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"OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on"
"Learn the fundamentals andbasic concepts of OpenShiftthat you will need to build a simple OpenShift cluster and get started with deploying and managing Application.Build a strong foundation in OpenShift and container orchestrationwith this tutorial for beginners.Deploy OpenShift with MinishiftUnderstand Projects, UsersUnderstand Builds, Build Triggers, Image streams, DeploymentsUnderstand Network, Services and RoutesConfigure integration between OpenShift and GitLab SCMDeploy a sample Multi-services application on OpenShiftA much required skill for any one in DevOps and CloudLearning the fundamentals of OpenShift puts knowledge of a powerful PaaS offeringat your fingertips. OpenShift is the next generation Application Hosting platform byRed Hat.Content and OverviewThis course introduces OpenShiftto an Absolute Beginner using really simple and easy to understand lectures. Lectures are followed by demos showing how to setup and get started with OpenShift. The coding exercises that accompany this course will help you practice OpenShift configuration files in YAML. You will be developing OpenShift Configuration Filesfor different use cases right in your browser. The coding exercises will validate your commands and Configuration Filesand ensure you have written them correctly.And finally we have assignments to put your skills to test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the skills you gained during this course. This is a great way to gain a real life project experience and work with the other students in the community to develop an OpenShiftdeploymentand get feedback for your work. The assignment will push you to research and develop your own OpenShift Clusters.Legal Notice:Openshift and the OpenShift logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Re Hat, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by OpenShift orRed Hat, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Puppet for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on - DevOps"
"What's in this course?This course introduces a beginner to basic fundamentals of Puppet with easy to do hands-on exercises that you can practice right in the browser. The course introduces basic use casesof Puppet followed by an introduction to Puppet Setup, Architecture,Puppet Resources, Classes, Manifests, Profiles, Facts etc. Each lecture is accompanied by a set of coding exercises giving the user a hands-on experience in developing Puppet Manifest Files.What is so special about THIScourse?Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple andeasy to understand. This is the only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice Puppet Manifest filesright in your browser.What is Puppet?Puppet is a leading ITautomation platform in DevOps that is used tomanage various stages of the IT infrastructure lifecycle, including the provisioning, patching, configuration, and management of operating system and application components across enterprise data centers and cloud infrastructures.Legal Notice:Puppet and the Puppet Logo are registered trademarks of Puppet Labs Inc. in the United States and other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Puppet Labs, Inc."
Price: 124.99

"Der komplette Kurs zu FONT LAB"
"FontLab Studio ist das ultimative Profiwerkzeug und gehrt seit langen zum weltweiten Standard, wenn es um das Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Schriften auf den Mac und PC geht. Die Mglichkeiten dieses Programms sind einzigartig und erffnen vielfltige Mglichkeiten Schriften zu entwerfen, zu verndern oder in Ihrer Darstellung zu verbessern. Aber die Einfhrungen zu der sehr speziellen Software sind hingegen sehr selten und sehr teuer. Dieser Kurs bietet nicht nur die notwendigen Hilfen im anfangs scheinbar undurchdringlichen Dschungel aus Einstellungen und Optionen, sondern zugleich wertvolle Tipps zur Schriftherstellung. In diesen Kurs werden sie alles Wichtige in FontLab Studio 5 und das neue FontLab 6 kennenlernen um ihre eigenen Schriften zu entwerfen. Neben Grundkenntnissen zeigen ich Ihnen wie sie Metriken und das Kerning einstellen. Sie werden die einzelnen Werkzeuge in FontLab kennenlernen. Die Automatisierungen und das TT und PS Hinting und worauf sie achten mssen. Sie werden lernen wie sie OpenType Spezifische Schriften programmieren mit dem eingebauten Editor von FontLab und vieles mehr. Ich wnsche ihnen jetzt schon viele spannende Stunden mit diesem faszinierenden Profi Werkzeug von FontLab."
Price: 19.99

"Langzeitbelichtungen von A bis Z"
"Langzeitbelichtung gehort zu den am haufigsten gesuchten, fotografischenBegriffen auf Google & YouTube. Als Fotografieinteressierte/r hast du bestimmt auchschon einmal danach gesucht, oder? Da liegt es doch nahe, dass es endlich einmal einumfassendes Videotraining zu diesem Thema geben sollte. Genau das bekommst duhier: Einmal von A bis Z das gesamte Wissen zum Thema Langzeitbelichtungen.Equipment, Einstellungen, Herangehensweise, Planung usw. Und das Beste: Dubrauchst nicht einmal selbst etwas Zusammensuchen! Hier bekommst du allenotigen Informationen zu Langzeitbelichtungen direkt aus einer Hand, fur dichaufbereitet und zusammengestellt.Mein Name ist Tobias Gawrisch und ich bin selbststandiger Fotograf. Ich arbeite seit2015 hauptberuflich als Fotograf und bringe uber 10 Jahre Fotografieerfahrungmit. Langzeitbelichtungen gehorten von Anfang an zu meinem Arbeitsfeld, da ichhauptsachlich in der Architekturfotografie unterwegs bin und auch haufigZeitrafferaufnahmen erstelle.In beiden Genres kommen Langzeitbelichtungen immer wieder zum Einsatz, umbestimmte Effekte zu erzielen. Daneben ist auch die Landschaftsfotografie einlohnendes Feld um die Moglichkeiten von Langzeitbelichtungen auszuschopfen,beispielsweise in der Astrofotografie oder dem Einfangen von Gewittern.Aus diesem Grund habe ich dieses Videotraining zum Erstellen vonLangzeitbelichtungen entwickelt. In diesem Kurs bringe ich dir alles bei, was dufur professionelle Langzeitbelichtungen wissen und beachten musst. Danach wirstdu in der Lage sein, die perfekten Bedingungen fur hochwertigeLangzeitbelichtungen zu schaffen und diese aufzunehmen.Ich zeige dir u.a.:Wofur Langzeitbelichtungen eingesetzt werden konnenWelches Equipment du benotigstWie du deine Kamera optimal einstellstWie du die Belichtungszeit mit Graufilter berechnen kannstAuf was du achten solltest, damit deine Langzeitbelichtung perfekt scharf wirdWie du vor Ort die perfekte Komposition findestWelche Elemente im Bild deine Langzeitbelichtungen noch besser machenWelche kleinen Kniffe dir die Arbeit vor Ort erleichtern konnenZusatzlich bekommst du von mir eine genaue Liste aller verwendetenAusrustungsgegenstande und eine umfassende Tabelle mit allen Belichtungszeiten fr alle Graufiltermit dazu. So kannstdu dir genau ansehen, womit ich in dem Kurs selbst fotografiert habe und welchesZubehor ich empfehle, um diese Ergebnisse zu bekommen und dir deine Arbeit zuerleichtern.Gib dich nicht langer mit normalen Fotos zufrieden und steige ein in die Welt der Langzeitbelichtungen mit ihren spektakularen Bildeffekten!"
Price: 39.99

"Sries Temporais e Anlises Preditivas: O Curso Completo"
"Eventos naturais ou mesmos aqueles que ocorrem no dia a dia, esto conectados a um elemento temporal. Este elemento temporal fundamental para que possamos compreender estes eventos e, acima de tudo, para podermos olhar no horizonte e prever como eles iro se comportar no futuro. A analise de Sries Temporais uma cincia j consolidada, mas que com o advento da era da informao ganhou papel fundamental. Hoje, improvvel imaginar a gesto de empresas sem o uso intenso de Sries Temporais, sejam para entender o seu negcio, seja para projetar o futuro, o que pode inclusive significar novos investimentos, parcerias, contrataes, expanses etc.Bem vindo ao mundo da anlise de sries temporais!"
Price: 39.99

"Machine Learning e Deep Learning para Todos sem Programao!"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender as mais importantes tcnicas de Machine Learning, que a mais fascinante e aplicada rea da Inteligncia Artificial, utilizando uma ferramenta totalmente visual, o Weka. Desta forma, voc no precisa entender de escrita de cdigo ou lgica de programao, basta importar dados, selecionar as opes e executar os procedimentos.Utilizando dados reais fornecidos no curso, voc vai aprender, entre outras coisas :Prever eventos futuros e classificar objetos com classificaoPrever informaes contnuas, como vendas ou temperaturas, utilizando regressoReunir elementos com caractersticas comuns utilizando agrupamentosEntender como recomendar vendas de produtos em conjunto usando regras de associaoEstudar como funcionam redes neurais, qual a sua estrutura e funcionamento e o que uma rede neural profundaAo final do curso, voc ser capaz de aplicar as tcnicas de Machine Learning em problemas do mundo real, utilizando seus prprios dados."
Price: 39.99

"Brain Booster: Learn Faster and Remember More"
"In this course you'll learn how to use memory techniques to learn faster, be more productive and achieve more success.A good memory is a must-have skill to make your life easier and to improve your productivity. Italso improves your chances of success in most fields including, teachers, translators, students, accountants, in job interviews, finishing a project, giving a speech, connecting with people, and much more. The likelihood of success in such fields will increase drastically if you can develop an extraordinarily good memory.In this course, you'll find all the tools, strategies and techniques you need to improve your memory. You can improve your memory with all the techniques and useful advice this course contains.If you're ready to harness the incredible power of your mind to remember more in less time, this courseis for you."
Price: 19.99

"Crez Votre Machine CASH-FLOW avec une Offre Abonnement"
"Dans cette formation sur lacration de revenus passifs, vous allez apprendre crer facilement une offre abonnementen proposant des formations vidosdans une niche ultra rentable qui va vous gnrer des revenus rcurrents.Au programme de cette formation :vousallez dcouvrirla mthode EXACTEqui mepermet de crer rapidement des formations vidos, mais aussi comment prsenter votre offre afin dela rendre uniqueet vous dmarquer de la concurrence. l'issue de cette formation, vous serez mmede crer votre offre et toucher vos premires ventes ds le lendemain.J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouvesque jaipersonnellement utilispour forcer mes prospects souscrire un abonnement.Dans ce programme de 19 vidosplus 5 PDF inclus, je vous montre de A Z comment crer facilement une offre abonnement qui cartonne.Dans le premier module,vous allez comprendre pourquoi une offre abonnement est une machine cash, je vous montrerais des exemples doffre abonnement que vous pourrez recopier etcomment tre dans la tte du prospect afin de crer loffre idalequil sera content dacheter.Dans le second module,vous allez apprendre crer des formations facilement avec la structure EXACTE que vous aurez juste recopier, je vous montreraicomment crer une gamme de produits, comment tout planifier et les outils que jutilise.Dans le troisime module, vousautomatisez votre business, je vous montrerais la plateforme que jutilise pour hberger mes produits ( facturation, moyen de paiement, espace membre )sans devoir passer par des plateformes aux prix prohibitifs, je vous montreraicomment tout automatiserafin de vous faire gagner du temps dans la cration de nouveau produit.Dans le quatrime module, vouscrer une landing page qui convertie 60%, je vous montrerais la structure dtaille, un exempledune landing page parfaite, et loutil idalpour crer des landing page au design professionnel, sans rien connatre en technique.Dans le cinquime module,vous prsentez votre offre afin de la rendre irrsistible, mme si vous tes nul en vente, je vous montrerais comment prsenter trs simplement votre offre et comment convaincre en 5 tapes nimporte quels prospects septiques. Il vous suffira simplement de suivre la procdure explique chaque tape.Dans le Sixime module,vous programmez une squence demail qui va forcer vos prospects souscrire votre offre, vous allez apprendre la squence triptyqueGain, Logique, Peur et comment la programmer automatiquement avec un autorpondeur.Enfin dans le module BONUS je vous donnerais les meilleures sources de trafic envoyer sur votre landing page et un outil gnial pour crer une landing page top designGRATUITEMENT.Ce programme structur vous permettrade crer rapidement une offre abonnement qui va se vendre. Vous aurez ainsila garantie de ne pas travailler pour rien, mais apprendrezvous mme crer votremachine cash-flow."
Price: 19.99

"Delivering Constructive Criticism: The Assertive Way"
"Learn how to make your critical opinions count in the social environment.Deliver Criticism Effectively through this Assertive Communication Strategy.Learn to deliver feedback that matters and that boosts self-esteem, confidence and social trust levels.Learn how to think about criticism and criticism delivery in a way that takes both your rights and the rights of others into account.Communicate your helpful opinions openly and enjoy more authentic and healthier relationships.Unlock the mindset and communication skills that allow you to create personal and social environments that facilitate individual and social growth.Largely accepted as the most efficient mindset and communication style, Assertiveness provides the best guidelines we know for dealing with most personal and professional contexts. Delivery of criticism makes no exception.The 4-Stage Assertive Strategy exclusively presented in this course addresses the entire process of Constructive Criticism Delivery, from thoughts to emotions to behaviors, and aims at providing a framework in which the individual actively and responsibly changes the inner and external environment for the better, through carefully crafted disclosure of opinion.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for anyone who would like to learn how to efficiently deliver meaningful Criticism and transform negative feedback into a powerful social and self-development tool.Drawing on the multi-dimensional character of Assertiveness, the course addresses the activation of the assertive traits on three main levels: cognitive, emotional and behavioral, thus creating an extended framework for understanding, analyzing and delivering both positive and negative feedback.The course is divided in two parts: An introductory, theoretical segment, in which we will take a close look at feedback delivery in the assertive context, what Criticism is and isnt and the way in which all of these elements influence constructive criticism delivery. The second part is a more practical one and it is where you will discover, step-by-step, The Assertive Strategy For Delivering Constructive Criticism.The Assertive Strategy For Constructive Criticism Delivery includes four Stages -The Attitude toward Criticism Delivery, Planning and Formulating the Critical Message, The Analysis of the Critical Message and the Delivery and Follow-Up processes, each of them comprising more steps to help create and activate the cognitive, emotional or behavioral traits that generate the most efficient communication techniques to convey helpful critical messages.Then you will be ready to start implementing the Assertive Strategy, make positive changes in the world around you and motivate both yourself and others to achieve the desired personal and professional goals and build the life you want."
Price: 44.99

"The Foundations of Singing: Level 2"
"Over 600 students of my beginner's course 'The Foundations of Singing'have trusted mewith their voice. I'm very humbled and honoured by this and so I decided to make a second course, taking the concepts of the first course and putting them into action.This course focuses on the proper development of the chest and head voice and the transition between thoseregisters. It's over 6 hours long, because as with my first course, I wanted to give you as many useful tips and exercises as possible so you can really bring your voice to the next level.If you are not familiar with the concepts of breathing, support and placement, then you should start with my first course ""The Foundations of Singing"" here on Udemy.But if you already know the basics, then this course is the right one for you. We will see how you can build a strong and dynamic approach to your singing in both Chest and Head Voice and also add effects to it. You will see that by adding even onlylittle things, your vocal presence will increase dramatically and your singing will become smoother and you will be able to express yourself better.A big part of why students come to me in the beginning chapters of their singing is because they can't get rid of their vocal break when they try to go from one register into the other. So I thought, if I'm doing a course on Chest and Head Voice Development, I need to show you as well how to go about approaching and fixing the break issue.One note of caution though:Youwill need to practice, and by practice I mean practice a lot. I have added 4+ hours of audioexercises for you to work on the exerciseson your own time, and these exercisesare not easy and will keep you busy for some time. But frommy experience, going through them and really doing them on a regular basis will increase your vocal ability immensely.Of course the membership for my Udemy Students on the Rock Vocal Academy Facebook Group is included as with my first course. If you have any questions related to singing or this course, this is the place where you will be getting feedback from me and your fellow students. I will also post singing tips and tricks on there from time to time, so you get even more than what you paid for.As you can see in the curriculum, the course is divided into 3 sections. The first section deals with the development of your Chest Voice register.We go throughthe process of finding your Chest Voiceadjusting the right volumegetting more resonancephysiological knowledge and shapesstaccato and legato phrasingcorrect use of vowel shapingworking with different dynamicsusing vocal effectsThe second part has a similar structure and we will go through the same processes, this time for Head Voice.the process of finding your Head Voicestaccato and legato phrasingusing vowels correctlyworking with different dynamicsusing vocaleffectsThe last part focuses on the transition between the two aforementioned registers. If you have experienced a break when you go from Chest to Head Voice, this is the manual on how to fix these issues.If you are serious about learning how to sing, then this course will give you invaluable information on every question you might have.Tim"
Price: 199.99

"Master English Grammar: Gerund & Infinitives Complete Course"
"DO v DOING v TO DO? GO v GOING v TO GO?Do you sometimes get confused when speaking or writing English if you should use verbs in the infinitive, the gerund or the infinitive without to?So for example.The man admitted to steal the car.The man admitted stealing the car.He rememberedstealingthe car.He remembered to steal the car.3 of these sentences are correct. One is incorrect!Which one of these sentences is incorrect?Are you a little confused?If yes,don't worry - You are Not Alone! Knowing when to use the Infinitive with to, the Gerund, or the infinitive without to is one of the most confusing parts ofGrammar for students learning English.As a teacher for many years who does speaking exams and corrects writing exams it is one of the most common mistakes I see students make.And that is why I created a course on this topicIf you want to improve your English then the good news is that if you follow what I teach you in this course you will be a better English speaker and writer.Lets look more at my objectives for YOU with this course...After doing this course you will...Understand what the Gerund is - know the rules on how to form the gerund and the exceptions to the rules.Know the3 main functions and uses of the Gerund in EnglishThe negative Gerund and the common mistakes students makeKnow the3 main functions and rules of the Infinitive in EnglishKnow how and when we use the infinitive without to in EnglishKnow the verbs that are followed by a Gerund and the verbs followed by an infinitiveKnow the common and important expressions that are followed by a Gerund and the expressions followed by an infinitiveKnow thethe verbs that can be followed by a Gerund and an infinitive with no change in meaningUnderstand how modal verbs affect infinitivesKnow the verbs that can be followed by a Gerund and an infinitive with a real change in meaningKnow and understand the verbs which can take either the gerund or the infinitiveAnd much more..This is a COMPLETE GRAMMAR COURSEon this topic.3 PRACTICE TEST SECTIONSAnd one of the best things is that I have created lots of sample practice exercises to help you to remember what you learned in the video lessons.How will this course help you with your English??!!!It will help you use the Gerund + Infinitives correctly in English!it will help you to avoid the common mistakes made by most English speakers!!It will help you sound more fluent in speaking and writing English(If you are doing an official English exam like IELTS then making a mistake with Gerunds and infinitives can make you lose easy marks)It will help you have more confidence speaking English If you have any questions or any problems, contact me and I can help you.So if you want to take your English to the next level come and join me in this course.Steve"
Price: 19.99

"Du mchtest optimal ideal, zeitsparend und ohne Prfungsangst auf die IHK-Prfung vorbereiten? Alle Inhalte der Lernfelder, die Rechenschemata und Formeln fr die IHK-Ausbildung und -Prfung sowie ein riesiger, sehr prfungsnaher Aufgabenpool erwarten dich!All dies werde ich dir in circa 20 Stunden On-Demand-Videos einfach und kompakt erklren. Zudem werde ich dir durch die im PDF-Format ausgegebenen und zu den erklrenden Videos gehrenden Lernzettel eine effiziente und zeitsparende Vorbereitung auf die IHK-Prfung ermglichen und dir somit jede Menge Arbeit ersparen.Natrlich findest du nicht nur Lernzettel und erklrende Videos zu den zahlreichen Inhalten, den Rechenschemata und den Formeln. Nein! Auch der riesige Aufgabenpool beinhaltet Videos, die dir die Aufgaben und Lsungen erklren und dir somit ein Muster zur effizienten Aufgabenbewltigung an die Hand geben. Auch hier findest du wie in allen anderen Bereichen, die im Video behandelten Aufgaben zudem als dazugehrige PDF-Datei mit inkludierten Lsungsschemata wieder.  Folgender Kursaufbau erwartet dich ...Der Kurs ist so aufgebaut, dass ich dich zunchst durch einen groen Inhaltsbereich fhre, welcher die Inhalte der Lernfelder aus den drei Prfungsbereichen der Geschftsprozesse, der Kaufmnnischen Steuerung und Kontrolle sowie der Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde abdeckt. Darauffolgend gehen wir auf weitere sehr wichtige Prfungsthemen ein, die sich nicht unter dem groen Inhaltsbereich wiederfinden.Nach groem und kleinem Inhaltsbereich gehen wir zu den Rechenschemata ber, die du fr die IHK-Ausbildung und -Prfung beherrschen musst. Dabei greife ich wie in allen anderen Kursteilen auch auf jede Menge Beispiele zurck.Nach den Rechenschemata folgt die Formelsammlung, die dir nicht nur die relevanten Formeln, sondern auch deren Bedeutung und Ergebnisinterpretation erklrt.Da ich mich in meiner eigenen Prfungsvorbereitung neben den zahlreichen Inhalten aber auch sehr stark an alten IHK-Prfungen orientiert habe, fhre ich dich zum Abschluss des Kurses durch einen groen Aufgabenpool. Dieser ist sehr stark an den Prfungsaufgaben der vergangenen 15 Jahre orientiert und bietet dir somit die perfekte Grundlage um dich neben den alten Prfungen mit sehr realistischen Prfungsmglichkeiten ausfhrlich zu beschftigen und ein Muster zur optimalen Bearbeitung an die Hand zu bekommen. Meine Bearbeitungstipps ...Natrlich kannst du den Kurs entsprechend deines Lernstandes auch nach dem Schema bearbeiten, wie es fr dich am sinnvollsten ist. So besteht natrlich auch die Mglichkeit, Themen auszulassen, die du bereits beherrscht und dich dafr zum Beispiel vertieft mit anderen Inhalten und dem groen Aufgabenpool zu beschftigen.  Ich wnsche dir viel Spa im Kursbereich!"
Price: 144.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams(2018-2019)"
"Welcome to the last important stage of your preparation for AWS-CDA.These practise tests has been created to help individualsstudy and prepare for AWS Certification exams in more efficient way.It covers all the core topics for which you face the questions in exam,likeIAM, S3, CloudFormation, Application services (SQS, SNS, SWF),DynamoDB,AWS Elastic Beanstalk.It alsocovers near to all matching type questions which you would face in real exam.Most of theexam's blueprintand all thedomain sections,related scenario questionsand its proper answerare also included.Thisexam containsMultiple choice and multiple selectquestionswhich would giveyou the ideaabout Final Exam of AWS-CDA. You will have80 minutes to complete the each exam.I will add more questions frequently fromrecently givenexams feedback's.You would nothave to worry about missing out or failing the AWS-CDA Certification exam as you would getupdated content.After taking thisexam, You can check your answers and review explanation.That woulddefinitely help youto identify the sections where you might need to study further.All the Very Best !! :)"
Price: 1280.00

"WeChat Marketing"
"WeChat is a very powerful tool. It has at least28 unique useful functions that Whatsapp and Facebook don't have.Why are people not using WeChat as much as Whatsapp?Lack of friends on WeChat?*People from China only use WeChat* So if you want to connect with them, you have no choice but to use WeChat.Don't know Chinese? WeChat can now translate 21 languages including all messages,moments posts and even news!And voice translation too!WeChat Moments work like Facebook newsfeeds, you can post anything you like, including 9 photos and videos within 10 seconds.With WeChat Groupchats, you can set up video conference for up to 9 people free-of-charge!Now you too can learn WeChat and become a pro! Come and join our Udemy on-learning of*WECHAT DIGITAL MARKETING*. Contents covered include:Using WhatsApp for Marketing: the 5 Ways: Status, Group Broadcast, 1-minute Videos, Personal Messages and Group ChatsThe Do's and Don'ts of sending messages on WhatsApp and WeChat: how to attract, not distract peopleWeChat as a superapp and its 5 limitationsThe 8 Ways to Add Friends on WeChatThe 28 useful Functions of WeChat thatWhatsApp does not haveHow to create Moments that people will followHow to do broadcast to more than 5,000 people daily FOCSteps to open WeChat Wallet in Singapore without opening a bank account in ChinaHow to use WeChatPay to give out Red Packets and Transfer Money (on the spot)How to Add in people that you don't know as friends and market to them immediatelyThe 12 Ways to Advertise on WeChat without paying US$20,000 to TencentWeChat Official Account: what it does and how to create one yourself FOC"
Price: 119.99

"Learn what Minimalism Is & how to Apply It in Your Life."
"What is Minimalism? Heres the secret its different for every person. If you feel overwhelmed, uncertain, and are looking for more this course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by introducing how to embrace Minimalism into your life. This course is designed by two Professional Organizers who have been in the industry since 2012! And who have traveled the world for a few years only carrying a backpack.This content is not only coming from us, but from hundreds of clients who were able to share their challenges and feelingswith us, and from hours of reading great books, watching inspiring TED Talks and alwaysgetting inspired by others.This course covers: Learning the meaning of minimalism and common misconceptions Real life examples of people who have embraced minimalism withbefore and afterphotographs Techniques forembracing minimalism into your life Industrybest practicesto follow formaximizingdesirable results There are many benefits forlearning how to embrace minimalism into your life. You become a more focused and relaxed person to be around, people will notice positive changes in your attitude. You will develop productivehabits that reinforce this new way of living, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning. Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will have a positiveripple effect in all areas of your lifeincluding work, relationships, and overall mental health. Overview This course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to embrace minimalism into their life! You'lllearn the best practices to follow when attempting to apply minimalism to your current lifestyle. You will see the best practices applied in real life case studies in a variety of settings including a kitchen, garage, office, and more. By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident in living a more minimalist lifestyle."
Price: 114.99

"What the heck is Bullet Journaling?"
"Learn the Pro's and the Con's to getting started with Bullet Journaling. Not all people require technology to be productive. In fact, some do better with fewer distractions and a good old pen & paper. This course aims to help you avoid common journal-setup mistakes. You will be guided through the process of understanding what you need in a journal and how to create it. Course content is all designed by 10+ year ""journaler,"" Samantha Kristoferson of KW Professional Organizers.This course covers:Learning thestep-by-step processfor picking and setting upyour journalExploration of different styles, # of pages and uses for your journalHow to makepage spreads and layouts for your journalHow to create positive journal habits that fit your lifestyleThere are many benefits to getting started with journaling. You are creating a powerful tool for reflection. You will develop productive habits that reinforce this new habit, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will have a positiveripple effect in all areas of your lifeincluding work, relationships, and overall mental health.OverviewThis course contains over 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to get started with a Bullet Journal or Journal of any kind.You'lllearn the best practices to follow when setting up your journal.You will see several differentexample journals.By the end of this course, you'll have a basic understanding of how to set up a journal and create a journaling habit that fits your lifestyle."
Price: 114.99

"Travaux pratiques Java"
"J'entends parfois : ""On veut pas de blabla, on veut juste coder !""Est-il possible de coder d'abord ? Faire ses propres expriences, ses propres erreurs aussi et ensuite comprendre et assimiler la thorie ?Quand j'tais instituteur, j'tais fascin par les thories de Georges Charpak et notamment sa mthode qui s'applique au domaine des sciences nomme La main la pte.Elle consiste poser d'abord le problme et noncer ensuite une thorie.Oui, a fonctionne !Certes, je ne vous le cacherai pas, l'apprentissage est plus long et fera appel votre persvrance. Mais le rsultatest de meilleure qualit, ce qui a t acquis est ancr bien plus profondment, on le comprend par ce que c'est l'exprience qui nous l'a fait comprendre.Et puis, il faut avoir envie d'apprendre et pour a, rien de mieux que le jeu, c'est pourquoi nous avons essay avec Thomas de vous proposer des travaux pratiques ludiques et varis. Il y en a pour tous les gots !L'hritage grce Dragon Ball ZLe transtypage grce MacGyverLes constructeurs avec Marioetc...Vous ferez face 2 niveaux de difficult :Des exercices de code adapts tous et auto-corrigs par la plateforme UdemyDes exercices dfi pour lesquels il n'y a pas de solution unique, mais grce la plateforme Udemy vous pourrez d'changer votre solution avec Thomas et moi oules autres tudiants afin de dterminer ensemble la solution idale ! C'est aussi a la main la pte.Mais rassurez-vous, vous ne serez jamais perdus ! Et comme un cheat mode Pacman, vous trouverez en bas de chaque nonc la rfrence au chapitre thorique du ""Cours de programmation Java pour dbutants"" relatif au concept mis en uvre.Vous avez dj suivi le ""Cours de programmation Java pour dbutants"" et voulez plus de pratique ? Ce cours est galement fait pour vous ! Vous avez t nombreux me demander encore plus de travaux pratiques, les voil !Prs de 50 exercices sont dj disponibles et si le concept fonctionne, nous nous ferons un plaisir d'en ajouter aussi rgulirement que possible !Le cours s'inscrit dans un cursus complet de formation pour dveloppeurs Java :Devenez dveloppeur JavaTravaux pratiques Java (ce cours)Librairies Java et Intro MavenJava EE : Devenez dveloppeur d'applications Web Java"
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