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"Unreal Engine 4 Class: Blueprints"
"Audio: Portuguese-BRSubtitles: English and Portuguese-BRCheck Captions Roadmap lesson to learn more about the subtitles.All companion material are available in Portuguese and English.>>>ENGLISH<<<In this course you will learn the Blueprints Fundamentals. This is the first step to start creating your own games and projects, and to begin to understand the Unreal Engine. There are more than 250 lessons, prepared in a didactic way.The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.----What are Blueprints? Blueprints are the visual system that frees the user from direct contact with programming language. C++ code are visually represented within the engine. This way you can create whole games and project without having to know the programming language used in the background.Therefore, this course goal is not to show you countless lessons so you can just copy. I will teach you the whys of every fundamental and you can apply all you learnedin any kind of project as you wish. It is this fact that most students like about this course.Still in doubt? Access some classes available for free.= = = Content Description = = = =In this course we will see all Blueprints fundamentals so you can start creating your own games. Unreal Engine allows you to create interactive projects and games and using the same tools used by large AAA studios and indies developers around the world. If you want to start your career in game development with one of the best engines in the market, this is your course.We will learn about variables, Events, Functions, Blueprint Communication , Materials, Timelines, Vectors, First and Third Person Characters, Interfaces, and then use all this knowledge to publish our first Project for Windows. This course is not a tutorial that will show you just how to create a game. The proposal is to teach you the fundamentals before you start making the first project. If you already have any knowledge, you can skip the initial classes and go straight to the practical classes. = = = What do I need to know to start the course?= = = You need no previous experience with games to follow this course.But you need to have some basic knowledge in Unreal. How to navigate and basic editor navigation.>> The couse was recorded in Portuguese, but many English speaker students can follow with the English Captions.***************************************************************************************************>>>PORTUGUS<<<Neste cursovoc vaiaprender os fundamentos sobre Blueprints.Esse o primeiro passo para comear a criar seus prprios jogos e projetos, e para comear a entender a Unreal Engine.So mais de 250 aulas, preparadas de forma didtica para voc que est COMEANDO na Engine.Este curso tem um foco para usurios INICIANTES na engine.Se voc espera contedo mais avanado, por favor, no d nota baixa ao curso por esse motivo.----O que so Blueprints?Blueprints o sistema visual que dispensa o contato direto com linguagem de programao.As funes, eventos, classes e objetos do cdigo c++ so representados visualmente dentro da engine.Dessa forma voc pode criar jogos inteiros sem precisar conhecer linguagem de programao a fundo.Por isso, o objetivo desse curso no s te mostrar inmeras aulas para voc copiar.Eu vou te ensinar os porqus de cada fundamento e ao entender isso voc pode aplicar como quiser. esse fato que a maioria dos alunos elogia, e no a toa que esse curso possui um dos maiores ratings entre todos os cursos de games disponveis na plataforma.Ainda em dvida?Acesse algumas aulas disponveis gratuitamente.--------------=== Oque o Class? ====No Class eu apresento um curso completo.Vemos toda a fundamentao terica, as aplicaes prticas, exemplos, exerccios propostos.===Descrio detalhada do Contedo ===Nesse curso vamos ver todos os fundamentos de Blueprints para voc comear a criar seus prprios jogos. A UnrealEngine te permitecriar jogos e projetos interativos, utilizando as mesmas ferramentas usadaspor grandes estdos AAA e desenvolvedores indies em todo o mundo.Vamos usar as Blueprints, sistema visual de script que dispensa o uso de programao.Se voc quer iniciar sua carreira em desenvolvimento de jogos com uma das melhores engines do mercado, esse seu curso.Vamos aprender sobre Variveis,Tipos de Eventos,Funes, Personagens, Comunicao entre Blueprints, Materiais, Timelines, Vetores, Personagem em Primeira e em Terceira Pessoa, Interfaces,e depois usar todo esse conhecimento para publicar nossoprimeiro projeto para Windows.Este curso no um tutorial que vai lhe mostrar apenas como criar um tipo de jogo.A proposta te ensinar os fundamentos ANTES de comear a fazer o primeiro projeto.Se voc j tem algum conhecimento, pode pular as aulas iniciais e ir direto para as aulas prticas.===O que preciso saber para comear o curso?===Voc no precisa de experincia prvia com jogos para acompanhar o curso.Se voc nunca usou a Unreal Engine, voc pode ser matricular ao mesmo tempo no nosso cursoUnreal Engine Essentials. um curso totalmente gratuito voltado para quem est usando a Game Engine pela primeira vez.Nvel Iniciante -no se preocupe,vamos comear as aulas a partir dos fundamentos e conceitos bsicos.Nvel Intermedirio - existem alguns conceitos e teorias que podem te ajudar. veja na lista de aulas todo o contedo do curso.------"
Price: 579.99

"Unreal Engine 4 Workshop: Composio e Render"
"A Cubo Class j conhecida pelos seus cursos completos e detalhados.No Workshop apresentamos um novo modelo de ensino, voltado para a prtica.Como um grande atelier, vamos acompanhar um instrutor mostrando seu processo completo.Eu quero te mostrar na prtica como fiz uma cena inteira, desde a importao dos assets, at chegar na imagem final.Voc vai poder usar o mesmo processo para criar suas prprias imagens 3D.Confira na imagem de capa do curso e no video promocional a imagem que vamoscriar durante as aulas.Mas antes disso, faa uma promessa para mim.Prometa que voc vai usar tudo o que aprender nesse curso para criar as imagens 3D incrveis.Istopode mudar completamente sua vida profissional e dar um upgrade em seu portfolio.Descrio Detalhada:Nesse curso voumostrar como Criar, Iluminar,Renderizar e Comporuma cena na Unreal Engine 4 e Photoshop.Vamos comearpela busca de Referncias, escolha de Cores, Layout e posicionamento de Camera, Composio e Blocagem. Chegando at posicionamento das Luzes e configurao, Build da Luz, Exportao das imagenseComposio no Photoshop.Vamos utilizar os assets do Infinity Blade,GRATUITOS edisponibilizados na UnrealMarketplace.Este curso recomendado para alunos de todos os nveis.Alunos iniciantespodem ter um primeiro contato com uma pipeline completade Iluminao, Render e Composio.Alunos avanadosconseguem avanar mais rapidamente e vo absorver melhor os conceitos.Tpicos Abordados:RefernciasCoresLevel DesignBlocagemImportao de AssetsConfigurao da Cena e CamerasIluminaoBuildLightPs-ProcessamentoRenderTratamento de CorComposio Final"
Price: 39.99

"Project Scope Management"
"Scope Management Knowledge area is a very important knowledge area for the project management professional credential. You can expect 10 to 12 questions from the scope knowledge area itself. In this course we will cover the consept of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure. and the scope baselines. You should be very clear on WBS, WBS dictionary, and project scope statement. You should also know the concept of decomposition as well as the concept of validate scope and control scope. determining what is the difference between perform quality control and validatescope. I hope you enjoy the course"
Price: 29.99

"Project Cost Management"
"Project cost management is traditionally a weak area of IT projects. IT projectmanagers must acknowledge the importance of cost management and take responsibility for understanding basic cost concepts, cost estimating, budgeting, and cost control. Project managers must understand several basic principles of cost management to be effective in managing project cost."
Price: 29.99

"Complete Android Kotlin Developer Arabic Course"
"(Kotlin) Complete Android Kotlin Developer Arabic Course ,after you finishing this course you will able to ready to Start Android developing programming to create your first Android Application"
Price: 19.99

"Estrategia de inversin para principiantes - 2019"
"Este curso es perfecto para cualquiera que quiera iniciarse en el mundo de las inversiones, pero disponga de tiempo limitado. Si eres un principiante, y estas buscando una gua slida de inversin que sea sencilla de entender, este curso es para ti.Este curso no aborda temas de trading, ni de bitcoins: con este curso no te vas a hacer rico en 2 das. sta es una estrategia de inversin para vagos: se trata de obtener el mximo rendimiento a us ahorros a largo plazo. Con ello puedes conseguir conseguir unos rendimientos superiores a los de la gran mayora de inversores sin tener que estar pendiente de los mercados, saber anlisis tcnico o entender los grficos de la bolsa.  La educacin financiera no slo es para expertos en anlisis de mercados e inversores, sino tambin para cualquiera que decida ocuparse del dinero que tanto le cuesta ganarlo. Si quieres que tu dinero empiece a trabajar por ti, en vez de tu por el dinero, tienes que empezar a invertir.   Slo una hora! Y estars listo para empezar a hacer tu primera inversin. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Guide pratique de finances personnelles"
"Il vous arrive souvent d'attendre la paie avec impatience? Malgr votre salaire, vous ne parvenez pas toujours joindre les deux bouts? Vous n'arrivez pas planifier des projets qui vous tiennent pourtant coeur?Que diriez-vous de remettre de l'ordre dans vos finances personnelles pour y voir plus clair? Ce cours et ses outils vous aideront mieux respirer et, pourquoi pas, raliser vos rves les plus chers!Contenu du cours:Avoir un portrait clair de vos dpenses et de vos revenusFaire un bilan financier personnelCet outil permet de calculer votre avoir net en dressant la liste de ce que vous possdez et de ce que vous devez.Il sagit dun exercice crucial qui vous procurera une vue d'ensemble de vos revenus et de vos dpenses, pour mieux identifier les choix qui s'offrent vous pour redresser la situation.Garder un meilleur contrle de vos dpensesRaliser vos projets: mettre en oeuvre la bonne stratgie pour raliser vos projets.pargner, c'est s'enrichir!En fait, l'pargne constitue une scurit financire qui vous assure une tranquillit d'esprit. l'inverse, vivre sans pargne vous expose de grands risques: le moindre imprvu une perte d'emploi, une maladie, un problme avec la voiture peut devenir catastrophique.Il suffit d'un peu de discipline: l'pargne systmatique est la meilleure faon d'amasser de l'argent. vous de dcider du montant faire prlever sur votre compte et de la frquence du prlvement.Il peut s'agir, par exemple, de 50 par mois ou de 10 par semaine. C'est simple et surtout efficace long terme!Investir: dcouvrir les principes rgissant les placements et les rouages en matire d'investissementVoici un cours et des outils qui vous aideront mieux respirer et, pourquoi pas, raliser vos rves les plus chers!"
Price: 19.99

"Creating Apps with Xamarin and the MVVM Pattern"
"This course is for anysoftware developerwho wants to write apps for more than one major mobile operating system with the cross platform development tool Xamarin. It is not a course where I want to show youhow to read an API. You learn which ways Xamarin provide and how to use them. But we don't create simple ""Hello World"" apps. This course shows you the techniques of Xamarin whichyou need to createappswith a clean project structure and an amazingarchitecture by using the MVVM pattern.At the end of the theoretical part we prepare an example project which we want to implement at firstwithXamarin Forms and after that with the native approach of Xamarin. In both approaches we use the same code for the backend. In this implementation part, you will apply all the stuff you have learned in the first part of this course.Further you will be sensitized to separate between project specific code and code or classes you can use in other app projects. With all that knowledge, we reach a maximum amount of shared and reused code.Important:The implementation is shown in Visual Studio on a Windows 10 machine. You can try to develop on a Mac machine, but it is not supported in this course.If you have questions, problems or if you want to discuss about a certain topic feel free to write me a message or start a question. I would like to hear your opinion."
Price: 39.99

"Testing in Xamarin (Forms/Native)"
"Testing in apps is very important because if you publish an untested app, then you will probably get a negative feedback from the app users and a result of that is the decrease of sales.Nowadays the gaps between app releases become smaller. That means that the test effort grows. Normally, all functionalities of an app have to be tested manually by a tester before every release. But with a short release cycle it is almost impossible because there are other projects that have to be tested.To solve this problem there are automated tests. With automated tests you can test functionalities after every bigger code change or before a release. We can run these tests automatically in the background so we dont waste so much time on manual testing.In this course we will write tests for our shared code. At first we create unit tests where we test single functionalities of an exampleapp. In the integration test section we will involve other components in our tests like the database. There we need to create a good test environment to addnew tests fast and easy.It doesnt matter if you use Xamarin Forms or the Xamarin native approach. This course is intended to test the shared code of a Xamarin app."
Price: 109.99

"Etiquette Training: a Practical Guide to Networking Mastery"
"Greetings!Pleased to meet you!In this course, we will help you will learn the basics of beingan etiquette artist. That is to say, you will learn the mindset andskills you need to become the mostpleasant person in the room, in both social and business environments.This will help you to build relationships faster, network at a deeper level, get better job positions and career advancements, get along better with your friends and family and become more successful in any type of social engagement.The course is broken down into 3 major sections:1)What is Etiquette?- where we discuss the history of etiquette and the mindset you need to have, as you learn the skills taught in this course;2) The Social Skills -how to be pleasant in your interactions with others. Here we tackle topics such as:the first impression (how long it takes to make a first impression, what people take into account, and how to send the right messages)the art of making a good conversation (the 3 elements of a good conversation, topics to discuss, topics to avoid with new acquaintances, cell phone issuestips &tricks);how to network properly (the greeting and the handshake,what makes a good handshake, handshake variations, how to respond to handshakes, how to give and receive business cards)how to be a gracious guest and host (things to take into account, information to request/have available, when to arrive at events and why)how to show courtesy in various situations (giving/receiving gifts, responding to insults)the dress codes (all 7 dress codes, as well as various tips &tricks on what makes an attire look appropriate)3)The Reception, Buffet and theBanquet - how to be pleasant at events, wherewe discuss:event invitations (how to classify them, how and when to respond to them so as to be pleasant)the 'thank you' note (what to write in it and when to send it)the receptions and the Swedish buffet (how they are organised, when we can use them and how to network in those settings)the 3 table arrangements (which they are,when they are)dining etiquette (flatware etiquette, glassware etiquette, napkin etiquette, silent service code, how to network at a dining in)The course also touches on the things you can do that would make you a high quality individual beyond the skills you will learn here.There are also two quizzes:one intermediate quiz, after Section 2, and then the final quiz at the end of the course.and much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 3 hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY !It's Time to take action, enroll in the course now and we will see you on the inside!"
Price: 194.99

"Menthor 1.0 - Magnetic Personal Branding"
"Did you ever analyse the top performers objectively?If so, you probably noticed that they do certain things differently and this makes them more interesting and appealing to those around them. A lot of us want to also become the heroes of our own stories and BE those top performers but very few know where to start.To help everyone out, 4 experts from 4 different, but connected fields, decided to put our over 30 years of collective international experience to work and created the Menthor series, through which we aim to help young professionals forge themselves into magnetic personal brands.Also, we believe that learning should be a fun, relaxed process, so we decided to do our best to deliver in that spirit. As such, a lot of our lessons look more like a talk show rather than a class.This course is the first one of the series and it is meant to give you a general understanding of who we are, what we can teach you and where we intend to go. In this particular course, you will learn general concepts in the following fields:how to have a magnetic personality in any social or professional setting;how to become a memorable communicator;how to dress for success;how to become a peak performer.If we see there is demand for our materials, we will go from simple to complex and from theoretical to more and more practical, to where you will discover how to build your personal brand step-by-step, while taking into account some really in-depth details in each of our fields of expertise.Our vision for you is that, once you go through the entire series, you will have become a personal branding expert with knowledge in the essential adjacent fields that enable one to truly reach the highest levels of professional performance.After you finishthis first course, leave us a note and tell us what you would like us to discuss in detail in future courses. We will adjust our future curriculums based on your feedback.So, join our course and find out how you can forge yourself into a magnetic personal brand!Can't wait to meet you!"
Price: 19.99

"Comunicare i etichet n afaceri: Brand Personal Magnetic"
"Salutare i bine ai venit pe pagina primului curs online despre cum s devii un brand personal magnetic, influent i de succes. De ce brand personal magnetic?n carier nu e niciodat suficient s ai expertiz i s fii foarte bun n ceea ce faci. i mai trebuie i acel ceva- noi i zicem brand personal magnetic.De ce etichet?Este cunoscut faptul c eticheta i bunele maniere deschid ui pe care chiar i cea mai bun educaie nu poate.Despre cursAcest curs este conceput pentru ca profesionitii din Romnia s dobndeasc cunotinele necesare astfel nct s se pun mai bine n valoare. nva secretele mai puin cunoscute pe care chiar i networkerii cu experien nu le tiu despre cum s atragi i s te conectezi ntr-un mod autentic cu oamenii, astfel nct acetia s i devin clieni, parteneri, angajai, colaboratori sau prieteni i s te ajute s construieti cariera/ afacerea de succes pe care i-o doreti.Acest curs este pentru tine dac:Eti antreprenor i vrei clieni mai muli i mai buni, vnzri i profituri mai mari n afacerea taEti team leader sau manager i i doreti s ajungi s ocupi o poziie de top managementEti angajat ntr-o multinaional i vrei s fructifici fiecare oportunitate de networking astfel nct s avansezi rapid n carierEti network marketer i vrei s avansezi rapid n planul de carier, s fii recunoscut pe scen, s dezvoli echipe de profesioniti n vnzri, motivate, care tiu la rndul lor cum s atrag i s recruteze simplu i rapid oamenii potrivii, astfel nct s creezi o afacere multi level marketing de sute de mii, milioane de euroAcord-i timpul necesar parcurgerii acestui curs i vei nva tot ce trebuie s tii ca TU s devii un magnet de oameni astfel ncti creti vizibilitatea, credibilitatea, influena i devii o autoritate n domeniul tu de activitatei extinzi cercul social, creezi noi relaii, aprofundezi legturile deja create i devii un sftuitor de ncredere i un conector de oamenite vei simi confortabil i ncreztor n orice context te-ai afla, indiferent dac vorbim despre o ieire n ora cu prietenii sau despre gala de decernare a premiilor Forbesi multe altele...Ce vei nva n acest curs?Mindsetul unui brand personal magneticImportana etichetei pentru brandul tu personalCum s faci o prim impresie memorabilCarism i tipurile de carismComunicare verbal i non-verbal Eticheta i comunicare i n afaceriCum s fii magnetic n viaa de zi cu ziCum s fii magnetic la evenimente formale i informale, conferine, petreceri, etc.Eticheta la restaurantCe resurse suplimentare primeti dac vei parcurge acest curs?Studii de cazGhid: Cum s fii magnetic la petreceriGhid: Codurile de mbrcminte n mediul de afaceri i socialPrincipiile de comunicare ale lui Dale CarnegieListe care te vor ajuta s nu uii ce trebuie s faci naintea anumitor evenimente importanteScheme ale aranjamentelor formale i informale la restaurantLecie bonus: Cum s faci networking strategicAcest curs nu e pentru tine dac:Vrei s manipulezi oameni pentru scopuri egoisteVrei o soluie pentru a face bani repede pe spatele altoraAcest curs te va ajuta s descoperi ce poi face la nivel interpersonal, pentru a-i aduce mai aproape de tine pe cei cu care interacionezi, indiferent de contextul n care te afli. Practic, vei obine informaii i ponturi practice de la instructori cu experien internaional."
Price: 119.99

"SAP BI/ BW 7.4 Training - Step by Step"
"Current lifestyle make us tied to lot of personal and work related task to be performed on a day today basis. Keeping this situation in mind ,we offer high quality video tutorial,instructor led SAP BWtraining, which will help aspiring students , wherever they are can attend our state of art training program.We use latest technologies to record the video ,which allows our distant education students to experience class room feel atmosphere.We alsoprovide server support, assignments, reading materials, tests,stimulation projects,reference materials, project scenarios.Our training will provide you to acquire SAP BW knowledge in depth, which will give youample years of project experience in real world situation.Our training program will help you achieve SAP BW Certification.Getting a break into SAP is not that easy , especially with the present market scenario, in depth understanding of technical knowledge is required to ACE an interview, Our course is prepared towards break into SAP for aspiring students , IT professional looking for change in their career."
Price: 194.99

"Carreira de Gerente de Projetos: o guia completo"
"Voc tcnico e tem interesse em atuar numa rea de gesto que melhor paga e mais cresce mundialmente? Voc busca orientaes prticas e que realmente funcionam para comear na carreira de gerenciamento de projetos? Falta a voc tempo e dinheiro para investir num processo de aconselhamento de carreira ? Um guia para ajudar voc a entrar na carreira e se desenvolver com dicas prticas e excelente contedo que tem como foco trazer a voc ensinamentos prticos e imediatamente aplicveis no seu dia a dia."
Price: 174.99

"Descomplica Excel - Bsico ao Avanado em apenas 30 dias"
"Descomplica Excel - Bsico ao Avanado em apenas 30 dias um curso Completo do Microsoft Excel onde voc aprender passo a passo e com uma metodologia divertida e descomplicada desenvolvida pelo Prof. Josu Gimenes.Estudos j provaram que aprendizados mais divertidos aceleram o desempenho e resultado do aluno. Ao sentirmos alguma satisfao, aumenta os nveis de dopamina no crebro, ou seja, ela age no sistema de recompensa e nos faz sentir prazer, e diminui os nveis de hormnios do estresse. Isso tudo modifica a atividade das ondas cerebrais, deixando a memria mais eficaz para o aprendizado. E ainda melhora o sistema de defesa do organismo.Este curso de Excel est divido em 10 Mdulos intensos e bastante completos, onde o prof. Josu Gimenes te ensinar de forma bastante envolvente e passo a passo desde os conceitos bsicos do Excel a recursos e funcionalidades avanadas dessa incrvel ferramenta que o Microsoft Excel.Cada mdulo explicado de forma prtica e descomplicada, isso significa que o curso vlido tanto para usurios totalmente leigos aos mais avanados. Nos Mdulos Bsicos, voc ter mdulos inteiros para aprender cada funo (frmula) existente no Microsoft Excel, ento, no ficaremos limitados apenas as funes bsicas, aprofundaremos em cada funo que o Excel nos oferece!Nos Mdulos Intermedirios, veremos recursos e funcionalidades impressionantes, bem como o desenvolvimento de frmulas complexas e planilha inteligentes, porm, sempre aplicada com a metodologia do curso: descomplicada!Nos Mdulos Avanados, abordaremos sobre Macros e VBA e iniciaremos um projeto (aplicativo em Visual Basic for Applications) onde voc aprender todo o conceito na prtica para criar telas de login, formulrios, cadastros, consultas, enfim, tudo que um projeto completo possui. Ou seja, voc ser capaz de criar aplicativos para empresas!No Material Extra, voc ter acesso a todas as planilhas e arquivos para acompanhamento e prtica dos ensinamentos aplicados no curso. Enfim, um curso completo!No Final do Curso, voc estar apto(a) a desenvolver qualquer planilha, grfico, frmulas e aplicativos que quiser e se tornar um excelente profissional em Excel Avanado.Eu realmente espero que voc faa parte dessa turma hoje!Prof. Josu Gimenes"
Price: 279.99

"Video editing for YouTubers"
"Learn what you need to know to edit your YouTube videos and get your audience engaged.This course is for you if you don't aim to be an expert in a software or in Editing; you just want to be able to do the work yourself. I have made it simple and easy to follow, so you can go right to the point and learn the essentials in a short time.The lessons are tailor-made for you who own a channel and want to enhance your work. If you don't post videos yet, this is also a great chance to learn, as it is beginner level.In this course you will learn how to add rhythm, flow and technical elements that will add up to the quality of your content.From cutting footages to creating and animating an Intro with your logo. We got it all covered."
Price: 19.99

"SAP PM Modulo I- Estructura Organizativa y Datos Maestros"
"Este curso va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieren comenzar a introducirse en el mdulo de Mantenimiento de Planta SAP PM tanto como consultor funcional como usuario del sistema. Se detalla paso a paso el procesamiento de la estructura organizativa y datos maestros del mdulo as como la configuracin necesaria de manera detallada y con ejemplospara su funcionamiento.El acceso al curso es de por vida y podrs realizarlo al ritmo que desees. Adems desde nuestra pagina te ofrecemos diversos paquetes que podrs adquirir para realizar tu curso desde el propio sistema SAP, podrs configurar y realizar ejemplos y procesos en el sistema.En este curso te ofrecemos:Ms de 60 clases tanto prcticas como tericas del procesamiento en el sistema completamente detalladas y con ejemplos reales.Documentacin de cada una de las clases.Presentaciones tericas.Manuales de usuario paso a paso.Manuales de configuracin paso a paso.Tarea para disear un caso en vivo.Asesoracon el instructor 24x7.El contenido del curso es el siguiente:Seccin 1: Introduccin-)BienvenidaSeccin 2: Informacin Terica-)Qu es SAP PM?-)Funcionalidades y Ventajas del mdulo SAP PM-)Datos Maestros del mdulo SAP PM-)Escenarios comunes del mdulo-)Integracin con otros mdulos SAPSeccin 3: Estructura Organizativa SAP PM-)Conceptos y Definiciones de la estructura organizativa de SAP PM-)Configuracin de Centros de Emplazamiento-)Configuracin de Centros de Planificacin-)Configuracin de Grupos dePlanificacin-)Configuracin de Emplazamiento-)Configuracin de rea de empresaSeccin 4: Datos Maestros SAP PM-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Ubicaciones Tcnicas-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Equipos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Puestos de Trabajo-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Catlogos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracinde Conjuntos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Listas de Materiales-)Conceptos, Procesamientoy configuracin de Sistemas de Clasificacin-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Vehculos-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Hojas de Ruta-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Puntos de medida-)Conceptos, Procesamiento y configuracin de Nmeros de SerieSeccin 5: Conclusin y Cierre-)DespedidaSe entregar material multimedia conSesiones de Videos con demostraciones prcticas del uso del sistema yDocumentacin Terica y prcticapaso a paso en PDF."
Price: 114.99

"Ethical Hacking and penetration testing - ultimate guide"
"Learn Ethical hackingfrom the author of famous book ""Hack yourself before someone else does""Our most popular information security and hacking training covers the techniques used by malicious, black hat hackers with high energy lectures and hands-on lab exercises. While these hacking skills can be used for malicious purposes, this class teaches you how to use the same hacking techniques to perform a white-hat, ethical hack, on your organization or individual's system. Youll leave with the ability to quantitatively assess and measure threats to information assets; and discover where your systemis most vulnerable to hacking in this network security training course.The goal of this course is to help you master a repeatable, documentable penetration testing methodology that can be used in an ethical penetration testing or hacking situation. This ethical hacking training course has a significant return on investment, since you gain hacking skills that are highly in demand, as well as certificate of excellence onpassing the final Quiz by DARSHILMODI, author of ""hack yourself before someone else does"".Black Hat hackers are always changing their tactics to get one step ahead of the good guys. Weupdateour course materials regularly to ensure that you learn about the current threats to your organizations networks and systems.More tutorials will be added soon ! The course is still in progress."
Price: 1600.00

"Understanding chords to improve songwriting."
"The Songwriting Series Understanding Chords will give you an understanding of how music is structured. It is a guide to how contemporary music is formed in a way that makes songwriting easier, faster and more intuitive.Understanding Chords will help you discover, in a straight forward and concise manner, how you can create your own music to support your lyrics.Developed by Chris Richter, with over 7 years of one on one music teaching experience and over 20 years of performance experience, you will discover how easy it is to create your own music."
Price: 19.99

"It is an honor to introduce everyone to the long-awaited Diving into Arabic Series. This series, which is derived on real world scenarios as well as proven teaching experiences from students worldwide, has been finalized along with a solid curriculum. The curriculum has also been divided into smaller, manageable pieces in order to help all students enjoy their language learning experience.Throughout the series, each student will be able to explore the language from a beginner level to an advanced level using benchmark examples, creative assessments, and occasional testing. All of the material required for each lesson will be suppled.It is worth noting that the Diving into Arabic series is not about regurgitating some common phrases or random vocabulary words only to forget them later. This series promises to harness an effective approach that will build reading, speaking, and writing skills quickly for usage in the real world.Once the student has completed the Series, there will be no need for any intermediate transliterations. Everything will be performed in Arabic.As a professional Arabic teacher, I will always be available to answer any questions regarding my experience, overall series development, or language methodologies. Please, do not hesitate to contact me!I would like to send a special thanks to everyone that has contributed to the success of this project."
Price: 199.99

"Business Development For Holistic Therapists 4 Week Course"
"Are you struggling to attract enough clients? Are you worrying about money? Are you feeling uncertain? It is a great shame if you are working as a therapist, doing the job you love, and yet finding it difficult to keep the business afloat. This is a very common problem. Theres nothing worse than worrying about how to pay your rent or your insurance, being upset when clients cancel, or even worse, having to give up on your dream and find another job.The Business Success Course will give you the tools you need to build a thriving, successful, busy therapy practice. Broken into four weekly modules, this online business training course covers how to change your mind set, how to market your business and how to grow your business.The course has been created using the experience of several successful therapists.The Business Success Course will:Teach you how to be a successful business person.Give you a variety of marketing strategies.Allow you to build a thriving practice.Stop you worrying about money.Allow you to work as a therapist as your main job.Give you free time.Allow you to manage your work around your other commitments.Help you to earn a good income.Allow you the satisfaction of helping people.Show you how to establish a good reputation.Give you the skills to be your own boss."
Price: 194.99

"Boost Confidence 3 Week Hypnotherapy Course"
"Boost Self-Confidence 3 Week Hypnotherapy CourseThe perfect solution if you:lack self-esteemdoubt yourself or worry about not being good enoughsuffer from social anxietyfind it difficult to speak up at workfind big groups of people intimidatingThe Boost Self-Confidence course is set over three weeks. Each week you will receive a series of videos, a hypnosis MP3 and homework tasks to complete. Here are some of the lovely things people have said about how hypnotherapy has helped with self-esteem issues. ""I felt much calmer and less anxious. Catherine gave me a few tips to help with my thought process and I've found myself thinking clearer and I'm able to think positively rather than thinking negatively by focusing on what may happen. I've really enjoyed the MP3's and can honestly see a big improvement in how I feel. Thank you""""Since the course of hypnotherapy my daughter presents herself with a new found confidence even to people she knew before. She speaks to lecturers at College if she needs to question anything, although this might be waiting until the rest of the class has left, but she would never have done this before. I would highly recommend Catherine for anyone having an issue with confidence, especially young people as she certainly makes them feel at ease and improves their outlook on life.""""You have truly been a miracle worker for us. We both feel so much more relaxed, confident and positive and now looking forward to the future and not just existing anymore. I would and will recommend you to anyone who has any issues they want to treat with hypnotherapy."""
Price: 99.99

"Start Your Freelance Career on PeopleperHour"
"If you are planning to earn online then PeopleperHour is the best place to start. PPH has all the positive things of fiverr and upwork. A new freelancer can get projects here faster than any other freelancing platform. In this course I've explained the things step by step so that even a non techie can get the concept and apply that concept in their own profiles. My advice is not to skip any step because all the steps are interlinked with each other. If you need any help throughout the course just text me and I'll answer. Hope this course will be a life changing one for you."
Price: 29.99

"Earn passively by Selling digital Products without ads"
"Wouldnt it be amazing, if you wake up in the morning and see an email of your new earning. Surely it is. Passive earning will help you to grow your business rapidly.If you are a content creator, graphics designer, photographer, motion grapher or even videographer. Then this course is for you.Here I have showed my secrets, how I have earned selling digital products in marketplaces. Here I will show you how you can earn with your digital products in different marketplaces. This course is actually proven case study of $18000.00 earning. I have not used any advertisement like facebook, google or linkedin.Note: This is not a design course, this course is how you can sell your contents in different marketplaces.I will keep updating this course with new case studies. Feel free to ask any questions. About The Instructor:In this course I willshare insider tips, techniques and short-cuts.How Is This Course Different?This course includes analysis, opinions, techniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructorthat you won't find anywhere else.This course is actually proven case study of $18000.00 earning.Who is the target audience? You want to earn Passive Income and Work from Home You are willing to do the necessary work to achieve it Can able to"
Price: 19.99

"Integrado con las ltimas tecnologas en tiempo real, iClone7 simplifica el mundo de la animacin 3D en un entorno de produccin fcil de usar que combina la creacin de personajes, la animacin, el diseo de escenas y la narracin cinematogrfica.El renderizador con tecnologa GPU brinda una velocidad de produccin y una calidad visual artstica sin igual.IClone Animation Pipeline conecta sin problemas herramientas 3D y motores de juego estndar de la industria para aplicaciones interactivas, pelculas y produccin virtual.iClone ha sido ampliamente utilizado por cineastas independientes, equipos de estudio pro, equipo de previsualizacin, as como por escritores, directores, animadores, anunciantes o cualquier persona que desee convertir rpidamente su visin en una realidad."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Knitting Course: Knit From Beginner To Expert"
"At the end of this course you will be able to knit, purl, cast on, cast off in lesson one.Increase and decrease stitches and some more advanced techniques in lesson two,which will allow you to follow any knitting pattern as well as correcting your own mistakes. This course is designed to make you self sufficient in all aspects of knitting which will give you the confidence to try patterns on your own. The course walks you through a simple scarf thenslightly more complicated gloves using two tones of wool for a clearer understanding of the technique. Each lesson covers each technique in a clear and concise way."
Price: 19.99

"Build Insightful Dashboards with Google Data Studio"
"NEW LECTURE! (November 2018)Overview of The Explorer feature in Data Studio and how it can help you to reach insights faster!This course alsonow supportsCaptions in Englishto help support your learning.The Power of Data StudioIntuitive Design - create dashboard designs that are more intuitive than dashboards in GA &Google SheetsScale your insights -build shareable dashboards saved in Google DriveSpeed up time to insight -build reports andvisualisations to answer questions within minutesUser friendly Templates and Layouts -will make it easier for users to interpret the data.Data Studio is a new Data Visualisation Tool created by Google. It is partof the Google Suite including Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides.Data Studio is FREEand allows you to connect to a range of data sources.It's an incredible tool to create powerful and interactive dashboards for you to explore your underlying data.I look forward to showing you how powerful Data Studio is for speeding up time to insight.Target AudienceThis course is for anyone who wants to learn how to find meaning from their data and communicating insights through great dashboards.Your role might fall into one of the followingOnline MarketerProduct AnalystData AnalystProduct Owners/ManagerSmall business OwnerData Sources you may already useGoogle Analytics,Adwords or other Google ProductGoogle SheetsExcelData Studio has 3 Key Pillars whichare;1. Connecting to many data sources2. Visualisingdata through a range of customisable reports and widgets3. Sharing dashboards for collaboration and communicating insights.NEW LECTURE (May 2018)Asking the question is Data Studio the right tool for me?In this new lecture 'Why Data Studio?' I explore how you can evaluate how Data Studio fits within your existing toolset and how to evaluate Data Studio against other Business Intelligence Tools in the market.NEW ASSIGNMENT! (April 2018)To ensure you have even more hands-on experience there is now an Assignment at the end of the course for you to complete! You will create a dashboard from scratch and answer key questions about the data set to pass the assignment and receive feedback on your final Data Studio Report.NEWLECTURES! (DEC2017)Calculated Metrics - Simple Arithmetic -Learn how to create new metrics from your existing data sets directly in Data Studio,to explore your data in new waysNEWLECTURES! (NOV2017)Handling Sampling of Google Analytics Data in Data StudioNEWLECTURES(AUG2017)Prepare your data in Google Sheets for Data StudioConnecting Google Sheets toData StudioConnect your own Google Analytics Data to Power your reportsNEWLECTURES(SEPT2017)Tracking Usage of your Data StudioReports"
Price: 49.99

"Design Principles for Effective Dashboard Design"
"In this course you will learn how to build more effective dashboards to communicate insights in the most effective and impact way possible by following key Design Principles for User Experience:You will learn about:- Why investing time in the Design of your dashboards is so important- The Psychology of InformationRetrieval- Design Principles (Affordance, Aesthetics, Accessibility & Acceptance)- 3 Key actionable tips to implement for each Design Principle- Overall 12 key actionable ways you can improve your existing dashboards and use when designing new onesThis course is aimed at:- Analysts or users who are creating Dashboards for end users- Managers of Analysts- Users who work with Analysts who create DashboardsIt doesn't matter which dashboard or Business Intelligence tool you are using to create your dashboards - this course will equip you with universal design principles that can be applied with any tool."
Price: 29.99

"Five Steps to Keep your Breakup from Breaking You"
"What do you do when the relationship you've spent weeks, months or even years in comes to an end?Most don't have a clue. They try to deal with the situation only to find themselves in a vicious cycle of breaking up and trying again...and again...and again, because you're a nice person and you don't want to kick anyone out your life. I get it...but this shouldn't be the case. Don't let this be you...or anyone you know. And it won't be you! Because we're going to talk about the breakup. How to do it, what to do with it, and what to do if it happens to you.Tired of the cycle?Ready to get over he or she and move on?You're totally in the right place.Our five step process, very un-creatively called D-Method (guess what the steps start with) are just what you need to keep your breakup from breaking you."
Price: 24.99

"How to Make Love for Seven Days"
"L-O-V-E...Isnt it funny how these four little letters are such a big deal?But this is not just about lovebut making love. After all, thats why you clicked on this coursebecause you think I have some secret to sexual stamina and long-lasting pleasure. Right?Certified Life, Relationship and Bereavement Coach Stephanie D. McKenzie of Houston, Texas-based coaching company, The Relationship Firm, returns with another fun course on relationships. If you're ready to make love that will blow your mind, then this is the course that you have been looking for!Upon completion of this course, students are able to schedule a live coaching session with the course creator, Stephanie D. McKenzie, and an open invitation to join the Facebook group, Fall In Love With You!(See Day Seven Resources)Other goodies include: Timeline photos to share in social media and thought provoking assignments."
Price: 24.99