course is for you!"
Price: 124.99

"Set Up A Photography Studio With Equipment - On A Budget"
"Featured Review:""For anyone who is a beginner, I like the fact that you are using people who have grown from their own experiences! They are down to earth and explain the differences of the products they use, like you are in the room with them."" - Lawrence BrentonDo you ever struggle with wind, rain, heat or the wrong time of day at your photo session and think 'it would be so great if I had my own studio'?Do you ever think 'I wish my client's location wasn't so cluttered or dark or ugly' and 'it would be so great to have my own studio'?Do you want work in a safe environment where you are in control, and be the master of your light?If you answered 'YES!' to at least one of those questions - then it's time for you to think about finding and setting up your own photography studio space!We went through all those issues from battling rain when living in England to harsh Californian summer heat, so we understand you. If you want to bring your photography to the next level but are daunted by all the factors involved in setting up a studio with the right equipment, then with us you are in good hands. This course will save you a ton of research time and money by drawing from our own experience, cutting straight to the necessities with no fluff, so you don't have to make the same mistakes. In this course we will cover:Finding the right studio locationSize and shape of the roomPros and cons for your own needsLighting equipment from flashes to studio strobesModifiers - softboxes, beauty dishes and moreBackgrounds - stands, paper/vinyl/patternedProps and accessoriesThink about how fun it would be not only to work in your own environment, but also to meet your client for the pre-consultation or sales presentation in your own photography studio rather than in a crowded coffee shop.You will be able to produce a greater variety of images in a smaller time frame - which means more customers and more profit. Or if you are shooting for a hobby, you will be able to create your vision without being at the mercy of the weather or location.For your great new photography studio you don't even need a huge space or super high ceilings. We will go through all our studio's limitations and how we found solutions so you can achieve the same results.After this course you will know what you need to get going with setting up your own studio space whether it's in a leased room, spare bedroom or basement in your home. ***Plus: A complete 1.5 Hour Lighting Tutorial to show you all our different modifiers!***Have fun and Happy Shooting!"
Price: 124.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC Portrait Retouching Masterclass"
"Featured Review: ""Fantastic course. From setup Photoshop for quick workflow over the whole beauty retouching techniques to many tricks. Highly recommended from my side !"" - Peter LeinfellnerThis course is for photographers who want master creative and efficient portrait retouching in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop CC. If you would love to bring out the best in your images, this course is for you!Fully retouched images are now expected by clients and models. But most likely you dont want to spend hours working in Photoshop but rather develop an efficient workflow that will enable you to finish images quicker, meaning you can get back to shooting your next project. In this masterclass, I will show you step-by-step the most important functionalities in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop CC, so you can develop your images to their highest potential.You will learn:The best Adobe Camera Raw development processes.All important Photoshop tools, from skin healing tools to clone stamp to content aware fill. Skin softening, teeth whitening, tanning.. the list goes on!How to create the most amazing look for your subject: Subtle yet effective ways to sculpt and shape bodies.How to stylize your image to its fullest potential.How to use actions to streamline your workflow.Workflows that include natural light and studio light environments.You will learn to enhance your photos with the right adjustments of white balance, tonality and exposure, you will understand important methods to fix skin blemishes and apply softening but we will also look at tricky situations like fixing your backgrounds and how you can create actions to work super fast.After you have finished this video training course for Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop CC, you will have mastered all the techniques to create stunning retouched portrait images that will wow your clients, and your models."
Price: 144.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC For Beginners"
"Featured Review:""This course is a very thorough and informative lecture on Adobe Photoshop CC. There's a detailed section on Layers, which I think is a very important concept in Photoshop editing and a must for anyone interested in using this tool. Sandy describes the various selections in the menu bar and the different functions available in the toolbar. This is a great resource indeed. Sandy did another fantastic job with this lesson. :)""- Pocholo PasicolanAre you a photographer who is looking to learn Photoshop, but doesn't know where to start (or there is too much confusing info out on the internet)?Looking for a practical approach that doesn't confuse you with technical terms and jargon?This beginners course is for photographers who want to understand all the important functions in Adobe Photoshop in a very practical approach. It will be like I'm taking you by the hand, explaining everything in a very visual and conversational way, so you dont have to worry that its too technical or difficult to understand.But I don't just skim the surface! This course takes you in detail through the most useful Photoshop tools and menus, all while applying them to an image so you can see their effects. This way you will be able to implement them on your own images immediately.You will learn:The Photoshop interfaceThe Tool BarThe Menu BarThe different layer options and their blending modesyou will get to know all important filters and adjustments so you can bring your images to their fullest potential without any problems. I will also go through two workflows where all these tools get put into action: a wildlife photograph, and a portrait image.I had once the same questions that you have now and we will explore all those tricky looking photoshop buttons and functions so that you don't have to worry about them, and can start getting the best potential from your images.At the end of the tutorial you will not only understand all those photoshop techniques that are relevant for photographers but you will also love photoshop! You will be mesmerized how it can bring your images to a whole new level, how it will spark your creativity and how much fun it is! "
Price: 94.99

"Night Sky Photography - Milky Way and Star Trails"
"Featured Review:""Best training material for capturing night sky (+post processing) I've ever came across."" - Peter LeinfellnerAre you fascinated with the night sky and wondered how they get those Milky Way and Star Trail images?Looked outside and all you see is an orange, light polluted sky? Where are all the stars?The night sky is one of the most awe inspiring sights that we have the privilege of witnessing.Weve been photographing the night sky since moving out to California from rainy England in 2012. The skies literally opened up with possibilities now that we could count on good weather most of the time, but learning how to photograph the night sky could be challenging and confusing. We've traveled all around California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, going through many nights of trial and error to pinpoint the best and easiest steps to get great results and we are going to share them with you in this course.Its estimated that 80% of the US population cannot see the Milky Way due to light pollution. This is a sight that should not be missed for the world - but it will need some planning and some traveling. How much traveling is really down to your proximity to a big city.After this course, you will be able to know how to take images of the Milky Way and star trails by following a clear set of guidelines. You will get outdoors, capture the wonder of the universe and create great memories at the same time.Note - this course is from a Northern Hemisphere perspective, but the principles are still applicable everywhere!In this course you will learn:How to find the perfect location for photographing the Milky Way and Star TrailsUnderstand the best times of year and how to work around the Moon cyclesThe equipment and settings needed for surefire resultsThe retouching process to bring out the best in your images.A bonus: create a  Timelapse at the same timeAnd more.This course is for the photographer who wants to take images of the amazing Milky Way but has either tried and not gotten far yet, or who wants to get fully prepared before heading out and not to waste time. No special equipment is needed besides your camera, tripod and a few accessoriesGo ahead and enroll to start on you way - I promise you will never look back and the night sky is an addictive place to photograph!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Bridge CC and Adobe Camera Raw for Beginners"
"Featured Review:""I've been interested for a while in learning about Adobe Camera Raw (having heard about it, but not really seen much useful information about it) - so this is very enlightening. It's definitely interesting how Lightroom is really not that necessary!"" - Steven RickerWelcome to our course Adobe Bridge CC and Adobe Camera Raw For Beginners!Most photographers think they have to use Lightroom to organize and enhance their images and didnt even hear about the fantastic inbuilt catalog system called Bridge, and the even better image developing program called Adobe Camera Raw - or ACR for short. Which is a shame because not only are both programs very easy to use, but they are absolutely FREE and BUILT into Photoshop!So understanding how to use Adobe Bridge efficiently and enhancing your images with Adobe Camera Raw are vital for developing a great workflow within Photoshop and I will show you how easy it is! This course is for photographers who would love to enhance their images whilst also organizing them, so that they are easily accessible. No matter if you are shooting landscapes, cities, wildlife or portraiture - with this tutorial you can develop your photographs to their highest potential.  And with the images that you can find in your course materials you can even work side by side with me. So what will you learn in this course?In this course you will learn:How to access Adobe BridgeHow to organize your images How to download your images into BridgeHow to access ACR and how to create presets to guarantee fantastic results every single timeHow to sync your settings to save time in your editing workflowHow to combine single images into a PanoramaAnd so much more!I will show you step-by-step the most important functionalities in Adobe Bridge and ACR. At the end of the course you will know:How to efficiently catalog and rate your images,How to tag your images with keywords How to protect your images by appending copyright protection in your metadataHow to enhance your images to their fullest potential with ACR How to use basic developments in Exposure, White Balance and Sharpening and more defined adjustments like the radial filter and my favorite tool - the adjustment brush.And why smart collections are awesome! And even better - you will be absolutely astounded how easily you can use all those techniques and how much fun they are! Watch your pictures come to life without even opening Photoshop!So if you are interested in seeing me in action, go ahead and watch some previews! Or if you want to develop your images to their highest standard: Enroll now and lets get started with creating your best pictures ever! See you soon!"
Price: 104.99

"Posing Like A Pro: Create Your Best Portraits Ever! Part 1"
"Featured Review: ""It is just perfect, we have a lot of well explained information with lots of samples and also the PDF... just get it trust me."" Thank you Carlos Albert Martinez Gomez!Welcome to our course Posing Like A Pro: Create Your Best Portraits Ever!This is Part 1 of our posing series and is a classroom style course, covering the 200 page eBook 'Posing Like A Pro'.Make sure you download the PDF from lecture 4! I will talk through examples of great poses, bad poses, and things to look for - all supported by images and assignments from the book. It's the perfect precursor to Part 2 of our posing series: ""The Ultimate Posing Flow"", which is a live photography studio session, showing you how to implement the poses with real models. Here we focus more on the ""do's"" than the ""don'ts""Why did I make this course?Whilst teaching workshops I realized that most of the attending photographers were really savvy about photography techniques and new technology but would freeze when they had to pose the Model or would run out of ideas very quickly. Nine times out of ten we had the following scenario: Student talking to the Model: Do this! Do something completely different! OK good, lets go somewhere else. Me to the Student: Why dont you finetune the pose or develop it further? Student: Well, I dont know how.I dont know anything about posing!So, thats when I realized 2 things:First: It was time to write my own book about posing to really break things down as much as possible!And Second: Why not also turn this book into a tutorial so I could demonstrate all those poses and scenarios? Because THIS way my photography students could take the book with them to their shoots (for some guidance and reference) AND also watch me demonstrating all those poses (plus seeing overlaid images to understand even better why some poses work and some dont)So, let me tell you a few things about Posing Like A Pro:In this course you will learn ALL the THEORY about posing STEP-BY-STEP. You will learn to design poses that flatter your Model and your Client. You will understand the importance of animating the Models body and why its critical to the Success of Storytelling. Being a great Portrait Photographer means being able to create memorable images continuously AND on the spot. And this is exactly the No. 1 WORRY for many new (and even intermediate) photographers: How can you guarantee your Model or Clients these amazing images, that make them look like a million dollars - time after time after time? (And without that you need to freak out!) This is why you will learn the following:How to Evaluate Your Location / Your Subject / Your LensesHow to Create Great Shooting ConceptsHow to Pose the Body to Look Effortlessly SlimHow to Pose Your Models Hands in Flattering WaysHow to Use Props to Enhance Your StoryLearn the Difference Between Male and Female PosingHow to Pose People with Weight IssuesLearn about the Importance of the Right LightWhat to Do When Your Mind Goes BlankWhy Different Photographic Styles Demand Different PosingAnd So Much More!At the end of Posing Like A Pro you will be able to flow through the poses, without your client looking stiff or unnatural and without your mind ever going blank. You will know all the tricks to accentuate your subjects best features whilst integrating location, lighting and communication.Also - Our little assignments will help you to practice your photography skills actively to really deepen your understanding of pro and cons of certain poses. AND: In your course materials in Section 2 (Lecture 4) and again in the final Lecture, you will find a link to your own copy of Posing Like A Pro e-book (which includes even more secrets: For example the 7- ingredients-recipe for producing outstanding photography!)Intrigued? Ready to Create Your Best Portraits Ever?Go ahead and watch our previews or - if you want to learn all our tricks right now: Enroll into Posing Like A Pro and lets get started in creating your own posing flow!See you soon!Sandy_________________________Some reviews:""I really enjoyed Sandy's course, friendly explained the ""how-to"" and ""why"" with no bla-bla (means: not boring) to get the most flattering pictures of/for your clients. I think it covers everything for posing as summary of the greatest books about posing out there. Additionally you get the whole thing as PDF inside the course to download. Very professional, highly recommended !"" - Peter Leinfellner""amazing explanation and a phenomenal instructor"" - Lisa Dubinsky""What a fantastic set of material from someone who clearly has a lot of experience photographing all kinds of people and models. I love how Sandy clearly explains each topic and is very easy to follow and implement. Seems like a lot of instructors talk very high level, but she goes into each detail about posing, and has done a lot of research on the matter. Highly recommended."" - Will Perez"
Price: 199.99

"Easy Portrait Retouching With Lightroom Classic & Photoshop"
"Featured Review:""Very easy to follow and very informative. So far this is the best instructional class I have purchased from UDEMY!"" - Mathew YudellHi and Welcome to our tutorial Easy Portrait Retouching With Lightroom Classic And Adobe Photoshop. ***Includes 45 Lightroom Presets and All Practice Images*** (Lecture 99)Fully retouched images are now expected by clients and models. But most likely you dont want to spend hours working in Photoshop but rather develop an efficient workflow that will enable you to finish your images quicker, meaning you can get back to shooting your next project.This course is for photographers who want to improve their portrait retouching in Lightroom and Photoshop with a quick and easy workflow. If you would love to bring out the best in your images whilst working creative and time efficient, then this course is for you!In this course, I will show you step-by-step the most important functionalities in Lightroom Classic and Photoshop, so you can develop your images to their highest potential. You will learn to enhance your photos with the right adjustments of white balance, color grading, tonality and exposure, you will understand important methods to fix skin blemishes and apply softening (without destroying pores) but we will also look at tricky situations like fixing your backgrounds and how you can create actions to work super fast. And even better - in the course materials you will find all the presets that we develop in this course - so you just download those and apply them to your images - easy as that! So at the end of the course, you will be able to use and develop Lightroom presets that guarantee you a quick, easy and creative retouching workflow. You will also know how to edit your images further in Photoshop efficiently. If you want to know how to edit beautiful portraits that will blow your clients away every time - go ahead and watch some previews or if youre ready to learn the tricks of the trade - enroll now! See you soon!"
Price: 149.99

"Posing Like A Pro: The Ultimate Posing Flow! Part 2"
"Featured Review: ""It was definitely a good match. I am trying to set up my own home studio and it is the second course I take with her. I love how clearly she explain things with German accent and easy going smiling kind manners. I am learning a lot cause when I don't have a professional model but a couple, or a mum or kids or families, it is not so easy for me to pose them :) this course helps to still get the images you want"" - Alexandra GrippaHi and Welcome to our course The Ultimate Posing Flow For Portrait Photographers!This is Part 2 of our posing series ""Posing Like A Pro"" - join us in the photography studio for live sessions where we put everything you learned in Part 1 into practice! Or if you already have a little experience, then jump right in here.BONUS: Includes PDF sheets with almost 1500 poses for you to download and take to your shoots! Also: Closed Captions are available!In our photo studio we have led over 50 photography workshops so far, specializing in creating conceptual photoshoots. And knowing how to pose a model or client is a big part of a successful shoot. I realized that most of my students were really savvy about photography techniques and new technology but started to freeze when they had to pose the model.One of the most important skills that you will need to develop as a portrait photographer is being able to direct your subjects into the right pose. It will make your model or client feel natural, and your photography session will flow.At the end of this course, you will know how to pose your clients and models for the most flattering pictures. If you watched my tutorial posing like a pro or if you have already learned the foundations of posing for portrait photography,  this course takes those lessons even further by bringing you into my studio where you can watch how I put it all together into a real shoot to create the posing flow.To give you a real life experience, I will show you how I work with a model versus a couple that never stood in front of the camera. None of the shoots are rehearsed with the exception that I briefed our model Rebecca to bring some different wardrobe items for variety. This means you will see realistic posing problems and questions that your client or model might have, and how I communicate with them to bring them into the right pose.The entire tutorial is shot from my point of view, so you are more than just a fly on the wall - you see everything almost exactly as if you were behind the camera! Each time I take a shot, the image is overlaid so you can see the result straight away. There is no post production on them - they are SOOC - straight out of camera with the exception that they are cropped in ACR. Sometimes Ive also adjusted the white balance because different styles of image look best when they are warmer or cooler in tone.In this course you will learn:How to pose models and clients - females, males, and couples.Standing vs sitting poses, and tips for slimming bigger clientsHow to quickly create different styles to offer more variety and enhanced sales: from headshots, beauty, dreamy, fashion, edgy, and more.Getting creative with concepts such as my trademark lying on the floor setupHow to modify your communication style for experienced models vs regular clientsHow to create an amazing experience and have fun while still getting the shotOne point to keep in mind as I will be covering a lot of detail that may seem impossible to get right all the time: dont worry about the perfect pose, because its hard even for super-pros to achieve a 100% perfect result - and if in doubt its always Emotions Over Posing. However if you are interested in knowing why a client maybe didnt buy certain images due to things they didnt like about themselves then our tutorial will tell you all about how you can best flatter your client.This course is for the beginner to intermediate portrait photographer who is looking for a practical hands on approach to learning how to create a posing flow so that they will never run out of ideas again!So if you are interested in seeing me in action, go ahead and watch some previews! Or if you want to develop your posing flow to the highest standard: Enroll now and lets get started in creating your best pictures ever! See you soon!P.S : Closed Captions are available, so you can either listen or read (or both) to my posing instructions! Have fun!"
Price: 199.99

"Creative Portrait Photography Series: Modern Vintage"
"Featured Reviews:""This was a really interesting, enjoyable course. I learned so much information as well as learned so many different photo ideas and props you can use. Great course that I can't wait to try creating vintage photos, especially love the Sleeping Beauty one!"" - Cindy Dupont""Loved going through course. Completely changed my attitude towards portrait photography."" - Zoheb MansuriWelcome to our course Modern Vintage - a new tutorial in our ""Creative Portrait Series"".In our photo studio, we have led over 50 photography workshops, specializing in creating conceptual photoshoots. And in this course, we will show you a style that was requested by many photographers, models and clients - a truly timeless and glamorous fine-art concept: HOW TO CREATE AN AMAZING SERIES OF ""VINTAGE-INSPIRED"" IMAGES! From the 1920's to the 1970s... WE WILL COVER IT ALL! The history of film-making and photography in THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD, the characteristic looks, the style, the lighting, live ""fly on the wall"" shoots - plus tons and tons of photography set ideas and inspiration!  But first of all: Why do you need to learn about ""Modern Vintage"" photography?Vintage inspired movies and TV shows are trending right now and more and more people fantasize about the ""good old days"":Models want to show a different side of themselves in their portfolios and couples ask more and more for retro style engagement shoots, or even design vintage inspired weddings. If you look on Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram you will see tons and tons of images that resemble vintage styles. But why?Life wasn't necessarily easier back then. However: The images that we see on the news or on social media make it appear as if life was simpler yet more glamorous! Or at least looked more desirable: No complicated technologies, no internet trolls, no viral tweets - just beautiful neighborhoods with classic cars and classic people (who talked to each other because they knew their neighbors). You get the idea. And talking of people - they all looked so well dressed and fancy... When we look at those images we can escape reality for a while.We wonder how life has been for these people, there is a dreamy melancholy, and it appears almost magical. I mean : Who doesn't want to look glamorous and whimsical like a Hollywood Starlet or a Movie Icon on a film set - or at least would like to sneak into a time machine to get a glimpse of the past? There is something so glamorous and timeless about those vintage images that it's no wonder that many clients love to be captured this way...Simply put, there is no way around it: Photoshoots that resemble a past era are more in demand than ever, and are a fantastic opportunity for us photographers to create timeless yet fun photoshoots that capture our clients in a way that they will cherish forever! This Course Is For You - If You Want To:Offer a new category of photography for portraits, engagements or weddings Offer specialized model portfolios Create interesting Mini-Sessions, Increase your profit while standing out from your competition with fine art imageryCreate new set-ups for your portraiture and are wondering How can I style my photos in a certain way? (maybe with the help of posing, lighting, exposure or photoshop)Get out of a creative rut and would love to explore a new field of techniques Enhance your portfolio with new styles - all while working on a budget Or maybe you are just trying to get a better understanding of the history of vintage photography! If any of these desires describe you, then this course is for you! If you love vintage images with a modern twist, then I promise you: You dont want to miss out! :-)Check out our intro video for more details or enroll in the course right now and lets get started! Over 20 Photoshoots with brand new concepts are waiting for you! See you soon! All the best,Sandy"
Price: 124.99

"Dealing With Criticism - Respond With Confidence"
"Featured Review:""I like how Sandy combines topics on feedback and criticism, from one lesson to the next. The numbered tips are especially helpful in remembering what to look out for when interacting with customers, comments, etc. Her presentation style is engaging and fun, so is great to learn from."" - Jon ClemsonWelcome To Part One!Are you an online creator or artist and does receiving bad feedback worry you? Or maybe youve already received harsh criticism and felt helpless, crushed and with no idea how to form a response?You are at the right place! You are watching Sandys-Eyecatcher TV!Sandy Dee has led over 50 photography workshops and published multiple online courses. This, along with her extensive background in Human Resources, gave her great insight into the art of Human Behavior.Plus: In her research she gathered an enormous amount of information on haters, online trolls, passive aggressive behavior and how and why people leave negative feedback.Negative critiques can be all consuming.They will block your creativity and cloud your mind - until you know how to deal with them. Sandy will help you handle and respond to negative comments and reviews by understanding how, why and when people choose to give feedback, especially online.You will also understand the reason why generic online advice such as take a deep breath or dont take it personally doesnt help - in fact, why it can actually make you feel worse!In Part 1 of this series you will look inside yourself and your reviewers mindset to learn:How to set a positive framework to reduce the risk of getting negative reviews in the first placeThe importance of willpower (and why it makes you and your reviewer cranky)Free yourself from toxic peopleIntrovert vs extrovert personalitiesWhen you should ignore a criticListen to yourself instead of others and generic adviceHow to prepare yourself mentally for bad feedbackOur F.A.C.K.T.S system: Respond to negative comments like a pro and come out as a winner!And so much more!PLUS: 50 Tips on ""How To Deal With Criticism"" (from part 1 and part 2) are included as a PDF in lecture 51! At the end of the course you will not only feel more confident in handling criticism but you will have a deeper understanding about yourself and the behavior of your reviewer.Are you ready to spend more time on your content and your value and less time worrying or being frustrated? Enroll now and see you in class!Also: Closed Captioning is available on all lectures! The computer browser offers the best viewing experience."
Price: 119.99

"Learn English Punctuation Easily"
"""Punctuation? Does it matter, really?""Afterall, you stumble upon bad writings quite often.Apparently,horrible writers did well without knowing the difference between their nonsenseand they're nonsense.How about aquick True orFalse question?Even without proper punctuation marks, you can still understand what you wrote.There's no point in learning punctuation.And here's the answer:it's TRUE.Learning punctuation (and taking this course)is useless.With a catch.If YOUare the onlyone reading your work.But how about your readers?Ifyou're writing to: Build your personal brand. Convey a compelling message. Sell something.Then yourreaders would expect to see the same standard in English language, and that'swhere knowing punctuation willbecome handy.Here'swhat my course offers: Simple punctuation rules with practice. Do more than just learn the theory. You'll retain theknowledge better, and longer. Jargon-free course. Most people cringe at hearing dependent and independent clause,conjunctive adverbs, and relative clauses.No,you won't hear those words. Instead, you'll learn simple, straightforward rules such as:put a comma before connecting words, use a semicolon to link a series with tons of commas, and always use the ABCD approach first for hyphens. Short, bite-sized videos you can easily digest and practice only with a couple of minutes. Learn at your own pace, although Irecommend you set aside 20 minutes per day.If you commit 20 minutes per day, you will finish the course in 6 days. There's a 30-day refund period if you're not satisfied, so there'sno risk on your part.Level up and become a proficient user of punctuation. Earn different badges after you complete certain parts of the course. Take satisfaction in knowing you are progressing and evolving in your punctuation journey. Start the course...and finish it.Aftertaking this course, you will be able to: Write with confidence and style. Use each punctuation mark with power and precision. Create compelling written content and have people notice you.Punctuationis just a tool.Butproper use of punctuation will propel you toward your end goal.What's the end goal?Clear writing.Shareworthy content.The ability to craft a compelling message.Sign up for my course and level up your writing right away."
Price: 19.99

"Formatting Your Books for Kindle And Smashwords Publishing"
"This self publishingcoursewill show you in simplesteps how you can begin to format your books for kindle and smashwords indie publishing. You don't need to be scared of this task again and you dont need to hire anyone to do book formattingfor you.These self publishingpublishing platforms offer authors the chance to self-publish their books at no cost but the book formatting part has kept most indieauthors away from using these platform as much as they would love.Yes it is the hard part and most people find it difficult getting this done. Well I have close to 100% success getting my books published on these platforms so I believe I am qualified to teach you.This indie publishingcoursewill show simple, baby steps you must begin to take to get around this. Yes I have read the articles and guides onseveral websites but I believe it will be extremely difficult for a newbie to use those guides to get their books correctly formatted. So I have presented a simpler route for you with this course."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to Kindle Ebook Covers Design With Fireworks"
"Now You Can Stop Spending Lots of On Ghost Designers to Design Ecovers for Your BooksIf you publish lots of books on Kindle and the Smashwords platforms then you will be spending lots of money to design ecovers if you're not designing them yourself. If you use ghost designers for this important task, it's likely you'renot getting the required result you desire.You don't have to pay so much money to have your ecovers designed for you, you can do it yourself achieving great results. This course will help you to achieve this effectively.I have used Screen cast method to record this coursesince it's a technical course. I have tried to make it look simple for beginners even if you have not used Macromedia Fireworks before. I tried my best to go at a pace you will be comfortable with so that you can get the details effectively.I only showed how you can use the basic tools in Fireworks to get this done. I used Macromedia Fireworks 8 for this course which you can download for a free trial online.Other versions have similar interface.Practice tests are given all through the course. The average lecture time is 5 minutes.You will be learning:1. How to combine text and image effectively on your ebook cover.2. How to combine color effectively on your ebook cover.3. How to remove background from images.4. How to find good, relevant and free images for your projects.5. And more.Go ahead and enroll for this course and let me meet you in class."
Price: 19.99

"From Business Vision To Manifestation"
"You've got a business vision to run with right? I share in your excitement.But do you know that 90% of business visions don't come to the fulfillment stage! I believe that was a tough one. But it's actually the simple truth.A lot of things go into the fulfillment of visions and most times lots of vision carriers are not ready to sacrifice the time, money, work and diligence that's necessary to get visions fulfilled.Therefore we always have what i call ""Abortion of visions""!This course will be teaching you theskills of getting your business visions to the fulfillment stage no matter who you are and where you areat the point of receiving the vision. TheChristian principles used in this course are time-tested and are very relevant to today's practices. They'll be extremely relevant to you and your business.In this course you'll learn,1. How to receivethe right business visions.2. Your first set of reactions to any business vision you receive.3.What you need to do with the business vision you receive.4. How to create the right environment for the growth and fulfillment of your business vision.5. The relevance of prayer power to the fulfillment of your business vision.6. And more...I have used principles to write books that have helped readers to find solutions to their business challenges, this course is to continue this lofty objectives of the vision of our organisation.I want you to enroll for this course today."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Guide To Newspaper Design With Corel Draw"
"How Absolutely Anyone Can Begin to Edit and Design Newsletters and Newspapers Using Corel DrawIf you have spent lots of money paying graphic designer whenever you want to edit and design a newsletter for your organisation and products or a newspaper for your newspaper company, then you will stop wasting your hard earned money if you enroll for this course.You are very much capable of designing these newsletters and newspapers yourself!You will only need to learn how from this simple and short course.This course shows you the simple and basic tools you can begin to use in Corel Draw to get your design projects executed everytime you have one to carry out.I'm doing this already and I believe if I could do it, anyone will also be able to do it. I'm not a trained graphic designer but I was able to find a way around this using the most popular and the most robust graphics design software of our time - Corel Draw.You will learn some of the followingtricks in this course:How to use basic tools in Corel DrawHow to find a template for your newsletter and newspaper design at no costHow to draw a skeleton of the pages of the newspaper and newsletter on paperHow to set the margins of the pages of the newspaper on paperHow to design the header and footer of your newspaper and newsletterHow to lay out newsletters and newspapers in Corel DrawHow to set the margins for the newsletter and newspaperAnd more...I want you to enroll for this course today. It contains the basic newsletter and newspaper editing and designsecrets the experts don't want you to know.Enroll today."
Price: 19.99

"How to Start a Bridal Makeup Business and Earn Extra Income"
"'This course guided me clearly about what steps I should take to start my career and what I really like about the course is she revealed the products she uses which not many makeup artist would be willing to share.' Student reviewAre you looking to start your journey to becoming a bridal makeup artist, becoming your own boss and earning extra income in 2020? Well, you're in the right place! Welcome to this course on how to start a bridal makeup business and earn extra incomeDo you have a passion for makeup? Are you looking to start your own business and become your own boss with little investment required? Have you wanted to start your own bridal makeup business, but were unsure on the steps to get started? This course will share with you all you need to know to start your own bridal makeup business, and help you start your dream career in the wedding industry!This course is all about practical advice for aspiring makeup artists. In this course, you will learn:How to gain experience in the wedding industryHow to build a bridal makeup portfolioThe basics of a bridal makeup kitHow to successfully market your business and gain paid bridal makeup clients: using social media and how to advertise your business How to create a brand for your business and the steps to setting up a websiteSEO advice to help you get to the top of Google search in your local areaTips for running a successful consultation/bridal makeup trial and how to stay calm under pressure on the wedding dayPricing your bridal makeup servicesTips for staying organised: admin, bookings, book keeping Bonus extra resources included in this course include:- Downloadable Pro Discount Schemes info pdf- Template Client Booking Form document for you to download and use within your businessJoin this course and begin your journey to becoming a bridal makeup artist and create a profitable wedding business! By the end of this course, you'll be empowered with all the knowledge to start your own successful bridal makeup business. "
Price: 49.99

"Connect With Your Angels ~ The Angel Guidance Program"
"Grow your awareness of your angels, build a deeper relationship to themand learn to recognize the signs your angelsaregivingyou every day. God's angels have an unlimited source of guidanceand they are ready, and eagerlywaiting, to share theirdivine wisdom and insightwith you.Connect With Your Angels ~ The Angel Guidance Program is a journey of discovery into growing your awareness of your guardian angels that cantransform your life.Some of the ways your angels can help you include:Improving friendships &relationshipsBringing more love & happiness into your lifeProviding mental clarity, finding peace & removing anxietyGreater creativity,inspiration &new ideasFinding solutions to problems & resolving them effectivelyBetter energy levels & guiding you to better healthGreater abundance & improving your quality of lifeHelping people& offering assistance to themMaking prayer more effective for youExperiencing a safe, enjoyable, spiritual connection to God, the Universe and His angelsMany of us see the signs our angels send us, but not all of us realize that seeing the signsareonlythe first step. The second step, is learning howto ask what they want to show us. But even if you aren't sure what angelsigns are, this course will show you what you need to be looking for.You will learn to:Recognize the signs your angels are sending youOne important method that allows your angels to hear you &help you every timeConfidently interpret the messages your angels give youLearn how to speak to your angelsAccess powerful angelicwisdom &guidanceDiscover how energies affect your daily lifeRecognize themistakes people make when connecting with angelsProtect yourself from destructive & unhelpfulenergiesProtect yourself spiritually &trust in the divine power of God &His angelsConfidently continueon your spiritual path, free from fearHow to safely assist others with angel guidanceThe angel guidance program features over 30 easy to understandlectures, including video presentations,a protection prayer and 5guidedmeditations, as well as audio and video resources.Each meditationsafely guides you on a gentle, step by stepjourney into connecting with your angels. You will learn how to useeach of your sensesto beginseeing, hearing, feeling and knowing the signs,messages, guidance and love they wish to share with you every day.This course is laid out andpresentedwith a straightforward and down to earth approach. There are no difficult to understand concepts and you will find that connecting with your angels is far easier than you may have thought possible.By the end of this course, you will have developed a deeper awareness of your angels' presence and be able toconfidently connect with their wisdom and guidance whenever you need it. You will approach life with a new sense of fulfillment, gratitude and completion.No matter what you are going through in life, with your angels by your side, you are never alone."
Price: 199.99