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"Tcnica dos 5 porqus: encontre a causa-raiz dos problemas"
"A tcnica dos 5 porqus uma ferramenta desenvolvida pelo Eng. Qumico Taiichi Ohno, notrio colaborador do sistema toyota de produo. Nascido em Dalian na China, Ohno, construiu uma carreira de mais de 40 anos na Toyota Motors Company. Seus estudos influenciaram um modelo de produo pautado na alta produtividade. O seu mtodo de anlise e resoluo de problemas at hoje surpreende pela sua simplicidade e eficcia, por isso, se tornou vastamente conhecido no meio empresarial. Esta ferramenta capaz de identificar as causas-razes de determinado problema ou efeito conhecido. Atravs de uma sequncia de questionamentos que ligam os pontos: causa e efeito. Com certeza voc deve ter se perguntado o porqu os problemas sempre voltam... O fato que na maioria das vezes combatemos apenas os efeitos do problema, no as causas. Diante disso, necessrio compreender a correlao entre: Causa X EfeitoMotivo X ConsequnciaCircunstncias do Problema X Problema em siSintomas X DoenasDiante disso, este curso foi pensado para ser conciso e especfico sobre o uso da ferramenta. Portanto, voc ser capaz de entender o funcionamento do mtodo e aplic-lo no seu dia a dia. Voc poder us-lo tanto para resolver problema simples, quanto para resolver problemas complexos. Ento, este curso est dividido em trs partes por meio de algumas sees. Na primeira parte, voc conhecer um pouco mais sobre o autor da ferramenta, Taiichi Ohno, logo aps, vamos explorar o mtodo que ele utilizou para cri-la e, por fim, voc aprender como a ferramenta, de fato, funciona. Na segunda parte, vamos nos aprofundar nossos estudos atravs de exemplos prticos. Voc aprender como podemos aplicar a tcnica em casos reais do nosso cotidiano. Na terceira e ltima parte, voc ser guiado atravs de um passo a passo para aplicao do mtodo. Nessa voc consolidar seus conhecimentos mediante a proposta de aplicao. As cinco etapas so: Registrar o problemaFazer a sequncia de porqus...Analisar a ltima resposta (causa e efeito)Certificar-se que ela explica o motivo do problemaElaborar contra medidasNo final deste curso, voc ser capaz de resolver variados tipos de problemas na sua empresa, projeto ou no seu cotidiano de forma simples e bastante eficaz. Este curso proporcionar as habilidades que voc precisa para prestar servios de elaborao de diagnsticos com base na tcnica dos 5 Porqus. Portanto, desde j, quero parabeniz-lo(a) por ter chegado at esta pgina. Se restou alguma dvida, convido-o a assistir s aulas iniciais. Abraos.  Nos vemos dentro da plataforma! Adm. Orlando Lima"
Price: 39.99

"Como Liderar Pessoas"
"A maioria dos lderes cr que para ser um bom lder necessrio experincia, cargo ou estilo carismtico. Neste curso voc aprende quais so as ferramentas essenciais para todo e qualquer lder. Independente do setor de atuao, do porte da empresa, do tamanho ou da qualidade tcnica de sua equipe, este curso ser transformador para o seu exerccio de liderana e vai proporcionar que voc obtenha os maiores resultados de seu time."
Price: 84.99

"AWS -Cloud Computing for Absolute Beginners"
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) is Amazons cloud web hosting platform that offers flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solutions. This course covers various important topics illustrating how AWS works and how it is beneficial for Enterprises and Individuals who want to work in a Cloud Environment to develop various IT solutions."
Price: 11200.00

"PowerPoint Tutorial for Beginners: Easy Step-by-Step Guide"
"PowerPoint Tutorial for Beginners: An Easy Step by Step GuideStart mastering PowerPoint to build presentations for sales, speeches and events, and learn how to create a video using PowerPoint for Social Media Marketing.We have created this tutorial to get you comfortable using PowerPoint so you can also learn how useful and effective it can be for you and your business.What you will be learningThis tutorial is broken down into 6 easy to understand parts.1. Building your framework with a content planner: Structure and planningLearn how to use the PowerPoint Content Planner to build strong, engaging content for your PowerPoint with a good story flow.2. How to create your outline in PowerPoint: Building your slide deckLearn about slide layouts and build your PowerPoint outline using a blank design template.3. Designing in PowerPoint: Easily build a custom design using imagesLearn about design template options and build a custom design with your own images, learn to crop and scale images and add custom font colours, slide duplication and text layout.4. Transitions: Add transitions and effects to your slidesUnderstand how to add in transition effects, sound effects and timed slide transitions.5. Export: Discover PowerPoints export options including MP4 for videoLearn how to export your slides as a PDF or movie file.6. Add a Sound Bed: Create a video with a music sound bed for Social Media MarketingLearn how to add a sound bed to your video file using a simple edit tool and export as a video file ready for Social Media.We will be showing you how to use the power point tools step by step in each of the 6 lectures, using a bakery business as our working sample. The creative skills and tools we will be showing you can be used and applied to build a PowerPoint presentation for speeches and events.As an added step, we will be completing this tutorial showing you how create a video file with a music sound bed that could be used in social media marketing.By the end of the course you will see how useful a tool PowerPoint can be and how it can open up the door for more opportunities for you as you get comfortable with this powerful visual communications tool.Your InstructorsMeriel Bradley will be guiding you through the course. Meriel began her career in the television industry, producing and hosting shows for HGTV and Discovery. She transitioned into the corporate world of Sales and Marketing where she co-founded Lean Web Tools and has since helped hundreds of businesses build, launch and market customer-focused websites and e-commerce solutions.The course co creators who make up the Lean Web Tools Team are Bill Rasmussen, who has spent more than 18 years planning, designing and coding hundreds of websites and web applications, and Sam Rasmussen, who brings a fresh modern eye to the graphics team with 4 years of web design experience. Who Should Take this Course:Beginners who want learn PowerPointAnyone who wants to learn how to use PowerPoint to create a video for Social Media Marketing"
Price: 69.99

"Digital Marketing for Business Owners"
"This online course is specially designed for business owners who want to grow their businesses online in the right way. The course leads you through the correct way to set up your business on various digital platforms while avoiding the common pitfalls.Covered in the course are platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Business, Google My Business and a general overview of online advertising.Business owners who take this course are sure to get a deep understanding of how social media platforms work for business, how to position their business for visibility, but more importantly, how to spend advertising funds efficiently and wisely while getting the desired results."
Price: 99.99

"Manuteno de Celulares Android"
"Curso de introduo em  Manunteno de Celulares Android. Este curso no aborda Reparo de Placas e aparelhos Apple. Voltado ao pblico que deseja aprender a profisso, onde e como comprar as ferramentas para bancada e como realizar alguns reparos bsicos  com sucesso e  desejo de abrir sua Assistncia Tcnica ."
Price: 24.99

"Pattern Making for Fashion Design - Beginner Course"
"This Course is about using the techniques of pattern making, also known as pattern drafting, in fashion design, to create patterns that will then be used to cut fabric and ultimately be sewn into garments. Methods and techniques studied in major fashion universities are demonstrated in a clear and simple visual so that anyone interested in learning about fashion design can, and will learn the foundational principals of fashion design. New terminology is clearly explained and applied to the subject matter.As a fashion designer, pattern making is essential in learning how garments are created and pt together.  A good fashion designer must learn pattern making in order to really understand the construction of his/her designs.VIDEOS + DEMOS:  In this course students will learn: Basic Principles of pattern-making such as Dart Manipulation and Added Fullness and Contour.  Students will learn techniques such as Pivoting and Slash-and-Spread.  New terminology such as Slopers and Blocks and Darts, Pleats, Tucks, Yokes, Princess Seams, Shirring, Apex, Notches.Where pattern come from: draping muslin bodice on dress form.Drafting Princess Seams.Drafting an A-Line skirt.Drafting Skirt Yokes and adding fullness to skirt.Grainlines and Pattern Labeling.Trueing Darts.Tools necessary for drafting patterns.Manipulating darts from one position to another, from one ""angle"" to another, will increase the number/amount of options available to you and expand your creative reach. Included in this Class is the Draping process, which when used creatively will enhance the ability to develop new and exciting fashion designs.Once the muslin has been draped, transferring the information to paper is essential. Also, the different types of paper used in the industry to develop patterns.Learning how to take a simple skirt and by the use of adding a Yoke , you can develop new ideas and spark your imagination to endless possibilities.Labeling a Pattern correctly can mean the difference between a beautiful design versus a disaster! Thus learning how to label a pattern correctly is very important -- the industry demands perfection when it comes to being accurate and precise.And the use of proper Grainlines can be the difference between cutting the garment correctly or cutting it ""the wrong way"" and thus having to cut it all over again.Getting to know, and familiar with, all the necessary tools used in the industry, makes the difference between a professional and a novice when going for a job interview.All lectures delivered by VIDEO with detailed DEMOS of the applied techniques.When working with a designer you must know, and be familiar with, the proper terminology, techniques, principals, of pattern drafting so that communication is clear and understood in order to execute a garment accurately. Deciding on which technique to apply to a design, not only expedites the process but the right choice produces optimum results.  Learning how to use an existing pattern, maybe something that you bought at your local fabric store, and, by applying the principals and techniques learned in this course, you can transform the original design into a new idea, will give you confidence and experience.Pattern making is essential in learning about the construction of a garment. And by learning pattern making and garment construction can help you in the design process. Knowing pattern making will help you in knowing what is possible and what is not when it comes to designing a garment. Knowing pattern making is valuable not only in the design room but also in production. If something goes wrong in the factory and the reason is due to a pattern mistake, you must know what to do and how to fix the pattern and/or remedy the situation. Because pattern making is a very specialized skill, and not everyone can do it, the financial compensation for a pattern maker is usually very high. A pattern maker is a very valuable asset to a company and is treated with respect and rewarded accordingly.There is a need for good pattern makers in the industry and this Course will give you a good idea if this is a good career for you.  If you are a person who likes accuracy, precision and details, this career can generate a very good financial income for you."
Price: 29.99

"Sketching for Fashion Design -- Beginner Course"
"This Fashion Sketching Course (7-videos-modules) is for beginners: young and old, with an interest and passion for designing fashion.  In this Course you will learn how the body moves, body movement, balancing the body using the Plumb Line.  You will learn the industry standard ""9-Heads Croqui"".  We start with a simple exercise with a pencil and how to achieve different ""shading"" effects depending on how you are holding the pencil.  You will also look at inspiration as a way to influence sketching: fashion inspiration, using a ""fashion diary and/or journal"" - creating a ""pool"" from which to draw ideas from will definitely effect your ability to draw new fashion designs. You will learn garment closure: difference between womenswear and menswear button closure.In this Course students will learn:How to draw a ""9-Head Croqui""How to use a Croqui as a template to start sketching fashion ideas.Body movement and creating an ""S"" shaped silhouette.Balancing the body and use of the Plumb Line.Pencil techniques to create ""shirring/gathers"", and shading, and coloring.Creating a ""fashion diary-journal"" to use as source of inspiration to influence ideas for designing.Differentiate garment closure between men's wear and women's wearCreate your own style.And some inspiring words of wisdom...Sketching ideas swirling in your mind onto paper is the first step in developing a fashion portfolio and a fashion collection/line.  Being able to share ideas that can eventually be translated into an actual garment is so important.  Your seamstress and/or pattern-maker have to be able to look at your sketches and understand what you're communicating. The sketch will eventually become the garment thus need to be accurate and clear.You will learn how to create a ""fashion journal"" which will help you develop your own unique style as a fashion designer. Knowing what you like (and don't like) empowers your designing abilities and will support you in developing your unique ""voice"".Learning how to sketch fashion designs, and the practice of it, will give you confidence and certainty; it will boost your morale, and the ability to communicate your ideas."
Price: 29.99

"Draping for Fashion Design - Creative Techniques Made Simple"
"Using Draping techniques to create new fashion design ideas.  Draping is used to develop basic Bodice, Basic Skirt, Basic Dress, a Circle Skirt, etc.  You will learn how to manipulate muslin, create Darts, how to mark muslin, which will then be used to draft a pattern. Even though this is primarily a basic course, I will also shows you some more advanced techniques such as draping a circle skirt and a basic dress.  The transferring of muslin to dotted paper is also demoed. Draping is an awesome way to be creative and get amazing ideas while doing it.  Experimenting with the fabric (or muslin) can inspire you to come up with new and very original designs. Included in the curriculum is:Working with a Dress FormWorking with muslinCreating a DartCreating gathers/shirringDraping a One-Dart BodiceDraping a Two-Dart BodiceDraping a Basic SkirtDraping a Circle SkirtDraping a Basic DressTools needed for drapingThe draping process is a very creative technique with inspires and empowers the student to be more creative, innovative and have fun in the process. Learning how to Drape is an intuitive and spontaneous way to create new designs and come up with new ideas.Learning how to be a great fashion designer includes the learning of the Draping process and technique.  The use of fabric as a way to ""mold"" it to a dress form is inspiring and creative when it comes to inventing new designs for that famous ""Red Carpet Event"" known as ""The Oscars"" -- those designs worn by those Celebrities were once Draped on a Dress Form.Those beautiful evening gowns seen on the ""Red Carpet"" most likely were draped first, then through the process of fitting them on the actual body of the person wearing it, refined and perfected to fit correctly. This Course starts with the basics: draping the basic bodice: One-Dart and Two-Dart Bodice, but then it moves into using more complex techniques such as draping the ""Circle Skirt"" which requires a little more practice to perfect.This Course aims not only to teach, but also inspire students to use Draping techniques to be creative, innovative, and become a great Fashion Designer."
Price: 29.99

"Fashion Designing - Pattern Making - Part 2 (Yokes)"
"In this Course you will learn about Yokes and how use them to create new ideas and designs, especially when using Stripes.  You will see how stripes and grainlines effect the design element and thus effecting the style of your design. You will learn how to create a Yoke using both techniques: Draping and Pattern Making.  You will how to turn a Dart into Shirring and thus eliminating the dart.  You will see that by eliminating the darts in the bodice, you can create a ""Princess Seam"" and thus design a new style which can be explored further by the choice of fabric selection.  We review pattern making techniques to change the shape of your designs.  You'll learn how to use ""Slash-and-Spread"" techniques, and add fullness.You'll be using the 1-Dart and the 2-Dart Bodice.Using Yokes on Skirts.You'll learn Dart Manipulation: how to take a Dart and turning it into shirring/gathers.  You'll learn that by adding Seams you can develop new ideas/designs.Using Princess Seams as a way to create new ideas.Elements of Design -- what are they and how to use them in the fashion design process.You'll learn Notches -- how to use ""control notches"".Passion vs Purpose.Creating Yokes to develop new designs is a fun and creative way to achieve new looks.  Experimenting with grainlines also is a way to come up with new ideas.Learning how to pin muslin unto a dress form is also important in order to end up with a correct pattern. Using muslin to drape is an art that can be used in very original ways to expand your creative reach.You will see how Princess Seams are developed and how that technique can be applied to a garment in order to create new and original designs.  You will learn how notches become essential when instructing your seamstress how you want a garment sewn; communicating effectively with your seamstress/pattern-maker is fundamental in the execution of a garment.Knowing what your driving force is in design, is fundamental in a solid foundation for a successful Brand. Purpose and vision combined become fuel for your creativity and drive."
Price: 29.99

"How to Turn Your Fashion Designs into a Money Making Machine"
"A great fashion collection/line is not enough to succeed. Owning your own Company is a big responsibility you need a strong Business Plan to avoid failure. Furthermore, this Course empowers the student to turn their designs/company into a financially successful Brand.  This Course covers areas on research and development, and the manufacturing process, and how to create your own Online store.  It addresses the importance of Social Media and all the different platforms. It also includes philosophical topics such as vision and purpose fro your brand/business, and your core values for your company.In this Course you will:Develop a Business Plan: a 6-part/components Plan.Executive Summary and BudgetsLearn Consumer Research and Product ResearchManufacturing: Domestic vs OverseasProduction ProcessPrint-on-DemandE-commerce Your own Online StoreDistribution and Marketing channelsOnline Presence and Social MediaShopify and similar platformsBloggers and InfluentialsReason/Purpose for your businessCreating a VISION for your CompanyCore ValuesQuantum thinking in fashion designIn this Course the student learns how to develop a 6-Part Business Plan that will support the model necessary to establish a successful business.  It discusses the many options available nowadays (thanks to  the internet) to start your own company from scratch without much of financial investment. A solid Business Plan is essential is succeeding in the fast paced world of fashion.  You must be aware of all the steps and precesses of taking your fashion designs from the runway to the streets.  You must know the manufacturing available to you: should you manufacture domestic or overseas.... Nowadays an online presence is so important for the success of a fashion brand - global visibility is not only available to you but it's a must.  This Course also address the reason and purpose of why you (the designer) do what you do, what is your motivation and purpose.  Ir also touches on the infinite possibilities available if one is aware of our thoughts and how to direct them to create what we want to create - the sky is the limit!"
Price: 29.99

"Fashion Marketing Strategy: How To Promote & Sell Your Brand"
"This Course is about developing and implementing strategies for a strong and successful Fashion Brand. It is designed to inspire you, educate you and support you to create a powerful individual Brand. If you are passionate about Fashion Design, and believe in yourself and your company, then you must promote, market and sell your fashion designs to the marketplace, in a successful, empowering, and financially rewarding way -- start your journey!Taking your designs from the runway and to the customer is a journey filled with many questions that need to be answered accurately in order for a Brand to succeed.  This Course will guide you and direct you to make the right decisions and choices: deciding which channels to use in Media Use and Social media is important when implementing the right vehicles to communicate your message to your customer.Having a consistency in your Brand Identity is very important: from your Logo, to Stationary, to Websites, Blogs, online presence, etc... it all must be consistent -- one voice, one vision. And speaking of vision, this Course will encourage you to explore your vision and your purpose for your Brand.  This will be your driving force throughout the process of establishing yourself as a major player on the fashion stage. This Course is a journey of self-awareness and self-expression -- discovering who you are as a Brand is the foundation of a successful Brand. We will also differentiate between Marketing vs Branding and other necessary strategies for achieving a global Brand.  Discovering who you are as a designer will empower you to connect with your unique creative self and fuel your creativity and artistic side.  Your fashion design vision is an extension of who you are and knowing how to present it and share it with the world, is necessary not only on an inner personal level but also as successful financial business venture.The Course covers topics such as:Marketing vs BrandingBrand Cohesiveness and Consistency   What makes you a unique fashion designerChannels to promote your fashion brandStrategies for maximum visibilityAdvertising Campaigns Email marketing and Lead FunnelsSocial Media Engagement through Empathy + ConnectionProprietary Technology and its advantage powerWebsite building - a powerful marketing toolFinding the DNA of a BrandMarketing Strategies for Brand EquityVision and purposePrint CampaignsMedia UsageCatalogsLookbooks Fashion ShowsPublic Relations (P.R.)You will learn how Brands such as ""Revolve"" were able to create a multi-billion dollar empire using Social Media and other strategic methods such as Proprietary Technology and influencers and bloggers such as Aimee Song and Olivia Culpo. How they engaged on Social Media -- instrumental in their success.  Finding one's ""voice"" is essential in defining oneself as a fashion designer.  Discovering the potential of Online marketing is important in creating global visibility.You will also see how Fashion Shows are used to elevate visibility and keep the conversation going after the show is over. Fashion Shows in conjunction with a good Public Relation campaign, makes for a strong and solid Brand.  Fashion shows can be expensive but I will show you how you can create your own ""buzz"" without braking the bank.You will learn how to use your Website as a powerful tool for marketing your designs and your Brand to the world.Catalogs and Lookbooks are necessary tools of the trade: finding out more about them will support getting your message out there. These are part of your Print Campaign and all the different Media Usage available to you.This Course can be either for fashion designers or for individuals who have an existing company who want to increase expansion and growth. You will learn how to use e-mail marketing, still a powerful tool to communicate with you customers. Using Funnels and Lead Generators for email campaigns. You will discover how a company like Ralph Lauren, how they used branding to elevate and increase their value in the marketplace: brand equity.  The material covered in this Course will inspire and motivate  anyone in wanting to expand and grow their brand into worldwide visibility. The use of Marketing Strategies such as the use of Empathy plus Connection for Social media Engagement.  Using Proprietary Technologies and its power to elevate a Brand to Global Visibility. You will explore Media Usage and all the many channels of communication.Public Relations: The use of Public Relation (PR) in conjunction with Fashion Shows adds another powerful element to further empower and expand visibility of a Brand.  Creating a ""buzz"" before, during and after the Show, continues the conversation and thus effects sales. Building a solid Brand on the 3 important elements of Reputation, Relationship, and Results -- the power of Brand Equity. Brand Equity.  In this Course you will discover that Brand Equity is a very powerful goal to strive for and achieve; with Brand Equity anything is possible, the opportunities are endless, you will be able to extend your vision in areas other associated with fashion, such as: perfume, shoes, glasses, hats, bags, and other accessories.  Once your Brand has a certain strength, everybody will be knocking on your door and wanting to be associated with you, with your Brand, with your product.And it all starts with having a commitment to a vision, a vision bigger than yourself, a vision that makes a difference in the world; and in doing so you are aligned with your purpose.  Having your designs (your product) congruent with your vision and purpose, strengthens and energizes the Brand to grow to global status.  And in this Course we address these issues and how powerful they are.You will learn the 4 things that all successful companies have in common, things that are always present in big companies and corporation. Research shows that when certain elements are in place, a company will thrive and prosper."
Price: 29.99

Price: 9000.00

"irohaEASY LP"
Price: 24000.00

Price: 15000.00

Price: 15000.00

Price: 15000.00

Price: 19800.00

"Adsense Arbitrage Arabic -"
". 6 . . :- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Influencers Marketing . . 800 . ... . . :- .- .- - - .- .- .- - . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Merch by Amazon - - 400"
"Merch Informer . . . . Evergreen . :- .- : Evergreen .- .- .- .- .- . ( 500 ). ."
Price: 19.99

"Pratik Firebase Eitimi (Web,Hosting,Database,Android)"
"Bu kursta cretsiz bir web sitesi nasl bulunur, bulunan site nasl cretsiz olarak internette barndrlr, site nasl Firebase Realtime Database' e balanr, Firebase Realtime Database'e balanan bir Android uygulama nasl yazlr sorularna bir restorant sistemi yaparak cevap aryor olacaz. nce siteyi tasarlayacak sonra onu host edeceiz. Android uygulama ile siparileri, iletiim isteklerini ve ie alm taleplerini yneteceiz. Bylece siz de bu sk kullanlan itemler zerinde yetkinlik kazandnzda istediiniz projeyi firebase ile hzlca modelleyip sonuca ulatrabileceksiniz."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Revit 2020 100 Exemplos Prticos de Modelagem"
"O que aprenderei?Neste curso, voc ira aprender a modelar no REVIT 2020, atravs de arquivos exclusivos, testados e validados para as verses 2019 e 2020;Para cada aula um arquivo novo, pronto para executar a ao solicitada;10 sees com temticas diferentes e que voc pode consultar aleatoriamente;Ao final do curso voc ter um sobrado ,modelado passo a passo entre tantas outras atividades relacionadas;     RequisitosInstalar preferencialmente a verso 2020do Revit, sendo possvel acompanhar parcialmente na verso 2019.Descrio - Modelar no Revit atravs de 100 Exemplos prticos em mais de 15 horas de vdeo;- Acesso a informaes atualizadas com profissional certificado Autodesk;- Suporte para eventuais dvidas e aulas de atualizao, sempre que necessrio;- Instrutor  melhor ranqueado entre os 10 melhores da Autodesk no Brasil;Importante!  O curso conta atualmente com 100 aulas em mais de 15 horas de vdeo.Para voc ter uma ideia, 10 horas de vdeo o equivalente a pelo menos 100 horas presenciais.Trata-se de um investimento no seu capital intelectual com retorno garantido que depende obviamente do seu empenho.Neste curso voc aprender a:    Conhecer a Interface e identificar suas funcionalidades;Utilizar os comandos de criao e edio;Modelar paredes, pisos, forros e telhados;Inserir portas, janelas entre outros;Inserir componentes: mobilirios, vegetao e afins;Criar terrenos por pontos e curvas de nvel;Navegar entre as diversas vistas do projeto;Inserir iluminao, cmeras e renderizar;E muito mais!Quem o pblico-alvo?  Estudantes relacionados a arquitetura, Tcnico em edificaes, graduandos e graduados em Engenharia e Arquitetura, Desenhistas e Projetistas em CAD, Usurios em tecnologia BIM e demais interessados."
Price: 579.99

"English business conversation - Beginner 2"
"This is the second level of our 10 level series. We are still at the beginner level, but we are building our vocabulary, our pronunciation, our verb tenses, and our sentence structure. Almost 4 hours of information for you, illustrated with image, audio, and written transcript. At this level, we are building workplace vocabulary with words of the marketing, finances, human resources and accounting world."
Price: 24.99

"10 Creative Ways to Become an Effective Online Instructor"
"                                            10 Creative Ways to Become an Effective online Instructor WorldwideThe course is lecture-based on power point slides, but questions and discussion are encouraged. I recommend that you complete assigned textbook readings prior to lecture. For further in-depth discussion of content, I recommend attending weekly Supplemental Instruction or Tutoring sessions. Many students have found it beneficial to read through the assigned reading both prior to and following lecture. Weekly assignments will also be assigned to help gauge your understanding of class content. Every effort will be made to keep to the schedule presented in the syllabus, although unforeseen emergencies may require changes. Any such changes will be announced and will be effective at the earliest reasonable opportunity. I would like tell you something more about the course1. It is prepared on power point slides2. It is just like a text book which is shifted on slides3. And the instructor made the voice over in Asian accents4. Long course having textbook like contentsYou have to dig out the points from each video and run each video by stopping again and again. You have to focus on slides and focus on the voice over. You will read the each slide and collect the main points that you want to learn.Why I have described the above points? Because I don't want to sell the things that are not matched with your interest. Everything should be clear before enrolling in this course. MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE"
Price: 19.99

"Online Excel for Beginners (Students+Teachers)"
"Uses for Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's used to create grids of text, numbers and formulas specifying calculations. That's extremely valuable for many businesses, which use it to record expenditures and income, plan budgets, chart data and succinctly present fiscal results  Excel and Financial Data. Spreadsheets are often used to store financial data. Formulas and functions that are used on this type of data include: Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns or rows of numbers.  Why Microsoft Excel Is Important For Business Organizations. ... MS Excel is used for various purposes by business establishments. Some organizations use this spreadsheet software for generating memos, track sales trends, and other business data.  Uses for Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. That means it's used to create grids of text, numbers and formulas specifying calculations. That's extremely valuable for many businesses, which use it to record expenditures and income, plan budgets, chart data and succinctly present fiscal results.  Career Information for Jobs that Require Excel Skills:Administrative Assistant. Administrative assistants are responsible for helping the organization they work for run smoothly by completing a variety of different tasks. ...Information Clerk. ...Accountants and Auditors. ...Cost Estimator. ...Financial Analyst. ...Sales Manager.MS Excel is a spreadsheet programmer developed by Microsoft in 1985, with the sole purpose of helping businesses compile all their financial data, yearly credit, and yearly debit sheets. Fast forward to the future after 31 years, it is now the most commonly used program for creating graphs and pivot tables.  MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE"
Price: 19.99

"Quantum Physics (University Level Course)"
"This course is purely designed for the students of colleges and universities. Students will master all the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and its applications. All the videos in this course have been captured on white paper, whiteboard and power point slides, where instructor provides the proof of various mathematical and theoretical concepts of quantum mechanics. This is not chocolate like course. So the students which have mathematics and physics background can take this course easily, while other students may have hard time to take this course.All videos have been framed sequence wise and contains simple stuff rather than animated like materials. It is just getting true knowledge course in quantum mechanics. The course has been designed keeping in mind that what kind of problems students feels as instructor own experience when he was taking the course in the university.I would like to tell you more something bout this course to avoid from any frustration.1. It is hand written, whiteboard and power point slides made lectures notes.2. It is less theoretical and more mathematical course, where I have explained all fundamental concepts of mathematics which are being used in quantum mechanics.3. My accents of speaking English is Asian and I have fully tried to made the lectures for all citizens understandable.If you don't like mathematics then please avoid to enroll in this course. If you are students of a university and you are studying quantum mechanics as a course then you can take this course. I assure you that you will get benefits from this course.Now the most important thing is that if you don't like the course then you can take your money back instead of writing negative reviews and if you like and this course is helpful for you then please please write the 5 stars review. Hope you have understand that what I am saying. There are total 5 sections in this course which are separated according to their titles. Each sections contains proper number of videos in which instructor explains the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and its applications. Sections 1 is the introduction about quantum mechanics while remaining sections are the complete description of quantum mechanics.Mostly students feel boring when they face the mathematics used in quantum mechanics. This course have huge stuff of mathematics and instructor have try to explain  all the concepts related to mathematics in an easy way. So it is advised to students that take the complete course and follow all the videos step by step to develop the complete understanding in quantum mechanics. If the students skip any videos from any sections and jump to the next videos then they may have the problems to understand the right concepts. I assure you that if you follow the course step by step then you will teach me the quantum mechanics in the future.This is very rising topic in today physics and most of the interesting research topic in sciences. All the concepts in theoretical physics based on quantum mechanics. The course have prepared according to the need and deficiency of students. Students search many websites and you tube but they fail to find the complete course in quantum mechanics. So this is really one of the distinct course on any online platform. I hope that my efforts to designed this course will be encouraging and it will be helpful for every students in quantum world.CONTENTSWhat is quantum mechanics?What is a wave function?Derivation of time dependent Schrodinger wave equationOperators used in quantum mechanicsProof of various theorem used in quantum mechanicsDerivation of Schrodinger wave equationEquation of ContinuityHeisenberg equation of motionKlein Jordan EquationEigen value wave equationProperties of operators used in quantum mechanicsPhotoelectric effect experimentCompton effectIntroduction to Classical and Quantum PhysicsTwo slits experimentEntanglement and history of quantum physicsWave functionThe Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleAn experiment with a bulletsAn experiment with wavesAn experiment with electronsWave particle dualityThe Schrodinger Wave EquationThe probability of wave functionStrength of wave functionQuantum spin and probability amplitudeThe state of a system and revisited two slit experimentAnd much moreQuantum mechanics is a branch of physics that inspects the world at the level of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. Therefore, quantum physics is interested in explaining the behavior and interactions between different particles to explain why something is the way it is. In this quantum physics course, I will be teaching you some of the primary principles and processes of quantum mechanics.However, this quantum physics tutorial is less theoretical and more mathematical, meaning that I focus on the primary concepts of mathematics that are applied in quantum mechanics.More on quantum mechanicsThis course on quantum mechanics for beginners is here to help you understand the meaning of quantum mechanics. On the surface, this branch of physics analyzes atoms, particles, electrons, etc. If we look a little deeper, we will notice that there are three main components of quantum physics.Quantization is the fundamental concept, referring to limitations and patterns of angular momentum and energy. In other words, such patterns indicate that energy and angular momentum come in specific levels, not randomly.Wave-particle duality means that particles might move around, interfere with one another, and start to resemble a wave with their movements.Probabilities and uncertainties are also key concepts when discussing quantum mechanics for beginners. In real-life situations, if we are going 90 miles per hour, we can determine the exact location where we are going to be after an hour. After deciding to learn quantum physics, you will learn about making predictions about the precise location of electrons (as an example) and its movement after that.More information on the basics is provided in the first lectures of this quantum physics course. I will also speak about the origins and the importance of quantum physics.Quantum mechanics vs. classical mechanicsIn this quantum physics course, I will try to explain the difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. As a short introduction, I can mention that classical mechanics treat various events as predictable, linear, and highly organized. For people who are only starting to learn quantum physics, the latter concept might seem chaotic, unpredictable, and random. Surprisingly, you would be correct: quantum physics embodies all these three things.What will you find in this course?This quantum physics course will begin with the basics of quantum mechanics. One lecture is going to be focused on explaining the quantum mechanical operators for the angular momentum in cartesian coordinates.I should inform you that my quantum physics course contains mathematical problems that we will aim to solve together. Therefore, I hope to provide you some practical experience instead of mainly theoretical explanations and definitions. If you have any issues with the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, I strongly recommend you to join me! I explain all processes and calculations as clearly as possible.In the second section of this quantum physics tutorial, I present three problems. For instance, one of the examples will aim to derive the orthogonality conditions from the time-independent Schrodinger wave equation. The third section of this course describes the equation of continuity and provides a problem as an example.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE"
Price: 19.99

"Parenting Skill (10 Positive Things to Say to Your Children)"
"                                                Parenting Skill (10 Positive Things to Say to Your Children)The course is lecture-based on power point slides, but questions and discussion are encouraged. I recommend that you complete assigned textbook readings prior to lecture. For further in-depth discussion of content, I recommend attending weekly Supplemental Instruction or Tutoring sessions. Many students have found it beneficial to read through the assigned reading both prior to and following lecture. Weekly assignments will also be assigned to help gauge your understanding of class content. Every effort will be made to keep to the schedule presented in the syllabus, although unforeseen emergencies may require changes. Any such changes will be announced and will be effective at the earliest reasonable opportunity. I would like tell you something more about the course1. It is prepared on power point slides2. It is just like a text book which is shifted on slides3. And the instructor made the voice over in Asian accents4. Short course having textbook like contentsYou have to dig out the points from each video and run each video by stopping again and again. You have to focus on slides and focus on the voice over. You will read the each slide and collect the main points that you want to learn.Why I have described the above points? Because I don't want to sell the things that are not matched with your interest. Everything should be clear before enrolling in this course. MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE                                                                                                                                                                                          AD CHAUHDRY"
Price: 19.99

"Master Calculus 3"
"                                                                                Fundamental of Calculus 3This course is 13.5 hours videos course in sequences and series. There are total 9 sections in this course.  The purpose of this course is to enhance the calculus skill at advance level. This course is being taught in different universities at bachelor and master level. I have taught this course many times in university. I recommend to the students if they wants to take this course then take a look in the content section of this course. I also recommend to the students that they should take my first course which is calculus 1 & 2. CONTENTS SECTIONSWhat are sequences?Convergent and divergent sequences.Bounded and monotonic sequences.What is an infinite series?Convergence and divergence of an infinite series.Ratio and root test.Alternating series test.Absolutely and conditionally convergence of a series.Convergence of a power series.And many examples and exercises related to above topics.MONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE"
Price: 19.99

"Abstract Algebra (A Crash Course in Group Theory)"
"Abstract Algebra (A Crash Course in Group Theory)Abstract Algebra (A Crash Course in Group Theory) is an advance level course of pure mathematics. The students who wants to learn algebra at advance level, they usually learn Abstract Algebra. This course is offered for the pure mathematics students in different universities around the world. However, the students who take this course, they are named super genius. Not so much difficult, but a regular attention and interest can lead to the students in a right learning environment of mathematics. Many students around the world have their interest in learning abstract algebra but they could't find any proper course or instructor.Abstract Algebra is comprises by one of the main topic which is also called Group theory. Group Theory or Group is actually the name of fundamental four properties of mathematics which are frequently used in real analysis. We actually establish a strong background of Group Theory by defining different concepts. Proof of theorems and solution of many examples is one of the interesting part while studying Group Theory.This course is filmed on whiteboard (8 hours) and Tablet (2 hours). The length of this course is 10 hours with more than 15 sections and 100 videos. Almost every content of Group Theory have been included in this course. The students have difficulties in understanding the theorem specially in Group Theory. Theorems have been explained with proof and examples in this course. Number of examples and exercises makes this course easy for every students, even who is taking this course first time. I assure to all my students that they will enjoy this course. But however, if they have any difficulty then they can discuss with me. I will answer your every question with a prompt response. One thing I will ask you that you must see the contents sections and some free preview videos before enrolling in this course. CONTENTS OF THIS COURSEGroups and related examplesIdentity element is the only elements which is idempotentCancellation law hold in a group GDefinition of Subgroups and related examplesH is subgroup if ab^-1 is contained in HIntersection of any collection of subgroups is subgroupHuK is subgroup if H is contained in K or K is contained in HCyclic group and related examplesEvery subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclicDefinition of cosets and related examplesProve that the number of left or right cosets define the partition of a group GStatement and Proof of Lagrange's TheoremSymmetric groups and related examples and exercisesGroup of querternian and Klein's four groupNormalizers, centralizers and center of a group G and related theorem and examplesQuotient or Factor groupsDerived groups and related many examplesNormal Subgroups, conjugacy classes, conjugate subgroups and related examples and theoremsKernel of groupAutomorphism and inner automorphismP Group and related theorems and examplesRelations in group like homomorphism and isomorphismThe centralizers is a subgroup of a group GThe normalizers is a subgroup of a group GCenter of a group is a subgroup of a group GThe relation of conjugacy is an equivalence relationTheorem and examples on quotient groupsDouble cosets and related examplesDefinition of automorphismWhat is an inner automorphismEvery cyclic group is an abelian groupGroups of residue classes on different modeExamples of D_4 and D_5 groupsExamples related C_6 and V_4The first isomorphism theorem and its proofThe 2nd isomorphism theorem and its proofThe 3rd isomorphism theorem and its proofDirect product of cyclic groupMONEY BACK GUARANTEEIt is not like that I have wasted the time anywhere in the course. I am giving you the genuine course contents presentations. So I promise you that you will not waste your money. Also Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee and if you feel that the course is not like that you were looking, then you can take your money back.WHAT PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY COURSESHere are some review about my courses by the students.1- Brava Man: Superb course!!The instructor is very knowledgeable and presents the Quantum Physics concepts in a detailed and methodical way.We walked through aspects like doing research and implementation via examples that we can follow in addition, to actual mathematical problems we are presented to solve .2- Manokaran Masikova: This is a good course to learn about quantum mechanics from basic and he explained with example to understand the concept.3- Dr B Baskaran: very nice to participate in the course and very much interesting and useful also.4- Mashrur Bhuiyan: Well currently i am an Engineering student and i forgot the basics of my calculus . but this course helped me to get a good understanding of differentiation and integration. Overall all of the teaching method is good.5- Kaleem Ul Haq: Really a great explanations and each step have explain well. I am enjoying this course. He is familiar instructor in calculus. I have seen many lectures of this instructor before taking this course.                                                                                                                HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME IN THIS COURSE"
Price: 199.99