"Master Git and Github ( Fastest Way Ever )" |
"Master Git and Github within a short period of timeMaster the git commands that will help you explore any repository.Use Git and GitHub in the way that modern development teams use them.if you want to become a software engineerif you want to accelerate your careerif you want to work at big companies or if you want to open your own businesstake this time saving course and you will be ready"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cyber Security : Mr Robot Real Life Scenarios Vol 1" |
"::::::::::::::::::::::::: Warning :::::::::::::::::::::::::: This is For Educational Purposes Only :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Hello Friend, Hello Friendif you want to become The top 1% of the top 1%, take this course you will learn Ethical Hacking Step by step by practiceand use it in real life to defend your self from such attacks also it is fun believe me.in this course there are two scenes:Ron's coffee SceneDDOS Attack Sceneso the conclusion is you will learn:What is TOR (the onion router) and how it worksMake a TOR websiteMITM AttackARP and ARP poisoningSniffing packets using WireShark DDOS AttackWhat is BotnetProtection from such attacks"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mobile Devices Hacking and Security v3.0" |
"Do you want to learn How to Hack and Secure your mobile device (Android + iOS)? This course covers tools and techniques to hack a mobile device in order to teach you how to protect your mobile devices from hackers. It's a quick learn course which focuses on hacking and security techniques for your mobile devices.What you will learn?- Android Structure- Various facts about android which you probably don't know before- Tools and Techniques to hack Android devices- Hack any Android Phone in 30 seconds- How to Jailbreak iOS Apps- How to Dis-assemble iOS [Hacking iOS]This course comes with 30-Day money-back guarantee [no questions asked]"
Price: 49.99 |
"WiFi-Hacking + Website Hacking: 2 Courses in 1" |
"Do you want to learn the techniques to test the security of your WiFi? Are you a Student of Cyber Security OR Are you a Professional wanted to sharpen your Pentesting Skills, Then think no more and Join this Course. I have selected TOP 3 methods to hack WiFi. These are tested and Proven Methods. You don't have to worry about anything, I am here to help you.You will learn:1. What are different methods to test the security of your WiFi2. Apply important security tips to protect your Network from various external threats.3. What are different levels of security in a WiFi4. What technologies used to create a website5. How to find vulnerabilities in a Website6. How to Exploit different payloads7. Post Exploitation Process8. How to report Vulnerabilities.All attacks are performed in Real Environment and with Sufficient Permissions. To get best out of this course, try attacking your own Modem for Practice. Anyone who is interested to understand the real process of Wi-Fi Hacking may join this course.You will also learn how to hack a website using SQL and XSS Attacks. You will gain knowledge on How to use DOS and DDOS attacks. Then you will learn how to earn some money by hacking websites."
Price: 99.99 |
"System Hacking + Mobile Hacking and Security:Ethical Hacking" |
"Learn by doing. You will learn most of the important tools and techniques used to test the security of your Computer System and Mobile Devices. You will learn how to hack your device and how to protect them from various external Threats.Topics Covered in this Course are:1. Footprinting2. Scanning3. Gaining Access4. Maintaining Access5. Clearing Tracks6. Generating Reports7. Quick Hacking Tips8. Hands-on Training9. Hacking Mobile Device10. Securing your Computer and Mobile.Anyone who is interested to learn about Cyber Security may join this course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Liberte-se das dores emocionais e mude a sua vida - Completo" |
"Nesse curso eu lhe ensinarei todos as tcnicas SIMPLES e RPIDAS que lhe ajudaro a mudar o seu estado emocional dentro de poucos minutos e tambm reencontrar A SUA ALEGRIA e FORA INTERIOR. So aulas RPIDAS, mas extremamente EFICAZES E PODEROSAS.Tambm darei o passo a passo de como eu mesmo sa de um estado de depresso e apatia para a felicidade que sinto HOJE. Como hipnlogo e terapeuta divido diariamente com os meus pacientes o que voc assistir nesse curso e, para mim, o maior pagamento que recebo v-los com as suas vidas TOTALMENTE TRANSFORMADAS - o que me deixa ainda mais feliz e realizado! Meu objetivo agora compartilhar todo esse tesouro de conhecimento CIENTFICO e experincia de vida com VOC!Embarque comigo nessa viagem e descubra O QUE H DE MELHOR EM VOC!O que voc aprender nesse curso:Tornar-se uma pessoa melhor e muito mais felizTransformar problemas em oportunidadesDesenvolver sentimentos nobres e enriquecedoresTer mais qualidade de vida e melhores relacionamentosDesenvolver um estado de paz inabalvelTornar-se prspero espiritual e materialmenteRealizar os seus sonhos e objetivos mais ousadosTer uma vida sexual prazerosa, feliz e sem culpasUsar sua energia sexual como combustvel para o seu sucessoVoc tambm quer saber O SEGREDO para: Ter mais qualidade de vida Relacionar-se melhor com as pessoas que ama Alcanar seus objetivos de forma simples e rpida? Ento, pegue na minha mo descubra o passo-a-passo do seu crescimento emocional, tornando-se no s uma pessoa melhor, mas contribuindo para um mundo melhor.Neste curso online voc encontrar um guia prtico para evoluir de emoes negativas como vergonha, culpa, tristeza e raiva para sentimentos avanados de paz, alegria, sabedoria e amor incondicional.Voc contar com o meu apoio e incentivo em todas essas etapas do seu caminho. Eu mesmo j trilhei grande parte dessa estrada e minha vida melhorou completamente em todos os aspectos. isso que eu quero compartilhar com voc. Se eu consegui, voc tambm conseguir!E ento, Voc quer ver sua vida transformada?Voc quer descobrir o tesouro que existe em sua essncia?Quer usar seu poder interior para fazer um mundo melhor?Vem comigo pois este o objetivo principal do meu trabalho: AJUDAR VOC A SE TORNAR UMA PESSOA AINDA MELHOR E CONSEQUENTEMENTE UM M VIVO QUE ATRAIR DINHEIRO, RIQUEZA E BONS RELACIONAMENTOS!Por isso, assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita para ter certeza de que este curso para voc e claro, para todas as suas dvidas, no hesite em me contatar!Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutor Udemy!"
Price: 204.99 |
"Como sair da escassez, da carncia e da tristeza - Completo" |
"Voc tem passado por problemas conjugais? J se deparou com a infidelidade do seu parceiro? J passou por situaes constrangedoras de violncia domstica?Tem enfrentado dificuldades financeiras?Sente-se sozinha e carente?Passa por situaes de tristeza e desesperana?Se voc disse ""sim"" para pelo menos uma dessas questes esse curso para voc.Fernando Neves hipnlogo e terapeuta transpessoal e thetahealing e vai compartilhar com voc tcnicas SIMPLES e EFICAZES para voc: Melhorar seu estado emocional Elevar o seu padro vibratrio Aumentar a sua autoestimaTornar-se independenteConquistar os seus sonhos.Durante milnios, as mulheres tm sido oprimidas porque, esqueceram do PODER SEM LIMITES que possuem no s para gerar vida fsica, mas tambm realizar todos os seus sonhos.Toda a sua FORA, como mulher, est no seu chackra CARDACO, nas suas EMOESDr. Fernando Neves, lhe ensinar a ATIVAR esse centro de PODER que muito mais desenvolvido nas mulheres do que nos homens e, assim, recuperar sua autoestima, sua prosperidade e seu casamento.Este curso tem um prazo de 30 dias de garantia e, caso voc no goste ou no se identifique, s mandar um email para UDEMY e seu dinheiro ser devolvido sem nenhum questionamento.Contudo, temos certeza de que esse treinamento ALAVANCAR a sua vida para MELHOR pois voc entrar em contato com a fora mais poderosa e natural que existe em toda mulher: a CAPACIDADE DE CRIAR.Seja bem-vinda, ento, e redescubra esse PODER CRIATIVO que j existe em voc e que gera no s corpos fsicos, mas QUALQUER COISA que voc deseje."
Price: 204.99 |
"Desktop Application Development Windows Forms C#" |
"This course is intended for students who are passionate in doing programming and curious for developing their own product and contribute in the software industry. This course help you to build cutting edge knowledge of how traditional software works and what is the science behind it.After completing this course you learn :How to create a customized application based on user requirementHow controls are usedWhat is event handlingHow to manage data using a databaseDifferent behaviors of controlsLINQ based database operationsNavigation'sMaster/MDI windowsHow to create executable file for your software (Application Deployment).What is M.A.R.S?Intranet based applicationReporting All the above mentioned things will be demonstrated in detail along with examples."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn ASP.NET MVC from scratch" |
"This course is intended for students who are willing to learn new technologies, especially web based products. MVC is a modern architecture widely adopted by many organizations in order to make themselves up to date with current technology and after taking this course, student will be able to join I.T. industry with ease and students will get enough skills that can help them to get higher positions."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Website Designing [Beginner to Advance]" |
"Hi students,Welcome to Learn Website Designing [Beginner to Advance], this course is intended for those who wants to learn web designing from scratch. This course help you to create your own web pages. It also help you to do designing of your choice. After taking this course you'll get in depth understanding of how web technologies work. Furthermore this course is not consisting of one technology, you'll be learning more or less 5 technologies together in order to gain grip on web designing."
Price: 94.99 |
"PHP Web Development with MySQL" |
"Hi students, welcome to my course Web Development with PHP & MySQLThis course will be an all in one solution that helps you to learn how to create a web application using PHP and MySQL, all at one place. This course is a complete mixture of multiple technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and AJAX along with PHP and MySQL. I am going to cover the following thing in detail:Introduction to PHPWhat is PHPNeed of PHPVersions of PHPPHP InstallationWAMP Server & XAMPP ServerGetting Started Creating First PHP scriptWhere to store PHP page.Things to remember when saving PHP page.Server configuration of Adobe DreamweaverVariables in PHPOperators in PHPTypesUnaryBinaryTernaryClassificationsArithmeticRelationalLogicalAssignmentBitwiseStringOperands and ExpressionsConditional Statements in PHPIf-Else Switch-CaseLoops in PHPforwhiledo-whileforeachFunctions in PHPBuilt-in FunctionsUser defined functionsForm HandlingGETPOSTEmail SendingState Management CookiesSessionsPHP Sanitization / FiltersValidations in PHPIntroduction to MySQLMySQL database connectivity with PHPCreating databaseCreating tablesCreating columns and other constraintsCreating Views,Stored Procedures and triggersJoins and relationshipsCRUD Operations using PHP and MySQLObject Oriented PHPOther things can be added if possible"
Price: 199.99 |
"Listen to Understand- Increase Influence by Listening Skills" |
"Listening is the most important part of the communication but still many take it for granted. It is the skill which can transform your professional, personal as well as spiritual identity. In short, good listening will make you a better human being.Adults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication. Of this, 45% of communication time is spent listening. Yet no one devotes any efforts to improve it. Improper listening is one of the reasons for miscommunications and fights in the relationship, this course will help you to avoid that.By the end of this course, you will learn: Prerequisites for listening nicely 5 statements to assess your listening skill and how to improve it How to encourage others to share more Refining listening skill in professional life Enhancing listening skill while texting50 Multiple choice questions that will help you revise and apply everything that you have learned in the courseYour benefits from this course: Boosting your productivityBuilding deeper relationshipsHaving an influential impact in your conversationsNot missing any critical information while listening"
Price: 19.99 |
"Better Parenting via Stories (Hindi)" |
"Is there always a mismatch in what you and what your child understands? orYour child becomes angry and throws tantrum every time things do not go her/his way? orYour child self-confidence decreases every time s/he fails in something? orWhen it comes to social situation, your child prefers to stay silent.Research shows that positive parenting builds better self-esteem, builds a better character, encourages proper communication and helps the child to develop into a mentally healthier adult.""The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice."" - Peggy O'MaraBut sometimes dealing with kids can be a very difficult thing. In this fast changing world, old parenting styles are not working anymore.And sometimes your love makes them too dependable on you.To learn, how to avoid all these situations, I have created this e-course for you. As a parent, I am sure the course will help you in the following ways:1- Mindset shifts that will help you to become a better parent (and a person too)2- Understanding and building a better rapport with your child3- Communicating in the right manner with your child4- How to change your parenting style with time5- How to set a positive example for your child6- Helping your children to make their own decisions7- Making them confident enough to face any situationPlus all this is in the story format, so you will always remember the learnings without efforts.The sign of great parenting is not the childs behavior. The sign of truly great parenting is the parents behavior. Andy SmithsonHappy parenting!About Alankar Mhatre: Alankar being himself a father of two also runs a pre-school with his wife where he also regularly counsels parents. He is also a corporate trainer and he has trained more than 10,000 people. He has also conducted workshops in the companies like Ambuja Cement, Reliance Nipppon Life Insurance, Birla Gold Cement, Tata Teleservices Limited and many others."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace Your Interview" |
"Advantages Of The Course: Starting your successful career How to make a good impression on the interviewer Boosting your confidence to crack any interview Express yourself properly in the interviewDo you always get nervous when you hear the word Interview?orYoure good at your core job but fail to express yourself in an interview.orYou prepare very well for an interview but somehow cant create a great impression in an interview.Then, this e-course is for you.It's not your fault that you are not able to face your interviews confidently. Its just that you are not trained for it. You spend 3-4 years to complete your graduation but when it comes to an actual interview you have hardly received any training. Hence, you find it difficult to get a job which you actually deserve.My vision is you should have a great career and that is why I (Urvashi Chawla) started my journey as a career strategist and now having trained and coached over 3000 plus candidates, I have crystallized all my learnings in this e-course which will help you to land on your dream job by cracking any interview.By the end of this course, you will learn:Things to do before an interviewBody language and how to use other nonverbal clues to be confidentTypes of question you should expect and know how to answer themKnow how to follow up after the interviewPlus access to the special interview with Chintan Gala (Co-founder of Shunya Tattva Consulting) who has interviewed more than 7000 candidates from freshers to experienced managers. Learn from his 12 plus years of experience about what it takes to crack any interview."
Price: 19.99 |
"PHP-MongoDB#Dvelopper une APP avec Cloudinary & FusionChart" |
"Une application nous permettant de lister les prsidents et chef des tats et de les manipuler dans MongoDB travers PHP.Tout au long de ce cours, vous apprendrez les technologies innovantes et les astuces pour un meilleur avancement dans votre projet avenir.Avec une panoplie de technologies utilises (Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, HTML, PHP, MongoDB, FusionChart.js, Cloudinary), vous serez la pointe de l'innovation et comptitive sur le marche de l'emploi et surtout comme freelancer pour vous propre projet."
Price: 39.99 |
"Umbraco Forms: The Complete Umbraco Forms Course" |
"A complete Umbraco Forms Guide!In this course you will learn how to set up, use and extend functionality in Umbraco Forms. We will go through an installation guide, followed by a detailed overview of how to set up forms and create condition based functionality. Finally we will review how to extend existing Umbraco Forms functionality, like adding new property fields, custom workflows and override the default forms controller to get further control over existing functionality.Umbraco is a CMS(Content Management System) platform that allows developers to create websites that are tailor made for their clients. As a CMS it provides great separation between code and content management. It's flexibility is what makes Umbraco one of the most versatile CMS systems on the market.Umbraco Forms is an Umbraco CMS plugin that provides an intuitive user interface for creating forms on your website. It provides a simple to use form editor with advanced workflow functionality that can be connected to your website and external systems or CRMs. In addition to this Umbraco Forms provides a reporting view on all form entries that can be easily viewed from the website backoffice."
Price: 19.99 |
"Matriser Adobe XD" |
"Vous souhaitez apprendre concevoir des interfaces web et des applications ?Ensemble, nous apprendrons tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour matriser l'ensemble des outils Adobe XD. A la fin, vous pourrez raliser n'importe quel design de site ou d'application.Peu de thorie, beaucoup de PRATIQUEMon approche est avant tout concrte. Une fois familiaris avec le logiciel, nous rentrerons rapidement dans le vif du sujet et verrons l'ensemble des fonctionnalits d'Adobe XD avec un cas concret : l'laboration d'une interface web.A l'issu de ce cours, un exercice de redesign de site existant vous sera propos. Cela me permettra de pouvoir vous aiguiller sur des axes d'amlioration et de personnaliser au maximum votre besoin.En rsum, vous saurez :- matriser l'ensemble des outils.- crer une interface de site internet responsive ou d'application comprenant plusieurs pages- - dynamiser ces interfaces - tester votre interface sur diffrents supports- partager votre interface+ un ensemble d'astuces afin de vous faire gagner du temps"
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Excel For Beginners" |
"We will begin with basics like how to create pivot tables,and how we can format pivot tables.Pivot Tables is one of the most important and interesting feature in microsoft excel .We will then move on to the advanced level in a gradual way.We will learn how to work with conditional formatting,pivot tables,pivot charts.We will learn excel formulas and functions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to process control and instrumentation" |
"Dear student,Control in process industries refers to the regulation of all aspects of the process. Precise control of level, temperature, pressure and flow is important in many process applications.This course introduces you to control in process industries, explains why control is important, identifies different ways in which precise control is ensured and illustrates the different set of instrumentation used to perform measuring tasks for temperature, pressure, flow and level.The course includes extensivegraphics, cut sections, process schemes and 3Danimations to give you a virtual practical exposure on process control and instrumentation.The objective of this course is twofold :1. Break down for you all the process control and instrumentation principles into easily digestible concepts like feedback control, split range, controller tuning, transmitters, differential pressure gauges, etc...2. Illustrate through 3D animations and cut-sections the main control instrument devices to measure temperature, pressure, flow and level like thermocouples, capacitive pressure gauges, coriolis flowmeters, etc...As you proceed through the course, answer the questions in the attached pdf quiz files. These files are available at the end of each section.We strongly advise you to do so before moving on in the course. Quiz exercises help you measure your progress toward meeting each sections learning objectives.If you pass, wonderful. If not, you can review the videos and notes again orask us for help in the Q&A section.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum and we look forward to see you in the first section.Also remember, as enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to interact with us by emailor simply ask us for help in the Q&A section. It will be our pleasure to help you and provide assistance.Hope to see you thereCheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 99.99 |
"The steam cracking process - Petrochemicals / Oil and gas" |
"Dear student,This petrochemical training course is designed to give you an insight into the chemical processes, plant operations and economics of a steam cracker plant.The training course examines the intricacies of a petrochemical steam cracker plant and breaks them down into core building blocks whose concepts will be explained in a clear easy to understand language.So whether you are an operator, an engineer, a newly-hired or a support personnel working in a petrochemical plant or simply you are looking for a better understanding of this stimulating field, then youve come to the right place.The course is organized into 6 sections :PETROCHEMICAL ACTIVITIES OVERVIEW WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ORGANIC CHEMISTRYABOUT STEAM CRACKER PLANTSTHE STEAM CRACKING PROCESSSELECTIVE HYDROGENATION A TYPICAL STEAM CRACKER PROCESSThe course also contains notes that you can download and where you find the most important things to remember. Its like Cliff Notes for books, but for steam cracking. Everything you need to know about process schemes, layouts, feedstock characteristics and properties, products, economics and much more...What makes me qualified to teach you :I hold 2 chemical engineering degrees from the ""Ecole Nationale Suprieur de Chimie de Paris, Chimie ParisTech"" and the ""Institut Franais du Ptrole, IFP School"", 2 of the top tier chemical engineering schools in Europe with a major in refining and petrochemical processes.For the last 10 years I have been working as a chemical engineer for an international oil company where I have taken on different technical challenges in petrochemicals manufacturing, petroleum refining, logistics, planning and business analyses.What's next ?If you are interested in other topics related to chemical engineering or to the oil and gas industry, and would like a training course on them, built the way this current course is, then please let me know.So that you are aware, we are in the process of building the following courses :Overview of the petrochemical industry 2/3 : Making polymers (PE, PP, PS, PVC)Overview of the petrochemical industry 3/3 : Other petrochemicals (Benzen, Xylene, Toluene, Styrene, Cumene, Phenol...)Crude oil refiningLogistics of crude oil, petroleum products and chemicals : Transport and despatchStorage of petroleum, chemicals and LPGOil and Gas : History, markets, pricing, economics and petroleum productsDistillation, absorption and stripping : Engineering basics and equipmentHeat transfer technologies : Process furnaces and heat exchangersRotating equipment basics 1/4 : Centrifugal pumpsRotating equipment basics 1/4 : Positive displacement pumpsRotating equipment basics 1/4 : Centrifugal compressorsRotating equipment basics 1/4 : Reciprocating compressorsValves and piping in the Oil and GasFundamentals of process control used in industrial plantsProcess instruments used in industrial plantsGeneral inorganic chemistryOrganic chemistryEssential physicsIR and NMR spectroscopiesand much more...So with no further ado, go ahead, click the enroll button and we will see you in the first section !Cheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 99.99 |
"Logistics of crude oil and petroleum products - Oil and gas" |
"Dear student,Ever wondered how crude oil is transported from remote production wells like in Siberia or Arabian desert to refineries ? and then how commercial petroleum products like gasoline or diesel fuel are dispatched from refineries to your gas station so that you can fill up your car and go to work ?If you're curious about that then you've come to the right place !This course is designed to give you a comprehensive picture of the international oil logistics : from transport of crude oil to refineries, to dispatch of commercial petroleum products.The course is organized into 2 parts :The first part is an analysis of transport problems, particularly the transport of crude oil. We discuss : sea transport first, different types of tankers, different types of charters, costs and prices for this type of transport, the regulatory framework and operational matters. Then we consider transport by pipeline.The second part deals with the different ways of delivering finished products from a refinery : by water, pipeline, rail or road, and the different restrictions that apply to them. Finally, we review the various controls that apply to dispatch.This training course will highlight :Up-to-date global statistics of oil & gasUpdate you of the various methods and technologies used to transport oil, gas and their productsEssentials of international oil and gas supply, economics and transportationPrimary logistics tanker freight costs and charteringSupply logistics major international pipelines, shipping routes, and choke pointsBy the end of this training course, you will be able to :Gain a broad perspective of the global oil and gas business : supply and transportationUnderstand logistics and supply principles and practicesUse Worldscale reference to charter a ship and to calculate the profitabilityThis training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit :Oil & gas field personnelOperations, maintenance and engineering traineesOther support staff who have an interest in increasing their understanding of the oil & gas logisticsBusiness Development Managers, Corporate Planning Professionals and Business Analysts switching disciplines who are required to have a better understanding of this stimulating fieldEnergy industry journalists and reportersProfessional personnel such as legal, banking, insurance, finance dealing with oil supply and transportationWhat makes me qualified to teach you :I hold 2chemical engineering degrees from the ""Ecole Nationale Suprieur de Chimie de Paris, Chimie ParisTech"" and the ""Institut Franais du Ptrole,IFP School"", 2of the top tier chemical engineering schools in Europe with a major in refining and petrochemicals.For the last10 years I have been working as a chemical engineer for an international oil companywhere I have taken on different technical challenges in petrochemicals manufacturing, petroleumrefining, logistics, planning and business analyses.What's next?If you are interested in other topics related to chemical engineeringor to the oil and gas industry, and would like a training course on them, built the way this current course is, then please let me know.So that you are aware, we are in the process of building the following courses :Oil and Gas : History, markets, pricing, economics and petroleum productsCrude oil refining demystifiedStorage of petroleum, chemicals and LPGOverview of the petrochemical industry 1/3 : Steam crackingOverview of the petrochemical industry 2/3 : Making polymers (PE, PP, PS, PVC)Overview of the petrochemical industry 3/3 : Other petrochemicals (Benzen, Xylene, Toluene, Styrene, Cumene, Phenol...)Distillation, absorption and stripping : Engineering basics and equipmentHeat transfer technologies : Process furnaces and heat exchangersRotating equipment basics 1/4 : Centrifugal pumpsRotating equipment basics 2/4 : Positive displacement pumpsRotating equipment basics 3/4 : Centrifugal compressorsRotating equipment basics 4/4 : Reciprocating compressorsValves and piping in the Oil and GasFundamentals of process control used in industrial plantsProcess instruments used in industrial plantsGeneral inorganic chemistryOrganic chemistryEssential physicsIR and NMR spectroscopiesand much more...So with no further ado, go ahead, click the enroll button and we will see you in the first section !Cheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 99.99 |
"Centrifugal compressors : Principles, Operation and design" |
"Dear student,Centrifugal compressors of various designs and applications are encountered nowadays throughout refining, petrochemical and process industries as well as in power generation and environmental engineering.This course is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of construction details and functioning of centrifugal compressors. This understanding is a prerequisite for successful operations of your plant and piping system.The course includes extensivegraphics, cut sections and 3Danimations to give you a virtual practical exposure on centrifugal compressors.The objective of this course is threefold :1. Break down for you all the centrifugal compressors operating principles into easily digestible concepts like compressor head, performance curve, system resistance, surge, stonewall, etc2. Illustrate through 3D animations and cut-sections the main compressor mechanical components like impellers, shafts, bearings, seals, etc3. Provide guidelines and best practices for operation, maintenance and troubleshootingThis course also covers other types of compressors like axial compressors, rotary screw compressors, reciprocating compressors just to name a few.The objective is to observe the similarities in both performance and mechanical aspects of various types of compressors.So after enrolling in this course, you will not only learn valuable information on centrifugal compressors but also a great deal on other types of compressors !!!So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Also remember, as an enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to interact with us by emailor simply ask us for help in the Q&A section. It will be our pleasure to help you and provide assistance.Hope to see you thereWR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 199.99 |
"Petroleum products : Specifications Properties Market Demand" |
"Dear student,Welcome to this online course on Petroleum products.This course is designed to provide you with a deep knowledge of petroleum products' properties, specifications, markets and demands.The petroleum products covered are the following :LPGAutomotive GasolineKerosene / Jet fuelGas oilHeating oilHeavy fuel oilNaphthaAsphaltsLubricating oilThe course also provides technical knowledge related to the standard quality control tests performed in refineries and petrochemical plants to ensure that the finished products are in line with commercial specifications.The course uses up-to-date global statistics and is organized into 4 parts.For each petroleum product :Part 1. Outlines its main characteristics and propertiesPart 2. Reviews its main specifications and how these specifications evolved over time and for different countriesPart 3. Describes the standard quality control tests performed in refineries and petrochemical plants, highlights the tests significance and the accuracy of the methodsPart 4. Analyses the place of this particular petroleum product, the associated market trends and forecasts future prospects for production and demandBy the end of this training course, you will be able to :Grasp the main characteristics of petroleum products and their relevance for end-usersList the key properties for automotive fuels (now and in the future)Identify recent changes and future trends for the petroleum products specifications, markets and demandIdentify the main trends of fuel evolution due to: new regulations and/or new motor technologiesUnderstand how the main properties of each petroleum products are measured, checked and controlled using standard quality control testsUnderstand the tests significance and accuracy of the methods=> IMPORTANT NOTES :The course includes 24 downloadable resources in pdf format with unlimited access.To download the files :1. Go to the ""Downloadable resources"" section2. Expand the section to have access to all the pdf files3. Click on any file to open it. You can save it to view it later offlineThe resources attached to the ""Downloadable resources"" section cover 3 topics :=> TOPIC 1. MAIN QUALITY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS :------------------------------------------------------------------1. Volatility specifications for :Automotive gasolineJet fuelDiesel fuelHeating fuelHeavy fuel oilParaffinic base oilsAsphalts2. Combustion specifications for :Automotive gasolineJet fuel - Jet A1Diesel fuelHeating fuelHeavy fuel oil3. Cold condition behavior and flowing specifications for :Jet fuel - Jet A1Diesel fuelHeating fuelHeavy fuel oil4. Pollution and corrosiveness specifications :Sulfur contentCorrosivenessMiscellaneous pollutants5. Stability specifications :Automotive gasolineJet fuelDiesel fuelHeating fuelHeavy fuel oil6. Asphalts specifications7. Lube base oil specifications=> TOPIC 2. STANDARD QUALITY CONTROL TESTS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS------------------------------------------------------------------1. TESTS RELATED TO VOLATILITY :ASTM distillation testReid vapor pressureFlash point2. TESTS RELATED TO COMBUSTION :Octane number of gasolineCetane number of diesel fuelSmoke point for aviation turbine fuelsStandard test related to fuel combustion3. TESTS RELATED TO STORAGE AND FLOWING :Viscosity measurementsLubricating properties of diesel fuelCloud pointPour pointFilterability limitFreezing point4. TESTS RELATED TO AIR POLLUTION AND CORROSIVENESS :Air pollution and corrosion due to sulfurSulfur measurementsCopper strip corrosionDoctor test5. TESTS RELATED TO STABILITY OF MOTOR GASOLINE, TURBINE FUELS AND DISTILLATES :Gum contentInduction periodFuel stabilityOxidation stability of diesel fuelWater and sedimentAsphaltene precipitation with normal heptaneInsoluble content testColor and color stability tests6. TESTS RELATED TO ASPHALTS :Needle penetrationSoftening point=> TOPIC 3. SPECIFICATIONS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS BY COUNTRY :------------------------------------------------------------------1. USA2. FRANCE3. CHINA4. INDIA5. BELGIUM6. BOLIVIA7. BRAZIL8. IRAN9. SAUDI ARABIA10. SPAIN11. SOUTH KOREA12. VENEZUELASo with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum and we look forward to see you in the first section.Also remember, as enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to interact with us by email or simply ask us for help in the Q&A section. It will be our pleasure to help you and provide assistance.Hope to see you thereCheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 99.99 |
"Your complete guide to a successful career in Oil & Gas" |
"Dear student,Welcome to this online course on Oil & Gas.This course is designed to give you a complete understanding of the Oil & Gas industry for a successful career.The course uses up-to-date global statics and is organized into 6 parts :>> PART 1 : OVERVIEW OF THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRYThis first part will :Outline the main characteristics of the petroleum industryReview the major events of its history and the associated geopoliticsAnalyse the place of oil among all energy sources and forecasts future prospects for oil production and demandOutline the roles of the main players within the petroleum industry :Consumer countries (USA, China, Europe...)Major companies (ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BP, Total...)Producing countries (OPEC and non-OPEC)Provide a quick review of the scale of investments and profitability in the oil industry>> PART 2 : PETROLEUM PRODUCTS : PROPERTIES, SPECIFICATIONS, MARKETS AND DEMANDThis second part will :Outline the main characteristics and properties of petroleum products (LPG, gasoline, diesel, kerosine, fuel oil...)Review their main specifications and how these specifications evolved over time and for different countriesDescribe the standard quality control tests performed in refineries and petrochemical plants, highlights the tests significance and the accuracy of the methodsAnalyse the place of each petroleum product, the associated market trends and forecasts future prospects for production and demand>> PART 3 : OIL AND GAS : MARKETS, TRADING, PRICING, AND ECONOMIC FRAMEWORKThis third part will :Review the different oil trading markets by type of transactionSummarize the operation of the physical and financial oil marketsReview the different types of contracts : long term, spot and forwardOutline how crude oil and petroleum products are tradedExplain the pricing mechanism of crude oil and petroleum productsAnalyze the parameters which influence prices of crude oil and prices of petroleum productsReview the different exchanges and their organization: the cases of NYMEX and ICEDescribe hedging techniques available for protection against fluctuations in pricesOutline the principle of financial derivative products like Swaps and Options>> PART 4 : LOGISTICS OF CRUDE OIL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTSThis fourth part will :Analyse transport problems, particularly the transport of crude oilDiscuss sea and pipeline transport, their associated costs and operational and regulatory frameworkOutline the different ways of delivering finished petroleum products from a refinery : by water, pipeline, rail or roadDescribe the different restrictions that apply to product dispatch and their various controls (Quality, Quantity, Customs...)>> PART 5 : PETROLEUM REFINING DEMYSTIFIEDThis fifth part will :Provide a broad technical information on refining processes and petroleum productsEnable a rapid immersion in the refining industryDescribe the composition and main characteristics of various crude oil (Brent, Arab light, Urals, Forcados, Forties...) and petroleum products (LPG, Gasoline, Gas oil, Fuel oil...)Explain the role of various processing units in a refineryDescribe the main manufacturing schemes encountered in petroleum refining>> PART 6 : OVERVIEW OF THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY : THE STEAM CRACKING PROCESSThis last part will :Provide essential information on petrochemical industry and its integration in the petroleum chainOutline the origin and uses of the main olefinic and aromatic intermediatesExplain the different steps of the petrochemical industryExplain in details the Steam Cracking process : its principles, its design and operationsOutline the stakes in term of economy and the main parameters which influence the productivity of the petrochemical industrySituate the petrochemical industry in its energy and geographic environment=> IMPORTANT NOTES :The course includes more than 45 downloadable resources in pdf format with unlimited access.These documents contain everything you need to know about the Oil and Gas industry (Global trends, crude oil characteristics and properties, petroleum products properties and specifications, refining and petrochemical process schemes, layouts and much more...)To download the files :1. Go to the ""course curriculum"" page2. Expand all the sections to have access to all the pdf files3. Click on any file to open it. You can save it to view it later offlineSo with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum and we look forward to see you in the first section.Also remember, as enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to interact with us by email or simply ask us for help in the Q&A section. It will be our pleasure to help you and provide assistance.Hope to see you thereCheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 199.99 |
"Oil & Gas : Markets Trading Pricing & Economic Framework" |
"Dear student,Welcome to this online course on Oil & Gas.This training course is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of the physical and financial markets for crude oil and petroleum products.It is geared towards all personnel in the petroleum or associated industries needing to improve their knowledge and understanding of crude oil and petroleum products trading and pricing mechanisms.The course uses up-to-date global statistics and is organized into 3 parts :PART 1 : CRUDE & PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PHYSICAL TRADINGWhat is the value of a crude oil ?Different types of contracts :Long termSpotForwardMain oil markets and their featuresKey benchmark crudesThe role of the Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs)Links between Trading and ShippingProducts tradingMain provisions of a sale/purchase contractPART 2 : EXCHANGES & FUTURES TRADINGThe concept of volatilityDefinition of contract for crude oil and petroleum productsExchanges and their organization :NYMEXICEMain Futures MarketsHedging principlesHedging imperfections and associated risksMarket structure ContangoBackwardationPART 3 : DERIVATIVESOptions : principles, basics and characteristicsInterests and limits of optionsSwaps : principles, basics and characteristicsInterests and limits of swapsBy the end of this training course, you will be able to :Review the different oil trading markets by type of transactionSummarize the operation of the physical and financial oil marketsReview the different types of contracts: long term, spot and forwardUnderstand how crude oil and petroleum products are tradedUnderstand the pricing mechanism of crude oil and petroleum productsAnalyze the parameters which influence prices of crude oil and prices of petroleum productsReview the different exchanges and their organization: the cases of NYMEX and ICEComprehend hedging techniques available for protection against fluctuations in pricesUnderstand the principle of financial derivative products like Swaps and OptionsSo with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Also remember, as enrolled student you will have unlimited access to this material and one-on-one instructor support. So feel free to interact with us by email or simply ask us for help in the Q&A section. It will be our pleasure to help you and provide assistance.Hope to see you thereCheers,WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 99.99 |
"Flow of fluids through pipe, fittings, valves and pumps" |
"Dear students,The most diverse substances are transported and distributed in piping systems every single day. They include aggressive fluids in the chemical industry, hydrocarbons in petrochemistry or steam for energy transmission.Chemical engineers who are designing these piping systems and specifying associated equipment like valves, pumps and flow meters probably face more fluid flow problems than any other. Pressure drop calculations help the engineer size pipes and ducts, determine performance requirements for pumps and fans, and specify control valves and flow meters. And although the underlying theory is rather simple, its practical application can be confusing due to the empirical nature of important correlations, multiple methods for expressing parameters, many variable inputs, and alternative units of measurement.Designed around a series of practical examples which we work through to a solution, this unique training course is an essential guide to understanding the flow of fluids through pipe, valves and fittings. This understanding is a prerequisite for a successful design & flawless operation of your plant and piping system.The course features 5 major items :1- An in-depth information on physical properties of fluids (weight density, specific gravity, viscosity, vapor pressure...) and how to calculate them using Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook*2- An in-depth information on compressible and incompressible fluid flow through pipe, valves, pumps & flow meter devices (Orifice plates, Flow Nozzles & Venturi Meters) and how to calculate them using Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook*3- An iterative method for sizing flow meters and valves4- An in-depth discussion on cavitation and choking in control valves5- A flow problem section with 25 concrete examples to help you practice and reinforce your understandingMany images, equations, graphs, 3D animations and solved flow problems can be found throughout, increasing the value of this course as an educational tool and industrial reference for personnel involved in the fluid handling industries.So this course is not only of use to practising and professional engineers to whom a knowledge of the behavior of fluids is of crucial importance in cost-effective design and efficient operation of process plants and piping systems but also intended as a study guide for undergraduates in process, chemical, petrochemical & petroleum engineering disciplines.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Hope to see you thereWR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge* The Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook is NOT included in this course and is sold separately. If you are interested in this product, it is also available on Udemy as well but as a private course material. So you need first to request it from us through Udemy inbox or through the Q&A section and we'll send you a private link to download the file.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT NOTE : ABOUT FLOW OF FLUIDS EXCEL WORKBOOK*To accompany this course and help you assess flow of fluids, calculate pressure drops, size pipes, control valves and flow meter devices, WR Training has developed an Excel VBA based engineering tool : Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook*.* The Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook is NOT included in this course and is sold separately. If you are interested in this product, it is also available on Udemy as well but as a private course material. So you need first to request it from us through Udemy inbox or through the Q&A section and we'll send you a private link to download the file.Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook* simulates the operation of small piping systems transporting liquids and industrial gases under a variety of operating conditions.Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook* is based on industry recognized principles and standards from ASME, HI, IEC, AWWA, ISA, and ANSI...Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook* is easy-to-use and has a highly intuitive user interface.Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook* presents formulas and data for :1. Physical properties determination for a variety of fluids (specific gravity, viscosity, vapor pressure...)2. Pressure drop and head loss calculations through pipes, fittings and valves3. Flow calculations for incompressible and compressible fluids through pipes, fittings, valves and pumps4. Sizing piping systems for incompressible and compressible fluids5. Flow resistance coefficients calculations for pipes, fittings and valves6. Flow calculations for incompressible and compressible fluids through flow meters (Orifice Plates, Nozzles and Venturi meters)7. Centrifugal pump calculation (Pump head, NPSH, Specific speed, affinity laws)8. Converting variables and process parameters to a numerious alternative units of measurement* The Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook is NOT included in this course and is sold separately. If you are interested in this product, it is also available on Udemy as well but as a private course material. So you need first to request it from us through Udemy inbox or through the Q&A section and we'll send you a private link to download the file.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLOW OF FLUIDS EXCEL WORKBOOK* : TABLE OF CONTENTAn Excel VBA based engineering tool by WR Training* The Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook is NOT included in this course and is sold separately. If you are interested in this product, it is also available on Udemy as well but as a private course material. So you need first to request it from us through Udemy inbox or through the Q&A section and we'll send you a private link to download the file.A.PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS1PROPERTIES OF WATER AND STEAMa.SATURATION PROPERTIES WITH TEMPERATUREb.SATURATION PROPERTIES WITH PRESSUREc.PROPERTIES GIVEN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATUREd.PROPERTIES GIVEN PRESSURE AND ENTHALPY2DYNAMIC VISCOSITY OF GASES3KINEMATIC VISCOSITY4WEIGHT DENSITY OF LIQUIDSa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 35SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF LIQUIDSa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 26SPECIFIC GRAVITY - DEG API7SPECIFIC GRAVITY - DEG BEAUME8SPECIFIC VOLUME9WEIGHT DENSITY OF IDEAL GASES10WEIGHT DENSITY OF REAL GASES11GAS COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR12SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF GASES13BOILING POINT PURE COMPONENT14VAPOR PRESSURE : PURE COMPONENT15VAPOR PRESSURE : MIXTUREB.NATURE OF FLOW IN PIPE1RATE OF FLOW AT FLOWING CONDITIONa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 22RATE OF FLOW (gpm)a.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 33MEAN VELOCITY OF FLOW IN PIPEa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 34REYNOLDS NUMBERa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 3d.FORMULA 4e.FORMULA 5f.FORMULA 6g.FORMULA 7C.BERNOULLI'S THEOREM1TOTAL HEAD OR FLUID ENERGY2LOSS OF STATIC PRESSURE HEAD (hL) DUE TO FLUID FLOWD.HEAD LOSS, PRESSURE DROP AND FRICTION FACTOR THROUGH PIPE1LOSS OF STATIC PRESSURE HEADa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 3d.FORMULA 4e.FORMULA 5f.FORMULA 62PIPE PRESSURE DROPa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 3d.FORMULA 4e.FORMULA 5f.FORMULA 6g.FORMULA 73PRESSURE DROP FOR LAMINAR FLOW ACCORDING TO POISEUILLE'S LAW4PRESSURE DROP FOR TURBULENT FLOW ACCORDING TO HAZEN-WILLIAMS FORMULA5FRICTION FACTOR FOR LAMINAR FLOW6FRICTION FACTOR FOR TURBULENT FLOWa.COLEBROOK EQUATIONb.SERGHIDE EQUATIONc.SWAMEE-JAIN EQUATIONE.GAS CALCULATIONS1PERFECT GAS LAWa.DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF MOLES OF A PERFECT GASb.DETERMINING THE PRESSURE OF A PERFECT GASc.DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF A PERFECT GASd.DETERMINING THE VOLUME OF A PERFECT GAS2NON-IDEAL GAS LAWa.DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF MOLES OF A NON-IDEAL GASb.DETERMINING THE PRESSURE OF A NON-IDEAL GASc.DETERMINING THE TEMPERATURE OF A NON-IDEAL GASd.DETERMINING THE VOLUME OF A NON-IDEAL GAS3STANDARD ACTUAL GAS FLOWF.COMPRESSIBLE FLOW IN STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL PIPELINE1COMPLETE ISOTHERMAL EQUATIONG.GAS PIPELINES : MASS FLOW RATE EQUATIONH.HORIZONTAL GAS PIPELINES : STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE EQUATIONS1GENERAL STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE2WEYMOUTH STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE EQUATION FOR SIZING HORIZONTAL GAS PIPELINES IN FULLY TURBULENT FLOW3PANHANDLE ""A"" STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE EQUATION FOR SIZING HORIZONTAL GAS PIPELINES IN PARTIALLY TURBULENT FLOW4PANHANDLE ""B"" STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE EQUATION FOR SIZING HORIZONTAL GAS PIPELINES IN FULLY TURBULENT FLOWI.ELEVATED GAS PIPELINES : STANDARD VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE EQUATIONJ.LIQUID FLOW THROUGH ORIFICESK.LIQUID FLOW THROUGH ISA 1932 NOZZLESL.LIQUID FLOW THROUGH LONG RADIUS NOZZLESM.LIQUID FLOW THROUGH VENTURI NOZZLESN.LIQUID FLOW THROUGH VENTURI METERSO.GAS FLOW THROUGH ORIFICESP.GAS FLOW THROUGH ISA 1932 NOZZLESQ.GAS FLOW THROUGH LONG RADIUS NOZZLESR.GAS FLOW THROUGH VENTURI NOZZLESS.GAS FLOW THROUGH VENTURI METERST.RESISTANCE COEFFICIENT FOR PIPES, VALVES AND FITTINGS1CONTRACTION2ENLARGEMENT3GATE VALVES4GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES5SWING CHECK VALVES6LIFT CHECK VALVES7TILTING DISC CHECK VALVES8STOP CHECK VALVES9FOOT VALVES WITH STRAINER10BALL VALVES11BUTTERFLY VALVES12DIAPHRAGM VALVES13PLUG VALVES14MITRE BENDS1590 PIPE BEND AND FLANGED OR BW 90 ELBOWS16MULTIPLE 90 PIPE BENDS17CLOSE PATTERN RETURN BENDS18STANDARD ELBOWS19PIPE ENTRANCE20PIPE EXIT21TEES AND WYES - CONVERGING FLOW22TEES AND WYES - DIVERGING FLOW23ORIFICES, NOZZLES AND VENTURISU.HEAD LOSS AND PRESSURE DROP THROUGH VALVES AND FITTINGS1LOSS OF STATIC PRESSURE HEADa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 32PIPE PRESSURE DROPa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 3V.FLOW OF FLUIDS THROUGH VALVES, FITTINGS AND PIPE1LIQUID FLOW THROUGH A VALVE, FITTINGS AND PIPEa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 3d.FORMULA 4e.FORMULA 5f.FORMULA 6g.FORMULA 72GAS FLOW THROUGH A VALVE; FITTINGS AND PIPEa.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 2c.FORMULA 33VALVE FLOW COEFFICIENT ""Cv""a.FORMULA 1b.FORMULA 24VALVE RESISTANCE COEFFICIENT ""K""W.CALCULATIONS FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMP1PUMP HEADa.HEAD FORMULAb.PUMP IN SUCTION HEADc.PUMP IN SUCTION LIFT2PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE3NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD REQUIRED4NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD AVAILABLE5TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD6SUCTION SPECIFIC SPEED (Nss)7SPECIFIC SPEED (Ns)X.PUMP AFFINITY LAWS1IMPACT OF SPEED ON FLOW2IMPACT OF SPEED ON HEAD3IMPACT OF SPEED ON BHP4IMPACT OF IMPELLER DIAMETER ON FLOW5IMPACT OF IMPELLER DIAMETER ON HEAD6IMPACT OF IMPELLER DIAMETER ON BHP7PUMP BRAKE HORSPOWER8PUMP EFFICIENCYY.FLOW OF WATER THROUGH SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE1CALCULATIONS FOR PIPE OTHER THAN SCHEDULE 40Z.FLOW OF AIR THROUGH SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE1CALCULATIONS FOR PIPE OTHER THAN SCHEDULE 402CALCULATIONS FOR OTHER SET OF TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE3FROM STANDARD TO ACTUAL VOLUME FLOWZZ.CONVERSION TABLES1LENGTH2AREA3VOLUME4VELOCITY5MASS6MASS FLOW RATE7VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE8FORCE9PRESSURE AND LIQUID HEAD10ENERGY, WORK AND HEAT11POWER12WEIGHT DENSITY13TEMPERATURE14DYNAMIC VISCOSITY15KINEMATIC VISCOSITY* The Flow of Fluids Excel Workbook is NOT included in this course and is sold separately. If you are interested in this product, it is also available on Udemy as well but as a private course material. So you need first to request it from us through Udemy inbox or through the Q&A section and we'll send you a private link to download the file.DISCLAIMERThis software is provided by WR Training ""as is"" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the Copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, or profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage."
Price: 199.99 |
"Google Sheets : Les Fondamentaux" |
"Google Sheets cest quoi ? Cest la solution de tableur de Google. Cette solution propose toute les fonctionnalit associ un outil danalyse de donnes ainsi que des fonctionnalits collaborative trs utile pour travailler simplement et efficacement plusieurs.Dans cette formation vous apprendrez dans un premier temps lintrt des outils de type tableur. Nous verrons ensuite une description dtaill du tableur afin de bien comprendre comment fonctionne Google Sheets. Ensuite vous allez dcouvrir toutes les fonctionnalits indispensables connatre. Lors de cette formation, je vous accompagne pas pas par l'intermdiaire de vido et de fiche de cours dtaills."
Price: 79.99 |
"Google Sheets : Fonctionnalits Avances" |
"Vous souhaitez apprendre utiliser les diffrentes fonctionnalit avances de Google Sheets ? Alors cette formation est faite pour vous !Dans cette formation sur la solution de tableur Google Sheets, vous apprendrez utiliser pleinement les diffrentes fonctionnalit du tableur de Google pour analyser au mieux toutes vos donnes.Vous apprendrez notamment dans cette formation rendre vos fichiers plus lisibles et agrables utiliser par lintermdiaire de la validation des donnes, de la mise en forme conditionnelle et bien dautres fonctionnalits pour optimiser la gestion et la lisibilit de vos donnes.Vous apprendrez galement utiliser des fonctions avances pour manipuler et analyser efficacement vos donnes. Nous verrons notamment les fonctions logiques (ET / OU / SI), les fonctions de recherches et de rfrence (RECHERCHEV, RECHERCHEH, Filter, ...) et bien dautres fonctions encore. Dans le mme registre nous verrons comment analyser et filtrer des donnes avec les tableaux crois dynamique.Avec Google Sheets les aspects de collaboration sont trs intressantes connatre. Vous apprendrez ainsi utiliser toutes les fonctionnalits de partage et de collaboration trs utiles pour travailler efficacement plusieurs sur un document Sheets.Enfin pour terminer, nous verrons une introduction au Macro avec Google Sheets et les scripts associs. Noter bien que nous ne verrons pas cet aspect en dtail dans cette formation. Ce point demandant en effet des connaissances en langages de programmation pour aborder pleinement ce point qui peut faire lobjet dune formation spcifique et utile un public ayant des besoin trs avanc sur le sujet.Dans cette formation, je vous accompagne pas pas dans la cration dun fichier google Sheets et dans la comprhension des diffrents concept associ un fichier de type tableur.A la fin de cette formation vous aurez une connaissance extrmement pouss sur la solution Google Sheets. Vous devriez alors tre capable de crer des fichiers adapt vos besoins et qui soit la fois performant et agrable utiliser.Alors si vous souhaitez dbuter efficacement avec la solution Google Sheets, rejoignez moi sans plus tarder dans cette formation !"
Price: 79.99 |
"Barber State Board Exam-Long Hair Chemical Sections" |
"You are on your road too being a true licensed professional. The barber exam can be a challenge. This video will help you to learn how pass the long hair sections of the state board barber exam. If you are interested in the videos for the haircut, shave, facial and blow dry sections, we have that too!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Advanced Trading for Profit" |
"Course InformationThe Advanced Course is for traders who are struggling to become profitable. This course is designed to bring advanced level concepts in an easy to understand environment so that anyone can turn these principles into a personal reality. All content in the course applies to stocks, forex, crypto, and commodities.The ideas and concepts found in this course come from thousands of hours of trading and learning what works and what doesn't. These concepts yield real results. It doesn't take large amounts of money to make money from trading.Real Results: I used these methods of trading for month and a half and yielded 1,090% gain on a small account!Starting value $375 and ending value $4,475!What You'll LearnModule 1:Forming a Trading Mindset.In this module you'll learn what it takes to be a trader, how to manage risk, and how to cope with wins and losses.Module 2:Technical Analysis. You'll learn what you need to be paying attention to in the charts to help you determine price direction and entries. This is the meat of the course.Module 3:Trading Strategies. Now that we know what we are looking for, let's figure out how to piece it all together, the mentality and the chart, in order to make money."
Price: 199.99 |