"Learn Somali Language - Speak Somali Fluently - Af Soomaali" |
"Somali is an official language of Somalia,a national language in Djibouti, and a working language in the Somali Region of Ethiopia.What you will learn in this courseIntroducing your self in Somali Language.Asking Questions in SomaliNumbersGreetingsand much more.Are you interested in learning and speaking Somali this course is for you, enroll it and benefit from it, CLICK on BUY NOW BUTTONI have over 8,900+ students in my courses who are very interested in improving their tech & personal skills, i am encourage you to be part of those growing students by enrolling this course.Thank You."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bootstrap 4 for Beginners" |
"Learn Bootstrap 4Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build you require apps with the responsive grid system, extensive p rebuilt components and powerfully built on JQueryBootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, models, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins and bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designsBootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, models, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins and bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs"
Price: 49.99 |
"Com certeza ser PRODUTIVO uma das habilidades que mais interessa no mundo moderno. Mas como ser mais produtivo se as tarefas da vida so quase que infinitas, e humanamente impossvel fazer tudo? Ficamos trabalhando o dia inteiro e no final temos a impresso que no fizemos nada.Neste curso quero te mostrar os dois lados. No s como realizar mais tarefas de modo assertivo sem perda de tempo, mas tambm a saber priorizar o que realmente importante em um contexto global da vida, ou seja, no apenas de trabalho mas tambm com famlia, amigos, sade, etc. Sem perder a motivao, ficar frustrado, ter medo ou insegurana perante cada momento.Neste curso teremos as seguintes sees:Introduo:O que realmente produtividadeOque resultado.Como percebemos o resultado.Relao resultado/tempoAniquiladores de produtividadeO que nos atrapalha no dia-a-dia.Quais os perigos escondidos em simples aes.Para onde vai o tempo que no vemos.Conceitos:O que estar ocupado.O que importante e o que urgente.Valorizao do tempoDecisesSim e noRotinaMuito mais...Tcnicas e ferramentas:18 tcnicas e ferramentas para voc ser mais produtivoAdministrar o tempo.Ser mais produtivoFazer o que realmente tem que ser feitoOrganizarTer focoRealizar maisBNUSMeu Livro 53 Tticas de Produtividade, Ao e Bem-Estar para vocMe acompanhe nessa jornada de descobrimento do nosso prprio dia-a-dia de uma forma muito mais fcil e recompensadora. No deixe sua vida continuar da forma que est agora."
Price: 39.99 |
"Persuaso e Vendas Os Pilares que nos fazem tomar decises" |
"Voc j tentou convencer algum sobre algo sem ter nenhum sucesso e logo depois algum fala a mesma coisa e aquela pessoa concorda?Sabe por que isso acontece? Porque no apenas o que voc diz e a forma com que voc fala, trata-se tambm de tudo que aconteceu antes at aquele ponto e todo o ambiente ao redor. Tudo levado em considerao pelo nosso inconsciente para tomar uma deciso.Por exemplo, se um vendedor me diz que um produto o melhor do mundo para mim eu nem irei prestar ateno, mas se meu melhor amigo diz a mesma coisa, provavelmente irei comprar imediatamente. Por qu? Qual a diferena? E o principal, como usar isso a nosso favor? exatamente isso que voc est prestes a aprender nesse curso!As influncias so divididas em 6 PILARES os quais levamos em considerao sempre que iremos tomar uma deciso. Eles vm do instinto primitivo que temos, desde que estvamos nas cavernas e precisvamos criar formas rpidas de tomar decises que nos mantivssemos vivos. E o principal deles o relacionamento dentro dos grupos. Quem no estava em bando acabava morrendo primeiro. Mas como viver em grupo? Muitos atalhos foram criados por nossa mente, e vamos desvend-los agora.Nossos 6 PILARES so:- Reciprocidade Devo dar algo em troca quando recebo?- Compromisso e coerncia Se eu disse que faria devo fazer?- Social O que os outros esto fazendo?- Afeio Por que trato melhor de quem eu gosto?- Escassez Gosto mais do que tem pouco?- Autoridade Em quem posso confiar se no sei de nada?Vamos comear agora mesmo a aprender profundamente como o comportamento humano perante cada deciso da vida."
Price: 129.99 |
"Oratria e Palestra de Alto Impacto COMPLETO Sem medo" |
"Saber falar em pblico uma habilidade que todos ns precisamos. O ser humano essencialmente social, por isso, comunicar suas ideias fundamental.Neste curso voc vai aprender com profundidade como a essncia da comunicao, tornando uma aula em uma palestra de alto impacto.Vamos falar sobre o que motiva toda comunicao humana, o que procuramos quando nos comunicamos e o que esperamos inconscientemente ao ouvir algum falar.Como no s agradar o pblico, mas fazer tambm com que ele mude de perspectiva na vida e comece imediatamente a agir conforme a sugesto da sua palestra de alto impacto.Vamos ver como utilizar o humor e as histrias para criar falas que emocionam e tocam profundamente o ser humano, fazendo com que ele questione a si mesmo e se abra para ouvir o que voc tem a dizer.Aprenda a modelar uma palestra envolvente. Saibas qual o fluxo que a oratria deve ter para no se perder no caminho e criar mudanas duradouras nas pessoas que te ouvem.Nossos mdulos sero:Motivao da comunicaoMedoHumorHistriasMotivar a aoPrimeira impressoModelagemBoas prticasPowerPointSo mais de 50 aulas a sua disposio que iro mudar a forma com que voc pensa sobre palestras.Voc est entre mais de 23 mil alunos de todos meus cursos.Te vejo dentro do curso!Um forte abrao!Adriano Sugimoto."
Price: 159.99 |
"Investimento em Imveis sem Burocracia e sem Financiamento" |
"Todo brasileiro j pensou em viver de aluguel, comprar algumas casinhas e comear a alugar para algumas pessoas, criando uma renda passiva que se torna uma bola de neve com o tempo, com mais aluguis compra mais casas e isso s acaba aumentando.Mas, para fazer isso ou voc tem muito dinheiro para comprar os primeiros imveis ou pega financiamento, diminuindo quase a zero seus lucros iniciais.MAS PRESTE ATENOVoc sabia que existe no Brasil e no mundo uma forma de voc compra com total segurana imveis nas melhores localizaes por fraes minsculas? Com R$100 voc consegue comprar um imvel na Avenida Paulista por exemplo e em 30 dias j receber os primeiros aluguis, que tal?Sou especialista neste mercado, atualmente palestro e tenho canal no Youtube onde ensino as pessoas a viverem disso como eu e muitos alunos j fazem todos os dias.Acredito que ser um dos investimentos que ir mudar a sua vida, e no estou falando apenas o IMOBILIRIO, ESTOU FALANDO DESTE CURSO.O Curso pequeno em horas, porque todo brasileiro conhece o mercado imobilirio, voc sabe se gosta mais de casas ou apartamentos, cabe saber onde encontrar as informaes ou seguir profissionais o ajudaro nisso.Boas aulas!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Bear and Hummingbird Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint an adorable grizzly bear with a hummingbird in wildflowers step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint Bison in Mist Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint bison in mist step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Pika and Bumblebee Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint an adorable pika and bumblebee step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Fox in Snow Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint an adorable fox in snow step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Bear Cub Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint a cute bear cub on a log step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Beach Sunset Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint a stunning beach sunset step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint an Elk in Mist Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint an elk in mist step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint Fall Aspen Trees Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint fall aspen trees step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Moose and Butterfly Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint an adorable baby moose and butterfly step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint Bears in Aspen Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint an adorable baby black bear and its mama in aspen trees step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Build an Artist Website" |
"Learn how to build a proper website to showcase and sell your artwork!You will be guided step by step to setting up your website through Shopify, the best, easiest and most affordable platform for selling your art.Learn key aspects to make your art standout and convert visitors to buyers.Copyright your artwork images for protection against duplicating and theft.Install payment gateways into your website to collect money from your sales!An artist website is your personal gallery space to feature and show your art to the world. It is most likely where you will be directing anyone who is interested in your art. So you want it to be as elegant and efficient as possible."
Price: 19.99 |
"Advertise your Art Online for More Sales!" |
"Learn the secrets to successful advertising through Facebook to increase the sales of your art. Any artist can be successful! The most important thing is getting your art seen! This class provides you with knowledge and tools to get your work out in front of specific targeted buyers who will be interested in your work. Lead them to your website and convert them into a collector!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Price your Art" |
"For any artists who are unsure how to accurately price your artwork, this course is for you! Breaking down all the important factors and numbers that go into creating your equation so that you can consistently price your artwork to sell!One of the biggest questions in the art business is how to price your art. Accurately pricing your art takes a lot of consideration and analysis which I will break down for you.There are various methods used by artists when pricing their art. You may be familiar with pricing based on the amount of hours put into the artwork, or based on square area of the surface, or pricing based on similar artists work and reputation, or even pricing cherry-picked from the sky without validation. All of which have their benefits, however the method that will secure longevity and fairness in your pricing structure and buildrapport with your collectors is to carefully create a tiered pricing structure based on the surface area of your artwork."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photographing your Art to Sell and Photoshop Editing" |
"Learn to professionally photograph your artwork for building a strong portfolio. Use basic photoshop techniques to create a perfect likeness to your original art. These files can be used time and time again for creating a print line or even a duvet cover! The wealth building options are endless when you have a great image of your art to work with. Also learn to copyright and protect your images.Bonus video: How to use your images to license out and receive a monthly royalty check!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Tropical Beach Step-by-Step" |
"Learn to paint a tranquil tropical beach step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Hummingbird Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint a colorful hummingbird step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Paint a Sunset Forest Step-by-Step!" |
"Learn to paint an ethereal sunset forest with wildflowers and deer step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James CorwinAdditional material included!! Learn how to frame your painting!Learn how to price and sell your artwork for extra income.And learn how to ship it safely to customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Painting a Beach Sunset for Art Therapy" |
"Painting can be a very therapeutic and meditational process.This course has been developed to allow you to enter a zone through painting.Learn to paint a stunning beach sunset step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James Corwin"
Price: 19.99 |
"Painting a Sunset Forest for Art Therapy" |
"Painting can be a very therapeutic and meditational process.This course has been developed to allow you to enter a zone through painting.Learn to paint an ethereal forest sunset step by step!Watch as I do each step, then pause the video and complete the step before moving on. Rewatch any section and take it all at your own pace!Hang and show off your beautiful painting when you are finished. Takes about 2 hours to complete!Use your own art supplies. You will need:11x14 in canvas3 brushes(large flat, medium flat, small round)Acrylic paint (bright red, bright yellow, pthalo blue, ultramarine blue, ivory black, titanium white)Table EaselArtists PaletteHave a glass of water and paper towelavailable for cleaning your brushes.Instructed by James Corwin"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Win Smartly in table tennis (Advanced Tactics)" |
"How to Win and Win Smartly in table tennis (Advanced Tactic).This is the advanced skills. If you have mastered the basic skills, but you don't know how to win.This course is for you! It will improve your rating, your winning rate to the next level!How to serve and attackThird ball attack conceptHow to deal with long pips playersHow to win defenderHow to win blockerHow to win short pipsThe basic concept ""potential situation"" in table tennis tacticsWhere to serveWhere to attack the next ball"
Price: 24.99 |
"Gerando Engajamento e Vendas com Desafios" |
"Engajamento! Esta palavra simples de escrever difcil de executar uma das grandes dificuldades no momento para quem trabalha com Marketing Digital. Conquistar pessoas nem sempre fcil. E, sabe porque?Porque simplesmente as pessoas esto um tanto cansadas de uma comunicao robtica nas redes sociais. preciso ser pessoal! Como conseguir isso o que voc vai aprender neste curso. Aqui voc vai aprender se comunicar de forma que conquiste as pessoas que transitam em suas redes sociais. Vou te explicar no passo-a-passo como desenvolver um desafio para aproximar sua audincia existente e conquistar mais pessoas para suas redes.Desde identificar seu pblico at interagir e vender para estas pessoas. Tudo de forma bem simples onde qualquer pessoa que esteja iniciando possa aprender e aplicar esta estratgia a em suas redes sociais.*ATENO: este curso nvel iniciante. Caso voc j esteja em um nvel mais avanado de estratgias de trfego orgnico recomendo que faa um curso mais adequado para voc. Comece agora! Crie um vnculo mais forte com seu pblico e tenha uma comunidade que realmente faa a diferena em seus negcios! Fale para quem tem interesse de ouvir sobre seu produto ou servio. Bom desafio para voc!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Ultimate Cartoon Drawing: Create Your Own Character" |
"WHAT YOU GET:SWAPPABLE CARTOON HANDS, FEET, EYES, NOSES, EARS, CLOTHING (9 PG PDF WORKBOOK)4K HD VIDEO LESSONSTIMELESS SKILLSNo previous drawing knowledge is required to start.In this course I will show you how to build further onto Tommy Toon, my original character introduced in my free course. You will be advancing your skills by learning to draw boys and girls with more dynamic hands and feet as well as facial features. I will also be teaching you how to understand and draw 5 types of fabric folds so you will be able to clothe your character out of your imagination. As an exercise, I take the King of Diamonds playing card and demonstrate how you can make your own cartoon from anything!DRAWING IS A TEACHABLE SKILL!I will prove to you that there are rules to drawing that apply 100% of the time and when you begin compounding these easy ""No Guess"" principles you will find your artwork will get immediately better, even if you can only draw a stick man right now! The info in this course is timeless and will never go out of date. One thing I can say for certain is that talent is NOT everything, but like anything else, practice is a KEY ingredient in your success!I WILL give you everything you need to begin on the right track towards becoming good at this!RISK FREE, 4K HD VIDEO LESSONSThis course was filmed with crisp audio and captured in 4K HD video by a professional, giving you top notch production quality. You don't need to look any further, for less than the price of a how-to-draw book you can try my cartoon drawing course risk free. It's a no brainer!"
Price: 199.99 |
"SUPER BASIC FRENCH : learn the french language today!" |
"Ever wanted to learn french but just didn't know where to start? If so, you came to the right place because I have made this course for people who are looking to learn french in a simple and easy way. This course starts off with the first things you would learn if you were enrolled in an all day french speaking school. This course is easy to follow as it is divided into 3 sections with simple lectures explaining the content followed by lectures that allow you to practice the material. You will gain confidence in using basic french words and phrases learned in this course. You will also be able to use the information from this course to continue your learning. This is the very first course I offer as this one includes the basic foundation of the language. I offer interactive lessons, practice sheets, audio practice and so much more. I love teaching and empowering others just like you in your success . Trust me, I know everyone progresses at their own personal learning rhythm which is why my courses will be perfect for YOU.This is the most basic french course I offer and I would be honoured to have you enroll in my course. Lets have some fun learning together!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Adobe Lightroom CC : For the Absolute Beginner!" |
"In this lightroom course, you will learn the following: How to import and export your photos. How to use and understand color, saturation and tones. Exposure, Cropping, Navigate the menu and so much more! Enjoy over 1.5 hours of video content and feel the power of Adobe lightroom! Are you excited?"
Price: 199.99 |