"Python and Pandas Data Science and Visualization (2020)" |
"Become a Master in Data Science with Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Data Science Professional can earn minimum $100000 (that's five zeros after 1) in today's economy.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Data Science with Python 3 on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Data Science before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of Pandas with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Pandas with Python 3, Jupyter, NumPy, and Matplotlib. (Note, we also provide you PDFs and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 135 lectures and more than 18 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Data Science with Python 3!This course will teach you Data Science in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Python3, NumPy, matplotlib, Jupyter, and Pandas installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of Scientific Python EcosystemBasics of PandasBasics of NumPy and MatplotlibInstallation of Python 3 on WindowsSetting up Raspberry PiTour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry PiJupyter installation and basicsNumPy NdarraysArray Creation RoutinesBasic Visualization with MatplotlibNdarray ManipulationRandom Array GenerationBitwise OperationsStatistical FunctionsBasics of MatplotlibInstallation of SciPy and PandasLinear Algebra with NumPy and SciPyData Acquisition with Python 3MySQL and Python 3Data Acquisition with PandasData Cleaning with PandasWorking with Data using PandasPlotting with PandasPandas visualization with Seaborn and bokehYou will get lifetime access to over 135 lectures plus corresponding PDFs and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Data Science with Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Master the art of Python Data Visualization (2020)" |
"Become a Master in Advanced Data Visualization with Python 3 and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! A great data engineer/scientist earns more than $150000 per year in today's market!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Advanced Data Visualization with Python 3 on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Data Visualization before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of matplotlib and seaborn with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Advanced Data Visualization with Python 3, Jupyter, NumPy, Matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, Bokeh, Leather, and Pygal.(Note, we also provide you PDFs and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 85 lectures and more than 11 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Data Visualization with Python 3!This course will teach you Data Visualization in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Python3, NumPy, matplotlib, and Jupyter installed on your Windows computer and Raspberry Pi.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Basics of Scientific Python EcosystemBasics of Digital Image ProcessingBasics of NumPy and MatplotlibInstallation of Python 3 on WindowsSetting up Raspberry PiTour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry PiJupyter installation and basicsNumPy NdarraysArray Creation RoutinesBasic Visualization with MatplotlibNdarray ManipulationRandom Array GenerationBitwise OperationsStatistical FunctionsPlotting with MatplotlibPython 3 and Matplotlib Data Visualization RecipesSeaborn recipesSeaborn and PandasBokehLeatherPygalYou will get lifetime access to over 75 lectures plus corresponding PDFs and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Data Visualization with Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Python Developer Masterclass (2020)" |
"Become a Master in Python 3 Programming and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! A great Python Programmer earns more than $150000 per year in today's market!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Python 3 Programming on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basics of Python, or want to learn the advanced features of Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Basic and Advanced Python 3 programming.(Note, we also provide you PDFs and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 230 lectures and more than 28.5 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Basic and Advanced Programming with Python 3!This course will teach you Python 3 Programming in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a full programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook or a python code file that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We will start by helping you get Python3 installed on your Windows computer and installing Raspbian Linux OS on your Raspberry Pi Board.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Installation of Python 3 on WindowsSetting up Raspberry PiTour of Python 3 environment on Raspberry Pi and WindowsBasics of Python ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingException HandlingJupyter installation and basicsBasics of Scientific Python EcosystemBasics of NumPy and MatplotlibSciPy BasicsMatrices and Linear AlgebraData Preprocessing with PandasData Cleansing and Wrangling with PandasVisualization with Pandas and MatplotlibPython and SQLImage ProcessingPython Distributions and IDEsWord Clouds with PythonPython Data Visualization with PygalAnd many more advanced topicsYou will get lifetime access to over 75 lectures plus corresponding PDFs and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Data Visualization with Python 3 in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python, Raspberry Pi, Electronics, and IoT Bootcamp (2020)" |
"Become a Master in Python 3 and Raspberry Pi and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Python 3 and Raspberry Pi Professional can earn minimum $150000 (that's four zeros after 15) in today's economy.This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Python 3 and Raspberry Pi on Udemy! Whether you have never worked with Python 3 and Raspberry Pi before, already know basics of Python Programming, or want to learn the advanced features of Raspberry Pi with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Raspberry Pi with Python 3. (Note, we also provide you PDFs, python programs, and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)With over 215 lectures and more than 25.5 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Python3, Raspberry Pi, Basic Electronics, GPIO, Internet of Things, Image Processing, and much more.This course will teach you Python 3 and Raspberry Pi in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook/ program file that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Python 3 Installation on WindowsRaspberry Pi SetupBasics of Python 3 ProgrammingAdvanced Python 3 ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingExceptions in PythonPip and PyPIScientific PythonNumPy and MatplotlibImage Processing with NumPy and MatplotlibMySQL and Python 3Various Python IDEsInternet of ThingsImage ProcessingData StructuresGraphs and NetworksWeb ScrappingUnit TestingTest Driven DevelopmentLoggingIntroduction to OpenCVCamera ModuleWebcamos and sys librariesand many more topics not listed here (see the actual course index for the list of topics)You will get lifetime access to over 215 lectures plus corresponding PDFs, Image Datasets, python programs, and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures! So what are you waiting for? Learn Python 3 and Raspberry Pi in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Explore the world of English grammar" |
"Making grammar complications easier..Are you stuck with grammar errorsThis course will help you to sort out grammar problems and realizing that grammar rules if you understand will surely make you speak better. The course emphasizes on the importance of tenses, active passive voice and reported speech too. Learn grammar in an easy way with a lot of practice through exercisescheck it out for yourself.."
Price: 3520.00 |
"Learn Self Healing Techniques" |
"We are not living in the Piscean age anymore where we were finding our savior in the external world. In fact, we live presently where we are finding our savior within ourselves. So if you want to know the ways to find that savior within you and learn the art of self healing through various releasing body care techniques, this course is for you.Thank you and take care!!"
Price: 5760.00 |
"Beginner to Expert: Full Facebook Marketing" |
"Come one come all, to the largest advertising platform on the planet. Grow your business and reach exposure and sales you only dreamt off. No experience needed and at the end of the course you will be an expert Facebook advertiser.Yes it is hard work and involves a lot of trial and error, but once you`ve mastered Facebook advertising you will see a tremendous growth in all aspects of your business. If you do not have a business that's just fine, for in this course I teach you how to start advertising without spending a cent on web or advertising design."
Price: 1100.00 |
"Docker Swarm: orquestrao nativa de containers em clusters" |
"Voc j conhece o poder dos containers do Docker (eu suponho que sim, pois este no um curso sobre Docker, mas sobre o modo Swarm do Docker)Sabe que usados individualmente ou em conjunto so excelentes para criar e administrar ambientes isolados, e aproveitam ao mximo os recursos de uma mquina fsica ou virtualTalvez voc j tenha usado o docker-compose para montar uma aplicao composta por vrios servios DockerOu foi um pouco mais longe, e j ativou o modo Swarm do Docker em uma nica mquina para se beneficiar de alguns de seus recursosMas o verdadeiro poder do Swarm est na ao de um conjunto de servidores. Por isso, neste curso, estaremos focados na anlise da ferramenta de orquestrao de containers do Docker operando em um grupo de mquinasO modo Swarm do Docker permite utilizar mltiplas mquinas para executar servios escalveis com alta disponibilidade e gerenciamentoVamos ver como responder a vrias perguntas:Como asseguramos que os containers sero recriados quando eles falharem?Como aumentamos os recursos de um container?Como aumentamos o nmero de mquinas que executam os containers?Como atualizamos os containers, sem parar a operao?Como controlamos os locais onde os containers so criados?Como asseguramos a comunicao de rede entre containers rodando em mquinas diferentes?Como garantir que os containers rodem em servidores confiveis?Como gerenciamos senhas e certificados?Ns precisamos de maneiras fceis de gerenciamento de tantas tarefasO Docker pode fazer isso? Como ele faz?Voc ter todo o meu suporte durante este aprendizado. Poder comunicar-se comigo sempre que precisar atravs da plataforma da Udemy, na seo de perguntas e respostas.Conta ainda com a garantia de ter o seu dinheiro de volta se, em at 30 dias, voce sentir que o curso no para voce. Sem nenhum risco!Vamos comear?Seja muito bem-vindo!"
Price: 489.99 |
"Vim: o editor de texto onipresente" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso que te ensinar a tirar o melhor proveito de um dos editores de texto mais poderosos do mundo: o Vim.Meu nome Marcelo Franco, profissional de tecnologia da informao, com carreira em desenvolvimento de sistemas, suporte e treinamento.Vou ser seu instrutor durante todo este curso.Eu perdi a conta das inmeras vezes que fiquei de frente para o Vim, sem saber o que fazer para editar um simples arquivo de configurao de um programa qualquer.Se voc lida com sistemas Unix ou Linux, j deve ter passado por uma situao como essa tambm.Afinal, o Vim, muitas vezes, o nico editor de texto disponvel na linha de comandoAlis, ele o editor onipresente est em praticamente todos os sistemas operacionaisQuer aprender a lidar com o Vim?Voc est no lugar certo. Eu tive que aprender e agora vou te passar tudo que sei neste curso.Quando comearmos, voc aprender o bsico rapidamente: como carregar o Vim como fazer alteraes simples salvar tudo que fez e sair do programaEsse o bsico, mas pode ser muito difcil executar estas tarefas para quem no conhece o Vim. difcil porque voc no entende o jeito Vim de pensar.Mas voc passar dessa fase e ir muito mais longe.Vou te ensinar algumas tcnicas avanadas de uso do Vim, tais como:edio de mltiplos arquivos simultaneamente;criao de macros;execuo de substituies globais;formatao e normalizao de dados;e etcEu treinei muita gente durante minha carreira e sei da importncia da prtica para fixao do conhecimentoPor isso, voc ter muitos exerccios durante este curso. Todos eles acompanhados de instrues detalhadas.Voc ter a teoria, far os exerccios e depois assistir ao vdeo em que eu mesmo executo o exerccio proposto.Este curso ideal para quem trabalha na linha de comando frequentemente:para voc que sysadmin;administrador de banco de dados;ou programadorEmbora este curso tenha uma seo sobre a interface grfica do Vim, este no ser o nosso foco.Este no um curso para quem est procurando um editor do tipo O que voc v, o que voc obtm, como o caso dos processadores de texto Word, da Microsoft, ou o Pages, da AppleNo. Este um curso para quem quer se tornar realmente eficiente na edio de arquivos de texto puro, como:arquivos de configurao de servidores;scripts do shell;arquivos de cdigo fonte;ou qualquer tipo semelhante de texto ou dados.Ento, se voc quer perder o medo do Vim ou avanar seu conhecimento e habilidade para uso desse fantstico editor de texto, inscreva-se agora e comece imediatamente seu aprendizadoEstarei esperando por voc!"
Price: 204.99 |
"Docker Swarm: usando o REX-Ray para orquestrao de volumes" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao tutorial que te ensinar a gerenciar os volumes do swarm do Docker atravs de um dos orquestradores de volumes mais populares do mercado: o REX-Ray.Meu nome Marcelo Franco, profissional de tecnologia da informao, com carreira em desenvolvimento de sistemas, suporte e treinamento.Vou ser seu instrutor durante todo este tutorial.Para um bom aproveitamento deste tutorial, importante que voc j tenha conhecimento prvio sobre alguns assuntosEu suponho que voc j conhece e sabe lidar com a instalao e operao do Dockerdo modo Swarm do Dockerdo VirtualBox e as mquinas virtuais criadas com ele a partir deste conhecimento que partiremos para o entendimento dos assuntos tratados.E caso voc queira simular o mesmo ambiente em nuvem que demonstrarei, voc ter que ter uma conta na DigitalOcean, e se sinta confortvel com a criao e operao das mquinas virtuais da DigitalOcean, conhecidas como Droplets. claro que voc tambm pode usar outro provedor de nuvem com o qual j esteja familiarizado, se preferirAmbiente usado pelo InstrutorNeste tutorial eu usarei uma mquina fsica com o sistema operacional Windows 10 Home (com uma instalao do Docker Toolbox) em todas as minhas demonstraesE usarei janelas do ""Docker Quickstart Terminal"" para acesso linha de comando.Nas mquinas virtuais, mostrarei como usar o Ubuntu Server e o boot2docker como sistema operacional que hospedar a instalao do Docker e do REX-RayRoteiro do TutorialPrimeiro, ns vamos entender o problema que iremos resolverPor enquanto, posso te adiantar que um problema relacionado ao uso de volumes no modo Swarm do DockerEm seguida, ns veremos que existem vrias solues para o problema.Este tutorial mostrar como implementar uma das solues disponveis: que a utilizao do REX-RayVoc saber o que o REX-Ray e como ele pode nos ajudar a gerenciar os volumes do DockerVoc ver que o REX-Ray capaz de lidar com diversos provedores de armazenamentoNs veremos como armazenar os volumes gerenciados pelo REX-Ray em dois provedores distintos de armazenamento: o VirtualBox e a DigitalOceanPor que escolhi estes dois provedores?O VirtualBox porque permitir a voc simular na mquina local o gerenciamento de volumes do REX-RayE a DigitalOcean porque uma provedora de servios de nuvem simples de usar e bastante popular, que servir como exemplo de uso do REX-Ray com provedores de armazenamento na nuvemVoc tambm ter acesso ao contedo do arquivo Vagrant que utilizo para criar automaticamente todo o ambiente local do VirtualBoxO Vagrant evita que voc tenha que seguir todo o processo manual caso tenha que montar o ambiente novamente ou queira replicar o ambiente em outra mquinaEnto, isso! Espero que estas informaes sejam suficientes para que voc continue comigo, confiante e animado com o conhecimento que ir adquirir nos vdeos do tutorial.Estarei esperando por voc!"
Price: 99.99 |
"How to Write a Successful Research Paper" |
"Writing effective research papers is vital for academic success.However, obsessing aimlessly over every detail is rarely the winning strategy. A better strategy is to invest your limited time strategically in the points that truly matter.Whether you are writing a Master thesis, doctoral thesis, or manuscript for scientific publication, this course can help you to write a better paper in less time.Learn what makes a research paper effective and follow the steps to your own groundbreaking research paper.What will you be able to DO after this course?UNDERSTAND the logic and structure of a research paper.IDENTIFY the qualities that make a research paper effective. STREAMLINE your writing process to achieve a better paper in less time.KNOW what to write in every part of every section.USE free software to create perfect citations in seconds.MASTER English expressions that experienced writers use to write clearly and concisely.What TOOLS will you get?TEMPLATES for every part of your research paper.A link to FREE SOFTWARE to create perfectly formatted citations with ease.ENGLISH EXPRESSIONS for academic and scientific writing.CHECKLISTS to help you to apply the lessons of this course to your own research paper.Simply put, this course will teach you which points matter in a research paper and how to excel at those points.I have experienced first-hand what a difference the right writing training can make.Writing research papers used to feel tedious and frustrating to me.To be honest, I barely reached the passing grade for my first research paper.Fortunately, I got great mentors who showed me the way.First, my grades improved, then I won prices, and later my research got published in high impact journals.To my surprise, writing started to feel easy and even fun.In retrospect, the reason why I felt frustrated was simply that I did not know how to write.I did not understand which points really matter in a research paper and wasted a lot of time without improving anything.Now I can go straight to the points that matter and create a great paper without wasting time.However, without my mentors, things may have turned out very differently.I created this course so that it can do for you what my mentors did for me.So what will this course teach you specifically?The two elements of an effective research paper.How to make your research compelling without overselling it.Two strategies to streamline your writing.How to prevent writer's block.How to create perfectly formatted citations in seconds.The three goals of the introduction section.How to conduct your literature search.How to get almost every research article for free.How to scan articles quickly.How to outline and write every part of your introduction section.How to outline and write every part of your methods section.How to outline and write every part of your results section.The two goals of the discussion section.How to outline and write every part of the discussion section.How to deal with limitations without lowering the impact of your research.How to deal with null-results.How to write a compelling abstract.How to construct an effective title.How to edit and polish your paper.How to make your writing flow even if you are not a native speaker (full disclosure: neither am I).You will also get samples, templates, and an overview of common English expressions for every part of your paper.In the end, you will get a checklist to help you to apply everything you have learned.In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where, and how to write your entire research paper.Let me add that I want you to be truly happy with this course.I used to be in your shoes and I want to give you the best possible course to help you succeed.If this course does not deliver on every promise (and then some) you can get 100% of your money back.So go ahead and give this course a test drive.You can take the whole course, enjoy all of its benefits, and still get your money back if you are not satisfied.After you click on the red button, the lectures will guide you through the writing process.You will also receive lots of tools such as templates and checklists to make your work easier.In addition, you can ask me questions anytime and will have my full support on every step of the way."
Price: 99.99 |
"Critical Thinking: How To Find Out What Really Works" |
"Will starting a business make you rich?Is getting up at 5 AM every morning the key to success?Does money make people happy?Life is full of questions and answering these questions is often key to getting what we want.If we arrive at the wrong answers, we fail to get what we want.If we arrive at the right answers, success is within our grasp.Learn the strategies that scientists use to identify the right answers and use these strategies to make better life decisions.What will you be able to DO after this course?FORMULATE a question: will X get you Y?IDENTIFY relevant evidence and INTERPRET it correctly.AVOID reasoning fallacies that almost everybody falls prey to.ELIMINATE alternative explanations systematically until you uncover the truth.GATHER evidence yourself when no other evidence is available.DRAW conclusions with scientific precision.After this course, you will have a complete blueprint with simple step-by-step instructions for making solid evidence-based decisions in every area of your life.My first science classes shattered my world.Afterwards, I saw reasoning errors everywhere.Things I had believed for a long time turned out to be false.Other things that I had rejected suddenly made a lot more sense.It was shocking at times but also incredibly fascinating.I enjoyed that everything became much clearer to me...... and I started to feel a lot more confident in my opinions and decisions.What I love about scientific thinking is that you can apply it everywhere.Whether you want to be happier, more successful, wealthier, more productive, focussed, ... in all of these areas, scientific thinking can help to discard ineffective strategies and identify what truly works.However...This course is for thoughtful decision-makers.If you prefer to make fast spontaneous decisions, you will not like this course.If you do not like doing some detective work to uncover the truth, you will not like this course.This course is for you if...you want to ensure that your beliefs and decisions are correctyou want to avoid the mistakes that most people makeyou are willing to put in the extra effort that most people skipHow does this course work?Science classes usually involve years of intensive training.However, you do not need years of training to reap most of its benefits.This course is designed to provide you with 80% of the benefits for 1% of the effort. You do not need to learn any equations, measurement theory, or anything like that.Instead, you can master the key principles in only a few lectures.Once you click on the red enroll button, the lectures will guide you through the material in easily digestible steps.At the end of the course, you will have a complete step-by-step blueprint that you can use to make better decisions in every area of your life.I will also walk you through a case study so that you can practice your new skills.Also, you can ask me questions anytime and can have my full support when you apply the blueprint to your own cases."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Get Your Research Paper Published" |
"Scientific publications are vital for career success and to make an impact as a researcher.Even groundbreaking research is useless if it does not get published.This course will show you how to pass each stage of the publication process and get your paper published in an attractive scientific journal.What will you be able to DO after this course?SELECT the right target journal to make the highest possible impact.UNDERSTAND the publication process and how editors think.APPLY strategies experienced researchers use to pass each stage of the publication process.PRESENT your research effectively in an intriguing cover letter.ADDRESS criticism from reviewers without sounding defensive.THINK like a successful researcher and interpret criticism correctly.Simply put, this course will teach you how to get from paper to published and make an impact on the world.Submitting to a scientific journal can feel intimidating.Most researchers experience rejection after rejection - even if they are highly skilled.The problem is that having a good research paper is not enough.Just like landing a good job is hard without a well-designed CV and interview skills, getting a research paper published is hard without understanding the publication process.This is even more true for high impact journals.Publishing is both an intellectual and mental challenge and this course is designed to help you with both.So what will this course teach you specifically?How to pick a suitable target journal.The three stages of the publication processHow to strategize at each stage.How to prepare your manuscript and figures for submission.How to write an intriguing cover letter to pass the desk review.How to deal with criticism from peer reviewers effectively.How to write a compelling response letter to pass the peer review.How to turn an unfair rejection into acceptance.You will also get examples of a cover letter, response letter, and a letter to turn a rejection into acceptance.In short, this course will guide you through the steps from paper to publishing in an attractive scientific journal.Let me add that I want you to be truly happy with this course.I used to be in your shoes and I want to give you the best possible course to help you succeed.If this course does not deliver on every promise (and then some) you can get 100% of your money back.So go ahead and give this course a test drive.You can take the whole course, enjoy all of its benefits, and still get your money back if you are not satisfied.After you click on the red button, the lectures will guide you through the process.In addition, you can ask me questions anytime and will have my full support on every step of the way."
Price: 19.99 |
"SpreadDetector - Il Corso sullo Spread Trading in Commodity" |
"Investi sulle Commodity usando un sistema di trading prevedibile che si basa sullanalisi dellandamento stagionale dei prezzi.In questo modo possibile scambiare le materie prime pi diffuse come granaglie, carni, metalli, petrolio...Grazie ad alcuni strumenti che scoprirai nel Corso sar possibile prevedere landamento futuro di uno Spread, con una precisione superiore all87%.Perch lo Spread TradingDurante il corso SpreadDetector, imparerai come i grandi professionisti di New York, Chicago, Kansas City, sedi delle maggiori borse merci del mondo, guadagnano sfruttando semplicemente informazioni che puoi trovare allinterno di piattaforme e sistemi sconosciuti al mercato italiano.Se conosci in anticipo landamento stagionale delle merci, puoi anticiparne il movimento di prezzi. E guadagnare dal trading, senza stress.Questa tecnica si chiama Spread Trading e permette di sfruttare le informazioni sulla differenza di prezzo tra domanda e offerta. E un modo di fare trading molto usato dai professionisti americani, che ha molti vantaggi, ma ancora poco conosciuto in Italia.E un sistema che ti permette di ridurre il rischio di investimento, comprando e vendendo contemporaneamente due materie prime che hanno un andamento di prezzo simile, oppure due futures sulle materie prime con scadenza diversa.Come strutturato il CorsoImparerai a sfruttare gli andamenti del mercato delle materie prime, partendo dalla loro serie storica, per avere una percentuale di trade positivi estremamente vantaggiosa.Non dovrai impazzire ad utilizzare indicatori o strategie complicate: semplicemente, analizzerai i mercati come non avevi mai pensato di fare prima, con le strategie dei migliori trader in circolazione.1) PRESENTAZIONE2) LE BASI- Perche investire nelle Commodities?- Le principali caratteristiche delle Commodity- Chi negozia in Commodities?- I fattori che influenzano le Commodity- Strumenti finanziari- Dove vengono negoziate le Commodities?3) L OPERATIVITA- Introduzione- Definizione di Spread- La correlazione- Vantaggi e Svantaggi4) ANALISI FONDAMENTALE- Introduzione- Contango e Backwardation- La stagionalit- La Correlazione (esempi pratici)5) ANALISI TECNICA- Joe Ross e RSI- Seguire gli istituzionali6) MONEY MANAGEMENT- Money Management- Avversione alle perdite- Position sizing- Stop Loss e Take Profit- Money Manager- Esperienza- Fattori Operativi7) CONCLUSIONE OPERATIVA- Tutorial SeasonAlgo- Tutorial TWS su come impostare uno Spread Trading- Dallanalisi alloperativit- Conclusioni (perch un corso sulle Commodities)BONUS- Slide complete del corso- Money Manager, per calcolare profitti e perdite- Checklist ingresso- Unit Move & Tick Move- Spread Multileg Butterfly e Condor (strategia avanzata)- Commodities Report fondamentali- 10% sconto SeasonAlgo- Segnali SpreadDetector scontati del 50%Il metodo che scoprirai nel corso SpreadDetector, ti permetter di guadagnare sfruttando a tuo vantaggio non solo i semplici movimenti di mercato, ma soprattutto gli andamenti stagionali consolidati e ricorrenti. E un vero trading senza stress.Inoltre, potrai cominciare ad operare usando un capitale ridotto rispetto a quanto richiesto da altri mercati."
Price: 199.99 |
"Finanza e Investimenti - Il Corso Completo" |
"Fusioni, acquisizioni, piani industriali, ristrutturazioni, indici di borsa, risultati trimestrali... sono solo alcuni degli argomenti in cui ci si imbatte sfogliando le pagine economiche dei quotidiani. La finanza oggi in mezzo a noi e ci incuriosisce sempre di pi: se vogliamo imparare a orientarci tra le dinamiche delle leggi economiche, non solo per capire come valutare le performance delle imprese quotate in borsa, ma anche per scoprire come funzionano i mercati finanziari, allora questo il libro giusto. Grazie al linguaggio semplice, ai numerosi esempi tratti dalla realt questo per-corso ti spiegher in modo chiaro e organico i concetti, i legami e i meccanismi di base del Mercato.Il Corso fa parte del progetto ""Chiacchiere da Bar"" di TraDetector: l'obiettivo, infatti, non quello di sostituirci ad un Master o un MBA, ma di condividere solo i concetti fondamentali della Finanza, rendendo il corsista in grado di affrontare qualsiasi discorso in merito. Gli argomenti basi da conoscere, infatti, sono complessi, ma possono essere riassunti e dimostrati con pochi semplici esempi di vita reale. Ed esattamente ci che faremo all'interno di questo per-corso di formazione."
Price: 49.99 |
"Leggere e Analizzare un Bilancio" |
"Guida pratica per l'investitore (ma adatto anche a studenti, imprenditori o a tutti gli appassionati di finanza) nellinterpretazione dei bilanci delle societ.Il Corso nasce dalla consapevolezza di quanto sia importante per linvestitore saper analizzare i dati finanziari di una societ per poter compiere le proprie scelte di investimento in maniera efficace e ponderata.Contrariamente a quanto si portati a credere, lanalisi dei dati finanziari di una societ non richiede necessariamente il conseguimento di un titolo accademico o un alto quoziente intellettivo.La maggior parte dei testi disponibili sul mercato, tuttavia, essendo destinata alla formazione accademica e professionale utilizza una terminologia complessa, adatta agli addetti ai lavori, ma spesso di difficile comprensione per il profano.Qual quindi lo scopo di questo Corso? Aiutarti a comprendere con un linguaggio semplice ed immediato le relazioni finanziarie delle societ quotate in Italia e allestero e a focalizzare lattenzione sugli elementi chiave dei report societari in un'ottica di investimento.La terminologia adottata volutamente semplificata, priva di tecnicismi, al fine di rendere questi temi accessibili e comprensibili anche al profano e di conferire al contenuto del Corso un taglio estremamente pratico per il lettore.Lattenzione viene focalizzata sugli aspetti del bilancio maggiormente rivelatori dellandamento della societ e del suo stato economico finanziario. Di converso, saranno tralasciati gli aspetti pi tecnici e contabili meno rilevanti nellottica dellinvestitore.In un mondo globale e con piattaforme online che ormai ti permettono di operare su quasi tutti i mercati mondiali, risulta riduttivo limitarsi al mercato italiano. Linvestitore intelligente deve essere in grado di analizzare e comprendere i report delle societ europee e americane per poi scegliere, di volta in volta, le migliori opportunit di investimento in un dato momento.Saper analizzare i dati di bilancio ti consente di farti un tua opinione sullandamento della societ e sullopportunit o meno di investirci. Lanalisi dei report delle societ rappresenta per linvestitore il fondamento da cui partire per effettuare scelte di investimento ragionate che ti permetteranno di essere confidente nelle tue decisioni senza aver timore delle fluttuazioni del mercato."
Price: 49.99 |
"Network Marketing: Il Corso Fondamentale" |
"E credenza comune che per guadagnare con il Network Marketing sia sufficiente sponsorizzare continuamente nuovi incaricati, senza la necessit di vendere i prodotti o i servizi della tua azienda.In questo Corso rivoluzionario, cercher di trasmetterti tutto quello che ho imparato in 10 anni di attivit nel mondo del MultiLevel Marketing con un approccio diverse, pi serio e sostenibile: attraverso dei casi studio reali, verranno rivelati i passaggi da seguire per la creazione di un Sistema completamente automatizzato in grado di aumentare il fatturato della propria rete vendita e la sua duplicazione, utilizzando strategie di marketing misurabile, sia online che offline.Ti dimostrer perch fondamentale trattare il Network Marketing come qualsiasi altra attivit. Un approccio di tipo ""aziendale"" ti permetter di analizzare cosa funziona e cosa invece non pu funzionare attraverso lo studio dei numeri.Al termine del Corso sarai in grado di:- Identificare il tuo target (sia nella vendita che nella sponsorizzazione, perch non vero che il MLM ""per tutti"" come magari ti hanno sempre detto)- Costruire la tua presenza online da zero, attraverso la creazione del tuo sito web (e delle relative landing e sales page), della tua tua presenza sui social (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube...), il settaggio di un autorisponditore automatico e molto altro;- Utilizzare la Lead Generation per avere un flusso continuo di contatti interessati a comprare i tuoi prodotti e/o diventare membri della tua Downline;- Massimizzare i profitti vendendo consulenze e corsi online;- Automatizzare il Sistema e renderlo duplicabile per la tua Downline, in modo che tutti i tuoi Networker facciano lo stesso senza il tuo diretto apporto (non dovranno far altro che copiare e incollare il tuo Sistema);- Beneficiare dei Bonus inclusi: lettere e pagine di vendita, email gi pronte e molto altro..."
Price: 99.99 |
"Guadagnare online: il Corso definitivo" |
"Non importa qual il tuo punto di partenza; se hai una passione, un mestiere, un talento e un'idea puoi ottenere la libert finanziaria generando rendite passive grazie agli strumenti che offre il mondo digitale. In questo percorso, l'autore, insieme a Daniele D'Ausilio, ti metter a disposizione tutti gli strumenti per trovare la tua strada grazie all'Internet Marketing e l'InfoBusiness, proprio come successo agli autori. Sei disoccupato? Questo Corso ti dar i giusti consigli per risollevarti e diventare il capo di te stesso. Sei un lavoratore dipendente? Questo Corso ti illustrer come crearti un'ulteriore fonte di reddito per poter guadagnare di pi senza aggiungere altro lavoro a quello che gi fai. Sei un professionista? Questo Corso ti spiegher come lanciare la tua professione online e diventare presto il leader del tuo settore. Sei un imprenditore? Questo Corso ti dir come far crescere esponenzialmente la tua azienda, in tempi strettissimi, sfruttando come leva il denaro che otterrai dal mondo dell'InfoBusiness. Uniche parole d'ordine: porsi grandi obiettivi e prepararsi a studiare (e testare, e ottimizzare) per dotarsi di competenze ed esperienze, perch non c' risultato senza fatica."
Price: 99.99 |
"Personal Development and Happiness: The Everyday Formula" |
"Ask yourselfare you truly who you want to be? Is this the life you really want? Are you living each day as your best self? What can you change, today? How would you answer those questions? Think about your daily life. Are you thriving, or going through the motions?Are your days full of work, relationships and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you feel trapped on a treadmill of responsibility?If you dream of a better life, now is the time to turn your dream into reality. And the tools you need are within your grasp, to design a life that is fulfilling on the deepest levels. This course will show you how.Gianluca Sidoti, known to the hundreds of clients whose lives he has changed, has helped everyone to discover the freedom to be their best selves. By asking them and leading them to ask themselves a series of important but tough questions, he helps them see what their Best Selves and Anti-Selves really look like.This course is divided into 2 sections.The first one is about recharging yourself, to be prepared for achieving peak performance, which will be covered in the second section.First of all, you will learn how to train the brain to manage energy more efficiently in order to help sustain optimal health, happiness and performance. Energy management is discussed from a holistic, inside-out approach, starting first with techniques to balance brain chemistry, build brain health and boost brainpower. With the brain in an energized state, we are then able to bring our best attention and effort to the task at hand.So only if your brain has been recharged, you can aspire to achieve peak performance.A few common principles drive performance, regardless of the field or the task at hand. Whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, break ground in mathematical theory or craft an artistic masterpiece, many of the practices that lead to great success are the same.Peak Performance uncovers new linkages that hold promise as performance enhancers but have been overlooked in our traditionally-siloed ways of thinking. The result is a life-changing course in which readers learn how to enhance their performance in myriad ways.To sum up, this Course uncovers the secrets of success and coaches students on how to use them. If you want to take your game to the next level, whatever ""your game"" may be, this course will teach you how.What makes this course better than others? It is also structured as an audio course, so you can download it and always have it with you!Try it, I guarantee you will never be able to do without it again!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Time Management: Mini-Corso pratico sulla gestione del tempo" |
"Mi chiamo Gianluca Sidoti, sono un Investitore, Autore, Formatore, Imprenditore e... studente! Ho deciso di realizzare questo Corso perch sono stanco di avere a che fare con persone perennemente in ritardo o che non riescono a portare a termine i propri compiti.Mentre registravo queste lezioni studiavo in una delle migliori universit del mondo, a Londra, gestivo una multinazionale finanziaria aumentandone il fatturato del 200% in un anno. Ogni giorno ricevo centinaia di email e messaggi dei miei lettori e corsisti, eppure trovo sempre il tempo per studiare, dare gli esami, lavorare in azienda e divertirmi con gli amici. Perch gli altri non ci riescono? Cosa hanno di pi importante di me da fare?Mettere in ordine in maniera corretta la propria vita un po come allacciarsi le scarpe: sbagliando lordine delle azioni, rischiamo prima di legare le stringhe e poi di volerci infilare la scarpa.Tutte le mattine ci alziamo, andiamo in bagno, ci laviamo, ci vestiamo, facciamo colazione e usciamo per andare a lavoro o a scuola; come per la mattina, durante tutto l'arco della giornata, compiamo azioni in maniera pi o meno meccanica, e mettiamo inconsciamente in ordine le nostre attivit in base alle priorit che vi assegniamo......tutto questo in teoria: mille distrazioni fanno in modo di non farci mai arrivare a fine giornata avendo concluso tutto quello che ci eravamo prefissati.Questo percorso semplice, ma geniale, ti aiuter a migliorare il rapporto tra tempo libero, impegni lavorativi e personali e i tuoi obiettivi.Grazie a te stesso, seguendo questo Corso, disponibile anche in formato audio, imparerai:cos il Time Management, come funziona e in che modo ti far diventare pi produttivo. quali trucchi e metodi pratici e semplici utilizzare per rendere la tua vita di tutti i giorni pi organizzata e strutturata. riuscirai a fissare le tue priorit e a svolgere per tempo i tuoi compiti, solo seguendo passo passo gli utili consigli di queste pagine.che la tua motivazione gi dentro di te. E otterrai i tuoi risultati senza lo stress di non riuscire a rispettare le scadenze, di avere sempre documenti in giro e la casella email piena. i trucchi per risolvere la dipendenza da reperibilit al telefono, e-mail e social networks. che sar per te immediato migliorare la gestione del tempo con uno sforzo minimo e risultati straordinari.... e molto altro ancora!"
Price: 19.99 |
"RealDetector - Il Corso per investire in Immobili" |
"RealDetector un corso completo per fare soldi con gli Immobili.Ti insegna in modo PRATICO a scovare il tuo primo affare immobiliare e vendere con un PROFITTO di almeno il 30% in meno di 60 giorni. Ho creato questo Nuovo Corso Online, per fornirti le migliori tecniche di investimento immobiliare esistenti al mondo.Il Master Online in Investimenti Immobiliari, ti apre un intero nuovo mondo.Il mio Obiettivo quello di aiutarti a cambiare vita mostrandoti il protocollo che utilizzo personalmente per investire in immobili e raggiungere la Libert Finanziaria.Il Corso di una semplicit estrema: chiunque, anche senza nessuna conoscenza pregressa, in grado di ""copiare"" il mio protocollo d'azione con gli investimenti immobiliari.""RealDetector - Il Corso"" si propone l'obiettivo di mostrarti come:1. Diventare un immobiliarista di successo, acquisendo immobili a sconto e rivendendoli ad un prezzo comunque al di sotto del valore di Mercato, ma permettendoti comunque di ottenere un profitto finale di almeno il 20%.2. Diventare un investitore immobiliare tramite le nostre proposte a rendita garantita negli Stati Uniti e in Europa.Un altro beneficio di questo Corso che i suoi contenuti sono 100% ATTUALIZZATI al momento storico che stiamo vivendo e tengono conto delle leggi attuali.Questo in assoluto uno dei migliori metodi per apprendere come fare soldi con gli IMMOBILI anche partendo da Zero e senza capitali a disposizione.Ma non finita quiInsieme ai video formativi ti dar accesso immediato anche ai miei modelli esclusivi di contratti immobiliari.Solo questi contratti hanno un valore di ben 9.000,00 euro (se pensi che sia unesagerazione, prova a chiedere al tuo avvocato)."
Price: 149.99 |
"Time management: proven way to deliver outstanding results" |
"Time is our most valuable resource. Yet, most of us haven't been well educated at managing ourselves to make the most of our daily 24h. It's never too late to improve on this major topic!This training shares with you all the fundamentals you need to know and practice to become highly productive, and achieve all the major goals you set yourself. I used these proven ways myself over the last few decades, and practicing them is very rewarding, professionally as well as personally.The course is made of 4 sections:Your 10 worst enemies: we explore here the top 10 Traps most people fall into.Do the right things: this section addresses what you should fill your day with.Get organized: you will discover the ingredients of a powerful personal organization.Be more efficient: You will learn here great tactics for high productivity.This training allows you to:Avoid the major time stealers and do much more each day.Understand what is worth doing, and make sure you spend time on what deserves it.Build strong habits that will put you in the 5% most productive people.Discover proven techniques to boost your productivity.Enjoy the training!"
Price: 114.99 |
"gestion du temps: obtenez des rsultats exceptionnels" |
"Le temps est notre ressource la plus prcieuse. Pourtant, la plupart d'entre nous n'ont pas t forms nous grer afin de tirer le maximum de bnfice des 24h dont chacun dispose par jour. Il n'est jamais trop tard pour s'amliorer sur ce sujet majeur!Cette formation adresse les fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin, afin de devenir hautement productif, et raliser tous les objectifs majeurs que vous vous tes fix. J'applique moi mme chacune de ses pratiques et en vois les rsultats tant professionnellement que dans ma vie prive.The course se dcompose en 4 sections:Vos 10 pire ennemis : nous explorons les principaux piges dans lesquels la plupart des personnes tombent. Faire les bonnes choses : cette section vous aide dcider ce qui mrite de remplir votre journe.S'organiser : vous dcouvrirez les ingrdients d'une organisation personnelle puissante.tre plus efficace : nous verrons ici des mthodes vous permettant d'tre beaucoup plus productif.Cette formation vous permettra :d'viter les principaux voleurs de temps et faire beaucoup plus chaque jour.Comprendre ce qui mrite d'tre fait, et vous assurer de passer du temps sur ce qui le mrite.Mettre en place de solides habitudes qui vous positionneront dans les 5% les plus productifs.Dcouvrir des techniques prouves pour dcupler votre productivit.Bonne formation!"
Price: 114.99 |
"3 Steps To Online Passive Income - Full Course" |
"This course explains step by step and goes into detail on the correct way to create a profitable long term passive income online business.This is the true way to create a complete online business that will generate several sources of passive income on a monthly basis when built correctly over time.Here's What You Will Learn After Taking This Course:1. The 3 Basic Steps to create a Successful online business that generates passive income.2. You learn about different niches and how to identify a problem that needs solving in each niche.3. Learn about the different affiliate sites and the Pros and Cons of each one.4. How to create a course or digital product.5. How to find successful products to resell and private labeling products.6. How to create a proper website to sell the products or course.7. How to post videos that have a higher chance of going viral.8. How to post valuable content and grow on instagram.9. How to create professional SEO friendly blog posts.10. How to properly reach out and most effective way of finding collaborations and influencers.11. How to properly use email marketing to profit from email lists.12. The successful way of using paid ads and how to engage people to buy.13. Maintenance and reviewing analytics to do more of what works.In this course you will also learn the most effective way to sell informational products, which don't cost anything to make and you will learn to sell physical products that you can start by affiliate marketing, which doesn't cost anything either. You can also affiliate market other informational products if you don't want to create your own just yet, but I recommend that you make your own and design your online business around that product, so that over time it will gain more and more interest for long term returns and higher profits.Who is the target audience?Everyone can take this course as this course does not require any special knowledge or skill. This course is for anyone who wants to put in some work upfront to have financial freedom in the near future."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Design para Redes Sociais" |
"Curso online de Criao de Imagens para Facebook e InstagramOl, me chamo Vilton e sou fundador da Friday, uma Agncia Digital que atua na Gesto de Redes Sociais, Criao Web e Marketing Digital. Nesse curso, vou compartilhar com voc o conhecimento que aprendi nesses anos trabalhando com Design e criao de imagens para Redes Sociais.Esse o curso ideal para voc que quer ter liberdade na hora de criar artes para suas postagens. Seja no seu negcio prprio, empresa, ou at mesmo hobby.Cursos so como atalhos e, alm de te ensinar o bsico de Design que voc precisa saber de forma simplificada, tambm te mostro na prtica como a criao e te dou dicas que aprendi ao longo dos anos e das milhares de artes que ja criei para posts.Para que voc possa evitar boa parte dos erros e tambm saber o melhor caminho para acertar.Como funciona o curso:Comeo explicando a Teoria do Design, mas de uma forma que voc aprenda o necessrio para criar artes para posts, com uma linguagem simplificada, feita para quem no entende muito do assunto.Depois de aprender o que voc precisa para tomar as decises certas na hora de criar suas artes, iremos ver onde podemos achar o material que precisamos para poder criar e tambm a ferramenta de criao que iremos usar.Pronto! temos os conhecimentos necessrios para pode criar imagens incrveis e que se comuniquem da melhor forma com o seu pblico. Ento est na hora de colocar a mo na massa!Vou te mostrar na prtica como usar tudo o que aprendemos at agora e como tomar as decises certas para criar imagens incrveis!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Comment dvelopper une mmoire de champion" |
"Vous n'avez pas une mauvaise mmoire ! C'est plutt que vous ne connaissez simplement pas les techniques utiliser pour devenir un as de la mmoire.Et vous verrez qu'il est possible de dvelopper une mmoire de champion en peu de temps !Comment faire ? Mmoriser n'est pas une qualit naturelle, c'est quelque chose que l'on peut apprendre et dvelopper n'importe quel ge.En ralit, il est trs simple et trs rapide de dvelopper une mmoire performante en relativement peu de temps. Pour cela,il vous suffit de connaitre les techniques des as de la mmoire, de les apprendre et de les appliquer votre quotidien.Il vous est probablement dj arriv d'oublier le prnom d'une personne que vous venez de rencontrer, d'oublier la moiti de votre liste de course ou de ne pas vous rappeler de votre nouveau code de carte bleue.Et si je vous disais qu'il existe une technique simple et terriblement efficace pour chacun des cas ci-dessus ?S'il tait possible en quelques heures (quelques jours pour certaines techniques) de dvelopper votre mmoire au-del de ce que vous pensiez tre capable?Et bien c'est vrai, et vous dcouvrirez dans ce cours que ces techniques sont simples maitriser et mettre en oeuvre et que certaines vous feront des progrs instantanment !Lorsque vous avez appris lire ou faire du vlo, quelqu'un vous a montr ce qu'il fallait faire, quelqu'un vous a enseign comment y arriver. Et c'est en suivant ces conseils et ces enseignements que vous avez russi.C'est la mme chose avec la mmoire : personne ne vous a donn les techniques donc vous avez du mal mmoriser. Et vous pensez que votre mmoire et mauvaise.C'est FAUX ! Il vous manque juste les bonnes astuces et techniques pour y arriver et c'est exactement ce que je vous propose avec ce cours.Ce que vous apprendrez dans cette formation :Retenir n'importe quelle suite de chiffre (code de carte bleue, numro de scurit sociale, numro de tlphone, digicode...) ;Retenir en un clin d'oeil une liste de course pour ne rien oublier ; Comment utiliser votre environnement pour mmoriser des choses complexes ;Comment utiliser votre imagination pour retenir des informations qu'il vous paraissait difficile de mmoriser.La plupart de ces techniques sont immdiatement applicables, simples comprendre et appliquer.Certaines ncessitent un peu de travail mais elles ne sont pas complexes : il faut juste le temps de les mettre en place.Je suis certain que vous serez surpris par la simplicit et l'efficacit des techniques : elles sont redoutables !A la fin de ce cours, vous serez pats par les progrs que vous aurez raliss. Au passage, vous aurez boost votre confiance en vous car vous serez capable de raliser des choses tonnantes (mmoriser l'ensemble du tableau priodique des lments par exemple...).Je vous dis tout de suite, l'intrieur de cette formation."
Price: 19.99 |
"DC Motor" |
"Understand How DC Motor works? in most simplified way. Course is designed to help students in understanding fundamental concept and mathematical derivation. Content delivered here ensures learning new prospective for students of schools & colleges. Easy to understand and Every bit to understand are two basic blocks of this course. Contents:Section 1: Introduction1 Course IntroductionSection 1: Fundamental Concept of How DC Motor Works2 Parameters of Electrical & Mechanical System3 Representation of Electric Motor as Block Diagram4 Force produced by Permanent Magnet5 How electric current produces force?6 Current Carrying Conductors Placed in Magnetic Field7 Requirement of Arrangement to Produce Unidirectional Torque8 How to Supply Electric Current to Rotating Coil9 How Commutator Maintains Direction of Current 10 Conclusion Section 2: Basic Parts of DC Motor11 Basic Parts of DC MotorSection 3: Role of Faradays law and Lenzs law in DC Motor (Back emf). 12 Role of Faradays law and Lenzs law in DC Motor (Back emf).Section 4: Mathematical Representation of DC Motor13 Speed Torque Equation14 Graphical RepresentationSection 5: Speed Control Methods 15 Effect of Supply Voltage16 Effect of Adding External Resistance to Armature Winding17 Effect of Adding External Resistance to Field WindingSection 6: Summary18 SummarySection 7: More About DC Motor19 Introduction20 Controversy Effect: Effect of Field Flux on Motor Torque21 Equation of Force22 Shape and Equation of Back Emf23 Average Value of Back Emf24 Power Transfer 25 DC Series Motor26 Speed Torque Characteristic s of DC Series Motor27 Shaft Torque28 Applications & LimitationsSection 8: Demonstrations29 Demonstration of PMDC MotorMore contents will be added in future as per requirement and/or request. This course is to provide answer of all questions and queries related to DC Motor."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fuzzy Logic: Quick Start Guide" |
"About Course:Course is designed to understand concept of Fuzzy Logic & its implementation in MATLABIntroduction:Fuzzy Logic & ANN (Artificial Neural Network) are two most important tools of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. This course is design to explain Fuzzy Logic Controller in most simplified way. Course flow is specially designed for quick start straight through applications & implementation. It mainly focuses on implementation of Fuzzy Logic with MATLAB toolbox and its interface in Simulink environment.What's unique in this course?Course contents & its flow are designed to understand concept of fuzzy logic in most simplified mannerIt is designed and executed to get quick hands-on practices on various real life examples with MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Tool Box and its interface with Simulink.Course is designed to cover all branches and filed including engineering & science, medical, finance, management and more.Course will be updates continuously as much as possible with new applications and implementation of Fuzzy Logic."
Price: 44.99 |
"Electromagnetism & Electricity" |
"About: This course is designed to have detail understanding about magnet, electromagnet & electricity. This is very essential course for electrical engineering students. Proper understanding of magnet and electromagnetism will help for further understanding working of major elector-mechanical devices. Course contents includes part of syllabus of first year basic engineering course offers in almost all universities as ""Basic Electrical Engineering"" or ""Element of Electrical Engineering"" or under similar title. Description:Magnetic flux plays an important role in energy conversion process either form electrical to mechanical or mechanical to electrical. It is very important to have clear understanding of electromagnetism and its role in various applications. Without clear understanding about electromagnetism, it is not possible understand electric motor, generators, wireless power transfer, wireless chargers, or induction heating like advanced applications. So iif someone is struggling in basic concept of electrical engineering it is advised to go through this course.This course will be updated continuously for new applications, tutorials and quiz."
Price: 24.99 |
"Electric Vehicle: E-Bicycle Crash Course" |
"About:This course is design for school students, technicians & tech person, diploma & degree engineering students or any enthusiastic person want to build Electric Bicycle or want to acquire new skill. It is designed to help students to acquired basic knowledge related to electric vehicle calculation and fundamentals. It includes basic calculations, fundamentals & skills required prior to start electric bicycle projects or production. It includes detail about electric bicycle parts & performance measure.What's unique in this course? Course contents are designed for easy to understand with suitable diagram and examples. Calculation section ensures you practice to match results practically. Continues updating and FAQs discussion will help to connect people with same interest. Course is recognized by major EV industries and in-line with OEMs to support EV projects & skills. We are looking for industries which required the skills that inculcated in this course to value the certificate more than just show piece. Course is sponsored by RhyMak Electronics, Electric Vehicle & Accessories, India.This course is recognized by RhyMak Electronics & other EV industries"
Price: 49.99 |